The Adventures of YouTube!

Off-Topic Discussions

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For all you James Brown fans out there.

Guy Humual wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Instead of a Cancellation, sometimes all the Apocalypse really needs is a one-sided "beatdown"...
Wow . . . just wow.

Letting the "beatdown" commence again...

Being the weekend, it's parti time!

Different cgi versions of the same...

There's even a live-action version (Disclaimer: Not responsible for any loss of sanity or rationality upon viewing)

P.S. On a semi-related note, the trials, troubles, tribulations, triumphs, and bloopers that goes with being a costumed mascot.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Music-Box style short version

Found a much bigger box for the music...

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

A more three dimensional CGI version

More CGI to the mix.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Now for something a little more inspired by the works of L. Frank Baum

No more vocals to worry about.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Being the weekend, it's parti time!

Different cgi versions of the same...

There's even a live-action version (Disclaimer: Not responsible for any loss of sanity or rationality upon viewing)

P.S. On a semi-related note, the trials, troubles, tribulations, triumphs, and bloopers that goes with being a costumed mascot.

Punishing your sanity a bit more...

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Blatant instances of Draconic Abuse ...

Call Draconic Support Services, thar be moar Draconic Abuse going on!

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

A more three dimensional CGI version

More CGI to the mix.

An extended version of the CGI, because why not.

{in Hal Douglas voiceover} In a world... a true odd couple... two unlikely friends: a sheep that still thinks it's a lamb, and a baby rhino that also thinks it's a lamb (or possibly a chunky unicorn)

Taking back your identification of love.

A link to the above for the visually seizure prone.

The positives that McD's brings...

as opposed to the negatives....

Lords of Light - The Thundarr the Barbarian Story

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

The positives that McD's brings...

as opposed to the negatives....

Let's double-up on the positivity side.

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What you look like in UV

Popeye's getting into some Kung-Fu action there...

P.S. From a 1977 film, The Dragon Lives Again, but very NSFW (Strangely enough).

Sovereign Court

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Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Popeye's getting into some Kung-Fu action there...

P.S. From a 1977 film, The Dragon Lives Again, but very NSFW (Strangely enough).

That film reminds me of The Ultimate Showdown told exclusive from Bruce Lee's point of view.

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Guy Humual wrote:
The Ultimate Showdown

The guy who wrote that also wrote a song about Gef the Talking Mongoose.

28-year-old Patrick Stewart as Horatio in Hamlet, 1969

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In a televised awards ceremony of 1987 that never really was, just who was this Nimoy person?

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Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

In a televised awards ceremony of 1987 that never really was, just who was this Nimoy person?

I know what this link is without even clicking it. 6 yro me had never seen anything like that. My 1st grade teacher sent home a note to my parents wondering what the heck I was jibbering on about in class and what I was quoting ad nauseum. I wore out the video cassette we had hometaped it on.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
When virtual divas put on a virtual play inspired by a Lewis Carroll story.

non voiced version

live voiced version

another live voiced version

a german dubbed version

Music-Box style short version

An entire english-dubbed version

Part of a "3-D style" rear projection performance

and last, but not least... a full on live orchestral version- with colorful costumes

When those virtual voice divas do yet another retelling of that Carroll story.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Music-Box style short version

Found a much bigger box for the music...

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

A more three dimensional CGI version

More CGI to the mix.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Now for something a little more inspired by the works of L. Frank Baum
No more vocals to worry about.

And a non-subtitled encore of some Baum-styled rendition where the Virtual voice diva count goes up by one.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Hey! I'm mentioned in this video (about fifty- to fifty four-minutes-in)! That means everyone with a YouTube account needs to watch it and give it a Like! >:D

I exist! Validate meeee!

(More importantly, watch TheNPC's stuff!)

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Funny, and even slightly appropriate to the fantasy world - slaymate let's plays. He's someone who plays Darkest Dungeon pc video game and talks about it. He plays other games too. I enjoy his vocabulary (haven't heard him curse) and he seems to be having harmless fun. I guess his channel is insomnia knights here's the link Insomnia Knights

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I found some time ago Lindybeige, a roleplayer, miniatyre gamer, historian, etc, got something interesting to almost everyone.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Bunnyboy wrote:

I found some time ago Lindybeige, a roleplayer, miniatyre gamer, historian, etc, got something interesting to almost everyone.

