varianor |
What didn't you send in? What's your single-A team item or items that you cooked up but didn't submit? Here's some of mine:
Cat Stick
With this magical silvery willow switch, you may strike or touch a person and instantly turn them into a cat! (Unless the victim makes a Fort Save DC 13 to avoid the transformation.) They turn back into their normal form one hour later. They have all the attributes of a housecat save for hp, Int, Wis and Cha, which remain the same. (The transformation does not heal any hit points.)
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 1/4 lb.
Friend Whistle
This tiny wooden noisemaker lets you magically call your friends. If you blow upon the whistle while thinking of one person that you know, they hear the whistle no matter where you are and know that you are in danger. Making the sound is a standard action.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, message; Price 1000 gp, weight n/a
Sack of Socks
You may reach into this innocuous looking grey bag to pull out a sock of any size, shape, color, pattern or material that you need. Once per day you may pull forth a pair of socks that duplicate the effect of any single 0 level spell when both are worn. The caster level is the wearer’s caster level, although any touch spell must be delivered with one bare sock and not the hands. After magical use, the socks unravel.
Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, mending; Price 500 gp, weight 1 lb.
Derek Becker |
A weapon not an item, hence I didn't submit it. I didn't work out the math on the pricing very well, but it basically gives a feat with a bit of a spin. I originally had this item preventing "speak with dead" as well (thats what animate dead is in there for, to prevent rezzing), but it was pointed out to me that "speak with dead" doesn't involve the soul. Which I think is a little annoying, but those are the rules of the game.
My submission has a lot less flavor text. Man, its a really good thing I decided to read the rules before I sent this in, huh?
Sword of Xitecka-Telacop
In the jungles far from the known kingdoms lie the twin cities of Xitecka and Telacop. Banding together to resist foreign invaders, they have used the death magic of the Xiteckian priests and the craft of the Telacop masters to create swords for their warriors. The blades are created from magically empowered obsidian, identical in all but appearance to the best steel. They each have a handle of bone from a jaguar the warrior must have slain for himself before being considered worthy of a Sword of Xitecka-Telacop. Recent tradition encourages warriors to engrave a stylized pictogram on the handle celebrating every major victory achieved using the sword.
A Sword of Xitecka-Telacop allows the wielder to make a coup de grace attack as a standard action. Opponents that fail their Fortitude save and die must also make a Will save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or have their soul cleaved, which causes their death to be treated as if it were from a death effect, preventing raising.
Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, death knell, animate dead, Price 20,0000
Are criticisms allowed in this thread? I'd love to see people's comments on my item.
Here's the one I wrote that didn't make it. My reviewers were a little confused as to what purpose it served, and thought the mix of arcane and divine magic was a little clunky. I still like it.
Jackdaw's Talon
This item is prized by druids and scouts who need to keep watch over a town or outpost. The Jackdaw's Talon is made of tree roots twisted to form a small bird's claw, hung on a simple leather necklace and decorated with a couple black feathers. Once per day, it enables the wearer to wild shape into a raven as if the character had the wild shape class ability. (Characters who already possess the wild shape class ability can use this ability three times per day).
While transformed, the character retains the ability to speak any languages they already know, and gains the ability to speak with ravens. The transformed character also gains darkvision to 60', a +5 insight bonus to Sleight of Hand checks, and the ability to use dimension door 1/day as a spell-like ability (at CL 7). Each transformation lasts for two hours, although the user of the talon can cancel the effect early.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, reduce animal, air walk, wild shape ability; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Hammith |
"Bloody Hooves"
These boots of blackened metal are designed to look as though the hooves of some demonic being. When worn, the "Bloody Hooves" seem to leak blood from every crevace, yet leave no abnormal tracks.
The wearer of the boots counts as one size catagory larger for the purposes of using the bullrush manuever, and can make a free bullrush attempt on a charge attack if they take an additional -2 penalty to AC.
Additionally, the boots heavy heels allow them to be used in a Coup-De-Grace dealing 1d8 damage with a x4 critical modifier.
"Heart of the Sun"
Appearing as a styized ruby heart, this item is far less sinister than it appears. Once per day, the heart may be used to create a 10' pool of silvery liquid which radiates light as though the daylight spell. Additionally, any living creature standing in the pool gains fast healing 3, while undead take 3 damage each round from the positive energy emited by the pool. This effect lasts for 10 rounds.
I have some more, but those are the two I remember off-hand.
