How are PCs supposed to beat Erylium?

Rise of the Runelords

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Let's see... AC 24 with Shield of Faith, 30 HP, Fast Healing 2, Damage Reduction 5/Cold Iron or Good, she can fly and cast Invisibility at will (Among other things).

I've always had bad experiences with quasits in the past, fights against them tend to drag and drag along because PCs can barely damage them and the quasit doesn't have enough damage-dealing power of its own to really compromise or scare the party. I like the Catacombs of Wrath as a whole and think it will be a decent challenge for the PCs but man, I can already predict this fight will be a letdown, the party will run away, rest, come back, try to find some way to beat her, fail again, etc.

I doubt anyone has playtested this part already but what are your thoughts on it?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

She's certainly tough for 2nd level characters to fight, and it's likely that PCs will need to flee before they can defeat her. The Catacombs of Wrath are sort of a "bonus" dungeon anyway. The PCs don't have to defeat the place to stop the goblins, really. They can certainly come back when they're 4th level to finish the annoying quasit off.

She's not super deadly, but she IS hard to kill. If you find that a fight with her is dragging on, it's probably dragging on for Erylium too. Have her turn invisible and fly away to brood, and at that point she can become a recurring villian to pester the PCs. She might even use commune to find out where Nualia is and seek her out to recruit her aid against the PCs, or if she survives into the next adventure, could end up joining forces with one of the bad guys there.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

My group actually did fairly well against her. I will admit that I did nerf her invisibility, and the rest of the battle was tough, but the PCs made it eventually. Our Rogue hit on the idea of using a grappling hook to try to snare her while she was flying. He snagged her, pulled her down, and then he and the Cleric wrestled her down and grappled her to death.

Creativity goes a long way in low-level parties! ;)

Even if the PCs aren't prepared to negate her DR with good or cold iron weapons, it's still going to be 4+ on one.

They need to corner her somehow so that she can't fly away to heal up at will. Then they can pound on her long enough to overwhelm her fast healing despite the DR. Her invisibility is less of a factor if she can't get out of the room. The PCs can still try for lucky hits even if she's invisible. If the players have trouble coming up with a plan, you can drop hints if you don't want the quasit to last too long.

Also, if a PC mage summons a flying celestial of some kind, it could mess her up.

Posted in another thread:

>Although I don't want to spam, but I have to tell you of the meeting between my players and the Quasit Queen of the Catacombs of Wrath.

Befor that my question: Does the runewell has a magical aura? Perhaps I was blind, but durin play I found nothing.

Just to let you know it was their second encounter in the catacombs after the first sinspawn.

The beguiler used detect magic as soon they were entering the Cathedral of Wrath. She found two auras one overwhelming (the well), the other consisting of several minor. She roled to check the schools, but didn't succeeded.

Was overwhelming to strong?

Anyway, the rogue walked up to the triangular pool just to be greeted by a rising sinspawn. They heard a dark prayer echoing from the ceiling, while fighting the monster and soon a shrieking hawk with dark feathers circled above them. Then a dark snake appeared next to them attacking the elven fighter. Suddenly a loud noise boomed from above, shattering the favored weapon of the elven maiden - a spiked chain. Her player was enraged! They managed to kill the summoned monsters soon and also the sinspawn, but the couldn't harm the quasit. Lacking an offensive spellcaster the fired arrow after arrow, bolt after bolt. The players grew frustrated and so did I. Not a very spectacular or heroic fight I thought. As stated I used up all the spells of the thaumaturge and began harrassing them with the tiny dagger. Finally the elf caught the weapon and Erylium had fight with her claws. The gnome beguiler soon came to the conclusion that she wasn't able to do anything useful in this fight and began to "defile" the larger pool with the skulls. She dropped any liquid except magical potions she had into the dark water. The dwarf smashed the skulls in it and the halfling tried very carefully to put some of the freezing orange liquid from the small well into his waterskin. He took one cold damage but had a new weapon. Patiently waiting for the little demon to attack he splashed it all over her. I let the player do a ranged touch attack out to 10 ft. and the quasit suffered 1d6 cold damage. The dwarf realised that this was the best they could do and followed the rogue's example. Erylium lost half her hitpoints before she finally fled the cathedral.

