Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
I think that they want to have actual physical rulebooks that players can use at the table if the 3rd AP goes "3.5," and just in case, when they finally see 4th edition, it really doesn't look workable, they already have the Pathfinder RPG core rules out there. ...
Unless I completely misread what Erik was saying in the first place.
You've misread it to some extent. To be clear, we're not currently working on such a rulebook. It's not on the schedule, and it's not being planned. It's being considered as a possible direction to go *if* we decide that's what's best, but it is not something we're actively working on right now, and may well never be. Our staff is focused on the several dozen products we're already committed to for 2008.
KnightErrantJR |
You've misread it to some extent. To be clear, we're not currently working on such a rulebook. It's not on the schedule, and it's not being planned. It's being considered as a possible direction to go *if* we decide that's what's best, but it is not something we're actively working on right now, and may well never be. Our staff is focused on the several dozen products we're already committed to for 2008.
Sorry about that Vic. When I reread what I wrote I realized that it wasn't clear. I know this isn't even a "go" yet, or perhaps ever, and certainly isn't in any planning phase. My post sounded a bit more "present tense" then I meant it too. Must have been the wishful thinking.
My point was I didn't think that the point of a "3.75", if it were to ever come to that, would be to create a whole new "counterpoint" to 4th edition, but rather a means of playing in 3.5 with a current rulebook, and perhaps a few tweaks here an there, but not many.
Sorry about the confusion.
tbug |
My point was I didn't think that the point of a "3.75", if it were to ever come to that, would be to create a whole new "counterpoint" to 4th edition, but rather a means of playing in 3.5 with a current rulebook, and perhaps a few tweaks here an there, but not many.
If that's the case then maybe 3.75 isn't that great a name for it. We're all familiar with the amount of change between 3.0 and 3.5, and even changing stuff half as much as that would be a lot more than just keeping the current rulebook in print.
frank whited |
I know there is someone at Paizo who is keeping count on this and I'll chime in this once:
I will continue to support Paizo in the forseeable future (the unforseeable too, but that is just plain obnoxious - lol). Your [Paizo] work thus far shows an intense level of professionalism and quality which is what I desire.
I will be buying the initial releases of 4e but that does not guarantee that I'll make the switch. If any company should be concerned about losing my business, it is WotC, not Paizo.
Keep up the great work and I'll be here to offer my appreciation ($)
Thanks for the great products,
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
My point was I didn't think that the point of a "3.75", if it were to ever come to that, would be to create a whole new "counterpoint" to 4th edition, but rather a means of playing in 3.5 with a current rulebook, and perhaps a few tweaks here an there, but not many.
You're probably right, though we haven't actually put any work into determining the scope of such a product. About as far as we've got is what Erik said lo these many years ago, back on page 1:
This opens the option of producing an improved "3.75" somewhere down the road to address a few commonly acknowledged problems with the rules without throwing out the three decades of tradition that have kept D&D, fundamentally, the same game since the very beginning.
Mucus von Spidtle |
2c from Hamilton, NZ
Three of us, in our group of seven, own reasonable quantities of 3.5 stuff.
We're happy with the system at the moment and will still be playing at the end of 2008.
No doubt that we'll look at 4ed, we love rules and mechanics. But given the amount of 3.5 material we've yet to play, unless 4e is wickedly good, we'll probably stick with what we know for a while.
Two of us buy Paizo stuff and I will certainly continue to do so while their quality remains excellent.
Party on
Party hard
Be Excellent to each other
Lord Snorkus |
I would say that IF WotC is not making it easy for Paizo to be able to make the transition to 4e, then by all means keep the rules framework in place we have now (with some 3.75-ish tweaks).
The play's the thing after all. Back in the 1st & 2nd edition days I gave monsters levels in classes to keep them a threat for longer and I threw out all the nonsense about racial restrictions if a player was set on some "banned" combination. Heck I've gone a week of playing with nary a dice rolled. If I wanted pure rules I'd play Monopoly.
