Rise of the Runelords by Cry Havoc! - Part One: Burnt Offerings


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Etienne moves to intercept any goblins headed for Talacyst.

Male Human Cleric 1

Coppertop moves to attack one of the goblins trying to free the war chanter.

Melee Attack Long Spear: (1d20 3=7)

Swing and a miss!

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Black leaf roars as he swings his ax at the goblin that tried to attack him

attack19+4=23 and damage 5+4=9


Female Elf Druid 2

Vraelyn heads onto the stairs, covering Blackleaf and heading for the commanding voice.

If a good shot presents itself: Ranged Attack (1d20+1=20)
Damage (1d6=3)

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Talam stand behind the other keeping watch over the Warchanter.

Holding my actions until she trys to make a hostile move or cast

Male Elf (Crying Leaf) Transmuter 1

Talacyst pauses once he's a safe distance away and fires off a quick shot.

Shoot with the longbow. (1d20 3=20)
Damage. (1d6=3)

Liberty's Edge

Battle on the stairs
Blackleaf unleashes a mighty blow with his axe cutting down the goblin who tried to attack him moments before. Vraelyn fires her bow down the stairs, her elven eyes catch a glimpse of something other than goblin, she hits the thing and hears a curse and a shout,You'll pay for that you ugly..... you hear a skuffle from down below and a scream in anger what sounds like a female.

Battle at the storage room doorway
Etienne jumps in the way of one of the charging goblins heading for Talacyst and hits a mighty blow killing the creature in mid charge. At the same moment Talacyst fires off a shot from his bow and is successful in hitting the nasty but fails to kill it. Coppertop runs over to join the battle but misses his chance as the goblin he would have attacked falls dead to Etienne's blade. Talam and the Warchanter stand in the middle of all the chaos having a stare down contest. The other goblin charging over the blinded goblins lands a small hit on Talam (1 hp) but not enough to distract him from his charge of guarding the Warchanter.

So you have multiple goblins and whatever else is at the bottom of the stairs. They have moved back out of eye sight but you can hear them not to far off. The warchanter, the blinded goblin and one other are still alive in the storage room battle. Post your next actions!
Anyone here going to Gen Con? I just got everything set up to go and I am really excited this being my first ever Gen Con!! Woot!

"For Iomedae! Forward!" Etienne moves forward.

Any goblins left?

Atk; Dmg (1d20+2=16, 1d8+2=7)

Liberty's Edge

The warchanter and one blinded one is all that is left by the doorway plus all the nasties at the bottom of the stairwell.


Make a listen check please

Male Human Cleric 1

Listen: (1d20 2=7) crud…

Liberty's Edge

Coppertop wrote:

Listen: (1d20 2=7) crud…


You can barley make it out but it does make you pause as you think you heard Amieko's voice from down the stairwell but you are not sure.

Male Human Cleric 1

“Ameiko is down there!” yells Coppertop. His voice carries equal parts alarm and hope. Without hesitation or consideration he heads down the stairs. “We must save her! Ameiko we’re coming!” he yells as he goes.

Male Elf (Crying Leaf) Transmuter 1

Talacyst looks between the two doors, seeming somewhat torn as to where he should go. After a short moment, he tightens his grip on his bow and...

If there are still any goblins left, I'll take a shot:Attack and damage. (1d20 3=19, 1d6=4)

Otherwise Talacyst heads towards the top of the stairs to support Coppertop, keeping behind him.

Liberty's Edge

Etienne easily slashes the life out of the goblin he was confronting, dropping dead at his feet. Talacyst shot from his trusty bow takes out the blinded goblin leaving the Warchanter still in the care of Talam(if he is still playing that is??). The Warchanter has a big frown on her face but stands there quietly waiting to see what happens to her next. Coppertop bolts down the stairs past Blackleaf and Vraelyn and runs into two waiting goblins at the bottom defending it to let their leader make his escape. You can see a trail of blood in the direction he went but you do not see him or Amieko at the moment. You can see at the landing the passageway heads directly south but is caved in by rubble and wood with no way to get by. It also veers to the northwest but you can't see around the bend. You have some light from up the stairs and can see only up to the bend, about 20 feet or so(the blood trail heads toward the bend.
Roll init and your actions Coppertop. Both goblins are 10 feet away blocking the way towards the bend.
Blackleaf and Vraelyn are both at the top of the stairs and Etienne, Talam, Warchanter and Talacyst are futher into the storage room, about 30 feet from where the stairwell is.

