"Burnt Offerings" PDF for UK / European Subscribers

Rise of the Runelords

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Franz Lunzer wrote:

Austrian Subscriber here, got both pdf's (Pa#1 & D2) today, about 6 hours ago.

Order History says "shipping".

(No, I don't want to tease you, I just want you to know, that not all of the international orders did go wrong.)

You got your order probably with the regular delivery. Say you received your Email around 9am (CEST) than it was like 12pm at Paizos (if I am not wrong). So you got one of the last mails sent out by Lisa and Vic, lucky one! For us others someting must have gone wrong and we were not in the list of subscribers delivered by the computer system (maybe we got lost in the crash of the program last Thursday). But enjoy your pdf, no hard feeling ;-)

For those wondering whether it is an issue with combined shipping, I thought I should point out that I opted for my GameMastery modules to be held to ship with Pathfinder, yet I still got access to both pdfs earlier today. So maybe it's not combined shipping that's the problem? This first issue of Pathfinder is a transition issue for me, in case that helps.

Hope this problem is cleared up for you all soon.

Grindor wrote:
For those wondering whether it is an issue with combined shipping, I thought I should point out that I opted for my GameMastery modules to be held to ship with Pathfinder, yet I still got access to both pdfs earlier today. So maybe it's not combined shipping that's the problem? This first issue of Pathfinder is a transition issue for me, in case that helps.

It's probably not an issue with combined shipping... my order doesn't contain anything other than Pathfinder.

Paizo Employee CEO

Hey y'all:

Seems like we still have a bug in the system. :( I will set Gary to work on figuring out what is wrong and we will work like heck to get these out to you as quick as possible. I'm sorry that there have been all these problems with getting the first issue out to you, but with any new service, there is always problems that need to be worked through. I just wish that it wasn't the same folks who have so patiently waited for their final issues of Dragon and Dungeon to ship from TPFG. You guys deserve so much better.

I don't think it has anything to do with the combined shipping option as Vic and I shipped plenty of those out yesterday. I think it may have something to do with the bug I mentioned last week when we were trying to get the subs into our fulfillment system. But I am sure Gary can fix it.

I'll let you know when we have more information.


Lisa Stevens wrote:
I just wish that it wasn't the same folks who have so patiently waited for their final issues of Dragon and Dungeon to ship from TPFG. You guys deserve so much better.

Speaking of Dragon, should I - an Australian resident - be concerned that I haven't yet received Dungeon #150, Dragon #358 and Dragon #359?

I'm not sure whether you're saying people have been waiting and still haven't received Dragon and Dungeon, or that they have received them now (after a delay). I know it usually takes quite a while for them to get here, but I just thought I'd ask seeing as you reminded me of it. Thanks.

Scarab Sages

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Seems like we still have a bug in the system.

I hope the bug is fixed soon and we can enjoy our Pathfinder in as little time as possible.

Thanks for the update.


Paizo Employee CEO

Grindor wrote:
Speaking of Dragon, should I - an Australian resident - be concerned that I haven't yet received Dungeon #150, Dragon #358 and Dragon #359?

I wouldn't worry...as you said, it seems to take forever to get down under with the magazines. I was specifically talking about our fine European customers who get their magazines through a company called The Place for Games. So, no worries!


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

The same Modron says. As the two of us are also still waiting for Dungeon 149 and 150 and Dragon 359 (because both of us are from Spain and both of us have received Dragon 358 this morning)we really hope all the problems are finished soon and we, and the rest of the people that are still waiting for pathfinder, Dragon or Dungeon can enjoy it soon.

I was one of those who complained so ... uh ... loudly on saturday. Obviously I've had some time to think since then, and, more importantly, to analyze what really upset me about the whole situation (and just to get it out of the way: the TPFG situation, although completely unrelated, certainly was one part of the reason, but let's ignore that in this thread).

It's not the fact that it will take longer than expected for me to get the PDF. It's not even the fact that some people got their PDF sooner than me (not even now that it turns out I'm among the last few to receive it).

It mostly comes down to a matter of fairness, or rather a (perceived) lack of fairness. Speaking strictly for myself, it was the fact that some had been actively chosen/selected to receive their Pathfinder PDF before me that got me so upset. Of course I know there are perfectly rational and acceptable reasons for the decision to process US domestic subscriptions before international subscriptions, and yet it felt (and still feels) unfair purely on an emotional level. If the subscriptions had been processed in an entirely random order, I think I wouldn't have been half as upset as I was.

Such an irrational (and in fact unfounded) feeling of unfairness may seem like a small thing, but for me, fairness is right at the heart of D&D, and I guess it's the same with many D&D fans. I know I'd never stay in a game, investing one precious evening per week, if I knew for sure that the game master or one of the other players was being deliberately unfair (with the possible exception of some minor tweaking by the game master, just to keep the game fun and interesting).

