Losing items

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

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I present my item here, please let me know what you think! I'll go through and give some comments on entries others have posted in the thread.

Brooch of Social Grace

Originally designed with the socially inept wizard in mind, these items of jewelry have also been commissioned by wealthy families or adventurers for special occasions. This eye-pleasing accoutrement can be used to clasp a cloak, sash, or similar piece of formal wear. The brooch persistently grants its wearer a +2 competence bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff, and Gather Information skill checks.

Upon activating the brooch, the wearer will subconsciously speak, gesture, and conduct himself in a manner that any person who converses with him for 5 rounds or more will find most pleasing. This may manifest itself by, for example, having the wearer take on a regional accent that the listener shares, or by having the wearer gesticulate with his hands in a manner that puts the listener at ease. Once 5 rounds of conversation have passed, the listener's attitude will improve one category (see Diplomacy skill). The listener’s attitude is subject to change as normal, and any person can have their attitude improved only once per 24 hour period.

Once per day, the wearer can charm someone, as per the spell charm person.

Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, Price 6,500 gp.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Dan Albee wrote:

Hey Watcher your item rocks! No offense to anyone, but I like it better than half the winning entries. Whatever disqualified it, I wouldn't worry about. Thats a top notch creation and cool to boot IMHO!!!


Well alright Dan, thanks man.. you put a smile back on my face.

I feel I'm better at Creature design than Item design -
But I would like opinions on this one...

Diviner’s Chalk
An amorous bard found himself desiring a way to spy on the husbands of his paramours. He developed this chalk, and used it to mark their belongings. To his shame, it has found deep popularity with assassins.

Appearing as a normal piece of chalk of any color this item has a unique ability. As a standard action you may inscribe a personal rune or mark upon any object. The location of an object marked by you is considered to have been studied for the purposes of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and other spells that rely on location familiarity (including Dimension Door and Teleport). In addition, if you cast Scrying or Greater Scrying on a creature carrying the object, your knowledge of that creature increases by one category (from none to secondhand for example).
The marks made by Diviner’s Chalk are nearly invisible and remain potent for 1d4+1 weeks, though they can be identified, detected, dispelled and disabled in the same manner and difficulty as a Glyph of Warding. Diviner’s Chalk can be used fifty times before its magic is expended and it crumbles to dust.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Clairvoyance, Modify Memory; Price 9,450 gp.

I would have liked to go into more detail on the identification, detection, and dispelling of the marks. But was trying to keep it under 200 words.


Quill of secrets

This dull ordinary looking quill holds within it powerful magic. When used to write, the user can instruct the quill on command to create illusory script, as per the spell, with the quill holding 50 charges. While it has charges, the quill never runs out of ink and can be used if flipped over as an erase spell with 50 charges with another command word. Additionally the user can use the quill to read magic, or place an arcane mark with a command word at will with the quill. Finally the quill has one last feature, which is upon a special command word the quill creates a secret page, which the quill then inserts an explosive runes spell on. This is one-time use ability. The item continues to retain its ability to create illusory script afterwards until it runs out of charges. It functions as a ordinary quill once it’s charges have been used. Etched into the quills shaft are the command words used to activate it’s features.

Moderate Illusion; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, Read Magic, Arcane Mark, Erase, Explosive Runes, Illusory Script, Secret Page; 27,250 gp; Weight .1 lb

My errors in this one: Should of turned uses of illusionary scropt to x per day. This pen intened purpose was for a parinod baron for my country :P That way the characters couldn't read his diary..

Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Clouds Without Water

Brooch of Social Grace

I'm a fan of this one, fits my preferred style well.

chopswil wrote:

Boots of Stinking Retreat

On command once per day, these boots emit a stinking cloud from the back heels. The cloud is as per the spell except the cloud forms a cone (10 ft. height and 50 ft. long) as the cloud streams from the back of the boot, if the wearer is running, as is usually the case. If the wearer is standing still, the cloud forms a sphere as per the spell and the wearer is affected by the cloud as normal.

That is a great item. This is the kind of item that I thought would be a real winner.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Steven T. Helt

Lilith wrote:

Sebastian's Time Shifter
** spoiler omitted **

Sebastian, since you asked...
It's a spell-in-a-can, as you've already pointed out to yourself. The biggest difficulty I see is in its implementation at the table - the mechanics part of it feels unnecessarily complex, and the effects seem way overpowered and easy to abuse. Your discussion on activating the item is cluttered, and could use clarification or simplification. Perhaps a better implementation would have been winding the watch activates a haste spell, with the duration in rounds equal to the number of times the watch is wound. Alternatively, you could have considered granting the Quicken Spell feat to a spellcaster using this watch, with the user being able to cast three quickened spells after winding the watch.

