Combined Shipping with Pathfinder

Customer Service

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So if I become a monthly subscriber to Pathfinder, its going to shipped to me every month. What kind of shipping method will be used?

Here's my real question. Let's say I want to buy some gaming supplies from Paizo. Can I combine the shipping of these with my monthly Pathfinder shipping. Say I want to buy some item cards, a couple of deck protectors and a 3rd party product. Can all that get shipped along with my month Pathfinder or do I have to do to seperate ships?



Scarab Sages

Shade325 wrote:
Say I want to buy some item cards, a couple of deck protectors and a 3rd party product. Can all that get shipped along with my month Pathfinder or do I have to do to seperate ships?

That is an excellent question!

I'm guessing it would be more overhead for Paizo to keep track of whether you're expecting a regular shipment, and/or to provide the option to mark new orders for holding until your next Pathfinder ships. Also, they'd probably have to notify their fulfillment department to custom-pack your Pathfinder with your other stuff; not sure how much extra complexity (i.e., cost) would result from taking it out of the normal shipping chain.

I think I read on another thread here they might be looking into an alternate shipping method for Pathfinder that would be less expensive. But don't quote me on that ;)

Regardless, I'd love to know the answer. I tend to shop at Paizo semi-regularly, and combining a new order with my regular shipment of Pathfinder to reduce shipping costs would be mighty appealing.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

We haven't finalized all the details for how we will be shipping Pathfinder, so right now there isn't a good answer to your question.

Scarab Sages

You know what might be nice is if, as you complete (or work on) a new order, the system checks to see if you have any upcoming shipments (pre-orders or Pathfinder subscription) and offers an option to combine your new order (at least for shipping purposes) with an existing order that hasn't yet shipped.

Just checking in to see if Paizo had any more information on this question.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We've got a half-dozen time-critical things on our "A" list right now, and this is on our "B" list at the moment. We may be able to work something out before Pathfinder ships, but if we do, it probably won't be very long beforehand.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Just thowing this out there, but if there is a subscription for GameMastery, I'd be interested in them shipped together.

It would be nice to be able to subscribe to other products. For instance item card sets. If you could then manage your subscriptions as a set it would be really nice. Things could then be shipped together. Maybe you could also give discounts on other things if your getting a subscription to them (or multiple subscriptions). Getting things internationally gets very expensive so anything that could be done here would be great.

It would be great if you could combine shipping with pathfinder.
I don't need twelve adventures a year so won't be subscribing to the gamemastery modules but would buy a few if I could get a break on shipping on my orders.

Let me put it this way: if combined monthly shipping is an option, you've sold another GameMastery subscription. Waiting a few weeks either way (if the schedules aren't in synch) is no big deal. If not... well, $8 a month ($4 each item) is 25% of the cost of the gaming materials... no thanks!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The top item on Gary's to-do list is providing the ability to combine shipments of Pathfinder and GameMastery Module subscriptions. We expect to have this in place well before the first volume of Pathfinder ships.

Just slightly further down the list is providing the ability to add other merchandise to subscription shipments. That may or may not happen before the first Pathfinder ships.

Vic Wertz wrote:

The top item on Gary's to-do list is providing the ability to combine shipments of Pathfinder and GameMastery Module subscriptions. We expect to have this in place well before the first volume of Pathfinder ships.

Just slightly further down the list is providing the ability to add other merchandise to subscription shipments. That may or may not happen before the first Pathfinder ships.

When you let us know I'll sign up, for now I'm happy to wait and have it thrown into a box with other stuff.

Vic Wertz wrote:
The top item on Gary's to-do list is providing the ability to combine shipments of Pathfinder and GameMastery Module subscriptions. We expect to have this in place well before the first volume of Pathfinder ships.

Gary's on it? That's all you had to say! It's like a done deal, then. GameMastery, here we come...

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:

The top item on Gary's to-do list is providing the ability to combine shipments of Pathfinder and GameMastery Module subscriptions. We expect to have this in place well before the first volume of Pathfinder ships.

Just slightly further down the list is providing the ability to add other merchandise to subscription shipments. That may or may not happen before the first Pathfinder ships.

That sounds great to me. Someone had asked if you could "subscribe" to the Game Mastery adventures. Has this moved into the range of possibility or will I still have to order them as they arrive (hopefully packaged with my Pathfinder for improved shipping costs)? Oh wait, it has and now if everyone looks at my descriptions, I fall into that category. Woohoo!

Shipping time means almost nothing to me as I am barely into STAP and have huge numbers of others 3e 3.5e and earlier adventures. So, I am fine with almost any shipping choice.

