Legion of Super Heroes


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Liberty's Edge

F,....uuhhh.....C, hmmm.......u,.......

Heathansson wrote:

F,....uuhhh.....C, hmmm.......u,.......


F,C,U,J, Hmmmm........http://chir.ag/phernalia/name-that-color/

Corn Flower Blue: Jumpsuit

Ultramarine Blue: Fishnet stockings

There you go Heath, your new costume. Can anyone draw?

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

F,....uuhhh.....C, hmmm.......u,.......


F,C,U,J, Hmmmm........Name That Color

Corn Flower Blue: Jumpsuit

Ultramarine Blue: Fishnet stockings

There you go Heath, your new costume. Can anyone draw?


Arctaris wrote:


Arctaris: How come my links never work here on Paizo? I cut and paste the address. What am I doing wrong? This 21st century technology is so primitive I find it confusing.

Liberty's Edge

You have to go opener bracket then url=whateveraddress]then type something here[/url...
with another close bracket behind the "/url."

I'll do one paizo

hit reply on my post, and it will show you how it is to be typed.

Set wrote:

And twenty years later, Tim Burton decides to re-open the scars by giving us a Batman movie with bat-nipples and gratuitous crotch and @$$ shots. Ugh. More costume please!

Erm... Tim Burton was not involved with the Bat-franchise at that point, he drew the line with the mutant Penguin and the almost-revenant Catwoman in Batman Returns.

The bat-nipples were Joel (boycotted until the end of time) Schumacher`s "contribution", along with the "back to Adam West cornyness" and the "neon/UV lights everywhere" stuff...

Heathansson wrote:

You have to go opener bracket then url=whateveraddress]then type something here[/url...

with another close bracket behind the "/url."

I'll do one paizo

hit reply on my post, and it will show you how it is to be typed.

Heath, I'm still not getting it. Do you mean [insert paizo.com here]and then type a reference to the site such as paizo or whatever, then [web address again]

like this?

[http://paizo.com]http://paizo.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Store.woa/wa/DirectAction/editPost?post =v5748gbiho34g

Liberty's Edge

Okay,....type {url=paizo.com} linky {/url}

However, every place I typed a {, type a [
and every place I typed a }, type a ]

and where I typed paizo.com, type whatever web page you want to link to.

Heathansson wrote:

Okay,....type {url=paizo.com} linky {/url}

However, every place I typed a {, type a [
and every place I typed a }, type a ]

and where I typed paizo.com, type whatever web page you want to link to.

[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094894/ linky [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094894/]

well that didn't work.

Liberty's Edge

put url= before the first bit in the first brackets, and replace what's in the second brackets with /url and you're golden.

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Okay,....type {url=paizo.com} linky {/url}

However, every place I typed a {, type a [
and every place I typed a }, type a ]

and where I typed paizo.com, type whatever web page you want to link to.


well that didn't work.

I fixed it for you; reply to this message, and down in the white box where you type, you can look at it how it works.

Heathansson wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Okay,....type {url=paizo.com} linky {/url}

However, every place I typed a {, type a [
and every place I typed a }, type a ]

and where I typed paizo.com, type whatever web page you want to link to.


well that didn't work.

I fixed it for you; reply to this message, and down in the white box where you type, you can look at it how it works.

Sorry for wasting your time Heath. Your efforts to teach are greatly appreciated. My ability to learn remains in question.

Liberty's Edge

No! There is no bad student, only bad teacher!

Just do this:

{url=paizo.com} linky {/url} only with the other brackets on the same keys.

You'll get it!

The Exchange

After that Heathy has a fence that needs painting, but when it gets to "wax on"...Run. The next bit is freaky........so many ....bad memories.....Wax offffff!!!!!!!

Heathansson wrote:

No! There is no bad student, only bad teacher!

Just do this:

{url=paizo.com} linky {/url} only with the other brackets on the same keys.

You'll get it!

[url=paizo.com] linky [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094894/]

Liberty's Edge

I had two friends; one guy was like in his 40's, and his dad would still put him to work when he'd visit home.
So the other friend came over and he was waxing a boat while his dad b#&!%ed him out about it....
All the other guy had to do was say, "wax on...." and he'd explode out of the room...

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

No! There is no bad student, only bad teacher!

