Stuff this thread with "Stuff"

Forum Games

Fabio vs Clooney?
Who would you put your money on!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

What are they doing? Knit-off? Three-legged race? Egg and spoon?
Need to know before I can start estimating!

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

My vote is for the roller coaster riding competition. Who ever gets hit by the most birds or bats wins!!!

Liberty's Edge

Tobus Neth wrote:

Fabio vs Clooney?

Who would you put your money on!

Everybody wins!!!!!

Clooney And Fabio Fight At Celebrity Restaurant

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

George Clooney and romance icon Fabio stunned diners at Hollywood's swanky Madeo restaurant on Friday, when they exchanged fighting words over a photo session.

Actor Fabio was dining with friends when one stood to take photos close to a table Clooney was sharing with his girlfriend Sarah Larson.

According to In Touch Weekly magazine, Clooney thought the photographer was trying to take shots of him and asked her to stop -- a request that annoyed his fellow diner.

The magazine reports Fabio went over to Clooney's table to explain, but the conversation became heated, and the long-haired actor was overheard telling the "Ocean's Eleven" star, "I thought you were a nice guy. Stop being a diva!"

The encounter reportedly prompted angry Clooney to stand up and approach Fabio.

An eyewitness tells In Touch, "The waiters broke it up before it got out of hand.

"George looked annoyed. ... George was drinking but he wasn't drunk."

Clooney reportedly skipped the rest of his meal, asked for his bill and left.

Fabio's manager has refused to comment about the incident, but says, "George is lucky he didn't end up in the ER."

Fabio and Clooney weren't the only celebrities dining at the restaurant on the night of the scuffle -- Dame Helen Mirren and Joe Pesci were also guests of Madeo

Nonsense thread got the Axe!boobs

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Nonsense thread was over the line.

sorry. hangs head in shame

This thread has more stuff than a stuffed potato eaten on an over stuffed sofa reading the magazine Stuff which has a lot of pictures of stuff or so I have been told it really has the stuff though I havent looked at Stuff to know if it really has stuff so there you go; this stuff is now over.

Liberty's Edge

stuffed kobold wit' a apple in it's mout'

Millennium Hand and Shrimp.

Liberty's Edge


Chubba chubba cheng cheng!

Fabio pulls out a shiv and cuts Clooney's throat.

Liberty's Edge

"I cand baleef it's not baddur."

Grand Lodge

Thewms looms over his necromany couldron

Yes...Yes...this will do nicely....

Thewms stuffs the thread full of nonsense from the last 7 years

Heathansson wrote:
stuffed kobold wit' a apple in it's mout'

That's equivalent to how many units of trail rations?

Go to Stuffing.. ium=cpc&utm_term=stove%20top%20stuffing%20coupon&utm_campaign=TB%20 Search%20Grocery%20Brands&utm_adg=Stove%20Top

This explains alignment.

Go to Alignment Chart..

Goth Guru wrote:

This explains alignment.

Go to Alignment Chart..

Not enough Batman.

I would very much like to see a chart made up of Gotham headshots.
The pre joker character was so chaotic evil.

Is Bruce/someday Batman chaotic good or neutral good? Gordon is probably Lawful Good.

Batman believes in the rule of law. The fact that he is a felon many times over is a conceit of the genre.

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