Kata. the ..... wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

The top item on Gary's to-do list is providing the ability to combine shipments of Pathfinder and GameMastery Module subscriptions. We expect to have this in place well before the first volume of Pathfinder ships.

Shipping time means almost nothing to me as I am barely into STAP and have huge numbers of others 3e 3.5e and earlier adventures. So, I am fine with almost any shipping choice.

Likewise, for me anything to lower the cost of shipping. I dont care whether I get my gamemastery with my pathfinder or my pathfinder with my gamemastery.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Not to put any undue pressure on the code monkey, but how's the combined shipping option coming? ETA?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

No ETA. Over the years I've finally learned one invaluable lesson: Don't give public estimates of when code will be done. I can generally estimate how long it will take to implement something, but it turns out it's literally impossible to take into account all the other things that get in the way. (Fixing bugs, new feature requests deemed more important at the moment, etc.)

That said, it's one of my top priorities right now. (What's the top one, you ask? Turns out it's fixing bugs with GameMastery Modules subscriptions.)

Liberty's Edge

Gary Teter wrote:

No ETA. Over the years I've finally learned one invaluable lesson: Don't give public estimates of when code will be done. I can generally estimate how long it will take to implement something, but it turns out it's literally impossible to take into account all the other things that get in the way. (Fixing bugs, new feature requests deemed more important at the moment, etc.)

That said, it's one of my top priorities right now. (What's the top one, you ask? Turns out it's fixing bugs with GameMastery Modules subscriptions.)

Amen brother. If people would quit asking for modifications to my code, I could write the perfect (in my opinion) Mortgage file management system ;)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Gary Teter wrote:
Over the years I've finally learned one invaluable lesson: Don't give public estimates of when code will be done.

Oh so true, oh so true...

tdewitt274 wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
Over the years I've finally learned one invaluable lesson: Don't give public estimates of when code will be done.
Oh so true, oh so true...

Can I get an "amen" from all my coding brothers and sisters? :)

Liberty's Edge


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8


Grand Lodge


Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Indeed. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Lilith wrote:
tdewitt274 wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
Over the years I've finally learned one invaluable lesson: Don't give public estimates of when code will be done.
Oh so true, oh so true...
Can I get an "amen" from all my coding brothers and sisters? :)

Amen and Hallelujah !!

(ie. been there, gotten burned real bad by that!)

-- david

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

w00t! Combined shipping is now available. Go to your My Subscriptions page if you've already got both subscriptions. If not, you'll be prompted during order checkout.

Also, you can choose which module a new subscription starts with. (If you don't see the option, remove the subscription from your cart and add it back in.)

Liberty's Edge

That's one hell of a savings! Thanks!

Gary Teter wrote:
w00t! Combined shipping is now available. Go to your My Subscriptions page if you've already got both subscriptions. If not, you'll be prompted during order checkout.

Dang! Save $4.00! Nice!

And I want my Pathfinders as soon as possible, or even sooner!!!! (heh)

-- david

Scarab Sages

I'm pretty sure this has been answered elsewhere, but what is the differance between the First-Class Mail and the Package Service?

Thanks a lot!

Liberty's Edge

Thank you sir!

Sovereign Court

Gary Teter wrote:

w00t! Combined shipping is now available. Go to your My Subscriptions page if you've already got both subscriptions. If not, you'll be prompted during order checkout.

Also, you can choose which module a new subscription starts with. (If you don't see the option, remove the subscription from your cart and add it back in.)

Thank you!

I just read your mail and changed my subscription data.

And again you had to work overtime in order to reach this goal. I am really feeling sorry for you. When you finally manage to get some vacation, it would be a two years worth of holidays, wouldn't it?

On a different topic:
I'll move to Austria in a few days and entered the new address today. Is this still in time for PF 1 and W1?

Greetings from Germany (soon to be Austria),


Thanks for that!

Now for more questions that will involve more work for you. :)

Is the ability to combine Pathfinder/GameMastery subscriptions with other items from the Paizo store the next thing on your to-do list? Any idea if this will happen in the short-term?

Olaf the Stout

Thank you, you big lovable all-seeing eye, you!

*glomps the Eye*

Thank you Gary. That reduces shipping cost from 11,38$ to 6,38$ for me. Thank you very much :).

But I still have one question: If I for example make the GameMastery Modules wait for my next Pathfinder issue to be shipped, will me credit card be charged when the GameMastery Modules become available or when they are actually shipped?
I suppose it will be the latter case, which means I gain access to the GameMastery PDF after both Pathfinder and the module ship. Correct?