Just do this:

{url=paizo.com} linky {/url} only with the other brackets on the same keys.

You'll get it!


I fixed it; just hit "reply" on my post and it'll show you how I did it.

Liberty's Edge

I confused matters by putting Paizo.com in there; it was just an example to link to; it's not required to link.

The Exchange

All right, I feel like trying to help.....
I have a site I like called Hirst Arts, web address is http://www.hirstarts.com/

Now I want someone to click on a bit of text and go to this link so I do this:
{url=http://www.hirstarts.com/}Hirst Arts Linky{/url}
with replacing the {} brackets with [] brackets, I get this:
Hirst Arts Linky
Try replying to see how it is done.

Liberty's Edge

You rock. I'm a goobermeister. The shortsword is yours.

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
You rock. I'm a goobermeister. The shortsword is yours.
[url=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094894/ linky [/url]

So close!!! put a ] bracket before linky and it's spot on.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
You rock. I'm a goobermeister. The shortsword is yours.

I wish they had signatures on this site, that would so be mine.

Eileen, also just FYI there is a list of BBCode tags at the bottom of the Post creation screen that lists various stuff you can do and they all follow the same format:

Liberty's Edge

You seem like the kinda guy that keeps a sig there until everybody read it 8,000 times and wants to put their eyes out.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
You seem like the kinda guy that keeps a sig there until everybody read it 8,000 times and wants to put their eyes out.

Nah, actually never used one. Not into the gimmicks.

Sorry everyone about the threadjack. I will stop now.

Liberty's Edge

Just kidding, dude! It's cool.

Fake Healer wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
You seem like the kinda guy that keeps a sig there until everybody read it 8,000 times and wants to put their eyes out.

Nah, actually never used one. Not into the gimmicks.

Sorry everyone about the threadjack. I will stop now.

Hardly a threadjack, it was my idea to learn this stuff anyway.

so how is this?

canonfire linky


Liberty's Edge

WOOT!!! You have surpassed the master.

By master, I mean cow milking, butter churning luddite. ;)

Oh, and me and fakey got bawled out a year ago for razzing eachother across numerous threads and threadjackin, so that's what that's about...

The Exchange

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
You seem like the kinda guy that keeps a sig there until everybody read it 8,000 times and wants to put their eyes out.

Nah, actually never used one. Not into the gimmicks.

Sorry everyone about the threadjack. I will stop now.

Hardly a threadjack, it was my idea to learn this stuff anyway.

so how is this?

canonfire linky


Oh, how cute! And her first link was to a Greyhawk site! I'm so proud!

Good job Heathy! We made a lil' linkie! I stay home so I'll be the mum....

Fake Healer wrote:

Eileen said:
Hardly a threadjack, it was my idea to learn this stuff anyway.

so how is this?

canonfire linky


Fake Healer said:

Oh, how cute! And her first link was to a Greyhawk site! I'm so proud!
Good job Heathy! We made a lil' linkie! I stay home so I'll be the mum....

Eileen said:


Liberty's Edge


members space Linky

comicvine Linky

enwikipedia Linky

WHEEEEE THIS IS FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liberty's Edge

That kid's a linkin fool!!! ;)

Heathansson wrote:
That kid's a linkin fool!!! ;)

Hey, apparently you raised me. So I blame it on the parents. Now can you teach me how to drive really fast? Oh, and I want to mountain climb, hanglide, and scuba dive as well.

Liberty's Edge

Ugh! Give your old man a myocardial infarction why dontcha!!!

Heathansson wrote:
Ugh! Give your old man a myocardial infarction why dontcha!!!

Oh, just pop a pill for your heart and be on with it. While were at it, we can kick some super-villain butt. I heard the Fatal Five is back in town. Should we see if they want to come out and play?

Liberty's Edge

Tharok? Emerald Empress?
I don't sweat them.

Heathansson wrote:

Tharok? Emerald Empress?

I don't sweat them.

I agree that you don't sweat Tharok, but what about Validus....He's a lot bigger than you, plus he is more powerful than Superboy. I also have it on good authority that you do sweat Emerald Empress....everyone she looks at you, your paws get sweaty!

I am sure we can use that sweat to make a chemically induced pheromone blocker triggered by elavated levels of testosterone and increased adrenal gland output to combat the effects of the Emerald Empress; the effects would have to be worked out as we might get anything from bone biting rage to something involving doggie style; we would certainly have to be very careful during experimentation.