Blackleaf, Talam and Vraelyn please post if you still want to play or not so I know! Thanks!

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Blackleaf charges down the stairs behind coppertop yelling a warcry as he runs

sorry for the long pause there.


init 20+2=22
Blackleaf is gonna go stight for the goblins.thrusting forward with his ax like a spear if need be .

Attack10+4=18 may need to put a -4 on that your call

Damage 7 or 9

I rolled both 1d12 and 1d6 for improv weapon....funny i rolled more damage on the inmprov

I'm letting Coppertop handle this one. I recall he has a crush on Ameiko.

Etienne removes the blood and gore from his sword. He tells the warchanter, "Direct your minions to surrender. Iomedae is merciful to those who do not wish violence."

Female Elf Druid 2
Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:
Blackleaf, Talam and Vraelyn please post if you still want to play or not so I know! Thanks!

Still playing, as Vraelyn is helping the group on the stairs I was waiting for Blackleaf to go charging in first as she's most comfortable attacking from range she wants to be behind the close-combat boys ;)

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Talam wathces as an arrow poerces the blind goblin, and gives a sigh of releif.

As he turns back he see's the Warchanter look on as more of her people fie. In goblin he says, "If can stop you're people from dieing, please do. My compainions have no problem defending themselves by lethal means."

Yup still here, just babysitting the Warchanter for now. It boring job, but someones got to do it.

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

well if ya had let blackleaf kill her ya be haveing more fun now :D

Talam Shaleif wrote:

Talam wathces as an arrow poerces the blind goblin, and gives a sigh of releif.

As he turns back he see's the Warchanter look on as more of her people fie. In goblin he says, "If can stop you're people from dieing, please do. My compainions have no problem defending themselves by lethal means."

Yup still here, just babysitting the Warchanter for now. It boring job, but someones got to do it.

Help me scare it into ordering its friends to surrender.

Liberty's Edge

Etienne Nevar wrote:

I'm letting Coppertop handle this one. I recall he has a crush on Ameiko.

Etienne removes the blood and gore from his sword. He tells the warchanter, "Direct your minions to surrender. Iomedae is merciful to those who do not wish violence."

The warchanter calmly says to Etienne, You have already killed all of my warband or will in moments once that big pointy eared elf gets done. I only took up with this lot because it seemed like a fun thing to do at the time but they were becoming boring. The little one here is kinda cute, he might be fun to play with....

Just waiting for Coppertop's init roll to move on. Blackleaf the goblin you attacked will be dead. Boy my goblins have been rolling really bad against you guys.......

Male Human Cleric 1

Coppertop charges (if possible).

Initiative: (1d20 1=21) Woohoo!
Charge melee attack: (1d20 5=18)
Charge melee damage: (1d8 3=4)

Male Halfling Rogue/3
Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:

You have already killed all of my warband or will in moments once that big pointy eared elf gets done. I only took up with this lot because it seemed like a fun thing to do at the time but they were becoming boring. The little one here is kinda cute, he might be fun to play with....

"Oy, did...did she just call me c...cute" Talam asks himself. "Should I be flattered or worried about that"

Male Elf (Crying Leaf) Transmuter 1

Caught up in the moment, Talacyst doesn't notice the conversation behind him. As he descends the stairs behind Blackleaf, he slows somewhat, his poor lungs finally catching up to him.

I'll head something like 3/4 of the way down the stairs this round.

Liberty's Edge

Blackleaf charges the goblin in front of him and leaves no doubt his hatred for the little creatures as he kills it with one blow. Coppertop does the same skewering the goblin with his spear but somehow the little bugger does not die out right.