Any chance to include an option to be charged for the modules as soon as they become available and therefore immediately gain access to the PDF?

Did I already thank you for the combined shipping option? ;)

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks the savings is awesome.
One question, I set it to ship Pathfinder and wait on the GM mods. I just received Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale and Crown of the Kobold King(in excellent condition with a item card package as a bonus, awesome surprise thanks) so since Pathfinder is hopefully being shipped some time in the coming week will it be by its self and the Seven Swords of Sin Mod ship with the Shinshaw Murders Pathfinder?

Tried to add the GameMastery module subscription with combined shipping, but before I checked out, I noticed that the charge for GameMastery shipping was still being tallied (as is the shipping for Pathfinder). Does combined shipping not reduce total shipping costs?

Scarab Sages

I have 6 issues of Pathfinder coming from my transition. The shipping for the transition issues ($4.00 without GameMastery) is free.

Now that I've added GameMastery and combined shipping, the shipping cost is $4.25. How is that going to be handled for the six issues of Pathfinder that have free shipping?

Do I pay the full $4.25? Do I pay the $0.25 difference?

-Ungoded the Dragon Without Answers

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Dreamweaver wrote:

Thanks the savings is awesome.

One question, I set it to ship Pathfinder and wait on the GM mods. I just received Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale and Crown of the Kobold King(in excellent condition with a item card package as a bonus, awesome surprise thanks) so since Pathfinder is hopefully being shipped some time in the coming week will it be by its self and the Seven Swords of Sin Mod ship with the Shinshaw Murders Pathfinder?

Yay! Thanks Gary. Go take that vacation soon. :)

And I has the same question as Dreamweaver above. I set it Pathfinder first, but if both are going to be shipped soon I'd like to set mine to whichever will get both soon. If there is a 2 week wait (or so) then I'll leave it as is and get D2 with the next Pathfinder.

Gary Teter wrote:
w00t! Combined shipping is now available. Go to your My Subscriptions page if you've already got both subscriptions.

Excellent! Thank you very much!

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Gary's the man! Er, eye!

Lilith wrote:

Thank you, you big lovable all-seeing eye, you!

*glomps the Eye*

This is disturbing to me. Iggwilv "glomping". One can only imagine how that would be ; )

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Rhothaerill wrote:

And I has the same question

Errg, I hate making a mistake, not seeing it for awhile, and then coming back to the thread too late to edit it. :(

Thanks heaps for the hard work you have done to get this up and running in time. For those of us over seas, dealing with exchange rates and credit card fees already imposes a decent overhead, anything to reduce shipping is eagerly welcomed.

Olaf the Stout wrote:


Thanks for that!

Now for more questions that will involve more work for you. :)

Is the ability to combine Pathfinder/GameMastery subscriptions with other items from the Paizo store the next thing on your to-do list? Any idea if this will happen in the short-term?

Olaf the Stout

I would also like an answer to this question. For those of us with limited gaming budgets, the less money spent on shipping is more money spent on actual gaming products, which for me are nearly exclusively Paizo releases.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

All set! :-)

Since I've delayed my gammastery to ship with my pathfinder, will the GM modules still be available for download at the same time?

Rhothaerill wrote:
And I has the same question as Dreamweaver above. I set it Pathfinder first, but if both are going to be shipped soon I'd like to set mine to whichever will get both soon. If there is a 2 week wait (or so) then I'll leave it as is and get D2 with the next Pathfinder.

This is a good question. To ensure that pathfinder comes as quickly as possible, which option should I choose? Delay GameMastery to ship with Pathfinder?

Matthew Morris wrote:
Since I've delayed my gammastery to ship with my pathfinder, will the GM modules still be available for download at the same time?

Excellent question. Will subscribers get access to the PDFs when the product releases, or when the product ships?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

You get the PDF when the product ships. So if you're holding GameMastery Modules for Pathfinder, you get the PDF for both the module and the Pathfinder volume at the same time.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Oh, and regardless of which "ship together" setting you select, D2 and Pathfinder #1 are going to ship out in the same envelope/box since they arrived at our warehouse nearly simultaneously.

Scarab Sages

Gary Teter wrote:
Oh, and regardless of which "ship together" setting you select, D2 and Pathfinder #1 are going to ship out in the same envelope/box since they arrived at our warehouse nearly simultaneously.

What if I chose to start my subscription with W1? Is it possible to get all 3 at once?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Gary Teter wrote:
Oh, and regardless of which "ship together" setting you select, D2 and Pathfinder #1 are going to ship out in the same envelope/box since they arrived at our warehouse nearly simultaneously.

Cool. Thanks.

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