It was a long fight leaving the players with nothing but wrath on their minds. The best start for the Catacombs of Wrath I can retrospectively think of. MUAHAHAHA!!!<

My PCs were 3rd level by the time they fought Erylium. One of them had Sound Burst memorized. She was flying 20' feet up and rolled a 3 on her fort save to avoid being stunned for 1 round.

Yeah, that didn't last very long. She got off one summon and a shatter (which the PC's sword saved against) before meeting a quick end.

Dark Archive

In my group, the druid caught her flying very near the west wall, just at the point where the ceilling begins, and cast Entangle. Instantly, a million little mycellium fibers from the various fungi in the stone emerrged to enwrap her, and she tanked her ref save. At this point, the half-vampire rogue climbed up and grabbed her, fell down, then started blood draining. He felt heartily ill afterward, vomited, and spent the rest of the day sickened, plus, he took a lot of quasit venom hits. but, all in all, if was a fairly satisfying end to an extremely irritating villain.

I thought the intro I did for her was kind of funny

Above you, next to the strange, glowing orange well, stands a demonic woman. her skin is a rough, pebbly green, and bat wings emerge from behind her black silk gown. Her sharp little face is framed by curving horns and a silver tiara, and a stingered tail trails behind her. She shreiks at you with a croaking, bubbly voice

"You! You dare to intrude on the sacred ground of the Mother? You have laid waste to my kingdom and murdered my loyal subjects! Now you will join them in oblivion!"
She hops up and down, and gnashes her teeth horribly, and brandishes a wicked looking dagger. the whole intimidating effect, however, is rather lessened by the fact that she's yea tall"
::I hold out my hands about a foot apart::

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I just finished the Caverns of Wrath with my PCs and, having read Tsuto's journal, stocked up on vials of holy water dealing 2d4 points of damage to evil outsiders. What dropped her to negatives was our beguiler hitting her with a color spray, stunning her 20 feet in the air meant 2d6 falling damage. I rolled high (11 damage) and even with the damage reduction, that put her to negatives. The gnome jester then finished the job with a shocking grasp.

Admittedly, it could've gone MUCH worse. The party slaughtered the sinspawn, so I didn't even bother with summon monster, and I kind of forgot about the invisibility at will (although she did come out of it when the PCs bluffed their way in as "new converts"), and she didn't get close enough for shatter. All told, if the PCs do some research, they can sufficiently prepare with holy water, cold iron weapons, and preparing or scrolls of bless weapon. Oh, and as a point of reference, the party is level 2.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Marcon wrote:
I doubt anyone has playtested this part already but what are your thoughts on it?

Let's look at part of Erylium's entry shall we. Others have already said how the PCs are supposed to prepare and such.

First, she only casts Shield of Faith and Invisbility when she hears them approach, meaning she's prepared for them. If they sneak up on her, no Sheild, no invisibility. During combat it doesn't say she'll cast it. It only mentions Invisibility again when she's about to die to flee.

If the party is only 2 or 3 when they go there, maybe you should run the encounter as it's described instead of trying to maximize her abilities.

My PC's managed to beat her in this week's session; since I have 7 players, I added a couple of sinspawn to the room in addition to the one she summons when they appear. We had a rollicking good fight, Elyrium tossing spells from above while the sinspawn tangled with the party (also she summoned a fiendish monstrous spider as well). Eventually she ran out of spells except "inflict moderate wounds" when she came down to smack one of the PC's with it, it broke her invisibility...that's when the dwarf monk (enlarged) broke out of combat with a sinspawn and grappled her and did some damage for a few rounds. With her pathetic grapple score, she couldn't escape. She was already down a few HP via some magic missiles and the like.

She spat in the monks face and nauseated him (I ruled that this made him let her go) and when she made to fly off and escape, our elven ranger's attack of opportunity critted her with a longsword (double damage and 1d4 bleed - yay Critical Hit Deck!) staggering her, and the Shoanti barbarian drew a spear and impaled her in the air, bringing her down. One earthbreaker hammer coup de grace later, and it was bye bye Elyrium.

