Burnt Offerings Clarifications (GM Reference)

Rise of the Runelords

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Darkbridger wrote:

It wouldn't have to be a half a year... I'd be interested enough in a single module that carried from 17th to 20th, but again, there might not be enough interest in a single adventure to make it worthwhile.

A single 32-page module isn't big enough to handle what I've got planned, alas. Although a big 256 page hardcover crazy-deluxe module would do the trick! (Such a beast would also probably cost like 50 bucks or something...)

Perhapes a string of modules over a couple of years which build on each other, but are more self contained than an AP.

James Jacobs wrote:
Darkbridger wrote:

It wouldn't have to be a half a year... I'd be interested enough in a single module that carried from 17th to 20th, but again, there might not be enough interest in a single adventure to make it worthwhile.

A single 32-page module isn't big enough to handle what I've got planned, alas. Although a big 256 page hardcover crazy-deluxe module would do the trick! (Such a beast would also probably cost like 50 bucks or something...)

That price tag doesn't bother me, depending on the content. But I'm sure the lower price points are better sales-wise. Either way, I'd look forward to it. The real question from players is "are these guys retired at 17th then". If the follow-up is based on the Pathfinder RPG and not 3.5 as the RotRL path is, then they probably will be.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

It would be interesting to see Epic level-ish Pathfinder modules that aimed at the characters who have finished particular APs.

Add that to THE wishlist *grins*

James Jacobs wrote:
Darkbridger wrote:

It wouldn't have to be a half a year... I'd be interested enough in a single module that carried from 17th to 20th, but again, there might not be enough interest in a single adventure to make it worthwhile.

A single 32-page module isn't big enough to handle what I've got planned, alas. Although a big 256 page hardcover crazy-deluxe module would do the trick! (Such a beast would also probably cost like 50 bucks or something...)

James Jacobs wrote:
Plotty Fingers wrote:

Found this is in another post:

"Anyway, another thing to keep in mind is that although Ameiko is now the head of the Kaijitsu family, she is not completely without support. According to James Jacobs, she has younger siblings besides Tsuto: another brother and two sisters."

is this so? i want to incorporate them into the story.
the Bard is looking to become an part time instructor at the Academy.

It's true. Ameiko has a few other siblings. After Burnt Offerings, the Kaijitsu manor is pretty much her, her brother and sisters, and the help staff. She's got a lot on her hands as a result. And that is more or less the kernel of my plans for her in some nebulous upcoming adventure.

If you want to develop her further, though, go for it! Any adventure path that starts out with her in a starring role will certainly have a sidebar talking about what to do if you've already had other things happen to her in a previous campaign.

thanks. there is going to be a scene with the funeral for Lonjinko where the PCs will see the siblings. and since our Bard wants to help at the academy, they will come up in the PC interactions.

also, not wanting to prod the "vague ideas" too much, but would the siblings have names?

Plotty Fingers wrote:
also, not wanting to prod the "vague ideas" too much, but would the siblings have names?

One would hope so. It's awfully annoying just being referred to as, "hey, you!" and "That one."


Arcesilaus wrote:
Plotty Fingers wrote:
also, not wanting to prod the "vague ideas" too much, but would the siblings have names?

One would hope so. It's awfully annoying just being referred to as, "hey, you!" and "That one."


doh. :P

yeah. pre-coffee semantic check = fail!
i meant DO they have names.

of course i can just make up my own and intropose them later.

Been reading through the Errata/posts but i am still missing the content for the Cathedral of Wrath rooms B13A and B13B.

clarify please?

Sovereign Court

posted this in the Erylium drowned thread, but re-posting here:
Well, our table hit an all out throw down with Erylium and her guards. (2 sinspawn, summoned lemure & dire rat, Vargoylle, and the mutated Kovi/Goblin guy.) the PCs survived, but how and stuff will be related in a Blog post on a "story so far post" soon. (due to schedules we have a 3 week window before we play next...gotta do something.)

SO, Erylium survived. Went invisible, and ran/flew away.
She evaded the party, but her world/empire has been shattered. What now?