The warchanter says to Talam Both little one, care for a little tumble while the rest of this group takes care of my ex boss. She smiles sweetly at Talam.

Bottom of the Stairs-Coppertop, Blackleaf and Vraelyn.
On the stairs-Talacyst
In the storage room-Talam, Etienne and the warchanter.

Talam Shaleif wrote:

"Oy, did...did she just call me c...cute" Talam asks himself. "Should I be flattered or worried about that"

Etienne looks at Talam and the warchanter, considers the matter for a moment, "The former."

Male Halfling Rogue/3
Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:
The warchanter says to Talam Both little one, care for a little tumble while the rest of this group takes care of my ex boss. She smiles sweetly at Talam.

"Maybe later", Talams eyes dart between the warchanter and Etienne. "First we need to find our friend".

"Etienne I we need to catchup to the others", He begins to move with the warchanter. "We have to find Ameiko, before any harm comes to her."

"What do we call you by the way?" Etienne asks of the warchanter.

Liberty's Edge

The warchanter looks up at the big warrior and tells him I am call Skillata, I was of the Thistletop tribe until a moment ago when I met this fine little creature. I think we could make good babies and start our own tribe. I'm a good singer and make powerful magic to protect our tribe... While the boys are busy with the goblins, Vraelyn, your attention not completely on the fight since you know the boys should easily take care of the goblins, you hear in the distance down around the bend a door slam, at the sametime you hear a female's scream that is cut off by the door slam.

Etienne, Talam and Skillata are now right behind Talacyst on the stairwell. Coppertop is fighting the goblin in front of him and Blackleaf is standing next to him with a dead goblin at his feet. Blackleaf you are first in the init order over Coppertop so go ahead and do something if you wish while we wait for Coppertop to make his action known!

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Seeing copper top fighting in front Blackleaf trys to give him some help thrusting his ax forward like a spear at the goblin

Sorry was waiting on everyone to catch up. I don't think I can get around coppertop so am gonna help him with his goblin.


attack 16+4=18, 5+4=9...with the -4 for imp weapon I have 16

Female Elf Druid 2

Leaving the boys to deal with the goblins Vraelyn urgently pushes on, heading in the direction of the scream as swiftly as she can.

Liberty's Edge

Vraelyn wrote:
Leaving the boys to deal with the goblins Vraelyn urgently pushes on, heading in the direction of the scream as swiftly as she can.


You travel around the bend to find the corridor goes to a dead end at about 45 feet. At 25 feet you see another corridor on your left side. You move up to this enterance and peer down the hallway which is only 5 foot wide and 20 feet long. On the right wall you see two doors one at 15 feet and the other at 20 feet. At twenty feet you also see that the hallway turns to the left into a new hallway.

Male Elf (Crying Leaf) Transmuter 1

Talacyst continues his advance, doing his best to get into a position from which he can take a shot.

I'll try to stay at least 10' behind the main combatants. If I get a chance to shoot, Attack with Shortbow (1d20 3=5, 1d6=1)... guess that'll miss.
How many goblins are left in the room where Coppertop and Blackleaf are fighting?

Oh, and this line had me lauging for a good 5 minutes. :)

Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:
I think we could make good babies and start our own tribe. I'm a good singer and make powerful magic to protect our tribe...

Male Human Cleric 1

Coppertop tries to finish off the goblin.
Melee attack longspear: (1d20+3=20)
Melee damage longspear: (1d8+3=8)

Liberty's Edge

Blackleaf uses his axe again and hits the goblin most likely killing it at the same time Coppertop thrusts with his spear making sure the thing is dead. Which it is! That is all the goblins that are in this area.

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

were else does this area lead...can I hear the woman?

Female Elf Druid 2


With a sense of urgency Vraelyn forgoes the sensible course of listening at doors and instead settles for just throwing them open in the hopes of finding Ameiko, strating with the nearest door and working as methodically as possible to the other doors until she finds the source of the scream.

