Varisia Campaign Calendar - Special days

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Grand Lodge

The calendar on the Paizo Blog gives 12 months of 30 days each. this equates to 360 days. what about the other 5?

Are they special holidays/festivals that appear every couple of months much like the faerun calendar?

And what about leap years?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Quijenoth wrote:

The calendar on the Paizo Blog gives 12 months of 30 days each. this equates to 360 days. what about the other 5?

Are they special holidays/festivals that appear every couple of months much like the faerun calendar?

And what about leap years?

The other five we don't know what to do with yet. They might be festival days. My preference, though, is that there aren't five missing days. Golarion isn't Earth, after all.

Maybe their calendar isn't as precise (hell, the mayan calendar was better than the one we use now), or their "Earth" isn't 365(ish) days?

James Jacobs wrote:
Golarion isn't Earth, after all.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
The other five we don't know what to do with yet.

Personally, I vote to keep the extra days–it gives the calendar an organic, realistic feeling to it (plus, it’s easy to relate to). Ignoring the floating festivals option, I’d say the easiest way to handle it is to give the months with equinoxes and solstices an extra day (because these are special days), and the fifth day (and sixth, in leap years) could be an intercalary day either appended to the end of the year*, or between two other months. You could also lump the extra days together as an intercalary “week” at the end of the year or some other point.

Intercalary days/weeks at the end of a year could have a special significance–signifying a time that doesn’t belong to the year. Superstitions could be attributed to them, like the boundary between the material world and the spirit world/faerie real/astral plane are at its thinnest, and people or creatures are said to sometimes accidentally cross this boundary. Or it could be said to be the time when the spirits of the dead return to the land of the living as ghostly visages and candle lit parades are held in the evening keep the spirits at bay.... You get the idea. It’s these little imperfections in the clockwork that allow for interesting flavor. :)

I'd much prefer to leave the year at 360 days. Golarion isn't Earth and it doesn't have to be exactly the same. Adding special festival days or leap years or whatever just gets confusing. Not to mention, making a calendar will be MUCH easier if left with even months.

James Jacobs wrote:
Quijenoth wrote:

The calendar on the Paizo Blog gives 12 months of 30 days each. this equates to 360 days. what about the other 5?

Are they special holidays/festivals that appear every couple of months much like the faerun calendar?

And what about leap years?

The other five we don't know what to do with yet. They might be festival days. My preference, though, is that there aren't five missing days. Golarion isn't Earth, after all.

Four extra days then? Two for the Solstices & two for the Equinoxes?

*resurrects thread*

A Golarion calendar for 4708 AR. (A "lite" version without a background is here.)

I assumed a couple of things when making this calendar.

  • "Moonday" is when the cycle of the moon changes.
  • The Winter Solstice marks the beginning of the year.
  • Solstices and equinoxes are 90 days apart, and fall in the middle of the season, and at the start of a month.
  • Seasons start one month before a solstice or equinox, and end one month after.


Great, i will use it next session!

I am ashamed to ask you that but is it possible for you to make the same for 4709, i started burnt offerings in Lamashan so i am near the end of the year, if you can't (i can understand that) could you make the source you used to do it so i can redoo it?

Thanks anyway

The campaign actually starts in late 4707, 4708 will be very useful for the 'next year' though.

Very nice. Good alternate version of the Erian-7 '07 calender that was floating around, and the '08 version that was based off of that.

I did 4708 first, because Curse of the Crimson Throne starts in that year.

However, the ZIP files have been updated, and they include 4707, 4708 and 4709.


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I like the ideas of Solstices/Equinoxes being special days, but that still leaves you with an extra day. Personally, I'm just going to go with James's explanation. Golarion isn't earth, so the year is allowed to be only 360 days long.

Yeah, I took the "12 months, 30 days" as the length of the calendar year when I made my calendars.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Very cool L! Thank you for sharing.

Something I was thinking about as I was putting the calendars together, is that some months have a double moon (a blue moon). A large festival dedicated to that god's month could be a fascinating addition.

Edit: Feh, my calculations were off. I'll get back to y'all on this.
Edit, part deux: Double Full Moon months for the last decade and next decade.

Abadius (1st month): 4701, 4708, 4715
Pharast (3rd month): 4702, 4709, 4716
Desnus (5th month): 4696, 4703, 4710, 4717
Erastus (7th month): 4697, 4704, 4711
Rova (9th month): 4698, 4705, 4712
Neth (11th month): 4699, 4706, 4713

Now to fix some of the moon cycles on my maps (now that I got it all figured out).

Okay, files fixed. While putting stuff together, I noticed that the years and moon cycles "recycle" after 7 years. Months come in 7 variations (as far as layout is concerned)...what is Golarion's fascination with the number 7?!?!

And in case anybody is curious, here is the Double New Moon Months.

Calistril (2nd month): 4698, 4705, 4712.
Gozran (4th month): 4699, 4706, 4713.
Sarenith (6th month): 4700, 4707, 4714.
Arodus (8th month): 4701, 4708, 4715.
Lamashan (10th month): 4702, 4709, 4716.
Kuthona (12th month): 4703, 4710, 4717.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Lilith wrote:
Okay, files fixed. While putting stuff together, I noticed that the years and moon cycles "recycle" after 7 years. Months come in 7 variations (as far as layout is concerned)...what is Golarion's fascination with the number 7?!?!

And thus, The Lilith Code begins. Or would that be Solars and Fiends...?

Thank you a lot Lilith.