I have thoughts, but has anyone ever taken her OUT of the Catacombs of Wrath and to Thistle top or ... ?


i am having her cast Commune with Lamashtu to move her out of the Catacombs. the PCs hate her. she will return...mwhahaha!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Plotty Fingers wrote:
also, not wanting to prod the "vague ideas" too much, but would the siblings have names?

They do... but not in any official way. Give them some Japanese-sounding names and you're good to go.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Plotty Fingers wrote:

Been reading through the Errata/posts but i am still missing the content for the Cathedral of Wrath rooms B13A and B13B.

clarify please?

Both rooms are empty. They shouldn't have map tags. At one point I was gonna put stuff in there, I guess, but then decided that there was enough going on in the dungeon already. One may have been a meeting room, another may have been a dressing room, but that was 10,000 years ago. Nothing's left in either of them now.

James Jacobs wrote:
One plan is to take up where Runelords ends, which would probably be an adventure path that goes from 17th level to whatever... maybe 25th or 30th. I'm not sure that one will ever be written, though, since the number of people who want epic level stuff is, I strongly suspect, not enough to justify taking up Pathfinder for half a year.

Can I sign my name for a "yes please" on this one?

Or how about a "He11 yeah!"



The Curse of the Crimsom Throne links have changed, so I'm updating these as well.

Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings
Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders
Chapter 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre
Chapter 4: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Chapter 5: Sins of the Saviors
Chapter 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast

The combat with Tsuto is marked as EL 3 but tsuto only has CR 3 and with him are eight CR 1/3 goblins ¿Is the EL 3 correct?

The "D2. Chieftains Harem" is marked as EL 2 but Bruthazmus is CR 3 ¿Is the EL 2 correct? ¿What is th reaction of the goblin wives against the PCs?

Thanks in advance and please, excuse my poor english.

The Exchange

artemis_segundo wrote:

The combat with Tsuto is marked as EL 3 but tsuto only has CR 3 and with him are eight CR 1/3 goblins ¿Is the EL 3 correct?

If you run the encounter as written, you have basically two encounters here. First the combat against 8 goblins (8*CR 1/3 ~ EL 3) and second, the fight against Tsuto (possibly with up to three goblins from the first combat). As a CR 3 NSC, Tsuto is technically an EL 3 encounter (and some additional goblins wouldn't change this much). I'm not quite sure if this is supposed to be regarded as a two encounter- scenario but probably I'll treat it as such and calculate the EL (which I need to do for treasure generation issues) separately accordingly to how the encounter plays out.

artemis_segundo wrote:
The "D2. Chieftains Harem" is marked as EL 2 but Bruthazmus is CR 3 ¿Is the EL 2 correct? ¿What is th reaction of the goblin wives against the PCs?

In the stat-block under "During combat" you'll find that there's a chance to encounter Bruthazmus without armor (and most probably the party will have a chance to surprise him), so I think this had some influence on the EL.

WormysQueue wrote:
If you run the encounter as written, you have basically two encounters here. First the combat against 8 goblins (8*CR 1/3 ~ EL 3) and second, the fight against Tsuto (possibly with up to three goblins from the first combat). As a CR 3 NSC, Tsuto is technically an EL 3 encounter (and some additional goblins wouldn't change this much). I'm not quite sure if this is supposed to be regarded as a two encounter- scenario but probably I'll treat it as such and calculate the EL (which I need to do for treasure generation issues) separately accordingly to how the encounter plays out.

Oh ¡Thanks man!

WormysQueue wrote:

In the stat-block under "During combat" you'll find that there's a chance to encounter Bruthazmus without armor (and most probably the party will have a chance to surprise him), so I think this had some influence on the EL.

Yes, but it's only a chance, if you roll the 80% of Bruthazmus with armor the reduction have no sense.

The Exchange

artemis_segundo wrote:
Yes, but it's only a chance, if you roll the 80% of Bruthazmus with armor the reduction have no sense.

The 80% is the probability that B. is encountered in D2 (instead of his lair at D4). If he is, there's a 50% chance that he wears no armor. But even if he is in armor, there are circumstances which may lessen the EL. The text implies that he cares for his goblin wives, so maybe he can be intimidated into submission if his harem is threatened (that's an assumption). And he flees if brought under 15 hp (which means he has only to take a bit more damage than 50% of his total hit points).