Having just run an epic game, I can tell you that myplayers, or myself as a player, would cast time stop, wind the watch for as many rounds as I can, and then effectivley use the stored time to di all the stuff you can't do during a time stop.

I think it's easily game-shattering as printed. I agree the haste option is better.

But I think I would bounce it anyway, as its kind of wordy in its description and simple magic items keep peoples' attention.

Just my $.02

Erik Mona wrote:
Feel free to post your non-advancing items in this thread. We don't mind.

Thanks Erik,

I like Fax Celestis forgot to save a copy of my submission but I can remember the gist of it.

Firehaire's Beastiary
A simple leatherbound book, Firehaire's Beastiary allows a reader who has studied the book for at least an hour a day over the course of a week to identify creatures more easily. An attuned reader gains a +5 competence bonus to any relevant knowledge check made to identify a creature. If the reader does not have ranks in a relevant knowledge, they are considered to have 5 ranks for the purposes of identifying the creature.

Additionally by studying the book for an hour the reader has a 70% chance of finding some useful information (such as the location of the lair or specific vulnerabilities) of a named creature.

CL:11th, fox's cunning, legend lore 36,000 gp.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 8

Here's my losing item. Maybe it wasn't cool enough. Maybe it wasn't priced appropriately, or they judges thought it was too expensive. Who knows.

Gauntlet of Life Transference

An oversized gauntlet constructed of interlocking cold-forged iron plates and engraved with necromantic sigils, the first item of this type was crafted by a wizard jealous of the power that wielders of divine magic hold over the forces of life and death.

If the wielder of a gauntlet of life transference slays a living creature with a melee attack or a melee touch attack (including one delivered through a spectral hand) the gauntlet siphons and stores a portion of its life energy as potential healing energy. The wielder of the gauntlet can on command discharge all of the stored energy to heal a living creature (with positive energy) or an undead creature (with negative energy) that he touches of 1d8 damage per hit die of energy stored. The wielder can also heal himself in this fashion. If not discharged the energy stored in the gauntlet dissipates at the rate of one hit die of energy per hour.

Additionally, the wielder of the gauntlet can create a spectral hand effect once per day on command.

Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, limited wish, spectral hand, vampiric touch; Price 88,140 gp; Weight 2 lb.

Scarab Sages

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

Pocket Orrery

Aura: Strong Transmutation
CL: 17
Slot: -
Price: 18,000gp

This item looks superficially like a pocket watch to a casual glance, comprising a flat round case of golden metal which, when opened, reveals a complex mechanism of tiny springs, cogs and gears turning on jewelled bearings. However, a closer inspection reveals that this is not an ordinary timepiece but instead a tiny orrery, with the hands and dials instead predicting complex planar and temporal conjunctions.

The possessor benefits from the predictive power of the pocket orrery in a number of ways. Firstly, the owner of the item benefits from a +1 insight bonus to both AC and Reflex saving throws while it is on his person. Secondly, the orrery can be used to cast Augury once per day (without the need for a divine focus or material components). Finally, the holder can (as a standard action which provokes an attack of opportunity) jam the mechanism, which has the same effect as a Time Stop spell that affects that individual only. However, jamming the mechanism ruins the orrery and it loses all of its magical powers thereafter.

Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Augury, Time Stop, 9,000gp, 720xp

EDIT: my item is spookily like Sebatian's, which probably did neither of us any good. I'm also disturbed that my mind works along the same lines as his.

I like this in concept and description and want one personally.

I think the AC and Reflex bonuses are too much for just having the thing on your person. This should be all about having it open in your hand and concentrating on reading it correctly to get an effect, like the Augury. Maybe adding a Dimension Door effect with a Concentration check (representing knowledge of where a minor dimensional weakness will happen) would work as well. I like that the time stop effect also breaks the device.

Hi, I had a lot of fun with this in the home campaigns. No fluff attached and I'm not sure if I was even qualified for the darn competition (but, I'm a part-time designer with only "soft-cover" credits, so ...)
Bag of Hostile Challenges
A bag of hostile challenges appears as a small burlap sack containing wax figurines of muted detail. When activated, each figurine forms into a summoned creature either hostile or helpful to the activator. The wax figurine is either placed or tossed (ranged touch attack, range 10 ft.) and, after the command word is uttered, forms in 1 round.