I was rather impressed; I fully expected the fight to drag and drag as well; I'm sure in hindsight I could have played things different to make it so, but my philosophy as a DM is not to "win" against the players, its to provide a tough but not impossible challenge to overcome. I have a great group of experienced D&D'ers, and we value creating a good story over munchkinism and "winning".

My players had a rough time against the quasit, so I nerfed her and fudged the rolls to keep the fight from dragging on for ever. With six players, 5 rounds of combat against the same creature will make everybody bored.

When they stunned her and she dropped her dagger, they picked it up and dropped it in the runewell. I rewarded their ... willingness to "try something, anything" by removing her damage resistance.

Still, they basically relied on the lucky roll to hit her, and I finally just fudged the fighter's grapple to make it work, while "forgetting" that she can turn invisible.

This encounter was frustrating on both sides of the screen.

Lantern Lodge

Half-Orc Druid unarmed fighting/grappling specialist + Ranger with Favored Enemy: Evil Outsiders + Dwarf Fighter with high damage bonus + Bard inspiration = Grappled Quasit, quickly made unalive by pugilism.


Liberty's Edge

Here's how I'm hoping it will go:

1. PCs read Tsuto's journal.
2. Players ask, "What's a quasit?"
3. I ask for Knowledge (the planes) roll.
4a. On a 13+ (the cleric has a +3 modifier, so it's basically 50/50), I say, "It's a demon."
4b. On something less than a 13, I say, "You don't know."
5. Either way, they discuss the matter with Father Zantus. (If need be, Father Zantus, who has a +8 modifier, says, "It's a demon.") Father Zantus knows little about demons, but knows someone who knows more.
6. Zantus and the PCs go visit the cleric of Irori (whose name I'm forgetting right now) and ask to use her library. Zantus or a PC makes a Diplomacy check, getting Aid Another bonuses from the rest of the group and a total +6 circumstance modifier (+4 for being the Heroes of the Swallowtail Festival, +2 for being sheriff's deputies), and get in to see her library.
7. PCs use library access to take 20 on Knowledge (the planes) roll with the +4 bonus the library offers.
8. I hand players the MM open to the "quasit" entry and let them read up.
9. PCs load up on bless weapon and holy water, and the sorcerer goes to the Feathered Serpent and buys a scroll of glitterdust.
10. PCs beat the everloving s+&+ out of quasit.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Sounds rather similar to what happened with our group.. except we didn't need the library. ;)

Well, if you want to use Erylium to beat the party, here are some thoughts:

Have her start out with invisibility and creating a sinspawn. Her next move should be to fly as far away from the party as possible; with her master summoner ability she can be as far as 130 feet away and still summon creatures into the cathedral. She should do this, as a -10 to listen checks with make it very difficult for players to pinpoint where she's casting from. When the summons is done, have her summon monster II, choosing 1d3 small spiders that will begin play on the walls and ceiling beyond melee range. Do a summon monster 1 on the next round for an extra spider, then have the spider continue to drop webs on the party from above (they can do this 8 times per day). In the next round, you can try to use intimidation to shake whoever is based with the sinspawn. Next, ready an action to send in the wren familiar (Orm) to deliver an inflict moderate wounds whenever someone casts a spell. Now that she's visible, hit with cause fear, then hideous spittle and shatter to debuff the party. Finally use the returning dagger to pepper the character who are hopefully covered in countless spider webs.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Erylium fought my 3-player gestalt party (all level 2) to a standstill. Both sides were pretty much out of magic, but nobody could really hurt anybody else. Erylium went invisible and fled the cathedral and the PCs (wisely) opted to leave before she came back with reinforcements.

They loaded up on cold iron arrows (they had cold iron weapons made, but neglected the fact that quasits could fly) and are preparing for another expedition into the Catacombs.

Takasi wrote:
Well, if you want to use Erylium to beat the party, here are some thoughts...

I just wanted to point out that such sophisticated tactics might be outside of the range of a 12 Int Quasit who's been trapped for eons and is consumed by seething wrath. Just my 2cp.

cthughua wrote:
I just wanted to point out that such sophisticated tactics might be outside of the rang of a 12 Int Quasit who's been trapped for aeons and is consumed by seething wrath. Just my 2cp.