Xuttah |
Tools of the Master Artisan
This ornate tool box was created to fit the needs of those craftmen that are cursed with limited storage space/cargo capacity. Once per day, any person with 1 or more ranks a craft skill (eg. Craft: Blacksmith or Craft: Drawing) may activate this item and the contents of the toolbox will magically transform into a masterwork set of artisan's tools for the specified craft skill. The tools are non-magical and they remain in their current form for 24 hours. Any tools not placed back in the toolbox disappear at the end of the duration, but will be magically created again when invoked the next time.
WT: 5 lbs, CL 8, faint conjuration, craft wondrous item, minor creation, creator must have 5 ranks in any two craft skills
Forged Goo |
An item I toyed around with but sort of gave up trying to make sure it was "balanced" (whatever that means to you)and the rules for it seemed to be getting put of control (my actual submission was like 120 words):
Fiend Slayers Tome:
This magical book of copper-bound darkwood seems to writhe with the energy of the creatures contained within. To activate the book’s power the user must spend 1 hour studying a creature he helped defeat during the last 24 hours and enter the findings in the book, requiring a knowledge skill check (DC 10 + creature’s CR). The knowledge skill depends on the type of creature studied (i.e. dungeoneering for aberrations). A failed check results in the destruction of the page. Each book contains 2-5 usable pages. Once successful the user can mimic one of the creature’s Special Qualities, provided the user’s character level is equal to the creature’s CR + 1. Only one quality may be mimicked in any 24 hour period.
Continuous qualities (i.e. darkvision) can be used for a number of minutes per day equal to the character level of the user. Minutes need not be consecutive but each activation uses a minimum of 1 minute. Qualities that are activated or have limited uses, may be used a number of times per day equal to character level divided by 4 rounded down.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph; Price 97,200gp; Weight 2 lbs.
GreySector RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 8 |
This didn't really 'wow' any of my friends, and I wasn't sure if it counted as only one item. An update of an old magic item I always liked.
Goblet of Varied Draughts
Goblets of this sort appear to be ordinary constructed of tin stained with strange substances, however when grasped firmly their true nature is revealed. Goblets of varied draughts come in three types: copper, silver, or gold. Regardless of type, goblets of varied draughts are inset with a variety of gemstones. Once per day on command a goblet of varied draughts fills with a random potion or oil (roll on the potions and oils chart corresponding to the type of goblet: copper – minor; silver – medium; gold – major). When filled the gemstones inset in the goblet change color to aid in the liquid’s identification, granting a +5 competence bonus to the Spellcraft check to identify the potion or oil (no check is needed to discern potion from oil, however). An hour after its creation the potion or oil evaporates unless used. The potion or oil can be removed from the goblet without harming it, but still evaporates one hour after it was created.
Moderate or strong conjuration (creation); CL 7th (copper), 9th (silver), 13th (gold); Craft Wondrous Item, minor creation (copper), major creation (silver) or limited wish (gold); Price 10,080 gp (copper); 16,200 gp (silver); 32,760 gp (gold)
Moik Marathon Voter Season 8 |
I was gonna make a "Wizard's Jig", which was basically a juiced-up Hand of the Mage. Grab unattended items up to 25lbs up to 200' away. Save yourself from needing to reach into an acid pool or dive into a swirling underground river.
CL7, 20kgp, Mage Hand, Bull's Strength, Animate Rope.
Something along those lines.
But then I came up with "Eliminster's Amulent of Letting Paizo Do Dragon And Dungeon Again."
CL13, 100kgp, Wish.
So I submitted that instead.
kahoolin |
Are criticisms allowed in this thread? I'd love to see people's comments on my item.
Here's the one I wrote that didn't make it. My reviewers were a little confused as to what purpose it served, and thought the mix of arcane and divine magic was a little clunky. I still like it.
Jackdaw's Talon
Oh crap. The item I did submit was almost exactly the same as this in terms of flavour text and basic effect. I guess if I get in the top 32 you'll be kicking yourself, and if i don't I'll be kicking myself for coming up with an idea that at least one other person also thought of...
ThisisJuan |
HEh, I just went APE crap with all the stuff I wa smaking and some went a LITTLE over board, like so:
Quiver of War
Quiver of war are Major artifacts that are rumored to be made by the Gods, some have been forged by some of the talented and famous craftsmen who had ever lived, and some were made by teams of Artifice as the ultimate side arm for heroic bowmen. All scholars agree on one thing;in the right hands, it is one of the most devastating weapons on the Battlefield.