A bag of hostile challenges comes in three types and each new bag contains 3 figurines. Type I figurines are capable of forming into any creature from summon monster II lists; Type II from summon monster V lists; Type III from summon monster VIII lists.

Figurines may be used repeatedly to summon hostile creatures which fight the activator and assisting comrades fiercely. Although no experience is awarded, such encounters are used to experiment, train etc. Figurines used to summon a creature to assist the activator are depleted upon activation. All summoned creatures remain 1 round per caster level unless destroyed or dispelled.

Faint, moderate or strong conjuration; CL 3rd (Type I), 9 (Type II), 15 (Type III); Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster II, V, VIII; Price 1,500 gp (Type I); 11,250 gp (Type II); 30,000 gp (Type III).

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Pocket Orrery

I can see one reason it was rejected...Too Cheap. Time Stop is considered by many the most powerful 9th level spell next to Wish. A Pocket "Time Stop" usable by anybody is just too powerful... At least a scroll version requires an arcane caster who (if not high enough level) can fudge it up.

One thing a GM friend of mine always said: You can use any magic spell or item that makes sense, but then don't expect ME not to use it or something similar against you.

Would you want an enemy to have a handy Time Stop device on them? To be used ay time they wished, and could replace it for a mere 18,000 gp? (Or 9,000 if an arcane caster of 17 level).

Otherwise I like it. I would sugest making the device do something more ordinary, like Explode in a fireball, or teleport you randomly (or both). Besides you specifically said it wasn't a timepiece. Then why timestop? Why not a Gate spell or similar "Planetary Conjunction" type spell?

GrinningBuddha wrote:

I present my item here, please let me know what you think! I'll go through and give some comments on entries others have posted in the thread.

Brooch of Social Grace

I really like this item! I think that I would personally improve it slightly by adding an illusion effect to also make the wearer more physically attractive to the target as well.

Perhaps make that a "Greater" version of the brooch.

Did any straight-up RP items make it into the final 32? I haven't reviewed all of them as yet.

Dark Archive Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

bcgambrell wrote:
chopswil wrote:

Boots of Stinking Retreat

On command once per day, these boots emit a stinking cloud from the back heels. The cloud is as per the spell except the cloud forms a cone (10 ft. height and 50 ft. long) as the cloud streams from the back of the boot, if the wearer is running, as is usually the case. If the wearer is standing still, the cloud forms a sphere as per the spell and the wearer is affected by the cloud as normal.
That is a great item. This is the kind of item that I thought would be a real winner.

Thank you, truly

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Yasha0006 wrote:

Apparently there is something similar in the Planar Handbook. One of the few WotC books I never even opened. Apparently WotC can still work their evil upon me. Oh well.

Boots of Shifting
These sturdy boots are always made of thick, heavy leathers clad with clasps and buckles of iron.
Strange metallic rods of lodestone are embedded into the hard soles of the boots. These unusual properties when combined with magic give the wearer of these boots the ability to ignore gravity for a time. For 13 rounds per day, the wearer may change their gravitational orientation to make any surface "down" and is endowed with Freedom of Movement. This allows the wearer to charge, run, fight, or take any other standard or full action on an unusual surface, such as a wall or ceiling. The wearer is also protected by a Feather Fall effect that activates any time they fall. This means the wearer could change their orientation to fall upwards and 'land' on a ceiling without being harmed. Activating these boots is a free action that may be taken once per round.
Strong Transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, Feather Fall, Reverse Gravity, Freedom of Movement; Price 53,100gp

Hm. Regardless of the Planar Handbook, this is not new: take slippers of spider climbing, add freedom of movement (a huge benefit, mentioned as a throwaway line, and is already a magic item in itself) and feather fall.

A free action that can be activated once per round is a swift action.

I don't like the fantasy physics fluff and without it, you don't need reverse gravity as a prerequisite. If you also cut freedom of movement, you honestly don't need a prerequisite above 1st level and it should have a caster level and cost accordingly.

Scarab Sages

Karelzarath wrote:

Pastwatch Orb

The description of what you get in the way of visions is vague and VERY open to interpretation. Players would complain about not getting enough and DMs would complaing about getting too much. There is also a large rift between the mundane uses and the top end use - True Res is mighty powerful to have in your hip pocket (pun intended). There is also no limiter to how many times the device can be used. Three events per person? Three per day? Three per person per day?

The best part is getting the info for True Res. Bonuses to impersonation would be good, which is what I think the +1 CHA bonus covers.