True. Prepare for your players to call "shenanigans". :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Michael F wrote:

They need to corner her somehow so that she can't fly away to heal up at will. Then they can pound on her long enough to overwhelm her fast healing despite the DR. Her invisibility is less of a factor if she can't get out of the room. The PCs can still try for lucky hits even if she's invisible. If the players have trouble coming up with a plan, you can drop hints if you don't want the quasit to last too long.

Also, if a PC mage summons a flying celestial of some kind, it could mess her up.

My group went in three times. They took out the sinspawn at the entrance and the prison cells and ten the mutated Goblin. Then they were pretty beat up so they left for a couple of days. They returned and I had five sinspawn guarding the entrace instead of one. They fought their way through that and got to the wrathwell. They fought a battle there and the quasit of cours turned invisible and flew away.

They left again - came back to eight sinspawn guarding the entrance. One character was knocked unconscious and carried here by two (wounded) sinspawn. They finished the rest and got another character up and rushed to the well (it was good fun). When they arrived the Quasit and sinspawn were at the well with their party member. One PC rushed them - one was slowed down by a summoned monster - the rest were outside the room trying to handle a PC that was wrath bit.

Another went into the room to assist the PC fighting the summoned monster (who was in the first pool almost unconscious) as the first PC healed the PC at the well and tried to fight off the sinspawn as the Quasit swooped down on the last PC to enter and spewed upon her.

So there are yelling to the Sorcerer in the hallway to close the door and me does but from the inside. The Quasit creams him and he goes down. Opens the door and again has escaped their clutches.

At that point they decided to seal up the place again where it was sealed before...

I thought when they had to come back they would still have the Quasit to deal with...

A good time was had by all or at least by me.

My PCs fleed to the city and purchaced a potion of see invisiblity gave it to the warrior. And returned before she or the party even had the chance to rest for spells. Though this cost them there remaining gold, the fact that the was able to sell the dagger to a merchant for 4k gold more than made up for it.

Liberty's Edge

My ranger got a crit with a normal arrow, and I have the critical hit deck made by paizo. He chose to draw two cards and one of them was "Punchered Lung." She rolled a natural 1 on her fortitude save and started drowning. She was still flying over the Runewell at the time, and fell into it.

That's how my party did it.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

The party monk did a running jump to grappler her and the party pinned her shortly thereafter. Then, they drowned her in the altar to Lamashtu.

Having killed a cleric of Lamashtu on an altar to Lamashtu, I damn near had an avatar of Lamashtu show up to punish them. I think I will have to come up with some means of bringing Erylium back in a new more powerful form.

Hmmm...pit fiend...

Sebastian wrote:

The party monk did a running jump to grappler her and the party pinned her shortly thereafter. Then, they drowned her in the altar to Lamashtu.

Having killed a cleric of Lamashtu on an altar to Lamashtu, I damn near had an avatar of Lamashtu show up to punish them. I think I will have to come up with some means of bringing Erylium back in a new more powerful form.

Hmmm...pit fiend...

Wouldn't a chaotic evil goddess recognize the inherent humor in the act? besides she gained a living sacrifice that day committed by good characters, what more could she hope for than the slow corruption of such so called "heroes". Remember, it might only be orcs today but tomorrow... who knows...

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Rhavin wrote:

Wouldn't a chaotic evil goddess recognize the inherent humor in the act? besides she gained a living sacrifice that day committed by good characters, what more could she hope for than the slow corruption of such so called "heroes". Remember, it might only be orcs today but tomorrow... who knows...

Yeah, but that's no fun! A pit fiend v. 5th level characters - now that's comedy.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Sebastian wrote:
Rhavin wrote:

Wouldn't a chaotic evil goddess recognize the inherent humor in the act? besides she gained a living sacrifice that day committed by good characters, what more could she hope for than the slow corruption of such so called "heroes". Remember, it might only be orcs today but tomorrow... who knows...
Yeah, but that's no fun! A pit fiend v. 5th level characters - now that's comedy.