I love your ideas, the adventure paths you have been putting out these past few years have been superb. If Hasbro is going to make it difficult for 3rd-party publishers to get their transitions in order, then they are going to find out that they are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. One of the reasons that D&D is still alive is because of the hard work fans, freelancers and 3rd-party publishers have put into the game. I would rather play a well-written Paizo-produced product that uses existing rules than some plotless cranked-out piece of garbage, even if the 4e rules were 100% better than 3.5.
Koldoon |
Jason Grubiak wrote:Joey Virtue wrote:I am just kind of wondering what Monsters are not in the OGL I have herd Beholders but what else?
Ooo good question.
Beholders, Displacer Beasts, Mind Flayers and Yaun-Ti are all I'm aware of.
Slaad are in the MM but not the SRD too.
the list of MM creatures that are not in the SRD goes something like this: beholder, carrion crawler, displacer beast, slaad, githyanki, githzerai, kuo-toa, yuan-ti, mind flayer, and umber hulk.
I don't think I missed any there.
- Ashavan
Dextro Highland |
While I think a 3.75 edition would be a cool way to say screw you to WotC for bringing out 4.0 so soon, I'm not a big fan of the idea as it still requires a new rule book and learning new rules.
If it was done in conjucture with a Pathfinder Campaign Setting book I would be more open to the idea.
I think my biggest fear of 4.0 right now is that it is a better system, as it is I hope to skip 4.0 for now while I finish up piles of 3.5 stuff.
Either way I'll stay with Pathfinder as they are such an amazingly enjoyable read. I put down the latest Kim Stanley Robinson book to finish up #2.
I think the product that will suffer the most from a change/no change would be the Game Masterty modules. On one side it would add to my pile of 3.5 stuff (if the stayed the same) or they would create a pile of adventures for a rules set I hope to avoid (if they convert).
However the modules do get the benifit of adding to the setting too, so likely I will keep up with them as well.
Louis Agresta Contributor |
Dingos ate my post!
Short version: Lou, that would be ubercool, but probably really difficult to do. Each version would have to be hand-crafted.
Hmmm... the world would probably be better served if all my posts got eaten and I had to rewrite them in just a few lines.
As a semi-retired professional PM for app dev, I've run teams of programmers to write software far, far more complicated and far larger than that. It ain't so hard -- including a 4GL update interface so they don't need so much programming to expand such a tool -- it's just a question of money. Which in turn is a business decision. Trust me when I tell you its eminently doable.
Louis Agresta Contributor |
Louis Agresta wrote:Well how about an annual subscription to a web site PLUS the statless adventure. The website lets you plug in what adventure you bought, what system you're using, what level you play at, how many party members and then spits our a PDF with all the monsters for the adventure statted out for you?This approach failed when Dire Kobold tried it with their Xenogeneric(TM) adventures.
Why did it fail? Things fail for lots of reasons. Marketing, for example. Attempts to climb Mt. Everest failed, but it got done. Someone elses failure should not necessarily dissaude us from our future success, simply provide lessons in what not to do. :^)
Louis Agresta Contributor |
EP Healy wrote:
I was toying with a Adobe last night and made a PDF where the GM clicks the system (OGL/True20/C&C) he's using and the proper stats pop up. It can be done, all in the same product.Just the question who does it:
James Jacobs (Editor-in-Chief, Pathfinder), Yesterday, 06:39 PM wrote:
... we don't have the resources and manpower to dual stat, so that's a good reason not to do that too.
That spoke to printed dual-statting, like Crown of the Kobold King with 2 (or more) sets of stats.
That didn't speak to a PDF or online web engine.
Louis Agresta Contributor |
Beastman wrote:
Back to topic...What keeps Paizo away from doing products where no stats are provided...Probably the fact that a lot of us wouldn't buy them. :)
I'm in a phase of life where I have very limited gaming time - I rely on Paizo for both storyline and numbers. If I need a 13th level, multi-classed, templated villain, I want to turn to page 37, not break out 14 books and a legal pad.
