
Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Hey Lilith, thanks a lot for the transcript!
I just returned from my vacation and I'm already up to date on news and gossip! :D


Absinth wrote:

Hey Lilith, thanks a lot for the transcript!

I just returned from my vacation and I'm already up to date on news and gossip! :D

HEHE and here I was about to say thanks for causeing me to get one hour of work done in the 4 hours I've been here... (not all your fault though)

Sovereign Court

1. I love the idea of havin six gazzetteer articles in SD, but please make sure the other support articles(especially deity ones) do not lose out.
2. I love the idea of SD being 1-12, but PLEASE do not make all future paths be like this. Sometimes, very high level is very good.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
jj wrote:
JJ: "How about: do you want to see 8 page short one-shot adventures in Pathfinder that are tangentially related to that volume's theme and primary adventure?"

I like this idea quite a bit.

jj wrote:
JJ: "So let's put it this way. Do you think that, for a product that presents an Adventure Path, the split between adventure and sandbox is about right as it is now in Pathfinder? Or do you think it needs more or less adventure?"

About right, though it depends on the adventure (e.g Trip to, and Turtleback Ferry, itself). But, yea, generally speaking I think you have it about right.


James Jacobs wrote:
JJ: "I'm also VERY strongly considering making Second Darkness run from 1st level to 12th. And in so doing avoiding the high-level scene entirely."

I'm in favor of the idea, but not for this particular AP. How about #4?

Consider this, no one knows anything about AP# 4 yet, so you could mold expectations right from the start.

With Second Darkness, you've already alluded that the whole World could be at stake, from some really cool uber-villains.

Again, I like the basic of 1 to 12 a lot, but I think it would be better introduced with an idea that carried that expectation from the very beginning.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Lilith wrote:

Fiction & Graphic Novels

Lilith: "Sutter! We demand Pathfinder fiction and graphic novels...please?"
JS: "Workin' on makin' the former happen."
Lilith: "Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally? :squee: If money were no object (or time or labor), would a graphic novel of Eando Kline's adventures be something that you'd like to do?"
JS: "As for Eando Kline in a graphic novel - oh, hell yes."
Lilith: "Keen! Artist of choice?"
JS: "I'm a big fan of graphic novels, particularly Gaiman and Alan Moore, all of their stuff. I'm not sure who I'd want, illustration-wise, but it's something of a moot point, as a graphic novel is so hideously expensive."
Lilith: "True...but it be awesometastic."
JS: "If somebody like Dark Horse or someone wanted to pick up the IP, I'd be on that in a second, but for now, it's just a vague dream. That said, Pathfinder fiction is definitely in the works. A long way out, but on all our minds on the Planet Stories side."
Lilith: "Tell us more! Mothman is most curious. Short stories? Novels? Collections? New characters? Old characters?"
JS: "If/when that happens, I'll probably take point on it, as the Pathfinder Journal is my baby, and that's *basically* a testing ground for PF fiction. I think we'd probably start out with a collection of some sort, rope in some quality authors to take a spin with some iconic characters, but if people were into it, a novel would be nice. I'd probably stay away from using Eando, just because he's so rooted in the journals, but there are many other characters in our world."
Lilith: "Any feelers as to who those authors might be? Established or unknowns?"
JJ: "Well, if it's short fiction... I really can't say for sure, but we've got ties to a lot of quality gaming tie-in authors, via Worlds of Their Own, which is coming out this year, and features folks like Salvatore and whatnot. So who knows? I know that I've been tentatively tapped for one, as I've got the most straight fiction experience, but I think Erik would want to get in on that as well. It's all very nebulous - we'd probably stay out-of-house for most of it, get some ringers, but in the long run... who knows? And for a novel, it would DEFINITELY be out of house. I think several of us would like to write a novel someday, but nobody's got the time... too much other stuff we have to work on."

OMG! It's happening, it's really really happening!

*does a dance*

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Lilith wrote:

mr baron: "so when are you expecting #7 to hit the shelves?"

VW: "Shelves? Early March. Our warehouse should get it around Feb 27."

Sadly, we've since received news that the shipment won't reach our warehouse until the first week of March. So mid to late March for retail. And that goes for everything else that we were hoping for for Feb 27, too.

And one of those subscriber benefits has been announced: The Pathfinder Advantage.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Lilith wrote:

mr baron: "so when are you expecting #7 to hit the shelves?"

VW: "Shelves? Early March. Our warehouse should get it around Feb 27."

Sadly, we've since received news that the shipment won't reach our warehouse until the first week of March. So mid to late March for retail. And that goes for everything else that we were hoping for for Feb 27, too.

And one of those subscriber benefits has been announced: The Pathfinder Advantage.

(sigh) ...and I just put in orders for the Guide to Korvosa and the Harrow Deck too...

Oooh, but does this mean those orders will get the 15% discount when the final charge happens?

James Jacobs said of the upcoming Second Darkness AP wrote:
I'll certainly be answering lots more questions about these adventures at tomorrow's chat

Quote yoinked from another thread. You heard it folks, Doctor J will be in the house fielding questions on the third AP!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Watcher wrote:
James Jacobs said of the upcoming Second Darkness AP wrote:
I'll certainly be answering lots more questions about these adventures at tomorrow's chat
Quote yoinked from another thread. You heard it folks, Doctor J will be in the house fielding questions on the third AP!

Some of the answers to questions about Second Darkness will be "Wait for later" but I will indeed be answering a few of them.

Cheers Lilith its great to be able to catch up on these chats. The future of pathfinder sounds real interesting. Not sure how I feel about it myself but the reactions seems to be pretty positive. I think its one of those things that I'll just have to see before I can decide wether or not I like it. Having said that it's Paizo so I have faith that what ever they do I'll like it.

James Jacobs wrote:
Some of the answers to questions about Second Darkness will be "Wait for later" but I will indeed be answering a few of them.

Lol, I guess I was setting you for a riot...

Let's get the big one out of the way: He doesn't know what Edition it will be in.


Watcher wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Some of the answers to questions about Second Darkness will be "Wait for later" but I will indeed be answering a few of them.

Lol, I guess I was setting you for a riot...

Let's get the big one out of the way: He doesn't know what Edition it will be in.

BUT they should know within the next few weeks

Cpt_kirstov wrote:

BUT they should know within the next few weeks

Very true! It takes a few weeks to evaluate! And we may never know when WOTC's lawyers finally actually distribute the you-know-what...

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Here's a question for you, Watcher. Which alias will you be using tonight? ;)

I plan on being at the chat on March 4th even though I had to get Jury Duty to do this. I was wondering if someone could post the LAST session Log so I can figure out anything I might want to ask about.

Chat summary for February 19th, 2008. JJ = James Jacobs, JB = Jason "The BULL-MAN" Bulmahn, JS = James Sutter

To get it out of the way, I asked the 4E GSL/OGL question first.
JJ: "No new news to report on the GSL/4th edition front. We still haven't seen either. Look at it this way: According to the schedule, we should have had the first author start writing the first adventure for Second Darkness, 'Shadow in the Sky,' start writing on January 1st. The deadline for him to deliver is not changing. And every day we don't have the 4th edition rules narrows that. AND: Since 4th edition is new rules, we'll need MORE time to write and develop and edit an adventure, because none of us KNOW the rules yet. So each day that passes makes it more and more likely that Second Darkness will be 3.5 all the way to the end."
Mad Geologist: "Nick Logue knows them."
JJ: "Even if we use an author who knows the rules... we don't, yet. And publishing a undeveloped, unedited Nick Logue adventure would NOT be a smart move. For any edition of ANY game."
Mad Geologist: "Would you be able to speculate on the two or three most critical reasons which might result in Pathfinder and Golarion specifically (not Paizo generally) staying a 4E free zone?"
JJ: "First of all, Pathfinder and Golarion ARE Paizo. Pathfinder's easily our #1 line of products, and it's our flagship title. What rules it uses decides what rules the rest of Paizo's products (not Necromancer's) use. For the most part. BUT: If we don't get the rules soon, that's the #1 reason it'll not go 4th edition until, at the earliest, #19. ALSO: If we get the rules and they suck, that's another reason not to change. ALSO: If the GSL prevents us from doing the type of products we need to do in order to survive (say, the GSL forbids us to create new monsters, or has a built-in 'We can take the GSL away from you at any time,' clause), THAT's a reason not to use 4th edition. Those are probably the top 3 reasons we'd not go 4th."
tensor: "are you going to have a 3e line and a 4e line? what are the top three FOR"
JJ: "Having a 3E and a 4E line would be really REALLY rough on our current staff level. We'd have to become experts in both systems. And based on my time working here when we went from 3.0 to 3.5... that'd be a nightmare hellscape."
Mad Geologist: "The new monster creation is important to you?"
JJ: "Being able to make new monsters is probably one of THE most important aspects to me. If we can't make new monsters, and therefore have to stick with whatever monsters WotC provides... the rate at which we produce adventures will SWIFTLY outpace the variety of monsters and the adventures themselves will stagnate and rot. PLUS: new monsters are my favorite crunch to the game. If I can't put new monsters in what I'm working on... I'll leave and go find something that WILL let me do that. Or maybe get a job at a movie theater."
Mothman: "This is a serious question, though it may not sound like it; how closely will you need to look at the (4E) rules to know if they suck or not (or will not allow you to do what you want to do with Golarion). As industry professionals, do you expect to understand them pretty much at a glance, or would it take weeks of reading and playtesting to determine that?"
JJ: "First impressions will certainly play a big part in us deciding if we can and like the new rules. But you can't really know the rules until you play the game. Several times, in fact. That said, if the new rules are SO different that it takes us weeks and weeks to figure them out... I put it to you it's not D&D anymore."
Mad Geologist: "If paizo had the artistic (for want of a better term) freedom otherwise necessary, would it matter if the game that they were supporting wasn't D&D any more?"
JJ: "It wouldn't matter if the fans and customers didn't think it mattered."
Mad Geologist: "Since you are n a business, may I take it that you mean 'if more than 50% of the fans and customers didn't think it mattered?'"
JJ: "I'm not really the guy to ask about business stuff. Personally... I'd love to keep doing this if we were just making enough money to break even. That's reason #1 I'm not allowed to make business decisions."
JJ: "Here's a loaded question, and I fear turning the chat room into a frenzy... BUT: How many of you are looking forward to the 4th edition rules versus how many of you are dreading them?"
Takasi: "looking forward"
Wyvern: "I'm looking forward to them."
The Last Rogue: "looking forward to them (intrigued). Don't get me wrong, I love 3.5, but I am interested in a more "dynamic" version. The biggest thing for my group is more options . . .4e seems to hint at that. My group was initially 3.5. "We have all the books lets not switch" -- I told them I was buying the 4e books anyways, "Cool. Lets Play!""
Lilith: "Don't really care either way...I dread more what they will do to my freelancing buddies more than anything else, and my favoritest RPG company."
Mothman: "neither looking forward or dreading the rules. Some mild dread on Pathfinder going 4E ... but couldn't care one way or another on the rules"
Daigle is with Lilith. "I don't want new rules, but I'm keeping an open mind."
Rambling Scribe: "I am very curious about 4E and think many of their plans are good if they make them work. But no one in my group wants to switch no matter what."
Sir Wulf: "I'm dreading the need to buy and learn new rules just to 'keep up'"
Mothman: "Sir Wulf: I hear you - most of the people I play with are not going to switch any time soon .... but I kind of fear being out of touch with "the community" by staying with 3.5"
Mad Geologist: "All the reviews I have seen so far seem aimed at telling me *what a different* game 4E will be from 3.5. The exenditure on *acessories* (floor tiles, etc) as a *requirement* to play if I do not make my own, I also dread."
Timitius: "So, I'm intrigued by 4e. I have to believe that folks like Mearls and Stephen are not going to f- it all up. Yet, I haven't seen it, and probably won't until June. So I'll wait and see."

AP #2: Curse of the Crimson Throne
JJ: "The chase scene in the adventure's like 2 pages long, so I can't really reprint them word for word here. But basically... you lay out the chase "board" with a number of pieces of paper. Each paper has 2 skill checks on it. You can move one square for free as a move action, or you can try ONE of the skill checks as a full-round action to move 2. If you make TWO skill checks as a full-round action, you move 3. If you fail a check, you don't move at all (or might even fall off the roof)."

JJ: "the plague doctor outfit is pretty much a DIRECT rip off of the outfits the actual doctors wore during the Black Death."
Takasi: "will the plague spread beyond Korvosa?"
JJ: "The plague won't spread beyond Korvosa really, not as a pandemic, at least. Especially not if the PCs help stop it."
Mothman: "What source(s) did you guys use to find those uniforms? I have never seen anything like them in my (admittedly brief) research into the black death."
JJ: "Wikipedia, mostly. The internet. Do a Google search for "plague doctor" and you'll get all sorts of cool hits."

AP #3: The Second Darkness
JJ: "I'm considering putting in 8 page mini-adventures to supplement the region the adventure takes place. I'm shortening the length of the main adventure from 50 pages to 40 pages."
Lilith: "More like encounters? So the 8-page mini adventures are a go?"
JJ: "Yeah; extended encounters. The Graul homestead from Hook Mountain is a great example."
Pygon: "so we still get 48 pages of adventure materials?"
JJ: "yes. The total number of adventure materials is not changing. There'll be a gazetteer of some sort in every one of the Second Darkness Pathfinders. There's also going to be a larger 'science fiction' element in Second Darkness than people are expecting, I think. We won't have lasers or robots, though. As for what kind of science fiction goodness... aliens may make an appearance at one point."

Takasi: "I'm very much looking forward to the Korvosa guide. I hope Second Darkness has something similar for Golarion's underdark."

Lilith: "Jason Bulmahn: Are you writing an adventure for AP #3?"
JB: "I am...Assuming my fingers do not fall off first..."
Mothman: "Jason, remind us which one you're writing? (for AP3)"
JB: "I am writing #3... of the AP3 arch.. which would be Pathfinder #15"

JJ: "'Starmetal' will have a certain role in 'Second Darkness' as well."
Rambling Scribe: "Tell us about Starmetal. Please."
Lilith: "Yes. Please."
Rambling Scribe: "Is it the same Starmetal as used for a PrC in one of the splatbooks? I'm assuming not..."
Mothman: "Wasn't that called Greenstar metal or something?"
JJ: "It can't be the same starmetal from a PrC in a WotC book."
Wyvern: "Isn't starmetal the material Roy's sword is made off? (Roy from OotS)"

Takasi: "Psionics in Second Darkness?"
JJ: "No psionics in Second Darkness. Yet."
Takasi: "Time Travel in Second Darkness?"
JJ: "Time Travel has to be handled VERY CAREFULLY if it appears."
Takasi: "Spaceships in Second Darkness?"
JJ: "No spaceships in Second Darkness."
Takasi: "Tractor Beams? Death Stars? Rocket Packs?"
JJ: "No Tractor Beams. No Rocket Packs. No Death Stars. BUT: The name for the first adventure should give a hint: 'Shadow in the Sky.'"
JB: "No Death Stars... there went my second plot idea..."
JJ: "No Death Stars... but there ARE Murder Suns!"
Takasi: "Chicken Little?"
JJ: "Chicken Little would have a lot to be worried about during Second Darkness."

Lilith: "Any plans for a demon-focused article for AP #3?"
JJ: "There will be an article about demon lords in Pathfinder 3. It'll be called: 'DEMON LORDS OF GOLARION' or some such."

JJ: "I hope to be able to reveal what edition Second Darkness will use sooner than later... HOPEFULLY within a month."

Lilith: "Any chance of Robert Kuntz doing a Pathfinder?"
JJ: "I'd LOVE to have Rob Kuntz do something for Pathfinder, but he's been pretty sick lately. Also, he's got his own publishing schedule to maintain. I've chatted with Rob a few times though, so hopefully someday...That said... it looks like we'll have at least one other VERY RECOGNIZABLE name helping out with some Pathfinder stuff in Second Darkness... someone who's been working on RPGs since the 80s, and whose work I very much admire and respect, and I'm really excited to be working with him, and that's all I can say about that right now since it's not 100% official."

German Translations
No news! :(

JJ: "Yeah, this Gen Con or there abouts we hope to have the Hardcover Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting book for sale."

JJ: "OH! We got in the sketch for the female barbarian iconic for Pathfinder #10 today! She's HOT! She needs a little more armor though."
JB: "Says you.. I think less armor would be good."
Mothman: "no - no more armour!"
JJ: "Was just looking at the newly-arrived sketch for the barbarian iconic we got in a few days ago. She's awesome. One of the best ones yet, I think. And also: her sword will enrage a subset of our readers, I fear. It's pretty huge...But I think it looks great. Just like long elf ears look great."
Lilith: "Female barbarian...half-elf? Or human?"
JJ: "Female human barbarian."
Lilith: "Sweet. I'm assuming Shoanti?"
Saracenus: "You gave the Barbarian a Buster Sword?"
JJ: "Wayne gave her a big sword, yes. She's not Shoanti."
Lilith: "Or maybe...from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings?"
JJ: "She's from the north. Perhaps from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. More likely from the Hold of the Mammoth Lords. I'm considering when I stat her up to give her a Large-sized bastard sword and then working that into her history somehow. Not sure yet."

Lilith: "Will there be a gnome druid Iconic?"
JJ: "There will be a gnome druid iconic, yes."
Russ Taylor: "Are we going to have any female inconics that aren't human or elven?"
JJ: "Female gnome druid."
Russ Taylor: "Good."
JJ: "So: yes. Unless Wayne changes her to a guy."

Pathfinder Chronicles Products
DMcCoy1693: "here's a question for you. Has the 'What Pathfinder Chronicles Products Do You Want' helped at all?"
JJ: "The 'What Pathfinder Chronicles' HAS helped! ALL feedback helps, of course! :)"
DMcCoy1693: "Hoody Hoo! any pieces from there in particular spark anyone's imagination at Paizo?"
JJ: "I'm not sure... I myself am pretty stuck deep in Pathfinder these days... but we HAVE been going through scheduling for the end of the year stuff for a few weeks now..."

Classic Monsters
JJ: "Just realized that SOMEONE needs to write a 2 page intro for Classic Monsters...Erik's too busy. Wes is already working on other chunks of the book right now to fill out some gaps in the text. It should really be over to Sarah tomorrow morning. And I'm the only other one here. SO."
Lilith: "Oh dear. When is that scheduled to ship out?"
JJ: "It's hopefully shipping to the printer VERY soon."

Russ Taylor: "So how's that gaz coming? :P"
JJ: "It's close. Erik's in theory finishing off his work on it tonight, so that Sarah can start laying it out tomorrow."

Guide to Korvosa
JJ: "Guide to Korvosa is on a boat heading here, somewhere out at sea."
Lilith: "Any chance of a preview 2-page spread of the Guide in the blog?"
JJ: "A 2-page spread of Guide to Korvosa on the blog?"
Lilith: "That would be made of awesome, yes. :)"
JJ: "That's actually a good idea!"
Lilith: "I try to have good ideas. The bad ones get me in trouble. :)"
JJ: "I might just do that for next Monday, in fact, which lets me put off writing a more substantial post for that one, which was starting to worry me."

Harrow Deck
JB: "The Harrow deck is still out at the printers... but we are hoping to get it soon.. I believe."

Atrocious: "James, when will we be able to read about the Aboleths place in Golarion?"
JJ: "I posted a little bit about Golarion's aboleths to the message boards. To get their themes, you can read 'At the Mountains of Madness,' by Lovecraft. As for Golarion stuff in particular... there'll be a few bits and pieces in the Gazetteer, and then more, I suspect, in the Hardcover. There'll CERTAINLY be some aboleth action in Second Darkness. I really do like the aboleths. There'll be something about them by the end of the year."
Mothman: "HAve you guys got a 'look' for your aboleth yet?"
JJ: "Nope; no look yet for the aboleth. They'll look like 3-eyed fish with tentacles, though."
Mad Geologist: "You mentioned aboleths in association with 'At the Mountains of Madness'. Does that mean that you see them in a sort of 'old ones' role, and perhaps the Golarion ones not so evil and dominating as they are in other settings?"
JJ: "Yeah; I see the aboleths in an 'old ones' role, and humanity and most of life as their accidental experiment that got out of hand and rebelled and caused them to recede into the deeps."
Mothman: "hmmm - are Aboleths aliens? Or native to Golarion? Or that's not ready to be revealed yet?"
JJ: "That's not yet revealed."
Lilith: "Ties to Desna?"
JJ: "Maybe."
Daigle: "Werd."
Mad Geologist: "Do Aboleths fly, if they are an extension of the Old Ones?"
JJ: "Aboleths can't fly. Except for the rare and mysterious uobilyths, but they're in the Lords of Madness book on page 20 and therefore, technically, out of our reach."
Mothman: "out of reach cos they can fly. so invent a Golarion based Aboleth of your own which can fly! :D You said told us how much you love to create monsters earlier this evening."
JJ: "I do like inventing monsters. But the appeal to me of the aboleth is the fact that they're slimy fish monsters. That doesn't mesh well with flying."

Alternate Universes
Takasi: "are there alternate universes in Golarion?"
JJ: "If by 'alternate universes' you mean parallel worlds... yes."
Takasi: "I think a neat adventure, at some point in GameMastery, would be a one-shot that goes into the 'What if every single adventurer fails' parallel world. all the APs, all the GameMasterys, and a few other catastrophes"

JS is working at home on "fleshing out Belkzen, our orc nation/region. Just finished the map last night/this morning... really excited about it."
Mothman: "Anything you can tell us about Belkzen or orcs?"
JS: "Yeah, actually... lesse... some of the locations have names like Blisterwell, Seraph's Ladder, Deepgate, The Algid Wastes.... there's an oracle and a giant dwarven factory where messed up priest-mechanics turn out their war engines, uh....There are bugs. Lots of bugs. Hm. I'm really not sure what to give away without spoiling too much. I should probably finish writing things before I start spoiling, but rest assured - there'll be plenty of fun locations, whether you like orcs or not."
JJ: "Tell them about the Flood Road and the Dust Lake!"
JS: "Okay, there's also a giant lake of quicksand called the Dirt Sea -"
JJ: "RIGHT! Dirt Sea, not Dust lake."
JS: "- and the primary road through Belkzen is actually a riverbed that floods for about two months a year and brings life to the otherwise pretty barren region. There are also battlefields, like the Battle of the Burning Child or the Shadefields, weird monuments like The Broken Shore or The Keening Hills...."
Daigle: "Keening Hills....great name."
Takasi: "what influence has WoW had on Belkzen, if any?"
JJ: "WoW hasn't really done TOO much to influence our take on orcs. They're NOT noble savages for the most part. They're more like Reavers from Firefly."
Mothman: "Reavers from Firefly orcs = awesomeness"
JS: "OOH! Last location from Belkzen for the night - Sech Nevali, the Hanging Monastery. I'm super excited about that one."
Takasi: "Are they pig men or ape men?"
Hill Giant: "or bull-men?"
JS: "More ape than pig, but a little o' both...."
JJ: "They're more like ape men."
JB: "Hill Giant: No that is Minotaurs.. they are the Bull Men."
Mothman: "The Hanging Monastery sounds good."
Takasi: "they're not gothy cutters or into bondage and S&M are they?"
JS: "Nah... more just savage and bestial."

Takasi: "you mentioned that when cannons make their appearance in Pathfinder it will be a big deal, can you go into more detail?"
JJ: "I can't really go into more detail about cannons in Golarion yet, because we haven't yet decided if and when we'll be unleashing them into Golarion. Firearms change a LOT about a game world. Golarion has to be stable and accepted and healthy as a campaign world before we start doing things like introducing guns. And before THAT can happen, we need to have our campaign setting out for at least a year, I'd guess. There'll probably be a short bit of info about guns and cannons and gunpowder in the Hardcover book, actually. One of the goals with Golarion is to produce a world where any type of D&D game can be played. And a lot of D&D type games DO have gunpowder..."
Mad Geologist: "Are cannons more likely to be a human, gnome, dwarf, outsider, drasgon (hey... if there's money and mathematics in it) or other invention?"
Blazej: "Well obviously a dragon will have been recorded as inventing it. :P"
Mad Geologist: "Aboleths, maybe?"
JJ: "Cannons are more likely to be human inventions, I suspect. MAYBE dwarves. But I like that humans are the ones who stumble across this tech, since that plays in to them being so inventive and tenacious."

The Common Language
Mothman: "James, we know that in Golarion the Chelaxian language = Common. Does it say that anywhere officially?"
JJ: "There is not officially a language called 'Chelaxian.' That's something we didn't end up keeping out of the Runelords Player's Guide. The most commonly spoken language in Cheliax is Common (known also as 'Taldane'); the second most common language spoken in Cheliax is Infernal."

Eando Kline
Daigle: "Who would you have play the part of Eando Kline in a pathfinder movie?"
JJ: "Eando Kline? I'd like him to be played by Ray Stevenson. Pullo from HBO's 'Rome.' BUT: If the studio wanted a 'BIGGER NAME' I'd probably go with John Cusack."

Mad Geologist: "Any chance of Paizo producing Golarion fiction in novel or even comic form? As part of the long-term plan towards the production of the first Pathfinder movies, naturally. :)"
JJ: "There's always a chance of Golarion fiction. A better chance of that than Golarion comics. A better chance of THAT than a Golarion movie. But... who knows what YE FUTURE shall bring?"
The Last Rogue: "Golarion Comics would rock (if done right), but I tremble at the production cost."
JJ: "Yeah. We could not afford to do a Golarion comic right now."

Saracenus: "BTW, the more I monkey around with Haunts the more I love them... I am incorporating them into Forge of Fury (I have changed a bunch of stuff ) as it allows me to tell the story of the dungeon without long exposition and I get to freak out my players..."
JJ: "Yeah... that's where I'm getting to be with Haunts too. They're a really fun, interactive way to get backstory across to PCs in a memorable way that doesn't take up TOO much space with weird rules."
Saracenus: "I am finding it tricky to make the Haunts informative enought without hiting the PCs with the Plot Paddle."

Ask a Shoanti: "This rumor about future Hellknight development is all a pack of lies right?"
JJ: "There's a chance it's a pack of lies, sure! But there's a bigger chance that we'll eventually do SOMETHING with Hellknights."
Ask a Shoanti: "It's already gone too far - people are starting to accidentally like the Hellknights - it's terrible."
Lilith: "The Shoanti should do something about that."
JJ: "That's good! That encourages us to actually do something about them!"

Lilith: "Is a resident of Korvosa considered Varisian, or Chelaxian? Or does that vary?"
JJ: "That's kinda complicated."
Lilith: "Of course. :P"
JJ: "If said resident is of Varisian blood and is obviously Varisian in appearance, he'd be considered a Varisian. Most of Korvosa's citizens are mixed Varisian/Chelish blood now. But there's a fair amount of pureblood Chelaxians in the upper class, even though 99% of them are native born Varisians."

Organized Play
JJ: "We're working on that, although those who are working on it at this point are not me, so I don't have any real news to add there."

Seasonal Changes
Lilith: "Do the seasons start on the equinoxes/solstices as they do on our world, or serve as a midpoint for the seasons?"
JJ: "I'd say that they start on the equinoxes/solstices, if only to help maintain one less editor continuity trap."
Saracenus: "Is Golarion earth-like in its season and such?"
JJ: "Yup. Golarion is very earth-like in seasons and tides and weather and all that."
Lilith: "And only one moon, right? (But two planets. :P)"
JJ: "One moon, yeah. But two very close planets. Not sure how big those planets appear in the sky. Having planets real big in the sky also implies a lot of weird other stuff for tides and weather patterns and the like."
Lilith: "Earthquakes, volcanos..."
JJ: "It looks cool in art, but alas... it needs to be supported in the world too."

Sunken Cities
Atrocious: "James, Does Golarion have a R'lyeh like city somewhere in the deep ocean?"
JJ: "There's lots of sunken cities in Golarion. Especially since we had an entire continent sink 10K years back."
Lilith: "James Jacobs: Aboleth cities? (You mentioned them before...) Yes. There are Aboleth cities. We mention one in Pathfinder 2."

Critical Failure Deck
JB: "Also still out at the printer...That one will take a bit longer than Harrow I am afraid..."

Golarion in Kobold Quarterly
Takasi: "will we ever see any Golarion articles in Kobold Quarterly?"
JJ: "Perhaps. Wolfgang and us are all buddies, so eventually... who knows?"

Loving the job
Joseph: "When you work so long and hard under stressful circumstances on a hobby you love, is it hard for you to go back to it as a hobby? Does it retain the work related stress, or is it as fun as ever to get back into?"
JJ: "I do love this job."
Blazej: "Good! ?"
Joseph: "I hoped."
JJ: "And although of late it's made playing the game difficult simply because I don't have as much TIME to play... I still play relatively regularly. It's still a blast to sit down and inflict, say, the crazed politics of Scuttlecove on a group of friends."
Joseph: 'I just remember horror stories about people who put their all in the work side of the game, and it burns them out when it comes to playing. It's just nice to hear that's not always the case"
JJ: "Yeah... burn-out is a fear, certainly. I've seen it happen, both to friends and co-workers. It's not good."

JJ: "PaizoCon is sounding increasingly cool!"
Timitius: "We reserved a meeting room at LaQuinta off of 520 in Kirkland. The LaQuinta next to BurgerMaster!"
Blazej: "What do I have to do to RSVP?"
Timitius: "You need to go to http://roleplayers.meetup.com/456/ and join. Then RSVP on the meeting. We limited it to 30 spots. Oh, cost is $25 to pay for the room and food and drinks on Saturday."
Note, some of this info has changed - go to the PaizoCon website for the latest.

RPG Superstar
Mad Geologist: "Are you likely to be working with the winner (whoever that turns out to be) of the RPG Superstar contest, or is that more likely to be Erik's project."
JJ: "All of the four finalists of the RPG superstar contests can likely eventually expect me to contact them for Pathfinder stuff. You don't get to that point amid that level of competition without having serious designer chops."

JJ: "I'm not sure what the problem with shipping to the UK is, unfortunately... that's stuff that happens outside the room."

JB: "No word, that I know of, on the T-Shirts."

On cosplay
JJ: "NEXT QUESTION: What anime character should Jason dress as for his next convention?"
JB: "This is not the direction the chat needs to take..."
Lilith: "The big dude in red armor from Samurai 7."
Timitius: "Jason should be Hellboy..."
JB: "I do like Hellboy..."
JJ: "My Vote: SAILOR VENUS! DO IT, JASON! You have the same color hair!"
JB: "You will pay for this tomorrow.. I may break out the star trek fight music."
JJ: "No! I don't have the magic to battle your Venus powerz!"
JB: "<In my best Nixon imperssonation> Oh.. you'll pay.. oh yes.. you'll pay."

On getting mad in the office
Timitius: "When James [Jacobs] ticks you off do you just lean back and shake his cubicle wall, knocking all his toys down?"
JB: "Sometimes.. yes.. I do take that tactic.. Earthquake Assault is not common and only reserved for the most heinous insults..."
JJ: "Jason better NOT shake my wall! I'll cry!"
JB: "Hence reserved for heinous offenses.. James crying is very sad."
JJ: "Jason's got guns and computer-controlled nerf missiles. He doesn't need earthquake tactics."
JB: "This is true."

On the absence of the Mono-eyed one
Takasi: "Did Planet Stories and RPG Superstar kidnap Erik Mona?"
JJ: "No. The Gazetteer kidnapped Erik."

On the Player's Guide to Curse of the Crimson Throne
Joseph: "It contains 100% awesome by volume."

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development


My only real contribution was to chime in with "Werd" and acknowledge an obviously kick-ass name.

I promise I have some questions for this Tuesday night that don't involve jack-assery.

Dangit. I just changed my chat name from my real name(Joseph) to my Paizo screenname. Then I start getting into the chat summaries. I'm going to be unknown to people forever.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hmm I read backpedaling on the fiction info. :P


SirUrza wrote:
Hmm I read backpedaling on the fiction info. :P

maybe not it depends on who you talk to - Erik was always the one who said it would most likly happen

Liberty's Edge

It's Tuesday, do you know where you are going to be at 8 PM PDT?

(Hopefully I will remember tonight...)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Lori B wrote:
It's Tuesday, do you know where you are going to be at 8 PM PDT?

Nope... hopefully home. :P

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

SirUrza wrote:
Hmm I read backpedaling on the fiction info. :P

We're in the same place we've been for a while: most of us think it's a good idea that we're not ready to start into yet.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
SirUrza wrote:
Hmm I read backpedaling on the fiction info. :P
We're in the same place we've been for a while: most of us think it's a good idea that we're not ready to start into yet.


No chat log yet? :)

If chat.dmtools.org does not work, try dmtools.org/chat.

Since the subdomain took a vaycay, http://www.dmtools.org/chat is the best URL to use.

The hoster is moving the chatroom to a dedicated box in ONE HOUR. I'll post when the move is complete.

(The move is being held off for a stress test tomorrow.)

In the meantime, here's the full unedited chat for today.

01:32:24 9Daigle: Monk-y thoughts!
19/03/2008 01:32:25 9Vomit Guy: Bye Paz
19/03/2008 01:32:36 9tensor: Monk is a cool detective
19/03/2008 01:32:39 9Vomit Guy: he he....he said monky
19/03/2008 01:32:42 9Vic Wertz: botrytis, I was thinking about that myself....
19/03/2008 01:33:05 9Daigle: That'd be awesome, Vic
19/03/2008 01:33:16 9Charles Evans: I haven't tried to get to the alpha download at present due to all the traffic on the boards; know that it's heresy, but is there a plain text only version available, or at least a Word format sort of thing with text and tables?
19/03/2008 01:33:17 9Blazej: Vic Wertz, I'll grab two with that sort of value!
19/03/2008 01:33:18 9Vic Wertz: One challenge is that the art director on the project has just gone on vacation for a while.
19/03/2008 01:33:20 9tensor: I always think of Quia Caine Chain (???) from the 70's TV show "Kung Fu" whenever Monks are discussed.
19/03/2008 01:33:31 9Dragonmann: And now for something completely different.... anybody see the new Dr/ Ruth movie, Eliot Hired a Hooker
19/03/2008 01:33:32 9botrytis: I sent 8 pages to our high speed super duper multi function printer/photocopier several minutes ago - and it still hasn't printed them.
19/03/2008 01:33:39 9Vomit Guy: Tensor: Me too!
19/03/2008 01:33:44 * Jeremy Walker quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:33:44 * Jeremy Walker quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:33:52 9Vomit Guy: Or shouyld I say Grasshopper?
19/03/2008 01:33:56 9Blazej: Still getting through checkout.
19/03/2008 01:34:08 9Vic Wertz: But it's worth looking into. Can you drop a query on the boards to that effect to remind us to discuss it?
19/03/2008 01:34:10 * Russ joins Main
19/03/2008 01:34:17 9paz: Don't wish me good night! I said I should go to bed, not that I was... :)
19/03/2008 01:34:18 * tensor changes his/her nickname to grasshopper
19/03/2008 01:34:23 * grasshopper jumps
19/03/2008 01:34:31 * Daigle laughs
19/03/2008 01:35:04 * Vomit Guy performs some martial arts vomiting
19/03/2008 01:35:08 9Vic Wertz: Currently there's only a 65-page full-color PDF. Thus ensuring that the world's toner reserve takes a massive hit tonight.
19/03/2008 01:35:18 9Vomit Guy: sploooortch
19/03/2008 01:35:29 9Russ: Nice production values for a freebie.
19/03/2008 01:35:46 9Vomit Guy: I'm gonna try and print it a work tomorrow while the boss ain't looking.
19/03/2008 01:35:46 9Cormac: 3:35am here, can't sleep...
19/03/2008 01:35:51 9Russ: Nearly got my watermarked copy
19/03/2008 01:35:52 9paz: Russ: you could say the same about the player's guides.
19/03/2008 01:36:09 9Vic Wertz: We've one ENnies for the production values on our freebies in the past!
19/03/2008 01:36:17 9Vic Wertz: one=won...
19/03/2008 01:36:26 9paz: OK, you all win, I am really going to bed now. G'night.
19/03/2008 01:36:33 9Russ: There's my copy
19/03/2008 01:36:34 9Vomit Guy: Bye Paz
19/03/2008 01:36:38 9Daigle: Peace, paz!
19/03/2008 01:36:41 * The Last Rogue joins Main
19/03/2008 01:36:52 9Daigle: What's shakin' Rogue?
19/03/2008 01:37:04 * Vomit Guy changes his/her nickname to Aberzombie is Slightly Inebria
19/03/2008 01:37:11 9Aberzombie is Slightly Inebria: A piss on it
19/03/2008 01:37:21 9The Last Rogue: YOu guys hear about this Paizo thing?
19/03/2008 01:37:32 * Aberzombie is Slightly Inebria changes his/her nickname to Aberzombie is Drunk
19/03/2008 01:37:34 9Daigle: Yessir
19/03/2008 01:37:36 9Russ: TLR> I know, chapter 11 - scary, isn't it?
19/03/2008 01:37:45 9Mothman: Hey Rogue
19/03/2008 01:37:50 * Syl joins Main
19/03/2008 01:37:53 9Mothman: Yeah, nice work eh?
19/03/2008 01:37:54 9Aberzombie is Drunk: I'm confused
19/03/2008 01:37:56 * paz quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:37:56 * paz quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:37:58 * Lilith joins Main
19/03/2008 01:38:00 9The Last Rogue: Ye
19/03/2008 01:38:04 9The Last Rogue: Yes
19/03/2008 01:38:09 9Aberzombie is Drunk: hey Lilith
19/03/2008 01:38:15 9Charles Evans: I have to go now; my Page file Count is going crazy (internet ERxplorer) and i need to reload.
19/03/2008 01:38:18 9Vic Wertz: There's a Paizo thing?
19/03/2008 01:38:21 9Charles Evans: Back Later.
19/03/2008 01:38:28 9Daigle: There is now!
19/03/2008 01:38:31 9The Last Rogue: Only one going bankrupt will be me, as I now must continue purchasing Paizo products and sample 4e's wares.
19/03/2008 01:38:33 9Aberzombie is Drunk: What Paizo thing?
19/03/2008 01:38:40 * Charles Evans quit
19/03/2008 01:38:46 9The Last Rogue: You know, the Paizo thing.
19/03/2008 01:38:46 9Russ: I'm already buying all their printed works :P
19/03/2008 01:38:52 9Aberzombie is Drunk: Huh?
19/03/2008 01:38:56 * Turin the Mad joins Main
19/03/2008 01:38:58 * Lilith waves at Aberzombie is Drunk! :glomp:
19/03/2008 01:39:05 9Aberzombie is Drunk: Thanks
19/03/2008 01:39:07 9The Last Rogue: You know the thing. With the Paizo.
19/03/2008 01:39:19 9Vic Wertz: The Piazo?
19/03/2008 01:39:20 9Blazej: This whole thing feels a little surreal. Sort of like when the end of the print magazines was announced.
19/03/2008 01:39:27 9Hill Giant: Did you get that thing I sent you?
19/03/2008 01:39:30 9Aberzombie is Drunk: Oh yeah, that thing! .....never heard of it
19/03/2008 01:39:31 * cpt_kirstov watches more $ go down the drain to keep superscriber status
19/03/2008 01:39:34 9Daigle: yeah, but more folks are happy.
19/03/2008 01:39:42 * cpt_kirstov and is happy about it !
19/03/2008 01:39:45 9The Last Rogue: Yeah, that thing
19/03/2008 01:39:59 * grasshopper quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:40:02 9The Last Rogue: So feels good to have it all out there, Paizones?
19/03/2008 01:40:12 9Vic Wertz: You can't imagine.
19/03/2008 01:40:19 9The Last Rogue: Congrats.
19/03/2008 01:40:31 9The Last Rogue: Really interested in what will come of this.
19/03/2008 01:40:40 * zeb joins Main
19/03/2008 01:40:43 * Lilith runs and glomps Vic Wertz! :glomp: :glomp:
19/03/2008 01:40:45 9The Last Rogue: I can't think of better hands for the game to be in.
19/03/2008 01:41:16 9Aberzombie is Drunk: Hell, even I feel like glomping someone:zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 01:41:29 9Blazej: Was this in the works if the OGL wasn't received by this time or that the OGL had problems?
19/03/2008 01:41:37 * Aberzombie is Drunk changes his/her nickname to Aberzombie
19/03/2008 01:41:37 9Vic Wertz: Aiee!
19/03/2008 01:41:48 9Pygon: I'm eager to see what an RPG made by a companies passionate about the story more than the rules (but still be worthwhile to play) will be like :)
19/03/2008 01:41:55 9Aberzombie: Mmmmm.....braiiiiinnnnssss
19/03/2008 01:41:55 9Turin the Mad: Oct-Nov last year it would seem this got rolling - impressive work
19/03/2008 01:41:56 9Lilith: Vic Wertz: :D
19/03/2008 01:41:59 * DMReckless quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:41:59 * DMReckless quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:42:23 9The Last Rogue: Vic, I almost forgot -- I have a question!
19/03/2008 01:42:24 * Saracenus joins Main
19/03/2008 01:42:25 9Vic Wertz: We've had this contingency plan for a while.
19/03/2008 01:42:41 9Vic Wertz: I'll try and answer, if it's not rules!
19/03/2008 01:42:47 9The Last Rogue: I just recently re-subscribed to PF (recent as in today);
19/03/2008 01:42:52 9Aberzombie: Crap! Work is going to suck big hairy camel balls tomorrow.
19/03/2008 01:42:56 9The Last Rogue: And I was expecting the PF advantage
19/03/2008 01:42:59 * Test joins Main
19/03/2008 01:43:06 9Syl: This probably was answered a thousand times but what is the reasonning behind not just staying with 3.5 ?
19/03/2008 01:43:12 9Blazej: Right next shiny eject button in case of zombie attack?
19/03/2008 01:43:12 9The Last Rogue: but when I put guide to Korvosa in my sidecart it doesn't discount
19/03/2008 01:43:15 9The Last Rogue: ?
19/03/2008 01:43:26 9Aberzombie: Zombie attack:zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 01:43:42 9The Last Rogue: Someone mentioned that it may not show the discount until the last page or that I may have to wait for PF to ship.
19/03/2008 01:43:47 9The Last Rogue: Just wondering what the case is.
19/03/2008 01:43:50 9Hill Giant: Syl: There won't be a 3.5 rulebook in print
19/03/2008 01:44:14 9Mothman: Syl: I can think of one thing - the 3.5 books will not be reprinted, so at some point, if Paizo wants new customers, they need to produce their own version of the rules
19/03/2008 01:44:15 9Vic Wertz: TLR, the most recent volume has to have shipped to you before the benefit kicks in. (That's to keep people form subscribing, using the discount, and then unsubscribing before they actually get charged.)
19/03/2008 01:44:18 9Turin the Mad: zombies as PC's !
19/03/2008 01:44:21 9Syl: k, though I dont see where your point is goin ?
19/03/2008 01:44:21 9Turin the Mad: ^_^
19/03/2008 01:44:22 9Pygon: I was ready for a cleaned up 3.5 with extra good tidbits in it
19/03/2008 01:44:24 9Dragonmann: gah, i read alpha for 5 minutes and there are 60 lines
19/03/2008 01:44:24 9Aberzombie: i'm gettin to old for this shi....
19/03/2008 01:44:31 * Test quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:44:36 9The Last Rogue: I see. Thanks for the explanation.
19/03/2008 01:44:50 * Tamago joins Main
19/03/2008 01:45:04 9Aberzombie: Howdy Tamago
19/03/2008 01:45:15 9Wyvern: :dance:
19/03/2008 01:45:27 9Syl: Is this 3.P version gonna be for long term then ?
19/03/2008 01:45:29 9Aberzombie: Do the Dance of Joy!
19/03/2008 01:45:29 9Pygon: hi Wyvern
19/03/2008 01:45:41 * Ross joins Main
19/03/2008 01:45:44 * Dragonmann :glomp:s Lilith
19/03/2008 01:46:12 9Wyvern: Pygon my man, I guess we'll be playing Pathfinder RPG after Savage Tide ;)
19/03/2008 01:46:15 * Aberzombie :zombieglomp:everybody, in hopes of adding them to the undead horde.
19/03/2008 01:46:16 * Ross does a happy dance. Whoo-hoo!
19/03/2008 01:46:20 9Vic Wertz: This is a long-term plan, yes.
19/03/2008 01:46:31 9Ison: :knight:
19/03/2008 01:46:32 9Tamago: Greetings, folks!
19/03/2008 01:46:52 9Pygon: I would mind being able to cast a lightning wall next level, actually...
19/03/2008 01:46:54 9Turin the Mad: :cthulhu:
19/03/2008 01:46:58 9Vic Wertz: "The reports of 3.5's demise were greatly unfounded."
19/03/2008 01:47:02 9Tamago: sounds like so good news brewing :D
19/03/2008 01:47:05 9Aberzombie: Sweet!
19/03/2008 01:47:07 * DMReckless joins Main
19/03/2008 01:47:23 9Pygon: it's definitely going to fill a void
19/03/2008 01:47:26 9Aberzombie: Crap! We're gonna crash the server again. I now it.
19/03/2008 01:47:33 9Mothman: Syl: I dont know, you'll need to ask Paizo that - but I think that is the plan (Assuming there is a good response to it in the short term)
19/03/2008 01:47:39 9Aberzombie: I even know it
19/03/2008 01:47:47 9Syl: Question was answered by Vic
19/03/2008 01:47:58 9Syl: 9Vic Wertz: "The reports of 3.5's demise were greatly unfounded."
19/03/2008 01:47:58 9Turin the Mad: Lilith has something on standby
19/03/2008 01:48:03 9Mothman: Syl - ah, yes I see
19/03/2008 01:48:17 9Syl: err 9Vic Wertz: This is a long-term plan, yes.
19/03/2008 01:48:19 9Daigle: There is going to be some great 3.5 stuff in store for gamers!
19/03/2008 01:48:44 9Syl: Its a gutsy move I'll admit that.
19/03/2008 01:49:11 9Aberzombie: "Dad is great! Give us Chocolate cake."
19/03/2008 01:49:21 9Wyvern: I think we can stop calling it 3.5e and just call it Pathfinder or somerhing.
19/03/2008 01:49:23 9Turin the Mad: Bill Cosby ?
19/03/2008 01:49:30 9Aberzombie: yep
19/03/2008 01:49:34 9Pygon: well for the sake of argument, they can gauge how popular it is as they roll it out, and if things don't work, there is always the 4e bandwagon
19/03/2008 01:49:37 9Turin the Mad: :cookie:
19/03/2008 01:49:39 9Wyvern: Syl, agreed. Ballsy.
19/03/2008 01:49:45 9Syl: My main concern though is that this will further fragment the industry.
19/03/2008 01:49:45 * Daigle wants a pudding pop all of a sudden.
19/03/2008 01:50:01 9Aberzombie: PFRPG
19/03/2008 01:50:07 9Syl: This is due in no small part to WOTC clenching too tightly at their stuff.
19/03/2008 01:50:18 9Aberzombie: No s#*+
19/03/2008 01:50:19 9Tamago: Syl, that makes sense, but I can't think of anyone better to do this than paizo
19/03/2008 01:50:38 9Tamago: except *maybe* Monte Cook, but as we know he's not doing much RPGwise these days
19/03/2008 01:50:40 9Russ: The industry is less fragmented than it was 20 years ago, so who cares :)
19/03/2008 01:50:58 9Blazej: I like options. This is good.
19/03/2008 01:51:00 9Ross: This was my best case scenario. You have no idea how happy (and relieved) I am.
19/03/2008 01:51:27 9Syl: O well... I for one was looking forward to embracing 4e.
19/03/2008 01:51:34 9Aberzombie: No offense to Wizards, but they've been so tight-assed with the GSL and all, that if you shoved a piece of coal up their ass, they'd s%@$ out a diamond.
19/03/2008 01:51:35 9Daigle: Ross, I'm with ya.
19/03/2008 01:51:46 9Syl: It seems wizards managed a major f%~$up if you ask me.
19/03/2008 01:51:57 9Vic Wertz: I think the industry was already fragmented. We're just giving one of those fragments the opportunity for long-term survival.
19/03/2008 01:51:58 9Mothman: Syl: I think the challenge for Paizo lies in making their new RPG different enough from 3.5 that it satisfies the people who have issues with 3.5 but dont want to change to 4, and making their products easily compatible with 3.5 for people who are sticking with that
19/03/2008 01:52:03 9Ross: Also, the Scribe called it hte instant the goblins went up.
19/03/2008 01:52:05 9Syl: Aber : I agree
19/03/2008 01:52:14 9Turin the Mad: lol Ross
19/03/2008 01:52:21 9Ross: Syl, goofing a deadline by 2 months'll do that.
19/03/2008 01:52:30 9Blazej: I don't think I want to use these rules in my game anymore... I am afraid of increasing the save DCs of the wizard in the party any more. ;)
19/03/2008 01:52:32 9Syl: Ross : Agree
19/03/2008 01:52:58 9Aberzombie: Vic: I'm still mad a you fellas for making me stay up this late.
19/03/2008 01:53:01 9Ross: Blazej, which rules are those?
19/03/2008 01:53:30 9Aberzombie: Not to mention all this beer you're forcing me to drink
19/03/2008 01:53:35 9Aberzombie: :lol:
19/03/2008 01:53:46 * Lori joins Main
19/03/2008 01:53:52 9Daigle: It's a shame, huh?
19/03/2008 01:53:53 9Aberzombie: Howdy Lori
19/03/2008 01:53:59 9Ross: Also, even if Paizo had stayed pure 3.5, I'd've picked up the 4e core, to at least see what I was missing. Now I don't have to.
19/03/2008 01:53:59 9Blazej: The Elven ability scores in the Pathfinder RPG beta.
19/03/2008 01:54:02 9Daigle: Howdy Lori
19/03/2008 01:54:05 9Vic Wertz: Hey it's a playtest. If you don't like something, give us feedback in the forum!
19/03/2008 01:54:15 9Dragonmann: wizard should roll 3 de for hp
19/03/2008 01:54:19 9Lori: Hello all. This should be fun tonight.
19/03/2008 01:54:29 9Vic Wertz: Jason is *dying* for feedback. You have no idea.
19/03/2008 01:54:41 * Duicarthan changes his/her nickname to Duicarthan_AFK
19/03/2008 01:54:48 9Aberzombie: So, does that mean he's ready to join the ranks of teh living dead?
19/03/2008 01:54:50 9Ross: Blazej, ah. I agree. Same with the Wis bonuses for Dwarves and Half-Orcs.
19/03/2008 01:55:09 9Ross: Also, full orcs have wis penalties. Their bastards shouldn't have a bonus.
19/03/2008 01:55:47 9Tamago: Ross, who knows? Maybe Pathfinder orcs have a WIS bump?
19/03/2008 01:55:53 9Wyvern: I'm actually considering cancelling my 4e preorder right now. There is no sense in having a system I won't play. I only play Paizo adventures. Deviously ballsy! I like it.
19/03/2008 01:56:11 9Turin the Mad: would explain their patience in not extirpating the rest of the edible two-legged rabble
19/03/2008 01:56:16 9Aberzombie: Be right back folks.
19/03/2008 01:56:26 * NSpicer quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:56:32 9Blazej: I was just joking right now. I just am thinking about how much better he does with this.
19/03/2008 01:56:35 * Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat joins Main
19/03/2008 01:56:44 9Syl: In my mind the success of this depends on how well the adjustments fix 3.5 .
19/03/2008 01:57:01 9Blazej: I will try it before putting an actual opinion out there.
19/03/2008 01:57:25 9Vic Wertz: Ah. Sorry I have my sarcasm detector in the shop for servicing.
19/03/2008 01:57:29 9Ross: Blazej, it actually reminds me of the Dark SUn character rules in Dragon some time back. Every race had two bonuses.
19/03/2008 01:57:34 9Russ: The worst aspect of 3rd isn't the OGL/Core rules/SRd, it is the supplemental books.
19/03/2008 01:57:50 9Russ: I'm not sure I approve of half orcs being able to have a plus to Int or Cha.
19/03/2008 01:57:56 9Syl: I dont think so Russ
19/03/2008 01:57:57 9Ross: It's not broken, but it is a power bump. It's just that NPCs get it too, so it's fair.
19/03/2008 01:58:06 9Syl: The supplements are optionals.
19/03/2008 01:58:13 9Syl: You dont have to take them.
19/03/2008 01:58:20 9Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat: The supplements fixed problems with the core rules.
19/03/2008 01:58:21 9Syl: THey are mostly there for flavor.
19/03/2008 01:58:23 * Ask A Shoanti joins Main
19/03/2008 01:58:28 * HEATHANSSON joins Main
19/03/2008 01:58:32 9Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat: They also introduced new problems, of course, but there's a lot of fixes in there.
19/03/2008 01:58:37 9Lori: For me, as long as the Paizo PRPG stays compatible with 3.5, I can try it out and see if I like the changes. If not, I can suggest changes, or just stay with 3.5. Win win for me.
19/03/2008 01:58:46 9Blazej: Yeah.
19/03/2008 01:59:19 9Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat: Personally, I'm skeptical of how "backwards compatable" a new system can be.
19/03/2008 01:59:26 9Wyvern: I doubt Paizo will have many supplements. I think this a very good idea to have a stable system for a long time while keeping the adventures as the money makers of the company.
19/03/2008 01:59:31 9HEATHANSSON: HAW!!!
19/03/2008 01:59:42 9Blazej: Although I do have a minor comment about racial abilities that I will end up shoving on the messageboard.
19/03/2008 01:59:45 9Daigle: Heathy!!!
19/03/2008 01:59:47 9Syl: Paizo already has lots of supp.
19/03/2008 01:59:51 * Ask A Shoanti raises klar in greeting
19/03/2008 01:59:56 9Blazej: Hello Heathansson.
19/03/2008 01:59:56 9Syl: Its called Chronicles!
19/03/2008 01:59:57 9Daigle: Mike!!!
19/03/2008 02:00:05 9Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat: I imagine it'd be something on the same order of magnitude as 3.0 to 3.5, and considering that you need the official errata for MMII and Fiend Folio to use them... and considering that Paizo can't produce conversion errata for any of the WOTC books I have...
19/03/2008 02:00:12 9Ask A Shoanti: Woah busy!
19/03/2008 02:00:40 9Syl: I personnaly am not woried about "investment".
19/03/2008 02:00:43 9Ask A Shoanti: I think heath is happy.
19/03/2008 02:00:44 9Ross: I've already made one suggestion to Buhlman based on a house rule I've passed around the chat.
19/03/2008 02:00:49 9Syl: Most of the books i have are for reading purposes.
19/03/2008 02:00:51 9Wyvern: They are adventures, Syl. They don't give your fighter a +4 kickass bonus to attacks while standing in one foot.
19/03/2008 02:00:54 9Ask A Shoanti: But I'm not sure. . . : )
19/03/2008 02:01:03 9Syl: It takes me 2 years to get through a campaign.
19/03/2008 02:01:12 9Vic Wertz: So, there, Heathy... I gather you've heard the news, then?
19/03/2008 02:01:17 9Syl: So the amount I can really use is somewhat minimal.
19/03/2008 02:01:25 9HEATHANSSON: Ayyyup.
19/03/2008 02:01:25 9The Last Rogue: Shoanti, are you excited to write us up some PFRPG adventures?
19/03/2008 02:01:56 9Ask A Shoanti: Love it rogue!
19/03/2008 02:02:04 9Ross: I wonder if I can talk him into getting rid of Vorpal...
19/03/2008 02:02:44 9Syl: To me the things that need the most attention are the core mechanics.
19/03/2008 02:02:55 9Syl: They often bog down the game too much.
19/03/2008 02:03:09 9Syl: The rest is just fluff.
19/03/2008 02:03:09 9Wyvern: I'm not worried about investment at all. I know anything I buy is to be used so I get my monies worth. There will always be new editions. I've never thought for a second there won't be a Pathfinder RPG 2e.
19/03/2008 02:03:17 9Tamago: *flipping through the book
19/03/2008 02:03:25 9Russ: Syl - the power creep problem in 3rd comes almost entirely from the splatbooks, and that IMO is the worst thing about 3rd
19/03/2008 02:03:25 9Syl: If a DM doenst like vorpal for example he can just remove it.
19/03/2008 02:03:30 9HEATHANSSON: OMFlipping God! How many people are in the chat?
19/03/2008 02:03:32 9Tamago: drat, no Sorcerer! That'll make it hard to convert my RoR game
19/03/2008 02:03:37 9Russ: I'll be updating my RPG Superstar entrees to fit the Alpha rules
19/03/2008 02:03:42 9Aberzombie: Howdy Heathy
19/03/2008 02:03:42 9Syl: Splatbooks ?
19/03/2008 02:03:58 9DMReckless: A lot less than there were earlier today heathy
19/03/2008 02:03:59 9Lilith: HEATHANSSON: A lot...
19/03/2008 02:04:02 9Lilith: There was a lot earlier.
19/03/2008 02:04:11 9Aberzombie: Should have been here earlier Heathy. We crashed it twice
19/03/2008 02:04:12 9HEATHANSSON: I know, right?
19/03/2008 02:04:16 9HEATHANSSON: Wow.
19/03/2008 02:04:21 9Daigle: I counted 49 one time when I popped in from work.
19/03/2008 02:04:26 9Ross: Russ, good idea. I'd change mine, but I think Augury and Divination are still around, so I don't think it needs to change.
19/03/2008 02:04:30 * Lilith was a sad Lilith...:cry:
19/03/2008 02:04:32 9Syl: If you are talking about the supplements well 2 things : 1) they are optional, its the dm decision to allow them or not
19/03/2008 02:04:32 9HEATHANSSON: Dude,.....this is a great day.
19/03/2008 02:04:44 9Aberzombie: :typerhappy:Huzzah!
19/03/2008 02:04:54 9Syl: 2) since 3.P is compatible you didnt solve that problem
19/03/2008 02:04:58 * Cormac quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:04:58 * Cormac quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:05:07 9Lilith: And we met our max number of Paizo staffers in here today too. 12!
19/03/2008 02:05:09 9Mothman: Hey Heath!
19/03/2008 02:05:12 * tensor joins Main
19/03/2008 02:05:12 9HEATHANSSON: Wow.
19/03/2008 02:05:18 9HEATHANSSON: Hey, mothy!!!
19/03/2008 02:05:29 9HEATHANSSON: Y'all like them two monsters?
19/03/2008 02:05:31 9Ross: Ooh! I should make a suggestion about fixing the value of the Gold Piece was NPC wages.
19/03/2008 02:05:32 9Aberzombie: Howdy Tensor
19/03/2008 02:05:42 9Mothman: Good stuff eh? Im on my lunch break now, reading the Alpha - looks good!
19/03/2008 02:05:54 9Aberzombie: LuncH?
19/03/2008 02:05:54 9HEATHANSSON: Yeah!
19/03/2008 02:06:07 * Saishu_Heiki quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:06:08 9Mothman: Aber - yeah, it's 1pm here
19/03/2008 02:06:20 9Aberzombie: where? Althoug I should know
19/03/2008 02:06:26 9tensor: Daigle: I just got your email. :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:
19/03/2008 02:06:33 9Mothman: Heath: the Smeg-heads? What the hell are they??
19/03/2008 02:06:40 9Aberzombie: Can I be the Alpha Zombie?
19/03/2008 02:06:43 9Daigle: I just got yours...wizard!
19/03/2008 02:06:46 9tensor: Hi Heathansson
19/03/2008 02:06:47 9Mothman: Aber: Sydney, Australia
19/03/2008 02:06:48 * Russ changes his/her nickname to Russ is AFK
19/03/2008 02:06:52 9Lilith: Aberzombie: Of course! :D
19/03/2008 02:06:57 9Dragonmann: weep weep, must sleep
19/03/2008 02:06:58 9Aberzombie: Sweet!
19/03/2008 02:07:07 9HEATHANSSON: Adherers, from the old school Fiend Folio//Tome of Horrors.
19/03/2008 02:07:19 9Aberzombie: Piss on sleep! I'll get all the sleep i need when I'm dead
19/03/2008 02:07:19 9Syl: The problem with the core mechanics is that they cant just be removed. For example : Grappling you have to provide an other mechanic.
19/03/2008 02:07:22 9Ask A Shoanti: So Heath - what you're saying is your pretty ambivalent about it?
19/03/2008 02:07:22 9HEATHANSSON: I unbuffed them a bit, cos they're kinda tuff.2
19/03/2008 02:07:28 9Lori: I have spent way too much time here today...YEAH!!
19/03/2008 02:07:30 9HEATHANSSON: Hey, tensor!!!!!
19/03/2008 02:07:49 9Turin the Mad: 12 staffers ... 49 total peeps ... wow
19/03/2008 02:07:53 9Mothman: Heath: cool! I have ToH, but havent been all through it yet
19/03/2008 02:07:59 9Lori: How was Fatey's chicken salad anyway?#-o
19/03/2008 02:08:00 9HEATHANSSON: AM BI VLINT?
19/03/2008 02:08:08 9Aberzombie: I like the new deal with Orizons and Cantrips.
19/03/2008 02:08:18 * Dragonmann quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:08:26 9HEATHANSSON: I got the 3.0 ToH, so don't know if the 3.5 is different.
19/03/2008 02:08:28 9Turin the Mad: they'll need to clean up the wording on that Aberzombie
19/03/2008 02:08:30 9Aberzombie: :love:
19/03/2008 02:08:35 9Pygon: whoops, I meant to make 7000 units of Antimatter Large, not 700000 =/
19/03/2008 02:09:00 9HEATHANSSON: WUH AM BI VLIT?
19/03/2008 02:09:05 9HEATHANSSON: mEANZ?
19/03/2008 02:09:09 9Erik Mona: LOL
19/03/2008 02:09:12 9Syl: Paizo : what would really be nice is to have a document that would identify the changes that where made and the reason behind it.
19/03/2008 02:09:18 9Lilith: Erik Mona! :excite:
19/03/2008 02:09:19 9HEATHANSSON: I'M STUPIT HAPPY.
19/03/2008 02:09:24 * Lilith runs n' glomps Erik Mona! :glomp:
19/03/2008 02:09:25 9Erik Mona: I have the proofs for "Flight of the Red Raven" on my desk, and I coulda swore there's an adherer in there!
19/03/2008 02:09:29 9Syl: That would really help to "sell" the thing.
19/03/2008 02:09:33 9Aberzombie: I can see it tomorrow at work! I'll probably accidently sink a ship or something.
19/03/2008 02:09:34 9Saracenus: Heathansson: ToH Rev. 3.5 is updated
19/03/2008 02:09:37 9HEATHANSSON: I'm the happiest boy alive!
19/03/2008 02:09:39 9Saracenus: I highly recoment it
19/03/2008 02:09:43 9Erik Mona: It's actually something else, but when James Jacobs showed me the picture I said "holy crap, is that an adherer?"
19/03/2008 02:09:48 9Turin the Mad: that's a lotta battleship ammo Pygon
19/03/2008 02:09:51 9Lilith: JoshuaJFrost! :glomp: :glomp:
19/03/2008 02:09:55 9Erik Mona: Weird that such a loser monster has come up twice in two hours. :)
19/03/2008 02:10:04 9Pygon: Turin - at least I won't run out for a hella long time :)
19/03/2008 02:10:08 * Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:10:13 9Turin the Mad: yup, lolol
19/03/2008 02:10:19 9Ison: loser monster :dragon:
19/03/2008 02:10:19 9Blazej: Huh, do you think a cleric of Irori should get Improved Unarmed Strike?
19/03/2008 02:10:19 9Tamago: I agree with Syl; I'd love to see a document explaining where and why changes were made
19/03/2008 02:10:32 9HEATHANSSON: I've sicked adherers on my Saltmarsh pbp. There great cos nobody knows wtf they are.
19/03/2008 02:10:33 9Turin the Mad: any monster can be made nawsty
19/03/2008 02:10:37 9HEATHANSSON: cept one guy.
19/03/2008 02:10:43 9Wyvern: I don't care about why. I just want it to be fun.
19/03/2008 02:10:49 9Turin the Mad: like ... sea-going boogers ...
19/03/2008 02:10:50 9Balthaczar: one good thing about the paizo site being down was that i could print out that goblin pic for my game......sorry off topic it just popped in my head
19/03/2008 02:10:53 9Pygon: will the hardback book have little design philsophy boxes in it?
19/03/2008 02:10:57 9HEATHANSSON: I played up the foreskin/smegma angle. Good times.
19/03/2008 02:11:07 9Turin the Mad: lol
19/03/2008 02:11:15 9Aberzombie: :zombieglomp: Mmmmmm...3.P
19/03/2008 02:11:17 9Hill Giant: Erik Mona: There are worse things it could look like
19/03/2008 02:11:21 9Pygon: first thing I flipped to was the grapple rules, and by gum, they had some in there.
19/03/2008 02:12:05 9Aberzombie: As long as they have a Gelatinous Cube, since I waited FOREVER for the damn mini....
19/03/2008 02:12:05 9Saracenus: Well I have to say the welcom for 3p was uninspiring at ENWorld
19/03/2008 02:12:10 9JoshuaJFrost: Lilith Yes? :-)
19/03/2008 02:12:14 9Wyvern: Ha! By Jason Bulmahn... I guess now we know what the super secret project was! ;)
19/03/2008 02:12:29 9Saracenus: Erik Mona: Evidenly you guys just made a huge mistake according to them
19/03/2008 02:12:33 9Pygon: Sarac - what was the basic consensus?
19/03/2008 02:12:40 9Pygon: ah, I see
19/03/2008 02:12:49 9Lilith: JoshuaJFrost: Had to glomp you! My standard greeting. :glomp: :beer: :cookie:
19/03/2008 02:12:52 9Saracenus: Most people dismissed anything 3ish outright
19/03/2008 02:12:55 9HEATHANSSON: Ecology of the Adherer won't be my first professional sale I take it.
19/03/2008 02:13:05 9Aberzombie: Maybe Enworld and WotC would like a little cheese with their Whine?
19/03/2008 02:13:11 9Saracenus: Some suggested Paizo would be purchased by someone else when it failed <G>
19/03/2008 02:13:14 9Pygon: but a 3.5 with 4e elements adopted into it woudl be just fine by me
19/03/2008 02:13:20 9Aberzombie: Their messageboards that is.
19/03/2008 02:13:39 9Lilith: Saracenus: Linkage?
19/03/2008 02:13:39 9Mothman: Those adherers are narsty
19/03/2008 02:13:53 9Saracenus: I don't tune into ENWorld for their incisive industry commentary.
19/03/2008 02:13:57 9Saracenus: Just a sec
19/03/2008 02:14:07 9Mothman: I didnt know what they were ... I was thinking maybe lemures or somehting by your description ...
19/03/2008 02:14:25 9Saracenus: http://www.enworld.org/showthr...&page=1
19/03/2008 02:14:41 9HEATHANSSON: Two goomy doods come digging out of the turf--wtf is it?
19/03/2008 02:14:51 9Aberzombie: I am going to pay for this late night so very, very dearly tomorrow. But its worth it.
19/03/2008 02:14:53 * HEATHANSSON changes his/her nickname to heathansson afk
19/03/2008 02:14:57 * Ison quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:14:57 * Ison quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:15:13 9Turin the Mad: there are brains everywhere Aberzombie - narf someone at Starbucks in the a.m.
19/03/2008 02:15:43 9Aberzombie: I couldn't even tell you where a Starbucks is located.
19/03/2008 02:15:55 9Syl: Paiso : One thing that I liked about the 4E preview was the dying mechanics. I thought it really added excitement to the game. It was listed on the wotc website. It might be something to take into consideration.
19/03/2008 02:16:07 9Syl: err sorry Its Paizo....
19/03/2008 02:16:23 9Aberzombie: May just have to gnaw on the first poor bastard I see at work.:zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 02:16:25 * Rambling Scribe joins Main
19/03/2008 02:16:30 * heathansson afk quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:16:30 9Turin the Mad: 7-11
19/03/2008 02:16:36 9Ask A Shoanti: Scribe is in the house!
19/03/2008 02:16:36 9Turin the Mad: anyplace with coffee
19/03/2008 02:16:38 9Ross: Syl, you should post these ideas on the PFRPG boards. Some of them are good.
19/03/2008 02:16:40 9Wyvern: Hey Scribe!
19/03/2008 02:16:43 9Aberzombie: Howdy Rambling
19/03/2008 02:16:46 9Daigle: Scribe!
19/03/2008 02:16:48 9Syl: I will
19/03/2008 02:16:49 9Ross: Scribe, you totally called it!
19/03/2008 02:17:05 9Syl: I am running a RotRL campaign and will try to convince my players to try this.
19/03/2008 02:17:11 9Blazej: Syl, what Ross said.
19/03/2008 02:17:25 9Rambling Scribe: Hi All
19/03/2008 02:17:32 9Turin the Mad: o/
19/03/2008 02:17:32 9Rambling Scribe: :headbang:
19/03/2008 02:17:36 9Syl: How compatible to 3.P is curse of the crimson throne ?
19/03/2008 02:17:50 9Aberzombie: Should be pretty damn close
19/03/2008 02:17:52 9Ross: Syl, it's as compatible as any other 3.5 product.
19/03/2008 02:18:06 9Wyvern: Pygon you KNOW we are trying these, right?
19/03/2008 02:18:13 9Syl: k
19/03/2008 02:18:28 9Syl: compatible enough to be switched in .. "mid flight " ?
19/03/2008 02:18:50 9Ross: Should be, as long as your players are willing to convert their characters.
19/03/2008 02:19:11 9Aberzombie: I don't see why not.
19/03/2008 02:19:24 9Ross: Rambling Scribe, I realize you're in Canada, but I totally owe you a beer or something. You were dead on.
19/03/2008 02:19:53 9Rambling Scribe: Thanks Ross!
19/03/2008 02:19:57 9cpt_kirstov: is watcher here - i forgot all of his alias'
19/03/2008 02:19:59 9The Last Rogue: Did you see one guy actually put a Say No to Paizo in his signature over on that ENworld thread? Ridiculous
19/03/2008 02:19:59 9Aberzombie: Blame Canada?
19/03/2008 02:20:06 9Vic Wertz: You folks wondering about compatibility will want to check out the next Paizo blog.
19/03/2008 02:20:10 9Syl: Another thing ... would this make it more "legally" easy for software developers to add the mechanics to virtual table software for example ?
19/03/2008 02:20:27 9Syl: (i use and love fantasy grounds)
19/03/2008 02:20:54 * Sebastian joins Main
19/03/2008 02:20:58 9Ross: The Last Rogue, you can't argue with idiots.
19/03/2008 02:21:05 9Sebastian: hey chatters
19/03/2008 02:21:08 9Daigle: C-bass!
19/03/2008 02:21:09 9Wyvern: I don't believe virtual tables should have rules at all.
19/03/2008 02:21:13 9Aberzombie: Paraphrasing Ben Franklin - "Paizo is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
19/03/2008 02:21:14 9Wyvern: Hey Sebastian!
19/03/2008 02:21:23 9The Last Rogue: That's why my debate coach kept me on the bench
19/03/2008 02:21:26 9Vic Wertz: Syl, it's an OGL product, so the same pros and cons exist.
19/03/2008 02:21:27 9Aberzombie: Howdy Sebastian
19/03/2008 02:21:30 9Syl: Well its always fun when the software can handle some mechanics fo rya
19/03/2008 02:21:37 9Ask A Shoanti: Sebastian!
19/03/2008 02:21:38 9botrytis: bye folks
19/03/2008 02:21:40 9Syl: that way you can focus on the story
19/03/2008 02:21:50 9Sebastian: Did I miss any good gossip?
19/03/2008 02:21:56 9Aberzombie: Bye botrytis
19/03/2008 02:21:58 9Ross: Wyvern, some make life easier. Like lighting rules or the ability to drop templates with the proper measuring rules.
19/03/2008 02:22:00 9Vic Wertz: Bye, botrytis!
19/03/2008 02:22:06 9Daigle: Later botrytis
19/03/2008 02:22:14 9Turin the Mad: missed out on Aberzombie munching brains
19/03/2008 02:22:15 9Wyvern: Those are tools, not rules.
19/03/2008 02:22:19 9Vic Wertz: Watch out for phyloxera!
19/03/2008 02:22:22 9Syl: tools yes
19/03/2008 02:22:28 9Pygon: I'll also be curiosu to see what the PF RPG does to help keep the game from "breaking" post 13th level
19/03/2008 02:22:30 9Sebastian: hmm...brains...
19/03/2008 02:22:35 9Aberzombie: Sebastian -well, mark is in love with Jenny, but she's carrying ethan's love child...no wait that's my soap opera.
19/03/2008 02:22:40 * botrytis quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:22:49 9Ross: Sebastian, could you please repost your 'Decide to Shine' message at ENWorld, if you haven't already?
19/03/2008 02:22:52 9Sebastian: It's funny you brought that up because...I HAVE AMNESIA
19/03/2008 02:22:56 9Syl: I always thought it was sad that combat couldnt have been handle more easily by soft
19/03/2008 02:23:07 9Blazej: Decide to Shine?
19/03/2008 02:23:09 * Daigle laughs
19/03/2008 02:23:09 9Sebastian: Ross, I'm not sure it belongs on ENWorld, it's about Paizo.
19/03/2008 02:23:16 9Mothman: Hey Sebastian, great post with the "shine" thing!
19/03/2008 02:23:18 9Wyvern: That too Pygon, good question.
19/03/2008 02:23:36 9Ross: Sebastian, right, but it also has to do with not hating.
19/03/2008 02:23:40 9Sebastian: Bah. I meant to call someone a dillhole and it was mostly a typo. ;)
19/03/2008 02:23:50 9Ask A Shoanti: lol!
19/03/2008 02:23:51 9Turin the Mad: oh? did some return fire get lobbed?
19/03/2008 02:23:56 9Mothman: heh
19/03/2008 02:24:00 9Aberzombie: Decide to Shine post? Where?
19/03/2008 02:24:05 9Turin the Mad: linky?
19/03/2008 02:24:12 * Gemma joins Main
19/03/2008 02:24:20 9Aberzombie: Howdy Gemma
19/03/2008 02:24:44 9Ross: http://paizo.com/paizo/message...odyWins
19/03/2008 02:24:46 9Mothman: Hi Gemma
19/03/2008 02:24:50 9Ross: Linky ^
19/03/2008 02:25:25 9Gemma: whats up pppl
19/03/2008 02:26:07 * tensor quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:26:43 9Turin the Mad: brains are on the menu ... :zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 02:26:47 9Lilith: Erik Mona, JoshuaJFrost, Vic Wertz: Who's decision was it to have Open Playtesting, and was it more out of not wanting to keep track of NDAs and whatnot or a sincere desire to hear from as many people as possible?
19/03/2008 02:27:28 9Mothman: Thats weird: Sebastians thread is entitled "Decide to Shine" but the url is "Everybody Wins" ...?
19/03/2008 02:27:36 9Sebastian: heh
19/03/2008 02:27:43 9Sebastian: I changed the title during a preview
19/03/2008 02:27:54 9Aberzombie: It rocks Sebastian.
19/03/2008 02:27:56 * Gemma quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:27:56 * Gemma quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:28:05 9Mothman: oh, ok ... not so weird then
19/03/2008 02:28:13 9JoshuaJFrost: Lilith frankly, the idea of a closed playtest with NDAs and the like has never appealed to us
19/03/2008 02:28:13 9Ross: Sebastian, if you don't want to post it on ENWorld, would you mind if I did and quoted you?
19/03/2008 02:28:34 9Sebastian: I don't mind Ross, though a link might make more sense.
19/03/2008 02:28:38 9JoshuaJFrost: We believe in being as open and honest as we possibly can and, as such, never once entertained the idea of our playtest being closed.
19/03/2008 02:28:44 9Lilith: Cool beans.
19/03/2008 02:28:48 * Lilith makes note of that.
19/03/2008 02:28:53 9Sebastian: And thanks everyone. Just trying to do my part to balance out the karmic debt I generally incur on the boards. ;)
19/03/2008 02:28:57 9JoshuaJFrost: The day we started talking about Pathfinder RPG as a real possibility, it was a collective "yes we'll do this in the open"
19/03/2008 02:29:03 9Aberzombie: I might see if my group wants to Playtest.
19/03/2008 02:29:19 * Wolfshead joins Main
19/03/2008 02:29:20 9Turin the Mad: the messageboard seems to be choking on linkage goodness
19/03/2008 02:29:27 9Sebastian: Do you have a sense on the timing of the remaining alpha releases?
19/03/2008 02:29:29 9Aberzombie: Howdy Wolfshead
19/03/2008 02:29:29 9JoshuaJFrost: Sebastian You owe me at least $1500 worth of karma. :-)
19/03/2008 02:29:41 9Sebastian: ...doh...
19/03/2008 02:29:41 9The Last Rogue: My group WILL playtest.
19/03/2008 02:29:46 9JoshuaJFrost: Sebastian that's a better question for Jason, but I know they'll be frequent.
19/03/2008 02:30:10 9Sebastian: JoshuaJFrost, did I do something that literally (not figuratively) cost the company $1500? (please say no)
19/03/2008 02:30:13 9Aberzombie: Will subscribers be notified
19/03/2008 02:30:31 * Russ is AFK changes his/her nickname to Russ
19/03/2008 02:30:52 9Wolfshead: Holy! Guess I shouldn't be surprised, with the news and all, but wow, there are a lot of people here.
19/03/2008 02:30:59 9Aberzombie: Frost: Can I finally get a neat little border around my avatar picture?
19/03/2008 02:31:12 9Aberzombie: Please!
19/03/2008 02:31:23 9Aberzombie: i'll be your best friend!
19/03/2008 02:31:35 9Russ: I'm back
19/03/2008 02:31:41 9Daigle: Will you give him a foot massage?
19/03/2008 02:31:41 9Russ: Enworld can bite my shiny metal dice.
19/03/2008 02:31:55 9Aberzombie: Russ LOL
19/03/2008 02:32:26 * Erik Mona quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:32:52 9Daigle: Y'all scared away the Mona
19/03/2008 02:32:56 9Daigle: ;)
19/03/2008 02:33:00 9Aberzombie: Sorry!
19/03/2008 02:33:21 9Aberzombie: probably the foot massage talk
19/03/2008 02:33:22 9Mothman: hey Russ - fun over there?
19/03/2008 02:33:33 * smart13 joins Main
19/03/2008 02:33:33 9Daigle: Oh...yeah
19/03/2008 02:33:38 9Turin the Mad: :ahoy:
19/03/2008 02:33:41 9Takasi: am I still logged in?
19/03/2008 02:33:43 9Daigle: Howdy smart13
19/03/2008 02:33:44 9Aberzombie: Howdy Smart13
19/03/2008 02:33:45 9Takasi: hurray
19/03/2008 02:33:45 9Vic Wertz: I'll probably send an e-mail to subscribers tomorrow. Today was too busy.
19/03/2008 02:33:54 9Daigle rolls dice: 1d13 + 4 = 4
19/03/2008 02:34:00 9Aberzombie: Sweet!
19/03/2008 02:34:04 9Russ: Yep, walking my little dachshunds
19/03/2008 02:34:10 9Russ: oops, he meant my enworld comment
19/03/2008 02:34:11 9Vic Wertz: And then Thursday a general mailing to the regular marketing list.
19/03/2008 02:34:37 9Mothman: Takasi: yes!
19/03/2008 02:34:45 9Takasi: has James been back to talk about AP 4?
19/03/2008 02:34:46 * Aberzombie changes his/her nickname to Aberzombie is Inebriated
19/03/2008 02:34:53 9Mothman: Russ: yeah, enworld
19/03/2008 02:35:00 9Vic Wertz: (It turns out if we send too many mailings in one day, comcast blocks us.)
19/03/2008 02:35:06 9JoshuaJFrost: hahahahahaha Sebastian no
19/03/2008 02:35:15 9Turin the Mad: d'oh! spammer you, Vic
19/03/2008 02:35:16 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Vic: Those Bastards!
19/03/2008 02:35:22 * Ithuriel quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:35:25 9Sebastian: whew
19/03/2008 02:35:28 9Takasi: is there any info on the Pathfinder Society yet?
19/03/2008 02:35:35 9Ask A Shoanti: Night all - congrats on the big reveal!
19/03/2008 02:35:36 9Takasi: as far as where the stories take place?
19/03/2008 02:35:40 9Takasi: or when it will premiere?
19/03/2008 02:35:48 9Daigle: Bye Mike!
19/03/2008 02:35:57 * Ask A Shoanti quit
19/03/2008 02:36:24 9Blazej: ....
19/03/2008 02:36:35 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: No if only they'd give Paizo control of Greyhawk.....all my dreams would have come true.
19/03/2008 02:36:49 9Mothman: Takasi: No AP4 talk that ive seen. No Pathfinder Society details
19/03/2008 02:36:49 9Daigle: Takasi, someone said earlier that it will occur in Seasons and Season 0 is Gencon
19/03/2008 02:36:50 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: except the one about the read headed twins
19/03/2008 02:36:54 9Blazej: That ... skill will need explanation when I get to the skills section.
19/03/2008 02:36:59 * Sebastian was worried his actions had caused Paizo to install some anti-spam software or something...
19/03/2008 02:37:00 * Pete quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:01 * Gemma quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:01 * Stranger_In_A_Strange_Land quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:01 9Erik Mona: Takasi> The campaign will be based in the city of Absalom, and will range about the Inner Sea nations.
19/03/2008 02:37:02 * Lori quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:02 * NSpicer quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Wolfshead quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Pygon quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Turin the Mad quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * smart13 quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Ask A Shoanti quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Turin the Mad quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * MetalMaiden quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Cooper3046 quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Russ quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Wolfshead quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * smart13 quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Turin the Mad quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:19 * Wyvern quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:19 * Wyvern quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:24 9Daigle: Whoah
19/03/2008 02:37:29 9Vic Wertz: AAAH! I just switched from ENWorld's black background to Paizo's white one, and now I'm blind!
19/03/2008 02:37:31 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Holy s%&#balls
19/03/2008 02:37:40 9Balthaczar: i worry that i am next...please dont strike me
19/03/2008 02:37:48 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: I'm one of the Chosen!
19/03/2008 02:37:49 * Daigle puts his finger in the dam.
19/03/2008 02:37:54 9Balthaczar: lol
19/03/2008 02:37:56 * cpt_kirstov hides in a corner with a tape recorder
19/03/2008 02:38:14 * Lilith totally did not have anything to do with the Exodus.
19/03/2008 02:38:15 9Balthaczar: like a chat room plague
19/03/2008 02:38:16 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Its like the Apocalypse...only digital
19/03/2008 02:38:28 9Balthaczar: sniffle
19/03/2008 02:38:36 * Cd Working quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:38:36 * Cd Working quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:38:36 * Cd Working quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:38:42 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Now we have to ebuild society from the ashes
19/03/2008 02:38:44 9JoshuaJFrost: test
19/03/2008 02:38:49 9Balthaczar: ha
19/03/2008 02:38:50 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: even rebuild it
19/03/2008 02:38:55 9JoshuaJFrost: Takasi, also visit paizo.com/pathfindersociety
19/03/2008 02:39:00 9Balthaczar: what rules set should we use
19/03/2008 02:39:01 9Daigle: ebuild was pretty right on
19/03/2008 02:39:03 9Vic Wertz: gotcha Josh
19/03/2008 02:39:19 9DMReckless: woah blinky board
19/03/2008 02:39:30 9Ross: Erik Mona, Absalom! Awesome.
19/03/2008 02:39:30 9Daigle: blinky?
19/03/2008 02:39:49 9Mothman: Wow - where'd everyone go?
19/03/2008 02:39:55 * Russ is right here
19/03/2008 02:39:57 * Cd Working quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:40:04 9Daigle: The monsters got 'em.
19/03/2008 02:40:07 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Seriously though Paizo, you gotta have a monster called the Aberzombie.
19/03/2008 02:40:07 9cpt_kirstov: with so many people on, ithe list of people blinks to reshuffle name colors when somene signs off
19/03/2008 02:40:08 * Tamago quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:40:14 9Russ: I'd like to see something D1-3/Night Below-y
19/03/2008 02:40:26 * Ask A Shoanti joins Main
19/03/2008 02:40:29 9Russ: (not necessarily drow, I'd rather more Lovecrafy)
19/03/2008 02:40:44 9Mothman: You made it back Ask!
19/03/2008 02:40:54 * Syl quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:40:57 * Karelzarath @ Dinner changes his/her nickname to Karelzarath
19/03/2008 02:41:01 9Daigle: He's baaaaack!
19/03/2008 02:41:01 9JoshuaJFrost: Aberzombie .... hmm
19/03/2008 02:41:09 * NSpicer joins Main
19/03/2008 02:41:22 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Like a Ju jU zombie...only better loooking.
19/03/2008 02:41:31 9Daigle: How about a zombie that carries around big logs and call it the caberzombie? :P
19/03/2008 02:41:47 9Fray: ok, gang, I gots to drive home... have fun tonite!
19/03/2008 02:41:53 * Daigle apologizes.
19/03/2008 02:42:01 9Daigle: Have a good evening Fray
02:44:49 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Hey WTF
19/03/2008 02:44:56 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: It happened again
19/03/2008 02:45:00 9Mothman: See you Vic .... and everyone .....
19/03/2008 02:45:05 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:45:11 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Whoa, thought I was the only one
19/03/2008 02:45:13 * DMReckless quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:45:21 9Mothman: We are the few, the chosen! ... Im next, arent I?
19/03/2008 02:45:33 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Nahh, I think we're good
19/03/2008 02:45:41 9Turin the Mad: whoa
19/03/2008 02:45:50 * Sebastian quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:45:50 9Turin the Mad: we're all zombie chow
19/03/2008 02:45:57 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: they must have angered the chatroom gods
19/03/2008 02:46:00 9Rambling Scribe: I'm still here.
19/03/2008 02:46:22 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Once again, we must rebuild society
19/03/2008 02:46:36 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: it is a heavy burden, but I'm sure we'll make it.
19/03/2008 02:46:39 9Mothman: I call NOT breeding with Aberzombie
19/03/2008 02:46:40 9Turin the Mad: mah woman is right here ...
19/03/2008 02:46:49 * Sebastian joins Main
19/03/2008 02:46:56 * Lilith joins Main
19/03/2008 02:46:59 9Turin the Mad: :glomp:s his woman
19/03/2008 02:47:01 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Huzzah! Sebastian is back.
19/03/2008 02:47:07 9Lilith: Hmmm...
19/03/2008 02:47:09 9Mothman: How was it out there Sebastian? Lilith?
19/03/2008 02:47:17 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Lilith is back!
19/03/2008 02:47:19 9Sebastian: cold...soooo...cold...
19/03/2008 02:47:30 9Turin the Mad: dark ... no sounds save for the moaning of the walking dead ... so, like work
19/03/2008 02:47:34 9Mothman: Ok, Lilith is back - NOW we can rebuild society
19/03/2008 02:47:47 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Weird. That's the second purge I've survived in a row
19/03/2008 02:47:47 9Lilith: *That*
19/03/2008 02:47:49 * DMReckless joins Main
19/03/2008 02:47:51 9Lilith: is not cool.
19/03/2008 02:48:24 * heathansson joins Main
19/03/2008 02:48:34 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Heathy! You're back
19/03/2008 02:48:35 9Mothman: Heath!
19/03/2008 02:48:35 * Lilith knows what the problem is...
19/03/2008 02:48:40 9Lilith: :shakefist:
19/03/2008 02:48:41 9heathansson: yeah!
19/03/2008 02:48:49 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: We're rebuilding from the great purge!
19/03/2008 02:48:55 9heathansson: I can't log on paizo.
19/03/2008 02:48:59 9heathansson: what purge?
19/03/2008 02:49:04 * Fake Healer joins Main
19/03/2008 02:49:05 9Rambling Scribe: It's like Aberzombie is vomiting everyone out of the room...
19/03/2008 02:49:10 9heathansson: fakey!!!
19/03/2008 02:49:13 9Lilith: FAKEY! :squee:
19/03/2008 02:49:15 9Mothman: PAizo is moving at glacial pace for me
19/03/2008 02:49:22 9Fake Healer: Yo dude
19/03/2008 02:49:26 9Fake Healer: Hey babe
19/03/2008 02:49:27 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Fakey!
19/03/2008 02:49:33 9Mothman: Heath, all but about 8 of us just got kicked off DMtools
19/03/2008 02:49:33 9heathansson: what a day.
19/03/2008 02:49:48 9Mothman: Hey Fake! How you doing man?
19/03/2008 02:50:07 9heathansson: oh, wow.
19/03/2008 02:50:11 9Fake Healer: Aberzombie is inebriated? Me too! Celebrating PathfinderRPG!!!!!!!!!!
19/03/2008 02:50:19 9heathansson: hell's yeah!
19/03/2008 02:50:23 9Mothman: Yeah baby!
19/03/2008 02:50:38 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Woo hoo!
19/03/2008 02:50:38 9Fake Healer: I am so f***ing happy!
19/03/2008 02:50:40 9Rambling Scribe: I've had a few myself.
19/03/2008 02:50:56 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Think I'll have another.....
19/03/2008 02:50:57 9Fake Healer: I really thought I was gonna have to split with my group
19/03/2008 02:51:00 9heathansson: HAW!!!!!
19/03/2008 02:51:09 * Mothman curses his workplaces no drinking on the job policy
19/03/2008 02:51:18 9heathansson: in australia?
19/03/2008 02:51:29 9Fake Healer: Michalob Porter is my poison tonight. Great Porter BTW
19/03/2008 02:51:29 9Mothman: FH: split with your group?
19/03/2008 02:51:32 * DMReckless goes to grab some butterscotch snapps
19/03/2008 02:51:38 9Mothman: Heath: I know, weird huh?
19/03/2008 02:51:42 9Turin the Mad: Buttershots ftw
19/03/2008 02:51:44 9heathansson: lol
19/03/2008 02:51:54 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: My choice is Abita Amber
19/03/2008 02:51:54 9Fake Healer: Yeah they were all 4E fans
19/03/2008 02:51:57 9Mothman: We had a guy in the office a few years ago who kept getting plastered at lunch .... so....
19/03/2008 02:52:05 9heathansson: dayum!!!
19/03/2008 02:52:13 9heathansson: 4e fans....
19/03/2008 02:52:16 9Mothman: FH: bummer. What happened / is happening?
19/03/2008 02:52:19 9heathansson: drunk at lunch...
19/03/2008 02:52:30 9Turin the Mad: past tense I see Fake Healer
19/03/2008 02:53:08 9Fake Healer: I sent them a link to PathfinderRPG free download and after seeing the fighter and rogue changes I have them getting stoked.
19/03/2008 02:53:12 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: I think this will be just what my group was looking for.
19/03/2008 02:53:16 9heathansson: sweet.
19/03/2008 02:53:24 9Mothman: We once went out for a big lunch with about half the office ... 3 or 4 hours and many drinks later, stumbled back in .... carried back in in some cases. The bosses werent well pleased ...
19/03/2008 02:53:29 * Daigle joins Main
19/03/2008 02:53:39 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Howdy Daig;e
19/03/2008 02:53:41 9heathansson: daigle!
19/03/2008 02:53:46 9Mothman: Fake: Cool
19/03/2008 02:53:49 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: I mean Daigle
19/03/2008 02:53:52 9Mothman: Welcome back Daigle
19/03/2008 02:53:59 9Daigle: I'm back! It was terrible out there!
19/03/2008 02:54:09 9Daigle: The horror!
19/03/2008 02:54:11 9Fake Healer: Yo D
19/03/2008 02:54:15 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Out in the wastelands heh?
19/03/2008 02:54:17 9Daigle: Fakey!!
19/03/2008 02:54:47 9Fake Healer: Is JJ and crew doing the chat tonight?
19/03/2008 02:54:57 9Daigle: Alright...I'm gonna have a beer with ya Zombeh
19/03/2008 02:55:06 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: they better be! that's why I'm here
19/03/2008 02:55:15 9Rambling Scribe: I'm going to get a coffee and Baileys.
19/03/2008 02:55:16 9Mothman: James is sick, but he said he'd be back for the chat. I think Jason will be here too
19/03/2008 02:55:17 9Fake Healer: To Pathfinder!!!
19/03/2008 02:55:19 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: otherwise, i'd be asleep
19/03/2008 02:55:28 9Rambling Scribe: Although I've got guinness in the house too...
19/03/2008 02:55:29 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Cheers
19/03/2008 02:55:33 9Turin the Mad: cheers
19/03/2008 02:55:36 9heathansson: I gotta look at the pdf some time more like in depth, but I'm thinking...to my pbp droogies...
19/03/2008 02:56:18 9heathansson: should we try and houserule P3.75 on the post game? Just take the characters we have and revamp their asses?
19/03/2008 02:56:20 9Fake Healer: I was gonna try to see if my PBP players will convert, as we just started.
19/03/2008 02:56:22 * Pygon joins Main
19/03/2008 02:56:22 9Mothman: Watcha thinkin Heath?
19/03/2008 02:56:23 9Sebastian: Speaking of sick, I think I'm probably going to turn in myself.
19/03/2008 02:56:33 9Pygon: Yay I'm back, thanks for the secondary link, Lilith
19/03/2008 02:56:33 9Lilith: Fake Healer: Same here.
19/03/2008 02:56:37 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Howdy Pygon
19/03/2008 02:56:38 9Mothman: See you Sebastian
19/03/2008 02:56:44 9Sebastian: Have a good night everyone, congrats Paizo. The $1500 check is in the meail Josh...
19/03/2008 02:56:47 9heathansson: seeya dude!!!
19/03/2008 02:56:51 9Daigle: Goodnight Sebastian
19/03/2008 02:56:52 9Fake Healer: I have no problem revamping my PC if you want Heathy.
19/03/2008 02:57:05 9heathansson: I'll see how big a pain it all is...
19/03/2008 02:57:09 9Fake Healer: Bye SEBI
19/03/2008 02:57:15 9Turin the Mad: nn Sebastian
19/03/2008 02:57:18 9Mothman: Heath: If you want to give it a go, I'd be up for it; it's certainly all plus for a rogue!
19/03/2008 02:57:30 9heathansson: I know, right?
19/03/2008 02:57:46 9Pygon: "I cast Fly." "Roll!" :P
19/03/2008 02:57:56 9heathansson: heh heh...
19/03/2008 02:57:58 * Sebastian quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:57:58 * Sebastian quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:58:12 * HarleyKitty joins Main
19/03/2008 02:58:18 * The Gray joins Main
19/03/2008 02:58:30 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Put the Alpha on my Flash drive so I can carry it everywhere.
19/03/2008 02:58:33 9Daigle: Howdy Harley and Gray
19/03/2008 02:58:43 9Mothman: I'm happy either way - see what the others think. Could be tough for some at this stage - eg, no barbarian or druid support yet, what to do with varaint class features etc...
19/03/2008 02:58:43 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: What Daigle said
19/03/2008 02:59:03 9HarleyKitty: Hello! Busy day today, huh?
19/03/2008 02:59:03 9Mothman: G'day
19/03/2008 02:59:23 9Lilith: HarleyKitty: Fairly busy, yes. :P
19/03/2008 02:59:24 * Wyvern joins Main
19/03/2008 02:59:31 9Wyvern: What the!
19/03/2008 02:59:32 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Yes indeed Kitty. yes indeed
19/03/2008 02:59:44 9heathansson: thats true re: barbarian and druid.
19/03/2008 02:59:49 9Wyvern: Did we break it Lilith?
19/03/2008 03:00:25 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Wyvern: it was like Chatpocalypse.
19/03/2008 03:00:34 * Dalvyn joins Main
19/03/2008 03:00:43 9Mothman: Heath: But that stuff will likely be out soon
19/03/2008 03:00:48 9Pygon: Lilith - you may need to implement the ol 'Post your question in this channel' gig
19/03/2008 03:00:52 9Russ: You can fake a barb. Just give extra feats and crib the skill progression.
19/03/2008 03:00:58 9DMReckless: I have 2 Druids in the ROTRL I'll be starting this weekend, but I think I can extraolate enough for their first level
19/03/2008 03:01:03 9heathansson: I'll think about it maybe.
19/03/2008 03:01:15 9Wyvern: We lost all golems.
19/03/2008 03:01:19 * Ask A Shoanti quit
19/03/2008 03:01:32 9HarleyKitty: Lillith - any news of transcripts from the last couple of weeks? I know you've got copious amounts of spare time! ;-)
19/03/2008 03:01:33 9heathansson: I think the druid's been kicking righteous ass so far, so at least he wouldn't be relegated to pogue class status.
19/03/2008 03:01:40 * Karelzarath joins Main
19/03/2008 03:01:47 9Daigle: Keep the thread in the top ten to let folks know the alternate url
19/03/2008 03:01:50 9Lilith: Wyvern: It's been off and on all day...but it seems virtual domains barfed (no fault of mine).
19/03/2008 03:01:51 9Karelzarath: Dead chat. Lovely. ;)
19/03/2008 03:02:01 9Lilith: What Daigle said!
19/03/2008 03:02:09 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Hey! Isn't it 8pm PST? Where are those dang blasted Paizo folks?
19/03/2008 03:02:09 9Turin the Mad: rooooo .... :zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 03:02:10 9Lilith: HarleyKitty: The one from Feb 26th is kicking my ass.
19/03/2008 03:02:14 9heathansson: God. I was dreading the news all effing day...burning...goblins....
19/03/2008 03:02:24 9Daigle: do it in either the #pathfinder thread or the Paizo chatroom thread
19/03/2008 03:02:32 9Lilith: Daigle: Did both
19/03/2008 03:02:33 9Karelzarath: Or both.
19/03/2008 03:02:39 9HarleyKitty: It is a great boon that you provide them. Thanks! :D
19/03/2008 03:02:40 9Pygon: Karel - if you're feeling adventurous, I have a fairly easy L4 you can try anytime if your Domi is the area
19/03/2008 03:02:41 * Karelzarath high-fives Lilith
19/03/2008 03:02:48 9heathansson: then BAM!!!! PATHFINDER IS STAYING 3.something!!! WOOOOOOT!
19/03/2008 03:03:11 9Karelzarath: Pygon: Sounds good. Maybe after the chat tonight?
19/03/2008 03:03:25 * Aberzombie is Inebriated changes his/her nickname to Vomit Guy
19/03/2008 03:03:33 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Splooooorrrtch
19/03/2008 03:03:35 9Pygon: sure, if you wish, depending on how late it goes. Lately it' sbeen 1:30am and past, and that's my barely conscious time
19/03/2008 03:03:59 9heathansson: Paizo's slow. All that downloading I reckon.
19/03/2008 03:04:00 9Karelzarath: Apparently Aber's gone beyond "inebriated" ;)
19/03/2008 03:04:19 9Turin the Mad: :-&
19/03/2008 03:04:27 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Name is slow to change
19/03/2008 03:04:33 * Lilith high fives Karelzarath! :glomp:
19/03/2008 03:05:07 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Piss on it. at this point, I'm to happy to care
19/03/2008 03:05:16 9DMReckless: wow I think I drank that too fast :)
19/03/2008 03:05:16 9heathansson: naaaarf!
19/03/2008 03:05:27 * Balthaczar joins Main
19/03/2008 03:05:36 9Karelzarath: Pygon: Good point. Maybe tomorrow? How long will the mission be around? I don't want to cost you the completion.
03:05:56 9Turin the Mad: :ahoy: :dance2: :excite::w00t: :headbang: :plot:
19/03/2008 03:05:57 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Oooohhhh.
19/03/2008 03:05:58 9Pygon: I haven't accepted it yet so within a week to start then seven days to complete :) not a big deal
19/03/2008 03:06:07 * Karelzarath passes bottles of Guinness Extra Stout to everyone.
19/03/2008 03:06:14 9Lilith: Yay! Beer! :beer:
19/03/2008 03:06:15 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: sweet
19/03/2008 03:06:18 9Pygon: it's a 30-45 minutes mission depending on how uickly you can killt hings
19/03/2008 03:06:18 9Karelzarath: Ah, coolies.
19/03/2008 03:06:24 9Turin the Mad: :beer:
19/03/2008 03:06:26 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Mmmmmm.....beer
19/03/2008 03:06:33 * FreeholdDM joins Main
19/03/2008 03:06:40 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Howdy Freehold
19/03/2008 03:06:50 9FreeholdDM: Hey, Aberzombie, what's up?
19/03/2008 03:06:54 * PostMonster General joins Main
19/03/2008 03:06:58 9FreeholdDM: Hello Everyone
19/03/2008 03:07:01 9Pygon: hi Gary
19/03/2008 03:07:02 * sagestl joins Main
19/03/2008 03:07:04 9Daigle: Gary!
19/03/2008 03:07:08 9Turin the Mad: ola ola
19/03/2008 03:07:08 9Lilith: PostMonster General! :squee:
19/03/2008 03:07:11 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Postmonster!Huzzah!!!!!
19/03/2008 03:07:11 9Rambling Scribe: Huzzah for Gary!
19/03/2008 03:07:12 9heathansson: postmonster!!!
19/03/2008 03:07:12 * cpt_kirstov joins Main
19/03/2008 03:07:14 9Daigle: How are you, man?
19/03/2008 03:07:17 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: :typerhappy:
19/03/2008 03:07:21 9Karelzarath: Pygon: I'll be able to play around with my covert cloak this weekend. :) I plan to do a lot of cloaked warping and stalking the unaware.
19/03/2008 03:07:21 9Pygon: you could have at least left us a back door, you know!
19/03/2008 03:07:22 9cpt_kirstov: it let me back in!
19/03/2008 03:07:22 9PostMonster General: w00t!
19/03/2008 03:07:25 9Mothman: Hey Gary: Busy day?
19/03/2008 03:07:27 9Lilith: Yay! The great Eye is among us! :squee:
19/03/2008 03:07:32 9PostMonster General: them goblins finally let me go!
19/03/2008 03:07:33 9Pygon: cloaks are fun :)
19/03/2008 03:07:34 9Karelzarath: Heyas, Gary!
19/03/2008 03:07:51 9heathansson: haw!!!
19/03/2008 03:07:55 9FreeholdDM: What's the haps?
19/03/2008 03:07:58 * JoshuaJFrost joins Main
19/03/2008 03:08:02 9Lilith: JoshuaJFrost! :glomp:
19/03/2008 03:08:07 9Daigle: Welcome back Josh
19/03/2008 03:08:07 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: SOOOOOOO HAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
19/03/2008 03:08:11 * Da Fighter joins Main
19/03/2008 03:08:12 9Rambling Scribe: Hurrah!
19/03/2008 03:08:14 9Daigle: ua
19/03/2008 03:08:17 9PostMonster General: hey josh!
19/03/2008 03:08:18 9Mothman: Hey Josh
19/03/2008 03:08:19 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Howdy Frost
19/03/2008 03:08:25 9Lilith: Huzzah!
19/03/2008 03:08:26 * tensor quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:08:26 9JoshuaJFrost: new link works, yay!
19/03/2008 03:08:49 9cpt_kirstov: 2 of my players are reviewing the alpha rigt now and i cheap getting IMs of "awesome" and "ooo I like [x]"
19/03/2008 03:08:53 9Lilith: Yeah, that particular virtual domain got deaded...??
19/03/2008 03:09:04 9PostMonster General: is it friday yet?
19/03/2008 03:09:11 9JoshuaJFrost: Heathansson I had this idea that you'd be excited. :-)
19/03/2008 03:09:12 9Daigle: please
19/03/2008 03:09:12 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Sadly, no
19/03/2008 03:09:24 9heathansson: this whole week is Friday, and I gotta work this weekend!
19/03/2008 03:09:34 9Pygon: no but it's 2009 so you can released the hardback PDFs now, thanks
19/03/2008 03:09:41 9FreeholdDM: I'm off thursday and friday this week, but I have to work saturday
19/03/2008 03:09:48 9Fake Healer: Yeah!
19/03/2008 03:09:49 9PostMonster General: sorry about taking the messageboards down for so long but we kinda had some stuff to take care of :)
19/03/2008 03:09:55 9Mothman: Friday would be good. But Thursday is Friday this week, and for me its now Wednesday, so almost Friday! Um, Thursday....
19/03/2008 03:10:08 9JoshuaJFrost: Gary's being modest -- he repaired and reorganized the WORLD today.
19/03/2008 03:10:08 9FreeholdDM: LOL mothman
19/03/2008 03:10:10 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: One could argue that I'm off every day........:lol:
19/03/2008 03:10:11 9Pygon: At least they weren't down all weekend *cough*
19/03/2008 03:10:17 9PostMonster General: ha!
19/03/2008 03:10:18 9Fake Healer: You get nothing but love from Fakey, PostMonster.
19/03/2008 03:10:20 9Karelzarath: PostMonster General: Yeah, I guess it was worth it.
19/03/2008 03:10:20 9Rambling Scribe: Boo. I just made myself a coffee and Bailey.s, but someone had put an empty bottle of Bailey's back in the fridge. So I'm having coffee.
19/03/2008 03:10:29 9Turin the Mad: oops
19/03/2008 03:10:37 9Daigle: Craig, that's terrible
19/03/2008 03:10:37 9heathansson: You saved two adherers from death today.
19/03/2008 03:10:45 9FreeholdDM: Is that an "S" on your chest, Gary?
19/03/2008 03:10:52 9Turin the Mad: "C"
19/03/2008 03:11:25 9PostMonster General: i feel bad because we broke a ton of rss feeds and bookmarks into the messageboards
19/03/2008 03:11:26 9Karelzarath: Nah, it's a 5 for "5up34m4n"
19/03/2008 03:11:26 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: PAIZO ROCKS! PAIZO ROCKS! PAIZO ROCKS! PAIZO ROCKS! PAIZO ROCKS! PAIZO ROCKS!
19/03/2008 03:11:29 9JoshuaJFrost: I think Gary has a chest on his chest.
19/03/2008 03:11:31 9DMReckless: It's a G- He's SuperGrover today!
19/03/2008 03:11:43 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Near......far
19/03/2008 03:11:51 9heathansson: and a fist under his beard in lieu of a chin.
19/03/2008 03:11:53 9Mothman: Those adherers are going down! Oh Heath, I've made all my actions for this round, so I'll need to wait till next to shoot them
19/03/2008 03:11:53 9Turin the Mad: was going for Captain Chaos
19/03/2008 03:12:07 9Fake Healer: No it's Su.............per Grover!
19/03/2008 03:12:09 9heathansson: right on.
19/03/2008 03:12:10 9Lilith: Aberzombie is Inebriated: Whereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever you aaaaaaaaaaaaaare!
19/03/2008 03:12:34 9Aberzombie is Inebriated: Damn skippy Lilith!
19/03/2008 03:12:4

Thanks Lilith

Grand Lodge

Hi Lilith, any chance for a summary of the past few chats?

Grand Lodge

Chat summary for March 19th, 2008. JJ = James Jacobs, JB = Jason "The BULL-MAN" Bulmahn, JS = James Sutter, VW = Vic Wertz. JF = Joshua J Frost

Alpha Pathfinder RPG
Charles Evans: is there a plain text only version available, or at least a Word format sort of thing with text and tables?
VW: Currently there's only a 65-page full-color PDF, thus ensuring that the world's toner reserve takes a massive hit tonight.

Russ: Nice production values for a freebie
paz: Russ: you could say the same about the player's guides.
Vic Wertz: We've won ENnies for the production values on our freebies in the past!

Blazej: Was this in the works if the OGL wasn't received by this time or that the OGL had problems?
VW: We've had this contingency plan for a while.

Syl: Is this 3.P version going to be for long term then?
VW: This is a long-term plan, yes.

Ross: This was my best case scenario. You have no idea how happy (and relieved) I am.
Daigle: Ross, I'm with ya.

VW: Hey it's a play test. If you don't like something, give us feedback in the forum! Jason is *dying* for feedback. You have no idea.

Syl: Paizo : what would really be nice is to have a document that would identify the changes that where made and the reason behind it. That would really help to "sell" the thing.
Tamago: I agree with Syl; I'd love to see a document explaining where and why changes were made.

Lilith: Erik Mona, JoshuaJFrost, Vic Wertz: Who's decision was it to have Open Playtesting, and was it more out of not wanting to keep track of NDAs and whatnot or a sincere desire to hear from as many people as possible?
JF: Lilith frankly, the idea of a closed playtest with NDAs and the like has never appealed to us. We believe in being as open and honest as we possibly can and, as such, never once entertained the idea of our playtest being closed. The day we started talking about Pathfinder RPG as a real possibility, it was a collective "yes we'll do this in the open".

Sebastian: Do you have a sense on the timing of the remaining alpha releases?
JF: Sebastian that's a better question for Jason, but I know they'll be frequent.

Pathfinder Society
Takasi: Is there any info on the Pathfinder Society yet? As far as where the stories take place?
EM: Takasi> The campaign will be based in the city of Absalom, and will range about the Inner Sea nations.
JF: Takasi, also visit paizo.com/pathfindersociety

Pathfinder Advantage
The Last Rogue: I just recently re-subscribed to PF (recent as in today); And I was expecting the PF advantage but when I put guide to Korvosa in my sidecart it doesn’t discount? Someone mentioned that it may not show the discount until the last page or that I may have to wait for PF to ship. Just wondering what the case is.
VW: TLR, the most recent volume has to have shipped to you before the benefit kicks in. (That's to keep people form subscribing, using the discount, and then unsubscribing before they actually get charged.)

Pathfinder Modules
Erik Mona: I have the proofs for "Flight of the Red Raven" on my desk, and I coulda swore there's an adherer in there! It's actually something else, but when James Jacobs showed me the picture I said "holy crap, is that an adherer?" Weird that such a loser monster has come up twice in two hours. :)
HEATHANSSON: I've sticked adherers on my Saltmarsh pbp. There great cos nobody knows wtf they are.

Pathfinder: Curse of the Crimson Throne
Syl: How compatible to 3.P is curse of the crimson throne?
Ross: Syl, it's as compatible as any other 3.5 product.
Syl: compatible enough to be switched in "Mid-flight"?
Ross: Should be, as long as your players are willing to convert their characters.
Vic Wertz: You folks wondering about compatibility will want to check out the next Paizo blog.

Virtual table software
Syl: Another thing ... would this make it more "legally" easy for software developers to add the mechanics to virtual table software for example?
Wyvern: I don't believe virtual tables should have rules at all.
Vic Wertz: Syl, it's an OGL product, so the same pros and cons exist.

The Last Rogue: YOu guys hear about this Paizo thing?
VW: There's a Paizo thing?
The Last Rogue: Only one going bankrupt will be me, as I now must continue purchasing Paizo products and sample 4e's wares.

VW: AAAH! I just switched from ENWorld's black background to Paizo's white one, and now I'm blind!

Paizo Employee Director of Game Design

Anybody else having trouble getting the chat to load tonight.. It will not open for me.


