EileenProphetofIstus |

Eileen said:
I knew you were funnin' I suspect your bark is worse than your bite!
Heath said:
Even if so, that leaves room for a heap big chomp.
Eileen said:
Even so, dental records can be linked to you so be careful on those bites. Leaving physical evidence at the scene of one of your crimes is always a bad idea. That is a quote from the page 42 of the "Villain's Handbook of the 31st century." Perhaps you can find a copy at your local library.
Heath said:
Even if so, that leaves room for a heap big chomp.
Eileen said:
Isn't this why we have muzzles....for overly aggressive puppy dogs?

EileenProphetofIstus |

Eileen; you been checking out the other rpg thread where their is generated chatter about a supers game? love to play with you; bring your whip you succubus :)
Hmmmm.....Message board seems to be struggling again. Tried posting once already didn't seem to work. Watch I'll end up with a double post.
I've looked at it but not read it thoroughly. My knoweledge is fairy limited to Legion (and even that is pretty limited as you know). When they start talking about different game systems and comic characters I get kinda lost. I shall read more posts and see if I con jump in.
Now I'm a succubus....WOW. In a way I take that as a compliment.

Valegrim |

yep; I have had lots of trouble this last week also trying to post and just getting a general error message.
Hmmmm.....Message board seems to be struggling again. Tried posting once already didn't seem to work. Watch I'll end up with a double post.
Now I'm a succubus....WOW. In a way I take that as a compliment.
hehe would you have liked "you vixen" a little better?

EileenProphetofIstus |

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/community/gaming/otherRPGs/myFirstGame MarvelSuperheroesRPG
There's also another thread entitled "Super Heroes RPG" in the same "Other Games" section. It is currently not in the top few listed so go to the entire list of thread for that section and you'll find it towards the top.

EileenProphetofIstus |

Now I'm a succubus....WOW. In a way I take that as a compliment.
hehe would you have liked "you vixen" a little better?
Let's just say I'm open minded!
I will check these two thread out later tonight (late night) in some detail. My schedule for the night is....
1. Go to the gym
2. Put gas in the car
3. Check emails, canonfire, paizo
4. Work on the Legion game
5. Recheck emails, canonfire, paizo off and on throughout the night while working on Legion game.
6. Go to bed about 4:00 in the morning.
So I'll be around for anyone who wants to chat or needs a spanking.
Valegrim: I have added to my Legion collection since I went shopping yesterday. Now I am trying to figure out when the various titles ran from "X" issue to "X" issue. I know that in some cases the titles changed but the issue numbers continued anyway. Do you think you would be any good at helping me sort this out? I have done some searching on the internet and got a couple of answers but I am still looking for more.

Victor Valens-Bentleaf |

Pardon Mistress of Vixens, but I dost believe that Efreets and their Masters are forthwith out of touch with DC and Legion materials and is more likely to summon a shovel to deal with an X than know anything about Legion chronology. Perhaps if you, in your prophetic wisdom, could be more specific; then said summoned effreet - which is really just a clockwork mock up shell of Braniac 5 -could be more helpful. I suggest Milady, that thou shouldest perhas make use of the email summoning technology and sendeth some of this information with instruction to said crimson slave.
Farethee well