Many, many thanks, Lilith! The lite versions are especially nice for superimposing a suitable background image over, to evoke the proper mood for a particular module.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Lilith wrote:

Okay, files fixed. While putting stuff together, I noticed that the years and moon cycles "recycle" after 7 years. Months come in 7 variations (as far as layout is concerned)...what is Golarion's fascination with the number 7?!?!

And in case anybody is curious, here is the Double New Moon Months.

Calistril (2nd month): 4698, 4705, 4712.
Gozran (4th month): 4699, 4706, 4713.
Sarenith (6th month): 4700, 4707, 4714.
Arodus (8th month): 4701, 4708, 4715.
Lamashan (10th month): 4702, 4709, 4716.
Kuthona (12th month): 4703, 4710, 4717.

The real calendar also has a 7 year cycle (except that leap years break it). It has to do with the 7 day week and the fact that 7 is prime.

When is RotRLs supposed to start? Does it even have an official start date? When is the Swallowtail festival? I have no books with me.

Either way - thanks Lilith they are fab and groovy.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Host of Angels wrote:

When is RotRLs supposed to start? Does it even have an official start date? When is the Swallowtail festival? I have no books with me.

Either way - thanks Lilith they are fab and groovy.

The Swallowtail festival is the fall equinox. I don't recall the year offhand, but I think it's been mentioned in this thread.

I think RotRL is Fall Equinox 4707 (Lamashan 1). CotCT is 4708.

Ross Byers wrote:
The real calendar also has a 7 year cycle (except that leap years break it). It has to do with the 7 day week and the fact that 7 is prime.

These I did not know - but I was wondering if the Cycle of Sevens also tied into the Seven Virtues (and Sins) of Thassilonian magic. Happy coincidence? I think so. ;)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Lilith wrote:
These I did not know - but I was wondering if the Cycle of Sevens also tied into the Seven Virtues (and Sins) of Thassilonian magic. Happy coincidence? I think so. ;)

I'm thinking a Chinese-zodiac style system. 'Year of Wrath', 'Year of Greed', etc. in a seven year cycle, defined by which day of the week new years falls on. Might not be remembered now, but in Thassilonian times, it'd have been big.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Just came across this thread - really really nice work Lilith.

Ross Byers wrote:
I'm thinking a Chinese-zodiac style system. 'Year of Wrath', 'Year of Greed', etc. in a seven year cycle, defined by which day of the week new years falls on. Might not be remembered now, but in Thassilonian times, it'd have been big.

Maybe the remnants of said seven-year zodiacs are found in Harrow spreads? Hmm...*ponders*

Sovereign Court

A seven-year Thassilonian zodiac is a neat idea, but it's a tough sell considering the Runelords’ supposed disregard for divination magic (which I always thought was bull-hooey). The stars are classic divination tools for most societies that observed their movement, so it's hard to imagine what the Thassilonian courts thought of them.

Ooh, maybe the stars and divination were concerns of the servant class - future Varisians. It could have been their early introduction to the mysteries of Desna and served secret portent to the fall of Thassilon. I like that: a servant class who knew the cataclysm was coming but didn't tell their masters.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Well, it wouldn't have to be actually astrological. You're right, the Runelords looked down on Divination, but they did love celebrating themselves.

The Exchange

Lilith wrote:
I think RotRL is Fall Equinox 4707 (Lamashan 1). CotCT is 4708.

Not to be picky but according to "Burnt Offerings" (pg. 10) , "The Swallowtail Festival begins... on the first day of autumn. Which would make Rova 1 on your excellent calendar.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Hrmm. That's an issue. How do you define the beginning of the season? On the modern calendar, we call the Equinox/Solstice the first day of the season.

I used the equinoxes/solstices as the midpoint of the season, rather than the start (which has always made more sense to me, but again, that's just me).

Lilith wrote:
I used the equinoxes/solstices as the midpoint of the season, rather than the start (which has always made more sense to me, but again, that's just me).

That's usually how I look at it too. The solstices used to be called midsummer and midwinter.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

It was dropped by the Mona that Golarion's year is 365 days. What happened to the 5?

Ross Byers wrote:
It was dropped by the Mona that Golarion's year is 365 days. What happened to the 5?

The Player's Guide did not make any mention of those extra 5 they're not in.


There is a really easy to use calendar maker site at

You just enter the numbers and names of the days and months, first day of year, also the number and name of moon(s) and how long for each cycle. It then generates a calendar for any year you need.

This is some great stuff just wondering where in all the Pathfinders do you find all the information for months days and years?

Joey Virtue wrote:
This is some great stuff just wondering where in all the Pathfinders do you find all the information for months days and years?

Wasn't in the pathfinders, but it was mentioned in the blog Here

It's also in both Players Guides (which are downloadable for free).

Grand Lodge

I have often been driven nuts by fantasy calendars. Most of the time they are about 365 days in a year, 12 months with 30 some days each.

But if you have an active pantheon, and one where they created the world (does not apply to all worlds fantasy settings now) then why something so random?

I can see 4 seasons and for ease of tracking the seasons you have three months, early, mid and late. So 12 months works. But why 30 days? I have liked 5 weeks of 10 days. decimal system and all... five fingers per hand and all. Yeah I know we get a year with 600 days, twice earth, but why the heck not? Summer and winter gets brutal :)

I understand that the main reason is so people playing can associate the familiar with the fantasy world. But would it REALLY be so difficult to deal with?

For hours I break a day into 12 parts: Dawn, Morning, Foreday, Midday, Noon, Afternoon, Eventide, Twilight, Nightfall, Night, Midnight, Gloom the duration may change depending upon the season, but roughly 2 hours per part of the day,which can be subdivided to early, mid and late easily enough, so Late Noon might be around 1:30 or so.

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