Edit: Nevermind.. got it with a different browser... weird

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Since I've fallen way behind on sorting and organizing and compiling, here y'all be with the unedited chats:

February 26, 2008
27/02/2008 02:29:48 * Vic Wertz joins Main
27/02/2008 02:29:50 * Pygon is dinnerin' changes his/her nickname to Pygon
27/02/2008 02:29:51 ‹theacemu› i'm punchy tired...:sleep:
27/02/2008 02:29:59 ‹Pygon› Paizo! :ohnoes:
27/02/2008 02:30:07 ‹tensor› Vic Wertz is here!! Two shows nightly.
27/02/2008 02:30:07 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Vic!
27/02/2008 02:30:18 ‹Vic Wertz› Hello!
27/02/2008 02:30:20 ‹theacemu› aloha Vic
27/02/2008 02:30:41 ‹Daigle› Howdy Vic!
27/02/2008 02:30:56 ‹Vic Wertz› How's that cough, Ross? Better?
27/02/2008 02:31:32 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› :lol:
27/02/2008 02:31:39 ‹Wyvern› Hey tensor, work is good... but I may change it... I'm torn, but money talks, and loud.
27/02/2008 02:31:43 * Pygon quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 02:32:01 ‹theacemu› singin' dolla dolla bill, y'all?
27/02/2008 02:32:14 ‹Daigle› Wyvern!!
27/02/2008 02:32:37 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Good one, Vic. What can I say? Those DDI screenshots made me ill.
27/02/2008 02:33:05 ‹Vic Wertz› Somebody sent me a link to a much larger version of those, but I can't seem to find it now.
27/02/2008 02:33:28 ‹Vic Wertz› They were like 1200x1600ish.
27/02/2008 02:33:30 ‹Pygon› my connection to the chat is punchy tonite
27/02/2008 02:33:46 ‹theacemu› "OH YAH"
27/02/2008 02:33:49 ‹Vic Wertz› They're not prettier bigger, let me tell you.
27/02/2008 02:33:55 ‹Wyvern› Anybody seen Cosmo or their ilk? ;) They don't come on Tuesdays, do they?
27/02/2008 02:34:17 ‹Vic Wertz› Cosmo has been placed back into his drawer for the evening.
27/02/2008 02:34:30 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Cosmo was her earlier, bt he left around 5pm PST (you know, quittin' time).
27/02/2008 02:34:32 * tensor @ grading
27/02/2008 02:34:51 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Cosmo was here earlier, but he left around 5pm PST (you know, quittin' time). < Typos fixed
27/02/2008 02:35:01 ‹tensor› Cosmo said he was under attack from Editors.
27/02/2008 02:35:07 * tensor changes his/her nickname to tensor @ grading
27/02/2008 02:35:09 ‹tensor @ grading› sigh
27/02/2008 02:35:31 ‹Wyvern› I think I wasn't charged for GM Gems... I'm not complaining, just saying ;)
27/02/2008 02:35:32 ‹Moth working› Hey Vic, finished your Shackled City campaign? Started Runelords yet?
27/02/2008 02:36:01 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› If it's backorder, they might not charge you till it gets in, Wyvern.
27/02/2008 02:36:09 ‹theacemu› that's it...i'm spent. I have to be up at 6:20. Bed time!
27/02/2008 02:36:13 ‹theacemu› Night all!
27/02/2008 02:36:17 ‹tensor @ grading› bye
27/02/2008 02:36:17 ‹Daigle› Dream well ace
27/02/2008 02:36:19 ‹Pygon› god night ace
27/02/2008 02:36:21 ‹Pygon› *good
27/02/2008 02:36:30 * Takasi joins Main
27/02/2008 02:36:36 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Night ace.
27/02/2008 02:36:55 ‹Ask a Shoanti› Night Ace
27/02/2008 02:37:01 ‹Ask a Shoanti› & Night all
27/02/2008 02:37:12 ‹Daigle› Night man
27/02/2008 02:37:14 ‹Ask a Shoanti rolls dice› 1d20 » + 5 = 5
27/02/2008 02:37:17 ‹Wyvern› See ya ace
27/02/2008 02:37:19 ‹Vic Wertz› Ah - here it is: http://gadgets.boingboing.net/...du.html
27/02/2008 02:37:26 * theacemu quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 02:37:26 * Ask a Shoanti quit
27/02/2008 02:37:32 ‹Vic Wertz› I think we have two sessions left for Shackled City.
27/02/2008 02:38:01 ‹tensor @ grading› what a horribley boring game board
27/02/2008 02:38:07 ‹Vic Wertz› Yeah—the editors totally did a drive-by nerfing on Cosmo today.
27/02/2008 02:38:15 ‹Daigle› Nice!
27/02/2008 02:38:17 ‹tensor @ grading› pics?
27/02/2008 02:38:32 ‹tensor @ grading› oh, they should have been carrying a video like in Cloverfield.
27/02/2008 02:39:02 ‹Daigle› Vic, has Paizo receieved the 4th Sidetrek Adventure Weekly yet?
27/02/2008 02:39:08 ‹tensor @ grading› vic, when will piazo have live internet cams in the offices, so we can all watch you work.
27/02/2008 02:39:21 ‹Takasi› greetings
27/02/2008 02:39:32 ‹Daigle› tensor, and charge a monthly fee :lol:
27/02/2008 02:39:37 ‹Daigle› that's sick
27/02/2008 02:39:38 ‹tensor @ grading› yup
27/02/2008 02:39:42 ‹Daigle› Howdy Takasi
27/02/2008 02:39:54 ‹tensor @ grading› maybe a little extra for the extras
27/02/2008 02:40:50 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Lest my cough return, I'll just plug this out loud: MapTool is better. Because things like Fog of War are worth it.
27/02/2008 02:40:58 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Also, it's free.
27/02/2008 02:41:05 ‹tensor @ grading› www.paizo.com/live-work-cams/kinks.html
27/02/2008 02:41:20 ‹Daigle› Wyvern has built a nice virtual tabletop.
27/02/2008 02:41:33 ‹tensor @ grading› yay, Wyvern's system is the best out there today
27/02/2008 02:41:41 ‹tensor @ grading› and it is free
27/02/2008 02:41:48 ‹Takasi› no disrespect to Wyvern, but I prefer MapTool
27/02/2008 02:42:01 ‹tensor @ grading› you're just used to it
27/02/2008 02:42:05 ‹tensor @ grading› which is fine
27/02/2008 02:42:08 ‹Takasi› nothing like OpenSource and cross platform
27/02/2008 02:42:36 ‹Takasi› but I'm positive both are better than DDI
27/02/2008 02:42:36 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Link to Wyverns?
27/02/2008 02:42:43 ‹Takasi› http://www.glittercomm.com/
27/02/2008 02:43:35 ‹Takasi› DDI looks like what I thought it would, just a 3D version of their dungeon tile map builder
27/02/2008 02:43:39 ‹tensor @ grading› so, in the movie Cloverfield, what were those things in the subway tunnel that bit the girl?
27/02/2008 02:43:45 ‹tensor @ grading› babies?
27/02/2008 02:44:13 ‹Takasi› anyone see the new 4E PHB cover?
27/02/2008 02:44:25 ‹tensor @ grading› I saw the one on amazon.com
27/02/2008 02:44:28 * Adam joins Main
27/02/2008 02:44:34 * tensor @ grading is going to have bad dreams tonight
27/02/2008 02:44:41 ‹Takasi› new one: http://wizards.com/global/imag...pic.jpg
27/02/2008 02:44:50 ‹Takasi› old one: http://www.enworld.org/images/4e/phb.jpg
27/02/2008 02:44:51 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› No. Anyone else bothered by the fact that Orcus is on the monster manual? Implying he's in it?
27/02/2008 02:44:54 * Adam quit
27/02/2008 02:45:05 ‹Takasi› why bothered by that Ross?
27/02/2008 02:45:10 ‹Samwise› is that orcus? or just a new pit fiend?
27/02/2008 02:45:14 ‹Takasi› homage to 1E and all
27/02/2008 02:45:21 ‹Takasi› yes that's Orcus
27/02/2008 02:45:31 ‹tensor @ grading› that girl on the cover had fat thighs. they should change that
27/02/2008 02:45:33 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› He has the imfamous wand. It's Orcus.
27/02/2008 02:45:59 * Burrito Al Pastor joins Main
27/02/2008 02:46:14 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› I'm bother by it because I don't like the idea that you're expected to take down Demon lords and dieties.
27/02/2008 02:46:29 ‹Takasi› that's traditional D&D
27/02/2008 02:46:34 ‹Takasi› especially demon lords
27/02/2008 02:46:35 ‹tensor @ grading› how is combat going to work in 4e?
27/02/2008 02:46:45 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Epic level play is supposed to be special, not a third of the level progression.
27/02/2008 02:46:46 ‹Takasi› Orcus was in the original MM
27/02/2008 02:47:03 ‹Takasi› I disagree Ross, that's been typical endgame in every edition
27/02/2008 02:47:17 ‹Vic Wertz› >Vic, has Paizo receieved the 4th Sidetrek Adventure Weekly yet?< It was uploaded at about 4 AM, and went live this afternoon.
27/02/2008 02:47:38 ‹Daigle› Crap...I'm late!
27/02/2008 02:47:40 * The Last Rogue joins Main
27/02/2008 02:47:43 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Yeah, the difference is that epic level play is designed into the core mechanic and not an ugly extension where all the rules break down.
27/02/2008 02:47:47 ‹Takasi› in fact, the original World of Greyhawk had all the gods statted up
27/02/2008 02:47:49 ‹Daigle› Thank Vic
27/02/2008 02:48:01 ‹Daigle› Howdy Rogue!
27/02/2008 02:48:06 ‹The Last Rogue› Howdy kind sir!
27/02/2008 02:48:10 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› In 3e, as character level approaches infinity, playability approaches 0.
27/02/2008 02:48:10 ‹The Last Rogue› How are you?
27/02/2008 02:48:12 ‹Takasi› that's not different Burrito, it was built into both AD&D and Basic
27/02/2008 02:48:38 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› well, that's more or less my point
27/02/2008 02:48:39 ‹Takasi› it was only 3E that departed from that
27/02/2008 02:48:51 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› if 3e epic play is "special", it's only special in the short-bus way
27/02/2008 02:48:56 ‹Daigle› I'm doing very well. Yourself?
27/02/2008 02:49:00 ‹Wyvern› Whoa! Thanks tensor. And Takasi, that's fine, you have your style and know how to use MapTools. There are things that can't be done crossplatform.
27/02/2008 02:49:33 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Glittercomm is the best virtual tabletop frontend system, period.
27/02/2008 02:49:37 ‹The Last Rogue› Busy but good . . .I just finished booking a vacation to the UK . . .come May i will be drinking in London, Edinburgh, and Dublin!!!
27/02/2008 02:49:50 ‹The Last Rogue› :beer:
27/02/2008 02:50:07 ‹Wyvern› :beer: :beer:
27/02/2008 02:50:07 ‹Daigle› Fantastic!
27/02/2008 02:50:13 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› I liked that 20th level was the pinnacle of mortal ability in 3E. That is, there is no way to level up to the point where Orcus is a easy fight. Demon lords stay in power for a reason.
27/02/2008 02:50:15 ‹tensor @ grading› remember, there are 4 gills in 1 pint
27/02/2008 02:50:25 ‹Daigle› I did all those minus Edinburgh
27/02/2008 02:50:31 ‹The Last Rogue› Yeah, I am pretty happy . . .though it totally cleared out my savings
27/02/2008 02:50:36 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Ross: but... there is! you can!
27/02/2008 02:50:40 ‹The Last Rogue› Daigle -- good time?
27/02/2008 02:50:44 ‹Wyvern› I like level caps too
27/02/2008 02:50:50 ‹Wyvern› 20th level is plenty
27/02/2008 02:50:52 ‹Takasi› if you want a broken power curve then yeah, 3rd edition is for you
27/02/2008 02:51:03 ‹Daigle› Awesome time.
27/02/2008 02:51:03 ‹Samwise› orcus was easily killable at average high (name) level in 1st ed
27/02/2008 02:51:08 ‹Wyvern› I mean for the 3e system.
27/02/2008 02:51:09 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› The Epic Level Handbook was an abortion of the rules on the same level as Sowrd and Fist. It didn't happen.
27/02/2008 02:51:18 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Sword and Fist wasn't all bad.
27/02/2008 02:51:29 ‹The Last Rogue› The cool thing about Edinburgh is that we are taking a 2 day tour (including boat) of Loch Ness
27/02/2008 02:51:31 ‹Takasi› forget epic level, 3.5 breaks down around 12th
27/02/2008 02:51:33 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Ninja of the Crescent Moon had the coolest mechanic I've ever seen, and I've never seen it again.
27/02/2008 02:51:39 * tensor @ grading quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 02:51:51 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Takasi: that's one of the reasons Eberron is so great
27/02/2008 02:52:08 ‹Takasi› but then again, 3.5 is broken in so many ways it makes balanced gamism nearly impossible anyway
27/02/2008 02:52:09 ‹Daigle› Rogue: Sweet. I didn't make i further north because the silly Texan that I am thought everywhere was warm in May.
27/02/2008 02:52:35 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› For those of you playing along at home, Ninja of the Crescent Moon had the "you can always take ten on hide and move silently" thing... but, in addition, you were always considered to be doing so unless you explicitly said otherwise.
27/02/2008 02:52:39 ‹The Last Rogue› Ha, yup, I am from Michigan so I know better . . .
27/02/2008 02:52:41 ‹Takasi› too many times have well prepared encounters gone down in 1 round, and encounters thought to be mooks ended up being a TPK
27/02/2008 02:52:44 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› I think core 3.5 is fine. But splatbooks added huge rules bloat.
27/02/2008 02:53:13 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Ross: Not really all that bad, although some were worse offenders than others.
27/02/2008 02:53:25 ‹Daigle› Ross, I agree mostly.
27/02/2008 02:53:28 ‹Takasi› even in core, save or die, the way hit points scale, power attack rules and crit multipliers all make for unbalanced encounters
27/02/2008 02:53:36 ‹The Last Rogue› So anyone playing RoTRL in a home game right now? (well, not RIGHT now, you know what i mean)
27/02/2008 02:53:47 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› There was some much-needed MRP here and there, but there was also a LOT of different rules for the same things
27/02/2008 02:53:54 ‹Daigle› Rogue: I'm about to start one in almost two weeks
27/02/2008 02:53:58 ‹Takasi› I'm playing RotRL, right now in the middle of PF4
27/02/2008 02:54:05 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› there's a lot of cheap magic cell phones
27/02/2008 02:54:09 ‹The Last Rogue› Takasi> how is it going?
27/02/2008 02:54:11 ‹Takasi› closer to the end of PF4, almost in the library
27/02/2008 02:54:19 ‹The Last Rogue› DMing or Player?
27/02/2008 02:54:22 ‹Takasi› 2 TPKs so far, a lot of character death
27/02/2008 02:54:23 ‹Takasi› DMing
27/02/2008 02:54:37 ‹Takasi› starts off with a great homebase to allow good roleplay
27/02/2008 02:54:37 ‹Daigle› I started a thread asking some questions Takasi. You might be very helpful.
27/02/2008 02:54:44 ‹Takasi› then diverts into a lot of travel and dungeon crawls
27/02/2008 02:54:59 ‹Daigle› Well, you are pretty damned helpful, I meant specifically.
27/02/2008 02:55:17 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› I think save or die is the single largest problem for 3.5. Massive damage included as part of save or die. Grapple and turn undead were clunky. Wizards were just plain weak compared to clerics, especially as villians. (Karzoug got 60 HP for free, just to make him live long enough to fight!)
27/02/2008 02:55:21 ‹The Last Rogue› Yeah, I've read it. Hoping to play come June in my regular game group again . . .we started it then stuff came up.
27/02/2008 02:55:35 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Grapple was hideously broken, too.
27/02/2008 02:55:45 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› But nothing I've seen makes it seem like 4e won't have more problems.
27/02/2008 02:55:48 ‹The Last Rogue› Curse of the Crimson Throne seems more up my alley though, maybe not my players' but defintely mine.
27/02/2008 02:55:52 ‹Takasi› playing Runelords on Wednesdays, it devolved into a pure game of survival dungeon crawls
27/02/2008 02:55:58 ‹Takasi› starting Crimson Throne on Sundays
27/02/2008 02:56:10 ‹The Last Rogue› Sweet!
27/02/2008 02:56:15 ‹Takasi› advertising it as a "Character Exploration Focused Simulationist Game"
27/02/2008 02:56:15 ‹Daigle› I know! I want to do Crimson throne right now instead of Runelords
27/02/2008 02:56:21 ‹Takasi› not quite narrativist, but close
27/02/2008 02:56:29 ‹The Last Rogue› I am probably going to run RotRL as 4e (ducks)
27/02/2008 02:56:44 ‹The Last Rogue› depending on how easy I can translate things that is
27/02/2008 02:56:50 ‹Takasi› first few Runelords games were very NPC exploration intense, then focus changed
27/02/2008 02:57:01 * DMcCoy1693 joins Main
27/02/2008 02:57:08 ‹The Last Rogue› How many players in your group?
27/02/2008 02:57:09 ‹DMcCoy1693› hey everyone
27/02/2008 02:57:13 ‹The Last Rogue› hi
27/02/2008 02:57:19 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Last Rogue: Hey, same here!
27/02/2008 02:57:24 ‹Takasi› I have 4 in mine, getting a fifth this week
27/02/2008 02:57:30 * Blazej joins Main
27/02/2008 02:57:44 ‹The Last Rogue› We should definitely compare conversion notes when the time comes
27/02/2008 02:57:45 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› My group will be entirely new players, and 4e might have a better learning curve for them.
27/02/2008 02:57:55 ‹DMcCoy1693› hey vic wertz how's it goin?
27/02/2008 02:58:04 ‹Takasi› link Daigle?
27/02/2008 02:58:05 ‹The Last Rogue› My group is experienced but wants to try the new edition
27/02/2008 02:58:30 ‹Blazej› Do not put wav files onto SVN! Especially when they total up to 224 MB!
27/02/2008 02:58:31 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Well, I've said previously that day one is read the rules backwards and forwards, and day 2 is start converting Burnt Offerings.
27/02/2008 02:58:32 ‹The Last Rogue› I was seriuosly considering just starting up a homebrew, but it takes so much time, and Pathfinder is presenting such a damn good story
27/02/2008 02:58:33 ‹Takasi› I'm hoping that 4th edition makes for a slightly more predictable and drawn out combat experience
27/02/2008 02:58:45 ‹The Last Rogue› Burritio > word
27/02/2008 02:59:00 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› The Paizo chat starts officially in an hour, right?
27/02/2008 02:59:07 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› I'm concerned about how specialist wizards will convert, though, because the new magic system is so different.
27/02/2008 02:59:21 ‹The Last Rogue› Burrito, I am hoping they come on as paragon paths
27/02/2008 02:59:24 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Might just have to stick the seven sins on the new system as an optional frontend or something.
27/02/2008 02:59:30 ‹Takasi› at least following the EL system, if I want unpredictability I'll add variance to to tailored games, but I prefer presenting status quo encounters as much as possible
27/02/2008 02:59:37 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Yeah, just gotta wait and see.
27/02/2008 03:00:06 ‹Takasi› yes Ross, usually does
27/02/2008 03:00:18 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Okay. Thanks.
27/02/2008 03:00:45 ‹Takasi› one thing I like about 4E so far is its general promotion of homebrew settings
27/02/2008 03:00:45 * Ross Byers @ homework is going to actually work on his homework for said hour.
27/02/2008 03:00:51 ‹The Last Rogue› We should have a pool on who shows. Jacobs gets 2:1 odds, Logue 3:1, Bull-man 6:1, McArtor 10000001:1
27/02/2008 03:01:00 ‹Vic Wertz› >hey vic wertz how's it goin?< Hey there! Sorry - I only have an occasional eye on the chat.
27/02/2008 03:01:22 ‹DMcCoy1693› no biggie
27/02/2008 03:01:28 ‹Daigle› Bull-man has been making it much more frequently lately.
27/02/2008 03:01:40 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› McArtor never shows to these? Aww.
27/02/2008 03:01:40 ‹Takasi› we haven't seen Erik Mona in a long time, I'm predicting now that Superstar is officially over he'll show
27/02/2008 03:01:41 ‹DMcCoy1693› Does Lisa ever show?
27/02/2008 03:01:51 ‹Daigle› We even get graced by Sutter late into the evening
27/02/2008 03:01:52 ‹The Last Rogue› Takasi - I agree. It really makes me want to work on a homebrew, but Ikeep telling myself that I should use that time more productively and rely on Paizo for the setting . . .
27/02/2008 03:01:53 ‹Wyvern› I've seen both of them at one time or another.
27/02/2008 03:02:07 ‹Daigle› Lisa showed up for a specially arranged chat once.
27/02/2008 03:02:12 ‹Takasi› I'm thinking of using the Map of Mystery and making a homebrew out of that
27/02/2008 03:02:33 ‹Wyvern› The big map in the last Dragon?
27/02/2008 03:02:39 ‹Takasi› and pull in some random cities and dungeons and spread them throughout the world and fill in the details as the players explore
27/02/2008 03:02:48 ‹Takasi› yeah
27/02/2008 03:02:48 ‹The Last Rogue› Actually maps and item cards and all that fun visual stuff is one of the reasons that I am still leaning towards a Pathfinder setting
27/02/2008 03:02:48 ‹Daigle› That'd be fun.
27/02/2008 03:02:53 ‹DMcCoy1693› what's on the adjenda of questions tonight? The latest announced products?
27/02/2008 03:02:54 ‹Takasi› Lands of Mystery
27/02/2008 03:02:54 ‹The Last Rogue› My players will get a kick out of that
27/02/2008 03:02:58 ‹Vic Wertz› Lisa runs a game Tuesday nights, which I'm in... which is also why I always bail before the official chat starts.
27/02/2008 03:03:00 ‹Wyvern› That map is awesome
27/02/2008 03:03:05 ‹Daigle› DMcCoy1693, Howdy!
27/02/2008 03:03:20 ‹The Last Rogue› Vic - what campaign?
27/02/2008 03:03:20 ‹Daigle› DMcCoy1693, I'm sure that will be a big focus.
27/02/2008 03:03:26 ‹DMcCoy1693› hey Daigle, how are you?
27/02/2008 03:03:32 ‹Daigle› I'm good!
27/02/2008 03:03:41 ‹Vic Wertz› we're just wrapping up Shackled City, and will be starting Runelords after that.
27/02/2008 03:03:50 ‹DMcCoy1693› that and the D&D XP/4E and so on
27/02/2008 03:03:53 ‹The Last Rogue› Sweet, what are you playing?
27/02/2008 03:04:04 * Blazej quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 03:04:04 * Blazej quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 03:04:04 * Blazej quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 03:04:26 ‹DMcCoy1693› Vic, just curious, but considering you work for the company that makes the APs
27/02/2008 03:04:49 ‹DMcCoy1693› is it hard to ... surprise the players considering that you all probably have, atleast an idea of what's in each?
27/02/2008 03:05:18 ‹Takasi› it reminds me of running Living Greyhawk games for people who have already played them
27/02/2008 03:05:26 ‹Takasi› sometimes they're the best players! :P
27/02/2008 03:05:29 ‹Vic Wertz› I had Jeremy design a PRC for me—Blood Warrior—but it was the first he ever designed himself, and all the special abilities are so underpowered as to be useless. So I guess I'm essentialy a barbarian.
27/02/2008 03:05:46 ‹Takasi› how often do you guys go 'off the rails'?
27/02/2008 03:05:47 ‹Wyvern› Ha!
27/02/2008 03:06:08 ‹The Last Rogue› That is funny. and sad. :sad:
27/02/2008 03:06:43 ‹Vic Wertz› I managed to avoid a lot of Shackled City knowledge, but I proofread 4 of the Runelords books, so that'll be tougher.
27/02/2008 03:07:01 ‹Vic Wertz› Fortunately, I have a mind like a sieve when it comes to that stuff.
27/02/2008 03:07:02 ‹DMcCoy1693› hmmmm,
27/02/2008 03:07:08 ‹DMcCoy1693› lol
27/02/2008 03:07:26 * Gemma joins Main
27/02/2008 03:07:32 ‹Takasi› hey Gemma
27/02/2008 03:07:43 ‹Vic Wertz› Lisa's done some pretty big changes to Shackled City, but since I don't know how it was written, I couldn't tell you what's different.
27/02/2008 03:07:58 ‹Gemma› whats up takasi
27/02/2008 03:08:12 ‹Takasi› not much, just thinking about new campaigns
27/02/2008 03:08:32 ‹Takasi› we have two tables in our Sunday game, and we have a few new players and more DMs and I'm trying to figure out how to make three tables
27/02/2008 03:08:35 ‹Takasi› we have 19 players
27/02/2008 03:08:46 ‹Takasi› but about 15 regulars
27/02/2008 03:08:47 ‹DMcCoy1693› Just curious, because I'd love to run Crimson Throne, but unfortunately, one of th players will have read the whole AP long before I ever get a chance to run it
27/02/2008 03:08:57 ‹Daigle› brb folks
27/02/2008 03:09:04 * CD Working changes his/her nickname to CD Lunching
27/02/2008 03:09:05 ‹Vic Wertz› I'm thinking of playing a Varisian Harrower for Runelords, so that if any foreknowledge bleeds through, I'll have an excuse.
27/02/2008 03:09:26 ‹Takasi› ooo, a Harrower, what's that?
27/02/2008 03:09:33 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› reader of a Harrow deck?
27/02/2008 03:09:39 ‹Vic Wertz› yes
27/02/2008 03:09:54 ‹Vic Wertz› Not a class - just a feat. Probably really a rogue.
27/02/2008 03:09:58 ‹DMcCoy1693› Rise of the Harrower?
27/02/2008 03:10:03 ‹The Last Rogue› Boo Yeah!!!
27/02/2008 03:10:21 ‹DMcCoy1693› interesting
27/02/2008 03:10:22 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Some players can run a PC without out-of-game knowledge impacting anything, but it's not easy, and not everybody can pull it off.
27/02/2008 03:10:40 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› There's some mechanical crutches you can use, though.
27/02/2008 03:10:41 ‹Takasi› it helps if the game doesn't go off the rails
27/02/2008 03:10:48 ‹Takasi› and it really depends on WHY you're playing anyway
27/02/2008 03:11:09 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› You already know who the murderer is? Play the wisdom 7 barbarian who never makes any decisions, then!
27/02/2008 03:11:22 * RETH-Mog joins Main
27/02/2008 03:11:43 ‹Takasi› is the focus of play on overcoming tactical challenges? IME all of the APs have replayability from that perspective
27/02/2008 03:12:00 ‹Takasi› is the focus on Exploration? if so which type?
27/02/2008 03:12:18 ‹Vic Wertz› I was trying to convince Jacobs to provide an option for Crimson Throne where if there was a harrower, the adventure would specifically provide spoilerish information to that player.
27/02/2008 03:12:30 ‹Takasi› are you exploring Character, having fun building a backstory and interacting with others?
27/02/2008 03:12:53 ‹DMcCoy1693› ohhhhh me likey that idea Vic
27/02/2008 03:12:55 ‹Takasi› are you exploring Setting, interacting with a lot of Golarion elements
27/02/2008 03:13:17 ‹Takasi› are you exploring System, testing in general how the 3.5 system works?
27/02/2008 03:13:44 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Vic: bonus points if you get cryptic results that don't make sense until after the fact, like in Greek mythology.
27/02/2008 03:14:12 ‹Takasi› it's tough to do that type of exploration, IME, in an AP, and especially in an AP that you've already played or had knowledge of
27/02/2008 03:14:24 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› I've been reading the Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, and that sort of prophecy stuff is all over the historical anectodes, too.
27/02/2008 03:14:36 ‹Vic Wertz› Our current group is way more about tactics and battle, but I think we're going to make some changes in the group for Runelords to bring in more people who are interested in story and character.
27/02/2008 03:14:38 ‹Takasi› at least without going off the rails so much that the shared experience of the AP is lost, negating the purpose of running it in the first place
27/02/2008 03:14:53 ‹Takasi› Vic, just curious, why not try Crimson Throne?
27/02/2008 03:15:09 ‹Takasi› be a part of the shared experience as it's unfolding?
27/02/2008 03:15:21 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› because he might have to proofread that, too?
27/02/2008 03:15:41 ‹Takasi› with the Guide to Korvosa, you can do a great deal of exploration
27/02/2008 03:15:42 ‹Vic Wertz› I read Crimson Throne 1, and proofread 2. Haevn't seen 3 yet.
27/02/2008 03:16:10 ‹Takasi› I explained to my group that Crimson Throne is going to be run differently
27/02/2008 03:16:15 ‹Vic Wertz› Lisa and I both think Crimson Throne is more appealing to each of us...
27/02/2008 03:16:43 ‹Vic Wertz› but she's going with Runelords for a couple of really good reasons:
27/02/2008 03:16:49 ‹Takasi› the focus will be on NPCs and events revolving around them, and exploring the relationships between them and the PCs
27/02/2008 03:17:17 ‹Takasi› the events may or may not be from the AP, it depends on the direction of the players, how they drive the exploration
27/02/2008 03:17:30 ‹Vic Wertz› She likes that there's been six months of messageboard posts with real expriences and suggestions to integrate
27/02/2008 03:18:05 ‹Vic Wertz› ...and that we've got a bunch of support products for it—item cards, maps, and, soon, minis...
27/02/2008 03:18:13 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› oh, that's a good point
27/02/2008 03:18:35 ‹DMcCoy1693› hmmmm tell us about the minis vic *bats eyes*
27/02/2008 03:19:10 ‹Vic Wertz› I don't have anything more to say than most folks already know... the first wave is supposed to arrive in mid-MArch.
27/02/2008 03:19:26 ‹DMcCoy1693› wahoo
27/02/2008 03:19:31 ‹Takasi› who is running the Runelords game Vic?
27/02/2008 03:19:38 * Watcher joins Main
27/02/2008 03:19:49 ‹Watcher› No alias!
27/02/2008 03:20:00 ‹Vic Wertz› have you not seen them? http://paizo.com/pathfinder/pa...iatures
27/02/2008 03:20:00 ‹Takasi› Vic, how much of the Crimson Throne events can be run independently of the PCs?
27/02/2008 03:20:18 ‹Vic Wertz› Lisa's the GM.
27/02/2008 03:20:29 ‹Takasi› for example, does it always assume the PCs are in "the right place at the right time", or can many of them happen in the background?
03:20:45 ‹DMcCoy1693› ok, yea, Its been awhile and I forgot about them.
27/02/2008 03:20:54 ‹Vic Wertz› Not quite sure what you're asking, Takasi...
27/02/2008 03:21:03 ‹Takasi› well for example
27/02/2008 03:21:13 ‹Takasi› hmmm, can't use Runelords...
27/02/2008 03:21:15 ‹Watcher› I actually sent those Chapter One Runelord Maps to Lisa, I wish her luck!
27/02/2008 03:21:17 ‹Takasi› let's use...Savage Tide
27/02/2008 03:21:33 ‹Vic Wertz› I know nothing of Savage Tide, either...
27/02/2008 03:21:36 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› OMG SPOILARZ
27/02/2008 03:21:44 ‹Takasi› hmmm, ok
27/02/2008 03:21:54 ‹Takasi› well, I'll make something up then as an example
27/02/2008 03:21:54 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Age of Worms?
27/02/2008 03:22:12 ‹Vic Wertz› Avoided the Dungeon stuff completely. I was working on other stuff.
27/02/2008 03:22:23 ‹Vic Wertz› made up example is good.
27/02/2008 03:22:37 ‹Takasi› let's say the AP says there's an attack on a street merchant, with an encounter trigged by the PCs
27/02/2008 03:22:54 ‹DMcCoy1693› time to get my laundry out of the dryers. Be back for the official chat. have fun at game vic
27/02/2008 03:22:56 ‹Takasi› you're there to rescue him, so he can give you information and go on a quest for him
27/02/2008 03:23:09 ‹Takasi› what if you avoid that encounter entirely?
27/02/2008 03:23:40 ‹Takasi› how interrelated are the encounters in Crimson Throne, considering most of them take place in the same city?
27/02/2008 03:24:08 * DMcCoy1693 quit
27/02/2008 03:24:50 ‹Vic Wertz› Right. Well, from what I've seen so far, there are a couple of encounters that spring to mind that are pretty important like that.
27/02/2008 03:24:54 ‹Takasi› how many of them are modular and independent of each other?
27/02/2008 03:25:15 ‹Takasi› there are some of those too right?
27/02/2008 03:25:36 ‹Vic Wertz› The ones I'm thinking of seem modular, but you learn of their significance later.
27/02/2008 03:25:40 ‹Takasi› and I'm assuming there are big events that occur (don't want to spoil the *cough* *cough* obvious)
27/02/2008 03:25:59 ‹Takasi› regardless of any action that the PCs make right?
27/02/2008 03:26:05 ‹Vic Wertz› Sure.
27/02/2008 03:26:27 ‹Takasi› I really like that the homebase will be from 1st to 10th
27/02/2008 03:26:46 ‹Takasi› that helps for long term relationships, is it possible to end the AP around 10th?
27/02/2008 03:27:05 ‹Takasi› I'm guessing at 11th, it's assumed you leave the city entirely?
27/02/2008 03:28:09 ‹Vic Wertz› Given the way things work out... I think it's ok if the PCs don't do what's expected in the first couple of adventures—either way, they'll get the attention of teh right people, for better or worse.
27/02/2008 03:28:15 ‹Vic Wertz› I really don'
27/02/2008 03:28:29 ‹Vic Wertz› t know much about the plot beyond chapter 2.
27/02/2008 03:29:03 ‹Takasi› does the city change to such a degree that much of the Guide becomes...obsolete as the AP is played?
27/02/2008 03:29:10 ‹Vic Wertz› Aside from the general overview. And keep in mind that my mind is sieve-like for that sort of thing.
27/02/2008 03:29:41 ‹Vic Wertz› I haven't read the Guide to Korvosa yet.
27/02/2008 03:30:06 ‹Takasi› ok, sorry to bug you, I'm just excited and very much looking forward to the new AP
27/02/2008 03:30:25 ‹Vic Wertz› Are you familiar with what happens to Falcon's Hollow in Carnival of Tears?
27/02/2008 03:30:53 ‹Takasi› no, I have Carnival but haven't read it yet, was waiting to run a Darkmoon Vale campaign when the guide comes out
27/02/2008 03:31:01 ‹Vic Wertz› It's not as extreme as some of those cases... at least, not in the first two chapters.
27/02/2008 03:31:42 ‹Takasi› in what timeframe does the Darkmoon Vale guide describe Falcon's Hollow?
27/02/2008 03:31:47 ‹Vic Wertz› But Korvosa definitely feels what happens to it.
27/02/2008 03:32:14 ‹Takasi› does it assume all of the GM mods have been played out, and if so with what assumed outcome?
27/02/2008 03:32:16 ‹Vic Wertz› I don't know anything about the Darkmoon Vale guide yet.
27/02/2008 03:32:32 ‹Vic Wertz› Seems like a good question.
27/02/2008 03:33:24 ‹Takasi› I would prefer both approaches, I like guides that are up front and talk to me as if I'm a DM
27/02/2008 03:33:29 ‹Takasi› I really like the designer notes
27/02/2008 03:33:35 * Burrito Al Pastor quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 03:33:35 * Burrito Al Pastor quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 03:34:01 ‹Wyvern› Well, the PCs are supposed to win always, don't they? I guess that's the assumed outcome.
27/02/2008 03:34:04 ‹Takasi› I'm not as into guides that read like absolute history, I prefer they assume I'm going to change things slightly
27/02/2008 03:34:22 ‹Takasi› and that my players are DEFINATELY going to change things, and presents the world in that context
27/02/2008 03:34:38 * Lilith joins Main
27/02/2008 03:34:48 ‹Takasi› well that's the problem Wyvern, that assumes that every campaign is setup as a "Win/Lose" scenario
27/02/2008 03:34:49 ‹Watcher› 'Lo Lilith
27/02/2008 03:34:55 ‹Takasi› hey Lilith
27/02/2008 03:34:55 ‹Vic Wertz› I know our editorial folks like to think that way.
27/02/2008 03:35:08 ‹Wyvern› Hey Lilith
27/02/2008 03:35:18 ‹Takasi› there are so many compromises and a variety of possible outcomes in every campaign, a guide that is open to that is better
27/02/2008 03:35:29 ‹Takasi› but that's extremely difficult to develop
27/02/2008 03:36:26 * Ross Byers @ homework quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 03:36:26 * Ross Byers @ homework quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 03:36:41 ‹Takasi› for example, Magnimar presents a Lord Mayor
27/02/2008 03:36:46 ‹Takasi› but if that Lord Mayor dies, who takes his place?
27/02/2008 03:36:51 ‹Takasi› who are likely candidates and why?
27/02/2008 03:37:18 ‹Takasi› how does the city react to change?
27/02/2008 03:37:22 ‹Vic Wertz› For example, the early part of Crimson Throne ties in to one GameMastery Module in particular, but we're careful to ensure that it can happen before *or* after the relevant section, should the DM so choose.
27/02/2008 03:37:37 ‹Takasi› Bloodsworn Vale, Vic?
27/02/2008 03:37:51 ‹Watcher› That's a worthwhile question but how much word count are you going to devote to hypotheticals?
27/02/2008 03:38:17 ‹Takasi› it's not just hypotheticals though, it's a description of relationships
27/02/2008 03:38:23 ‹Wyvern› The rammifications are endless if they start doing that. I think that's DM purview.
27/02/2008 03:38:39 ‹Takasi› it paints of picture of a setting as a living, changing being
27/02/2008 03:38:52 * Lilith waves at people in the room.
27/02/2008 03:39:02 * Lilith whispers, "I was checking dinner..."
27/02/2008 03:39:15 ‹Watcher› Correct Wyvern, but Tak has a point in that knowing the infrastructure would be helpful for the individual GM to decide those hypotheticals
27/02/2008 03:39:15 ‹Takasi› well I'd rather have that then a side trek....
27/02/2008 03:39:37 ‹Vic Wertz› not sure if I'm at liberty to say which.
27/02/2008 03:39:40 ‹Takasi› I'm very disappointed that Second Darkness is reverting to side treks as filler, although I understand why they're doing that
03:40:45 ‹Vic Wertz› 1: people have been asking for them; 2: it keeps James Jacobs from going crazy. Err... more crazy.
27/02/2008 03:40:45 * Lilith waves at Vic Wertz, then runs over and glomps him! :glomp: :thug: :cookie:
27/02/2008 03:40:47 ‹Takasi› Vic has there been any word about Free RPG day?
27/02/2008 03:40:49 * The Last Rogue whispers, "What are we having?"
27/02/2008 03:40:50 ‹Vic Wertz› Aieee!
27/02/2008 03:41:12 ‹Lilith› :squee:
27/02/2008 03:41:37 * Majuba joins Main
27/02/2008 03:41:43 ‹Lilith› Majuba!
27/02/2008 03:41:47 ‹Majuba› Hey Lilith
27/02/2008 03:41:57 * Rambling Scribe joins Main
27/02/2008 03:41:58 ‹Lilith› Vic Wertz: The cookie of the day is ... snickerdoodle.
27/02/2008 03:42:05 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe! :glomp:
27/02/2008 03:42:13 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi all!
27/02/2008 03:42:15 ‹Takasi› A new Sale is here, a new Sale is here!
27/02/2008 03:42:21 ‹Vic Wertz› Erm... I don't think we've announced the new plan yet.
27/02/2008 03:42:26 ‹Watcher› Also, by the time Second Darkness is out there will be a fair amount of Chronicles Products coming out to fill that need
27/02/2008 03:42:28 ‹Vic Wertz› for Free RPG day, that is.
27/02/2008 03:42:30 * Takasi runs around avoiding cans.
27/02/2008 03:42:33 ‹Watcher› Hi Rambling Scribe!
27/02/2008 03:42:45 ‹Takasi› http://paizo.com/store/blog#v5...yo5l97n
27/02/2008 03:42:50 * The Last Rogue leaps from the shadows a deadly sneak attack poised above Rambling Scribes still-beating heart. "Hi!"
27/02/2008 03:43:21 * Rambling Scribe dies of a heart attack!
27/02/2008 03:43:37 ‹Takasi› is Bastion Press any good?
27/02/2008 03:43:39 ‹The Last Rogue› "Damn! Medic . . .er cleric!"
27/02/2008 03:43:49 * Watcher steals Rambling Scribes wallet before the paramedics arrive
27/02/2008 03:43:54 * Takasi fills his shopping cart.
27/02/2008 03:44:07 ‹Watcher› lol
27/02/2008 03:44:26 * Lilith casts raise dead on Rambling Scribe. :wizzap:
27/02/2008 03:44:46 ‹Rambling Scribe› :zombie:
27/02/2008 03:44:51 ‹Vic Wertz› snickerdoodle. That's a funny word.
27/02/2008 03:44:52 ‹Takasi› I LOVE 4th edition, so many sales! :D
27/02/2008 03:44:54 * Watcher hastily returns the wallet, feigning that RS must have dropped it
27/02/2008 03:45:03 ‹The Last Rogue› Aw damn now he is totally immune to sneak attacks!
27/02/2008 03:45:10 ‹Vic Wertz› Both parts of it are separately funny, and then you put them together...
27/02/2008 03:45:26 ‹Lilith› Vic Wertz: Bestest cookies EVAR! :D
27/02/2008 03:45:42 ‹Gemma› easy there takasi no more sales or pepsi for u
27/02/2008 03:45:45 ‹Majuba› snickerdoodles very much rock
27/02/2008 03:46:01 ‹Takasi› Gemma do you see anything cool there?
27/02/2008 03:46:12 ‹Gemma› a few things
27/02/2008 03:46:22 * Daigle flings himself back into the chat.
27/02/2008 03:46:31 ‹Lilith› Adam! :squee:
27/02/2008 03:46:31 ‹Daigle› Howdy Lilz!
27/02/2008 03:46:36 ‹Daigle› And Scribe
27/02/2008 03:46:41 ‹Daigle› And Watcher
27/02/2008 03:46:43 ‹Gemma› the outta of blood looks kool
27/02/2008 03:46:49 * Watcher points at Daigle :headbang:
27/02/2008 03:46:49 ‹Wyvern› wb Daigle!
27/02/2008 03:46:52 ‹Takasi› better link here: http://paizo.com/store/sale/ba...earance
27/02/2008 03:46:56 ‹Lilith› Watcher is actually Watcher tonight? Whoa! :P
27/02/2008 03:47:01 ‹Daigle› I know!
27/02/2008 03:47:07 ‹The Last Rogue› or is he?
27/02/2008 03:47:15 ‹Daigle› I called him out earlier today :lol:
27/02/2008 03:47:27 * MetalMaiden joins Main
27/02/2008 03:47:31 ‹The Last Rogue› *cue spooky music*
27/02/2008 03:47:41 ‹Daigle› Maybe Watcher is Charles Evans tonight and Charles is Watcher?
27/02/2008 03:47:49 ‹Daigle› Howdy MetalMaiden
27/02/2008 03:47:53 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› The only question with it is how badly you lose.
27/02/2008 03:48:01 ‹MetalMaiden› Greetings
27/02/2008 03:48:18 ‹Lilith› Daigle: Whoa...!
27/02/2008 03:48:57 * Watcher reassures everyone that he is not Satan in disguise, but really who he claims to be.
27/02/2008 03:49:14 ‹Watcher› :plot:
27/02/2008 03:49:18 * Daigle reconsiders everything.
27/02/2008 03:49:35 * Vic Wertz changes his/her nickname to Satan in disguise
27/02/2008 03:49:44 * Daigle gives up.
27/02/2008 03:49:47 ‹Watcher› :ohnoes:
27/02/2008 03:49:48 ‹Majuba› I snagged Friends & Familiars at a local sale, looked cool
27/02/2008 03:50:11 * Satan in disguise changes his/her nickname to Satan in smurf disguise
27/02/2008 03:50:27 * Lilith giggles at Satan in smurf disguise and gives him cookies and milk. :cookie:
27/02/2008 03:50:43 ‹Watcher› That's worse than the Stay Puff Marshmellow Man
27/02/2008 03:51:17 ‹Watcher› Where is James Jacobs to distract us with Paizo Revelations and Starry Wisdom?!
27/02/2008 03:51:27 * Satan in smurf disguise changes his/her nickname to Vic Wertz
27/02/2008 03:51:40 * Blazej joins Main
27/02/2008 03:51:50 ‹Vic Wertz› When he gets here, ask him what he can tell you about....
27/02/2008 03:51:50 ‹Watcher› Hey Blazej
27/02/2008 03:51:56 ‹Lilith› Vic Wertz: You may change your nickname...but you can't be rid of the GOLEM ICON! :P
27/02/2008 03:52:01 ‹Vic Wertz› "UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENTS"
27/02/2008 03:52:12 ‹Blazej› Hello. ?
27/02/2008 03:52:16 * Moth working changes his/her nickname to Mothman
27/02/2008 03:52:23 ‹Vic Wertz› I would hate to be rid of the Golem icon!
27/02/2008 03:52:29 ‹Majuba› w/b Moth
27/02/2008 03:52:29 ‹Mothman› Upcoming announcements?
27/02/2008 03:52:32 ‹Rambling Scribe› Can we give him Code Green Alpha Clearance?
27/02/2008 03:52:32 ‹Daigle› Even more upcoming announcements?
27/02/2008 03:52:39 ‹Mothman› thanks Majuba
27/02/2008 03:52:44 ‹Watcher› I shall Vic! I'll cut and paste in the buffer so he doesn't have time to think
27/02/2008 03:52:45 ‹Vic Wertz› The cool thing is that I know he can't do more than tease you....
27/02/2008 03:52:50 ‹Lilith› WE NEED CODE GREEN ALPHA clearance! :)
27/02/2008 03:52:53 ‹Wyvern› What kind of golem is that? A coat golem?
27/02/2008 03:53:03 ‹Vic Wertz› ...so me saying this is just teasing a tease!
27/02/2008 03:53:12 ‹Daigle› tease
27/02/2008 03:53:16 ‹Daigle› :|
03:53:35 ‹Vic Wertz› We're totally not done with product announcements yet.
27/02/2008 03:53:40 ‹Lilith› Coooooool!
27/02/2008 03:53:44 ‹Daigle› Yay!
27/02/2008 03:54:02 ‹Mothman› We need somehting between "All Eyes" and Code Green Alpha...
27/02/2008 03:54:03 ‹Takasi› does anyone have any of these Bastion Press books?
27/02/2008 03:54:04 ‹Vic Wertz› Tomorrow, we'll start with Modules, I believe.
27/02/2008 03:54:14 ‹Daigle› Oooh!
27/02/2008 03:54:45 * Burrito Al Pastor joins Main
27/02/2008 03:54:47 ‹Majuba› Takasi: just Friends and Familiars
27/02/2008 03:54:52 ‹Majuba› w/b P
27/02/2008 03:55:03 ‹Vic Wertz› And then we have that line I can't tell you about yet.
27/02/2008 03:55:20 * Majuba quiets and listens up.
27/02/2008 03:55:23 ‹Daigle› Erg!
27/02/2008 03:55:25 ‹Vic Wertz› And then we have that other thing I can't tell you about yet, but that's later.
27/02/2008 03:55:37 ‹Daigle› You're loving this aren't you?
27/02/2008 03:55:41 ‹Daigle› :lol:
27/02/2008 03:55:50 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› You're a bad person, and you should feel bad.
27/02/2008 03:55:53 ‹Takasi› Majuba, is it any good?
27/02/2008 03:55:57 ‹Lilith› Vic Wertz: :wow:
27/02/2008 03:56:12 ‹Watcher› :yakuza: Get Vic Wertz!
27/02/2008 03:56:17 ‹Rambling Scribe› :knight:
27/02/2008 03:56:20 ‹Lilith› Vic Wertz: This "other thing" wouldn't have anything to do with what Bulmahn's been working on, does it?
27/02/2008 03:56:51 ‹Vic Wertz› Maybe....
27/02/2008 03:56:54 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› I was just about to ask.
27/02/2008 03:57:04 ‹Mothman› Yeah, cos Bulmahn told us all about that (play along guys...)
27/02/2008 03:57:05 * Gemma quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 03:57:14 ‹Watcher› Sure did
27/02/2008 03:57:14 ‹Mothman› ;-)
27/02/2008 03:57:25 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› We know all about it, but we'd like to hear it from you anyways.
27/02/2008 03:57:29 ‹Mothman› I especially liked the thing with the thing
27/02/2008 03:57:38 ‹Vic Wertz› You mean the smurfs?
27/02/2008 03:57:44 ‹Rambling Scribe› We told him you gave us code green alpha clearance and he spilled the beans.
27/02/2008 03:57:49 ‹Lilith› Mothman: With the thing going around the other thing? Yeah.
27/02/2008 03:57:49 ‹Mothman› um .... yeeeesss ..... smurfs
27/02/2008 03:57:51 * Lilith nods.
27/02/2008 03:57:57 ‹Watcher› He really did tell us, it's not fictional
27/02/2008 03:58:22 ‹Mothman› nice watchword, Watcher
27/02/2008 03:58:34 ‹Mothman› I think that's the other thing
27/02/2008 03:58:35 ‹Watcher› :typerhappy:
27/02/2008 03:58:35 ‹Vic Wertz› All will be known soon.
27/02/2008 03:58:40 ‹Wyvern› The Bulmahn thing is old news, we know all about it, so are there plans for another? Any details on that?
27/02/2008 03:58:43 ‹Vic Wertz› Where soon is a variable amount of time.
27/02/2008 03:58:51 ‹Lilith› Vic Wertz: By "Soon" ... do you mean this week? Or next?
27/02/2008 03:58:54 ‹Lilith› Tomorrow?
27/02/2008 03:58:58 ‹Vic Wertz› Yes!
27/02/2008 03:58:59 ‹Lilith› Are you saving it for Friday?
27/02/2008 03:59:03 ‹Vic Wertz› Or even later than that!
27/02/2008 03:59:07 ‹Lilith› So tomorrow? :P
27/02/2008 03:59:12 ‹Takasi› um, what is the Bulmah thing again???
27/02/2008 03:59:13 ‹Vic Wertz› Or even later than that!
27/02/2008 03:59:15 ‹Mothman› Are we there yet?
27/02/2008 03:59:16 * Kevin T. joins Main
27/02/2008 03:59:17 * Takasi feels so out of the loop.
27/02/2008 03:59:37 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› When are you announcing that Glittercomm is the official new eletronic tabletop solution for all Paizo products?
27/02/2008 03:59:42 ‹Watcher› You and your linear time! Phooey! Tomorrow is today!
27/02/2008 03:59:54 ‹Lilith› Watcher: For some people it is!
27/02/2008 03:59:57 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› And that you'll be giving Wyvern big stacks of development money?
27/02/2008 04:00:02 ‹Mothman› You know Takasi, the thing with the thing ~wink wink~
27/02/2008 04:00:02 * Mad Geologist joins Main
27/02/2008 04:00:07 ‹Vic Wertz› Well, if anybody wants to get advance knowledge, Bulmahn is going to the D&D thing this weekend, and legend has it that he enjoys alcohol and meat products.
27/02/2008 04:00:14 * Lilith cheers for Wyvern's groovy tabletop program.
27/02/2008 04:00:19 ‹Mothman› tomorrow IS today for me
27/02/2008 04:00:23 ‹Watcher› :beer::beer::beer:
27/02/2008 04:00:27 ‹Lilith› Vic Wertz: Excellent, beer and bratwursts for the Bull-man.
27/02/2008 04:00:27 ‹Rambling Scribe› And Cheese!
27/02/2008 04:00:40 ‹Watcher› :cheese::cheese::cheese:
27/02/2008 04:00:52 ‹Takasi› order for 17 items just placed, including GM Gems!
27/02/2008 04:00:58 ‹Majuba› Hmm.. Has Paizo.com gone kaput for anyone else or just me?
27/02/2008 04:01:04 ‹Mad Geologist› What has Vic Wetz been announcing?????
27/02/2008 04:01:05 ‹Wyvern› He will get to see the rules finally!
27/02/2008 04:01:06 ‹Lilith› Takasi: Is it off of backorder (GM Gems)?
27/02/2008 04:01:08 ‹Takasi› I think my order just broke it :P
27/02/2008 04:01:12 ‹Watcher› :beer::cheese::beer::cheese:
27/02/2008 04:01:25 ‹Takasi› no Lilith, but I'm in line for when it does :)
27/02/2008 04:01:25 ‹Blazej› Announcing that he will not annouce stuff.
27/02/2008 04:01:27 * Kevin T. quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:01:37 * DMcCoy1693 joins Main
27/02/2008 04:01:40 ‹Watcher› Mad Geologist, he's been teasing that's all
27/02/2008 04:01:40 ‹Daigle› Thank you Takasi!
27/02/2008 04:01:45 ‹Mad Geologist› Not announce stuff? AH-hA!
27/02/2008 04:01:45 * Lilith wants people to get their GM Gems durn it! :shakefist:
27/02/2008 04:01:48 * Pygon quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:01:51 ‹Lilith› Takasi: Thank you! :thug:
27/02/2008 04:02:05 ‹Majuba› GM Gems?
27/02/2008 04:02:06 * James Jacobs joins Main
27/02/2008 04:02:06 ‹Blazej› If he does annouce something he will give an annoucement.
27/02/2008 04:02:11 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, tell us about "UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENTS"!!! CODE GREEN ALPHA CLEARANCE HAS BEEN EXTENDED I repeat! Code Green Alpha Clearance has been extended. You are to divulge "Upcoming announcements" immediately!
27/02/2008 04:02:11 ‹Mad Geologist› That is coded talk for he now has the GS but because he signed an NDA, he can not say anything about it!
27/02/2008 04:02:12 ‹Blazej› Yo.
27/02/2008 04:02:15 ‹Lilith› JAMES! :squee: :raptor:
27/02/2008 04:02:16 ‹Daigle› Howdy James!!!
27/02/2008 04:02:17 ‹Blazej› ?
27/02/2008 04:02:21 ‹Takasi› don't they know it's a license to print money??? get those backorders filled people!
27/02/2008 04:02:27 ‹James Jacobs› woah
27/02/2008 04:02:29 ‹James Jacobs› HI!
27/02/2008 04:02:29 ‹Wyvern› Heya James
27/02/2008 04:02:30 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs!
27/02/2008 04:02:35 ‹Mothman› Hey James
27/02/2008 04:02:40 ‹Watcher› lol, Vic put me up to that
27/02/2008 04:02:44 ‹Blazej› Watcher, did you have that message ready waiting for James?
27/02/2008 04:02:49 * Hill Giant joins Main
27/02/2008 04:02:50 ‹Watcher› yep!
27/02/2008 04:02:53 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Mr. Jacobs! Vic was just telling us all about Buhlman's new project. What's your two cents on it?
27/02/2008 04:02:54 ‹DMcCoy1693› hello all, how's it goin?
27/02/2008 04:02:55 ‹Mad Geologist› Good evening James Jacobs: Is Second Darkness path 5 modules or 6? I am confused because only upto number 17 was announced by Vic earlier this week.
27/02/2008 04:03:01 ‹Lilith› Majuba: http://paizo.com/store/downloa...tpy81qm
27/02/2008 04:03:05 ‹Lilith› Hill Giant! :squee:
27/02/2008 04:03:09 ‹James Jacobs› Jason's got a project? First I've heard of it. Cool!
27/02/2008 04:03:16 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi JJ, hi hill Giant!
27/02/2008 04:03:20 ‹Mothman› Good poker face James
27/02/2008 04:03:25 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Well played.
27/02/2008 04:03:33 ‹Vic Wertz› Gah! look sliek one of our servers is having a little nap. We'll get Gary on it.
27/02/2008 04:03:34 ‹Watcher› What are the Upcoming announcements James?
27/02/2008 04:04:04 ‹Majuba› Vic: Thanks
27/02/2008 04:04:10 ‹Mad Geologist› Vic Wertz: It is already 'tomorrow' here in the UK, so you can tell me.... :D
27/02/2008 04:04:14 ‹James Jacobs› Mad Geo> Second Darkness is 6 parts long. We only have to generate advance copy for them four at a time.
04:04:25 * Mr. Evil Genius joins Main
27/02/2008 04:04:33 * Pygon quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:04:39 ‹James Jacobs› We'll be anouncing part 6 (Pathfinder #18) at the same time as AP4's contents.
27/02/2008 04:04:46 ‹Lilith› Not just Evil Genius, but Mr. Evil Genius...:P
27/02/2008 04:04:49 ‹Blazej› Now?
27/02/2008 04:04:51 ‹Mothman› Hey Evil Genius
27/02/2008 04:04:56 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Heya
27/02/2008 04:04:56 ‹Watcher› O.O
27/02/2008 04:04:58 ‹Mothman› Sorry, MR Evil Genius
27/02/2008 04:04:59 * Lilith puts out the complimentary cookies. :cookie: :cookie:
27/02/2008 04:05:00 ‹Blazej› How about now?
27/02/2008 04:05:05 ‹Takasi› nibbles of PF4 please, please please please please please please???
27/02/2008 04:05:15 ‹James Jacobs› I don't wanna steal any thunder from tomorrow... BUT I do believe there will be an anouncement tomorrow.
27/02/2008 04:05:27 ‹The Last Rogue› Land of the Linnorm Kings
27/02/2008 04:05:27 * Blazej 's voice continues on and becomes white noise?
27/02/2008 04:05:31 ‹Blazej› .
27/02/2008 04:05:31 ‹Takasi› does it involve things doing stuff and fighting?
27/02/2008 04:05:31 ‹The Last Rogue› !!!
27/02/2008 04:05:38 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› HOORJ
27/02/2008 04:05:38 ‹James Jacobs› Pathfinder AP2's not even out yet. I can't say nuthin' about AP4 yet!
27/02/2008 04:05:39 ‹Watcher› Damn, he actually told us something!
27/02/2008 04:05:39 ‹The Last Rogue› So I have said it, so it shall be done!!!
27/02/2008 04:05:41 ‹DMcCoy1693› cookies.... mmmm thanks lilith
27/02/2008 04:05:45 ‹Takasi› yes, Land of Linnorm Kings
27/02/2008 04:05:47 ‹James Jacobs› Oh. Yeah. AP4 does involve doing stuff and fighting.
27/02/2008 04:05:58 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› GASP
27/02/2008 04:05:58 ‹Mad Geologist› BUT IT IS ALREADY TOMORROW HERE IN THE UK
27/02/2008 04:05:59 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› SHOCK
27/02/2008 04:06:04 ‹The Last Rogue› pssshaw . . .doing stuff is way overrated
27/02/2008 04:06:05 ‹Blazej› :omg:
27/02/2008 04:06:08 ‹Takasi› James, where are psionics in Golarion?
27/02/2008 04:06:13 ‹The Last Rogue› :fry:
27/02/2008 04:06:15 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Indeed. Psionics!
27/02/2008 04:06:19 * Pygon quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:06:20 ‹Lilith› Yes! Tell us of psionics James Jacobs!
27/02/2008 04:06:23 ‹James Jacobs› I don't believe that stuff. There's no such thing as a "UK." It's fake. Like the moon landing and eskimos and weekends.
27/02/2008 04:06:25 * Takasi tries to persuade James Jacobs into psi-talk.
27/02/2008 04:06:28 ‹James Jacobs› Psionics!
27/02/2008 04:06:38 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Mind magic.
27/02/2008 04:06:50 ‹Lilith› Mental powers beyond the ken of most vegetables!
27/02/2008 04:06:53 ‹James Jacobs› There are psionics on the green planet. There are psionics in Vudra. There are psionics in the Darklands.
27/02/2008 04:07:00 ‹Lilith› :squee: :excite:
27/02/2008 04:07:07 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Wooo!
27/02/2008 04:07:07 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Sin psionics? "I wish I could hate you to death."
27/02/2008 04:07:22 ‹DMcCoy1693› Hoody Hoo!
27/02/2008 04:07:23 ‹Blazej› Burrito Al Pastor, very sinful thoughts.
27/02/2008 04:07:23 ‹Mad Geologist› Jaes Jacobs: And I suppose that the Path Finder Revenues which your company derives from the UK is fake as well hmmm? I think that the US taxman would be very interested to hear that you are counterfeiting money.:)
27/02/2008 04:07:24 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› ...Hmm, there might be something there, actually.
27/02/2008 04:07:28 ‹DMcCoy1693› in the darkslands :D
27/02/2008 04:07:34 ‹James Jacobs› Vudra stuff has a pretty big role in Curse of the Crimson Throne. But I doubt there'll be any psionic stuff in Crimson Throne.
27/02/2008 04:07:36 * Pygon quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:07:40 * Pygon2 joins Main
27/02/2008 04:07:48 * Pygon2 changes his/her nickname to Pygon
27/02/2008 04:07:49 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Oh! Vudra... Is the monk iconic from there?
27/02/2008 04:07:49 ‹James Jacobs› Chances are VERY GOOD that there'll be at least a few psionic monsters in Second Darkness, though.
27/02/2008 04:07:52 ‹Wyvern› Wb Pygon!
27/02/2008 04:07:55 ‹Vic Wertz› You all should totally ask James about the news we have for March.
27/02/2008 04:08:00 ‹Samwise› time for me to go so i can go to DDXP tomorrow
27/02/2008 04:08:01 ‹Watcher› I have amnesia in Vudra
27/02/2008 04:08:04 ‹Samwise› goodnight everyone
27/02/2008 04:08:11 ‹Pygon› thanks
27/02/2008 04:08:13 ‹Mad Geologist› Goodnigth Samwise.
27/02/2008 04:08:15 ‹Takasi› is it like shakra, Indian guru type psionics then?
27/02/2008 04:08:16 ‹Watcher› I mean where is Vudra?
27/02/2008 04:08:16 ‹Mothman› See you Sam
27/02/2008 04:08:25 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› James, tell us about the news you have for March!
27/02/2008 04:08:27 ‹DMcCoy1693› yea james.. tell us about the news you have for march
27/02/2008 04:08:32 ‹Wyvern› Hey James, I've heard there is something coming up on March. What's that about?
27/02/2008 04:08:35 ‹James Jacobs› Vudra's east of the core world we're developing. It's our India analogue.
27/02/2008 04:08:39 ‹Mothman› James, Golarion’s underdark is called The Darklands … who came up with that one? (I think it’s going to need time to grow on me).
27/02/2008 04:08:46 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: Why is Paizo relocating to march in east anglia?
27/02/2008 04:08:51 ‹James Jacobs› OK! The big news for March is that it will be FOLLOWED BY APRIL.
27/02/2008 04:09:06 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Yikes!!! I can't believe it.
27/02/2008 04:09:08 ‹Pygon› whew that's a relief
27/02/2008 04:09:09 ‹James Jacobs› Plus, there'll be some more anouncements about stuff of interest therein as well. Very much interest.
27/02/2008 04:09:11 ‹The Last Rogue› I knew it!
27/02/2008 04:09:11 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› What the... James! One bombshell at a time! It was bad enough that AP4 will have stuff in it!
27/02/2008 04:09:13 * Watcher points out that if Aboleth can access the Darklands, the psionic connection is logical
27/02/2008 04:09:18 ‹Vic Wertz› I hear it comes in like a lion but goes out like a lamb.
27/02/2008 04:09:22 ‹Blazej› That can't be true.
27/02/2008 04:09:24 * Samwise quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:09:29 ‹James Jacobs› Erik Mona's the one who came up with the Darklands.
27/02/2008 04:09:41 ‹Takasi› I heard the world was ending on March 31st, thank you for reaffirming my faith in another month James!
27/02/2008 04:09:59 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Takasi, that's 2012
27/02/2008 04:10:02 ‹Takasi› where is Erik these days? he's been away since Superstar started
27/02/2008 04:10:08 ‹James Jacobs› He called it that in one of the nation writeups in the Gazetteer, and I liked it. And now it's For Real.
27/02/2008 04:10:09 ‹Takasi› at least he's been chat shy
27/02/2008 04:10:12 ‹Rambling Scribe› I'll have to reset my association of the word "Darklands" from an awesome old computer game to the Golarion Underdark.
27/02/2008 04:10:19 ‹DMcCoy1693› the only thing I have to say about the darklands is that it is one letter away from being the Dorklands
27/02/2008 04:10:37 ‹James Jacobs› Erik's been finishing up the Gazetteer. He just finished, actually, a few days ago. I suspect right now he's sleeping or drinking or both.
27/02/2008 04:10:38 ‹The Last Rogue› or Darkhands
27/02/2008 04:10:46 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› the natural environment of the dreaded Neckbeards?
27/02/2008 04:10:48 ‹Takasi› Darklards
27/02/2008 04:10:50 ‹Majuba› Convenient for ridiculing Xxxzzt clones
27/02/2008 04:10:56 ‹Vic Wertz› Erik does enjoy his sleepdrinking.
27/02/2008 04:10:57 ‹Wyvern› Both?
27/02/2008 04:10:57 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: On a serious note, regarding Superstar, I think Christine mentioned on the congratulations thread that she was thinking of starting a blog about the module....
27/02/2008 04:11:15 ‹James Jacobs› The aboleth can indeed access the Darklands... but they're not really a BIG presence there. The most of them are under the sea. The psionic element in the Darklands comes from another race.
27/02/2008 04:11:26 ‹Mothman› I think the problem with Darklands (And probably many of the names you could have used) is that there is alot of precedent and baggage from other places
27/02/2008 04:11:29 ‹The Last Rogue› a new race?
27/02/2008 04:11:33 ‹Takasi› are they insectoid, James?
27/02/2008 04:11:44 ‹Hill Giant› Dire Corbies?
27/02/2008 04:11:50 ‹Watcher› For me to believe that you'll have to divulge the name of this race please :)
27/02/2008 04:11:51 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Flumph?
27/02/2008 04:11:54 ‹Majuba› the original borg concept?
27/02/2008 04:12:06 ‹Vic Wertz› I remember when people were concerned that the name Pathfinder had too much baggage.
27/02/2008 04:12:07 ‹DMcCoy1693› Jessica Simpson?
27/02/2008 04:12:18 ‹Watcher› DMcCoy1693, say it aint so
27/02/2008 04:12:19 ‹Daigle› Nissan?
27/02/2008 04:12:24 ‹Blazej› The Village People?
27/02/2008 04:12:28 ‹James Jacobs› If people got over Pathfinder's name sharing the same as the Viking vs. Indian movie that came out teh same month, AND the same name as the Nissan SUV... people will eventually come to grips with the Darklands.
27/02/2008 04:12:38 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Pathfinder = terrible viking/native american action movie
27/02/2008 04:12:44 ‹James Jacobs› The psionic Darklands race is not a new race. They are not insectoid.
27/02/2008 04:12:45 ‹Daigle› I like the name Darklands
27/02/2008 04:12:55 ‹Takasi› I still don't refer to it as Pathfinder
27/02/2008 04:12:56 * Lilith likes the name too.
27/02/2008 04:12:56 ‹Rambling Scribe› I'm betting duergar.
27/02/2008 04:13:00 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Duergar are psionic. Maybe them?
27/02/2008 04:13:01 ‹Daigle› It is very real....just what surface folks would call it
27/02/2008 04:13:03 ‹The Last Rogue› Until I drive my Nissan Darklands to go see the new Indian versus Viking movie "Darklands"
27/02/2008 04:13:05 ‹Takasi› it's PF, or AP, or Runelords, Crimson Throne, etc
27/02/2008 04:13:05 ‹Pygon› at first I thought it sounded too upper world, we shall see
27/02/2008 04:13:07 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Are they a race which were previously psionic, or is this another reimagining?
27/02/2008 04:13:10 ‹James Jacobs› Duergar are psionic, yes. It's not them.
27/02/2008 04:13:20 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Maenads?
27/02/2008 04:13:23 ‹James Jacobs› Although there WILL be duergar in the Darklands.
27/02/2008 04:13:23 ‹Watcher› you are a cruel man to tease us
27/02/2008 04:13:24 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Oh. I like my evil dwarves. Because I like dwarves.
27/02/2008 04:13:34 ‹James Jacobs› Maenads? Bleh. I'm not too fond of them. But you're getting warmer.
27/02/2008 04:13:36 ‹Mothman› James: Oh, I'm sure I'll come to grips with the Darklands soon enough.
27/02/2008 04:13:44 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Weren't one of those gith races psionic? I can never keep those guys straight.
27/02/2008 04:13:44 ‹The Last Rogue› xeph
27/02/2008 04:13:48 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› They might be IP, tho.
27/02/2008 04:13:48 ‹The Last Rogue› or something like that
27/02/2008 04:13:52 ‹DMcCoy1693› I like the name, personally
27/02/2008 04:14:00 * Nicolas Logue joins Main
27/02/2008 04:14:06 ‹Lilith› NICK!!!!!!!!!
27/02/2008 04:14:06 ‹DMcCoy1693› Logue!!!
27/02/2008 04:14:07 ‹Daigle› Logue!!!
27/02/2008 04:14:08 ‹Pygon› oh gawd
27/02/2008 04:14:09 ‹Wyvern› Hey Nick
27/02/2008 04:14:10 ‹Blazej› Are we seriously trying to guess the race?
27/02/2008 04:14:11 ‹James Jacobs› Xeph and Maenads are new guys. Too new. I'm not interested in them; they don't fit in my "I LOVES THE OLD-SCHOOL STUFF" mindset.
27/02/2008 04:14:12 ‹Nicolas Logue› WE ARE MANY AND STRONG!!!
27/02/2008 04:14:13 ‹Daigle› What's shakin' baby?
27/02/2008 04:14:14 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› it's HIM!
27/02/2008 04:14:14 ‹Pygon› It's Nick...
27/02/2008 04:14:15 ‹Mad Geologist› Nick: :raptor:
27/02/2008 04:14:16 ‹Mothman› Can't use Gith
27/02/2008 04:14:18 ‹Rambling Scribe› Something Sinister has entered the chat...
27/02/2008 04:14:21 ‹Majuba› Xeph are in the SRD
27/02/2008 04:14:22 ‹Nicolas Logue› I AM HIM!
27/02/2008 04:14:23 ‹The Last Rogue› Hmm . . .is it in the SRD?
27/02/2008 04:14:24 ‹Nicolas Logue› I AM HE!
27/02/2008 04:14:29 * Lilith runs up and hugs Nicolas Logue. :thug: :glomp:
27/02/2008 04:14:32 ‹Pygon› Welcome, he!
27/02/2008 04:14:37 ‹Vic Wertz› YOU AM THEY!
27/02/2008 04:14:45 ‹Watcher› Nick Logue, use your madness powers to force James Jacobs to divulge the psionic race from the Darklands! HELP YOUR PEOPLE NICK
27/02/2008 04:14:45 ‹Nicolas Logue› Hey Vic!!!!
27/02/2008 04:14:46 ‹James Jacobs› The psionic race I speak of having a presence in the Darklands is indeed in the SRD.
27/02/2008 04:14:46 ‹Mothman› Nick Logue! An enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery, wrapped in the body of a greek god!
27/02/2008 04:14:47 ‹Nicolas Logue› Awesome!
27/02/2008 04:14:55 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Last Rogue: it'd have to be, wouldn't it?
27/02/2008 04:14:56 ‹Vic Wertz› Though I have to leave soon.
27/02/2008 04:14:56 ‹James Jacobs› Hi Nick!
27/02/2008 04:15:02 ‹Nicolas Logue› JAMES!
27/02/2008 04:15:04 ‹Nicolas Logue› I love yoU!
27/02/2008 04:15:05 * @%#$*! joins Main
27/02/2008 04:15:06 ‹DMcCoy1693› Half Giants or Elans
27/02/2008 04:15:08 ‹James Jacobs› Xeph are kinda boring.
27/02/2008 04:15:11 ‹Nicolas Logue› How are you man?
27/02/2008 04:15:15 * Lilith slaps James Jacobs with his Golem icon.
27/02/2008 04:15:19 ‹Nicolas Logue› Psionic races you say!
27/02/2008 04:15:19 ‹Lilith› Elans could be fun.
27/02/2008 04:15:21 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› http://www.d20srd.org/indexes/...ers.htm
27/02/2008 04:15:23 ‹The Last Rogue› Chuul
27/02/2008 04:15:24 * @%#$*! quit
27/02/2008 04:15:26 ‹James Jacobs› I HATE ELANS! Why, why why are elans aberrations? That's STOOOPID. <rant>
27/02/2008 04

February 26th 2008, part 2
27/02/2008 04:14:24 ‹Nicolas Logue› I AM HE!
27/02/2008 04:14:29 * Lilith runs up and hugs Nicolas Logue. :thug: :glomp:
27/02/2008 04:14:32 ‹Pygon› Welcome, he!
27/02/2008 04:14:37 ‹Vic Wertz› YOU AM THEY!
27/02/2008 04:14:45 ‹Watcher› Nick Logue, use your madness powers to force James Jacobs to divulge the psionic race from the Darklands! HELP YOUR PEOPLE NICK
27/02/2008 04:14:45 ‹Nicolas Logue› Hey Vic!!!!
27/02/2008 04:14:46 ‹James Jacobs› The psionic race I speak of having a presence in the Darklands is indeed in the SRD.
27/02/2008 04:14:46 ‹Mothman› Nick Logue! An enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery, wrapped in the body of a greek god!
27/02/2008 04:14:47 ‹Nicolas Logue› Awesome!
27/02/2008 04:14:55 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Last Rogue: it'd have to be, wouldn't it?
27/02/2008 04:14:56 ‹Vic Wertz› Though I have to leave soon.
27/02/2008 04:14:56 ‹James Jacobs› Hi Nick!
27/02/2008 04:15:02 ‹Nicolas Logue› JAMES!
27/02/2008 04:15:04 ‹Nicolas Logue› I love yoU!
27/02/2008 04:15:05 * @%#$*! joins Main
27/02/2008 04:15:06 ‹DMcCoy1693› Half Giants or Elans
27/02/2008 04:15:08 ‹James Jacobs› Xeph are kinda boring.
27/02/2008 04:15:11 ‹Nicolas Logue› How are you man?
27/02/2008 04:15:15 * Lilith slaps James Jacobs with his Golem icon.
27/02/2008 04:15:19 ‹Nicolas Logue› Psionic races you say!
27/02/2008 04:15:19 ‹Lilith› Elans could be fun.
27/02/2008 04:15:21 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› http://www.d20srd.org/indexes/...ers.htm
27/02/2008 04:15:23 ‹The Last Rogue› Chuul
27/02/2008 04:15:24 * @%#$*! quit
27/02/2008 04:15:26 ‹James Jacobs› I HATE ELANS! Why, why why are elans aberrations? That's STOOOPID. <rant>
27/02/2008 04:15:30 ‹Blazej› Is the race vegetable or mineral? :P
27/02/2008 04:15:40 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Psionic srd races are somewhat.... bland.
27/02/2008 04:15:41 ‹Watcher› Medusae!
27/02/2008 04:15:46 ‹Pygon› yeah we could plug it into a 20 question thingie
27/02/2008 04:15:46 ‹Rambling Scribe› James hates all of my PCs...
27/02/2008 04:15:47 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Oh!
27/02/2008 04:15:48 ‹Mad Geologist› Ooozes!#
27/02/2008 04:15:49 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Oh oh oh!
27/02/2008 04:15:50 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Blues!
27/02/2008 04:15:55 ‹Nicolas Logue› I ran a psionic campaign one...but I didn't allow any of those weird races...except a half-giant, because who DOESN'T want to play a half giant!!!
27/02/2008 04:15:55 ‹Mad Geologist› Psionic oozes!
27/02/2008 04:15:56 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Blues would be good.
27/02/2008 04:16:00 ‹Blazej› I've certainly got the blues.
27/02/2008 04:16:05 ‹Takasi› Intellect Devourers? :P
27/02/2008 04:16:09 ‹James Jacobs› Another clue: This new race will quite well step in to fill the hole the mind flayers left when we had to lose them.
27/02/2008 04:16:14 ‹Lilith› Nicolas Logue: My mom's first D&D character was a half-giant named Bubba Gump. :P
27/02/2008 04:16:14 ‹James Jacobs› TAKASI WINS!
27/02/2008 04:16:17 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Intellect devourers.
27/02/2008 04:16:17 ‹Majuba› love my devourers
27/02/2008 04:16:19 ‹Nicolas Logue› Oh no Scribe!
27/02/2008 04:16:21 ‹DMcCoy1693› I like my half-giant fighter based on Fessik
27/02/2008 04:16:22 ‹Nicolas Logue› I'm so sorry!
27/02/2008 04:16:27 ‹Lilith› YAY! Loves me some intellect devourers! :squee:
27/02/2008 04:16:28 ‹Mad Geologist› Rob Mcreary's Ooze Imperium, will be arriving on Golarion....
27/02/2008 04:16:29 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› I was just about to suggest that. :p
27/02/2008 04:16:34 ‹Nicolas Logue› NICE! I love getting the Mom's in on the gaming!
27/02/2008 04:16:36 ‹Daigle› Nice!!!
27/02/2008 04:16:39 ‹Mothman› Go Takasi - I thought it was just an avatar reference but you were right!
27/02/2008 04:16:44 ‹Pygon› sounds like the devourers will get a Golarion makeover
27/02/2008 04:16:45 ‹James Jacobs› Intellect devourers will indeed be one of the Big Players of the Darklands, I suspect.
27/02/2008 04:16:52 ‹Nicolas Logue› A NEW RACE!!!
27/02/2008 04:16:52 ‹Takasi› REALLY???
27/02/2008 04:16:52 ‹Majuba› yay!
27/02/2008 04:16:53 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› ....Oh, wow. Intellect devourers have a listed level adjustment.
27/02/2008 04:16:55 ‹Nicolas Logue› I was told nothing.
27/02/2008 04:16:59 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› I gotta remember that.
27/02/2008 04:17:03 * Nicolas Logue is out of the loop.
27/02/2008 04:17:07 ‹James Jacobs› I've already got a LOT of cool ideas for how they could make for a really cool race/society.
27/02/2008 04:17:11 * Nicolas Logue cries into his chubby fingered hands.
27/02/2008 04:17:21 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› I never really liked the Brains with Legs. I'm sure they'll grow on me though.
27/02/2008 04:17:25 ‹Watcher› They will need a Paizo treatment
27/02/2008 04:17:28 ‹Vic Wertz› gotta go.... night!
27/02/2008 04:17:29 ‹James Jacobs› It's also worth pointing out that the neothelid is in the SRD as well... You can be certain that this did not escape my notice.
27/02/2008 04:17:31 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Or I might just swap them all back for Illithids
27/02/2008 04:17:33 ‹James Jacobs› Seeya Vic!
27/02/2008 04:17:34 ‹Watcher› Night Vic!
27/02/2008 04:17:36 ‹Mothman› see you Vic
27/02/2008 04:17:38 ‹Lilith› Night Vic Wertz! :thug: :cookie:
27/02/2008 04:17:40 ‹Majuba› 1st edition - magic weapons did *1* point per hit!
27/02/2008 04:17:42 ‹Mad Geologist› Goodnight Vic.
27/02/2008 04:17:42 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Goodnight, Vic.
27/02/2008 04:17:44 ‹Nicolas Logue› G'night Vic!
27/02/2008 04:17:48 ‹DMcCoy1693› BLUE!!!
27/02/2008 04:17:50 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Nite Vic!
27/02/2008 04:17:54 ‹Daigle› Have a good game Vic
27/02/2008 04:17:55 ‹Takasi› score one for the D&D Utroms :D
27/02/2008 04:18:02 ‹DMcCoy1693› Enjoy your game Vic
27/02/2008 04:18:03 ‹The Last Rogue› nite
27/02/2008 04:18:11 ‹James Jacobs› Blues are probably not in Golarion, I'm afraid. They're saddled with a really lame name.
27/02/2008 04:18:16 ‹Rambling Scribe› The chat ran away from me... Nick, why are you sorry?
27/02/2008 04:18:22 ‹James Jacobs› Plus, they don't fit my idea of what is Goblin.
27/02/2008 04:18:22 ‹DMcCoy1693› LOL
27/02/2008 04:18:26 * Blazej comforts Nicolas Logue with the numerous characters his adventures have killed in my campaigns.
27/02/2008 04:18:31 ‹Blazej› Night Vic.
27/02/2008 04:18:34 ‹Nicolas Logue› I'm sorry that James hates your PCs!
27/02/2008 04:18:35 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› I dunno, it seems like a pretty gobliny name to me.
27/02/2008 04:18:36 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: So 'Second Darknes', besides possibly being 4th Edition (decision stll pending) will feature Drow, psionics, and inellect devourers?
27/02/2008 04:18:42 ‹James Jacobs› I hate ALL PCs.
27/02/2008 04:18:44 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› They certainly don't fit Golarion goblins, unless they don't interact with them at all.
27/02/2008 04:18:45 ‹Nicolas Logue› Thanks Blazej!
27/02/2008 04:18:47 * Vic Wertz quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:18:47 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› "This goblin is blue! What do we call him?" "...Blue?"
27/02/2008 04:18:47 ‹The Last Rogue› IN 3 words tell me why I must play CotCT!
27/02/2008 04:18:48 ‹Nicolas Logue› I feel better!
27/02/2008 04:18:51 ‹James Jacobs› Second Darkness will feature drow.
27/02/2008 04:18:57 ‹Nicolas Logue› James, you are a fiend!!! That's why I love you!
27/02/2008 04:18:59 ‹Rambling Scribe› My current character is an Elan.
27/02/2008 04:19:08 ‹James Jacobs› It will not necessarilly feature intellect devourers or psionics. That all remains to be seen.
27/02/2008 04:19:11 ‹Rambling Scribe› and I often play dwarves.
27/02/2008 04:19:22 ‹Mothman› What's a Blue? Is that the same thing as a Xvart?
27/02/2008 04:19:23 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› What about nilbogs?
27/02/2008 04:19:24 ‹Mad Geologist› James JAcobs: And wasn't there an AD & D series about psionic using creatures (mindflayers) who attempted to extinguish a sun or something similar?
27/02/2008 04:19:28 ‹Nicolas Logue› I like a good dwarf every now and then.
27/02/2008 04:19:30 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Mothman: psionic goblin.
27/02/2008 04:19:33 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› They're blue, you see.
27/02/2008 04:19:37 ‹DMcCoy1693› Blue = psionic goblins
27/02/2008 04:19:47 ‹James Jacobs› Mad Geo> Yeah; that was a 3-part Mind Flayer adventure arc for 2nd edition. A really pretty good arc, actually.
27/02/2008 04:19:48 ‹Hill Giant› They leave clues.
27/02/2008 04:19:51 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Pathfinder needs nilbogs.
27/02/2008 04:19:53 ‹Mothman› Burrito: Ah .... excellent naming choice then ....
27/02/2008 04:19:54 ‹DMcCoy1693› Dang, the preacher beat me to it
27/02/2008 04:19:57 ‹James Jacobs› NO NILBOGS!
27/02/2008 04:19:57 ‹Takasi› James is pulling our leg with the brain men, shame on him! :^o
04:20:05 ‹James Jacobs› The Nilbog can stay in Troll 2.
27/02/2008 04:20:05 ‹Mothman› Hehe, I love Nilbogs!
27/02/2008 04:20:12 ‹Nicolas Logue› That blue thang was weird. But you know, I can dig blue goblins who eat your mind.
27/02/2008 04:20:13 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hill Giant: :lol:
27/02/2008 04:20:14 ‹Nicolas Logue› TROLL 2!
27/02/2008 04:20:21 ‹Nicolas Logue› YOU INVOKED TROLL 2!
27/02/2008 04:20:25 ‹Nicolas Logue› My night is ruined!!!
27/02/2008 04:20:31 ‹Nicolas Logue› I have to hit Youtube right now.
27/02/2008 04:20:37 ‹Hill Giant› I pictures blues like the smart gremlin in gremlins 2
27/02/2008 04:20:45 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› When I run Pathfinder, blues and nilbogs are going right in there.
27/02/2008 04:20:46 ‹Pygon› I didn't know there was a Troll 1.
27/02/2008 04:20:55 ‹James Jacobs› Oh... I'm not. Intellect Devourers will be in the Darklands. They'll be discussed in the Darklands book we're putting out later in the year. And they'll probably indeed get some screen time in Second Darkness... they just don't in the outline as it currently exists.
27/02/2008 04:21:01 ‹Nicolas Logue› No :typerhappy::typerhappy::typerhappy: for Nick tonight...Nick will be watching clips of Troll 2 for the next six hours until he melts into troll-food-goo.
27/02/2008 04:21:03 ‹The Last Rogue› I made the entire populace of Sandpoint Nilbogs
27/02/2008 04:21:07 ‹Watcher› The thought of Blue Goblins somehow invoke a memory of the Yellow Submarine cartoon movie...
27/02/2008 04:21:17 ‹Daigle› Gremlins 2....everytime I see one of those weird paper clips I always immediately look for a rubber band.
27/02/2008 04:21:29 ‹The Last Rogue› Nualia was a Scro
27/02/2008 04:21:40 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› <3
27/02/2008 04:21:41 ‹James Jacobs› http://youtube.com/watch?v=T22unETejo4
27/02/2008 04:21:41 ‹Takasi› sweet, you name one of them Tak [-o>
27/02/2008 04:21:44 ‹Mothman› Wow, what do you know, theres a whole Monster section in the Psionic bit of the SRD ....
27/02/2008 04:22:08 ‹Lilith› Mothman: You didn't know that? :P
27/02/2008 04:22:23 ‹Nicolas Logue› Thanks James!
27/02/2008 04:22:30 ‹Nicolas Logue› Way to tap my vein and hand me the needle.
27/02/2008 04:22:32 ‹Mothman› Lilith: No! I don't get psionics, so I keep away from it .....
27/02/2008 04:22:48 ‹James Jacobs› Yup! Lots of cool monsters in the SRD psionics section. And lots of cool domains in there too that aren't in the PHB.
27/02/2008 04:22:53 ‹James Jacobs› No prob, Nick!
27/02/2008 04:23:01 ‹Takasi› So why is the sky falling in Second Darkness?
27/02/2008 04:23:03 ‹Nicolas Logue› The old lady in that clip looks unsettlingly like Angela Landsbury.
27/02/2008 04:23:06 ‹Lilith› Caller in the Darkness
27/02/2008 04:23:16 ‹The Last Rogue› My players are always like we want to use Psionics, and I'm all like "NO way, stop f**ing with my mind!" The game usually stops then.
27/02/2008 04:23:16 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› I always liked how psionic illithids manifest as telepaths of a higher level than they have hit dice.
27/02/2008 04:23:24 ‹Nicolas Logue› Well, yeah, but I usually just refer to her as Angela Landsbury Lilith.
27/02/2008 04:23:32 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> The sky is falling for reasons I'm not going to spoil here.
27/02/2008 04:23:33 ‹Watcher› Because it's being drawn down, like the last time Takasi
27/02/2008 04:23:35 ‹Lilith› Nicolas Logue: :lol:
27/02/2008 04:23:46 ‹Nicolas Logue› I don't call her Caller in the Darkness unless we're disucssing bizness.
27/02/2008 04:23:52 ‹Mothman› I steer clear of psionics in D&D - "you're getting sci-fi in my fantasy!"
27/02/2008 04:23:55 ‹Nicolas Logue› :D
27/02/2008 04:24:06 ‹Lilith› Mothman: :cry:
27/02/2008 04:24:11 ‹James Jacobs› There will be a stronger element of sci-fi in Second Darkness than in the first to APs... just a warning.
27/02/2008 04:24:12 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Last Rogue: Just throw a bunch of undead, constructs, oozes, and NPCs under the effects of Mind Blank. You'll be amazed how much less potent they'll be.
27/02/2008 04:24:21 ‹Takasi› inevitable question: 4E and Second Darkness?
27/02/2008 04:24:23 ‹Blazej› Sci-Fi goes good with anything.
27/02/2008 04:24:23 ‹DMcCoy1693› James, just curious, but who is incharage of tallying up the results of the Gut Check thread?
04:24:29 ‹Blazej› Proof: Firefly.
27/02/2008 04:24:35 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Telepaths have the same fundamental problem as illusionists.
27/02/2008 04:24:46 ‹Mothman› Lilith: yeah .... a former player in my group kind of ruined psionics (and darksun) for me.... :-(
27/02/2008 04:24:48 ‹The Last Rogue› NO girlfriends
27/02/2008 04:24:55 ‹Blazej› If one example that I like can be taken as proof.
27/02/2008 04:25:00 ‹Hill Giant› I thought firefly was proof that Western goes with anything?
27/02/2008 04:25:00 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> We aren't yet qutie ready to anounce anything about what ruleset Second Darkness uses. We will be VERY SOON, though.
27/02/2008 04:25:03 ‹Lilith› Mothman: Bummer! :(
27/02/2008 04:25:10 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Hill Giant: Yes, that too.
27/02/2008 04:25:11 ‹Mothman› Rogue: Ha!
27/02/2008 04:25:25 ‹Takasi› Is THAT the super secret James?
27/02/2008 04:25:33 ‹Wyvern› After D&D Experience?
27/02/2008 04:25:37 ‹James Jacobs› DMcCOY1693> No one's really in charge of tallying the Gut CHeck thread... but Jason Bulmahn's more or less become the champion of watching it.
27/02/2008 04:25:38 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Does VERY SOON mean you got hte GSL, or are you guys tired of waiting?
27/02/2008 04:25:47 ‹James Jacobs› Jason Bulmahn will be at D&D Experience.
27/02/2008 04:25:53 * The Last Rogue actually, secretly, wanted to be an illusionist, but back in 2e his charisma wasn't high enough
27/02/2008 04:26:25 ‹Majuba› Last Rogue: you only needed a 16 Dex (and 15 Int) to be illusionist (in 1st and 2nd)...
27/02/2008 04:26:28 ‹Rambling Scribe› Wasn't it Dex for Illusionists?
27/02/2008 04:26:29 ‹DMcCoy1693› So is Bulmahn the man incharge of recomending if Paizo goes 4E based on the rules and potential customer response?
27/02/2008 04:26:37 ‹Mothman› Blazej: Actually I agree, sci fi can go well with fantasy (and westerns). I just tend to steer clear of psionics
27/02/2008 04:26:40 ‹Majuba› Druids need Cha
27/02/2008 04:26:41 ‹James Jacobs› We don't have the GSL yet. We haven't been given the rules yet. We should have had our author start writing the first Second Darkness adventure on January 1st.
27/02/2008 04:26:42 ‹The Last Rogue› Oh sh*t, those b*tches lied to me!
27/02/2008 04:26:49 ‹The Last Rogue› Where's my sneak attacking dagger?
27/02/2008 04:26:58 ‹Nicolas Logue› Western DOES go with anything! It's true!
27/02/2008 04:27:01 * Rambling Scribe casts blur.
27/02/2008 04:27:05 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Ouch, James... that was 2 months ago.. :(
27/02/2008 04:27:09 ‹The Last Rogue› lol
27/02/2008 04:27:10 ‹Majuba› Sneak ATTACK!
27/02/2008 04:27:17 ‹Daigle› Viva Tejas!!!
27/02/2008 04:27:24 ‹Daigle› oh...sorry.
27/02/2008 04:27:27 ‹James Jacobs› DMcCOy> Nope. Bulmahn's not in charge of 3E vs. 4E; that's something that all of us at Paizo are looking over.
27/02/2008 04:27:30 ‹Watcher› Seriously, you're not going to have a lot of time to review those rules once you get them. That will have to be a late night read
27/02/2008 04:27:33 ‹Nicolas Logue› Anyone ever see Warriors of Heaven and Earth? I KNOW you have James, you saw it in Bulmahn Surround Sound!
27/02/2008 04:27:50 ‹DMcCoy1693› no, .... I think I phrased that poorly....
27/02/2008 04:27:59 ‹Lilith› Nicolas Logue: Is that the one called "Heaven and Earth" about the two daimyos? That movie is AWESOME.
27/02/2008 04:28:00 ‹The Last Rogue› Looks like most posters are pro 3.5 / I do not envy the decision you guys have to make.
27/02/2008 04:28:01 ‹DMcCoy1693› ehhh nevermind
27/02/2008 04:28:06 ‹Majuba› Does the GSL come with a money-back guarantee?
27/02/2008 04:28:28 ‹James Jacobs› Evil Genius> Yeah. The whole scene with waiting so long for any news about 4E pretty much sucks when it comes to our schedule's demands.
27/02/2008 04:28:40 ‹Mothman› James, anything you can tell us about the hot chick with the sword in the “placeholder” artwork shown for Pathfinder #14? (actually from Crimson throne?)
27/02/2008 04:28:45 ‹DMcCoy1693› Bulmahn Surround Sound? BSS?
27/02/2008 04:28:47 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› When's Second Darkness scheduled to come out?
27/02/2008 04:28:56 * Takasi changes his/her nickname to Takasi Prepping Burning Sky
27/02/2008 04:29:00 ‹DMcCoy1693› what's that setup like?
27/02/2008 04:29:07 ‹Majuba› Pastor: August
27/02/2008 04:29:16 ‹Nicolas Logue› Lilith: Nope! But that sounds awesome too!
27/02/2008 04:29:34 ‹James Jacobs› And it's hard enough to provide a solid product using the 3.5 rules, and STILL we make errors now and then. If we switch to 4E... I suspect there'll be some 80+hour work weeks in my future.
27/02/2008 04:29:58 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: If Paizo goes 4E, it may have to develop a 'patch' to cover such things as schools of magic, missing classes & races initially, etc. I Paizo stays 3.5, there wll sooner or later be pressure for them to 'fix' aspects of 3.5 themselves for people who like things in 4E, but want to stay Paizo. Which version of the game might Paizo prefer more to provide fixes for?
27/02/2008 04:30:00 ‹James Jacobs› HA! I did see it in Bulmahn Surround Sound. I need to see it again to give it a proper chance.
27/02/2008 04:30:06 ‹Lilith› Nicolas Logue: I may have to hunt it down and try to bring it to GenCon. :P Along with Godzilla and other kaiju goodness.
27/02/2008 04:30:08 ‹Mothman› Crap .... 80+ hour work weeks make Mothy a crazy boy
27/02/2008 04:30:26 ‹James Jacobs› Mothman> The hot chick with the falchion is Queen Ileosa's bodyguard, basically. Perhaps more.
27/02/2008 04:30:41 ‹The Last Rogue› YES!! hidden l;esbian reference (sorry girls(
27/02/2008 04:30:43 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Considering how different it will be, I would wager learning a whole new set of rules and then producing top-quality modules would be pretty tough in such limited time.
27/02/2008 04:30:49 ‹James Jacobs› Burrito> Second Darkness's first adventure will come out at Gen Con.
27/02/2008 04:30:50 ‹Mothman› oooohhh ... perhaps more. Yummy
27/02/2008 04:31:09 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Oh! That chick with the horned helmet is Sabina?
27/02/2008 04:31:14 ‹James Jacobs› Yup.
27/02/2008 04:31:30 ‹Mothman› James, how about the guy with the spider love seen (currently) on PF #17 cover – what are those punch dagger-like weapons he’s holding?
27/02/2008 04:31:37 ‹Majuba› Last Rogue: It's in the Player's guide - not that hidden
27/02/2008 04:31:47 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› which is... august... and 4e launch is June...
27/02/2008 04:31:58 * The Last Rogue sighs and grabs his sneak attack dagger again.
27/02/2008 04:32:05 ‹Wyvern› Sabina is her name? Are you kidding me? That's my lawyer lol!
04:32:17 ‹James Jacobs› Mad Geo> IF we go 4E... yes. We'll very likely have to develop a LOT of patches. I have no idea how many. It kind of makes me nauseous and panicked and insomniac to contemplate it, frankly.
27/02/2008 04:32:22 ‹Mothman› I have to read the rest of the Player's Guide .....
27/02/2008 04:32:25 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› so if it's 4e, it'd come out two months after the core books.
27/02/2008 04:32:34 * Majuba adds GM Gems to paizo shopping cart
27/02/2008 04:32:43 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› James, how are you folks going to catch up on the three-month lag, even if you stay 3.5?
27/02/2008 04:32:51 ‹The Last Rogue› Cocaine
27/02/2008 04:32:53 ‹James Jacobs› Anyway... yes. There are lesbians in Curse of the Crimson Throne.
27/02/2008 04:32:57 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Win.
27/02/2008 04:33:01 ‹Daigle› Thanks Majuba!
27/02/2008 04:33:02 * ErikMona joins Main
27/02/2008 04:33:03 * RETH-Mog quit
27/02/2008 04:33:03 ‹Blazej› Uhh.
27/02/2008 04:33:10 ‹Lilith› ErikMona? The real one? :P
27/02/2008 04:33:12 * ErikMona is Risen.
27/02/2008 04:33:13 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Mona!
27/02/2008 04:33:15 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Erik Mona!
27/02/2008 04:33:15 ‹Mothman› Off to subscribe..... (for the articles)
27/02/2008 04:33:21 ‹Daigle› Howdy potential Mona
27/02/2008 04:33:22 * Majuba cheers!
27/02/2008 04:33:23 ‹Lilith› Not sleepdrinking, ErikMona? :D
27/02/2008 04:33:24 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› First lesbians, then Mona? This just keeps getting better!
27/02/2008 04:33:24 ‹ErikMona› Hello, hello.
27/02/2008 04:33:27 ‹James Jacobs› Ross Byers> We've been working on catching up on that lag ever since Gen Con. How we get caught up is work like hell.
27/02/2008 04:33:27 ‹Mothman› REALLY Erik Mona?
27/02/2008 04:33:32 ‹Pygon› welcome Erik!
27/02/2008 04:33:32 ‹ErikMona› REALLY
27/02/2008 04:33:36 ‹ErikMona› Hello, all.
27/02/2008 04:33:38 ‹Daigle› You have imposters sometimes
27/02/2008 04:33:40 ‹The Last Rogue› Cocaine?
27/02/2008 04:33:41 ‹Daigle› is all
27/02/2008 04:33:41 ‹Rambling Scribe› It's not me in disguise this time.
27/02/2008 04:33:45 ‹Mothman› We heard you were drining and/or sleeping Erik
27/02/2008 04:33:50 ‹Daigle› Howdy real Erik
27/02/2008 04:33:52 ‹ErikMona› I just had to watch the 20th debate of the season tonight. Hope I didn't miss anything.
27/02/2008 04:33:52 ‹James Jacobs› Ahoy, Erik!
27/02/2008 04:33:54 * DMcCoy1693 quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:33:54 ‹Wyvern› At the same time
27/02/2008 04:33:54 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› greatings Lord Mona
27/02/2008 04:33:54 ‹Blazej› So many people want to be Mona.
27/02/2008 04:33:58 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› er greetings
27/02/2008 04:34:01 ‹ErikMona› Not drinking or sleeping much, lately.
27/02/2008 04:34:02 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› I meant the Second Darkness late start.
27/02/2008 04:34:06 ‹Daigle› It's been frickin ages since you've been here.
27/02/2008 04:34:18 ‹Lilith› One can check... ErikMona: Did I, or did I not send you an email with a picture in it last week?
27/02/2008 04:34:20 ‹James Jacobs› I was going to ask you to say something to PROVE you're Erik... but you just did with that debate comment. Was it as delightful as you'd hoped?
27/02/2008 04:34:26 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Jacobs: You might not need to worry about that too much; I know I'm not the only person planning to, quite literally, start converting Pathfinder material the day after launch.
27/02/2008 04:34:34 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› James Jacobs, have you ever thought of running an AP as it is published, like Crimson Throne or when Second Darkness comes out?
27/02/2008 04:34:35 ‹Mothman› Erik: bummer on the no drinking or sleeping....
27/02/2008 04:34:37 ‹ErikMona› I have been a touch busy writing the PATHFINDER CHRONICLES GAZETTEER, which is now in layout.
27/02/2008 04:34:46 ‹Nicolas Logue› Greetings to you sir!
04:34:54 ‹ErikMona› I feel like I just got out of prison after 15 years.
27/02/2008 04:34:55 ‹James Jacobs› Ross Byers> I'm not sure yet.
27/02/2008 04:34:55 ‹Nicolas Logue› Congrats on knocking that awesome project out!
27/02/2008 04:34:58 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› greetings Erik Mona
27/02/2008 04:34:59 * Majuba thought the debate was pretty good
27/02/2008 04:35:01 ‹The Last Rogue› Sweet Land of the Linnorm Kings layout
27/02/2008 04:35:02 ‹ErikMona› Hey, Nick!
27/02/2008 04:35:07 ‹Daigle› I can't wait to see it!
27/02/2008 04:35:19 ‹Mad Geologist› Good evening Erik.
27/02/2008 04:35:28 ‹ErikMona› James> It was ok. I am kind of bored with them now, and it wasn't quite as fiesty as I'd expected/hoped.
27/02/2008 04:35:29 ‹Watcher› Hi Erik, James was just saying with the PATHFINDER CHRONICLES GAZETTEER finished you can now enjoy sleep and drinking
27/02/2008 04:35:29 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Ah. In that case, I wish all of you luck. And if there's anything I can do to help, you guys have my address.
27/02/2008 04:35:42 ‹The Last Rogue› Potential buyer question -- can somone fill me in on Why I should get the gazateer if I am going to by the CS?
27/02/2008 04:35:46 ‹ErikMona› Lilth> It was more of a weird mash note than a picture, but sure.
27/02/2008 04:35:46 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› are there any monstrous civilizations in the Gazetteer Erik?
27/02/2008 04:35:48 * MetalMaiden quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:36:00 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> I have. I ran Savage Tide as it came out. I started it with my home group as playtesters for "There is no Honor." That group is just about to head into the Crimson Fleet's base in "Serpents of Scuttlecove."
27/02/2008 04:36:03 ‹Mad Geologist› Erik: Do I understand correctly that you will be editting and working wth Christine on the S! module?
27/02/2008 04:36:12 ‹Nicolas Logue› I got a sneaky peak at PATHFINDER CHRONICLES GAZ recently, and all I have to say is: ABJECTLY AMAZING! I know we all expect nothing less from Erik's mighty pen, but this one exceeds even the loftiest expectations. It's astonishingly good.
27/02/2008 04:36:14 ‹Mad Geologist› s1!, even. :)
27/02/2008 04:36:18 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Hell, say the word and you'd probably have a full community conversion project started within the day.
27/02/2008 04:36:21 * DMcCoy1693 quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:36:21 ‹Lilith› ErikMona: Okay, you're the real one then. :P
27/02/2008 04:36:39 ‹ErikMona› James is a good monitor of my personal health.
27/02/2008 04:36:46 ‹James Jacobs› The Last Rogue> Becasue if you don't get the Gazetteer, your Paizo Book Collection won't be complete?
27/02/2008 04:36:56 ‹The Last Rogue› True!
27/02/2008 04:36:56 ‹Nicolas Logue› Ha!
27/02/2008 04:37:01 ‹The Last Rogue› Sold!
27/02/2008 04:37:03 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› He makes a good arguement. God knows that's the only reason I have Magic of Eberron.
27/02/2008 04:37:06 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Gotta collect em all...
27/02/2008 04:37:14 * Lilith gives ErikMona a beer. :beer: :beer: :beer:
27/02/2008 04:37:19 ‹ErikMona› Takasi> There's a nation full of despicable orcs, if that's what you mean.
27/02/2008 04:37:22 ‹ErikMona› Also: demons.
27/02/2008 04:37:23 ‹Watcher› :beer::beer:
27/02/2008 04:37:31 * Lilith gives James Jacobs barbecued eel rolls.
27/02/2008 04:37:37 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› ErikMona, will we see any Dying Earth or Elric books from Planet Stories in the future?
27/02/2008 04:37:38 ‹Daigle› S!$&! I didn't see you come in Evil Genius
27/02/2008 04:37:41 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Any militaristic hobgoblin nations prepping for war?
27/02/2008 04:37:43 ‹Daigle› Howdy
27/02/2008 04:37:43 ‹Majuba› I had thought the Gazetter was an easy thing to handout to players, whereas the campaign setting will have more DM info.
27/02/2008 04:37:44 ‹James Jacobs› Don't forget the nation of all ... EEL ROLLS!!! nom nom nom
27/02/2008 04:37:51 ‹The Last Rogue› I have a confession: money's been tight, going overseas for a trip wiped out the cashflow, had to cancel PF (not gamemastery though) . . then . . .
27/02/2008 04:37:53 ‹ErikMona› Mad> I will probably have some involvement, but not heavy lifting. She doesn't need my help!
27/02/2008 04:37:56 ‹James Jacobs› HA! Erik HATES Dying Earth!
27/02/2008 04:37:56 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Hi Mr Daigle!
27/02/2008 04:37:58 * Nicolas Logue waits for Lilith to post barbecued eel roll smiley.
27/02/2008 04:38:10 * Lilith thinks a moment...
27/02/2008 04:38:15 ‹The Last Rogue› Bam Pathfinder advantage! & a guildmaster with a freakin croc! I'm returned to the fold
27/02/2008 04:38:18 ‹James Jacobs› (winces as he prepares to withstand Erik's rebuke)
27/02/2008 04:38:44 ‹Nicolas Logue› WELCOME BACK ROGUE!
27/02/2008 04:38:56 ‹The Last Rogue› It's like I was never gone.
27/02/2008 04:39:01 ‹ErikMona› Takasi> The Elric stories are coming back into print from Del Rey. The Dying Earth Omnibus kind of kills the market for additional individual volumes. Vance is possible. He has a huge volume of excellent work to choose from.
27/02/2008 04:39:01 ‹Nicolas Logue› You'll love Gaedren Lamm...he's like you, thirty years older, crippled, and on crack.
27/02/2008 04:39:07 ‹Mad Geologist› Erik: She posted on the congratulations to Christine thread recently that she might start a blog; would that be approved of, and if so could someone get in touch to maybe set up an area of the Paizo site for it?
27/02/2008 04:39:16 ‹The Last Rogue› Just like my dad!
27/02/2008 04:39:19 * Mothman changes his/her nickname to Moth AFC
27/02/2008 04:39:20 ‹Nicolas Logue› HA!
27/02/2008 04:39:21 ‹ErikMona› I am a subscriber of the Vance Integral Edition, so I have every single book or story Jack Vance has ever published.
27/02/2008 04:39:48 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› sounds cool, enjoying my Planet Stories collection, even though I've had no time to read them :)
27/02/2008 04:39:51 ‹ErikMona› Mad> That is an interesting idea.
27/02/2008 04:39:56 ‹The Last Rogue› RPG Superstar was great fun, lot of fun stuff in there
27/02/2008 04:39:57 * Majuba muses over how his best player is still terrified of intellect devourers
27/02/2008 04:39:58 ‹Blazej› Does the Pathfinder advantage apply to other subscriptions like Gamemastery?
27/02/2008 04:40:05 ‹ErikMona› Yes.
27/02/2008 04:40:06 ‹The Last Rogue› YES
27/02/2008 04:40:21 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Logue! I must know! Does Mr. Lamm have a sort of organization of no good goons working for him? An urban ranger could have a field day!
27/02/2008 04:40:22 ‹Nicolas Logue› It even applies to a tawdry night with Nick Logue.
27/02/2008 04:40:27 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› ErikMona: would any of the out-of-print Asimov be appropriate for the Planet Stories line, or is his work outside the thematic scope of the line?
27/02/2008 04:40:29 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Blazej, yes.
27/02/2008 04:40:33 ‹Lilith› Nicolas Logue: The closest to eel rolls I've got is this: http://www.oniryu.com/forums/i...shi.gif
27/02/2008 04:40:35 ‹The Last Rogue› Yes, Logue tell us of the Lamm
27/02/2008 04:40:38 ‹Nicolas Logue› Oh! I never kiss and tell Evil Genius!
27/02/2008 04:40:41 ‹Blazej› Hooray.
27/02/2008 04:40:47 ‹Blazej› Thank you.
27/02/2008 04:40:52 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Bah! I bet Pett would tell :P
27/02/2008 04:40:55 ‹Majuba› Pastor: nice questions
27/02/2008 04:41:00 ‹The Last Rogue› Low Blow!
27/02/2008 04:41:00 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› are there a lot of maps in the Gazetteer? who are the cartographers?
27/02/2008 04:41:17 ‹Nicolas Logue› He's got a goon squad, but not many...he's a pretty loathesome mofo...even minions won't touch him much...that's why he needs gators...and sharks...oh yes...I said sharks!
27/02/2008 04:41:28 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› and also are all of the PF Chronicles released in PDF like GM and PF?
27/02/2008 04:41:31 ‹Nicolas Logue› You are cruel Genius!
27/02/2008 04:41:37 ‹Daigle› F#$$in' sharks!?
27/02/2008 04:41:39 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Are they... ILL TEMPERED sharks?
27/02/2008 04:41:40 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> there's no maps apart from the poster map of the world in the Gaz.
27/02/2008 04:41:45 ‹Hill Giant› Nicolas Logue: With lasers on their frickin' heads?
27/02/2008 04:41:45 ‹Nicolas Logue› F+*&IN A SHARKS!
27/02/2008 04:41:51 ‹Lilith› Nicolas Logue: I'm looking forward to inflicting Gaedren Lamm on my players for the CotCT PbP. :P
27/02/2008 04:41:52 ‹Daigle› Hells yeah
27/02/2008 04:41:52 ‹Nicolas Logue› Not just any sharks.
27/02/2008 04:41:54 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Really James?
27/02/2008 04:41:56 ‹Nicolas Logue› Jigsaw Sharks
27/02/2008 04:42:11 ‹James Jacobs› There are a certain amount of sharks involved in Curse of the Crimson Throne.
04:42:13 ‹The Last Rogue› Did Punisher smash their faces into a plate glass window?
27/02/2008 04:42:16 ‹Watcher› Inverted sharks
27/02/2008 04:42:22 ‹Watcher› Starry Wisdom Sharks
27/02/2008 04:42:24 ‹Daigle› Jigsaw sharks? Let me put that ptgether.
27/02/2008 04:42:33 ‹Pygon› sharks that aren't scared of dolphins.
27/02/2008 04:42:36 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Yup. We'll have more maps, I suspect, in the Hardcover. No additional maps in the Gazzeteer, though.
27/02/2008 04:42:40 * Rambling Scribe groans
27/02/2008 04:42:43 ‹ErikMona› I'm sure there is some out of print Asimov worth including, but I am a little more interested in authors who do not already have champions.
27/02/2008 04:42:54 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Eel rolls are awesome, aren't they? The place here smokes them, then glazes them in a teriyaki sauce. Mmm...
27/02/2008 04:42:55 ‹Burrito Al Pastor› Fair enough.
27/02/2008 04:43:01 ‹ErikMona› Asimov hardly needs my help.
27/02/2008 04:43:09 ‹James Jacobs› I do believe we'll be releasing PDFs of our books like GM an PF, though.
27/02/2008 04:43:12 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Unagi FTW
27/02/2008 04:43:26 ‹The Last Rogue› What about L. Rogue? I hear he needs someone to publish his stories.
27/02/2008 04:43:27 ‹Mad Geologist› Erik Mona: Some of the less well known HG Wells works, such as The first men in the Moon?
27/02/2008 04:43:28 ‹Nicolas Logue› Did we reach our shark quota James? Every adventure should have a shark quota!
27/02/2008 04:43:38 ‹Blazej› Flying sharks?
27/02/2008 04:43:50 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Sharks with lasers attached to their heads?
27/02/2008 04:43:54 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> My current fave is the Sunset roll they make down the street. Thanks, Nick! (He introduced me to them)
27/02/2008 04:43:58 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› ghost sharks are fun
27/02/2008 04:44:02 ‹Nicolas Logue› Friggin lasers in point of face!
27/02/2008 04:44:02 ‹Lilith› Blazej: Terlen. Fiend Folio, I think.
27/02/2008 04:44:06 ‹The Last Rogue› ghost sharks in the sky
27/02/2008 04:44:11 ‹Nicolas Logue› You like-a the eel rolls?
27/02/2008 04:44:21 ‹Nicolas Logue› You like-a the Sunset Rolls!
27/02/2008 04:44:22 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Nummy! They have plates named after dragons here...So tasty...
27/02/2008 04:44:30 ‹ErikMona› Mad> Maybe, but again, Wells is a known commodity.
27/02/2008 04:44:35 ‹The Last Rogue› White Dragon, Red Dragon?
27/02/2008 04:44:42 ‹Nicolas Logue› I'm a sushi fanatic these days. One of the best places in Old New York for sushi is less than half a block from my digs!
27/02/2008 04:44:50 ‹Lilith› The Last Rogue: Yes. Green dragon. Lots of wasabi. Yum.
27/02/2008 04:44:51 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› MM the Red Dragon rolls at the place I go are awesome!
27/02/2008 04:44:53 ‹Watcher› Nick Logue, word on the street you're full to the brim with exciting projects. I am familiar with one of them. Tell us of more!
27/02/2008 04:45:00 ‹The Last Rogue› MMm . .. wasabi
27/02/2008 04:45:01 ‹ErikMona› I am not going for obscure authors, exactly, but Wells is very much available from a whole host of sources.
27/02/2008 04:45:24 * Lilith changes his/her nickname to Chef Lilith is AFK
27/02/2008 04:45:25 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Japantown in San Francisco, so much nigiri for only 99 cents! Mmmm
27/02/2008 04:45:34 ‹Nicolas Logue› Ha! I am working on SEVERAL super super secret projects for a burgeoning new company called Sinister Adventures.
27/02/2008 04:45:52 ‹Daigle› Oooh!
27/02/2008 04:45:52 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Has anyone at Paizo had the inclination to lookat the alternate spellcasting rules I posted on Sunday? If yes, what did they think?
27/02/2008 04:45:54 ‹The Last Rogue› I'm scared
27/02/2008 04:45:57 ‹Mad Geologist› Erik Mona: And I'm sorry to inflict this horrible question on you, but to some people on the Paizo boards, this is almost a matter of life and death: When are you going to bring the Age of Worms campaign to a close, so that James Jacpbs can close the Tyralandi journal?
27/02/2008 04:46:07 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› How is Blood of the Gorgon coming along Nick? I'm thinking of joining, is it too late?
27/02/2008 04:46:16 ‹The Last Rogue› til the 29th
27/02/2008 04:46:27 ‹Watcher› Any connection to that Dark Horzion group with the 3.5 tat in their ad?
27/02/2008 04:46:32 ‹The Last Rogue› methinks
27/02/2008 04:46:36 ‹James Jacobs› I miss Tyralandi!
27/02/2008 04:46:52 ‹Nicolas Logue› But they are still very much on the down low. Picture if you will: A blood-swilled ocean, ruled by a kraken's crushing tentacle, plagued by pirates, and ravaged by an ancient shark god newly re-risen from the depths
27/02/2008 04:47:01 ‹Nicolas Logue› That's one thing I'm working on!
27/02/2008 04:47:10 ‹The Last Rogue› Its Nick's monthly bath!
27/02/2008 04:47:11 ‹James Jacobs› Ross> I haven't had a chance to look at them, alas...
27/02/2008 04:47:12 ‹Nicolas Logue› Yes! The pirate with the Three Pointe Five Never Dies Tat!
27/02/2008 04:47:16 ‹Nicolas Logue› HA!
27/02/2008 04:47:31 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Yarrr!
27/02/2008 04:47:32 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› James Jacobs, I want an AP that focuses on lycanthropy
27/02/2008 04:47:37 ‹Nicolas Logue› Ask Watcher how Blood is going! He's on there!
27/02/2008 04:47:37 ‹Watcher› HA! I wondered why you were so well informed!
27/02/2008 04:47:39 ‹Rambling Scribe› I wrote a small bit for them too. I'm hoping they do well!
27/02/2008 04:47:40 * Moth AFC changes his/her nickname to Moth
27/02/2008 04:47:44 ‹Nicolas Logue› I'm having a ball with it!
27/02/2008 04:47:44 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› like a plague, with weresharks!
27/02/2008 04:47:56 ‹Watcher› Blood of the Gorgon is frickan great
27/02/2008 04:47:58 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Won't get that for a while... but there WILL be wererats on the cover of Pathfinder 13.
27/02/2008 04:48:04 ‹Nicolas Logue› Oh there are weresharks a plenty in my secret project!
27/02/2008 04:48:10 ‹The Last Rogue› Scribe -- Dark Arts
27/02/2008 04:48:11 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› sweet, I love manimals in all forms :)
27/02/2008 04:48:12 ‹The Last Rogue› ?
27/02/2008 04:48:17 ‹Daigle› weresharks!
27/02/2008 04:48:19 ‹Blazej› Mmm ... a represenative from Gas Powered games came by a few weeks ago. He said something like, "Somebody just came to us asking if he could do a Dungeon Siege movie." They unfortuantly didn't know Uwe Boll's previous works before agreeing.
27/02/2008 04:48:21 ‹Nicolas Logue› Manimals!
27/02/2008 04:48:21 ‹Moth› James, is Zon-Kuthon getting any love in upcoming products?
27/02/2008 04:48:30 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Any word on lycanthropes' places in Golarion? Are there packs of werewolves nipping at the heels of civilization?
27/02/2008 04:48:36 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Wereinsects need more love
27/02/2008 04:48:43 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› Ah, but the 'alas' implies you'd like to. I'll take that as good. I'm sure I've been bothering people asking for feedback, but I wasted way too much time that should have gone into schoolwork to not make a big deal.
27/02/2008 04:49:10 ‹James Jacobs› Moth> Zon-Kuthon is getting a LOT of love. He'll have a Sean Reynolds writeup in Pathfinder 11, and his worshipers play a pretty key role in Curse of the Crimson Throne.
27/02/2008 04:49:16 ‹Daigle› were-roaches!
27/02/2008 04:49:29 ‹ErikMona› Mad Geologist: When Pathfinder gets back on schedule and everyone can have fun again, I imagine.
27/02/2008 04:49:30 ‹ErikMona› :)
27/02/2008 04:49:51 ‹ErikMona› Me finishing the Gazetteer was really the biggest roadblock. All the miniatures are still in the conference room.
27/02/2008 04:49:53 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, I want to commend you on your recent decision to stop discriminating against fan favorite, Iomedae ;-)
27/02/2008 04:50:08 ‹James Jacobs› We've done a little here and there about lycanthropes. There's certainly wererats in Korvosa and Riddleport (and they'll be in adventures set there); there's werewolves living in the aptly named village of Wolf's Ear (mentioned in Pathfinder 3's Varisia gazetteer).
27/02/2008 04:50:20 ‹Mad Geologist› Erik Mona: Not until Jason reports back, you do/don't get the GSL, and you decide on 4E or not, in other words....:)
27/02/2008 04:50:45 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› ErikMona: Any ideas about mini-settings developed for some of the Planet Stories books? Oh, and more about the Green & Red planets, please. :)
27/02/2008 04:50:46 ‹Nicolas Logue› Ha! There actually is a new monster in one of the projects I'm working on called a Roachlord...shudder.
27/02/2008 04:50:47 ‹James Jacobs› The Cake is a LIe.
27/02/2008 04:50:49 ‹ErikMona› Zon-Kuthon gets some love in the Gazetteer.
27/02/2008 04:50:49 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› are werebears good in Golarion?
27/02/2008 04:50:58 ‹Nicolas Logue› All Cakes is Lies!
27/02/2008 04:51:01 ‹Daigle› No way!
27/02/2008 04:51:02 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› James Jacobs: That's what the Computer wants you to believe...;)
27/02/2008 04:51:07 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Nice.. I'm all for the big Z-K!
27/02/2008 04:51:11 ‹Blazej› The cake is most definitely a lie.
04:51:32 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› Zon-Kuthon? Madame Mum will be pleased.
27/02/2008 04:51:33 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› yes, we need info on the Green and Red, we've been teased for too long! :D
27/02/2008 04:51:33 ‹ErikMona› Chef> RPG stuff related to Planet Stories is not a priority right now.
27/02/2008 04:51:55 ‹James Jacobs› We aren't going to monkey with any of the alignments for creatures you see in the Monster Manual, for the most part. Therefore... yes; wearbears are good guys. Usually.
27/02/2008 04:51:55 ‹ErikMona› We can only accomplish so much at any one time, and we're operating very near the precipice of capacity as it is right now.
27/02/2008 04:52:03 ‹The Last Rogue› Hire more people!
27/02/2008 04:52:10 ‹The Last Rogue› ;)
27/02/2008 04:52:17 ‹ErikMona› Buy more products!
27/02/2008 04:52:19 ‹ErikMona› :)
27/02/2008 04:52:23 ‹Daigle› Nice!
27/02/2008 04:52:25 ‹The Last Rogue› I am doing my end . . .
27/02/2008 04:52:29 ‹The Last Rogue› :)
27/02/2008 04:52:30 ‹James Jacobs› There'll be more info about Green and Red pretty soon. Pathfinder #14 soon, in fact...
27/02/2008 04:52:35 ‹Blazej› http://www.threepanelsoul.com/...mes.jpg
27/02/2008 04:52:41 ‹Blazej› Cube!
27/02/2008 04:52:41 ‹ErikMona› I know, I know. :)
27/02/2008 04:52:42 ‹ErikMona› How about this: Clone more Last Rogues!
27/02/2008 04:52:43 ‹ErikMona› )
27/02/2008 04:52:46 ‹ErikMona› :)
27/02/2008 04:52:49 ‹Watcher› I added a GmaMastery subscription I am doing my part!
27/02/2008 04:52:50 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› James Jacobs: Hooray!
27/02/2008 04:52:51 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Any adventures tba in the next few days taking place on the Green and Red?
27/02/2008 04:52:51 ‹Moth› James, Erik; these “side trek” style adventures in Second Darkness AP – want me to write one for you? …… ~crickets chirping~ …… Or more seriously, who is going to be writing them? The main adventure author for that issue?
27/02/2008 04:52:53 ‹The Last Rogue› How f'ing sweet would that be!
27/02/2008 04:52:58 ‹Daigle› Umm
27/02/2008 04:53:04 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› ErikMona: I have all of your subscriptions! What more do you need? :P
27/02/2008 04:53:19 ‹Daigle› Clone more me's, Rogue already tried to bail once. ;)
27/02/2008 04:53:20 ‹The Last Rogue› Wait, even better clone more Monas
27/02/2008 04:53:22 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› as I've said before...boo to the side treks...
27/02/2008 04:53:26 ‹ErikMona› Chef Lilith is AOK
27/02/2008 04:53:26 ‹Daigle› Yes!
27/02/2008 04:53:38 ‹ErikMona› Last> I'd like that.
27/02/2008 04:53:45 ‹ErikMona› That would really help things at the office, I think.
27/02/2008 04:53:49 ‹The Last Rogue› So would the ladies . . .;) rar!
27/02/2008 04:54:04 ‹James Jacobs› Moth> The side treck style adventures will, eventually, be gathered via an Open Call. I'm not quite sure how we'll be going about that... but yes. Eventually, the short adventures in Pathfinder will be a way for aspiring authors to get in print.
27/02/2008 04:54:21 ‹The Last Rogue› Sweet JJ, super sweet!
27/02/2008 04:54:25 ‹Pygon› very nice
27/02/2008 04:54:28 ‹Moth› James: cool!
27/02/2008 04:54:30 ‹Daigle› Rockin'
27/02/2008 04:54:32 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Nope. No new adventure stuff planned for Red or Green anytime soon.
27/02/2008 04:54:35 ‹Nicolas Logue› Erik, I'm so psyched you are returned to the realm of the living my man!
27/02/2008 04:54:42 ‹Nicolas Logue› It's awesome having you on the chat again!
27/02/2008 04:54:46 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› ErikMona, are you ready to start reading more Wondrous Items? :P
27/02/2008 04:54:56 ‹Majuba› Sounds like a decent consolation prize for top 4 non winners in the next RPG Superstar
27/02/2008 04:55:07 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› ErikMona: yes, we've missed you tons in the chat! :thug:
27/02/2008 04:55:08 * Mad Geologist posts a CHAT SIGNAL on the Paizo boards....
27/02/2008 04:55:22 ‹The Last Rogue› ON that note, I must retire. . .I am neck deep in reading the horror that is "The Skinsaw Murders"
27/02/2008 04:55:23 ‹Daigle› Totally
27/02/2008 04:55:30 ‹The Last Rogue› This Pett fellow is onto something!
27/02/2008 04:55:34 ‹The Last Rogue› bye
27/02/2008 04:55:35 ‹James Jacobs› The main author for the issue will NOT be writing Pathfinder's side adventures, with the exception of the one in Pathfinder 16, which Wes is writing early to give us a template on how they look. After that... I'd rather see them written mostly by new authors, to be honest. Or authors, at least, who haven't had a big adventure published by us.
27/02/2008 04:55:36 ‹Daigle› Have a kick ass night Rogue!
27/02/2008 04:55:36 ‹Blazej› Goodnight The Last Rogue!
27/02/2008 04:55:38 ‹Pygon› gnite Rogue
27/02/2008 04:55:45 ‹ErikMona› Nick> You're not as psyched as I am!
27/02/2008 04:55:48 ‹Moth› see you Rogue
27/02/2008 04:55:49 ‹Rambling Scribe› GNight TLR
27/02/2008 04:55:54 ‹Nicolas Logue› Enjoy your sub-standard limey produced adventure Last Rogue!
27/02/2008 04:55:56 ‹ErikMona› Takasi> AIEEEEEEEEE!
27/02/2008 04:55:57 ‹Nicolas Logue› :D
04:56:03 * The Last Rogue quit
27/02/2008 04:56:03 ‹Nicolas Logue› Ha!
27/02/2008 04:56:08 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› James Jacobs, oh oh. Me Me!
27/02/2008 04:56:15 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› I wanna write one!
27/02/2008 04:56:27 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: Get Boomer (RPG finalist) to write a couple of the side-treks...:D
27/02/2008 04:56:34 ‹Daigle› Who doesn't?
27/02/2008 04:56:37 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› here's a winner: Goggles of Item Approval
27/02/2008 04:56:39 ‹James Jacobs› We gotta give poor Erik some time to catch his breath! So he can run that Age of Worms game again, so Tyralandi can continue conquering Greyhawk's Social Scene!
27/02/2008 04:56:41 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› would save you a lot of time :P
27/02/2008 04:56:41 ‹ErikMona› Yeah, James. Boomer is great.
27/02/2008 04:57:00 ‹James Jacobs› Boomer, eh? (writes name down>
27/02/2008 04:57:09 * Daigle laughs
27/02/2008 04:57:16 ‹Nicolas Logue› Boomer is the man! AND: HE'S A CABBAGE NOW!
27/02/2008 04:57:20 ‹Moth› heard of him?
27/02/2008 04:57:22 ‹Nicolas Logue› Boomer...now extra leafy.
27/02/2008 04:57:29 ‹Daigle› Yep! Werd!
27/02/2008 04:57:32 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› OK, aren't you a little afraid these Side Treks are going to be criticized for feeling like they're just tacked on, especially if they're written by someone else who has no idea what's going on in the AP?
27/02/2008 04:57:38 ‹James Jacobs› Wait. Isn't Boomer a Cylon?
27/02/2008 04:57:41 ‹Rambling Scribe› Isn't boomer a chick from BSG?
27/02/2008 04:57:46 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› Nicolas Logue: We have bit a few this month...*nom nom nom*
27/02/2008 04:57:47 ‹Moth› Yes! She IS!
27/02/2008 04:57:48 ‹ErikMona› BY YOUR COMMAND
27/02/2008 04:58:08 ‹Pygon› Boomer was the dog in Independence Day, you doofs.
27/02/2008 04:58:16 ‹Moth› This just in: Takasi doesn't like the side treks idea. ;-)
27/02/2008 04:58:19 ‹Majuba› nono, Boomer is a flying demon lord from the abyss
27/02/2008 04:58:32 ‹Moth› and a sorcerer
27/02/2008 04:58:45 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› is that Pazuzu... Pazuzu... Pazuzu?
27/02/2008 04:58:48 ‹Nicolas Logue› Boomer is all those things and soooo much more!
27/02/2008 04:59:02 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› it's filler, I'd rather see beefier gazetteer articles
27/02/2008 04:59:09 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› they have more replay value
27/02/2008 04:59:13 * Mad Geologist quit (timeout)
27/02/2008 04:59:19 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> I'm afraid of a LOT of stuff about Pathfinder, to be honest. But that's not one of them. The side adventures will not be written by folks who know nothing. When I approve one of these adventures to be written, that author will be brought "on board" and will have access to whatever he/she needs to make the adventure work. AND THEN: It'll be devloped by me or Wes, which will MAKE it fit!
27/02/2008 04:59:25 ‹Rambling Scribe› :coffee:
27/02/2008 04:59:32 ‹James Jacobs› Lord knows I've had to MAKE some of the adventures we've already published fit!
27/02/2008 04:59:53 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› And how is that going to save you any time? Whatever, we'll see how it works
27/02/2008 05:00:16 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› I like side treks. It'll bring back some of the good old Dungeon feel.
27/02/2008 05:00:26 * Watcher points out to Takasi that after a while that poor dead horse is just going to turn to dust
27/02/2008 05:00:33 ‹Wyvern› Indeed, I agree.
27/02/2008 05:00:42 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› I think the Side Treks are a good idea.
27/02/2008 05:00:50 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> This isn't something designed to save anyone time. It's something designed to make Pathfinder more useful to more readers. It's also something designed to make the parts of Pathfinder easier on us to process.
27/02/2008 05:00:53 * Moth changes his/her nickname to Dead Horse
27/02/2008 05:00:56 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Can we have a side trek about an undead werehorse :P
27/02/2008 05:01:02 * Dead Horse changes his/her nickname to Dust
27/02/2008 05:01:10 ‹Watcher› see?
27/02/2008 05:01:12 ‹Daigle› Takasi - done!
27/02/2008 05:01:12 ‹James Jacobs› Developing a 50 page adventrue, for example, is a LOT more work than developing a 40 page one.
27/02/2008 05:01:15 ‹Watcher› I told you!
27/02/2008 05:01:23 * Dust changes his/her nickname to Mothman
27/02/2008 05:01:32 * Daigle starts scribbling
27/02/2008 05:01:54 ‹Hill Giant› Mothman --> Dead horse --> Dust --> Mothman. It's the cycle of life
27/02/2008 05:02:02 ‹Mothman› yup
27/02/2008 05:02:07 ‹ErikMona› Ok, so now that the world is basically designed, can I answer any questions about it?
27/02/2008 05:02:18 ‹Mothman› Yes! Is it round?
27/02/2008 05:02:20 ‹Nicolas Logue› SPOILERS!
27/02/2008 05:02:24 ‹Nicolas Logue› Spoiler-licous!
27/02/2008 05:02:29 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Language of Qadira?
27/02/2008 05:02:35 ‹ErikMona› It _IS_ round.
27/02/2008 05:02:37 ‹ErikMona› Kelesh.
27/02/2008 05:02:39 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Here's a question about simulationism in Golarion, are there 'zones' in the world that are clearly more dangerous than others?
27/02/2008 05:02:44 ‹Hill Giant› Erik: How many continents?
27/02/2008 05:02:45 ‹ErikMona› Yes.
27/02/2008 05:02:49 ‹ErikMona› 8
27/02/2008 05:02:50 ‹Daigle› Where would a good bayou analog be?
27/02/2008 05:02:55 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› World Wound!
27/02/2008 05:02:59 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› Tell me more!
27/02/2008 05:03:07 ‹Mothman› What is "Australia" called?
27/02/2008 05:03:13 ‹ErikMona› Probably somewhere along the coast of Cheliax or Andoran.
27/02/2008 05:03:18 ‹ErikMona› Saurusan
27/02/2008 05:03:21 ‹ErikMona› Sorry.
27/02/2008 05:03:24 ‹ErikMona› Sarusan
27/02/2008 05:03:32 ‹Watcher› Erik, will you touch upon the StarStone, and Iomedae's ascension in the Gazeteer?
27/02/2008 05:03:39 ‹ErikMona› But there's almost nothing about it in the book.
27/02/2008 05:03:41 ‹Mad Geologist› Erik is Golarion earth sized, larger, smaller, and how many das in the year? IS there a sun, or is it some portal to an elemental plane?
27/02/2008 05:03:42 ‹Majuba› Any direct Germany analog?
27/02/2008 05:03:43 ‹ErikMona› Yes. Lots.
27/02/2008 05:03:54 ‹Mothman› Not Saransan then? ;-)
27/02/2008 05:03:58 ‹ErikMona› Earth sized. 365 days a year. It orbits a star.
27/02/2008 05:04:10 ‹Mothman› third planet from said sun?
27/02/2008 05:04:11 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› 365 days leaves 5 extra days on the Calendar...
27/02/2008 05:04:18 ‹Chef Lilith is AFK› ErikMona: ACK! Your 365 days of year is EVIL!
27/02/2008 05:04:25 ‹ErikMona› No direct german analogue.
27/02/2008 05:04:26 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Places where Zon-Kuthon worship is prevelant?
27/02/2008 05:04:27 ‹Mad Geologist› :lol:
27/02/2008 05:04:29 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› You broke Lilith's calendars!
27/02/2008 05:04:35 ‹Daigle› Cycle of years zodiac or cycle of months?
27/02/2008 05:04:46 ‹ErikMona› I am not sure if it is the third planet or not.
27/02/2008 05:04:53 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› are there any current wars?
27/02/2008 05:05:02 ‹Mothman› Highest mountain? Deepest Sea?
27/02/2008 05:05:07 ‹ErikMona› I don't believe we've worked out all of the zodiac details yet.
27/02/2008 05:05:24 ‹Daigle› I figured both
27/02/2008 05:05:25 * Chef Lilith is AFK weeps at the calendrical destruction the Mona has caused.
27/02/2008 05:05:38 ‹Watcher› Was there a culture that had flying cities, or was there only one flying city? (referring to upcoming GM module, Crucible of Chaos)
27/02/2008 05:05:42 ‹James Jacobs› Mhar Massif in the Kodars is certainly in the top 4 tallest mountains...
27/02/2008 05:05:49 ‹ErikMona› Zon-Kuthon is VERY closely associated with the shadowy kingdom of Nidal, which is a thrall of Cheliax. It is on the west coast of Avistan, quite a distance south of Varisia.
27/02/2008 05:06:01 ‹Mothman› How widespread is the language Common - spoken all over the world? Just one or two continents?
27/02/2008 05:06:07 ‹ErikMona› There are at least three "hot" wars.
27/02/2008 05:06:12 ‹Daigle› Nice
27/02/2008 05:06:27 ‹Nicolas Logue› I love hot wars.
27/02/2008 05:06:29 ‹ErikMona› One between Molthune and Nirmathas on the opposite side of the Bloodsworn Vale from Varisia.
27/02/2008 05:06:45 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› these words, what do they mean? :)
27/02/2008 05:06:51 ‹Majuba› Is Cheliax the biggest empire?
27/02/2008 05:07:08 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I recognize Bloodsworn and Varisia, can you tell us a little about Molthune and Nirmathas?
27/02/2008 05:07:12 ‹ErikMona› One that pits colonists against jungle natives on the southern continent of Garund, and one that is the fourth in a long series of crusades against a nation infested with demons in a region of warped magic called the Worldwound.
27/02/2008 05:07:16 ‹James Jacobs› This is awesome. I'm just sitting here watching. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
27/02/2008 05:07:27 ‹Mad Geologist› Erik Mona: How was Golarion formed? Geological processes, deities making it, some other means, or as yet unknown?
27/02/2008 05:07:32 ‹ErikMona› There was a whole culture of flying cities. Looooooong dead.
27/02/2008 05:07:34 ‹Daigle› Liking the break there, James?
27/02/2008 05:07:48 ‹James Jacobs› I'm actually thinking of going to get some dinner even!
27/02/2008 05:07:49 ‹Ross Byers @ homework› I demand knowledge of the broken calendar!
27/02/2008 05:07:50 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› James Jacobs, what is your opinion of weredinosaurs? :P
27/02/2008 05:07:59 * Chef Lilith is AFK gives James Jacobs some of her Chili Pie.
27/02/2008 05:08:00 ‹James Jacobs› Weredinosaurs = awesome.
27/02/2008 05:08:00 ‹ErikMona› Common is spoken largely in the Inner Sea region, which is the focus of the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting (at least for now).
27/02/2008 05:08:12 * Chef Lilith is AFK changes his/her nickname to Serving Wench Lilith
27/02/2008 05:08:29 ‹Daigle› What about mind-controlling pteradon/woman hybrids?
27/02/2008 05:08:34 ‹Serving Wench Lilith› ErikMona: Tian Xia?
27/02/2008 05:08:34 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Any info on Vudra in the Gazetteer?
27/02/2008 05:08:35 ‹Hill Giant› What is the Inner Sea in?
27/02/2008 05:08:36 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: How many different species of Shoggoths are there going to feature in Pathfinder in the end?
27/02/2008 05:08:48 ‹ErikMona› Molthune is a former vassal of Cheliax that broke free when the imperial heartland embraced diabolism. Nirmathas is a heavily forested renegade region with lots of angry rangers.
27/02/2008 05:09:18 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Oh and question for Dr Jacobs: Is the monk iconic from Vudra?
27/02/2008 05:09:20 ‹Daigle› Molthune sounds fun.
27/02/2008 05:09:21 ‹James Jacobs› Mad Geo> There's only shoggoths so far. We're trying to keep the Lovecraft stuff on a tight leash. It's really difficult for me to do that.
27/02/2008 05:09:22 ‹ErikMona› Mad Geologist> Lots of people believe the gods created Golarion, but the planet is millions of years old and was created by SCIENCE!
27/02/2008 05:09:25 ‹ErikMona› :)
27/02/2008 05:09:27 ‹James Jacobs› The iconic monk is indeed from Vudra.
27/02/2008 05:09:32 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Woot!
27/02/2008 05:09:35 ‹Serving Wench Lilith› James Jacobs: Next iconic to be written up?
27/02/2008 05:09:36 ‹James Jacobs› Daigle> Those are hot.
27/02/2008 05:09:38 ‹Daigle› Yes!!!
27/02/2008 05:09:41 ‹Watcher› Atheist cultures? And how do they survive in a deist world?
27/02/2008 05:09:48 ‹Daigle› I love science!
27/02/2008 05:09:58 ‹ErikMona› Tian Xia is not within the focus area of the Inner Sea region, but it gets plenty of mentions.
27/02/2008 05:10:09 ‹Pygon› Watcher - with bards? :)
27/02/2008 05:10:12 * Sir Wulf joins Main
27/02/2008 05:10:12 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› How much power do the gods have over the world, and how has this power waxed and waned over the years if at all?
27/02/2008 05:10:19 ‹Mad Geologist› Erik Mona: So if I look carefully, I can find subduction zones, Continental rifting, fold/thrust belts, etc.
27/02/2008 05:10:21 ‹Serving Wench Lilith› Sir Wulf! :glomp:
27/02/2008 05:10:28 ‹Watcher› :)
27/02/2008 05:10:29 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Far Realm?
27/02/2008 05:10:29 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› any specific examples of divine intervention in world shaping?
27/02/2008 05:10:34 ‹ErikMona› Vudra is in the same category, but there is a bit more on it because there is an island nation off Garund's east coast called Jalmeray that is essentially an outpost of Vudra on the inner sea.
27/02/2008 05:10:49 ‹James Jacobs› Next iconic to be written up is the monk. But the problem there is we also have the sketch for the barbarian in, and she's SUPER AWESOME and I already have her backstory all planned out in my head but to get to her... I have to figure out what to do with this monk. And whatever kind of weapon that is he's got.
27/02/2008 05:11:04 ‹James Jacobs› Mad Geo> Yeah... that's the hope.
27/02/2008 05:11:04 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: Did the Aboleth create the drow as wel, or do they come from *somewhere else*?
27/02/2008 05:11:07 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› The sword he has looks like a kopesh...
27/02/2008 05:11:17 ‹ErikMona› There is indeed an "athiest" nation that was riven by religious conflict in the past and now outlaws matters of faith.
27/02/2008 05:11:18 ‹Nicolas Logue› VUDRA ROCKETH!
27/02/2008 05:11:24 ‹James Jacobs› Drow came from somewhere else. That secret won't be revealed until Second Darkness releases.
27/02/2008 05:11:42 ‹Rambling Scribe› Sir Wulf! Hi!
27/02/2008 05:11:51 ‹Pygon› is the entire world detailed or a region of it?
27/02/2008 05:11:52 ‹ErikMona› Mad> Well, ideally, but we are not geologists so I am sure there are a ton of errors in this regard.
27/02/2008 05:11:54 ‹Daigle› What's up Wulf!!
27/02/2008 05:11:56 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I think the 'secular' nation is listed in PF1 IIRC
27/02/2008 05:11:58 ‹Nicolas Logue› SIR WULF IN THE HIZZIE!
27/02/2008 05:12:04 ‹Nicolas Logue› ANOTHER CABBAGE AMONG US!
27/02/2008 05:12:04 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, do the Drow tie in with the mystery of where the elves went, or is it a seperate mystery?
27/02/2008 05:12:13 ‹ErikMona› Takasi> The death of the god Aroden about a century ago is probably the defining moment of the current age.
27/02/2008 05:12:17 ‹James Jacobs› Evil Genius> So far... Our "far realm" is called Leng.
27/02/2008 05:12:21 * janxious joins Main
27/02/2008 05:12:22 ‹Daigle› The patch is strong tonight!
27/02/2008 05:12:28 ‹ErikMona› Sort of the 9/11 of Golarion, if you will excuse the metaphor.
27/02/2008 05:12:29 ‹Serving Wench Lilith› Daigle: It is! :D
27/02/2008 05:12:37 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Nice! Any other info on the planes?
27/02/2008 05:12:43 ‹ErikMona› Pygeon> A region of it.
27/02/2008 05:12:48 ‹Pygon› ok thanks
27/02/2008 05:12:53 ‹James Jacobs› The planes?
27/02/2008 05:12:54 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› How did Aroden die?
27/02/2008 05:13:03 ‹ErikMona› Not too much on the planes in this one.
27/02/2008 05:13:07 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Where the angels and demons and such come from?
27/02/2008 05:13:08 ‹ErikMona› No one knows how Aroden died.
27/02/2008 05:13:09 ‹James Jacobs› Daemons come from the plane Abaddon.
27/02/2008 05:13:17 ‹Serving Wench Lilith› Daemons! :squee:
27/02/2008 05:13:17 ‹James Jacobs› Angels come from Heaven. Demons from the Abyss.
27/02/2008 05:13:19 ‹Mad Geologist› Erik Mona: Is lava going to be 'real lava' rather than the cappacino temperature stuff that some games seem to feature?
27/02/2008 05:13:29 ‹ErikMona› But he did it on the eve of his manifestation in Cheliax to kick off a new Golden Age of humanity.
27/02/2008 05:13:39 ‹Mr. Evil Genius› Daemons! Sweet.
27/02/2008 05:13:46 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I take it that didn't go over very well, Erik?
27/02/2008 05:13:46 ‹ErikMona› Instead, he died, his clerics lost their powers, and Golarion was wracked by three weeks of storms.
27/02/2008 05:13:48 * Stegger joins Main
27/02/2008 05:14:03 ‹Blazej› Golarion? All of it?
27/02/2008 05:14:11 ‹James Jacobs› We can make our lava as hot as we need to.
27/02/2008 05:14:22 ‹James Jacobs› WEIRD TRIVIA NOTE: Lava is NOT hot enough to melt rock!
27/02/2008 05:14:24 ‹ErikMona› This caused the collapse of the Chelish government, which allowed the diabolists to sieze control (after a bloody civi