Physical Description: Quivers of such power vary from region to region but osme of the more noteworthy of mention looked like baskets weaved of metal and adamantine, with various ornate features and figure featuring archers of legend. Others looked like quiver overgrown of Plant life, the Arrows seemingly growing out of the mass, and yet others have been report as black as night, the arrows sliding out of the void deep inside.
Activation: With just reaching for an arrow and vocalizing what they want, the arrow they pull out will have that quality they asked for. Some quivers are keyed into certain languages but that is up to the DM's discretion.
Special Qualities: The Quiver has an limited supply of 20 magical Arrows that can be taken out 20 times per day, and have the effective bonus of thier respective quivers. These arrows Quivers of Higher bonuses (+2 and so on) have all the abilities of lower bonus Quivers in addition to new powers and more uses:
Allows you to cast True Strike once per day
Magic Missile x3 Per day
Grease X3 (area of effect where arrow strikes)
Fog Cloud X3
(all spells cast as a 10th level Caster)
Allows an additional use of True Strike per day
FireBall Once Per day
Stinking Cloud X2 per day
Web x2 per day
(all spells cast as a 12th level Caster)
Wall of Fire Once per day
An additonal use of Fireball
An additional use of Stinking Cloud
Additional use of Web
(all spells cast as a 15th level Caster)
Incendiary cloud once per week
An additonal use of Wall of Fire
An additional use of Stinking Cloud
Additional use of Web
(all spells cast as a 18th level Caster)
Allows the creation of an arrow of Slaying once per month. When the arrow is drawn it must be keyed to the type or subtype of creature and only last one day. If it is not used, it will disappear and it's use expended for the month
(all spells cast as a 20th level Caster)
Strong evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the Quiver's bonus, and must b able to cast all the spells of the previous bonus quiver; True Strike, Magic Missile, Grease, Fog Cloud, Price 6,000 gp (+1), Fireball, Stinking Cloud, Web, 24,000 gp (+2), Wall of Fire, 54,000 gp (+3), Incendiary Cloud, 96,000 gp (+4), Finger of Death 150,000 gp (+5).
This is really, really incomplete and unchecked so bear with me. Pretty much made an archer into a one man battalion of death, which, I don't know about you guys, sound like the type of archer I'd want!
varianor |
Are criticisms allowed in this thread? I'd love to see people's comments on my item.
I would certainly think so. :)
Jackdaw's Talon
This item is prized by druids and scouts who need to keep watch over a town or outpost. The Jackdaw's Talon is made of tree roots twisted to form a small bird's claw, hung on a simple leather necklace and decorated with a couple black feathers. Once per day, it enables the wearer to wild shape into a raven as if the character had the wild shape class ability. (Characters who already possess the wild shape class ability can use this ability three times per day).While transformed, the character retains the ability to speak any languages they already know, and gains the ability to speak with ravens. The transformed character also gains darkvision to 60', a +5 insight bonus to Sleight of Hand checks, and the ability to use dimension door 1/day as a spell-like ability (at CL 7). Each transformation lasts for two hours, although the user of the talon can cancel the effect early.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, reduce animal, air walk, wild shape ability; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This has nice descriptions. I can visualize the item easily. I wonder if the point of confusion with your reviewers is probably that it allows a limited use of wildshape per day instead of simply providing a limited alter shape or polymorph effect that turns you into a raven. Mechanically, your version works fine. I'm not sure why you've required air walk on the list of spells since wildshape includes the ability to change into flying creatures? Without it, you could place this as CL 5th not 7th, allowing its creation earlier.
I like it fine as an "I can scout" amulet.
DitheringFool |
I did not post anything like the following:
Sleeping Dust - This shimmering powder appears to be a very fine, very light pearlescent dust. A single handful of this substance flung into the air covers a 10-foot cube and causes 1d4 HD of creates to be effected as by a sleep spell with a caster level 1.
If used as a spell component for sleep or deep slumber, the DC increase by 2 and an additional 2 HD or 4 HD of creatures can be affected, respectively.
I wonder if the point of confusion with your reviewers is probably that it allows a limited use of wildshape per day instead of simply providing a limited alter shape or polymorph effect that turns you into a raven.
That was part of it, although technically alter self can't transform a human to a tiny creature, and polymorph is really too high level. Plus they're both arcane. I really saw this as a druid item, designed for them to spy in and around human settlements. But then the darkvision and dimension door abilities (while excellent for spying) don't feel very druidic, and it's not like druids especially need a power boost.