I offered some suggestions in your campaign journal. You could use visions to flesh out the motivations of the villain.

Dark Archive

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Faerie Fire. It is a first level spell.

Faerie fire has no save and only allows SR, which she doesnt have. Of course if you dont have a druid (or a drow) in your party, you can pretty much scratch out this idea!!!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

logic poet - saw your post on the other thread. Thanks for the suggestions.

DmRrostarr wrote:
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Faerie Fire and Magic Weapon spells...all of which are first level(druid and cleric/wizard). She is a tough fight but those 2 spells can turn the battle quickly.

Her DR is 5/cold iron or good, not 5/magic. The party had a magic weapon, but it didn't do any good.

DmRrostarr wrote:
Faerie fire has no save and only allows SR, which she doesnt have. Of course if you dont have a druid (or a drow) in your party, you can pretty much scratch out this idea!!!

No druid. :-(

Dark Archive

Sebastian wrote:

logic poet - saw your post on the other thread. Thanks for the suggestions.

DmRrostarr wrote:
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Faerie Fire and Magic Weapon spells...all of which are first level(druid and cleric/wizard). She is a tough fight but those 2 spells can turn the battle quickly.

Her DR is 5/cold iron or good, not 5/magic. The party had a magic weapon, but it didn't do any good.

DmRrostarr wrote:
Faerie fire has no save and only allows SR, which she doesnt have. Of course if you dont have a druid (or a drow) in your party, you can pretty much scratch out this idea!!!

No druid. :-(

Thanks Sebasitian i just caught that and started to edit when you replied.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

DmRrostarr wrote:

Thanks Sebasitian i just caught that and started to edit when you replied.

Yeah, my players thought it would be magic DR too. They managed to get a successful command off against her and she got within melee range. The fighter thought he'd smack her down with the magic weapon and was surprised it did so little damage.

Fairie fire is a good idea though. My party used Summon Monster I to bring in a celestial owl, which has an insane listen check, to at least locate her. That worked pretty well too, though it was ultimately her attacking and breaking her own invisibility that allowed them to defeat her.

I feel like it is more in keeping with the character of Erylium (as she is written up) to not be a tactical genius. In fact, given the insanity brought about by centuries of isolation, I kind of imagine a constant diatribe of insane babble and Lamashtu propaganda, even when she's invisible. Thus, a reasonable Listen check could at least pinpoint a square to attack, providing just the 50% miss chance for concealment.

Also, have anyone's parties considered trying to splash the well water around the room and watching for the invisible outline in the air? Some centuries-old mortar dust, lying about the room, I imagine, might also work for this trick.

I also imagine that she would be far to incensed by the PCs' trespass to keep from attacking after a single Summon Monster, making her invisibility useless.

Finally, as a Tiny creature, Erylium provokes an AoO every time she swoops in with her dagger (if not invisible), so smart PCs can grapple her as she swoops in and hold her down till they can finish her off.

I wouldn't necessarily start the battle with Erylium acting (tactically) stupid like this, but it is a means to help the players finish off what is otherwise a difficult encounter and makes sense with her mental state at the time.


DmRrostarr wrote:

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Faerie Fire. It is a first level spell.

Faerie fire has no save and only allows SR, which she doesnt have. Of course if you dont have a druid (or a drow) in your party, you can pretty much scratch out this idea!!!

I mentioned it to my party after the fact, but the druid is the primary healer for the group and had failed to memorize the spell.

Scarab Sages

Arcesilaus wrote:
Finally, as a Tiny creature, Erylium provokes an AoO every time she swoops in with her dagger (if not invisible), so smart PCs can grapple her as she swoops in and hold her down till they can finish her off.

It's a returning dagger, she should not be swooping in anywhere.

I think she might swoop, nonetheless. She's crazy, after all.

Swoop is a fun word to say.


Sebastian wrote:
Yeah, my players thought it would be magic DR too. They managed to get a successful command off against her and she got within melee range. The fighter thought he'd smack her down with the magic weapon and was surprised it did so little damage.