Scarab Sages

chopswil wrote:

Boots of Stinking Retreat

Fart boots.

And cloud kill is might powerful, especially for use in a crowded city.

Watcher's Lantern of Light Long Lost


This rectangular bullseye lantern has shuttered doors on opposite sides. One door sheds a reddish continual flame, the other a slightly bluish light. Once per day with the command word, the possessor can shine the lantern upon a person, place, or thing for 1d4 x 10 minutes scrying into the subject’s past, acting as a clairvoyance sensor. The lantern then projects from the other side a silent image. The image is a scene from an event that took place in the past involving the subject that is directly relevant to the user’s interest. The lantern can not answer questions, interpret, or depict indirect information. Divination spells and mystic senses can not be used with it. Natural darkness and lower level darkness spells will not hinder the lantern’s functioning; but anti-scrying magics that were active during a period in history will thwart it for the time that such spells were active. Individuals in the past can not usually detect this scrying by any means; as such attempts will not have actually happened yet.

Moderate divination; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, clairvoyance, continual flame, legend lore, silent image; Price 39,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.

Watcher: Since you asked (along with a couple of other people in the thread :P )...

At first glance, it's interesting, but it doesn't seem to be the thing that would grab the average Joe Gamer. This is the kind of item that I'd maybe use once in a while, as a McGuffin/Maltese Falcon/unique device in an adventure, and it almost feels too good to have around all the time. The combination of legend lore and clairvoyance/clairaudience[/i] feels a bit much, and has the potential to break some gaming styles. "Oh noes, the Emir of Zabar-denh has been killed - get the lantern!" The lantern covers too broad a spectrum, and it would have been more fun and useful, if the lantern either limited itself to events long past or "recreating" recent events that the character has witnessed, but doesn't remember clearly.

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Midrealm DM wrote:

I feel I'm better at Creature design than Item design -

But I would like opinions on this one...

Diviner’s Chalk
An amorous bard found himself desiring a way to spy on the husbands of his paramours. He developed this chalk, and used it to mark their belongings. To his shame, it has found deep popularity with assassins.

Appearing as a normal piece of chalk of any color this item has a unique ability. As a standard action you may inscribe a personal rune or mark upon any object. The location of an object marked by you is considered to have been studied for the purposes of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and other spells that rely on location familiarity (including Dimension Door and Teleport). In addition, if you cast Scrying or Greater Scrying on a creature carrying the object, your knowledge of that creature increases by one category (from none to secondhand for example).
The marks made by Diviner’s Chalk are nearly invisible and remain potent for 1d4+1 weeks, though they can be identified, detected, dispelled and disabled in the same manner and difficulty as a Glyph of Warding. Diviner’s Chalk can be used fifty times before its magic is expended and it crumbles to dust.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Clairvoyance, Modify Memory; Price 9,450 gp.

I would have liked to go into more detail on the identification, detection, and dispelling of the marks. But was trying to keep it under 200 words.


Really like the effect. I would have included the details on finding and removing the mark, too.

Fifty uses seems a lot for a stick of chalk. With, say, ten uses you could have reduced the cost.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Midrealm DM wrote:
Diviner’s Chalk

A good idea really! I would have added a few more spell requirements (At least Arcane Mark and Clairaudience as well) And it should have been a Moderate Divination not Transformation right?

Most people think of munchkin/combat items, while this focuses on divination. Its useful, without it being overtly powerful, but may be a tad overpriced...but not by much.

Scarab Sages

DitheringFool wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Feel free to post your non-advancing items in this thread. We don't mind.


Coin of Luck Stealing

You probably suffered from "another coin of luck" syndrome. I like this one better, but it has potential for unintended abuse with a 4 point shift in roll comparisons.

Dark Archive Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Patrick Walsh wrote:
chopswil wrote:

Boots of Stinking Retreat

Fart boots.

And cloud kill is might powerful, especially for use in a crowded city.

true and true, but no more so than a spellcaster actually using the spell by normal casting or via a wand.

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

bcgambrell wrote:
chopswil wrote:

Boots of Stinking Retreat

On command once per day, these boots emit a stinking cloud from the back heels. The cloud is as per the spell except the cloud forms a cone (10 ft. height and 50 ft. long) as the cloud streams from the back of the boot, if the wearer is running, as is usually the case. If the wearer is standing still, the cloud forms a sphere as per the spell and the wearer is affected by the cloud as normal.
That is a great item. This is the kind of item that I thought would be a real winner.

I agree. This is a really flavoursome example of a getaway item and well-considered mechanically.