Ultimately, the item is perfect for druid/rogue builds, and I'm sure someone is playing one somewhere, right?
I'm not sure why you've required air walk on the list of spells since wildshape includes the ability to change into flying creatures? Without it, you could place this as CL 5th not 7th, allowing its creation earlier.
I just wanted all the spells to be able to be cast by a druid, and there isn't a fly spell on the list, so I grabbed one that vaguely fit and was close in level to dimension door. There's precedent for that in the list of Wondrous Items, but it was just another element that didn't jell.
Joshua Stevens RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6 aka Eyebite |
Steven Helt RPG Superstar 2013 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Steven T. Helt |
i was certain the following was going to be my submission, but the actual submission polled much better across the board: players, dms, powergamers, people i work with who dont care about dnd,etc.
Resonance Stone
This intricately carved crystal is the size of a sling bullet. Though it appears to have been carved from one piece of clear stone, the whole consists of a network of crystal bars connecting throughout the center of the sphere. It vibrates lightly in your hand, and the air around it shimmers with a soft hum.
This work of art is valuable to any bearer possessing an ability that either must be spoken (and heard) or bears the sonic descriptor. When held aloft, the resonance stone amplifies such abilities as follows:
-Sonic and language-dependant spells cast into it gain +1 caster level.
-Supernatural abilities requiring speech or sound gain +1 to save DCs.
The resonance stone can also be used as a potent sonic weapon, but such use destroys the gem completely. When a command word (often carved into one of the gem’s many facets) is spoken and the stone is shouted into, it explodes outward in a 30’ cone. Those in the cone are affected by a shout spell (caster level 7, save DC 16).
Moderate evocation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, shout; 16,000 gp
Starglim Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8 |
I liked the flavour and it works with a mechanic that probably hasn't been mentioned much in the contest (regional feats), but from reading Andy Collins' article, it doesn't really do a lot for any particular class or for an adventurer in general. What I submitted, by contrast, will make a DM cry.
Dust of Another Land
This magical dust appears as unremarkable, finely powdered dried earth of a characteristic color for the region that it represents. It is found in drawstring bags that typically contain 3-6 applications of dust.
A creature sprinkled with the dust gains the benefit of one feat that normally may only be taken at 1st level and may use the Speak Language skill for one language associated with a region where the feat is available, each specified by the dust’s creator. The effects last for 24 hours or until the dust is washed off, whichever is shorter. The creature need not meet any prerequisites for the feat granted, but if it is physically unable to benefit from the feat or language, it does not gain any substitute benefits.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have the feat and know the language to be imparted; Price 825gp
First post on this forum!
CastleMike |
The Apprentice's Primer. 100 page Brass bound, lockable, lesser variant of the Boccob's Blessed Spell Book which you could make a single Spellcraft check for 1/week with a +5 bonus and as much as I liked it thought it was to class specific. CL 5 Secret Page (Instead of CL7 like the DMG 1,400 GP)
My thought was a Level 1 wizard would start out with it instead of a standard spellbook since there would be no rare ink and other material costs for inscribing the spells like normal for all the cantrips and the starting spells.
jocundthejolly |
I considered a vest which allows a short-lived temporary ability score swap once every 24 hours. For example, a silver-tongued bard has no choice to fight for her life. She invokes the power of the vest to drop her CHA into her STR slot and put her STR in the CHA slot. Any other problems I had with it turned out to be irrelevant because there was no way to write a complete description of that thing in 200 words.
varianor |
That was part of it, although technically alter self can't transform a human to a tiny creature, and polymorph is really too high level. Plus they're both arcane. I really saw this as a druid item, designed for them to spy in and around human settlements. But then the darkvision and dimension door abilities (while excellent for spying) don't feel very druidic, and it's not like druids especially need a power boost.
I think there's also room for a discussion of item creation here. The above illustrates it perfectly. There doesn't have to be an exact correspondence between a spell effect and what an item does. (Witness the items in the DMG that don't match up significantly.)
Derek Becker |
I considered a vest which allows a short-lived temporary ability score swap once every 24 hours. For example, a silver-tongued bard has no choice to fight for her life. She invokes the power of the vest to drop her CHA into her STR slot and put her STR in the CHA slot.
I really like this item. It allows flexibility for the character. You could do it for all the attributes of course, but even STR/CHA helps out classes like the cleric and lets the cleric go from a melee to undead-turning guy.
The only complication the item has is that the player would have to re-figure his ability score modifiers for everything and that slows down the game. But he'd only have to do it once before it got faster, kind of like the barbarian rage.