March 4th 2008
03:56:42 * James Jacobs joins Main
05/03/2008 03:56:51 ‹Blazej› Hmm... Wizards of the Coast is coming to my Career Day.
05/03/2008 03:56:53 ‹Daigle› Howdy Dr Jacobs
05/03/2008 03:56:55 ‹Somber Pygon› welcome James!
05/03/2008 03:56:56 ‹Saracenus› weclome JJ
05/03/2008 03:57:01 ‹Blazej› Hello.
05/03/2008 03:57:04 ‹James Jacobs› Hey there, everyone!
05/03/2008 03:57:08 ‹Charles Evans› I note that instead of a product today, Lisa Stevens has posted a tribute to Gary Gygax at the head of the Paizo store page.
05/03/2008 03:57:19 ‹Turin the Mad› o/ Sir Jacobs
05/03/2008 03:57:20 ‹B.A.› JJ
05/03/2008 03:57:23 ‹Charles Evans› Good evening James Jacobs.
05/03/2008 03:57:27 ‹B.A.› Hoody Hoo!!!
05/03/2008 03:57:39 ‹James Jacobs› Yup. We also have a bit about Gary on our blog for today.
05/03/2008 03:57:56 * B.A. changes his/her nickname to DMcCoy1693
05/03/2008 03:58:03 * Crazy Pete quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 03:58:04 ‹Russ› Hey James. I saw both. Thank you.
05/03/2008 03:58:07 ‹Saracenus› This video was dedicated to Gary by a Salon.com columnist that elugized him... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...s6YQR9A
05/03/2008 03:58:17 ‹Ross› It is unfortunate that not even true ressurection can revive one whose time had come.
05/03/2008 03:58:26 ‹Russ› Reincarnation!
05/03/2008 03:58:27 ‹The Jade› Hi James.
05/03/2008 03:58:40 ‹Ross› Russ, but then how would we know it was him?
05/03/2008 03:58:55 ‹Ross› The Dalai Lama has been pulling that one for a long time.
05/03/2008 03:59:04 ‹Ross› It takes them so long just to track the guy down!
05/03/2008 03:59:04 ‹Sad Lilith› JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMES!
05/03/2008 03:59:08 * Sad Lilith runs n' glomps James Jacobs
05/03/2008 03:59:15 ‹Wyvern› Hey James
05/03/2008 03:59:19 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacons: I don't think that it would look a knee-jerk reaction from Paizo, so will there be a dedication to gary Gygax in any upcoming rpoducts?
05/03/2008 03:59:23 ‹Koldoon› heya James
05/03/2008 03:59:27 ‹Crazy Pete› Jimmy J!
05/03/2008 03:59:33 * Saracenus passes out some :beer: for the wake
05/03/2008 03:59:34 ‹Russ› I imagine Samarkand Solution will have one
05/03/2008 03:59:37 * tensor joins Main
05/03/2008 03:59:43 ‹The Last Rogue› Koldoon, long time no see
05/03/2008 03:59:46 ‹The Last Rogue› how are you?
05/03/2008 03:59:47 ‹The Jade› Hi Tensor
05/03/2008 03:59:56 ‹Russ› His last book. That's so sad.
05/03/2008 04:00:03 ‹Russ› (the one referenced in the store news)
05/03/2008 04:00:04 ‹The Jade› Hey, hi everyone I didn't say hi to directly. There's a lot of you.
05/03/2008 04:00:04 ‹tensor› hey Jade
05/03/2008 04:00:14 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> Yeah. We'll be dedicating something to him in addition to printing Samarkand and his last novel.
05/03/2008 04:00:21 ‹Daigle› This place get's hoppin' 'round this time.
05/03/2008 04:00:26 ‹Wyvern› Heya Jade
05/03/2008 04:00:30 * Charles Evans passes Turin a :cthulhu:.
05/03/2008 04:00:32 ‹Ask a Shoanti in Mourning› Oh sure - an indirect "Hi"
05/03/2008 04:00:33 ‹Turin the Mad› indeed Jade - even some familiar forumites from various posts :)
05/03/2008 04:00:45 ‹James Jacobs› But yeah... a dedication to him seems appropriate. I'll probably say something about him in Pathfinder 9's foreword, since that's the one I'm working on right now.
05/03/2008 04:00:45 ‹DMcCoy1693› JJ - nice
05/03/2008 04:00:48 ‹Turin the Mad› mmm .... Cthulhukibble ... :raptor:
05/03/2008 04:01:01 * Russ will dedicate Monday's session to the fallen
05/03/2008 04:01:19 ‹Somber Pygon› speaking of which, I believe the first PF 7 pre-ship emails went out today!
05/03/2008 04:01:23 ‹tensor› Saracenus: what does that video have to do with gygax?
05/03/2008 04:01:29 ‹Turin the Mad› got mine Pygon
05/03/2008 04:01:34 ‹tensor› I have seen that one before.
05/03/2008 04:01:38 ‹Crazy Pete› Got Mine
05/03/2008 04:01:49 ‹Sad Lilith› That's a heckuva tribute to Mr Gygax from Lisa. Kudos
05/03/2008 04:01:58 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: I take it that the sombre black decor is as a mark of respect?
05/03/2008 04:02:07 ‹The Jade› Thanks, wyv. :)
05/03/2008 04:02:13 ‹Russ› Tensor - everything, if you think about it
05/03/2008 04:02:18 ‹Saracenus› http://www.salon.com/tech/htww...ex.html
05/03/2008 04:02:33 ‹Russ› Pygon> Yes, the pre-ship mails went out, and the 15% discount wasn't applied. Bah! :)
05/03/2008 04:02:38 ‹Saracenus› Tensor, it is in the context of the obit/rememberence for Gary there
05/03/2008 04:02:38 ‹James Jacobs› PF7 is in our warehouse, along with Korvosa and the Harrow deck. I suspect they're all shipping out now. Not NOW, of course, but this week.
05/03/2008 04:02:42 ‹Sad Lilith› Charles Evans: It is.
05/03/2008 04:02:57 ‹Ross› Russ, 15% discount doesn't start till the 10th.
05/03/2008 04:03:04 ‹Russ› Ah, got it.
05/03/2008 04:03:10 ‹Ask a Shoanti in Mourning› I have enjoyed the Gygax tributes and individual board posts
05/03/2008 04:03:12 ‹Sad Lilith› James Jacobs: Sweet! This means I can get some harrow practice in for PaizoCon! :woot:
05/03/2008 04:03:20 ‹Russ› A bit annoying that two products are getting tossed in before it starts, then, oh well
05/03/2008 04:03:25 ‹Russ› Timing :)
05/03/2008 04:03:29 ‹James Jacobs› That would have happened no matter what.
05/03/2008 04:03:40 ‹James Jacobs› Products shipping before the discount applies.
05/03/2008 04:03:49 ‹James Jacobs› My name's ORANGE this time!
05/03/2008 04:04:01 ‹Turin the Mad› 'sides Russ, I think we're getting 30% as PF subscribers anywy
05/03/2008 04:04:07 ‹The Jade› Orange you glad he didn't say banana?
05/03/2008 04:04:18 ‹Russ› yeah, but if PF #7 had shipped on time, two of those wouldn't have shipped until the end of this month :)
05/03/2008 04:04:29 ‹Sad Lilith› James Jacobs is as red as Korvosa's throne for me. :)
05/03/2008 04:04:36 ‹Daigle› Red here too
05/03/2008 04:04:37 ‹Turin the Mad› I see you as burple Sir Jacobs
05/03/2008 04:04:44 ‹Ross› Russ, I know. My monthy bill was over $80 this month. 15% of 80 is a lot.
05/03/2008 04:04:45 ‹Russ› Red here
05/03/2008 04:04:47 ‹Atrocious› Nay, it be green!
05/03/2008 04:04:52 ‹DMcCoy1693› Dark purple for me
05/03/2008 04:04:53 ‹Russ› $100 here
05/03/2008 04:04:58 * Sad Lilith whispers it's different for everybody.
05/03/2008 04:05:02 ‹Crazy Pete› BLUE!
05/03/2008 04:05:06 ‹Russ› $92.82 I guess
05/03/2008 04:05:20 ‹Russ› But it'd only be 15% off the non-PF, non-shipping, non-Planet Stories part
05/03/2008 04:05:21 ‹Hill Giant› Orange: http://cyncyn.com/audio/Orange.mp3
05/03/2008 04:05:45 ‹Russ› the 15% was making me feel better about buying the map folio
05/03/2008 04:06:14 ‹Turin the Mad› wait until next week to do any ordering - I've got a few dozen baby vorpal rabbits to get and pile up around the big one
05/03/2008 04:06:18 ‹Russ› But I'll enjoy once I get my Runelords campaign rolling
05/03/2008 04:06:40 * RETH-Mog quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:06:40 * RETH-Mog quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:07:56 * Crazy Pete whips out the 8-Tracks to play "Rollin' with My Homies" for Russ.
05/03/2008 04:08:03 ‹The Jade› I leave the room for a minute and I come back to a game of twister. What's with the colors?
05/03/2008 04:08:05 * Moonlion joins Main
05/03/2008 04:08:21 ‹The Jade› ROAR (translation... hey moonlion)
05/03/2008 04:08:32 ‹Moonlion› Good evening! :)
05/03/2008 04:08:39 * MetalMaiden quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:08:56 ‹Moonlion› Don't talk all at once!
05/03/2008 04:08:57 ‹James Jacobs› Moonlion! WE MEET AGAIN! <narrows eyes>
05/03/2008 04:09:06 ‹Moonlion› /narrows eyes
05/03/2008 04:09:20 * Somber Pygon switches the camera back and forth between them
05/03/2008 04:09:21 ‹Crazy Pete› Monkeybutt!
05/03/2008 04:09:26 ‹Ross› James, what is Paizo's opinion on point buy vs dice?
05/03/2008 04:09:42 * Samwise joins Main
05/03/2008 04:09:44 ‹James Jacobs› Paizo's? Dice are better. Now go to paizo.com and buy some!
05/03/2008 04:09:52 ‹Russ› they certainly like standard array and hp in PF
05/03/2008 04:09:54 ‹Ross› I did!
05/03/2008 04:09:57 ‹DMcCoy1693› :lol:
05/03/2008 04:10:01 ‹Sad Lilith› Dice is win!
05/03/2008 04:10:17 * Samwise returns
05/03/2008 04:10:17 ‹Turin the Mad› dice ftw
05/03/2008 04:10:17 ‹Ross› You're sending me a pound o' dice.
05/03/2008 04:10:19 ‹DMcCoy1693› James: What do you guys use in your office game?
05/03/2008 04:10:30 ‹Somber Pygon› how are you feeling about what's coming out of DnDXP James?
05/03/2008 04:10:30 ‹Moonlion› They're both fine--it's personal preference, I tells ya!
05/03/2008 04:10:35 ‹Russ› Hello again Sam
05/03/2008 04:10:50 ‹Samwise› yo Russ
05/03/2008 04:10:51 ‹James Jacobs› My personal opinion is that building character ability scores with dice is fun, but there's always one player at the table who pooches the dice and gets an iron lung patient. So in my latest home game, I think I made people go point buy to keep everyone honest.
05/03/2008 04:11:08 * tensor quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:11:09 ‹Saracenus› Yep, there you go
05/03/2008 04:11:14 ‹Saracenus› Diceless
05/03/2008 04:11:16 ‹Turin the Mad› lol, but the pooched characters can be so much fun
05/03/2008 04:11:17 ‹James Jacobs› In the Age of Worms game, I think we used 4d6, drop the lowest.
05/03/2008 04:11:21 ‹Wyvern› Blasphemy
05/03/2008 04:11:31 ‹Saracenus› James is going to rock, paper, scissors for stats :razz:
05/03/2008 04:11:37 ‹James Jacobs› Least favorite: 3d6, roll in order
05/03/2008 04:11:45 ‹Somber Pygon› we can attest to that :)
05/03/2008 04:11:47 ‹Moonlion› The advantage of point is that people can make their characters away from the table at their leisure w/o someone calling BS on "lucky" die rolls.
05/03/2008 04:11:47 ‹James Jacobs› That's a good method to roll up a dirt farmer.
05/03/2008 04:11:54 ‹Koldoon› that's my usual model. If the campaign is particularly dangerous I have the players reroll ones.
05/03/2008 04:11:57 ‹Somber Pygon› we get more farmers and horse guards here than anything, and lots and lots of rogues
05/03/2008 04:11:58 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: There has been further recent discussion including brickbats & bouquets on the 'Cthulhu in my Golarion' thread I believe, and I was wondering how up to date you are on that?
05/03/2008 04:12:05 ‹Turin the Mad› UA 1e - those were fun
05/03/2008 04:12:09 ‹Ross› The harrow deck comes with stat instructions, right?
05/03/2008 04:12:13 ‹James Jacobs› What the hell are brickbats & bouquets?
05/03/2008 04:12:26 ‹Takasi in Black› back, I missed 496 messages
05/03/2008 04:12:27 ‹Charles Evans› Complaints & praises.
05/03/2008 04:12:38 ‹James Jacobs› OH! Yeah. I'm up to date, I believe, on that thread.
05/03/2008 04:12:56 ‹DMcCoy1693› Takasi - let me explain, no there is to much, let me sum up.
05/03/2008 04:13:01 ‹Charles Evans› Someone had been wondering if 'Leng' was a step too far, I believe.
05/03/2008 04:13:16 ‹James Jacobs› It's good to see that most folk are open to including Lovecraftian elements. It seemed to work well enough in 1st edition, with things like ghasts and aboleths and mind flayers, for example.
05/03/2008 04:13:26 ‹Turin the Mad› Leng rawked
05/03/2008 04:13:34 * The Jade quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:13:35 ‹Russ› Yeah, but those are all psuedo-Lovecraft
05/03/2008 04:13:44 ‹Russ› I don't mind myself
05/03/2008 04:13:45 ‹James Jacobs› Leng might be a step too far. I don't think it is, but it's certainly a step beyond just putting in monsters.
05/03/2008 04:13:49 ‹Turin the Mad› and the hillbilly ogres and giants ... I can't wait to sicc those on some players
05/03/2008 04:13:54 ‹James Jacobs› Ghasts are pure Lovecraft, actaully.
05/03/2008 04:13:56 ‹Saracenus› I have to say, I am impressed at the broad reach Gary and D&D have had... I have seen tributes to him on Forbes.com, The National Review, and Salon.com... not to mention the electronic gaming press
05/03/2008 04:13:57 ‹Turin the Mad› yup
05/03/2008 04:14:12 ‹Moonlion› And the BBC!
05/03/2008 04:14:16 ‹Sad Lilith› Saracenus: BBC News, CNet, CNN
05/03/2008 04:14:24 ‹Takasi in Black› we were reading something today, some link from a Gygax tribute, that talks about the word orc coming directly from Orcus
05/03/2008 04:14:35 ‹Hill Giant› Electronic gaming owes a lot to Gygax, even if it is indirectly
05/03/2008 04:14:49 ‹Moonlion› Aye.
05/03/2008 04:14:59 ‹James Jacobs› Ross> The harrow deck does not come with stat instructions, no. It's a fortune telling device, like the Tarroka deck was for Ravenloft. It's also a card game. I suspect stat building methods will come soon enough.
05/03/2008 04:15:01 ‹Russ› I was looking into that, and that seems like is misleading
05/03/2008 04:15:17 ‹Saracenus› Hill Giant> Its not indirect, they would not exist today in the way they do without D&D blazing the trail
05/03/2008 04:15:21 ‹Russ› Orc is generally thought to come from orcus, but that's not Tolkien's attribution
05/03/2008 04:15:24 ‹DMcCoy1693› indirectly, hell, WoW and all 1st person shooters are direct inspired by Gygax
05/03/2008 04:15:26 ‹tensor› Saracenus: I read the salon article. It makes sense now. I like the sentiment that there is a gygaxian overtone built into the infrastructure of the internet.
05/03/2008 04:15:44 ‹Hill Giant› Saracenus: Only indirect int hat Gygax himslef wasn't involved
05/03/2008 04:15:46 ‹Saracenus› Cool, I thought you would like it
05/03/2008 04:15:55 * Rambling Scribe joins Main
05/03/2008 04:16:08 ‹tensor› the first time I was in a chat room was in 1987. We talked about DnD. heh.
05/03/2008 04:16:14 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: I think you had posted that you were taking 10 pages out of the Pathfinder adventures from Second Darkness onwards, and devoting pages to 'side treks' that tied into the main story; I remember seeing a reference somewhere that side-treks (or something) might only be eight pages long.
05/03/2008 04:16:38 ‹Takasi in Black› the quote from Tolkien said the word was derived from Orcus
05/03/2008 04:16:43 ‹Charles Evans› Will the side treks be ten pages or eight, and two extra pages fr something else?
05/03/2008 04:16:51 ‹Turin the Mad› think it was 8 pages Sir Charles
05/03/2008 04:16:55 ‹Saracenus› Art and titles Charles
05/03/2008 04:17:15 ‹Turin the Mad› tells me Orcus as a name predates the game
05/03/2008 04:17:23 ‹Russ› "the word is, as far as I am concerned, actually derived from Old English orc 'demon', but only because of its phonetic suitability"[4]
05/03/2008 04:17:32 ‹Russ› yes, of course Orcus predates the game
05/03/2008 04:17:35 ‹Ask a Shoanti in Mourning› Night all - thanks for the group commune on G.Gygax
05/03/2008 04:17:37 ‹James Jacobs› We'll have about 24 pages to devote to things like gazetteers, side-quest adventures, ecologies, deity articles, and all the back-matter stuff. Generally, there'll be 3, each 8 pages long.
05/03/2008 04:17:40 ‹Takasi in Black› Orcus was Etruscan god of the dead, predating Romans
05/03/2008 04:17:42 ‹Russ› "I originally took the word from Old English orc (Beowulf 112 orc-neas and the gloss orc = þyrs ('ogre'), heldeofol ('hell-devil')). This is supposed not to be connected with modern English orc, ork, a name applied to various sea-beasts of the dolphin order."[5]
05/03/2008 04:17:49 ‹Turin the Mad› nn
05/03/2008 04:17:49 ‹James Jacobs› The length will probably vary by a few pages here and there, thoguh.
05/03/2008 04:17:51 ‹Takasi in Black› Romans attributed the name to the 'dark side' of Pluto
05/03/2008 04:18:03 * Ask a Shoanti in Mourning quit
05/03/2008 04:18:09 ‹Russ› The rcus quote: "The word used in translation of Q urko, S orch is Orc. But that is because of the similarity of the ancient English word orc, 'evil spirit or bogey', to the Elvish words. There is possibly no connection between them. The English word is now generally supposed to be derived from Latin Orcus."[
05/03/2008 04:18:28 ‹Russ› and finally: Orc I derived from Anglo-Saxon, a word meaning demon, usually supposed to be derived from the Latin Orcus -- Hell. But I doubt this, though the matter is too involved to set out here". [7]
05/03/2008 04:18:29 * tensor sighs
05/03/2008 04:18:53 ‹James Jacobs› I thought they were called orcs cause that's the sound they make when they eat RAW MEAT.
05/03/2008 04:19:01 ‹Turin the Mad› lol
05/03/2008 04:19:02 ‹James Jacobs› orc orc orc orc orc nom nom nom orc orc
04:19:16 ‹Blazej› Bork?
05/03/2008 04:19:21 ‹Somber Pygon› James: (sorry, reposting) how are you feeling about what's coming out of DnDXP?
05/03/2008 04:19:21 ‹James Jacobs› Bjork?
05/03/2008 04:19:30 * tensor quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:19:30 * tensor quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:19:43 ‹Ross› Were dah Orks! Waaggghhh!
05/03/2008 04:19:44 ‹Ross› Wait.
05/03/2008 04:19:46 ‹Takasi in Black› I think it would be interesting to tie orcs to Orcus, using Orcus as the alter ego of a normally impartial god of the dead
05/03/2008 04:19:50 ‹Ross› That's the wrong orcs.
05/03/2008 04:19:53 ‹DMcCoy1693› James How's the response to the GameMaster Modules rebranding to Pathfinder Modules and the new line of Pathfinder Companions
05/03/2008 04:19:57 ‹James Jacobs› I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and antsy and nervous and curious and SO MUCH MORE about the D&D XP news.
05/03/2008 04:19:59 ‹Blazej› http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/
05/03/2008 04:20:03 ‹Blazej› Bork!
05/03/2008 04:20:05 ‹Turin the Mad› D&D XP ?
05/03/2008 04:20:08 ‹Charles Evans› Takasi: Pluto the deity of the Roman Underworld you mean?
05/03/2008 04:20:09 ‹Turin the Mad› Experience?
05/03/2008 04:20:11 ‹Takasi in Black› perhaps orcs being the souls which will birth the demons that feed Orcus
05/03/2008 04:20:13 ‹Somber Pygon› yes
05/03/2008 04:20:22 ‹Takasi in Black› right Charles
05/03/2008 04:20:28 ‹James Jacobs› DMmCOY> The response seems to be mostly pretty positive to the changes to the module line and the Companions. So far, at least.
05/03/2008 04:20:57 ‹DMcCoy1693› I'm really excited about the companion line
05/03/2008 04:21:04 ‹Takasi in Black› D&D XP info is like drinking from a firehouse after sucking dirt for six months
05/03/2008 04:21:13 ‹DMcCoy1693› I'm just waiting a bit before subscribing
05/03/2008 04:21:14 ‹James Jacobs› HA! it is.
05/03/2008 04:21:20 ‹Takasi in Black› I can't express how much I enjoy the Companion line
05/03/2008 04:21:29 ‹James Jacobs› And I'm not sure yet what flavor is coming out of that firehose. It's too much at once.
05/03/2008 04:21:31 ‹Takasi in Black› that is EXACTLY the type of sandbox support I was looking for
05/03/2008 04:21:31 ‹Ross› Takasi in Black, that wasn't dirt.
05/03/2008 04:21:38 ‹Hill Giant› James Jacobs: How much future stuff is going to be "generic" Gamemastery vs. Pathfinder specific?
05/03/2008 04:21:54 ‹Ross› Takasi in Black, James Jacobs, I would also like to express my joy at the Companion line.
05/03/2008 04:22:07 ‹James Jacobs› GameMastery is going to refer to game-neutral stuff, like map packs, flip mats, and item cards.
05/03/2008 04:22:32 ‹Turin the Mad› those are a gawdsend
05/03/2008 04:22:35 ‹James Jacobs› The modules, adventure paths, companions, and chronicles products are all set in Golarion and expand upon that world.
05/03/2008 04:22:47 * Gemma quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:22:53 ‹James Jacobs› The modules will remain self-contained, thoguh; they'll not really rely on much outside themselves to run.
05/03/2008 04:22:53 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: How much longer is it going to take t debrief Buhlman and develop the secret microdot phtogaphs of the 4E rules that he took which you aren't allowed to tell us aboput yet?
05/03/2008 04:22:56 ‹Takasi in Black› While I might not even read through an Osirion module if I'm not running it, I will definately use and reuse material from an Osirion sourcebook
05/03/2008 04:23:03 * Moonlion is looking forward to Golarion material for his Golarion campaign.
05/03/2008 04:23:07 * Nick Logue joins Main
05/03/2008 04:23:07 ‹Takasi in Black› I very much prefer very flavorful, rules light setting material
05/03/2008 04:23:14 ‹Takasi in Black› that type of support is hard to come by these days
05/03/2008 04:23:14 ‹Sad Lilith› NICK! :glomp:
05/03/2008 04:23:15 ‹Koldoon› Nick!
05/03/2008 04:23:15 ‹Rambling Scribe› Logue!!!!
05/03/2008 04:23:19 ‹James Jacobs› We've got a big D&D XP debrief meeting tomorrow morning, in fact.
05/03/2008 04:23:19 ‹DMcCoy1693› Nick!!!
05/03/2008 04:23:20 ‹Nick Logue› WHAASSSSSSSUP!
05/03/2008 04:23:24 ‹Russ› It's possibly, though murky, that orc and ogre are both from orcus.
05/03/2008 04:23:24 ‹Takasi in Black› greetings Nick
05/03/2008 04:23:27 ‹Charles Evans› Nick Logue: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE MY LITTLE PONY FORUMS?
05/03/2008 04:23:39 ‹Sad Lilith› Nick Logue: WE ARE MANY AND STRONG...minus one. :( :thug:
05/03/2008 04:23:46 ‹Nick Logue› I LOVE PONIES! LOVE EM IN THE CARNAL SENSE THAT IS!
05/03/2008 04:23:57 ‹Turin the Mad› It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again - stinkin' ponies
05/03/2008 04:23:57 * Crazy Pete changes his/her nickname to Madness Follows
05/03/2008 04:23:58 ‹Madness Follows› :excite:
05/03/2008 04:24:01 ‹Nick Logue› It's true Lilith...I made sure not to enter that way this dark dark day.
05/03/2008 04:24:02 ‹Hill Giant› Russ: I seem to recall that ogre is nordic
05/03/2008 04:24:03 ‹Russ› I'm hoping that the release of playtest NDAs isn't a myth.
05/03/2008 04:24:04 ‹Charles Evans› saw a report that they were the forums fullest of trlls on all the Gleemax boards, so the thought instantly occured to me that you must be in someway responsible.
05/03/2008 04:24:15 ‹Nick Logue› I'm just ducking in here.
05/03/2008 04:24:33 ‹Nick Logue› My mom is in town, so I'm going to visit with her and me wife!
05/03/2008 04:24:39 * Sir WUlf joins Main
05/03/2008 04:24:42 ‹Russ› I'm dismayed at the spells section that was released.
05/03/2008 04:24:43 ‹Nick Logue› Just wanted to poke my head in and say HOWDY!
05/03/2008 04:24:47 ‹Sad Lilith› Sir WUlf! :glomp:
05/03/2008 04:24:49 ‹Charles Evans› Nick Logue: But Mother's Day was last weekend...
05/03/2008 04:24:50 ‹Russ› Howdy Nick, on this sad day
05/03/2008 04:24:52 ‹Turin the Mad› Howdy-Howdy
05/03/2008 04:24:52 ‹DMcCoy1693› Howdy nick
05/03/2008 04:24:56 * Sir WUlf changes his/her nickname to Sir Wulf
05/03/2008 04:24:57 ‹Nick Logue› Greetings fellow sad gamers.
05/03/2008 04:24:58 ‹Sad Lilith› Howdy Nick! :glomp:
05/03/2008 04:25:04 ‹Nick Logue› Thanks for the hug!
05/03/2008 04:25:06 ‹Nick Logue› I need that.
05/03/2008 04:25:06 ‹The Last Rogue› Hi
05/03/2008 04:25:09 * Gemma quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:25:10 ‹James Jacobs› Hi Mom!
05/03/2008 04:25:34 ‹Sad Lilith› Give hugs for your mom from us Nick Logue! :D
05/03/2008 04:25:43 ‹Nick Logue› Ha! I just told her! She says "Hello Back Atcha!"
05/03/2008 04:25:48 ‹Turin the Mad› :cookie: and :espresso:
05/03/2008 04:25:48 ‹Nick Logue› Thanks Lilith!
05/03/2008 04:25:54 ‹Nick Logue› Nice!
05/03/2008 04:26:02 ‹Sad Lilith› Yay!
05/03/2008 04:26:16 ‹Madness Follows› Nick's got a mom? I just figure he was banished here.
05/03/2008 04:26:17 ‹Ross› James, what exactly is Leng and what does it have in common with / how is it different from the Far Realm?
05/03/2008 04:26:21 * Sad Lilith gives cookies and flowers to Nick's mom. :cookie: @>-`-,--
05/03/2008 04:26:24 ‹Nick Logue› I'm always in love with James...just so you all know...but I'm even MORE in love with him than usual today.
05/03/2008 04:26:33 ‹Nick Logue› And that's cause of cannibal historians.
05/03/2008 04:26:50 ‹Turin the Mad› Leng and places like it inspired the Far Realms, Ross
05/03/2008 04:27:03 ‹Nick Logue› Thanks James!
05/03/2008 04:27:12 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah. Leng was invented by Lovecraft back in the 20s/30s, and expanded upon by several other authors.
05/03/2008 04:27:15 ‹Nick Logue› Madness Follows!: HA!
05/03/2008 04:27:35 ‹Nick Logue› So what's shaking folks?
05/03/2008 04:27:38 ‹James Jacobs› It's been expanded upon to this day, in fact.
05/03/2008 04:27:40 ‹DMcCoy1693› several other authors ... as in James?
05/03/2008 04:27:41 ‹Ross› Turin the Mad, I know, but I haven't read any Lovecraft myself, so I asked our Lovecraft scholar.
05/03/2008 04:27:51 ‹Nick Logue› Anyone taking over the world?
05/03/2008 04:27:52 * Gemma quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:27:53 ‹Turin the Mad› you're missing out on a treat Ross
05/03/2008 04:27:58 ‹Madness Follows› ONly took a summons for Jury Duty to get back on board.
05/03/2008 04:27:59 ‹Sad Lilith› Nick Logue: Of course! ;)
05/03/2008 04:28:02 ‹Nick Logue› Anyone kill a nine headed pyro hydra today?
05/03/2008 04:28:05 ‹Turin the Mad› one obliterated major city at a time Nick
05/03/2008 04:28:13 ‹James Jacobs› Several other authors as in James, Clark Ashton Smith, August Derleth, Ramsey Campbell, Brian Lumley, Stephen King, etc etc
05/03/2008 04:28:13 ‹Nick Logue› Well done Turin!
05/03/2008 04:28:25 ‹Charles Evans› Nick Logue: What :cthulhu: is this of which you speak, Nick Logue, Cannibal historians? (I have not received any Pathfinders later than #5 here in the UK... <narrows eyes and looks for someone from Paizo customer services>..)
05/03/2008 04:28:27 ‹Turin the Mad› thankyas Sir Logue
05/03/2008 04:28:28 ‹The Last Rogue› I tried to take over the world, until i realized EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD
05/03/2008 04:28:30 ‹Madness Follows› Why would I waste my time on one world when I can have them ALL!
05/03/2008 04:28:37 ‹James Jacobs› And everyone who's written for the CoC RPG that Chaosium does, of course.
05/03/2008 04:28:40 ‹The Last Rogue› cue New Wave
05/03/2008 04:28:43 ‹Nick Logue› I need to hook James up with The Lies of Locke Lamora...that's good bizness.
05/03/2008 04:28:57 ‹Nick Logue› Of course then he'll know just how many of the good ideas in Edge came from that book!
05/03/2008 04:29:19 ‹James Jacobs› Leng and the Far Realm don't really have all that much in common except that both are not healthy places for sane folk to visit, though.
05/03/2008 04:29:19 ‹Nick Logue› The Cannibal Historians are coming later. I can't say more. Or James is likely to cock-punch me.
05/03/2008 04:29:28 ‹Moonlion› So who here is going to go through Appendix N and catch up on anything they've not read before?
05/03/2008 04:29:33 ‹Turin the Mad› ooo ... package-pummelling ...
05/03/2008 04:29:44 ‹James Jacobs› Mmmm... Appendix N...
05/03/2008 04:29:44 ‹Russ› Not me.
05/03/2008 04:29:45 ‹Rambling Scribe› Nick, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
05/03/2008 04:29:50 ‹Russ› Not in the mood for Lord Dunsany tonight.
05/03/2008 04:29:53 ‹Nick Logue› No way! That's gross!
05/03/2008 04:29:55 * Madness Follows is playing Cities in Dust by Junkie XL
05/03/2008 04:29:56 ‹James Jacobs› I really REALLY have to get started on reading Vance.
05/03/2008 04:30:02 ‹Nick Logue› You Canadians are INCESTUOUS!
05/03/2008 04:30:07 ‹Turin the Mad› :fishslap:
05/03/2008 04:30:09 ‹Nick Logue› We prudes down south don't kiss our mothers.
05/03/2008 04:30:11 ‹Russ› I need to read the Demon Prices. I've read other Vance.
05/03/2008 04:30:18 ‹Wyvern› Started?!
05/03/2008 04:30:21 ‹Turin the Mad› nawp - we do other things with our moms
05/03/2008 04:30:24 ‹Rambling Scribe› :lol:
05/03/2008 04:30:31 ‹Samwise› read The Worm Ourobouros
05/03/2008 04:30:34 ‹Moonlion› "Daddy says I kiss the best!" -- _National Lampoon's Vacation_.
05/03/2008 04:30:36 ‹Samwise› thatll teach you a lesson!
05/03/2008 04:30:37 ‹James Jacobs› I might have to cock-punch you just on general principles, Nick. Just so you know.
05/03/2008 04:30:45 ‹Russ› How are his other 3? I have all four on my shelf
05/03/2008 04:30:51 * Sad Lilith changes his/her nickname to Lilith
05/03/2008 04:30:53 ‹Atrocious› James: I've always felt that the various gods of magic in D&D have been somewhat bland and uninteresting (and I'm not hard to please, believe me!), and I'm sort of getting the same vibe with Nethys. How is he different/interesting with respect to all other gods of magic, and how is he an interesting choice as a deity when compared to the other Golarion deities? Will we see an AP writeup of him?
05/03/2008 04:31:33 ‹Nick Logue› Well, as long as its just on general principle its okay. Random cock-punching is sort of comforting - upholds my firm belief in chaos.
05/03/2008 04:31:34 ‹Moonlion› AP?
05/03/2008 04:31:38 * Russ prefers no gods of magic, and making all the wizards godless :)
05/03/2008 04:31:39 ‹Moonlion› Associated Press?
05/03/2008 04:31:52 ‹Nick Logue› I just don't like it when my cock gets punched for a specific reason...that freaks me out.
05/03/2008 04:31:53 ‹Takasi in Black› anyone going to watch, or has already tried I guess, New Amsterdam?
05/03/2008 04:31:54 ‹Atrocious› adventure path
05/03/2008 04:32:09 ‹James Jacobs› Eventually you'll see an AP writeup of Nethys. The main thing that's his big interesting hook is that he kind of has a split-personality disorder. He's all about destruction and creation, free knowledge and secrets, protection and assault.
05/03/2008 04:32:12 ‹Moonlion› Ah.
05/03/2008 04:32:28 ‹Turin the Mad› schizoid gawds, gotta luv 'em
05/03/2008 04:32:31 ‹Ross› James Jacobs, so he's Tzeench?
05/03/2008 04:32:37 ‹Somber Pygon› sounds kinda fickle
05/03/2008 04:32:48 ‹Ross› Only less with the murder.
05/03/2008 04:32:53 ‹James Jacobs› He's generally depicted as a human wizard who's had half of his body blasted and warped and ruined and destroyed by magic, and it's constantly trying to reform and be normal again but it never quite catches up.
05/03/2008 04:32:58 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: So when Nethys is in a manic state, wild magic surge? :P
05/03/2008 04:33:11 ‹James Jacobs› Maybe!
05/03/2008 04:33:19 ‹DMcCoy1693› split personality god .... hmmmm maybe I can talk my DM into letting me play a wizard with split personality
05/03/2008 04:33:20 ‹Moonlion› Wild magic? Is that spell plague talk you're talking?
05/03/2008 04:33:21 ‹Hill Giant› Does he make decisions by flipping a coin?
05/03/2008 04:33:36 ‹Sir Wulf› So he represents the creative and destructive aspects of magic.
05/03/2008 04:33:50 ‹Ross› Moonlion, gah! Keep it off! Keep it off!
05/03/2008 04:33:53 ‹Turin the Mad› wild magic - really, really random mana fluctuations - like, say, your fireball goes in and ... sprays flowers all over the area
05/03/2008 04:33:53 ‹Takasi in Black› James, can you describe the process of apotheosis (divine ascension) in Golarion?
05/03/2008 04:34:08 ‹Madness Follows› Spell Plague.... what an interesting idea.
05/03/2008 04:34:14 ‹Atrocious› Awesome James, I can't wait for Gods & Magic...
05/03/2008 04:34:35 ‹Nick Logue› I WANT ME SOME GODS AND MAGIC!
05/03/2008 04:34:48 ‹Samwise› Agent of Chaos upholds my belief in chaos ;)
05/03/2008 04:34:52 ‹Turin the Mad› gawds plus magic = random cannibal offspring
05/03/2008 04:34:52 ‹Madness Follows› OMEN!
05/03/2008 04:34:56 ‹James Jacobs› Apotheosis can happen a lot of different ways in Golarion. The most famous method, of course, is to take the Starstone test in Absalom. You go in, get tested, and if you come out, you come out a living god.
05/03/2008 04:35:08 ‹Turin the Mad› oh?
05/03/2008 04:35:14 ‹Somber Pygon› and if you fail?
05/03/2008 04:35:16 ‹Turin the Mad› I see a worldwalk in the wings
05/03/2008 04:35:21 ‹Sir Wulf› Sounds convenient.
05/03/2008 04:35:21 ‹Takasi in Black› is Starstone related to Starmetal?
05/03/2008 04:35:24 ‹James Jacobs› If you fail, you become nothing.
05/03/2008 04:35:33 ‹Ross› James Jacobs, from what I read of the Startstone, which is admittedly limited, made it sound like only humans could use the Starstone.
05/03/2008 04:35:35 ‹James Jacobs› As in, if you fail, you don't come out at all.
04:35:41 ‹Somber Pygon› no regrets then :)
05/03/2008 04:35:45 ‹Wyvern› If you fail everyone points and laughs at you.
05/03/2008 04:35:49 ‹Somber Pygon› oh, that might be worse.
05/03/2008 04:36:12 ‹James Jacobs› So far, the only three who have become ascended via the Starstone are Norgorber, Iomedae, and Cayden Cailean (who did so accidentally while drunk).
05/03/2008 04:36:13 ‹Turin the Mad› cosmic humiliation
05/03/2008 04:36:19 ‹Turin the Mad› lol
05/03/2008 04:36:40 ‹Ross› Hah! He must be a mighty good drunk.
05/03/2008 04:36:54 ‹James Jacobs› I suspect anything that can enter and pass the test can become a god. Human, elf, goblin, snake, pegasus, pterodactyl, ant, marilith, or whatever.
05/03/2008 04:36:54 ‹Ross› Which makes sense. He is the GOD of drunks.
05/03/2008 04:36:59 ‹Turin the Mad› he come out the patron gawd of whinos?
05/03/2008 04:37:19 ‹Turin the Mad› hrm ... I must have missed that one - what is this described in?
05/03/2008 04:37:31 ‹James Jacobs› So far... the paizo blog
05/03/2008 04:37:45 ‹Ross› And the death of Aroden thread!
05/03/2008 04:37:58 ‹Turin the Mad› hrm ... fascinating
05/03/2008 04:37:59 ‹James Jacobs› We've got more info about all our gods in the upcoming gazetteer... then more still in the hardcover... and then more STILL in the 64-page Gods and Magic book.
05/03/2008 04:38:02 ‹Turin the Mad› and abft
05/03/2008 04:38:11 ‹Lilith› Yay!
05/03/2008 04:38:35 ‹Atrocious› Well, if Cayden Cailean is the god of drunks, who is the god of fools? (because we all know the gods look out for drunks and fools)
05/03/2008 04:38:43 ‹Madness Follows› Jimmy J, you're making my wallet hurt
05/03/2008 04:39:01 ‹James Jacobs› That's because I HATE your wallet! TAKE THAT!!! :whipit:
05/03/2008 04:39:23 * Gavgoyle joins Main
05/03/2008 04:39:30 ‹Lilith› Gavgoyle! :glomp:
05/03/2008 04:39:37 ‹Madness Follows› =;
05/03/2008 04:39:46 ‹James Jacobs› We don't really have a god of fools yet. OR: Put another way... the god of fools is the one that your church thinks is stoopid.
05/03/2008 04:39:46 ‹Gavgoyle› Greetings and salivations!
05/03/2008 04:39:55 ‹Madness Follows› I deflect your hate!
05/03/2008 04:40:02 ‹Blazej› I ... think I love Cayden Cailean.
05/03/2008 04:40:09 ‹James Jacobs› He's single!
05/03/2008 04:40:10 ‹James Jacobs› For now!
05/03/2008 04:40:18 ‹James Jacobs› He's been after Calistria for a bit, but she's playing hard to get.
05/03/2008 04:40:18 ‹Koldoon› hey, be nice to the wallets... I mean... um, well, I can't complain, since my husband is paying for all the pathfinder stuff!
05/03/2008 04:40:29 * Charles Evans has to step out for a moment to deal with Page File overload... back shortly.
05/03/2008 04:40:29 ‹Gavgoyle› what is the haps?
05/03/2008 04:40:30 ‹Blazej› More of an admiration love.
05/03/2008 04:40:48 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:41:12 ‹DMcCoy1693› alright guys, time for bed for me, good night all
05/03/2008 04:41:18 ‹Somber Pygon› good night
05/03/2008 04:41:19 ‹Turin the Mad› good night all, great to have seen everyone - have fun or explode next to what frags you
05/03/2008 04:41:20 ‹James Jacobs› Seeya!
05/03/2008 04:41:24 ‹Lilith› Night DMcCoy1693! :glomp:
05/03/2008 04:41:26 ‹Somber Pygon› bye Turin
05/03/2008 04:41:31 ‹Nick Logue› G
05/03/2008 04:41:34 ‹Turin the Mad› o/ Pygon
05/03/2008 04:41:34 ‹Nick Logue› G'night rather!
05/03/2008 04:41:36 ‹Blazej› Night!
05/03/2008 04:41:41 ‹Blazej› H!
05/03/2008 04:41:41 ‹Turin the Mad› ^^
05/03/2008 04:41:42 * DMcCoy1693 quit
05/03/2008 04:41:45 ‹Atrocious› I'm guessing Lamashtu is the god of fools, I mean who wants a lovebaby from the movie "Alien"?
05/03/2008 04:42:02 ‹James Jacobs› Alien IS a pretty popular movie...
05/03/2008 04:42:17 ‹Takasi in Black› Aliens is better :P
05/03/2008 04:42:19 ‹James Jacobs› Personally... I'd nominate Torag as the god of fools. Cause he's the most like a dwarf of the 20.
05/03/2008 04:42:36 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> That, I suspect, is the core of our disconnects! :)
05/03/2008 04:42:37 ‹Ross› Hey! Dwarves aren't fools!
05/03/2008 04:42:43 ‹Hill Giant› "Hello, my baby! Hello, my darling..."
05/03/2008 04:42:47 ‹Takasi in Black› Game over man! Game over!
05/03/2008 04:42:48 ‹James Jacobs› ALIEN = A-NUMBER-ONE!
05/03/2008 04:42:52 ‹Gavgoyle› lol, Hill Giant
05/03/2008 04:43:05 * Sir Wulf quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:43:20 * Atrocious quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:43:23 ‹James Jacobs› Dwarves ARE fools. They have long beards and love working in forges. That's like a projectionist who insists on wearing a long floppy tie. It's ASKING for a job-related accident.
05/03/2008 04:43:32 ‹Gavgoyle› Yeah, Alien=horror movie; Aliens=war movie (at least, more closely)
05/03/2008 04:43:44 ‹Takasi in Black› Alien 3 was suppose to be a massive invasion of Aliens, but then Sigorney Weaver became an anti-gun nut and forced the prison plot
05/03/2008 04:43:57 ‹James Jacobs› Alien 3 had a lot of problems from the start.
05/03/2008 04:44:16 * Turin the Mad quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:44:57 ‹Takasi in Black› They come out at night, mostly
05/03/2008 04:45:06 * Charles Evans quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 04:45:12 ‹Takasi in Black› Aliens is a better b-rate flick
05/03/2008 04:45:33 ‹James Jacobs› Don't get me wrong, Aliens is a GREAT movie. It's more or less firmly entrenched in my "Top 25 movies of all time" list.
05/03/2008 04:45:46 ‹James Jacobs› Alien, on the other hand, is more or less entrenched in my "Top 1 movies of all time" list.
05/03/2008 04:45:56 ‹Somber Pygon› for some reason I liked it more after it was released to video. Then again I was getting heavy into DnD at that time too... sadly I only watch the DvDs with the commentaries one anymore for some reason.
05/03/2008 04:46:09 ‹Somber Pygon› *on
05/03/2008 04:46:18 * Sir Wulf joins Main
05/03/2008 04:46:29 * Sir Wulf wanders back in
05/03/2008 04:46:53 ‹Wyvern› Hmm.. So, James. Can you mention a few highlights of this morning's debriefing?
05/03/2008 04:47:00 ‹Takasi in Black› Aliens is much more defining of the genre and IMO more influential on gamer culture
05/03/2008 04:47:45 ‹Gavgoyle› well, it has more quotable lines...
05/03/2008 04:48:07 ‹Somber Pygon› "Two are alive, the rest are dead...."
05/03/2008 04:48:18 ‹Nick Logue› G'night everyone! Time to hang with my fam!
05/03/2008 04:48:21 ‹Sir Wulf› Dwarves are not fools: They soak their beards in aromatic liquids prior to working with metal. The heat releases pleasant fragrances...
05/03/2008 04:48:23 ‹Nick Logue› I never get to do that.
05/03/2008 04:48:24 ‹Somber Pygon› gnite Nick!
05/03/2008 04:48:25 ‹James Jacobs› Seeya, Nick!
05/03/2008 04:48:25 ‹Madness Follows› Wyvern's in 1st and James Jacobs is coming in last
05/03/2008 04:48:30 ‹Nick Logue› I'm usually busy killing babies and eatin em.
05/03/2008 04:48:37 ‹Nick Logue› Have a good night folks!
05/03/2008 04:48:40 ‹Sir Wulf› G'night, Nick!
05/03/2008 04:48:41 ‹Takasi in Black› good night Nick
05/03/2008 04:48:58 ‹Madness Follows› bye Nick!!
05/03/2008 04:48:59 ‹James Jacobs› Wyvern> The official D&D XP debriefing happens tomorrow morning, actually. This morning's was an unofficial Jason Bulmahn info dump.
05/03/2008 04:49:02 * Nick Logue quit
05/03/2008 04:49:06 * Dave Boreanaz joins Main
05/03/2008 04:49:09 ‹James Jacobs› And: I can't really talk about that stuff right now anyway.
05/03/2008 04:49:12 ‹Takasi in Black› is the office going to see 10,000 BC this weekend?
05/03/2008 04:49:17 ‹Lilith› Dave Boreanaz? Oh?
05/03/2008 04:49:20 ‹Wyvern› No prob. Just asking.
05/03/2008 04:49:29 * Lilith licks Dave Boreanaz...just to be sure...:lick:
05/03/2008 04:49:33 ‹Koldoon› have a nice night everyone... it's time for me to walk puppies and head to bed.
05/03/2008 04:49:34 * Daigle finally gets off the phone.
05/03/2008 04:49:35 ‹Dave Boreanaz› :)
05/03/2008 04:49:40 ‹Koldoon› night Adam
05/03/2008 04:49:45 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Koldoon
05/03/2008 04:49:49 ‹Daigle› Sorry to have missed you
05/03/2008 04:49:52 ‹Lilith› Night Koldoon!
05/03/2008 04:49:52 ‹Daigle› :(
05/03/2008 04:49:55 ‹Gavgoyle› Night Koldoon
05/03/2008 04:50:01 ‹Gavgoyle› Hey Daigle!!
05/03/2008 04:50:03 ‹Koldoon› 'tis okay... we'll talk later this week.
05/03/2008 04:50:10 ‹Gavgoyle› I'll be down in Austin tomorrow night!
05/03/2008 04:50:13 ‹James Jacobs› I'll likely go see 10,000 BC, yeah. I'm going in there expecting to be insulted, aggravated, and disappointed by the botched job of what could have been a great movie.
05/03/2008 04:50:21 * Koldoon quit
05/03/2008 04:50:23 ‹Somber Pygon› oh, theacemu wanted to pass around hugs and handshakes tonite, regretting he couldn't be here
05/03/2008 04:50:25 * Charles Evans joins Main
05/03/2008 04:50:30 ‹Takasi in Black› watch Godzilla before you go to see it :P
05/03/2008 04:50:35 ‹Daigle› Hey Gav!
05/03/2008 04:50:45 ‹Daigle› I heard you were lookin' for me earlier
05/03/2008 04:50:54 ‹Daigle› Oh..I just read up
05/03/2008 04:50:56 ‹Sir Wulf› You'll never be disappointed if you just lower your standards enough.
05/03/2008 04:51:07 ‹Daigle› Awesome...what are you going to be up to and when will you be here?
05/03/2008 04:51:11 ‹James Jacobs› I'm never, ever going to watch their version of Godzilla again. I'd rather eat glass.
05/03/2008 04:51:12 ‹Gavgoyle› I'm gonna go see They Might Be Giants at Stubbs
05/03/2008 04:51:14 ‹Takasi in Black› James, has Jason read any threads in response to his 'interview' posted at EN World?
05/03/2008 04:51:27 * Kevin T. joins Main
05/03/2008 04:51:29 ‹Daigle› Ooh...I had a chance to go to that show.
05/03/2008 04:51:34 ‹Hill Giant› James Jacobs: Have you seen Godzilla Ultimate Wars?
05/03/2008 04:51:37 * Kevin T. starts to cry
05/03/2008 04:51:39 ‹James Jacobs› Jason has. He spent a few hours today getting all caught up.
05/03/2008 04:51:42 ‹Kevin T.› Gary...Gygax...dead
05/03/2008 04:51:42 ‹James Jacobs› Godzilla Final War?
05/03/2008 04:51:43 ‹Takasi in Black› I posted one at EN World and Mike Mearls responded about the black dragon fight
05/03/2008 04:51:59 ‹Hill Giant› something like that
05/03/2008 04:52:05 ‹Gavgoyle› They still may have some tix open. I think it's $24 at the door
05/03/2008 04:52:21 ‹Takasi in Black› last Kaiju in Golarion?
05/03/2008 04:52:24 ‹Gavgoyle› Yeah, Kevin. It's a sucky day.
05/03/2008 04:52:27 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Would the Varisians use the Sihedron rune and the sin runes in their fortunetelling?
05/03/2008 04:52:28 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah. Saw it in the theater. THAT was actually a Paizo outing, in fact. AND: Have it on DVD. It's great!
05/03/2008 04:52:32 ‹Daigle› I have some friends going...I'll mull it over tomorrow. It might be big fun, Gav.
05/03/2008 04:52:35 ‹Kevin T.› Yeah. I just found out
05/03/2008 04:52:47 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> Nope. They wouldn't. Those runes are bad luck.
05/03/2008 04:52:48 ‹Kevin T.› Going to see if his funeral will be "open" if so I think I'll pay my respects
05/03/2008 04:53:11 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah... no more Gygax. :(
05/03/2008 04:53:13 ‹Daigle› James, I actually have a few questions tonight instead of simple jackassery.
05/03/2008 04:53:18 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: So what would the do for good luck?
05/03/2008 04:53:21 ‹Dave Boreanaz› I kept looking for something on the news, but I didn't see anything
05/03/2008 04:53:36 ‹Russ› Think of how nice it would be to have so many people sad when you die, though. It isn't entirely a bad day, it is a day to think of how many lives were changed.
05/03/2008 04:53:45 ‹Daigle› Has there been any more reveal on cyphermages anywhere? Are they a single organization or more of a shade of wizards?
05/03/2008 04:53:50 ‹Lilith› Dave Boreanaz: http://news.google.com/news?q=...&tab=wn
05/03/2008 04:54:12 ‹Lilith› And he passed on Gamemaster Day...ironic, but appropriate
05/03/2008 04:54:14 ‹Madness Follows› Diagle, your jackassery is NEVER simple
05/03/2008 04:54:28 ‹Takasi in Black› James Jacobs, for the record before the announcement I'm assuming we'll see this week, I think you guys are going to stick with 3.5 at least until the end of the year
05/03/2008 04:54:30 ‹Daigle› Thanks Madness, that's encouraging.
05/03/2008 04:54:31 ‹Dave Boreanaz› Thank you Lilith.. I was looking for it on the evening TV news
05/03/2008 04:54:36 ‹Takasi in Black› throwing it out there so I can say "I knew it!" :P
05/03/2008 04:54:44 * Mothman joins Main
05/03/2008 04:54:45 ‹Gavgoyle› NPR had a nice little interview with the head of TrollLord this afternoon.
05/03/2008 04:54:46 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> Hmmm... good question. Amber's Varisian article might mention something about it... I can't remember off the top of my head, thoguh.
05/03/2008 04:54:48 ‹Lilith› Dave Boreanaz: I'd be mighty surprised if it did show up
05/03/2008 04:55:00 ‹Gavgoyle› Just recounting Gary's influences
05/03/2008 04:55:01 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Must have it, my precious...which PF is the article in?
05/03/2008 04:55:03 ‹Daigle› Howdy Moth!!
05/03/2008 04:55:06 ‹Moonlion› I predict: Paizo splits and does both 4 and 3.5 in every book.
05/03/2008 04:55:11 ‹Gavgoyle› yo, Moth!
05/03/2008 04:55:14 ‹Dave Boreanaz› Well, speaking of Jackassery, time to end mine
05/03/2008 04:55:16 ‹Charles Evans› Regarding Gary Gygax, I have concerns that once the funeral is over, his name may be used by various organisations each trying (in an undignified manner) to calim that they are his 'true heirs'....
05/03/2008 04:55:19 * Dave Boreanaz changes his/her nickname to Watcher
05/03/2008 04:55:26 ‹Charles Evans› :(
05/03/2008 04:55:27 ‹Mothman› Hey Daigle - I almost forgot the chat! Hanging out in Heathy's game....
05/03/2008 04:55:48 ‹Mothman› Hey Gav
05/03/2008 04:55:54 ‹Russ› I don't think you can lay the fiasco that was Alien3 soley on the actress.
05/03/2008 04:56:06 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> Pathfinder 7.,
05/03/2008 04:56:11 ‹James Jacobs› The one going out THIS VERY WEEK!
05/03/2008 04:56:19 ‹Russ› Gibson's original script was crap too. Alien transformation as a virus? Idiot.
05/03/2008 04:56:27 ‹Takasi in Black› new documentary on tonight called "Birth of a Civilization", interesting
05/03/2008 04:56:55 ‹James Jacobs› Daigle> We haven't put out much more info at all yet about Cyphermages.
05/03/2008 04:56:59 ‹Takasi in Black› was Aliens vs Predator Requiem any good? I haven't seen it yet
05/03/2008 04:57:21 ‹Kevin T.› Don't know Takasi but Vantage Point was good
05/03/2008 04:57:39 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Swwwwwwwwwwwwet!
05/03/2008 04:57:41 ‹Daigle› James, that's what I figured, thank you, however.
05/03/2008 04:57:42 ‹Lilith› eet
05/03/2008 04:57:49 ‹Takasi in Black› my players are impatiently waiting for me to get PF7 in my hot little hands
05/03/2008 04:57:52 ‹Mothman› Takasi - haven't seen AVPR, but my brother reckoned it was good
05/03/2008 04:57:57 ‹Watcher› Guide to Korsova in the Warehouse
05/03/2008 04:57:57 ‹Takasi in Black› Guide to Korvosa's coming out too right?
05/03/2008 04:58:08 ‹Watcher› look at that :)
05/03/2008 04:58:13 ‹Takasi in Black› :)
05/03/2008 04:58:20 ‹James Jacobs› The Alien 3 fiasco was sort of a perfect storm of errors. And then Alien Resurrection comes along and makes Alien 3 look brilliant!
05/03/2008 04:58:21 ‹Watcher› psychic
05/03/2008 04:58:40 ‹Somber Pygon› you didn't like the monkey skull alien?
05/03/2008 04:58:45 ‹Takasi in Black› I've erased that movie from my memory
05/03/2008 04:58:45 ‹Sir Wulf› ditto
05/03/2008 04:58:52 ‹Lilith› In my next Paizo order, it's like a DIY for Curse of the Crimson Throne - PF #7, Guide to Korvosa AND the Harrow Deck! :excite:
05/03/2008 04:59:07 ‹Rambling Scribe› I've never seen any of the Alien movies.
05/03/2008 04:59:13 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: In time for Paizocon?#
05/03/2008 04:59:20 ‹James Jacobs› Yup; Pathfinder 7, Guide to Korvosa, Player's Guide to CotCT, and Harrow are all going out this week I suspect.
05/03/2008 04:59:27 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: Quite! I needs to practice for my harrow readings.
05/03/2008 04:59:37 ‹Takasi in Black› will we get a pdf of the harrow deck?
05/03/2008 04:59:40 ‹Mothman› Oh Scribe, you NEED to see Alien and Aliens
05/03/2008 04:59:41 ‹Gavgoyle› Takasi, Yeah, I'm that way with Highlander 2... Which I went out to see on opening night.
05/03/2008 04:59:43 ‹Russ› Eh, Resurrection was fun-bad at least
05/03/2008 04:59:55 ‹Lilith› Gavgoyle: There should have been only one (highlander movie)
05/03/2008 05:00:01 ‹Russ› Highlander 2 makes Alien 2 look like Alien
05/03/2008 05:00:02 * Duicarthan joins Main
05/03/2008 05:00:09 ‹James Jacobs› No PDF of the Harrow deck. That's like getting a PDF of a magic expansion or a tarot deck. Defeats the purpose.
05/03/2008 05:00:09 ‹Rambling Scribe› JJ: Will Harrow be before or after PF7?
05/03/2008 05:00:14 ‹Russ› Er Alien 3 look like Alien
05/03/2008 05:00:15 ‹Daigle› Rick, what's shakin'?
05/03/2008 05:00:18 ‹Gavgoyle› A-freakin'-men, Lilith!
05/03/2008 05:00:32 ‹Charles Evans› Highlander 2 might have been interestingas a sort of 'pulp sicence fiction' if the other Highlander movies hadn't been made
05/03/2008 05:00:36 ‹Takasi in Black› in defense of a Harrow PDF, some people might want the pictures to use for online games
05/03/2008 05:00:36 ‹James Jacobs› Harrow should be simultaneous to PF7's release.
05/03/2008 05:00:37 ‹Lilith› Duicarthan!!!!!!!! Long time no see! :glomp:
05/03/2008 05:00:39 ‹Duicarthan› Daigle> reading sad news as my allergies kick my rear end
05/03/2008 05:00:55 ‹Russ› Of course, I rank Return of the Jedi as an ass-tastic sequel too
05/03/2008 05:00:55 * Ross wanders off to get a sandwich.
05/03/2008 05:01:00 ‹Daigle› That's no good
05/03/2008 05:01:01 ‹James Jacobs› Those people can go ahead and scan the cards, then. We don't do PDFs of our card products.
05/03/2008 05:01:03 ‹Gavgoyle› Hey Duicarthan
05/03/2008 05:01:09 ‹Rambling Scribe› So if I change my settings to "ship with pathfinder" I'll get Harrow sooner... probably.
05/03/2008 05:01:25 ‹James Jacobs› AND: If they scan the cards... they'd better keep those images in their home game and off the internets. Otherwise I'll be sad.
05/03/2008 05:01:33 ‹Watcher› Russ, I agree. too many muppets
05/03/2008 05:01:39 * Ross changes his/her nickname to Ross @ kitchen
05/03/2008 05:02:16 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: No Erik Moan tonight?
05/03/2008 05:02:17 ‹James Jacobs› Rambling Scribe>I suppose... I don't really understand how our store works, though. That's stuff that happens OUTSIDE of the Editorial Pit.
05/03/2008 05:02:22 ‹Charles Evans› Mona, even.
05/03/2008 05:02:25 ‹Madness Follows› NO!!
05/03/2008 05:02:35 ‹Takasi in Black› "...and Leia...is your sister! " "That's not true, that's....improbable?"
05/03/2008 05:02:35 ‹James Jacobs› Nope; he's probably playing Mass Effect.
05/03/2008 05:02:46 ‹Madness Follows› There are never to many Muppets.
05/03/2008 05:03:06 ‹James Jacobs› He might show up in a bit though. He's unpredictible, like a burning rat in a maze made of matches.
05/03/2008 05:03:11 ‹Gavgoyle› "she's your sister AND she's slipped you some tongue..."
05/03/2008 05:03:18 ‹Russ› Have y'all seen George Lucas in Love? :)
05/03/2008 05:03:18 ‹James Jacobs› I'm not sure what that last metaphor was all about, btw...
05/03/2008 05:03:31 * Lilith giggles at James Jacobs, gives him cookies and beer. :cookie: :beer:
05/03/2008 05:03:58 ‹Gavgoyle› I don't know, but it's interesting imagery...
05/03/2008 05:04:00 ‹Madness Follows› George Lucas in Love = Awesome!
05/03/2008 05:04:02 ‹Russ› Erik is in the famed Greyhawk Mafia shot
05/03/2008 05:04:04 ‹Charles Evans› So, James Jacobs: Do you have any questions for us, before you interrogate Jacon Buhlman, or regarding any other business? And regarding Erik Mona aren't you worried about that cmment showing up in the transcripts?:)
05/03/2008 05:04:14 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, you can't react at all to the recent Edition stuff?
05/03/2008 05:04:21 ‹Sir Wulf› George Lucas in love should be required watching for Star Wars fans.
05/03/2008 05:04:30 ‹Russ› http://melkot.com/gencon2001.html - the Greyhawk Mafia (scroll down for the EGG man)
05/03/2008 05:04:33 ‹Rambling Scribe› JJ: Is the burning rat in the maze of matches an encounter from Logue's next adventure?
05/03/2008 05:04:39 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> What comment? The burning maze one? nah.
05/03/2008 05:04:44 ‹Samwise› the picture of doom!
05/03/2008 05:04:45 ‹Lilith› Watcher: He probably could, but it could be construed as making an official statement.
05/03/2008 05:05:14 * Ross @ kitchen changes his/her nickname to Ross
05/03/2008 05:05:16 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> Nope, I don't really have much to say about 4E yet at all. Hopefully we'll have some news in a few weeks though. Or maybe sooner. <crosses fingers>
05/03/2008 05:05:20 ‹Daigle› James, one more quickie: What areas near Sandpoint have the higest concentration of elves?
05/03/2008 05:05:28 ‹Gavgoyle› LOL, Eric looks so young in that picture
05/03/2008 05:05:41 ‹Russ› It was only 6 years ago! :)
05/03/2008 05:05:50 ‹James Jacobs› Daigle> The biggest elf-concentration to Sandpoint is the Mierani Forest to the north.
05/03/2008 05:05:57 ‹Gavgoyle› I know, the publishing biz is a b$~~~!
05/03/2008 05:06:10 ‹Daigle› Now isn't that city deserted or something?
05/03/2008 05:06:11 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, I can't get any work done at my office either because of that crummy Edition. I wish they'd just be done with it
05/03/2008 05:06:14 ‹James Jacobs› Actually, the village of Crying Leaf (not shown on the map) is closer than the Mierani Forest... but not by much.
05/03/2008 05:06:24 ‹James Jacobs› The forest isn't. Celwynvian's the city, and it is deserted.
05/03/2008 05:06:29 ‹Daigle› Where is Crying Leaf?
05/03/2008 05:06:33 ‹Daigle› Ah
05/03/2008 05:06:39 ‹Daigle› Awesome, thanks.
05/03/2008 05:06:48 ‹James Jacobs› They'll be a lot more info about Ceywynvian, the Mierani, and probably Crying Leaf in Pathfinder 15.
05/03/2008 05:07:06 ‹Daigle› I'm starting Runelords Sunday and I'm trying to get solid info for my players.
05/03/2008 05:07:06 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Questions for US?
05/03/2008 05:07:09 ‹James Jacobs› Crying Leaf's probably on the southeastern edge of the Mierani Forest.
05/03/2008 05:07:31 ‹Daigle› What can you tell us about Crying Leaf?
05/03/2008 05:07:43 ‹Sir Wulf› By then, WotC will have finally settled the details of their license...
05/03/2008 05:07:49 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Are there more awesome products on the way
05/03/2008 05:07:50 ‹Lilith› ?
05/03/2008 05:07:51 ‹James Jacobs› No questions I can think of yet...
05/03/2008 05:07:55 * Kevin T. quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 05:07:55 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> Yes.
05:08:16 ‹Wyvern› The minis are looking good.
05/03/2008 05:08:18 ‹James Jacobs› There are some awesome products on the way. Including some cool ones we haven't yet announced, of course!
05/03/2008 05:08:19 ‹Lilith› Eeeeeeexcellent. :plot:
05/03/2008 05:08:28 ‹Lilith› When's the next announcement due?
05/03/2008 05:08:32 ‹James Jacobs› Daigle> There's a little bit about Crying Leaf in Pathfinder 3. It's where Shalelu's from.
05/03/2008 05:08:45 ‹Mothman› Hey Daigle, I'm playing an elf from Mierani in RotRL, if you want to jam at some point ... I made most of the background stuff up of course...
05/03/2008 05:08:52 ‹James Jacobs› Crying Leaf has a history of green dragon problems.
05/03/2008 05:08:56 ‹Takasi in Black› Shalelu is now an orc IMC
05/03/2008 05:09:00 ‹Daigle› Awesome
05/03/2008 05:09:12 ‹Charles Evans› Takasi: Reincarnate?
05/03/2008 05:09:15 ‹Takasi in Black› yes
05/03/2008 05:09:18 ‹Daigle› Moth, we'll have to chat sometime soon.
05/03/2008 05:09:29 ‹James Jacobs› The minis are looking awesome! I just recently saw the final paints of Xanesha and the Scarecrow and the rest from Skinsaw. SO COOL!
05/03/2008 05:09:33 ‹Daigle› Thanks James
05/03/2008 05:09:40 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Awesome!
05/03/2008 05:10:00 ‹Gavgoyle› Yeah, Skinsaw man looked just like the psycho! Freaky-licious!!!
05/03/2008 05:10:01 ‹Wyvern› I was afraid they were going to be unpainted, but now I'm onboard!
05/03/2008 05:10:09 ‹James Jacobs› That happened to Avner Merivanchi in my Savage Tide game. He was torn apart by deinonychuses and then reincarnated into a half orc. He retained the mustache.
05/03/2008 05:10:29 ‹James Jacobs› Next anouncement of new products is not yet scheduled.
05/03/2008 05:11:02 ‹Ross› Wyvern, they are unpainted.
05/03/2008 05:11:03 ‹Madness Follows› Wyvern, they are Unpainted. Jimmy J was refering to the pics in the online store
05/03/2008 05:11:13 ‹Wyvern› :(
05/03/2008 05:11:15 ‹Watcher› I wish I knew how to paint
05/03/2008 05:11:19 ‹Takasi in Black› my players hated Avner, they would have enjoyed seeing that
05/03/2008 05:11:27 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: do you anticipate Wizards of the Coast trying to 'steal' freelance writers from Paizo and lock them with 'golden handcuffs' agreements to write exclusively 4E adventures for them?
05/03/2008 05:11:51 ‹Wyvern› Why show it awesomely painted, when you are getting a grey one? ...I know I know, but still...
05/03/2008 05:11:53 ‹Charles Evans› I understand freelance writers have to go with whoever offers them money...
05/03/2008 05:12:30 ‹Madness Follows› Pay to have them painted. I'm planning on getting the Paizo Gobbos for a Ork Boyz Mordheim Warband.
05/03/2008 05:12:31 ‹Mothman› James: I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned yet tonight, but that Sajan background is awesome! But I noticed Mike did the write up for the blog – did you not write that background?
05/03/2008 05:12:36 ‹James Jacobs› Moonlion here may have had something to do with turning poor Avner into a half orc, actually...
05/03/2008 05:12:50 ‹Daigle› Charles, many freelancers prefer to write for folks they really care about, money aside.
05/03/2008 05:12:52 ‹Moonlion› I might have, at that.
05/03/2008 05:12:54 ‹Takasi in Black› James Jacobs, do you think the passing of Gary Gygax might have any emotional sway on Paizo's decision on the 4e issue?
05/03/2008 05:12:58 ‹Duicarthan› Ed Healy and I wrote an article for Pathfinder #8—Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 2: "Seven Days to the Grave" too. Fun stuff =)
05/03/2008 05:13:04 ‹Watcher› Does anyone know of a good "how to" guide for painting mini's?
05/03/2008 05:13:15 ‹Lilith› Watcher: There's a couple sites out there
05/03/2008 05:13:19 ‹Moonlion› The primary concern of freelancers, professional ones anyway, is going with companies who A) pay and B) pay on time.
05/03/2008 05:13:20 ‹Ross› Watcher, dig around. Reaper has a series. So does GW.
05/03/2008 05:13:31 ‹Watcher› <nod>
05/03/2008 05:13:31 ‹Moonlion› This is a bigger concern than you may think.
05/03/2008 05:13:36 * Watcher makes a note
05/03/2008 05:13:39 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> I couldn't say. That'd be a choice each freelancer'd have to make for him or herself, though. WotC's a GREAT company to freelance for. Because they're the only show in town who actually does advance payments.
05/03/2008 05:14:00 ‹James Jacobs› A freelancer could do a lot worse than tie himself to WotC, I think.\
05/03/2008 05:14:15 * Russ will keep his day job
05/03/2008 05:14:21 * Daigle laughs
05/03/2008 05:14:38 ‹James Jacobs› Mothman> Nope; I didn't write the background for Sajan. Mike did it all. And did it well.
05/03/2008 05:14:47 ‹Madness Follows› Wyvern I'd suggest checking out: www.theminiaturespage.com
05/03/2008 05:15:12 ‹James Jacobs› I didn't have time to write him up, nor did I know what to write about. We've got the sketch for the next one, the human female barbarian, and I've got her story ALL worked out in my head. But that monk was vexing me.
05/03/2008 05:15:16 ‹Russ› Learn to drybrush and wash.
05/03/2008 05:15:19 ‹Russ› That's my advice.
05:15:43 ‹Lilith› And avoid pure whites and pure blacks except for highlights
05/03/2008 05:15:47 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Gary's passing won't affect our decision regarding 4E.
05/03/2008 05:15:53 ‹Ross› And basecoating!
05/03/2008 05:15:53 ‹Wyvern› My day doesn't have enough hours for that :(
05/03/2008 05:16:00 ‹Wyvern› I wish I didn't need sleep.
05/03/2008 05:16:07 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Is it much of a concern for you at Paizo; that WotC may prevent some of the best writers currently on your books from working for you, by paying them to come and work exclusively on 4E projects?
05/03/2008 05:16:30 ‹Sir Wulf› My mini advice: Exaggerate the contrasts: People will see the mini from a couple of feet away.
05/03/2008 05:16:40 ‹James Jacobs› Russ has it about right: if you want to freelance for an RPG company... you'd BETTER keep that day job.
05/03/2008 05:16:53 * Stegger joins Main
05/03/2008 05:17:06 ‹Somber Pygon› hi Stegger
05/03/2008 05:17:09 * Takasi in Black waits for Superstar the Sequel: The Search for Russ's NEW Day Job :P
05/03/2008 05:17:13 ‹Mothman› James: Tell Mike he did an awesome job!
05/03/2008 05:17:20 ‹Stegger› morning
05/03/2008 05:17:26 ‹James Jacobs› Mothman> Already done! :)
05/03/2008 05:17:30 ‹Russ› Heh
05/03/2008 05:17:37 ‹Takasi in Black› James Jacobs, will Vundra have different gods?
05/03/2008 05:17:48 ‹Russ› They've already dissed me for writing, Takasi, so I think there's not much danger of me freelancing for Paizo any time soon
05/03/2008 05:17:58 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> It's something of a concern, yes. It's a small market, this RPG biz, and WotC can certainly afford to pay more than us for freelancing work.
05/03/2008 05:18:05 * Madness Follows shakes his head. "James Jacobs is still in last place."
05/03/2008 05:18:13 ‹Takasi in Black› any based on any read Hindu gods? How do you feel about using gods that are still worshipped today?
05/03/2008 05:18:27 ‹James Jacobs› But that's been the case since I started here at Paizo, and we've been getting a lot of great authors anyway.
05/03/2008 05:19:02 ‹James Jacobs› Jeff Grubb, for example; looks like he'll be doing something for Pathfinder pretty soon.
05/03/2008 05:19:10 ‹Takasi in Black› nice!
05/03/2008 05:19:32 ‹Wyvern› Authors are only part of the equation, editors are important too and they are in house.
05/03/2008 05:19:41 ‹Sir Wulf› Good companies never have to worry about getting authors, as there will always be people interested.
05/03/2008 05:19:50 ‹Takasi in Black› editors, bah, they're a dime a dozen ;)
05/03/2008 05:19:53 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Yes. One of Vudra's names, I believe, is "The Land of a Thousand Gods."
05/03/2008 05:20:10 ‹James Jacobs› There will be lots. One, at least, is mentioned in Pathfinder 9.
05/03/2008 05:20:40 ‹James Jacobs› They'll be based, in flavor, on real Hindu gods, but I want to avoid using gods that are still widely worshiped today.
05/03/2008 05:20:46 ‹Takasi in Black› I am personally more interested in Vundra than (*blasphemy*) Osirion
05/03/2008 05:20:53 ‹James Jacobs› I suppose someone out there COULD still be a Lamashtan...
05/03/2008 05:21:0

March 4th 2008, part 2
05/03/2008 05:24:36 * Timitius partakes of the Blessed Shard Cookies, and places them in his Nanoforge for a much needed upgrade!
05/03/2008 05:24:56 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Out of the product announcements so far, which one are you the most excited about, as an editor and as an author, and as a fan?
05/03/2008 05:25:04 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Are you allowed to spoil anything regarding Golarion Drow yet, or is that project still too far in the future?
05/03/2008 05:25:38 ‹Rambling Scribe› Golarion drow are.... evil.
05/03/2008 05:25:51 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: And they like demons.
05/03/2008 05:25:58 ‹Wyvern› Thank the gods!
05/03/2008 05:26:04 ‹Madness Follows› O.O
05/03/2008 05:26:04 ‹Rambling Scribe› And they live underground.
05/03/2008 05:26:11 ‹Madness Follows› O.O
05/03/2008 05:26:12 ‹Watcher› Russ, still looking for that underwater adventure someday
05/03/2008 05:26:23 * Russ works for a company about as big as Hasbro
05/03/2008 05:26:29 ‹Charles Evans› Rambling Scribe... what yu ares poiling are CLICHES; I hope for more from Paizo than cliches.
05/03/2008 05:26:31 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> Hmmm... not counting Pathfinder (which would have to be my choice); the Hardcover Campaign Setting.
05/03/2008 05:26:31 ‹Russ› Tell James that :P
05/03/2008 05:26:42 ‹Takasi in Black› James Jacobs, can you tell us more about...intellect devourers? :D
05/03/2008 05:26:51 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: :squee: Will we be able to pick it up at GenCon and get 'er signed?
05/03/2008 05:26:55 ‹Watcher› Russ, I tell him all the time. He probably tunes me out after a while
05/03/2008 05:26:57 ‹James Jacobs› AND: there's an unannounced product I'm pretty excited about too. And Gods & Magic will rock.
05/03/2008 05:27:06 ‹James Jacobs› OH! The Darklands book! That too!
05/03/2008 05:27:07 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Can't wait for bean spillage!
05/03/2008 05:27:09 ‹Saracenus› James Jacobs: Have you guys looked at "The Holy Warriors Handbook" from GR, it is the 3.5 update for The Book of Righteous Might character class... I am looking to use it in my home campiagn to customize the Paladins for most of the gods there...
05/03/2008 05:27:16 ‹James Jacobs› All of them, I guess, Lilith.
05/03/2008 05:27:26 ‹Lilith› Wait, what? Darklands Book? YAY!!!
05/03/2008 05:27:40 * Daigle can't wait for the unannounced thingy.
05/03/2008 05:27:47 ‹Wyvern› Respectable cliches, not remorseful drow with 2 swords emo-ing the town.
05/03/2008 05:28:02 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> About Golarion drow... no new spoilers yet. Actually... I guess I can list 5 of the 12 demon lords they're particularly known to worship...
05/03/2008 05:28:09 ‹Watcher› James, is the unannounced product a book, or something else? I will ask no more
05/03/2008 05:28:12 ‹Takasi in Black› Lilith: http://paizo.com/store/byCompa...tpy81tu
05/03/2008 05:28:17 ‹Takasi in Black› Into the Darklands
05/03/2008 05:28:45 ‹Lilith› Oh yes, I remember that one now Takasi in Black
05/03/2008 05:28:47 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Go ahead with those demon-lords, and show us that these drow aren't *just* into spiders....
05/03/2008 05:29:04 ‹Russ› 2.3B in '05 revenue, vs. 3B for Hasbro, close seems fair
05/03/2008 05:29:10 * Takasi in Black begins to chant "Demon Lords, Demon Lords..."
05/03/2008 05:29:19 ‹Russ› Darklands sounds fun
05/03/2008 05:29:20 ‹Timitius› Don't forget scorpions...they are into arachnida in general......
05/03/2008 05:29:33 ‹Takasi in Black› I want to see Termite Drow
05/03/2008 05:29:38 * Lilith starts getting out candles, incense and kittens for demon rituals.
05/03/2008 05:29:39 ‹Madness Follows› SCORPIONS!!
05/03/2008 05:29:42 ‹Takasi in Black› the true threat to elf forestlands :P
05/03/2008 05:29:46 ‹Ross› Takasi in Black, that might be a bad idea. Pazuzu gets uppity if you dio that.
05/03/2008 05:29:48 ‹Madness Follows› SCORPIONS!!
05/03/2008 05:29:49 ‹Hill Giant› Ants! That'll teach those picnic-loving surface elves!
05/03/2008 05:29:49 ‹James Jacobs› 5 of the 12 demon lords of Golarion commonly worshiped by drow: Abraxus, Haagenti, Socothbenoth, Nocticula, Baphomet, and Fraz-Urb'luu.
05/03/2008 05:29:52 ‹Madness Follows› SCORPIONS!!
05/03/2008 05:29:53 ‹Russ› I'm pretty excited about the bi-monthly detail product, James. It is what I most wanted to see - more frequent background
05/03/2008 05:29:55 ‹Timitius› Locust Drow
05/03/2008 05:30:01 ‹Madness Follows› SCORPIONS!!
05/03/2008 05:30:04 ‹Russ› nice, I didn't know those were all public domain
05/03/2008 05:30:13 ‹Charles Evans› That's SIX!!!!
05/03/2008 05:30:15 ‹Takasi in Black› it's official, there will be evil termite worshipping elves in my campaign
05/03/2008 05:30:20 ‹Takasi in Black› they'll be 'ginger' though :P
05/03/2008 05:30:23 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> I can't say much more about Golarion's intellect devourers yet... aside from they're gonna be a major part of the Darklands. AND: They're psionic.
05/03/2008 05:30:25 ‹Watcher› Baphomet that's a name I haven't heard in a while
05/03/2008 05:30:29 ‹Gavgoyle› Yes! I was wondering about any Demon Lord cross-overs
05/03/2008 05:30:35 ‹Madness Follows› SCORPIONS!!
05/03/2008 05:30:44 ‹Ross› Gotta love the mesopotamians for good demon names.
05/03/2008 05:30:49 ‹Charles Evans› Wasn't Socothbenoth in Savage Tide?
05/03/2008 05:30:50 ‹Somber Pygon› Madness wants scorpions.
05/03/2008 05:30:51 ‹Madness Follows› SCORPIOS!!
05/03/2008 05:30:55 ‹James Jacobs› Saracenus> Haven't seen the Holy Warrior's Handbook yet, nope.
05/03/2008 05:30:57 ‹Russ› Baphomet has been very underused in TSR/WotC products
05/03/2008 05:31:10 ‹Watcher› Russ, time to dust him off then!
05/03/2008 05:31:18 * Madness Follows is one!
05/03/2008 05:31:19 ‹Timitius› Why does Madness Follows want to hear an 80's metal band?
05/03/2008 05:31:22 ‹Russ› http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic
05/03/2008 05:31:23 ‹James Jacobs› Yup. The last one's a bonus demon lord!
05/03/2008 05:31:25 ‹Russ› Gygax tribute comic
05/03/2008 05:31:28 ‹Somber Pygon› I made a Demonmaze for Baphomet. Dang thing took up 9 sheets of graph paper.
05/03/2008 05:31:30 ‹Samwise› i used dagon in my home game recently
05/03/2008 05:31:38 ‹Madness Follows› ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE!!!
05/03/2008 05:31:53 ‹Timitius› :headbang:
05/03/2008 05:32:03 ‹Madness Follows› :headbang:
05/03/2008 05:32:13 ‹James Jacobs› Baphomet! One of the Demonomicons I did was about him. He's an interesting chap!
05/03/2008 05:32:25 ‹James Jacobs› Socothbenoth was indeed mentioned in Savage Tide, yup.
05/03/2008 05:32:25 ‹Lilith› He is!
05/03/2008 05:32:26 ‹Saracenus› James Jacobs: Here's the link to the product... http://www.greenronin.com/Merc...rr9014e
05/03/2008 05:32:38 ‹Lilith› I always wanted to know what Baphomet & Pale Night's deal was
05/03/2008 05:32:56 ‹Charles Evans› I'm surprised that WotC haven't got an 'IP' on any of these....
05/03/2008 05:32:57 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> All of the demon lords are either based on real world myth, or are in d20 products we can use.
05/03/2008 05:33:11 ‹Takasi in Black› any other OGL sources used in upcoming Crimson Throne products?
05/03/2008 05:33:16 ‹Mothman› Good question Lilith: What was going on with those two? Care to share any thoughts James?
05/03/2008 05:33:28 ‹Gavgoyle› um, Lilith, I think it's just that she likes 'em Big and Beefy... Baphomet meets both criteria
05/03/2008 05:33:39 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> I'm not sure. I got cut out of that loop before I could explore it more with a Pale Night Demonomicon, alas.
05/03/2008 05:33:40 ‹Lilith› Gavgoyle: Nice. Rawr. ;)
05/03/2008 05:33:59 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: :cry: Pale Night I was looking forward to...any unofficial thoughts? As a brief tangent?
05/03/2008 05:34:02 ‹Watcher› Russ, that's an interesting Penny Arcade comic with that by-line. More Editorial than I expect in a memorial
05/03/2008 05:34:03 * Takasi in Black changes his/her nickname to Takasi Prepping Burning Sky
05/03/2008 05:34:15 ‹Lilith› Because obyrith are just too cool not to find a home for in Golarion.
05/03/2008 05:34:19 ‹James Jacobs› If I had to guess, though... Pale Night lived there first. Baphomet and his maze came along, grew up around her, and then Baphomet learned his fleshwarping stuff from stealing or spying or trading with her.
05/03/2008 05:34:33 ‹Russ› Rolling In His Grave.
05/03/2008 05:34:37 ‹Ross› Watcher, I'm pretty sure they just meant dice. Not protesting 4e.
05/03/2008 05:34:46 ‹Watcher› Ah
05/03/2008 05:34:52 ‹Watcher› okay that makes sense
05/03/2008 05:34:58 ‹James Jacobs› Pale Night... I have lots of unofficial thoughts about her. Some day, maybe somewhere, probably on my blog, I might divulge them. Too many to get into in a chat room, though.
05/03/2008 05:35:03 ‹Watcher› I guess I have 4th Edition on the brain
05/03/2008 05:35:06 ‹Russ› I would say both spying and trading if I were doing it
05/03/2008 05:35:13 ‹Ross› But yeah, I read it that way first too. Then I say the d20 20-side up next to it.
05/03/2008 05:35:14 ‹Saracenus› Ross: Its ambigious enough that 4e partisans might take it to mean something though
05/03/2008 05:35:14 ‹Russ› Yeah just dice
05/03/2008 05:35:18 ‹Russ› I have 4thE n the brain too
05/03/2008 05:35:26 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› PA is probably equally referring to DDO
05/03/2008 05:35:35 ‹Russ› I'm, as I said earlier, very disappointed in the wizard spells
05/03/2008 05:35:37 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Currently, the OGL products we're using in Crimson Throne is pretty much the Advanced Bestiary, Book of Fiends, Tome of Horrors, and Necropolis.
05/03/2008 05:36:08 ‹Saracenus› James, if you are using the Book fo Fiends, then you have the unholy warriors already...
05/03/2008 05:36:09 ‹Blazej› I think they just mean rolling dice.
05/03/2008 05:36:17 ‹Russ› I hope OGL stuff can be used with GSL stuff
05/03/2008 05:36:22 ‹Watcher› Russ, even the names sounded odd.. numbered spells? "I cast Buffudle 3 at the monster!"
05/03/2008 05:36:24 ‹Russ› Probably not, though
05/03/2008 05:36:25 ‹Lilith› Takasi Prepping Burning Sky: Tycho is a huge oldschool D&D fan.
05/03/2008 05:36:34 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> Thanks for the obyrith comment. :) We'll very likely have qlippoths, though; they're the major source of inspiration for the obyriths.
05/03/2008 05:36:49 ‹Russ› obyriths were great.
05/03/2008 05:37:06 ‹Russ› I approve of a new creature for demonic possession. Trying to shoe-horn existing fiends into possessing fiends didn't ever work right.
05/03/2008 05:37:20 ‹Mothman› James: Presumably the D&D demon lords bear at least some similarity to the “real world” demons they are named after – how much will you vary with Golarion’s demon lords of the same name? For example, how similar will your Baphomet be to … er, your OTHER Baphomet? Will you aim for a deliberate difference, or will the source material dictate a lot of similarities?
05/03/2008 05:37:21 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Fabulous. :D
05/03/2008 05:37:34 ‹James Jacobs› We do have the unholy warrior book in the Paizo Library. Haven't really found a use for one of them chaps yet though.
05/03/2008 05:38:15 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah, the loumarras are pretty fun too. Had a pretty huge plan for them as well... ah well.
05/03/2008 05:39:08 ‹Russ› They will likely wallow in the void between editions forever
05/03/2008 05:39:15 ‹James Jacobs› Mothman> The D&D demon lords actually often have NO similarity to the real world inspiration. Baphomet, for example, is a decapitated head the Templars were supposed to pray to. Nothing to do with minotaurs at all. Demogorgon's a made-up word some monk glossed into a book. Orcus is a place, not a person. Etc.
05/03/2008 05:39:15 ‹Saracenus› James Jacobs: The Unholy Warrior book is 3.0, the section in Book of Fiends is the 3.5 update (pg. 205-216)
05/03/2008 05:39:21 ‹Russ› Too new to easily make the jump after a big reset
05/03/2008 05:39:23 * Madness Follows quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 05:39:44 ‹Russ› Metal-winged angels, jo
05/03/2008 05:39:45 ‹Russ› joy
05/03/2008 05:39:49 ‹James Jacobs› BUT: In the case of Baphomet and Fraz-Urb'luu... they'll be rather similar to the demons of the same name you're used to, since they're in the Tome of Horrors that way.
05/03/2008 05:40:25 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> Something tells me NOTHING is "too new" to make the jump to 4E.
05/03/2008 05:40:36 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Have you thought of any questions for us yet? (Sorry but I've been ill this week and have to retire to bed soon..)
05/03/2008 05:40:39 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› how is Clark Peterson doing? have you guys collaborated with him on anything lately?
05/03/2008 05:40:41 ‹James Jacobs› But since loumaras are invisible... they make poor minis, so don't expect them anytime soon.
05/03/2008 05:40:42 ‹Mothman› James: Good points! Especially the Tome of Horrors connection, kind of forgot that...
05/03/2008 05:41:03 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> No questions yet, alas.
05/03/2008 05:41:21 ‹Russ› Nothing's too new, no, but having just done a big reset on all the fiendish creatures, I think we're gonna see a ton of OLD, much loved stuff fighting for inclusion. Just figure it reduces their chances vs. if they were something with a history, like barghests
05/03/2008 05:41:24 ‹James Jacobs› Erik just had a long phone chat with Clark today or yesterday... not sure which... days running together........
05:42:10 ‹James Jacobs› I'm actually pretty bitter on the fiends reset in 4E. I'd almost rather not watch what happens to them.
05/03/2008 05:42:20 ‹James Jacobs› Serenity now... serenity now...
05/03/2008 05:42:26 ‹Watcher› East Coast Death here.. almost 1 am. Night all. Here's hoping we get some closure on the Editions soon!
05/03/2008 05:42:34 ‹Lilith› Night Watcher! :glomp: :cookie:
05/03/2008 05:42:36 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: I'll try to answer any questions you think up if/when Lilith posts the transcripts...
05/03/2008 05:42:40 ‹Watcher› :)
05/03/2008 05:42:47 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight.
05/03/2008 05:42:49 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: If? :(
05/03/2008 05:42:55 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› repeat after me James "It's just another setting...it's just another setting..."
05/03/2008 05:42:56 ‹James Jacobs› Cool! yeah, if you think up any questions at all, shoot them to Lilith, or post them on the boards.
05/03/2008 05:43:03 * Charles Evans quit
05/03/2008 05:43:13 ‹Mothman› James: Yeah, that was one of the things that most got to me too (and you would be FAR more emotionally involved!) ... but ive decided to chill and reserve judgement for a while o nthe whole $E thing
05/03/2008 05:43:21 ‹Russ› Well, I have used your fiend work, to good affect, and I appreciate it
05/03/2008 05:43:26 ‹James Jacobs› HA! Nice typo, Moth.
05/03/2008 05:43:27 ‹Mothman› See you Watcher
05/03/2008 05:43:40 ‹Ross› Yes.....typo....
05/03/2008 05:43:43 ‹Mothman› Ha! Accidental too!
05/03/2008 05:43:44 * Watcher quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 05:43:49 ‹Russ› Questions - can we see some more new ioun stones plz?
05/03/2008 05:43:51 * TheWanderingBard joins Main
05/03/2008 05:43:55 ‹Mothman› (silly shift key)
05/03/2008 05:43:59 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> Yes.
05/03/2008 05:44:10 ‹James Jacobs› There are some in Pathfinder 6, in fact.
05/03/2008 05:44:19 ‹Russ› I saw those :)
05/03/2008 05:44:24 ‹TheWanderingBard› Yeah
05/03/2008 05:44:25 ‹Russ› The pricing on the one variety just doesn't work, though
05/03/2008 05:44:28 ‹Russ› (the stackable stones)
05/03/2008 05:44:38 ‹James Jacobs› Those will not be the last. We'll figure out pricing for those and get them out there eventually.
05/03/2008 05:44:53 ‹Mothman› My FLGS STILL doesnt have PF5! ... man, i really need to get my s$%& together and subscribe...
05/03/2008 05:45:02 ‹James Jacobs› If the game can't handle pricing stackable hit point ioun stones... the game gets patched by ME!
05/03/2008 05:45:07 ‹Russ› Although one really thinks ioun stones SHOULD be stackable, more in keeping with the original
05/03/2008 05:45:12 ‹TheWanderingBard› The horror
05/03/2008 05:45:13 ‹Russ› I was thinking the stackable stat boosters.
05/03/2008 05:45:26 ‹TheWanderingBard› But...Munchkins
05/03/2008 05:45:29 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah. Stackable to a +6 limit perhaps. I could get behind that.
05/03/2008 05:45:31 ‹Russ› You'd have to charge 1/3 the price of a +6 item to make them balance, if you cared about the balance
05/03/2008 05:45:37 ‹James Jacobs› Munchkins will do their thing no matter what.
05/03/2008 05:45:44 ‹Russ› OH, I assumed you'd have to cap them at +6 :)
05/03/2008 05:45:49 ‹TheWanderingBard› Best not to make it easier though
05/03/2008 05:45:52 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> Yeah... that was what I was thinking regarding pricing.
05/03/2008 05:45:53 ‹TheWanderingBard› Ah
05/03/2008 05:46:01 * boglin joins Main
05/03/2008 05:46:07 ‹Russ› But I love me some ioun stones
05/03/2008 05:46:09 ‹Russ› And wanna see more
05/03/2008 05:46:11 ‹Lilith› As a total off-topic comment...Dirty Jobs is the best thing to watch during these chats. :P
05/03/2008 05:46:20 ‹James Jacobs› It's a good show!
05/03/2008 05:46:21 ‹Russ› Give us one that gives you blindsight! :)
05/03/2008 05:46:25 ‹Somber Pygon› "words fail me."
05/03/2008 05:46:26 ‹Russ› I'm watching New Amsterdam
05/03/2008 05:46:36 ‹Gavgoyle› lol, what's he doing tonight, Lilith?
05/03/2008 05:47:04 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› watching Birth of a Civilization
05/03/2008 05:47:28 ‹Gavgoyle› Mythbusters/Dirty Jobs make a good One-Two punch
05/03/2008 05:47:44 ‹Madness Follows› JIMMY J!!: will we get rules for imbedding Iounstones into our flesh?
05/03/2008 05:47:57 ‹Lilith› Gavgoyle: It's a repeat...but it's the one with the San Francisco Sewer Pump Replacement.
05/03/2008 05:48:18 ‹Gavgoyle› Glah!
05/03/2008 05:48:44 ‹boglin› question in burnt offers and beyond is there a specific diety for Goblins?
05/03/2008 05:48:49 ‹Russ› I'd like to see more expendable ioun stones. I realize the burned out ones got sort of dropped in 3.5E, but we need more that can burn out :)
05/03/2008 05:48:52 ‹Daigle› Madness, excellent question! I did that in my last campaign....for the bad guys of course.
05/03/2008 05:48:55 ‹Gavgoyle› Effluvi-o-riffic!
05/03/2008 05:49:53 ‹Russ› More low-cost items in the path1
05/03/2008 05:49:56 ‹Russ› Path! that is
05/03/2008 05:49:59 ‹boglin› also is there going to be a difference in Goblins and Hobgoblin?
05/03/2008 05:50:01 ‹Ross› Since it has slowed back down a bit, I'd like to steer the conversation back to where we started a bit. Wheat is the ideal Point Buy amount?
05/03/2008 05:50:02 ‹James Jacobs› Madness> Grafting ioun stones into the flesh? Yes, eventually.
05/03/2008 05:50:19 ‹Madness Follows› AWESOME!
05/03/2008 05:50:24 ‹Madness Follows› :dance2:
05/03/2008 05:50:31 ‹Ross› James Jacobs, good. I don't like Ioun stones just because I don't like the images of high-level people with a swarm around their heads.
05/03/2008 05:50:39 ‹Russ› Ross> 28
05/03/2008 05:50:40 ‹boglin› (6?
05/03/2008 05:50:43 ‹James Jacobs› Goblins generally worship Lamashtu. But they also have a small group of goblin gods they worship. BUT: They're just as likely to worship things or people. Like a chieftain, or a stump that kind of looks like a goblin face.
05/03/2008 05:50:47 ‹boglin› 96?
05/03/2008 05:50:59 ‹James Jacobs› Classic Monsters Revisited has some stuff about the goblin pantheon.
05/03/2008 05:51:18 * Takasi Prepping Burning Sky quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 05:51:23 ‹James Jacobs› There's big differences between goblins and hobgoblins. And bugbears too.
05/03/2008 05:51:33 ‹Madness Follows› I cannot WAIT for CMR. Will be total awesomeness I'm sure
05/03/2008 05:51:42 ‹TheWanderingBard› How about hobgoblin society?
05/03/2008 05:51:44 ‹James Jacobs› The best way to summarize the differences is to compare their alignments. All 3 are evil. Hobgoblins are lawful, goblins neutral, and bugbears chaotic.
05/03/2008 05:51:49 ‹Russ› Gygax comic tribute #3: http://somethingpositive.net/
05/03/2008 05:51:57 ‹James Jacobs› Hobgoblins are very militaristic. There's more info about them in Classic Monsters as well.
05/03/2008 05:52:11 ‹boglin› good I Love Hobgoblins and I'd like to see them developed more altho they did get a big shot in the arm in MM V
05/03/2008 05:52:35 ‹James Jacobs› Ross> yeah... it's the same problem with the animated shield. It's a great item quality, but you never see them depicted in art cause it'd look dumb.
05/03/2008 05:52:40 ‹TheWanderingBard› Need to get Monsters Revisited then
05/03/2008 05:52:53 ‹boglin› me too
05/03/2008 05:52:58 ‹James Jacobs› My favorite point buy amount is 32.
05/03/2008 05:53:23 ‹Ross› James Jacobs, now that I think of it, Merisel has an ioun stone in her head. Or something.
05/03/2008 05:53:26 ‹Russ› 32 is a bit superheroic for my tastes. But it does mean lots of 18s, which can be fun. And it means I can gun the hell out of my villains.
05/03/2008 05:53:34 ‹boglin› 40 could work and not get crazy
05/03/2008 05:53:47 ‹Rambling Scribe› In City of the Spider Queen, they have a character shown repeatedly with an animated shield. I liked the art, but it is clearly an exception.
05/03/2008 05:53:49 ‹Russ› Elrond in the Rank-and-Base Hobbit came out okay
05/03/2008 05:53:53 ‹James Jacobs› Ross> Yup. That's kind of what got me thinking about that. That and Karzoug, of course.
05/03/2008 05:53:54 ‹Russ› (with Ioun stone-ish things)
05/03/2008 05:53:55 ‹Ross› 40 is a bit excessive. The elite array is 25.
05/03/2008 05:53:58 * Takasi Prepping Burning Sky joins Main
05/03/2008 05:54:16 ‹James Jacobs› 32 doesn't really mean any 18s at all.
05/03/2008 05:54:36 * Madness Follows quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 05:54:40 ‹James Jacobs› It DOES mean higher scores, sure, but if anyone in my campaign has high scores... it's the main characters. The one the story's about. The PCs.
05/03/2008 05:54:46 ‹Somber Pygon› 2 18's and the rest 8's - woo! :)
05/03/2008 05:55:06 ‹boglin› 24 just means you get rangers with all 14's
05/03/2008 05:55:19 ‹Russ› I'd sure put an 18 in a spellcaster with 32. Not sure if I'd do it for other classes.
05/03/2008 05:55:21 ‹Ross› I'm trying to sort of the creation rules for my PbP. It's important that I let all the spellcasters get at least 16s, since i'm using my variant casting rules.
05/03/2008 05:55:25 ‹James Jacobs› If a player tried to pull a 2 18s and 4 8s on me... I'd laugh at him, point, and make sure that he soon learns to regret his four 8s.
05/03/2008 05:55:30 ‹Gavgoyle› Probably already been asked a number of times, James, but anything particularly Cthonic showing up in CotCT?
05/03/2008 05:56:10 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› gamist RBDM :P
05/03/2008 05:56:14 ‹James Jacobs› By "Cthonic" do you mean stuff from the Darklands? Or stuff like Lumley's cthonians/lovecrafty stuff?
05/03/2008 05:56:23 ‹TheWanderingBard› Really, with the "infinite rerolls" rules, players are limited only by their own sense of reason, so 32 doesn't seem so bad. Most of mine know where to draw the line though.
05/03/2008 05:56:27 ‹Gavgoyle› Lovecrafty
05/03/2008 05:56:30 ‹TheWanderingBard› :cthulhu:
05/03/2008 05:56:38 ‹TheWanderingBard› had to
05/03/2008 05:56:45 ‹Ross› Infinite rerolls? Says who?
05/03/2008 05:56:49 ‹TheWanderingBard› :cthulhu:
05/03/2008 05:56:51 ‹TheWanderingBard› him
05/03/2008 05:56:56 ‹James Jacobs› At this point, yes... Greg Vaughan put in a lovecraftian monster into Pathfinder 11. It's a cool choice too.
05/03/2008 05:57:07 ‹boglin› my opinion exactly if I wanted Bob the fighter then roleplaying wouldn't be as big
05/03/2008 05:57:09 * Duicarthan waves at Boglin
05/03/2008 05:57:15 ‹James Jacobs› And comes with some interesting connotations and what-not for the Darklands.
05/03/2008 05:57:25 ‹TheWanderingBard› Really though, how am I to know how many rerolls they used?
05/03/2008 05:57:32 ‹Gavgoyle› cool, any hint on what it might be?
05/03/2008 05:57:36 ‹Timitius› Should be Shogoth...cuz I kicked his demon butt in Hellgate!
05/03/2008 05:57:45 ‹James Jacobs› HA! Wait.
05/03/2008 05:57:51 ‹James Jacobs› Are there shoggoths in Hellgate?
05/03/2008 05:57:52 ‹TheWanderingBard› Timitius>Shulgoth?
05/03/2008 05:57:54 ‹Gavgoyle› Using the Hounds in RotRL was a geek-gasm for me
05/03/2008 05:58:09 ‹TheWanderingBard› Had fun killing him
05/03/2008 05:58:12 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Shulgoth, yes...as far as shoggoths, it's possible. But there are sleestaks!
05/03/2008 05:58:21 ‹James Jacobs› I'm still a little wary about fully embracing the Lovecraft element in Pathfinder.
05/03/2008 05:58:26 ‹TheWanderingBard› Hooray for sleestak glands
05/03/2008 05:58:37 ‹TheWanderingBard› I'm using one in my rainbow-brite gun
05/03/2008 05:58:39 * Timitius sighs for messing up another demon name....
05/03/2008 05:58:58 ‹James Jacobs› No hints yet about the monster, alas, Gavgoyle. Maybe in a month...
05/03/2008 05:59:00 ‹boglin› wa
05/03/2008 05:59:05 ‹boglin› waves
05/03/2008 05:59:22 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› James Jacobs, I suggest a special Golarion pronounciation guide web page
05/03/2008 05:59:26 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: I would say bleed out the Cthulhu elements slowly
05/03/2008 05:59:33 ‹James Jacobs› Don't let it botha' ya Tim! Just flail your arms around and honk and in MOMENTS, no one will remember! It works for me whenever I do something publicly that I'd wish I hadn't.
05/03/2008 05:59:43 ‹Madness Follows› Land of the Lost?
05/03/2008 06:00:01 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> There'll be a pronunciation guide in the Hardcover.
05/03/2008 06:00:06 ‹Moonlion› Good night, all! :)
05/03/2008 06:00:15 ‹James Jacobs› Seeya, Moonlion!
05/03/2008 06:00:25 ‹James Jacobs› And remember! NOON TOMORROW!
05/03/2008 06:00:30 ‹Moonlion› I shall!
05/03/2008 06:00:31 ‹Lilith› Noon tomorrow?
05/03/2008 06:00:35 ‹Moonlion› BELIEVE IT!
05/03/2008 06:00:38 ‹Hill Giant› gunfight
05/03/2008 06:00:39 ‹James Jacobs› KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES!
05/03/2008 06:00:39 * Lilith narrows her eyes...:fry:
05/03/2008 06:01:02 ‹Madness Follows› :paranoid:
05/03/2008 06:01:14 * Takasi Prepping Burning Sky changes his/her nickname to Takasi running Burning Sky
05/03/2008 06:01:23 ‹Somber Pygon› it's always at noon.
05/03/2008 06:01:44 * Moonlion quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:01:57 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Were you going to run with the preview page from the Guide to Korvosa as a blog idea?
05/03/2008 06:02:30 ‹Lilith› Dirty Jobs in HD! Woohoo!
05/03/2008 06:02:35 ‹Lilith› Twice the resolution on the grime!
05/03/2008 06:02:40 * Crazy Pete joins Main
05/03/2008 06:02:41 ‹James Jacobs› Nah... it's prolly too late to do that now.
05/03/2008 06:02:41 ‹TheWanderingBard› Soooo....Lillith/Timitius... Off topic, but is the Hellgate run tonight 8:30 oceanic time?
05/03/2008 06:02:51 * Madness Follows quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:02:54 ‹Gavgoyle› Okay, but I'm hoping for the Gugs of Golarion
05/03/2008 06:02:55 ‹James Jacobs› PDFs of Korvosa will be available sometime this week, i suspect. Too late.
05/03/2008 06:03:03 ‹James Jacobs› Gugs, eh?
05/03/2008 06:03:07 * Crazy Pete changes his/her nickname to Madness Follows
05/03/2008 06:03:18 ‹Gavgoyle› Indeed.
05/03/2008 06:03:26 ‹James Jacobs› There's a pretty good chance you'll be pretty happy then...
05/03/2008 06:03:30 ‹Lilith› TheWanderingBard: Uhh...it would be 8pm Pacific Time...which is 4am Greenwich Mean Time
05/03/2008 06:03:44 ‹Timitius› TheWanderingBard: Patience Bard! Tomorrow night...not tonight.
05/03/2008 06:03:50 ‹Gavgoyle› Eeeeeeeeeexcellent!
05/03/2008 06:03:51 ‹TheWanderingBard› its OK... I'm oceanic
05/03/2008 06:03:53 ‹TheWanderingBard› Argh
05/03/2008 06:04:03 ‹TheWanderingBard› Sorry
05/03/2008 06:04:17 ‹Lilith› 4am THURSDAY Greenwich mean time...not sure when that would be for you...
05/03/2008 06:04:33 ‹TheWanderingBard› Bard's Trigger Finger twitches gently
05/03/2008 06:04:39 ‹Timitius› No prob. I just finished the Hellgate book 1, and I am itchin terribly for demon killing.....
05/03/2008 06:04:44 * Fray joins Main
05/03/2008 06:05:00 ‹TheWanderingBard› ok
05/03/2008 06:05:18 * Timitius thinks it should be Main joins the Fray.....
05/03/2008 06:05:29 ‹TheWanderingBard› bye then :D
05/03/2008 06:05:38 * Fray changes his/her nickname to Main
05/03/2008 06:05:41 * Main agrees
05/03/2008 06:05:46 ‹Main› :)
05/03/2008 06:05:47 ‹Madness Follows› I think that it is time for me to wander into the Slumber Lands.... 'Night all :sleep::sleep::sleep:
05/03/2008 06:05:58 ‹Somber Pygon› gnite Mad
05/03/2008 06:05:59 ‹Timitius› :lol:
05/03/2008 06:06:05 ‹Main› so... what did I miss?
05/03/2008 06:06:21 * Main changes his/her nickname to Main joins the Fray
05/03/2008 06:06:21 ‹Timitius› Flying dinosaurs....and gibbly parts.
05/03/2008 06:06:29 ‹Main joins the Fray› ah.. coolio
05/03/2008 06:06:32 * TheWanderingBard quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:06:35 ‹James Jacobs› We got to say hi to Nick Logue's Mom...
05/03/2008 06:06:38 * Main joins the Fray changes his/her nickname to Fray
05/03/2008 06:06:45 ‹Fray› OOO!
05/03/2008 06:06:48 ‹Fray› sweet!
05/03/2008 06:07:03 ‹Fray› did she tell us anything fun about him?
05/03/2008 06:07:14 ‹Somber Pygon› it was a vicarious hello
05/03/2008 06:07:32 ‹Fray› the second best kind
05/03/2008 06:07:39 ‹Timitius› I trust he kept the porno-Godzilla comments off the boards this time?
05/03/2008 06:07:52 ‹James Jacobs› ANYway... I should get going as well. Gotta finish off this "Escape from Old Korvosa" adventure before I get to go home, alas...
05/03/2008 06:07:58 * Madness Follows quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:07:59 ‹Fray› Py somber cuz of the big GG passing?
05/03/2008 06:07:59 ‹James Jacobs› Or at least, get within 1000 words of being done...
05/03/2008 06:08:05 ‹Somber Pygon› Fray - yes :)
05/03/2008 06:08:14 ‹Fray› gnite JJ
05/03/2008 06:08:17 ‹James Jacobs› Any last-minute questions or threats?
05/03/2008 06:08:20 * Fray changes his/her nickname to Somber Fray
05/03/2008 06:08:21 ‹Somber Pygon› thanks for stopping by James
05/03/2008 06:08:29 ‹Somber Pygon› well I did have one, but it might take some thought...
05/03/2008 06:08:33 ‹Gavgoyle› nope, thanks for the info James!
05/03/2008 06:08:34 ‹Somber Fray› I'll shoot you a question or two later JJ
05/03/2008 06:08:38 ‹Somber Fray› :)
05/03/2008 06:08:43 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: :thug:
05/03/2008 06:08:44 ‹James Jacobs› Let's hear them questions!
05/03/2008 06:08:48 ‹Ross› Thanks for taking our questions, James.
05/03/2008 06:08:49 ‹boglin› thanks have a good night'
05/03/2008 06:08:50 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Questions for us maybe?
05/03/2008 06:08:51 ‹James Jacobs› Fire em' up!
05/03/2008 06:09:03 ‹Somber Fray› yeah, JJ ask us something
05/03/2008 06:09:08 ‹Rambling Scribe› Night JJ!
05/03/2008 06:09:09 ‹Somber Pygon› a small balst to your past - if you were to set Red Hand of Doom in Golarion, what would be its coutnerparts to Dreelin's Ferry and the forest, the mountains, swamp, wastelands, and Brindol?
05/03/2008 06:09:16 * mortellan joins Main
05/03/2008 06:09:17 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Who you lookin' at for the Patfhinder Companion line? Are your Second Darkness authors finalized?
05/03/2008 06:09:21 ‹Lilith› mortellan! :thug:
05/03/2008 06:09:29 ‹mortellan› aww hi Lilith
05/03/2008 06:09:43 ‹Somber Fray› hi mort
05/03/2008 06:09:48 * Samwise mutters at mortellan
05/03/2008 06:09:55 * Samwise grumbles even
05/03/2008 06:09:57 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Any chance of limited edition Pathfinder dice with the Sihedron rune on them?
05/03/2008 06:09:58 * mortellan narrows eyes at samwise
05/03/2008 06:10:15 ‹Somber Fray› have we heard if Paizo has seen/read the 4e crap stuff yet?
05/03/2008 06:10:22 ‹Russ› Just ran part of RHoD. found a bit of a howler.
05/03/2008 06:10:25 ‹Russ› A small creature with improved grab.
05/03/2008 06:10:40 ‹Russ› watch out, it might grapple your familiar!
05/03/2008 06:10:48 ‹Somber Fray› Russ must be from MMII
05/03/2008 06:10:53 ‹Mothman› See you James
05/03/2008 06:11:12 ‹Russ› It didn't have a note allowing it to use improved grab on anything bigger than tiny :)
05/03/2008 06:11:14 ‹Timitius› James! Tell all the folks here to come to Paizocon!
05/03/2008 06:11:15 ‹Ross› Somber Fray, they're taking apart Bulman's brain tomorrow.
05/03/2008 06:11:38 ‹Somber Fray› coolio...
05/03/2008 06:11:40 ‹Lilith› What Timitius said James Jacobs!
05/03/2008 06:11:41 ‹Russ› that gets blown a lot in modules in general, particularly on dragons with snatch or crush- a huge dragon can only grab/snatch a small PC.
05/03/2008 06:11:50 ‹James Jacobs› If I were to set Red Hand in Golarion... I'd probably keep most of the names the same and just put it right in Andoran. Falcon's Hollow area perhaps...
05/03/2008 06:11:50 * ollibolli joins Main
05/03/2008 06:11:53 ‹Somber Fray› it will be nice to see something a bit more solid than all the rumors
05/03/2008 06:11:54 ‹Timitius› To worship the pantheon that is Paizo Editors.
05/03/2008 06:12:07 ‹James Jacobs› HA! Sihedron dice? There's a chance!
05/03/2008 06:12:13 ‹Somber Pygon› thanks James
05/03/2008 06:12:18 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Seriously? COOL! :headbang:
05/03/2008 06:12:36 ‹James Jacobs› Fray> We haven't seen the GSL or the rules yet. Well.. Bulmahn's kind of seen the rules, I guess. He was at D&D XP.
05/03/2008 06:12:50 ‹James Jacobs› Russ: What was the monster that had the grabbies?
05/03/2008 06:13:00 ‹Russ› The lesser bonedrinker I think was the name
05/03/2008 06:13:05 ‹ollibolli› Good morning from Germany
05/03/2008 06:13:18 ‹Samwise› they didnt have anywhere near the full rules at DDXP
05/03/2008 06:13:19 ‹James Jacobs› Ah. Yeah. That rule about the sizes and improved grab gets forgotten ALL THE TIME>
05/03/2008 06:13:20 ‹Russ› Had an ability that relied on grapple, but with its grapple check it probably wouldn't use it much anyhow
05/03/2008 06:13:25 ‹mortellan› yo olli
05/03/2008 06:13:27 ‹Saracenus› Somber Fray: As of yesterday Erik commented on Chris Pramas' review of 4e that at least someone in the 3rd party universe was getting a look at 4e, so I would say no. Paizo hasn't seen it yet...
05/03/2008 06:13:27 ‹Samwise› except the designers on their evil laptops
05/03/2008 06:13:29 ‹James Jacobs› Samwise> More than we've seen yet, thoguh.
05/03/2008 06:13:34 ‹Russ› I just did the 4 attacks and hurt the PCs that way
05/03/2008 06:13:41 ‹Samwise› heh
05/03/2008 06:13:43 ‹Samwise› that is true
05/03/2008 06:13:44 ‹James Jacobs› Timitius> Will do! I'll be there, I suspect!
05/03/2008 06:13:49 ‹Russ› They were fun, no one expected their reach :)
05/03/2008 06:13:54 * Oni Link joins Main
05/03/2008 06:13:58 ‹Russ› If you are there, I will buy you a beer of your choice
05/03/2008 06:14:01 * Oni Link looks around
05/03/2008 06:14:03 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Yay! That means I can give backrubs!
05/03/2008 06:14:08 ‹Russ› And come by Eugene some day, we have a bar with 800 beers!
05/03/2008 06:14:12 ‹Russ› Wait, 950 beers!
05/03/2008 06:14:22 ‹Timitius› James: How's the car running? I read your blog...weird...I have a 2000 SL2 as well. And all this time, we had the same car and never knew......:-k
05/03/2008 06:14:23 ‹Oni Link› Color scheme for Gary Gyax's passing?
05/03/2008 06:14:28 ‹Lilith› Oni Link: 'Tis.
05/03/2008 06:14:33 * Oni Link nods
05/03/2008 06:14:47 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> in those cases, anyway... it's best to just go ahead and ad hoc give the critter the ability to grab bigger folk anyway. Rules as intended, not as written.
05/03/2008 06:14:48 ‹Oni Link› Oh hey there's JJ :)
05/03/2008 06:14:53 * Somber Fray gets into the backrub line
05/03/2008 06:15:09 ‹James Jacobs› BACKRUBS!
05/03/2008 06:15:12 ‹James Jacobs› Score.
05/03/2008 06:15:13 ‹Russ› James> Yeah, with no size small PCs I decied I wouldn't worry, since I wasn't gonna win a grapple check without a miracle
06:15:34 ‹Russ› I like to give critters like that Improved Grapple just to give them a chance.
05/03/2008 06:15:40 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: :love:
05/03/2008 06:16:11 ‹James Jacobs› The car is still running rough, Timitius. It's a $1200 bill to fix, and it works without the fix... and I haven't really had a chance to go anywhere but Paizo for the last few weeks... BUT so far so good! :) I hope to bring it in for the FIX next week.
05/03/2008 06:16:20 ‹Somber Fray› ok, y'all i'm out. be good to each other. :)
05/03/2008 06:16:21 ‹Oni Link› I have a question: one of my players is going to be playing an Urban Ranger (variant from UA) but is also considering the Sable Company feat. The class allows animal companions of Medium size or smaller, but the hippogriff is a Large creature. I'm going to allow him to ignore the "Medium or smaller" rule, what do you think?
05/03/2008 06:16:31 ‹Russ› +4 to grapple checks goes a long way, is why I gave my plant-zombies that as a bonus feat :)
05/03/2008 06:16:36 ‹James Jacobs› It's a good car, for the most part, other than the herky-jerky 2nd gear crap.
05/03/2008 06:16:51 ‹Timitius› The starter gave out on ours a couple weeks ago.
05/03/2008 06:16:58 ‹Russ› How soon are you willing to give him a hippogriff?
05/03/2008 06:17:00 ‹James Jacobs› Seeya, Fray!
05/03/2008 06:17:23 ‹James Jacobs› Oni: Give him the hippogriff.
05/03/2008 06:17:23 ‹Russ› Watch out for how dangerous a flying charge can be. If he twigs to it, he can get two double-damage claw attacks.
05/03/2008 06:17:25 ‹Timitius› $500. There went my plans for a 2 GB RAM upgrade....
05/03/2008 06:17:31 ‹Oni Link› Well he qualifies for the feat at 6th level, since you need to be level 4 ranger but the next feat after 3rd is 6th.
05/03/2008 06:17:48 * Somber Fray quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:17:53 ‹Ross› As much as I am enjoying this, I'm east coast. It's time for sleepy sleep.
05/03/2008 06:17:57 ‹Gavgoyle› I'm slippin' into keyboard catatonia, too. Take care all!
05/03/2008 06:17:59 ‹James Jacobs› Timitius> Yeah... I hear ya.
05/03/2008 06:18:01 ‹Russ› But hippogriffs have something of a glass jaw.
05/03/2008 06:18:08 ‹Oni Link› Night, everyone who's leaving!
05/03/2008 06:18:33 ‹Timitius› Saturn makes a damn good car though.......
05/03/2008 06:18:44 ‹James Jacobs› They do. PLUS: They're so nice!
05/03/2008 06:18:44 * Jason Bulmahn joins Main
05/03/2008 06:18:47 ‹James Jacobs› and friendly!
05/03/2008 06:18:49 ‹Lilith› BULLMAN!
05/03/2008 06:18:49 ‹James Jacobs› Eeew.
05/03/2008 06:18:52 ‹Gavgoyle› Daigle, give me a call tomorrow night if you can make it over to the TMBG show
05/03/2008 06:18:53 ‹James Jacobs› That's my cue.
05/03/2008 06:18:56 * Lilith runs over and glomps the BULL MAN!
05/03/2008 06:19:01 ‹James Jacobs› Jason may be drunk, btw...
05/03/2008 06:19:05 ‹Lilith› :glomp:
05/03/2008 06:19:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Howdy everybody...
05/03/2008 06:19:06 * Ross needs to get around to updating his resume and sending to to Paizo.
05/03/2008 06:19:16 ‹mortellan› have a drink on me, JB
05/03/2008 06:19:16 ‹Timitius› Hey Jason!
05/03/2008 06:19:24 ‹Ross› Then I'd be west coast. :)
05/03/2008 06:19:24 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Nope... I had a few pints in Gary's honor.. but I am doing just fine
05/03/2008 06:19:25 ‹James Jacobs› BUT: He used the ellipsis properly. He's sober!
05/03/2008 06:19:26 ‹Oni Link› Hiya, JB
05/03/2008 06:19:31 ‹Timitius› :beer::beer:
05/03/2008 06:19:32 ‹Russ› Man-Bull!
05/03/2008 06:19:33 ‹Gavgoyle› howdy Jason, Goodbye Jason!
05/03/2008 06:19:42 ‹James Jacobs› You never explained to me what this "pints" thing is, Jason!
05/03/2008 06:19:46 * Lilith sets Jason Bulmahn down and gives him a prime rib dinner. And beer. :beer:
05/03/2008 06:19:53 ‹Russ› Scoop us, Jason!
05/03/2008 06:19:59 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Beer James.. beer comes in pints...
05/03/2008 06:20:01 * Ross quit
05/03/2008 06:20:10 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Lilith.. as always...
05/03/2008 06:20:10 ‹Saracenus› Or kegs
05/03/2008 06:20:12 ‹Timitius› Not buckets???
05/03/2008 06:20:19 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Or growler jugs. :D
05/03/2008 06:20:23 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Well.. it depends on how thirsty I am
05/03/2008 06:20:25 * Timitius is a sloppy drunk....
05/03/2008 06:20:33 * Lilith is a giggly drunk.
05/03/2008 06:20:37 ‹boglin› nite nite
05/03/2008 06:20:38 ‹James Jacobs› OK. Jason's here! I'm gone!
05/03/2008 06:20:42 ‹James Jacobs› Seeya all next time!
05/03/2008 06:20:43 ‹Saracenus› lol
05/03/2008 06:20:43 ‹Somber Pygon› bye James
05/03/2008 06:20:45 * mortellan is a sleepy drunk
05/03/2008 06:20:45 ‹Oni Link› G'nite, JJ.
05/03/2008 06:20:46 * Jason Bulmahn is a raging drunk..
05/03/2008 06:20:47 ‹Timitius› See you James!
05/03/2008 06:20:47 * Oni Link waves
05/03/2008 06:20:48 ‹Lilith› Night James Jacobs! :thug:
05/03/2008 06:20:48 ‹James Jacobs› Ask Jason some hard questions!
05/03/2008 06:20:48 ‹Russ› thanks for the hard work
05/03/2008 06:20:49 ‹Saracenus› Night James
05/03/2008 06:20:50 ‹mortellan› bye james
05/03/2008 06:20:56 ‹Hill Giant› bye jj
05/03/2008 06:21:00 ‹Lilith› Is this a tag-team effort now?
05/03/2008 06:21:03 ‹Saracenus› Welp, I am out... got to get stuff done for tomorrow
05/03/2008 06:21:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night James... see you in the morning...
05/03/2008 06:21:08 * Gavgoyle quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:21:08 * Gavgoyle quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:21:09 ‹mortellan› bye Sar
05/03/2008 06:21:17 ‹Timitius› Jason....of THAT I have no doubts.....;-)
05/03/2008 06:21:19 ‹James Jacobs› YEs. At the ungodly hour of 11 AM. Eew.
05/03/2008 06:21:21 ‹mortellan› Sar>want to do my taxes?
05/03/2008 06:21:29 ‹Rambling Scribe› So Jason, I hear they are extracting your brain tomorrow.
05/03/2008 06:21:31 ‹Saracenus› NO!
05/03/2008 06:21:37 ‹mortellan› haha
05/03/2008 06:21:41 * boglin quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:21:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› That they are... wait.. what?
05/03/2008 06:21:48 * Lilith giggles.
05/03/2008 06:21:49 ‹Mothman› Bye JAmes
05/03/2008 06:21:51 ‹Somber Pygon› so... 40 rounds huh?
05/03/2008 06:21:51 ‹Mothman› Hi Jason
05/03/2008 06:21:51 ‹Russ› So....
05/03/2008 06:21:56 ‹Russ› That ranger, huh Jason?
05/03/2008 06:21:59 ‹Timitius› :vampire::zombieglomp:
05/03/2008 06:22:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wow.. word spreads fast...
05/03/2008 06:22:15 ‹Samwise› heh
05/03/2008 06:22:17 ‹Russ› And why play a wizard when you can be a cleric!
05/03/2008 06:22:19 ‹Samwise› 40 rounds of doom
05/03/2008 06:22:21 * James Jacobs quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:22:32 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Before you get bombarded with DDXP questions - what are you working on at Paizo now, and how do you feel about the GameMastery modules becoming Pathfinder modules?
05/03/2008 06:22:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Why play anything but a cleric... apparently...
05/03/2008 06:22:46 ‹Timitius› I wanna be an uber-priest now!
05/03/2008 06:22:51 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith: I cannot say what my current work is...
05/03/2008 06:22:59 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Bean spillage!
05/03/2008 06:23:00 ‹Jason Bulmahn› In any way.. unfortunately...
05/03/2008 06:23:02 ‹Lilith› Wants it!
05/03/2008 06:23:04 * Saracenus quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:23:04 ‹Lilith› :cry:
06:23:32 ‹Rambling Scribe› :cthulhu:
05/03/2008 06:23:33 ‹Timitius› Jason: Didn't you say that you may be able to give a clue to your secret work at.....Paizocon?
05/03/2008 06:23:42 ‹Jason Bulmahn› As far as gamemastery mods becoming pathfinder mods.. it is really just a name change for the most part... as far as I can tell... but I am a bit out of the loop so there may be some changes I am not yet privy too
05/03/2008 06:23:52 ‹Russ› I can heal and buff AND do damage, all in the same round, cause no one's figured out why people don't play clerics
05/03/2008 06:23:54 * Timitius is a shameless promoter...and a pimp to boot.
05/03/2008 06:23:55 * Crimson Jester joins Main
05/03/2008 06:23:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Tim: When is Paizocon again?
05/03/2008 06:24:02 ‹Russ› (my theory on why people don't play clerics is they are not fantasy icons)
05/03/2008 06:24:07 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Out of the loop, eh? :fry:
05/03/2008 06:24:09 ‹Timitius› April 26th.
05/03/2008 06:24:19 * Lilith wants to know why he is in this position...
05/03/2008 06:24:24 ‹Timitius› You have 54 days.....
05/03/2008 06:24:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Tim: I would hope so by then.. I will go crazy otherwise...
05/03/2008 06:24:30 ‹Russ› I think it is a good change. It always gave me pause that GM mods weren't generic like all the other GM products.
05/03/2008 06:24:34 ‹Mothman› Russ: Good theory
05/03/2008 06:24:35 ‹Crimson Jester› Ive known a lot of people to play Clerics
05/03/2008 06:25:01 ‹Samwise› paizocon?
05/03/2008 06:25:22 ‹Jason Bulmahn› The thing is with 4E.. as far as I could tell.. is that since everyone has powers that do roughly the same damage, why not play a cleric who has the ability to easily heal others...
05/03/2008 06:25:43 * Samwise coughs
05/03/2008 06:25:45 ‹Timitius› Samwise: http://roleplayers.meetup.com/456/
05/03/2008 06:25:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› But.. I should post a disclaimer.. I am talking about MY opinions.. not necessarily Paizo's...
05/03/2008 06:25:56 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: I was just about to do that for you...
05/03/2008 06:26:02 ‹Samwise› paladins and share your healing reserves around
05/03/2008 06:26:05 ‹Russ› *nods*
05/03/2008 06:26:05 ‹Somber Pygon› so they made rules that would make clerics not so necessary, but now a full party of clerics might be a norm :P
05/03/2008 06:26:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› We still have a lot to discuss at work about all this and there are a lot of factors to consider...
05/03/2008 06:26:21 ‹Russ› I see no reason to play a fighter or wizard in 4thE so far, but then I don't have the books.
05/03/2008 06:26:33 ‹Samwise› and i think that strikers do just that little bit more damage with their powers
05/03/2008 06:26:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Me neither
05/03/2008 06:26:36 ‹Crimson Jester› So Paizo will go 4E?
05/03/2008 06:26:43 ‹Timitius› :beer: :beer: :beer: Here Jason...have another....tell me what you REALLY think...;-)
05/03/2008 06:26:48 ‹Samwise› especially cracked out elf rangers and teleporting eladrin rogues
05/03/2008 06:26:53 ‹Rambling Scribe› Did you find out what's up with the GSL being so late?
05/03/2008 06:27:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Crimson: I do not have the answer to that question yet, there are a lot of variables that we do not yet have...
05/03/2008 06:27:32 * mortellan quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:27:41 ‹Crimson Jester› Is it safe to say that a lot of calculations are being set onto wether or not you will?
05/03/2008 06:28:05 ‹Samwise› hmmmm
05/03/2008 06:28:06 * Daigle returns
05/03/2008 06:28:07 ‹Samwise› interesting
05/03/2008 06:28:12 ‹Daigle› Howdy again folks.
05/03/2008 06:28:16 ‹Mothman› So Jason, in your personal opinion (which is in no way to be construed as Paizos), does 4E seem like a game you would like to play? Perhaps a game you would choose to play over 3.5? (if you'd rather not say, that's cool)
05/03/2008 06:28:22 ‹Crimson Jester› Hey D
05/03/2008 06:28:36 ‹Mothman› Hi Daigle
05/03/2008 06:28:39 ‹Daigle› What's shakin' Crimson Jester?
05/03/2008 06:29:14 ‹Daigle› Are y'all beatin' up on Bulmahn?
05/03/2008 06:29:17 ‹Rambling Scribe› Daigle, while you were gone JJ turned into Bull Man.
05/03/2008 06:29:31 ‹Daigle› Ahh...weird.
05/03/2008 06:29:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: I honestly cannot say.. I have seen so little of it. Mind you, I play lots of games, from Gurps, Shadowrun, Vampire, D&D, Hol, Deadlands, Battlelords of the 23rd Century.. you name it, I have probably tried it out at least once.. I do not see 4E falling out side this group
05/03/2008 06:30:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› That said.. would I play it over 3.5 as my official "D&D"... I just don't know yet
05/03/2008 06:30:14 ‹Mothman› Battlelords of the 23rd Century? Don't know that one. Sounds cool!
05/03/2008 06:30:30 ‹Mothman› And very diplomatic answer ;-)
05/03/2008 06:30:38 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: It is a really fun game.. although I do not believe it is made anymore...
05/03/2008 06:30:45 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: Why thank you :-)
05/03/2008 06:30:56 ‹Russ› I think this CAN work, but it will be such a break from old flavor that a lot of old stories just won't work
05/03/2008 06:31:19 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: And that is one of my big concerns right now
05/03/2008 06:31:25 * Sir Wulf quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:31:25 * Sir Wulf quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:31:46 ‹Russ› For example - no flight until the Paragon tier changes some things.
05/03/2008 06:32:03 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Exactly
05/03/2008 06:32:26 ‹ollibolli› spider climb?
05/03/2008 06:32:47 ‹Crimson Jester› I guess I have not paid much attention but HUH?!?! what exactly do we know about how the rules are gonna be except no Gnomes (Boo Hiss) and the are adding some silly races
05/03/2008 06:33:06 ‹Russ› A few pages of spells got revealed at D&D XP
05/03/2008 06:33:10 ‹Russ› and flight was something like level 12
05/03/2008 06:33:31 ‹Timitius› So, is Vancian magic OUT?
05/03/2008 06:33:31 ‹Russ› I think fey step at least requires LOS
05/03/2008 06:33:34 ‹ollibolli› urgs, what whould be a level 1 spell then
05/03/2008 06:33:41 ‹Russ› So we won't have 1st level eladrins bypassing locked doors
05/03/2008 06:33:44 ‹Mothman› Yeah, that really bothers me too - not being able to tell the old stories using the new rules
05/03/2008 06:33:48 ‹Russ› Yes, Vance is gone
05/03/2008 06:33:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ollibolli: This is another thing that concerns me.. I saw no simple powers like spider climb or obscuring mist or even shield of faith... all the characters seem to had attack powers and that is is
05/03/2008 06:33:53 ‹Jason Bulmahn› it not is
05/03/2008 06:33:55 ‹Somber Pygon› level 1 is a magic missile that requires a to hit roll... :)
05/03/2008 06:34:14 ‹Jason Bulmahn› GRRRRRRRRRRR
05/03/2008 06:34:24 * Somber Pygon ducks
05/03/2008 06:34:30 ‹Timitius› :shock:
05/03/2008 06:34:33 ‹Blazej› The keyboard is your friend.
05/03/2008 06:34:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I am going to write a lengthy blog some time here tonight summing up my limited observations...
05/03/2008 06:34:51 ‹Crimson Jester› I bet if you wanted to set it up you could make a "Feat" or something like it that gives you more power by making you have a Vancian style caster
05/03/2008 06:34:54 ‹Lilith› Looking forward to it Jason Bulmahn. :)
05/03/2008 06:35:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Suffice to say.. the Magic Missile bit really pushed my buttons.
05/03/2008 06:35:13 ‹Russ› Yeah. Bah.
05/03/2008 06:35:19 ‹Russ› Going from auto-hit to never hit.
05/03/2008 06:35:20 ‹Somber Pygon› we await it with worn out Refresh buttons.
05/03/2008 06:35:26 ‹Russ› I guess D&D XP, it was hitting sometimes :)
05/03/2008 06:35:29 ‹Crimson Jester› Magic missle should have a Ref save for 1/2 damage
05/03/2008 06:35:40 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Well.. it may take me a bit, I need to pull together all my references....
05/03/2008 06:36:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Magic Missile should have been an Encounter Power that just did some damage... done and done...
05/03/2008 06:36:26 ‹Mothman› Remind us where your blog is located Jason? Or will it be on the Paizo blog?
05/03/2008 06:36:26 ‹ollibolli› touch attack AC is gone...how does a wizard hit then
05/03/2008 06:36:31 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Having a rule that says that every power requires an attack roll is just a rule for rule's sake
05/03/2008 06:36:40 ‹Russ› Int vs. AC.
05/03/2008 06:36:42 ‹Somber Pygon› by rolling against a defense value I guess
05/03/2008 06:36:47 ‹Russ› Er sorry
05/03/2008 06:36:49 ‹Russ› Int vs. Reflex
05/03/2008 06:37:01 ‹Russ› Reflex AC is the new touch AC. But it tends to be a damn sight higher.
05/03/2008 06:37:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› It will be my personal blog... located at http://iuztheevil.livejournal.com
05/03/2008 06:37:11 ‹Duicarthan› Olli> he steps on a tack and dies like all wizards of low level. Didnt you know? spellcasters are the suck compared to melee
05/03/2008 06:37:56 * Duicarthan is being sarcastic like usual
05/03/2008 06:37:59 ‹Timitius› Jason: I saw in the "interview" that you did actually like some things....like what?
05/03/2008 06:38:09 ‹Russ› My cleric/wizard issue is this:
05/03/2008 06:38:13 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Magic missile goes against Reflex.. meaning that you do not get any AC bonuses to your Defense.. only Dex or Int (I think)
06:38:26 * Hill Giant changes his/her nickname to HG is AFK
05/03/2008 06:38:29 ‹Russ› The wizard and the cleric do similar damage. But the cleric is healing or buffing at the same time it does similar damage. That is not "balance".
05/03/2008 06:39:02 ‹Somber Pygon› the wizard probably van do more damage to groups, so their balance is situational
05/03/2008 06:39:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Timitius: I liked that each PC had something to do each round that was in line with his character concept... I liked that the group did not rest after two fights... I liked that 1st level PCs did not go down after one hit...
05/03/2008 06:39:08 ‹Russ› Reflex Defense appears to be: 10 + the higher mod of Int/Dex + 1/2 level + shield bonus + any defense bonuses (i.e. +2 for favored defense, +1 for a magic item....)
05/03/2008 06:39:22 ‹Russ› The clerics appear to have a lot of area damage.
05/03/2008 06:39:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: That sounds about right
05/03/2008 06:39:32 ‹Russ› I like the higher hp too.
05/03/2008 06:39:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Although i cannot confirm it directly
05/03/2008 06:39:39 ‹Russ› Good idea, and overdue for 3 editions now.
05/03/2008 06:39:51 ‹Timitius› In YOUR game....I'd like that last one too! :lol:
05/03/2008 06:40:01 ‹Samwise› the problem with the higher hp is as levels increase
05/03/2008 06:40:07 ‹Samwise› dragon taking 40 rounds to take down
05/03/2008 06:40:12 ‹Russ› To some extent, I like powers that reset each fight, and I do like the general concept of healing reserves. I think MORE powers should be limited use than are.
05/03/2008 06:40:14 ‹Jason Bulmahn› timitius: Nice
05/03/2008 06:40:35 ‹Duicarthan› Samwise> give it time, the cheeseweasels will fix that one =P
05/03/2008 06:40:49 ‹Samwise› duic>i doubt it
05/03/2008 06:40:52 ‹Russ› Fort is the higher of Str/Con (it appears), Will the higher of Wis/Cha, I believe AC and Init are both the higher of Int/Dex
05/03/2008 06:41:21 ‹Samwise› barring some wondrous hits and failed saves with sleep, i see little in the power previews to indicate a dramatic rise in damage
05/03/2008 06:41:35 ‹Russ› The "roll to reset" a monster power seems clunky, as does the "roll to end" an ongoing effect
05/03/2008 06:41:44 ‹Samwise› every attack is X (weapon damage) + ability modifier
05/03/2008 06:41:49 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: So.. the thing is.. as far as I can tell.. is that your damage dealing capabilities scale right up with HP and every other level related variable.. so the game is indeed balanced at all levels... but it is a strange solution, because if you fight things outside your range, the fight is either way too easy, or way too hard...
05/03/2008 06:41:50 ‹Russ› The large black dragn has possitively lame damage
05/03/2008 06:42:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: Right.. except that... monster damage scales much slower...
05/03/2008 06:42:19 ‹Samwise› Jason>look at the 23rd level paladin smite, it does 2 x weapon damage as a base
05/03/2008 06:42:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I am not 100% sure I could kill a PC in this system without being grossly unfair
05/03/2008 06:42:33 ‹Samwise› the damage capability will only scale up with the magic item bonus
05/03/2008 06:42:34 ‹Russ› It is not clear to me how damage is going to scale yet
05/03/2008 06:42:41 ‹Russ› (I mean in terms of PC damage)
05/03/2008 06:42:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› But without the complete rules, I am not sure that is true.. yet
05/03/2008 06:42:56 ‹Samwise› or, if you go low magic, the gratuitous bonus you award for leveling
05/03/2008 06:42:56 ‹Somber Pygon› I'm not sure how two dragons could kill each other!
05/03/2008 06:43:06 ‹Timitius› Jason: Retire the meteroic die???? :shock:
05/03/2008 06:43:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: I heard at the con that it just gets bigger.. the damage of higher level abilities is just more
05/03/2008 06:43:29 ‹Russ› Things that also bug me: that monsters are dead when they are reduced to 0, but PCs aren't. That monsters APPEAR to never get second wind is another.
05/03/2008 06:43:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Timitius: This is also a major concern for me
05/03/2008 06:43:46 ‹Russ› Yeah, but look at the frickin' pit fiend's hp
05/03/2008 06:44:00 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: That black dragon I fought got a second wind.. damn thing had 350 hp by the end
05/03/2008 06:44:13 ‹Samwise› one of the web articles said critters get healing surges now
05/03/2008 06:44:22 ‹Samwise› 1 at heroic, 2 at paragon, 3 at epic
05/03/2008 06:44:27 ‹ollibolli› How do you subdue a foe then? forfurther questionning or for his own good?
05/03/2008 06:44:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Why not just give the monsters more HP then.. it just would be easier
05/03/2008 06:44:48 ‹Russ› I guess he only has 350 - why the heck does that dragon have 280 hp??
05/03/2008 06:44:58 ‹Blazej› Just say your subduing them?
05/03/2008 06:45:01 ‹Samwise› because using a second wind takes a standard action?
05/03/2008 06:45:13 ‹Samwise› and gives a +2 to all defenses while doing so
05/03/2008 06:45:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: I have no idea.. but if 4th level PCs do not do about twice as much damage as 1st level PCs.. we have a problem.. it took us forever to beat it
05/03/2008 06:45:53 * Samwise notes that he ran the delve for one slot
05/03/2008 06:45:58 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: I guess...
05/03/2008 06:46:00 ‹Russ› *nods* I think they'll only do more dice.
05/03/2008 06:46:11 ‹Somber Pygon› even a 20% boost in power would be very noticable
05/03/2008 06:46:14 * Jason Bulmahn has both the mods... and sees your point
05/03/2008 06:46:20 * Stegger quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:46:20 * Stegger quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:46:27 ‹Russ› Glad to see monsters get a 2nd wind now.
05/03/2008 06:46:43 ‹Russ› not sure that they need more at higher tier, that seems like begging for bogdown
05/03/2008 06:46:45 ‹Samwise› looking at the abilities they have posted, i do not see base damage increasing for higher level abilities
05/03/2008 06:46:52 ‹Wyvern› It's late, gotta go... have fun all.
05/03/2008 06:47:00 ‹Somber Pygon› gnite Wyvern
06:47:03 ‹Daigle› Later Wyvern
05/03/2008 06:47:13 ‹Timitius› So, in that 40 rounds, did it just turn into a drudge....move, hit, heal, repeat? Or was it a truly active and fun 40 rounds?
05/03/2008 06:47:16 ‹ollibolli› I will have breakfast now and wil return for a short time before I leave
05/03/2008 06:47:18 ‹Crimson Jester› actually thats not a bad idea to make a memoral fight last longer but it would suck with goblins getting second winds and you never have a chance to kill the little buggers
05/03/2008 06:47:20 ‹ollibolli› bbl
05/03/2008 06:47:24 ‹Samwise› from other things they have posted, i see only one very consistent source of increase: magical items
05/03/2008 06:47:24 ‹Russ› Well, the spells for example - there aren't that any dice in the high level spells
05/03/2008 06:47:32 ‹Rambling Scribe› Yeah I better split.:sleep:
05/03/2008 06:47:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: It has too.. the HP scale too high.. I heard mention that at higher levels, some PCs get powers that do up to 5 times a weapons base damage
05/03/2008 06:47:35 ‹Samwise› a fourth level pc gets a +2 item
05/03/2008 06:47:46 ‹Rambling Scribe› GNight All!
05/03/2008 06:47:56 ‹Somber Pygon› gnite Scribe
05/03/2008 06:47:59 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night rambling
05/03/2008 06:47:59 ‹Samwise› Jason>ahhhh, ok, again, i havent seen any of those
05/03/2008 06:48:03 * Wyvern quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:48:06 ‹Russ› 15th level attack power: 6d6+Int.
05/03/2008 06:48:16 ‹Russ› That's not gonna be very impressive - 6d6+6 maybe?
05/03/2008 06:48:29 ‹Samwise› +5 for a +5 implement
05/03/2008 06:48:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sure.. but remember, the whole party is going to be throwing those kind of powers around
05/03/2008 06:48:54 ‹Somber Pygon› not to mention spells and powers that increase that damage
05/03/2008 06:48:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Not to mention... other weird sub-powers and damage adds...
05/03/2008 06:49:01 ‹Samwise› im seeing that as key, implements and weapons are going to add a static bonus constantly
05/03/2008 06:49:04 * Rambling Scribe quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 06:49:05 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Craig
05/03/2008 06:49:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Like from marks, ranger abilities, sneak attack, etc
05/03/2008 06:49:26 ‹Samwise› and that, over 5 pcs, will add up
05/03/2008 06:49:32 ‹Samwise› sneak attack scales slowly
05/03/2008 06:49:37 ‹Samwise› what, 4d6 at most?
05/03/2008 06:49:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› True.. but it still adds up
05/03/2008 06:49:47 ‹Samwise› yes
05/03/2008 06:50:08 ‹Russ› I think we'll find H and P tiers did not get much testing
05/03/2008 06:50:27 ‹Duicarthan› spell crits would help
05/03/2008 06:50:28 ‹Duicarthan› spell crits would help
05/03/2008 06:50:37 ‹Samwise› however, i think damage output versus hit points may be an issue
05/03/2008 06:50:38 ‹Duicarthan› damned lag
05/03/2008 06:50:39 ‹Samwise› spells can crit
05/03/2008 06:50:46 ‹Russ› yep. automax damage
05/03/2008 06:50:50 ‹Timitius› So, Jason: How'd you do in the mini tourney?
05/03/2008 06:50:58 ‹Russ› Coming back to the pit fiend - positively wimpy damage output
05/03/2008 06:51:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Timitius: As good as I always seem to do :-(
05/03/2008 06:51:29 * mortellan joins Main
05/03/2008 06:51:32 ‹Samwise› Russ>i agree
05/03/2008 06:51:40 ‹Samwise› that pit fiend damage is weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak
05/03/2008 06:51:48 ‹Russ› When you look at most monsters fighting themselves, you go "that's gonna be a long fight"
05/03/2008 06:51:48 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: Yup.. once again.. I am not sure how I am going to kill PCs...
05/03/2008 06:51:53 ‹Samwise› it will do it constantly, but big whoop
05/03/2008 06:52:06 ‹Samwise› Jason>as you said, deliberate, unreasonable, targeting ;)
05/03/2008 06:52:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› And if you have any fire resistance (which a 27th level PC should have).. it does very very little
05/03/2008 06:52:25 ‹Russ› Jason> seems likely three ways: TPK, hit when down, or bleed out
05/03/2008 06:52:48 ‹Samwise› im thinking hit when down
05/03/2008 06:52:52 ‹Timitius› He's got help from the Heavens though.....
05/03/2008 06:52:53 ‹Samwise› primarily
05/03/2008 06:53:09 ‹Crimson Jester› ahh but there is always a good simple way of killing PCs, other then targeting them with the Green arrow of doom that is, and now it maybe easier to use.... recuring villian and old enemie