Valegrim wrote:
I am sure we can use that sweat to make a chemically induced pheromone blocker triggered by elavated levels of testosterone and increased adrenal gland output to combat the effects of the Emerald Empress; the effects would have to be worked out as we might get anything from bone biting rage to something involving doggie style; we would certainly have to be very careful during experimentation.

So far as I know, Superboy is the only one she's shown an interest in and he keeps shooting her down. As far as other Legionnaires agreeing to be part of this experiment it might be tough finding one. Any volunteers?

Volunteers? hmm, not very scientific; I just assumed that everyone was interested in free will and avoiding mental dominations so I accessed everyones Genome data logs and ran some experiments; the constant stream of upload data from the various transport devices and medical logs as well as collections of skin and sweat samples from free borne air particles has been useful in cross indexing various anomolies. I believe that soon I shall have a viable antidote for various members, though some adjustments are likely to be needed as without subjects for direct study it will be difficult to determine dosage and with various member endocrine systems working in overdrive, my sample studies show extreme swings in statistical control of the duration of the antidote. I shall endevor to find an effective method of delivery stimutated by being subjected to Her power or find a time release formula for long term innoculation; it will give me something to do in my idle time while I consider my complex love life.

Brainiac 5

Valegrim wrote:

Volunteers? hmm, not very scientific;

Phantom Girl wrote:
Of coarse it wasn't scientific, I never claimed I was a scientist. I'm more interested in everyone's love life than anything.

Brainiac 5 wrote:
I just assumed that everyone was interested in free will and avoiding mental dominations so I accessed everyones Genome data logs and ran some experiments; the constant stream of upload data from the various transport devices and medical logs as well as collections of skin and sweat samples from free borne air particles has been useful in cross indexing various anomolies. I believe that soon I shall have a viable antidote for various members, though some adjustments are likely to be needed as without subjects for direct study it will be difficult to determine dosage and with various member endocrine systems working in overdrive, my sample studies show extreme swings in statistical control of the duration of the antidote. I shall endevor to find an effective method of delivery stimutated by being subjected to Her power or find a time release formula for long term innoculation; it will give me something to do in my idle time while I consider my complex love life. Brainiac 5

Phantom Girl wrote:

I think you may have an error in your calculations....although I didn't think that was possible as we have come to rely on your 12th level intellect and near errorless efforts. The error I speak of is within Emerald Empress herself. Her "power" is control over the emerald eye. Without it she is pretty much powerless. I fail to see how being struck by the power of the emerald eye will stimulate her biochemistry. Perhaps you could explain this on a....oh say standard Bgztl intelliegence level (and don't get carried away with the insults, I have a swift kick that never misses the mid mark.

Just picked up the lastest issue..will give opinion later on this evening.

Freehold DM wrote:
Just picked up the lastest issue..will give opinion later on this evening.

Wait...I can't get my issue until next month. Although if I do anything signficant maybe I will listen. If I'm not in it, I'll be highly irritable. After all, other than the three founding members, Triplicate Girl and I were the first to join, so we should get more comic panels than the rest.

Phantom Girl

Liberty's Edge

Did Buttxerox Boy make it into the Legion?

Heathansson wrote:
Did Buttxerox Boy make it into the Legion?

What??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Are they a relative of yours or what?

Liberty's Edge

Hell no. I don't care what he says.

Heath....Buttxerox Boy didn't make it into the Legion, I'm afraid that he had a criminal history....I don't know all the details, but it had something to do with sending the President of the United Planets a self-portrait.

Since I have gotten back into comics this year, I have been limiting my purchases to Legion. I will mention however that the new Superman issue #671 is the first of a short series featuring Lana Lang apparently becoming Insect Queen. I'm sure everyone recalls her...an Honorary Member of the Legion of Super Heroes. As of now, I just looked at the pictures, I won't read it until I have the whole story line. It looks like it's a pretty big departure from the original idea of how she got her bio ring. Looked pretty good to me!

Liberty's Edge

What about the President of Earth? He sent her a cheeky picture.

Heathansson wrote:
What about the President of Earth? He sent her a cheeky picture.

I heard she liked it! Ugh! Gross!

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