Things in Life That Suck

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Kruelaid wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Driving to work yesterday, I got rear-ended by a landscaping truck, messing up my (relatively) new car and spraining my neck. Now I am doped up on muscle relaxants and painkillers, contemplating all the bulls!it I'm going to have to go through to get my car fixed.




It's all good bro, I've dealt with worse. If he'd been going faster I'd have been a total pizza, now I just have a pain in my neck (both literally and physically).

Nice confusing the censor program too dude! fuuuuuuuckin' A!

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Driving to work yesterday, I got rear-ended by a landscaping truck, messing up my (relatively) new car and spraining my neck. Now I am doped up on muscle relaxants and painkillers, contemplating all the bulls!it I'm going to have to go through to get my car fixed.

I do hope that you feel better and that the car repairs go well and quickly.

Yah what's up with me not getting bleeped.

I didn't mean to do that. It just happened.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Locke1520 wrote:

I was laid off in January and have been out of work since but the hits keep coming.

My father is in the ICU for pneumonia and possibly tuberculosis. He hasn't been responding to the usual antibiotics. This morning he had a bronchoscopy and now he's intubated and being kept sedated.

Now that its been a few days this is easier to share. On May 22 my father passed away. The doctors were able to rule out the TB but they were having difficulty with the pneumonia. He had developed a second condition called ARDS. ARDS is serious and often fatal and when combined with his pneumonia...

He died surrounded by his family and passed blessedly easily.

Jeff Marlowe (1946-2009)
He is missed terribly.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

My condolences, Locke1520.

Locke1520 wrote:
Locke1520 wrote:

I was laid off in January and have been out of work since but the hits keep coming.

My father is in the ICU for pneumonia and possibly tuberculosis. He hasn't been responding to the usual antibiotics. This morning he had a bronchoscopy and now he's intubated and being kept sedated.

Now that its been a few days this is easier to share. On May 22 my father passed away. The doctors were able to rule out the TB but they were having difficulty with the pneumonia. He had developed a second condition called ARDS. ARDS is serious and often fatal and when combined with his pneumonia...

He died surrounded by his family and passed blessedly easily.

Jeff Marlowe (1946-2009)
He is missed terribly.

I am sorry to hear that, but at least he got to be with you all in the end.

I am so sorry for your loss, Locke1520.

Locke1520 wrote:

He is missed terribly.

Sorry to hear about your loss Locke. I am glad to hear his passing was easy and that he was surrounded by loved ones. My thoughts are with you.

RPG Superstar 2012

My condolences, Locke.

Scarab Sages

I am very sorry to hear of your loss, Locke. My thoughts go to you and your family.

I'm so sorry, Locke.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Thank you everyone.

Liberty's Edge

Really sorry to hear it Locke.

Scarab Sages

I'm sorry for your loss. All the best to you and your family.

I am so freaking depressed right now. I was really looking forward to getting to talk to one of my real-life friends this week. I've got some stuff that I've really been needing to talk through for a couple of weeks. And schedules just haven't been meshing. So I've got this stuff kinda festering, not to mention feeling really isolated. Not helped by the fact that my usual distractions that help me blow off steam are currently not available. Gah. I really need to snap out of this. Solo pity parties are no fun.

After 16 years in print, Viacom has dropped Nickelodeon magazine, so my older sister is out of a job. The good thing is that she isn't freaked out or anything and she knew it was going to happen, but it's still sad.

James Keegan wrote:

After 16 years in print, Viacom has dropped Nickelodeon magazine, so my older sister is out of a job. The good thing is that she isn't freaked out or anything and she knew it was going to happen, but it's still sad.

That does indeed suck. I hope she finds a new job soon.

Thanks, I hope so too. She's a pretty talented artist, but New York is pretty full of those. It's weird, she and I both went to school for illustration and my twin sister went for textile design. So security was never really in the cards for any of us. When I talked to her last, she was talking about getting more freelance work and things like that, so I think she at least has a plan forming.

Hope things improve for you, Lynora.
(And thoughts to your sister, James.)

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Hope things improve for you, Lynora.

(And thoughts to your sister, James.)

Thanks, Charles. And thanks for letting me ramble. It helped.

Locke, my (belated) condolences. I feel so sorry for your loss.