Liberty's Edge

Vraelyn wrote:
DM: ** spoiler omitted **


You find that both doors are locked and listening at the doors you dont hear much, although at the last door(the one at the end of the hallway your hear a little bit of noise but your not sure what it is. At that door you can now see where the corridor turns to the left. There is a cave in here, lots of rubble block the way through. There is a lot of dust in the air that looks to have been kicked up and a few rocks are falling every so often. The noise in the room grows, like a thrashing sound.

Liberty's Edge

blackleaf of the Mierani forest wrote:
were else does this area lead...can I hear the woman?

The corridor leads around a bend. That is all you can see at the moment. Its all quit except for the heavy breathing from all of you after the battle and the now chatty warchanter decending the stairs with the rest of your group!

Female Elf Druid 2


Vraelyn moves steadily onwards, keeping an ear out and following the thrashing sound, an arrow notched in her bow, ready to be fired and not bothering to look back to see if the others are coming.

I hate playing characters who are used to working alone, I know this is stupid, Vraelyn however; less so

Liberty's Edge

Vraelyn wrote:
DM: ** spoiler omitted **


The noise you heard was coming from the room behind you now. The rubble in front of you blocking the passage way is made up of larger rocks and wood particles, as you move up the cave in its gets smaller. At the top you notice that the dirt has been freshly moved and you can tell from the space around the fresh dirt there would be enough space for someone to squeeze through and they most likely moved the dirt back to reblock the way. The noise from the room is louder now and you can hear a womans voice cursing softly.

Liberty's Edge

Vraelyn has moved out of sight of the rest of the group. Its dark where you are heading so anyone who does not see in the dark will need a light source to see. I am going to keep things moving along
You travel around the bend to find the corridor goes to a dead end at about 45 feet. At 25 feet you see another corridor on your left side. You move up to this enterance and peer down the hallway which is only 5 foot wide and 20 feet long. On the right wall you see two doors one at 15 feet and the other at 20 feet. At twenty feet you also see that the hallway turns to the left into a new hallway. Vraelyn is still out of sight of the group!

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Not feeling much like staying put blackleaf fallows the other elf.He knows there is a missing woman somewhere and more goblins to kill perhaps..this night has been fun so far time to see where it leads

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Skillata, while you and your warband were in glassworks did you see a girl", Talam describes Amieko.

After asking he turns to Etienne, "Our friends need us, but watching Skillata will hamper he from doing so. If we can be sure she means no ill will, would it be plausiable for her to follow along?"

"I am sure she has no ill will towards you."

Liberty's Edge

Talam Shaleif wrote:

"Skillata, while you and your warband were in glassworks did you see a girl", Talam describes Amieko.

After asking he turns to Etienne, "Our friends need us, but watching Skillata will hamper he from doing so. If we can be sure she means no ill will, would it be plausiable for her to follow along?"

Yes Skillata saw that lady she with her brother most likely in the direction the big elf just walked off too

Liberty's Edge

blackleaf of the Mierani forest wrote:
Not feeling much like staying put blackleaf fallows the other elf.He knows there is a missing woman somewhere and more goblins to kill perhaps..this night has been fun so far time to see where it leads

You travel around the bend to find the corridor goes to a dead end at about 45 feet. At 25 feet you see another corridor on your left side. You move up to this enterance and peer down the hallway which is only 5 foot wide and 20 feet long. On the right wall you see two doors one at 15 feet and the other at 20 feet. At twenty feet you also see that the hallway turns to the left into a new hallway. Vraelyn is still out of sight of the group!

Male Human Cleric 1

Coppertop is with blackleaf (where ever that is). He is fighting the temptation to call out for Vraelyn or Ameiko, or both. If blackleaf shows any indecision on which way to go Coppertop will suggest waiting at the intersection of the 45’ hallway and the 20’ hallway for Etienne Nevar, Talam Shaleif, and Fael to join them.

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Blackleaf moves to the first door and tries to open it...If its locked he moves to the 2nd one if thats locked he moves on down the hall.....Blackleaf grows bored with such things his blood flows hot and he has a sence of danger still around dancing on air

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