catsclaw |

I have a new gaming group that starts play in early/mid July. I am bandying about APs for them, and I want to run Pathfinder/GameMastery, but I don't really have any players guide or something to provide them with some background. So far, the winner of my AP search is EN Publishing's War of the Burning Sky.
Granted, WotBS is great and I am already running it in an online group, I wanted to run something different for this F2F group, but I think Savage Tide (and AoW, SC) is too tough, they are new. They are itching to start, want some campaign background, and I am afraid if we have to wait another month and a half, they will decline and we will start another campaign.
How can I use Hollow's Last Hope as a lead-in for the Pathfinder AP? Are they in a fairly similar region of Varisia? Will a player's guide/campaign guide be released prior to the first adventure? BTW, this is why I loved WotBS, I was able to whet the appetites of my players prior to the first adventure coming out.
Is there a more specific release schedule for the Pathfinder adventures, the PDFs, players guides, etc, than just August 2007?

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Pathfinder and the Player's Guide are scheduled for release in August. The hope is to have them ready for Gen Con. They're off to the printer at this point... and that pretty much locks things in; they can't come out any faster as a result.
Hollow's Last Hope can certainly work for a lead-in adventure for Rise of the Runelords, although it takes place in an area far from Varisia. The easiest way to change that is to simply rewrite the wilderness portion of the adventure. However... your PCs will then be 2nd level, and the start of Rise of the Runelords is very much written for 1st level characters.

catsclaw |

Pathfinder and the Player's Guide are scheduled for release in August. The hope is to have them ready for Gen Con. They're off to the printer at this point... and that pretty much locks things in; they can't come out any faster as a result.
Hollow's Last Hope can certainly work for a lead-in adventure for Rise of the Runelords, although it takes place in an area far from Varisia. The easiest way to change that is to simply rewrite the wilderness portion of the adventure. However... your PCs will then be 2nd level, and the start of Rise of the Runelords is very much written for 1st level characters.
OK, well then I will have to send a different group through the Rise of the Runelords. Or maybe I can get these newbs primed and run a few "learning" scenarios.

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James Jacobs wrote:Pathfinder and the Player's Guide are scheduled for release in August. The hope is to have them ready for Gen Con. They're off to the printer at this point... and that pretty much locks things in; they can't come out any faster as a result.
Hollow's Last Hope can certainly work for a lead-in adventure for Rise of the Runelords, although it takes place in an area far from Varisia. The easiest way to change that is to simply rewrite the wilderness portion of the adventure. However... your PCs will then be 2nd level, and the start of Rise of the Runelords is very much written for 1st level characters.
OK, well then I will have to send a different group through the Rise of the Runelords. Or maybe I can get these newbs primed and run a few "learning" scenarios.
You might also look at Goodman Games Legends are Made, not Born. It's for 0 level characters.

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You might also look at Goodman Games Legends are Made, not Born. It's for 0 level characters.
Ah, but that is originally written for NPC Classes, so PC Classes will be on the strong side.
I had the idea to run Legends with "Apprentice Level" PCs. They are not yet adults (-2 on Str, Int, Wis, +2 on Dex, Cha). And basically 0 level PC Class (no First Level feat, only half of the Skill points, Spellcasters only have 0 lvl. Spells).
After the Adventure, the "finish" their Apprenticeship (or self Tutorial) and "advance" to adulthood and first Level (i.e. +2 Str, Int, Wis and -2 Dex and Cha; they get the first level Feat, the other half of their Skill points and the normal Spell allotment.
Manipulating the treasure to be found in this adventure, the PCs can start with a fair equipment and maybe even some scrolls and a minor magic item.

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Or you could run a mini series to tide your PCs over until the launch of Pathfinder. Dungeon has run several good short arcs recently such as the Istivin trilogy ,let the players build mid-high level characters and go at it for a couple of months.
*edit* Oops, I forgot you said they were new players. the higher level play might not be the best plan. That said I think if you run the Shackled City with the player's abilities in mind you may find that it'll work out okay. Nobody in you group will know if you pull a few punches in the beginning.

tbug |

Matthew Morris wrote:You might also look at Goodman Games Legends are Made, not Born. It's for 0 level characters.Ah, but that is originally written for NPC Classes, so PC Classes will be on the strong side.
So have them play NPC classes to start with. I've done that, and they've had a lot of fun. Once they gain a level or two as an NPC class they can multiclass into a PC class and carry on from there. :)