Scarab Sages

Armband of the Apothecary

This tarnished bronze armband, wrought in the form of two coiled snakes, is designed to be worn about the upper arm. This armband takes one week to attune to its wearer's alignment and provide any benefit. If worn by a good aligned character, the armband turns a polished gold hue and provides a +4 competence bonus to all Heal checks made by the wearer, and once per day cast Cure Light Wounds as a second-level cleric. If worn by an evil aligned character, the armband appears obsidian, though it retains metal properties, providing a +4 competence bonus to all Craft (Poison) checks, and once per day cast Cause Light Wounds as a second-level cleric. If worn by a neutral aligned character, the armband turns a silver hue. The neutral wearer must decide each day if the armband will provide a bonus to Heal and receive the Cure Light Wounds or Craft (poison) checks along with Cause Light Wounds as described above.

Price: 5200 gp
Slot: Upper arm
Faint Aura conjuration
Activation standard (command)
Weight: -
Prerequisites: craft wondrous item, cure & cause light wounds, know alignment
Cost to create: 2600 gp, 250 XP, 3 days.

I was fired up and probably submitted to early in the contest over word count with a simple slightly munchkinny utility item mainly hoping to see the Bracer of Summoning in print one day in some Paizo product as a useful utility item. Had fun entering the contest and learned a few simple valuable lessons if there is a contest next year.

Bracer of Summoning

This metal bracer is engraved with eldritch runes of power. The bearer who speaks the proper command word in celestial or fiendish will summon an appropiately aligned random celestial or fiendish monster as described in the summon monster spell for the bracer. The monster will serves the character who summoned it for 10 minutes (or until slain or dismissed), at which point it disappears. Planar animals and vermin can follow any of the commands described in the Handle Animal skill if spoken in celestial or fiendish (should the bearer have no skill ranks in Handle Animal the bracers confer a rank of 1/2 with summoned monsters). Each of the three kinds of bracers summons different monsters. Use the summon monster spells to determine what animals can be summoned with each bracer.
Faint or moderate conjuration; CL 3rd (copper), 5th (silver), 9th (gold); Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster II (copper), summon monster III (silver), or summon monster V(gold); Price 540 gp (copper); 1,800 gp (silver); 3,800 gp (gold).

Other Considerations
Once you have a final cost figure, reduce that number if either of the following conditions applies:
Item Requires Skill to Use
Some items require a specific skill to get them to function. This factor should reduce the cost about 10%.
Item Requires Specific Class or Alignment to Use
Even more restrictive than requiring a skill, this limitation cuts the cost by 30%.

Bag of Tricks
This small sack appears normal and empty. However, anyone reaching into the bag feels a small, fuzzy ball. If the ball is removed and tossed up to 20 feet away, it turns into an animal. The animal serves the character who drew it from the bag for 10 minutes (or until slain or ordered back into the bag), at which point it disappears. It can follow any of the commands described in the Handle Animal skill. Each of the three kinds of a bag of tricks produces a different set of animals. Use the following tables to determine what animals can be drawn out of each.
The heavy warhorse appears with harness and tack and accepts the character who drew it from the bag as a rider.
Animals produced are always random, and only one may exist at a time. Up to ten animals can be drawn from the bag each week.
Faint or moderate conjuration; CL 3rd (gray), 5th (rust), 9th (tan); Craft Wondrous Item, summon nature’s ally II (gray), summon nature’s ally III (rust), or summon nature’s ally V (tan); Price 900 gp (gray); 3,000 gp (rust); 6,300 gp (tan).

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System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker,Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker
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Unearthed Arcana Copyright 2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman.
The Hypertext d20 SRD Copyright 2004, Jans W Carton.

Hey CastleMike,

Put our items together and we can have a real party!

Scarab Sages

Pale wrote:

I'm posting mostly to get comments on the pricing. As I said in another thread, pricing wondrous items gives me a headache because the pricing guidelines for them are so vague. Anyhoo, here's my losing swiss army entry.


Wyrt’s Remarkable Implement

Why is it destroyed like a prismatic sphere? This doesn't tie together very well thematically and is probably the issue. Why not use prestidigitation (sp?) instead? The utility knife aspect of the spell works thematically with the intent of the device.

Also, "Wyrt" is too close to a trademarked name (Wirt) elsewhere, but that is easily fixable.

Yeah, that one's a bit over the 269 high word count they allowed ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, here is mine.

Gloves of the Badger

These gloves are most often made of supple, black leather. The fingertips are made from a hardened material and have the appearance of tiny claws. Although the gloves seem to have claws, they are not usable as a weapon.