EileenProphetofIstus |

Pardon Mistress of Vixens, but I dost believe that Efreets and their Masters are forthwith out of touch with DC and Legion materials and is more likely to summon a shovel to deal with an X than know anything about Legion chronology. Perhaps if you, in your prophetic wisdom, could be more specific; then said summoned effreet - which is really just a clockwork mock up shell of Braniac 5 -could be more helpful. I suggest Milady, that thou shouldest perhas make use of the email summoning technology and sendeth some of this information with instruction to said crimson slave.
Farethee well
I thought it polite to ask first. One never knows how busy you are with all of your many theories, inventions, and technological advances. I shall send you my shopping list then.
Hmmmm.....I tried your email address and it won't send. Did you change it. I guess I'll leave it here.
Ok, here is the list of comics I have. I know it might be kinda hard to follow. Basically it is my shopping list when I go to the store so I know what to buy and what not to buy. It shows the title of the comic or book, any notes which I found helpful to remind me what it was or what was in it, and in some cases, the years it was in print. Basically what I am looking for are titles I should be looking for that don't appear on the list; the years each comic title ran; and the last issue number of the series; along with anything else that would be helpful. I have found some confusion when titles change but issue numbers don't; which series followed which series; which are re-boots; what that reboot was about; that sort of thing. Basically once I get past the Adventure-Superboy starring the Legion of Super-Heroes comic line I find it confusing. Obviously if it doesn't say "Missing" then it is part of the collection. Thanks much. Catch up with you soon!
The Beginning of Tomorrow
Teenage Revolution
Death of a Dream
Strange Visitor From Another Century
Adult Education
Dominator War
The Legion Foundations
Missing Superboy’s Legion (part 1 of 2)
Superboy’s Legion (part 2 of 2)
Teen Titan/Legion of Super-Heroes Universe Ablaze #1-3
Missing TeenTitans/Legion of Super-Heroes Universe Ablaze #4
The Brave and the Bold The Lords of Luck (hardcover)
An Eye For An Eye
1-12 Have all twelve hardcover books
#193 Superboy Still entitled Superboy, had Legion story in the back
Missing #228
Missing #231 This is the first title of the “Legion of Super-Heroes” formerly Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes”
Missing #233-234
Missing #237
Missing #239-247
Missing #250
Missing 253-254
Missing #256-260
Missing #256-275
Missing #277-297
Missing #300-301
Missing #303-304
Missing #308-312
Annual No.2 1983 (Karate Kid and Princess Projectra get married)
Missing #313 This is the 1st issue of “Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes” formerly Legion of Super-Heroes”
Missing 324
#325-328 Issue #326 begins reprinting old stories
Missing #329-332
Missing #334-335
Missing 340-341
Missing #343
Missing #347-350
Missing #352-354 #354 is the last issue of “Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes”
Missing #1-3
Missing #11-13
Missing #16-17
Missing #21-38
Missing 42-44
Missing 50-63 Issue #63 should be the last issue
Missing #1-19
#20-38 Have both covers of issue 37, this is where the title changed from Supergirl to Legion of Super-Heroes
#1-4 Have complete 4 issue mini-series
#1 (Have in hardcover archives #12)
#2 on up
#1 Feb. (Has Superboy crashing Mon-el into a light pole with Boy half buried, phantom girl and cosmic boy running away)
Missing #1-2
Missing #4-6
Missing #11-12
Missing #14-18
Missing #20-23
Missing #25-26
Missing #28
Missing #35+
#3 (1987)
L.E.G.I.O.N. 93
Missing #1-49
Missing #1-20
#21-22 (has Karate Kid)
Annual 1997 (Features Brainiac 5)
Missing #6
#21 Future Tense (Part #1)
Missing parts 2-3
#8-10 Lightning Saga 1-3
#671-673 Insect Queen (parts 1-3)
#850 Past Present and Future
#858-861 (parts 1-3) Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
#1-4 Have complete mini-series
Have this book

EileenProphetofIstus |

wow that is some list you sent :)
At this point in time I have directed D&D funds to Legion. Somehow I have lost my appetite for D&D. I still read D&D posts but even that is becoming of less interest to me. I always look forward to your Legion posts as well as those of the others that have been kind enough to keep this thread moving.
Does anyone else visit this site? I think it was Set who introduced me to it (I think!). If you do, what name do you go by?