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Pathfinder and the Player's Guide are scheduled for release in August. The hope is to have them ready for Gen Con. They're off to the printer at this point... and that pretty much locks things in; they can't come out any faster as a result.
Hollow's Last Hope can certainly work for a lead-in adventure for Rise of the Runelords, although it takes place in an area far from Varisia. The easiest way to change that is to simply rewrite the wilderness portion of the adventure. However... your PCs will then be 2nd level, and the start of Rise of the Runelords is very much written for 1st level characters.
Will Pathfinder be headed out before GenCon, or available for pickup there? Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere

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Will Pathfinder be headed out before GenCon, or available for pickup there? Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere
We anticipate starting to ship subscriber copies in the days before Gen Con. We will also have copies available for sale at the show. It probably won't arrive at retail for a week or so after Gen Con.

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It's the third? Is this still happening today? I can't wait, I'm even getting off work early today to make it more awesome (yay for bad-weather days!)
Gary Teter posted on another thread that he'd be posting it after he did a couple other things once he got to work.
edit: it's on the thread under the product page for the players guide.
Elorebaen |

Very cool idea! *snagged*
Tharen the Damned wrote:So have them play NPC classes to start with. I've done that, and they've had a lot of fun. Once they gain a level or two as an NPC class they can multiclass into a PC class and carry on from there. :)

Franz Lunzer |

Lilith |

So I don't get it, is this free now or something? >.>
and I thought there was going to be 6 feats? or will that be in the first issue?
You can download the PDF for free. You can get a physical copy for $2 plus shipping (charter subscribers to Pathfinder will get a free physical copy of the Player's Guide).
There are indeed 6 feats in the Player's Guide.

FenrysStar |

I'm tempted to get the PDF although I have tentative plans on running something D&D at an upcoming convention (not Gen Con) at the end of the month. If I have Adventure Path, I can run that as an alternative otherwise I'll just go with I'm designing now. Which is for a custom world and setting I have been developing in my head for years. I love being a furry, straight male whose preferred race/class combo is Lupin Ranger(pissed off lupin for my MB AV, ye finally threw us furs a friggin bone) but I'm not to keen on IronClaw. I'd rather have the option of making a furry D&D world and setting to play in (no humans, no half-elves, no half-orcs, no halfings but anthropomorphic animal races that serve in those niches in the global environment) than try and recreate what I like about the characters I like playing in some other world. But even among gamer geeks I guess this makes me a heretic.

Lilith |

I'm tempted to get the PDF although I have tentative plans on running something D&D at an upcoming convention (not Gen Con) at the end of the month. If I have Adventure Path, I can run that as an alternative otherwise I'll just go with I'm designing now. Which is for a custom world and setting I have been developing in my head for years. I love being a furry, straight male whose preferred race/class combo is Lupin Ranger(pissed off lupin for my MB AV, ye finally threw us furs a friggin bone) but I'm not to keen on IronClaw. I'd rather have the option of making a furry D&D world and setting to play in (no humans, no half-elves, no half-orcs, no halfings but anthropomorphic animal races that serve in those niches in the global environment) than try and recreate what I like about the characters I like playing in some other world. But even among gamer geeks I guess this makes me a heretic.
I don't see any reason why you couldn't replace the core races in Pathfinder with your own anthropomorphic animals. I could easily see the Chelish as weasel/ferret/coyote anthros, or halflings as mouse anthros, or dwarves as badger anthros, or elves as cat or deer anthros...
It's your game - play how you want it. No heresy in that.

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I don't see any reason why you couldn't replace the core races in Pathfinder with your own anthropomorphic animals. I could easily see the Chelish as weasel/ferret/coyote anthros, or halflings as mouse anthros, or dwarves as badger anthros, or elves as cat or deer anthros...
It's your game - play how you want it. No heresy in that.
New Bonus Feat; Aardvarkian Snout Punch.
Damage 1d3 bludgeoning, and may be used to make non-lethal attacks at no penalty.
You are always considered 'armed' with a light weapon when grappled.
Versus opponents who have never seen this maneuver you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your first attack and damage using this method.
Apologies to Dave Sim...