And so the total product idea was a dead-tree adventure and a tool to generate and print monster stat blocks from a few different systems as appropriate to the dead tree adventure you just bought.
Hey, maybe its not salable -- I'm sucktastic at selling -- but its certainly doable -- build such a beast I have and can.
Werecorpse |
My initial response to this thread (about 500 posts ago)was along the lines that I will support Paizo if they decide to stick to 3.5 for a 3rd Pathfinder. I cant see my groups playing 4ed before 2009. Truth be told I am the DM for 3 different groups and largely where I go they follow as they are not that interested in what the rules are as long as the rules lawyers amongst us are satisfied.
I had not really considered the idea of a Pathfinder players handbook but I would completely support that idea as well. I recognize there are problems with 3.5. The games I run I have an 11 page 'amendments to 3.5 document' but they are just the usual tinkerings and quick fixes. I still really enjoy 3.5 style D&D and would be more than happy if an upgrade and repair job were done rather than junking it and getting a whole new model.
Some comments have been made about Monte Cooks Arcana Unearthed players handbook and I think this is a good model to look at to consider the likely level of interest, maybe M&M as well or true20 gives an idea as to the interest in an evolved 3.5. However while I enjoy Monte Cooks fluff I am not such a fan of his ability to follow through with balanced good quality crunch. I thought Arcana Unearthed had heaps of great ideas in it (levels for races, new interesting racial types, the magic system)but I thought that the balance on many things was poor - I have never played it though I still may because to me Fluff is more important than Crunch. I can make the same comments of the design strength/weakness of Ptolus which uses standard D&D.
I have been really impressed with the ability of the Paizo crew to produce excellent fluff with well balanced, interesting crunch, that adds to the game. If Paizo does seriously consider creating a 3.Paizo version I am sure they already know most of the things that give those of us who play 3.5 headaches and frustration, but I would be happy to give my comments on what I think needs fixing. There is already a thread on that around here somewhere isn't there?
Uzziel the Angel |
When we first heard the rumors (that Wizards was denying) that they were going to produce a 4th Ed, I and the group I run discussed whether we'd switch, and we agreed that we didn't want to see any new edition before 2011 or 2010 at the very earliest. We all buy various expansion products and we don't want to buy a whole new system.
When it turned out that Wizards really was introducing 4E, and in 2008 rather than 2010 much less 2011, my players and I basically said that we'd switch when Baator freezes over. (Yes, I know, one level is already frozen over, and that was true too for Dante's Inferno). We really like 3.5 and we plan to stick with it, and the 20th- to 22nd-level characters they've created over the five years I've run this campaign.
From what we've heard of 4E we don't like it at all. It appears to have a dumbed-down approach and it seriously disrupts the continuity of 30+ years of D&D. So while we originally thought about maybe considering converting in 3 years, we now no longer plan to convert at all. Over on the Wizards boards I've suggested sadly that 3.5 might end up being my final version of D&D. I have played for 29 years, starting with original D&D in the white boxed set, and converted to AD&D, then 2nd Ed, 3.0 and finally 3.5. So dropping the current official version of D&D would be a drastic change for me.
I certainly hope that Paizo will stick with 3.5. I might or might not like a 3.75, depending on what it did. I would certainly have a much greater likelihood of buying Paizo products, 3.5 or 3.75, that included substantial epic material. Does Paizo have any current epic products, or any plans for epic products? Thanks.
Zootcat |
Assuming the third Pathfinder Adventure Path, Second Darkness, remains 3.5, will you stick around?
Do you plan to start up a new 4.0 campaign on day 1?
What do YOU want Paizo to do?
I'm not sure. But one thing that I am sure about is that I will be sticking with Paizo whatever they decide. I am married to Paizo. (Don't laugh!)
Ed Healy Contributor |
On the other hand, I'd be willing to be that a non-trivial portion of paizo's sales revenue comes from dead trees, both direct and through the distribution channel.
And doing 3 SKUs for each product is a bookkeeping nightmare, without even considering the added production costs.