Any other problems I had with it turned out to be irrelevant because there was no way to write a complete description of that thing in 200 words.
Dude, you totally already did that earlier in your post.
Ken Marable |
I had an article that was originally a "Magic Items for Rangers" class acts article that had the bad timing of being around the switch from 1 page to 2 page Class Acts, and I think by the time I started working it up as a Bazaar of the Bizarre, Mike already had all he needed. So, I was very close to using one item out of there (the vest of vegetation) since with my existing price explanation, it was 195 words. But then I found in one of my "idea files" a different item that was... "sexier". After I wrote it up, I wanted to create a new character based around the item, so I definitely went with that instead.
There were a couple others I liked in that article, but one was a weapon, not wondrous item, and the other was polymorph-based and polymorphing has been written and re-written so many times I didn't want to even get into it. But I kinda thought these were some fun items.
Specific Weapon
False Track Arrows: These arrows are actually rarely used against opponents. When fired, it creates a visual illusion of tracks along its flight path up to the maximum range of the weapon (if not blocked by an object). These tracks flawlessly appear as if the wielder had walked along that path. You may shoot more than one arrow in the same direction. This would give the sense that the same number of people, matching the wielder's approximate size, had passed that way. A false tracks arrow disintegrates at the end of its flight.
Faint illusion; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, silent image; Price 300 gp.
Wondrous Items
Tooth of Animal Form: These small magic items are created from the tooth of an animal, often a large predator. They are a single use item that polymorphs the user into the animal from which the tooth was harvested for 10 minutes. The tooth of animal form can only be created from a creature of the animal type with 10HD or less.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph; Price 2000 gp.
Vest of Vegetation: The vest is woven from various plant fibers and gives the wearer a special affinity with plants. She can speak with plants at will and gains a +4 enhancement bonus on Charisma based checks while doing so. Furthermore, she can cast entangle three times per day and command plant once per day, both as a 5th level druid. Lastly, the wearer gains a +10 competence bonus on Hide checks while in forests and jungles.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 5th Craft Wondrous Item, command plants, entangle, speak with plants; Price 39,000 gp.
Matrissa the Enchantress |
See, it's weird, but I didn't have any second string items.
I just had the one I submitted.
I only came up with one that I really liked - so win or lose - I can't wait to put it into one of my games as a central piece of the plot, not just as some random item on some NPC's gear list.
I'm in your camp Eyebite. I spent a morning train commute thinking about the problem and doodling a "brainstorm cloud" diagram on a small notepad and just before I got to my station the collection of thoughts suddenly coalesced into my Superstar Worthy Idea. A few days spent to develop it and I had a submision.
And, like you, win or lose, I'll enjoy inserting the item into one of my own campaigns. :-D
French Wolf |
Have to agree with Matriss and Eyebite.
I tried to come up with many ideas but once I had the first that was it. Normally I wouldn't have this sort of a block and I certainly don't thinking about a country.
But then I do regard this as the hardest test of the competition. But personally re-learning the DMG item creation rules has been rewarding anyway.
Joseph Yerger RPG Superstar 2008 Top 8 |
I had 2 which i considered real great. This one didn't feel snazzy or universal enough for my taste.
Claw's of the Beastlord
These gloves are made from the forepaws of a brown bear into the shape of a mitten. The gloves grant the wearer a claw attack with an enhancement bonus of +1. If the wearer is a druid who wild shapes or a creature which already possesses a claw attack, their claws are treated as if they were 1 size category larger. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to take effect.
Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Magic Fang, wild shape class ability; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs
Useful for anyone, but supremely beneficial for druids or other shapechangers, or anyone with a claw attack.
Mark Brehob |
I _didn't_ test-market my ideas until after I submitted. But this one got the best response from my gaming group after the fact. It seemed too simple to me, but now that I've done a formal writeup I think I like it better. Ah well. If I were doing it for real I'd try to add in something about merchant houses using it for
Nyris's Necklace of Teleportation
This silver and onyx necklace was created by the necromancer Nyris Ankilant. She discovered that the placement of a soul into a body, such at at a birth, requires significant spiritual energy and that more energy is generally given to a soul than is actually needed. This Necklace was her first success at using that energy, and many others have created duplicates of it over the years.
The necklace allows one to teleport, as the spell Greater Teleport. However, each user may only use the power once. Anyone who is returned from the dead and suffers an associated loss of a level or constitution point is considered to be a different user (the return trip places the energy back into their soul) and may use the necklace even if he had used it before.