Locke1520 wrote:


My condolences.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I had a wonderful surprise today. My manager asked if I had a minute and the next thing I know I am fired. No warning, nothing. Everything is great and then, oh sorry this guy here will escort you out of the building.

Dreamweaver wrote:
I had a wonderful surprise today. My manager asked if I had a minute and the next thing I know I am fired. No warning, nothing. Everything is great and then, oh sorry this guy here will escort you out of the building.

Oh, wow. That sucks so much. I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope you're able to find another job soon.

Liberty's Edge

Dreamweaver wrote:
I had a wonderful surprise today. My manager asked if I had a minute and the next thing I know I am fired. No warning, nothing. Everything is great and then, oh sorry this guy here will escort you out of the building.

We've had layoffs like that before; no warning just *BAM* out the door.

I've been lucky, so far, and escaped the axe.

I think they do that do avoid gossip and speculation about who's going to be let go, and so that the soon-to-be-furloughed-person doesn't shirk his or her duties if they happen to find out a week in advance that they're getting the boot.

You have my sympathies. I hope your company had the decency to give you a severance package.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Dreamweaver wrote:
I had a wonderful surprise today. My manager asked if I had a minute and the next thing I know I am fired. No warning, nothing. Everything is great and then, oh sorry this guy here will escort you out of the building.

I'm sorry to hear about that. We have the same thing at my company, but the timing of layoffs has become so predictable, we know what day they are happening. Speaking of which, 4 weeks from yesterday...

I do hope you get severance from your job and you find a replacement soon.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks everyone, the one good thing is I get to spend all summer with my two girls (and save on daycare).

Dreamweaver wrote:
I had a wonderful surprise today. My manager asked if I had a minute and the next thing I know I am fired. No warning, nothing. Everything is great and then, oh sorry this guy here will escort you out of the building.


Locke1520 wrote:
Thank you everyone.

Hope things are looking better now after a couple of weeks, Locke.

Wow you guys. I'm sorry to hear about the job losses all around the board. For the sake of mine, please love Alberta Beef.

I was going to say upending your front-end loader, but I wasn't hurt and neither was the machine.

Can i join the club ?

I've been told two weeks ago that i would be laid-off for the end of the month.
And i was the one with a "secure" job, being a cityworker in NYC.

To make this period more interesting, when the nanny of my son was told about it, she couldn't wait to look for another job, and she just announced she would drop us this monday, which leaves me no choice other than bringing him and picking him up at daycare. Waiting for two more weeks would have been much more convenient, but nooo.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Seldriss wrote:

Can i join the club ?

I've been told two weeks ago that i would be laid-off for the end of the month.

And to make this period more interesting, when the nanny of my son was told about it, she couldn't wait to look for another job, and she just announced she would drop us this monday, which leaves me no choice other than bringing him and picking him up at daycare.

Sorry to hear about your job loss, too. Is it a temporary or permanent layoff?

And real classy of your nanny to jump ship the second she heard. <eye roll>

taig wrote:

Sorry to hear about your job loss, too. Is it a temporary or permanent layoff?
And real classy of your nanny to jump ship the second she heard. <eye roll>

That's permanent. Anyway, i don't think i will wait for the agency to call me back if there is an opening.

But like Dreamweaver said, i will take the opportunity to spend some time with my son in my job prospection period, going to the city for search and interviews while he's in daycare.

Damn, sorry to hear about the layoffs, Dreamweaver and Seldriss. Best of luck.

At a friend of a friend's place, this is how they did it and it must have been the most humiliating and dehumanizing thing possible:

They called everyone outside and locked the doors with the keyswipe thing, then told everyone to come back inside with their i.d. card. The people whose cards didn't work were layed off.

Things in life that suck (In no particular order)

1. Teenaged children denied their way.
2. Obnoxious customers denied their way.
3. Long gray cold rainy days.
4. Arguing with the spouse.
5. Feeling generally in ill health.
6. Seeing the signs of a very bad season for your company.
7. Knowing your job is gone come Fall should the season be bad.
8. Feeling down about pretty much everything.

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Things in life that suck (In no particular order)

1. Teenaged children denied their way.
2. Obnoxious customers denied their way.
3. Long gray cold rainy days.
4. Arguing with the spouse.
5. Feeling generally in ill health.
6. Seeing the signs of a very bad season for your company.
7. Knowing your job is gone come Fall should the season be bad.
8. Feeling down about pretty much everything.