Emphasis Mine.
This is a good point, and something everyone needs to consider when asking Paizo for a laundry list of "free" stuff. It's not free. Every moment a Paizo employee spends on something costs the company money.
Brent makes a good point about printed products. Dead trees don't like gamers, but we love them all the same. I need my paper products! :)
CharlieRock |
Welcome to the 'boards, Rock!** spoiler omitted **
Thank you, Cosmo.
Twenty-five hardcover books.
Fourteen softcover sourcebooks.
Two boxes full of Dragon magazines.
Over five feet tall stacked total (including adventure modules). And the rest of my team can add another four or five feet.
Why would I start over?
Dennis Harry |
I will be handing over DM duties to one of my players next year. At this point even if I was not, I have so much material I could probably run game for 5-10 years without buying anything new.
The new DM plans on sticking with 3.5, we have spent enough money an have busy enough lives outside of this hobby that it just does not make sense to start from scratch.
That being said, I think Paizo should continue to publish material for 3.5. Provided of course WOTC does not attempt to stop you from doing so.
I think that at least for the next 2-3 years there will be enough people who do not want to change to a new edition that you will be able to meet the sales goals that will enable you to stay in the publishing business. I know people that would still purchase new 2nd edition material if a company could publish products of that edition.
Stebehil |
Twenty-five hardcover books.
Fourteen softcover sourcebooks.
Two boxes full of Dragon magazines.
Over five feet tall stacked total (including adventure modules). And the rest of my team can add another four or five feet.Why would I start over?
I have been asking me this question every time I changed from Basic to Advanced D&D to AD&D2 to D&D3.0 and 3.5 - every time the answer was because the new is better than the old. (and I have the bookshelf to prove it :-))
This time, however, I´m not as sure that the new edition will be an improvement - and even if it is compatible anymore. From what I have read, especially the compatibility is in question. Today, I can still dig out old D&D adventures from whatever edition and play them with a little work regarding the stats (ok, sometimes, it is quite some work. But nothing impossible. I´m planning on using an old 2e Dungeon adventure next time I DM, and will just use monsters from the 3e MM and change the rest on the fly).But with 4e, I don´t know - it does not sound like it. That is one of the reasons I´m very sceptical about 4e.
Sharoth |
Cosmo wrote:
Welcome to the 'boards, Rock!** spoiler omitted **
Thank you, Cosmo.
Twenty-five hardcover books.
Fourteen softcover sourcebooks.
Two boxes full of Dragon magazines.
Over five feet tall stacked total (including adventure modules). And the rest of my team can add another four or five feet.Why would I start over?
Amen! I am about in the same boat as you are. Why change? If I DM, then it is my choice. If I play then it is my DM's choice. ~pulls out the torture equipment to "encourage" my DM to do things MY way~ Besides, I would prefer to wait until at least 4.5 ed, if not 5.x+ before I even think about buying new stuff.
Talion09 |
CharlieRock wrote:Amen! I am about in the same boat as you are. Why change? If I DM, then it is my choice. If I play then it is my DM's choice. ~pulls out the torture equipment to "encourage" my DM to do things MY way~ Besides, I would prefer to wait until at least 4.5 ed, if not 5.x+ before I even think about buying new stuff.Cosmo wrote:
Welcome to the 'boards, Rock!** spoiler omitted **
Thank you, Cosmo.
Twenty-five hardcover books.
Fourteen softcover sourcebooks.
Two boxes full of Dragon magazines.
Over five feet tall stacked total (including adventure modules). And the rest of my team can add another four or five feet.Why would I start over?
Ah, but they've promised there won't be a 4.5 edition like last time. So they'll just go straight to 5th ;-)
Christina Stiles Contributor |
Twenty-five hardcover books.
Fourteen softcover sourcebooks.
Two boxes full of Dragon magazines.
Over five feet tall stacked total (including adventure modules). And the rest of my team can add another four or five feet.Why would I start over?