March 4th 2008, part 3
05/03/2008 06:56:57 ‹Russ› I'll have to see if these are really exploits :) but the paladin mark one sure was real
05/03/2008 06:56:58 ‹Samwise› thats a doubleplusungood alert right there
05/03/2008 06:57:10 ‹Russ› i think they're relying on the online rules database a bit much
05/03/2008 06:57:18 ‹Russ› the idea that they'll "software patch" the game is kind of spooky
05/03/2008 06:57:31 ‹Samwise› to cover for failures of testing?
05/03/2008 06:57:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Combine this with the fact that they told me they are sending it to the printers in two weeks and I am really concerned that this is a rush job to some extent.. but I may have misunderstood... I hope
05/03/2008 06:57:36 ‹Russ› But...hey...3rd would be a better game if they did that with 3rd, so I shouldn't knock it
05/03/2008 06:57:51 ‹Russ› Nah, that's my attitude. That not only is the market not ready, WotC isn't ready.
05/03/2008 06:57:57 ‹Samwise› i thought the phb was already at the printers?
05/03/2008 06:57:58 ‹Russ› They rushed it, which smacks of an outside timeline.
05/03/2008 06:57:58 ‹Crimson Jester› :typerhappy:
05/03/2008 06:58:01 ‹mortellan› how many years between 3 and 3.5?
05/03/2008 06:58:05 ‹Samwise› 3
05/03/2008 06:58:06 ‹Russ› You guys have caught that DI won't be out?
05/03/2008 06:58:14 ‹Samwise› it wont?
05/03/2008 06:58:15 ‹Jason Bulmahn› ?
05/03/2008 06:58:19 ‹Crimson Jester› really?
05/03/2008 06:58:23 ‹Russ› Officially, DI will now "ship when ready", even if that's not launch
05/03/2008 06:58:26 * mortellan laughs
05/03/2008 06:58:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Interesting
05/03/2008 06:58:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I missed that
05/03/2008 06:58:34 ‹Samwise› i mean, having the beta sign up at ddxp is a pretty obvious sign
05/03/2008 06:58:43 ‹Samwise› ahhhhhhhhhhh
05/03/2008 06:58:49 ‹Samwise› yeah, i missed it too
05/03/2008 06:58:49 ‹Russ› That, as a guy in the software industry, is about 80% likely to be code for "we're slipping, and we'll tell you in a month or two"
05/03/2008 06:58:57 ‹Samwise› and ive caught a lot of things from them
05/03/2008 06:58:59 ‹Crimson Jester› you know this smacks of :cthulhu:
05/03/2008 06:59:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› The Paladin mark thing was the only thing that allowed my group to beat the dragon BTW
05/03/2008 06:59:23 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Guess who was playing the paladin :-)
05/03/2008 06:59:27 ‹Samwise› for example, notice the implosion of setting books?
05/03/2008 06:59:29 * Samwise snickers
05/03/2008 06:59:55 ‹Russ› The build we saw was "Pre-Alpha," and represents the current version of the software. Attendees had the opportunity to volunteer for a public beta of the software, and Chris and Didier guessed that the full D&D Insider would launch "close to the launch of 4e." However, they stressed that they wouldn't push the product out "until it's ready," and acknowledged the importance of getting it "right" fr
05/03/2008 07:00:03 ‹Samwise› and the retreat from crunchy bits in everything
05/03/2008 07:00:10 ‹Somber Pygon› I was under the impression that the margin for being out of your league was going to be more forgiving in 4e, not make the fights trivial or take forever
05/03/2008 07:00:18 ‹Russ› "right" from moment one
05/03/2008 07:00:27 ‹Russ› (that's from the enworld DI interview)
05/03/2008 07:00:34 * Timitius sighs and continues plans to buy 3.5 books. Planescape, wherefore art thou Planescape?
05/03/2008 07:00:37 ‹Russ› DDI, I guess, DI is the old digitial Initiative
05/03/2008 07:00:38 ‹Samwise› Russ>i also noticed the comment about designing the rules with the DI in mind
05/03/2008 07:01:02 ‹Samwise› will the rules get errataed if they cant be coded "properly"?
05/03/2008 07:01:09 ‹Russ› Samwise> Really shows in the spell list. The spells read like entries in a computer manual, they are so brief.
05/03/2008 07:01:10 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Heh
05/03/2008 07:01:22 ‹Russ› The DDI price is right, I have to give them that
05/03/2008 07:01:28 ‹Russ› $10 a month (yearly sub) is hard to kick about
05/03/2008 07:01:31 ‹Samwise› "we cant right code for that spell to work, so change the spell"
05/03/2008 07:01:48 ‹Crimson Jester› Planescape......3.5 = Paizon Dragon Mag
05/03/2008 07:01:50 * Samwise coughs on himself
05/03/2008 07:01:54 ‹Samwise› right = write
05/03/2008 07:02:23 ‹Russ› I'm pretty sure I can have some fun playing this game. I hope I can find a way to have fun running it.
05/03/2008 07:02:32 ‹Samwise› otoh, scott rouse impressed me with them having a plan
05/03/2008 07:02:36 ‹Russ› And I do think making fights last more rounds is moi overdue.
05/03/2008 07:02:47 ‹Samwise› and a good one
05/03/2008 07:03:14 ‹Samwise› its just whether the game is as good
05/03/2008 07:03:43 ‹Somber Pygon› oy 2am, I have to go. Thanks for your info Jason!
05/03/2008 07:03:50 ‹Somber Pygon› gnite all
05/03/2008 07:03:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› We will see.. I have reservations right now... and the game has a lot to prove to me.. 3.5 set the bar pretty high
05/03/2008 07:04:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› But that said.. it is not impossible.
05/03/2008 07:04:06 ‹Samwise› well . . .
05/03/2008 07:04:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night Somber.
05/03/2008 07:04:17 ‹Timitius› Well, I'm off to bed...my day starts at 6 AM tomorrow.
05/03/2008 07:04:26 ‹Samwise› to me, if i were looking for a cool new small unit minis games to replace mage knight
05/03/2008 07:04:31 ‹Samwise› i think id love this
05/03/2008 07:04:39 * Somber Pygon quit
05/03/2008 07:04:39 ‹Russ› Mortellan - what was the 30/35 timeline point? I spaced it :)
05/03/2008 07:04:40 * Somber Pygon joins Main
05/03/2008 07:04:47 ‹Samwise› the problem is, im looking for an upgrade to 3.5
05/03/2008 07:04:53 ‹Timitius› Jason, thanks for the insights...I look forward to your blog, whenever.
05/03/2008 07:04:55 ‹Russ› *nods* 3.5E has a lot of potential
05/03/2008 07:04:59 ‹Samwise› which . . . this isnt
05/03/2008 07:05:05 ‹mortellan› uhhh
05/03/2008 07:05:11 ‹Russ› I would love a 3E advancement that did things like strip out iterative attacks and 2:1 power attack
05/03/2008 07:05:15 ‹Crimson Jester› thats a hint Jason! 3.5 upgrade!
05/03/2008 07:05:22 ‹Samwise› heck, i am a wargamer! i should love 4E
05/03/2008 07:05:26 ‹mortellan› i just wondered how long an ugrade should reasonbly take
05/03/2008 07:05:32 ‹mortellan› upgrade*
05/03/2008 07:05:34 ‹Russ› Hard to say.
05/03/2008 07:05:38 ‹Timitius› Lilith: Tomorrow! Skype and HGL1 FOR THE LIVING! :knight:
05/03/2008 07:05:41 * Somber Pygon quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 07:05:43 ‹Samwise› book of experimental might ;)
05/03/2008 07:05:50 ‹Russ› The more supplements you put out, the longer they should be good for, imo
05/03/2008 07:05:51 * Sothal@work joins Main
05/03/2008 07:06:04 ‹Samwise› and start hard core houseruling stuff into oblivion
05/03/2008 07:06:09 ‹Sothal@work› Hello...
05/03/2008 07:06:14 ‹Russ› I think this edition is being driven by monetary needs
05/03/2008 07:06:36 ‹Samwise› i overheard a conversation at ddxp
05/03/2008 07:06:43 ‹Russ› which, sure, they are in it to make money, but you'd hope it isn't all :)
05/03/2008 07:06:44 ‹Samwise› wotc wants to eliminate the fringe products
05/03/2008 07:06:47 ‹Russ› (and it probably isn't all)
05/03/2008 07:06:50 ‹Samwise› the 5,000 unit ones
05/03/2008 07:06:59 ‹mortellan› boo
05/03/2008 07:07:08 ‹Samwise› which apparently they were making too many of
05/03/2008 07:07:35 ‹Russ› *nods*
05/03/2008 07:07:39 ‹Russ› Any idea which ones?
05/03/2008 07:07:59 ‹Samwise› ummmmmm
05/03/2008 07:08:03 * Timitius quit
05/03/2008 07:08:07 ‹Samwise› some of the later setting specific adventures
05/03/2008 07:08:18 ‹Russ› *nods* I was guessing Undermount
05/03/2008 07:08:33 ‹Samwise› i think some eberron adventures were named
05/03/2008 07:08:34 ‹Russ› Hopefully not Greyhawk :(
05/03/2008 07:08:43 ‹mortellan› is the Delve format dead?
05/03/2008 07:08:45 * Samwise coughs
05/03/2008 07:08:46 ‹Samwise› errr
05/03/2008 07:08:53 ‹Russ› Man, they sure did their best to launch Greyhawk into the wall, didn't they?
05/03/2008 07:08:59 ‹Samwise› i take it you missed the "incident" on the wotc forums
05/03/2008 07:09:08 ‹Russ› what incident?
07:09:31 ‹Samwise› words were being exchanged over the "synonyms for cool" post at enworld
05/03/2008 07:09:32 ‹Russ› Delve format dead? Hard to say.
05/03/2008 07:09:43 ‹Samwise› increasingly "tense" words
05/03/2008 07:10:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sorry.. had to step away for a moment..
05/03/2008 07:10:14 ‹mortellan› that incident was overblown
05/03/2008 07:10:27 ‹Russ› Jason - I was just lamenting the way Expedition to GHR was launched
05/03/2008 07:10:33 ‹Russ› And i hope that it still sold well
05/03/2008 07:10:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› And.. actually.. I am running short on time here to night.. now that I look at my clock.. I still have much writing to do tonight
05/03/2008 07:10:36 ‹Samwise› a couple of private messages and a rapproachment later, and i was trying to corner scott rouse at ddxp so he could pick my brains over what you silly greyhawk fans would buy
05/03/2008 07:10:45 ‹Samwise› and 10 minutes turned into more than an hour
05/03/2008 07:10:47 ‹Russ› Heehee
05/03/2008 07:10:48 ‹Samwise› so . . .
05/03/2008 07:10:51 ‹mortellan› sam!
05/03/2008 07:10:56 ‹mortellan› spill
05/03/2008 07:10:58 ‹Samwise› id say expedition sold quite well
05/03/2008 07:10:59 ‹Russ› did you pimp hawk??
05/03/2008 07:11:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Indeed
05/03/2008 07:11:03 ‹Russ› Rah rah rah!
05/03/2008 07:11:04 ‹mortellan› sweet
05/03/2008 07:11:13 ‹Jason Bulmahn› It sold quite well for us
05/03/2008 07:11:14 ‹Samwise› pimped it like a hunts point hustler baby
05/03/2008 07:11:17 ‹Blazej› Pimphawk...
05/03/2008 07:11:20 ‹Russ› Jason, that module is a work of art, even with the s%#* format you were stuck with.
05/03/2008 07:11:28 ‹Blazej› That would be an odd setting.
05/03/2008 07:11:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks.... it was a labor of love
05/03/2008 07:11:34 ‹Samwise› mind you, i also severely pimped myself ;)
05/03/2008 07:11:40 ‹Russ› People may b~#%~ about some of the potrayals or use of canon, but it is a great mod IMO
05/03/2008 07:11:46 ‹mortellan› two birds one stone sam
05/03/2008 07:12:06 ‹Samwise› but i picked up a lot of subtext of wotc intentions from that combined with the product preview presentation
05/03/2008 07:12:12 ‹Russ› (the format I refer to is delve, I think it wastes space that could be used for Meat)
05/03/2008 07:12:21 ‹Russ› *nods*
05/03/2008 07:12:32 ‹mortellan› delve gets me lost in the reading
05/03/2008 07:12:56 ‹Russ› delve gets me lost in joining the combat maps.
05/03/2008 07:13:09 ‹Russ› And it has a bad case of "we always stay in our room"
05/03/2008 07:13:29 ‹Russ› "You hear anything Floyd?" "Yeah, Bob, but let's let the guys in encounter 12-A worry about that"
05/03/2008 07:13:46 ‹Russ› "We're union!"
05/03/2008 07:13:57 ‹Samwise› im just hoping ill get in on it if they do greyhawk in 2010, even if i have to pull a Kuntz to do it ;)
05/03/2008 07:14:27 ‹Samwise› i dunno russ, ive read a lot of delve encounters that have monsters shifting in response to noise
05/03/2008 07:14:57 * Crimson Jester quit (timeout)
05/03/2008 07:14:57 ‹Russ› I suppose. I'm mainly judging from undermountain, Ruins did a better job with it, and actually had wandering monsters as I recall
05/03/2008 07:15:16 ‹Samwise› im thinking things like scourge of the howling horde
05/03/2008 07:15:17 ‹mortellan› 2010 a Samwise Odyssey
05/03/2008 07:15:21 ‹Russ› I've actually run parts of Undermountain, after all
05/03/2008 07:15:30 ‹Samwise› even barrow of the forgotten king
05/03/2008 07:15:33 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Do you know when the next Paizo big announcement is?
05/03/2008 07:15:36 ‹Russ› Yeah, true, but was Horde really delve? It seemed kind of delve-light
05/03/2008 07:15:39 ‹Samwise› mort>ya know, ive been thinking that ;)
05/03/2008 07:15:44 ‹Russ› Don't have Barrow
05/03/2008 07:15:56 ‹Samwise› horde was delve without the preliminary summary ;)
05/03/2008 07:16:04 ‹Russ› I guess Horde was pretty delv-ey, good point there.
05/03/2008 07:16:06 ‹Samwise› you know, the needlessly redundant part
05/03/2008 07:16:13 ‹Russ› It meant that the danged maps didn't apply :)
05/03/2008 07:16:20 * Samwise snickers
05/03/2008 07:16:33 ‹Russ› One of the two times I ran it, the party was quiet, and the maps did apply, the other time, I could thrown out the delve maps and been better off
05/03/2008 07:17:01 ‹Samwise› mort>since 2008 is fr, and 2009 is eberron, it means 2010 is the earliest for greyhawk, so the concept seems to have a bit of resonance
05/03/2008 07:17:26 ‹Russ› I think there are good odds it'll be Hawk.
05/03/2008 07:17:54 ‹Russ› DL has a comparable fan base, but there are burned bridges there, and the setting has been used worse than Hawk was
05/03/2008 07:17:58 ‹Russ› RL doesn't have nearly the base
05/03/2008 07:18:05 ‹Samwise› heh
05/03/2008 07:18:27 ‹Samwise› and gh had expedition and the lg campaign "recently"
05/03/2008 07:18:43 ‹Samwise› so its still got a major fanbase right out front
05/03/2008 07:18:52 ‹mortellan› if GH is set up for 2010, it has to be looked into well before that...
05/03/2008 07:18:57 ‹Russ› Who by '10 will be good and hungry
05/03/2008 07:19:09 ‹Samwise› im expecting 2009 will be when they make the decision
05/03/2008 07:19:12 ‹Russ› mortellan - Hawk fans like us can do two years standing on our heads
05/03/2008 07:19:15 ‹mortellan› aye
05/03/2008 07:19:21 ‹Samwise› as the eberron stuff goes to the printer, theyll decide
05/03/2008 07:19:30 ‹mortellan› russ>no doubt, its like doing a stretch in solitary
05/03/2008 07:19:48 * JasonKain joins Main
05/03/2008 07:19:59 ‹Samwise› and hopefully remember that crazy guy from nyc who can assemble a team with half a dozen aim messages and emails ;)
05/03/2008 07:20:03 ‹JasonKain› I miss anything good?
05/03/2008 07:20:16 ‹Lilith› Not terribly JasonKain
05/03/2008 07:20:26 ‹mortellan› Sam..uh...Samuel, uh...
05/03/2008 07:20:45 * lojakz joins Main
05/03/2008 07:20:56 ‹lojakz› greetings all
05/03/2008 07:20:57 ‹JasonKain› Ah...good?
05/03/2008 07:21:00 ‹Samwise› "da hobbit dude"
05/03/2008 07:21:18 ‹mortellan› right
05/03/2008 07:21:28 ‹JasonKain› On the one hand, I'm glad 12 hours of church duty didn't make me miss anything. On the other hand, I'm sad at no giant giant news
05/03/2008 07:21:29 ‹Blazej› Goodnight everyone!
05/03/2008 07:21:41 * Blazej quit
05/03/2008 07:21:53 ‹Samwise› or, the guy who did that cool lg end series :)
05/03/2008 07:21:56 ‹lojakz› i wish i could make to these on time. *sigh*
05/03/2008 07:22:26 ‹JasonKain› You and me both, brother
05/03/2008 07:22:29 ‹Samwise› Russ>you need to play those first two and tell me how much you hate them ;)
05/03/2008 07:23:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Alright everybody.. It looks like I gotta run here.. sorry for the short, distracted chat.. more next week
05/03/2008 07:23:39 ‹JasonKain› Goodbye Mr Bulmahn I didn't talk to!
05/03/2008 07:23:47 ‹mortellan› wait, so Sam wants to both help destroy GH and rebuild it? he is Tharizdun!
05/03/2008 07:23:48 ‹Lilith› Jason: No problems! Hugs! :glomp: :thug: :beer: :cookie:
05/03/2008 07:23:50 ‹Samwise› take it easy Jason, nice seeing you at DDXP again
05/03/2008 07:23:59 ‹mortellan› bye JB
05/03/2008 07:24:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› You too same.. thanks Lilith
05/03/2008 07:24:06 * Samwise silences mortellan before he reveals my secret
05/03/2008 07:24:22 ‹lojakz› good by JB
05/03/2008 07:24:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night everybody
05/03/2008 07:24:54 ‹ollibolli› gn8 Jason
05/03/2008 07:25:05 ‹ollibolli› (just as I am coming back)
05/03/2008 07:25:23 ‹mortellan› for any still around> http://www.greyhawkonline.com/...62a.htm
05/03/2008 07:25:48 * Jason Bulmahn quit (timeout)

March 11th 2008
03:17:51 * James Jacobs joins Main
12/03/2008 03:18:00 ‹Majuba› James Jacobs!
12/03/2008 03:18:00 ‹Pygon› O.O
12/03/2008 03:18:02 ‹Lori› We have been playing 2 players with 4 investigators.
12/03/2008 03:18:03 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: I checked the CotCT threads in case it was one of those, but culdn't see him mentioned as an athor there.
12/03/2008 03:18:05 ‹Finerion› OMG!
12/03/2008 03:18:08 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi James!
12/03/2008 03:18:11 ‹James Jacobs› I made it!
12/03/2008 03:18:13 ‹Charles Evans› JJ? You're early!
12/03/2008 03:18:17 ‹Pygon› Welcome James
12/03/2008 03:18:19 * Moth working changes his/her nickname to Mothman
12/03/2008 03:18:24 ‹Mothman› Hey guys
12/03/2008 03:18:29 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: 4 Investigators is a good number.
12/03/2008 03:18:32 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs! :glomp:
12/03/2008 03:18:34 ‹Mothman› You're early James
12/03/2008 03:18:39 ‹Charles Evans› The monser surges aren't overwhelming.
12/03/2008 03:18:42 * Kevin T. joins Main
12/03/2008 03:18:49 ‹OroboroSteve› In all seriousness, any and all folks are certainly welcome to head over en masse from Paizocon
12/03/2008 03:18:56 * Charles Evans passes JJ a celeebratory :cthulhu:
12/03/2008 03:18:58 ‹Lilith› OroboroSteve: Eeeeexcellent. :)
12/03/2008 03:19:00 ‹Kevin T.› Evening James
12/03/2008 03:19:14 ‹Lilith› OroboroSteve: How is your dice stock?
12/03/2008 03:19:15 ‹Lori› We keep getting bad card draws - gate open already -->surge!
12/03/2008 03:19:22 ‹Charles Evans› JJ: I now have all the RotRL adventures...
12/03/2008 03:19:39 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: You have to get the ones on 'hot spot' sites selaed fast.
12/03/2008 03:19:50 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: I received my Harrow deck! Now I can do Harrow readings at PaizoCon! :squee:
12/03/2008 03:20:01 ‹Lori› We're learning. Slowly.
12/03/2008 03:20:09 * DMcCoy1693 joins Main
12/03/2008 03:20:14 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: Unless you get the 'No one can help you Now' Mythos card, in which case you're in trouble.
12/03/2008 03:20:16 ‹Rambling Scribe› My Harrow deack ahsn't shipped yet!:sad:
12/03/2008 03:20:17 ‹DMcCoy1693› Hey everyone
12/03/2008 03:20:18 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: Steve's project isn't for CotCT...
12/03/2008 03:20:26 ‹Lori› Anyone up for teaching me Kill Doctor Lucky at Paizocon?
12/03/2008 03:20:32 ‹OroboroSteve› Lilith: obviously, we keep our dice very well stocked, we wouldn't be much of a shop if we didn't ;-0)
12/03/2008 03:20:36 ‹Kevin T.› Got my Harrow Deck
12/03/2008 03:20:41 ‹Kevin T.› just haven't learned how to play it yet
12/03/2008 03:20:43 ‹Lilith› OroboroSteve: Eeeexcellent.
12/03/2008 03:20:46 ‹Kevin T.› But love the art
12/03/2008 03:20:55 ‹Lilith› Lori: Be happy to! I demo'ed it at GenCon last year. :D
12/03/2008 03:20:59 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: The Woods is one of the worst sites for gate openings in the basic game (wth no expansions)
12/03/2008 03:21:02 ‹OroboroSteve› Gah, just changed my font sizes inadvertantly!!!
12/03/2008 03:21:20 ‹Lilith› OroboroSteve: Press "Ctrl-0" (that's zero) to reset it.
12/03/2008 03:21:20 ‹Lori› Lilith, cool! Count me in for KDL.
12/03/2008 03:21:25 ‹James Jacobs› I have to be careful about what I say. the VICE PRESIDENT is watching.
12/03/2008 03:21:29 ‹OroboroSteve› Yeah, wher, fixed
12/03/2008 03:21:40 ‹DMcCoy1693› Hey James, HOw's yoru day going?
12/03/2008 03:21:44 ‹Rookseye› Cheney is everywhere
12/03/2008 03:21:50 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: OOOooo!
12/03/2008 03:21:53 ‹Kevin T.› So we shouldn't talk about how you plan on taking over the world using Jason Bulhman's help?
12/03/2008 03:22:11 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: And if you plan to close a gate make sure that the investogator who ges off to that other world has *more* than the 5 clue tokens necessary for a seal, unless you like taking big risks... Of course an Elder Sign and several clues are a viable option.
12/03/2008 03:22:15 * Lilith gives James Jacobs a homemade ice cream cookie sammich.
12/03/2008 03:22:33 * OroboroSteve quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:22:33 * OroboroSteve quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:22:37 ‹Lori› Charles, learned that the hard way too.
12/03/2008 03:23:07 ‹Mothman› um ... vice president?
12/03/2008 03:23:12 * Daigle appears in a puff of cotton candy.
12/03/2008 03:23:12 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: Nothing like a Skill check in an other World (especially R'lyeh) to deplete those clue tokens....
12/03/2008 03:23:24 ‹Daigle› Evening ladies and gentlemen!
12/03/2008 03:23:25 ‹Lilith› DAIGLE! :excite:
12/03/2008 03:23:26 ‹OroboroSteve› gah, I so have to upgrade to firefox on my computer here....
12/03/2008 03:23:29 * Lilith glomps Daigle! :glomp:
12/03/2008 03:23:34 ‹Rambling Scribe› Adam!
12/03/2008 03:23:35 ‹Mothman› hey Daigle
12/03/2008 03:23:38 * Daigle hugs Lilz!
12/03/2008 03:23:40 ‹Finerion› hey there
12/03/2008 03:23:53 ‹James Jacobs› I don't need Bulmahn to take over the world.
12/03/2008 03:23:53 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: Luck is often called for in Other World encounters, but there's enough variation for something unexpected that you hadn't counted on coming up doing so.
12/03/2008 03:23:53 * Daigle runs around the room distributing high fives
12/03/2008 03:23:59 ‹James Jacobs› He'd just slow me down.
12/03/2008 03:24:02 ‹Kevin T.› lol
12/03/2008 03:24:06 ‹Takasi› greetings James
12/03/2008 03:24:22 ‹Kevin T.› Grr I actually need to talk to Bulhman
12/03/2008 03:24:27 ‹OroboroSteve› Evenin' James!
12/03/2008 03:24:35 ‹Kevin T.› Ran into some old friends of his, and they wanted me to give him a message
12/03/2008 03:24:55 ‹Lori› Charles - I think another once or twice thru the game and we will be in much better shape. It was a bit overwhelming at first pass.
12/03/2008 03:24:59 * DMcCoy1693 changes his/her nickname to That Damn 1693 Guy
12/03/2008 03:25:05 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Pseudodragons vs Imps n Korvosa. Do you have a date for when you will blog and reveal all?
12/03/2008 03:25:19 * Shady Bastard joins Main
12/03/2008 03:25:21 ‹That Damn 1693 Guy› Goodie, my color changed from pink to .... ehhh
12/03/2008 03:25:29 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: Yog-Sothoth with eight investigators is *!@?!
12/03/2008 03:25:37 * Shady Bastard quit
12/03/2008 03:25:57 ‹Majuba› Question: What's with the 100MB size of the Korvosa Poster Map PDF?
12/03/2008 03:26:14 ‹Lilith› Majuba: They redid it...I got an email that shrunk it down somewhat.
12/03/2008 03:26:23 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: You can't afford a single extra gate opening, and some of the sites (especially with The Dunwich Horror added in) have horribly high chances of 'a gate opens and a monster apears' encounters.
12/03/2008 03:26:47 * Wolfshead quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:26:47 * Wolfshead quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:26:47 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Leukodaemon! Awesomeness! :D
12/03/2008 03:26:47 ‹Majuba› Lilith: the Guide to, or the Poster Map?
12/03/2008 03:26:55 ‹Lilith› Majuba: Poster
12/03/2008 03:27:04 ‹Lilith› Majuba: Repersonalize for smaller file size
12/03/2008 03:27:08 * Lori quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:27:48 ‹That Damn 1693 Guy› James, are you currently working on anything that has been announced?
12/03/2008 03:27:48 ‹Charles Evans› Lori: And don't forget to trade items & cash between investigators (not clue tokens alas during the move phase when investigators pass one another in a street or location.
12/03/2008 03:27:56 ‹Majuba› Ah ha! - I did about 30 min ago and hadn't - thanks Lil - Paizo Customer Service Rocks :)
12/03/2008 03:28:07 ‹Charles Evans› And there she goes.
12/03/2008 03:28:08 * Gemma quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:28:09 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> No date for the blog about the pseudodragons vs. imps yet. I still have to write it, in any event. I suspect by the end of the month something'll show up.
12/03/2008 03:28:46 ‹James Jacobs› Majuba> The 100MB sized map is probably the raw map file we sent to the printer. I believe Vic fixed it so it's a lot smaller now; you'll want to go back and check your downloads on paizo.com.
12/03/2008 03:28:55 * Blazej joins Main
12/03/2008 03:28:58 ‹Blazej› Red!
03:29:26 ‹Majuba› Crimson!
12/03/2008 03:29:29 * Lori B joins Main
12/03/2008 03:29:34 ‹Lilith› As the Throne itself...;)
12/03/2008 03:29:39 ‹Blazej› Maroon!
12/03/2008 03:29:43 ‹Charles Evans› JJ how is moral at present a Paizo after events on the 4E threads today? Has it taken a hit?
12/03/2008 03:29:49 ‹James Jacobs› That Damn 1693 Guy> I'm working on plenty of projects that have been announced, yeah. PLUS a few that haven't been anounced.
12/03/2008 03:30:10 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Must...spill...beans! :shakefist:
12/03/2008 03:30:11 ‹Blazej› Always thought it was more of a light red throne myself.
12/03/2008 03:30:18 ‹Charles Evans› (I'm thinking of the post by someone saying that the rudeness had put them off buying Paizo products)
12/03/2008 03:30:24 ‹James Jacobs› The big thing I'm working on now, of course, is Pathfinder. Edits for #9, Development for #10, and ordering art for #12.
12/03/2008 03:30:36 ‹Charles Evans› (Sorry to ask about it, but I feel several people will want to know)
12/03/2008 03:30:40 ‹That Damn 1693 Guy› one the ones that have been announced, care to tell us anything in particular you're enjoying more then others?
12/03/2008 03:31:06 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> I've glanced a little bit at the 4E threads... but for the most part, we here in the editorial pit tend to avoid that section of the boards. They're just not constructive for us.
12/03/2008 03:31:16 ‹Lori B› I am really enjoying the NPC's for PF#7. Good job Nick.
12/03/2008 03:31:44 ‹James Jacobs› Although it is, of course, always disheartening to see rage and anger and madness on the boards. It's frustrating too.
12/03/2008 03:32:11 ‹Majuba› JJ: other than "Secrets" section of Guide to Korvosa - the rest safe for players?
12/03/2008 03:32:35 ‹Lori B› I think the "rage" is a tribute to your great products. No one wants them to change.
12/03/2008 03:32:46 ‹James Jacobs› But as for the "rudeness of the boards losing us a customer," nah... customers come and go. It's MORE disheartening to look at the "Cancel my subscription" threads, honestly.
12/03/2008 03:32:48 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: I have raised the Chat Signal!
12/03/2008 03:32:53 ‹James Jacobs› Those are also threads I do not frequent.
12/03/2008 03:33:06 ‹Takasi› James, were there a lot of issues in getting Edge of Anarchy together?
12/03/2008 03:33:10 ‹Blazej› The cancel my subcription threads make me sad.
12/03/2008 03:33:20 ‹Charles Evans› JJ Fair enough ...
12/03/2008 03:33:30 ‹Lilith› Blazej: Me too...:(
12/03/2008 03:33:38 ‹James Jacobs› TD1967Guy> These days, I'm pretty much 100% Pathfinder. Although I DID just finish off an article for Wolf Baur's magazine. That was fun.
12/03/2008 03:33:50 ‹Lilith› Blazej: Although most seem to be money-related concerns
12/03/2008 03:34:00 ‹Takasi› what was the article about James Jacobs?
12/03/2008 03:34:02 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Reeeally? For the next issue? And what's it about?
12/03/2008 03:34:21 ‹Lori B› Hopefully more are subscribing daily than cancelling daily.?
12/03/2008 03:34:25 ‹Majuba› KQ3 was pretty rocking IMO - glad you're contributing
12/03/2008 03:34:30 ‹Blazej› Lilith, True.
12/03/2008 03:34:31 * Mothman quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:34:35 ‹James Jacobs› Lori> Yeah; Nick really outdid himself with the great NPCs for Edge of Anarchy. It's the main reason I wanted him to write the adventure, in fact. I knew I'd end up having to redraw all his maps, but it'd be worth it for characters like Vencarlo and Trinia and Sabina and Gaedren and etc.
12/03/2008 03:34:49 * Lilith gives Charles Evans a cookie for raising the chat signal. :cookie:
12/03/2008 03:34:58 ‹James Jacobs› Majuba> Apart from the "Secrets" chapter and the appendix, Guide to Korvosa is pretty safe for players.
12/03/2008 03:35:17 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: A gluten free one of course? :D
12/03/2008 03:35:23 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: Absolutely.
12/03/2008 03:35:29 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, any news on True20 conversions?
12/03/2008 03:35:33 ‹James Jacobs› You can basically just rip out pages 53 on, paint over page 52 in black, and POW. Instant player handout.
12/03/2008 03:35:57 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Rip our precious?!?!? :ohnoes:
12/03/2008 03:36:05 * Lilith pets her Guide...
12/03/2008 03:36:12 ‹Lilith› Precious...
12/03/2008 03:36:12 ‹Rambling Scribe› You'll forgive me if I don't actually rip my book in half!
12/03/2008 03:36:15 ‹Finerion› James Jacobs> A question concerning material for the Pathfinder wiki being assembled. Any particular sections you would like to see and what content can we add (message board snippets, blog posts, etc.)?
12/03/2008 03:36:23 * Takasi accidentally rips out his Korvosa map. Oops!
12/03/2008 03:36:26 ‹Lori B› And I could not even cut the map out. I printed up the pdf map.
12/03/2008 03:36:44 ‹Lilith› Yeah, the Korvosa map...worries me...:(
12/03/2008 03:36:46 ‹Blazej› Was the summoning feat supposed to be in the appendix of the Guide to Korvosa too. There is a reference in the academy section saying to see the appendix, but there is nothing ther.
12/03/2008 03:36:59 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> There are always issues getting pathfinder adventures together. Edge of Anarchy's big problem was that the maps Nick turned over were pretty much all useless and had to be redrawn, which had ripple effects in most of the dungeons when rooms changed and went away or whatever. And working the Harrow stuff in was a bit rough, since the cards were in development parallel to Nick's design.
12/03/2008 03:37:27 ‹Blazej› I am imagining them.
12/03/2008 03:37:32 ‹James Jacobs› I can't say yet what I'm writing for Kobold Quarterly, alas.
12/03/2008 03:37:33 ‹Blazej› On the back of napkins.
12/03/2008 03:37:46 ‹Blazej› In crayon.
12/03/2008 03:37:48 ‹Takasi› it does feel a little rushed together, and to be really honest it almost seems scatterbrain in certain parts
12/03/2008 03:37:49 ‹Lilith› Blazej: That's about right (for the napkin maps)
12/03/2008 03:38:15 ‹James Jacobs› I really REALLY love what Kobold Quarterly's turning into. It's got a cool "Dragon around issue 100" vibe to it that really kicks ass.
12/03/2008 03:38:34 ‹Finerion› agreed
12/03/2008 03:38:46 ‹Rookseye› A couple of Elmore covers would cinch it
12/03/2008 03:38:47 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> True20 conversions are pretty much out of my hands. They're handled 100% by Green Ronin, and we don't really track them that much. I don't at least. So I've no news there, alas.
12/03/2008 03:39:09 * theacemu quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:39:21 ‹Lori B› James, do you see yourself getting a little more lead time for PF issues after "the big version decision"?
12/03/2008 03:39:44 ‹Charles Evans› JJ I know that you haven't decided yet whether or not to go 4th or stay 3.5, but I would like to know, if you did stay 3.5, would you work in partnership with another company- maybe necromancer Games- so that someone else was producing 'official' 4E PDFs (maybe) of 4E conversions; a lot of the work of 4E conversions would be making up appropriate 4E versions of the monsters, and following the 4E m
12/03/2008 03:39:58 ‹James Jacobs› Finerioin> Message board snippets are pretty much never trustworthy for actual world canon. Same with blog posts, to a certain extent. I'd be most comfortable, really, with a wiki focusing on just what makes it into print. I suppose actual eratta that shows up online counts, now that I think of it.
12/03/2008 03:40:11 * Kevin T. quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:40:13 ‹Charles Evans› (m)opnster thread it struck me that Necromancer Games would be excellently placed to cary out that work...
12/03/2008 03:40:28 ‹James Jacobs› But a lot of the stuff we post on the boards is, in many cases, still stuff in development. It isn't necessarily what ends up in the world in the end.
12/03/2008 03:40:42 * Glum joins Main
12/03/2008 03:40:47 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah, the map being bound into the book was unfortunate. :(
12/03/2008 03:40:50 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Can we pry some psionic information out of your noggin?
12/03/2008 03:40:50 ‹Charles Evans› At least that's the current impression I'm getting of 4E.
12/03/2008 03:41:04 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Any chance it could be released separately for a minimal fee?
12/03/2008 03:41:29 * Mothman joins Main
12/03/2008 03:41:38 ‹James Jacobs› Blazej> Yeah. The summoning feat ended up being moved from the Korvosa book into the Player's Guide. That was a last minute change and we'd forgotten it was mentioned elsewhere. The Sable Company marine feat got moved to the Player's Guide in the same way.
12/03/2008 03:41:57 ‹Mothman› Stupid Internet Explorer!
12/03/2008 03:42:05 * Karelzarath joins Main
12/03/2008 03:42:13 ‹Blazej› The chatroom hates IE.
12/03/2008 03:42:18 ‹Pygon› Moth - Firefox handles this chat room wonderfully
12/03/2008 03:42:21 ‹Blazej› Hates it.
12/03/2008 03:42:23 ‹James Jacobs› Lori B> I don't see me getting more lead time for Pathfinder after the "Big version decision," nope.
12/03/2008 03:42:26 ‹Rambling Scribe› Yay Firefox!
12/03/2008 03:42:27 ‹Karelzarath› Yo ho... :ahoy:
12/03/2008 03:42:36 ‹Lilith› Karelzarath! :squee:
12/03/2008 03:42:39 ‹Lilith› :glomp:
12/03/2008 03:42:44 ‹Pygon› hi Karel
12/03/2008 03:42:45 * That Damn 1693 Guy quit
12/03/2008 03:42:47 ‹Karelzarath› Firefox is where it's at!
12/03/2008 03:42:55 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> I'm not really able to do much in the way of "what ifs" regarding 3E or 4E at this point.
12/03/2008 03:42:58 ‹Karelzarath› Heya! And a :glomp: for Lilith.
12/03/2008 03:43:33 ‹Finerion› Well kids, time for this old man to hit the sack. Take care everyone and good night. :thugs:
12/03/2008 03:43:37 ‹Blazej› What ifs...
12/03/2008 03:43:39 ‹Lilith› Night Finerion! :glomp:
12/03/2008 03:43:42 ‹Blazej› Night!
12/03/2008 03:43:42 ‹Karelzarath› Bye, Fin
12/03/2008 03:43:49 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> Psionic info? Nothing really new yet to reveal there. Intellect Devourers use them. Irori has some sort of tie to them, I think. There's some monk/psionic stuff in Vudra prolly...
12/03/2008 03:43:58 ‹Mothman› Blazej and Pygon: this chat is on while I'm at work, so I just use the browser that we have here ,, which is IE...
12/03/2008 03:44:20 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Cool! And with the Player's Guides going away, will we still get nifty background traits? I love those!
12/03/2008 03:44:23 ‹Blazej› Who would win? Batman statted in 3.5 or Batman in 4th edition.
12/03/2008 03:44:34 ‹Pygon› I used IE for a while but I got one too many accidental signoffs that took way too long to complete
12/03/2008 03:44:38 ‹Karelzarath› Wait, no more players' guides? Bummer.
12/03/2008 03:44:45 ‹Glum› Any big news tonight?
12/03/2008 03:44:47 ‹Blazej› Mothman, understandable.
12/03/2008 03:44:50 ‹James Jacobs› Player's Guides aren't going away. They're just getting renamed to Pathfinder Companion and getting a bit bigger.
12/03/2008 03:44:58 ‹Karelzarath› Oh, sweet!
12/03/2008 03:44:59 ‹Majuba› Yay bigger
12/03/2008 03:45:07 ‹Rambling Scribe› I forgot how I used to get kicked off the chat before I switched to Firefox.
12/03/2008 03:45:13 * Finerion quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 03:45:14 ‹Lori B› I think the player books are a great idea.
12/03/2008 03:45:21 ‹Majuba› Boo harder to print at work enough copies for players.. erm..
12/03/2008 03:45:24 ‹Rookseye› I'm happy to pay, even if the first taste was free
12/03/2008 03:45:26 * Majuba erases that
12/03/2008 03:45:35 ‹Lori B› I have shown some PF info to my group, but don't want them to look too closely.
12/03/2008 03:45:41 ‹Lilith› Yes, massive kudos and buckets of ice cream for player products! Yay!
12/03/2008 03:45:50 ‹James Jacobs› We'll be doing a Pathfinder Companion (32 page book) every other month. Six a year. Of those six, two will be geared toward starting up new Adventure Paths, in the same way the Player's Guides did, but we'll have a lot more room and time to do them.
12/03/2008 03:45:50 ‹Mothman› James: your leukodaemon kicks ass! Well, graphically and thematically at any rate - any more you can tell us about him, or Daemons in general?
12/03/2008 03:45:54 ‹Karelzarath› Handouts FTW!
12/03/2008 03:46:00 ‹Rambling Scribe› Majuba: put white out on the screen and no one will see.
12/03/2008 03:46:21 ‹James Jacobs› I can say plenty about daemons. Demons and devils too!
12/03/2008 03:46:30 ‹Lilith› Daemons!
12/03/2008 03:46:35 ‹Lilith› Tell us!
12/03/2008 03:46:38 ‹Blazej› James Jacobs, Will you still be repeating the information in them? Lists of dieties and the like.
12/03/2008 03:46:38 ‹James Jacobs› Four of the daemon lords, for example, are basically the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
12/03/2008 03:46:42 ‹James Jacobs› Charon is death, of course.
12/03/2008 03:46:46 ‹Pygon› Daemons like feeding on death - what kinds of deals do they make?
12/03/2008 03:47:08 ‹Blazej› With or without salt?
12/03/2008 03:47:09 ‹Rookseye› I love the daemons, apathetic monolithic evil is cool.
12/03/2008 03:47:25 ‹Rookseye› cool nifty
12/03/2008 03:47:30 ‹Daigle› Agreed...I was stoked to see that blog post!
12/03/2008 03:47:31 ‹OroboroSteve› Right folks, pesky customers call, gotta drop off for a bit - back on after 10
12/03/2008 03:47:41 ‹James Jacobs› Blazej> Lists of deities will not be repeated. By the time the next Adventure Path starts, we'll already have those lists in two free PDFs already, PLUS in the Gazetteer, PLUS in the Hardcover Campaign Setting. That info is out there already.
12/03/2008 03:47:47 * OroboroSteve quit
12/03/2008 03:48:02 * Karelzarath quietly waves "Hi" to Daigle
12/03/2008 03:48:16 ‹Daigle› How frequently will new deities be revealed?
12/03/2008 03:48:18 ‹James Jacobs› Daemons like feeding on life. They don't enjoy death as much. They also like collecting souls and using them to gain power. They often play the devils and demons off each other.
12/03/2008 03:48:21 ‹Blazej› James Jacobs, got it.
12/03/2008 03:48:23 * Daigle waves to Karelzarath
12/03/2008 03:48:48 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Any plans for slaad/gith replacements? And when will we read more about the planes?
12/03/2008 03:48:52 ‹James Jacobs› Daigle> At this point, as frequently as whatever adventure we're working on wants them to be revealed.
12/03/2008 03:49:03 ‹Daigle› gracias
12/03/2008 03:49:19 ‹Glum› Seonds Lilith's question about Slaad replacements
12/03/2008 03:49:27 ‹James Jacobs› There's four new goblin deities detailed in Classic Monsters, for example. And Gods and Magic will have a fair amount about other obscure deities we've mentioned like Droskar and Ghlaunder and Groetus.
12/03/2008 03:49:39 ‹James Jacobs› But there's not a set schedule on revealing new deities.
12/03/2008 03:49:42 ‹Mothman› Daemons as the four horseman - way cool
12/03/2008 03:50:09 ‹Daigle› What deities are elves more apt to worship?
12/03/2008 03:50:13 ‹James Jacobs› I kind of feel like the denizens of Leng from Pathfinder 6 could be a pretty cool gith replacement eventually. Or even a mind flayer replacement.
12/03/2008 03:50:28 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Both would work.
12/03/2008 03:50:30 ‹James Jacobs› But at this point, we don't have much going on for the Chaotic Neutral guys. We will soon!
12/03/2008 03:50:48 * Lilith gives a cookie to Glum, to help him cheer up. :cookie:
12/03/2008 03:51:00 * Glum changes his/her nickname to Watcher
12/03/2008 03:51:02 ‹Watcher› thanks
12/03/2008 03:51:08 ‹Rookseye› James> Andoran has been described somewhere as "Class D&D Land" will we find out more about it in Guide to Darkmoon Vale?
12/03/2008 03:51:11 ‹Daigle› Howdy Watcher
12/03/2008 03:51:15 ‹Watcher› howdy
12/03/2008 03:51:26 ‹Mothman› hey Watcher
12/03/2008 03:51:27 ‹Charles Evans› Watcher: How is the pursuit of the Holy GSL going since you last posted an update?
12/03/2008 03:51:28 ‹Rambling Scribe› Heya Watcher
12/03/2008 03:51:37 ‹James Jacobs› Of the core 20 deities, elves are most closely tied to Desna, Calistria, and Nethys. Elves also have a few other "lesser" deities they worship, with names that haven't yet been invented.
12/03/2008 03:51:49 ‹Charles Evans› Any further progress? :)
12/03/2008 03:51:54 ‹Watcher› Charles Evans, I need to walk away from it. I hope they answer, but this morning got me too invested
12/03/2008 03:51:56 ‹James Jacobs› What does "Class D&D Land" even mean?
12/03/2008 03:52:04 ‹Blazej› Elves don't like rushing towards naming things.
12/03/2008 03:52:09 ‹Rookseye› typo, meant Classic
12/03/2008 03:52:12 ‹Rookseye› my bad
12/03/2008 03:52:14 ‹Charles Evans› Watcher: I understand... :(
12/03/2008 03:52:16 ‹Blazej› :P
12/03/2008 03:52:16 ‹Lilith› Blazej: They do have the time...:P
12/03/2008 03:52:21 ‹James Jacobs› There'll probably be some info about Andoran in Guide to Darkmoon Vale. CERTAINLY more info about Andoran in the Gazetteer and the hardcover.
12/03/2008 03:52:21 ‹Rookseye› Eastern time, and I need the zzz's soon
12/03/2008 03:52:27 ‹Charles Evans› Watcher: You've done what you can.
12/03/2008 03:52:30 ‹Mothman› I've felt that in a lot of D&D products slaad were just kind of used as alternate demons - I'd like to see something different with the Paizo "slaad"
12/03/2008 03:52:32 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> No GSL yet.
12/03/2008 03:53:01 ‹Mothman› Lilith: Love the crimson chat
12/03/2008 03:53:01 ‹Lilith› Mothman: More chaos beastie-type things.
12/03/2008 03:53:15 ‹Mothman› Lilith: yeah, something like that maybe
12/03/2008 03:53:17 ‹Majuba› Mothman: Agreed on Slaad - they are cool, but too often act Chaotic Evil entirely
12/03/2008 03:53:20 ‹James Jacobs› Slaad never really struck me as cool Limbo monsters. They were cool, sure, but not as the LORDS OF LIMBO.
12/03/2008 03:53:22 ‹Lilith› Mothman: Fatespinner had a good idea to change it to fit the current AP. So red it is. :)
12/03/2008 03:53:24 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Any update on Tyralandi now that Erik has more time?
12/03/2008 03:53:36 ‹James Jacobs› Poor Tyralandi. I still miss her!
12/03/2008 03:53:41 ‹Mothman› I'm not sure if the problem was slaad, or how they tended to be used in published adventures
12/03/2008 03:53:55 ‹Rambling Scribe› I've always loved slaad, but I sort of ignored their background purpose.
12/03/2008 03:53:57 * Charles Evans runs down his mental checklist of things to ask....
12/03/2008 03:53:59 ‹James Jacobs› I can say this, though... she was carried out of the first battle in the arena on the shoulders of her new minions in triumph!
12/03/2008 03:54:04 ‹Mothman› Good on Fatespinner!
12/03/2008 03:54:13 ‹Charles Evans› New minions? :)
12/03/2008 03:54:17 ‹Rambling Scribe› To me slaad are just about injecting eggs into PCs.
12/03/2008 03:54:17 ‹James Jacobs› yup.
12/03/2008 03:54:19 ‹Blazej› Aren't the :cthulhu:-like creatures handling the chaos beastie creatures.
12/03/2008 03:54:23 ‹Lilith› Everybody needs more minions. :)
12/03/2008 03:54:25 ‹Charles Evans› Ah... She was a cleric of Wee Jas.... :D
12/03/2008 03:54:40 ‹James Jacobs› One of Tyralandi's domains is Mind. The other is Domination. Both came in QUITE HANDY in that first arena battle.
12/03/2008 03:54:44 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Ooh! What did you think of the shoggoth in J3: Crucible of Chaos?
12/03/2008 03:54:59 ‹Charles Evans› Now, darn it.. she IS a cleric of Wee Jas, and will be until the campaign is over.
12/03/2008 03:54:59 ‹James Jacobs› I love the shoggoth illustration. Love it.
12/03/2008 03:55:23 ‹Watcher› I sort of like Exalted's approach to Wyld Fae for creatures of chaos. Granted no one wants to rip another setting off
12/03/2008 03:55:39 ‹deClench› Shoggoths AND flying apes. J3 looks great!
12/03/2008 03:55:40 ‹James Jacobs› And the stats are pretty solid. The use of the shoggoth in the adventure's pretty cool... not really in keeping with their themes in Lovecraft, but certainly fits in to the adventure and the feel of high fantasy pretty awesome!
12/03/2008 03:55:49 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, have you ever published an adventure with elemental domain clerics who rebuke dragons?
12/03/2008 03:55:55 ‹Charles Evans› :cthulhu: things non-sentient ones, anyway)=chaos....
12/03/2008 03:55:57 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Nope.
12/03/2008 03:56:09 ‹James Jacobs› That's a really interesting idea, thoguh.
12/03/2008 03:56:12 ‹Rookseye› Love the shoggoths...missed the giant blind cave penguins though
03:56:19 ‹Takasi› that does work, right?
12/03/2008 03:56:25 ‹Blazej› Why not?
12/03/2008 03:56:30 * Karelzarath grins wickedly at Takasi.
12/03/2008 03:56:43 ‹Blazej› Doesn't it just say they need the subtype?
12/03/2008 03:56:44 ‹Karelzarath› You stealin' my idea, bo'ah? ;)
12/03/2008 03:56:55 ‹Takasi› :plot:
12/03/2008 03:57:03 ‹Majuba› Takasi: yep
12/03/2008 03:57:04 ‹James Jacobs› I think so, yeah. Except that dragons have such high hit dice... it'd be tough to make work with the way the rebuking rules work right now. Assuming you're talking about a cleric who has dragon slaves.
12/03/2008 03:57:12 ‹Charles Evans› james Jacobs: German translations???
12/03/2008 03:57:18 ‹James Jacobs› No news.
12/03/2008 03:57:36 ‹Karelzarath› But, yes, a cleric with dragon slaves. :dragon:
12/03/2008 03:57:47 * Charles Evans sighs and checks another thing off the mental check list....
12/03/2008 03:57:51 ‹Blazej› Fly my minions! Until you get big enough to realize that I'm below you on the food chain!
12/03/2008 03:58:03 ‹Takasi› lol
12/03/2008 03:58:11 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Drow that ride cave lizards? (Or bats????:))
12/03/2008 03:58:14 ‹James Jacobs› it's looking increasingly grim for bat-riding drow
12/03/2008 03:58:24 ‹James Jacobs› Lizard-riding drow are in, though, for sure.
12/03/2008 03:58:28 ‹Karelzarath› Aww... :(
12/03/2008 03:58:35 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, I'd like to see an entire AP on a plague of lycanthropy
12/03/2008 03:58:39 ‹Takasi› I want were jellyfish
12/03/2008 03:58:43 ‹Takasi› :P
12/03/2008 03:58:46 * Mr Baron joins Main
12/03/2008 03:58:51 ‹Karelzarath› Weresocks
12/03/2008 03:58:54 ‹Pygon› uh oh... moon.. *splut* .... "ew"
12/03/2008 03:58:58 ‹Charles Evans› ames Jacobs: Ripnugget demonstrated just how bad geckos could be? :D
12/03/2008 03:59:03 ‹Charles Evans› (J)ames
12/03/2008 03:59:06 ‹James Jacobs› We do have wererats on the cover of Pathfinder 13...
12/03/2008 03:59:09 ‹Blazej› I always wear socks.
12/03/2008 03:59:16 ‹Daigle› Yay wererats!
12/03/2008 03:59:21 ‹James Jacobs› Geckos rock.
12/03/2008 03:59:22 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Can I play some music and bribe them with cheese? :P
12/03/2008 03:59:30 ‹Karelzarath› Wererats are awesome
12/03/2008 03:59:34 ‹Takasi› excellent, perfect start for Second Darkness
12/03/2008 03:59:37 ‹Takasi› is it WAR?
12/03/2008 03:59:39 ‹James Jacobs› He's taking the knife out of the cheese! Do you think he wants some cheese?
12/03/2008 03:59:49 * Hill Giant joins Main
12/03/2008 03:59:54 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: I gather that Yasha's lizard business is now rumoured to be up and running....
12/03/2008 03:59:56 ‹Blazej› Hello. ?
12/03/2008 03:59:56 ‹Takasi› or the first non-WAR?
12/03/2008 03:59:57 ‹Daigle› Howdy Hill Giant
12/03/2008 03:59:57 * Majuba sniffles, "My Ripnugget got 20-20-instant killed last week"
12/03/2008 04:00:06 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi Hill Giant!
12/03/2008 04:00:08 ‹James Jacobs› Nope. Starting with Pathfinder 13, Steve Prescott is doing the covers so Wayne can take a bit of a break and do us some covers for some other stuffs.
12/03/2008 04:00:21 ‹Takasi› other stuff???
12/03/2008 04:00:30 ‹James Jacobs› Yup
12/03/2008 04:00:30 ‹Lilith› Hill Giant! :glomp:
12/03/2008 04:00:34 ‹Watcher› Mi Ripnugget kicked the crap out of them before they brought him down. He rolled really well
12/03/2008 04:00:39 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Teeeeeeeelllllllllllllllll ussssssssssssss!
12/03/2008 04:00:43 ‹Takasi› [-o>
12/03/2008 04:00:48 ‹Mr Baron› any word on AP4?
12/03/2008 04:00:52 ‹James Jacobs› Wayne will continue to do art for Paizo as long as Wayne wants.
12/03/2008 04:01:04 ‹Watcher› cheer us up with AP4 hints
12/03/2008 04:01:06 ‹James Jacobs› I can't say much more about that yet, alas.
12/03/2008 04:01:11 ‹James Jacobs› AP4 hints, huh?
12/03/2008 04:01:14 ‹Blazej› One of my players AC 29 dwarven character got his face beaten in by giants.
12/03/2008 04:01:20 ‹Watcher› not even the region?
12/03/2008 04:01:25 ‹Takasi› just tell him the beating will continue until morale improves :P
12/03/2008 04:01:29 ‹Lori B› I picture lots of great brainstorming sessions at the Paizo offices. Or is it mostly editing?
12/03/2008 04:01:31 ‹Majuba› Watcher: ya, I had one dead animal, two unconcious PC's, and two at 4 hp, with just one hit on Ripnugget before that
12/03/2008 04:01:37 ‹James Jacobs› Since the first AP2 adventure just came out, and we're half a year away from AP3... isn't it a little early for AP4 hints?
12/03/2008 04:01:45 ‹Lilith› Neveeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr!
12/03/2008 04:01:55 ‹Lilith› Or you could spoil us with other juicy details...:)
12/03/2008 04:02:02 ‹Blazej› Five +18 attack rolls with near max damage = dead dwarf!
12/03/2008 04:02:17 * Watcher points at Lilith, how can James resist that pout?
12/03/2008 04:02:25 * Lilith pouts...
12/03/2008 04:02:26 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Tell us more about the abyssal lord equialents that tyour drow are into!
12/03/2008 04:02:27 ‹Lilith› :(
12/03/2008 04:02:29 ‹James Jacobs› Lori> There are usually one or two brainstorming sessions a week here.
12/03/2008 04:02:31 * Majuba listens up for AP4 hints...
12/03/2008 04:02:37 ‹Mr Baron› any rough ideas?
12/03/2008 04:02:48 ‹Blazej› Are there any monsters in it? :P
12/03/2008 04:02:58 ‹Lori B› I'm a junkie for DVD bonus info: any fun stories from those sessions?
12/03/2008 04:03:22 ‹Watcher› lol "Ap4 will feature monsters and some treasure"
12/03/2008 04:03:28 ‹James Jacobs› I'll tell you what, though. Next Tuesday, I'll spoil something about AP4. That gives me and Wes an ENTIRE WEEK to get something down in stone about it.
12/03/2008 04:03:30 ‹Blazej› Good. Thats all I needed to know.
12/03/2008 04:03:33 * Blazej quit
12/03/2008 04:03:37 ‹Watcher› okay
12/03/2008 04:03:37 ‹Pygon› woot
12/03/2008 04:03:41 * Blazej joins Main
12/03/2008 04:03:45 ‹Watcher› whoohoo
12/03/2008 04:03:51 ‹Blazej› :)
12/03/2008 04:03:55 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> Demon lords that drow worship... at this point, they have a group of 12 demon lords that they're really into.
12/03/2008 04:03:55 ‹Mr Baron› sounds good :)
12/03/2008 04:03:57 ‹Pygon› How about in AP3 - have you decided on the final character level?
12/03/2008 04:04:09 ‹Charles Evans› jAMES jACOBS: yOU TOLD US THAT LAST WEEK!
12/03/2008 04:04:16 ‹Charles Evans› Sorry, caps locked.
12/03/2008 04:04:16 ‹Mr Baron› have we already discussed deamons
12/03/2008 04:04:28 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: You even named seven for s..
12/03/2008 04:04:36 ‹James Jacobs› AP3's final character level is looking like it'll probably be 15. We'll probably be following Runelords' model there.
12/03/2008 04:04:41 ‹James Jacobs› I named six, I thought...
12/03/2008 04:04:46 ‹Pygon› sounds good
12/03/2008 04:04:46 ‹Takasi› broad question
12/03/2008 04:04:48 ‹Charles Evans› seven...
12/03/2008 04:04:53 ‹Charles Evans› You threw in a bonus one.
12/03/2008 04:05:02 ‹Takasi› it seems like PF 1 was relatively nomadic
12/03/2008 04:05:07 ‹Takasi› PF 2 is static
12/03/2008 04:05:08 ‹Charles Evans› I could show you if the transcript was up...
12/03/2008 04:05:13 ‹Takasi› sounds like AP 3 is nomadic
12/03/2008 04:05:23 ‹Takasi› can you give us that spoiler for AP4?
12/03/2008 04:05:24 ‹James Jacobs› Baphomet, Fraz-Urb'luu, Nocticula, Socothbenoth, Abraxus, and... someone else...
12/03/2008 04:05:33 ‹Takasi› you said that one might be very localized, so more static?
12/03/2008 04:05:35 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, we still going to have some bonus Aboleth action in our Drow dominated AP3?
12/03/2008 04:05:36 ‹Blazej› Now?
12/03/2008 04:05:38 ‹James Jacobs› I believe I promised 5 names and then gave six.
12/03/2008 04:05:40 ‹Pygon› I'll see if I can find it
12/03/2008 04:05:51 ‹James Jacobs› There will be an aboleth in AP3. At least one.
12/03/2008 04:06:17 ‹James Jacobs› I've got my big notebook here of all my secret plans and thoughts... it has the demon list in it... where did I put it...
12/03/2008 04:06:25 ‹Pygon› From 03/05: "‹James Jacobs› 5 of the 12 demon lords of Golarion commonly worshiped by drow: Abraxus, Haagenti, Socothbenoth, Nocticula, Baphomet, and Fraz-Urb'luu."
12/03/2008 04:06:28 * Watcher is still searching for a copy of Lords of Madness. Maybe have to roder one from Pazio
12/03/2008 04:06:30 ‹James Jacobs› HA! Yeah, Haagenti.
12/03/2008 04:06:33 * Majuba steals said notebook
12/03/2008 04:06:38 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Sidetreks adventures in Pathfinder...who will they be written by? The main adventure's author, or someone else?
12/03/2008 04:07:02 ‹Charles Evans› Gah. Okay. It was only six, but you said five... I remembered the bonus one, anyway...
12/03/2008 04:07:12 ‹Takasi› open call for sidetreks?
12/03/2008 04:07:13 ‹Charles Evans› (that there was a bonus one)
12/03/2008 04:07:14 ‹James Jacobs› AP3 is relatively nomadic, yeah. You start in Riddleport and by the end you're visiting the elf nation of Kyonin, which is farther away from Sandpoint than ever before.
12/03/2008 04:07:41 ‹Pygon› is it a one-way journey, or are locations revisted by the characters?
12/03/2008 04:07:43 ‹Takasi› and AP 2 is static for at least the first 10 levels or so, right?
12/03/2008 04:07:48 ‹Pygon› *revisited
12/03/2008 04:08:03 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Regarding other runelords the thought occured to me that Alaznist might have turned herself into some sort of intelligent weapon??
12/03/2008 04:08:28 ‹James Jacobs› With the exception of Pathfinder #16 (Wes is writing that adventure, and also writing the side quest to nail down a format we can show to authors)... I'd REALLY like to have all the side quest adventures written by new authors. PREFERABLY authors who've never been published in Pathifnder.
12/03/2008 04:08:48 ‹James Jacobs› We'll be doing open calls for the side quests, yes.
12/03/2008 04:08:51 ‹Rambling Scribe› :w00t:
12/03/2008 04:08:56 ‹Watcher› Sounds good James, but is there a special reason why?
12/03/2008 04:09:00 ‹Lilith› Woo-hoo!
12/03/2008 04:09:04 ‹Rambling Scribe› (That's me holding my hand up!)
12/03/2008 04:09:08 ‹Daigle› Yay!
12/03/2008 04:09:13 * Takasi still doesn't like the side quests...
12/03/2008 04:09:15 ‹James Jacobs› AP2 is static until around level 9 or 10, yeah. Stays in Korvosa, then leaves for 5 levels or so, then back to Korvosa for the finalle.
12/03/2008 04:09:35 ‹Lori B› I am looking forward to the urban adventure path.
12/03/2008 04:09:38 ‹James Jacobs› Pygon> it's mostly a one-way journey. You start in Riddleport in Second Darkness, but don't return.
12/03/2008 04:09:42 ‹Lilith› Lori B: Me too! :D
12/03/2008 04:10:02 ‹Lori B› Time to develop NPCs for my group
12/03/2008 04:10:23 ‹Watcher› My players can hardly wait to finish Runelords in favor of Crimson Throne
12/03/2008 04:10:26 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> Alaznist didn't turn herself into a weapon, nope. Interesting idea, though.
12/03/2008 04:10:26 ‹Lori B› *it will give me time to develop the NPC's.
12/03/2008 04:10:54 ‹James Jacobs› I've kinda figured in my head what all six of the other Runelords did. We've only revealed the fates of 2 so far, though. A third will be revealed by the end of Crimson Throne.
12/03/2008 04:11:19 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Neat!
12/03/2008 04:11:27 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> Too many questions! I got confused! Were you asking if there was a special reason why I wanted new authors for the side quests?
12/03/2008 04:11:28 ‹Takasi› Kaiju?
12/03/2008 04:11:34 ‹Charles Evans› James JAcobs: Not permenantly, I was thinking but as a sort of hibernation, from which she later reincarnates herself.. I thought of it when i saw how the leadership in the halls of Wrath in PF #5 changed hands... But you officially nix the idea.
12/03/2008 04:11:40 ‹Mr Baron› a third runlord..excellent :0
12/03/2008 04:12:00 ‹Majuba› JJ: Who's the second runelord we know the fate of?
12/03/2008 04:12:04 ‹Mothman› The runlord of sprinting
12/03/2008 04:12:10 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, any info on astrology in Golarion?
12/03/2008 04:12:12 ‹James Jacobs› There are Kaiju in Golarion. Two of them will be statted up, I suspect, by the end of Crimson Throne.
12/03/2008 04:12:13 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, that's right! I guess it's an obvious question though, if you just want to cultivate new talent among your writing pool
12/03/2008 04:12:22 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: I'm imagining that the Runelord of Lust's fate will be xposed, since you mention that a pool with strong ties to her gets a visit.
12/03/2008 04:12:26 ‹James Jacobs› Info on the stars and astrology and the like will be in Pathfinder 14, it looks like.
12/03/2008 04:12:26 ‹Takasi› I have a player who is a Zallera's 'rival', but tells fortunes from astrology instead of harrow
12/03/2008 04:12:34 ‹Lilith› Kaiju! RAWR!
12/03/2008 04:12:35 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> yup. She'll be exposed, all right.
12/03/2008 04:12:47 * Lilith godzilla-stomps around the room...*STOMP STOMP STOMP*
12/03/2008 04:12:50 ‹Charles Evans› OOPs. Unfortunate choice of words perhaps...
12/03/2008 04:12:50 ‹Blazej› :rimshot:
12/03/2008 04:12:52 ‹Rambling Scribe› Runelord of Lust: XXXposed.
12/03/2008 04:13:00 ‹Lilith› :P
12/03/2008 04:13:01 * Daigle laughs
12/03/2008 04:13:23 ‹James Jacobs› Majuba> Zutha; he turned himself into the Gluttonous Tome (revealed in the download for PF 5).
12/03/2008 04:13:30 ‹Blazej› Ah.
12/03/2008 04:13:46 ‹Charles Evans› It would be nice to have a rune-lord actually get away for once, and rnning around Golarion, taking a vacation before they start scheming for a new empire.
12/03/2008 04:13:49 ‹Pygon› can't wait to see the blog on that one. 5318008 !!!
12/03/2008 04:13:55 ‹Majuba› Ah, tkx
12/03/2008 04:14:07 ‹Blazej› Nice.
12/03/2008 04:14:15 ‹Blazej› Subtle.
12/03/2008 04:14:19 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> yeah. I want to find new authors. I want to train existing authors on writing adventures. Both reasons. At one point when I started working here, Nick Logue and Rich Pett and Greg Vaughan were all, essentially, unpublished. I need to discover more of them.
12/03/2008 04:14:51 ‹Watcher› An exciting time for those with aspirations of trying their hand at it
12/03/2008 04:15:24 ‹Watcher› I am sure that alone will generate extra excitement about that particular path
12/03/2008 04:15:30 ‹Lilith› Watcher: Indeed!
12/03/2008 04:15:32 ‹James Jacobs› Runelord of Lust is already XXXpsosed, sort of, on page 77 of Pathfinder 1, actually...
12/03/2008 04:15:48 * Rambling Scribe goes to look.
12/03/2008 04:15:51 ‹Charles Evans› The cunken ruins?
12/03/2008 04:15:53 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> Who says that a runelord HASN'T escaped yet?
12/03/2008 04:15:55 ‹Charles Evans› Sunken
12/03/2008 04:15:59 ‹Watcher› The lady on the puramid
12/03/2008 04:16:06 ‹James Jacobs› Yup
12/03/2008 04:16:32 ‹Charles Evans› A runelord *has* escaped and is running around on holiday! :w00t::w00t:
12/03/2008 04:16:32 ‹Blazej› :dramatic music:
12/03/2008 04:16:46 ‹Blazej› Not sloth then.
12/03/2008 04:16:47 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, which characters would be more difficult to 'remove' from PF 7, which ones are strong reoccuring characters?
12/03/2008 04:16:58 ‹James Jacobs› A lot can happen in 10,000 years, is all I can say for now...
12/03/2008 04:17:10 ‹Takasi› how was 10,000 BC, btw?
12/03/2008 04:17:24 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi: Great question. I should really put in sidebars about which NPCs are scheduled to be recurring.
12/03/2008 04:17:25 ‹James Jacobs› OMG
12/03/2008 04:17:26 ‹Takasi› Godzilla vs 10,000 BC?
12/03/2008 04:17:27 ‹Charles Evans› I vote for the evoker, Alaznist (runelord of wrath) - Just to annoy Karzoug!
12/03/2008 04:17:38 ‹Blazej› OMG?
12/03/2008 04:17:45 ‹Blazej› Good OMG or bad OMG.
12/03/2008 04:17:47 ‹Blazej› ?
12/03/2008 04:17:50 ‹Blazej› ?!
12/03/2008 04:18:01 * Majuba listens.
12/03/2008 04:18:04 ‹James Jacobs› 10,000 BC was better than Godzilla. BUT. 10,000 BC was probably the next-worse movie the guy did. It's easily the worst movie I'll see this year, I guarantee.
12/03/2008 04:18:05 ‹Blazej› ?!/0
12/03/2008 04:18:09 ‹James Jacobs› Terrible movie.
12/03/2008 04:18:13 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, I wanted to compliment you on CotCT's start.. I was really impressed with Runelords, but you guys have kicked up the production quality of the new AP a whole new level
12/03/2008 04:18:16 ‹James Jacobs› Boring movie.
12/03/2008 04:18:24 ‹Takasi› Worse than the Day After Tomorrow?
12/03/2008 04:18:25 ‹James Jacobs› I say more nice things about it on my blog.
12/03/2008 04:18:27 ‹James Jacobs› Worse.
12/03/2008 04:18:58 ‹Rambling Scribe› JJ> I was watching Buffy the other night, and two characters were talking about the Godzilla movie. I thought of you.
12/03/2008 04:19:01 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: What Watcher said, I'd like to second. I really like the look and feel of it, and the new font kicks some serious ass.
12/03/2008 04:19:07 ‹Takasi› the production quality in AP 4 is better IMO, but I have some issues with the adventure but I'll save those for a post
12/03/2008 04:19:12 ‹Lilith› And the art! :D
12/03/2008 04:19:22 ‹Takasi› AP 2 that is, sorry
12/03/2008 04:19:22 ‹Watcher› And the inside covers!
12/03/2008 04:19:30 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Will we ever see the stat block for the Oliphaunt of Janderlay?
12/03/2008 04:19:31 ‹James Jacobs› And thanks for the compliment about the art, Watcher! It just goes to show you that taking more than a month to set up the look works a lot better than taking about a week (which is what Sarah had to set up Pathfinder 1).
12/03/2008 04:19:34 ‹Lilith› Oh yes!
12/03/2008 04:19:42 ‹Mothman› Scribe: Which episode of Buffy?
12/03/2008 04:19:48 * Mr Baron quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 04:19:55 ‹Rambling Scribe› Near the end of season 7
12/03/2008 04:19:56 ‹James Jacobs› The new font is great. It's also run at a smaller size than the old font.
12/03/2008 04:20:12 ‹Watcher› Sarah is doing a fine job
12/03/2008 04:20:27 ‹Watcher› Well, I need to split.. night everybody!
12/03/2008 04:20:35 ‹James Jacobs› ANYWAY: The characters that are recurring characters in Edge of Anarchy are:
12/03/2008 04:20:37 ‹Lilith› Night Watcher! :thug:
12/03/2008 04:20:37 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight Watcher.
12/03/2008 04:20:43 * Pygon plugs ears
12/03/2008 04:20:43 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, I have a question from Stegger
12/03/2008 04:20:48 * Lilith takes notes...
12/03/2008 04:20:53 ‹James Jacobs› (eventually, yeah, there'll be an Oliphaunt stat block)
12/03/2008 04:20:57 ‹Takasi› he wants to know if you can offer signed copies of the Campaign hardcover online
12/03/2008 04:21:12 ‹Takasi› he is from Germany I think and can't make it to any cons to get it signed
12/03/2008 04:21:44 * Watcher quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 04:21:44 ‹Rambling Scribe› Mothman: "Lies my Parent Told Me" or "Dirty Girls." Not sure which it was.
12/03/2008 04:22:28 ‹James Jacobs› Cressida Kroft, Grau Soldado, Sabina Merrin, Queen Ileosa Arabasti, Vencarlo Orisini, Trinia Sabor, Thousand Bones, and Rolth.
12/03/2008 04:22:49 ‹Majuba› ahh, can't read
12/03/2008 04:22:55 ‹James Jacobs› I'm not sure what our plans are regarding signed copies of Paizo stuff.
12/03/2008 04:22:58 * Majuba quit
12/03/2008 04:23:09 * Majuba joins Main
12/03/2008 04:23:16 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Quick question. Oliphaunt vs Tarrasque. Which would win?
12/03/2008 04:23:29 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: Or are they the same....;)
12/03/2008 04:23:44 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: Not from the artwork in PF #5.
12/03/2008 04:23:48 ‹Pygon› I think a train would be better.
12/03/2008 04:24:06 ‹James Jacobs› Hmmm. Not sure, there... probably the Oliphaunt. Which means we need to build a bigger Tarrasque.
12/03/2008 04:24:15 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: Not the traditional depiction of the tarrasque...but it's a thought.
12/03/2008 04:24:19 * Majuba quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 04:24:38 ‹Rookseye› He certainly looks meaner!
12/03/2008 04:24:39 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Why do you need a bigger tarrasque?
12/03/2008 04:24:50 ‹James Jacobs› The Oliphaunt isn't the tarrasque. They're different Kaiju.
12/03/2008 04:25:07 ‹Blazej› If I come in to the office can I get stuff signed :D
12/03/2008 04:25:10 ‹James Jacobs› Because there's always at least one smart aleky fan out there who thinks MONSTER X isn't tough enough.
12/03/2008 04:25:17 ‹Mothman› Scribe: Cool. I miss Buffy...
12/03/2008 04:25:22 ‹Charles Evans› The Tarrasque could be the little guy of Golarion's heavy-hitters.
12/03/2008 04:25:23 ‹Rookseye› The fellow in his eyeline looks like he got eaten like an Altoid a few minutes later
12/03/2008 04:25:26 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: If I put King Eodred in yellow robes, will I at least get a giggle out of some people in the office? :P
12/03/2008 04:25:39 ‹James Jacobs› If there's one thing I learned from working on Fiendish Codex I, it's that. Orcus can NEVER be high enough CR.
12/03/2008 04:25:49 ‹James Jacobs› And he can ALWAYS be too low of a CR.
12/03/2008 04:25:56 ‹Charles Evans› But OLIPHAUNTS are in TOLKIEN!!!
12/03/2008 04:26:13 ‹Charles Evans› So it makes sense that they can kick tarrasque butt.
12/03/2008 04:26:21 ‹James Jacobs› Not the Oliphaunt of Jandelay. That guy's something else entirely.
12/03/2008 04:26:22 ‹Rambling Scribe› Mothman: I just watched them for the first time this past 6 months. or so. I'm almost done season 7. Three episodes left.
12/03/2008 04:26:23 ‹Charles Evans› (or at least the Golarion version)
12/03/2008 04:26:42 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> Probably.
12/03/2008 04:26:52 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Cool. :P
12/03/2008 04:26:53 ‹Lori B› I have to sign off. Thanks for the Arkham tips, Charles. Keep up the great work, James!
12/03/2008 04:27:01 ‹James Jacobs› Seeya, Lori!
12/03/2008 04:27:02 ‹Lilith› Hugs Lori B! :thug:
12/03/2008 04:27:04 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnigth Lori B.
12/03/2008 04:27:11 ‹Daigle› Night!
12/03/2008 04:27:13 ‹Blazej› Night!
12/03/2008 04:27:17 ‹Rookseye› bye
12/03/2008 04:27:18 ‹Daigle› jinx
12/03/2008 04:27:21 ‹James Jacobs› Wait. Arkham? DID I MISS LOVECRAFT CHATS? NOOOOOOOoooooo
12/03/2008 04:27:23 ‹Blazej› Darn it!
12/03/2008 04:27:37 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: They were talking about the board game...which I haven't played!
12/03/2008 04:27:41 ‹Lilith› I must remedy this!
12/03/2008 04:27:48 ‹Rambling Scribe› Me too.
12/03/2008 04:27:51 ‹Rookseye› It's lots of fun
12/03/2008 04:28:13 * Charles Evans wonders when FFG are going to start sending him complimentary producst fr the freebie promotions that he seems to be doing....
12/03/2008 04:28:27 ‹James Jacobs› Ah. That board game is fun!
12/03/2008 04:28:36 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Can you bring it to PaizoCon? :P
12/03/2008 04:28:43 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, sorry for doubting the Harrow
12/03/2008 04:28:43 ‹James Jacobs› Probably.
12/03/2008 04:28:48 ‹Takasi› the cards are very cool
12/03/2008 04:28:50 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Do you have all the expansions yet?
12/03/2008 04:28:50 ‹James Jacobs› Oh yeah?
12/03/2008 04:28:54 ‹Takasi› and the concept is very neat
12/03/2008 04:28:57 ‹James Jacobs› Yay! That makes me happy, Takasi!
12/03/2008 04:28:59 ‹James Jacobs› :)
12/03/2008 04:29:10 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> Nope; just the main game.
12/03/2008 04:29:13 ‹Takasi› in fact, I posted a thread where I've decided to switch from dice to cards for Crimson Throne
12/03/2008 04:29:31 ‹James Jacobs› I'm really happy with how Harrow turned out. It ended up looking better than I'd even hoped. It looks incredible.
12/03/2008 04:29:36 ‹Rookseye› Are the expansions worth picking up Charles? I mean, do they add a lot as far as gameplay?
12/03/2008 04:29:38 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Go out there and pruchase those expansions!!!
12/03/2008 04:29:44 ‹Rambling Scribe› I'm very anxious to get my Harrow deck. I changed my shipping schedule to get it sooner, but it's still pending!
12/03/2008 04:29:49 ‹Charles Evans› Rookseye/James Jacobs... Yes.
12/03/2008 04:30:00 ‹Charles Evans› At least the ones which i have seen.
12/03/2008 04:30:04 ‹Takasi› will we see a Crimson Throne item deck?
12/03/2008 04:30:11 ‹Takasi› or did the RotRL one not sell as well?
12/03/2008 04:30:12 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: LOVE the Harrow deck. Looking forward to working the cards at PaizoCon! :)
12/03/2008 04:30:27 * Lori B quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 04:30:33 ‹Takasi› Lilith, can you make us some Spicy Chickpea Simmer? :D
12/03/2008 04:30:39 ‹James Jacobs› Yes. There will be a Crimson Throne item deck. The Runelord deck sold VERY well.
12/03/2008 04:30:43 ‹Lilith› Takasi: Yes. :D
12/03/2008 04:31:04 ‹James Jacobs› Good to hear! There's just so much in the art on the harrow cards that makes for great stories.
12/03/2008 04:31:20 ‹Charles Evans› Curse of the Dark Pharaoh adds relics, and three other world cards which equal fights with Ancient ones, Dunwich Horror makes gates a nightmare (and adds fun monsters), and King in Yellow makes the terror level something to be truly scared of.
12/03/2008 04:31:22 ‹Daigle› I can't wait to get mine
12/03/2008 04:31:26 ‹Majuba› Runelord deck rocked - thinking of getting another - and tell the warehouse guys thanks for the extra booster pack each big shipment! :)
12/03/2008 04:31:37 ‹Daigle› It's gonna be a big box this month
12/03/2008 04:31:37 ‹Charles Evans› I have yet to see Kingsport Dreams...
12/03/2008 04:31:50 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: You could create entire adventures around the Deck. Gaedren Lamm's Harrowing didn't go so well for him. http://paizo.com/paizo/message...poilers
12/03/2008 04:31:51 ‹Rookseye› Now I wish I had used my Green Ronin discount on Dunwich Horror, crud
12/03/2008 04:31:56 ‹James Jacobs› Plus, Kyle did some stuff in there that we weren't expecting. Like putting in a lamia matriarch. Or throwing in some goblins. Good stuff.
12/03/2008 04:32:14 ‹Lilith› I liked the goblins! It was very fitting. :) And The Dancer.
12/03/2008 04:32:18 ‹Takasi› I'm going to change the Lamm encounter to involve a game of Towers with him
12/03/2008 04:32:21 ‹Lilith› The Mute Hag is great. :)
12/03/2008 04:32:33 ‹Rambling Scribe› I just got a big shipment from Paizo today. It was my Green Ronin discount order. With a bonus booster of item cards!
12/03/2008 04:32:43 ‹Majuba› ditto Rambling :)
12/03/2008 04:32:55 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: Got that too in my shipment of Paizo goodies. :)
12/03/2008 04:33:20 ‹James Jacobs› Cool; another great place for Towers is at Eel's End.
12/03/2008 04:33:22 ‹deClench› I really like Kyle's art. I'd love to see him do more Paizo material.
12/03/2008 04:33:24 ‹Majuba› Pathfinder Wiki needs to match up item cards with treasure items
12/03/2008 04:33:49 ‹Takasi› I just felt like the party shouldn't fight Lamm right from the get go
12/03/2008 04:33:56 ‹Hill Giant› JJ: How specific were the art orders for the cards?
12/03/2008 04:34:05 ‹James Jacobs› They weren't specific at all.
12/03/2008 04:34:07 ‹Majuba› I like Kyle's art where it has been used to date (intro and such - and harrow looks good)
12/03/2008 04:34:09 ‹Takasi› players are very stoked about this guy from the Player's guide, building backstories around him and then 'bait and switch'
12/03/2008 04:34:15 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Was the question answered on the Pathfinder #5 DM reference thread of when exactly the battle with the Abjurers took place? There seemed to be two different versions.
12/03/2008 04:34:17 ‹Takasi› "OK, he's dead. Now what?"
12/03/2008 04:34:30 ‹Hill Giant› You just let Kyle run free?
12/03/2008 04:34:42 ‹James Jacobs› We basically came up with the names for the cards with Kyle's help and let him run rampant, more or less. James Davis worked with him to refine some of the cards and make changes here and there, but for the most part, the images are 100% Kyle.
12/03/2008 04:35:16 ‹Majuba› I got Downer #1 on accident, and was impressed.
12/03/2008 04:35:16 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: I think my favorite part of the Harrow Deck is that the cards are symbolically/thematically appropriate - I rarely need to reference the book (and I just got this yesterday)
12/03/2008 04:35:25 ‹Hill Giant› Cool. The symbolism on the card we've seen is great
12/03/2008 04:35:58 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah; that's another great thing about the cards. They really work well for off-the-cuff readings.
12/03/2008 04:36:05 ‹Majuba› The 9-align X 6-stats = 54 cards was brilliant btw
12/03/2008 04:36:27 ‹James Jacobs› Which was a load off my mind, because that let us not spend 50 pages in Pathfinder talking about how to run the first encounter.
12/03/2008 04:36:42 * Lilith ponders playing with different Harrow layouts.
12/03/2008 04:36:50 ‹James Jacobs› Thanks, Majuba! I think that setup was my idea... hard to remember who came up with what in those crazy Harrow meetings.
12/03/2008 04:37:04 ‹Takasi› I have to say though James that it does not seem very 'beginner friendly'
12/03/2008 04:37:17 ‹James Jacobs› It's not really supposed to be beginner friendly.
12/03/2008 04:37:27 * Russ joins Main
12/03/2008 04:37:28 ‹James Jacobs› Other products already do a much better job at that than us.
12/03/2008 04:37:40 ‹Russ› Strike a blow for Korvosa, brothers!
12/03/2008 04:37:41 ‹Rookseye› Pokemon?
12/03/2008 04:37:44 ‹Takasi› ok, just saying, most of your other APs do come off that way in the first adventure
12/03/2008 04:37:49 ‹Takasi› this one's much more involved
12/03/2008 04:37:52 ‹Russ› Thumbs up for the new layout, even though I found the old one readable. This one is prettier.
12/03/2008 04:37:52 ‹James Jacobs› It is.
12/03/2008 04:38:05 ‹James Jacobs› It's a much more complex adventure. It's not a dungeon crawl, for one thing.
12/03/2008 04:38:13 ‹Takasi› yes and no, I have some issues with it
12/03/2008 04:38:27 ‹Takasi› the fish factory then the meat factory
12/03/2008 04:38:32 ‹Takasi› and the layout of the fish factory
12/03/2008 04:38:35 * Charles Evans frowns about shipping times to the UK....
12/03/2008 04:38:41 ‹Takasi› the map, and way to get to the bottom level through the ship
12/03/2008 04:38:42 ‹Charles Evans› :-?
12/03/2008 04:38:50 ‹James Jacobs› I do worry a bit that it's a bit overly complex; especially the fact that, for the first three adventures at least, things don't necessarily have to run in the order they're printed.
12/03/2008 04:39:10 ‹Charles Evans› That sounds very good.
12/03/2008 04:39:15 ‹Takasi› it seems a bit railroady too
12/03/2008 04:39:49 ‹Charles Evans› If it's non sequential, then that sounds less than railroady to me...
12/03/2008 04:39:51 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Yeah, the maps aren't totally perfect. They're pretty good, I think, thoguh, considering we basically had to shut down the editorial pit for a day and each of us basically drew one up.
12/03/2008 04:40:02 ‹James Jacobs› It's railroady because it's an adventure.
12/03/2008 04:40:13 ‹James Jacobs› If it weren't railroady, it'd be a sourcebook. Like "Guide to Korvosa."
12/03/2008 04:40:25 ‹Lilith› Which is cool, by the way.
12/03/2008 04:40:32 ‹Takasi› no, the events are a little too interdependent
12/03/2008 04:40:32 ‹James Jacobs› Which is an invaluable resource if your players tend to want to go off and do their own thing.
12/03/2008 04:40:39 ‹Takasi› for example, the first one you get the brooch
12/03/2008 04:40:58 * Gemma joins Main
12/03/2008 04:40:58 ‹Takasi› you almost have to present them to the queen during the riot
12/03/2008 04:41:06 ‹James Jacobs› Nah.
12/03/2008 04:41:13 ‹James Jacobs› You can time that for whenever you want.
12/03/2008 04:41:19 ‹Takasi› and the assumption that the king dies right after you come out of Lamm's
12/03/2008 04:41:24 ‹James Jacobs› The idea is that riots rise and fall like tides during the whole thing.
12/03/2008 04:41:26 ‹Takasi› no, I think if players found the queen's brooch
12/03/2008 04:41:36 ‹Takasi› that must trigger the king's death
12/03/2008 04:41:44 ‹James Jacobs› The king actually dies at some point when you're in there, fighting Lamm.
12/03/2008 04:42:09 ‹Takasi› right, which is a very interdependent timeline
12/03/2008 04:42:31 ‹James Jacobs› And since we can't assume that PCs are even going to finish Lamm's fishery in one attempt... we HAVE to keep the timing for the king kinda vague like that.
12/03/2008 04:42:58 ‹Rookseye› James> Can you reveal any hints about the forthcoming Last Baron adventures?
12/03/2008 04:43:10 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Who's the author of Last Baron?
12/03/2008 04:43:35 ‹James Jacobs› Anyway... yeah. Crimson Throne's easilly the most complex adventure path we've tried yet. The others were all pretty "safe" in that they were, in large part, very standard. Savage Tide started to break the mold a bit, though.
12/03/2008 04:43:38 ‹Takasi› tying the finding of the brooch to the king's death was a little weak, just my reaction
12/03/2008 04:44:29 * Charles Evans wonders if, given Steve Greer is NOT Crimson Throne, he is Last Baron?
12/03/2008 04:45:04 ‹Charles Evans› The author of?
12/03/2008 04:45:06 ‹James Jacobs› Finding the brooch isn't tied to his death, though. If the PCs don't find the brooch at all, he still dies. The GM just has to come up with another way to get the PCs to meet Ileosa, if he wants to foreshadow her and Sabina at the outset.
12/03/2008 04:45:43 ‹Charles Evans› brooch=scrying focus/locate object= problems later?
12/03/2008 04:45:48 ‹Takasi› I just don't like that they have to kill Lamm and then immediately the city goes to s~&+
12/03/2008 04:45:50 ‹James Jacobs› I can't reveal much about the Last Baron adventures. I barely know anything about them, apart from naming the second adventure path (I stole "Treasure of Chimera Cove" from myself!)
12/03/2008 04:46:15 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Any chance the Witch Queen from Carnival of Tears will show up again?
12/03/2008 04:46:20 ‹James Jacobs› I don't know who the author is.
12/03/2008 04:46:26 ‹Takasi› especially when Lamm is presented in the player's guide as the BBEG that ties the group together, with no time to explore the city
12/03/2008 04:46:40 ‹Rookseye› ...or more on the Whispering Tyrant showing up in Guide to Darkmoon Vale?
12/03/2008 04:46:45 ‹Takasi› you meet with the harrower, get exact directions to kill Lamm right from the get go
12/03/2008 04:46:56 ‹Takasi› it seems like there's no time to explore and enjoy the cit