I'm confused. Why would the magic weapon do less damage? I thought the way that DR worked was that any higher type would do normal damage...and magic is inherently more powerful than material components. I couldn't find anything in any book so far on DR 5/ that what I'm missing?

Scarab Sages

Tigarri wrote:
I'm confused. Why would the magic weapon do less damage? I thought the way that DR worked was that any higher type would do normal damage...and magic is inherently more powerful than material components. I couldn't find anything in any book so far on DR 5/ that what I'm missing?

Your using 3.0 DR rules with 3.5 DR.

DR vs. special material requires that exact material, nothing else will do.

DR vs. alignment works the same way, you must have a weapon with that alignment.

DR magic is overcome by any weapon with a magic enhancement bonus.

I do believe epic weapons overcome all forms of DR, but I could be wrong, we don't play epic.

My players consit of a Gnome Dread Necromancer, an Elven Rogue, and a Human Clerif of Sarenrae. The combat was rough at first, but after destroying the Sinspawn minion they were able to consentrate on Erylium. At first they dealt w/ her sumoned minions, saved versus the shatter, and survived her spells. Then the Gnome zapped her w/ a Ray of Enfeeblement twice dropping her strength to a 1 causing her to fall to the floor. There the other two attacked, the Rogue flanking to sneak attack. Combat lasted longer than usual but otherwise it was only slightly tedious, though it was more challenging which they enjoyed.

Fury wrote:
My players consit of a Gnome Dread Necromancer, an Elven Rogue, and a Human Clerif of Sarenrae. The combat was rough at first, but after destroying the Sinspawn minion they were able to consentrate on Erylium. At first they dealt w/ her sumoned minions, saved versus the shatter, and survived her spells. Then the Gnome zapped her w/ a Ray of Enfeeblement twice dropping her strength to a 1 causing her to fall to the floor. There the other two attacked, the Rogue flanking to sneak attack. Combat lasted longer than usual but otherwise it was only slightly tedious, though it was more challenging which they enjoyed.

Does Ray of Enfeeblement stack like that? We play that multiple hits only inflict the highest penalty rolled.

Ray of Enfeeblement stacks. This is because it's an unnamed penalty to Strength, and only identically-named modifiers don't stack. This means that using the ray multiple times will result in multiple Strength drains.

tbug wrote:
Ray of Enfeeblement stacks. This is because it's an unnamed penalty to Strength, and only identically-named modifiers don't stack. This means that using the ray multiple times will result in multiple Strength drains.

But how about:

"In most cases, modifiers to a given check or roll stack (combine for a cumulative effect) if they come from different sources and have different types (or no type at all), but do not stack if they have the same type or come from the same source (such as the same spell cast twice in succession)."

Players Handbook wrote:

Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths: In cases when two or more identical spells are operating in the same area or on the same target, but at different strengths, only the best one applies. For example, if a character takes a -4 penalty to Strength from a ray of enfeeblement spell and then receives a second ray of enfeeblement spell that applies a -6 penalty, he or she takes only the -6 penalty. Both spells are still operating on the character, however. If one ray of enfeeblement spell is dispelled or its duration runs out, the other spell remains in effect, assuming that its duration has not yet expired.

This text is the reason that we play it the way we do. It specifically mentions ray of enfeeblement.

Huh. I was working from the "no type at all" part of the rule, but I'd missed the "from different sources and" bit.

I guess you learn something new all the time.

Dark Archive

A second (more serious) group I'm running actually managed to grapple the quasit as she swooped down to deliver a nearly-fatal Inflict spell. Once the druid acheived a pin, he stuffed her into a backpack and held her under the water. Then, the duskblade tried to repeatedly shocking grasp her, but she escaped from the bag and flew free out of the fountain. As she cast invisibility, the warlock, who could see through it, hit her with a maxed-damage Eldrich blast and dropped her to zero. she fell back down into the pool, and the duskblade came foreward and delivered a kneck-snapping coup d'gace before she fast-healed.

Sovereign Court

A bit late in the game here, I know, but my group of PCs just went up against her last session. It was a five PC group consisting of an aasimar cleric of Iomadea, an elf wizard, a tiefling rogue, a Chelixian fighter, and a Varisian bard. They were still first level when they entered the catacombs and they more or less made a b-line for the big bad boss cathedral.