Mark Plemmons |

I've been rereading my Legion collection lately, too, and trying to figure out what I've got and what I'm missing. I'll post both in case somebody happens to have any duplicate copies lying around :), and in case you may be able to tell me about something I don't know about.
From what I can tell, here's WHAT I'M MISSING:
ARCHIVES 10-12 (not sure if I actually need 11-12)
Action Comics #850
JLA (current) #7
Karate Kid 1-15 (exists?)
LOSH (v1; 1972-1973; all reprints) 1-4.
Legion (v3) 37
LOSH (v4; 1989-1984): Secret Files 2
LOSH: Science Police 1-4.
Legion Lost 1, 8
Superboy/LOSH (v2) 208-209
Superboy's Legion 1
Superman #671-673
LOSH (WB animated) 1-11
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze # 1–4
Countdown, #50–48,#45,#42–41,#39–37,#35–34,#31–27
Countdown to Final Crisis, #26–23,#21–20,#15–
Supergirl (vol. 5), #21–22
Superboy/LOSH 197-313 (v2), Tales of the LOSH 314-354
Annual 1-5
LOSH (v3; 1984-1989) 1-36, 38-63.
Annual 1-4
LOSubH Special
LOSH (v4; 1989-1984; Five Years Later) 0-106
Annual 1-7
Secret Files and Origins 1
Legionnaires 0-63
Annual 1-3
The Legion 1-38
Secret Files 3003
Legion of Super-Heroes (v5) 1-current
Action Comics 591
Braves and the Bold 179
DC Comics Presents 13,59
Legion Lost 2-7, 9-10
Legion Worlds 1-6
Cosmic Boy 1-4
Inferno 1-4
JLA 8-10
Legends of the Legion 1-4
Legionnaires 3: 1-4
Secret Origins 8, 37, 42, 46, 47
Secrets of the LOSH 1-3
Showcase '95: 6
Superstar Holiday Special
Timber Wolf 1-5
Who's Who in the LOSH 1-7
Green Lantern 98-99
Impulse 21
Superboy's Legion 2
Superboy (1995 series) 19, 21, 45
Supergirl Annual 2
Superman (1987) 8
Teen Titans (2004) 16
Teen Titans/The Legion Special
Valor 1-23
L.E.G.I.O.N. 1-70.
Invasion! 1-3.
Adventures of Superman Annual 2,4
Annual 1-5
Trinity 1-2
Green Lantern 44-45
Darkstars 11-12
Lobo 7-9
Lobo Annual 1
R.E.B.E.L.S. 0-17.
Showcase '96 #12

EileenProphetofIstus |

Say this is kinda a good idea. If folks want they could post what comics they have that have Legion in them so that when others go shopping for older comics they know what titles and issues to look for. Anyone else want to post? I saw a lot of things in Mark's post that I wouldn't have known or thought about. Thanks Mark!

EileenProphetofIstus |

Do you want to count the X-men, where the X-men pwn those Legion clones, except #137 where the Legion clones pwned the X-men for a change?
I sincerely hope your being funny again. Legion X-men crossover is so wrong. I did see a Superman vs. Spiderman once and thought that was wrong as well.

![]() |

Oh, no. The Shi'ar Imperial Guard is a direct "homage" of the Legion of Superheroes; They even have a Superboy//Mon-el equivalent, except he has purple skin, pointy ears, and a mohawk. They pwned the X-men on the moon in X-men #137, when Jean Grey killed herself so she wouldn't turn into Dark Phoenix any more and destroy the universe or something. But usually, the X-men kinda pwned up on them. And Wolverine was always stealing the Timberwolf analogue's uniform (lol).

EileenProphetofIstus |

Oh, no. The Shi'ar Imperial Guard is a direct "homage" of the Legion of Superheroes; They even have a Superboy//Mon-el equivalent, except he has purple skin, pointy ears, and a mohawk. They pwned the X-men on the moon in X-men #137, when Jean Grey killed herself so she wouldn't turn into Dark Phoenix any more and destroy the universe or something. But usually, the X-men kinda pwned up on them. And Wolverine was always stealing the Timberwolf analogue's uniform (lol).
I'm sorry Heath, but other than seeing the X-men movies, I know nothing about them. My evil brother was a fan of x-men and spiderman back in the day but I kinda just limited myself to Legion. I guess I'mm narrow minded that way. I'm sure its a fine comic, I just never got into Marvel. I did read some of his when he would let me and I did find some of the Spiderman entertaining, but I never actually bought a Marvel comic. I guess this makes me a bad, bad person. I'll understand if you don't ever want to talk to me again. Sigh....