Strong conjuration and moderate necromancy; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Teleport, False Life or Deathward; Price 13,000 gp
jocundthejolly |
Thanks for the positive feedback, DB. It turns out that writing a complete, airtight, completely airtight description requires a lot of words. But I felt that the biggest conceptual problem was that the item seems to presume too much metagame knowledge. A character in a game world wouldn't think of himself in terms of 6 discrete ability score slots and make calculated moves based on that knowledge. Good luck to you!
bagherra |
I did not post anything like the following:
Sleeping Dust - This shimmering powder appears to be a very fine, very light pearlescent dust. A single handful of this substance flung into the air covers a 10-foot cube and causes 1d4 HD of creates to be effected as by a sleep spell with a caster level 1.
If used as a spell component for sleep or deep slumber, the DC increase by 2 and an additional 2 HD or 4 HD of creatures can be affected, respectively.
I like this one a lot.
I will probably use it in my campaigns.The only thing is...sleep is already almost too powerful...
bagherra |
The Weeping Organ (Major Artifact)
The Weeping Organ is actually the prison of an Abyssal denizen. His abyssal body was encased in the organ by his own will as a type of self-punishment. The organ appears to be an ornate piano type organ carved out of granite and limestone. It's gothic look gives one the feel that the organ is crying or weeping. Any normal music played on the organ gains a somber, morose tone to it. If the person playing the organ plays from the music book for the organ (usually found with the organ), the person can generate magical effects.
The Weeping Organ can produce the effect of any Enchantment spell. To produce the effect, the player must play the appropriate song. The song for a specific spell effect takes 15 minutes per spell level to play the song. Spells which has an experience cost saps that much experience from the player (even if it would drain a level from the player). Spells which require something of high value drain hit points from the player equal to the gold piece value divided by 100 (round down).
To play a song, the player must first read the song (suggest MusicReading skill, at least 5 ranks required to read song book). To actually play the song requires a perform(percussion) check. The DC for successfully using the organ is 10 + 2*spell level (you cannot take 10). If the player exceeds the DC by 10 or more points, the Organ is pleased and requires an encore play (any spell 4 levels or lower than the one played minimum 0 level). If the player fails the DC by 10 or more points, the organ is displeased and absorbs the player into its mass (instant death).
Songs can be played without the song book, if the player has heard the song before (+5 to the Perform DC). A Bard may use Bardic Knowledge (DC 20 + spell level DC 30 for Song of Sorrowful Return) to "know a song".
The organ is quite loud and can be heard up to 2 miles away on a clear plain. It can be heard in all rooms of a small mansion. Caves and buildings with thick stone walls dampen the sound so that it may only be heard in about a 500 foot radius. Magical silence can prevent the organs affect on a target.
The player may chose the target of the spell generated, but that target must be able to hear the organ. If the player is required to play the encore, the player herself is the target.
There is a Song of Sorrowful Return that when played on the organ will send the organ back to the Abyss. The song takes 16 hours to play and must be played continuously without break. The song sheet remains where it was last played on the organ. The organ can travel on its own and returns to the prime in about a years time if sent back to the Abyss.
The organ is mounted on a stone cart and may be pulled by 10 strong horses. The organ and cart weigh about 2 tons.
Majuba |
Vest of Vegetation: The vest is woven from various plant fibers and gives the wearer a special affinity with plants. She can speak with plants at will and gains a +4 enhancement bonus on Charisma based checks while doing so. Furthermore, she can cast entangle three times per day and command plant once per day, both as a 5th level druid. Lastly, the wearer gains a +10 competence bonus on Hide checks while in forests and jungles.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 5th Craft Wondrous Item, command plants, entangle, speak with plants; Price 39,000 gp.
FYI, I think you overpriced this. I get a price of 26400, *counting* a +50% cost for secondary effects (which given the related nature I don't think it should have), without adding the +4 bonus on Charisma checks vs. plants, which I don't think should be much, absolute max of 6000 (based off half the price method of the circlet of persuasion).
I get a price of about 21000 gp, without +50% for secondary effects, and 1600 for the +4 Cha vs. plants.
Really liked this item, and I'm not even a druid player much!
Mark Brehob |
Specific Weapon
False Track Arrows: These arrows are actually rarely used against opponents. When fired, it creates a visual illusion of tracks along its flight path up to the maximum range of the weapon (if not blocked by an object). These tracks flawlessly appear as if the wielder had walked along that path. You may shoot more than one arrow in the same direction. This would give the sense that the same number of people, matching the wielder's approximate size, had passed that way. A false tracks arrow disintegrates at the end of its flight.