Take it one day at a time, man. You'll get through it.

Grand Lodge

The fact that I had a chance to ride with Steven Schend to see him, Colin McComb and Zeb Cook speak and I couldn't swing the money for the ticket.

Liberty's Edge

I really need to get a job soon or I'm going to be loosing my place of residence.

I don't think I could live without the internet! Not to mention lugging all my D&D books around would probably kill me.

Gene wrote:

I really need to get a job soon or I'm going to be loosing my place of residence.

I don't think I could live without the internet! Not to mention lugging all my D&D books around would probably kill me.

I wish you the best of luck with that.

Good Luck finding a new job, all those who got the boot.

James, the story about the ID card used to "tell" whos fired is so nasty, I don´t even find words for it. Or is it another urban legend (A friend of a friend...)? If it is true, it reminds me of casting shows and all that crap.


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Locke1520 wrote:
Thank you everyone.
Thanks again to everyone.
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Hope things are looking better now after a couple of weeks, Locke.

I won't say that I'm particularly better but we're all better adjusted I think. We had the public memorial on Monday and that helped too. Odd to think today would have been his birthday.

Stebehil wrote:

Good Luck finding a new job, all those who got the boot.

James, the story about the ID card used to "tell" whos fired is so nasty, I don´t even find words for it. Or is it another urban legend (A friend of a friend...)? If it is true, it reminds me of casting shows and all that crap.


I dunno how true it is, but I trust the source. It is a foul thing to do; who could be so scared of confrontation that they wouldn't fire you in person?

James Keegan wrote:
Stebehil wrote:

Good Luck finding a new job, all those who got the boot.

James, the story about the ID card used to "tell" whos fired is so nasty, I don´t even find words for it. Or is it another urban legend (A friend of a friend...)? If it is true, it reminds me of casting shows and all that crap.


I dunno how true it is, but I trust the source. It is a foul thing to do; who could be so scared of confrontation that they wouldn't fire you in person?

Firing someone is never easy to do. After managing a few retail stores and eventually having my own business, I've had to fire a few people in my time. I could see why someone would want to take the coward's way out, although I don't condone it.

RPG Superstar 2012

It must never occur to some how much more cruel it is to not tell someone face to face. I think it was Radio Shack where people found out they were laid off via e-mail. That's just wrong.

Garydee wrote:
James Keegan wrote:
Stebehil wrote:

Good Luck finding a new job, all those who got the boot.

James, the story about the ID card used to "tell" whos fired is so nasty, I don´t even find words for it. Or is it another urban legend (A friend of a friend...)? If it is true, it reminds me of casting shows and all that crap.


I dunno how true it is, but I trust the source. It is a foul thing to do; who could be so scared of confrontation that they wouldn't fire you in person?
Firing someone is never easy to do. After managing a few retail stores and eventually having my own business, I've had to fire a few people in my time. I could see why someone would want to take the coward's way out, although I don't condone it.

Fair enough. I've never been in that position, but if I were on the receiving end it would mean a lot to me if the person I'd been working for told me to my face and gave me at least some sort of explanation. I mean, most people have questions on their way out beyond just "why?", you know? I would want to ask if it were okay to use them as a reference, for instance, or questions about severance pay (if any).

Locke1520 wrote:
Locke1520 wrote:
Thank you everyone.
Thanks again to everyone.
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Hope things are looking better now after a couple of weeks, Locke.
I won't say that I'm particularly better but we're all better adjusted I think. We had the public memorial on Monday and that helped too. Odd to think today would have been his birthday.

Ahh, ack. Birthdays can be bad. :(

Liberty's Edge

A lesser bit of suck: the sound card in my computer fried itself, so I'll be without music for a while.

James Keegan wrote:
They called everyone outside and locked the doors with the keyswipe thing, then told everyone to come back inside with their i.d. card. The people whose cards didn't work were layed off.

That's the Army way: "Everyone whose mother is still living take one step forward! Not you, Smith!"

Not posting on the boards in a really, really long time sucks...

As ever,

Silver Crusade

theacemu wrote:

Not posting on the boards in a really, really long time sucks...

As ever,

Welcome back!

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