Freehold DM |

Heathansson wrote:Oh, no. The Shi'ar Imperial Guard is a direct "homage" of the Legion of Superheroes; They even have a Superboy//Mon-el equivalent, except he has purple skin, pointy ears, and a mohawk. They pwned the X-men on the moon in X-men #137, when Jean Grey killed herself so she wouldn't turn into Dark Phoenix any more and destroy the universe or something. But usually, the X-men kinda pwned up on them. And Wolverine was always stealing the Timberwolf analogue's uniform (lol).I'm sorry Heath, but other than seeing the X-men movies, I know nothing about them. My evil brother was a fan of x-men and spiderman back in the day but I kinda just limited myself to Legion. I guess I'mm narrow minded that way. I'm sure its a fine comic, I just never got into Marvel. I did read some of his when he would let me and I did find some of the Spiderman entertaining, but I never actually bought a Marvel comic. I guess this makes me a bad, bad person. I'll understand if you don't ever want to talk to me again. Sigh....
Don't worry Eileen, you're still good with me. I just won't be listening to any of your background music while roleplay. :-)
Like many children of the 80's comicswise, I was a HUGE x-men fan. Almost got them tattooed on my back in college. I was ABOUT to say that I disagreed with you Heath, but I just picked up my Essential Guide To The Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition Volume 1, and I see you are very much correct. Here's the rundown for you, Eileen...
Gladiator- Monel/Shakespeare Kent,Superboy,etc.
Electron: Lightning Lad
Mentor: Brainiac 5
Hobgoblin: Chameleon Boy
Oracle: Saturn Girl
Tempest: Lightning Lad(perhaps it should be Lightning Lass, as I have no recollection of anyone other than a Razz having lightning powers and a member of the Legion)
Starbolt: Sun Boy
Smasher: Ultra Boy(superhuman strength only)
Impulse: Wildfire(down to the weird suit and mask)
Titan: Collosal Boy(down to the outfit)
Nightside: Shadow Lass
Astra: Your beloved Phantom Girl, down to the twin ponytails...yum.
Fang: Timber Wolf (down to the uniform)
Midget: Guess who?
Magic: Princes Projectra (cape variant for the costume)
Quasar: Star Boy in terms of the outfit, but he looks more like a Blok type character
Manta: Looks like the White Witch, but her powers are weird: She can see into the infrared spectrum, and project blinding light. That sound like anybody we know from the Legion?
Warstar: Another weirdo. A symbiotic being, composed of the rather small B'nee, and the gigantic C'cil. Both have superhuman strength. Could be a take on Duo Damsel, but this one is so weird I would say it's an original character.
Hussar: No real powers, but has an electrical whip. Their version of Kid Quantum?
Earthquake: Anybody on the Legion have earth controlling abilities?

EileenProphetofIstus |

So what you guys are telling me is that they created new characters which mimicked the Legion to a degree rather than actually had the X-men and Legion TOGETHER in the same story right? Please say yes...please say yes....I always thought DC/Marvel crossovers were, oh I don't know weird. I guess this makes me a snob huh?
Ok, I just caught this
Astra: Your beloved Phantom Girl, down to the twin ponytails...yum.
I don't know who this Astra chick is, but I'm telling you right now she is some kind of fraud and that this is some strange sort of bizzaro world universe, Time Trapper, Legion of Super villain sort of evil plot. Twin ponytails and all. How could you even possibly like this imposter? Honestly, what has she got that Phantom Girl hasn't? Don't answer that unless your going to say "Nothing". There is only 1 Phantom Girl and your looking at her baby. I just officially went from snob to....well I don't know but it is definently worse than a snob.
I suppose now your going to tell me that Mike Grell drew these......characters....as well?
(Breaks down in tears)!