I've got 2 BOOKSHELVES (5 shelves each) of D20 material & its OGL variants, so I REALLY don't want to start over!
Sir Dave |
Stay with 3.5
When I got my group together three and a half yeas ago, I was the only player that had done any table top RPG - I was considerably older than the rest of them as well. I had to but 3.5 books because I didn’t have enough 2e books to go around. The systems was quite a bit different, but I loved it. Since then I’ve managed to get a couple more new players and some of the games form my 1e and 2e days into the group. 3.5 is our game now. To much money has been spent by all of us to box it all up and start from scratch. My wife and I have invested over $1000 in WOTC 3.5 books alone, as well as, several hundred 3.5 compatible books from other publishers.
Out of the ten player in our gang, all are of one accord…We will not change to 4e, We will no longer buy WOTC products of any kind and Paizo and Green Ronin will be our publisher of choice.
I encourage everyone to stick with Paizo and for Paizo to stick with 3.5
Leafar the Lost |
Erik Mona, the clock is ticking, but not for Paizo. The clock is ticking away for WOTC, because after the absolute failure of D&D 4.0, I have no doubt that Hasbro will drop them from their profitable corporation. The fact that you have not received the OGL is just another sign of the coming Apocolypse of D&D.
My advise would be to go for the Pathfinder RPG. It sounds like that is what you really want to do. Drop the "Wieners of the Coast" and just go out on your own. The fans will go for quality over quanity every time. I stopped buying the crap from WOTC long ago.
Erik, the window closed down long ago; the idiots at WOTC just weren't man (or woman) enough to tell you. You don't need them anymore. D&D, as we know it, is dead...
tbug |
To much money has been spent by all of us to box it all up and start from scratch.
This isn't a compelling reason for me. Yes, I've spent a lot of money on 3.x books, including some duplicates between 3.0 and 3.5. But the reality is that regardless of whether or not I switch to D&D 4.0 I'm going to spend a lot more money in the years to come on similar stuff.
The old adventures that I've run sit on the shelf and barely get a glance, even those that contain cool new spells or classes or whatever--if I liked those I waited until they were collected in some sort of compilation and then bought that for reference use.
I am planning on sticking with 3.x instead of upgrading to 4.0 for a while, but my investment in old books isn't really why.
GVDammerung |
I think some of you guys are overthinking what Erik is proposing with a "Pathfinder RPG" based on the OGL. Some people seem to think that 3.75 means that they will be making drastic changes to the OGL rules or something. I'm not saying there won't be work involved, but if I read what Erik is saying right, they mainly want to put what's in the OGL on paper in a rule book, add their own XP/Level system (since it has to be their own and not based on D&D's system), maybe throw in a few minor tweaks, and call it a day. . . .
While I support a 3.75 Edition from Paizo, I think a tweaked 3.5 Edition called 3.75 would be a disaster. I hope you are in error with respect to what Paizo might do.
IMO, a 3.75 Edition needs to be sufficiently distinct from 3.5 to make people who own 3.5 buy the 3.75 Edition. Wotc is correct that 3.5 has problems -
1) It plays to slow;
2) It preps to slow;
3) The stat blocks are needlessly involved;
4) PCs too easily become magic item Christmas trees;
5) A number of rules (grappling etc.) are just too clunky etc.
A 3.75 Edition needs to address itself to these issues. While 4E addresses itself to these issues, the problem with 4e is in how it is doing so. 4e is fixing (ostensibly) whats broke but also fixing what's NOT broke. A 3.75 Edition from Paizo should fix what's broke but leave the rest intact.
Clive |
To be honest, this topic scares the crap out of me.
I really want Pathfinder and GameMastery to succeed long term. I love both of the books, and would love to be reading new issues five, or ten years from now. I never thought of how detrimental a system change like this could be to Paizo's sales numbers.
Just to restate my opinion on the matter. I love Paizo, but I would not stick with you guys if you invented your own rules system, or stayed with 3.5 permanently. I would definitely stick with you if you needed to use 3.5 for a while, before switching to 4.0 however, but I'd need to know that the switch to 4.0 will come eventually.