March 11th 2008, part 2
12/03/2008 04:51:16 ‹Lilith› Is there a Pathfinder Chronicles/Companion product you're especially looking forward to James Jacobs?
12/03/2008 04:51:20 ‹Russ› I prefer a railroad myself. Not big on running something other than what I prepped for a group.
12/03/2008 04:51:24 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight Rookseye... :cthulhu:!:D
12/03/2008 04:51:36 ‹James Jacobs› Presenting an adventure pretty much means focusing ONLY on the parts of things that relate directly to the adventure. If I were running Crimson Throne, I'd probably lengthen things out just like you're saying, Takasi, but that's not something we have the luxury to get into in the scope of the adventure itself.
12/03/2008 04:51:36 ‹Rookseye› fthagn!
12/03/2008 04:51:47 ‹Charles Evans› :lol:
12/03/2008 04:52:09 * Luna joins Main
12/03/2008 04:52:17 ‹James Jacobs› There will be more goblins now and then, sure! They'll show up in Classic Monsters, for example. And I suspect they'll have something to do in "Shadow in the Sky" in Pathfinder #13.
12/03/2008 04:52:18 * Charles Evans waves to Luna....
12/03/2008 04:52:34 ‹Charles Evans› Goblins Vs were-rats!
12/03/2008 04:52:42 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> All of them! But the one I'm looking forward to the most at this point is probably the hardcover
12/03/2008 04:52:44 ‹Luna› Hey guys!
12/03/2008 04:52:50 ‹James Jacobs› Or maybe Into the Darklands.
12/03/2008 04:52:52 ‹Daigle› Howdy Luna
12/03/2008 04:52:53 ‹James Jacobs› AhoY!
12/03/2008 04:52:56 ‹Charles Evans› Luna: How is the shop?
12/03/2008 04:53:01 ‹Luna› Lillith :thugs:
12/03/2008 04:53:05 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Oh manomanomanoman...Wants the hardcover...!!
12/03/2008 04:53:06 ‹Luna› Shop?
12/03/2008 04:53:12 ‹Lilith› Luna! :squee: How's my namesake?
12/03/2008 04:53:21 ‹Takasi› in general, just looking for something a little more modular with more flexible timelines, it's possible, but if you did that I'd b#&+$ about the AP not being cohesive enough :P
12/03/2008 04:53:22 ‹Charles Evans› Luna: Business?
12/03/2008 04:53:37 ‹Charles Evans› Luna: I thought Yasha was involved in something?
12/03/2008 04:53:42 ‹Luna› Good, just need to pickup her boy friend in San fran. next week and we should have babies
12/03/2008 04:53:50 * Rookseye quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 04:53:51 ‹Luna› oh reptiles
12/03/2008 04:53:51 ‹Lilith› Cool!
12/03/2008 04:54:12 * Takasi changes his/her nickname to Takasi prepping Burning Sky
12/03/2008 04:54:19 ‹Majuba› Takasi: can't recall, are you against the sidequests? (kinda modular there :)
12/03/2008 04:54:36 ‹Luna› there good Charles, lots of eggs on there way
12/03/2008 04:55:00 ‹James Jacobs› I would agree that all of our Adventure Paths are pretty GO GO GO, without a lot of inherent flexibility in the timelines. THAT SAID: they're also pretty popular that way, so I'm hesitant to mix things up TOO much.
12/03/2008 04:55:02 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Any word on Erik/Christine Schneider (RPG Superstar) blog?
12/03/2008 04:55:14 ‹Majuba› JJ: Seen the Fumble deck yet? - I've been very eagerly awaiting it
12/03/2008 04:55:24 ‹James Jacobs› Again... switching from Dungeon to Pathfinder kind of forced us to do a reset on the "Experimental Adventure Path" scene.
12/03/2008 04:55:30 ‹Charles Evans› Luna: Good news then. :)
12/03/2008 04:55:41 ‹Takasi prepping Burning Sky› I have a couple of grognards in our group who blast the 'assumed' AP timeline of 1st to 20th in 6 months
12/03/2008 04:55:43 * Gemma quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 04:55:43 * Gemma quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 04:55:50 ‹Luna› Charles Evans, yep all is well in our little reptile world
12/03/2008 04:56:09 ‹James Jacobs› The first adventure in Second Darkness, thoguh, will be pretty flexible on its timeline, I supsect. AND: It's something I very MUCH want to try to look into for AP4.
12/03/2008 04:56:12 ‹Luna› James Jacobs, was it you who was looking into the lizards?
12/03/2008 04:56:15 ‹Takasi prepping Burning Sky› but they also don't like 4th edition, so piss on them :P
12/03/2008 04:56:16 ‹Russ› I think you need a tight timeline for the baseline GM. The advanced ones can monkey with it as needing. For example, for Age of Worms, I may drop in that time pocket that the Gord the Rogue books used to give the PCs some downtime
12/03/2008 04:56:46 ‹James Jacobs› No word yet on the RPG Superstar scene. Erik's actually at a show all week...
12/03/2008 04:56:52 ‹James Jacobs› So no news from him at all yet.
12/03/2008 04:56:53 ‹Luna› Takasi prepping Burning Sky, lol, feel the same way
12/03/2008 04:57:20 ‹Russ› Hmm, Norwescon isn't it?
12/03/2008 04:57:36 * Blazej quit
12/03/2008 04:57:46 ‹James Jacobs› Grognards! Being one myself, I can understand their pain. Sort of.
12/03/2008 04:57:53 ‹James Jacobs› YES! LIZARDS!
12/03/2008 04:58:03 ‹Russ› I'm hoping Paizo experiments with slower advancement if they stay with 3.5E
12/03/2008 04:58:05 ‹Luna› James Jacobs, did you get your book?
12/03/2008 04:58:08 ‹James Jacobs› I did!
12/03/2008 04:58:16 ‹Luna› How did you like it?
12/03/2008 04:58:21 ‹Russ› The levelling rate in 3rd (and apparently 4th) is way too fast for me. A level every two sessions means people don't get used to their abilities.
12/03/2008 04:58:30 ‹James Jacobs› Crested geckos are pretty nifty. And the big guys actually MAKE NOISE which is cool too. Great book!
12/03/2008 04:58:42 ‹cpt_kirstov› James Jacobs, any feelings on http://www.pathfinderwiki.com (a consolidated version of the other wikis theat started and died)
12/03/2008 04:58:50 ‹James Jacobs› Alas, Haven't had much of a chance lately wiht getting Pathifnder caught up to do much more lizard prep... :(
12/03/2008 04:58:53 ‹Rambling Scribe› If Paizo stays 3.5, and releases their own SRD-based rules, they will need to create a new advancement system for it.
12/03/2008 04:59:10 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: As the XP guide isn't in the SRD...:)
12/03/2008 04:59:17 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> I agree. Especially in levels 1-4. Levels go by WAY too fast.
12/03/2008 04:59:19 ‹Rambling Scribe› Exactly.
12/03/2008 04:59:34 ‹Luna› Cool, glad you like. The cresteds make noise as well, just not as much and mostly when wellll...having fun with a girl gecko. :squee:
12/03/2008 04:59:37 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Questions For US??
12/03/2008 04:59:39 ‹Rambling Scribe› So why not zig where 4E zags and make advancement slower.
12/03/2008 05:00:15 ‹Rambling Scribe› hypothetically, of course.
12/03/2008 05:00:38 ‹James Jacobs› Personally... I love seeing fan stuff like the wikis and fan art (especially fan art!!!) and the like. And as far as I know, as long as proper "paizo made some of this" notes are posted, and as long as they're not for profit... Paizo loves that stuff too! We just don't have the time or resources yet to get a proper fan-resourse area built...
12/03/2008 05:00:58 ‹James Jacobs› Gecko love! Awww.
12/03/2008 05:01:00 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Makes me a sad Lilith...:( :cry:
12/03/2008 05:01:15 ‹James Jacobs› BUT: We're working on it, Lilith!
12/03/2008 05:01:18 ‹James Jacobs› I promise!
12/03/2008 05:01:51 ‹James Jacobs› I can actually confirm that I saw, with my own two eyes, ART RESOURCES used on the problem!
12/03/2008 05:02:23 ‹Majuba› wow.. that is an incredibly sad emoticon
12/03/2008 05:02:25 ‹Lilith› Whoa!
12/03/2008 05:02:33 ‹Lilith› :squee:
12/03/2008 05:02:42 * Lilith might be inspired to do more fan work then...
12/03/2008 05:02:50 ‹Lilith› :D
12/03/2008 05:03:07 ‹Lilith› But my EiC for Oerth Journal has a stack of things for me to do...:plot:
12/03/2008 05:03:39 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: You also now have a PbP to run...:)
12/03/2008 05:03:46 ‹Daigle› James, will there be any information on Janderhoff in the hardcover?
12/03/2008 05:03:56 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: Running a game invariably leads to artwork. It's inevitable. :P
12/03/2008 05:04:33 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: ut you have a backlog of artwork to put up you only said a week or two ago, when I was inquiring about maps...
12/03/2008 05:04:36 ‹Charles Evans› :)
12/03/2008 05:04:40 ‹Charles Evans› (b)ut
12/03/2008 05:04:40 ‹James Jacobs› Daigle: Yes. There'll be information about Janderhoff in the Gazetteer as well.
12/03/2008 05:04:53 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: Oh that's still there. :P
12/03/2008 05:05:12 ‹Majuba› yay Janderhoff!
12/03/2008 05:05:18 ‹Luna› I want to see some of Liliths fan work!
12/03/2008 05:05:19 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: :shock: You mean that you queue-jump your own projects???
12/03/2008 05:05:25 ‹Daigle› Excellent. It seems lots of people gravitated toward there for their dwarven character's backgrounds. One of my players did the same thing.
12/03/2008 05:06:00 * Daigle isn't huge on dwarves, though.
12/03/2008 05:06:38 * Charles Evans sighs and wanders off to cllect his yellow hardhat and hammer.... he will be back....
12/03/2008 05:06:41 * Charles Evans quit
12/03/2008 05:06:42 ‹Majuba› Just suggested City Born (Janderhoff) as +2 Sense Motive
12/03/2008 05:06:45 ‹James Jacobs› Not surprising; it's the "dwarf" place we put into Varisia just for that purpose. Same with Sanos Forest for gnomes and Mierani for the elves. Halflings are kinda all over Varisia already...
12/03/2008 05:06:49 ‹Rambling Scribe› My dwarf in a short lived PbP was from there.
12/03/2008 05:06:51 ‹Lilith› Luna: http://darkmoongallery.com/det...?id=115 (NSFW)
12/03/2008 05:07:07 ‹James Jacobs› NAUGHTY! Well done!
12/03/2008 05:07:14 ‹Lilith› Luna: http://darkmoongallery.com/det...?id=114 (NSFW)
12/03/2008 05:07:19 ‹Lilith› OMG! Bewbs!
12/03/2008 05:07:21 ‹Lilith› :P
12/03/2008 05:08:07 * Lilith killed that chat...
12/03/2008 05:08:07 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah... I'm already preparing for the firestorm to be unleashed when Pathfinder 8 gets out... The nipples may make an appearance in that one. They're on a statue, though, not a real live woman, so I think we'll be able to get away with it...
12/03/2008 05:08:16 ‹Lilith› :lol:
12/03/2008 05:08:29 ‹Lilith› I'm still amazed the Lamashtu article didn't raise any eyebrows.
12/03/2008 05:08:39 ‹Luna› 58008!!!
12/03/2008 05:08:40 ‹Daigle› Tell that to Ashcroft :P
12/03/2008 05:08:44 ‹Lilith› Monster births - okay! Incest - not okay!
12/03/2008 05:09:06 ‹Majuba› Lilith: oh yes - made my handouts with your pictures - thanks!
12/03/2008 05:09:13 ‹Lilith› Majuba: You're welcome.
12/03/2008 05:09:14 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah; Lamashtu more or less went over without a squabble. Weird.
12/03/2008 05:09:22 ‹James Jacobs› We'll see if Urgathoa has the same luck...
12/03/2008 05:09:26 ‹Daigle› I think people get uneasy with certain material when it is more real and more close to home
12/03/2008 05:09:47 * Mad Geologist joins Main
12/03/2008 05:09:55 ‹James Jacobs› I'd agree there, Daigle.
12/03/2008 05:10:01 ‹Daigle› ...some people just like to be offended, too.
12/03/2008 05:10:11 ‹Russ› Maybe you can have an important politician caught with a prostitute
12/03/2008 05:10:22 ‹cpt_kirstov› oops sorry for caps
12/03/2008 05:10:24 ‹Luna› cool stuff Lilith
12/03/2008 05:10:27 ‹James Jacobs› Which is why the start of Edge of Anarchy had me a little nervous too, what with all the kids in danger. BUT: It was so obviously inspired by Charles Dickens that I felt it was okay to run with it.
12/03/2008 05:10:51 ‹Mad Geologist› Charles Evans returns....
12/03/2008 05:10:55 ‹Lilith› Luna: And obviously...SQUEE!!! http://darkmoongallery.com/det...p?id=84
12/03/2008 05:11:21 * Takasi prepping Burning Sky changes his/her nickname to Takasi running Burning Sky
12/03/2008 05:11:25 ‹Luna› LOL cool!
12/03/2008 05:11:48 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Anytime kids are involved, it can get sticky.
12/03/2008 05:11:59 ‹Daigle› I had never realized the backlash regarding child violence in fiction until it got brought up in the last "I'm offended" bruhaha.
12/03/2008 05:12:28 ‹Mad Geologist› As I hypothesised before, Lamashtu was acceptable because of the science fiction/Alien Movies genre...
12/03/2008 05:12:35 ‹James Jacobs› Possibly.
12/03/2008 05:12:53 ‹Luna› I need to get a scanner ao I can put some of my art up.
12/03/2008 05:13:01 ‹Lilith› Luna: You should!
12/03/2008 05:13:07 ‹James Jacobs› But Alien hasn't been around as long as Texas Chainsaw or Hills Have Eyes or Deliverance. All of the inspiration for Hook Mountain came from movies before Alien...
12/03/2008 05:13:13 ‹Daigle› Syriana used child death well, I think. It can be a strong motivator, even stronger with breeders I'd imagine.
12/03/2008 05:13:30 ‹Luna› I do mostly girls as well..I have a hard time w/ men
12/03/2008 05:13:41 ‹Daigle› Though that was an accident and not really violence
12/03/2008 05:13:44 ‹Luna› that looked very bad...lol
12/03/2008 05:13:51 * Daigle laughs
12/03/2008 05:14:00 ‹Daigle› TMI,
12/03/2008 05:14:03 ‹Majuba› JJ: I don't care for the Alien movies, but I'd about *never* watch Chainsaw massacre
12/03/2008 05:14:07 ‹James Jacobs› Child peril works VERY well in fiction of any type. Look at all of Spielberg's movies, for example. He did okay for himself making a living off of movies in which kids get eaten by sharks, etc.
12/03/2008 05:14:52 ‹Luna› <oops> what I do that Yasha duse not know wont hurt him!
12/03/2008 05:15:00 ‹James Jacobs› And Stephen King as well.
12/03/2008 05:15:02 ‹James Jacobs› HA!
12/03/2008 05:15:14 ‹Hill Giant› Harry Potter is all about horrible things happening to kids - it seems to have spawned too
12/03/2008 05:15:17 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: Burnt offerings had a goblin hiding under a house with child-peril theme...
12/03/2008 05:15:26 ‹James Jacobs› Yup; Harry Potter's a great example.
12/03/2008 05:15:29 ‹Russ› Children in peril gets something in the hindbrain.
12/03/2008 05:15:33 ‹James Jacobs› Yup! Burnt offerings too!
12/03/2008 05:15:52 ‹James Jacobs› Kids are, as a whole, a LOT more resilient than folk think.
12/03/2008 05:15:53 ‹Hill Giant› Although to be perfectly honest, I though Harry Potter was too harsh
12/03/2008 05:16:04 ‹Russ› My wife and I loved HP
12/03/2008 05:16:35 ‹Rambling Scribe› Many episodes of supernatural open with scenes of children in peril. I can't watch those episodes alone. But I love to watch them.
12/03/2008 05:16:59 ‹Luna› James Jacobs, Mad Geologist, ummm...like anita blake books ...did you guys know that "burnt offerings" is also a book
12/03/2008 05:17:02 ‹James Jacobs› I'm not condoning throwing them to the wolves at age 7 to learn them how to cope... but my Grandma pretty much got me hooked on Stephen King at like age 12 with Pet Semetary (which is pretty hard-core on the violence against one kid in particular), and I turned out mostly okay.
12/03/2008 05:17:11 ‹James Jacobs› Burnt Offerings is also a movie.
12/03/2008 05:17:24 ‹Luna› is it?
12/03/2008 05:17:25 ‹Russ› My idiot parents took me to Jaws when I was 5 or 6
12/03/2008 05:17:30 ‹James Jacobs› yup.
12/03/2008 05:17:34 ‹Luna› cool
12/03/2008 05:17:46 ‹Mad Geologist› Here in the UK we had Doctor Who for children....
12/03/2008 05:17:50 ‹James Jacobs› http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074258/
12/03/2008 05:17:55 ‹Mad Geologist› (children scaring, that is)
12/03/2008 05:18:03 ‹Majuba› Must sleep - night all!
12/03/2008 05:18:10 ‹Mad Geologist› Goodnight Majuba
12/03/2008 05:18:13 ‹Luna› i saw chucky when I was 6 and my brother had the doll that chucky was made after...that sucked
12/03/2008 05:18:44 ‹Luna› he kept putting it in my room to fund just before bed time...would freak me out
12/03/2008 05:18:46 ‹James Jacobs› When we come up with a new title for an adventure, I generally google it to see if there's hits. In some cases, that ends up making us change the title. For Burnt Offerings, the title wasn't attached to anything that was REALLY all that iconic to another story, plus the title itself is pretty simple.
12/03/2008 05:18:54 ‹Daigle› Night Majuba
12/03/2008 05:19:02 ‹Mad Geologist› I believe that the Childs Play films were banned here in the UK because of the James Bulger murder...
12/03/2008 05:19:02 ‹Pygon› I heard Exorcist at age 13, that was enough to keep me sleeping with my light on for weeks
12/03/2008 05:19:03 ‹James Jacobs› I saw Jaws, Alien, and the Shining all in the same day. Best Day Ever.
12/03/2008 05:19:22 ‹Lilith› The original Terminator freaked me out when I was a kid. That scene where he's chasing them down the hallway in his 'bot form, and they're trying to close the door...Eesh.
12/03/2008 05:19:28 ‹Luna› cool...its a good book but the rest of the serious gets bad
12/03/2008 05:19:32 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: That seems...like a seminal day in your life. :)
12/03/2008 05:19:37 ‹James Jacobs› It was.
12/03/2008 05:19:52 ‹Lilith› Add Gojira and you'd have been set. :P
12/03/2008 05:20:17 * Majuba quit
12/03/2008 05:20:20 ‹Luna› Mad Geologist, James Bulger?
12/03/2008 05:20:47 ‹Mad Geologist› Child murder case, killed by a pair of older children in amanner in imitation of a death in one of the films. #
12/03/2008 05:20:53 ‹Luna› gremlins was bad for ma but I was like 4
12/03/2008 05:21:07 ‹Luna› me
12/03/2008 05:21:11 ‹James Jacobs› Yup. Saw Godzilla on late-night creature features. Saturday night at 11:30 PM. My dad let me stay up and he watched it with me. I was probably about 7 or so at the time, and that pretty much started me on the monster path. Watched a new movie every few Saturdays with him.
12/03/2008 05:21:23 ‹James Jacobs› Attack of the Mushroom People, Mole Men, Angry Red Planet, etc.
12/03/2008 05:21:24 ‹James Jacobs› Good times.
12/03/2008 05:21:26 ‹Daigle› E.T. scared me at the beginning when he was running from the feds.
12/03/2008 05:21:36 ‹Daigle› ;)
12/03/2008 05:21:45 ‹Pygon› well yah that scream would scare anyone.
12/03/2008 05:21:59 ‹Pygon› if I heard that coming towards me I'd be up a tree
12/03/2008 05:22:13 ‹Luna› that sound in ET when he was making the stuff fly around scared the crap out of me for some reason
12/03/2008 05:22:18 ‹James Jacobs› What if that tree ended up being the one from Poltergeist?
12/03/2008 05:22:25 ‹James Jacobs› (speaking of children in peril)
12/03/2008 05:22:34 ‹Pygon› then I'd wait for the tornado to save me from it
12/03/2008 05:22:34 ‹Daigle› nice
12/03/2008 05:23:20 ‹Rambling Scribe› :coffee: or :sleep::?:
12/03/2008 05:23:36 ‹Mothman› I remember sneaking out to watch Doctor Who from behind the couch in our living room when I was about 6. The insectiod monsters from The Leisure Hive really freaked me out
12/03/2008 05:23:36 ‹Luna› killer clowns from outer space...cant use a crazt straw to this day w/ out thinking about it!
12/03/2008 05:23:58 ‹Daigle› Kids learn fear from people, for the most part. My oldest nephew wasn't afraid of the dark and didn't need or want a nightlight until he went to school.
12/03/2008 05:24:06 ‹James Jacobs› HA! Killer clowns! That movie was fun.
12/03/2008 05:24:27 ‹James Jacobs› I learned fear from Bigfoot.
12/03/2008 05:24:27 ‹Hill Giant› Rambling Scribe :espresso:
12/03/2008 05:24:33 ‹Luna› ya it was cool...but i have a hard time with straws and cotton candy
12/03/2008 05:24:42 ‹Daigle› Bigfoot?
12/03/2008 05:24:42 ‹Rambling Scribe› I remember being traumatized by an epsiode of Star Trek. The one with the kids that get sick and go crazy when they hit puberty. Kids inperil again.
12/03/2008 05:24:45 ‹Mad Geologist› Rambling Scribe: :tea::!:
12/03/2008 05:24:47 ‹James Jacobs› Yup. I have hard times with CLOWNS.
12/03/2008 05:25:13 ‹James Jacobs› Clowns are all about kids in peril. Because Clowns are HORROR INCARNATE.
12/03/2008 05:25:25 ‹Daigle› There was a study recently that determined that most kids disllike clowns.
12/03/2008 05:25:30 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: Only the white faced mines....
12/03/2008 05:25:36 ‹Rambling Scribe› Lilith, we need a clown emoticon...
12/03/2008 05:25:37 ‹Daigle› What a fun study to do!
12/03/2008 05:25:44 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: :lol:
12/03/2008 05:25:49 ‹Mad Geologist› Pierrots?
12/03/2008 05:26:14 ‹Luna› my papa was a clown from Ringling brothers
12/03/2008 05:26:31 ‹Daigle› Really? Rad!
12/03/2008 05:26:32 ‹Rambling Scribe› I've never been scared of clowns, but I wanted to bunch one in the face when I was about 10.
12/03/2008 05:26:44 ‹Luna› he dressed up for may 8th b-day...an OLD clown is the worst
12/03/2008 05:26:44 ‹Rambling Scribe› ...punch...
12/03/2008 05:26:59 ‹Luna› punch
12/03/2008 05:27:01 ‹Daigle› Craig, did he get you with the old flower squirting water gag?
12/03/2008 05:27:10 ‹Luna› lol
12/03/2008 05:27:16 ‹Mothman› Clowns are just embarrassing
12/03/2008 05:27:21 ‹Mad Geologist› dentists are scary whatever age you are....
12/03/2008 05:27:29 ‹Rambling Scribe› No hw was holding abubble wand for me to blow bubbles, but he kept poking me in the nose with it.
12/03/2008 05:27:37 ‹Luna› OH ya im w/ you Mad Geologist,
12/03/2008 05:28:06 ‹Rambling Scribe› Doctor, I think I need a long, slow root canal...
12/03/2008 05:28:11 ‹James Jacobs› Kids dislike clowns because they are so weird and freaky. The same way a kid, I suspect, would be afraid of a shaved dog that was wearing flippers and a crown of blinking LED lights and when the dog opened its mouth to bark, the sound that came out was like a car crashing into a horse.
12/03/2008 05:28:20 * Sothal@work joins Main
12/03/2008 05:28:34 ‹Rambling Scribe› JJ, that's some image.
12/03/2008 05:28:37 ‹Sothal@work› Good Morning from Austria
12/03/2008 05:28:38 ‹Hill Giant› Clowns are in the uncanny valley?
12/03/2008 05:28:39 ‹Daigle› Yeah...that does freaky pretty nicely.
12/03/2008 05:28:48 ‹Mad Geologist› James JacobsUntil the sound came out, it might be funny.
12/03/2008 05:28:51 ‹James Jacobs› OH! And when you looked at the dog, you suddenly taste carob (not chocolate) in your mouth.
12/03/2008 05:28:52 ‹Pygon› *honk neigh SPLORTCH*
12/03/2008 05:28:55 ‹Daigle› Howdy Sothal
12/03/2008 05:29:07 ‹CD Lunching› mostinfants are scred of Santa
12/03/2008 05:29:15 ‹CD Lunching› scared
12/03/2008 05:29:16 ‹Lilith› Luna: Have you seen the dancing lizards commercial?
12/03/2008 05:29:16 ‹Luna› James Jacobs, I had to read that like 5 times
12/03/2008 05:29:19 * Daigle shakes his head at carob.
12/03/2008 05:29:47 ‹Lilith› Carob is...wrong...:ohnoes:
12/03/2008 05:29:53 ‹Luna› Lilith, yes! I had to look it up on the net because i dont DO football
12/03/2008 05:30:04 ‹Mad Geologist› Carob is a *CHEAT*...
12/03/2008 05:30:18 ‹Mad Geologist› It pretends to be something that it isn't.
12/03/2008 05:30:20 ‹Rambling Scribe› My kids watch all kinds of stuff that I think will scare them, but run and hide and turn off the TV when a kid lies or jumps to a false conclusion in a show.
12/03/2008 05:30:31 ‹Luna› Lilith, Mad Geologist, who?
12/03/2008 05:31:07 ‹Daigle› carob is fake chocolate
12/03/2008 05:31:11 ‹Mad Geologist› Carob?... Chocolate 'substitute'
12/03/2008 05:31:21 ‹Luna› ewww...i did not want to know
12/03/2008 05:31:27 ‹Daigle› The gardenburger of candy
12/03/2008 05:31:40 ‹Rambling Scribe› Carob tastes almost exactly, but not entirely, unlike chocolate.
12/03/2008 05:31:43 ‹Luna› wronge so very wronge
12/03/2008 05:31:50 ‹Lilith› very very very very wrong
12/03/2008 05:31:51 ‹Sothal@work› Carob sounds like Tofu... fake goodness
12/03/2008 05:31:58 ‹Luna› lol
12/03/2008 05:32:20 ‹Luna› i need chocolate :lick:
12/03/2008 05:32:22 ‹Daigle› tofu is actually good, though
12/03/2008 05:32:29 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: Did you think of any questions or not?
12/03/2008 05:32:33 ‹Lilith› Daigle: Meh...:(
12/03/2008 05:32:44 ‹Mad Geologist› Lilith: We need a choclate emoticon!
12/03/2008 05:32:51 ‹Luna› if cooked well if not welll...what Daigle said
12/03/2008 05:32:53 ‹Rambling Scribe› I think I have some nice Ma-Po tofu left in the fridge...
12/03/2008 05:32:58 ‹Mad Geologist› chocolate, even.
12/03/2008 05:33:10 ‹Sothal@work› Daigle We had that discussion already...
12/03/2008 05:33:33 ‹Luna› yes...big chocolate kill emoticon
12/03/2008 05:33:37 ‹Mad Geologist› Lilith: In fact it surprises me that there is not one already, or would the detail be too fine?
12/03/2008 05:33:39 ‹Luna› kiss
12/03/2008 05:33:40 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: What would you like to see at PaizoCon?
12/03/2008 05:33:42 ‹Luna› not kill
12/03/2008 05:33:56 ‹Daigle› Luna, I like chocolate kill
12/03/2008 05:33:58 ‹Pygon› James - besides fonts, layout times, and being clear on word counts, what kinds of lessons from Path 1 are you carrying into the later paths?
12/03/2008 05:34:00 ‹Lilith› Mad Geologist: There might be one out there. :D
12/03/2008 05:34:10 ‹Hill Giant› At this resolution, a chocolate kiss might look like poo
12/03/2008 05:34:15 ‹Rambling Scribe› There's tho chocolate coins: :2cp:
12/03/2008 05:34:23 ‹James Jacobs› Hmmm... no. Didn't think of any questions.
12/03/2008 05:34:25 ‹Hill Giant› Gelt!
12/03/2008 05:34:28 ‹Daigle› Excellent point Hill Giant
12/03/2008 05:34:30 ‹James Jacobs› At least... none I'm allowed to ask yet.
12/03/2008 05:34:58 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: You mean the 'will you lynch mob us if we.....' questions? :D
12/03/2008 05:35:01 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Awww...!
12/03/2008 05:35:02 ‹Luna› needing :coffee:
12/03/2008 05:35:07 ‹James Jacobs› As for what I'd like to see at PaizoCon... dunno! Maybe a trailer for the Runelords movie? :)
12/03/2008 05:35:13 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: :lol:
12/03/2008 05:35:20 ‹Pygon› who would play Seoni?
12/03/2008 05:35:28 * Daigle grins
12/03/2008 05:35:45 ‹Luna› :excite: that would be kewl
12/03/2008 05:35:51 ‹Mad Geologist› Wouldn't you have to get the permission of the IP holders to put Seoni in a movie? :D
12/03/2008 05:35:55 * Sothal@work quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 05:36:15 ‹James Jacobs› Pygon> The biggest lesson from Runelords, probably, is that we need to schedule more time for work and writing around Gen Con. That, and that the adventures are just too long at 50 pages. Unfortunately, we didn't realize THAT lesson in time to fix things in Crimson Throne...
12/03/2008 05:36:32 ‹Mad Geologist› Oh... wait... Paizo is IP holder....
12/03/2008 05:36:57 ‹Hill Giant› No one can own Seoni!
12/03/2008 05:36:58 ‹Luna› hey guys could you all do me a favor???
12/03/2008 05:37:04 ‹Lilith› Luna: Whassat?
12/03/2008 05:37:10 ‹Lilith› Seoni's her own woman!
12/03/2008 05:37:40 ‹Luna› Please all yell at yasha to wake the f*** up so we can game...he has been on a break since i came in the room!
12/03/2008 05:37:46 ‹Rambling Scribe› Lilith: When you said "Whassat" I read "Asshat"
12/03/2008 05:38:00 * Pygon yells at Yasha. really loud.
12/03/2008 05:38:01 ‹Lilith› WAKE THE HELL UP YASHA!
12/03/2008 05:38:06 * Daigle yells at Yasha
12/03/2008 05:38:10 ‹Lilith› OR I'LL TAKE YOUR COFFEE!
12/03/2008 05:38:14 ‹James Jacobs› WAKEY WAKEY!
12/03/2008 05:38:18 ‹Hill Giant› Rambling Scribe: Definitely time for another cup of coffee
12/03/2008 05:38:23 * Mad Geologist :fishslap:s Yasha....
12/03/2008 05:38:26 ‹Rambling Scribe› :whipit:Wake up!
12/03/2008 05:38:40 ‹Daigle› Dude, you've got a lasy wanting to game....for the love of all things holy, WAKE UP
12/03/2008 05:38:49 ‹Daigle› lady, even
12/03/2008 05:39:01 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hill Giant: It just seemed like something Lilz would say for some reason...
12/03/2008 05:39:11 ‹Hill Giant› :lol:
12/03/2008 05:39:16 ‹Lilith› This is true...
12/03/2008 05:39:18 ‹James Jacobs› OK then. I believe it's time for me to get going... Any last minute questions?
12/03/2008 05:39:21 ‹Luna› I almost got hit
12/03/2008 05:39:23 ‹Luna› lol
12/03/2008 05:39:23 * Lilith has called people asshats before...
12/03/2008 05:39:27 ‹Sothal@work› coffee would be good now
12/03/2008 05:39:30 ‹James Jacobs› AND: Make sure you show up at next week's chat!
12/03/2008 05:39:33 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: We love you guys!
12/03/2008 05:39:41 ‹James Jacobs› It's gonna be a hoot next week!
12/03/2008 05:39:44 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Oooh! Spoilarz ahead? :excite:
12/03/2008 05:39:46 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: Do you have a big announcement for Easter then?
12/03/2008 05:39:46 ‹Takasi running Burning Sky› why?
12/03/2008 05:39:48 ‹James Jacobs› YAY! We love you too!
12/03/2008 05:39:48 * Daigle will be here!
12/03/2008 05:39:52 ‹Mothman› James: Don't work too hard - sleep is good!
12/03/2008 05:39:55 ‹Takasi running Burning Sky› last question, what's up with next week?
12/03/2008 05:39:58 ‹Luna› James Jacobs, talk to ya later
12/03/2008 05:40:30 ‹Mad Geologist› To celebrate easter, Paizo is raising original D & D from the dead???
12/03/2008 05:40:37 ‹Luna› Okay Yasha is getting off his BUTT now. thanks guys
12/03/2008 05:40:41 ‹James Jacobs› WOO HOOO!
05:40:52 ‹Daigle› It worked!
12/03/2008 05:40:57 ‹James Jacobs› Next week, if all goes well, i'll have some fun spoilers.
12/03/2008 05:40:59 ‹Luna› ya he turned red
12/03/2008 05:41:01 ‹James Jacobs› And stuffs.
12/03/2008 05:41:02 ‹Lilith› :squee:
12/03/2008 05:41:05 ‹Mad Geologist› Fun spoilers?
12/03/2008 05:41:07 ‹Daigle› Awesome!
12/03/2008 05:41:08 ‹James Jacobs› Yup!
12/03/2008 05:41:18 ‹Mad Geologist› A deity of clowns!!!!:ohnoes:
12/03/2008 05:41:23 ‹James Jacobs› GAH! NO!
12/03/2008 05:41:26 ‹Rambling Scribe› James is going to spoil our fun next week!
12/03/2008 05:41:29 ‹Luna› Mad Geologist, :zombieglomp:
12/03/2008 05:41:33 ‹Sothal@work› Fun spoilers? for which car?
12/03/2008 05:41:41 ‹James Jacobs› The Pathfinder, of course.
12/03/2008 05:41:45 ‹Luna› the smart car butt-head
12/03/2008 05:41:47 ‹Mad Geologist› A Runelord has become the Deity of Clowns!
12/03/2008 05:41:51 ‹Rambling Scribe› :razz:
12/03/2008 05:41:54 * Daigle laughs
12/03/2008 05:42:12 * Mad Geologist tries to work ut which one....
12/03/2008 05:42:14 ‹Rambling Scribe› JJ you are now my here of puns.
12/03/2008 05:42:16 ‹Sothal@work› Ah, Nissan then...
12/03/2008 05:42:19 ‹Rambling Scribe› hero...
12/03/2008 05:42:23 ‹James Jacobs› OK! Seeya all next week, and come prepared for crazy spoilers and other wild times!
12/03/2008 05:42:29 ‹Sothal@work› just like Heroes
12/03/2008 05:42:30 ‹Mad Geologist› Mayvbe Karzoug when his rise went wrong?
12/03/2008 05:42:31 ‹Pygon› hnite James, thanks
12/03/2008 05:42:32 ‹Daigle› have a great evening James
12/03/2008 05:42:33 ‹Pygon› *g
12/03/2008 05:42:35 ‹Rambling Scribe› Night JJ!
12/03/2008 05:42:35 ‹Mad Geologist› Goodnight James Jacobs.
12/03/2008 05:42:37 ‹Lilith› YAY! Thanks James!
12/03/2008 05:42:39 ‹James Jacobs› AND: AVOID 10,000 BC! TERRIBLE MOVIE!!!!
12/03/2008 05:42:54 ‹Sothal@work› Night JJ
12/03/2008 05:42:58 ‹Mad Geologist› James Jacobs: BUY ARKHAM HORROR EXPANSIONS!
12/03/2008 05:43:09 ‹Mad Geologist› GREAT GAME>
12/03/2008 05:43:14 ‹deClench› Night!
12/03/2008 05:43:15 ‹Hill Giant› bye, JJ
12/03/2008 05:43:24 ‹Luna› James Jacobs, i hear it was bad but you payed $$$ to see it now thats bad
12/03/2008 05:43:42 * James Jacobs quit (timeout)


06:22:37 * Jason Bulmahn joins Main
12/03/2008 06:22:42 ‹mortellan› i wouldnt blame you
12/03/2008 06:22:49 ‹mortellan› there's JB
12/03/2008 06:22:57 ‹ollibolli› Huh? Jason!
12/03/2008 06:22:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wow.. people are still here...
12/03/2008 06:23:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Howdy everybody...
12/03/2008 06:23:11 ‹ollibolli› people have just stood up *G*
12/03/2008 06:23:15 ‹Absinth› The europeans that got up for nothing...;)
12/03/2008 06:23:16 ‹Sothal@work› Sure. its getting to be a nice day
12/03/2008 06:23:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Well.. its a bit late here... but not too terribly for me...
12/03/2008 06:23:52 ‹Sothal@work› Driving in my car I sang to "Don't worry, be happy" this morning
12/03/2008 06:24:04 ‹Absinth› Sothal, see a doctor!
12/03/2008 06:24:21 ‹Sothal@work› That was really cool!
12/03/2008 06:24:29 ‹Absinth› Sounds scary...
12/03/2008 06:24:30 ‹ollibolli› you'r e rent is late?
12/03/2008 06:24:41 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn! Wow! :squee:
12/03/2008 06:24:48 ‹Lilith› J3 is awesome!
12/03/2008 06:24:50 ‹mortellan› round 2!
12/03/2008 06:24:58 * Lilith just added stuff from J3 to DM Tools! :D
12/03/2008 06:25:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Lilith, although I can't take too much credit for that one
12/03/2008 06:25:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› alas...
12/03/2008 06:25:19 ‹Absinth› Jason, do you still have so much writing to do? I followed your LJ and I sometimes worried how much longer you could take this...
12/03/2008 06:25:23 ‹Lilith› Your minion Jeremy hard at work?
12/03/2008 06:25:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Most of my time has... well.. been spent on other things
12/03/2008 06:25:35 ‹Lilith› And what's your shiny you're working on! Wants to know!
12/03/2008 06:26:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> I do have too much writing to do.. and it continues.. although I crested the first milestone today...
12/03/2008 06:26:24 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> Alas, I still cannot say... but you will find out soon... I believe...
12/03/2008 06:26:40 ‹Lilith› Next week? JJ mentioned he might be able to give us spoilers next week.
12/03/2008 06:26:48 * Lilith jumps up and down in excitement.
12/03/2008 06:26:48 ‹ollibolli› First milestone = begin of project
12/03/2008 06:26:52 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> And yes.. J3 was more Jeremy's doing than mine
12/03/2008 06:27:01 ‹Absinth› Milestone? Wow, sounds like a huge project...
12/03/2008 06:27:06 ‹Lilith› Beer for Jeremy then! :beer:
12/03/2008 06:27:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Olli> Not necessarily :-)
12/03/2008 06:27:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> You have no idea
12/03/2008 06:27:32 ‹Absinth› ...and hopefully Golarion-related...
12/03/2008 06:27:38 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: No, we don't have any idea...and we wanna know! :P
12/03/2008 06:27:48 * Lilith rolls out a pony keg for Jason Bulmahn. :beer:
12/03/2008 06:27:49 ‹ollibolli› hmmm...
12/03/2008 06:27:59 ‹ollibolli› educated guess...
12/03/2008 06:28:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I know.... ugg.. I am dying to spill it...
12/03/2008 06:28:28 ‹Absinth› Lilith, keep it subtle...;)
12/03/2008 06:28:28 ‹ollibolli› you have been freed up from your responisibilities for the Gamemastery Modules
12/03/2008 06:28:31 ‹Lilith› golarion related? :) Can you at least say that?
12/03/2008 06:28:31 ‹Sir Wulf› OK, then: Juicy hints?
12/03/2008 06:28:32 ‹ollibolli› => that is a huge one
12/03/2008 06:28:49 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> No.. I cannot say anything... nothing at all
12/03/2008 06:28:51 ‹ollibolli› organized play?
12/03/2008 06:29:09 ‹Sir Wulf› Swedish bikini models?
12/03/2008 06:29:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Who told Sir Wulf.. it was supposed to be a secret
12/03/2008 06:29:30 * Sir Wulf thinks RPGs shold have the same advantages as beer ads.
12/03/2008 06:29:42 * Jason Bulmahn agrees with Sir Wulf
12/03/2008 06:29:49 ‹Russ› Greets Man-Bull!
12/03/2008 06:29:49 ‹Absinth› If I'd been working on swedish bikini models for the past weeks I wouldn't even hint at it...:)
12/03/2008 06:30:03 ‹Russ› Maybe he's doing Greyhawk 2009
12/03/2008 06:30:03 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Howdy Russ
12/03/2008 06:30:09 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Nice...
12/03/2008 06:30:37 * mortellan looks around suspiciously
12/03/2008 06:31:00 ‹ollibolli› They already did a Greyhawk 2000 in a dragon magazine
12/03/2008 06:31:11 ‹ollibolli› but that was before paizo existed
12/03/2008 06:31:13 ‹Absinth› Sorry, didn't wanted to offend any swedish bikini models that might be here...:)
12/03/2008 06:31:49 ‹Sir Wulf› Unfortunately, I was never considered as a bikini model. And I'm not Swedish.
12/03/2008 06:31:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I was a swedish bikini model once.. but I was young and needed the money
12/03/2008 06:31:54 ‹Lilith› The Greyhawk 2000 was pretty darn cool.
12/03/2008 06:31:54 ‹Jason Bulmahn› wait.. nevermind
12/03/2008 06:31:59 ‹Lilith› :lol:
12/03/2008 06:32:26 ‹ollibolli› :shock:
12/03/2008 06:32:29 * Lilith grills up some cheddar bratwursts for Jason Bulmahn, leaves out the spicy mustard to taste.
12/03/2008 06:32:45 ‹Sir Wulf› Actually, that sounds good.
12/03/2008 06:32:52 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Very nice... I do love our chatrooms virtual bar and grill atmosphere... very nice
12/03/2008 06:33:39 ‹Sir Wulf› Where everybody knows your name...
12/03/2008 06:33:52 ‹Lilith› It is a fond dream of mine to have a pub.
12/03/2008 06:33:56 ‹Lilith› Complete with "
12/03/2008 06:34:02 ‹Lilith› Mysterious Stranger" in the corner.
12/03/2008 06:34:14 ‹Jason Bulmahn› If you do, I would be glad to stop by once a week to tie one on
12/03/2008 06:34:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› God knows I could use one these days...
12/03/2008 06:34:34 ‹Lilith› A pub? Or a beer? :P
12/03/2008 06:34:41 ‹Lilith› Decent pubs are hard to find...
12/03/2008 06:34:53 ‹ollibolli› right
12/03/2008 06:35:19 ‹Absinth› No prob around here...:)
12/03/2008 06:35:44 ‹Sir Wulf› So, Bulmahn, spill it. Did you think we weren't paying attention? Prepping for those Bandit Kingdom mods taught us a lot about extracting what we want to know: Don't make me get the priests of Nerull.
12/03/2008 06:35:52 ‹Russ› I meant a 2009 Greyhawk relaunch - tho probably won't be before 2010
12/03/2008 06:36:08 ‹Absinth› Jason, do you still work on the item cards or do you spend all the time on Greyhawk 2009?
12/03/2008 06:36:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hmm... Sir Wulf, you seem to have me at a disadvantage.. are you someone I have tortured in the past?
12/03/2008 06:36:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> I still have time for Item Cards.. they are my baby after all
12/03/2008 06:37:12 ‹Lilith› Speaking of cards...Critical failure deck? :P
12/03/2008 06:37:35 ‹Absinth› Okay, I need something to represent a Sphere Of Annihilation! ASAP! :D
12/03/2008 06:38:06 ‹Lilith› Absinth: Magic 8 ball?
12/03/2008 06:38:11 ‹ollibolli› pokemon
12/03/2008 06:38:25 ‹Absinth› ....
12/03/2008 06:38:29 ‹Absinth› :)
12/03/2008 06:38:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> You will see the first preview of it on Thursday
12/03/2008 06:38:51 ‹Lilith› YAY!
12/03/2008 06:39:00 ‹ollibolli› I have created Item Lists in Excel for the Adventures I run, and made my own item cards for Shackled City
12/03/2008 06:39:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Very nice
12/03/2008 06:39:23 ‹ollibolli› index cards with names on it
12/03/2008 06:39:38 ‹ollibolli› and I will try to use item cards where I can
12/03/2008 06:39:53 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: My dream pub would have reservable game rooms, beer wenches (and lads), and a discount if you bring in your character sheet. :P
12/03/2008 06:39:55 ‹Russ› black marble
12/03/2008 06:40:17 ‹Absinth› That'll do the job too, but nothing beats the Paizo item cards...
12/03/2008 06:40:24 ‹Sir Wulf› No, Jason Bulmahn, but I always wanted to get out to Texas to get my PCs WCI scores.
12/03/2008 06:40:24 ‹Russ› I print my own :)
12/03/2008 06:41:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› lilith> Very nice, a friend and I once had a dream of opening a bar called "Geeks" full of classic arcade games, board games, and crazy drinks... like romulan ale and elven wine... alas.. drunken dreams do not last...
12/03/2008 06:41:39 ‹Absinth› This french artist that does the illustrations for the card must be a mad wreck by now. I imagine him doing nothing else than painting wand after wand after wand with the occassional potion for a change...
12/03/2008 06:41:53 * Gemma joins Main
12/03/2008 06:42:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> You are correct and we are considering mixing it up a bit in the future, I believe we are starting to burn poor vincent out
12/03/2008 06:42:45 ‹Absinth› That means additional artists on the Item Cards?
12/03/2008 06:43:04 ‹ollibolli› other items?
12/03/2008 06:43:13 ‹Absinth› More mad wrecks? ;)
12/03/2008 06:43:49 ‹Jason Bulmahn› More artists I hope.. but I do not think we have made any final decisions yet
12/03/2008 06:44:13 ‹ollibolli› breakfast...
12/03/2008 06:44:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› It would be nice to use Vincent on other work.. he is a good artist.. iirc he did the cover for Entombed w/ the Pharaohs
12/03/2008 06:44:40 ‹Absinth› I think Vincent is doing a fantastic job. And it was funny to see him being a fan of the european avantgarde industrial group Einstürzende Neubauten. He used their logo on at least two cards...
12/03/2008 06:44:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Yup... at least..
12/03/2008 06:45:49 ‹Absinth› Is there any chance that futuure sets will vary a little, like f.e. more weapons, less wands?
12/03/2008 06:45:54 ‹Absinth› -u
12/03/2008 06:45:55 ‹Gemma› lol i could make the beer at the geek bar im studying to be a brewmaster wooohooooooo
06:46:12 ‹Lilith› Yay! My pub needs brewmasters!
12/03/2008 06:46:22 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Gemma> This makes you a far more valuable person to my new world order
12/03/2008 06:46:30 ‹Gemma› lol
12/03/2008 06:46:40 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Does this mean brewers have a special place in The Plan?
12/03/2008 06:46:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> Possibly... we are still working out some ratio bugs
12/03/2008 06:47:07 ‹Sir Wulf› Actually, this plan sounds better and better...
12/03/2008 06:47:10 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> Yes it does... they are as valued as doctors and firemen
12/03/2008 06:47:34 ‹Lilith› Excellent. My hubby and I will be happy to offer our brewing services to the Bulmahn World Order.
12/03/2008 06:47:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Very good.. bonus points for putting the H in the right spot
12/03/2008 06:47:59 ‹Lilith› He specializes in stouts, I make belgian-style beers, and we both make mead.
12/03/2008 06:48:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Those who fail that basic test will be shot
12/03/2008 06:48:11 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: I've tried very very very hard to spell your name right. :)
12/03/2008 06:48:25 ‹Absinth› Ahh, I'm turning into a nervous wreck. I'm having an employment test at the university's hospital in two hours...
12/03/2008 06:48:31 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Except brewers.. they will be sent to the "Brew Pits" there to toil for my drinking pleasures...
12/03/2008 06:48:36 ‹Lilith› Absinth: Deep breaths.
12/03/2008 06:48:49 ‹Absinth› :D
12/03/2008 06:48:52 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Toil? It's an act of LOVE to brew! :love:
12/03/2008 06:49:05 ‹Gemma› i know i sound a lil mad but i want to create a cream soda style of beer lol
12/03/2008 06:49:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Not in the brew pits.. ohh no...
12/03/2008 06:49:17 ‹Gemma› and a beer that goes with all types of food lol
12/03/2008 06:49:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› They must make the beer I consume in mass quantities once I am already drunk... and no longer care about quality..
12/03/2008 06:49:45 ‹Lilith› Gemma: They have one on tap here, a coconut cream stout, that's pretty damn good.
12/03/2008 06:49:58 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: No caring about quality?!?!? NOOOOO! :ohnoes:
12/03/2008 06:50:02 ‹Absinth› ....
12/03/2008 06:50:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Coconut is banned in my order... that and cats.. both of which I am alergic too
12/03/2008 06:50:09 ‹Gemma› wheres here i might have to try it
12/03/2008 06:50:21 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: I am trying to bribe the hubby to give up a bottle of mead for PaizoCon
12/03/2008 06:50:22 ‹Absinth› Catbeer would be scary...
12/03/2008 06:50:28 ‹Lilith› Gemma: Bend Brewing Company...
12/03/2008 06:50:29 ‹Gemma› awww no coconut shrimp
12/03/2008 06:50:31 * Lilith digs up a link.
12/03/2008 06:50:42 * mortellan fades
12/03/2008 06:50:43 ‹Lilith› http://www.bendbrewingco.com/
12/03/2008 06:50:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> Do not worry.. it is only when I am drunk... all other times.. I care deeply and drink of the beers of the "Free Brewers"....
12/03/2008 06:51:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> Speak not of my weakness...
12/03/2008 06:51:38 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Carrying Coconut Catbeer carries the death penalty
12/03/2008 06:51:44 * mortellan quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 06:51:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ahh.. but I am getting a bit loopy here... I really should get back to work..
12/03/2008 06:52:18 ‹Absinth› Get some sleep...:)
12/03/2008 06:52:41 ‹Sir Wulf› Ah, yes. The mandatory "working while loopy" phase of production.
12/03/2008 06:52:44 ‹Saracenus› Crap I stop paying attention and Iuz shows up
12/03/2008 06:52:55 * Saracenus smites the Old One
12/03/2008 06:53:09 ‹Absinth› ...and he's already hallucinating.
12/03/2008 06:53:19 ‹Sir Wulf› Don't smite the man while we're talking about beer!
12/03/2008 06:54:09 ‹Lilith› And the hubby confirmed his willingness to participate in the Bulmahn World Order.
12/03/2008 06:54:11 ‹Sir Wulf› He was sharing his plans for world dominion. I may find them handy, as part of my plan for world dominion.
12/03/2008 06:54:13 ‹Lilith› :P
12/03/2008 06:55:28 * Saracenus is nursing his last homebrewed Oatmeal Stout that a friend gave to him... they were delicious
12/03/2008 06:56:00 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: That is my husband's brew of choice.
12/03/2008 06:56:01 ‹Sir Wulf› Bulmahn, if you ever require a seemingly-loyal minion, inwardly seething with hidden treachery, call me.
12/03/2008 06:56:30 ‹Lilith› The beer was so dark, we put it in a shot glass, held it up to the light, put a mag lite to it, and still couldn't see through it.
12/03/2008 06:56:51 ‹Sir Wulf› wow.
12/03/2008 06:57:14 ‹Saracenus› Lilith, it needs to pass the spoon test, if it stands up in the glass its a good stout <G>
12/03/2008 06:57:20 * Takasi running Burning Sky quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 06:57:20 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sir Wulf> I am unsure about your offer.. the trechery part has me concerned
12/03/2008 06:57:36 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: Didn't pass the spoon test...but did pass the quarter test.
12/03/2008 06:57:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Saracenus> Ugg.. that is too much for me... I like to drink my beer, not chew it
12/03/2008 06:58:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of beer... but the really dark or bitter stuff does not agree with me
12/03/2008 06:58:40 * Lilith makes a note of Jason's beer preferences.
12/03/2008 06:58:47 ‹Absinth› Try czech beer if you get the opportunity. It's good...
12/03/2008 06:58:54 ‹Lilith› No IPAs for Jason Bulmahn then. :P
12/03/2008 06:58:59 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Nope
12/03/2008 06:59:25 ‹Lilith› So many beers to choose from in the Pacific Northwest.
12/03/2008 06:59:32 ‹Absinth› What's an IPA?
12/03/2008 06:59:32 ‹Lilith› And especially in Oregon.
12/03/2008 06:59:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› This is true.. and pleasing to me
12/03/2008 06:59:40 ‹Lilith› Absinth: India Pale Ale. Very hoppy.
12/03/2008 06:59:45 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Coming from Milwaukee that is...
12/03/2008 07:00:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› That said, I do like some pale ales..
12/03/2008 07:00:22 ‹Saracenus› Jason Bulmahn: If you don't like the bitter taste of stout, you can always cut it with hard cider, half and half... that has a kick
12/03/2008 07:00:24 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I am a man of contradictions...
12/03/2008 07:00:36 ‹Lilith› Not a huge fan of most pale ales...too hoppy for me. Blech.
12/03/2008 07:00:51 ‹Absinth› I can't believe getting up early to learn about beers...:)
12/03/2008 07:00:55 ‹Lilith› Now, Ommegang and other Belgian beers...Yum. :)
12/03/2008 07:01:03 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Agreed
12/03/2008 07:01:15 ‹Lilith› Absinth: There's nothing wrong with tthat! "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!"
12/03/2008 07:01:18 ‹Saracenus› Lilith: Terminator from McMinimins
12/03/2008 07:01:26 ‹Saracenus› Or the Ruby Ale
12/03/2008 07:01:28 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: Good beer!
12/03/2008 07:01:44 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: I need to try the Terminator Milkshake.
12/03/2008 07:01:59 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: Their house whiskey is good too
12/03/2008 07:02:16 * Lilith needs to brew again...!
12/03/2008 07:02:20 ‹Saracenus› lol
12/03/2008 07:02:32 ‹Absinth› My gf just left for work and asked if there's anything interesting on Golarion beeing discussed. My reply: "No. Beer.". She rolled eyes and left...:D
12/03/2008 07:02:38 ‹Saracenus› Jason, if you make it to Portland, OR we have microbrew heaven down here
12/03/2008 07:02:53 ‹Lilith› The hubby's getting that itch to brew again...and we have this mini closet/hobbit hole under the stairs that's perfect to stash carboys to ferment in.
12/03/2008 07:02:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Did somebody say whisky.. my second love.. liquor.. who I occassionally cheat on beer with
12/03/2008 07:02:57 ‹Saracenus› There are a crapload of small run specialty beers here
12/03/2008 07:03:01 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: Oh yeah!
12/03/2008 07:03:20 * Lilith makes Jason Bulmahn a tart double whiskey sour.
12/03/2008 07:03:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sarancenus: I have been down to portland the past two years in a row for the the HP Lovecraft film festival, i am sure this year will be no different
12/03/2008 07:04:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> Whisky Sour... who told you about one of my many weaknesses.. I have gone mad I tell you... MAD on whiskey sours...
12/03/2008 07:05:11 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Lucky guess. You didn't quite seem to be the straight shot of whiskey kinda guy. :P
12/03/2008 07:05:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> that is where you are wrong
12/03/2008 07:05:39 ‹Jason Bulmahn› :-)
12/03/2008 07:05:43 ‹Lilith› Ahhh...
12/03/2008 07:05:47 * Lilith continues to make notes.
12/03/2008 07:06:04 * Lilith realigns her aim.
12/03/2008 07:06:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I used to work in a Liquor store.. and have many many tastes...
12/03/2008 07:06:29 ‹Gemma› i wish i went to college in portland lol
12/03/2008 07:06:47 ‹Lilith› I once quizzed a liquor store owner on vodkas. I wanted a premium one that dated back to pre-1600s.
07:07:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Meh... you are asking the wrong guy.. I just drank all the liquors... pedigree for me comes a distant second to taste and potency
12/03/2008 07:08:30 ‹Lilith› I was making a cordial, and wanted one that was smooth with no flavor. That marionberry vodka was killer. :)
12/03/2008 07:09:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ahh.. now I see your direction...
12/03/2008 07:09:14 ‹Saracenus› Jason Bulmahn: Saddly I am always out of town or busy when HP Lovecraft Film Festival is in town... last year it was Hawaii, not that I am complaining
12/03/2008 07:09:24 ‹Lilith› ANYway...as much as I like talking about food and drink...is there anything you can tell us about what stuff you've been working on.
12/03/2008 07:09:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I see... well.. it has been a great time the past two years...
12/03/2008 07:09:37 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Correction. Marionberry cordial. Needed vodka as a base.
12/03/2008 07:10:03 ‹Lilith› The brandy I needed for the chocolate cherry cordial.
12/03/2008 07:10:23 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> Nope... I did not want to come on and taunt though... alas, that seems to be all that I can do... urgg...
12/03/2008 07:10:35 ‹Lilith› :shakefist:
12/03/2008 07:10:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› It is late.. and I am procrastinating....
12/03/2008 07:10:41 ‹Saracenus› My liquor poison of choice is Peppermit Schnapps in hot coco
12/03/2008 07:10:43 ‹Lilith› :lol:
12/03/2008 07:10:54 ‹Lilith› Schnapps are the devil...but they're so tasty!
12/03/2008 07:11:08 ‹Saracenus› lol
12/03/2008 07:11:17 ‹Saracenus› I feel the same way about Tequilla
12/03/2008 07:11:34 ‹Lilith› Jose Cuervo is a jealous god...and does not tolerate apostasy.
12/03/2008 07:11:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I generally on do snapps in other drinks.. except for the few Uber Schnapps...
12/03/2008 07:11:53 ‹Lilith› We excommunicated a friend of mine from the Church of Jose Cuervo.
12/03/2008 07:12:23 * Gemma quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 07:12:23 * Gemma quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 07:12:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ugg.. it takes an odd mood.. Like May 5th... to get me to do Tequilla
12/03/2008 07:12:37 ‹Sir Wulf› It's been pleasant lurking, but I need to take off. You all have a good night!
12/03/2008 07:12:42 ‹Saracenus› Night Wulf
12/03/2008 07:12:42 ‹Lilith› Night Sir Wulf! :glomp:
12/03/2008 07:12:47 ‹Saracenus› I am about to crash
12/03/2008 07:12:48 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Later Sir Wulf...
12/03/2008 07:12:53 ‹Saracenus› Good to see you all
12/03/2008 07:12:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I should probably go to...
12/03/2008 07:13:04 ‹Jason Bulmahn› This last bit is not going to write itself....
12/03/2008 07:13:05 ‹Saracenus› have a good night
12/03/2008 07:13:13 ‹Lilith› If you must Jason Bulmahn. :) I shall keep the food warm and the beer cold. :D
12/03/2008 07:13:24 ‹Saracenus› Jason Bulmahn: Are you doing NorWesCon in two weeks?
12/03/2008 07:13:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Just the way I like it...
12/03/2008 07:13:38 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hmm.. I had not thought about it to be honest....
12/03/2008 07:13:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I will look into it
12/03/2008 07:13:52 * Sir Wulf quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 07:13:54 ‹Saracenus› Well, if you are going to day trip it, do Saturday
12/03/2008 07:14:07 ‹Saracenus› That is the best time to watch the freekshow <G>
12/03/2008 07:14:19 ‹Saracenus› Its Hall costumes galor
12/03/2008 07:14:20 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I am sure.. it always is with conventions...
12/03/2008 07:14:31 ‹Saracenus› Plus Mona is doing some panels, you can heckle him
12/03/2008 07:14:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Oh nice.. sucker...
12/03/2008 07:15:02 ‹Saracenus› He did them last year so he must love the pain <G>
12/03/2008 07:15:26 ‹Saracenus› Him and Sean "McBastard" did a whole series of gaming panels
12/03/2008 07:15:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Erik is a glutton for punishment...
12/03/2008 07:15:57 ‹Saracenus› I think SRM is going to day trip it too
12/03/2008 07:16:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› But I should go.. take care everybody.. I hope to have a bit more to talk about next week.. hopefully...
12/03/2008 07:16:09 ‹Saracenus› I couldn't convince JJ to do it
12/03/2008 07:16:11 ‹Saracenus› Night
12/03/2008 07:16:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› SRM... my enemy
12/03/2008 07:16:16 ‹Saracenus› lol
12/03/2008 07:16:35 ‹Saracenus› Now your minions know who to target
12/03/2008 07:16:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Although his wife makes a tasty enchilada
12/03/2008 07:16:53 ‹Saracenus› I only met her passing so i can't speak to that
12/03/2008 07:16:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Agreed.. thanks for the heads up.. you will be spared when the revolution comes
12/03/2008 07:17:03 ‹Saracenus› lol
12/03/2008 07:17:40 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I mean that literally by the way.. it was a good enchilada... she loves the cheese
12/03/2008 07:17:58 ‹Jason Bulmahn› but I digress... alright.. back to work for me.. I have wandered enough
12/03/2008 07:18:18 * Saracenus quit (timeout)
12/03/2008 07:18:30 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: I make enchiladas too...does that help my status in the BWO?
12/03/2008 07:18:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Maybe.. I will have to try them
12/03/2008 07:19:07 * Lilith continues to scribble notes.
12/03/2008 07:19:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ahhh.. I am still procrastinating.. damn.. alright.. going now.. ttyl
12/03/2008 07:19:37 ‹Lilith› bye! :glomp: :thug:

March 18th 2008
01:32:24 ‹Daigle› Monk-y thoughts!
19/03/2008 01:32:25 ‹Vomit Guy› Bye Paz
19/03/2008 01:32:36 ‹tensor› Monk is a cool detective
19/03/2008 01:32:39 ‹Vomit Guy› he he....he said monky
19/03/2008 01:32:42 ‹Vic Wertz› botrytis, I was thinking about that myself....
19/03/2008 01:33:05 ‹Daigle› That'd be awesome, Vic
19/03/2008 01:33:16 ‹Charles Evans› I haven't tried to get to the alpha download at present due to all the traffic on the boards; know that it's heresy, but is there a plain text only version available, or at least a Word format sort of thing with text and tables?
19/03/2008 01:33:17 ‹Blazej› Vic Wertz, I'll grab two with that sort of value!
19/03/2008 01:33:18 ‹Vic Wertz› One challenge is that the art director on the project has just gone on vacation for a while.
19/03/2008 01:33:20 ‹tensor› I always think of Quia Caine Chain (???) from the 70's TV show "Kung Fu" whenever Monks are discussed.
19/03/2008 01:33:31 ‹Dragonmann› And now for something completely different.... anybody see the new Dr/ Ruth movie, Eliot Hired a Hooker
19/03/2008 01:33:32 ‹botrytis› I sent 8 pages to our high speed super duper multi function printer/photocopier several minutes ago - and it still hasn't printed them.
19/03/2008 01:33:39 ‹Vomit Guy› Tensor: Me too!
19/03/2008 01:33:44 * Jeremy Walker quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:33:44 * Jeremy Walker quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:33:52 ‹Vomit Guy› Or shouyld I say Grasshopper?
19/03/2008 01:33:56 ‹Blazej› Still getting through checkout.
19/03/2008 01:34:08 ‹Vic Wertz› But it's worth looking into. Can you drop a query on the boards to that effect to remind us to discuss it?
19/03/2008 01:34:10 * Russ joins Main
19/03/2008 01:34:17 ‹paz› Don't wish me good night! I said I should go to bed, not that I was... :)
19/03/2008 01:34:18 * tensor changes his/her nickname to grasshopper
19/03/2008 01:34:23 * grasshopper jumps
19/03/2008 01:34:31 * Daigle laughs
19/03/2008 01:35:04 * Vomit Guy performs some martial arts vomiting
19/03/2008 01:35:08 ‹Vic Wertz› Currently there's only a 65-page full-color PDF. Thus ensuring that the world's toner reserve takes a massive hit tonight.
19/03/2008 01:35:18 ‹Vomit Guy› sploooortch
19/03/2008 01:35:29 ‹Russ› Nice production values for a freebie.
19/03/2008 01:35:46 ‹Vomit Guy› I'm gonna try and print it a work tomorrow while the boss ain't looking.
19/03/2008 01:35:46 ‹Cormac› 3:35am here, can't sleep...
19/03/2008 01:35:51 ‹Russ› Nearly got my watermarked copy
19/03/2008 01:35:52 ‹paz› Russ: you could say the same about the player's guides.
19/03/2008 01:36:09 ‹Vic Wertz› We've one ENnies for the production values on our freebies in the past!
19/03/2008 01:36:17 ‹Vic Wertz› one=won...
19/03/2008 01:36:26 ‹paz› OK, you all win, I am really going to bed now. G'night.
19/03/2008 01:36:33 ‹Russ› There's my copy
19/03/2008 01:36:34 ‹Vomit Guy› Bye Paz
19/03/2008 01:36:38 ‹Daigle› Peace, paz!
19/03/2008 01:36:41 * The Last Rogue joins Main
19/03/2008 01:36:52 ‹Daigle› What's shakin' Rogue?
19/03/2008 01:37:04 * Vomit Guy changes his/her nickname to Aberzombie is Slightly Inebria
19/03/2008 01:37:11 ‹Aberzombie is Slightly Inebria› A piss on it
19/03/2008 01:37:21 ‹The Last Rogue› YOu guys hear about this Paizo thing?
19/03/2008 01:37:32 * Aberzombie is Slightly Inebria changes his/her nickname to Aberzombie is Drunk
19/03/2008 01:37:34 ‹Daigle› Yessir
19/03/2008 01:37:36 ‹Russ› TLR> I know, chapter 11 - scary, isn't it?
19/03/2008 01:37:45 ‹Mothman› Hey Rogue
19/03/2008 01:37:50 * Syl joins Main
19/03/2008 01:37:53 ‹Mothman› Yeah, nice work eh?
19/03/2008 01:37:54 ‹Aberzombie is Drunk› I'm confused
19/03/2008 01:37:56 * paz quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:37:56 * paz quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:37:58 * Lilith joins Main
19/03/2008 01:38:00 ‹The Last Rogue› Ye
19/03/2008 01:38:04 ‹The Last Rogue› Yes
19/03/2008 01:38:09 ‹Aberzombie is Drunk› hey Lilith
19/03/2008 01:38:15 ‹Charles Evans› I have to go now; my Page file Count is going crazy (internet ERxplorer) and i need to reload.
19/03/2008 01:38:18 ‹Vic Wertz› There's a Paizo thing?
19/03/2008 01:38:21 ‹Charles Evans› Back Later.
19/03/2008 01:38:28 ‹Daigle› There is now!
19/03/2008 01:38:31 ‹The Last Rogue› Only one going bankrupt will be me, as I now must continue purchasing Paizo products and sample 4e's wares.
19/03/2008 01:38:33 ‹Aberzombie is Drunk› What Paizo thing?
19/03/2008 01:38:40 * Charles Evans quit
19/03/2008 01:38:46 ‹The Last Rogue› You know, the Paizo thing.
19/03/2008 01:38:46 ‹Russ› I'm already buying all their printed works :P
19/03/2008 01:38:52 ‹Aberzombie is Drunk› Huh?
19/03/2008 01:38:56 * Turin the Mad joins Main
19/03/2008 01:38:58 * Lilith waves at Aberzombie is Drunk! :glomp:
19/03/2008 01:39:05 ‹Aberzombie is Drunk› Thanks
19/03/2008 01:39:07 ‹The Last Rogue› You know the thing. With the Paizo.
19/03/2008 01:39:19 ‹Vic Wertz› The Piazo?
19/03/2008 01:39:20 ‹Blazej› This whole thing feels a little surreal. Sort of like when the end of the print magazines was announced.
19/03/2008 01:39:27 ‹Hill Giant› Did you get that thing I sent you?
19/03/2008 01:39:30 ‹Aberzombie is Drunk› Oh yeah, that thing! .....never heard of it
19/03/2008 01:39:31 * cpt_kirstov watches more $ go down the drain to keep superscriber status
19/03/2008 01:39:34 ‹Daigle› yeah, but more folks are happy.
19/03/2008 01:39:42 * cpt_kirstov and is happy about it !
19/03/2008 01:39:45 ‹The Last Rogue› Yeah, that thing
19/03/2008 01:39:59 * grasshopper quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:40:02 ‹The Last Rogue› So feels good to have it all out there, Paizones?
19/03/2008 01:40:12 ‹Vic Wertz› You can't imagine.
19/03/2008 01:40:19 ‹The Last Rogue› Congrats.
19/03/2008 01:40:31 ‹The Last Rogue› Really interested in what will come of this.
19/03/2008 01:40:40 * zeb joins Main
19/03/2008 01:40:43 * Lilith runs and glomps Vic Wertz! :glomp: :glomp:
19/03/2008 01:40:45 ‹The Last Rogue› I can't think of better hands for the game to be in.
19/03/2008 01:41:16 ‹Aberzombie is Drunk› Hell, even I feel like glomping someone:zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 01:41:29 ‹Blazej› Was this in the works if the OGL wasn't received by this time or that the OGL had problems?
19/03/2008 01:41:37 * Aberzombie is Drunk changes his/her nickname to Aberzombie
19/03/2008 01:41:37 ‹Vic Wertz› Aiee!
19/03/2008 01:41:48 ‹Pygon› I'm eager to see what an RPG made by a companies passionate about the story more than the rules (but still be worthwhile to play) will be like :)
19/03/2008 01:41:55 ‹Aberzombie› Mmmmm.....braiiiiinnnnssss
19/03/2008 01:41:55 ‹Turin the Mad› Oct-Nov last year it would seem this got rolling - impressive work
19/03/2008 01:41:56 ‹Lilith› Vic Wertz: :D
19/03/2008 01:41:59 * DMReckless quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:41:59 * DMReckless quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:42:23 ‹The Last Rogue› Vic, I almost forgot -- I have a question!
19/03/2008 01:42:24 * Saracenus joins Main
19/03/2008 01:42:25 ‹Vic Wertz› We've had this contingency plan for a while.
19/03/2008 01:42:41 ‹Vic Wertz› I'll try and answer, if it's not rules!
19/03/2008 01:42:47 ‹The Last Rogue› I just recently re-subscribed to PF (recent as in today);
19/03/2008 01:42:52 ‹Aberzombie› Crap! Work is going to suck big hairy camel balls tomorrow.
19/03/2008 01:42:56 ‹The Last Rogue› And I was expecting the PF advantage
19/03/2008 01:42:59 * Test joins Main
19/03/2008 01:43:06 ‹Syl› This probably was answered a thousand times but what is the reasonning behind not just staying with 3.5 ?
19/03/2008 01:43:12 ‹Blazej› Right next shiny eject button in case of zombie attack?
19/03/2008 01:43:12 ‹The Last Rogue› but when I put guide to Korvosa in my sidecart it doesn't discount
19/03/2008 01:43:15 ‹The Last Rogue› ?
19/03/2008 01:43:26 ‹Aberzombie› Zombie attack:zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 01:43:42 ‹The Last Rogue› Someone mentioned that it may not show the discount until the last page or that I may have to wait for PF to ship.
19/03/2008 01:43:47 ‹The Last Rogue› Just wondering what the case is.
19/03/2008 01:43:50 ‹Hill Giant› Syl: There won't be a 3.5 rulebook in print
19/03/2008 01:44:14 ‹Mothman› Syl: I can think of one thing - the 3.5 books will not be reprinted, so at some point, if Paizo wants new customers, they need to produce their own version of the rules
19/03/2008 01:44:15 ‹Vic Wertz› TLR, the most recent volume has to have shipped to you before the benefit kicks in. (That's to keep people form subscribing, using the discount, and then unsubscribing before they actually get charged.)
19/03/2008 01:44:18 ‹Turin the Mad› zombies as PC's !
19/03/2008 01:44:21 ‹Syl› k, though I dont see where your point is goin ?
19/03/2008 01:44:21 ‹Turin the Mad› ^_^
19/03/2008 01:44:22 ‹Pygon› I was ready for a cleaned up 3.5 with extra good tidbits in it
19/03/2008 01:44:24 ‹Dragonmann› gah, i read alpha for 5 minutes and there are 60 lines
19/03/2008 01:44:24 ‹Aberzombie› i'm gettin to old for this shi....
19/03/2008 01:44:31 * Test quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:44:36 ‹The Last Rogue› I see. Thanks for the explanation.
19/03/2008 01:44:50 * Tamago joins Main
19/03/2008 01:45:04 ‹Aberzombie› Howdy Tamago
19/03/2008 01:45:15 ‹Wyvern› :dance:
19/03/2008 01:45:27 ‹Syl› Is this 3.P version gonna be for long term then ?
19/03/2008 01:45:29 ‹Aberzombie› Do the Dance of Joy!
19/03/2008 01:45:29 ‹Pygon› hi Wyvern
19/03/2008 01:45:41 * Ross joins Main
19/03/2008 01:45:44 * Dragonmann :glomp:s Lilith
19/03/2008 01:46:12 ‹Wyvern› Pygon my man, I guess we'll be playing Pathfinder RPG after Savage Tide ;)
19/03/2008 01:46:15 * Aberzombie :zombieglomp:everybody, in hopes of adding them to the undead horde.
19/03/2008 01:46:16 * Ross does a happy dance. Whoo-hoo!
19/03/2008 01:46:20 ‹Vic Wertz› This is a long-term plan, yes.
19/03/2008 01:46:31 ‹Ison› :knight:
19/03/2008 01:46:32 ‹Tamago› Greetings, folks!
19/03/2008 01:46:52 ‹Pygon› I would mind being able to cast a lightning wall next level, actually...
19/03/2008 01:46:54 ‹Turin the Mad› :cthulhu:
19/03/2008 01:46:58 ‹Vic Wertz› "The reports of 3.5's demise were greatly unfounded."
19/03/2008 01:47:02 ‹Tamago› sounds like so good news brewing :D
19/03/2008 01:47:05 ‹Aberzombie› Sweet!
19/03/2008 01:47:07 * DMReckless joins Main
19/03/2008 01:47:23 ‹Pygon› it's definitely going to fill a void
19/03/2008 01:47:26 ‹Aberzombie› Crap! We're gonna crash the server again. I now it.
19/03/2008 01:47:33 ‹Mothman› Syl: I dont know, you'll need to ask Paizo that - but I think that is the plan (Assuming there is a good response to it in the short term)
19/03/2008 01:47:39 ‹Aberzombie› I even know it
19/03/2008 01:47:47 ‹Syl› Question was answered by Vic
19/03/2008 01:47:58 ‹Syl› ‹Vic Wertz› "The reports of 3.5's demise were greatly unfounded."
19/03/2008 01:47:58 ‹Turin the Mad› Lilith has something on standby
19/03/2008 01:48:03 ‹Mothman› Syl - ah, yes I see
19/03/2008 01:48:17 ‹Syl› err ‹Vic Wertz› This is a long-term plan, yes.
19/03/2008 01:48:19 ‹Daigle› There is going to be some great 3.5 stuff in store for gamers!
19/03/2008 01:48:44 ‹Syl› Its a gutsy move I'll admit that.
19/03/2008 01:49:11 ‹Aberzombie› "Dad is great! Give us Chocolate cake."
19/03/2008 01:49:21 ‹Wyvern› I think we can stop calling it 3.5e and just call it Pathfinder or somerhing.
19/03/2008 01:49:23 ‹Turin the Mad› Bill Cosby ?
19/03/2008 01:49:30 ‹Aberzombie› yep
19/03/2008 01:49:34 ‹Pygon› well for the sake of argument, they can gauge how popular it is as they roll it out, and if things don't work, there is always the 4e bandwagon
19/03/2008 01:49:37 ‹Turin the Mad› :cookie:
19/03/2008 01:49:39 ‹Wyvern› Syl, agreed. Ballsy.
19/03/2008 01:49:45 ‹Syl› My main concern though is that this will further fragment the industry.
19/03/2008 01:49:45 * Daigle wants a pudding pop all of a sudden.
19/03/2008 01:50:01 ‹Aberzombie› PFRPG
19/03/2008 01:50:07 ‹Syl› This is due in no small part to WOTC clenching too tightly at their stuff.
19/03/2008 01:50:18 ‹Aberzombie› No s!~+
19/03/2008 01:50:19 ‹Tamago› Syl, that makes sense, but I can't think of anyone better to do this than paizo
19/03/2008 01:50:38 ‹Tamago› except *maybe* Monte Cook, but as we know he's not doing much RPGwise these days
19/03/2008 01:50:40 ‹Russ› The industry is less fragmented than it was 20 years ago, so who cares :)
19/03/2008 01:50:58 ‹Blazej› I like options. This is good.
19/03/2008 01:51:00 ‹Ross› This was my best case scenario. You have no idea how happy (and relieved) I am.
19/03/2008 01:51:27 ‹Syl› O well... I for one was looking forward to embracing 4e.
19/03/2008 01:51:34 ‹Aberzombie› No offense to Wizards, but they've been so tight-assed with the GSL and all, that if you shoved a piece of coal up their ass, they'd s#*+ out a diamond.
19/03/2008 01:51:35 ‹Daigle› Ross, I'm with ya.
19/03/2008 01:51:46 ‹Syl› It seems wizards managed a major f!#@up if you ask me.
19/03/2008 01:51:57 ‹Vic Wertz› I think the industry was already fragmented. We're just giving one of those fragments the opportunity for long-term survival.
19/03/2008 01:51:58 ‹Mothman› Syl: I think the challenge for Paizo lies in making their new RPG different enough from 3.5 that it satisfies the people who have issues with 3.5 but dont want to change to 4, and making their products easily compatible with 3.5 for people who are sticking with that
19/03/2008 01:52:03 ‹Ross› Also, the Scribe called it hte instant the goblins went up.
19/03/2008 01:52:05 ‹Syl› Aber : I agree
19/03/2008 01:52:14 ‹Turin the Mad› lol Ross
19/03/2008 01:52:21 ‹Ross› Syl, goofing a deadline by 2 months'll do that.
19/03/2008 01:52:30 ‹Blazej› I don't think I want to use these rules in my game anymore... I am afraid of increasing the save DCs of the wizard in the party any more. ;)
19/03/2008 01:52:32 ‹Syl› Ross : Agree
19/03/2008 01:52:58 ‹Aberzombie› Vic: I'm still mad a you fellas for making me stay up this late.
19/03/2008 01:53:01 ‹Ross› Blazej, which rules are those?
19/03/2008 01:53:30 ‹Aberzombie› Not to mention all this beer you're forcing me to drink
19/03/2008 01:53:35 ‹Aberzombie› :lol:
19/03/2008 01:53:46 * Lori joins Main
19/03/2008 01:53:52 ‹Daigle› It's a shame, huh?
19/03/2008 01:53:53 ‹Aberzombie› Howdy Lori
19/03/2008 01:53:59 ‹Ross› Also, even if Paizo had stayed pure 3.5, I'd've picked up the 4e core, to at least see what I was missing. Now I don't have to.
19/03/2008 01:53:59 ‹Blazej› The Elven ability scores in the Pathfinder RPG beta.
19/03/2008 01:54:02 ‹Daigle› Howdy Lori
19/03/2008 01:54:05 ‹Vic Wertz› Hey—it's a playtest. If you don't like something, give us feedback in the forum!
19/03/2008 01:54:15 ‹Dragonmann› wizard should roll 3 d&#9573; for hp
19/03/2008 01:54:19 ‹Lori› Hello all. This should be fun tonight.
19/03/2008 01:54:29 ‹Vic Wertz› Jason is *dying* for feedback. You have no idea.
19/03/2008 01:54:41 * Duicarthan changes his/her nickname to Duicarthan_AFK
19/03/2008 01:54:48 ‹Aberzombie› So, does that mean he's ready to join the ranks of teh living dead?
19/03/2008 01:54:50 ‹Ross› Blazej, ah. I agree. Same with the Wis bonuses for Dwarves and Half-Orcs.
19/03/2008 01:55:09 ‹Ross› Also, full orcs have wis penalties. Their bastards shouldn't have a bonus.
19/03/2008 01:55:47 ‹Tamago› Ross, who knows? Maybe Pathfinder orcs have a WIS bump?
19/03/2008 01:55:53 ‹Wyvern› I'm actually considering cancelling my 4e preorder right now. There is no sense in having a system I won't play. I only play Paizo adventures. Deviously ballsy! I like it.
19/03/2008 01:56:11 ‹Turin the Mad› would explain their patience in not extirpating the rest of the edible two-legged rabble
19/03/2008 01:56:16 ‹Aberzombie› Be right back folks.
19/03/2008 01:56:26 * NSpicer quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 01:56:32 ‹Blazej› I was just joking right now. I just am thinking about how much better he does with this.
19/03/2008 01:56:35 * Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat joins Main
19/03/2008 01:56:44 ‹Syl› In my mind the success of this depends on how well the adjustments fix 3.5 .
19/03/2008 01:57:01 ‹Blazej› I will try it before putting an actual opinion out there.
19/03/2008 01:57:25 ‹Vic Wertz› Ah. Sorry—I have my sarcasm detector in the shop for servicing.
19/03/2008 01:57:29 ‹Ross› Blazej, it actually reminds me of the Dark SUn character rules in Dragon some time back. Every race had two bonuses.
19/03/2008 01:57:34 ‹Russ› The worst aspect of 3rd isn't the OGL/Core rules/SRd, it is the supplemental books.
19/03/2008 01:57:50 ‹Russ› I'm not sure I approve of half orcs being able to have a plus to Int or Cha.
19/03/2008 01:57:56 ‹Syl› I dont think so Russ
19/03/2008 01:57:57 ‹Ross› It's not broken, but it is a power bump. It's just that NPCs get it too, so it's fair.
19/03/2008 01:58:06 ‹Syl› The supplements are optionals.
19/03/2008 01:58:13 ‹Syl› You dont have to take them.
19/03/2008 01:58:20 ‹Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat› The supplements fixed problems with the core rules.
19/03/2008 01:58:21 ‹Syl› THey are mostly there for flavor.
19/03/2008 01:58:23 * Ask A Shoanti joins Main
19/03/2008 01:58:28 * HEATHANSSON joins Main
19/03/2008 01:58:32 ‹Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat› They also introduced new problems, of course, but there's a lot of fixes in there.
19/03/2008 01:58:37 ‹Lori› For me, as long as the Paizo PRPG stays compatible with 3.5, I can try it out and see if I like the changes. If not, I can suggest changes, or just stay with 3.5. Win win for me.
19/03/2008 01:58:46 ‹Blazej› Yeah.
19/03/2008 01:59:19 ‹Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat› Personally, I'm skeptical of how "backwards compatable" a new system can be.
19/03/2008 01:59:26 ‹Wyvern› I doubt Paizo will have many supplements. I think this a very good idea to have a stable system for a long time while keeping the adventures as the money makers of the company.
19/03/2008 01:59:31 ‹HEATHANSSON› HAW!!!
19/03/2008 01:59:42 ‹Blazej› Although I do have a minor comment about racial abilities that I will end up shoving on the messageboard.
19/03/2008 01:59:45 ‹Daigle› Heathy!!!
19/03/2008 01:59:47 ‹Syl› Paizo already has lots of supp.
19/03/2008 01:59:51 * Ask A Shoanti raises klar in greeting
19/03/2008 01:59:56 ‹Blazej› Hello Heathansson.
19/03/2008 01:59:56 ‹Syl› Its called Chronicles!
19/03/2008 01:59:57 ‹Daigle› Mike!!!
19/03/2008 02:00:05 ‹Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat› I imagine it'd be something on the same order of magnitude as 3.0 to 3.5, and considering that you need the official errata for MMII and Fiend Folio to use them... and considering that Paizo can't produce conversion errata for any of the WOTC books I have...
19/03/2008 02:00:12 ‹Ask A Shoanti› Woah busy!
19/03/2008 02:00:40 ‹Syl› I personnaly am not woried about "investment".
19/03/2008 02:00:43 ‹Ask A Shoanti› I think heath is happy.
19/03/2008 02:00:44 ‹Ross› I've already made one suggestion to Buhlman based on a house rule I've passed around the chat.
19/03/2008 02:00:49 ‹Syl› Most of the books i have are for reading purposes.
19/03/2008 02:00:51 ‹Wyvern› They are adventures, Syl. They don't give your fighter a +4 kickass bonus to attacks while standing in one foot.
19/03/2008 02:00:54 ‹Ask A Shoanti› But I'm not sure. . . : )
19/03/2008 02:01:03 ‹Syl› It takes me 2 years to get through a campaign.
19/03/2008 02:01:12 ‹Vic Wertz› So, there, Heathy... I gather you've heard the news, then?
19/03/2008 02:01:17 ‹Syl› So the amount I can really use is somewhat minimal.
19/03/2008 02:01:25 ‹HEATHANSSON› Ayyyup.
19/03/2008 02:01:25 ‹The Last Rogue› Shoanti, are you excited to write us up some PFRPG adventures?
19/03/2008 02:01:56 ‹Ask A Shoanti› Love it rogue!
19/03/2008 02:02:04 ‹Ross› I wonder if I can talk him into getting rid of Vorpal...
19/03/2008 02:02:44 ‹Syl› To me the things that need the most attention are the core mechanics.
19/03/2008 02:02:55 ‹Syl› They often bog down the game too much.
19/03/2008 02:03:09 ‹Syl› The rest is just fluff.
19/03/2008 02:03:09 ‹Wyvern› I'm not worried about investment at all. I know anything I buy is to be used so I get my monies worth. There will always be new editions. I've never thought for a second there won't be a Pathfinder RPG 2e.
19/03/2008 02:03:17 ‹Tamago› *flipping through the book
19/03/2008 02:03:25 ‹Russ› Syl - the power creep problem in 3rd comes almost entirely from the splatbooks, and that IMO is the worst thing about 3rd
19/03/2008 02:03:25 ‹Syl› If a DM doenst like vorpal for example he can just remove it.
19/03/2008 02:03:30 ‹HEATHANSSON› OMFlipping God! How many people are in the chat?
19/03/2008 02:03:32 ‹Tamago› drat, no Sorcerer! That'll make it hard to convert my RoR game
19/03/2008 02:03:37 ‹Russ› I'll be updating my RPG Superstar entrees to fit the Alpha rules
19/03/2008 02:03:42 ‹Aberzombie› Howdy Heathy
19/03/2008 02:03:42 ‹Syl› Splatbooks ?
19/03/2008 02:03:58 ‹DMReckless› A lot less than there were earlier today heathy
19/03/2008 02:03:59 ‹Lilith› HEATHANSSON: A lot...
19/03/2008 02:04:02 ‹Lilith› There was a lot earlier.
19/03/2008 02:04:11 ‹Aberzombie› Should have been here earlier Heathy. We crashed it twice
19/03/2008 02:04:12 ‹HEATHANSSON› I know, right?
19/03/2008 02:04:16 ‹HEATHANSSON› Wow.
19/03/2008 02:04:21 ‹Daigle› I counted 49 one time when I popped in from work.
19/03/2008 02:04:26 ‹Ross› Russ, good idea. I'd change mine, but I think Augury and Divination are still around, so I don't think it needs to change.
19/03/2008 02:04:30 * Lilith was a sad Lilith...:cry:
19/03/2008 02:04:32 ‹Syl› If you are talking about the supplements well 2 things : 1) they are optional, its the dm decision to allow them or not
19/03/2008 02:04:32 ‹HEATHANSSON› Dude,.....this is a great day.
19/03/2008 02:04:44 ‹Aberzombie› :typerhappy:Huzzah!
19/03/2008 02:04:54 ‹Syl› 2) since 3.P is compatible you didnt solve that problem
19/03/2008 02:04:58 * Cormac quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:04:58 * Cormac quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:05:07 ‹Lilith› And we met our max number of Paizo staffers in here today too. 12!
19/03/2008 02:05:09 ‹Mothman› Hey Heath!
19/03/2008 02:05:12 * tensor joins Main
19/03/2008 02:05:12 ‹HEATHANSSON› Wow.
19/03/2008 02:05:18 ‹HEATHANSSON› Hey, mothy!!!
19/03/2008 02:05:29 ‹HEATHANSSON› Y'all like them two monsters?
19/03/2008 02:05:31 ‹Ross› Ooh! I should make a suggestion about fixing the value of the Gold Piece was NPC wages.
19/03/2008 02:05:32 ‹Aberzombie› Howdy Tensor
19/03/2008 02:05:42 ‹Mothman› Good stuff eh? Im on my lunch break now, reading the Alpha - looks good!
19/03/2008 02:05:54 ‹Aberzombie› LuncH?
19/03/2008 02:05:54 ‹HEATHANSSON› Yeah!
19/03/2008 02:06:07 * Saishu_Heiki quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:06:08 ‹Mothman› Aber - yeah, it's 1pm here
19/03/2008 02:06:20 ‹Aberzombie› where? Althoug I should know
19/03/2008 02:06:26 ‹tensor› Daigle: I just got your email. :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:
19/03/2008 02:06:33 ‹Mothman› Heath: the Smeg-heads? What the hell are they??
19/03/2008 02:06:40 ‹Aberzombie› Can I be the Alpha Zombie?
19/03/2008 02:06:43 ‹Daigle› I just got yours...wizard!
19/03/2008 02:06:46 ‹tensor› Hi Heathansson
19/03/2008 02:06:47 ‹Mothman› Aber: Sydney, Australia
19/03/2008 02:06:48 * Russ changes his/her nickname to Russ is AFK
19/03/2008 02:06:52 ‹Lilith› Aberzombie: Of course! :D
19/03/2008 02:06:57 ‹Dragonmann› weep weep, must sleep
19/03/2008 02:06:58 ‹Aberzombie› Sweet!
19/03/2008 02:07:07 ‹HEATHANSSON› Adherers, from the old school Fiend Folio//Tome of Horrors.
19/03/2008 02:07:19 ‹Aberzombie› Piss on sleep! I'll get all the sleep i need when I'm dead
19/03/2008 02:07:19 ‹Syl› The problem with the core mechanics is that they cant just be removed. For example : Grappling you have to provide an other mechanic.
19/03/2008 02:07:22 ‹Ask A Shoanti› So Heath - what you're saying is your pretty ambivalent about it?
19/03/2008 02:07:22 ‹HEATHANSSON› I unbuffed them a bit, cos they're kinda tuff.2
19/03/2008 02:07:28 ‹Lori› I have spent way too much time here today...YEAH!!
19/03/2008 02:07:30 ‹HEATHANSSON› Hey, tensor!!!!!
19/03/2008 02:07:49 ‹Turin the Mad› 12 staffers ... 49 total peeps ... wow
19/03/2008 02:07:53 ‹Mothman› Heath: cool! I have ToH, but havent been all through it yet
19/03/2008 02:07:59 ‹Lori› How was Fatey's chicken salad anyway?#-o
19/03/2008 02:08:00 ‹HEATHANSSON› AM BI VLINT?
19/03/2008 02:08:08 ‹Aberzombie› I like the new deal with Orizons and Cantrips.
19/03/2008 02:08:18 * Dragonmann quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:08:26 ‹HEATHANSSON› I got the 3.0 ToH, so don't know if the 3.5 is different.
19/03/2008 02:08:28 ‹Turin the Mad› they'll need to clean up the wording on that Aberzombie
19/03/2008 02:08:30 ‹Aberzombie› :love:
19/03/2008 02:08:35 ‹Pygon› whoops, I meant to make 7000 units of Antimatter Large, not 700000 =/
19/03/2008 02:09:00 ‹HEATHANSSON› WUH AM BI VLIT?
19/03/2008 02:09:05 ‹HEATHANSSON› mEANZ?
19/03/2008 02:09:09 ‹Erik Mona› LOL
19/03/2008 02:09:12 ‹Syl› Paizo : what would really be nice is to have a document that would identify the changes that where made and the reason behind it.
19/03/2008 02:09:18 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona! :excite:
19/03/2008 02:09:19 ‹HEATHANSSON› I'M STUPIT HAPPY.
19/03/2008 02:09:24 * Lilith runs n' glomps Erik Mona! :glomp:
19/03/2008 02:09:25 ‹Erik Mona› I have the proofs for "Flight of the Red Raven" on my desk, and I coulda swore there's an adherer in there!
19/03/2008 02:09:29 ‹Syl› That would really help to "sell" the thing.
19/03/2008 02:09:33 ‹Aberzombie› I can see it tomorrow at work! I'll probably accidently sink a ship or something.
19/03/2008 02:09:34 ‹Saracenus› Heathansson: ToH Rev. 3.5 is updated
19/03/2008 02:09:37 ‹HEATHANSSON› I'm the happiest boy alive!
19/03/2008 02:09:39 ‹Saracenus› I highly recoment it
19/03/2008 02:09:43 ‹Erik Mona› It's actually something else, but when James Jacobs showed me the picture I said "holy crap, is that an adherer?"
19/03/2008 02:09:48 ‹Turin the Mad› that's a lotta battleship ammo Pygon
19/03/2008 02:09:51 ‹Lilith› JoshuaJFrost! :glomp: :glomp:
19/03/2008 02:09:55 ‹Erik Mona› Weird that such a loser monster has come up twice in two hours. :)
19/03/2008 02:10:04 ‹Pygon› Turin - at least I won't run out for a hella long time :)
19/03/2008 02:10:08 * Burrito wearing a tinfoil hat quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:10:13 ‹Turin the Mad› yup, lolol
19/03/2008 02:10:19 ‹Ison› loser monster :dragon:
19/03/2008 02:10:19 ‹Blazej› Huh, do you think a cleric of Irori should get Improved Unarmed Strike?
19/03/2008 02:10:19 ‹Tamago› I agree with Syl; I'd love to see a document explaining where and why changes were made
19/03/2008 02:10:32 ‹HEATHANSSON› I've sicked adherers on my Saltmarsh pbp. There great cos nobody knows wtf they are.
19/03/2008 02:10:33 ‹Turin the Mad› any monster can be made nawsty
19/03/2008 02:10:37 ‹HEATHANSSON› cept one guy.
19/03/2008 02:10:43 ‹Wyvern› I don't care about why. I just want it to be fun.
19/03/2008 02:10:49 ‹Turin the Mad› like ... sea-going boogers ...
19/03/2008 02:10:50 ‹Balthaczar› one good thing about the paizo site being down was that i could print out that goblin pic for my game......sorry off topic it just popped in my head
19/03/2008 02:10:53 ‹Pygon› will the hardback book have little design philsophy boxes in it?
19/03/2008 02:10:57 ‹HEATHANSSON› I played up the foreskin/smegma angle. Good times.
19/03/2008 02:11:07 ‹Turin the Mad› lol
19/03/2008 02:11:15 ‹Aberzombie› :zombieglomp: Mmmmmm...3.P
19/03/2008 02:11:17 ‹Hill Giant› Erik Mona: There are worse things it could look like
19/03/2008 02:11:21 ‹Pygon› first thing I flipped to was the grapple rules, and by gum, they had some in there.
19/03/2008 02:12:05 ‹Aberzombie› As long as they have a Gelatinous Cube, since I waited FOREVER for the damn mini....
19/03/2008 02:12:05 ‹Saracenus› Well I have to say the welcom for 3p was uninspiring at ENWorld
19/03/2008 02:12:10 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Lilith Yes? :-)
19/03/2008 02:12:14 ‹Wyvern› Ha! By Jason Bulmahn... I guess now we know what the super secret project was! ;)
19/03/2008 02:12:29 ‹Saracenus› Erik Mona: Evidenly you guys just made a huge mistake according to them
19/03/2008 02:12:33 ‹Pygon› Sarac - what was the basic consensus?
19/03/2008 02:12:40 ‹Pygon› ah, I see
19/03/2008 02:12:49 ‹Lilith› JoshuaJFrost: Had to glomp you! My standard greeting. :glomp: :beer: :cookie:
19/03/2008 02:12:52 ‹Saracenus› Most people dismissed anything 3ish outright
19/03/2008 02:12:55 ‹HEATHANSSON› Ecology of the Adherer won't be my first professional sale I take it.
19/03/2008 02:13:05 ‹Aberzombie› Maybe Enworld and WotC would like a little cheese with their Whine?
19/03/2008 02:13:11 ‹Saracenus› Some suggested Paizo would be purchased by someone else when it failed <G>
19/03/2008 02:13:14 ‹Pygon› but a 3.5 with 4e elements adopted into it woudl be just fine by me
19/03/2008 02:13:20 ‹Aberzombie› Their messageboards that is.
19/03/2008 02:13:39 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: Linkage?
19/03/2008 02:13:39 ‹Mothman› Those adherers are narsty
19/03/2008 02:13:53 ‹Saracenus› I don't tune into ENWorld for their incisive industry commentary.
19/03/2008 02:13:57 ‹Saracenus› Just a sec
19/03/2008 02:14:07 ‹Mothman› I didnt know what they were ... I was thinking maybe lemures or somehting by your description ...
19/03/2008 02:14:25 ‹Saracenus› http://www.enworld.org/showthr...&page=1
19/03/2008 02:14:41 ‹HEATHANSSON› Two goomy doods come digging out of the turf--wtf is it?
19/03/2008 02:14:51 ‹Aberzombie› I am going to pay for this late night so very, very dearly tomorrow. But its worth it.
19/03/2008 02:14:53 * HEATHANSSON changes his/her nickname to heathansson afk
19/03/2008 02:14:57 * Ison quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:14:57 * Ison quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:15:13 ‹Turin the Mad› there are brains everywhere Aberzombie - narf someone at Starbucks in the a.m.
19/03/2008 02:15:43 ‹Aberzombie› I couldn't even tell you where a Starbucks is located.
19/03/2008 02:15:55 ‹Syl› Paiso : One thing that I liked about the 4E preview was the dying mechanics. I thought it really added excitement to the game. It was listed on the wotc website. It might be something to take into consideration.
19/03/2008 02:16:07 ‹Syl› err sorry Its Paizo....
19/03/2008 02:16:23 ‹Aberzombie› May just have to gnaw on the first poor bastard I see at work.:zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 02:16:25 * Rambling Scribe joins Main
19/03/2008 02:16:30 * heathansson afk quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:16:30 ‹Turin the Mad› 7-11
19/03/2008 02:16:36 ‹Ask A Shoanti› Scribe is in the house!
19/03/2008 02:16:36 ‹Turin the Mad› anyplace with coffee
19/03/2008 02:16:38 ‹Ross› Syl, you should post these ideas on the PFRPG boards. Some of them are good.
19/03/2008 02:16:40 ‹Wyvern› Hey Scribe!
19/03/2008 02:16:43 ‹Aberzombie› Howdy Rambling
19/03/2008 02:16:46 ‹Daigle› Scribe!
19/03/2008 02:16:48 ‹Syl› I will
19/03/2008 02:16:49 ‹Ross› Scribe, you totally called it!
19/03/2008 02:17:05 ‹Syl› I am running a RotRL campaign and will try to convince my players to try this.
19/03/2008 02:17:11 ‹Blazej› Syl, what Ross said.
19/03/2008 02:17:25 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi All
19/03/2008 02:17:32 ‹Turin the Mad› o/
19/03/2008 02:17:32 ‹Rambling Scribe› :headbang:
19/03/2008 02:17:36 ‹Syl› How compatible to 3.P is curse of the crimson throne ?
19/03/2008 02:17:50 ‹Aberzombie› Should be pretty damn close
19/03/2008 02:17:52 ‹Ross› Syl, it's as compatible as any other 3.5 product.
19/03/2008 02:18:06 ‹Wyvern› Pygon you KNOW we are trying these, right?
19/03/2008 02:18:13 ‹Syl› k
19/03/2008 02:18:28 ‹Syl› compatible enough to be switched in .. "mid flight " ?
19/03/2008 02:18:50 ‹Ross› Should be, as long as your players are willing to convert their characters.
19/03/2008 02:19:11 ‹Aberzombie› I don't see why not.
19/03/2008 02:19:24 ‹Ross› Rambling Scribe, I realize you're in Canada, but I totally owe you a beer or something. You were dead on.
19/03/2008 02:19:53 ‹Rambling Scribe› Thanks Ross!
19/03/2008 02:19:57 ‹cpt_kirstov› is watcher here - i forgot all of his alias'
19/03/2008 02:19:59 ‹The Last Rogue› Did you see one guy actually put a Say No to Paizo in his signature over on that ENworld thread? Ridiculous
19/03/2008 02:19:59 ‹Aberzombie› Blame Canada?
19/03/2008 02:20:06 ‹Vic Wertz› You folks wondering about compatibility will want to check out the next Paizo blog.
19/03/2008 02:20:10 ‹Syl› Another thing ... would this make it more "legally" easy for software developers to add the mechanics to virtual table software for example ?
19/03/2008 02:20:27 ‹Syl› (i use and love fantasy grounds)
19/03/2008 02:20:54 * Sebastian joins Main
19/03/2008 02:20:58 ‹Ross› The Last Rogue, you can't argue with idiots.
19/03/2008 02:21:05 ‹Sebastian› hey chatters
19/03/2008 02:21:08 ‹Daigle› C-bass!
19/03/2008 02:21:09 ‹Wyvern› I don't believe virtual tables should have rules at all.
19/03/2008 02:21:13 ‹Aberzombie› Paraphrasing Ben Franklin - "Paizo is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
19/03/2008 02:21:14 ‹Wyvern› Hey Sebastian!
19/03/2008 02:21:23 ‹The Last Rogue› That's why my debate coach kept me on the bench
19/03/2008 02:21:26 ‹Vic Wertz› Syl, it's an OGL product, so the same pros and cons exist.
19/03/2008 02:21:27 ‹Aberzombie› Howdy Sebastian
19/03/2008 02:21:30 ‹Syl› Well its always fun when the software can handle some mechanics fo rya
19/03/2008 02:21:37 ‹Ask A Shoanti› Sebastian!
19/03/2008 02:21:38 ‹botrytis› bye folks
19/03/2008 02:21:40 ‹Syl› that way you can focus on the story
19/03/2008 02:21:50 ‹Sebastian› Did I miss any good gossip?
19/03/2008 02:21:56 ‹Aberzombie› Bye botrytis
19/03/2008 02:21:58 ‹Ross› Wyvern, some make life easier. Like lighting rules or the ability to drop templates with the proper measuring rules.
19/03/2008 02:22:00 ‹Vic Wertz› Bye, botrytis!
19/03/2008 02:22:06 ‹Daigle› Later botrytis
19/03/2008 02:22:14 ‹Turin the Mad› missed out on Aberzombie munching brains
19/03/2008 02:22:15 ‹Wyvern› Those are tools, not rules.
19/03/2008 02:22:19 ‹Vic Wertz› Watch out for phyloxera!
19/03/2008 02:22:22 ‹Syl› tools yes
19/03/2008 02:22:28 ‹Pygon› I'll also be curiosu to see what the PF RPG does to help keep the game from "breaking" post 13th level
19/03/2008 02:22:30 ‹Sebastian› hmm...brains...
19/03/2008 02:22:35 ‹Aberzombie› Sebastian -well, mark is in love with Jenny, but she's carrying ethan's love child...no wait that's my soap opera.
19/03/2008 02:22:40 * botrytis quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:22:49 ‹Ross› Sebastian, could you please repost your 'Decide to Shine' message at ENWorld, if you haven't already?
19/03/2008 02:22:52 ‹Sebastian› It's funny you brought that up because...I HAVE AMNESIA
19/03/2008 02:22:56 ‹Syl› I always thought it was sad that combat couldnt have been handle more easily by soft
19/03/2008 02:23:07 ‹Blazej› Decide to Shine?
19/03/2008 02:23:09 * Daigle laughs
19/03/2008 02:23:09 ‹Sebastian› Ross, I'm not sure it belongs on ENWorld, it's about Paizo.
19/03/2008 02:23:16 ‹Mothman› Hey Sebastian, great post with the "shine" thing!
19/03/2008 02:23:18 ‹Wyvern› That too Pygon, good question.
19/03/2008 02:23:36 ‹Ross› Sebastian, right, but it also has to do with not hating.
19/03/2008 02:23:40 ‹Sebastian› Bah. I meant to call someone a dillhole and it was mostly a typo. ;)
19/03/2008 02:23:50 ‹Ask A Shoanti› lol!
19/03/2008 02:23:51 ‹Turin the Mad› oh? did some return fire get lobbed?
19/03/2008 02:23:56 ‹Mothman› heh
19/03/2008 02:24:00 ‹Aberzombie› Decide to Shine post? Where?
19/03/2008 02:24:05 ‹Turin the Mad› linky?
19/03/2008 02:24:12 * Gemma joins Main
19/03/2008 02:24:20 ‹Aberzombie› Howdy Gemma
19/03/2008 02:24:44 ‹Ross› http://paizo.com/paizo/message...odyWins
19/03/2008 02:24:46 ‹Mothman› Hi Gemma
19/03/2008 02:24:50 ‹Ross› Linky ^
19/03/2008 02:25:25 ‹Gemma› whats up pppl
19/03/2008 02:26:07 * tensor quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:26:43 ‹Turin the Mad› brains are on the menu ... :zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 02:26:47 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona, JoshuaJFrost, Vic Wertz: Who's decision was it to have Open Playtesting, and was it more out of not wanting to keep track of NDAs and whatnot or a sincere desire to hear from as many people as possible?
19/03/2008 02:27:28 ‹Mothman› Thats weird: Sebastians thread is entitled "Decide to Shine" but the url is "Everybody Wins" ...?
19/03/2008 02:27:36 ‹Sebastian› heh
19/03/2008 02:27:43 ‹Sebastian› I changed the title during a preview
19/03/2008 02:27:54 ‹Aberzombie› It rocks Sebastian.
19/03/2008 02:27:56 * Gemma quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:27:56 * Gemma quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:28:05 ‹Mothman› oh, ok ... not so weird then
19/03/2008 02:28:13 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Lilith frankly, the idea of a closed playtest with NDAs and the like has never appealed to us
19/03/2008 02:28:13 ‹Ross› Sebastian, if you don't want to post it on ENWorld, would you mind if I did and quoted you?
19/03/2008 02:28:34 ‹Sebastian› I don't mind Ross, though a link might make more sense.
19/03/2008 02:28:38 ‹JoshuaJFrost› We believe in being as open and honest as we possibly can and, as such, never once entertained the idea of our playtest being closed.
19/03/2008 02:28:44 ‹Lilith› Cool beans.
19/03/2008 02:28:48 * Lilith makes note of that.
19/03/2008 02:28:53 ‹Sebastian› And thanks everyone. Just trying to do my part to balance out the karmic debt I generally incur on the boards. ;)
19/03/2008 02:28:57 ‹JoshuaJFrost› The day we started talking about Pathfinder RPG as a real possibility, it was a collective "yes we'll do this in the open"
19/03/2008 02:29:03 ‹Aberzombie› I might see if my group wants to Playtest.
19/03/2008 02:29:19 * Wolfshead joins Main
19/03/2008 02:29:20 ‹Turin the Mad› the messageboard seems to be choking on linkage goodness
19/03/2008 02:29:27 ‹Sebastian› Do you have a sense on the timing of the remaining alpha releases?
19/03/2008 02:29:29 ‹Aberzombie› Howdy Wolfshead
19/03/2008 02:29:29 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Sebastian You owe me at least $1500 worth of karma. :-)
19/03/2008 02:29:41 ‹Sebastian› ...doh...
19/03/2008 02:29:41 ‹The Last Rogue› My group WILL playtest.
19/03/2008 02:29:46 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Sebastian that's a better question for Jason, but I know they'll be frequent.
19/03/2008 02:30:10 ‹Sebastian› JoshuaJFrost, did I do something that literally (not figuratively) cost the company $1500? (please say no)
19/03/2008 02:30:13 ‹Aberzombie› Will subscribers be notified
19/03/2008 02:30:31 * Russ is AFK changes his/her nickname to Russ
19/03/2008 02:30:52 ‹Wolfshead› Holy! Guess I shouldn't be surprised, with the news and all, but wow, there are a lot of people here.
19/03/2008 02:30:59 ‹Aberzombie› Frost: Can I finally get a neat little border around my avatar picture?
19/03/2008 02:31:12 ‹Aberzombie› Please!
19/03/2008 02:31:23 ‹Aberzombie› i'll be your best friend!
19/03/2008 02:31:35 ‹Russ› I'm back
19/03/2008 02:31:41 ‹Daigle› Will you give him a foot massage?
19/03/2008 02:31:41 ‹Russ› Enworld can bite my shiny metal dice.
19/03/2008 02:31:55 ‹Aberzombie› Russ LOL
19/03/2008 02:32:26 * Erik Mona quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:32:52 ‹Daigle› Y'all scared away the Mona
19/03/2008 02:32:56 ‹Daigle› ;)
19/03/2008 02:33:00 ‹Aberzombie› Sorry!
19/03/2008 02:33:21 ‹Aberzombie› probably the foot massage talk
19/03/2008 02:33:22 ‹Mothman› hey Russ - fun over there?
19/03/2008 02:33:33 * smart13 joins Main
19/03/2008 02:33:33 ‹Daigle› Oh...yeah
19/03/2008 02:33:38 ‹Turin the Mad› :ahoy:
19/03/2008 02:33:41 ‹Takasi› am I still logged in?
19/03/2008 02:33:43 ‹Daigle› Howdy smart13
19/03/2008 02:33:44 ‹Aberzombie› Howdy Smart13
19/03/2008 02:33:45 ‹Takasi› hurray
19/03/2008 02:33:45 ‹Vic Wertz› I'll probably send an e-mail to subscribers tomorrow. Today was too busy.
19/03/2008 02:33:54 ‹Daigle rolls dice› 1d13 » + 4 = 4
19/03/2008 02:34:00 ‹Aberzombie› Sweet!
19/03/2008 02:34:04 ‹Russ› Yep, walking my little dachshunds
19/03/2008 02:34:10 ‹Russ› oops, he meant my enworld comment
19/03/2008 02:34:11 ‹Vic Wertz› And then Thursday a general mailing to the regular marketing list.
19/03/2008 02:34:37 ‹Mothman› Takasi: yes!
19/03/2008 02:34:45 ‹Takasi› has James been back to talk about AP 4?
19/03/2008 02:34:46 * Aberzombie changes his/her nickname to Aberzombie is Inebriated
19/03/2008 02:34:53 ‹Mothman› Russ: yeah, enworld
19/03/2008 02:35:00 ‹Vic Wertz› (It turns out if we send too many mailings in one day, comcast blocks us.)
19/03/2008 02:35:06 ‹JoshuaJFrost› hahahahahaha Sebastian no
19/03/2008 02:35:15 ‹Turin the Mad› d'oh! spammer you, Vic
19/03/2008 02:35:16 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Vic: Those Bastards!
19/03/2008 02:35:22 * Ithuriel quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:35:25 ‹Sebastian› whew
19/03/2008 02:35:28 ‹Takasi› is there any info on the Pathfinder Society yet?
19/03/2008 02:35:35 ‹Ask A Shoanti› Night all - congrats on the big reveal!
19/03/2008 02:35:36 ‹Takasi› as far as where the stories take place?
19/03/2008 02:35:40 ‹Takasi› or when it will premiere?
19/03/2008 02:35:48 ‹Daigle› Bye Mike!
19/03/2008 02:35:57 * Ask A Shoanti quit
19/03/2008 02:36:24 ‹Blazej› ....
19/03/2008 02:36:35 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› No if only they'd give Paizo control of Greyhawk.....all my dreams would have come true.
19/03/2008 02:36:49 ‹Mothman› Takasi: No AP4 talk that ive seen. No Pathfinder Society details
19/03/2008 02:36:49 ‹Daigle› Takasi, someone said earlier that it will occur in Seasons and Season 0 is Gencon
19/03/2008 02:36:50 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› except the one about the read headed twins
19/03/2008 02:36:54 ‹Blazej› That ... skill will need explanation when I get to the skills section.
19/03/2008 02:36:59 * Sebastian was worried his actions had caused Paizo to install some anti-spam software or something...
19/03/2008 02:37:00 * Pete quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:01 * Gemma quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:01 * Stranger_In_A_Strange_Land quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:01 ‹Erik Mona› Takasi> The campaign will be based in the city of Absalom, and will range about the Inner Sea nations.
19/03/2008 02:37:02 * Lori quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:02 * NSpicer quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Wolfshead quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Pygon quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Turin the Mad quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * smart13 quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Ask A Shoanti quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Turin the Mad quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * MetalMaiden quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Cooper3046 quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Russ quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Wolfshead quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * smart13 quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:18 * Turin the Mad quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:19 * Wyvern quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:19 * Wyvern quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:37:24 ‹Daigle› Whoah
19/03/2008 02:37:29 ‹Vic Wertz› AAAH! I just switched from ENWorld's black background to Paizo's white one, and now I'm blind!
19/03/2008 02:37:31 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Holy s$@#balls
19/03/2008 02:37:40 ‹Balthaczar› i worry that i am next...please dont strike me
19/03/2008 02:37:48 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› I'm one of the Chosen!
19/03/2008 02:37:49 * Daigle puts his finger in the dam.
19/03/2008 02:37:54 ‹Balthaczar› lol
19/03/2008 02:37:56 * cpt_kirstov hides in a corner with a tape recorder
19/03/2008 02:38:14 * Lilith totally did not have anything to do with the Exodus.
19/03/2008 02:38:15 ‹Balthaczar› like a chat room plague
19/03/2008 02:38:16 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Its like the Apocalypse...only digital
19/03/2008 02:38:28 ‹Balthaczar› sniffle
19/03/2008 02:38:36 * Cd Working quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:38:36 * Cd Working quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:38:36 * Cd Working quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:38:42 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Now we have to ebuild society from the ashes
19/03/2008 02:38:44 ‹JoshuaJFrost› test
19/03/2008 02:38:49 ‹Balthaczar› ha
19/03/2008 02:38:50 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› even rebuild it
19/03/2008 02:38:55 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Takasi, also visit paizo.com/pathfindersociety
19/03/2008 02:39:00 ‹Balthaczar› what rules set should we use
19/03/2008 02:39:01 ‹Daigle› ebuild was pretty right on
19/03/2008 02:39:03 ‹Vic Wertz› gotcha Josh
19/03/2008 02:39:19 ‹DMReckless› woah blinky board
19/03/2008 02:39:30 ‹Ross› Erik Mona, Absalom! Awesome.
19/03/2008 02:39:30 ‹Daigle› blinky?
19/03/2008 02:39:49 ‹Mothman› Wow - where'd everyone go?
19/03/2008 02:39:55 * Russ is right here
19/03/2008 02:39:57 * Cd Working quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:40:04 ‹Daigle› The monsters got 'em.
19/03/2008 02:40:07 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Seriously though Paizo, you gotta have a monster called the Aberzombie.
19/03/2008 02:40:07 ‹cpt_kirstov› with so many people on, ithe list of people blinks to reshuffle name colors when somene signs off
19/03/2008 02:40:08 * Tamago quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:40:14 ‹Russ› I'd like to see something D1-3/Night Below-y
19/03/2008 02:40:26 * Ask A Shoanti joins Main
19/03/2008 02:40:29 ‹Russ› (not necessarily drow, I'd rather more Lovecrafy)
19/03/2008 02:40:44 ‹Mothman› You made it back Ask!
19/03/2008 02:40:54 * Syl quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:40:57 * Karelzarath @ Dinner changes his/her nickname to Karelzarath
19/03/2008 02:41:01 ‹Daigle› He's baaaaack!
19/03/2008 02:41:01 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Aberzombie .... hmm
19/03/2008 02:41:09 * NSpicer joins Main
19/03/2008 02:41:22 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Like a Ju jU zombie...only better loooking.
19/03/2008 02:41:31 ‹Daigle› How about a zombie that carries around big logs and call it the caberzombie? :P
19/03/2008 02:41:47 ‹Fray› ok, gang, I gots to drive home... have fun tonite!
19/03/2008 02:41:53 * Daigle apologizes.
19/03/2008 02:42:01 ‹Daigle› Have a good evening Fray
02:44:49 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Hey WTF
19/03/2008 02:44:56 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› It happened again
19/03/2008 02:45:00 ‹Mothman› See you Vic .... and everyone .....
19/03/2008 02:45:05 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:45:11 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Whoa, thought I was the only one
19/03/2008 02:45:13 * DMReckless quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:45:21 ‹Mothman› We are the few, the chosen! ... Im next, arent I?
19/03/2008 02:45:33 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Nahh, I think we're good
19/03/2008 02:45:41 ‹Turin the Mad› whoa
19/03/2008 02:45:50 * Sebastian quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:45:50 ‹Turin the Mad› we're all zombie chow
19/03/2008 02:45:57 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› they must have angered the chatroom gods
19/03/2008 02:46:00 ‹Rambling Scribe› I'm still here.
19/03/2008 02:46:22 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Once again, we must rebuild society
19/03/2008 02:46:36 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› it is a heavy burden, but I'm sure we'll make it.
19/03/2008 02:46:39 ‹Mothman› I call NOT breeding with Aberzombie
19/03/2008 02:46:40 ‹Turin the Mad› mah woman is right here ...
19/03/2008 02:46:49 * Sebastian joins Main
19/03/2008 02:46:56 * Lilith joins Main
19/03/2008 02:46:59 ‹Turin the Mad› :glomp:s his woman
19/03/2008 02:47:01 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Huzzah! Sebastian is back.
19/03/2008 02:47:07 ‹Lilith› Hmmm...
19/03/2008 02:47:09 ‹Mothman› How was it out there Sebastian? Lilith?
19/03/2008 02:47:17 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Lilith is back!
19/03/2008 02:47:19 ‹Sebastian› cold...soooo...cold...
19/03/2008 02:47:30 ‹Turin the Mad› dark ... no sounds save for the moaning of the walking dead ... so, like work
19/03/2008 02:47:34 ‹Mothman› Ok, Lilith is back - NOW we can rebuild society
19/03/2008 02:47:47 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Weird. That's the second purge I've survived in a row
19/03/2008 02:47:47 ‹Lilith› *That*
19/03/2008 02:47:49 * DMReckless joins Main
19/03/2008 02:47:51 ‹Lilith› is not cool.
19/03/2008 02:48:24 * heathansson joins Main
19/03/2008 02:48:34 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Heathy! You're back
19/03/2008 02:48:35 ‹Mothman› Heath!
19/03/2008 02:48:35 * Lilith knows what the problem is...
19/03/2008 02:48:40 ‹Lilith› :shakefist:
19/03/2008 02:48:41 ‹heathansson› yeah!
19/03/2008 02:48:49 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› We're rebuilding from the great purge!
19/03/2008 02:48:55 ‹heathansson› I can't log on paizo.
19/03/2008 02:48:59 ‹heathansson› what purge?
19/03/2008 02:49:04 * Fake Healer joins Main
19/03/2008 02:49:05 ‹Rambling Scribe› It's like Aberzombie is vomiting everyone out of the room...
19/03/2008 02:49:10 ‹heathansson› fakey!!!
19/03/2008 02:49:13 ‹Lilith› FAKEY! :squee:
19/03/2008 02:49:15 ‹Mothman› PAizo is moving at glacial pace for me
19/03/2008 02:49:22 ‹Fake Healer› Yo dude
19/03/2008 02:49:26 ‹Fake Healer› Hey babe
19/03/2008 02:49:27 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Fakey!
19/03/2008 02:49:33 ‹Mothman› Heath, all but about 8 of us just got kicked off DMtools
19/03/2008 02:49:33 ‹heathansson› what a day.
19/03/2008 02:49:48 ‹Mothman› Hey Fake! How you doing man?
19/03/2008 02:50:07 ‹heathansson› oh, wow.
19/03/2008 02:50:11 ‹Fake Healer› Aberzombie is inebriated? Me too! Celebrating PathfinderRPG!!!!!!!!!!
19/03/2008 02:50:19 ‹heathansson› hell's yeah!
19/03/2008 02:50:23 ‹Mothman› Yeah baby!
19/03/2008 02:50:38 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Woo hoo!
19/03/2008 02:50:38 ‹Fake Healer› I am so f***ing happy!
19/03/2008 02:50:40 ‹Rambling Scribe› I've had a few myself.
19/03/2008 02:50:56 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Think I'll have another.....
19/03/2008 02:50:57 ‹Fake Healer› I really thought I was gonna have to split with my group
19/03/2008 02:51:00 ‹heathansson› HAW!!!!!
19/03/2008 02:51:09 * Mothman curses his workplaces no drinking on the job policy
19/03/2008 02:51:18 ‹heathansson› in australia?
19/03/2008 02:51:29 ‹Fake Healer› Michalob Porter is my poison tonight. Great Porter BTW
19/03/2008 02:51:29 ‹Mothman› FH: split with your group?
19/03/2008 02:51:32 * DMReckless goes to grab some butterscotch snapps
19/03/2008 02:51:38 ‹Mothman› Heath: I know, weird huh?
19/03/2008 02:51:42 ‹Turin the Mad› Buttershots ftw
19/03/2008 02:51:44 ‹heathansson› lol
19/03/2008 02:51:54 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› My choice is Abita Amber
19/03/2008 02:51:54 ‹Fake Healer› Yeah they were all 4E fans
19/03/2008 02:51:57 ‹Mothman› We had a guy in the office a few years ago who kept getting plastered at lunch .... so....
19/03/2008 02:52:05 ‹heathansson› dayum!!!
19/03/2008 02:52:13 ‹heathansson› 4e fans....
19/03/2008 02:52:16 ‹Mothman› FH: bummer. What happened / is happening?
19/03/2008 02:52:19 ‹heathansson› drunk at lunch...
19/03/2008 02:52:30 ‹Turin the Mad› past tense I see Fake Healer
19/03/2008 02:53:08 ‹Fake Healer› I sent them a link to PathfinderRPG free download and after seeing the fighter and rogue changes I have them getting stoked.
19/03/2008 02:53:12 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› I think this will be just what my group was looking for.
19/03/2008 02:53:16 ‹heathansson› sweet.
19/03/2008 02:53:24 ‹Mothman› We once went out for a big lunch with about half the office ... 3 or 4 hours and many drinks later, stumbled back in .... carried back in in some cases. The bosses werent well pleased ...
19/03/2008 02:53:29 * Daigle joins Main
19/03/2008 02:53:39 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Howdy Daig;e
19/03/2008 02:53:41 ‹heathansson› daigle!
19/03/2008 02:53:46 ‹Mothman› Fake: Cool
19/03/2008 02:53:49 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› I mean Daigle
19/03/2008 02:53:52 ‹Mothman› Welcome back Daigle
19/03/2008 02:53:59 ‹Daigle› I'm back! It was terrible out there!
19/03/2008 02:54:09 ‹Daigle› The horror!
19/03/2008 02:54:11 ‹Fake Healer› Yo D
19/03/2008 02:54:15 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Out in the wastelands heh?
19/03/2008 02:54:17 ‹Daigle› Fakey!!
19/03/2008 02:54:47 ‹Fake Healer› Is JJ and crew doing the chat tonight?
19/03/2008 02:54:57 ‹Daigle› Alright...I'm gonna have a beer with ya Zombeh
19/03/2008 02:55:06 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› they better be! that's why I'm here
19/03/2008 02:55:15 ‹Rambling Scribe› I'm going to get a coffee and Baileys.
19/03/2008 02:55:16 ‹Mothman› James is sick, but he said he'd be back for the chat. I think Jason will be here too
19/03/2008 02:55:17 ‹Fake Healer› To Pathfinder!!!
19/03/2008 02:55:19 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› otherwise, i'd be asleep
19/03/2008 02:55:28 ‹Rambling Scribe› Although I've got guinness in the house too...
19/03/2008 02:55:29 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Cheers
19/03/2008 02:55:33 ‹Turin the Mad› cheers
19/03/2008 02:55:36 ‹heathansson› I gotta look at the pdf some time more like in depth, but I'm thinking...to my pbp droogies...
19/03/2008 02:56:18 ‹heathansson› should we try and houserule P3.75 on the post game? Just take the characters we have and revamp their asses?
19/03/2008 02:56:20 ‹Fake Healer› I was gonna try to see if my PBP players will convert, as we just started.
19/03/2008 02:56:22 * Pygon joins Main
19/03/2008 02:56:22 ‹Mothman› Watcha thinkin Heath?
19/03/2008 02:56:23 ‹Sebastian› Speaking of sick, I think I'm probably going to turn in myself.
19/03/2008 02:56:33 ‹Pygon› Yay I'm back, thanks for the secondary link, Lilith
19/03/2008 02:56:33 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: Same here.
19/03/2008 02:56:37 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Howdy Pygon
19/03/2008 02:56:38 ‹Mothman› See you Sebastian
19/03/2008 02:56:44 ‹Sebastian› Have a good night everyone, congrats Paizo. The $1500 check is in the meail Josh...
19/03/2008 02:56:47 ‹heathansson› seeya dude!!!
19/03/2008 02:56:51 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Sebastian
19/03/2008 02:56:52 ‹Fake Healer› I have no problem revamping my PC if you want Heathy.
19/03/2008 02:57:05 ‹heathansson› I'll see how big a pain it all is...
19/03/2008 02:57:09 ‹Fake Healer› Bye SEBI
19/03/2008 02:57:15 ‹Turin the Mad› nn Sebastian
19/03/2008 02:57:18 ‹Mothman› Heath: If you want to give it a go, I'd be up for it; it's certainly all plus for a rogue!
19/03/2008 02:57:30 ‹heathansson› I know, right?
19/03/2008 02:57:46 ‹Pygon› "I cast Fly." "Roll!" :P
19/03/2008 02:57:56 ‹heathansson› heh heh...
19/03/2008 02:57:58 * Sebastian quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:57:58 * Sebastian quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 02:58:12 * HarleyKitty joins Main
19/03/2008 02:58:18 * The Gray joins Main
19/03/2008 02:58:30 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Put the Alpha on my Flash drive so I can carry it everywhere.
19/03/2008 02:58:33 ‹Daigle› Howdy Harley and Gray
19/03/2008 02:58:43 ‹Mothman› I'm happy either way - see what the others think. Could be tough for some at this stage - eg, no barbarian or druid support yet, what to do with varaint class features etc...
19/03/2008 02:58:43 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› What Daigle said
19/03/2008 02:59:03 ‹HarleyKitty› Hello! Busy day today, huh?
19/03/2008 02:59:03 ‹Mothman› G'day
19/03/2008 02:59:23 ‹Lilith› HarleyKitty: Fairly busy, yes. :P
19/03/2008 02:59:24 * Wyvern joins Main
19/03/2008 02:59:31 ‹Wyvern› What the!
19/03/2008 02:59:32 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Yes indeed Kitty. yes indeed
19/03/2008 02:59:44 ‹heathansson› thats true re: barbarian and druid.
19/03/2008 02:59:49 ‹Wyvern› Did we break it Lilith?
19/03/2008 03:00:25 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Wyvern: it was like Chatpocalypse.
19/03/2008 03:00:34 * Dalvyn joins Main
19/03/2008 03:00:43 ‹Mothman› Heath: But that stuff will likely be out soon
19/03/2008 03:00:48 ‹Pygon› Lilith - you may need to implement the ol 'Post your question in this channel' gig
19/03/2008 03:00:52 ‹Russ› You can fake a barb. Just give extra feats and crib the skill progression.
19/03/2008 03:00:58 ‹DMReckless› I have 2 Druids in the ROTRL I'll be starting this weekend, but I think I can extraolate enough for their first level
19/03/2008 03:01:03 ‹heathansson› I'll think about it maybe.
19/03/2008 03:01:15 ‹Wyvern› We lost all golems.
19/03/2008 03:01:19 * Ask A Shoanti quit
19/03/2008 03:01:32 ‹HarleyKitty› Lillith - any news of transcripts from the last couple of weeks? I know you've got copious amounts of spare time! ;-)
19/03/2008 03:01:33 ‹heathansson› I think the druid's been kicking righteous ass so far, so at least he wouldn't be relegated to pogue class status.
19/03/2008 03:01:40 * Karelzarath joins Main
19/03/2008 03:01:47 ‹Daigle› Keep the thread in the top ten to let folks know the alternate url
19/03/2008 03:01:50 ‹Lilith› Wyvern: It's been off and on all day...but it seems virtual domains barfed (no fault of mine).
19/03/2008 03:01:51 ‹Karelzarath› Dead chat. Lovely. ;)
19/03/2008 03:02:01 ‹Lilith› What Daigle said!
19/03/2008 03:02:09 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Hey! Isn't it 8pm PST? Where are those dang blasted Paizo folks?
19/03/2008 03:02:09 ‹Turin the Mad› rooooo .... :zombieglomp:
19/03/2008 03:02:10 ‹Lilith› HarleyKitty: The one from Feb 26th is kicking my ass.
19/03/2008 03:02:14 ‹heathansson› God. I was dreading the news all effing day...burning...goblins....
19/03/2008 03:02:24 ‹Daigle› do it in either the #pathfinder thread or the Paizo chatroom thread
19/03/2008 03:02:32 ‹Lilith› Daigle: Did both
19/03/2008 03:02:33 ‹Karelzarath› Or both.
19/03/2008 03:02:39 ‹HarleyKitty› It is a great boon that you provide them. Thanks! :D
19/03/2008 03:02:40 ‹Pygon› Karel - if you're feeling adventurous, I have a fairly easy L4 you can try anytime if your Domi is the area
19/03/2008 03:02:41 * Karelzarath high-fives Lilith
19/03/2008 03:02:48 ‹heathansson› then BAM!!!! PATHFINDER IS STAYING 3.something!!! WOOOOOOT!
19/03/2008 03:03:11 ‹Karelzarath› Pygon: Sounds good. Maybe after the chat tonight?
19/03/2008 03:03:25 * Aberzombie is Inebriated changes his/her nickname to Vomit Guy
19/03/2008 03:03:33 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Splooooorrrtch
19/03/2008 03:03:35 ‹Pygon› sure, if you wish, depending on how late it goes. Lately it' sbeen 1:30am and past, and that's my barely conscious time
19/03/2008 03:03:59 ‹heathansson› Paizo's slow. All that downloading I reckon.
19/03/2008 03:04:00 ‹Karelzarath› Apparently Aber's gone beyond "inebriated" ;)
19/03/2008 03:04:19 ‹Turin the Mad› :-&
19/03/2008 03:04:27 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Name is slow to change
19/03/2008 03:04:33 * Lilith high fives Karelzarath! :glomp:
19/03/2008 03:05:07 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Piss on it. at this point, I'm to happy to care
19/03/2008 03:05:16 ‹DMReckless› wow I think I drank that too fast :)
19/03/2008 03:05:16 ‹heathansson› naaaarf!
19/03/2008 03:05:27 * Balthaczar joins Main
19/03/2008 03:05:36 ‹Karelzarath› Pygon: Good point. Maybe tomorrow? How long will the mission be around? I don't want to cost you the completion.
03:05:56 ‹Turin the Mad› :ahoy: :dance2: :excite::w00t: :headbang: :plot:
19/03/2008 03:05:57 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Oooohhhh.
19/03/2008 03:05:58 ‹Pygon› I haven't accepted it yet so within a week to start then seven days to complete :) not a big deal
19/03/2008 03:06:07 * Karelzarath passes bottles of Guinness Extra Stout to everyone.
19/03/2008 03:06:14 ‹Lilith› Yay! Beer! :beer:
19/03/2008 03:06:15 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› sweet
19/03/2008 03:06:18 ‹Pygon› it's a 30-45 minutes mission depending on how uickly you can killt hings
19/03/2008 03:06:18 ‹Karelzarath› Ah, coolies.
19/03/2008 03:06:24 ‹Turin the Mad› :beer:
19/03/2008 03:06:26 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Mmmmmm.....beer
19/03/2008 03:06:33 * FreeholdDM joins Main
19/03/2008 03:06:40 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Howdy Freehold
19/03/2008 03:06:50 ‹FreeholdDM› Hey, Aberzombie, what's up?
19/03/2008 03:06:54 * PostMonster General joins Main
19/03/2008 03:06:58 ‹FreeholdDM› Hello Everyone
19/03/2008 03:07:01 ‹Pygon› hi Gary
19/03/2008 03:07:02 * sagestl joins Main
19/03/2008 03:07:04 ‹Daigle› Gary!
19/03/2008 03:07:08 ‹Turin the Mad› ola ola
19/03/2008 03:07:08 ‹Lilith› PostMonster General! :squee:
19/03/2008 03:07:11 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Postmonster!Huzzah!!!!!
19/03/2008 03:07:11 ‹Rambling Scribe› Huzzah for Gary!
19/03/2008 03:07:12 ‹heathansson› postmonster!!!
19/03/2008 03:07:12 * cpt_kirstov joins Main
19/03/2008 03:07:14 ‹Daigle› How are you, man?
19/03/2008 03:07:17 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› :typerhappy:
19/03/2008 03:07:21 ‹Karelzarath› Pygon: I'll be able to play around with my covert cloak this weekend. :) I plan to do a lot of cloaked warping and stalking the unaware.
19/03/2008 03:07:21 ‹Pygon› you could have at least left us a back door, you know!
19/03/2008 03:07:22 ‹cpt_kirstov› it let me back in!
19/03/2008 03:07:22 ‹PostMonster General› w00t!
19/03/2008 03:07:25 ‹Mothman› Hey Gary: Busy day?
19/03/2008 03:07:27 ‹Lilith› Yay! The great Eye is among us! :squee:
19/03/2008 03:07:32 ‹PostMonster General› them goblins finally let me go!
19/03/2008 03:07:33 ‹Pygon› cloaks are fun :)
19/03/2008 03:07:34 ‹Karelzarath› Heyas, Gary!
19/03/2008 03:07:51 ‹heathansson› haw!!!
19/03/2008 03:07:55 ‹FreeholdDM› What's the haps?
19/03/2008 03:07:58 * JoshuaJFrost joins Main
19/03/2008 03:08:02 ‹Lilith› JoshuaJFrost! :glomp:
19/03/2008 03:08:07 ‹Daigle› Welcome back Josh
19/03/2008 03:08:07 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› SOOOOOOO HAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
19/03/2008 03:08:11 * Da Fighter joins Main
19/03/2008 03:08:12 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hurrah!
19/03/2008 03:08:14 ‹Daigle› ua
19/03/2008 03:08:17 ‹PostMonster General› hey josh!
19/03/2008 03:08:18 ‹Mothman› Hey Josh
19/03/2008 03:08:19 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Howdy Frost
19/03/2008 03:08:25 ‹Lilith› Huzzah!
19/03/2008 03:08:26 * tensor quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:08:26 ‹JoshuaJFrost› new link works, yay!
19/03/2008 03:08:49 ‹cpt_kirstov› 2 of my players are reviewing the alpha rigt now and i cheap getting IMs of "awesome" and "ooo I like [x]"
19/03/2008 03:08:53 ‹Lilith› Yeah, that particular virtual domain got deaded...??
19/03/2008 03:09:04 ‹PostMonster General› is it friday yet?
19/03/2008 03:09:11 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Heathansson I had this idea that you'd be excited. :-)
19/03/2008 03:09:12 ‹Daigle› please
19/03/2008 03:09:12 ‹Aberzombie i