Linked for you.

I've been a fan of his for a few years now. Probably one of my top five favorite channels on YouTube.

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Brad Jones drives himself insane watching The Oogieloves In The Big Balloon Adventure (NSFW)

Heh. Sounds better than I would have thought!

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Abandoned Paralyzed Kitten Found In Mac and Cheese Box Gets Lego Wheelchair


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This never fails to amuse.

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Lazy cat slinkys self down stairs

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Trouble with Drunkards and Hooligans? This looks like a job for teh Chuck Norris of India!

P.S. Based upon this 2011 Bollywood film. ;)

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Music-Box style short version

Found a much bigger box for the music...

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

A more three dimensional CGI version

More CGI to the mix.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Now for something a little more inspired by the works of L. Frank Baum
No more vocals to worry about.
And a non-subtitled encore of some Baum-styled rendition where the Virtual voice diva count goes up by one.

Finally got them subtitles working again...

Scarab Sages

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I recall Lisa Stevens being something of a Star Wars fan, so this might be interesting....

GIANT Star Wars AT-ACT Garden Den

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Aberzombie wrote:

I recall Lisa Stevens being something of a Star Wars fan, so this might be interesting....

GIANT Star Wars AT-ACT Garden Den

The advantages of not living in areas with HOAs. :)

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Today I learned that guinea peegs really like brussel sprouts.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Four more things that you can entirely blame the Backstreet Boys for...

and counting.

It has mutated...

Mutated even further...

PS. the "Patient Zero" in all of this madness.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
When virtual divas put on a virtual play inspired by a Lewis Carroll story.

non voiced version

live voiced version

another live voiced version

a german dubbed version

Music-Box style short version

An entire english-dubbed version

Part of a "3-D style" rear projection performance

and last, but not least... a full on live orchestral version- with colorful costumes

When those virtual voice divas do yet another retelling of that Carroll story.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Music-Box style short version

Found a much bigger box for the music...

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

A more three dimensional CGI version

More CGI to the mix.

Not One but Two german-dubbed versions! Sorta like the Eastern and Western sides reuniting....

As a special bonus, have another english dubbed version. ;)

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Fan-made parody of a crossover style vid-game? Check.

Extra added bonus, another one. For those preferring a side-by-side version.

And a side-by-side comparison of the first.

And if the first example somehow came with extras, this would definitely qualify.

Of course, if there were a need for subtitles, this might just cover that- presuming one doesn't mind seeing any strong language.

For the former, the subtitles got redacted. As a consolation prize, haz this fan-dubbed version instead.

But the side by side comparison does makes a reappearance though. ;)

For the latter, there is an updated alternative version of sorts...

As a special bonus, haz some full lyrics to go along with the muzak. :)

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Do you remember the Wizard of Speed and Time? Seems it got a new fanmade makeover of sorts.

And yet another Wizard makes a speedy and timely reentry. ;)

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Blurring the lines between "Furries" and "Power Rangers"...

Iron Tiger Seven.

The first incarnation of Lion Maru (Albino) and Tiger Joe.

The second version of Lion Maru (Tawny) and the other feline warriors in that series.

Even Moar Tigery Sevens ftw. :)

As a special bonus for the Liony side, haz this version that isn't from the Seventies. :)

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No freeswag 4 the dead wrote:

When Dutch symphonic/gothic Metal and Japanese Fandom comingle...

P.S. Now with interpretive dance.

Haz another round of interpretive dancin'. ;)

PS. As a special bonus, the source music by Epica. :)

Are you searching for freedom with David Hasselhoff at the orchestra?

P.S. Cameo by KITT, briefly.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Even Moar Tigery Sevens ftw. :)

Updating the link for another round of Iron Tiger Seven in 2020.

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Japanese capybaras eat a Jack O'Lantern

Here we see a ant pumpkin. This ant pumpkin is engaged in a life or death struggle with the wolf a herd of capybaras.

And here is a herd of normal-sized pumpkins peacefully minding their own business when a suddenly! a marauding kaiju porcupine attacks!

And here is exclusive footage of the illusive, very rare feline-hermit crab hybrid after moving into a new protective gourd shell

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

In a televised awards ceremony of 1987 that never really was, just who was this Nimoy person?