Anyways, I'm with you through at least the third Pathfinder adventure path, and hopefully far beyond that.
crosswiredmind |
I have read many but not all of the posts in this thread and I undertand the angst surrounding the looming 4E madness.
Honestly, there is how things should be and then there is how things are. WotC will release 4E. Publishers big and small will switch over and produce material for the new edition. Those that don't will rapidly find themselves in the minority as the excitement over the new edition grows. The core 4E books will fly off the shelves and those independent publishers that get products out in the early days of 4E fever will reap the benefits.
3E and the d20 OGL made game companies appear and grow rapidly. WotC has very big coat tails.
4E will be a real test for the independents. In the end I firmly believe that the publishers that move to 4E will grow and those that do not may survive but they may miss out on a real opportunity to keep up the growth.
I would love to think that a business can thrive by catering to sentimentality. But that is not how this world works. I have been a gamer since 1975 when my brother ran me, my sister, and a friend of his through our first dungeon. I have seen systems and companies come and go. I have seen changes like this before. The result is always the same. When things change the companies that thrive are those that can adapt and move forward.
I have friends who still play 2E. To them switching to 3E would be a betrayal. Of course the folks at my local game shop have all moved on to 3E leaving them in a very very small minority. 4E will sell well. The industry will move with it and anyone that does not will find themselves described as a specialty publisher serving a niche market.
Besides - 4E looks like it is going to kick ass. And frankly 3E is so showing some big flaws. If someone told me that my only choice was to stick with 3E for the next year or two after 4E comes out I will go back to playing RuneQuest or Call of Cthulhu and give D&D a pass.
Sorry for the rant but I want to see Pathfinder go 4E as soon as possible. Time to follow the big dog.
Brobotron |
I just have to chime in and put my support behind a switch to 4E. I go to WotC for crunch, but I go to Paizo for the fluff. I love the Pathfinder and Gamemastery lines for their richness of detail. I love that Golarion is being expanded through adventures. I find Paizo adventures far superior to anything produced by WotC. Unfortunately, if Paizo does not switch to 4E, I will have to find another source for adventures, and that money will have to come from somewhere, so I will most likely have to cancel my Pathfinder and Gamemastery subscriptions. I want my first 4E campaign set in Golarion, so I say switch to 4E as soon as possible!
hanDofthEwrAiTH |
I was recently introduced to paizo through my gaming group and have come to love their product and their community. I think that 4.0 is going to cause a big divide between d&d players with a new generation emerging from this, just as a new generation seemed to emerge with each previous release of d&d. From a marketing standpoint I cannot fault WoTC for wanting to do this as it has been successful at not only reinventing its image but also with attracting a larger fan base with each previous release, and I expect that the same will happen this time. This is for the simple fact that this will be a good transition to the pen and paper market for the people who play their own mmorpg.
However, I have no current plans of switch over to 4.0 myself because I enjoy the experience of a pen and paper rpg with my friends vs. a game that supercedes my own imagination through the use of computers at the gaming table. Furthermore, my group has so incredibly many campaigns it wants to run in 3.x that I can't see a switch being feasible. Yet, it is my hope that we will still be able to use Paizo products for our campaigns. I also don't think that Paizo should split from its association with WoTC.
Instead, this is what I would love to see from Paizo;
Switch to 4.0 with WoTC to retain your good working relationship with the company. I have thoroughly enjoyed Dungeon and Dragon magazines which was a direct result of the collaboration between the two companies. I as a player want to see the strongest possible content released, and I believe that will happen with Paizo continuing to work in concordance with WoTC, not separating itself from them. However, I also want to continue playing 3.5 like many of the other people who have posted on these boards. For this reason I would like to suggest an inclusion of little side columns to each adventure that is released telling us how we could convert it for use in 3.5 even though the main focus and design is on the 4.0 rules. I realize that this would cause a great deal more work for paizo. However, it would allow the players the greatest range of flexibility while still offering them the highest quality content possible. Furthermore, this would give players the option of switching to 4.0 at any time during a campaign if they find they like the system.