But if your players find him in D4 or if you're planning to take another approach to this encounter you are absolutely entitled to up the EL accordingly. After all, it's the CR deciding about the amount of XP to be given to the players which stays the same.

Jumms... I dind't think that from that point ¡Thanks Wormy!

not sure if this has been addressed but the Goblin Commando on page 13 should be at a +5 to hit with his Mwk Horsechopper (+1 bab, +1 small, +2 Str, +1 Mwk) while raging and +4 after the rage ends. The statblock shows a +3 and +2 after. It also shows him having a shield which he isn't and couldn't using toward AC do to 2 handed weapons.

I dont believe this question has been asked or answered, if it has then I apologise but can some-one point me to the answer?

On page 26, room number B4 the creature in this room will "attack anything that enters the room that doesn't bear the stink of Lamashtu on its skin".
I found a section about "Lamashtus Mark", but nothing about a stench. Is this just a Dms way of saying it'll attack any one who isnt meant to be there or is there a section I'ver missed out on?
To be honest it's not vitaly important but if the Stench is something I can use in game for other reasons it may improve game flavour.

Dualwolf wrote:

I dont believe this question has been asked or answered, if it has then I apologise but can some-one point me to the answer?

On page 26, room number B4 the creature in this room will "attack anything that enters the room that doesn't bear the stink of Lamashtu on its skin".
I found a section about "Lamashtus Mark", but nothing about a stench.

I don't think "the stink of Lamashtu" was intended to be a reference to a mechanical effect.

Dualwolf wrote:
Is this just a Dms way of saying it'll attack any one who isnt meant to be there...?


Okies, thanks for the input.

The Attic Whisperer appears to have an ability whose scope is broader than the rules allow..

PF#1 wrote:

Steal Voice (Su) Any creature hit by this touch attack must make a

DC 16 Will save or lose its ability to speak for 1 hour. During that
time, the creature cannot talk, cast spells with verbal components,
use bardic music, turn undead, or use any other skill or ability that
requires speech. This ability has no effect on creatures incapable of
speech. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Turning undead, specifically, would seem to fall under a spell-like ability requiring a focus and somatic components only, ergo the Attic Whisperer can't really take this ability away from a cleric.

A rather blunt conversation concerning this happened in the PFRPG playtest, Here

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dualwolf wrote:

I dont believe this question has been asked or answered, if it has then I apologise but can some-one point me to the answer?

On page 26, room number B4 the creature in this room will "attack anything that enters the room that doesn't bear the stink of Lamashtu on its skin".
I found a section about "Lamashtus Mark", but nothing about a stench. Is this just a Dms way of saying it'll attack any one who isnt meant to be there or is there a section I'ver missed out on?
To be honest it's not vitaly important but if the Stench is something I can use in game for other reasons it may improve game flavour.

Yeah; that's a bit of flavor text that's sort of disguised as rules text, or vice versa. The denizen of that room will attack anything that isn't a minion of or a worshiper of Lamashtu.

Thats what I suspected, just thought I'd check.
Thanks guys.

Watcher wrote:

The Attic Whisperer appears to have an ability whose scope is broader than the rules allow..

PF#1 wrote:

Steal Voice (Su) Any creature hit by this touch attack must make a

DC 16 Will save or lose its ability to speak for 1 hour. During that
time, the creature cannot talk, cast spells with verbal components,
use bardic music, turn undead, or use any other skill or ability that
requires speech. This ability has no effect on creatures incapable of
speech. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Turning undead, specifically, would seem to fall under a spell-like ability requiring a focus and somatic components only, ergo the Attic Whisperer can't really take this ability away from a cleric.

A rather blunt conversation concerning this happened in the PFRPG playtest, Here

Sorry to quote myself, but hold the phone on this statement. The jury is still out on this. Please follow the link above for the ongoing discussion.

Location: Thistletop.
Scene: Encounter with Gogmurt.
Participants: Ranger, Cleric of Iomedae, Rogue, Wizard, Gogmurt the Druid.
Question: When to give XP for Gogmurt.

