
John Landan's page

10 posts (216 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Igor von Uberwald wrote:

Its not quite that powerful in specs, Empower only increases die rolls by 1.5, not manifester level, fixed numbers, or number caps in the power; so it is only 5 targets. Also the area is no two of which is more than 15' apart, so all must be in a 30' radius area.

The damage however would be would more than your estimate, but your save is too high, only +1 per 2 extra d6. Maxed out at 14d6 (3d6 + 11d6 augment) +14 (fire option) +14 (priveleged power feat) * 1.5 (empower) = avg. 115 pts of fire damage, Ref save DC 26 for half, range 210 feet. PP cost 14 (out of 108), you also take 3d8 (avg. 13) damage for Overchannel.

Not too shabby. Remember though that you would only have an average of 33 hp., so 3 of these will probably kill you.

Pathfinder #32 is now listed twice under my subscriptions. Please make sure I am sent only one copy.


Cosmo wrote:
John Landan wrote:

I recieved PF #31, and the next listed under My Subscriptions is #33. I would like to get #32.


John Landan

It looks like your subscription was trying to skip your Pathfinder #32. I have put one into your sidecart to go out with your next subscription shipment, which we currently expect to be going out sometime next week.


I thank you.

I recieved PF #31, and the next listed under My Subscriptions is #33. I would like to get #32.


John landan

I would allow it under the same ruling as double weapons, so long as the character had weapon focus for both weapons.

I have a subscription for Pathfinder Adventure Paths. My latest order has not yet gone out. I know there was a delay due to my credit card expiring, but I have updated it. Can someone please check it? Thanks


Yes, they get domain spells. The spells granted from a domain are listed in the core class chart as +1 under spells per day. This shows that the spells are part of their spell progression, so any increase from class levels or prestige classes that grant +1 to existing level will increase the entire spell progression.

Domain powers that are based on class level for some factor are not increased however.


I don't care for elemental rage either, its too "magical". Rage pwers should be extraordinary in nature and onlt related to actual melee effects, like attack, damage and defense.

That said, I was thinking on the issue of raging barbarians killing themselves when coming out of rage. An idea occured. How about a rage power that prevented death from rage?

Cling to Life (Ex):As an immediate action, a barbarian may spend two rage points when she is brought to fewer than 0 hit points from loss of the rage condition, stabilizing the character at that current hit points, but remaining unconscious, even if the barbarian would otherwise remain conscious. Hit points less than -9 are brought to -9 and stable with the character unconscious. This only applies to hit points lost from coming out of a rage.



Why isn't the king just raised by one of the churches?

Read the PH. Raise dead wouldn't cure the magic poison, he'd just die again. It would also require a 9th level cleric with a 15 wisdom to cast and cost 5k gold. What levels are the clerics of these churches? 9th is fairly high for a non-adventurer.

True Resurection would do the job, but would require a 17th level cleric with a wisdom of 19 and would cost 25k gold. Are there 17th level non-adventuring clerics in this city?

There is a really easy to use calendar maker site at


You just enter the numbers and names of the days and months, first day of year, also the number and name of moon(s) and how long for each cycle. It then generates a calendar for any year you need.