When donned, the gloves bestow upon the wearer a burrowing speed of 10 feet per round. The wearer is then able to tunnel through any kind of earth such as sand, dirt or clay but not rock or stone. The act of burrowing does not create a tunnel, and the wearer cannot charge or run while within the earth. Both hands must be free to in order to burrow, and both gloves must be worn in order to benefit from the effect.

Faint Transmutation; CL 3; Craft Wondrous Item, Soften Earth & Stone; Price 12,000gp

To be quite honest, I am not a master of magic items (i'm more of a monster masher ;) )

So feel free to shower me with praise, or stone me with ridicule.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

Pocket Orrery

EDIT: my item is spookily like Sebatian's, which probably did neither of us any good. I'm also disturbed that my mind works along the same lines as his.

Heh -

You don't know the half of it -
My wife suggested a coin that stopped time long enough for you to escape, I toyed with the idea and decided it would be too complex to get in under 200 words.

But we were pretty close to having another 'time stop' device.

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Patrick Walsh wrote:

Thurburner Stone

Things I forgot in my submission:
1) The Reflex save. The damage for the rock is based on the catapult in the SRD and I forgot to add the save in my submission. D'oh! (I added it here.)

2) The xp cost to make the item. I just saw that.

3) The spark the winners had. Magic item creation is my weak point and reading through the winners, I see the spark the judges were looking for.

I really like this item. It might have been slightly low-powered for the competition, though, with things like the crown of the breaching legion flying about.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

EDIT: my item is spookily like Sebatian's, which probably did neither of us any good.

It is, but so much better described and named.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
I'm also disturbed that my mind works along the same lines as his.

Come over to the dark side Aubrey...join the forces of evil...

Scarab Sages

GrinningBuddha wrote:

I present my item here, please let me know what you think! I'll go through and give some comments on entries others have posted in the thread.

Brooch of Social Grace

I like it, especially as it is a non-combat item, but I feel like it replicates a previously existing effect.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Patrick Walsh wrote:
DitheringFool wrote:
Coin of Luck Stealing

You probably suffered from "another coin of luck" syndrome. I like this one better, but it has potential for unintended abuse with a 4 point shift in roll comparisons.

Yeah, it's kind of obvious, and advantageous to a hiding rogue, or a lying sorcerer, of a feinting swashbuckler, ... But I kind of wanted to create something useful for any character and to encourage more skill usage (in my players). So I died the death of a thousand bla's.

Thanks :)

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9 aka Dementrius


Also known in Varisia as a “Desnan Key”, this device resembles two ornate starknives joined at the core. The blades of a Doorbreaker are constructed of adamantine and freely rotate in alternate directions. Up to three times per day, the Doorbreaker can be placed on a solid surface (such as a door, window or floor) and commanded to animate.

The device deals 2d4 points of damage per round to objects, ignoring hardness, and continues to cut for a number of rounds equal to the CL, until commanded to stop, or the target object is destroyed. If allowed to move, the Doorbreaker will progress at 5’/round.

The apparatus is ensorcelled to operate silently, and automatically attempts a targeted dispel magic on any spell effect that has been placed on the target object, including arcane lock, fire trap, symbols and glyphs.

With a second command word, the Doorbreaker can also seamlessly repair the damage it has inflicted at the same rate.

Greater versions of the Doorbreaker exist, with an increased caster level

Moderate abjuration and transmutation; CL 5th, 10th or 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, mending, dispel magic/greater dispel magic, silence; Price 9,000 gp, 18,000 gp, or 40,000 gp

Scarab Sages

Midrealm DM wrote:

I feel I'm better at Creature design than Item design -

But I would like opinions on this one...

Diviner’s Chalk


I like the idea, but how is it different from the arcane mark spell and why is that spell not included as a spell needed to create the item?

EDIT: is the spell arcane mark? I remember it as wizard's mark, but that was definitely an earlier version.

Any comments for my quill of secrets?

TwilightKing wrote:

Well, here is mine.

Gloves of the Badger
To be quite honest, I am not a master of magic items (i'm more of a monster masher ;) )
So feel free to shower me with praise, or stone me with ridicule.

Honestly I think they are nice, but overcosted as it.

I would add some stonecunning type abilities (similar to the Belt of Dwarvenkind).
Finally the wearer needs some way to navigate while burrowing, perhaps gaining tremorsense while burrowing or something.