March 18th 2008, part 2
19/03/2008 03:12:45 ‹FreeholdDM› Once again, the day is saved
19/03/2008 03:12:48 ‹FreeholdDM› Thanks to
19/03/2008 03:12:49 ‹FreeholdDM› Uh..
19/03/2008 03:12:52 ‹FreeholdDM› The Paizopuff Girls?
19/03/2008 03:13:02 * Takasi joins Main
19/03/2008 03:13:03 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› The Paizo League
19/03/2008 03:13:12 ‹Takasi› greetings
19/03/2008 03:13:20 ‹Pygon› "Stand back, everyone. I'll handle this..."
19/03/2008 03:13:23 ‹Turin the Mad› FreeholdDM: :slap:
19/03/2008 03:13:28 ‹heathansson› Gary Teter facts: Gary Teter shot down a SCUD missile by pointing his finger at it and saying "bang."
19/03/2008 03:13:35 ‹Turin the Mad› lol
19/03/2008 03:13:35 ‹Karelzarath› The first half of the day was crushed to death by anticipation, and the rest was exploded by ZOMG!
19/03/2008 03:13:35 ‹Fake Healer› I need to gush and love and thank and..... You guys just will never know how much this decision means to me.
19/03/2008 03:13:52 ‹Lilith› PaizoCon is gonna rock.
19/03/2008 03:13:54 ‹Lilith› :headbang:
19/03/2008 03:13:57 ‹Pygon› Gary Teter doesn't read - he punches the book until it tells him what he wants to know.
19/03/2008 03:13:57 * Nick Logue! joins Main
19/03/2008 03:14:01 * MetalMaiden joins Main
19/03/2008 03:14:03 * Mr Baron joins Main
19/03/2008 03:14:09 ‹Karelzarath› Gary Teter can reroute internet traffic by will alone.
19/03/2008 03:14:10 ‹Fake Healer› Mr. Logue
19/03/2008 03:14:11 ‹Rambling Scribe› Logi Bear!
19/03/2008 03:14:13 ‹Lilith› Nick Logue! :D
19/03/2008 03:14:17 ‹Daigle› Nick!
19/03/2008 03:14:20 ‹Pygon› welcome back Nick
19/03/2008 03:14:22 ‹Turin the Mad› think your server's gonna break again Lilith ...
19/03/2008 03:14:23 ‹Karelzarath› Lick Nogue!
19/03/2008 03:14:24 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Nick Logue!
19/03/2008 03:14:28 ‹FreeholdDM› I think they know, Fakey. I think they know.
19/03/2008 03:14:28 ‹Wyvern› Congrats Nick!
19/03/2008 03:14:29 * Lilith slaps a Paizo icon on Nick Logue!
19/03/2008 03:14:34 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› The fastest way to a man's heart is with Gary Teter's fist.
19/03/2008 03:14:36 * Ike Iverson joins Main
19/03/2008 03:14:39 ‹heathansson› Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik!!!!!
19/03/2008 03:14:43 ‹Lilith› Turin the Mad: Hoster on speed dial. I warned him ahead of time.
19/03/2008 03:14:46 * Rambling Scribe hopes it sin't TLR in disguise...
19/03/2008 03:14:52 ‹heathansson› Superman wears Gary Teter pyjammers.
19/03/2008 03:14:57 ‹Mothman› Hey Nick
19/03/2008 03:14:57 * Rookseye joins Main
19/03/2008 03:14:58 * Karelzarath fires up Darling Nikki
19/03/2008 03:15:01 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› LOGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19/03/2008 03:15:06 ‹Pygon› So Nick, do you have office space now?
19/03/2008 03:15:07 ‹PostMonster General› actually all those quotes are really about nick logue
19/03/2008 03:15:20 ‹heathansson› LOL!
19/03/2008 03:15:22 ‹Fake Healer› So did I get that right, logue? You are now officially a Paizo employee and in charge of the Paizo version of 'Living Pathfinder'?
19/03/2008 03:15:28 ‹Turin the Mad› he has a mail box he has to ooze into Pygon ^_^
19/03/2008 03:15:35 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› there are noWMDs in iraq. gary Teter lives in Seattle
19/03/2008 03:15:42 ‹Pygon› as long as it's a nice brass
19/03/2008 03:15:47 ‹Rambling Scribe› Nick, what do I do to help with the Pathfinder Society?
19/03/2008 03:15:54 ‹heathansson› Nick Logue facts:
19/03/2008 03:16:22 ‹Karelzarath› Webster's recently redefined "Tetering" as "rock solid and kick ass"
19/03/2008 03:16:30 ‹PostMonster General› nick logue doesn't write adventures: he is adventure
19/03/2008 03:16:33 ‹Rambling Scribe› nice!
19/03/2008 03:16:38 * Jason Bulmahn joins Main
19/03/2008 03:16:41 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Rambling Scribe, email me josh@paizo.com with the subject line PATHFINDER SOCIETY VOLUNTEER and I'll add you to the prospects list. :-)
19/03/2008 03:16:46 ‹Wyvern› Hey Jason!
19/03/2008 03:16:47 ‹Nick Logue!› I am here!
19/03/2008 03:16:50 ‹Mothman› Hi JAson
19/03/2008 03:16:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hello everybody
19/03/2008 03:16:53 ‹PostMonster General› THE LEAD DESIGNER!!!
19/03/2008 03:16:55 ‹Rambling Scribe› Will do!
19/03/2008 03:16:59 ‹Nick Logue!› I don't have office space just yet! BUT I WILL!
19/03/2008 03:17:00 ‹Rookseye› Nice work Jason!
19/03/2008 03:17:00 ‹FreeholdDM› Two fisted adventure
19/03/2008 03:17:01 ‹Pygon› there's the man
19/03/2008 03:17:01 ‹tensor› Post: make some more youtube vids!
19/03/2008 03:17:01 ‹Fake Healer› So did I get that right, logue? You are now officially a Paizo employee and in charge of the Paizo version of 'Living Pathfinder'?
19/03/2008 03:17:05 * JoshuaJFrost watches the crowd go wild.
19/03/2008 03:17:07 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› BULMAHN KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!
19/03/2008 03:17:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thank you Rookseye
19/03/2008 03:17:16 ‹Nick Logue!› I AM ADVENTURE! Thanks Gary!
19/03/2008 03:17:22 ‹Lilith› THE BULL MAN IS IN THE HIZZOUSE!
19/03/2008 03:17:24 ‹FreeholdDM› What is this Pathfinder Society Volunteer?
19/03/2008 03:17:24 * Karelzarath genuflects before The Bulmahn.
19/03/2008 03:17:24 ‹Turin the Mad› :w00t!:
19/03/2008 03:17:31 ‹Mothman› Jason, I've been reading the Alpha - awesome stuff!
19/03/2008 03:17:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Mothman
19/03/2008 03:17:37 ‹Turin the Mad› :excite:
19/03/2008 03:17:38 ‹Rookseye› I think the Perception skill alone will save my sanity as a DM
19/03/2008 03:17:38 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› agreed
19/03/2008 03:17:46 ‹Pygon› I like the simpler grapples, thank you thank you
19/03/2008 03:17:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Aberzombie...
19/03/2008 03:18:02 ‹Karelzarath› Absolutely awesome. Made my year. 2008 is the Year of the Paizo!
19/03/2008 03:18:04 ‹Mr Baron› Question...so how long have you guys been planning this surprise?
19/03/2008 03:18:07 ‹Russ› opposed roles are kinda silly in practice. I prefer fixed DCs.
19/03/2008 03:18:09 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› I'll try to convince my group to be playtesters
19/03/2008 03:18:11 ‹Nick Logue!› A volunteer will either be a judge at Gen Con, or a regional or factional coordinator, I'm pretty sure. I'm still catching up, as I am new, but Josh is on piont!
19/03/2008 03:18:12 ‹Mothman› Jason: enquiring minds want to know - when will we see barbarians, druids, rangers and such-like? (no hurry or anything ...) ;-)
19/03/2008 03:18:22 ‹Wyvern› I'm reading it too... no dead levels yay! And I'm reciting passages to my wife at the same time, how romantic is that?
19/03/2008 03:18:23 ‹Fake Healer› So did I get that right, logue? You are now officially a Paizo employee and in charge of the Paizo version of 'Living Pathfinder'?
19/03/2008 03:18:26 ‹FreeholdDM› Ah, I see
19/03/2008 03:18:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› So.. big day.. I have some photos of us nervously waiting in the office.. I will post them to my blog a bit later
19/03/2008 03:18:26 ‹JoshuaJFrost› FreeholdDM, visit http://paizo.com/pathfindersociety
19/03/2008 03:18:30 ‹Rambling Scribe› email sent.
19/03/2008 03:18:35 ‹Nick Logue!› There ya go!
19/03/2008 03:18:37 ‹Nick Logue!› Thanks Josh!
19/03/2008 03:18:38 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hey Josh... long time no see
19/03/2008 03:18:40 ‹DMReckless› Some nice crunchy/flavory bits on the races with weapon prof's and the elves' beauty
19/03/2008 03:18:43 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Sweet!
19/03/2008 03:18:47 ‹PostMonster General› fortunately i do not photograph
19/03/2008 03:18:56 ‹Mothman› FH: you got it right (and Nick seems to be ignoring you)
19/03/2008 03:18:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Postmonster? Gary?
19/03/2008 03:19:04 ‹PostMonster General› arf!
19/03/2008 03:19:05 ‹Nick Logue!› Sorry! FH!
19/03/2008 03:19:06 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
19/03/2008 03:19:09 ‹Nick Logue!› I love you!
03:19:15 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Sorry, had to get thatout of my system
19/03/2008 03:19:18 ‹Fake Healer› No problem
19/03/2008 03:19:31 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Josh> Agreed... my sanity is worn quite thin right now....
19/03/2008 03:19:35 ‹heathansson› dogey.
19/03/2008 03:19:44 ‹Fake Healer› I am glad to see you playing a major role in this.
19/03/2008 03:19:44 * Eyebite joins Main
19/03/2008 03:19:56 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Bulmahn is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!
19/03/2008 03:20:07 ‹Karelzarath› I thought that was beer
19/03/2008 03:20:13 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› same difference
19/03/2008 03:20:15 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Whoa.. that is the first time anyone ever said anything like that...
19/03/2008 03:20:15 ‹Karelzarath› :beer:
19/03/2008 03:20:16 ‹Daigle› Howdy Eyebite
19/03/2008 03:20:21 ‹Fake Healer› Thank you Jason, Logue and all of Paizo for not making me switch.
19/03/2008 03:20:26 * Lilith gives Jason Bulmahn some beer. :beer: :beer:
19/03/2008 03:20:27 ‹Eyebite› Hey Daigle
19/03/2008 03:20:34 ‹Mothman› Hey Jason, if you're the lead designer, does that make you James' boss now?
19/03/2008 03:20:35 ‹JoshuaJFrost› You are most assuredly welcome Fake Healer
19/03/2008 03:20:40 ‹Nick Logue!› Ha! We are all after some good gaming FH! We can do that together!
19/03/2008 03:20:42 ‹Pygon› "Bulmahn is beer."
19/03/2008 03:20:43 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Don't mind me bulmahn...I'm inebriated
19/03/2008 03:20:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I see that... I wish I could join you...
19/03/2008 03:21:00 ‹Karelzarath› Bulmahn is beer personified. :)
19/03/2008 03:21:01 ‹Nick Logue!› No switch for us!
19/03/2008 03:21:02 ‹Lilith› Nick Logue: You're going to be closer now! We could have sushi and sake and be happy! :D
19/03/2008 03:21:05 ‹Turin the Mad› at least he's not ta-ta's
19/03/2008 03:21:09 ‹heathansson› Fakey, if you switched, I'd be ragging on you every day for months.
19/03/2008 03:21:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Pygon> I have been called "The Black Hole of Beer" before...
19/03/2008 03:21:16 ‹Nick Logue!› That would totally rock hard Lilith!
19/03/2008 03:21:23 ‹JoshuaJFrost› I have witnessed this black hole.
19/03/2008 03:21:25 ‹Mothman› Lets do some gaming right here and now! So .... you're all in a .... bar ... in .... Golarion ....
19/03/2008 03:21:26 ‹Nick Logue!› I love the sushi!
19/03/2008 03:21:30 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Mmmmmm...beer
19/03/2008 03:21:33 ‹Lilith› Nick Logue! Will you be all moved by PaizoCon? :D
19/03/2008 03:21:37 ‹Karelzarath› You guys are seriously making me want to move to Washington. :)
19/03/2008 03:21:37 ‹Pygon› I uh, Linguistic on a waitress!
19/03/2008 03:21:42 ‹Nick Logue!› AND! I love the beer...well vodka more than beer!
19/03/2008 03:21:45 ‹Nick Logue!› Dunno yet!
19/03/2008 03:21:47 ‹Nick Logue!› Hope so!
19/03/2008 03:21:48 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› if I'm ever on the west coast, I will visit people!
19/03/2008 03:21:56 ‹Nick Logue!› If not, maybe I'll fly out for it!
19/03/2008 03:21:57 ‹Turin the Mad› I shout an expletive and set off 20 contingent death throes ... everyone dies ...
19/03/2008 03:22:15 * Takasi changes his/her nickname to Takasi is AFC
19/03/2008 03:22:18 ‹heathansson› Nic Logue could move by throwing his apartment to Seattle. But it's gotta be at night. So he doesn't hit the sun.
19/03/2008 03:22:20 ‹Pygon› "So.... you work here, huh?"
19/03/2008 03:22:26 ‹Mothman› Damn you Turin!! ;-)
19/03/2008 03:22:27 ‹Nick Logue!› I'll be your waitress any day Pygon, if you'll Linguistic on me that is.
19/03/2008 03:22:31 ‹Turin the Mad› lol
19/03/2008 03:22:31 ‹Fake Healer› Ok, I am sure everyone could gush all night, but there are questions, so give us some insider stuff.
19/03/2008 03:22:33 * Daigle wants to go to PaizoCon even more now
19/03/2008 03:22:44 ‹Nick Logue!› HA! Thanks Heathy! Now I've got my move all planned!
19/03/2008 03:22:58 ‹Mr Baron› yes...we have questions
19/03/2008 03:23:00 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Yes.. questions.. I am sure there are plenty...
19/03/2008 03:23:03 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Jason: Why not include Disguise in the Deception feat?
19/03/2008 03:23:06 ‹Nick Logue!› Actually, I might just have to throw my apartment at the sun, to eliminate the bed bugs once and for all!
19/03/2008 03:23:08 ‹Karelzarath› Many questions.
19/03/2008 03:23:12 * Da Fighter quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:23:12 * Da Fighter quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:23:12 * Da Fighter quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:23:17 ‹HarleyKitty› Wow, this room is about to turn into a Marx Brothers movie!
19/03/2008 03:23:24 ‹Turin the Mad› and cockaroaches
19/03/2008 03:23:24 ‹Pygon› be careful though, don't kill the chat window
19/03/2008 03:23:26 * Pete joins Main
19/03/2008 03:23:29 ‹Rookseye› Hooray for no more more 1d4 hp/HD...unless Paizo makes a 'crippled beggar' class.
19/03/2008 03:23:46 ‹Turin the Mad› "red tunic peon"
19/03/2008 03:23:47 ‹PostMonster General› i totally call 'crippled beggar'
19/03/2008 03:23:50 ‹Nick Logue!› I don't mind the cockroaches. I name em, and we hang out. They are generally pretty cool and they like Firefly, so it's all good.
19/03/2008 03:23:52 ‹Rookseye› hehe
19/03/2008 03:24:09 ‹Fake Healer› So
19/03/2008 03:24:10 ‹Daigle› Yay! Cockroaches!
19/03/2008 03:24:13 ‹Nick Logue!› I can't wait to play a crippled beggar.
19/03/2008 03:24:13 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Aberzombie> I wanted to do a certain amount of skill simplification.. but not too much. disguise seemed like a good one to leave by itself...
19/03/2008 03:24:15 ‹Wyvern› Jason, I see the power of PCs is a little higher now. Are you going to release some sort of MM to compensante?
19/03/2008 03:24:18 ‹Nick Logue!› That would rock.
19/03/2008 03:24:29 ‹Rookseye› Think of the feats!
19/03/2008 03:24:48 ‹Turin the Mad› remember - this one is a sample sized one - just to whet our appetites
19/03/2008 03:24:50 ‹PostMonster General› the real problem is, jason is ignoring my suggestions for most awesomeness
19/03/2008 03:24:52 ‹Pygon› Jason - have you looked ahead to how you might try to remedy how 3.5e tends to "break" past 13th level?
19/03/2008 03:24:54 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wyvern> I am hoping to put out some monster guidelines in the next release that gives them a bit of a boost... as far as a whole MM, that I am not sure on yet
19/03/2008 03:24:56 ‹Fake Healer› What do you think is gonna happen in the 6-12 month range for sales.
19/03/2008 03:25:09 ‹heathansson› They should call the feats "Logues."
19/03/2008 03:25:10 ‹Rookseye› In WotC parlance you could have Panhandling Mastery, or Persistent Cry for Alms
19/03/2008 03:25:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Postmonster> No SLIDERULES... forget it
19/03/2008 03:25:26 ‹PostMonster General› GAH!!!
19/03/2008 03:25:28 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Jason: will any Orizons or Cantrips increase with level now?
19/03/2008 03:25:42 ‹Turin the Mad› naaah .... feats = Petts; skill tricks = Logues
19/03/2008 03:25:45 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Pygon> I am working on it.. a lot of it has to do with spells.. to be honest...
19/03/2008 03:25:54 * Mijast727 joins Main
19/03/2008 03:25:58 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Aberzombie> not in my current plans...
19/03/2008 03:26:07 ‹Mothman› Jason: I've only skimmed the skills section - but how will I use ropes now?
19/03/2008 03:26:13 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Fake Healer > we largely expect them to stay the same or close to where they are now -- which is good.
19/03/2008 03:26:19 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman> Dex check
19/03/2008 03:26:20 ‹Mr Baron› so how long have you guys been planning this announcement?
19/03/2008 03:26:24 ‹DMReckless› Which spells are you planning on "nerfing?"
19/03/2008 03:26:24 ‹Turin the Mad› that needs to be clarified - when reading in one part, seems they're at will (Sp) - but class charts show #/day - which is it?
19/03/2008 03:26:27 ‹Pygon› really? I found some bosses can tear down a tank pretty dang fast at those levels as well, then again when you can take Con damage on a hard slap, it tends to tear you down fast anyway
19/03/2008 03:26:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mr Baron> quite a while... Josh?
19/03/2008 03:26:42 ‹Fake Healer› And is that enough to sustain PF indefinately?
19/03/2008 03:26:44 ‹Karelzarath› I notice that all the races get a +2 to some mental stat now. What was the design decision behind that change?
19/03/2008 03:26:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Turin> What exactly are you referring too?
19/03/2008 03:27:01 ‹Eyebite› Please please please just tell me that magic missile no longer requires an attack roll
19/03/2008 03:27:10 * Karelzarath chuckles at Eyebite
19/03/2008 03:27:14 ‹DMReckless› Turrin> You pick the #/day and then you can cast those at will
19/03/2008 03:27:20 ‹Turin the Mad› Orisons Jason
19/03/2008 03:27:27 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Mr Baron > Today's announcement ... we probably realized after Jason got back from DDXP that we had all the info we needed to move ahead with Pathfinder RPG. Couple of weeks.
19/03/2008 03:27:38 ‹Eyebite› :)
19/03/2008 03:27:39 ‹Turin the Mad› oh DMReckless? damn, that's nasty
19/03/2008 03:27:46 ‹DMReckless› So if you get 3, pick 3 orisons and then you can at will them
19/03/2008 03:27:53 ‹Jason Bulmahn› karelzarath> the thought here was that every race should give you some sort of benefits to being a generic blob of flesh... and one physical and one mental seemed like a good balance for the races to add versatility across the board
19/03/2008 03:28:04 ‹Jason Bulmahn› turin> Orisons are at will
19/03/2008 03:28:05 ‹Mr Baron› Jason - so what did you really think of your 4th ed experience?
19/03/2008 03:28:19 ‹Karelzarath› Neat. I also really like the +2 for humans and half-elves. Makes em feel more special.
19/03/2008 03:28:22 ‹Turin the Mad› the text / chart doesn't make that clear Jason
19/03/2008 03:28:28 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Fake Healer > We're confident that a significiant percentage of D&D players will stick with 3.5 and we hope to capture as many of them as we can. We hope they'll be intrigued by PRPG and will want to help us create it via our open playtests.
19/03/2008 03:28:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› turin> Where did you see a per day reference? (they were that way at one point, but I changed them and may have missed a spot)
19/03/2008 03:28:39 ‹Turin the Mad› the chart
19/03/2008 03:28:39 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Jason: Will you do anything with Psionics?
19/03/2008 03:28:43 * CD Lunching joins Main
19/03/2008 03:28:49 ‹Lilith› Yes, want to know about Psionics...
19/03/2008 03:28:50 ‹DMReckless› Turin> then the next day, you can pick different ones if you need to, then at will them. Pretty nice
19/03/2008 03:28:51 ‹Turin the Mad› the class' chart shows a 0-level slot
19/03/2008 03:28:54 ‹Lilith› And Oriental settings!
19/03/2008 03:29:00 ‹Turin the Mad› ooooh -
19/03/2008 03:29:04 ‹DMReckless› Which is why they got rid of cure minor
19/03/2008 03:29:06 ‹Turin the Mad› nice
19/03/2008 03:29:11 ‹Mothman› Turin: The text explains the chart - that is how many you can prepare, but you can cast the ones you prepare at will
19/03/2008 03:29:13 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mr Baron> I liked 4th ed.. to be honest... but like any game, there were some things I did not like
19/03/2008 03:29:17 ‹Turin the Mad› don't blame them, smart move
19/03/2008 03:29:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman is correct Turin
19/03/2008 03:29:59 ‹Turin the Mad› that is just for 0-level I take it ?
19/03/2008 03:30:01 ‹Mothman› I knew I'd be correct one day!
19/03/2008 03:30:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Aberzombie> Psionics are not in my current plans.. but they might be in the future
19/03/2008 03:30:07 ‹DMReckless› Yes
19/03/2008 03:30:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Turin> correct
19/03/2008 03:30:11 ‹Turin the Mad› nice
19/03/2008 03:30:15 ‹Turin the Mad› I like it
19/03/2008 03:30:16 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Cool enoguh
19/03/2008 03:30:17 ‹Fake Healer› Now, another line. The classes and races are more powerful than standard D&D 3.5, how is this gonna balance with existing material?
19/03/2008 03:30:19 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Good
19/03/2008 03:30:28 ‹Mr Baron› Jason/Joshua -> anything you can share about AP4?
19/03/2008 03:30:44 ‹DMReckless› But if you look at the Spell Schools, you basically get one specific 1st level at will too
19/03/2008 03:30:48 * Nick Logue! quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:30:50 ‹cpt_kirstov› since bards barbarians and rangers arn't i this version are we considering them as no change for now (still reading really
19/03/2008 03:31:04 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake> Most of the power shift I tried to accomplish was along a sustainability front.. focusing on giving the classes powers they can use over and over again.. allowing them to adventure longer...
19/03/2008 03:31:08 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Mr Baron > Not at current. We'll leave that for James Jacobs.
19/03/2008 03:31:14 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Cpt> Yse....
19/03/2008 03:31:16 ‹Karelzarath› To piggyback on the cantrip/orison bit, was the "at will" decision a nod toward 4e's stated goal of giving every class "something interesting to do each round"?
19/03/2008 03:31:21 ‹Mr Baron› is he going to join us?
19/03/2008 03:31:22 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Paizo Guys: Maybe this is too specific, but....Shades?
19/03/2008 03:31:26 ‹Mothman› FH: That was concerning me a bit when I was reading it ... but then I figured that these races and classes probably compare quite well to a character made using splat books...
19/03/2008 03:31:26 * Lori joins Main
19/03/2008 03:31:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Aberzombie> I do have shades on most of my lamps... yes
19/03/2008 03:31:52 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Sweet!!!!!
19/03/2008 03:31:53 * DMReckless quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:31:56 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Aberzombie > I believe they have to be worn.
19/03/2008 03:32:00 ‹Jason Bulmahn› :-P
19/03/2008 03:32:10 ‹Daigle› 8)
19/03/2008 03:32:14 * Nick Logue! quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:32:15 ‹Karelzarath› Shades + :beer: = :dance:
19/03/2008 03:32:15 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Guys! Call me Zombie
19/03/2008 03:32:15 ‹JoshuaJFrost› See!
19/03/2008 03:32:20 ‹Fake Healer› So they are heartier than a normal PC but it will balance out in the longrun??
19/03/2008 03:32:26 ‹Mothman› There is a pair of shades included in a rogue's standard gear
19/03/2008 03:32:37 ‹Turin the Mad› nice!
19/03/2008 03:32:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake> That is the goal, yes
19/03/2008 03:32:58 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› And Speaking of...Will we see the long awaited premier of the dreaded Aberzombie?
19/03/2008 03:32:59 * Tobus Neth joins Main
19/03/2008 03:33:13 ‹Turin the Mad› Uberzombie is not statted up ^_^
19/03/2008 03:33:16 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Zombie> You never know
19/03/2008 03:33:21 ‹JoshuaJFrost› It's important that nothing Jason and other have put together are set in stone. Jason especially is eager for everyone's feedback to make future adjustments. :-)
19/03/2008 03:33:22 * PostMonster General quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:33:22 ‹Tobus Neth› Harrr!
19/03/2008 03:33:24 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Cool!
19/03/2008 03:33:32 * DMReckless joins Main
19/03/2008 03:33:33 ‹JoshuaJFrost› others*
19/03/2008 03:33:35 ‹Turin the Mad› you'll get it, have no fear
03:33:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Josh... is as usual.. correct
19/03/2008 03:33:37 ‹Rookseye› I had a question about Turning Undead with regard to healing. It may be obvious and I am missing something, but can the cleric's turn undead ability be used solely to heal characters, or must undead still be turned for this effect to occur?
19/03/2008 03:33:40 ‹Fake Healer› Cool. So in your opinion, existing adventures should be usable without any level adjusting?
19/03/2008 03:33:43 ‹Karelzarath› To piggyback on the cantrip/orison bit, was the "at will" decision a nod toward 4e's stated goal of giving every class "something interesting to do each round"?
19/03/2008 03:33:49 ‹Mothman› Jason: What's your preferred first level hit points option (Im leaning towards the racial one)
19/03/2008 03:33:49 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Important to note* even
19/03/2008 03:33:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Rookseye> you can use it to heal if there are no undead around
19/03/2008 03:34:04 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Alright folks. I'd love to stick around, but I've got to get up and got to work in about 6 hours.
19/03/2008 03:34:15 ‹Pygon› gnite Zombie
19/03/2008 03:34:18 ‹Turin the Mad› okies Zombie, remember - brains taste like tofu
19/03/2008 03:34:18 ‹Rookseye› OK, I figured, didn't seem completely clear first read through though, great notion, btw
19/03/2008 03:34:20 ‹Fake Healer› CYA Zom/
19/03/2008 03:34:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman> Me too, but I do not want to influence anyones decision... there are pros and cons to each method
19/03/2008 03:34:26 ‹Wyvern› Me too Mothman, the full hp + racial sounds neat.
19/03/2008 03:34:27 ‹Daigle› Sleep like the dead, Zombeh!
19/03/2008 03:34:31 ‹Karelzarath› G'night, Aberzombie
19/03/2008 03:34:34 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› Peace and Chicken Grease!
19/03/2008 03:34:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Later Zombie
19/03/2008 03:34:42 ‹Tobus Neth› VG peace out
19/03/2008 03:34:48 ‹Aberzombie is Inebriated› And once again....Thanks Paizo
19/03/2008 03:35:00 ‹Mr Baron› 1st level hp recommendation -> I like max HP + constitution score
19/03/2008 03:35:01 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Fake Healer > that has been a goal of Pathfinder RPG all along -- backward compatibility. So, yes.
19/03/2008 03:35:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› No, thank you for supporting us...
19/03/2008 03:35:07 * Vomit Guy quit
19/03/2008 03:35:08 ‹Mothman› see you Zombie
19/03/2008 03:35:14 * Ike Iverson quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:35:40 ‹Turin the Mad› will there be retroactive notes available for pre-Pathfinder RPG for the other Pathfinder goodies?
19/03/2008 03:36:08 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Turin > That depends on our resources. Probably not, though. :-(
19/03/2008 03:36:20 ‹Turin the Mad› bummer
19/03/2008 03:36:33 ‹Turin the Mad› still, with sufficient practice retconning shouldn't be difficult
19/03/2008 03:36:34 ‹Lilith› JoshuaJFrost: Can we get a t-shirt of the Goblin Takeover? :D
19/03/2008 03:36:37 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Turin > Though with backward compatibility as a design goal, it shouldn't need much.
19/03/2008 03:36:44 ‹cpt_kirstov› doesn't mean we can't make them (looks at pathfinder wiki)
19/03/2008 03:37:08 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Lilith - we have some t-shirt designs we want to announce soon -- we're taking an .... interesting .... take on releasing shirts and hope you like it.
19/03/2008 03:37:16 ‹Rookseye› OK, not to give you guys more work, but what are the chances of seeing a spiffy character sheet to go along with each release of the developing ruleset, incorporating the new rules?
19/03/2008 03:37:19 ‹JoshuaJFrost› That shirt isn't currently in the works, though.
19/03/2008 03:37:41 ‹Daigle› Please have smalls.
19/03/2008 03:37:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Rookseye> I am working on a character sheet.. and hope to get it designed and posted very soon
19/03/2008 03:37:52 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Sah-weet!
19/03/2008 03:37:55 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Rookseye > lol you should've been in this morning's meeting ;-)
19/03/2008 03:37:56 ‹Rookseye› Great, why do I even ask, lol
19/03/2008 03:38:01 ‹Daigle› Medium at least.
03:38:19 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Daigle > We'll have the sizes people need. You'll see. :-)
19/03/2008 03:38:24 * Timitius joins Main
19/03/2008 03:38:25 ‹Rookseye› Hey, it was the first thing that occurred to me when I started to see new terms/skills
19/03/2008 03:38:30 ‹Lilith› Timitius! TIMMMMMEHHHHH!
19/03/2008 03:38:34 ‹Fake Healer› =D< Thank you Paizo. I really saw 3.5 as a 'golden' age and with 4E I felt like that age would end. Now with PFRPG, I feel like a better age is coming. For that 'Thank You!"
19/03/2008 03:38:35 ‹Daigle› Rockin'
19/03/2008 03:38:43 ‹Daigle› Hey Timitius!
19/03/2008 03:38:49 * Koldoon joins Main
19/03/2008 03:38:55 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Fake Healer > thank you for your support. We value your presence on our messageboards. :-)
19/03/2008 03:38:56 ‹Timitius› I'm feeling all....Pathfinder-ish!
19/03/2008 03:38:56 ‹Lilith› Koldoon! :glomp:
19/03/2008 03:38:58 ‹Daigle› Koldoon!!
19/03/2008 03:38:59 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi Ash!
19/03/2008 03:39:21 ‹sagestl› Can you talk about the Pathfinder Society a bit more, and how play in gaming stores will be supported?
19/03/2008 03:39:23 ‹Koldoon› heya all. can't stay on long, evil east coast thing with work tomorrow.
19/03/2008 03:39:23 ‹Tobus Neth› :ninja*:
19/03/2008 03:39:24 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Fake.. I do appreciate the encouragement.. its been a nervous couple of weeks for us... but it looks like it was the right choice
19/03/2008 03:39:25 ‹JoshuaJFrost› (To be clear, we value all of you on the messageboard!)
19/03/2008 03:39:33 ‹Lilith› Yay!
19/03/2008 03:39:34 ‹Karelzarath› Jason: The way I read the Dodge -> Mobility -> Spring Attack chain is that you can only Spring Attack every third round and only get a dodge bonus every third round as well. Is this correct?
19/03/2008 03:39:47 ‹sagestl› (And convention play, etc.)
19/03/2008 03:39:47 * Lilith gives JoshuaJFrost a beer, makes a note of a pizza bribe to be delivered. :beer:
19/03/2008 03:39:51 * Watcher joins Main
19/03/2008 03:39:52 ‹JoshuaJFrost› sagestl > Not yet. Keep an eye on http://paizo.com/pathfindersociety and the Paizo Blog.
19/03/2008 03:40:19 ‹Timitius› Jason Bulmahn: You have something in mind for Paizocon, indeed! Well played!=D<
19/03/2008 03:40:20 ‹Fake Healer› Hey, Josh. I know I can be a bit of a loose cannon from time to time, but I just try to say what I feel and share my opinions.
19/03/2008 03:40:20 ‹Nick Logue!› Oh the factions are delicious!
19/03/2008 03:40:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Karelzarath> In the current version of the rules.. you are correct...
19/03/2008 03:40:29 ‹Watcher› Congratulations everybody!
19/03/2008 03:40:31 ‹JoshuaJFrost› sagestl > We wanted to make folks aware of PFS today, but keep the focus on PRPG.
19/03/2008 03:40:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Tim> I was wondering if you would remember
19/03/2008 03:40:44 ‹JoshuaJFrost› And, as Nick says, the factions are yummy.
19/03/2008 03:40:54 ‹Jason Bulmahn› tim> I had to hide a bunch of stuff around the my desk when you dropped by
19/03/2008 03:40:55 ‹Tobus Neth› I really pleased with the choice you guys made it looks awesome
19/03/2008 03:41:09 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Tobus
19/03/2008 03:41:11 * HarleyKitty quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:41:17 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: PaizoCon...yum. :D
19/03/2008 03:41:18 ‹Lori› I am still giddy today. Thanks Paizo!
19/03/2008 03:41:19 ‹sagestl› Josh> Understood. Can't say how thrilled I am with the whole "package," guys.
19/03/2008 03:41:20 ‹Mr Baron› so what other surprises do you guys have in store for us?
19/03/2008 03:41:30 ‹heathansson› Me too!!!
19/03/2008 03:41:32 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Mr Baron > Erik Mona for President.
19/03/2008 03:41:34 ‹heathansson› Giddy!
19/03/2008 03:41:38 ‹Mr Baron› lol
19/03/2008 03:41:44 ‹Timitius› Jason Bulmahn: :lol: How about getting that NDA drawn up, so's you won't have to do that? ;-)
19/03/2008 03:41:48 ‹Nick Logue!› I call Secretary of Rapine and Torment
19/03/2008 03:41:51 ‹Tobus Neth› Heathy!:beer:
19/03/2008 03:41:51 ‹Turin the Mad› Veep is Great Cthulhu, Elder Party ticket
19/03/2008 03:41:53 ‹heathansson› A 39 y.o. giddy
19/03/2008 03:42:02 ‹heathansson› git.
19/03/2008 03:42:05 ‹Lilith› Turin the Mad: Why vote for the Lesser Evil? :P
19/03/2008 03:42:07 ‹Watcher› I just started a second Runelords campaign this very evening, and having all the player review the Alpha rules before next session for immediate playtesting
19/03/2008 03:42:09 * Orange Peel joins Main
19/03/2008 03:42:13 ‹Fake Healer› I literally have a tear in my eye. Thank you Paizo.
19/03/2008 03:42:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Nick.. we already assigned those roles... to Pett
19/03/2008 03:42:19 ‹Turin the Mad› yup - I still have my '94 election materials
19/03/2008 03:42:20 ‹Nick Logue!› That's awesome Watcher!
19/03/2008 03:42:20 ‹Jason Bulmahn› :-P
19/03/2008 03:42:24 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Mr Baron > seriously, though, we have at least one more announcement to come this month in the vein of the Pathfinder Society. Of course, Jason has many more Alpha releases to wow you with, too.
19/03/2008 03:42:26 ‹Mothman› Jason / Josh: Im not sure how much of a chance I'll get to extensively playtest this anytime soon - is Paizo interested in "gut reaction" feedback as well as playtest feedback?
19/03/2008 03:42:28 ‹Tobus Neth› Tears o joy!
19/03/2008 03:42:28 ‹Pete› Can't be any worse then the Microsoft NDA's... I still miss my first born. Sigh.
19/03/2008 03:42:29 ‹Nick Logue!› NOOOooooOOOoooo!
19/03/2008 03:42:37 ‹Watcher› Congratulations Nick! Awesome new job!
19/03/2008 03:42:53 ‹heathansson› Texans don't cry, buy I would if I was in Florida.
19/03/2008 03:42:55 ‹Nick Logue!› Thanks my man!
19/03/2008 03:42:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman> Yes.. yes we are
19/03/2008 03:42:57 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Fake Healer > Ahhh, you're welcome. :-)
19/03/2008 03:42:57 ‹Nick Logue!› I'm super pumped to be joining the Golem!
19/03/2008 03:43:03 ‹Tobus Neth› nicky :headbang:
19/03/2008 03:43:07 ‹Lilith› Hoster is checking on the subdomain issue...
19/03/2008 03:43:09 ‹Nick Logue!› Thanks Tobus!
19/03/2008 03:43:17 ‹Eyebite› Yeah, Congrats Nick! Can't think of a better person for the job.
19/03/2008 03:43:22 ‹Nick Logue!› Fakey! We love you. You are a paizo institution.
19/03/2008 03:43:25 ‹Mothman› cool
19/03/2008 03:43:26 ‹Rookseye› Yeah, congrats Nick, anyone who can give us the name Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks deserves the gig.
19/03/2008 03:43:29 ‹Pete› PAIZOCON! WOOT!
19/03/2008 03:43:40 ‹Pygon› Nick - how did it come to be that you were approached to head up organized Pathfinder?
19/03/2008 03:43:42 ‹Karelzarath› Hooray and a :beer: to Nick!
19/03/2008 03:43:47 ‹Nick Logue!› Thanks Eyebite! You gotta volunteer by the way...your Cloven Nine kicks ass, I want to see what other madness you have up your sleeve!
19/03/2008 03:44:05 ‹Pete› Yes! We want details on the woo-ing!
19/03/2008 03:44:06 ‹Timitius› Paizocon. Now with 100% more Pathfinder RPG!
19/03/2008 03:44:11 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Pygon > I saw Nick at Iron DM last year and that was it.
19/03/2008 03:44:13 * Jeremy Mcgillan joins Main
19/03/2008 03:44:16 ‹Nick Logue!› Brickasnurd!
19/03/2008 03:44:21 ‹Lori› Tim - how's the RSVPing today?
19/03/2008 03:44:22 ‹Eyebite› Muwhahaha - hopefully the rest of the nine will see the light of day soon . . .
19/03/2008 03:44:25 ‹Nick Logue!› Yep!
19/03/2008 03:44:26 ‹Fake Healer› On a side note for Logue, does this end your freelancing? Would you be able to produce for WotC while being a Paizo employee?
19/03/2008 03:44:29 ‹tensor› Jason Bulmahn: was this asked earlier? How do you want play testing reports submitted? or will this info come later?
19/03/2008 03:44:29 ‹Pygon› that would do it :)
19/03/2008 03:44:32 ‹Lilith› Timitius: :eadbang:
19/03/2008 03:44:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Indeed.. I may even run a special couple of tables.. try out some of my crazier ideas on the Paizocon folks
19/03/2008 03:44:36 ‹Lilith› Timitius: :headbang:
19/03/2008 03:44:37 ‹Nick Logue!› Josh started rapping with me about it at Gencon after Iron DM.
19/03/2008 03:44:37 ‹Timitius› Lori...nothing. :cry:
19/03/2008 03:44:39 ‹FreeholdDM› Yikes! I gotta go
19/03/2008 03:44:44 ‹FreeholdDM› It was wonderful celebrating with everyone
19/03/2008 03:44:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Tensor> Check the last chapter of the document
19/03/2008 03:44:51 ‹tensor› ok
19/03/2008 03:44:59 ‹FreeholdDM› Goodnight everyone
19/03/2008 03:45:05 ‹Pygon› gnite Free
19/03/2008 03:45:07 ‹Mothman› See you Freehold
19/03/2008 03:45:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Nigh FreeholdDM
19/03/2008 03:45:09 ‹Turin the Mad› nn Freehold
19/03/2008 03:45:10 ‹Timitius› See ya Freehold
03:48:17 ‹Karelzarath› Jason: I'm a bit confused on how Turn Outside and Turn Elemental work. Do they still heal/harm others or just affect the targeted subtype? There also seems to be a clause missing in Turn Elemental outlining the turn vs rebuke differentiation.
19/03/2008 03:48:20 * Timitius joins Main
19/03/2008 03:48:23 * Pygon joins Main
19/03/2008 03:48:28 ‹Daigle› Whoa
19/03/2008 03:48:32 * Blazej joins Main
19/03/2008 03:48:35 * Saracenus joins Main
19/03/2008 03:48:35 * PeteA joins Main
19/03/2008 03:48:41 ‹Pygon› whew, access was forbidden there for a moment
19/03/2008 03:48:45 ‹Timitius› Super DUMP!
19/03/2008 03:48:47 ‹Watcher› wasit just me or did everything freeze?
19/03/2008 03:48:49 * Lilith joins Main
19/03/2008 03:48:52 ‹Karelzarath› Hmm.
19/03/2008 03:48:59 ‹Saracenus› Everything froze
19/03/2008 03:49:00 ‹PeteA› Had to exit and reenter.
19/03/2008 03:49:02 ‹Lori› I think it dumped all of us.
19/03/2008 03:49:03 ‹Timitius› It was just you....:roll:
19/03/2008 03:49:03 * Lilith shakes her fist....:shakefist:
19/03/2008 03:49:03 ‹Karelzarath› Connection hiccup?
19/03/2008 03:49:07 ‹Daigle› The room had to go potty.
19/03/2008 03:49:12 ‹Blazej› Why does paizo hate the chat so?
19/03/2008 03:49:12 ‹Saracenus› Thanks for the link Lilith
19/03/2008 03:49:21 ‹Saracenus› Sorry I had no way to know of the alt entry
19/03/2008 03:49:21 ‹Lori› :beer:Lilith
19/03/2008 03:49:21 ‹Lilith› It's not.
19/03/2008 03:49:28 ‹Blazej› They seem to be doing their best to destroy it.
19/03/2008 03:49:28 ‹Mothman› Wow, what happened?
19/03/2008 03:49:31 ‹Karelzarath› Didn't get dumped, but the chat did freeze for a bit.
19/03/2008 03:49:34 * The Shadow joins Main
19/03/2008 03:49:56 * The Gray quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:50:06 * Mr Baron joins Main
19/03/2008 03:50:11 ‹Saracenus› Lilith the link does pop a 403 error unless you hit it a few times
19/03/2008 03:50:12 ‹Karelzarath› Herf
19/03/2008 03:50:13 * Timitius is just kiddin Watcher.
19/03/2008 03:50:20 ‹Wyvern› We are destroying Lilith's server :twisted:
19/03/2008 03:50:28 ‹Timitius› :typerhappy:
19/03/2008 03:50:41 ‹Pygon› we lost our Paizos :(
19/03/2008 03:50:41 ‹Watcher› :)
19/03/2008 03:50:46 ‹Eyebite› I understand that this has been a record day for attendance here, no?
19/03/2008 03:50:52 ‹Karelzarath› Apparently so, Pygon
19/03/2008 03:50:53 ‹Mothman› Lilith, should we not use emoticons or anything?
19/03/2008 03:50:57 ‹Lilith› Wyvern: yes you are
19/03/2008 03:51:03 ‹Lori› The server has had a busy day.
19/03/2008 03:51:03 * Lilith is talking with her hoster now.
19/03/2008 03:51:17 ‹Jeremy Mcgillan› My first time
19/03/2008 03:51:18 ‹Mr Baron› what are the dates of Paizocon?
19/03/2008 03:51:17 ‹Lilith› Eyebite: It is.
19/03/2008 03:51:19 ‹Jeremy Mcgillan› It's my first time
19/03/2008 03:51:22 ‹Mothman› I think we lost all our Paizoites
19/03/2008 03:51:23 ‹Karelzarath› Come back, Paizonians!
19/03/2008 03:51:33 ‹Daigle› Saracenus tried to draw some folks to an irc room....I hope they didn't ehad over tehre
19/03/2008 03:51:41 ‹Timitius› Paizocon is April 25-27, with the big event on the 26th
19/03/2008 03:51:50 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Random boot FTW
19/03/2008 03:51:52 ‹Wyvern› We'll be gentle Jeremy, don't worry :lick:
19/03/2008 03:52:00 ‹The Shadow› I headed over there. I was the only one.
19/03/2008 03:52:02 ‹Lilith› Chatroom moving in 60 minutes, to a dedicated server.
19/03/2008 03:52:09 ‹The Shadow› Well, other than Saracenus
19/03/2008 03:52:09 ‹Timitius› Jeremy Mcgillan: Glad to have you, glad you are doing OK. You ARE doing OK?
19/03/2008 03:52:09 * Jason Bulmahn joins Main
19/03/2008 03:52:10 ‹Mothman› Josh is here!
19/03/2008 03:52:11 * CD Lunching quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:52:11 * CD Lunching quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:52:13 ‹Blazej› Run away!
19/03/2008 03:52:18 ‹Mothman› Jason is here!
19/03/2008 03:52:23 ‹sagestl› WB, Jason. :)
19/03/2008 03:52:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ugg.. it booted me
19/03/2008 03:52:31 ‹JoshuaJFrost› DM Tools hates Paizo ;-)
19/03/2008 03:52:34 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Sorry...:(
19/03/2008 03:52:34 ‹Mothman› Lilith: do we need to do anything to move?
19/03/2008 03:52:40 ‹Lilith› Mothman: You will not.
19/03/2008 03:52:42 ‹Jeremy Mcgillan› Yeah just kinda sore and frustrated with the whole lack of mobility
19/03/2008 03:52:48 ‹Mothman› Lilith: cool
19/03/2008 03:52:52 * Lilith gently glomps Jeremy Mcgillan.
19/03/2008 03:53:08 ‹Daigle› Jeremy!! Awesome of you to make it.
19/03/2008 03:53:09 ‹PeteA› Do we need to start a thread on gleemax about how dmtools hates Paizo?
19/03/2008 03:53:14 ‹Mothman› Jeremy, I hear you got hit by a car?
19/03/2008 03:53:15 ‹Daigle› Hope you're healing well
19/03/2008 03:53:17 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Oh please no.
19/03/2008 03:53:22 ‹Wyvern› DM Tools is actually a Gleemax affilliate. :P
19/03/2008 03:53:29 ‹Lilith› JoshuaJFrost: My hoster is cool. He'll be moving the chatroom to a dedicated box. :D
19/03/2008 03:53:32 ‹PeteA› :shock:
19/03/2008 03:53:39 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Lilith > rad!
19/03/2008 03:53:40 ‹Lilith› Wyvern: ACK! :ohnoes:
19/03/2008 03:53:44 * Fake Healer joins Main
19/03/2008 03:53:54 ‹Timitius› What Josh? Did you think this would gain you a few nights of sleep?
19/03/2008 03:54:06 ‹Jeremy Mcgillan› I just logged onto paizo and saw the thread. I'll have to come here every friday night.
19/03/2008 03:54:07 ‹Pygon› "I'll take Extra turning" "Why?" "Pff - so I can heal better."
19/03/2008 03:54:15 ‹Karelzarath› Jason: I'm a bit confused on how Turn Outside and Turn Elemental work. Do they still heal/harm others or just affect the targeted subtype? There also seems to be a clause missing in Turn Elemental outlining the turn vs rebuke differentiation.
19/03/2008 03:54:16 ‹Mr Baron› when does pathfinder #8 start shipping to superscribers?
19/03/2008 03:54:19 ‹Saracenus› Lilith: I changed the title of the thread and erased my origional post, it now is a link to the alt login
19/03/2008 03:54:22 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Timitius > HAHAHAHAHA sleep
19/03/2008 03:54:36 ‹PeteA› Sent Josh a note on playtesting. Ready to report for duty.
19/03/2008 03:54:37 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: Cool, thanks...:D
19/03/2008 03:54:38 ‹Jason Bulmahn› karelsarath> yes...
19/03/2008 03:54:54 ‹Fake Healer› Damn, lost my question!
19/03/2008 03:54:54 ‹Karelzarath› Yes? :D
19/03/2008 03:54:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› TKarel> They still heal and harm living creatures
19/03/2008 03:54:58 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Mr Baron > Ergh, I'm not at work so I can't check. Email josh@paizo.com and I'll answer that question.
19/03/2008 03:55:21 ‹JoshuaJFrost› PeteA > I saw it and awesome!
19/03/2008 03:55:22 ‹Russ› Pygon - I don't think that's bad. It beats taking 2-3 other feats to heal better.
19/03/2008 03:55:23 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I will check for the missing clause
19/03/2008 03:55:37 ‹Jeremy Mcgillan› ‹Mothman› Jeremy, I hear you got hit by a car?- Yeah pretty hard collision I was just really lucky I got hit awkwardly otherwise I wouldn't be here.
19/03/2008 03:55:40 ‹Saracenus› JoshuaJFrost: Could someone make the chat alt login post sticky?
19/03/2008 03:55:48 ‹Fake Healer› Is Logue, as a Paizo employee, allowed to produce freelance stuff?
19/03/2008 03:55:49 ‹Pygon› I don't think it's bad either, just acclimating to the new rules
19/03/2008 03:56:07 ‹Watcher› Saracenus, I agree, we need a sticky link on a post with the chat room link
19/03/2008 03:56:12 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Saracenus > That's a good suggestion. Email me and I'll see what I can do.
19/03/2008 03:56:13 ‹Russ› Fake, I assume so, many Pazio peeps have freelanced for WotC or Green Ronin
19/03/2008 03:56:14 ‹Wyvern› Jason, a change of name for "turn undead" wouldn't be a bad idea. To convey the idea that it is some kind of positive energy channeling. That has always got some of my players confused, why would you do turn undead on that magical effect? (reference to Age of Worms for example)
19/03/2008 03:56:16 ‹Blazej› Should clerics of Irori get Improved Unarmed Strike?
19/03/2008 03:56:20 * Atrocious joins Main
19/03/2008 03:56:28 ‹Saracenus› Ok
19/03/2008 03:56:32 ‹Eyebite› Well guys, after reviewing the Alpha rules, I gotta say that I really like what I see. The skill bundling is my favorite part thus far. Now, you seem to get more bang for your buck with those precious skill points
19/03/2008 03:56:40 ‹Fake Healer› Yes, but they were freelancers to Paizo at the time also.
19/03/2008 03:56:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wyvern> I am seriously considering a name change... I kept it for now just to avoid total confusion...
19/03/2008 03:56:48 ‹Fake Healer› Usually.
19/03/2008 03:56:50 ‹Russ› Just call it divine channel or somesuch. And turn undead is one of the applications of it.
19/03/2008 03:57:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Yup...
19/03/2008 03:57:08 ‹Saracenus› JoshuaJFrost: I was hoping to make the new thread in 4e sticky for tonight, but a permanent one by Lilith wouldn't be a bad idea either
19/03/2008 03:57:14 ‹Russ› Even channel energy.
19/03/2008 03:57:21 * Russ ponders
19/03/2008 03:57:28 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Saracenus > I can't access those features from home, unfortunately.
19/03/2008 03:57:31 ‹Karelzarath› Channel Divinity? :)
19/03/2008 03:57:38 ‹sagestl› Channel Faith
19/03/2008 03:57:45 ‹Mr Baron› done!
19/03/2008 03:57:50 ‹Russ› Call Upon Faith?
19/03/2008 03:57:51 * Erik Mona joins Main
19/03/2008 03:57:52 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Gotta have faith-ta-faith-ta-faith
19/03/2008 03:57:54 ‹JoshuaJFrost› BABY
19/03/2008 03:58:02 ‹Karelzarath› Erik!
19/03/2008 03:58:04 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Aww... thats terrible josh
19/03/2008 03:58:07 ‹Pygon› welcome Erik
19/03/2008 03:58:07 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: I'm willing to wait until things are sorted out on my hoster's end, frankly...:shakefist:
19/03/2008 03:58:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Welcome Erik.. long time no see
19/03/2008 03:58:16 ‹Saracenus› JoshuaJFrost: Ah, no problem... Get Blumahn in his car, its not like he anything to do tonight :twisted:
19/03/2008 03:58:18 ‹Lilith› JoshuaJFrost: Have you heard the version of that song by Limp Bizkit? :D
19/03/2008 03:58:20 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Erik Mona > I just announced your candidacy for President. Enjoy.
19/03/2008 03:58:21 ‹Wyvern› Welcome back Erik!
19/03/2008 03:58:22 ‹Jeremy Mcgillan› O yeah and all you paizo guys congrats on the Pathfinder RPG.
19/03/2008 03:58:32 ‹PeteA› I'd vote for him.
19/03/2008 03:58:35 ‹Russ› Testify :)
19/03/2008 03:58:36 ‹Timitius› Jason Bulmahn: Any chance that Mike and Wes can develop more skill tricks for PRPG? Or is that not OGL?
19/03/2008 03:58:42 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Lilith > Yeah. No comment.
19/03/2008 03:58:42 ‹Russ› Divine Word
19/03/2008 03:58:43 * Koldoon quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 03:58:51 ‹Jason Bulmahn› tim> Not OGL
19/03/2008 03:59:00 ‹Erik Mona› Hello!
19/03/2008 03:59:01 ‹Russ› Hmm. Do the rules fix blasphemy?
19/03/2008 03:59:01 ‹Lori› Erik - what was WotC's reaction to your phonecall?
19/03/2008 03:59:07 ‹Russ› Benediction and Malediction?
19/03/2008 03:59:11 ‹Fake Healer› Just to reprise for Erik.....All kinds of love is flowing your direction.
19/03/2008 03:59:13 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi Erik!
19/03/2008 03:59:15 ‹Russ› I kind of like Benediction :)
19/03/2008 03:59:20 * Erik Mona is watching a little "Rock of Love" while surfing the boards.
19/03/2008 03:59:24 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Erik Mona > its true, Fake Healer cried.
19/03/2008 03:59:30 * Erik Mona has a vice for crappy reality TV.
19/03/2008 03:59:31 * farewell2kings joins Main
19/03/2008 03:59:38 ‹Lilith› farewell2kings! :glomp:
19/03/2008 03:59:43 ‹Russ› I'm about to watch wife-induced Dancing with the Stars
19/03/2008 03:59:52 ‹Pygon› Stef - your wishes came true
19/03/2008 03:59:56 ‹JoshuaJFrost› I'm currently enjoying Diego.
19/03/2008 04:00:01 ‹Fake Healer› F2K! Hey man.
19/03/2008 04:00:01 ‹farewell2kings› Yeah, way to go Paizo!!!!!
19/03/2008 04:00:02 ‹Daigle› Stefan!!!
19/03/2008 04:00:03 ‹JoshuaJFrost› "enjoying"
19/03/2008 04:00:07 ‹Lilith› Russ: Apologies....
19/03/2008 04:00:15 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi again F2K!
19/03/2008 04:00:16 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Its true.. i have been trying to break Erik of his "Idol" habit for a while now
19/03/2008 04:00:16 ‹farewell2kings› Hello, hello!
19/03/2008 04:00:18 * Timitius has discovered The Frantics' "Four on the Floor" on YouTube. Priceless.
19/03/2008 04:00:18 ‹Erik Mona› Lori> I'd rather let WotC speak for themselves. They understand the situation we're in. I think I'll leave it at that.
19/03/2008 04:00:22 ‹Russ› Apologies for what?
19/03/2008 04:00:32 ‹Lilith› Russ: For having to watch Dancing with Stars
19/03/2008 04:00:37 ‹PeteA› It's beatles night on american idol. Now that should be a messageboard flame war.
19/03/2008 04:00:38 ‹Erik Mona› I do not watch American Idol.
19/03/2008 04:00:40 ‹Russ› Eh, I kind of enjoy it
19/03/2008 04:00:49 ‹Russ› And yet you are Paula.
19/03/2008 04:00:52 ‹Lori› Good answer. I should not have asked.
19/03/2008 04:00:58 ‹Timitius› Guilty Pleasures, and all that rot.
19/03/2008 04:01:09 ‹JoshuaJFrost› LIES! Erik talks about Idol non stop.
19/03/2008 04:01:16 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Erik should add "anymore" to that statement
19/03/2008 04:01:17 ‹Erik Mona› Not true.
19/03/2008 04:01:23 ‹Erik Mona› I have not even watched it once!
19/03/2008 04:01:27 ‹Erik Mona› (this season......)
19/03/2008 04:01:27 ‹Russ› Personally, I think you missed out on Flash Gordon. It got quite fun.
19/03/2008 04:01:29 ‹farewell2kings› It's okay, Erik.
19/03/2008 04:01:36 ‹Erik Mona› Hopefully it is cancelled.
19/03/2008 04:01:39 ‹PeteA› Would that make Sebastian = Simon?
19/03/2008 04:01:41 ‹Erik Mona› Flash Gordon, that is.
19/03/2008 04:01:44 ‹Russ› And Ming might not LOOK the part, but her sure personified merciless towards the end there
19/03/2008 04:02:05 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Ok folks, my time is done. Thanks for your comments and questions and I'll be watching the messageboard for more. :-)
19/03/2008 04:02:15 ‹Pygon› thanks for stopping by Josh
19/03/2008 04:02:15 ‹Lilith› Russ: Yeah, Flash got better at the end.
19/03/2008 04:02:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› See you tomorrow Josh
19/03/2008 04:02:17 ‹Russ› Loved him offing all the monks in an effort to get a better prophecy
19/03/2008 04:02:19 ‹Rookseye› Thanks Joshua
19/03/2008 04:02:23 ‹Lilith› Thanks JoshuaJFrost! :glomp:
19/03/2008 04:02:23 ‹Rambling Scribe› Thanks Josh, and good night!
19/03/2008 04:02:25 ‹Erik Mona› I just don't "get" doing Flash Gordon as something other than a planetary romance. It just doesn't make sense to me. It'd be like doing a "Go-Bots" movie without vehicles or robots.
19/03/2008 04:02:30 ‹Lori› Thanks Josh. Sleep well tonight.
19/03/2008 04:02:33 * Lilith gives JoshuaJFrost the requisite beer. :beer:
19/03/2008 04:02:39 ‹Fake Healer› I just wanted you paizos to know, I personally will do everything in my power to ensure your continued success.
19/03/2008 04:02:40 ‹PeteA› SO Erik, how did the call to Renton go earlier?
19/03/2008 04:02:43 ‹Karelzarath› Erik: It's probably too early to say, but do you have or expect to have any official support for PRPG from other publishers? Basically, do you anticipate any "made for Pathfinder RPG" products?
19/03/2008 04:02:59 ‹JoshuaJFrost› Thanks, everyone!
19/03/2008 04:03:00 ‹Russ› If I'd seen more than the 80s FG and the cartoons, the history of it would mean more to me.
19/03/2008 04:03:02 ‹Lilith› Or "made with Pathfinder RPG rules"
19/03/2008 04:03:02 ‹Takasi is AFC› any word on PF4?
19/03/2008 04:03:07 * Lilith knows of one publisher already
19/03/2008 04:03:16 ‹Timitius› Thanks Josh!
19/03/2008 04:03:17 ‹Erik Mona› Why license something if the intent is to betray the spirit of the original?
19/03/2008 04:03:18 * Wes joins Main
19/03/2008 04:03:23 ‹Lilith› Wes!
19/03/2008 04:03:28 ‹Daigle› Howdy Wes!
19/03/2008 04:03:32 ‹Wes› Hiyas!
19/03/2008 04:03:33 ‹Erik Mona› Karel> I think that would be cool!
19/03/2008 04:03:34 ‹Timitius› Hey there Wes!
19/03/2008 04:03:38 ‹Lilith› Which Wes is With Us?
19/03/2008 04:03:39 ‹Watcher› Hi Wes!
19/03/2008 04:03:40 ‹Fake Healer› Lilith, does it begin with 'Were'
19/03/2008 04:03:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Heya Wes.. you made it
19/03/2008 04:03:44 ‹Karelzarath› I imagine Necromancer's on board already, given your strong relationship.
19/03/2008 04:03:47 ‹Russ› I don't know. I ask myself similar questions about D&D.
19/03/2008 04:03:49 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: Heh. ;)
19/03/2008 04:03:57 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: But no.
19/03/2008 04:04:06 ‹Fake Healer› Luv ya, babe.
19/03/2008 04:04:14 * JoshuaJFrost quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:04:15 ‹Wes› Yeah, my computer was pulling this passive agressive BS...
19/03/2008 04:04:25 ‹Wes› Or whatever that word was...
19/03/2008 04:04:25 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: :thug:
19/03/2008 04:04:25 ‹Russ› I prefer Eureka and Torchwood.
19/03/2008 04:04:34 * Takasi is AFC changes his/her nickname to Takasi Prepping Burning Sky
19/03/2008 04:04:35 ‹Lilith› Russ: I miss Eureka...
19/03/2008 04:04:39 ‹Mr Baron› is Necro planning on doing anything with Pathfinder or are they strictly 4th ed?
19/03/2008 04:04:42 ‹Russ› It'll be back this summer!
19/03/2008 04:04:45 * Wes changes his/her nickname to Wes Schneider
19/03/2008 04:04:47 ‹Russ› Eureka is in Oregon :)
19/03/2008 04:04:53 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ> I like you more and more with statements like that
19/03/2008 04:04:55 ‹Blazej› Give my my Eureka.
19/03/2008 04:04:56 ‹Lilith› Russ: Yay! :D
19/03/2008 04:04:58 ‹Russ› (the fictional one)
19/03/2008 04:05:02 ‹Mothman› Oh, THAT Wes ;-)
19/03/2008 04:05:02 ‹Timitius› Lilith: Well, I miss Heroes!
19/03/2008 04:05:04 ‹Erik Mona› Torchwood is pretty good this year.
19/03/2008 04:05:04 ‹Blazej› Now
19/03/2008 04:05:05 ‹Erik Mona› Not
19/03/2008 04:05:10 ‹Erik Mona› Not LOST good, but pretty good.
19/03/2008 04:05:16 ‹Fake Healer› Oh! That Wes....Hey Wes!
19/03/2008 04:05:17 ‹Lilith› I like Supernatural.
19/03/2008 04:05:17 ‹Saracenus› I like Burn Notice, its good sunny dumb fun
19/03/2008 04:05:17 ‹Lilith› :D
19/03/2008 04:05:25 ‹Lilith› Burn Notice is fun.
19/03/2008 04:05:29 ‹Lilith› And has Bruce Campbell.
19/03/2008 04:05:33 ‹Karelzarath› Agreed, Lilith.
19/03/2008 04:05:39 ‹Russ› Burn Notice rocks!
19/03/2008 04:05:42 ‹Wes Schneider› Hi some more!
19/03/2008 04:05:42 * Lilith slaps a golem icon on Wes Schneider.
19/03/2008 04:05:43 ‹Watcher› I love Lost, may not be for everyone but I'm addict
19/03/2008 04:05:44 ‹Mothman› I'm liking Lost again this season - and yes, Burn Notice is lots of fun!
19/03/2008 04:05:46 ‹farewell2kings› Bruce Campbell is my DM
19/03/2008 04:05:48 ‹PeteA› TW: Too bad Captain Jack wants to leave.
19/03/2008 04:05:50 ‹Karelzarath› Oh, and Jason... CMB? Pure genius!
19/03/2008 04:05:55 ‹Wes Schneider› Whoa. Thanks!
19/03/2008 04:06:00 ‹farewell2kings› Truly
19/03/2008 04:06:05 ‹Russ› Barrowman was a HOOT in the newer Producers
19/03/2008 04:06:10 * RETH-Mog quit
19/03/2008 04:06:12 ‹Russ› What's CMB?
19/03/2008 04:06:17 ‹Saracenus› Besides, I love the line, "Guns make you stupid, Duct tape make you smart"
19/03/2008 04:06:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› thanks Karel... I am quite pleased with that one myself
19/03/2008 04:06:29 ‹Karelzarath› Combat Maneuver Bonus
19/03/2008 04:06:35 ‹Timitius› Wes: Jason has informed me that the skill tricks are not OGL, and I am....very...put...out.
19/03/2008 04:06:37 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› any sneak peaks of AP4?
19/03/2008 04:06:39 ‹Rookseye› Great addition
19/03/2008 04:06:41 ‹sagestl› Unfortunately, there are rumors that BBC is planning to change the cast and "tone" of Torchwood to make it more family-friendly. :(
19/03/2008 04:06:46 ‹Russ› Ah, I'd like a less clunky name, but it's a great addition
19/03/2008 04:07:07 ‹PeteA› Is there a plan to put out a new alpha doc that has an index?
19/03/2008 04:07:07 ‹Russ› I love the feat for that for agile characters.
19/03/2008 04:07:12 ‹PeteA› something for the beta?
19/03/2008 04:07:22 ‹Russ› As a player who is very sick of small PCs not being able to do anything about grapples, etc.
19/03/2008 04:07:29 ‹Karelzarath› The new grapple rules are awesome. I love that you can totally school your opponent now. :)
19/03/2008 04:07:35 ‹Russ› I was thinking of starting a Pathfinder index.
19/03/2008 04:07:36 ‹Wes Schneider› It's true. Though, he did a lot to jazz up rogues in the new RPG, so there's still a lot of options for tricky-brand rogues.
19/03/2008 04:07:43 ‹Watcher› Jason Bulmahn, I started a second Runelords campaign tonight, not knowing about this announcement. I got there to start Chapter One and the players had already downloaded Alpha and were converting
19/03/2008 04:07:47 ‹Russ› Mainly because I want to know more about the Hellknights, and am not sure where to look.
19/03/2008 04:07:49 ‹Jason Bulmahn› PeteA> the index will come later
19/03/2008 04:07:55 ‹Russ› I need to know more about version of Law they inforce.
19/03/2008 04:07:58 ‹Erik Mona› Wait, Barrowman wants off Torchwood?
19/03/2008 04:07:59 ‹Erik Mona› Whaaaaaa?
19/03/2008 04:08:03 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher> VERY NICE
19/03/2008 04:08:16 ‹Saracenus› Erik Mona: Smell NorWesCon panel <G>
19/03/2008 04:08:19 ‹Russ› Barrowman was up for Will on Will and Grace, but they decided he wasn't gay enough.
19/03/2008 04:08:23 ‹Erik Mona› It won a pantload of BAFTAs last year and got great ratings. Why would they change it?
19/03/2008 04:08:30 ‹Erik Mona› He is plenty gay.
19/03/2008 04:08:35 ‹Fake Healer› Start a thread on Paizo Watcher, I wanna see how it goes.
19/03/2008 04:08:47 ‹PeteA› Rumor is he wants back to musical theater.
19/03/2008 04:08:51 ‹Lilith› Watcher: NICE! :D
19/03/2008 04:08:53 ‹Erik Mona› Lame.
19/03/2008 04:08:55 ‹Watcher› Fake Healer, I need to read it first ! :) They already had the drop on me
19/03/2008 04:08:59 ‹Erik Mona› Musical theater is for schmucks.
19/03/2008 04:09:01 ‹Russ› He's a great tenor
19/03/2008 04:09:07 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› We're also starting Crimson Throne, players already made characters but we might look at this Alpha stuff
19/03/2008 04:09:16 * Erik Mona went to college as a musical theater major...
19/03/2008 04:09:16 ‹Eyebite› Yeah, Watcher - a little thread with tidbits about what worked, what didn't. I would be interested in reading that.
19/03/2008 04:09:18 ‹Wes Schneider› There's a good long thread on the Paizo sight on Hellknights. Beyond that, Mike is cracking the whip on me for the Pathfinder Campagin Setting, forcing me to write up a few pages on them. So don't worry, there's lots of Hellknight love coming.
04:09:30 ‹Watcher› My wife will be heartbroken, she loves Barrowman in TW
19/03/2008 04:09:35 ‹Lilith› Wes Schneider: Ask a Shoanti is weeping...:D
19/03/2008 04:09:43 ‹Fake Healer› Use the force, Watcher. (the force being PathfinderRPG of course).
19/03/2008 04:09:51 ‹Russ› I have to say, the schoolgirl fetish art didn't do it for me....
19/03/2008 04:09:59 * bretthubbard joins Main
19/03/2008 04:10:06 ‹Karelzarath› You're dead to me, Russ. ;)
19/03/2008 04:10:16 ‹Watcher› Ugh, I wish I was west coast so I didn't have to leave soon
19/03/2008 04:10:20 * Daigle laughs
19/03/2008 04:10:30 * Orange Peel quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:10:30 ‹Fake Healer› Alas poor Russ, I knew him well....
19/03/2008 04:10:35 ‹Rookseye› The rare West Coast Bias, I feel your pain
19/03/2008 04:10:39 ‹Mothman› Schoolgirl fetish art? Where?!
19/03/2008 04:10:43 ‹Lori› Are the elf ears negotiable at this point?
19/03/2008 04:10:49 ‹Fake Healer› I'll take 2
19/03/2008 04:10:50 ‹Russ› But I like the Acadamae a fair bit. It does the evil school of magic better than usual, giving a reason for a non-evil PC to attend.
19/03/2008 04:10:54 ‹cpt_kirstov› ok past midnight here - i'm out too
19/03/2008 04:10:55 ‹Russ› Mothman - guide to korvosa
19/03/2008 04:11:09 ‹Mothman› Russ: cool
19/03/2008 04:11:27 ‹Jeremy Mcgillan› Anyway guys I have to get off to bed it's quarter to 2 here see you all on the boards.
19/03/2008 04:11:31 * Mr Baron quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:11:34 ‹PeteA› So has anyone volunteered to convert Keep on Shadowfell to PFRPG yet? :-)
19/03/2008 04:11:34 ‹Lilith› Night Jeremy Mcgillan! :glomp:
19/03/2008 04:11:43 ‹Russ› There was one reference to griffon-riding sable company people, I'm guessing that was an error and they only ride HGs?
19/03/2008 04:11:49 ‹Pygon› bye Jeremy
19/03/2008 04:11:54 ‹Russ› PeteA> Hmm, I could start that project
19/03/2008 04:11:57 ‹Watcher› Night Jeremy
19/03/2008 04:12:08 ‹Timitius› See you Jeremy! Good to "meet" you!
19/03/2008 04:12:16 ‹Erik Mona› Huh. I'm having a hard time finding confirmation that the BBC wants to tinker with Torchwood or that Barrowman wants out.
19/03/2008 04:12:22 ‹Erik Mona› Does anyone have links for that stuff?
19/03/2008 04:12:34 ‹PeteA› http://www.syfyportal.com/news...75.html
19/03/2008 04:12:41 ‹PeteA› Just was looking it up
19/03/2008 04:12:43 * Jeremy Mcgillan quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:12:51 ‹PeteA› syfyportal rocks
19/03/2008 04:12:53 ‹Wes Schneider› Yeah, sounds like it. The Sable Company is pretty much hippogriffs all the way... though the idea of a few with griffons doesn't break the feel or stretch the imagination too far
19/03/2008 04:12:58 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: What was the hardest part of waiting for you? And what goodies are upcoming in Planet Stories?
19/03/2008 04:13:01 ‹Fake Healer› Dammit, Mona! Concentrate! Pathfinder! Spoilers! Now!
19/03/2008 04:13:05 ‹sagestl› Erik: http://www.comicmix.com/news/2...chwood/
19/03/2008 04:13:16 ‹Karelzarath› Jason: The description for familiars still talks about "master's skill ranks".
19/03/2008 04:13:18 ‹Russ› Try "barrowman leaving torchwood" on Google
19/03/2008 04:13:20 ‹sagestl› Just rumors at this point, but it's popped up in a number of places.
19/03/2008 04:13:25 ‹PeteA› They've been pretty accurate so far
19/03/2008 04:13:27 ‹Fake Healer› :love:
19/03/2008 04:13:56 ‹Russ› I'm working up a sewer patrol for Korvosa.
19/03/2008 04:14:00 ‹Erik Mona› Sounds like b%@%*+&* to me.
19/03/2008 04:14:05 ‹Watcher› How long has this secret plan been in the works? When was the decision made? I'm supportive of it, but I'm curious
19/03/2008 04:14:26 ‹Watcher› (and I hope the TW news is b@~&#~&~ too)
19/03/2008 04:14:36 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: I enjoyed your Nerf Assassination of Cosmo. :D
19/03/2008 04:14:46 ‹PeteA› Could be. You know better then most how rumors go. :-)
19/03/2008 04:14:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher> My first design notes go back to October 2007... although most of the changes are based off rules I have been tinkering with for years
19/03/2008 04:14:54 ‹Erik Mona› Well, I trust th

March 18th 2008, part 3
19/03/2008 04:18:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Tim> This is true.. I have not mentioned it before... but I cannot support 4E because my meteor die has nothing to do in that system... :-)
19/03/2008 04:18:32 ‹Charles Evans› Daigle: Ah. Great minds eveidently think alike.
19/03/2008 04:18:38 ‹Watcher› Fake Healer, doesn't matter as long as it brings in it's fair share of the market. In this scenario you don't have to win it all to win
19/03/2008 04:18:42 ‹PeteA› And PaizoCon is in *seattle* in April. Not Indianapolis in *August*. Bleh!
19/03/2008 04:18:48 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ross> I would prefer to see them on our boards so everyone can comment...
19/03/2008 04:19:00 ‹Ross› Jason Bulmahn, they'll be there, too.
19/03/2008 04:19:03 ‹Daigle› I was actually blaming him earlier for linking the chatroom around. ;)
19/03/2008 04:19:04 ‹Erik Mona› Karel> It was more a cumulative effect involving many factors, the most important one being that we have production deadlines that are starting to pass.
19/03/2008 04:19:13 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ross> Thanks
19/03/2008 04:19:24 ‹Lilith› PeteA: I'm sure there will be doing something at GenCon. :D
19/03/2008 04:19:29 ‹Timitius› :lol: This %#$ing die cost me good money!!!!! I'll be damned if I let a new system rob me of my investment!!!
19/03/2008 04:19:33 ‹Karelzarath› Erik Mona: That was my guess. Thanks. :)
19/03/2008 04:19:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Tim> lol
19/03/2008 04:19:44 ‹Russ› Not to mention a new president of WotC with NO RPG BACKGROUND
19/03/2008 04:20:01 ‹Erik Mona› Well, that likely plays into the GSL delays, which are also a factor.
19/03/2008 04:20:23 * Eyebite quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:20:26 ‹Erik Mona› GSL delay + passing deadlines = need to make a decision.
19/03/2008 04:20:26 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Starting to pass? Or have passed? :P
19/03/2008 04:20:36 ‹Ross› Lilith, what happened tot he server earlier?
19/03/2008 04:20:36 ‹Charles Evans› Erik mona: Dd you have a big meeting to confirm this morning then?
19/03/2008 04:20:40 ‹Erik Mona› No.
19/03/2008 04:20:49 ‹Karelzarath› Not everyone in Paizo has a gaming background. I mean, theres... uh... hmm... ;)
19/03/2008 04:20:53 ‹Erik Mona› We had a big meeting to eat pizza, though.
19/03/2008 04:20:53 ‹Russ› If I were a betting man, I'd put some money on the line for this being the final WotC edition...I think it's only about a 1:4 chance of it folding, but that's kinda b ig.
19/03/2008 04:21:09 ‹Charles Evans› Laughs a lot out loud.
19/03/2008 04:21:24 * Jason Bulmahn likes pizza
19/03/2008 04:21:36 * Rambling Scribe has pizza...
19/03/2008 04:21:44 ‹Mothman› Erik, Jason: Now that the edition decision has been made, are you on track for AP3's deadlines?
19/03/2008 04:21:49 ‹Erik Mona› The intent here is not to "dethrone" D&D or anything. That's preposterous. D&D is a mega-brand and WotC has deep pockets. Further, I hope their edition is successful, as it will be much better for the industry.
19/03/2008 04:21:56 ‹Erik Mona› Moth> Yes.
19/03/2008 04:22:05 ‹Charles Evans› Is James Jacobs skiving, or have I missed him?
19/03/2008 04:22:12 ‹Mothman› Good stuff!
19/03/2008 04:22:15 ‹PeteA› Absolutely.
19/03/2008 04:22:21 ‹Mothman› Charles, JAmes mentioned he was sick earlier...
19/03/2008 04:22:27 ‹Pygon› JJ hasn't shown tonite
19/03/2008 04:22:33 ‹PeteA› If WotC goes off the shelf alot will go with it.
19/03/2008 04:22:33 * robert_hawk joins Main
19/03/2008 04:22:35 ‹Charles Evans› (sad)
19/03/2008 04:22:38 ‹Rookseye› Will you succeed in making drow sinister again, where they have become glam in everything WotC has done since 1990?
19/03/2008 04:22:41 ‹Lilith› Ross: The server choked. A dual 2.4 GHz athlon mp with 4 GB of RAM.
19/03/2008 04:22:42 ‹Russ› Yes, you need D&D for the market segment THEY want, which grows into a market for you guys.
19/03/2008 04:22:57 ‹Wes Schneider› With any luck, James is in a bed stacked high with blankets getting healthy right now.
19/03/2008 04:23:03 ‹Rookseye› I have high hopes
19/03/2008 04:23:28 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: I think I speculated this morning that it might get quite busy... (grin)
19/03/2008 04:23:29 ‹Watcher› Paizoans, I am hoping with this announcement that our community can kinda settle down and move forward now.
19/03/2008 04:23:30 ‹Wes Schneider› We're REALLY trying to put the evil back into drow
19/03/2008 04:23:39 * Karelzarath cheers for Wes Schneider!
19/03/2008 04:23:43 ‹Rookseye› Thank you!
19/03/2008 04:23:44 ‹The Shadow› I'm pretty sure people that like 4e aren't going to "grow" into PRPG
19/03/2008 04:23:45 ‹Ross› Wes Schneider, just let Logue and Pett at 'em.
19/03/2008 04:23:49 * Charles Evans cheers for Watcher.
19/03/2008 04:24:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ross> That might be too evil
19/03/2008 04:24:14 ‹Wes Schneider› Less b~%+~y house squables (though there's still some of that, I love that) and more demon worship and actual, bold evil acts
19/03/2008 04:24:14 * bretthubbard quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:24:14 ‹Rookseye› Hmm...I don't know, the Logres still scare me
19/03/2008 04:24:16 ‹Karelzarath› Maybe they'll "graduate" from 4e? :D
19/03/2008 04:24:23 ‹Ross› Jason Bulmahn, they're DROW. They're allowed to be demonically evil.
19/03/2008 04:24:27 ‹Rambling Scribe› :lol:
19/03/2008 04:24:36 ‹Russ› Shadow, don't sell the audience short. WotC's got a solid demographic with their choices, but eventually people are gonna want a meatier setting that isn't oriented at selling a new splatbook every quarter.
19/03/2008 04:24:36 ‹Saracenus› The Shadow: Actually, D&D (current edition) is a gateway drug to a ton of game systems
19/03/2008 04:24:38 ‹The Shadow› I don't think the market is the same.
19/03/2008 04:24:47 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: My hoster is going to move the chatroom to a dedicated server. :)
19/03/2008 04:24:53 ‹Saracenus› People usually enter there and then move amoung the choices
04:25:04 ‹Russ› Nearly every RPG gets their audience off of peple who outgrew D&D
19/03/2008 04:25:16 ‹PeteA› Guess I never grew up. :-)
19/03/2008 04:25:17 ‹Saracenus› Russ: exactly
19/03/2008 04:25:17 ‹Rookseye› Yeah, D&D is a gateway drug to hard-core Call of Cthulhu addiction
19/03/2008 04:25:23 ‹Wes Schneider› I'm not sure if James has said it, but we have Jeff Grub and J.D. Wiker working on drow articles for us.
19/03/2008 04:25:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Nice
19/03/2008 04:25:25 * Karelzarath chuckles
19/03/2008 04:25:29 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith Is he asking anything extra for that?
19/03/2008 04:25:44 ‹Wyvern› Wes, awesome.
19/03/2008 04:25:46 ‹Mothman› Jeff Grub and JD Wiker - cool!
19/03/2008 04:25:53 ‹PeteA› So does Paizo have any plans on how they are going to Logue-Proof their offices?
19/03/2008 04:25:53 ‹The Shadow› I don't think players play systems. I think DMs run systems, and players play their games.
19/03/2008 04:25:53 ‹Daigle› Nice
19/03/2008 04:26:03 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: No he is not.
19/03/2008 04:26:15 ‹Watcher› Erik Mona, will there eventually be a PF Monster book after the Core Rules are done in 2009? Referring back to Lisa's comment that Core Books are required for this sort of venture
19/03/2008 04:26:21 ‹Saracenus› The Shadow: That is why we want 4e to do well, because as WotC goes, so goes the industry
19/03/2008 04:26:22 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: That's great of him; is he a RPG player then?
19/03/2008 04:26:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› PeteA> First we are going to put plugs in all the sockets... otherwise he could hurt himself
19/03/2008 04:26:35 * Russ craves workin' on some monsters
19/03/2008 04:26:36 * Dru joins Main
19/03/2008 04:26:37 ‹Karelzarath› Jason Bulmahn: What are your thoughts on level adjustments? How would you like to rework them?
19/03/2008 04:26:49 ‹The Shadow› And I think there's going to be too much of a jump from 4e to PRPG to make good DMs out of 4e players.
19/03/2008 04:26:56 ‹Wes Schneider› PeteA: Ummm, duck and cover?
19/03/2008 04:27:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Karel> that is a really big question.. one that I have not fully dug into yet...
19/03/2008 04:27:04 ‹Dru› Bulmahn: Why can't you drink Aussie beer and keep awake?
19/03/2008 04:27:06 ‹PeteA› Padding on the sharp corners, etc.
19/03/2008 04:27:08 ‹Ross› Erik Mona, related to Watcher's question, is the PFRPG core going to be one book, or several?
19/03/2008 04:27:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Dru> You bastard.. you know I had been drinking all night
19/03/2008 04:27:28 ‹The Shadow› If you're good at running 3.5, you'll be good at running 4e. It takes more talent to run 3.5.
19/03/2008 04:27:31 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: Not so much.
19/03/2008 04:27:38 ‹The Shadow› The reverse is not true.
19/03/2008 04:27:39 ‹Fake Healer› So, for the Paizo folks:
19/03/2008 04:27:42 ‹Karelzarath› Jason Bulmahn: Fair enough. :)
19/03/2008 04:27:49 ‹Erik Mona› I think a monster book is inevitable.
19/03/2008 04:27:53 ‹Fake Healer› is there to be a monster manual?
19/03/2008 04:28:06 * Ross adds 'level adjustments' to topics list for email/big post
19/03/2008 04:28:08 ‹Russ› Shadow - I disagree. I'm a damned good DM. I can't work with 4th.
19/03/2008 04:28:08 ‹Fake Healer› Ok
19/03/2008 04:28:10 ‹Blazej› Inevitable.
19/03/2008 04:28:20 ‹Russ› 4th gives me nothing to do as a DM. It is very frustrating.
19/03/2008 04:28:28 ‹Erik Mona› I wouldn't know.
19/03/2008 04:28:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Erik> Does that mean I have to write it.. ... umm.. really... umm...
19/03/2008 04:28:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› :-)
19/03/2008 04:28:38 ‹Russ› I might as well be a computer when it comes to the tactical angle of the game.
19/03/2008 04:28:45 ‹Saracenus› The Shadow: That is not a boast I would be happy with, I want lots of people to join our game... if it takes more "talent" to run 3.5 then that is a barrier to entry
19/03/2008 04:28:54 ‹Erik Mona› Russ> Are playtesters no longer gagged?
19/03/2008 04:28:57 ‹Saracenus› Barrier to entry = less sales = less support
19/03/2008 04:28:58 ‹Blazej› I need rules for playing Inevitables. :)
19/03/2008 04:29:16 ‹Fake Healer› Every word you type now Jason is one less for the MM.
19/03/2008 04:29:19 ‹Russ› Erik - I'm still gagged in as far as discussing anything meaningful :(
19/03/2008 04:29:25 ‹Erik Mona› Ok.
19/03/2008 04:29:27 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: Is there going to be a Christine Schneider Blog or journal?
19/03/2008 04:29:29 ‹Fake Healer› GET TOO WORK!!!
19/03/2008 04:29:30 ‹Rookseye› Enchiridion Golarion has a nice ring
19/03/2008 04:29:34 ‹Fake Healer› :lol:
19/03/2008 04:29:42 ‹Erik Mona› I plan to do an interview with Christine soon for the Paizo blog.
19/03/2008 04:29:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake> No.. I am tired
19/03/2008 04:29:50 ‹Saracenus› Erik Mona: Evidently some testers got more to look at than others
19/03/2008 04:29:53 ‹Erik Mona› Rook> It has a terrible ring to it!
19/03/2008 04:30:16 ‹Erik Mona› I can't imagine trying to sell a book called "Enchiridion Golarion" to bookstore reps. They'd be like "whut?"
19/03/2008 04:30:16 ‹Wes Schneider› I think Mike tapped her (Christine) to write part of the Campagin Setting too.
19/03/2008 04:30:21 ‹Rookseye› Heh
19/03/2008 04:30:25 ‹Erik Mona› That's why so many WotC books have the word "dragon" in the title.
19/03/2008 04:30:35 ‹Erik Mona› Bookstore buyers understand that word and order accordingly.
19/03/2008 04:30:38 * Russ throws up a little.
19/03/2008 04:30:45 ‹Karelzarath› Mmm... dragons
19/03/2008 04:30:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› brb... 5 min
19/03/2008 04:30:52 * Nick Logue joins Main
19/03/2008 04:30:56 ‹Erik Mona› Yes, Christine is writing part of the campaign setting book.
19/03/2008 04:30:58 ‹Russ› I appreciate that business is business, but WotC is harming the game itself in the name of profit.
19/03/2008 04:30:59 ‹Erik Mona› I can't wait to see it.
19/03/2008 04:31:00 * Jeff Alvarez joins Main
19/03/2008 04:31:01 ‹Wes Schneider› Yeah Russ, the sausage factory is sick.
19/03/2008 04:31:02 ‹Erik Mona› She is brilliant.
19/03/2008 04:31:02 * Karelzarath holds his question
19/03/2008 04:31:05 ‹Daigle› Nick!
19/03/2008 04:31:06 ‹Charles Evans› Greetings, Mr. Logue....
19/03/2008 04:31:11 ‹Daigle› Howdy Jeff Alvarez
19/03/2008 04:31:12 ‹Lori› Nick!
19/03/2008 04:31:14 ‹Pygon› I'm glad she won.
19/03/2008 04:31:14 ‹Rambling Scribe› Jeff!
19/03/2008 04:31:18 ‹Lori› Jeff!
19/03/2008 04:31:20 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Hi all!
19/03/2008 04:31:20 ‹Lilith› Jeff Alvarez! :squee:
19/03/2008 04:31:21 ‹Karelzarath› Heyas, Jeff
19/03/2008 04:31:21 ‹Russ› I was pretty sure I wasn't going to beat her no matter what :)
19/03/2008 04:31:23 ‹PeteA› Rocky!
19/03/2008 04:31:23 ‹Wes Schneider› It's Jeff! He's doing stuff!
19/03/2008 04:31:27 ‹Rookseye› Sledding on a volcano got her my vote....wow
19/03/2008 04:31:32 ‹Russ› I'm glad Paizo got a winner who wants to write a lot.
19/03/2008 04:31:35 * Watcher chuckles at the thought of Sexfinder Campaign setting, so that booksellers will order accordingly
19/03/2008 04:31:36 ‹Erik Mona› Hey, Jeff!
19/03/2008 04:31:47 ‹Erik Mona› That volcano sledding entry was superlative.
19/03/2008 04:31:49 ‹Russ› Sledding on a volcano sucked, imo. Too contrived to ever happen in an adventure.
19/03/2008 04:31:50 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Yo! Looks like everyone's here tonight
19/03/2008 04:31:51 * Lilith gives Jeff Alvarez his beer and cookies. :beer: :cookie:
19/03/2008 04:31:51 ‹Erik Mona› I think that won the contest for her.
19/03/2008 04:31:53 * Nick Logue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:32:03 * Charles Evans gets confused about the Jeffalvarez....
19/03/2008 04:32:08 ‹Rookseye› C'mon...SLED + VOLCANO
19/03/2008 04:32:10 ‹Erik Mona› The country that worshiped the disembodied head of a dead god got her out of the pack.
19/03/2008 04:32:13 ‹Lilith› Russ: I dunno. I've had soem bizarre s$@# happen in my campaigns.
19/03/2008 04:32:25 ‹Lilith› Charles Evans: Jeff is a paizo dude!
19/03/2008 04:32:37 ‹Russ› But....good standalone, yes.
19/03/2008 04:32:47 ‹Rambling Scribe› I ran a game where the PCs tobogganed to hell in a giant's handbasket...
19/03/2008 04:32:52 ‹Karelzarath› Jeff "The Enforcer" Alvarez.
19/03/2008 04:32:56 * Daigle grins
19/03/2008 04:33:03 ‹Mothman› Russ: I'd LOVE to see stuff like that in adventures more often
19/03/2008 04:33:06 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: :lol: I've had Underdark kayaking too. :D
19/03/2008 04:33:09 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Yes, that was me earlier today
19/03/2008 04:33:12 ‹Russ› Sled, volcano, and? Taht's like liking something because it has monkeys.
19/03/2008 04:33:19 ‹Rambling Scribe› Lilz: Nice!
19/03/2008 04:33:20 ‹Ross› I honestly did not like the Anvil, but Christine came up with great stuff int he later rounds.
19/03/2008 04:33:21 ‹Russ› I couldn't get past the idea that the party wouldn't have spiked the other sleds.
19/03/2008 04:33:23 ‹Jeff Alvarez› the editorial pit likes to call me that
19/03/2008 04:33:25 * Nick Logue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:33:26 ‹Karelzarath› You hatin' on monkeys? :pissed:
19/03/2008 04:33:27 ‹Lilith› Russ: And what's wrong with that?
19/03/2008 04:33:30 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› back again, did I miss any news on AP 4?
19/03/2008 04:33:40 ‹Timitius› Russ: Put TALKING monkeys in it, and it's GOLD!
19/03/2008 04:33:49 ‹Ross› Takasi Prepping Burning Sky, it's in Absalom?
19/03/2008 04:33:54 ‹Lilith› Takasi Prepping Burning Sky: James Jacobs probably has those keys...and he should be at home sleeping. :P
19/03/2008 04:33:57 ‹Rambling Scribe› Nick, come back...
19/03/2008 04:33:59 ‹Karelzarath› Takasi: It's entirely gnome-centric and takes place inside a giant snowglobe.
19/03/2008 04:34:07 * Dru quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:34:07 * Dru quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:34:09 ‹Lori› Takasi - yes we know the entire plot. Sorry you missed it. Our lips are sealed.
19/03/2008 04:34:10 ‹PeteA› Monkey Boys...
19/03/2008 04:34:27 ‹Rookseye› It's a Linnorm Kings Viking Saga with krakens and valkyries (I hope)
19/03/2008 04:34:32 ‹Timitius› Nick saw no references to Godzilla and porn, so he ducked out....:razz:
19/03/2008 04:34:34 * Takasi Prepping Burning Sky wants to play an ostrich rider in New New Hampshire.
19/03/2008 04:34:35 ‹Nick Logue› Am I back
19/03/2008 04:34:40 ‹Watcher› Lori's right, sucks to be Takasi
19/03/2008 04:34:40 ‹PeteA› no
19/03/2008 04:34:42 ‹Nick Logue› I think I'm back
19/03/2008 04:34:43 * Eyebite joins Main
19/03/2008 04:34:47 ‹PeteA› nope
19/03/2008 04:34:48 ‹Rambling Scribe› Nick!
19/03/2008 04:34:48 ‹Lilith› Nick Logue: You are!
19/03/2008 04:34:51 ‹Nick Logue› How's everyone doing?
19/03/2008 04:34:56 * Lilith glomps Nick Logue! :glomp:
19/03/2008 04:34:59 ‹Daigle› Rockin'
19/03/2008 04:35:01 ‹Rambling Scribe› :headbang:
19/03/2008 04:35:01 ‹Watcher› great!
19/03/2008 04:35:04 ‹Russ› Wasn't there a sled encounter in A2?
19/03/2008 04:35:04 ‹Wes Schneider› Whoa
19/03/2008 04:35:07 ‹Pygon› enthused
19/03/2008 04:35:09 ‹PeteA› Hi Nick!
19/03/2008 04:35:09 ‹Russ› Wait, not A2 of course, A3
19/03/2008 04:35:11 ‹Lori› Nick - don't break it, now.
19/03/2008 04:35:13 ‹Wes Schneider› Sleepy
19/03/2008 04:35:14 ‹Watcher› Like friggan Tony the Tiger
19/03/2008 04:35:15 ‹Nick Logue› WHAT UP Y'ALL!
19/03/2008 04:35:30 ‹Russ› The curl-up bark sleds of some sort. And silvery sand.
19/03/2008 04:35:33 ‹PeteA› WOOT! Nick is in da house!
19/03/2008 04:35:34 ‹Nick Logue› HOMIGODS! IS THAT WES!
19/03/2008 04:35:36 * Lilith gives Wes Schneider a tasty drink. :D
19/03/2008 04:35:44 ‹Nick Logue› WES IS KING S&~& OF THE POODLE RACE!
19/03/2008 04:35:46 ‹Karelzarath› Godzilla porn? http://www.neomonsterisland.co...ced.jpg
19/03/2008 04:35:46 ‹Daigle› I know! Wes finally made it!
19/03/2008 04:35:50 ‹Fake Healer› Hey Logue, My previous question......
19/03/2008 04:35:51 ‹Wes Schneider› 0_0
19/03/2008 04:35:52 ‹Nick Logue› He's here!
19/03/2008 04:35:57 ‹Nick Logue› Go for it Fakey!
19/03/2008 04:35:58 ‹Timitius› The Logue!
19/03/2008 04:36:01 ‹Nick Logue› I missed it.
19/03/2008 04:36:02 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Tabogans are were it's at
19/03/2008 04:36:03 ‹PeteA› So do you get a Paizo badge with your picture on it?
19/03/2008 04:36:03 ‹Wes Schneider› Ummm... thanks?
19/03/2008 04:36:04 ‹Nick Logue› I suck tonight!
19/03/2008 04:36:05 * Charles Evans wonders if putting Nick Logue in charge of innocent young players is like giving a fox the keys to a henhouse....
19/03/2008 04:36:10 ‹Wyvern› CMB! I dig.
19/03/2008 04:36:11 ‹Pygon› why did I click...
19/03/2008 04:36:15 ‹Nick Logue› Yum yum YUM!
19/03/2008 04:36:17 * Russ obviously doesn't know what people want in an encounter, and that's ok :)
19/03/2008 04:36:19 ‹Fake Healer› Are you allowed to freelance while being a Paizo employee
19/03/2008 04:36:20 ‹Wes Schneider› Whoa... Nick has a Paizo icon. Why does that make me feel like there's a hurricane near my house?
19/03/2008 04:36:27 ‹Lilith› Wes Schneider: :lol:
19/03/2008 04:36:31 * Karelzarath grins at Pygon
19/03/2008 04:36:42 ‹Russ› If mind flayers were OGC, I'd have probably recreated my best RPGA encounter with some additional twists.
19/03/2008 04:36:46 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: The answer should be ... "Yes."
19/03/2008 04:36:51 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Nick, what can you tell us about the Pathfinder Society?
19/03/2008 04:37:10 ‹Mothman› IS that godzilla porn link safe for the office? Im guessing no....
19/03/2008 04:37:22 ‹Timitius› Karelzarath: Sweet Godzilla tail.....
19/03/2008 04:37:22 ‹PeteA› Basically, does Nick have to sign exclusive and a non-compete?
19/03/2008 04:37:29 * Lori quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:37:30 * Lori quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:37:33 ‹Pygon› It's semi-safe, and you'll get some real weird looks methinks
19/03/2008 04:37:35 ‹Erik Mona› No.
19/03/2008 04:37:49 ‹PeteA› There you go.
19/03/2008 04:37:49 ‹Ross› Jason Bulmahn, can we do something to fix up Raise Dead in PFRPG? Basiucally, to fix how it breaks how the world is expected tow ork?
19/03/2008 04:37:49 ‹Rambling Scribe› Crap, I've seen that website...
19/03/2008 04:37:55 ‹Erik Mona› Paizo employees are free to do freelance work.
19/03/2008 04:37:56 ‹Nick Logue› PFS is going to be the bomb.
19/03/2008 04:38:01 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: Any news on the German translations frnt?
19/03/2008 04:38:05 ‹Erik Mona› No.
19/03/2008 04:38:11 ‹Timitius› Mothman: It's safe....ish.
19/03/2008 04:38:12 ‹Russ› WotC'
19/03/2008 04:38:13 ‹Nick Logue› Organized Play in Golarion, mostly centered around Absalom.
19/03/2008 04:38:14 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I'd like to be volunteer Nick
19/03/2008 04:38:15 ‹Erik Mona› But there is a French edition available now!
19/03/2008 04:38:20 ‹Nick Logue› Though with excursions all over.
19/03/2008 04:38:20 ‹Russ› WotC's raise dead approach isn't terrible. but a bit contrived.
19/03/2008 04:38:22 ‹Wyvern› The question, will he have the time to do other stuff? I doubt it.
19/03/2008 04:38:25 ‹Nick Logue› Five factions.
19/03/2008 04:38:28 ‹Russ› (for 4th edition).
19/03/2008 04:38:33 ‹Fake Healer› My hope was to exclude the elite writers from WotC support roles....
19/03/2008 04:38:41 ‹Charles Evans› Erik: You culd pay Christine to move to Seatle, so she could carry out translation work for you as well, maybe?
19/03/2008 04:38:42 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I am back
19/03/2008 04:38:45 ‹Russ› But requiring consent of the gods to be raised isn't a bad idea, which is a step away from this futzy "destiny" thing
19/03/2008 04:38:46 ‹Nick Logue› You join a faction when you sign up and YOU control its destiny.
19/03/2008 04:38:50 * Lori joins Main
19/03/2008 04:38:52 ‹Timitius› Tell me again how to get involved in the playtest portion?
19/03/2008 04:38:52 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn! :squee: :glomp:
19/03/2008 04:38:56 ‹Rambling Scribe› Nick is a word machine. :typerhappy:
19/03/2008 04:38:58 ‹Jeff Alvarez› I'm sure Nick will have more than enough to keep him occupied at paizo
19/03/2008 04:39:02 ‹Timitius› Or point me to linky.
19/03/2008 04:39:03 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› what are the factions Nick, are they like Houses?
19/03/2008 04:39:06 ‹sagestl› Any hints that you can give as to the factions?
19/03/2008 04:39:07 ‹Nick Logue› I'm sure I will!
19/03/2008 04:39:11 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› or economic organizations?
19/03/2008 04:39:15 * Lilith gives Jason Bulmahn tasty cheddar brats and a stein of icy cold beer. :beer:
19/03/2008 04:39:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I do have some ideas for Raise Dead.. most of them involve the negative level mechanic.. I am feeling pretty confident that you can kiss level loss goodbye
19/03/2008 04:39:21 ‹Ross› The destiny thing is flat out saying "speed of the plot" which is a cop-out.
19/03/2008 04:39:23 ‹Fake Healer› Yes, Nick, I absolutely consider you an elite writer.
19/03/2008 04:39:26 ‹Russ› Any thoughts on evil PCs? Personally, I can't stand em.
19/03/2008 04:39:26 ‹Nick Logue› There will be more juicy details on the factions ccoming soon in the blog posts.
19/03/2008 04:39:33 ‹Ross› The Players should be able to figure out if the BBEG will stay dead or not.
19/03/2008 04:39:44 ‹Eyebite› I'm not fond of a lot of what I've seen from 4e, but Keith Baker is quoted over at Enworld regarding raise dead.
19/03/2008 04:39:51 ‹Nick Logue› Yeah, I cleared my plate of WotC freelance after April.
19/03/2008 04:39:51 ‹Watcher› Night all... work comes sooner on the East Side
19/03/2008 04:39:53 ‹Russ› Jason> we mean avoiding the problem of "Oh? The king died? We raise him"
19/03/2008 04:39:54 * Watcher waves
19/03/2008 04:39:56 ‹Nick Logue› I won't have the time relly.
19/03/2008 04:39:58 ‹Nick Logue› really.\
19/03/2008 04:40:00 ‹Eyebite› it's a pretty interesting take on it
19/03/2008 04:40:01 ‹Fake Healer› WAY more than Pett or Vaughn
19/03/2008 04:40:02 ‹Karelzarath› Jason Bulmahn: That's awesome. Can't wait to see what you have in mind.
19/03/2008 04:40:03 ‹Blazej› Ross, with excessive fireballs!
19/03/2008 04:40:06 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Nick, what can I do in the immediate future to volunteer for the Pathfinder Society?
04:40:15 ‹Nick Logue› Send an email to Josh.
19/03/2008 04:40:16 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I have a table of players who are interested
19/03/2008 04:40:20 ‹Nick Logue› josh@paizo.com
19/03/2008 04:40:21 ‹Blazej› Take that! BBEG's corpse!
19/03/2008 04:40:23 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› ok
19/03/2008 04:40:32 ‹Nick Logue› Make sure to include PATHFINDER SOCIETY VOLUNTEER in the subject line!
19/03/2008 04:40:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ> Yeah.. that is one I am still toying with
19/03/2008 04:40:43 ‹Wes Schneider› Russ: I saw that too. It's like, the idea is okay, but using hardwired story stuff to sort out problems with the rules seemed wonky to me. At least, for it to be in the core rules.
19/03/2008 04:41:00 ‹Rookseye› Well, its late here, I just wanted to thank Erik, Jason, James, Lisa, Jeff, Nick, Wes, Jeff, and all the folks in customer support and the warehouse for doing things their way. Looking forward to the next surprise!
19/03/2008 04:41:05 ‹PeteA› What exactly are the duties of a volunteer?
19/03/2008 04:41:05 ‹Rambling Scribe› Nick, my group started Library of last resort tonight (I'm a player). I think it's the first thing by you I've played (except Shadowrun).
19/03/2008 04:41:14 * Ross adds 'Raise dead' to list of topics for email/big post.
19/03/2008 04:41:15 ‹Nick Logue› Ha!
19/03/2008 04:41:16 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› which prior organized play model would you say Pathfinder Society is most like?
19/03/2008 04:41:19 ‹Nick Logue› Shadowrun was good times!
19/03/2008 04:41:27 ‹Nick Logue› At Origins this year, we'll have to do the sequel!
19/03/2008 04:41:33 ‹Blazej› Raise Dead could cut your remaining life span by half or something...
19/03/2008 04:41:35 ‹Rambling Scribe› Yes!
19/03/2008 04:41:46 ‹Nick Logue› I've got one all set...all about Loki's missing son...it's gonna be great...f+$+in great even.
19/03/2008 04:41:50 ‹Russ› I like the idea that if you get raised, it is because the entity doing it for you is gonna make sure you pay it back
19/03/2008 04:41:54 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Thanks Rookseye!
19/03/2008 04:41:57 * robert_hawk quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:41:57 * robert_hawk quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:42:00 ‹Ross› Blazej, I like,
19/03/2008 04:42:07 ‹Ross› Russ, auto-geas?
19/03/2008 04:42:13 ‹Erik Mona› Takasi> Probably Living City, but after the benefit of lessons learned.
19/03/2008 04:42:19 ‹Erik Mona› And with a bit more travel abroad.
19/03/2008 04:42:22 ‹Blazej› Why can't we bring the King back? He was old.
19/03/2008 04:42:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ> I like that too.. but it might be more of a campaign rule than a core rule
19/03/2008 04:42:40 ‹Blazej› He would have lived for about two years then died.
19/03/2008 04:42:49 ‹Erik Mona› I liked the idea of losing a point of Con every time you came back.
19/03/2008 04:43:02 ‹Russ› Yep. 3rd and 4th are both "Death, where is thy sting"
19/03/2008 04:43:06 ‹Erik Mona› But then I also liked ghosts that aged you and system shock rolls.
19/03/2008 04:43:14 ‹Erik Mona› Does that make me a "simulationist"?
19/03/2008 04:43:15 ‹Rambling Scribe› I like the idea that someone has to go to the afterlife and get you.
19/03/2008 04:43:16 * dru joins Main
19/03/2008 04:43:18 ‹Russ› I liked the idea that every haste spell could kill ya.
19/03/2008 04:43:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Erik is old school
19/03/2008 04:43:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ> I miss that.. kinda
19/03/2008 04:43:38 ‹Russ› Please be getting rid of long crafting times.
19/03/2008 04:43:43 ‹Wes Schneider› Yeah, I could see Raise Dead and friends getting a sidebar on how you mgiht want to adjucate them more to personal tastes.
19/03/2008 04:43:52 ‹Erik Mona› I did too. It made up for the fact that haste is kinda broken. :)
19/03/2008 04:43:54 * Russ is gonna work on brainstorming crafting he thinks
19/03/2008 04:43:57 * Rookseye quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:44:02 ‹PeteA› *Love* the school powers. I can sell my crossbow!
19/03/2008 04:44:06 ‹Erik Mona› Long crafting times are a joke.
19/03/2008 04:44:11 ‹Erik Mona› NO ONE needs to tell Bulmahn that.
19/03/2008 04:44:17 * Karelzarath chuckles
19/03/2008 04:44:21 ‹Russ› "Can we take 100 days off so I can make this item?"
19/03/2008 04:44:21 ‹Erik Mona› His character in my Age of Worms campaign learned that lesson well.
19/03/2008 04:44:27 ‹Charles Evans› I think long crafting times make sense, but the XP burn has always bothered me.
19/03/2008 04:44:33 ‹Erik Mona› Pathetic. That is one of the worst parts of third edition.
19/03/2008 04:44:41 ‹Russ› I'm doing a cop-out in Age of Worms - I'm using the Gord the Rogue dimensional thingie where time passes slower.
19/03/2008 04:44:44 ‹Russ› I don't think it breaks the game.
19/03/2008 04:44:49 * Timitius quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:44:52 ‹Ross› Erik Mona, haste WAS broken. It was fixed in 3.5. Now it's lame.
19/03/2008 04:44:52 ‹Wyvern› I never cared for crafting stuff. They are adventurers!
19/03/2008 04:44:52 ‹Russ› XP burn is a terrible way to balance crafting.
19/03/2008 04:44:54 ‹Blazej› I need to make Full Plate!
19/03/2008 04:44:54 ‹Rambling Scribe› It's not the magic item crafting, it's the mundane item crafting...
19/03/2008 04:44:56 ‹Erik Mona› If crafting is something PCs can do, it shouldn't bring the campaign to a halt.
19/03/2008 04:44:56 ‹Charles Evans› How do these court wzards who've never adventured in their lives but just studied books ever have enough XP to make items?
19/03/2008 04:44:56 ‹Wes Schneider› Hey Jason, how's that house in Diamond Lake doin' for yah? Property vaules make it turn a profit yet?
19/03/2008 04:45:00 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Goodbye long crafting times.. they will now be part of your adventuring day
19/03/2008 04:45:01 ‹Blazej› Give me two months.
19/03/2008 04:45:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wes> Damn you.. it was worth over 200 gp at the end of the last game
04:45:29 ‹Daigle› Crafting times for mundane items are even sillier than magic items
19/03/2008 04:45:34 ‹Erik Mona› LOL
19/03/2008 04:45:35 ‹sagestl› I'd love to see something similar to "Month of Vallis," from Ptolus.
19/03/2008 04:45:37 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: from a simulationist point of view, they ought to be spending some time levelling u anyway.
19/03/2008 04:45:48 ‹Erik Mona› I think it is now filled with bandits and otyugh poop.
19/03/2008 04:45:51 ‹Russ› Although with that, magic item prices are also quite broken
19/03/2008 04:45:53 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Charles> No more XP cost as a part of item creation.. all gold and time now (although not "non adventuring" time) The wizard will get to play too
19/03/2008 04:45:58 * kruelaid joins Main
19/03/2008 04:45:59 * dru quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:45:59 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› email to Josh is on its way, thanks Nick
19/03/2008 04:46:06 ‹Erik Mona› The month of Vallis is one of the coolest things in the Ptolus campaign.
19/03/2008 04:46:06 ‹Charles Evans› Maybe a compromise wher they can choose a long time, OR xp burn...
19/03/2008 04:46:08 ‹Daigle› kruelaid!!!
19/03/2008 04:46:11 * Absinth joins Main
19/03/2008 04:46:14 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Erik, question about Online play support
19/03/2008 04:46:20 ‹Erik Mona› Barbatos is, to my knowledge, the only Ptolus character to ever experience the month.
19/03/2008 04:46:27 ‹Nick Logue› KRUELAID ON THE CHAT!
19/03/2008 04:46:31 ‹Ross› I want PC and NPC weath fixed. If a first level PC is being offered 20 POUNDS of gold for foot work, NPCs need to make more than a silver a day.
19/03/2008 04:46:33 ‹Absinth› Good morning, Paizonians...
19/03/2008 04:46:33 ‹kruelaid› HOLY CRAP
19/03/2008 04:46:36 ‹Erik Mona› I had to learn a special spell to gain access to the "secret" 13th month in the calendar.
19/03/2008 04:46:38 ‹Lilith› kruelaid! :squee: :glomp: :thug:
19/03/2008 04:46:43 ‹Erik Mona› OMG Monte is such an awesome DM.
19/03/2008 04:46:49 ‹kruelaid› dudes
19/03/2008 04:46:53 ‹kruelaid› joy
19/03/2008 04:46:53 ‹Nick Logue› Absinth, greetings!
19/03/2008 04:46:54 ‹Russ› Ross - oddly, that doesn't bug me much. I think of it as a gold rush economy.
19/03/2008 04:46:56 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: I need you!
19/03/2008 04:46:57 ‹kruelaid› happy happy joy joy
19/03/2008 04:46:57 ‹Mothman› hey Kruelaid
19/03/2008 04:46:59 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› do you have any plans for online organized play?
19/03/2008 04:47:05 ‹Blazej› Lilith, ????
19/03/2008 04:47:08 ‹PeteA› Hey Kruelaid
19/03/2008 04:47:11 ‹sagestl› Erik> Oh, really? That spell is awesome- would have thought it would have gotten more play. Loved the idea (and the flavor).
19/03/2008 04:47:16 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Perkins is a pretty amazing GM as well!
19/03/2008 04:47:19 * kruelaid greets EVRYONE heartily
19/03/2008 04:47:20 ‹Erik Mona› Lilith> Um, ok.
19/03/2008 04:47:22 ‹Erik Mona› I am sure.
19/03/2008 04:47:23 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Or more precisely...I need to know the final, real answer on the Calendar. Is there an extra 5 days at the end of the year?
19/03/2008 04:47:28 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I recommend supporting MapTool, it's an online open source tool that is very good IMO
19/03/2008 04:47:37 ‹Russ› 20 pounds of gold at 1st level is a bit of stretch, tho
19/03/2008 04:47:42 ‹Ross› I second supporting MapTool.
19/03/2008 04:47:44 ‹kruelaid› congratulations NICK
19/03/2008 04:47:56 ‹Russ› OpenRPG is pretty good
19/03/2008 04:47:56 ‹Ross› Russ, it happens in CotCT. Like 5 encounters in.
19/03/2008 04:48:01 ‹Erik Mona› Lilith> Um.... good question.
19/03/2008 04:48:01 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› MapTool is a very stable alternative to the "DDI" tools
19/03/2008 04:48:05 ‹Absinth› Jason Bulmahn, I dreamed of this creepy robot you posted on your LJ. Thanks a LOT! :)
19/03/2008 04:48:09 ‹Russ› Aren't they 2nd level by then? :)
19/03/2008 04:48:19 ‹Ross› Takasi Prepping Burning Sky, maybe we could get Trevor to come to the Paizo chats?
19/03/2008 04:48:20 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: The player's guides indicate otherwise...:paranoid:
19/03/2008 04:48:21 * kruelaid has a ten second lag before his posts appear so he will just read and sip beer
19/03/2008 04:48:37 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I could post something on their boards Ross
19/03/2008 04:48:38 ‹Ross› Russ, shouldn't be. It's when they return the brooch.
19/03/2008 04:48:42 * Russ takes his pay in astral diamonds now
19/03/2008 04:48:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> don't worry.. I am sure I will have nightmares tonight about it
19/03/2008 04:48:46 ‹Erik Mona› What do the Player's Guides indicate?
19/03/2008 04:48:47 * Dorgar joins Main
19/03/2008 04:48:56 ‹Russ› I'd be expecting them to be 2nd or very close to 2nd after taking care of Lamm
19/03/2008 04:48:59 * Charles Evans quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:49:00 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: 12 months, 30 days a month.
19/03/2008 04:49:29 ‹Dorgar› Hello all
19/03/2008 04:49:32 ‹Ross› Russ, and immeidate after that, the Guard begins paying them 500+ gold a mission.
19/03/2008 04:49:36 * Lilith runs n' glomps Dorgar! :glomp:
19/03/2008 04:49:38 ‹Daigle› Howdy Dorgar
19/03/2008 04:49:42 ‹Erik Mona› LOL. Snubbed by EN World's main page for 7 hours and counting... ;)
19/03/2008 04:49:53 ‹Jeff Alvarez› lol
19/03/2008 04:49:58 ‹Russ› Shocked I am not.
19/03/2008 04:50:01 ‹Wes Schneider› OH! $^@*$*(%# JASON! I found your blog trying to get here and watched that video. S&#!! I can't wait for the dark nuclear future where howling packs of those are chasing me through the radioactive forest. THANKS
19/03/2008 04:50:02 ‹Balthaczar› i saw that
19/03/2008 04:50:05 ‹Russ› They essentially ignored Superstar.
19/03/2008 04:50:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wow.. that is ture
19/03/2008 04:50:06 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› for future APs, will you continue to assume that the baseline is a party of 6 optimized characters?
19/03/2008 04:50:09 ‹Balthaczar› wondered why
19/03/2008 04:50:15 ‹Lilith› Wes Schneider: :lol:
19/03/2008 04:50:15 ‹Dorgar› Hooray for Paizo :)
19/03/2008 04:50:15 * Scede joins Main
19/03/2008 04:50:17 ‹Eyebite› I noticed that...convenient of them to not mention it
19/03/2008 04:50:19 ‹Erik Mona› We're going to have to resolve that in some awesome way, Lilith. Stay tuned!
19/03/2008 04:50:28 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› there is a huge power gap between 6 optimized characters, especially using some new powercreeped rules
19/03/2008 04:50:29 * Russ is poking at updating his entries
19/03/2008 04:50:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wes> I know.. truly horrifying
19/03/2008 04:50:46 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› vs a traditional 4 character, less than optimized (organic) party
19/03/2008 04:50:55 ‹Ross› Takasi Prepping Burning Sky, Erik Mona, I thought the baseline was 4 characters for the Pathfinder APs.
19/03/2008 04:50:56 ‹Russ› If you want balanced game, consider dropping almost all the SR:no spells from SpC
19/03/2008 04:50:58 ‹Erik Mona› I wonder if they consider Paizo competition because of EN Publishing and their web store.
19/03/2008 04:51:00 ‹Erik Mona› Weird.
19/03/2008 04:51:00 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Eeeexcellent...It's a completely selfish question. I don't want that day I spent calculating moon cycles and years to go to waste. Oh, and making the calendars in PDF form. :D
19/03/2008 04:51:15 ‹Erik Mona› I remember when that site was the premier outlet for news about the d20 system.
19/03/2008 04:51:31 ‹Lilith› GamingReport.com isn't bad
19/03/2008 04:51:31 ‹Russ› *nods* they enjoy their insider status with WotC too much now.
19/03/2008 04:51:45 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› gamingreport isn't that great either
19/03/2008 04:51:47 * kruelaid can't even open EN world websites from here in China so he doesn't care. He sips more beer.
19/03/2008 04:51:55 ‹Wes Schneider› Did you all see the Pathfinder RPG vs 4E poll going now? http://www.enworld.org/showthr...=221904
19/03/2008 04:52:01 ‹Russ› You could tell they were slobbering over "exclusives" at GenCon. Yes, you're a mouthpiece for a corporation. Way to go, guys!
19/03/2008 04:52:03 * Lilith refills kruelaid's beer. :beer:
19/03/2008 04:52:23 ‹Erik Mona› Gamingreport has not reported it yet, either.
19/03/2008 04:52:28 ‹Balthaczar› just saw that wes
19/03/2008 04:52:35 ‹Absinth› I went to bed before you made your announcement and I ust read the thing now. This is the best news in ages! You rock! Thanks so much for supporting this awesome system! I'll support you by buying as much PF stuff as I can afford! *dances around at six in the morning*
19/03/2008 04:52:36 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I'm surprised EN World hasn't made THEIR decision yet
19/03/2008 04:52:43 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› they publish afterall
19/03/2008 04:52:54 ‹Balthaczar› http://www.enworld.org/showthr...=221904
19/03/2008 04:53:02 ‹Balthaczar› doh
19/03/2008 04:53:03 * kruelaid suggests that anyone who CAN get onto ENworld website to vote for Pathfinder should do so on behalf of kruelaid, several times preferably
19/03/2008 04:53:04 ‹Balthaczar› sorry
19/03/2008 04:53:07 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I'd like to see them do another Campaign Saga, but I'm not sure if their first one is selling well or not
19/03/2008 04:53:15 ‹Balthaczar› ambien
19/03/2008 04:53:18 ‹Wes Schneider› Yeah, there doesn't seem to be a really solid gaming news blog yet. I read several video game new blogs... just no tabletop.
19/03/2008 04:53:50 ‹Absinth› Jasons blog is disturbing too...;)
19/03/2008 04:53:56 ‹Ross› Alright. I love all you guys (especially today, after the good news), but it's one in the freaking morning here. I have work in 8 hours. Goodnight.
19/03/2008 04:54:10 ‹PeteA› Are there thoughts to doing a PFRPG monthly mag ala Dragon? i.e. something for players too
19/03/2008 04:54:11 * Charles Evans speculates that second Darkness may be Lilith's fault or AP #4) to supply those 5 missing days....
19/03/2008 04:54:12 ‹Wes Schneider› Night!
19/03/2008 04:54:14 ‹Mothman› See you Ross
19/03/2008 04:54:26 ‹Jeff Alvarez› night
19/03/2008 04:54:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night Ross
19/03/2008 04:54:28 ‹Daigle› Take care, man.
19/03/2008 04:54:32 ‹Dorgar› I would be happy to tap a vote for you Kruelaid
19/03/2008 04:54:38 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› EN World went downhill years ago when it was bought out by Morrus
19/03/2008 04:54:41 ‹sagestl› PeteA> Oooooo...
19/03/2008 04:54:56 ‹kruelaid› l82
19/03/2008 04:54:58 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› having the news run on England time bugs me :P
19/03/2008 04:55:04 ‹Erik Mona› PeteA: The Pathfinder Companion will be great for players.
19/03/2008 04:55:11 ‹kruelaid› l8r... i mean
19/03/2008 04:55:12 ‹Jeff Alvarez› PeteA> the Pathfinder Companion might fit that role
19/03/2008 04:55:15 ‹Absinth› God, I'm excited. When did the news hit? I guess all the questions I have will propably have been already asked...
19/03/2008 04:55:19 ‹Eyebite› I'm just a little bothered that EN World doesn't even try to pretend they're impartial
19/03/2008 04:55:24 ‹Russ› Of course, I'm a fanboy too, just of a different company
19/03/2008 04:55:36 * Ross quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:55:39 ‹Lori› Good night all. Cheers to Paizo. (Goes off to dream about Golarion.)
19/03/2008 04:55:49 ‹kruelaid› gnite
19/03/2008 04:55:49 ‹Jeff Alvarez› night
19/03/2008 04:55:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> The news went live about 7 hours ago
19/03/2008 04:55:52 ‹Dorgar› Any word on Organized Play yet ?
19/03/2008 04:55:52 ‹Daigle› Night Lori
19/03/2008 04:55:52 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I don't see why they need to be 'impartial' Russ
19/03/2008 04:56:02 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› they're a news and fan site
19/03/2008 04:56:03 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight Lori.
19/03/2008 04:56:08 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› and publishing company
19/03/2008 04:56:21 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I mean Eyebite
19/03/2008 04:56:21 ‹PeteA› screw enworld. Are you planning any sort of ad push with this?
19/03/2008 04:56:33 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona (and other Paizonians): You'll be pleased to know that my hubby has expressed interest in playtesting...and he's been apathetic so far to anything put out for Pathfinder.
19/03/2008 04:56:44 ‹Lilith› He's the hardest gamer to please....
19/03/2008 04:56:46 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Dorgar> Yes check out the Pathfinder Socitey on paizo.com
19/03/2008 04:56:54 * Lori quit
19/03/2008 04:57:01 ‹Eyebite› I know I know, I just remember when I used to go them for most of my RPG related news
19/03/2008 04:57:18 ‹Russ› i didn't say they had to be impartial.
19/03/2008 04:57:19 ‹Russ› :)
19/03/2008 04:57:20 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Huzzah Lilith's Hubby!
19/03/2008 04:57:24 ‹Lilith› Jeff Alvarez: Can we get a cool window sticker for the pathfinder Society? :D
19/03/2008 04:57:27 * Nick Logue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 04:57:37 ‹Russ› I've already got a playtest group together
19/03/2008 04:57:39 ‹Jeff Alvarez› We shal see
19/03/2008 04:57:43 ‹Dorgar› Thanks I will do. I guess I missed it in all the mayham and excitement
19/03/2008 04:57:50 ‹PeteA› Or at the very least a cool icon for websites
19/03/2008 04:57:58 ‹Lilith› Jeff Alvarez: They'd go well with my fuzzy d20 dice danglers.
19/03/2008 04:58:02 ‹Lilith› Fan Site Kit! :D
19/03/2008 04:58:04 ‹Jeff Alvarez› I think Josh is working on that
19/03/2008 04:58:10 ‹Jeff Alvarez› lol
19/03/2008 04:58:24 ‹PeteA› PFRPG Webring!
19/03/2008 04:58:36 ‹Charles Evans› PeteA: I suspect that every DM with a group of real life players in this chatroom is a potential Ad for Pathfinder.
19/03/2008 04:58:55 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Dorgar> Nick was hired to run the org play for us so ask him when he pops back on
19/03/2008 04:59:08 ‹Absinth› *rubs eyes* There ARE already PF rules out?!
19/03/2008 04:59:21 ‹Lilith› Absinth: ALPHA RULES BAYBEE!
19/03/2008 04:59:22 ‹kruelaid› lol
19/03/2008 04:59:26 ‹Wyvern› Haha... webrings are so 1995.
19/03/2008 04:59:32 ‹Erik Mona› I was just going to say.
19/03/2008 04:59:36 ‹Erik Mona› Webrings.
19/03/2008 04:59:37 ‹Erik Mona› Wow.
19/03/2008 04:59:53 ‹Erik Mona› Reminds me of that ubiquitous animated gif of the burning torch and the blink tag.
19/03/2008 04:59:54 ‹Dorgar› I saw that and it just added to the Ohhh Yeahhh !!! Factor I am sure he will do a great job.
19/03/2008 05:00:03 * Fake Healer quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:00:07 ‹Russ› Webrings. Dang.
19/03/2008 05:00:08 ‹Absinth› I need coffee now and something to calm down...:)
19/03/2008 05:00:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ohh.. can we get some spinning skulls too
19/03/2008 05:00:30 ‹PeteA› Charles: Was directed at Paizo as far as magazine ads, media, etc.
19/03/2008 05:00:45 ‹PeteA› Borders, et al
19/03/2008 05:00:59 ‹Erik Mona› I believe Borders will be picking up Pathfinder soon.
05:01:07 ‹Pygon› excellent
19/03/2008 05:01:08 ‹PeteA› Nice!
19/03/2008 05:01:08 ‹Russ› Rah.
19/03/2008 05:01:09 ‹Mothman› Hmmm
19/03/2008 05:01:11 ‹Lilith› Cool beans Erik!
19/03/2008 05:01:12 ‹Erik Mona› We will be doing some ads in trade publications and the like.
19/03/2008 05:01:12 ‹The Shadow› Don't remind me.
19/03/2008 05:01:18 ‹Erik Mona› No Maxim ads for us. :)
19/03/2008 05:01:20 ‹Mothman› PAthfinder in borders, yay!
19/03/2008 05:01:26 ‹Erik Mona› (3.0 had print ads in Maxim.)
19/03/2008 05:01:26 ‹Russ› Thanks for introducing me to C.L. Moore, btw.
19/03/2008 05:01:33 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› At the biggest game shop in Sacramento, I feel sorry for Pathfinder, it takes up so little shelf space right now
19/03/2008 05:01:34 ‹Erik Mona› You're welcome!
19/03/2008 05:01:37 ‹Pygon› Seoni won't do a shoot?
19/03/2008 05:01:46 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Is it standard Paizo policy to make Two Big Announcements instead of one?
19/03/2008 05:01:49 ‹Karelzarath› What? No Maxim ads? Then how can I justify getting a subscription? ;)
19/03/2008 05:01:50 ‹Erik Mona› Planet Stories is the gift that keeps on giving, as almost all of our authors have dozens of books under their belts.
19/03/2008 05:01:53 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› most gamers there don't really know about it, and at a Gameday I saw a table look for a module to run
19/03/2008 05:01:57 ‹Daigle› Pygon...cool idea!
19/03/2008 05:02:04 * Mothman 's gaming group is not universally enthusiastic about scrapping Friday night's SC game in favour of Burnt Offerings using PFRPG rules ... :-(
19/03/2008 05:02:05 ‹Russ› I'm glad it is selling well enough to go on.
19/03/2008 05:02:05 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› they picked up a DCC, Pathfinder was skipped over
19/03/2008 05:02:14 ‹Eyebite› Takasi - are you in Sacramento? Are you referring to the game shop over on Howe?
19/03/2008 05:02:16 ‹Daigle› :lol:
19/03/2008 05:02:20 ‹Russ› I've got a lot of my depth in the Campbell era scifi authors, but not much before that.
19/03/2008 05:02:20 ‹The Shadow› I was the first HTML programmer hired by CompuServe. That was the last month they had more subscribers than AOL. I'm assuming the two things weren't related.
19/03/2008 05:02:21 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› A-1
19/03/2008 05:02:33 ‹Erik Mona› I think most gamers in general do not know about Pathfinder, honestly.
19/03/2008 05:02:53 ‹Erik Mona› Russ> I specialize in the earlier era. :)
19/03/2008 05:02:54 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› Organized Play can make a big difference, IMO
19/03/2008 05:02:59 ‹Erik Mona› Do you know Manly Wade Wellman?
19/03/2008 05:03:00 ‹Wyvern› Erik, I agree.
19/03/2008 05:03:00 ‹Absinth› This may change after the 4e fiasco...
19/03/2008 05:03:27 ‹Karelzarath› Time for me to start hanging out in the FLGS and hawking PF! :)
19/03/2008 05:03:35 ‹Absinth› So, will there be new base classes, like a Pathfinder class or something?
19/03/2008 05:03:38 ‹Erik Mona› You can all help us spread the word any time you're at the local game store, of course.
19/03/2008 05:03:38 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I know a lot of people outside our gaming circle who only play pick up games
19/03/2008 05:03:38 * Gavgoyle joins Main
19/03/2008 05:03:51 ‹Daigle› Welcome backGav
19/03/2008 05:03:56 ‹Russ› I've been evangelizing to the local RPGA crowd.
19/03/2008 05:04:01 ‹Lilith› Karelzarath: My FLGS is neither Friendly, nor does it have room to game...:(
19/03/2008 05:04:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> Not in the Alpha... but it all depends on damand really...
19/03/2008 05:04:02 ‹Gavgoyle› Hello again!
19/03/2008 05:04:05 ‹Lilith› Gavgoyle!
19/03/2008 05:04:14 ‹sagestl› I was in my local game shop today, and had a discussion with a group of gamers there. Started out small, but ended up being about 7-8 people. Of that group, at least 5-6 said they were going to check out Paizo- and that was before the announcment. Only one felt he was in the "target demographic" for 4e. I think there's a market.
19/03/2008 05:04:26 ‹Erik Mona› I think the Pathfinder Society will really help us spread the word.
19/03/2008 05:04:30 ‹Gavgoyle› Lilith, Your Majesty!
19/03/2008 05:04:30 ‹PeteA› Silver John?
19/03/2008 05:04:30 ‹Mothman› I think there is a perception out there that Paizo "just does adventures" - and the whole "I don't use published modules" crowd avoid Paizo as a result
19/03/2008 05:04:33 ‹Russ› and the local RPGA crowd is maybe about 40% pro 4thE
19/03/2008 05:04:37 ‹Lilith› Gavgoyle: :D
19/03/2008 05:04:38 ‹Absinth› Count me in...
19/03/2008 05:04:41 ‹Erik Mona› Sagesti> Me too.
19/03/2008 05:04:57 ‹Erik Mona› PeteA> Yes, Silver John is his best-known character.
19/03/2008 05:04:57 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› the problem with some RPGA gamers that I've met is that they are anal and only play because it's 'Official'
19/03/2008 05:05:02 ‹Russ› Will there be any sort of player rewards? I find they make a BIG difference in Living Campaigns in terms of drumming up and sustaining interest.
19/03/2008 05:05:07 ‹Lilith› Takasi Prepping Burning Sky: I've run into that problem too.
19/03/2008 05:05:10 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› I don't see those players switching
19/03/2008 05:05:21 ‹Pygon› It seems to me Paizo is more adventures than gaming systems, and that's perfectly fine to me. For me, it's always been about the adventure, not the rules
19/03/2008 05:05:28 ‹Lilith› Pygon: Me too.
19/03/2008 05:05:39 ‹Erik Mona› Moth> I agree there is that perception. We're working on it! :)
19/03/2008 05:05:42 ‹Absinth› Lilith, cool that the chat works. I was afraid it would crash like it did when Paizo invaded it some hours ago...
19/03/2008 05:05:47 * Nick Logue quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:05:48 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› in fact, I've met some players at cons who will say things like 'What do you play? D&D? OHHHH, a 'home game', right....'
19/03/2008 05:05:50 ‹Mothman› Erik: Excellent!!
19/03/2008 05:05:57 ‹Absinth› No lag here...
19/03/2008 05:06:01 ‹Erik Mona› Russ> Do you mean the crap they send you or something else?
19/03/2008 05:06:18 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Something better than crap, I'd hope. :D
19/03/2008 05:06:22 ‹PeteA› Beer?
19/03/2008 05:06:25 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› People like stuff
19/03/2008 05:06:26 ‹Wyvern› Here here Pygon!
19/03/2008 05:06:28 ‹Russ› The cards and minis. Shocking how many extra games people will play to get a few in-game benefits )
19/03/2008 05:06:34 ‹Lilith› Absinth: Yeah, that wasn't cool...My hoster is looking into moving to a dedicated server.
19/03/2008 05:06:39 ‹Gavgoyle› Crap in a tafetta pouch
19/03/2008 05:06:46 ‹Erik Mona› Really. Interesting.
19/03/2008 05:06:49 ‹Takasi Prepping Burning Sky› some people like the 'official', formal setup of the RPGA
19/03/2008 05:06:51 ‹Erik Mona› That stuff came after my time at the RPGA.
19/03/2008 05:06:53 ‹PeteA› Da Kids Love Da SWAG!
19/03/2008 05:06:57 * RogueMonkeyChief joins Main
19/03/2008 05:07:02 ‹Lilith› Everybody loves bling.
19/03/2008 05:07:05 * Samwise joins Main
19/03/2008 05:07:06 ‹Russ› I'd be happy to scan some examples.
19/03/2008 05:07:14 ‹Karelzarath› Absolutely, Lilith. :)
19/03/2008 05:07:16 ‹Lilith› Samwise! :glomp:
19/03/2008 05:07:19 ‹Russ› the minis are basic - just repaints of their existing mini line.
19/03/2008 05:07:22 * Takasi Prepping Burning Sky changes his/her nickname to Takasi Running Burning Sky
19/03/2008 05:07:25 ‹PeteA› Plushie Golem?
19/03/2008 05:07:26 ‹sagestl› Russ> I'd have to wonder if that's the demographic in RPGA that probably won't switch anyway...
19/03/2008 05:07:28 ‹Gavgoyle› Howdy RMC, Samwise
19/03/2008 05:07:28 ‹Absinth› Since when did you know that you won't go 4e?
19/03/2008 05:07:28 ‹Pygon› I'm hitting the barely zombie stage, so I'm out. Good night all, thanks for stopping by Paizo, and very cool announcement :) Good luck!
19/03/2008 05:07:31 ‹Lilith› Karelzarath: Especially limited edition bling.
19/03/2008 05:07:32 ‹Russ› The cards are things like "reroll a save once per game"
19/03/2008 05:07:36 ‹Eyebite› Maybe some Paizo specific minis? Valeros, Goblin warchanter, etc. as gifts?
19/03/2008 05:07:38 ‹Lilith› PLUSHIE GOLEM!!!! ME WANTS!
19/03/2008 05:07:47 ‹Erik Mona› I have plenty of the cards and minis.
19/03/2008 05:07:49 ‹Dorgar› How long till Alpha 2 and 3 ? I would love to get my hands on the rest of the revisions for the base classes so i can go out and start converting people;)
19/03/2008 05:07:49 ‹Russ› Keep in mind the RPGA has just told their largest campaign to Kiss Off.
19/03/2008 05:07:54 ‹Jeff Alvarez› night
19/03/2008 05:07:55 ‹Erik Mona› Prepainted minis are not an option for us, I'm afraid.
19/03/2008 05:07:56 ‹Mothman› see yo uPygon
19/03/2008 05:07:59 ‹Absinth› Good night, Pygon. Don't look at Jasons LJ before sleeping!
19/03/2008 05:07:59 ‹Samwise› i i am beset
19/03/2008 05:08:02 ‹Lilith› Night Pygon!
19/03/2008 05:08:08 ‹PeteA› minis -? Cost?
19/03/2008 05:08:11 * Lilith gives Samwise his drink o' choice!
19/03/2008 05:08:14 ‹Samwise› so did i miss the big news?
19/03/2008 05:08:16 ‹Pygon› o/
19/03/2008 05:08:18 * Pygon quit
19/03/2008 05:08:18 ‹Charles Evans› Russ: LG you mean?
19/03/2008 05:08:26 ‹Lilith› Samwise: Check the Paizo site...? :D
19/03/2008 05:08:31 ‹Erik Mona› Absinth> We've been planning two different tracks for more than a year, so that is a difficult question to answer. Recently.
19/03/2008 05:08:41 ‹Russ› CE> Yep. There's a lot of RPGA players who are looking at going back to home play. There's a chance to grab them now.
19/03/2008 05:08:47 * Mijast727 quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:08:48 ‹Erik Mona› Russ> That fact has not escaped me.
19/03/2008 05:08:51 ‹Mothman› Sam, have you been to Paizo yet today?
19/03/2008 05:09:02 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: It's been asked, but I'll ask for clarification. The ruleset for Pathfinder RPG will be usable by other, non-Paizo publisher (excluding IP of course)?
19/03/2008 05:09:07 ‹PeteA› And someone just blew up FR.
19/03/2008 05:09:09 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› right, there are more than a couple of LG volunteers on the new LFR boards who seem a little upset with the new setup, I think they're just going along for the ride because it's 'official'
19/03/2008 05:09:14 ‹Samwise› i was there earlier and saw the goblin
19/03/2008 05:09:16 ‹Gavgoyle› Yeah, It's amazing how some companies can do the planning AND the implementation.
19/03/2008 05:09:21 ‹Lilith› Samwise: Check it again.
19/03/2008 05:09:25 ‹Samwise› i was out playing lg until just now
19/03/2008 05:09:26 ‹Samwise› i am
19/03/2008 05:09:30 ‹PeteA› Glad I never started using FR.
19/03/2008 05:09:31 ‹Lilith› :woot:
19/03/2008 05:09:37 ‹Russ› Takasi> indeed. Because we like living play.
19/03/2008 05:09:42 ‹Erik Mona› Lilith> Of course. That is the spirit of the Open Gaming movement. All of the rules will be open.
19/03/2008 05:09:43 ‹Karelzarath› A little news got posted. Nothing major. ;)
19/03/2008 05:09:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> yes
19/03/2008 05:09:47 ‹Russ› I realize a lot of folks don't get why, but Living plays has a lot of advantages.
19/03/2008 05:09:49 ‹Absinth› Is James Jacobs alive and well?
05:09:57 ‹Russ› It is FUN to travel all over and play games with folks you've just met.
19/03/2008 05:09:57 ‹Erik Mona› PeteA> I noticed that too.
19/03/2008 05:10:07 ‹Wyvern› Arcane Schools, pretty cool...
19/03/2008 05:10:09 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Yes. Just a bit under the weather today
19/03/2008 05:10:16 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth> He is a bit under the weather and probably taking it easy tonight
19/03/2008 05:10:18 ‹Russ› And for a lot of us, it is the only way we get out of DMing all the time.
19/03/2008 05:10:21 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn & Erik Mona: Sweet! Thanks for the clarification (I thought that's how it was). :D
19/03/2008 05:10:22 ‹Erik Mona› I LOVE Living campaigns.
19/03/2008 05:10:24 ‹Jeff Alvarez› He'll be back to rare form soon!
19/03/2008 05:10:25 ‹Karelzarath› For a while, we thought the goblins had brought the Spellplague to Paizo. :D
19/03/2008 05:10:26 ‹Erik Mona› It's how I met Jason.
19/03/2008 05:10:38 * Erik Mona bats eyes at Bulmahn.
19/03/2008 05:10:45 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Its true.. Living campaigns are awesome.. that was the first time Erik hired me
19/03/2008 05:10:49 ‹Wes Schneider› That's so romantic
19/03/2008 05:10:57 ‹PeteA› And Greyhawk is... missing.
19/03/2008 05:10:57 * Jason Bulmahn blows kisses to Erik
19/03/2008 05:11:03 ‹Russ› Yes, Living play does breed rules anal retentiveness, but that's because it requires a certain consistency that home play can ignore
19/03/2008 05:11:03 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Uck@!
19/03/2008 05:11:06 ‹Karelzarath› Aww... <3
19/03/2008 05:11:06 ‹Rambling Scribe› *heart*
19/03/2008 05:11:11 ‹Gavgoyle› Jason grimacing extravagantly as Iuz...
19/03/2008 05:11:16 ‹Absinth› Sweet...
19/03/2008 05:11:18 ‹Wes Schneider› Yup, it's like this 24 hours a day folks...
19/03/2008 05:11:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Nice
19/03/2008 05:11:30 ‹Russ› Living play is how I met Jason too. :P
19/03/2008 05:11:32 ‹Absinth› :D
19/03/2008 05:11:37 ‹Erik Mona› I LOVE the arcane schools in the Pathfinder RPG. OMG I want to play a wizard now!
19/03/2008 05:11:38 ‹Eyebite› Every day is valentine's day at Paizo?
19/03/2008 05:11:40 ‹Mothman› PeteA - what do you mean someone blew up FR? More than before?
19/03/2008 05:12:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Erik.. but for my campaign.. you are going to need to playtest the commoner... sorry
19/03/2008 05:12:10 ‹Russ› Erik - I'll run something for ya at PaizonCon if you make it :P
19/03/2008 05:12:15 ‹PeteA› Check the messageboards et al re: 4E reboot of FR
19/03/2008 05:12:17 ‹Charles Evans› Mothman: Umm. You didn't hear about the 4E makeover the FR was getting?
19/03/2008 05:12:21 ‹Samwise› i see
19/03/2008 05:12:23 ‹Dorgar› lol
19/03/2008 05:12:23 ‹Samwise› interesting
19/03/2008 05:12:31 ‹Mothman› Erik, Jason: es, I'm liking the wizard changes at a glance
19/03/2008 05:12:32 ‹Erik Mona› I would LOVE to play a commoner in the Pathfinder RPG. Does he get powers every other level?
19/03/2008 05:12:37 * Karelzarath hisses SPELLPLAGUE and makes scary finger gestures at Mothman
19/03/2008 05:12:37 ‹Erik Mona› That would be awesome if he did.
19/03/2008 05:12:48 ‹Erik Mona› One of his skills "miraculously avoid death."
19/03/2008 05:12:51 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Umm.. yes.. probably
19/03/2008 05:12:56 ‹Lilith› mortellan's comic on the spellplague is the bestest. :D
19/03/2008 05:12:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› :-)
19/03/2008 05:13:00 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› Erik, a few months ago Clark mentioned something about a 4E 'Adventure Path' like product, have you heard anything else about that?
19/03/2008 05:13:04 ‹Gavgoyle› 1st level commoner power... Hog Callin'!
19/03/2008 05:13:08 ‹Mothman› Charles: Yes, I've hear about the spellplague and advancing the time line and stuff - I thought maybe Pete was talking about a further. more recent development
19/03/2008 05:13:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Here is one now "Pig Bond"... remember that one?
19/03/2008 05:13:27 ‹Absinth› That was sooo cool...
19/03/2008 05:13:29 ‹Erik Mona› Takasi> We were just talking about it a couple of hours ago.
19/03/2008 05:13:44 ‹Absinth› I loved the commoner feats...
19/03/2008 05:13:51 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› can you license out the name 'Adventure Path'? I think that might help
19/03/2008 05:13:55 ‹Russ› Commoner powers....
19/03/2008 05:13:55 ‹Karelzarath› Commoners should get the Beneath Contempt ability. It makes the opponent attack someone else instead. :D
19/03/2008 05:13:56 ‹Erik Mona› I think "series of linked modules" is probably a better way to think of it than "Adventure Path," but it's all drawing board stuff right now.
19/03/2008 05:13:56 ‹Charles Evans› Mothman: I'm surpised you didn't consider that (with the planar overlay) more catastrophic than usual.
19/03/2008 05:14:02 ‹Russ› "Gather Filth"
19/03/2008 05:14:04 ‹Gavgoyle› The later level commoner powers of Animal "Husbandry" will be covered in unedited format by Nick
19/03/2008 05:14:11 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› I've noticed in Crimson Throne the Adventure Path label doesn't seem to be getting as much attention
19/03/2008 05:14:13 ‹PeteA› school powers are awesome. keep going back to that section.
19/03/2008 05:14:13 ‹Russ› "Sass noble"
19/03/2008 05:14:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Gavgoyle> Indeed
19/03/2008 05:14:30 ‹Absinth› My players didn't realize it at first glance. They were using Class Acts stuff all the time so it was no prob to sneak this in...
19/03/2008 05:14:38 ‹Absinth› God, I had a laugh...
19/03/2008 05:14:47 ‹Russ› did smeone say "Breed Contempt" already?
19/03/2008 05:14:51 ‹Absinth› "WAit, what kind of benefit is THAT?"
19/03/2008 05:14:55 ‹Samwise› how about the breeding yoke?
19/03/2008 05:15:00 ‹Russ› Beneath Contempt, not quite the same :)
19/03/2008 05:15:06 ‹Mothman› Charles Evans: I just thought that was old news by now, thats all - not that it wasnt catastrophic
19/03/2008 05:15:09 ‹Jason Bulmahn› "Invoke Pity"... problem is 50% of the time it works in reverse
19/03/2008 05:15:15 ‹Erik Mona› We don't stake an exclusive claim on the phrase "Adventure Path"
19/03/2008 05:15:16 ‹Gavgoyle› "Summon Gum Boots"
19/03/2008 05:15:28 ‹Russ› "Wilhelm Scream"
19/03/2008 05:15:36 ‹Karelzarath› :lol:
19/03/2008 05:15:38 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› really Erik? Has that changed?
19/03/2008 05:15:44 ‹Russ› Hmm. Doesn't a trademark amount to just that for gaming?
19/03/2008 05:15:47 ‹The Shadow› You don't stake a claim on "Adventure Path"? Why is it trademarked?
19/03/2008 05:15:55 ‹Dorgar› how bout the every powerful "plot hook" ability.
19/03/2008 05:16:05 ‹Charles Evans› I thought the trademark on Adventure Path lapsed for some reason?
19/03/2008 05:16:10 ‹Erik Mona› Beneath contempt is a perfect name for a one-shot super-sanctuary effect for a low-level commoner.
19/03/2008 05:16:12 ‹Erik Mona› Hilarious.
19/03/2008 05:16:28 ‹Absinth