To offset their level I took away Erylium's familiar. A small thing, but I expected the group to be running in a few rounds anyway. The battle was rough, made more so by the fact that the fighter got hit with a max damage inflict moderate, taking him down to -7.

It must have made him loopy, because when he got back up he tried leaping up at her and grabbing her... while she was over the Runewell of Wrath. He spashes down into the crazy evil wrath pool, goes insane with rage while simultaneously dropping to -4 hit points.

Thankfully for the party, Erylium's success was making her arrogant. She went after the rogue (the only one consistently hitting her) and took him down with a inflict light wounds. With the bard pulling the fighter out of the pool, the wizard out of spells, and the rogue down, the cleric squares his shoulders, charges Erylium, screams out Iomedea's name, leaps up, and crits the b+$@* for 24 damage, taking her down to -3. I don't think they stopped till she was paste (probably earned some wrath points for that, but ah well.)

The way my first party killed her was summoning a hippogriff (i think) that started to grapple the little quasit. Sneak attacks commenced with her own dagger, which I made cold iron.

Couple of quick questions about that room though.. which one is the runewell and what does the other pool do?

Also, since Erylium doesn't have multiattack, does she still get all her natural attacks?

Traken wrote:

The way my first party killed her was summoning a hippogriff (i think) that started to grapple the little quasit. Sneak attacks commenced with her own dagger, which I made cold iron.

Couple of quick questions about that room though.. which one is the runewell and what does the other pool do?

Also, since Erylium doesn't have multiattack, does she still get all her natural attacks?

Multi-attack would just reduce the penalty for using secondary attacks. She'd still get them without multi-attack - though actually hitting with them might prove difficult.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Party won due to a scroll of glitterdust and grappling her.

Cleric was very mad when she shattered his cold iron sickle (they did their research, good players, they're learning!)

As far as I can tell, she has no easy way to regain spells. Thaumaturges of Lamashtu have to do some pretty specific stuff to get their spells back, and I don't see how she can. (PF #5, p. 69)

Somehow she seems to have all her spells now, but surely she must be reluctant to use them if she can't get them back (though she would to save her life). She needs to either try to get pregnant (not just have sex, but actually try to procreate) or else she needs to sacrifice a newborn creature (and small animals and bugs don't count). I'm not sure how she's ever getting spells, but clearly she manages it at least occasionally.

Scarab Sages

Matt Morris's group used a similar tactic to mine.




No DR vs. Drowning

Liberty's Edge

tbug wrote:

As far as I can tell, she has no easy way to regain spells. Thaumaturges of Lamashtu have to do some pretty specific stuff to get their spells back, and I don't see how she can. (PF #5, p. 69)

Somehow she seems to have all her spells now, but surely she must be reluctant to use them if she can't get them back (though she would to save her life). She needs to either try to get pregnant (not just have sex, but actually try to procreate) or else she needs to sacrifice a newborn creature (and small animals and bugs don't count). I'm not sure how she's ever getting spells, but clearly she manages it at least occasionally.

Given that Tsuto is bringing her bottles of wine, perhaps he or Nualia also brings her goblin children?

Alternatively, perhaps she uses summon monster I to call a fiendish raven and uses her alternate form ability to meet the procreation requirement. On further thought, this seems more likely - it is sustainable.

Is a thaumaturge of Lamashtu required to perform their obedience while they are pregnant, do you think?

Shisumo wrote:
Given that Tsuto is bringing her bottles of wine, perhaps he or Nualia also brings her goblin children?

Perhaps so. Good call.

Shisumo wrote:
Alternatively, perhaps she uses summon monster I to call a fiendish raven and uses her alternate form ability to meet the procreation requirement. On further thought, this seems more likely - it is sustainable.

But can a quasit get pregnant from a raven? If she's not giving it an honest try then it doesn't count.

Shisumo wrote:
Is a thaumaturge of Lamashtu required to perform their obedience while they are pregnant, do you think?

I think so. At least, that's my take on the class given how it's described in The Book of Fiends. If she wants her spells then she needs to perform her obedience.

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