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![]() Hi folks,
Our group can't find a rule for how to handle this outside of pathfinder society. We could of course go with our own, but our current reading is that in Pathfinder you always round down, so it would be X/2 rather than X/2+1. I _think_ in every other edition I've played, there is a X/2+1 rule, but heck, I could be making that up. Just wondered if there is an actual rule--I can't find anything. Thanks! ![]()
![]() I hope someone has a copy of it somewhere. While there's plenty of elitists online who hate on people's hard work, I found your guide to be a great crash course for my friends creating a fighter. Here's hoping for a quick fix to this! Found a pdf version on-line. Uploaded it elsewhere. Should stay around for at least 60 days. https://www.docdroid.net/x7KHtVv/rogue-eidolon-fighter-guide.pdf.html ![]()
![]() Drahliana Moonrunner wrote: There really isn't going to be any way that your eidolon even remotely resembles a normal animal. If nothing else, that glowing sigil on it's head is a givewaay. That and the six legs, the horns, or the giraffe style neck, or the distended mouth. I guess what I'd like is "not creepy". He's supposed to be more of a celestial type, and they generally don't give off the "creepy" vibe. ![]()
![]() Hi folks,
I've got the Eidolon as a tiger-like thing. And I'd like to keep it that way. That said, evolutions generally create fairly large changes in appearance and I want this one to _seem_ mostly natural. Nothing too "spooky" or evil-looking. So... Suggestions on how to describe either of the following:
Extra limbs seems maybe reasonable--two arms that look and act a bit like legs--think an ape. But I'm struggling with how it would look when it _used_ those hands as hands. Gore--I can almost just live with a horn. Why not? Going to go with wings at some point, so... Reach seems either the easiest (he just has reach) or the hardest (paw is actually really long like a grass hopper, body is snake-like for the bite). So I'd love ideas, and even better, pictures, someone might have for ways to make this work. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Holy cow, does that look massively overpowered. Basically full BAB (how many characters really use more than one weapon on a regular basis), a bonus feat at first level (WF) and spells. It appears to just get better. I _like_ it because I'd like to play one. But balance wise, it just is too much when compared to a fighter. MAD issues don't really apply. Yes, a higher CHR helps, but you don't _need_ it. Furvor is good with a 10 or 12 CHR. ----------------------
![]() Thanks! Two questions:
I'm working on a halfling fighter 1/cavalier X, so no horses... Thanks again! ![]()
![]() Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Woot! I wrote the "coins" one! At least it was enough to remember! Mark ![]()
![]() Clark Peterson wrote:
It's just that the way it was written made this unclear. If you were, for example, planning on doing a country based on Greek gods, it's nice to know that's legal. ![]()
![]() Maps are a big issue. I'd suggest restricting maps to one page. For various reasons _my_ maps would be easier than most, but I'm still worried that maps will matter too much. I do dislike the "here is a group of maps to work from" as I think it kills some ideas quickly. Format is also a big deal. I'd prefer to be able to turn in a pdf rather than have to use the message board mark-up language. Tables and other things would be useful. Word count is hard. I'd say whatever makes up ~4 pages in 12 point font single spaced. (4000 words?) The definition of a country would be helpful. Is a nation that's part of an Empire acceptable? A state that's part of a nation? A duchy that's part of a kingdom? In Greyhawk I believe there are countries that are named duchies and in birthright there were no kingdoms per se. I'd prefer this be very open... Mark ![]()
![]() Threeblood wrote:
Yeah, the voting method will matter. If everyone gets 4 votes against, I'd go with something different than one where everyone gets 4 votes for. And even 16 votes for would be different than 1 vote for. I've got a country idea that 15% will love, and 30% will hate. I've got another one (that I'm less happy with) which is more "meh" and likely won't provoke hate or love. I figure I've got about a 3% chance of making it, so I've not spent a lot of time on this :-) I'm also worried that the country restrictions will be killer (must be in world "X" or must be a gerontocracy or something). Mark ![]()
![]() As someone who hit 200 words exactly, I would ask that you keep in mind that different software may do word counts slightly differently. I didn't (and don't) yet have word installed on my new home PC, so I used a java program. It seemed to count in a reasonable way. (humm... wc -w is a good idea, I *do* have cygwin...) Sadly I don't have an exact copy of my submission (made a few last minute edits). Ah well... Mark ![]()
![]() Ken Marable wrote:
I really really like this one. Of the ones posted in this thread, it's my favorite. I might drop the cost considerably though, maybe 50GP or even 10. Too special use for 300 GP IMO. But a really nice idea. Mark ![]()
![]() Humm.... I _didn't_ test-market my ideas until after I submitted. But this one got the best response from my gaming group after the fact. It seemed too simple to me, but now that I've done a formal writeup I think I like it better. Ah well. If I were doing it for real I'd try to add in something about merchant houses using it for Nyris's Necklace of Teleportation This silver and onyx necklace was created by the necromancer Nyris Ankilant. She discovered that the placement of a soul into a body, such at at a birth, requires significant spiritual energy and that more energy is generally given to a soul than is actually needed. This Necklace was her first success at using that energy, and many others have created duplicates of it over the years. The necklace allows one to teleport, as the spell Greater Teleport. However, each user may only use the power once. Anyone who is returned from the dead and suffers an associated loss of a level or constitution point is considered to be a different user (the return trip places the energy back into their soul) and may use the necklace even if he had used it before. Strong conjuration and moderate necromancy; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Teleport, False Life or Deathward; Price 13,000 gp |