That being said, I think that the proposed changes for Pathfinder #2, in particular the idea to set up two parallel processing queues for domestic and international orders, are definitely a step in the right direction.

Thanks for listening/reading.

Thanks to the awesomeness of Paizo's customer department (mad props go out to Ms. Young - and yes, I do feel slightly weird being a 30-something white guy writing street slang on a gaming site) I've just downloaded my version of the pdf(s).
Here's to hoping that the last few glitches will be sorted out today so we can stop bothering everyone at Paizo and start praising them again for the cool products they make. :-D

Liberty's Edge

I received the download link this morning, and I am now downloading Pathfinder #1. For the record, I'm in the UK.

Many thanks to the Paizo people.

I think the remaining competition is for "who gets to be last".

That would be me.

I'm still in the race.

I'm a contender !!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Lisa Stevens wrote:

If for some reason, you haven't received your email and don't have access to the Pathfinder #1 PDF, please email customer.service@paizo.com and let us know as there is something wrong with your sub probably.

We don't need that e-mail now, actually. Gary has identified a bunch of the ones we missed, which we'll begin fulfilling immediately, and he is now working to make sure there are no more.

I hope you all get at least a glass of champagne from your boss, when the last issue of PF is packed :-)

Belfur wrote:
I hope you all get at least a glass of champagne from your boss, when the last issue of PF is packed :-)

I suspect it's more a case of Lisa & Vic handing a few glasses to the rest of the staff... As far as I know, a "CEO" is the highest rank in a company, so there's probably no-one above Lisa (except owners and/or shareholders possibly).

I've no idea where a Technical Director fits in, but since Paizo is a relatively small company, I suspect Vic's not so far below the CEO. :)

Anyway - please do have a little celebration... after sending out the last few copies & PDFs (I'm still in the race to be The Last).

jow wrote:
I'm still in the race to be The Last).

Yay! I'm out of the race! Thanks everyone!

00:03 - I've just had some very good news... and the pdf has turned up. marvelous.

E-mail received - many thanks.

Shadow Lodge

All sorted. Email recieved and one happy Irishman.

You guys rock!

David Rowe wrote:
That would be me.

No, that would be me, because I still haven't received anything...

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Challenged... got a mail from Customer service though, that they are trying to find out what went wrong with it.

Still no Mail and no PDFs.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Still no pdfs and my mail is still pending

Wawoozle wrote:
Still no Mail and no PDFs.

Same here. (Sob, sob).

One mail to CS later, and here I am, waking up to find both PDF files ready for download and the package already on its way :). Thank you, Paizo people!

Paizo Employee CEO

We think that we found the problem. It turned out that somehow the print que got stopped while pick lists were being printed. The shipping system thought the pick lists were printed so it didn't pick them again, but in fact they weren't. Since without a pick list, we don't know what to ship, it caused quite a problem. But Gary figured out which orders were affected by this and printed the pick lists. So we started to slog our way through them today and will finish tomorrow. Thanks again for your patience.


I am a happy customer now! :-)

A few hours ago, I got my email.
At least one thing that finally worked out.

Now I'm only still missing Dungeon 149 & 150 and Dragon 359... :( Once I have those, I might be a happy customer again too.

The Exchange

Many thanks - got my email and downloads overnight. I'm sure this has been stressful for everyone, but especially Paizo staff. Thanks for dealing with this.

Dark Archive

Sadly I haven't received it yet. :_(

No PDF for me either :(

Lisa Stevens wrote:

We think that we found the problem. It turned out that somehow the print que got stopped while pick lists were being printed. The shipping system thought the pick lists were printed so it didn't pick them again, but in fact they weren't. Since without a pick list, we don't know what to ship, it caused quite a problem. But Gary figured out which orders were affected by this and printed the pick lists. So we started to slog our way through them today and will finish tomorrow. Thanks again for your patience.


Woot, way to go, Gary! Waiting very eagerly now!!

All sorted. PDF arrived and looking good!


Just had an email saying the Gen-Con alt cover version I ordered has been shipped but still nothing about my subscription copy or the pdf !!

That just adds insult to injury !!

Scarab Sages

Mail and PDF received :-)
I'm happier than half an hour ago.


Well I'm still waiting :(.
Hopefully Gary is able to fix all the bugs that showed up in this first "test run" and shipping Pathfinder #2 will work more smoothly :).

Mine's here. Thanks for the hard work. Reading about it in these posts tells me it must be hectic times for you guys. So your work is appreciated.

Mine arrived just at this moment :).
Thanks for the hard work to the whole Paizo Team :).

Arrived and downloaded. Me happy :)

Out of the race, mail received and downloads running.
Oh happy day...

Still waiting.

Dark Archive

Downloaded yesterday.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Got my mail at 1 in the night... (1600 in Seattle).

happy happy happy

yesssss...got mine as well...

Got mine now..and it is sweet.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Received and downloaded at last. Thanks.

Is anyone other than me still waiting ?

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