A second option would be the release of a book that gives rules for updating 3.5 content to 4.0 allowing us to continue the use of the plethora of books that we currently use. This would solve the problem many people seem to have with the current idea that they are going to lose the use of their hard earned collections. If this were to happen I could see myself upgrading to 4.0 because all of our adventure paths would still be use able. Furthermore, I would only need to get the 4.0 core books and a single download of the online content for those books rather than having to subscribe to Gleemax and their monthly services, which is really my biggest sticking point with 4.0. If they think I am willing to pay $40 for half a book and $15 per month for the other half, they are sorely mistaken.
I suppose this means that what I really want is to have my cake and to eat it too.
Tharen the Damned |
My 2cent:
I think a cool adventure will be a cool adventure in every system. This is why so many 1st an 2nd edition adventures were updated by various DMs and run under 3.x.
Paizos strength is creating cool high quality adventures and campaigns and it seems campaign worlds too.
Concerning 4th edition I think that the majority of the existing players will switch over and that 4th will attract a lot of new players.
But there will also be a lot more players who are happy with 3.x and the options available. Many DMs and Players have invested hundreds or more USD in WoC and 3rd party Supplements. They do not want to buy them all over again and they want to use them with new adventures.
There is a middle way where Paizo maight be able to sell to the 4thers and 3.xers.
Have a look at how Green Ronin did their Freeport Setting. It was system neutral. You can (or will be able to) buy supplements with stats, PC Classes and Races for D&D and True20.
So, if Paizo takes the adventure Path and creates a system neutral adventure and then sells rules related stuff as PDF maybe all will be happy.
I know that it is much harder to create an adventure without realting to specific Classes or Spells or so on.Maybe this works, maybe not.
Just an idea.
anthrorob |
If wizards don´t provide a copy of the core rules or the SRD (even if it only a rough draft - OTOH, I simply can´t believe that they are playtesting all that much HALF A YEAR before publishing - some kinks and some details, yeah, but the whole beast?) to 3rd party publishers in time for next years Gen Con (that is what I read out of Eriks words), that speaks to me that WotC don´t WANT any 3rd parties in the boat - at least not until 2009 or so.
If this is the case, I say: fine. Take your 4e and stuff it where...
I was a huge fan of the old World of Darkness from White Wolf, but with the new Edition, they did not see a single penny from me. The same might happen with D&D4, although I don´t know enough to make a decision yet.
Stebehil, I couldn't agree more. And I fear I will dislike 4e as much as I hate the new WoD. I think WoTC jumped the shark with Eberron and with the dumping of the magazines and nw 4e, I am convinced of it. Sadly, I seem to be the only gamer in my neck of the woods that realizes that there are other game systems out there!
Magagumo |
Converted or not, I and mine would continue to subscribe. 4th Edition didn't catch us completely off-guard, and I'm hearing some nice mechanics ideas from the grapevine, but my gaming group was already set for the next seven (yes, seven) years of gaming when we finally finish Red Hand of Doom and I will phase into the chain of the three Dungeon adventure paths (six years of gaming right there). With my fiance, Physchic, having a blast running your GameMastery Modules (she loves roleplaying the cowardly kobolds of the Crown of the Kobold King) and my respect for Pathfinder's quality and originality of events, we'll follow wherever you take us.
In my opinion, playing 3.5 never stopped being a blast, so why stop playing at all?
Kamelion |
Are you Paizo guys still reading this thread on page 13? If so, kudos to you for still listening to us customers ramble on and on :-)
What do you think? Assuming the third Pathfinder Adventure Path, Second Darkness, remains 3.5, will you stick around?
Yes. In fact, this is the only thing that will get me stick around, apart from extensive conversion notes. I have more or less said farewell to D&D purchases - apart from the Paizo material due out next year, I have one more thing coming from WotC (Elder Evils) and then I'm done.