Faint illusion; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, silent image; Price 300 gp.
I really really like this one. Of the ones posted in this thread, it's my favorite. I might drop the cost considerably though, maybe 50GP or even 10. Too special use for 300 GP IMO. But a really nice idea.
Ken Marable |
False Track Arrows
I really really like this one. Of the ones posted in this thread, it's my favorite. I might drop the cost considerably though, maybe 50GP or even 10. Too special use for 300 GP IMO. But a really nice idea.
Thanks! I really liked it too, and thought about submitting it for a while until I slapped my head realizing it was a weapon not wondrous item. I love the image of a ranger in some snow covered landscape firing off an arrow and seeing these tracks magically appearing underneath its flight path.
As for the price, a lower one would be best. I probably wouldn't go really low (otherwise anyone and their brother would have a quiver full rather than something a ranger has a few of "just in case").
Looking back at my old file when I came up with it a few years back, I see the pricing was based on it going 100 ft, and I priced it off of a silent image spell with a high enough caster level to reach that far.
(Cost explanation: Silent image – 1st level X 6th caster X 50 gp for single use, use activated magic item = 300)
But I think it'd be a fair re-use of silent image to allow the 10 foot cubes to be narrowed and stretched when creating a magic item based upon it. So I'd just go with the 1st level spell X CL 1 x 50gp, and have it be a 50gp item. Personally, I'd say 10 gp is probably too cheap.
I also had an idea to make a "greater" version that includes scent and possibly being able to choose the type of tracks. Haven't priced it out much or worked out the mechanics of choosing the tracks, but it could be fun.
Vest of Vegatation
FYI, I think you overpriced this. I get a price of 26400, *counting* a +50% cost for secondary effects (which given the related nature I don't think it should have), without adding the +4 bonus on Charisma checks vs. plants, which I don't think should be much, absolute max of 6000 (based off half the price method of the circlet of persuasion).
I get a price of about 21000 gp, without +50% for secondary effects, and 1600 for the +4 Cha vs. plants.
Really liked this item, and I'm not even a druid player much!
Here's my pricing breakdown, again, this was going pure formula:
Cost explanation:
Command Plants 1/day – 3rd level X 5th caster level X 2000 gp X (1 / 5) = 8000 gp
Entangle 3/day – 1st level X 5th caster level X 2000 gp X (3 / 5) = 6000 gp
Speak with plants – 2nd level X 5th caster level X 2000 gp = 20,000 gp
Factors for multiple similar abilities:
Speak with plants = 20,000
Command plants = 8000 X .75 = 6000
Entangle = 6000 X .5 = 3000
+10 Hide – 10 X 10 X 100 gp = 10,000 gp.
Grand total = 39,000 gp.
Part of the jacking of the prices is the CL 5 on all of the spells. If I went with bare minimum caster level on each, that could drop the price down a good amount.
Apparently, however, I threw in the Cha bonus for free (I guess a bonus to Cha based checks only when speaking to plants isn't real powerful). :)
Thinking this through more (again, this is old draft I never finished years before the official admission with Magic Item Compendium that prices can't be just pure formula), I think at least the Hide should be cut in half or more since it is limited circumstances. Going with the fuzzier pricing routine, Speak with plants at will is a far cry from some other 2nd level spells used at will. So I'd drop that down some as well.
I'd probably aim more for the 25-30,000 level and compare to MIC items. But I don't think the 21,000 you suggest is crazy-screaming-in-a-TV-commercial-wholesale low either. :)
But I'm glad you liked it. I already see plenty from this thread that I plan on using as well!
Xuttah |
This is sort of a companion item to the one I posted on the uncouth thread (probably belonged on this thread because it's not actually silly):
Orbs of Agonizing Doom
This small bag contains about 100 cherry-sized metallic spheres bearing a single glowing red rune. When thrown on the ground, these orbs scatter to cover an area of up to 10’x10’. These horrible little clockwork spheres immediately spring upon any creatures occupying or entering their area of influence and begin to sting, cut, bash, burn and otherwise cause a total of 5d6 points of damage to their unfortunate victim.
So varied are the forms of attack that the damage inflicted is untyped and will even harm incorporeal creatures and ignores concealment and cover of any type. A reflex save of 15 halves the damage but the trauma caused by the attack leaves the victim shaken for 1 round. The orbs only have enough energy to activate once and then become useless burnt-out shells.