March 18th 2008, part 4
19/03/2008 05:19:42 ‹PeteA› Found it hard to get through the GM modules in 1-night. Too much good stuff. :-)
19/03/2008 05:19:45 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› Erik, what are you using for the free RPG module?
19/03/2008 05:19:48 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› LB0?
19/03/2008 05:19:53 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› what was the word on LB0?
19/03/2008 05:20:01 ‹Lilith› Ooh! Jason Bulmahn: Free RPG Day? Any plans?
19/03/2008 05:20:09 ‹Jeff Alvarez› the free rpg mod is D1.5 this year
19/03/2008 05:20:20 ‹Rambling Scribe› :!:
19/03/2008 05:20:23 ‹The Shadow› Jeff> I didn't realize you could place a (TM) without it being approved. I thought it was a strange thing to trademark.
19/03/2008 05:20:25 ‹Erik Mona› Sagesti> Do you mean the map of Varisia?
19/03/2008 05:20:27 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Revenge of the Kobold King
19/03/2008 05:20:42 ‹Erik Mona› The Pathfinder Gazetteer includes a great deal of information on about 40 other nations.
19/03/2008 05:20:55 ‹sagestl› Erik> Yes, expanding outside of Varisia as part of the official setting.
19/03/2008 05:20:58 ‹Russ› The Shadow - that's (R)
19/03/2008 05:21:04 ‹Gavgoyle› OOOH!! Sweet! I just met the prereq for "Beneath Contempt"!
19/03/2008 05:21:05 ‹Erik Mona› Check out the Gaz.
19/03/2008 05:21:09 ‹Rambling Scribe› Will Free RPG day extend to Canada this time?
19/03/2008 05:21:17 ‹Erik Mona› Written by yours truly and Mr. Jason Bulmahn.
19/03/2008 05:21:19 * Wes Schneider quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:21:24 ‹Jeff Alvarez› The Shadow> We placed it in good faith and learned that there was more to it then we thought
19/03/2008 05:21:41 ‹Erik Mona› Every single paragraph of that book needed to be 100% awesome. It was a labor of love, let me tell you.
19/03/2008 05:21:44 ‹Erik Mona› A long, painful labor.
19/03/2008 05:21:56 ‹Erik Mona› But the baby is a beauty, and I'm not just saying that because I am the daddy.
19/03/2008 05:21:59 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Not sure how much into canada...might be able to check the website for the event.
19/03/2008 05:22:02 ‹Erik Mona› Bulmahn, of course, is the mommy.
19/03/2008 05:22:12 ‹Wyvern› Ha!
19/03/2008 05:22:24 ‹sagestl› Looking forward to it as part of the subscription. :)
19/03/2008 05:22:32 ‹PeteA› Not a pleasant image.
19/03/2008 05:22:41 * Karelzarath chuckles
19/03/2008 05:22:41 ‹Gavgoyle› Gah! Mental-etch-a-sketch!! Erase! Erase!
19/03/2008 05:22:42 ‹Lilith› Yeah, I can't wait for the Gazetteer. :D
19/03/2008 05:23:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Back.. and I am not the Mommy
19/03/2008 05:23:13 ‹Russ› Gonna sell signed copies?
19/03/2008 05:23:19 ‹Jeff Alvarez› it's finished printing now and will be boarding the ship soon!
19/03/2008 05:23:22 ‹Russ› I need a few more mona-graphs on my shelf
19/03/2008 05:23:31 ‹The Shadow› Well, I got a meeting in the morning. So I'm turning in. Later, all.
19/03/2008 05:23:36 ‹Erik Mona› Nice!
19/03/2008 05:23:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night Shadow
19/03/2008 05:23:37 ‹Saracenus› Oh lord, Erik and Jason are both butch... it can never last
19/03/2008 05:23:37 ‹Russ› Boy, that was a vile pun, and I didn't mean to do it
19/03/2008 05:23:37 ‹Jeff Alvarez› night
19/03/2008 05:23:37 ‹Erik Mona› Wow.
19/03/2008 05:23:47 * The Shadow quit
19/03/2008 05:23:59 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Umm.. I am uncomfortable
19/03/2008 05:24:06 ‹Erik Mona› Russ> I dunno about signed copies.
19/03/2008 05:24:20 ‹Jeff Alvarez› that would be a lot of signing
19/03/2008 05:24:20 * Lilith gives out beer to ease the uncomfort. :beer: :beer: :beer:
19/03/2008 05:24:31 ‹Erik Mona› Yeah.
19/03/2008 05:24:57 ‹Karelzarath› Erik Mona: Is the deal still on where if you sell 10,000 copies of the Gaz you'll consider a Golarion globe? :)
19/03/2008 05:25:01 ‹PeteA› What is the expected schedule for PFRPG? I see alpha2/alpha3 listed
19/03/2008 05:25:06 ‹Jeff Alvarez› but as long as I don't have to sign them..lol
19/03/2008 05:25:09 ‹Absinth› Next time I drop by here I've gotta wear my diving suit
19/03/2008 05:25:24 ‹PeteA› all dates subject to change, yada yada
19/03/2008 05:25:28 * Eyebite quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:25:38 ‹Jeff Alvarez› beta at gencon '08 and final gencon '09
19/03/2008 05:25:44 * Wes Schneider quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:25:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› PeteA> As soon as I can finish them
19/03/2008 05:26:24 ‹sagestl› LOL, I forgot about the globe. I'd still be on board for that one. :)
19/03/2008 05:26:28 ‹Dorgar› Excellent job on Alpha 1 by the way Jason
19/03/2008 05:26:40 ‹Russ› Will you be running games of it at GenCon 09?
19/03/2008 05:26:49 ‹Saracenus› Night all. Good luck.
19/03/2008 05:26:51 ‹Russ› If so, I'm tempted to commit to attending just to judge for y'all
19/03/2008 05:26:54 ‹PeteA› Can you preview with you mean by "bloodlines for sorcerers"? Very intriguing.
19/03/2008 05:26:56 ‹Jeff Alvarez› night
19/03/2008 05:27:04 ‹Lilith› Oooh! Sorcerer bloodlines!
19/03/2008 05:27:06 ‹Karelzarath› I think I scared Mona. ;)
19/03/2008 05:27:10 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Dorgar
19/03/2008 05:27:16 * Saracenus gives Lilith a :hugs:
19/03/2008 05:27:21 ‹Absinth› Like the ones you did in DRagon back then?
19/03/2008 05:27:36 * Presence joins Main
19/03/2008 05:27:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› PeteA> Not quite yet.. getting there. Suffice to say, every Sorcerer will have one
19/03/2008 05:27:44 ‹Lilith› Big squishy hugs to Sarah! The layout is far far far far FAR cooler in this ALPHA that I've seen in many a finished product.
19/03/2008 05:27:47 ‹Lilith› Presence! :glomp:
19/03/2008 05:27:54 ‹Karelzarath› I sense a presence in the room...
19/03/2008 05:27:57 ‹Presence› oHai!
19/03/2008 05:28:04 ‹Lilith› Is that my hoster Presence?!?!?
19/03/2008 05:28:10 ‹Lilith› Everybody thank Presence!
19/03/2008 05:28:13 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Lilith... Sarah deserves much praise for the layout of this book
19/03/2008 05:28:13 ‹Wyvern› Any love for bards?
19/03/2008 05:28:17 ‹Presence› Yeah, it is me. I had to see what the server load was. :)
19/03/2008 05:28:24 ‹Lilith› Presence: Gotcher. :D
19/03/2008 05:28:30 ‹Karelzarath› Thanks, Presence!
19/03/2008 05:28:36 ‹Presence› My pleasure, y'all! :)
19/03/2008 05:28:37 ‹Gavgoyle› Yeah, the production values are very, very nice!
19/03/2008 05:28:39 * Saracenus quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:28:41 ‹Wyvern› Thanks Presence!
19/03/2008 05:28:42 ‹PeteA› I saw alot of repeat art. But it's really *good* repeast art. :-)
19/03/2008 05:28:45 ‹Lilith› Presence is the awesometastic hoster for DM Tools, my art website and the WereCabbage site. :D
19/03/2008 05:28:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wyvern> Bards will be in release 3
19/03/2008 05:28:54 ‹sagestl› Sarah and the art crew deserve kudos overall. All of the PF books are absolutely beautiful.
19/03/2008 05:29:20 ‹Presence› Lilith is the awesome user of the server and is the only one on the box who actually USES it, and for all its worth! :)
19/03/2008 05:29:22 ‹Karelzarath› Agreed. The production values are way over what I'd expect for an alpha product. Very awesome.
19/03/2008 05:29:25 ‹Gavgoyle› Hear, hear, sagestl
19/03/2008 05:29:27 ‹sagestl› I'm a sucker for a pretty book. :)
19/03/2008 05:29:34 ‹Lilith› Presence: That I do...:blush:
19/03/2008 05:30:04 ‹Karelzarath› Presence: Sorry about the chat nuking the server earlier. :)
19/03/2008 05:30:21 ‹Mothman› Presence: yeah, did we kill it badly before?
19/03/2008 05:30:38 ‹Wyvern› It was that Erik Mona dude over there, he did it!
19/03/2008 05:30:43 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› that could be partially my fault...
19/03/2008 05:30:45 ‹Daigle› Whoah...okay I'm back.
19/03/2008 05:30:47 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› <oops>
19/03/2008 05:30:52 ‹Lilith› Takasi Running Burning Sky: :lol:
19/03/2008 05:30:54 * Fray joins Main
19/03/2008 05:31:20 ‹Mothman› What did you do Takasi?!
19/03/2008 05:31:22 ‹Fray› Hey gang
19/03/2008 05:31:29 ‹Lilith› Mothman: He posted the chatroom link on EnWorld...:D
19/03/2008 05:31:30 ‹Gavgoyle› Howdy Fray
19/03/2008 05:31:32 ‹kruelaid› yo
19/03/2008 05:31:34 ‹Lilith› Fray! :glomp:
19/03/2008 05:31:54 ‹Erik Mona› Karel> Did I make that deal?
19/03/2008 05:31:55 ‹Dorgar› Hi Fray
19/03/2008 05:32:00 ‹Daigle› Yeah, good job Takasi ;)
19/03/2008 05:32:10 ‹Fray› oh crap! ENW peeps can get here now?
19/03/2008 05:32:11 ‹Daigle› WB Fray
19/03/2008 05:32:13 * mortellan joins Main
19/03/2008 05:32:19 ‹Lilith› mortellan! :glomp:
19/03/2008 05:32:24 ‹mortellan› lilith!
19/03/2008 05:32:27 ‹Daigle› Mort!
19/03/2008 05:32:30 ‹Gavgoyle› Hey Mortellan
19/03/2008 05:32:39 ‹mortellan› daig'!
19/03/2008 05:32:41 ‹mortellan› yo gav
19/03/2008 05:32:51 ‹Fray› so... what did I miss?
19/03/2008 05:32:52 ‹Wyvern› You wouldn't believe the impact these news have in my game. I was abridging Savage Tide some to coincide with the release of 4e. Now, suddenly, I really don't care about 4e... though I'm still shortening ST a bit.
19/03/2008 05:33:02 ‹Wyvern› And I can use PFRPG as it comes out.
19/03/2008 05:33:05 ‹Erik Mona› Wow.
19/03/2008 05:33:07 ‹Lilith› Fray: Stuff...:D
19/03/2008 05:33:09 ‹Wyvern› Heya mort!
19/03/2008 05:33:10 ‹Presence› re: "killing the server": OMG yeah, the box got pretty hot. Load of "64".
19/03/2008 05:33:11 ‹Erik Mona› That's excellent, Wyvern!
19/03/2008 05:33:14 ‹Presence› it was really impressive.
19/03/2008 05:33:23 ‹Fray› 64? YAY!
19/03/2008 05:33:24 ‹Lilith› Woo-hoo!
19/03/2008 05:33:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Cool
19/03/2008 05:33:30 ‹Russ› I'm near the home stretch in AoW myself.
19/03/2008 05:33:32 * Karelzarath quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:33:34 ‹Presence› yeah, it was pretty crazy go nuts.
19/03/2008 05:33:43 ‹Scede› so Paizo peeps...any hope for the last few issues of Dungeon as downloadable PDFs or supplements? or did the window close?
19/03/2008 05:33:48 ‹Lilith› I'm totally blaming the Paizo announcements. :D
19/03/2008 05:33:48 ‹Fray› Wyvern is already brainwashed, er made his mind up... :)
19/03/2008 05:33:50 ‹Russ› I'll run Kobold King in PF RPG starting next month.
19/03/2008 05:33:59 ‹mortellan› erik & JB> congrats on that bold announcement, im more upbeat about this gencon now
19/03/2008 05:34:03 ‹Samwise› youve done some hefty things to combat feats
19/03/2008 05:34:15 ‹Russ› I've seen a load of over 4,000 :)
19/03/2008 05:34:19 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Scede> We missed the window
19/03/2008 05:34:20 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Is it standard operating procedure to make Two Big Announcements in a day? It seems to be the pattern...:P
19/03/2008 05:34:22 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Mortellan
19/03/2008 05:34:25 ‹Russ› Took a pretty special abuse of the server.
19/03/2008 05:34:36 ‹Lilith› Presence: :thug:
19/03/2008 05:34:36 ‹Russ› what was the other big announcement?
19/03/2008 05:34:38 ‹Fray› I saw a bit of the EN World thread before I left work... I don't those people can read and comprehend english...
19/03/2008 05:34:47 ‹Presence› Box is currently a "AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+" with 4 gigs of ram.
19/03/2008 05:34:49 ‹Lilith› Russ: Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society
19/03/2008 05:34:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› We have Sam, they are a concept that takes some getting used too
19/03/2008 05:34:54 ‹Presence› and a load of 64 is pretty impressive.
19/03/2008 05:35:12 ‹Fray› i hada question that I am trying to remember...
19/03/2008 05:35:15 ‹Presence› But we're gonna move chat.dmtools to a seperate box thats all quiet and alone, all it does is run a Ragnarok Online server.
19/03/2008 05:35:19 * Fray arg!
19/03/2008 05:35:30 ‹Russ› Lilith > eh, once annlounce to me :)
19/03/2008 05:35:31 ‹Samwise› Jason>under cover, your rules for determining cover for melee attacks has a critical error
19/03/2008 05:35:35 ‹Presence› so we can keep going crazy go nuts without the rest of the websites (and lilith's web services) from freaking out
19/03/2008 05:35:45 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam> I am listening..
19/03/2008 05:35:45 ‹Presence› give chat.dmtools its own dedicated box to go crazy go nuts on. :)
19/03/2008 05:35:46 ‹Lilith› Presence: Hooray! :squee:
19/03/2008 05:35:48 ‹Fray› OOOO! I remmerb!
19/03/2008 05:35:58 ‹Wyvern› I just makes sense Fray, it just makes sense. And I am/was pro 4e btw, it just doesn't matter anymore. Adventure/story comes 1st, and I pretty much play Paizo stuff. If they have their own game, they will complement their stories even more.
19/03/2008 05:36:03 ‹Scede› is there a time limit to how long you can continue to offer back issues as PDFs? I wanna plan a budget if they're going away :)
19/03/2008 05:36:03 ‹Russ› Our applicate nods are 2x2core Athlons with 8 GB. I love em to pieces.
19/03/2008 05:36:07 ‹Samwise› Jason>it specifies drawing a line from the corners of your square to the corners of the target square
19/03/2008 05:36:08 ‹Samwise› that is 16 lines, not 4
19/03/2008 05:36:22 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ahh.. for melee or ranged?
19/03/2008 05:36:24 ‹Russ› DB servers are a bit beefier.
19/03/2008 05:36:26 ‹Samwise› for melee
19/03/2008 05:36:30 ‹Karelzarath› Erik: It was about 4 months ago. All you'd commit to was "considering it" if the Gaz sold 10,000 copies. :) Which would still be cool.
19/03/2008 05:36:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Melee.. if any line crosses.. it is a static +2
19/03/2008 05:36:39 ‹Fray› So... there will or will not be 4e Pathfinder stuff? (I know there is no OGL yet...) but maybe 4e?
19/03/2008 05:36:56 ‹Russ› I'd recommend an easier cover rule myself.
19/03/2008 05:37:01 ‹Samwise› so just if any single line? not the 1-4 for ranged?
19/03/2008 05:37:09 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Correct
19/03/2008 05:37:16 ‹Russ› Are y'all losing the AoO for standing up?
19/03/2008 05:37:40 ‹Samwise› Jason>ok, i would simply suggest then that you note the table is for ranged attacks only
19/03/2008 05:37:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Although that is a rule that changed about 8 times.. and it probably one of the most fluid in the document.. I am much happier with the ranged rule, but it does not work for melee...
19/03/2008 05:37:54 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I am considering just removing melee cover altogether
19/03/2008 05:37:55 ‹Samwise› as i looked at the table first ;)
19/03/2008 05:37:56 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Scede> Not sure if there is a time limit or not. My suggestion is to get them if you have the funds that way you won't miss them.
19/03/2008 05:37:58 ‹Erik Mona› I will still strongly consider it if the Gaz sells 10,000 copies.
19/03/2008 05:38:02 ‹Erik Mona› Absolutely.
19/03/2008 05:38:05 ‹Samwise› ahhhh
19/03/2008 05:38:09 ‹Scede› roger that, thanks
19/03/2008 05:38:19 ‹PeteA› 9,999 to go
19/03/2008 05:38:22 ‹Jeff Alvarez› NP
19/03/2008 05:38:26 ‹Samwise› thats cool, its just that part jumped out at me
19/03/2008 05:38:28 ‹Russ› Melee cover is a pain.
19/03/2008 05:38:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› yup.. and I am not sure it is worth it
19/03/2008 05:38:42 ‹Fray› 10,000 copies of what?
19/03/2008 05:38:50 ‹Jeff Alvarez› the gaz
19/03/2008 05:38:51 ‹Erik Mona› The Gazetteer.
19/03/2008 05:38:57 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Ha beat you
19/03/2008 05:39:01 ‹Fray› oh...
19/03/2008 05:39:04 ‹Russ› 3D combat gets ugly with it.
19/03/2008 05:39:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› true enough...
19/03/2008 05:39:12 ‹Fray› you kids and your new fangled slag...
19/03/2008 05:39:13 ‹Russ› If two ogres are fighting with a dwarf in between them, is there cover?
19/03/2008 05:39:26 ‹Rambling Scribe› 3D combat is always ugly...
19/03/2008 05:39:31 ‹Blazej› 460 posts since I left.
19/03/2008 05:39:37 ‹Blazej› Miss much?
19/03/2008 05:39:41 ‹Russ› Mounted combat. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, fix spirited charge
19/03/2008 05:39:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› russ> probably.. but only +1
19/03/2008 05:39:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› hmm.. maybe +2
19/03/2008 05:39:53 ‹Fray› I'd like to make a comment on the printing? Who can I get that too?
19/03/2008 05:39:59 ‹Jeff Alvarez› me
19/03/2008 05:40:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› If it was a halfling it would be +1
19/03/2008 05:40:12 ‹Samwise› GAH!
19/03/2008 05:40:13 ‹Jeff Alvarez› jeff.alvarez@paizo.com
19/03/2008 05:40:16 ‹Samwise› you fixed grapple
19/03/2008 05:40:21 ‹mortellan› yay
19/03/2008 05:40:22 ‹Samwise› the horror . . . the . . . horror . . .
19/03/2008 05:40:22 ‹Samwise› ;)
19/03/2008 05:40:25 ‹Fray› no way dwarf is +2...
19/03/2008 05:40:32 ‹Fray› oh hi Jeff!
19/03/2008 05:40:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Depends on positioning
19/03/2008 05:40:37 ‹Jeff Alvarez› hi
19/03/2008 05:40:39 ‹Blazej› If I fireball a tree in the forest, does it make a sound?
19/03/2008 05:40:47 ‹Fray› Can I mention it here?
19/03/2008 05:40:52 ‹Jeff Alvarez› sure]
19/03/2008 05:40:56 ‹Russ› How much damage does a dwarf being swung by a titan do?
19/03/2008 05:40:58 ‹Blazej› What is the sound of one monk slapping.
19/03/2008 05:40:58 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray... you are right.. it would only be +1... now that I think about it... I do not have a map in front o fme
19/03/2008 05:41:05 ‹Gavgoyle› really, Sam, I agree! What will gamers b$&#& about now???
05:41:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ> 4d6 of course
19/03/2008 05:41:29 ‹Fray› The page #'s don't print in the print magins... when using the fit to page settings in Acrobat
19/03/2008 05:41:42 ‹Samwise› indeed
19/03/2008 05:41:52 ‹Samwise› indeed gavgoyle, indeed
19/03/2008 05:41:52 * Karelzarath quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:41:52 * Karelzarath quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:41:52 ‹kruelaid› Loading a page off the website REALLY sucks right now.
19/03/2008 05:41:53 ‹Fray› also the pdf has the bleed and crop marks/settings still in the document
19/03/2008 05:41:59 ‹Samwise› Jason has taken away a major part of the game
19/03/2008 05:42:04 ‹Wyvern› A titan wizard with arcane strike would make that a +1 dwarf!
19/03/2008 05:42:11 * kruelaid can't pbp and is pissed
19/03/2008 05:42:12 ‹Jeff Alvarez› ah, that kind of a printing question...that needs to be sent to vic.wertz@paizo.com
19/03/2008 05:42:15 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam> Nice
19/03/2008 05:42:16 ‹Samwise› obviously we will have to ignore that rule completely and use the srd version :-P
19/03/2008 05:42:18 ‹Gavgoyle› We need to preserve the Grapple Gripe!
19/03/2008 05:42:20 ‹Mothman› Wow! Seoni on page 36 of the Alpha.... I think someone cast Reverse Gravity on her chest
19/03/2008 05:42:24 ‹PeteA› What's the expected page count for the beta and final?
19/03/2008 05:42:28 ‹Jeff Alvarez› I do the actual printing, not the .pdf set up
19/03/2008 05:42:31 ‹Jeff Alvarez› sorry
19/03/2008 05:42:40 ‹Fray› Jason: I was just being a goob with that comment. Just saying a dwarf is too short to be +2 anything... :)
19/03/2008 05:42:54 ‹Fray› Jeff: not a problem... just leting you know.
19/03/2008 05:42:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray> Nice..
19/03/2008 05:43:04 ‹Blazej› How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (Given one minute and an unlimited supply of wood)
19/03/2008 05:43:09 * Russ much prefers this to the 4E grab
19/03/2008 05:43:09 ‹Samwise› Jason>seriously though, you really just cut the gordian knot there
19/03/2008 05:43:16 ‹Jeff Alvarez› please send vic an email if you can so he can address your findings
19/03/2008 05:43:17 * Yeux joins Main
19/03/2008 05:43:22 ‹Fray› It's an easy fix whenever the pdf is generated.
19/03/2008 05:43:26 ‹Samwise› be very careful about conquering asia in the future ;)
19/03/2008 05:43:28 ‹Mothman› Hi Yeux!
19/03/2008 05:43:31 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Blazej> depends on the weapon and the thickness of the wood
19/03/2008 05:43:32 * Yeux peeks her head in
19/03/2008 05:43:38 ‹Yeux› Heya Mothman!
19/03/2008 05:43:39 ‹Fray› okie dokie i shall.
19/03/2008 05:43:42 ‹Mothman› its safe....
19/03/2008 05:43:45 ‹Wyvern› Yeux!
19/03/2008 05:43:46 ‹Russ› I don't like that 4thE does not provide a way to disarm or otherwise keep someone from attacking beyond (1) a class ability or (2) beeating them into submissions
19/03/2008 05:43:47 ‹Erik Mona› Has the 4e grab been leaked?
19/03/2008 05:43:47 ‹Blazej› Wouldn't it?
19/03/2008 05:43:52 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam> Thanks
19/03/2008 05:43:53 ‹Yeux› Wyvern!
19/03/2008 05:43:56 ‹Gavgoyle› Hi Yeux
19/03/2008 05:44:00 ‹Lilith› Yeux! :glomp:
19/03/2008 05:44:13 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Erik> Not that I am aware of
19/03/2008 05:44:13 ‹Yeux› :hugs: Hiya Lils.
19/03/2008 05:44:18 ‹Russ› Erik. Yes. Str attack vs. Reflex I think (maybe Fort). Target is "immobilized"
19/03/2008 05:44:21 ‹Yeux› Hiya errybody else!
19/03/2008 05:44:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ahh.. nevermind.. I guess it has
19/03/2008 05:44:33 * niel joins Main
19/03/2008 05:44:37 ‹Russ› Immoblized: cannot move from your square, grants combat advantage
19/03/2008 05:44:46 ‹PeteA› What they said.
19/03/2008 05:44:57 ‹Russ› Otherwise, you can attack without penalty
19/03/2008 05:45:05 ‹Balthaczar› did they have a pdf with all that stuff gathered in one place..i thought i saw a link earlier
19/03/2008 05:45:08 ‹Mothman› It has now.... ;-)
19/03/2008 05:45:21 ‹Russ› And the person grabbing can attack without penalty too, other than needing a hand free for the grab
19/03/2008 05:45:37 ‹Russ› It's a lot like the lowest result of your grapple, but it is the BEST you can do too.
19/03/2008 05:45:54 ‹Erik Mona› The more I learn about 4e, the more I realize I am more "simulationist" than I thought.
19/03/2008 05:45:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Alrighty then... moving along
19/03/2008 05:46:12 ‹Samwise› whoa . . . and no more turn check for hd, then damage roll, then all or nothing
19/03/2008 05:46:14 ‹Samwise› just turn damage
19/03/2008 05:46:24 ‹Wyvern› And a DC
19/03/2008 05:46:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Welcome to the new world order sam :-)
19/03/2008 05:46:30 ‹Russ› I like turning for healing. What do you think of "Benediction" for the name?
19/03/2008 05:46:34 ‹Fray› Balthaczar: yeah, someone one put it together themselves... it looked good but I didin't read it, just d/l'd it
19/03/2008 05:46:36 ‹Samwise› so ummm . . . has it been asked if this is because you saw and rejected the gsl?
19/03/2008 05:46:37 ‹Russ› (and Malediction for "rebuking";)
19/03/2008 05:46:45 ‹Samwise› or just decided to stop waiting for the gsl?
19/03/2008 05:46:50 ‹Balthaczar› thanks fray
19/03/2008 05:46:53 ‹Wyvern› I like those names Russ.
19/03/2008 05:46:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam> We have not seen the GSL
19/03/2008 05:46:59 * Yeux does the tango.
19/03/2008 05:47:00 ‹Samwise› or because jason hated 4e at ddxp? ;)
19/03/2008 05:47:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I like benediction... I will think on it
19/03/2008 05:47:22 ‹kruelaid› There is no GSL <---Matric ref
19/03/2008 05:47:25 ‹Samwise› as i said two weeks ago, i really agree with everything you said about 4e, so . . .
19/03/2008 05:47:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam> Nah.. I like 4e, but I have been working on this for almost 6 months
19/03/2008 05:47:29 ‹kruelaid› *matrix
19/03/2008 05:47:31 * Lilith tangos with Yeux! :dance2:
19/03/2008 05:47:35 ‹Samwise› ahhhhhh
19/03/2008 05:47:41 ‹Scede› pretty crazy they (WotC) have had since before August to hammer out the GSL and it still isnt ready
19/03/2008 05:47:52 * niel quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:47:52 ‹Russ› So a "benediction" turns undead and heals the living
19/03/2008 05:48:03 ‹Yeux› Lilith: Let's spend the weekend in Argentina! :love:
19/03/2008 05:48:19 * Eyebite joins Main
19/03/2008 05:48:31 ‹Russ› I think it'd be cool if a high level cleric could channel to remove negative levels.
19/03/2008 05:48:34 ‹Mothman› Hows tricks Yeux? Enjoying James' Planescape game so far?
19/03/2008 05:48:40 ‹PeteA› Aren't there already a couple feats that duplicate the PFRPG turn = healing?
19/03/2008 05:48:45 ‹Russ› One thing I am working into my home game is variable casting times for spells and items.
19/03/2008 05:48:47 ‹Fray› So... what have been the reactions of anyone else (not WotC or ENWorld)? (like other 3rd party companies.)
19/03/2008 05:48:48 ‹Lilith› Yeux: ooh, does that mean we can drink margaritas and cuba libres until the sun comes up? :D
19/03/2008 05:48:58 ‹Daigle› Yeux!
19/03/2008 05:48:59 ‹Yeux› Oh yeah man, I'm excited to see what happens and how we interact.
19/03/2008 05:49:08 ‹Russ› A teleport can be used as a move action to do a battlefield t-port, a standard for a mid-range, and a full-round for a long range
19/03/2008 05:49:16 ‹Yeux› Lilith: Of course! And tango in the streets.
19/03/2008 05:49:28 ‹Russ› Any summon spell can be done as a shorter casting time effect in return for lesser results.
19/03/2008 05:49:38 * niel quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:49:38 ‹Yeux› Daigilicious! :thugs:
19/03/2008 05:49:45 ‹Scede› yea i noticed that Ari put in his 2 cents but that was all I've seen
19/03/2008 05:49:57 ‹Samwise› so no more domain spells, just continually expanded domain powers
19/03/2008 05:50:02 ‹Russ› You can do a summon as a longer spell AND a weaker critter, but get it for several minutes instead of rounds.
19/03/2008 05:50:04 ‹Fray› Ari did... which thread?
19/03/2008 05:50:09 ‹Samwise› which are spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities
19/03/2008 05:50:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› It says in the writeup
19/03/2008 05:51:08 ‹Blazej› Hah! I think I smell a dwarf on the air...
19/03/2008 05:51:12 ‹Yeux› Mothman: Are you enjoying the game?
19/03/2008 05:51:27 ‹Mothman› Fray: Ari's comment was on Enworld - not sure which thread
19/03/2008 05:51:35 ‹Fray› thanks Mothman
19/03/2008 05:52:09 ‹Samwise› whoa
19/03/2008 05:52:14 ‹Samwise› and massive change to identify
19/03/2008 05:52:19 ‹Scede› pretty sure it was in the "Paizo Announcement" thread, maybe the second or third page?
19/03/2008 05:52:27 ‹Mothman› Yeux: Yeah, it's cool so far. I think James has captured the Planescape atmosphere exactly - I love his discriptions. Can't wait to meet the rest of the group!
19/03/2008 05:52:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Check the Appraise skill sam
19/03/2008 05:52:34 ‹Fray› I think Ari is a pretty cool guy. I first saw him in the Tome of Magic thread (on WotC) and I really liked how he listened and made corections to the Shadowcaster.
19/03/2008 05:52:47 ‹PeteA› Appraise change: From a DM perspective I *love* that.
19/03/2008 05:52:51 ‹Mothman› You know it's going to be a fun game when a 3rd level character faces down a Gelugon in the opening scene....
19/03/2008 05:52:52 ‹Scede› http://www.enworld.org/showthr...&page=2 found it
19/03/2008 05:52:55 ‹Eyebite› I like the changes to Identify
19/03/2008 05:53:18 ‹Yeux› Definently! Between all of us, we'll be talking our way out of some interesting situations.
19/03/2008 05:53:20 ‹Fray› unless he gets eaten...
19/03/2008 05:53:39 ‹Samwise› yeah, im noticing
19/03/2008 05:53:41 ‹Samwise› theres a lot there
19/03/2008 05:53:46 ‹Dorgar› I like what you all have done with favored classes
19/03/2008 05:53:51 ‹Samwise› im skimming fast so i dont have to abandon the chat ;)
19/03/2008 05:54:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Dorgar... a bonus makes much more sense than a penalty
19/03/2008 05:54:05 ‹Lilith› Daigle: I need your Op skills...
19/03/2008 05:54:16 ‹Daigle› Ok
19/03/2008 05:54:18 ‹Gavgoyle› gah, I'm gonna have to tank. Early morning meeting and not enough sleep last night = bad combo. Take care and Congrats to Paizo (the company and awesomest workers anywhere) and all Paizoans
19/03/2008 05:54:19 ‹Blazej› Hmm... tastes liquid...
19/03/2008 05:54:24 ‹Blazej› That... is an oil.
19/03/2008 05:54:27 ‹Daigle› Whatcha need?
19/03/2008 05:54:27 ‹Jeff Alvarez› night
19/03/2008 05:54:28 ‹Russ› I'm mixed on the Fly skill. But it seems less clunky than manuev. classes.
19/03/2008 05:54:29 ‹Mothman› Yeux: yes! I have a feeling our characters arent going to get along though....
19/03/2008 05:54:34 ‹Blazej› Where is my ale?
19/03/2008 05:54:39 ‹Mothman› See you Gav
19/03/2008 05:54:45 ‹Yeux› See ya Gav!
19/03/2008 05:54:46 * Daigle just popped back in
19/03/2008 05:54:46 ‹Wyvern› Someone asked this, but I never saw a reply: Are you still going to do the final Dungeons PDF supplements?
19/03/2008 05:54:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ> It never made sense to me that Climb and Swim had a skill.. but Fly had some wonky alternative system
19/03/2008 05:54:58 ‹Gavgoyle› later Daig!
05:55:16 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wyvern> We can't unfortunately... our license is expired
19/03/2008 05:55:18 ‹Daigle› Gav...I'm not going anywhere
19/03/2008 05:55:24 ‹Yeux› Moth: Oh, that's what you think. Hee hee hee! :twisted:
19/03/2008 05:55:27 ‹Samwise› well . . . yeesh, cool, and gah!
19/03/2008 05:55:28 ‹Wyvern› I see.
19/03/2008 05:55:30 ‹Fray› Scede thatnks
19/03/2008 05:55:34 ‹Samwise› yeesh, thats a lot to absorb
19/03/2008 05:55:36 ‹Dorgar› I am digging the revision to skills as well so much better then points
19/03/2008 05:55:39 ‹Samwise› cool, i like a lot of the changes
19/03/2008 05:55:48 ‹Scede› np :)
19/03/2008 05:55:50 ‹Absinth› I just glanced through the Alpha and I have to say that I'm really, really impressed! Awesome job, Jason! You can be proud of that!
19/03/2008 05:55:52 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I am glad to hear it.. or rather.. see it
19/03/2008 05:55:54 ‹Lilith› Hmm...This might be a good sign. My hubby read through the Runelords player's guide...came back downstairs and asked for more. Gave him CotCT player's guide...he came back down and demanded more.
19/03/2008 05:55:55 ‹Samwise› gah, im not sure i can convert my current campaign to really test these rules right now
19/03/2008 05:55:55 ‹Russ› It will nerf non-casters flying, which I think is a good thing.
19/03/2008 05:56:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Absinth
19/03/2008 05:56:02 * Gavgoyle quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:56:02 * Gavgoyle quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:56:13 ‹Russ› I like that the wizard can bob and weave like a madman, but the fighter is a clunky flier.
19/03/2008 05:56:23 ‹PeteA› Lilith: Sounds like you need the Second Darkness PG!
19/03/2008 05:56:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ... that was one of the reasons as well
19/03/2008 05:56:32 ‹Scede› lol
19/03/2008 05:56:34 * lojakz joins Main
19/03/2008 05:56:43 ‹Lilith› PeteA: :lol: I might. The hubby does love him some dark elves.
19/03/2008 05:56:49 ‹Jeff Alvarez› PeteA> Ithink Jacob's head just exploded
19/03/2008 05:57:17 ‹lojakz› hello folks
19/03/2008 05:57:23 ‹Mothman› Lilith: Glad to hear!
19/03/2008 05:57:27 ‹Fray› Lilith had him the Alpha
19/03/2008 05:57:28 ‹Absinth› Poor guy. Has he been chained to the pillars of pain again? ;)
19/03/2008 05:57:32 ‹Dorgar› hi lojakz
19/03/2008 05:57:33 ‹Mothman› Yeux: hmmmmm .... ;-)
19/03/2008 05:57:33 ‹Fray› *hand
19/03/2008 05:57:39 ‹PeteA› JeffA: That'll leave a mark.
19/03/2008 05:57:53 ‹Scede› between Paizo and Reaper I am always broke..damn you and your quality products!
19/03/2008 05:58:01 ‹Lilith› Fray: I will...but he wants world setting information.
19/03/2008 05:58:02 ‹Fray› heheh
19/03/2008 05:58:16 ‹lojakz› so i just got home from work...
19/03/2008 05:58:18 ‹lojakz› wow
19/03/2008 05:58:22 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Lilith> the guide to korvosa
19/03/2008 05:58:22 ‹Lilith› lojakz: :lol:
19/03/2008 05:58:26 ‹Lilith› Nice thing to come home to.
19/03/2008 05:58:27 ‹Russ› Magic-item wise, boots of flying are a swift action to turn on.
19/03/2008 05:58:34 ‹Lilith› Jeff Alvarez: Gave that to him. He likes Urban campaigns as well.
19/03/2008 05:58:35 ‹Fray› Paizo gang: How many pre-orders have you received? (If you know and/or want to tell us.)
19/03/2008 05:58:36 * Rambling Scribe quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 05:58:54 ‹PeteA› Scede: Yep! I'm going to be racking up the Alaska Air Miles this year!
19/03/2008 05:58:54 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Lilith> Ah...no help...
19/03/2008 05:59:04 ‹lojakz› i'm so happy, i'm nearly in tears. this week's sucked so far, and this announcement has nearly made my month
19/03/2008 05:59:04 ‹Lilith› Jeff Alvarez: :lol:
19/03/2008 05:59:10 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray> I am not sure.. I do know that when I left, the Alpha had been downloaded over 1,000 times
19/03/2008 05:59:25 ‹sagestl› I'm off to bed for the night- thanks for hosting, Lilith, and thanks to the Paizo crew for getting me so damned excited about D&D again. :)
19/03/2008 05:59:28 ‹Fray› Niiice!
19/03/2008 05:59:37 ‹kruelaid› I d/led it twice, once at home and once at my office
19/03/2008 05:59:37 ‹Jeff Alvarez› night!
19/03/2008 05:59:39 ‹Absinth› I'll spread the news on the german RPG-boards. There are many, many ppl that feel uncomfortable with 4e, so you might have a strong following there...
19/03/2008 05:59:46 ‹Blazej› Hmm... how will monster's skills and feats work in PRPG?
19/03/2008 05:59:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› No problme Sagestl.. it is the least we could do
19/03/2008 05:59:54 ‹Lilith› sagestl: Presence is my hoster - he's cool stuff!
19/03/2008 05:59:54 ‹Dorgar› I am going to use the alpha rules when i restart my RotRL group had to reboot to lose of players (conflicting time ect)
19/03/2008 05:59:56 ‹Wyvern› sagestl, hmmm PFRPG ;)
19/03/2008 06:00:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Blazej> those rules are still coming together.. but I do not think they will be too different to avoid serious conversion
19/03/2008 06:00:29 ‹sagestl› Wyvern> Okay, D&D---->PFRGP. :)
19/03/2008 06:00:47 ‹lojakz› i'm going into my my FLGS tomorrow, specifically to talk to the owner about this..., and on thursday to tell the bloke who's going to be running Red Hand of Doom in a couple weeks.
19/03/2008 06:00:52 ‹Fray› the local FLGS does not really have a pathfinder or D&D group... I'm going to see if I can start one now though.
19/03/2008 06:00:53 ‹Erik Mona› Gotta go AFK to make a phone call.
19/03/2008 06:00:59 ‹Blazej› Ok, was just thinking about giants with levels and how many skills they would have.
19/03/2008 06:01:03 * Eyebite quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:01:04 * Erik Mona changes his/her nickname to Erik Mona (AFK)
19/03/2008 06:01:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Later Erik..
19/03/2008 06:01:11 ‹Blazej› Later!
19/03/2008 06:01:18 ‹Balthaczar› anybody see Pramas post?
19/03/2008 06:01:25 ‹Wyvern› Linky!
19/03/2008 06:01:25 ‹Russ› No, linky?
19/03/2008 06:01:29 ‹Balthaczar› http://www.gleemax.com/Comms/P...d=14856
19/03/2008 06:01:41 ‹Russ› Anyhow, I'm gonna brain storm some new magic item activation rules and post them
19/03/2008 06:01:41 ‹Fray› Erick Don't give them your credit card number anymore! You said you would cut down on those calls.
19/03/2008 06:02:23 * sagestl quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:02:38 ‹Lilith› Balthaczar: Thanks for the linkage! Cool stuffs.
19/03/2008 06:02:38 ‹PeteA› Balthaczar: error from that link
19/03/2008 06:02:52 ‹Balthaczar› sorry
19/03/2008 06:02:58 ‹Balthaczar› its a gleemax one
19/03/2008 06:03:21 ‹Mothman› link doesn't seem to work....
19/03/2008 06:03:21 ‹Blazej› Gleemax errors a lot, I suggest trying it again.
19/03/2008 06:03:34 ‹Blazej› A lot.
19/03/2008 06:03:37 ‹Rambling Scribe› Interesting comments.
19/03/2008 06:03:38 ‹Balthaczar› lol
19/03/2008 06:03:51 ‹Yeux› Alright, I'm off to bed, Just wanted to check in a see what the chat was up to.
19/03/2008 06:03:55 ‹Balthaczar› i can send you the text if you cant get it
19/03/2008 06:03:58 ‹Lilith› Night Yeux! :dance2:
19/03/2008 06:03:59 ‹kruelaid› l8r
19/03/2008 06:04:07 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Yeux
19/03/2008 06:04:07 ‹Yeux› See ya!
19/03/2008 06:04:09 * Yeux quit
19/03/2008 06:04:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Interesting post..
19/03/2008 06:04:44 ‹Fray› Linked worked well for me... it was a good post IMO
19/03/2008 06:04:48 * B joins Main
19/03/2008 06:04:58 ‹Samwise› its not working for me :(
19/03/2008 06:05:11 ‹Daigle› Worked for me
19/03/2008 06:05:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› well.. my time is running short here unfortunately.. I've got a blog post to do.. and some rest to get.. before the struggle with release 2 continues
19/03/2008 06:05:18 ‹Fray› You may have to have an account for it to work...
19/03/2008 06:05:31 ‹Jason Bulmahn› So... last call on questions for the night
19/03/2008 06:05:33 ‹Fray› Thank jason! Hug everyone for me!
19/03/2008 06:05:35 ‹Mothman› See you Jason
19/03/2008 06:05:40 * Karelzarath quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:05:44 ‹Daigle› Jason...awesome work! Get some well deserved rest!
19/03/2008 06:05:59 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Well done! Rest!
19/03/2008 06:06:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I'll see what I can do Daigle..
19/03/2008 06:06:07 ‹Rambling Scribe› Jason, I still haven't read the pdf. I'll have lots of feedback later. Anf good on ya!
19/03/2008 06:06:11 ‹Rambling Scribe› And...
19/03/2008 06:06:13 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Back to work Jason *cracks whip*
19/03/2008 06:06:14 ‹lojakz› jason, i just want to say thank you to you and all the folks of paizo... you don't know how happy i am now
19/03/2008 06:06:19 ‹Fray› I'm heading out too.
19/03/2008 06:06:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Jeff.. I knew I could count on you
19/03/2008 06:06:30 ‹Jeff Alvarez› night fray
19/03/2008 06:06:34 ‹Absinth› Yes, get some rest! And please: no more robots! I'll even consider supporting your scary NWO...
19/03/2008 06:06:35 ‹Jeff Alvarez› :)
19/03/2008 06:06:36 ‹Fray› gnit ya'll.... i'm oing to have PF dreams:D
19/03/2008 06:06:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› No problem Lojakz
19/03/2008 06:06:44 ‹Wyvern› Thanks for stopping by, and a hearty pat in the back.
19/03/2008 06:06:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› No promises Absinth
19/03/2008 06:06:53 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Wyvern
19/03/2008 06:06:55 ‹Absinth› *shudders*
19/03/2008 06:07:01 * Daigle is gonna have one more beer and then has to hit the sack too.
19/03/2008 06:07:17 ‹Dorgar› Yup yup thanks for taking the chance on your fans I know you have my support
19/03/2008 06:07:18 ‹Absinth› More coffee now...
19/03/2008 06:07:20 ‹Lilith› Thanks again Jason Bulmahn! :glomp: :beer:
19/03/2008 06:07:28 * kruelaid quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:07:30 ‹Blazej› This still all feels a little weird to me. As if I will wake up and it will have been all a dream.
19/03/2008 06:07:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› See you all on the Paizo boards tomorrow...
19/03/2008 06:07:34 * Rambling Scribe has to level up his character, clean up the game table, and be awake in 4.5 hours...
19/03/2008 06:07:42 ‹Blazej› Goodnight Jason!
19/03/2008 06:07:42 ‹Jeff Alvarez› night
19/03/2008 06:07:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night All...
19/03/2008 06:07:48 ‹Daigle› Peace
19/03/2008 06:07:49 * Eyebite quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:07:49 ‹Absinth› Good night!
19/03/2008 06:07:50 * Fray quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:07:54 ‹Scede› I'm checking out for the night too. Here's one thing though- even if I make the switch to 4E, I'm still going to buy your products.
19/03/2008 06:08:00 ‹Dorgar› night
19/03/2008 06:08:06 ‹Russ› thanks, Jason
19/03/2008 06:08:10 ‹Daigle› have a good night Scede
19/03/2008 06:08:16 ‹Jeff Alvarez› thanks Scede!
19/03/2008 06:08:26 ‹Absinth› God, I haven't been that exited since 3.0...
19/03/2008 06:08:32 * niel joins Main
19/03/2008 06:08:40 ‹PeteA› We live in "interesting" times!
19/03/2008 06:08:42 ‹Lilith› Absinth: :lol: :beer:
19/03/2008 06:08:44 ‹Jeff Alvarez› And I'm out too. Thanks for the great chat everyone!
19/03/2008 06:08:50 * Stegger joins Main
19/03/2008 06:08:50 ‹Lilith› Thank you Jeff! :glomp:
19/03/2008 06:08:53 ‹Dorgar› I'm going to check out the PFsociety stuff night gang
19/03/2008 06:08:56 ‹Rambling Scribe› GNight Jeff!
19/03/2008 06:08:58 ‹Balthaczar› night
19/03/2008 06:08:58 ‹Absinth› Thanks for the insights, Jeff!
19/03/2008 06:09:01 * Jason Bulmahn quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:09:02 ‹Wyvern› Thank you Jeff :)
19/03/2008 06:09:06 ‹Jeff Alvarez› my pleasure!
19/03/2008 06:09:15 ‹Mothman› See you Jeff
19/03/2008 06:09:18 * Scede quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:09:19 * B quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:09:24 ‹Dorgar› later Jeff
19/03/2008 06:09:31 ‹Rambling Scribe› I'm more pumped for con season than ever!
19/03/2008 06:09:40 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: Hell Yeah! :headbang:
19/03/2008 06:09:44 ‹lojakz› man i've got so much reading to do....
19/03/2008 06:09:52 ‹Stegger› morning all
19/03/2008 06:10:08 ‹Absinth› I wonder what the guys at WotC think about this... I guess they counted on Paizo for support of their system.
19/03/2008 06:10:11 ‹Daigle› I wish I had more dough right now and I'd get off work to hit more than just GenCon
19/03/2008 06:10:12 ‹Blazej› I already was living in interesting times. When will they stop becoming more interesting?
19/03/2008 06:10:14 ‹Blazej› :)
19/03/2008 06:10:15 * Jeff Alvarez quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:10:15 ‹Balthaczar› is this chat room up all the time or just special times
19/03/2008 06:10:15 ‹lojakz› i'm still reading all the announcements on Paizo's site.
19/03/2008 06:10:23 ‹Absinth› This propably isn't a good day for them.
19/03/2008 06:10:27 ‹Lilith› Balthaczar: All the time. :D
19/03/2008 06:10:28 ‹Daigle› Balthaczar...all the time
19/03/2008 06:10:32 ‹Balthaczar› cool
19/03/2008 06:10:32 ‹Blazej› This chat room is up alt
19/03/2008 06:10:34 ‹Absinth› It's up 24/7
19/03/2008 06:10:34 * Daigle laughs
19/03/2008 06:10:39 ‹Blazej› Too slow.
19/03/2008 06:10:41 ‹mortellan› where's Logue?
19/03/2008 06:10:42 ‹PeteA› Balthaczar: got the link to work. Thanks.
19/03/2008 06:10:48 ‹Daigle› I always answer right after Lilz
19/03/2008 06:10:52 ‹Dorgar› take care all
19/03/2008 06:10:55 ‹Balthaczar› excellent pete
19/03/2008 06:10:56 * Dorgar quit
19/03/2008 06:10:56 ‹PeteA› I think Pramas has it spot on. This won't do much to WotC.
19/03/2008 06:10:57 ‹Stegger› a good chat?
19/03/2008 06:10:59 ‹Daigle› Night
19/03/2008 06:11:00 ‹Lilith› Balthaczar: With a few exceptions, but I'm workin' on it.
19/03/2008 06:11:05 ‹Lilith› Stegger: I think so.
19/03/2008 06:11:15 ‹Balthaczar› i hadnt used a chat room in 5 years
19/03/2008 06:11:17 ‹Daigle› Stegger...an all-day chat
19/03/2008 06:11:25 ‹Stegger› a crazy event last night
19/03/2008 06:11:36 ‹Rambling Scribe› I think the second part of Pramas' statement is important though. The PR implications are HUGE.
19/03/2008 06:11:45 ‹Absinth› The link doesn't work for me. I'll log in to WotCs site to read it. Is it about Paizos announcement?
19/03/2008 06:11:48 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: Yeah. Pramas = smart cookie.
19/03/2008 06:11:51 ‹Lilith› Absinth: Yes.
19/03/2008 06:12:24 ‹Lilith› The post is also on livejournal = http://freeport-pirate.livejournal.com/
19/03/2008 06:12:41 ‹mortellan› thx lil
19/03/2008 06:13:01 ‹PeteA› If WotC had done an open playtest, this announcement might never have happened.
19/03/2008 06:13:15 ‹Absinth› Thanks for the link, Lilith! Reminds me of updating my own blog...
19/03/2008 06:13:22 ‹Balthaczar› if wizards had given up the gsl
19/03/2008 06:13:45 ‹Rambling Scribe› I personally think this would have come no matter what, unless the license was out sooner, and more open than it looks like it will be.
19/03/2008 06:14:34 ‹Rambling Scribe› Paizo's had a license pulled by WotC before. Why would they open themselves up to that again?
19/03/2008 06:15:25 ‹Absinth› Good point, RS
19/03/2008 06:15:30 ‹Wyvern› I wonder what Jason and his friends (who happen to work at WotC) will play when they get together? 4e or PF? Wouldn't it be a kick in the nads if they play PF?
19/03/2008 06:15:35 ‹Stegger› did teh excitement last all through the chat? people were extremely positive when I left yesterdayt
19/03/2008 06:15:44 ‹Samwise› hah! that works
19/03/2008 06:15:46 ‹Absinth› Yes, it did!
19/03/2008 06:15:59 ‹Mothman› Thanks for the Livejournal link Lilith ( I still cant get onto Gleemax)
19/03/2008 06:15:59 * lojakz quit
19/03/2008 06:16:23 ‹Mothman› Wyvern: ha!
19/03/2008 06:17:05 ‹Mothman› Stegger: It was still very positive ... though I think tiredness had begun to set in....
19/03/2008 06:17:25 ‹Stegger› lol, just had 6 hours of sleep myself, was needed
19/03/2008 06:17:42 ‹Absinth› Pramas' entry is a good one. Exactly my pov...
19/03/2008 06:17:56 ‹Stegger› it was so amazing when 8 people suddenly changed user name here to all to familiar paizo employees.... legendary stuff
19/03/2008 06:18:00 ‹Absinth› I only had four hours, but it was worth it!
19/03/2008 06:18:14 ‹Absinth› Yes, that was sooo cool.
19/03/2008 06:18:25 ‹Rambling Scribe› I was totally on to Erik, and suspicious of several others...
19/03/2008 06:18:32 ‹Absinth› I told my gf and she just rolled eyes and laughed...:)
19/03/2008 06:18:44 ‹mortellan› they sneaked in?
19/03/2008 06:18:44 ‹Absinth› Said I'm easy to impress...:)
19/03/2008 06:18:51 ‹Absinth› Yes, they did.
19/03/2008 06:18:52 ‹Lilith› Stegger: There were a total of 12 paizonians in here at one point...;)
19/03/2008 06:18:56 ‹Stegger› wow!
19/03/2008 06:18:56 ‹mortellan› those rascals
19/03/2008 06:19:01 ‹Lilith› mortellan: Snuck in like good little rogues.
19/03/2008 06:19:03 ‹Absinth› Eric had Karzoug as sn
19/03/2008 06:19:25 ‹Stegger› yes mortellan, some were in here quite some hours before reveling themselves
19/03/2008 06:19:35 ‹Absinth› And the chat crashed so bad at least twice in a row...:)
19/03/2008 06:19:49 ‹Absinth› How many users were here? 50 or so?
19/03/2008 06:20:00 ‹Stegger› lol, Lilith you seemed to have a lag of +10 minutes at a time
19/03/2008 06:20:05 ‹Daigle› My count at one point was 49
19/03/2008 06:20:20 ‹Daigle› But I was barely here when it was huge
19/03/2008 06:20:39 ‹Daigle› I got logged out for a while
19/03/2008 06:21:21 ‹Absinth› I was thrown out as well... Your bouncers here are not the gentle type...:)
19/03/2008 06:21:24 ‹Lilith› Absinth: yeah, about 50...and I was getting a 7 minute lag.
19/03/2008 06:21:38 ‹Russ› When was it anounced?
19/03/2008 06:21:42 ‹Russ› So sad I missed it :)
19/03/2008 06:21:43 * Karelzarath quit (timeout)
19/03/2008 06:21:49 ‹Lilith› Russ: About 1:30? I think?
19/03/2008 06:22:22 ‹Rambling Scribe› The chat room was lagging for me and I just flipped over and tried Paizo one more time. I almost went into shock.
19/03/2008 06:23:21 ‹Rambling Scribe› Then I did a little dance.
19/03/2008 06:23:25 ‹Wyvern› 1:30?!! I was going to sneak a connection from work. Good thing I didn't or would have been very distraught.
19/03/2008 06:23:37 * Erik Mona (AFK) changes his/her nickname to Erik Mona
19/03/2008 06:23:46 ‹Daigle› wb Mona
19/03/2008 06:23:47 ‹Mothman› Welcome back Erik
19/03/2008 06:23:48 ‹Absinth› Welcome back, Pathfinder
19/03/2008 06:23:52 ‹Erik Mona› Hello, all!
19/03/2008 06:23:55 ‹Russ› Greetings sir!
19/03/2008 06:24:07 ‹Erik Mona› Rambling Scribe totally called it, btw.
19/03/2008 06:24:11 ‹Stegger› morning sir
19/03/2008 06:24:14 ‹Erik Mona› Full credit where it is due.
19/03/2008 06:24:17 ‹Rambling Scribe› :D
19/03/2008 06:24:17 ‹Russ› Called it?
19/03/2008 06:24:21 * Daigle laughs
19/03/2008 06:24:24 ‹Karelzarath› The Announcement
19/03/2008 06:24:36 ‹Russ› Ah, you were guessing this was the "big thing"?
19/03/2008 06:24:37 ‹Daigle› Great...inflate that ego
19/03/2008 06:24:38 ‹Blazej› Wish as a spell like ability?
19/03/2008 06:24:38 ‹Samwise› heh
19/03/2008 06:24:43 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: :headbang:
19/03/2008 06:24:46 ‹Blazej› Wish as a spell like ability?
19/03/2008 06:24:52 ‹Samwise› i thought it was just the gsl arriving and yall making a decision
19/03/2008 06:24:54 ‹Daigle› Russ...months ago
19/03/2008 06:24:59 ‹Russ› I was suspicous when Lisa talked about needing a new set of core rulebooks. Implied she'd thought about it seriously.
19/03/2008 06:25:02 ‹Samwise› i didnt expext an announcement like this
19/03/2008 06:25:07 ‹Rambling Scribe› Actually, if you look on the Paizo boards, I called this in April last year...
19/03/2008 06:25:14 ‹Russ› But that was just a week or so ago.
19/03/2008 06:25:39 ‹Rambling Scribe› Daigle: my head is like an orange on a toothpick!
19/03/2008 06:25:44 ‹Russ› Seems like a "bet the future" thing, but you guys already passed that test at least twice
19/03/2008 06:25:45 ‹Absinth› In reverse, there were some hints at this...
19/03/2008 06:25:47 ‹Daigle› Craig slept with Bulhman at Origins
19/03/2008 06:25:51 ‹Daigle› :P
19/03/2008 06:25:52 ‹Russ› Once publishing the mags, once surviving their death.
19/03/2008 06:25:59 ‹Mothman› The announcement must have happened JUST before I logged onto Paizo today - I didnt see the goblins, and I was one of the first group of posters in some of the first announcement threads ... that was about 10 hours ago
19/03/2008 06:26:03 ‹Karelzarath› Heed! Pants! Newh!
19/03/2008 06:26:15 ‹Rambling Scribe› Dude, I slept with Logue and Hitchcock at Origins.
19/03/2008 06:26:25 ‹Karelzarath› :shock:
19/03/2008 06:26:28 ‹Daigle› Oh yeah!
19/03/2008 06:26:36 ‹Russ› I slept with Balabar Smenk. Bad decision. He knew nothing of value.
19/03/2008 06:26:38 ‹Daigle› I get those cons all switched up
19/03/2008 06:26:38 ‹Karelzarath› I... don't know that I'd brag about that...
19/03/2008 06:26:51 ‹Lilith› Karelzarath: :lol:
19/03/2008 06:27:17 ‹Rambling Scribe› If it helps any I was thinking about Larry Elmore's wife at the time...
19/03/2008 06:27:23 ‹Balthaczar› lol
19/03/2008 06:27:24 * Karelzarath chuckles
19/03/2008 06:27:28 * Daigle laughs
19/03/2008 06:27:29 ‹Russ› The board was dimissive enough of 3.75E I assumed you guys had no plans that way. oops :)
19/03/2008 06:27:35 ‹Balthaczar› spacin off and you say that
19/03/2008 06:27:48 * Presence quit (KTHX<3BYE)
19/03/2008 06:27:51 ‹Balthaczar› eyeballs refocus
19/03/2008 06:28:41 ‹Daigle› Erik...last Paizonian standing.
19/03/2008 06:28:42 ‹Absinth› Eric, I would have expected that a possible 3.75 would be a team project. Why was Jason doing it all alone?
19/03/2008 06:28:47 ‹Mothman› alright guys, I'd best be off. Fare thee well.
19/03/2008 06:28:57 ‹Lilith› Night Mothman! :glomp:
19/03/2008 06:28:57 ‹Daigle› Have a great day Mothman
19/03/2008 06:28:58 ‹Rambling Scribe› Actually, the most sordid thing that happened was Tim made me watch Leonard Nimoy sing the Bilbo Baggins song at 3am.
19/03/2008 06:28:59 ‹Balthaczar› night
19/03/2008 06:29:02 ‹Absinth› Night, moth
19/03/2008 06:29:05 ‹Rambling Scribe› niught Moth!
19/03/2008 06:29:05 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: :wow:
19/03/2008 06:29:07 ‹Samwise› ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
19/03/2008 06:29:11 ‹Samwise› now thats evil
19/03/2008 06:29:19 ‹Balthaczar› pure
19/03/2008 06:29:22 ‹Daigle› I don't want to talk about my experiences with Tim
19/03/2008 06:29:31 ‹Rambling Scribe› :lol:
19/03/2008 06:29:39 ‹Erik Mona› Absinth> Jason is our strongest mechanical designer, and he had lots of input from the entire publishing team.
19/03/2008 06:29:40 * Mothman quit
19/03/2008 06:30:00 ‹Erik Mona› And everyone else is busy making products.
19/03/2008 06:30:06 ‹Erik Mona› is = was
19/03/2008 06:30:14 ‹Karelzarath› Erik Mona: I forgot to ask earlier, and this may have been covered, but are the Alpha 2 and 3 doc going to be comprehensive or just additions to the previous one(s)?
19/03/2008 06:30:30 ‹Erik Mona› Explain the difference.
19/03/2008 06:30:48 ‹Karelzarath› Will Alpha 2 contain the content of Alpha 1, for example.
19/03/2008 06:30:52 ‹Erik Mona› We will be updating the same file.
19/03/2008 06:30:54 ‹Erik Mona› Correct.
19/03/2008 06:30:58 ‹Karelzarath› Ah, cool
19/03/2008 06:31:27 ‹Absinth› Were there Paizonians on Jasons playtest team?
06:32:11 * Karelzarath wonders if the non-Paizo people in Jason't group are tired of signing NDAs just to get to play. ;)
19/03/2008 06:32:29 ‹Absinth› :D
19/03/2008 06:32:42 ‹Balthaczar› my favorite part i think is teh open beta
19/03/2008 06:32:47 ‹Balthaczar› love it
19/03/2008 06:33:02 ‹Lilith› Open Playtest is win.
19/03/2008 06:33:11 * Samwise looks at the thread about the Pathfinder RPG on the WotC boards
19/03/2008 06:33:11 ‹Balthaczar› makes a d&d group feel important
19/03/2008 06:33:17 ‹Daigle› Paizo has been rockin' an open beta for years in one way or another
19/03/2008 06:33:18 ‹Lilith› Samwise: Link!
19/03/2008 06:33:26 ‹Absinth› Yes, you can't go wrong with this...
19/03/2008 06:33:41 ‹Lilith› No tricksy NDAs to keep track of...
19/03/2008 06:33:43 ‹Daigle› Crowdsourcing is strong stuff.
19/03/2008 06:33:43 ‹Samwise› http://forums.gleemax.com/show...1005471
19/03/2008 06:33:54 ‹Karelzarath› Indeed, Daigle.
19/03/2008 06:34:17 ‹Samwise› ahhhh . . . there it is:
19/03/2008 06:34:20 ‹Samwise› EVERYONE: Keep all posts POLITE, RESPECTFUL, and ON-TOPIC. Failure to do so will result in harsh disciplinary action. This is the only friendly warning anyone is going to get.
19/03/2008 06:34:38 ‹Samwise› thats the WizO telling everyone to behave on the second page of the thread ;)
19/03/2008 06:35:19 * Russ tries hard to come up with wotC products that match Paizo products
19/03/2008 06:35:21 ‹Russ› Well let's see
19/03/2008 06:35:30 ‹Russ› Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk...Fiendish Codex I....
19/03/2008 06:35:35 ‹Karelzarath› If they're gonna try to moderate the WotC boards into "polite, respectful, and on-topic," they've got one hell of an uphill climb.
19/03/2008 06:35:57 ‹Balthaczar› will the organzied play have the potential to shape the settings growth
19/03/2008 06:36:10 ‹Daigle› Be gentle. High road and all that.
19/03/2008 06:36:22 ‹Daigle› :P
19/03/2008 06:36:47 ‹Samwise› Karelzarath>i can not understate how the new statement on the paizo 4e forum is a problem for me solely for that reason
19/03/2008 06:36:47 * Karelzarath grins at Daigle
19/03/2008 06:36:48 ‹Absinth› Eric, will you organize it by regions as LG did?
19/03/2008 06:36:59 ‹Lilith› Samwise: That didn't take long. :)
19/03/2008 06:37:06 ‹Russ› Paizo was angry about the $5k rules fee? Hmm. I never saw THAT posting.
19/03/2008 06:37:17 ‹Samwise› Karelzarath>and i blame one WotC employee for the state of their boards
19/03/2008 06:37:20 * Samwise frenzies
19/03/2008 06:37:21 ‹Daigle› If things are split by regions, give Texas something worth a s&~$ this time.
19/03/2008 06:37:23 ‹Samwise› :P
19/03/2008 06:38:08 ‹Absinth› Can germany get Cheliax? First claim! :)
19/03/2008 06:38:23 ‹Balthaczar› think texas and kana will be same region? if so give texas something worth a s#*$
19/03/2008 06:38:26 ‹Lilith› Daigle: No regions! No!
19/03/2008 06:38:27 ‹Balthaczar› knasas
19/03/2008 06:38:34 ‹Lilith› It's supposed to be done by factions instead.
19/03/2008 06:38:50 ‹Balthaczar› that sounds promising
19/03/2008 06:38:52 ‹Stegger› damn, first sleep and now work :-(
19/03/2008 06:38:54 ‹Samwise› whats wrong with regions?
19/03/2008 06:39:03 ‹Samwise› as long as ny gets another empire :P
19/03/2008 06:39:10 ‹Balthaczar› ha
19/03/2008 06:39:12 ‹Stegger› take care all, and I wish you all the best Erik
19/03/2008 06:39:19 ‹Erik Mona› We are still hoping to pay the $5000 for an early crack at the rules.
19/03/2008 06:39:21 ‹Balthaczar› the center must hold
19/03/2008 06:39:25 ‹Erik Mona› That is a no-brainer for us.
19/03/2008 06:39:26 ‹Daigle› later Stegger
19/03/2008 06:39:28 ‹Absinth› Bye, stegger
19/03/2008 06:39:28 ‹Russ› Which WotC employee?
19/03/2008 06:39:29 ‹Erik Mona› It doesn't bother us in the least.
19/03/2008 06:39:37 ‹Samwise› ooooooohhhhh
19/03/2008 06:39:54 ‹Erik Mona› I thought it was funny that someone said that we were mad about that.
19/03/2008 06:39:59 ‹Russ› I want Osirion.
19/03/2008 06:40:01 ‹Samwise› a naughty playtester exposed himself on another wotc thread
19/03/2008 06:40:11 ‹Russ› Erik, are you an angsty gamer?
19/03/2008 06:40:16 ‹Samwise› Erik>ummmm . . . several people are saying you are mad about that
19/03/2008 06:40:19 ‹Erik Mona› I live in Seattle.
19/03/2008 06:40:20 ‹Daigle› That seems to be a trend with playtesters
19/03/2008 06:40:24 ‹Erik Mona› Of course I am angsty.
19/03/2008 06:40:27 ‹Samwise› angsty nerd gamer
19/03/2008 06:40:30 ‹Russ› Hey, I was TOLD I can say I'm a playtester, so there :)
19/03/2008 06:40:32 * Stegger quit
19/03/2008 06:40:34 ‹Samwise› get everything
19/03/2008 06:40:34 ‹Balthaczar› giggle
19/03/2008 06:40:46 ‹Samwise› Russ>all i know is i ran the delve at ddxp
19/03/2008 06:40:52 ‹Erik Mona› I don't want to post to WotC's folders about this.
19/03/2008 06:40:53 ‹Daigle› Russ, that so wasn't a jab
19/03/2008 06:41:11 ‹Russ› Daigle, didn't take it as such, no fears
19/03/2008 06:41:12 ‹Erik Mona› What did the naughty playtester say?
19/03/2008 06:41:14 * Lilith feels her brain melting from the WotC boards...
19/03/2008 06:41:17 ‹Daigle› Werd
19/03/2008 06:41:39 ‹Absinth› I can't afford any melting so I won't go there...
19/03/2008 06:41:54 ‹Samwise› Lilith>the thread is relatively mild
19/03/2008 06:42:45 ‹Lilith› Samwise: I know. And that scares me.
19/03/2008 06:42:55 ‹Samwise› you should read the one where this wonderful college educated fellow seemed incapable of comprehending that my high school probability courses informed me more about the topic in regards to 4E save chances than his edumucation
19/03/2008 06:44:16 ‹Balthaczar› can the ogl be revised
19/03/2008 06:44:35 ‹Lilith› Balthaczar: Be more specific?
19/03/2008 06:44:36 ‹Balthaczar› i have no legal skill at all
19/03/2008 06:44:36 ‹Samwise› not backwards
19/03/2008 06:44:49 ‹Samwise› you can always use an older version of it if you choose
19/03/2008 06:45:00 ‹Balthaczar› ahh
19/03/2008 06:45:10 ‹Balthaczar› so new restrictions wouldnt matter
19/03/2008 06:45:17 ‹Blazej› I believe I disagreed with your opinion on that thread Samwise. I think that the other person made a fair case.
19/03/2008 06:45:19 ‹Balthaczar› just use old
19/03/2008 06:45:28 ‹Balthaczar› ty
19/03/2008 06:45:32 ‹Samwise› so if wotc puts out v2.68317 and it says "we can now revoke this license"
19/03/2008 06:45:51 * Russ predicts the GSL will be revokable
06:45:57 ‹Samwise› you can say "thats nice, we are using v2.333333 which says we can still use all this stuf. have a nice day."
19/03/2008 06:46:13 ‹Samwise› blazej>he did make a fair case - for the wrong effect
19/03/2008 06:46:16 ‹Karelzarath› Erik Mona: One last, semi-silly question: What abbreviation would you suggest for the Pathfinder RPG? PRPG? PFRPG? :)
19/03/2008 06:46:21 * Rambling Scribe agrees with Russ.
19/03/2008 06:46:33 ‹Wyvern› I vote for just Pathfinder.
19/03/2008 06:46:57 ‹Daigle› No way WotC would revoke a license!
19/03/2008 06:47:00 ‹Blazej› I'm going to do a quick acronym search to see if I should avoid one.
19/03/2008 06:47:01 ‹Daigle› ;)
19/03/2008 06:47:06 ‹Samwise› blazej>i had my analysis correct, he is mistaking statistical analysis for predicting population distribution with the actual, per turn, probability, which is, as i noted and as per the gamblers fallacy, static
19/03/2008 06:47:52 ‹Samwise› i checked that with an masters level engineer who also tutors in math
19/03/2008 06:47:56 ‹niel› Agree with Pathfinder.
19/03/2008 06:48:08 ‹Erik Mona› Karel> I haven't decided yet.
19/03/2008 06:48:10 ‹Blazej› But I don't think he was talking about the per turn probability, just the overall.
19/03/2008 06:48:14 ‹Samwise› i am certain the gsl will be revocable
19/03/2008 06:48:22 ‹Erik Mona› So am I.
19/03/2008 06:48:35 ‹Karelzarath› Fair enough, Erik.
19/03/2008 06:48:39 ‹Samwise› blazej>thats the problem, the overall probability isnt - a probability in that sense
19/03/2008 06:48:52 ‹Karelzarath› Anyway, off to bed for me. More Pathfinder RPG reading for tomorrow and a playtest to schedule.
19/03/2008 06:49:02 ‹Blazej› PRPG: Pseudo-Random Pattern Generator
19/03/2008 06:49:03 ‹Daigle› Have a great night Karelzarath
19/03/2008 06:49:19 ‹Samwise› blazej>heh, thats what it is ;)
19/03/2008 06:49:57 ‹Blazej› PFRPG: Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game
19/03/2008 06:49:58 ‹Russ› PFR
19/03/2008 06:50:01 ‹Balthaczar› this has been asked several times i am sure, but i was away for abit, any new classes
19/03/2008 06:50:24 ‹Absinth› Sleep well Karelzarath
19/03/2008 06:50:30 ‹Daigle› the 'F' makes the acronym read poorly
19/03/2008 06:50:34 ‹Russ› I'm contemplating spinning up a light armor warrior class.
19/03/2008 06:50:38 ‹Balthaczar› or a new way to do prestige
19/03/2008 06:50:45 ‹Russ› Let's just call it "Path"
19/03/2008 06:51:00 ‹Balthaczar› are you on The Path
19/03/2008 06:51:01 ‹Russ› please please please get rid of stacking the +2 favored save bonus
19/03/2008 06:51:02 ‹mortellan› russ>the next design contest should be interesting
19/03/2008 06:51:23 ‹Lilith› WotC thread...train wreck...can't look away...
19/03/2008 06:51:28 ‹Balthaczar› ha
19/03/2008 06:51:33 ‹Rambling Scribe› Me too.
19/03/2008 06:51:36 ‹Balthaczar› i just closed all those
19/03/2008 06:51:37 ‹Samwise› poor Lilith . . .
19/03/2008 06:51:47 ‹Balthaczar› sadness welling in soul
19/03/2008 06:51:51 ‹niel› Its not the destination, its the Path.
19/03/2008 06:52:03 * ollibolli joins Main
19/03/2008 06:52:07 ‹Russ› I loved that contest :)
19/03/2008 06:52:08 * Samwise has WotC Forum Resistance 50
19/03/2008 06:52:12 * Karelzarath quit
19/03/2008 06:52:14 ‹Daigle› My wife is sorting our minis and paints and moving stuff around so I can have a proper bookshelf in my 'office'
19/03/2008 06:52:18 ‹Absinth› A what a wonderful morning. All the months of uncertainty are finally over and the result is more than awesome. It was worth the wait.
19/03/2008 06:52:19 ‹ollibolli› Good morning from germany
19/03/2008 06:52:28 ‹Daigle› :headbang:
19/03/2008 06:52:32 ‹Absinth› Hey Olli...
19/03/2008 06:52:34 ‹Balthaczar› good morning
19/03/2008 06:53:01 ‹Absinth› And it's an especially nice orning in our part of the world...
19/03/2008 06:53:05 ‹ollibolli› And? The chat? How did it go?
19/03/2008 06:53:06 ‹Absinth› +m
19/03/2008 06:53:29 * Laz joins Main
19/03/2008 06:53:42 ‹Daigle› ollibolli, the chat alsted nearly all day and night
19/03/2008 06:53:50 ‹Daigle› *lasted
19/03/2008 06:54:06 ‹Absinth› The transcript will be HUGE...:)
19/03/2008 06:54:10 ‹ollibolli› I read it last night while I had to do something else
19/03/2008 06:54:19 ‹Balthaczar› might need to org the playtest feedback stuff
19/03/2008 06:54:23 ‹ollibolli› but had to go to bed at 1
19/03/2008 06:54:24 ‹Balthaczar› alot already
19/03/2008 06:54:28 ‹Balthaczar› pretty cool
19/03/2008 06:54:30 ‹Daigle› The transcript will be hard as hell
19/03/2008 06:54:42 ‹Daigle› Everyone should send a gift to Lilz
19/03/2008 06:54:47 ‹Daigle› :P
19/03/2008 06:54:52 ‹Balthaczar› she gave me a cookie
19/03/2008 06:54:59 ‹Balthaczar› i felt welcome
19/03/2008 06:54:59 ‹ollibolli› Any news on the traslation fronts?
19/03/2008 06:55:05 ‹ollibolli› translation
19/03/2008 06:55:06 * Lilith cries at the transcript concept...
19/03/2008 06:55:16 ‹Li

March 18th 2008, part 5
19/03/2008 07:00:40 ‹Absinth› It would be quite hard to translate things without using the translated terms they use on the core books.
19/03/2008 07:00:42 ‹Erik Mona› Thanks, Dryder!
19/03/2008 07:01:00 ‹ollibolli› and what about Ulysses and theDCC?
19/03/2008 07:01:02 ‹Absinth› sorry, in the core books...
19/03/2008 07:01:09 ‹Daigle› Howdy Wulf!
19/03/2008 07:01:22 ‹Sir Wulf› Hello!
19/03/2008 07:01:42 ‹Rambling Scribe› Read that whole damn thread. Why?
19/03/2008 07:01:53 ‹Samwise› can the rules be translated into Texan?
19/03/2008 07:01:55 ‹ollibolli› I will ask a friend of mine who was a patent lawyerabout that
19/03/2008 07:02:03 ‹Balthaczar› pain is pleasure
19/03/2008 07:02:10 ‹Dryder› My group's totally freaked out! They are presently downloading the pdf and want to try your rules asap!
19/03/2008 07:02:10 ‹Sir Wulf› I just wandered in... It looks like I missed quite a discussion.
19/03/2008 07:02:17 ‹Samwise› Rambling>which thread and why what? the wotc thread?
19/03/2008 07:02:39 ‹Balthaczar› a man named pinhead told me that....no reason not to believe him
19/03/2008 07:02:48 ‹Rambling Scribe› Yes, the WotC thread.
19/03/2008 07:03:08 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: Yeah, it was scary...
19/03/2008 07:03:08 ‹Absinth› My group is exited too. We'll start using the revised rules asap
19/03/2008 07:03:12 ‹Daigle› Sam...I just caught that.
19/03/2008 07:03:13 ‹Samwise› heh
19/03/2008 07:03:14 ‹Lilith› Sir Wulf: Go forth to the paizo site!
19/03/2008 07:03:20 ‹Erik Mona› Nice.
19/03/2008 07:03:25 ‹Samwise› i read it to contemplate if i should respond, and in what manner
19/03/2008 07:03:30 ‹Sir Wulf› Onward... To Paizo!
07:03:32 ‹Erik Mona› I have been curious about the reactions of people's play group.
19/03/2008 07:03:48 ‹Balthaczar› thinking about taping the playtest
19/03/2008 07:03:59 ‹Samwise› especially to what degree i can mock people without buying a warning ;)
19/03/2008 07:04:01 ‹Absinth› They're so glad that messed up rules like Grapple and Turning are finally fixed...
19/03/2008 07:04:09 ‹Rambling Scribe› My group were excited to hear the news. None of them were interested in 4E.
19/03/2008 07:04:15 ‹Erik Mona› In my experience only a minorty of players in any given campaign go to chats, scan boards daily, subscribe to Dragon, etc. It's the reaction of the slightly-less-plugged-in audience that really intrigues me at the moment.
19/03/2008 07:04:21 ‹Rambling Scribe› None of them post on Paizo.
19/03/2008 07:04:33 ‹Russ› *nods*
19/03/2008 07:04:38 ‹Wyvern› That is true Erik.
19/03/2008 07:04:52 ‹Absinth› Erik, that's right. I'm the only one of our group that reads boards and stuff.
19/03/2008 07:04:56 ‹Russ› Well...of my sample group, one excited, one meh, three wait and see
19/03/2008 07:04:58 ‹Samwise› Erik>i think . . . there is a significant issue as to the effect of certain plugged in people
19/03/2008 07:05:05 ‹Erik Mona› I am certain that there is a "core" audience that will be receptive to what we are doing. The question is "how big is it."
19/03/2008 07:05:05 ‹Daigle› I have two players that have posted maybe 30 posts between them. The other two don't even read my emails
19/03/2008 07:05:07 ‹Absinth› But they're exited nonetheless...
19/03/2008 07:05:07 ‹Dryder› My group's as well not posting at Paizo , but they are excited like hell!
19/03/2008 07:05:18 ‹Erik Mona› With it's evil cousin: "Is it big enough?"
19/03/2008 07:05:21 ‹Samwise› some of them really truly do have a LOT more effect than others
19/03/2008 07:05:35 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Good questions.
19/03/2008 07:05:54 ‹ollibolli› I am very excited by your decision and will certainly try to playtest the rules in my Falcon's Hollow campaign
19/03/2008 07:06:10 ‹Samwise› i know a venue where the fall of LG is not being particularly well received
19/03/2008 07:06:20 ‹Samwise› and where they want a new ongoing "living" campaign
19/03/2008 07:06:26 ‹Erik Mona› Excellent.
19/03/2008 07:06:27 ‹ollibolli› and LivingGolarion sounds like an excellent opportunity
19/03/2008 07:06:31 ‹Dryder› Erik: Are there new subscription options now?
19/03/2008 07:06:33 ‹Erik Mona› We will absolutely give them that campaign.
19/03/2008 07:06:37 ‹Absinth› Do you plan on designing a module that is especially aimed at introducing the new rules?
19/03/2008 07:06:40 ‹Erik Mona› We'd be honored to give them that campaign.
19/03/2008 07:06:49 ‹Samwise› and for which i was going to ask about whether we could use Pathfinder in advertising for players
19/03/2008 07:06:50 ‹Samwise› but . . .
19/03/2008 07:06:52 ‹Erik Mona› Dryder> Not as of today, nope!
19/03/2008 07:07:02 ‹Dryder› thanx!
19/03/2008 07:07:08 ‹Erik Mona› Absinth> No modules like that on deck, yet.
19/03/2008 07:07:09 ‹Samwise› i expect that is superseded by the whole Pathfinder OP program
19/03/2008 07:07:39 ‹Rambling Scribe› All right everyone, I really must run. I'm already running on no sleep from yesterday, and I'm now only going to get 3 hours tonight!
19/03/2008 07:07:49 ‹Balthaczar› gnight rambling
19/03/2008 07:07:53 ‹Rambling Scribe› I'm sure I'll be on the boards tomorrow.
19/03/2008 07:07:57 ‹Absinth› But it was worth it, wasn't it? :)
19/03/2008 07:07:58 ‹PeteA› I did get some feedback from one of my players today, actually. "you read all this crud, what does this mean anyway?" :-)
19/03/2008 07:07:58 ‹Rambling Scribe› Night all!
19/03/2008 07:08:00 ‹ollibolli› How about a rewrite of D0 - with errata
19/03/2008 07:08:00 ‹Samwise› the thing is, there are a number of individuals involved in organizing it that will have a disproportionate effect on the decision of what happens there
19/03/2008 07:08:04 ‹Daigle› Dream well , bro!
19/03/2008 07:08:05 ‹Lilith› Night Rambling Scribe! :glomp:
19/03/2008 07:08:10 ‹Rambling Scribe› Totally worth it!
19/03/2008 07:08:16 ‹Dryder› Night Rambling Scribe!
19/03/2008 07:08:16 ‹Absinth› Night, RS!
19/03/2008 07:08:25 ‹ollibolli› gn8 ramblinsscribe
19/03/2008 07:08:55 ‹Dryder› Can anyone tell me what this PF-society is about. Can I join somwehere. Can't find a link and thought there was one yesterday evening!
19/03/2008 07:09:16 ‹Samwise› i would think it would be in Paizo's, and any other company's, best interest to find, encourage, and support such people to whatever degree they can
19/03/2008 07:09:49 ‹Dryder› Man, will I spread the word around here about this move by Paizo!!! PROMISED!!!
19/03/2008 07:09:50 ‹Absinth› Maybe it's a secret society. Hell, I always wanted to be a member of a secret society with special handshakes and stuff...:)
19/03/2008 07:09:51 ‹Lilith› Samwise: Agreed!
19/03/2008 07:10:24 ‹Lilith› Pathfinder & Absinth: http://paizo.com/pathfinder/pa...Society
19/03/2008 07:10:34 ‹Takasi Running Burning Sky› We're a secret society, not a bunch of Look at Me Stanleys!
19/03/2008 07:10:41 ‹Absinth› Something like an RPG-version of the free masons. No, better like illuminati...
19/03/2008 07:11:08 ‹Samwise› i will not deny i am biased, having been involved in two organized play programs, but i really think companies are seriously underestimating the effect of the volunteers they send out on such community decisions
19/03/2008 07:11:18 ‹Lilith› Samwise: Truth.
19/03/2008 07:11:48 ‹Samwise› losing a volunteer lead at a venue can be significantly more devastating than their accountants seem to believe
19/03/2008 07:12:02 * Takasi Running Burning Sky changes his/her nickname to Takasi
19/03/2008 07:12:08 ‹Samwise› egregious example: Mage Knight
19/03/2008 07:12:16 ‹Takasi› mass battles in 3.5 are fun :)
07:12:37 ‹Balthaczar› is every aspect of the game being looked at for a possible change?
19/03/2008 07:12:42 ‹Samwise› WotC has had issues with LG, and the change to LFR is "ripe"
19/03/2008 07:12:42 ‹Wyvern› I just ask for one thing, don't make stuff unavailable for people who don't participate in the living campaign. I always hated that about LG, I had no interest in gaming with random strangers, but I wanted Greyhawk stuff. It was all unavailable to me :(
19/03/2008 07:12:44 ‹Samwise› but . . .
19/03/2008 07:13:07 ‹Daigle› I'm with Wyvern
19/03/2008 07:13:14 ‹Samwise› again, i have a quasi-insiders view that is biased by my anecdotal experience
19/03/2008 07:13:22 ‹Absinth› Yes, good point, Wyvern
19/03/2008 07:13:23 ‹Daigle› Unless you pay some dues or some s$%&
19/03/2008 07:13:37 ‹Samwise› no dues for the rpga after 2001 ;)
19/03/2008 07:13:46 ‹Samwise› just putting up with rpga members
19/03/2008 07:13:54 ‹Absinth› Eric, when we join your secret society, do we get to know your real name? ;)
19/03/2008 07:14:05 ‹ollibolli› Breakfast
19/03/2008 07:14:11 ‹Lilith› Wyvern: It's my understanding that they will be downloadable for a small fee (the Pathfinder Society modules)
19/03/2008 07:14:19 ‹Lilith› Go to linkage above.
19/03/2008 07:15:15 ‹Wyvern› Yeah, paying is fair. Availability is the point. If it's covered, awesome.
19/03/2008 07:15:28 ‹Absinth› It's okay to pay for a quality product. I have no problem with that. But with LG you couldn't even buy mods...
19/03/2008 07:15:41 ‹Wyvern› Exactly.