Intro: Okay, so my players reached Thistletop last session (actually the session before that, but the above scene happened last session). After defeating the 10 Birdcruncher goblins and the goblin dogs Gogmurt is aware that the PCs are there and he casts Entangle to snare them.
From a distance he then pelts one of the PCs with his Produce Flame as the PCs struggle to get through the entangling thorns (if I had been in a foul mood I could have given each struggling PC not wearing metal armor 1 point of damage from the thorns - not unreasonable given the description of the thistle doors).
This, btw, is a really lethal combination (Entangle + Produce Flame).
As you'll find out below, the PCs encountered Gogmurt twice in pretty much the same place, each time he downed 1 PC just by using Produce Flame.

Anyway, the question I have, and that I hope someone can give some input on, is:
When is Gogmurt defeated and the PCs gain xp for him?
In his morale description he'll run and heal when going below 20 hp. The PCs managed this in the first encounter with him. I then allowed them to wait out the Entangle spell and recover their fallen (unconscious) friend. After this encounter they hightailed it back to Sandpoint.
Returning the following day they reached the same spot where Gogmurt was again waiting for them. Rinse and repeat and another PC goes under (this time the Ranger, the Cleric bit it in the first encounter). They finally manage to deal enough damage to Gogmurt and he once again vanishes into the thorny wall to rest up.

My thoughts:
Gogmurt is not defeated yet, he's still a credible threat and will continue to harass the PCs as long as he can. Thus they don't get xp for him yet.
Of course, my player's balked at this.
From the 3.5 DMG:
"You must decide when a challenge has been overcome. Usually,this is simple to do. Did the PCs defeat the enemy in battle? Then they met the challenge and earned experience points. Other times, it can be trickier. Suppose the PCs sneak past the sleeping minotaur to get into the magical vault—did they overcome the minotaur encounter? If their goal was to get into the vault and the minotaur was just a guardian, then the answer is probably yes. It’s up to you to make such judgments."
Going by this, the PCs haven't "gotten past" Gogmurt yet.
If he had been run off, never to return, sure I would without a second thought give the PCs their due xp.
But if he continues to come back this way and they don't really get past this area because of him, then I'm inclined to rule that they haven't defeated him (or defeated "the encounter").
Until they kill or capture him, he's not defeated IMO. Even circumventing him (which is difficult to do really) doesn't give xp for him, he can still make a lot of ravage when the PCs get to the fort itself.


My 2 cents;
They have not yet overcome him, it is merely a running batle that has gone out of rounds (And will no doubt go back to round by round combat)
This is akin to an imp going invisible and healing up for a short duration before returning to attack. (Can you see where that is leading ? LOL)
If it was down to me I would award 1/2 xp if they dont kill Gogmurt but they still get back to Sandpoint after going to the lower levels and Nuilla and full xp if Gogmurt dies during the game.

Dualwolf wrote:

My 2 cents;

They have not yet overcome him, it is merely a running batle that has gone out of rounds (And will no doubt go back to round by round combat)
This is akin to an imp going invisible and healing up for a short duration before returning to attack. (Can you see where that is leading ? LOL)
If it was down to me I would award 1/2 xp if they dont kill Gogmurt but they still get back to Sandpoint after going to the lower levels and Nuilla and full xp if Gogmurt dies during the game.

Thanks for the reply Dualwolf!

Great suggestion with the half/full xp.

Anyone else have a confirming/opposing view?

To be honest with you I get the impression from the DMG quote that the minatour is considered more of a trap style encounter than an NPC/ monster encounter. You get Xp for overcoming a trap (such as carefully stepping past the tripwire (or in this case the hooves of the sleeping minatour)) and thats why youd give xp for the minatour in the example. I reckon its one of those examples where it shows that not every opponent is overcome with combat.
Likewise they could earn full xp from Gogmurt if they use diplomacy and actually encourage him to aide the characters in a battle against the "Longshanks". Though it is nigh impossible to do this now as they have already entered combat....
Then again, Gogmurt has been seriously beaten twice! He knows hes outmatched by the players and maybe he will offer up the allegiance (as long as the characters can assure Gogmurt non of his kin will be hurt, he could give the players a direct route through to the lower levels thus bypassing the bulk of the Goblins??)