Minor Transmutation, CL 5th, Craft Wondrous Item, create trap, any 3 energy-based damage dealing cantrips, Price 813 gp, Wt 2 lbs
Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |
Wolfgang Baur Kobold Press |
Calidore_Chase |
Banner Ring: This magical mithral ring fits behind the head of a polearm. When the polearm is more than 75 degrees to the ground a banner of colorful energy appears. Usually this banner depicts the kings colors or the colors of the unit the pikeman is associated with; occasionally an individual will fly his own colors in this way. It takes a 48 hour period for someone with the Craft Wondrous Item feat to change the banner to a new set of colors. When the banner is raised it gives all allies within 30 feet a +4 morale bonus to saves vs fear effects.
Faint Illusion and Abjuration; CL 3th; Craft Wondrous Item: Silent Image, Remove Fear; Price 3,000 gp; Price to Create: 1,500 gp + 60 xp
Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |
Molech Star Voter Season 8 |
Matrissa the Enchantress |
Yeah, I know. But I am a freak! Though I dont see anyone here really asking me to...
I suspect that, here, where people are posting their second string items, hearing your feedback might not be appreciated because it could make them fear for the quality of what they did submit. If you praise a 2nd string item too highly they will wonder "did I submit the right thing?" while too much criticism and they wonder "was what I submitted just as bad?"
Obviously this isn't as much of an issue on the Wondrous Items: Uncouth thread where you've already given some feedback. Since no one expects anything to be taken too seriously your comments help to enlighten the masses about your process and are much less likely to hit anyone too close to home.
Just my 2 copper pieces. :-)
Kenneth Godwin |
Yeah, I know. But I am a freak! Though I dont see anyone here really asking me to...
I would after round one is done...mainly 'cause I know I won't make the top 32 and will be curious why. =) Writing is probably one of my weakest skills (Ya, it is down there with gardening and dancing.).
To be frank I'd be more comfortable knowing the judges were reading the actual submissions.And considering someone could post an item similar to a submitted item cinches it.
-W. E. Ray
I am sure they will get to them all and give them all due consideration. They are (probably) getting paid after all. And I mainly think Clark is offering because he enjoys helping people and probably would do it even if there wasn't a contest and he had some free time. 'course I could be wrong about all of that...just some random speculation.
emveedasher Star Voter Season 6 |
Starglim Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8 |
I had a few other items in note form, or just the names. This is basically the same as a DMG item, just with some different prerequisites and not necromantic and icky:
Ring Chain
Fasten a magical ring to this simple but sturdy mithral chain. You may wear the item in place of a necklace or amulet and gain the powers of the attached ring in addition to the rings you are otherwise allowed to wear.
Faint universal; CL 12; Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring; 6,000gp
Joseph Yerger RPG Superstar 2008 Top 8 |
Christopher Utley |
So I didn't actually enter anything because I kept coming up with variants of items already in the SRD. But then this popped in my head and I thought I'd put it here for comment:
Wondrous Blueprints: This large square of parchment gives the user a boon to build. After succeeding on a DC 10 Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering) check, the user can draw the outlines of the building/ship/dungeon he is crafting. The parchment will then fill in the plans with detail, granting a +10 competence bonus to the check to actually construct the building.
Faint transmutation; CL 10; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have 10 ranks in Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), Price 18000 gp, Weight 1 lb
Leonard Marquez |
My second stringer ... what do you think?
Greater Bottled Eruption
This large ceramic bottle is stoppered with gritty, gray wax and contains the magically captured essence of a volcanic eruption. The thunderous eruption is released by opening the bottle or by smashing it. If the bottle is opened (a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity), the eruption is emitted as a 60-foot cone of fire and sonic energy. Aiming the bottle at a target, however, requires a DC 16 Strength check or else the user loses control and aims the bottle in a randomly determined direction. If the bottle is smashed, it explodes in a 30-foot radius burst of fire and sonic energy. The bottle may be thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of ten feet. All creatures in the area of effect are permanently deafened (Fortitude DC 18 negates), knocked prone, stunned for 1d4 rounds, and suffer 6d6 points of fire damage and 6d6 sonic damage. A creature may attempt a DC 18 Reflex save for half damage and to avoid being knocked prone. Once opened, the bottle becomes nonmagical.
Strong transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, wall of force, pyrotechnics; Price 8,400 gp; Weight 4 lb.
Starglim Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8 |