I know what this link is without even clicking it. 6 yro me had never seen anything like that. My 1st grade teacher sent home a note to my parents wondering what the heck I was jibbering on about in class and what I was quoting ad nauseum. I wore out the video cassette we had hometaped it on.

Looks like Spock's gonna have to go south of the border to pull off his 1987 awards shenanigans. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

In a televised awards ceremony of 1987 that never really was, just who was this Nimoy person?

I know what this link is without even clicking it. 6 yro me had never seen anything like that. My 1st grade teacher sent home a note to my parents wondering what the heck I was jibbering on about in class and what I was quoting ad nauseum. I wore out the video cassette we had hometaped it on.
Looks like Spock's gonna have to go south of the border to pull off his 1987 awards shenanigans. :)

And wouldn't ya know it, there's now a much newer 2020 version of Spitting Image available for the viewin'...

Episode One.

Episode Two.

Episode Three.

They're up to Episode Nine plus some Specials...

PS. Caveat: NSFW and YMMV; not really for the humor-impaired or minors.

Something old...

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

And wouldn't ya know it, there's now a much newer 2020 version of Spitting Image available for the viewin'...

Episode One.

Episode Two.

Episode Three.

They're up to Episode Nine plus some Specials...

PS. Caveat: NSFW and YMMV; not really for the humor-impaired or minors.

And Season One of the new version of Spitting Image gets to the finish line with Episode Ten as the final episode. :)

Also, as a minor clarification, it seems that both Election Specials are actually Episodes Five and Episodes Six after all. ;)

Something new...

Thru the Magic of Creative Sound Editing, Two Genies (Old & New) get to have a "Friendly-Like" Duet.

Add in Two More Genies, now that Duet suddenly becomes a Genie Quartet!

PS. When a Quartet isn't enough, it's high-time to bring out the... Genie Platoon? ;)

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

And Season One of the new version of Spitting Image gets to the finish line with Episode Ten as the final episode. :)

Also, as a minor clarification, it seems that both Election Specials are actually Episodes Five and Episodes Six after all. ;)

Something old...

Now it's time to witness Season 2 of the 2021 version of Spitting Image, for they are upon us...

Episode One.

Episode Two.

Episode Three.

Episode Four.

and Episode Five.

As always, these episodes should be considered NSFW and are never for minors... or the easily offended. ;)

Something new...

While it may technically be more applicable for this kinda thread, there's just... something about this Bardic-like Duet about pining for their Heroes that really seems more appropriate to place here. ;p

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Something old...

Now it's time to witness Season 2 of the 2021 version of Spitting Image, for they are upon us...

Episode One.

Episode Two.

Episode Three.

Episode Four.

and Episode Five.

As always, these episodes should be considered NSFW and are never for minors... or the easily offended. ;)

and Something for the X-Mas Holidays...

Presenting the Christmas Special for Season 2 of Spitting Image: Episode Ten. This special should be considered NSFW and is absolutely inappropriate for either minors or the easily offended. ;)

PS. As a special holiday bonus, haz some Behind the scenes at Spitting Image, courtesy of Times Red Box. Might be a wee bit more safer to view...

PPS. But this video of the Evolution of Christmas Songs (1744-2020) would be a better SFW choice. Probably. ;)

Inspired by the Wheel of Time Live-Action Series...

For when you want a really Immersive Manetheren Song, Old Tongue-style (Female Vocals).

Of course, if made-up spoken languages really ain't your thing, then haz the English Version of the Manetheren Song (Male Vocals).

PS. Now if the Live Action version of the Game of Thrones is more your speed, then both Female-Sung and Male-Sung versions got ya covered [in more ways than one...]. ;)

Thru the 'magic' of creative editing, somebody took a compilation of all the lesser known Marx Brother's movies and attempted to make a cohesive story out of the whole entirety of them. ;)

Did it succeed in doing so? You be the judge...

Grand Lodge

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No Rolls Barred presents Cosmic Encounter. Live from the NRB studio! I recommend watching all their Let's Play on Board Game Club. It's entertaining and showcases some good board games.

The Teletubbies have a touching~touching!~ reunion with a Certain Infamous Musical Idol or Talent Judge...

PS. Said Infamous Musical Idol or Talent Judge somehow 'wished' for Star Wars Stormtroopers a few years back...

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