Dualwolf wrote:

To be honest with you I get the impression from the DMG quote that the minatour is considered more of a trap style encounter than an NPC/ monster encounter. You get Xp for overcoming a trap (such as carefully stepping past the tripwire (or in this case the hooves of the sleeping minatour)) and thats why youd give xp for the minatour in the example. I reckon its one of those examples where it shows that not every opponent is overcome with combat.

Likewise they could earn full xp from Gogmurt if they use diplomacy and actually encourage him to aide the characters in a battle against the "Longshanks". Though it is nigh impossible to do this now as they have already entered combat....
Then again, Gogmurt has been seriously beaten twice! He knows hes outmatched by the players and maybe he will offer up the allegiance (as long as the characters can assure Gogmurt non of his kin will be hurt, he could give the players a direct route through to the lower levels thus bypassing the bulk of the Goblins??)

I've thought about the diplomacy angle too, but I'm not convinced my players are considering going that route, especially with a ranger with goblins as his favoured enemy...

But depending on what they decide to do next time I might have Gogmurt extend a diplomatic hand their way and see if they bite.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I am running into a few more snags with Sinspawn stats. It appears their +1 Dex bonus was added to their flat-footed AC and not touch AC. Also, shouldn't a 3hd aberration have a +2 BAB (as cleric?)

I have some questions about how to handle the effects of the Yeth Hounds' Bay Supernatural Ability. The Bay is a sonic mind-affecting fear effect with a 300-foot spread. I know that a spread can go around corners, but not through walls. So line of sight to the Yeth Hound is not needed. The Bay must be extremely loud, given the large spread and the fact that the adventure text says that "their howls quickly putting the complex on alert."

So, does the 300-foot spread of the fear effect go through doors or not? The folks beyond the doors can certainly hear the howls, but do they have to make a save? Anyone who is not an Evil Outsider is supposed to make a Save, but what if you are "allied" with the Yeth Hounds? It occurs to that you could just assume the Yeth Hounds Bay once per 24 hours to "immunize" their allies.

A bit of background:

My PCs managed to clear out all of the goblins on first floor. One fighter was dropped and revived with a potion, and everyone else was beat up pretty good. Oh, and the sorcerer got bit by a goblin dog and has a case of the itchies. (It made me laugh because it hurts both Dex and Charisma).

So they pressed on to the second level, using the stairs to the North. The didn't enter the room where Lyrie is. (They weren't trying to be quiet, so she probably noticed them, but I'm not sure if she would be able to identify them as a threat.)

The first occupied room that they entered was the Chapel to Lamashtu, and the first thing the hounds did on their initiative was to Bay and then rush the door. Out of six PCs, only two made both saves, and both of them were lower in the intitiative order than the yeth hounds, so they closed the doors to the chapel and got ready to follow their fleeing comrades. I rolled 7 rounds for the duration of the panic. At that point, we wrapped up the game for the day.

So I'm wondering if I should even consider having the other occupants of lower levels (Bruthazmus, Orik, Lyrie, etc.) make saves. And if any of them fail, I have to decide which way they run. And what if the Tentamort blows its save? Where does he go?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Since yeth hound howls immunize folks, it's easiest to assume that all of the bad guys in Thistletop have already made their saves. Less paperwork and clutter that way.

James Jacobs wrote:
Since yeth hound howls immunize folks, it's easiest to assume that all of the bad guys in Thistletop have already made their saves. Less paperwork and clutter that way.

Thanks James, that does make the most sense. I sort of answered my own question as I was typing my post.

So now that my players have "poked the hornet's nest" I need to figure out what all the bad guys are going to do...

Can someone clarify the direction of the smuggler tunnels under the glassworks? It says that it winds NE toward the cliffs...but then talks about the tunnel's southern half with branching tunnels. Does the tunnel initially have branches that go both south and northeast? What am I missing?

Thanks in advance,

Sorry about the late reply, hope its not too late for you.

Basically when it referes to the tunnel headed northeast, its talking about the main tunnel. On that particular tunnel (along the south wall) there are a further two branches.
One (the eastern one) stops at a dead end after a while that used to lead to the river . The western one however, looks like it was bricked up at the point were it meets the main tunnel. This one leads to the catacombs whilst the main tunnel leads off to the cliff edge and the seashore.