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

TwilightKing wrote:
Gloves of the Badger

Not bad at all! The inability to affect stone is a big restriction in a typical adventure and I'm not sure if it is factored in to the cost, but then, it's a low level item.

The Exchange

I swear it hasn't been a conscious decision, but you can easily guess which Pathfinder article I must've read shortly before :)

Desna's Dice

A little butterfly sometimes used as a holy symbol of the Song of the Spheres. The item is made from crystal; its wings change color if it is placed at any even surface and rotated by its possessor. As is fitting for a symbol of the goddess of luck, colors change at random which makes this item usable in a variety of dice-based games. To get the result, roll a d8 and look at the following table:

  • d8..color
  • 1....red
  • 2....orange
  • 3....yellow
  • 4....green
  • 5....blue
  • 6....indigo
  • 7....violet
  • 8....prismatic

Apart from its obvious use as a dice, the item also has a second function. If it is thrown at an opponent, the butterfly shatters which immediately creates the effect of a color spray (in the direction the item has been thrown). The item functions as a splash weapon and is destroyed by the attack.

The item can be sanctified by a priest of Desna and functions as a holy symbol thereafter.

Faint Illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, color spray, creator must be a follower of Desna; Price 50 gp.

Some good stuff in here. Here's mine. The day after I submitted I realized I should have included the ability to cast Darkness to mimmick an ink spray but A. thought of it too late and B. The Kraken Crown took that idea and made it one better with the Dimension Door. I also nerfed the mechanics of black tentacles which it may have not needed. Still...all in all, I'm proud of it. I bow down to the Kraken Crown in all things but the name. How can you beat Octopoda anything?!? :)

Belt of the Octopoda

This belt is fashioned from glistening black tentacles interwoven with each other and fastened by a coral buckle which is engraved with the image of an octopus. The belt allows its wearer to utilize a modified black tentacles. When activated, the tentacles uncoil and lash out in a 10 foot radius centered on the wearer. The tentacles grasp and entangle any creatures within that radius. Every creature within the radius of the tentacle attack must make a grapple check opposed by the grapple check of the tentacles. The tentacles act as a Medium creature and have a grapple check modifier of +13. The tentacles are immune to all types of damage.

Once the tentacles grapple an opponent, they may make a grapple check each round on the wearer’s turn to deal 1d6+4 points of bludgeoning damage. The tentacles continue to crush the opponent until the wearer deactivates the belt, the spell ends, or the opponent escapes. The tentacles disengage and return to the belt after 7 rounds. While the tentacles are activated the wearer cannot move. The belt can be activated twice daily.

Moderate conjuration; CL 7th, Craft Wondrous Item, black tentacles; Price 30,240gp; 1 lb.

Here was my attempt. Criticism?

Wheels of the Vagabond: This set of wheels consists of four iron-rimmed wooden disks, each about the size of a standard buckler. When the command word is spoken and the wheels placed on opposite sides of an unattended inanimate object no larger than a typical wagon (250 cubic feet; 400 lbs.) the wheels enlarge to 5’ diameter, lifting the object from the ground, to create a magical transport. The new “wagon” functions as if being pulled by two heavy horses but requires only the concentration of the user. The user need not ride on the “wagon” but must maintain line of sight. A second command causes the wheels to reduce to their normal size and be easily removed.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item; mending, animate objects; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs (per wheel).

My pricing was based mostly on other items in the SRD and maybe it is a bit overpriced but otherwise my group liked it for its potential in-game. They like items they can use in ways that were not originally intended.


Midrealm DM wrote:

Honestly I think they are nice, but overcosted as it.
I would add some stonecunning type abilities (similar to the Belt of Dwarvenkind).
Finally the wearer needs some way to navigate while burrowing, perhaps gaining tremorsense while burrowing or something.

Yeah, I struggled with price with several items (is it too much? is it too little?). I took a chance. I did think about tremorsense, alas the deadline was looming. :(

Thanks for the feedback!

Dark Archive Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

TwilightKing wrote:

Well, here is mine.

Gloves of the Badger

Sounds cool.

What happens when you stop digging and you're still underground?
How long can you dig for?
Seems like you would get disoriented while you were digging?

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Dementrius wrote:


Greater versions of the Doorbreaker exist, with an increased caster level

And? Are the only effects of the heightened caster level to make it glow brighter and pump up the dispel magic? That's not inconsiderable, but it should not in itself double or quadruple the cost and the text should make clear that the 20th level version uses a greater dispel.

I don't think the mention of Varisia would have impressed the judges one way or the other.