EileenProphetofIstus |

Wil save vs. female lacrimal glands: r12 damn! I failed!!!
Hmmmm....did I tap into a previously unknown super power. If so I may have to make liberal use of it.
Phantom Girl Diary:
Dear Diary, today I learned just how valuable (not to mention powerful) female tears are to altering the behavior of the male species. I must remember to pull this stunt more frequently in order to get my way. Some may see it is shoddy manipulation, I prefer to look at it as positive reinforcement.

Valegrim |

wow that was a nice marvel/dc correlation; hmm; something to ponder; anyway, Eileen; I sent your list on to a friend of mine that used to own a comic store and hope he can help as I know next to nothing about dc and dont have the resources; hehe am farming out for help :).....networking as it were :)

EileenProphetofIstus |

wow that was a nice marvel/dc correlation; hmm; something to ponder; anyway, Eileen; I sent your list on to a friend of mine that used to own a comic store and hope he can help as I know next to nothing about dc and dont have the resources; hehe am farming out for help :).....networking as it were :)
Thank you, that was very kind of you. It will be interesting to see what he comes back with. Having a shopping list of what to go look for would be great.
Now about these tear drops....this sounds somewhat sinister on your part. I know you already have access to my DNA for cloning, as that was made apparent in issue #206 of Superboy starring the Legion of Super-Heroes. As you recall, you cloned Invisible Kid and Ferro Lad but the survivability of the clones was limited. I assume that since even in the 21st century the cloning of animals has been reasonably successful that your experiments must have gone much further to only be confronted by limited success. Clearly your clones did not require growing up and that other limitations were bypassed by you. Perhaps you could update us on your progress in the subject.
And why would you want a sample of my tears?

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I suppose now your going to tell me that Mike Grell drew these......characters....as well?
Dave Cockrum, IIRC, he had just gotten off drawing for the Legion, and decided to do an homage to them in the X-Men. (Similar to the JLA homage team, the Squadron Supreme.)
Originally, Nightcrawler was going to be in a Legion spin-off, but that got cancelled, and while one of the spin-off characters got recycled into Timber Wolf, the others either were used in Marvel when he moved companies (like Nightcrawler), or not used at all.
Despite this never happening, some Legion fans consider Nightcrawler an honorary Legionnaire, 'cause he *coulda* been. :)

Valegrim |

well; batman is a gageteer; he has a tool for every situation and all kinds of cars; boats; planes; choppers; weapons; influence; sure he is only human, but has every resource including kryptonite at his fingertips. That is hardly underpowered; Aquaman in most versions is way underpowered; cant really see him able to compete with Namor. DC has certainly made a good effort to power down some of there heroes; especially superman, to make them more human, more vulnerable, more accessable to audiences.

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Isnt nightcrawler a little underpowered for DC?
This is the Legion, a team that has room for Karate Kid (no powers at all), Triplicate Girl (a girl who can turn into three girls, none of them with powers), Invisible Kid (like Invisible Woman, without the force fields) and Matter-Eater Lad (can eat anything!). Nightcrawler would be right at home. :)

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well; batman is a gageteer; he has a tool for every situation and all kinds of cars; boats; planes; choppers; weapons; influence; sure he is only human, but has every resource including kryptonite at his fingertips. That is hardly underpowered; Aquaman in most versions is way underpowered; cant really see him able to compete with Namor. DC has certainly made a good effort to power down some of there heroes; especially superman, to make them more human, more vulnerable, more accessable to audiences.
Nightcrawler also used to be nigh invisible in shadows; they kinda phased that power out due to disinterest.