Just wanted to post a big thank you to everyone involved with this thread. My RotR campaign kicks off in about 2 weeks (finally), this will help some.


Dark Archive


I would like to know if there is a summarization (pdf file) of all the errata that we can find in these 300 posts ?

I'd like to translate them ...

Thanks !

My question is what day does the Swallowtail Festival start on? im using a calender that someone posted on here (great stuff) in the Adventure path it says the festival starts on the first day of autumn but the Campaign Setting says it starts Autumnal Equinox (Pg 239) Thanks guys

Joey Virtue wrote:
My question is what day does the Swallowtail Festival start on? im using a calender that someone posted on here (great stuff) in the Adventure path it says the festival starts on the first day of autumn but the Campaign Setting says it starts Autumnal Equinox (Pg 239) Thanks guys

Im using the third week of Rova (sept) in the year 4707 (the year RotR is supposed to take place). So I guess anytime in Rova is good enough.

Im starting my new RotR campaign a week from this saturday, so that will be the exact date in game too :)

Does it take place in 4707 or 4708

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Joey Virtue wrote:
Does it take place in 4707 or 4708

We keep these dates fluid, so that one can begin Rise of the Runelords in 4707, 4708, 4710, 4780, or whatever. Inside of a particular Adventure Path, time certainly progresses, but the APs themselves are built so that they're "bottled" and can start (and therefore end) whenever the particular GM wants them to end.

If that doesn't cut it for you, my own take on it is that "Rise of the Runelords" starts on the first day of Autumn in 4707, and goes for six months so that "Curse of the Crimson Throne" can start six months later.

As for the first day of Autumn, that occurs in Rova on the Equinox. Rova 23rd is my recommendation, but that's certainly not set in stone.

Thanks James thats why Paizo is the best

James Jacobs wrote:
As for the first day of Autumn, that occurs in Rova on the Equinox. Rova 23rd is my recommendation, but that's certainly not set in stone.

I'm kicking things off in about an hour from now and I believe Rova 22 shall be the start date: it's full of numerical significance for fantasy being the birthday of Bilbo, Frodo...and the Gotham Gamemaster!

The Exchange

I don't think this deserves to rot away in the archives!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

[moving thread out of archives so it can be stickied]

How do you pronouce Sihedron I have been wondering since I heard the guy who was giving a voice to Karazoug

Joey Virtue wrote:
How do you pronouce Sihedron I have been wondering since I heard the guy who was giving a voice to Karazoug

I'm no professional linguist, but I've been pronouncing it "Sih HEE drun".

And what voice of Karzoug are you referring to?

Dark Archive

Hello all,

I have started RoTRL a few weeks agos as a DM and found it just great !!! Excellent work and also EXCELLENT SUPPORT.

Oh by the way, It has been translated in French (Yeaah I'm a Frogeater !!! :D) and good thing is that most Erratum have been integrated into it.

I have a few questions if you don't mind.

My PC saved Aiko (or whatever her name) in Glassworks ("La Verrerie" :D). And my bard PC really want to flirt with her.

How do I manage that ?
I introduced her as a rather wild beauty who loves song, story telling and dance but can sometimes be rather sad.
It's either they start to flirt and get married and have plenty of children .... (and the bard gets rich).
Or she gets very much back in the old trails (excuse my french ;o) ) and behave as noble should be and find a noble man to marry.

Also in PF1, there is a hint that Cydrak the bard at the theather(yeah i'm not good at names ) does not really like Aiko due to some old story in MAgnimar.
Could you give me a hint on that. My PC Bard is of course a good friend of Cyrdak and would be interested to know his story.

Finally, that's really a shame that the smugglers tunnel has no map because the writings do not REALLY help.
I don't imagine a tunnel running NE with the southernpart of the tunnel running West .... It is simply not possible IMO.

EDIT : I realised I have a final question... Sinspawn and the Quasit have respectively "Fast healing I & II". what does that mean ? They heal HP every round ?

Anyway I have to say it is great great work And i simply love it.

Thanks to all Paizo/pathfinder team !

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