I love this thing! Perhaps it would have made it if you'd dummed it down a bit. The movement and the enhanced versions sort of confused me. A bit more damage to the door each round would have been cool too. A barbarian wielding an adamantine greataxe would be more efficient - but the dispel magic is cool. Good job.

Karelzarath's Pastwatch Orb


Colloquially known as a sphere of influence, this 5-inch diameter clear crystal sphere has the power to reveal our greatest mistakes and most stunning triumphs. By gazing at a creature, living or dead, through the orb and speaking the command word, the character mentally relives the event in the subject's life most responsible for molding her into the person she became. Each event takes at a minute to view, though longer or more complex events can take longer, at DM discretion. If the character continues concentrating after the event is complete, the next more influential event is relived, until a maximum of three events have been shown.

At the characters discretion, on initial activation, the orb can instead project an image of the event into a 10-ft cube around the character. The illusion is complete with auditory, thermal, and olfactory sensation, though it can, in no way, be mistaken for reality.

Each scene viewed mentally grants the character a +1 to all Charisma-based skill checks made regarding the subject for 30 days. Watching all three scenes grants sufficient information to unambiguously identify the subject for casting true resurrection.

Strong divination; CL: 13th; 56,000 gp; Craft Wondrous Item, legend lore, major image

Karelzarath, since you asked...
One of the things I noticed right off is you switched from a first person ("our greatest mistakes") to third person ("the character mentally"). This switch is jarring to the reader (at least it was to me) - you'd want to maintain a consistent tone in your work. This item kinda falls into the "meh" category for me - I just don't see it being useful in many games. The 30-day bonus is kinda "WTH" - regardless of it being limited to the checks related to the subject seen. The true resurrection part seems tacked on as well.

Patrick Walsh wrote:

I like the idea, but how is it different from the arcane mark spell and why is that spell not included as a spell needed to create the item?

EDIT: is the spell arcane mark? I remember it as wizard's mark, but that was definitely an earlier version.

I don't know of a Wizard Mark, but if Arcane Mark is what you are thinking of. Arcane mark doesn't allow you any benifts to scrying or teleportation.

If you arcane mark an item and someone carries it away, you chances of teleporting to the location of the object are low.

The reason Arcane Mark isn't a prerequisite is that Arcane Mark isn't a bard spell and this was crafted by a bard.
Also I was at 199 words, arcane mark would have made it 201 and was essentially not needed for the effect of the item.

Circlet of Takasi

As others have mentioned, the +10 bonus seems large. The side effect and general cursedness of the item may have hurt it as well.

Blessed Bracers

Bracers don't really qualify as a Wondrous Item. It's also exceeding difficult to find Paladins that have Craft Wondrous Item as well; only they can cast the required spell.

Vudran Cups

Perhaps a little gimmicky for the judges? An exceeding handy item for a con artist, yes, but other than that I can't see much use for it when compared items like a Bag of Holding.

Lok's Own Coin

An interesting item, but very corner-case (the +10 bonus) and unusually broad (dodge bonus) at the same time. I suspect it may have lost points given the hodge-podge feel.

Gauntlets of Elvenkind

I don't know if Gauntlets qualify as Wondrous Items or armor; I suspect the latter. You don't give creation requirements for the lesser version and greater version separately, which would likely be an auto-reject. They have potential, however.

Lantern of Light Long Lost

It's creative, but strikes me more as a story device rather than a normal Wondrous Item. A party that has one of these lanterns puts a lot of pressure on a DM to either have histories prepared for almost everything in the game, or be able to improvise very well. It's well done, nice work.

I'll get in on this:

my submission wrote:

Mantle of Resurrection
This heavy blood red garment, worn over normal clothing or armor, instantly resurrects any dead creature that it is placed upon, as the spell resurrection cast by a 13th level cleric. It has no effect on living creatures.
If a creature restored to life by a mantle of resurrection removes the mantle, it immediately dies, with no saving throw. Dying in this or any other manner while under the effects of a mantle of resurrection prevents the creature from being restored to life, except by a true resurrection, wish, or miracle.
A mantle of resurrection may only be used once; when the creature it resurrects dies, the mantle loses all power.
Strong conjuration (healing); CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, resurrection; Price 9,000 gp.

Not going to bother with the formatting for this post, but that was what I submitted.

I just liked the idea of a bad guy wearing this mantle, and then after dying he immediately stands back up, having been instantly resurrected; that and a slightly cheaper than the material component cost, but at a price of not being able to use another cloak. I'd welcome other opinions.

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