But how is the 4.0 hype treating you these days?
The hype? Leaving me cold. I've got nothing against 4e, mind you. I'm just able to spot when D&D is no longer "my D&D". That time is now. So be it.
Do you plan to start up a new 4.0 campaign on day 1?
Well, no. Good luck to those who do. Maybe we can still swap tall stories about games with each other.
What do YOU want Paizo to do?
Honestly? I want Paizo do take care of #1. I don't get attached to gaming companies as a rule - business is business, after all. But Paizo have set a real standard in dealing with their customers and I have a genuine affection for you guys. So what I want for you guys is for you to make the best business decisions for the best reasons. I'm sure that you will, but you asked. I'd love to say "stick with 3.5!!!" but I have the feeling that 3e has had its day. If you decide otherwise, then you have a customer here happy to stick with you guys. If not, then best of luck to you - you deserve nothing but success.
Alejandro De Falco |
What do you think? Assuming the third Pathfinder Adventure Path, Second Darkness, remains 3.5, will you stick around? I know most of you are as in the dark about fourth edition as we are and I understand that it's too early to make a serious call. But how is the 4.0 hype treating you these days? Do you plan to start up a new 4.0 campaign on day 1?
What do YOU want Paizo to do?
Assuming Second Darkness remains 3.5, I will SURELY keep my subscription. The hype has me indifferent, I plan to "wait and see", but as the DM of two regular groups, I have already stated that we will NOT convert as soon as 4th ed comes out. Maybe a year later, if at all... So, that answers your question: no, I will not start a new campaign when 4th edition comes out, as I still have an humongous amount of gaming material.
Do what you think is best. I know that it is important to offer new material as the new edition comes out, but if it ends being rushed, it can sort of backfire. You were always known for the quality of your products and your dedication to making the best gaming material available.
E the cleric |
I could care less what system Paizo decides to go into. With the amazing content of the first two Pathfinders I think that what ever Paizo says goes. If you guys decide to go into 4th edition, more power to you. Regardless of your choice I'm with you either way, and I will continue to buy the Pathfinder magazines as well as any supplements.
Guennarr |
Guennarr wrote:
Just the question who does it:
James Jacobs (Editor-in-Chief, Pathfinder), Yesterday, 06:39 PM wrote:
... we don't have the resources and manpower to dual stat, so that's a good reason not to do that too.
That spoke to printed dual-statting, like Crown of the Kobold King with 2 (or more) sets of stats.
That didn't speak to a PDF or online web engine.
You'd still have to stock this pdf or online web engine with content, wouldn't you? Someone would have to create this content.
I am not an expert in these matters, but James' answer above sounded as though he referred to both the space needed in a dead tree version and the manpower needed to create these stats.
Nevertheless I sympathise with this idea.
It's just that you'd make the "rift" between editions permanent. Paizo customers would be fragmented across several rules editions. No rallying cry for one edition which "unites" Paizo fans (if this is possible at all).
I know precedents here in Europe - i.e. adventures with multiple stats - but these adventures are less encounter heavy than your average Paizo adventure.
So I have some doubts...
Matthew Morris RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Sharoth |
Sharoth wrote:~shrugs~ Good point. Then I will wait for 5.5 edition of "D & D" to come out.You're just trying to build the thread's post count up to 666, aren't you?
That sounds like a really good idea. ~thinks then get a shocked look on my face~ I am agreeing with Heathy? The world must be coming to an end. Oh, wait a minute. 4.0 is coming out. It is all clear to me now. ~goes and builds a bomb shelter~
Mottoson |
I will continue to purchase Piazo product in what ever form. If I have to change it to suit my game I will. I will not play 4th edition for many reasons. I want to play a RPG. Wotc would have been better giving the public a month to be angry with them right before GenCon 08 then a whole year to really get upset. If 4th addtion doesn't put Wotc out of business after a year or two I might look into getting the books, but by that time 5th edition will be out and I'll just get those.
Piazo is the best.