March 25th 2008
This is the day the chatroom broke! :O
2:07:04 ‹Moth lurking› Unless he expected it to make the site go down ... ;-)
26/03/2008 02:07:09 * mdavidj joins Main
26/03/2008 02:07:16 ‹Turin the Mad› :lol:
26/03/2008 02:07:20 * Moth lurking changes his/her nickname to Mothman
26/03/2008 02:07:32 * mdavidj sips his coffee and stumbles in
26/03/2008 02:07:44 ‹Ross› Moth lurking, true. I've tested code thinking 'This'll crash'.
26/03/2008 02:07:52 ‹Ross› Of course, that's when it doesn't crash.
26/03/2008 02:08:10 ‹Lilith› mdavidj: Don't spill the coffee! :ohnoes:
26/03/2008 02:08:10 ‹Jeff Alvarez› He actually removed some evil code and that has slowed things down for tonight. The crashing is a side effect and it should reset itself soon.
26/03/2008 02:08:14 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Or so he says
26/03/2008 02:08:21 * Dorgar brb changes his/her nickname to Dorgar
26/03/2008 02:08:28 ‹Lilith› Jeff Alvarez: Things are wunderbar!
26/03/2008 02:08:35 * Lilith changes his/her nickname to Admin Lilith is AFC
26/03/2008 02:08:44 ‹mdavidj› this should make ya smile lilith.. Props to the Cabbages!
26/03/2008 02:08:50 ‹mdavidj› http://www.enworld.org/showthr...=222425
26/03/2008 02:09:16 ‹Jeff Alvarez› either way he'll have new non-evil code in place tomorrow and that should speed things up and keep them stable, or more stable, or kinda stable, or a stable of horses or something
26/03/2008 02:09:35 ‹Wyvern› Here it is, it's Ref with Str, not Con.
26/03/2008 02:09:51 ‹mdavidj› Stable... Heh. I'm a pimp. I have a stable :)
26/03/2008 02:10:03 ‹Dorgar› Any idea when we will be able to have mods or goodies shipped with our subs?
26/03/2008 02:10:08 ‹Hill Giant› Wyvern: versus what?
26/03/2008 02:10:15 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Lilith> how did your chat with Vic go?
26/03/2008 02:10:43 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Jeff Alvarez: Excellent. A few details still need to be answered, but I imagine those will come in due time.
26/03/2008 02:10:45 ‹Wyvern› Dinosaur trampling.
26/03/2008 02:11:14 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Dorgar> You should currently be able to set your mod sub and PC sub to ship with Pathfinder or have them all ship at the end of each month.
26/03/2008 02:11:16 ‹Karelzarath› :raptor:
26/03/2008 02:11:21 ‹Ross› What is the conspiracy with Vic?
26/03/2008 02:11:45 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Dorgar> the 'adding more stuff' to your sub shipment will be a bit longer I'm afraid
26/03/2008 02:11:52 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Ross: :devilish:
26/03/2008 02:11:56 ‹Mothman› Wyvern: .... I think it might mean that the save DC is Strength based (how the DC is determined) - not that you use base reflex plus strength to make the save
26/03/2008 02:12:01 ‹Dorgar› what about non sub mods ... ahhh covered thx
26/03/2008 02:12:22 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› mdavidj: COOL! I'll share that on the WereCabbage boards! :D
26/03/2008 02:12:31 ‹mdavidj› :)
26/03/2008 02:12:50 * Russ joins Main
26/03/2008 02:12:51 ‹Jeff Alvarez› BTW, a little birdie told me that Mr. Jacobs should be joining us in 30 minutes or so.
26/03/2008 02:13:07 ‹Pygon› nice - he's feeling better, I take it
26/03/2008 02:13:14 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Jeff Alvarez: Woo-hoo! :woot:
26/03/2008 02:13:14 ‹Jeff Alvarez› A little
26/03/2008 02:13:17 ‹mdavidj› I also have it posted here: http://true20.com/forum/viewto...?t=2215
26/03/2008 02:13:22 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Still flemmy
26/03/2008 02:13:28 * Mothman quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:13:30 ‹Pygon› nasty bug then
26/03/2008 02:13:32 ‹mdavidj› Someone's fiending for Interface-Zero
26/03/2008 02:13:37 ‹Jeff Alvarez› yeah
26/03/2008 02:13:37 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› I think JJ needs to sleep for a few solid days and call it good.
26/03/2008 02:13:55 ‹mdavidj› Mr. Jacobs?
26/03/2008 02:13:57 ‹Jeff Alvarez› lol I wish we could get him to do that
26/03/2008 02:14:00 ‹Russ› Mothman - correct.
26/03/2008 02:14:16 ‹Turin the Mad› bury him in plushies
26/03/2008 02:14:24 ‹Jeff Alvarez› We can't even get him to take a 3-day vacation without finding him at the office.
26/03/2008 02:14:29 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Jeff Alvarez: Yeah, I imagine it's harder to get him to stop moving. :P
26/03/2008 02:16:03 * Admin Lilith is AFC jiggles her connection.
26/03/2008 02:16:20 ‹Mothman› Russ: Yeah, one of the guys in my group (who also DMs) made the same mistake in regards to "Charisma based DCs for Will saves
26/03/2008 02:16:37 ‹Wyvern› I see
26/03/2008 02:17:06 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:17:08 * Takasi frying chicken changes his/her nickname to Takasi
26/03/2008 02:17:10 ‹Mothman› The wording is a little ambiguous
26/03/2008 02:17:12 ‹Turin the Mad› the cumulative snooze-levels of a mound of plushies is to be welcomed by the insomniacs
26/03/2008 02:17:27 ‹Wyvern› Then it's superflous information for me. Weird that it's right there.
26/03/2008 02:17:43 ‹Takasi› I was trying to duplicate the McNugget coating with corn starch, came pretty close
26/03/2008 02:17:51 * The Last Rogue watches Lilith is AFC jiggle her connection
26/03/2008 02:18:23 ‹mdavidj› mmm. Mcnuggets
26/03/2008 02:18:41 ‹Mothman› Wyvern: I'm not sure the exact context of where you are looking - but it is included in MM monster entries for if you want to advance the monster. It's weird if it just shows up in a stat block in the middle of an adventure or something
26/03/2008 02:18:49 ‹Turin the Mad› I'd rather eat MRE chicken
26/03/2008 02:18:52 ‹Wyvern› I'm getting numbers in the thousand for my ping, I'm scared. 8-[
26/03/2008 02:19:05 ‹Pygon› 2265 here
26/03/2008 02:19:09 ‹Jeff Alvarez› they aren't as good as they used to be...IMO...something about all white meat vs. the leftover chicken parts.
26/03/2008 02:19:11 ‹Hill Giant› Wyvern: Yes, but its useful when you're deconstructing or making a new monster
26/03/2008 02:19:19 ‹Russ› It is fairly common to say "The Save DC is X based" in a stat block
26/03/2008 02:19:22 ‹Ross› Mothman, still matters in a stat block, though, in cases a Bulls Strength of Ray of Enfeeblement is floating around.
26/03/2008 02:19:26 ‹Russ› In case the monster get enfeebled or some such
26/03/2008 02:19:28 ‹mdavidj› I'm all about Cholesterol
26/03/2008 02:19:33 * Scede joins Main
26/03/2008 02:19:47 ‹Takasi› were they always so expensive too? I went into today and they were like $3 for 6 of them or something
26/03/2008 02:19:48 ‹Mothman› Ross, Russ: Very true! Hadnt thought of that
26/03/2008 02:19:50 * mdavidj :glomp: Mcnuggets
26/03/2008 02:20:05 ‹mdavidj› That's just evil though... the price
26/03/2008 02:20:26 ‹Mothman› Lilith, are we killing the server again?
26/03/2008 02:20:34 ‹Russ› Welcome to food in the new millenium
26/03/2008 02:20:35 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Not yet...
26/03/2008 02:20:39 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› But we shall see...
26/03/2008 02:20:41 ‹Russ› Go go biofuels!
26/03/2008 02:20:48 ‹Jeff Alvarez› think so
26/03/2008 02:20:58 ‹Hill Giant› Mmm... Soylent Green
26/03/2008 02:21:13 ‹Scede› so is Paizo's site down, or just really busy? I can't seem to connect
26/03/2008 02:21:14 ‹Turin the Mad› mmm ... long pork surprise ...
26/03/2008 02:21:24 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Turin the Mad: :lol:
26/03/2008 02:21:27 ‹Ross› Hufu?
26/03/2008 02:21:28 ‹mdavidj› Never saw that Movie Hill
26/03/2008 02:21:32 ‹Mothman› Scede: Its down
26/03/2008 02:21:46 ‹Takasi› that would be a nice subplot for Crimson Throne
26/03/2008 02:21:47 ‹Wyvern› It's taking a breather Scede. With all these people clicking everywhere all day.
26/03/2008 02:21:49 ‹Scede› ah ok thanks :)
26/03/2008 02:21:55 ‹Takasi› a cult that feeds people people
26/03/2008 02:22:04 ‹Takasi› hoping to turn them into ghouls or something
26/03/2008 02:22:16 ‹Turin the Mad› lol
26/03/2008 02:22:30 ‹Turin the Mad› think the Alpha feedback has given it heavy seizures
26/03/2008 02:22:50 ‹Dorgar› ohhh nasty Takasi I like it:twisted:
26/03/2008 02:23:23 ‹Takasi› Soylent Green....it's Halfings! Halflings!
26/03/2008 02:23:37 * Takasi continues to eat.
26/03/2008 02:23:45 ‹Takasi› Tastes like (Mc)Chicken!
26/03/2008 02:23:49 ‹Turin the Mad› that's Soylent Light
26/03/2008 02:23:49 ‹Russ› WotC's front page has been messed up for me on IE6 for weeks, speaking of bad sites
26/03/2008 02:23:50 ‹Jeff Alvarez› I'm looking into the webaite thing
26/03/2008 02:23:51 ‹Hill Giant› Halflings are less filling, but taste great
26/03/2008 02:23:59 ‹Takasi› it's the Diet Coke of Evil
26/03/2008 02:24:12 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Evil Lite.
26/03/2008 02:24:12 ‹mdavidj› Fiendish Diet Coke
26/03/2008 02:24:32 ‹Hill Giant› Coke Zero?
26/03/2008 02:24:36 ‹Takasi› Not quite evil enough.
26/03/2008 02:24:52 * Mothman quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:24:52 ‹Pygon› Vanilla Coke.
26/03/2008 02:24:57 ‹Takasi› Mini-me likes halflings...Scottie don't!
26/03/2008 02:25:07 ‹Hill Giant› Vanilli Coke is nice
26/03/2008 02:25:21 ‹Pygon› :-&
26/03/2008 02:25:32 ‹Dorgar› maybe a cult to Runelord of gluttony after the recent attempted raising of his breatheren.
26/03/2008 02:25:35 ‹mdavidj› Milli-vanilli Coke
26/03/2008 02:25:36 ‹Turin the Mad› :lol:
26/03/2008 02:25:41 ‹Hill Giant› Vanilla, Vanilli contains artificial ingredients
26/03/2008 02:26:07 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:26:07 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:26:41 ‹Mothman› oh, Paizo seems to be back
26/03/2008 02:27:04 ‹Takasi› when does the Darkmoon Vale book come out again, June or July?
26/03/2008 02:27:06 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Hooray!
26/03/2008 02:27:10 * Admin Lilith is AFC goes to get her Paizo fix.
26/03/2008 02:27:42 * Ross quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:27:57 ‹Russ› I'm enjoying the shoggoth adventure right nw
26/03/2008 02:27:59 ‹Russ› now.
26/03/2008 02:28:06 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Yea, Paizo is back up!
26/03/2008 02:28:17 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Yummy yummy shoggoth...:cthulhu:
26/03/2008 02:28:22 ‹Turin the Mad› cthulhuvian goodies - yum
26/03/2008 02:28:22 ‹Pygon› keep those hamsters running
26/03/2008 02:28:43 ‹mdavidj› mmmm....Cthulhu
26/03/2008 02:29:03 ‹mdavidj rolls dice› 1d20 » + 6 = 6
26/03/2008 02:29:09 * Sir Wulf joins Main
26/03/2008 02:29:21 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Sir Wulf! :glomp:
26/03/2008 02:29:35 ‹Turin the Mad› SAN check mdavidj : roll percentiles and pray it's lower than your current SAN ^_^
26/03/2008 02:29:42 ‹Sir Wulf› Hello!
26/03/2008 02:29:50 ‹mdavidj rolls dice› 1d100 » + 10 = 10
26/03/2008 02:29:59 ‹Wyvern› Hey Wulf
26/03/2008 02:30:11 ‹Turin the Mad› lucky
26/03/2008 02:30:12 ‹Russ› though I'm not sure why the shoggoth would be so inoffensive :)
26/03/2008 02:30:13 * tensor joins Main
26/03/2008 02:30:16 ‹Russ› also not sure it is really CR15
26/03/2008 02:30:21 ‹mdavidj› sweet. I can watcxh the shoggoth a bit more from my hiding place
26/03/2008 02:30:23 ‹Turin the Mad› :cthulhu:
26/03/2008 02:30:28 ‹mdavidj› watch.. even
26/03/2008 02:30:36 * Mothman changes his/her nickname to Moth working
26/03/2008 02:32:07 ‹tensor› Russ: What shoggoth adventure?
26/03/2008 02:32:12 ‹Russ› It has a few-many ways to invoke that DC 31 permadeath
26/03/2008 02:32:17 * Charles Evans joins Main
26/03/2008 02:32:20 ‹mdavidj› am I missing somehting.. is there a Cthulhu product up?
26/03/2008 02:32:47 ‹Russ› Crucible of Chaos
26/03/2008 02:32:49 ‹Wyvern› Whoa tensor
26/03/2008 02:32:51 ‹Charles Evans› Hmm heavy load on the Paizo boards tonight...
26/03/2008 02:32:55 ‹Turin the Mad› Module J3: Crucible of Chaos, has a lovely 3.5 Shoggoth
26/03/2008 02:32:57 ‹Wyvern› Haven't seen you in a while
26/03/2008 02:33:01 ‹tensor› I was looking a Cthulhu products at my FLGS today. :)
26/03/2008 02:33:04 ‹Sir Wulf› Shoggoth adventure?
26/03/2008 02:33:04 ‹mdavidj› mmmmmmm
26/03/2008 02:33:10 ‹Charles Evans› LAAAG!
26/03/2008 02:33:12 ‹Turin the Mad› advanceable in HD and everything
26/03/2008 02:33:24 ‹mdavidj› yeah, I hate lagg
26/03/2008 02:33:35 ‹Charles Evans› J3 Shoggoth lacks a decapitation attack... :(
26/03/2008 02:33:35 ‹mdavidj› gets me killed in WOW all the time
26/03/2008 02:33:39 ‹Pygon› I like the caption on the Fumble Deck blog - D'oh! :)
26/03/2008 02:33:40 ‹tensor› my chat says it is still in the process of Transferring data....
26/03/2008 02:33:55 ‹Sir Wulf› My computer is in a langourous mood today...
26/03/2008 02:33:59 ‹Russ› it needs decapitation?
26/03/2008 02:34:50 ‹Ross› Paizo is not back for me
26/03/2008 02:34:57 ‹mdavidj› All Shoggoth should be able to decapitate just by looking at you. *nods sagely*
26/03/2008 02:35:03 ‹Turin the Mad› I kinda figured they just ... ate your face off
26/03/2008 02:35:06 ‹tensor› decapition solves most troubles
26/03/2008 02:35:14 ‹Charles Evans› Russ: See At the Mountains of Madness by HP Lovecraft :) those Shoggoths decapitate.
26/03/2008 02:35:21 * deClench joins Main
26/03/2008 02:35:31 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› deClench! :glomp:
26/03/2008 02:35:32 ‹Sir Wulf› I'm trying to look on the positive side. It's not "laggy", it's "mellow"
26/03/2008 02:35:49 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Maybe restart your browser and try again...Paizo is up for me
26/03/2008 02:36:00 ‹mdavidj› Actually.. they most likely just look at you.. you go insane and either decapitate yourself. Or you eat your own face off
26/03/2008 02:36:03 ‹Turin the Mad› that's 'cause the people are maybe 4th level
26/03/2008 02:36:12 ‹Charles Evans› Lilith: I thought the server all to your own was supposed to increase the speed of gatherings such as these.....
26/03/2008 02:36:21 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Gary said that the site will be slower than normal tonight but will be back to normal tomorrow
26/03/2008 02:36:30 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Charles Evans: It is, but it's a slower machine than the old one.
26/03/2008 02:36:28 ‹Turin the Mad› lol
26/03/2008 02:36:32 ‹Sir Wulf› Or flee, reciting subway stops as you sense the shoggoth flowing down the tunnel toward you.
26/03/2008 02:36:34 ‹Russ› I think decapitate could easily be one of the special effects of their absorb attack
26/03/2008 02:36:45 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Charles Evans: I may have to give my hoster a report on performance.
26/03/2008 02:37:22 ‹deClench› Hello all.
26/03/2008 02:37:39 * Charles Evans believes that he is timed in now, or at least the ping time is falling....
26/03/2008 02:37:42 * Turin the Mad :zombieglomp: Sir Charles
26/03/2008 02:37:43 ‹Dorgar› Hi de
26/03/2008 02:38:09 ‹Charles Evans› Turin!
26/03/2008 02:38:12 ‹Sir Wulf› I don't think it's necessary: Shoggoths may njoy popping creatures' heads off, but I expected that they killed them any way that struck their fancy. They just liked the noises heads made.
26/03/2008 02:38:26 * Charles Evans :cthulhu:s Turin.....
26/03/2008 02:38:36 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Ok, I'm going to log in a bit so let me know if there are any more questions I can answer.
26/03/2008 02:38:44 ‹mdavidj› I think you go insane and eat your own face.
26/03/2008 02:39:01 * Sir Wulf pops his head off just to listen to the amusing "tupperware" sound.
26/03/2008 02:39:06 ‹Russ› So I just found out that an order (on another site) was delayed because they "combined orders" to save shipping
26/03/2008 02:39:08 * mdavidj makes a mental note in case he runs into one
26/03/2008 02:39:19 * Turin the Mad runs gibbering from Great Cthulhu
26/03/2008 02:39:31 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Jeff Alvarez: :glomp: Tell everybody to take a quick breather once in a while. :)
26/03/2008 02:39:30 ‹Russ› So the combined shipping - 44.98. The split up shipping? 22.49 twice.
26/03/2008 02:39:38 ‹Charles Evans› Jeff: You don't know anything about Desna's servants from Pathfinder #2, do you? (The section at the back on tyhe religion)
26/03/2008 02:39:39 ‹Russ› Thank you for delaying my shipment THREE WEEKS with your remedial math.
26/03/2008 02:39:51 ‹Sir Wulf› Eat your own face? Sounds very Hannibal Lecter to me.
26/03/2008 02:39:53 * Russ submitted it as two orders, like he meant to.
26/03/2008 02:40:23 ‹Turin the Mad› I miss Goblyns
26/03/2008 02:40:33 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Charles Evans> Not anything that I can share
26/03/2008 02:40:35 ‹mdavidj› Yerah Russ. Or, quite possibly, Reaver-like
26/03/2008 02:40:48 ‹Charles Evans› Turin: Ravenloft Goblyns?
26/03/2008 02:40:53 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Russ> that's some interesting math they have going for them
26/03/2008 02:40:53 ‹Takasi› I'm still looking for the 1920's San Francisco Cthulhu book
26/03/2008 02:41:14 ‹Charles Evans› Jeff: That's alright; I'll make James Jacobs' life a misery when he shows up then.... :)
26/03/2008 02:41:15 ‹Takasi› we have a campaign on hiatus in SF and I need that book
26/03/2008 02:41:30 * Daigle quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:41:30 ‹Turin the Mad› Charles Evans> correct
26/03/2008 02:41:57 ‹Turin the Mad› checked used book stores Takasi? sometimes they have CoC stuff, just not often
26/03/2008 02:41:58 ‹Ross› Jeff Alvarez, why doesn't Paizo want to do a reprint Monster Manual with the PFRPG core book?
26/03/2008 02:42:01 ‹tensor› full speed
26/03/2008 02:42:10 ‹Charles Evans› Turin: There was a cute 'funhouse' vampire/nosferatu with Golbyn servants in the 'children of the night' collection themed around vampires....
26/03/2008 02:42:20 ‹Charles Evans› Goblyn, even
26/03/2008 02:42:29 ‹Dorgar› If a wizard using the alpha rules wants to be from the acadamae does he just need to select a school other then universal as his preferred school?
26/03/2008 02:42:38 * Daigle joins Main
26/03/2008 02:42:55 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Ross> For one it would make to book another 256 pages longer and we're pushin' capacity already
26/03/2008 02:43:02 ‹tensor› Dorgar: as opposed to what?
26/03/2008 02:43:04 ‹Pygon› hi Daigle
26/03/2008 02:43:05 ‹Charles Evans› 'Jack be Nimble', or something like that; the vampire could only materialise to feed if his victims were already terrified or something like that.
26/03/2008 02:43:05 ‹Takasi› wb Daigle
26/03/2008 02:43:15 * Daigle saunters back in.
26/03/2008 02:43:25 ‹Dorgar› specialist mage per 3.5
26/03/2008 02:43:28 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIGLE!
26/03/2008 02:43:31 * Admin Lilith is AFC runs n' glomps Daigle! :glomp:
26/03/2008 02:43:40 ‹tensor› this is alpha
26/03/2008 02:43:41 ‹Karelzarath› Heya, Diagle
26/03/2008 02:43:43 ‹Takasi› I sub'd to KQ today for the goodies Daigle
26/03/2008 02:43:45 ‹Karelzarath› ;)
26/03/2008 02:43:51 ‹Takasi› Lilith made sure I got it, huzzah!
26/03/2008 02:43:56 ‹Daigle› Howdy guys!
26/03/2008 02:43:58 * Russ quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:44:05 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Ross> I'm sure you'll see monster books from us soon after the PRPG launches
26/03/2008 02:44:08 ‹Charles Evans› Takasi: Did I see you write earlier that you had acheived ANOTHER TPK- in your FR campaign this time?
26/03/2008 02:44:10 ‹Ross› Jeff Alvarez, but people are going to need a reference for Goblins and Ogres and dragons eventually.
26/03/2008 02:44:11 ‹Turin the Mad› howdy Daigle
26/03/2008 02:44:16 * Daigle hugs Lilz!
26/03/2008 02:44:19 ‹Takasi› no Charles, almost a TPK
26/03/2008 02:44:28 ‹Daigle› Awesome Takasi
26/03/2008 02:44:29 ‹mdavidj› ...
26/03/2008 02:44:36 ‹Takasi› an orog killed one of the party members, they decided to leave the stronghold
26/03/2008 02:44:38 ‹mdavidj› Hiya Daigle
26/03/2008 02:44:44 * Charles Evans :cthulhu::glomp:s Lilith... apologies for the delay in doing so
26/03/2008 02:44:49 ‹Karelzarath› Takasi, King of the TPK
26/03/2008 02:44:52 ‹mdavidj› Silly Orogs
26/03/2008 02:44:53 ‹Turin the Mad› KQ ? goodies ?
26/03/2008 02:44:53 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Daigle: Karelzarath subbed as well to KQ because of Havenmine. :)
26/03/2008 02:44:57 * Daigle lags
26/03/2008 02:45:00 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Charles Evans! :glomp: :cthulhu:
26/03/2008 02:45:01 ‹Takasi› second PC dead, 2 out of 5, they were ready to pack it up and go back to Melvaunt
26/03/2008 02:45:09 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Daigle: We're all laggin'. :(
26/03/2008 02:45:23 ‹mdavidj› :cthulhu:
26/03/2008 02:45:28 * Daigle waits to catch up with the room.
26/03/2008 02:45:29 ‹Karelzarath› Lag lag lag lag, laggity lag, laggity lag...
26/03/2008 02:45:32 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Ross> I'm sure you'll see monster books from us soon after the PRPG launches
26/03/2008 02:45:39 ‹tensor› laggin & hanging
26/03/2008 02:45:43 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Turin the Mad: If you're a subscriber, you get a free adventure penned by Daigle. If you're not, you have until the 18th of April to subscribe and get the freebie.
26/03/2008 02:45:47 ‹mdavidj› Laggin' with Cthulhu.. bad thing
26/03/2008 02:46:03 ‹mdavidj› Subscriber for which product line?
26/03/2008 02:46:04 * James Jacobs joins Main
26/03/2008 02:46:14 ‹Karelzarath› Kobold Quarterly
26/03/2008 02:46:16 ‹Takasi› JJ!
26/03/2008 02:46:24 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› James Jacobs! :glomp:
26/03/2008 02:46:20 ‹Daigle› Howdy to everyone that Howdy!
26/03/2008 02:46:22 ‹Russ› Next year this time, I hope to be running some Pathfinder at Gamestorm
26/03/2008 02:46:24 ‹Charles Evans› Orog is an overpowetred character race... The strength bonus is higher than the Level adjustment r something silly like that, or at least it was in Races of Faerun if I recall correctly.
26/03/2008 02:46:26 ‹mdavidj› ah hah!
26/03/2008 02:46:29 ‹Pygon› hi James
26/03/2008 02:46:36 ‹Turin the Mad› Daigle = WR ? lol
26/03/2008 02:46:41 ‹Daigle› Thanks for picking up the subscriptions Takasi and Karelzarath!!
26/03/2008 02:46:41 ‹Ross› Jeff Alvarez, so Paizo will have a MM surrogate, just not immediately?
26/03/2008 02:46:50 ‹Daigle› I hope y'all liked the traps.
26/03/2008 02:46:55 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs!:raptor:
26/03/2008 02:47:00 ‹Daigle› Howdy James!
26/03/2008 02:47:02 ‹Dorgar› Hi James
26/03/2008 02:47:11 ‹Ross› JJ!
26/03/2008 02:47:12 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Ross> Think so
26/03/2008 02:47:13 ‹Karelzarath› Haven't read all the way through it, but the art and layout are nice. :)
26/03/2008 02:47:16 ‹Takasi› the orog was an enemy, he drank a potion of enlarge and another of haste while the party was fighting two smaller minions, then he chopped the player in half with his double sided axe
26/03/2008 02:47:17 * Russ wants to rewrite some monsters for 3.X
26/03/2008 02:47:31 ‹Daigle› WR?
26/03/2008 02:47:47 ‹James Jacobs› Aloha!
26/03/2008 02:48:04 ‹Turin the Mad› I don't know whom is whom, thought Wayne Reynolds did KQ
26/03/2008 02:48:04 * Charles Evans quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:48:05 * quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:48:05 * Charles Evans quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:48:12 ‹Jeff Alvarez› That was quick Jimmie-Jake
26/03/2008 02:48:12 ‹James Jacobs› Am I lagged?
02:48:16 ‹James Jacobs› I am.
26/03/2008 02:48:40 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Turin the Mad: Wayne Reynolds is an artist. Kobold Quarterly is done by Wolfgang Baur.
26/03/2008 02:48:46 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› James Jacobs: Yeah...:(
26/03/2008 02:48:49 ‹Pygon› pings are high right now/
26/03/2008 02:48:56 ‹Turin the Mad› d'oh
26/03/2008 02:49:02 ‹Hill Giant› Daigle = Daigle
26/03/2008 02:49:07 ‹Wyvern› Pings are high, sell!
26/03/2008 02:49:14 ‹Jeff Alvarez› 3518
26/03/2008 02:49:32 ‹Karelzarath› 2908
26/03/2008 02:49:35 ‹Dorgar› lol Wyvern
26/03/2008 02:49:40 * Daigle is indeed Daigle
26/03/2008 02:49:43 ‹mdavidj› ugh.. nasty nasty lag, we hates it preciousss
26/03/2008 02:49:47 * Admin Lilith is AFC jiggles her connection...
26/03/2008 02:49:48 ‹Takasi› 172 ms, working fine here :P
26/03/2008 02:49:49 ‹Karelzarath› How ya been, Daigle?
26/03/2008 02:49:50 * Charles Evans quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:49:57 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Must get this lag fingered out.
26/03/2008 02:50:06 * James Jacobs quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:50:16 ‹Pygon› whoops
26/03/2008 02:50:20 ‹Turin the Mad› I'm hovering at 3k ms ping
26/03/2008 02:50:21 ‹Karelzarath› Don't diddle the lag or it'll stay.
26/03/2008 02:50:37 ‹Daigle› Karelzarath, I've been rockin'! How's your world?
26/03/2008 02:50:40 ‹Turin the Mad› we're DOOMED!
26/03/2008 02:51:12 ‹Ross› Karelzarath, that's filthy. Funny, but filthy.
26/03/2008 02:51:13 ‹Daigle› Karelzarath: :lol:
26/03/2008 02:51:16 * Scede quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:51:16 * Scede quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:51:23 ‹mdavidj› diddle the lag.. lol
26/03/2008 02:51:27 ‹Karelzarath› Daigle: Not as excellent as yours, apparently. :) Lilith's made me her indentured servant, so it's not all bad.
26/03/2008 02:51:56 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Karelzarath: :devilish:
26/03/2008 02:52:01 * mdavidj changes his/her nickname to mdavidj is away fighting shogg
26/03/2008 02:52:04 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Karelzarath: Dance monkey dance! :whip:
26/03/2008 02:52:14 ‹Karelzarath› :dance:
26/03/2008 02:52:45 * DMcCoy1693 joins Main
26/03/2008 02:52:52 ‹Russ› Joy, I get to run a 4th ed preview adventure
26/03/2008 02:53:09 ‹Karelzarath› Uh, congrats?
26/03/2008 02:53:16 ‹Pygon› you sound overwhelmed with enthusiasm.
26/03/2008 02:53:17 * Admin Lilith is AFC checks server stats...
26/03/2008 02:53:23 ‹DMcCoy1693› Hey everyone
26/03/2008 02:53:28 * The Last Rogue joins Main
26/03/2008 02:53:31 ‹Pygon› hi DM
26/03/2008 02:53:33 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Hey DMcCoy1693! :glomp:
26/03/2008 02:53:37 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Hi DM
26/03/2008 02:53:41 ‹Dorgar› Hello DMcCoy
26/03/2008 02:53:44 ‹Turin the Mad› ola
26/03/2008 02:53:45 * Pygon casts displacement
26/03/2008 02:53:46 ‹Sir Wulf› We all know how impressed you were with the experience that is 4E, Russ.
26/03/2008 02:53:52 * James Jacobs joins Main
26/03/2008 02:54:04 * Moth working changes his/her nickname to Mothman
26/03/2008 02:54:08 ‹Pygon› welcome back James
26/03/2008 02:54:09 ‹Karelzarath› Ping to the server is 90 ms.
26/03/2008 02:54:13 ‹Jeff Alvarez› James is back and he brough the lag
26/03/2008 02:54:14 * Mothman quit
26/03/2008 02:54:15 ‹Sir Wulf› Mr. Jacobs! Again!
26/03/2008 02:54:21 ‹Daigle› Howdy Rogue and McCoy!
26/03/2008 02:54:26 ‹Dorgar› Welcome back Sir
26/03/2008 02:54:28 * tensor needs a big ass deal
26/03/2008 02:54:29 ‹Wyvern› Hey James!
26/03/2008 02:54:35 ‹DMcCoy1693› how's it goin gang?
26/03/2008 02:54:35 ‹Daigle› WB James
26/03/2008 02:54:43 ‹Turin the Mad› aaiieee!!
26/03/2008 02:54:43 ‹Sir Wulf› I need to get on my dial-up. Then lag will be normal and won't bother me.
26/03/2008 02:54:46 ‹James Jacobs› Okay!
26/03/2008 02:54:47 ‹Karelzarath› Unfortunately, he brought enough for everyone.
26/03/2008 02:55:03 ‹Jeff Alvarez› lol
26/03/2008 02:55:07 ‹DMcCoy1693› JAMES!!!
26/03/2008 02:55:15 ‹Karelzarath› There's only one cure for lag: :beer::beer::beer:
26/03/2008 02:55:16 ‹Wyvern› How are you feeling James?
26/03/2008 02:55:18 * Mothman joins Main
26/03/2008 02:55:31 ‹Fray in hiding› :ahoy:
26/03/2008 02:55:39 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Eeexcellent. They've released an update for the chat room.
26/03/2008 02:55:46 ‹Karelzarath› Schweet!
26/03/2008 02:55:54 ‹tensor› what's it say?
26/03/2008 02:55:59 ‹Fray in hiding› coolio
26/03/2008 02:56:01 ‹Karelzarath› Are we getting kicked whilst you apply it?
26/03/2008 02:56:06 ‹The Last Rogue› Daigle . . .I got the news and the e-mail about your new adventure . . .but alas I cannot download it!
26/03/2008 02:56:16 ‹Turin the Mad› Alpha 1.1 ?
26/03/2008 02:56:19 ‹James Jacobs› I am still sick. Getting better, but not as quickly as I want.
26/03/2008 02:56:30 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Karelzarath: No, not yet. I'll give fair warning.
26/03/2008 02:56:26 ‹Mothman› Hey James, how are you doing?
26/03/2008 02:56:43 ‹Daigle› Rogue...why's that?
26/03/2008 02:56:59 ‹Turin the Mad› go hide in a pile of plushies James ... and bring a stash of chow
26/03/2008 02:57:09 ‹Mothman› tensor - you need a big ass deal .... ?
26/03/2008 02:57:15 ‹The Last Rogue› The linky that the esteemed Mr. Baur sent to KQ subscribers just sends me to the nether regions of the web
26/03/2008 02:57:23 ‹tensor› yes, to make 150 million
26/03/2008 02:57:36 ‹Karelzarath› ?? I like big butts and I cannot lie... ??
26/03/2008 02:57:36 ‹DMcCoy1693› For all those interested, Horton Hears A Who is a pretty darn good movie (just felt I should inform everyone).
26/03/2008 02:57:38 ‹tensor› cotton balls
26/03/2008 02:57:49 ‹Turin the Mad› he's tired of his small ass
26/03/2008 02:58:00 ‹Karelzarath› Sounds vaguely unpleasant, The Last Rogue
26/03/2008 02:58:07 ‹Daigle› The Last Rogue...poop! Email Wolfgang, I'm certain he will sort it out.
26/03/2008 02:58:07 ‹The Last Rogue› I wll try again this evening, then if that fails I will harass Baur himself . . . I will not be denied sweet Gnome on Kobold ACTION!!! DO YOU HEAR ME GODS?
26/03/2008 02:58:11 ‹tensor› i heard some people can make diamonds intheir ass
26/03/2008 02:58:21 ‹Jeff Alvarez› JJ, tell everyone how much you enjoyed the last movie you saw.
26/03/2008 02:58:26 ‹Fray in hiding› For anyone else interested Ghost Rider sucked.
26/03/2008 02:58:40 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› James Jacobs: yes, tell us about Shutter. :P
26/03/2008 02:58:42 ‹Sir Wulf› Sweet gnome on kobold action? I didn't think it was THAT kind of roleplaying.
26/03/2008 02:58:47 ‹Fray in hiding› Lilith our calendar is a success! :glomp:
26/03/2008 02:58:52 * Takasi quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 02:58:55 ‹The Last Rogue› Shutter is playing at my theatre right now . . .
26/03/2008 02:58:56 * Fray in hiding changes his/her nickname to fray
26/03/2008 02:59:05 ‹Turin the Mad› ... at least they're not cross-species fertile
26/03/2008 02:59:08 ‹Daigle› Sir Wulf...Ah, what you don't know, my friend...
26/03/2008 02:59:11 ‹James Jacobs› You mean "Shutter," Jeff? The movie that broke my expectation that 10,000 BC would be the worst movie I saw all year?
26/03/2008 02:59:19 ‹James Jacobs› Turns out, Shutter is No Good.
26/03/2008 02:59:25 * Pygon googles Shutter.
26/03/2008 02:59:30 ‹Mothman› I hear that James Keegan did the illustrations for Daigle's adventure
26/03/2008 02:59:31 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Yes, that one
26/03/2008 02:59:32 ‹The Last Rogue› Another Japanese horror ripoff?
26/03/2008 02:59:42 ‹Jeff Alvarez› What did you call it
26/03/2008 02:59:43 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Sorry. Timed out there; did you have an answer to my query regarding Nightspear, or dd you not even see the question?
26/03/2008 02:59:43 * Daigle shutters Google.
26/03/2008 02:59:55 ‹tensor› Moth: oh, yes. I have read it and seen the art work.
26/03/2008 02:59:55 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Fray in hiding: Woo-hoo! :D
26/03/2008 03:00:00 ‹DMcCoy1693› {b]James[/b] :lol:
26/03/2008 03:00:08 ‹Daigle› Mothman, James Keegan did indeed do the illustrations!
26/03/2008 03:00:11 * Takasi joins Main
26/03/2008 03:00:19 * Karelzarath shuts Googlers
26/03/2008 03:00:22 ‹James Jacobs› I believe the original Shutter was made in Thailand, actually.
26/03/2008 03:00:33 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Changelog notes: "Finally the refresh_delay_steps parameter has been added to dynamically adjust the chat refresh speed depending on the chat activity: the more the chat is active, the more it is responsive."
26/03/2008 03:00:33 ‹Sir Wulf› You didn't like 10,000 BC? After the ecstatic reviews? (Quoth the reviewer: "I didn't expect much, and they didn't disappoint.";)
26/03/2008 03:00:34 ‹Russ› You paid money for 10,000 BC? I smelled that one before setting foor in a theater
26/03/2008 03:00:35 ‹James Jacobs› I did not see any Nightspear questions, Charles. What was the question?
26/03/2008 03:00:46 ‹Russ› Ghost rider had only a normal level of suckage
26/03/2008 03:00:47 ‹Mothman› tensor: Havent got KQ (or the adventure) yet, but saw the art on James Blog - awesomeness!
26/03/2008 03:01:05 ‹The Last Rogue› Ghost Rider was a let down for me.
26/03/2008 03:01:23 ‹Mothman› And congrats on your adventure Daigle
26/03/2008 03:01:23 ‹Hill Giant› Nick Cage does an excellent Elvis impersonation
26/03/2008 03:01:42 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah; 10,000 BC was BOOOOORING. But oh well. Part of my goal to see 52 movies released in 2008 in the same year they're released.
26/03/2008 03:01:42 ‹Daigle› Thank you Mothman!
26/03/2008 03:01:45 * tensor quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:01:46 ‹Karelzarath› Vantage Point was "meh"
26/03/2008 03:01:50 * Takasi changes his/her nickname to Takasi AFC Prepping Burning Sk
26/03/2008 03:02:18 ‹James Jacobs› Ghost Rider was the 2nd worst movie of 2007 that I saw. Only one that was worse last year was "The Condemned."
26/03/2008 03:02:21 ‹The Last Rogue› But I have come to realize that comics translate differently on film and can't be compared too closely to the paper product
26/03/2008 03:02:33 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Pathfinder 2, the article at the back on Desna; it mentions an avoral, 'Nightspear', on the list of possible planar allies, along with two others.
26/03/2008 03:03:03 ‹Wyvern› I saw "Hitman" over the weekend. The movie is way better than the game in my opinion.
26/03/2008 03:03:03 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Does nightspear have a favoured form of money for services? It gives them for the other two allies listed.
26/03/2008 03:03:22 * Jason Bulmahn joins Main
26/03/2008 03:03:42 ‹Daigle› Howdy Jason Bulmahn!
26/03/2008 03:03:43 ‹Wyvern› Heya Jason
26/03/2008 03:03:46 ‹Fray in hiding› James I'd have to say The Condemned was MUCH better than Ghost Rider
26/03/2008 03:03:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hi Everybody
26/03/2008 03:03:54 ‹DMcCoy1693› James Do you think that 10,000BC would be better if it got a Rifftrax? link
26/03/2008 03:03:55 ‹James Jacobs› Nightspear has a cameo of sorts in "A History of Ashes" in Pathfinder #10. And no... he doesn't have a favored form of money for services.
26/03/2008 03:04:01 ‹Pygon› greetings Jason
26/03/2008 03:04:03 ‹Fray in hiding› Hiya James
26/03/2008 03:04:04 ‹Turin the Mad› o/
26/03/2008 03:04:08 ‹Jeff Alvarez› Jason, I think Ross has some questions for you!
26/03/2008 03:04:14 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ahhh.. quite a bit quieter tonight...
26/03/2008 03:04:19 ‹James Jacobs› No way, Fray! At least Ghost Rider had some imagination involved! The Condemned was DOA.
26/03/2008 03:04:20 ‹Turin the Mad› "service for service"
26/03/2008 03:04:38 ‹Fray in hiding› Hitman was pretty cool
26/03/2008 03:04:43 ‹James Jacobs› I am very much awaiting the Riff Trax for 10,000 BC.
26/03/2008 03:04:48 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hiya Jeff, James... long time no see
26/03/2008 03:04:52 ‹Karelzarath› Bow chicka wow wow
26/03/2008 03:04:55 ‹Balthaczar› love rifftrax
26/03/2008 03:04:55 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Thank you.
26/03/2008 03:05:14 ‹Karelzarath› All hail the Bulmahn! Savior of the gaming table! :)
26/03/2008 03:05:14 ‹Charles Evans› Jason Buhlman! Any chance that we'll see an upgrade of the Aristocrat class, fr use by PCs or villains in the Pathfinder RPG?
26/03/2008 03:05:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Charles.. quite likely
26/03/2008 03:05:29 ‹DMcCoy1693› Hey Bulmahn, I'm loving the alpha release
26/03/2008 03:05:32 ‹Fray in hiding› JJ but with the Condemned you had that expectation... which makes it better than Elementals as demons piece of crap...
26/03/2008 03:05:34 ‹Ross› Jason, how much of the Alpha document was 'overshooting' the intended level of change for playtesting purposes?
26/03/2008 03:05:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks...
26/03/2008 03:05:49 ‹Karelzarath› No way, Charles. He's gotta do the commoner first!
26/03/2008 03:05:51 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ross: A bit... not too much...
26/03/2008 03:05:53 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLMAN! :glomp: :beer:
26/03/2008 03:05:59 ‹Ross› Since the power level is so much greater and the do
26/03/2008 03:06:01 * Russ barely goes to the movies any more
26/03/2008 03:06:09 ‹Russ› Jason!
26/03/2008 03:06:10 ‹Turin the Mad› alphabetical order ?
26/03/2008 03:06:28 ‹Ross› Since the power level is so much greater and it's not as backward compatible as it first looks?
26/03/2008 03:06:29 ‹Fray in hiding› Stone Cold Steve Astin was the better actor than Nick Cage
26/03/2008 03:06:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› When I get around to the NPC classes, I will probably do all of them at once
26/03/2008 03:06:45 ‹Wyvern› Jason, can you spill what tomorrows update will contain?
26/03/2008 03:06:46 ‹Sir Wulf› Egad!
26/03/2008 03:06:48 ‹Fray in hiding› Jason Dig the Alpha
26/03/2008 03:07:03 * Ross apologizes for half post. Blames the cat
26/03/2008 03:07:03 ‹Karelzarath› A lump of wet moss is a better actor than Nick Cage.
26/03/2008 03:07:20 * Daigle played four encounters of Alpha last Sunday!
26/03/2008 03:07:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ross: I am not sure it is bad as you might think it is... and don't let the cat type :-)
26/03/2008 03:07:22 ‹Mothman› Hey Jason, thanks for the alpha - its certainly given us a lot to discuss!
26/03/2008 03:07:25 ‹Jeff Alvarez› I'm heading home! Catch you all later.
26/03/2008 03:07:28 * mdavidj quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:07:28 * mdavidj quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:07:39 ‹Pygon› bye Jeff, thanks for stopping in
26/03/2008 03:07:41 ‹Daigle› Bye Jeff Alvarez!
26/03/2008 03:07:44 ‹Wyvern› See ya Jeff
26/03/2008 03:07:47 ‹Charles Evans› Jason: I'm happy to hear that; I've been longing for Villainous nobles who don't have to cross-class to be effective menaces... I was thinking Aristocrat class might be allowed to pick up feats normally allowed to fighters, given their posh weapons schools available to them?
26/03/2008 03:07:53 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wyvern: So I see the news of the update has already reached here... I have said update in front of me... and will answer any questions you might have
26/03/2008 03:07:54 ‹Mothman› See you Jeff
26/03/2008 03:08:00 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Later Jeff Alvarez! :glomp:
26/03/2008 03:08:01 * Watcher joins Main
26/03/2008 03:08:02 ‹Sir Wulf› I'd disagree about Nick Cage, but I watched "Vampire Kiss", so I
26/03/2008 03:08:08 ‹Fray in hiding› Jason The Alpha Feats, the general ones that are Fighter bonus feats in SRD, are they bonus in Alpha?
26/03/2008 03:08:19 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› UPDATE! Tell us! :D
26/03/2008 03:08:20 ‹Sir Wulf› I'm forced to concede.
26/03/2008 03:08:20 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight Jeff.
26/03/2008 03:08:21 ‹Wyvern› Erik was here ealier ;)
26/03/2008 03:08:23 ‹James Jacobs› Bye Jeff!
26/03/2008 03:08:30 ‹Daigle› Howdy Watcher!
26/03/2008 03:08:30 ‹DMcCoy1693› oh oh oh!!!
03:08:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Charles: I am definitely looking to add a bit more fun stuff to some of the NPC classes.. not too much though
26/03/2008 03:08:36 ‹Pygon› what's the most significant change in the update?
26/03/2008 03:08:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray: Yes
26/03/2008 03:08:46 ‹Charles Evans› Watcher: We are laaaaaggged tonight.
26/03/2008 03:08:49 * The Last Rogue is interested in the sorcerer. He wonders if it has something to do with their high charisma.
26/03/2008 03:08:59 ‹Fray in hiding› YAY!
26/03/2008 03:09:01 * Russ quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:09:03 ‹Hill Giant› I've found it hard to sell people on Adaptation - in which Cage plays his own twin
26/03/2008 03:09:06 ‹Wyvern› Are we getting more classes with this update?
26/03/2008 03:09:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Pygon: The biggest change is the rework of the combat feats
26/03/2008 03:09:07 ‹Mothman› Jason, the level of backwards compatability has been a point of discussion for my group and I too - my group seems to be in favour of an "if it aint broke, dont try to fix it approach" - thoughts?
26/03/2008 03:09:09 * Erik Mona joins Main
26/03/2008 03:09:12 ‹Fray in hiding› Jason What update?
26/03/2008 03:09:16 * Jeff Alvarez quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:09:19 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Erik Mona! :glomp:
26/03/2008 03:09:23 ‹Mothman› Hi Erik
26/03/2008 03:09:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wyvern: Not yet, the next batch of classes will be in release two
26/03/2008 03:09:28 ‹DMcCoy1693› Hey Mona
26/03/2008 03:09:32 ‹Daigle› Howdy Erik Mona!
26/03/2008 03:09:39 ‹Fray in hiding› Hi EM!!
26/03/2008 03:09:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hey there Erik
26/03/2008 03:09:44 ‹Karelzarath› I think the Combat Feats are awesome. Gives combat an ebb and flow that it was lacking in 3.5.
26/03/2008 03:09:50 * Fray in hiding changes his/her nickname to Fray
26/03/2008 03:09:58 ‹Hill Giant› Jason Bulmahn: Why are picks and spears in the same weapon category?
26/03/2008 03:10:00 ‹Sir Wulf› Hello!
26/03/2008 03:10:05 ‹Mothman› Jason: What's the ETA on Alpha release 2?
26/03/2008 03:10:06 ‹Watcher› Sucks to be us Charles Evans
26/03/2008 03:10:11 ‹Ross› Oh, for the record, I am still working on the design notes I promised last week. It's just hte schoolwork keeps getting in the way. (My Advisor and my Boss both expect me to do work for them. Believe that?)
26/03/2008 03:10:12 ‹The Last Rogue› Hill Giant, LOVE ADAPTATION!
26/03/2008 03:10:14 ‹Fray in hiding› Karel except that you can't get off #3 feat combo
26/03/2008 03:10:20 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Karel: You will still have that in the new system, but all of the "action chains" have been removed
26/03/2008 03:10:23 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› O Great Mono-Eyed One! Welcome to the Lag...:shakefist:
26/03/2008 03:10:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ross: No problem
26/03/2008 03:10:38 ‹Charles Evans› Jason: Of all the NPC classes, Aristocrat and Adept are the ones that I might like to see versions of that might appeal more to Players, besides being useful to DMs for villains.
26/03/2008 03:10:44 ‹Takasi AFC Prepping Burning Sk› I agree with Mothman, my group wants normal dwarves, wizards etc, and modules built assuming those are the rules
26/03/2008 03:10:44 ‹Turin the Mad› ](*,) lag indeed
26/03/2008 03:10:51 ‹Charles Evans› Good evening Erik.
26/03/2008 03:10:53 ‹Daigle› Yay! No more chains!
26/03/2008 03:11:08 ‹Daigle› That bummed the fighter out last Sunday
26/03/2008 03:11:13 ‹Fray in hiding› Jason Removed! neato keen!
26/03/2008 03:11:17 ‹Erik Mona› allo?
26/03/2008 03:11:18 ‹Watcher› Hi everyone (sucks to come in with Erik Mona ;) )
26/03/2008 03:11:20 ‹Wyvern› Good call with the offing of the chained feats.
26/03/2008 03:11:24 ‹Karelzarath› Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me.
26/03/2008 03:11:33 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Jason Bulmahn: Skill Points?
26/03/2008 03:11:38 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Yeah, the chains had to go.. you can still only use one per round, but the chaining of actions is gone.
26/03/2008 03:11:38 ‹James Jacobs› I'm not sure that we NEED a powered up aristocrat, actually. Players who want to play that character are better off playing a bard or a rogue.
26/03/2008 03:11:42 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Erik Mona! :glomp:
26/03/2008 03:11:48 ‹Mothman› Hi Watcher
26/03/2008 03:11:53 ‹Erik Mona› I am lobbying Bulmahn for a "full" commoner class.
26/03/2008 03:11:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith: Sills are not yet part of this update, those are taking a bit more work
26/03/2008 03:12:03 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James is right...
26/03/2008 03:12:05 ‹Mothman› Hi again Erik
26/03/2008 03:12:14 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Erik is crazy... :-P
26/03/2008 03:12:18 ‹Wyvern› Epic Commoner!
26/03/2008 03:12:19 ‹Karelzarath› Fie on skill points
26/03/2008 03:12:21 * Admin Lilith is AFC fires up the chainsaw and heads towards the chatroom server. :pissed:
26/03/2008 03:12:26 ‹Erik Mona› Can anyone read this?
26/03/2008 03:12:32 ‹The Last Rogue› Watcher, lol . . how are you?
26/03/2008 03:12:34 ‹Turin the Mad› you too can experience Farming Mastery, Livestock Wrangling Specialization and Heavy Drinking
26/03/2008 03:12:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Read what?
26/03/2008 03:12:36 ‹James Jacobs› Yup!
26/03/2008 03:12:38 ‹Pygon› he'll beat the housecat yet!
26/03/2008 03:12:40 ‹James Jacobs› I can seeya, Erik!
26/03/2008 03:12:44 ‹Fray in hiding› Erick nope, cant read it
26/03/2008 03:12:45 ‹Karelzarath› I can hear you, Erik
26/03/2008 03:12:49 ‹DMcCoy1693› [b]Commoner level 1 ability{/b] House Cat Survival
26/03/2008 03:12:50 ‹Daigle› It will catch up eventually, Erik.
26/03/2008 03:12:51 ‹Erik Mona› Oh. I hear there is a lag. Perhaps that is the problem.
26/03/2008 03:12:54 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Erik Mona: We hear you! :D
26/03/2008 03:13:03 ‹Ross› I can read it, Erik.
26/03/2008 03:13:07 * Gavgoyle is lit joins Main
26/03/2008 03:13:09 ‹DMcCoy1693› Commoner level 1 ability House Cat Survival
26/03/2008 03:13:11 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Yes.
26/03/2008 03:13:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Funny, I am not having any lag at all... weird
26/03/2008 03:13:16 ‹Karelzarath› I think the lag is lagging at this point.
26/03/2008 03:13:19 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› I think that skill points are good for players, and the new skill system for NPCs/Monsters.
26/03/2008 03:13:24 ‹Fray in hiding› Lag..?
26/03/2008 03:13:25 ‹Daigle› Howdy Gavgoyle!
26/03/2008 03:13:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› We did want to add a commoner ability called "beneath contempt" iirc
26/03/2008 03:13:32 ‹Fray in hiding› Where?
26/03/2008 03:13:32 ‹The Last Rogue› l
26/03/2008 03:13:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› :-)
26/03/2008 03:13:34 ‹The Last Rogue› l
26/03/2008 03:13:36 ‹The Last Rogue› a
26/03/2008 03:13:39 ‹The Last Rogue› g
26/03/2008 03:13:40 ‹The Last Rogue› ?
26/03/2008 03:13:53 ‹DMcCoy1693› My lag is an ebb and flow.
26/03/2008 03:13:57 ‹James Jacobs› Hill Giant> Picks are being movied into the Axe family, I believe. Them being in the spear family was an error.
26/03/2008 03:13:59 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Work out your lag time relative to me, by halving the time it takes you to see that previous response of mine, which was practically instantaneous to my seeing your question if I could see you.
26/03/2008 03:14:04 ‹Watcher› Erik Mona, Yes.. there is a considerable delay
26/03/2008 03:14:12 ‹Turin the Mad› commoners share a penchant for wearing red tunics perhaps ?
26/03/2008 03:14:14 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James is correct.. the weapon groups have been reworked...
26/03/2008 03:14:19 ‹Jason Bulmahn› As has the bonus that they grant
26/03/2008 03:14:20 ‹Fray in hiding› Jason Is the update going to be a new pdf replacing the old one?
26/03/2008 03:14:45 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray: There will be a new pdf (release 1.1) as well as a 4 page PDF covering all of the changes
26/03/2008 03:14:47 ‹Fray in hiding› So, unarmed strike now deals +5/+5 when I take the feat?
26/03/2008 03:14:49 ‹Ross› I want a section talking about wealth. As far as I can tell, a gold piece equals about $50.
26/03/2008 03:14:53 * Watcher testing lag
26/03/2008 03:14:55 * Mulban joins Main
26/03/2008 03:15:01 ‹Pygon› good, I'll print the 4 page :)
26/03/2008 03:15:05 ‹Fray in hiding› Jason you da man!
26/03/2008 03:15:06 ‹Erik Mona› The commoner power I want is a sort of 1-round sanctuary effect called "beneath contempt".
26/03/2008 03:15:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I do what I can
26/03/2008 03:15:13 ‹Karelzarath› 03:15:01
26/03/2008 03:15:14 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Should the Lamia Harridan have an alternate shape ability?
26/03/2008 03:15:16 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› good evening!
26/03/2008 03:15:16 ‹James Jacobs› Comparing gold in D&D to gold prices in the Real World = A Route To Madness. Don't do it!
26/03/2008 03:15:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James is right
26/03/2008 03:15:33 ‹Erik Mona› I think a lot of players might willingly take a level or two of "noble" assuming it was a decent class. Or aristocrat, I guess you would call it.
26/03/2008 03:15:38 ‹Karelzarath› Beneath Contempt! Yay!
26/03/2008 03:15:42 ‹Ross› But people have distorted ideas from the 1 sp a day for serfs.
26/03/2008 03:15:47 ‹Fray in hiding› I want the commoner power [u]Not in the Face![/u]
26/03/2008 03:15:54 ‹Sir Wulf› if you upgrade the commoner, you'll have to upgrade housecats to match, for game balance reasons.
26/03/2008 03:16:00 ‹Erik Mona› There doesn't seem to be much reason to want to play a warrior, though. I never quite understood the point of that. Why not just make them low-level fighters?
26/03/2008 03:16:08 ‹James Jacobs› Charles: Nope. Harridans aren't really decievers; they're big tough gals who don't really have the deception stchitck as much as smaller lamias.
26/03/2008 03:16:09 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wulf: Good point :-)
26/03/2008 03:16:11 ‹Fray in hiding› I want the commoner power Not in the Face!
26/03/2008 03:16:19 * Karelzarath grins at Wulf
26/03/2008 03:16:22 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› oh dear god, not the 'beneath contempt' bit again... this whas where I left...
26/03/2008 03:16:41 ‹Charles Evans› Erik: My thoughts on Aristocrat, exactly....
26/03/2008 03:16:50 ‹James Jacobs› I want to play a commoner with Pig Bond.
26/03/2008 03:16:51 ‹Ross› James Jacobs, Jason Bulmahn, I didn't get that from gold prices. It just seemed about fair from the costs in the PHB.
26/03/2008 03:17:02 ‹Turin the Mad› commoners are fodder ... they need one ability: Feed the Monster
26/03/2008 03:17:06 ‹Mulban› Wow, I'm in Nerd heaven
26/03/2008 03:17:23 ‹The Last Rogue› Does commoner really need to be a class? Is it that pertinent to in-game happenings?
26/03/2008 03:17:37 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: With regard to Warriors, since they're not full-time fighters, maybe they could have improved skills selections?
26/03/2008 03:17:45 ‹James Jacobs› Commoners shouldn't have abilities. They should just have flavors.
26/03/2008 03:17:46 ‹Turin the Mad› it is a 1-level class you see ... ^_^
26/03/2008 03:17:47 ‹Fray in hiding› I thought the commoners were really XP Generating Bipedal Units
26/03/2008 03:17:47 ‹Mothman› oh Fray....
26/03/2008 03:17:59 ‹Karelzarath› You should rename Commoner to Red Shirt.
26/03/2008 03:18:00 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Mulban: :lol: Welcome! :glomp:
26/03/2008 03:18:01 ‹Turin the Mad› lol
26/03/2008 03:18:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Last Rogue: It is, too avoid the average citizens from being 1 level fighters or some other strangeness
26/03/2008 03:18:05 ‹Dorgar› any chance of getting characters with only 2 sp a lvl a boost?
26/03/2008 03:18:14 ‹Charles Evans› Turin: Nonono... PCs are Fodder, that need the one ability, Feed the Monster...:)
26/03/2008 03:18:16 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› wow, the lag is horrendous!
26/03/2008 03:18:25 ‹Fray in hiding› Mothman yes...? 8-)
26/03/2008 03:18:27 ‹Balthaczar› lol
26/03/2008 03:18:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Dorgar: I am not sure I follow you
26/03/2008 03:18:37 ‹The Last Rogue› Jason, I suppose that is a good argument.
26/03/2008 03:18:51 ‹The Last Rogue› But if that is the case do we need a 20-level progression
26/03/2008 03:18:54 ‹Erik Mona› I ran a great Age of Worms game where everyone played a first-level warrior. Against spawn of Kyuss. It was great.
26/03/2008 03:18:59 ‹Dorgar› maybe go to a system like yall did with hp
26/03/2008 03:19:01 ‹Mothman› I just read Not in the Face Fray .... maybe I was thinking of somehting else....
26/03/2008 03:19:11 ‹Dorgar› but with skill points
26/03/2008 03:19:11 ‹DMcCoy1693› Paizians This may have been covered long ago so sorry if I am repeating an old question, but can only clerics be priests in the Pathfinder Setting? I mean the Priests of Desna, not all of them are clerics. Am I reading that right or am I missing something?
26/03/2008 03:19:13 ‹Mulban› I think it fills a role, Rogue, for completion sake if nothing else
26/03/2008 03:19:13 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Last Rogue: No, but it would be odd to the the only NPC class that did not get it
26/03/2008 03:19:24 ‹Mothman› Erik: I heard about tat game - sounded fun!
26/03/2008 03:19:27 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› LOL! Fray! excellent prereq feat!
26/03/2008 03:19:29 ‹Fray in hiding› Mothman The Tick perhaps....
26/03/2008 03:19:32 ‹Mulban› Love what you've done with the place Lil
26/03/2008 03:19:34 ‹Sir Wulf› Pig Bond! My party constantly badgers me for more pets, mounts, and companions, so maybe Pig Bond is the ability they need...
26/03/2008 03:19:36 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: I was wondering, since the Lamia Matriarchs, Xanesha and Lucrecia have been sent out on missions for Karzzoug, have they ever been to Xin-Shalast? If so, how did they cope with the high altitude?
26/03/2008 03:19:43 ‹Erik Mona› I dunno. I wonder if you not better off just getting rid of them.
26/03/2008 03:19:44 ‹The Last Rogue› Well, I mean even taking it furhter . . .what seperates a commoner from an aristocrat?
26/03/2008 03:19:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› DMcCoy: No... priest is a term used by the faith, not a description of ability
26/03/2008 03:19:50 ‹The Last Rogue› Wealth, education,
26/03/2008 03:19:53 ‹Fray in hiding› I'm taking the Impslayer feat with the next character I build
26/03/2008 03:19:58 ‹Erik Mona› That said, since backward compatiblity is such an important goal for the project, it should probably have a warrior class.
26/03/2008 03:19:58 ‹The Last Rogue› but HP?
26/03/2008 03:19:59 ‹Watcher› I'm sure this has been answered already, but has Jason mentioned an ETA on the next release (I only really got people playing with Alpha 1 tonight)
26/03/2008 03:20:01 ‹James Jacobs› Priest is a generic term. A "priest" can be pretty much any class, but most of them are clerics.
26/03/2008 03:20:05 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Mulban: THanks! I'm in the process to fix some stuffs...*stabs server*
26/03/2008 03:20:21 * DMcCoy1693 quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:20:21 * DMcCoy1693 quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:20:24 ‹Balthaczar› stabbin!
26/03/2008 03:20:24 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher: I have not yet announced release 2
26/03/2008 03:20:31 ‹The Last Rogue› I can see an aristocrat having additional skills, but I don't think any NPC needs to be a 20
26/03/2008 03:20:31 ‹Karelzarath› Commoners only get 1 hp per level.
26/03/2008 03:20:33 * Turin the Mad oils Lilith's chainsword
26/03/2008 03:20:39 ‹Ross› Warrior only needs about a 5 level progression, since after that they should be fighter or barb. Expert can go all the way up, as can adept. Maybe Aristocrat. Commoners only should have one level. After that they're experts.
26/03/2008 03:20:39 ‹The Last Rogue› level progression
26/03/2008 03:20:41 ‹Mulban› Eric: Great in a "Wow, that game lasted 2 rounds" way?
26/03/2008 03:20:44 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> I suspect that many of the lamia matriarchs have been to Xin-Shalast; they cope with the high altitudes with magic.
26/03/2008 03:20:52 ‹Fray in hiding› I don't see any reason to change the NPC classes
26/03/2008 03:21:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray: I don't think they will be getting much revision
26/03/2008 03:21:22 ‹Fray in hiding› Whew...
26/03/2008 03:21:27 ‹Dorgar› did you miss my follow up Jason?
26/03/2008 03:21:31 ‹James Jacobs› I don't see a reason to change the NPC classes either.
26/03/2008 03:21:37 ‹Turin the Mad› yeah, although Adept's have a nifty little spell list, great stuff with some creativity
26/03/2008 03:21:38 * Daigle loves him some expert.
26/03/2008 03:21:41 ‹Erik Mona› DM> I think you could have a non-cleric priest. Say a good orator or something. But why not make him a cleric?
26/03/2008 03:21:45 ‹The Last Rogue› I am really just chipping in my two cents here on the fly. But it always strikes me as odd to see a level 7 commoner or expert
26/03/2008 03:21:45 * Karelzarath may just have to make do with the chat summary on this one.
03:22:04 ‹The Last Rogue› I mean do I really need the math to tell me he is better. . .is it that pertinent to my game world
26/03/2008 03:22:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Dorgar: I appears that I did.. sorry
26/03/2008 03:22:06 ‹Ross› Fray in hiding, true. It's just so tempting to play 'rebuild the game' and forget compatibility.
26/03/2008 03:22:07 ‹The Last Rogue› ?
26/03/2008 03:22:09 ‹Fray in hiding› Just make sure any revisoins to the NPC classes involve brightly colored uniforms... Yellow,Pink, Blue, Red, Green.
26/03/2008 03:22:10 ‹Mulban› Does seem a bit laggy, but whatever
26/03/2008 03:22:13 ‹Pygon› true, how would one become a 10th level commoner? Town defense?
26/03/2008 03:22:16 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Karelzarath: I'm sowwy...:cry:
26/03/2008 03:22:21 ‹James Jacobs› Ugh... those meatballs were kinda nasty... 60% sodium, 30% sauce, 10% "meat"...
26/03/2008 03:22:24 ‹Mothman› Yeah, its a bit slow isnt it Karel
26/03/2008 03:22:33 ‹Karelzarath› Bards would make excellent evangelists.
26/03/2008 03:22:39 ‹Erik Mona› Last> Why not?
26/03/2008 03:22:41 ‹Sir Wulf› Vin Vinder... One of my PCs wants to fight him again, so he can get some "payback"
26/03/2008 03:22:50 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› I don't know if I can cope with this... lag + a triple gibson + a double G&T. I think I have to bow out tonight...
26/03/2008 03:22:58 ‹The Last Rogue› Why not, as in why is it not pertinent to my Game world?
26/03/2008 03:22:58 ‹Sir Wulf› (7th level commoner)
26/03/2008 03:22:58 ‹Ross› The Last Rogue, level 7 expert makes sense. Master blacksmiths or non-wizard sages.
26/03/2008 03:23:03 ‹Erik Mona› Mulban> Great in a "it was funny as hell to see how all of the characters died."
26/03/2008 03:23:18 ‹Turin the Mad› at a shot per lag incident Gavgoyle, you'll pass out in no time
26/03/2008 03:23:23 * theacemu joins Main
26/03/2008 03:23:27 ‹Erik Mona› Also, I made them randomly generate 3 personality traits from the NPC personality table in the DMG.
26/03/2008 03:23:27 ‹Watcher› Jason Bulmahn, gotchya.. I'll try to have my groups Apla 1 Reactions posted tomorrow sometime, it was pretty favorable including parts they had doubts about, though they are first level just starting out
26/03/2008 03:23:33 ‹Erik Mona› It was awesome.
26/03/2008 03:23:34 ‹Daigle› Howdy ace!
26/03/2008 03:23:36 ‹The Last Rogue› Because, my players (in my experience anyways), don't take the time or care to worry that Joe the alchemist is a bit better at making acid flasks than Ronnie the alchemist
26/03/2008 03:23:38 ‹Karelzarath› No kidding, Turin. :D
26/03/2008 03:23:39 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› posts running fast/slow while mind runnig slow/fast = wonkyness in the extreeme
26/03/2008 03:23:47 ‹Erik Mona› I think I may also have forced 3d6, in order.
26/03/2008 03:23:49 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: If Lamias have been working for Karzoug for centuries, can't you just give them all the High Altitude feat as a racial bonus, and allow the higher CR ones such as Harridans to do something extra and PC killing with the feat slot that frees up?
26/03/2008 03:24:07 ‹DMcCoy1693› Mona Personally, I make characters that are unusual. So if I made a priest, I'd make one that didn't have levels in cleric. Just my style. I've made necromancers that hate undead, a fighter that worships mystra, etc.
26/03/2008 03:24:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Dorgar: I think I just cleared my cache just as you reposted... doh... one more time please.. I promise to answer this time...
26/03/2008 03:24:09 * Fray in hiding changes his/her nickname to Fray
26/03/2008 03:24:15 * Fray joins Main
26/03/2008 03:24:17 ‹James Jacobs› Heh... my character had a thing for stealing what's her name's underwear in that one, If I remember correctly. He met his just deserts.
26/03/2008 03:24:30 ‹Erik Mona› Man the lag is bad.
26/03/2008 03:24:45 ‹Turin the Mad› Think Lilith will have to force a reboot?
26/03/2008 03:24:48 ‹Dorgar› i was saying something like what you guys did with hp but to the skill points give characters with 2 sp a lvl 4 ect
26/03/2008 03:25:01 ‹theacemu› D!
26/03/2008 03:25:05 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Erik Mona: I know...:(
26/03/2008 03:25:09 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› LOL, Turin, true dat, yo'
26/03/2008 03:25:11 ‹Karelzarath› Probably after the update
26/03/2008 03:25:15 ‹theacemu› What's crack'n
26/03/2008 03:25:15 * Fray in hiding quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:25:18 * Admin Lilith is AFC is not happy about this.
26/03/2008 03:25:19 ‹Erik Mona› I think you could make a decent argument that Blibo or Frodo are high-level commoners.
26/03/2008 03:25:20 ‹Mulban› Erik - So it was like every Cthulu game ever?
26/03/2008 03:25:32 ‹Daigle› Not much ace.
26/03/2008 03:25:39 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Dorgar: Ahhh.. well, we are still working out some bugs with the skill system, i have seen some great suggestions along the way over the past week. right now we are trying to work out what works best within our guidelines...
26/03/2008 03:25:41 ‹Karelzarath› Enter -> Posting = 30 seconds
26/03/2008 03:25:43 ‹Mothman› James: Your "character" had a thing for stealing underwear eh? ;-)
26/03/2008 03:25:57 ‹Erik Mona› I am not saying the PRPG should go this route, but I think you could build a progression of powers that emulates the farmboy's rise to accidental greatness.
26/03/2008 03:26:04 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> Remember: Karzoug's been "awake" for only about 5 years. Before that, the Lamias were more or less on their own, doing their own thing. The matriarchs were probably scattered all throughout Varisia, so not all of them had high altitude training. I'm fairly certain that neither of the two in the path itself have been to Xin-Shalast, though; they got their orders from harridans or others.
26/03/2008 03:26:19 * Rambling Scribe joins Main
26/03/2008 03:26:34 ‹Daigle› Craig!!
26/03/2008 03:26:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Erik: I am still working on those Epic commoner powers for you...
26/03/2008 03:26:36 ‹Mulban› DM - Would you force players to make characters like that?
26/03/2008 03:26:44 ‹Karelzarath› Welcome to the madness, Rambling Scribe
26/03/2008 03:26:45 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› unfortunately (or fortunately) I have a body type to deal with alcohol. passing out isn't likely
26/03/2008 03:26:50 ‹Mothman› Hey Scribe
26/03/2008 03:26:59 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Howdy Craig
26/03/2008 03:27:09 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> Also: We designed the matriarchs before we got to the last adventure and decided to do more stuff with high altitudes. You can certainly give the matriarchs the altitude feat as a bonus feat if you want; doesn't impact their CR at all if you do.
26/03/2008 03:27:14 ‹The Last Rogue› Scribe
26/03/2008 03:27:19 ‹Wyvern› Erik Mona, interesting. Maybe subsuming levels eventually. Like lvl 10 commoner, you are a 1st lvl fighter now, or the like.
26/03/2008 03:27:26 ‹Fray› LAG
26/03/2008 03:27:28 ‹DMcCoy1693› Would I force? No.
26/03/2008 03:27:28 ‹Ross› Erik Mona, right, but they could be equally well represented by a slightly-lower-level expert or rogue.
26/03/2008 03:27:32 ‹Watcher› Krel my delay is longer that that
26/03/2008 03:27:43 ‹DMcCoy1693› Just something I do when I make characters
26/03/2008 03:27:52 ‹Ross› What I wouldn't give to be in Bellevue working on PFRPG for real right now...
26/03/2008 03:27:55 ‹Turin the Mad› Gavgoyle> ah, so you can savor the full, rich trickling of your temporary SAN as the lag torments us all ...
26/03/2008 03:28:00 ‹Dorgar› cool I have always thought the characters with only 2 points a lvl were a little underpowered . I am Sure you guys will end up with a good solutrion
26/03/2008 03:28:02 ‹Balthaczar› perhaps powers that were like sudden insights
26/03/2008 03:28:10 ‹Rambling Scribe› Daigle!
26/03/2008 03:28:17 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› hey scribe!
26/03/2008 03:28:23 ‹Sir Wulf› Epic Commoner Powers: You Can't get There From Here: A commoner can cause confusion for 1 hour per level by attempting to give directions.
26/03/2008 03:28:28 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi All!
26/03/2008 03:28:28 ‹Ross› Wow. I'm lagg

March 25th 2008, part 2
26/03/2008 03:31:50 ‹DMcCoy1693› I'd love to see an epic level commoner. Anyone ever make one of them?
26/03/2008 03:31:56 ‹The Last Rogue› All will be forgotten if you tell us one cool thing (besides bloodlines) about sorcerers
26/03/2008 03:31:56 ‹James Jacobs› Jason keeps abbreviating the word "NIPPLE." Weird.
26/03/2008 03:31:59 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Karelzarath: Not yet...
26/03/2008 03:32:05 ‹Charles Evans› Sort of Like Sinspawn varying that is to say.
26/03/2008 03:32:15 ‹Pygon› "fixed" epic rules would be most interesting...
26/03/2008 03:32:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James: stop telling everyone my secrets...
26/03/2008 03:32:19 ‹Fray› yeah, Socr class!!!
26/03/2008 03:32:22 ‹Daigle› James :lol:
26/03/2008 03:32:25 ‹The Last Rogue› Ross, I agree on some level, as they are more likely to interact with the PC on a game mechanic level
26/03/2008 03:32:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Pygon: I've got to fix the standard levels first I think.. :-)
26/03/2008 03:32:43 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› lol, RS, normalcy has not been achieved.
26/03/2008 03:32:55 ‹Pygon› understandable :)
26/03/2008 03:33:06 ‹The Last Rogue› Ross,but, why do you think that? I am just interested in your mind what makes them different than sorcerers or mages and the like.
26/03/2008 03:33:07 ‹Daigle› Jeff lebowski is an epic level commoner.
26/03/2008 03:33:10 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Last Rogue: Funny, that is what I was going to tell you.. :-)
26/03/2008 03:33:11 ‹Karelzarath› Jason Bulmahn: But is it something you're interested in trying your hand at?
26/03/2008 03:33:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› karelzarath: Possibly...
26/03/2008 03:33:28 ‹Rambling Scribe› Normal is where I type something and it is still relevant when I'm done.
26/03/2008 03:33:37 ‹Ross› Watcher, it's in Absalom.
26/03/2008 03:33:38 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› James, that Nipple thing was inordinately funny and it woke my wife up with me laughing. Stop it.
26/03/2008 03:33:47 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> No news yet on AP4. I got sick and more or less lost 5 days to the sick, and am now scrambling to get caught up to where I was before that, which has left no real time to do anything about AP4 at work. SO: no news yet. And again... we've just barley started AP2! Give us some time to pimp that and AP3 first! :)
26/03/2008 03:33:51 ‹Mothman› What are you on about Scribe? ;-)
26/03/2008 03:33:57 ‹Erik Mona› Ross> (Sorry I'm responding to something from forever ago) I think it is better to have a 11th-level commoner with an 11th-level party, because it will be easier for his saves and hit points to keep track with the rest of the party. I'm not saying a commoner should be a tank, but hiding for every fight isn't really that fun.
26/03/2008 03:34:02 ‹The Last Rogue› Jason Bulmahn, OK, OK give us an example bloodline then. Please!
26/03/2008 03:34:04 ‹Daigle› :lol:
26/03/2008 03:34:24 ‹Erik Mona› But playing a commoner through a campaign might actually be fun. Especially of the progression tells an epic story.
26/03/2008 03:34:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Last Rogue: Let me dig up the list of bloodlines.. how about that...
26/03/2008 03:34:29 ‹James Jacobs› Nipple
26/03/2008 03:34:31 * Blazej is Dead to the World joins Main
26/03/2008 03:34:44 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› oooh, the lag is diminishing though (it seems)
26/03/2008 03:35:02 ‹The Last Rogue› Jason you sir are AWESOME!
26/03/2008 03:35:04 ‹Turin the Mad› nippleripple
26/03/2008 03:35:10 ‹James Jacobs› (o)
26/03/2008 03:35:15 ‹Daigle› I'd play an NPC class through a campaign. That'd be a blast. I've played commoners and experts before.
26/03/2008 03:35:18 ‹Mothman› Jason: Is the feedback you've been getting on the Alpha the sort of things you were expecting? Anything thrown you guys for a real curve? ("They don't like THAT??";)
26/03/2008 03:35:25 ‹Daigle› Howdy Blazej
26/03/2008 03:35:33 ‹Ross› The Last Rogue, different spell list and feel.
26/03/2008 03:35:37 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› hmmm, Pathfinder after the one after next... rise of the Nipple thing!
26/03/2008 03:35:44 ‹Fray› (o)(o)
26/03/2008 03:35:44 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Hooray! Nipples! :D
26/03/2008 03:35:50 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› lol!
26/03/2008 03:35:55 ‹The Last Rogue› Ross, yeah, I can see that.
26/03/2008 03:36:00 ‹Turin the Mad› the main villain: Nipplehead
26/03/2008 03:36:01 ‹Blazej is Dead to the World› Yo.
26/03/2008 03:36:01 ‹Ross› Erik Mona, commoners shouldn't be hanging around with the party, though.
26/03/2008 03:36:07 ‹Saracenus› I love the Venture Brothers!
26/03/2008 03:36:19 ‹theacemu› Do you editors (or publisher) consider your Pathfinder products to be periodicals? How are they classified?
26/03/2008 03:36:20 ‹Saracenus› Sorry for the non-sequitur
26/03/2008 03:36:23 ‹The Last Rogue› Well someone has to carry their stuff
26/03/2008 03:36:24 ‹Mothman› Hey Blazej: What's up?
26/03/2008 03:36:44 ‹Turin the Mad› peons ftw
26/03/2008 03:36:55 ‹Sir Wulf› Ross> I had no idea that you were so aristocratic.
26/03/2008 03:37:04 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› Yes, indeed! Hooray and lords presrve the nipples!
26/03/2008 03:37:11 ‹James Jacobs› Pathfinder is a monthly book. Whcih sort of makes it a periodical by definition. It's not a magazine though; it doesn't hit any of the magazine markets and isn't treated as a magazine in the post.
26/03/2008 03:37:12 ‹Karelzarath› A commoner with an 18 Strength is very handy. I mean, just look at Nodwick.
26/03/2008 03:37:17 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Do I need to copy my thoughts on different Lamia tribes with different racial/sin backgrounds again, or did you see them the first time around?
26/03/2008 03:37:20 ‹Blazej is Dead to the World› Smash Bros. Brawl now chat later.
26/03/2008 03:37:21 ‹Sir Wulf› "No commmoners here. We have standards!"
26/03/2008 03:37:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Last Rogue: Draconic, Infernal, Fey, Demonic, Elemental, Celestial, Undead.. and a few others. I seem to have misplaced my full list
26/03/2008 03:37:39 ‹Hill Giant› Peasant abilities: lift, carry, schlep...
26/03/2008 03:37:45 ‹DMcCoy1693› have a good night everyone... can't wait for the update
26/03/2008 03:37:51 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› Ross, that's not true... you should have interaction with with common folk at every level!
03:37:53 ‹Balthaczar› tame pigs
26/03/2008 03:37:54 ‹James Jacobs› As for commoners being increased in power... bleh. They need to be boring and dull. That's what makes them Common.
26/03/2008 03:37:58 ‹The Last Rogue› Cool start though . . .just the fact you guys are supporting the bloodline thing is great
26/03/2008 03:37:59 ‹Karelzarath› Don't forget Heft and Tote.
26/03/2008 03:38:02 ‹Pygon› gnite DM
26/03/2008 03:38:04 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› they don't exist in a vaccuum
26/03/2008 03:38:09 ‹Mulban› Are we still discussing NPC classes?
26/03/2008 03:38:17 ‹The Last Rogue› Since, you know, that's what they've always FREAKING TOLD US POWES THE SORCERERS MAGIC!
26/03/2008 03:38:23 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: Most of the feedback has been about what I expected, there have been a few things that I did not expect such a strong response on.
26/03/2008 03:38:23 * theacemu quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:38:26 * theacemu quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:38:30 ‹Dorgar› night DM
26/03/2008 03:38:33 ‹Wyvern› They are background for the story going on around the party.
26/03/2008 03:38:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Last Rogue: Exactly
26/03/2008 03:38:58 * DMcCoy1693 quit
26/03/2008 03:39:03 ‹Ross› Sir Wulf, I just mean that if someone has the skills to have a meaningful attack bonus and more than a handful of HPs, why aren't they an Expert at the least?
26/03/2008 03:39:07 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> Nope; saw them the first time. In Thassilon, giants were pretty much the main "monsters" you saw all the time. Lamias, though, I think are more valueable as their own set of creatrues that AREN'T "tailored" to various runelords.
26/03/2008 03:39:09 ‹Karelzarath› Wait... undead bloodlines? How does that work, exactly? Someone shooting up zombie? :)
26/03/2008 03:39:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Karelzarath: That is for you to figure out...
26/03/2008 03:39:34 ‹Erik Mona› PRPG reactions> I am very pleased with the reaction so far.
26/03/2008 03:39:38 ‹Turin the Mad› incorporeal undead
26/03/2008 03:39:41 * Watcher testing lag delay
26/03/2008 03:39:42 ‹Daigle› Smoking mummies actually.
26/03/2008 03:39:46 * Karelzarath grins
26/03/2008 03:39:52 ‹James Jacobs› Lamias, to me, are just the monsters that Karzoug and the other greed runelords found to be more useful. The other runelords all had different types of monster favorites. Lamias probably didn't work much for the other 6.
26/03/2008 03:39:55 ‹Ross› A 10th level commoner has the same HP and hit points, and similar saves to, an expert of a lower level. Aside from HD dependant effects, they're identical.
26/03/2008 03:39:57 ‹Turin the Mad› certain corporeal spawned from mortals perhaps
26/03/2008 03:40:01 ‹Hill Giant› Kazelzarath: Blade?
26/03/2008 03:40:03 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I should note that I am with Erik on this, the response so far has been phenomonal
26/03/2008 03:40:08 ‹Watcher› hmm down to 15 seconds now
26/03/2008 03:40:11 ‹Wyvern› Daigle, like in that Dragon!
26/03/2008 03:40:19 ‹Erik Mona› James> What class is Bilbo?
26/03/2008 03:40:27 ‹Erik Mona› What is Luke Skywalker before he becomes a Jedi?
26/03/2008 03:40:31 ‹Karelzarath› Phenominal product begets phenominal response.
26/03/2008 03:40:32 ‹Mulban› I shudder to think
26/03/2008 03:40:45 ‹Turin the Mad› peon
26/03/2008 03:40:46 ‹Hill Giant› Erik Mona: Thief, of course.
26/03/2008 03:40:51 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› Barry White (bury wight?) + zombie = undead bloodline
26/03/2008 03:40:56 ‹Karelzarath› Luke has 30 levels in Whiny B~@@@.
26/03/2008 03:40:58 ‹Daigle› Wyvern, I'm trying to recall your reference.
26/03/2008 03:41:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Karelzarath
26/03/2008 03:41:04 ‹James Jacobs› Erik> Bilbo is a rogue, I suspect. But has a few commoner levels in there too.
26/03/2008 03:41:08 ‹James Jacobs› Frodo's a bard.
26/03/2008 03:41:10 ‹Watcher› Erik Mona, farmers!
26/03/2008 03:41:12 * Rambling Scribe checks watch
26/03/2008 03:41:20 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Has it occured to you that wth the Runelords you may have created villains as icnoic as Vecna, et al, which people will want more and more of, very year!
26/03/2008 03:41:27 ‹Saracenus› Erik Mona: Luke was a comoner sub-type, whiny beotch
26/03/2008 03:41:31 ‹Karelzarath› S'truth, Jason. :)
26/03/2008 03:41:35 ‹Pygon› that explains all the poems and dancing for no dang reason.
26/03/2008 03:41:37 ‹Turin the Mad› lol
26/03/2008 03:41:41 ‹Sir Wulf› Luke Skywalker was obviouslty an Aristocrat: Blood will tell.
26/03/2008 03:41:48 ‹Charles Evans› Turin: Vampire bloodlines of soprceror?
26/03/2008 03:41:50 ‹Mulban› Erik - I believe, according to SW RPG, 1st ed; Luke was a Brash Pilot
26/03/2008 03:42:07 ‹Wyvern› Daigle, the cover of one Dragon was a hot mummy.
26/03/2008 03:42:07 ‹Ross› Jason Bulmahn, I have a question about the racial stat bonuses. Is there going to be a guideline for stat generation? Because I realized that hte overal racial bonus ended up being the equivilent to an extra 4 points of point buy.
26/03/2008 03:42:14 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> That's actually the hope. I'd LOVE to see the runelords become super popular. And there's a lot of runelord stuff sneaking into Pathfinder and Golarion as it is... more than people suspect right now, in fact.
26/03/2008 03:42:16 ‹Wyvern› I don't recall the number right now.
26/03/2008 03:42:21 ‹Daigle› Ohhh!!
26/03/2008 03:42:33 ‹Rambling Scribe› One minute lag on my last post.
26/03/2008 03:42:42 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ross: I am aware of that concern.. as with previous editions, we will provide a number of stat generation options...
26/03/2008 03:42:56 ‹Watcher› Jason Bulmahn, are these bloodlines going to be similiar to the ones in UA?
26/03/2008 03:43:29 ‹Ross› For instance, I was running a 32-point game, which is already above average, when I converted and I realized the stats I was looking at seemed like a 36 point game.
26/03/2008 03:43:30 ‹Karelzarath› There should be a "Pick the stats you want" option. Some of my players seem to think it's already official. ;)
26/03/2008 03:43:44 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: I hope that Karzxoug is not dead, but escaped... I have an idea bouncing around at present that maybe he could be forced to team up wth Alaznist, his archenemy and the other runelord he therefore knows the most about, and oddly trusts) to deal with some threat... Maybe something from Leng.
26/03/2008 03:43:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher: In some regards...
26/03/2008 03:44:00 ‹Fray› I thought Anikin had the 30 levels in Whiny B&*~~?
26/03/2008 03:44:10 ‹Turin the Mad› I do believe that they've hinted at a 'sequel' AP
26/03/2008 03:44:13 ‹Wyvern› Stats are to be rolled!
26/03/2008 03:44:18 ‹Erik Mona› Mulban> I'm talking about 3.5, not so much the Star Wars game. But that's interesting. I guess he is good at flying the T16. :)
26/03/2008 03:44:21 ‹Watcher› Jason Bulmahn, can you elaborate on the differences?
26/03/2008 03:44:32 ‹Ross› Jason Bulmahn, Ah. Thanks. I figure that 28 point buy will the basis for my future games, because that'd put the players back in the sweet spot.
26/03/2008 03:44:32 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> The assumption is that if Rise of the Runelords took place, that Karzoug is dead. Of course... Rise of the Runelords doesn't necessarilly have to happen before every other AP...
26/03/2008 03:44:33 ‹Mothman› Jason, James, Erik: There has been some concern from some people on the boards that there is so much Alpha feedback (and some of it perhaps more noise than constructive) that it wont do much good to post feedback, as it will just get lost in the noise. I dont agree with this, but how would you respond?
26/03/2008 03:44:40 ‹Karelzarath› Fray: Anakin has 30 levels in Angst-Ridden Jackass.
26/03/2008 03:44:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher: since the rules are currently still being worked on, I think I will leave it a bit mysterious for the time being
26/03/2008 03:45:02 ‹Ross› Fray, Anakin had 30 levels in Emo jerk.
26/03/2008 03:45:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: Over the past week, I have read somewhere close to about 3-4K posts...
26/03/2008 03:45:21 ‹Sir Wulf› I need to go, so you all have a good one!
26/03/2008 03:45:30 ‹Watcher› Jason Bulmahn, alright.. suspense has it's place. :)
26/03/2008 03:45:33 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Wulf
26/03/2008 03:45:34 ‹Pygon› gnite Wulf
26/03/2008 03:45:36 ‹Wyvern› See ya Wulf
26/03/2008 03:45:39 ‹Karelzarath› Bye, Sir Wulf!
26/03/2008 03:45:40 ‹Mothman› Jason: So you're seeing the feedback then!
26/03/2008 03:45:42 ‹James Jacobs› KEEP POSTING! Jason gets bored real easy.
26/03/2008 03:45:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: And I spend almost all of my time combing for great ideas and feedback.
26/03/2008 03:45:44 * Russ joins Main
26/03/2008 03:45:49 ‹Mothman› See you Wulf
26/03/2008 03:45:54 * Karelzarath changes his/her nickname to Veruca Salt
26/03/2008 03:45:58 ‹Karelzarath› But I want it NOW!
26/03/2008 03:45:58 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: Oh yes.. that is all I have been doing practically
26/03/2008 03:45:59 ‹Watcher› Night Wulf
26/03/2008 03:46:14 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: Is Sorshen actually going to appear in CotCT, or just her trail? And With reagrd to Karzoug being dead, an archmage like that didn't have clones or delayed action contingencies? Maybe he just seemed dead, when the PCs killed him, and the Leng denizens siphoned the energy released for their own purposes... They wanted him defeated by the PCs so that they could do so.
26/03/2008 03:46:17 * kruelaid joins Main
26/03/2008 03:46:18 ‹Karelzarath› Hmm... that didn't work as well as I'd hoped.
26/03/2008 03:46:25 ‹Charles Evans› There could be different Leng factions.
26/03/2008 03:46:35 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> That's not a spoiler I'm ready to reveal yet.
26/03/2008 03:46:37 ‹Mothman› Hey Kruel
26/03/2008 03:46:38 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› hey kruel!
26/03/2008 03:46:40 ‹Daigle› Kruelaid!!! What's up, man!?
26/03/2008 03:46:45 * Sir Wulf quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:46:48 ‹Rambling Scribe› Bye Sir Wulf!
26/03/2008 03:46:52 ‹Watcher› Hi Kruelaid, welcome to lag central
26/03/2008 03:46:55 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› s&*&! that was quick!
26/03/2008 03:46:58 ‹Fray› Ross hahaha I see Spider Man took a few levels on Emo B@#@+ in the last movie
26/03/2008 03:47:11 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› wow, are we past the deadlands of lag??
03:47:28 ‹Karelzarath› Now we're just in the Doldrums of Lag
26/03/2008 03:47:30 ‹Charles Evans› Some eng factions may have wanted Mhar Massif, others could be plotting other evil things that the needed Karzoug defeated for, to harnass the runewell energy...
26/03/2008 03:47:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› maybe... I am not holding my breath
26/03/2008 03:47:38 ‹Turin the Mad› Emo et al levels are punishment levels doled out to players who act accordingly
26/03/2008 03:47:41 ‹Erik Mona› Mothman> Just that everyone at Paizo is pretty much reading the boards 24/7 like rabid animals. We won't get absolutely everything, but we are paying serious attention.
26/03/2008 03:47:48 ‹Rambling Scribe› I haven't been posting as much Pathfinder feedback as I'd like, because it takes too long to find out if the thing I want to talk about is already being discussed somewheres.
26/03/2008 03:47:50 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> And sure, Karzoug probably DID have some contingencies... but then again... ONE of those contingencies needed to be the Last One... and it's possible that the Runewell WAS the last one. I'm not a big fan of marginalizing a party's accomplishments by bringing back the villians over and over, so my thought is that, if Runelords occurs... the assumption is that the PCs win and Karzoug dies.
26/03/2008 03:48:03 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› lol, we have entered the Eye of Lag... the back wall will be coming up soon
26/03/2008 03:48:05 ‹Ross› Fray, that he did.
26/03/2008 03:48:12 ‹Mothman› Jason: I admit I have been daunted in trawling through the alpha feedback after the first few days or so ... has there been much playtest feedback yet, or mainly still first impressions so far? (I know a couple people here tonight mentioned theyve playtested stuff)
26/03/2008 03:48:13 ‹Charles Evans› And Ceoptra if she escaped) would want t resurrect her lord and master, if she found his body and he didn't have contingencies, clones, or anything like that.
26/03/2008 03:48:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Rambling: That can be the tricky part.. fortunately, things are slowing down now
26/03/2008 03:48:21 ‹Fray› Deadlands?!?! Pathfinder conversion rules? OH that would be SWEEET!
26/03/2008 03:48:33 ‹Russ› that was annoying :)
26/03/2008 03:48:46 ‹James Jacobs› That all said, Charles... I do have a "Return of the Runelords" AP in mind that's building momentum... and that DOES have more Karzoug stuff in it... I'm not sure when or if it'll ever go anywhere yet, though.
26/03/2008 03:48:48 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: mostly just impressions. I have been fanatically searching out actual playtest results though
26/03/2008 03:48:58 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› I think I just spurted impruedently with that, Fray
26/03/2008 03:49:06 ‹Watcher› Mothman, I have also felt daunted. I really only got to play with the new rules tonight before chat
26/03/2008 03:49:12 ‹Erik Mona› I doubt we are past the lag. It still seems real bad for me.
26/03/2008 03:49:20 ‹kruelaid› hey guys, hello everyone
26/03/2008 03:49:20 ‹Karelzarath› My playtest's going to be after the 1.1 update, sadly.
26/03/2008 03:49:41 ‹kruelaid› my ping is over 4000 ms
26/03/2008 03:49:42 ‹Charles Evans› Karzoug being killed, losing a lot of levels *and most of his treasure* (and I'm guessing the Pathfinder society would move in on Xin Shalast as a new regional headquarters) wouldn't strike me as not being much of an accomplishment.
26/03/2008 03:49:43 ‹Dorgar› I will Try to post some this weekend Jason my group is going to playtest Hollows Last Hope friday
26/03/2008 03:49:44 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› hey Kruel!
26/03/2008 03:49:49 ‹Daigle› Jason...I still have to work over my playtest notes from the other day, but I'll get them posted.
26/03/2008 03:49:53 ‹James Jacobs› But I do want to get a few more non-runelords adventure paths in the can before doing MUCH more with them. The mere fact that AP2 and AP3 take place in Varisia more or less ensures there'll be SOME runelord/Thassilon stuff, though.
26/03/2008 03:49:54 ‹Ross› My PbP is playtesting, but at the speeds PbP games move, the Beta might be out before they see combat.
26/03/2008 03:49:55 ‹Mothman› Watcher, Scribe: yeah, I dont want to be the one to start the 15th thread on skills, just to say the same thing 150 people before me have said....
26/03/2008 03:50:20 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Erik Mona: We're not. I'm still stabbing. :knight:
26/03/2008 03:50:22 ‹Ross› I hope not, but that's sometimes how it works.
26/03/2008 03:50:32 ‹Rambling Scribe› My lag is bad still. I have also not yet actually played Pathfinder.
26/03/2008 03:50:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› yeah.. look for the [design focus] threads... those will be where I focus some of my efforts
26/03/2008 03:50:49 ‹Karelzarath› Lilith: Get Presence to shut of the other sites on this server. ;)
26/03/2008 03:50:57 ‹Rambling Scribe› But I keep putting in suggestions for fixes that I use and know whork.
26/03/2008 03:51:00 ‹The Last Rogue› Well, guys I am off . . . Paizones keep up the good work, the rest of you too. See you guys (and gals) on the boards.
26/03/2008 03:51:05 ‹Mothman› Jason, ok, cool
26/03/2008 03:51:12 ‹Daigle› Havea great night The Last Rogue
26/03/2008 03:51:15 ‹Mothman› See you Rogue
26/03/2008 03:51:16 ‹Pygon› bye Rogue
26/03/2008 03:51:22 * Pygon cancels his displacement
26/03/2008 03:51:24 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night Rogue
26/03/2008 03:51:28 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› g'night Last Rogue!
26/03/2008 03:51:28 * Samwise joins Main
26/03/2008 03:51:32 ‹Dorgar› night Rogue
26/03/2008 03:51:36 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› hey sam!
26/03/2008 03:51:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Welcome sam
26/03/2008 03:51:51 ‹Daigle› Howdy Sam
26/03/2008 03:51:54 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Karelzarath: Yeahhh....I don't think that will happen. Plus, there are no other sites on this particular server. :P
26/03/2008 03:51:57 ‹Watcher› I just don't see rule interactions until I'm at the table rolling dice. That being said, I see why somethings were written the way they were more clearly now. The Clerical Turn/Healing that potentially heals your enemies makes sense to me now
26/03/2008 03:51:59 ‹Karelzarath› Sneak Attack!!!
26/03/2008 03:52:00 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: There was a picture in Pathfinder #5 of 'Karzoug recruiting another soldier into his golden legion' or something like that... Are there any details for this as a game mechanic anywhere? Is it in the web supplement? Is it a template of some sort?
26/03/2008 03:52:01 * kruelaid quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:52:04 ‹Turin the Mad› AP sequels would be great IMO - gives a good reason to dust off old characters
26/03/2008 03:52:04 ‹Ross› Night, Rogue.
26/03/2008 03:52:32 ‹Ross› Taters!
26/03/2008 03:52:33 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:52:36 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher: I had a feeling that particular rule would take some actual playtesting for people to grok
26/03/2008 03:52:50 ‹Rambling Scribe› Jason: I'm thinking about writing a long detailed response to the alpha... is it better just to break it into its bits? Some of my responses have to do with connections and the gestalt.
26/03/2008 03:52:51 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> It's basically Karzoug dipping a guy in molten gold. I'd treat the effects of that as the same as being dipped in lava.
26/03/2008 03:53:05 ‹James Jacobs› His "golden legion" is a bunch of gold statues.
26/03/2008 03:53:12 ‹Fray› Jason Can you use a Turning Heal when there is no combat going on?
26/03/2008 03:53:17 ‹Ross› Charles Evans, I think he was just killing the fellow in a vat of gold.
26/03/2008 03:53:31 ‹Russ› Yay, t'tis Sir Erik
26/03/2008 03:53:36 ‹Karelzarath› "You fall in lava. You die." ;)
26/03/2008 03:53:39 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray: Yes.. and soon we will be changing the name from Turning to something a bit more appropriate
26/03/2008 03:53:46 ‹Russ› I'm happy it seems like momentum is in favor of lawful good paladins
26/03/2008 03:53:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› (although not in the upcoming dev notes)
26/03/2008 03:54:03 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: I had this idea that it might be a bunch of really cool half-constructs, warped by his transmutation magic, forced to serve his will for eternity...
26/03/2008 03:54:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: you have no worries there
26/03/2008 03:54:06 ‹Watcher› Jason Bulmahn, yes.. I thought it was crazy until I realized that you'll unbalance things if they do it in combat. You hold that turn healing back for in between encounters. That allows the cleric more diversity in their spell choice, but also makes COMBAT healing more valuable
26/03/2008 03:54:22 ‹James Jacobs› Paladins will, I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE still be Lawful Good only. Otherwise, they're not paladins in my mind.
26/03/2008 03:54:26 * RussToo joins Main
26/03/2008 03:54:28 ‹Ross› Jason Bulmahn, When an evil cleric turns, does he hurt himself? If not, does a good cleric heal himself?
26/03/2008 03:54:51 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James: No worries.. that last thing I need is you glaring at me everyday for the rest of my life.. well.. more so than now
26/03/2008 03:54:54 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› LG paladins suck... CG paladins rock! FREEEDOM!!!!!
26/03/2008 03:54:59 ‹Karelzarath› James Jacobs: Preach on, my brutha!
26/03/2008 03:55:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ross: both can chose to exclude themselves from the effect
26/03/2008 03:55:10 ‹Daigle› Ross, that was one of the questions we had as well
26/03/2008 03:55:17 ‹James Jacobs› Charles> Oh... nah. That's an interesting idea, though... but not one we really pursued in our various bouts of Karzougery.
26/03/2008 03:55:17 * Russ quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:55:18 * Russ quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:55:20 ‹Hill Giant› Ross: As I read it, the cleric chooses whether to affect himself
26/03/2008 03:55:21 ‹Pygon› N paladins! MEH, SMITE!
26/03/2008 03:55:23 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› (full disclosure) I love LG paladins, too
26/03/2008 03:55:45 ‹Ross› James Jacobs, I like LG paladins too. I just wish they could Smite Chaos too.
26/03/2008 03:55:55 * Samwise quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 03:56:15 ‹Mothman› Keep paladins LG only, please!
26/03/2008 03:56:24 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› paladins are my third favoritee class, after druid and ranger
26/03/2008 03:56:31 ‹RussToo› James - there's a lot of pressure to do otherwise, and a lot of misplaced love for that 8 variant paladins article (nearly every one of which was much more powerful than the original paladin)
26/03/2008 03:56:39 ‹Samwise› glarg
26/03/2008 03:56:41 ‹James Jacobs› Paladins are already the character-of-choice for the disruptive player, though. Giving them the ability to smite chaos is like a Licence to be a Jerk.
26/03/2008 03:56:45 ‹Mulban› I never understood all the pally hate
26/03/2008 03:56:54 ‹James Jacobs› Since chaotic PCs are a lot more common than evil ones.
26/03/2008 03:56:56 ‹Mothman› "I am a Paladin of Neutrality! Everyone remain ... neutral ... uninterested ... do not choose sides ..."
26/03/2008 03:57:01 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› No! Paladin of Freedom has it's place
26/03/2008 03:57:09 ‹Charles Evans› James Jacobs: A runelord of greed served by elite golden soldiers formed from the remains of the treacherous, the criminal, those who simply failed him in some way... If the bond Villain Goldfinger could have used his enemies he smothered in gold as slaves, I'm sure that he would have.
26/03/2008 03:57:19 * RussToo changes his/her nickname to Russ
26/03/2008 03:57:25 ‹Samwise› glarg
26/03/2008 03:57:30 ‹Samwise› i am here
26/03/2008 03:57:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Despite the arguments, I am probably going to be staying on the conservative side on this one and keeping paladins LG
26/03/2008 03:57:31 ‹James Jacobs› RussTwo> I don't doubt that there's a place for variant paladins. THat place is not in the core rules. We're already clogged for space as it is.
26/03/2008 03:57:35 ‹Ross› It seems like the Lawful side of paladins gets neglected a lot. (I realize they have to be more good than they are lawful, otherwise you get Hellknights or Miko)
26/03/2008 03:57:40 ‹Charles Evans› If you have magic and happen to be a runelord of greed, why not flaunt it?
26/03/2008 03:57:43 ‹Mothman› Hey Samwise
26/03/2008 03:57:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James is right
26/03/2008 03:57:47 ‹Erik Mona› I think the LG paladin is as safe as the CE succubus in Paizo land.
26/03/2008 03:57:48 ‹Samwise› hello??
26/03/2008 03:58:00 ‹James Jacobs› I hate paladins becasue the bubble is broken in PVP.
26/03/2008 03:58:09 ‹Russ› I wouldn't mind the option of smiting chaos instead of evil
26/03/2008 03:58:09 ‹Jason Bulmahn› CE succubus.. really.. oops.. :-)
26/03/2008 03:58:10 ‹Ross› Gavgoyle is lit, paladin of freedom is robin hood. Completely different achetype from heavy armor and warhorses.
26/03/2008 03:58:10 ‹Mothman› Theres a big lag tonight Sam
03:58:22 ‹James Jacobs› mmmm... CE succubus...
26/03/2008 03:58:24 ‹Dorgar› lol
26/03/2008 03:58:30 ‹Watcher› Paladins require discipline, and the player has to be able to demonstrate some of that in how they play
26/03/2008 03:58:34 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› lol, erik"
26/03/2008 03:58:38 ‹Karelzarath› "Paladin of Freedom" is more like a ranger, in my mind.
26/03/2008 03:58:41 ‹Admin Lilith is AFC› Samwise! :glomp:
26/03/2008 03:58:44 ‹Mothman› James: PVP?
26/03/2008 03:59:03 ‹Russ› Holy liberator is fine, paladin of freedom is not :)
26/03/2008 03:59:04 ‹Pygon› Moth - it's a WoW thing...
26/03/2008 03:59:13 ‹Karelzarath› PvP in D&D in an abomination!
26/03/2008 03:59:42 ‹Karelzarath› Nothing worse than getting ganked while returning a quest.
03:59:54 ‹Jason Bulmahn› brb.. 3 min
26/03/2008 03:59:58 ‹James Jacobs› But yeah... I'm not all that huge a fan of variant paladins. And I even wrote up a bunch of them for Dragon! I just think that variant paladins kinda take away the mystique of the paladin in the first place.
26/03/2008 04:00:03 ‹Ross› I think a Paladin of Tyaranny works too, but CE has to be Blackguard.
26/03/2008 04:00:29 * Karelzarath <3 James Jacobs
26/03/2008 04:00:40 * Charles Evans has to sign out and reload the page... back in several minutes...
26/03/2008 04:00:44 ‹Hill Giant› Other ALs need to get their own schtick
26/03/2008 04:00:46 ‹Erik Mona› I played a paladin for 5 years in the Ptolus campaign. It is one of my most favoritist classes in the whole wide world.
26/03/2008 04:00:49 ‹James Jacobs› Mothman> Yeah... just had me a Warcraft moment re: cheaty paladins.
26/03/2008 04:01:02 ‹Fray› Karel I hate it when another player Ninjas my loot
26/03/2008 04:01:02 ‹Samwise› thats a huge lag i would say
26/03/2008 04:01:20 ‹Wyvern› I use PrC Paladin, I don't see how a fresh out adventurer is a chosen of the gods.
26/03/2008 04:01:34 ‹Russ› Yes, paladin players excel at making the game all about them
26/03/2008 04:01:43 ‹James Jacobs› Hill Giant> I think the other alignments DO have their own schticks. Chaotic has barbarians, lawful has monks, neutral has druids, etc.
26/03/2008 04:01:47 * Charles Evans quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:01:47 ‹Hill Giant› Wyvern: Joan of Arc?
26/03/2008 04:01:57 * Takasi AFC Prepping Burning Sk changes his/her nickname to Takasi
26/03/2008 04:02:03 ‹Mothman› my lag seems to be getting worse...
26/03/2008 04:02:04 ‹Dorgar› I have to agree with James these variants arn't really pallys. you wanna have some sort of champions for the different dieties im fine with that but a pally is LG
26/03/2008 04:02:11 ‹Pygon› paladins can be adventurers that choose Goodness as well.
26/03/2008 04:02:15 ‹Mothman› oh, no it just got better!
26/03/2008 04:02:27 ‹Mulban› I have to go to bed, it was good seeing everybody again. And nice to see the higher ups from Paizo here as well.
26/03/2008 04:02:27 * Samwise quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:02:36 ‹Ross› I outlined my thoughts on Paladin classes a few weeks ago in a thread where someone was trying to remember the Holy Liberator. LG and LE have knightly orders from first level. CE and CG need PrCs (Holy Lib. and Blackguard, respectively).
26/03/2008 04:02:38 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Mulban
26/03/2008 04:02:44 ‹Pygon› gnite Mulban
26/03/2008 04:02:59 ‹Erik Mona› Russ> The game IS all about me.
26/03/2008 04:03:04 ‹Mulban› You've done a great job Lilith, don't let the lag get you down
26/03/2008 04:03:10 ‹Mulban› Good night folks
26/03/2008 04:03:13 ‹Karelzarath› I'd love to see Blackguard expanded to a core class.
26/03/2008 04:03:15 ‹Russ› Prestige class paladins do make more sense to me.
26/03/2008 04:03:16 ‹theacemu› test
26/03/2008 04:03:17 ‹Takasi› After several TPKs, my Runelords game is now filled with monsters sent by the Scribbler to invade the Runeforge, James Jacobs, do you have a few words of inspiration for players building a 1.) doppelganger 2.) minotaur 3.) drow 4.) troll?
26/03/2008 04:03:19 ‹James Jacobs› I think I have to say, though... I think paladin is my least favorite class.
26/03/2008 04:03:20 * Mothman quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:03:21 * Mothman quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:03:33 ‹Dorgar› Night Mul
26/03/2008 04:03:39 ‹Watcher› Night!
26/03/2008 04:03:57 ‹Erik Mona› Does the 4e paladin have to be good? Is Lawful even in the game anymore?
26/03/2008 04:03:58 ‹Watcher› Lag improved here
26/03/2008 04:04:01 ‹Gavgoyle is lit› Druids uber alles.
26/03/2008 04:04:02 ‹Turin the Mad› I've not played one since 1e cavalier-paladin ... who died the same day he came into play
26/03/2008 04:04:12 ‹Karelzarath› James Jacobs: Because of the "all about me" aspect?
26/03/2008 04:04:12 * Admin Lilith is AFC changes his/her nickname to Lilith
26/03/2008 04:04:16 * Mulban quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:04:16 * Mulban quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:04:26 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> PCs should never be dopplegangers. Minotaurs are bad news because they have reach and their large size messes up too much stuff and keeps you from ever getting treasure. Trolls are just broken as PCs. Drow are cool, though. Play drow!
26/03/2008 04:04:31 * theacemu quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:04:32 * theacemu quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:04:42 ‹Russ› I'd rather the core rules not do anything to make playing evil easy or practical.
26/03/2008 04:04:49 ‹Erik Mona› My least favorite class is probably druid.
26/03/2008 04:04:49 ‹James Jacobs› BUT: Keep in mind that until Second Darkness comes along... the drow you THINK are in Goalrion aren't necessarilly the ones that ARE in Golarion.
26/03/2008 04:04:57 ‹Watcher› I agree Russ
26/03/2008 04:04:59 ‹Erik Mona› I sort of like all of the AD&D classes, though.
26/03/2008 04:05:01 ‹Russ› Monk is my least favorite.
26/03/2008 04:05:08 ‹Erik Mona› Even the poor thief-acrobat.
26/03/2008 04:05:10 * Gavgoyle is lit changes his/her nickname to kisses Lilith on the cheek and
26/03/2008 04:05:16 ‹Balthaczar› 2e cavalier
26/03/2008 04:05:21 ‹Watcher› Pimp AP 3 James!
26/03/2008 04:05:22 ‹Takasi› is it possible to travel from another prime then? I guess they'll just come in from the Realms or something
26/03/2008 04:05:26 ‹Karelzarath› Heh
26/03/2008 04:05:31 ‹Ross› Russ, hey! I like monks.
26/03/2008 04:05:31 ‹Rambling Scribe› Either my last post got eaten or this was the worst lag yet.
26/03/2008 04:05:33 ‹Balthaczar› loved it in 8th grade first thing i ever played
26/03/2008 04:05:40 ‹Karelzarath› Gav is schnockered
26/03/2008 04:05:43 ‹Russ› Erik> Law and chaos are gone, I believe paladins can be any alignment, but not unaligned
26/03/2008 04:05:43 ‹Wyvern› Illusionist ftw!
26/03/2008 04:05:44 ‹Ross› My least favorite is bard.
26/03/2008 04:05:52 ‹Balthaczar› guess it was 1e
26/03/2008 04:05:58 * kisses Lilith on the cheek and changes his/her nickname to Gavgole is lit
26/03/2008 04:05:59 ‹James Jacobs› Karel> Nah... I like the "all about me" aspect. I just don't like roleplaying LG that much, and when I DM, Paladin players seem to want to play paladins so they can have rules to back up their disruptive play.
26/03/2008 04:05:59 ‹Russ› Neutral in 4E is now militant neutral, unaligned is uncommited neutral
26/03/2008 04:06:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Back
26/03/2008 04:06:03 * Mothman quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:06:05 * quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:06:09 ‹Erik Mona› Does closing the window and coming back in or clearing your cache or anything help with the lag?
26/03/2008 04:06:17 ‹Takasi› this doppleganger is from Complete Guide to Dopplegangers, from Goodman Games, you can turn into an ochre jelly, gelatinous cube, grey ooze and black pudding
26/03/2008 04:06:21 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Absolutely! Travelers from other material planes are perfectly acceptable!
26/03/2008 04:06:23 * Fake Healer joins Main
26/03/2008 04:06:36 ‹Karelzarath› Doesn't seem to, Erik
26/03/2008 04:06:36 ‹Russ› I would love a knight core class. But starting as a squire doesn't work that well.
26/03/2008 04:06:37 ‹Gavgole is lit› oh, yeah. alcohol in goodly quantities and an empty stomach do not make good friends
26/03/2008 04:06:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Clearing my cache has helped a bit.. I think
26/03/2008 04:06:46 ‹Daigle› Howdy Fake Healer!!
26/03/2008 04:06:55 ‹Watcher› Hi Fakey
26/03/2008 04:07:03 * Lilith stabs the server some more...
26/03/2008 04:07:06 ‹James Jacobs› eew... I would NOT want to have a player with those types of powers in my game. It'd be like running a freak show or a circuis. I MUCH prefer the PCs to be closer to humans.
26/03/2008 04:07:14 ‹Watcher› Erik, just got better for me for no reason
26/03/2008 04:07:28 ‹Erik Mona› Russ> That makes my inner grognard stir.
26/03/2008 04:07:33 ‹Russ› I want to like bards more than I do.
26/03/2008 04:07:34 * Gavgole is lit kisses Lilith on the cheek and hands her a flagon
26/03/2008 04:07:38 * Karelzarath is somewhat concerned about Fatespinner
26/03/2008 04:07:52 ‹Russ› Using Firefox helps me a lot with the lag
26/03/2008 04:07:53 ‹Rambling Scribe› test
26/03/2008 04:07:54 ‹Gavgole is lit› There we go! Celebrate the small vicotories!
26/03/2008 04:07:59 ‹Daigle› Why's that Karelzarath?
26/03/2008 04:08:03 ‹Takasi› I don't like it much usually either, but it's easier for me to believe that the Scribbler received monsters from Lamashtu than it is to come up with backstories for a random group of 12th level heroes...
26/03/2008 04:08:06 ‹James Jacobs› Huh. There's a big switch on my computer labeled "LAG: YES/NO" It's set to No. Think that's the problem?
26/03/2008 04:08:18 ‹Pygon› same here, Firefox runs the chat well although sometimes I get dropouts. Rarely though
26/03/2008 04:08:19 ‹Fake Healer› Yo. Forgot this was tonight....Dammit what'd I miss.
26/03/2008 04:08:28 ‹James Jacobs› Bards are my favorite class. Just ahead of clerics and druids.
26/03/2008 04:08:35 ‹Gavgole is lit› hey Fakey!
26/03/2008 04:08:37 ‹Russ› (although I still have brutal lag)
26/03/2008 04:08:42 * Turin the Mad quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:08:53 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake Healer: I was giving away money earlier.. sorry you missed it
26/03/2008 04:08:57 ‹Daigle› Fakey, we've been talking classes and alpha rules mainly.
26/03/2008 04:09:02 ‹Rambling Scribe› I run Firefox, and this is the first time I've had serious lag, other than on P-Day.
26/03/2008 04:09:08 ‹Gavgole is lit› Fakey: lag and a bit more lag interspersed with insighful posting
26/03/2008 04:09:09 ‹Russ› If you DO allow crazy races, make them less favorable choices. Playing the weird race is its own reward.
26/03/2008 04:09:18 ‹Ross› I love clerics. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that personally I'm a faithless heathen.
26/03/2008 04:09:19 ‹Erik Mona› I am using firefox.
26/03/2008 04:09:21 ‹Lilith› Tell us more about AP 3!
26/03/2008 04:09:27 ‹Takasi› but as a DM, I frequently play all sorts of strange monsters, and it helps to know more about them (minotaurs, drow, doppelgangers, etc) too
26/03/2008 04:09:30 ‹Karelzarath› Daigle: I haven't heard from him all day. Not even a text message.
26/03/2008 04:09:32 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: Very very bad lag...:(
04:09:39 ‹Russ› I'm gonna miss law vs. chaos, I found them very interesting
26/03/2008 04:09:47 ‹Pygon› Karel - odd
26/03/2008 04:09:52 ‹Daigle› That's not like him. Hmmm
26/03/2008 04:10:00 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, thanks for sending the newsletter message about the AP ideas
26/03/2008 04:10:08 ‹Hill Giant› Russ: more interesting than good and evil.
26/03/2008 04:10:10 ‹Fake Healer› cool. I don't need money anyway...
26/03/2008 04:10:13 ‹Russ› Wizards are by far my favorite class.
26/03/2008 04:10:14 ‹Takasi› I really enjoyed the AP 4 idea for 'taming the civilization'
26/03/2008 04:10:17 ‹Daigle› Well, everyone can miss a day here and there.
26/03/2008 04:10:20 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer! :glomp:
26/03/2008 04:10:22 ‹Takasi› 'taming the wilderness' that is
26/03/2008 04:10:40 ‹Russ› I guess rogues are actually my least favorite, rogues just manage to suck in nearly every edition. I wish they didn't. D8s is a good start.
26/03/2008 04:10:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake: Really.. cuz I could use some more... :-)
26/03/2008 04:10:55 ‹James Jacobs› No prob, Takasi! Not sure if any of those are going to pan out into anything, but those are my current ideas.
26/03/2008 04:10:56 ‹Gavgole is lit› I think my head is starting to hit the keyboard now. I'll see ya
26/03/2008 04:10:59 ‹Fake Healer› Hey baby!
26/03/2008 04:11:03 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: I am doing what I can...
26/03/2008 04:11:05 ‹Hill Giant› According to the '4E lite' boneclaws are unaligned, but kobolds are evil. That's some wierd morality.
26/03/2008 04:11:10 ‹Gavgole is lit› y'all later
26/03/2008 04:11:10 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, in order to pimp AP 3, tell us about the inter-relation of this GenCon Prequel and AP 3? How are they related? Will lucky GenCon participants play Drow?
26/03/2008 04:11:13 ‹Daigle› Rogues are my fave! Followed by clerics.
26/03/2008 04:11:22 ‹James Jacobs› I quite enjoyed the taming the wilderness elements in Savage Tide, and thought that they could have gone a LOT more into that arena...
26/03/2008 04:11:26 ‹Fake Healer› Jason- then make me a good product so I can throw much at you.
26/03/2008 04:11:30 ‹Daigle› Bye Gav!
26/03/2008 04:11:33 * Lilith guzzles the flagon...:beer:
26/03/2008 04:11:38 ‹Karelzarath› The Alpha rogue is pretty kickass.
26/03/2008 04:11:47 ‹Lilith› Karelzarath: Yeah, he's not been around all day...
26/03/2008 04:11:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake: i'm on it
26/03/2008 04:11:54 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks Karelzarath
26/03/2008 04:11:55 ‹Ross› Alright everyone. Time for me to go. It's late, and I still need to update my PbP before bed.
26/03/2008 04:11:56 ‹Dorgar› later Gav
26/03/2008 04:11:58 ‹Russ› I don't care for "unaligned" PCs. I can understand a dog being unaligned, but a PC race needs to pick a side already.
26/03/2008 04:12:01 ‹Gavgole is lit› fingers might repond to brain at later date
26/03/2008 04:12:06 ‹Takasi› Bloodsworn is a good backdrop for that too, but it didn't quite go in the right direction
26/03/2008 04:12:07 ‹Pygon› bye Ross
26/03/2008 04:12:15 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> I'm not sure what "Gen Con Prequel" you're talking about...
26/03/2008 04:12:18 ‹Takasi› I was hoping for a Birthright style AP
26/03/2008 04:12:22 ‹Fake Healer› *Fakey goes to bug the wifey for more money for Jason..*
26/03/2008 04:12:23 ‹Karelzarath› Bye, Gav
26/03/2008 04:12:34 ‹Karelzarath› Bye, Ross
26/03/2008 04:12:35 ‹Watcher› ???
26/03/2008 04:12:45 ‹Rambling Scribe› I can't decide if I'm unaligned or neutral...
26/03/2008 04:12:51 ‹Watcher› I'll find a link for you
26/03/2008 04:13:08 ‹Karelzarath› Y'know, Fakey... as long as you're handing it out... :D
26/03/2008 04:13:14 * JasonKain joins Main
26/03/2008 04:13:16 ‹Takasi› the entire AP is trying to build bridges, towns, manors, castles, wizard towers, etc
26/03/2008 04:13:17 * ollibolli on his way to the ai joins Main
26/03/2008 04:13:22 ‹Takasi› and nefarious forces try to stop you
26/03/2008 04:13:23 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hey now Karelzarath.. wait your turn
26/03/2008 04:13:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I get all his money first.. then you
26/03/2008 04:13:35 * Gavgole is lit quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:13:39 * Ross quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:13:40 ‹Daigle› Howdy Jason
26/03/2008 04:13:40 ‹Fake Healer› lol
26/03/2008 04:13:41 * Ross quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:13:42 * Ross quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:13:42 * Ross quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:13:53 * Daigle wants a cut too
26/03/2008 04:14:02 ‹Karelzarath› Rambling Scribe: Would you like the pasta or the noodles? The marinara or the red sauce? ;)
26/03/2008 04:14:03 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> A birthright style AP is certainly a strong possibility.
26/03/2008 04:14:09 ‹Russ› I would like to see a Combat feat or feats to interfere with tumbling, concentration, and perhaps even spring attack. Harrying Attack or some such.
26/03/2008 04:14:11 ‹Takasi› and the BBEGs have a grip on the area, and the AP includes eroding their power
26/03/2008 04:14:27 * Rambling Scribe cuts Daigle.
26/03/2008 04:14:40 ‹Charles Evans› Takasi:With alliances needed for a military action?
26/03/2008 04:14:46 ‹Rambling Scribe› :knight:
26/03/2008 04:14:48 ‹Takasi› but you know all the main bad guys up front, their influence is well known and part of the companion guide
26/03/2008 04:14:54 * Daigle bleeds marbles.
26/03/2008 04:15:03 ‹ollibolli on his way to the ai› Good morning from germany
26/03/2008 04:15:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: That is not a bad idea... I still have room for more...
26/03/2008 04:15:14 ‹Pygon› good morning olli
26/03/2008 04:15:16 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Moring Ollibolli
26/03/2008 04:15:24 ‹Russ› an AP based on overthrowing a nation would be great.
26/03/2008 04:15:28 ‹Takasi› right Charles, with lots of very open ended plot hooks, the actual modules are specific interesting missions and scenarios
26/03/2008 04:15:52 * Presence joins Main
26/03/2008 04:15:54 ‹Karelzarath› Morning, Olli. Hope the flight's a good one.
26/03/2008 04:16:05 ‹Takasi› or building a nation by squashing despots and chaotic warring factions
26/03/2008 04:16:06 ‹Pygon› victory points, etc.?
26/03/2008 04:16:19 ‹Karelzarath› Daigle: You might want to have that looked at.
26/03/2008 04:16:29 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> Crimson Throne's kinda about overthrowing a nation already... sort of...
26/03/2008 04:16:31 ‹Wyvern› Heya Presence
26/03/2008 04:16:38 ‹Fake Healer› I kinda like the Victory points from Farshore, that would work for a path like that.
26/03/2008 04:16:47 ‹Samwise› Jason>i would think those skill uses qualify under the threads about auto-action and auto-negates, and is related to save or die effects as i see it
26/03/2008 04:16:56 ‹Russ› If you want really fun, an AP built around two competing groups, one pro-establishment, one anti-, eventually they meet in head-to-head conflict :)
26/03/2008 04:17:02 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, just so you don't think I'm crazy.. this is a quote from Josh Frost. The moment you can sign-up for Gen Con events, I'd highly suggest you sign-up for one of our Pathfinder Society slots as space will be limited for Season 0 and we expect a sellout crowd. Also, be sure to look for our Ascension of the Drow mega event on Friday night of Gen Con.
26/03/2008 04:17:05 ‹Samwise› what russ said about anti-tumbling feats and such
26/03/2008 04:17:15 ‹Watcher› You won't want to miss this exciting prequel to the Second Darkness Adventure Path--the results of which will influence all of Golarion!
26/03/2008 04:17:17 ‹Wyvern› Victory points might work, open ended sandboxy-thing not so much.
26/03/2008 04:17:42 ‹Watcher› http://paizo.com/paizo/message...Society
26/03/2008 04:17:43 ‹Samwise› but instead of feats, just change the mechanic, maybe tumble skill can replace ac for aoo's, the way a ride skill can replace ac on a mount
26/03/2008 04:17:48 * ollibolli on his way to the ai changes his/her nickname to ollibolli soon to aitport
26/03/2008 04:17:53 ‹Presence› Hello. :)
04:18:10 ‹Russ› Don't know if it'd worked to make it against the higher of the original check or CMB + 15 , but that's one thought (assuming I remembered the base CMB dC)
26/03/2008 04:18:24 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> Ah yes. That's something that we're working on doing... but the people working on it haven't really talked to me much about how it fits into Second Darkness yet.
26/03/2008 04:18:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: We are looking into ways to make the tumble and concentration DCs scale a bit better
26/03/2008 04:18:35 ‹Daigle› Howdy Presence
26/03/2008 04:18:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: we have thought about that, but it has its problems
26/03/2008 04:19:11 ‹Samwise› the details are obviously a game balance thing that has to go through development, im just thinking in general terms of addressing it
26/03/2008 04:19:16 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, ah.. okay. Chalk it up to not knowing how things work at your office. Sometimes I can't tell who should know what about what
26/03/2008 04:19:17 ‹Samwise› and looking at it is a start :)
26/03/2008 04:19:17 ‹ollibolli soon to aitport› in 15 minutes the taxi will arrive
26/03/2008 04:19:18 ‹Rambling Scribe› Samwise: I've been a proponent of that for a while!
26/03/2008 04:19:22 ‹Russ› Samwise - one advantage of it being a Combat feat is that if you want to supress them, that's the only Combat feat you get to use that round
26/03/2008 04:19:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: that it is...
26/03/2008 04:19:48 ‹Samwise› errr . . . that seems a bit much russ, but possibly
26/03/2008 04:19:50 ‹Russ› when does PF #8 ship?
26/03/2008 04:19:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: which is why I like that thought...
26/03/2008 04:19:58 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> Heh... same here.
26/03/2008 04:20:14 * JasonKain changes his/her nickname to Joseph
26/03/2008 04:20:15 ‹Jason Bulmahn› But just outright supressing them might be a bit much.. it might be better to just make them a bit harder...
26/03/2008 04:20:19 ‹Watcher› :)
26/03/2008 04:20:36 ‹Watcher› Well, night folks. Maybe with another person gone the lag will improve.
26/03/2008 04:20:40 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I will keep it in mind though, one way or the other
26/03/2008 04:20:45 ‹Lilith› Presence! My hero!
26/03/2008 04:20:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night watcher...
26/03/2008 04:20:48 ‹James Jacobs› I have No Idea when PF8 will ship, alas. Hopefully soon.
26/03/2008 04:20:53 ‹Samwise› going the other way on that, have you considered expanding concentration to the D20 Modern version?
26/03/2008 04:20:54 ‹Rambling Scribe› Bye Watcher
26/03/2008 04:21:00 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Watcher!
26/03/2008 04:21:03 ‹Fake Healer› Cya watcher.
26/03/2008 04:21:13 ‹Samwise› where it can be used to avoid aoo's for things like disable device during combat and what not
26/03/2008 04:21:16 ‹Dorgar› night watcher
26/03/2008 04:21:19 ‹Samwise› or drinking potions and such
26/03/2008 04:21:19 ‹Wyvern› I'm out too, see ya guys later.
26/03/2008 04:21:24 ‹Rambling Scribe› I'm still waiting for PF 7 and Harrow...
26/03/2008 04:21:31 * ollibolli soon to aitport quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:21:31 * ollibolli soon to aitport quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:21:32 * ollibolli soon to aitport quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:21:47 * Watcher quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:21:48 ‹Pygon› good night Wyvern
26/03/2008 04:21:52 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: I have thought of that, but I am not so sure I want to expand its use that broadly.. makes the skill a bit too valuable
26/03/2008 04:22:04 ‹Daigle› Night Wyvern!
26/03/2008 04:22:05 ‹Russ› I kind of wish casting defensively let you (maybe) get the spell off when you failed, by making you provoke instead of losing the spell
26/03/2008 04:22:07 ‹Dorgar› night wyvern
26/03/2008 04:22:31 ‹Karelzarath› Mmm... Harrow Deck...
26/03/2008 04:22:34 * Wyvern quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:22:34 ‹Lilith› Presence! My hero! :glomp:
26/03/2008 04:22:36 ‹Russ› And will you be taking (volunteer presumably) writers for the living campaign? :)
26/03/2008 04:22:37 ‹Samwise› Jason>i think it would balance in that even though it makes it useful to everyone, not everyone could use every aspect of it
26/03/2008 04:22:48 ‹Samwise› simply because everyone will not have every skill to use it with
26/03/2008 04:22:59 ‹Dorgar› thats not a bad idea russ I kinda like that
26/03/2008 04:23:00 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: True...
26/03/2008 04:23:05 ‹Fake Healer› I just got my Harrow. Seems cool.
26/03/2008 04:23:11 ‹Joseph› If I seem quiet, it's because my ping is bouncing between 1500 and 3000. I'd like to participate...but I'm doubting it at this point.
26/03/2008 04:23:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: that is a possibility I am thinking about as well
26/03/2008 04:23:33 ‹Pygon› I kind of like it too, but the way it is now it's sort of proof against an AoO, which arcane casters can certainly do without
26/03/2008 04:23:33 ‹Dorgar› The cast defensively thing that is
26/03/2008 04:23:41 ‹James Jacobs› We're going to need a lot of writers for the Org Play stuff... although I'm not sure how we'll be handling that exactly quite yet...
26/03/2008 04:23:45 ‹Russ› I hate the full-round potion draw-and-use.
26/03/2008 04:24:20 ‹Takasi› I'm kind of afraid that you're going to change the rules to make it easier to justify the stories you want to write
26/03/2008 04:24:40 ‹Takasi› and I know that sounds obvious and 'right' to you, but let me give an example
26/03/2008 04:24:40 ‹Fake Healer› Russ-Get a handy Haversack then.
26/03/2008 04:24:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: me too actually.. there are a number of ways to address that.. one of which I am deeply considering is that anything on your belt is a move action to draw, but can be pulled as part of a move action if your bab is +1
26/03/2008 04:25:11 ‹Pygon› my campaign has a limited number of items on a belt. It works.
26/03/2008 04:25:15 * Russ is kind of free-thinking due to chat lag
26/03/2008 04:25:17 ‹Samwise› Jason>that just requires a more general redefinition of "weapon like object"
26/03/2008 04:25:17 ‹Takasi› I'm afraid you guys will nerf spells like locate object
26/03/2008 04:25:27 ‹Samwise› which of course is a major to do in LG
26/03/2008 04:25:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: Yup
26/03/2008 04:25:29 ‹Mothman› Jason: I like that idea re the belt draw - you would probably need to specify how many items can be held in a belt
26/03/2008 04:25:49 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi: I am less worried about that spell than I am "find the path"
04:26:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: this is true...
26/03/2008 04:26:13 ‹Erik Mona› We are going to have day long meetings about this sort of stuff on Thursday and Friday, when Mr. Logue makes his premier employee performance at the Paizo offices. Reader-submitted adventures will play a significant role in the campaign, I suspect.
26/03/2008 04:26:17 ‹Russ› Fake - havers are move eq in 3.5E
26/03/2008 04:26:18 ‹Rambling Scribe› I allow my players to buy and "equipment harness" that has a number of specialized compartemnts, all of which can have items retrieved from them like drawing a weapon.
26/03/2008 04:26:34 ‹Balthaczar› dont beat him too hard
26/03/2008 04:26:57 ‹Samwise› Jason>how much will you "deal" with divinations? ending the automatic alignment auras on everyone and going to back to 1st edition version of the detect alignment spells?
26/03/2008 04:27:00 ‹Charles Evans› Rabling: I think that was real Forgotten Realms item.
26/03/2008 04:27:03 ‹Erik Mona› Yeah, find the path is an abomination.
26/03/2008 04:27:05 ‹Pygon› don't worry, there's a slot in the door to feed him through, and the window closes if he's bad.
26/03/2008 04:27:15 ‹Russ› I want Find the PAth to be bleeping WELL DEFINED
26/03/2008 04:27:30 ‹Russ› Can I tell it to "lead me to Dragotha's lair?"
26/03/2008 04:27:42 ‹Russ› Or is that not actually a "location"?
26/03/2008 04:27:51 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: I am still working on those...
26/03/2008 04:28:08 * Samwise quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:28:12 * Joseph quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:28:12 * Joseph quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:28:12 * Joseph quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:28:14 ‹Russ› A 4th ed idea I think is worth taking is the move-to-swift trade down. And adjusting a few easy things to be swifts instead of moves (i.e. draw an item becomes swift)
26/03/2008 04:28:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: Find the Path is going to be more clearly defined.. and a bit nerfed to be honest.. that spell could currently be called "find the plot killer"
26/03/2008 04:28:28 * Charles Evans dreams of a Fiond the Path which only works to locations on the same plane which you have visited before....
26/03/2008 04:28:29 ‹Balthaczar› what spells break an adventure? i usually only played melee and no am dming so i want to be prepared
26/03/2008 04:28:47 ‹Balthaczar› now*
26/03/2008 04:29:03 ‹Russ› A more specific case is could Darl Quethos used it to "take me to the Diamond Fist's campsite", as he did in my AoW game. I think that was ok, but who knows.
26/03/2008 04:29:05 ‹Pygon› raise dead :) j/k
26/03/2008 04:29:06 ‹James Jacobs› Locate Object has enough restrictions on it already... it doesn't really need MUCH nerfing, although I could settle for bumping it up a level. Find the Path is the spell that needs to go.
26/03/2008 04:29:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Balthaczar: Watch out for Web, grease, black tentacles, heroes feast, find the path.. its actually a long list...
26/03/2008 04:29:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› These spells are not evil per say.. they just cause a lot of headaches..
26/03/2008 04:29:40 ‹Balthaczar› i have a player who loves to pull these things out to do just that
26/03/2008 04:29:56 ‹Balthaczar› i want to discuss before it comes up in game
26/03/2008 04:30:05 ‹Russ› Balth - detect thoughts, detect evil, teleport, wind walk, find the path, discern location, probe thoughts (not core), true seeing
26/03/2008 04:30:11 ‹Mothman› There is a difference between a spell being a game killer, and being something that a player (or DM) can find creative uses for...
26/03/2008 04:30:15 ‹Takasi› I have a question about PFRPG, if you did a comparison of it with the standard 3.5 OGL, how percentage of changes would you say you want to make?
26/03/2008 04:30:35 ‹Pygon› speak with dead can cause problems too
26/03/2008 04:30:39 ‹Takasi› word for word, how much will be the same exact verbiage and how much will differ?
26/03/2008 04:30:49 ‹Samwise› heh
26/03/2008 04:30:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi: Its probably smaller than you think.. remember, i am only showing changes right now in the alpha
26/03/2008 04:30:57 ‹Fake Healer› Glitterdust is sometimes hard when you have someone toss out a DC of 18+
26/03/2008 04:30:57 ‹Samwise› black tentacles needs a major smiting
26/03/2008 04:30:58 ‹Balthaczar› i dont mind creative uses
26/03/2008 04:31:02 ‹Mothman› A couple of the spells mentioned might be "broken" ... most, the DM just has to be aware of, I dont think they should be taken out of the game or nerfed
26/03/2008 04:31:11 ‹Russ› Hero's Feast could certainly stand a nerf, since it makes poison/fear irrelevant for high level games. I'd prefer it reduced paniced/frightened/shaken one level
26/03/2008 04:31:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman: I agree for the most part.. some need some clarity adjustments.. but that is about it...
26/03/2008 04:31:44 ‹Charles Evans› Jason: Any chance of fly requiring concentration (or spellcraft) for goodmaneuverability, and therefore spellcasters being better with it than the straight fighter types who chug a potion?
26/03/2008 04:31:46 ‹Takasi› like spells, will magic missile be word for word?
26/03/2008 04:31:52 ‹Mothman› Jason: Yes, some need to be further clarified!
26/03/2008 04:31:57 ‹Russ› I'd like to see the rules also address stackign of fear effects and weariness effects. It gets a little ridiculous when a lizard that spits blood can make you shaken, and then a cause fear can make you flee EVEn if you make your save.
26/03/2008 04:32:00 ‹Balthaczar› great list , this will help out huge
26/03/2008 04:32:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Charles: Arcane spellcasters can take Fly as a class skill, so they can be better...
26/03/2008 04:32:19 ‹Russ› Likewise, the combination of waves of fatigue + ray of exhaustion is automatic exhaustion
26/03/2008 04:32:30 ‹Takasi› fly as a class skill? what?
26/03/2008 04:32:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› For wizards..
26/03/2008 04:32:54 ‹Mothman› Takasi: You havent seen the "Flight" skill debate?
26/03/2008 04:32:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mind you... it does not allow you to fly as a skill alone
26/03/2008 04:33:06 * Takasi just shakes his head and says RIP 3rd edition...
26/03/2008 04:33:08 ‹Samwise› Russ>i wrote about heroes feast in a post, i was talking about it with eric menge and we both agreed it was too much, especially when extended - feh!
26/03/2008 04:33:09 ‹Jason Bulmahn› It just lets you do crazy things while flying
26/03/2008 04:33:10 ‹Mothman› Flight or Fly ... can't remember
26/03/2008 04:33:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fly
26/03/2008 04:33:18 ‹Russ› CE - the fly skill does a lot with that.
26/03/2008 04:33:37 ‹Charles Evans› Jason:I would have thought it could be folded into spellcraft, and maybe give wizards a bonus to checks related?
26/03/2008 04:33:45 ‹Russ› glibness is an adventure breaker the other way: basically, it is impossible to catch someone lying because the bonus is so stupidly high.
26/03/2008 04:33:47 ‹Daigle› I love the idea of the Fly skill..personally
26/03/2008 04:34:01 ‹Jason Bulmahn› It does not make sense for flying creatures to need spellcraft though...
26/03/2008 04:34:07 ‹Pygon› if a player wants to design a PC around it, sure
26/03/2008 04:34:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Climb and Swim each have a skill... so should fly
26/03/2008 04:34:20 ‹Joseph› I hate asking this if it's already been answered, but I'm curious. Most combat feats seem to offer new/different attack options, but I'm curious as to why Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, and Precise shot were changed to Combat feats?
26/03/2008 04:34:25 * Samwise quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:34:39 ‹Takasi› um, so should RUN have a skill?
26/03/2008 04:34:49 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Joseph: some of them fit rather well thematically.. Point Blank and Precise shot have been changed back
26/03/2008 04:34:53 ‹Russ› Taking the edge off of poison and fear would be more than enough, vs. totally immune.
26/03/2008 04:34:55 ‹Mothman› Run has a feat!
26/03/2008 04:34:58 ‹James Jacobs› It does, Takasi; it's called Tumble.
26/03/2008 04:35:01 ‹Daigle› No, run is a simple action that has a feat
26/03/2008 04:35:02 ‹Balthaczar› lol
26/03/2008 04:35:04 ‹Charles Evans› Jason: Flying creatures with wings use WINGS... not requirement to conetrate (in a sort of mind-over-matter) fashion to maneuver... or at least not in my opinion...:-?
26/03/2008 04:35:13 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi: No.. but doing acrobatic maneuvers on the ground requires a Acrobat

March 25th 2008, part 3
26/03/2008 04:37:18 ‹Takasi› good night James, I wish Alpha wasn't the focus, but it is...
26/03/2008 04:37:24 ‹Russ› Get better, Jason
26/03/2008 04:37:28 ‹Erik Mona› Both use the same maneuverability rules. Why should the rules for their ability to fly work differently?
04:37:34 ‹Charles Evans› :)
26/03/2008 04:37:56 ‹James Jacobs› Best boat to go from Magnimar to Turtleback? Probably a barge, since once you're off the Yondabakari, deep draft boats start having trouble.
26/03/2008 04:38:18 ‹Balthaczar› excellent, going to start that tommrow
26/03/2008 04:38:25 ‹Russ› Thank you for taking between-round facing out of flying.
26/03/2008 04:38:27 ‹Takasi› that's reassuring Jason, don't let these 'innovative' ideas take away your 'old guard' status
26/03/2008 04:38:27 ‹Balthaczar› planning some boat fight
26/03/2008 04:38:30 ‹Erik Mona› Night, James (by the time this appears you will probably already be gone).
26/03/2008 04:38:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: no problem
26/03/2008 04:38:46 ‹James Jacobs› Nope! Just in time, Erik!
26/03/2008 04:38:47 ‹James Jacobs› Seeya later!
26/03/2008 04:38:54 ‹Dorgar› I'm out to all have a good night and once again thanks for the time you folks dedicate to the fans
26/03/2008 04:38:52 ‹Lilith› Night James! :thug:
26/03/2008 04:38:58 ‹Russ› What are the rules for spirited charge going to look like? At least I PRAY they will get changed. Right now, cav builds either (1) nuke everything or (2) are mostly useless, changing every fight
26/03/2008 04:39:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi: it is a fine line to walk.. I am doing what I can
26/03/2008 04:39:08 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Dorgar
26/03/2008 04:39:16 ‹Samwise› oh . . . speaking of cav builds . . .
26/03/2008 04:39:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night Dorgar
26/03/2008 04:39:20 ‹Charles Evans› Erik MonaL If you're flying by (ex.) means, I would imagine muscles, etc are involved and it is a phjysical process... If you are flying by (Su.) or (sp.) means, I would think mental finesse is involved.
26/03/2008 04:39:23 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thansk for stopping by
26/03/2008 04:39:26 ‹Rambling Scribe› Well folks, I'm bushed too, and the lag is making more tired.
26/03/2008 04:39:32 ‹Samwise› Jason>rephrase the way charge is written ;)
26/03/2008 04:39:39 ‹Rambling Scribe› Have a good night everyone!
26/03/2008 04:39:45 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Rambing: Night
26/03/2008 04:39:45 ‹Balthaczar› gnight
26/03/2008 04:39:50 * James Jacobs quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:39:51 ‹Daigle› Dream well Craig!
26/03/2008 04:39:55 ‹Rambling Scribe› Except of course, now the lag is way better....
26/03/2008 04:39:55 ‹Takasi› Are you building for balance or to make what should make sense in a game world?
26/03/2008 04:39:58 ‹Samwise› either get rid of the "straight line" or "directly towards" part, or just make more allowances
26/03/2008 04:40:01 ‹Fake Healer› night Scribe.
26/03/2008 04:40:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi: both whenever possible
26/03/2008 04:40:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Favoring game balance when not.
26/03/2008 04:40:35 ‹Samwise› i personally favor the highly restrictive D20 Modern version, but i know most people do not
26/03/2008 04:40:37 * Dorgar quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:40:41 ‹Fake Healer› Good answer Jason.
26/03/2008 04:40:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: I have not touched those rules yet... time will tell
26/03/2008 04:40:52 ‹Presence› Lag is difficult in this room.
26/03/2008 04:41:02 ‹Jason Bulmahn› For everyone but me it seems
26/03/2008 04:41:02 ‹Erik Mona› Charles> I hear what you're saying, here, but I think the additional complexity is not worth what you get by splitting the skill.
26/03/2008 04:41:03 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Woot
26/03/2008 04:41:06 ‹Presence› I'm trying to make it better on the server, but its really challenging.
26/03/2008 04:41:11 * Rambling Scribe quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:41:40 ‹Samwise› Jason>as i said, i know my preference, and i know others do not share it, i would just like the rules to be definite, even if it is not how i want them :)
26/03/2008 04:41:41 ‹Charles Evans› Flight by (su.) or (Sp.) means is trying to control/maneuver via a spell (unless the spell is a transmutation one which grows you wings)
26/03/2008 04:41:48 ‹Daigle› Presence, sorry for stressing your servers.
26/03/2008 04:41:51 ‹Daigle› ;)
26/03/2008 04:41:58 ‹Mothman› Presence, why is the lag so bad in this room? Due to number of users?
26/03/2008 04:41:59 ‹Fake Healer› When is the next Alpha update dropping?
26/03/2008 04:42:00 ‹Takasi› I don't like the power creep
26/03/2008 04:42:07 ‹Charles Evans› Erik: Ah. If complexity is what you're worrying about... *sigh*
26/03/2008 04:42:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: You and I both know that is chasing one's own tail.. you can get a hold, but you can't keep it. We'll make it as tight as we can
26/03/2008 04:42:54 ‹Samwise› heh
26/03/2008 04:42:54 ‹Lilith› Presence: I'm looking at the software to try and see if there's anything to jigger with on my end...
26/03/2008 04:42:55 ‹Russ› I dunno. A lot of the feats are depowered.
26/03/2008 04:43:01 ‹Charles Evans› Erik: I like things to make sense too much and to be logical to me, too much of the time, I think.
26/03/2008 04:43:05 ‹Samwise› yes, some rules are like that
26/03/2008 04:43:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake: there should be a development notes update tomorrow I think (although I have the text of it right here if there are more questions), but the next major update will be as soon as we can finish it
26/03/2008 04:43:12 ‹Russ› I think these core classes fit better with the "revised" WotC power level in the splatbooks
26/03/2008 04:43:24 ‹Samwise› they are just a pain waiting to have some way of misinterpreting it
26/03/2008 04:43:32 ‹Charles Evans› Fortunately, for the world, I suspect I am in a minority....
26/03/2008 04:43:52 ‹Samwise› then again, i still favor old style wargaming rules, everything numbered in cases and subcases :P
26/03/2008 04:43:58 * Absinth joins Main
26/03/2008 04:44:03 ‹Russ› Rules are best read with an eye towards spirit, trying to hairsplit semantics leads to getting the rules wrong
26/03/2008 04:44:06 ‹Daigle› Jason, will other classes come out in the next major update?
26/03/2008 04:44:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ: It did sort of come out that way, but the real focus was just to even them up with pclasses... i really did want to make that more of a choice, and less of an automatic decision because pclasses were so much better in many cases
26/03/2008 04:44:26 ‹Presence› Oh wow, found one thing I want to change with phpFreeChat: I'm going to increase the "refresh time" from 1 second to 3 seconds.
26/03/2008 04:44:28 ‹Samwise› i soooooooooooo want to see movement written "Characters may not save movement from round to round, or transfer movement between characters."
26/03/2008 04:44:39 ‹Presence› I know its not as great, but really, we gotta start somewhere.
26/03/2008 04:44:40 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Daigle.. yes, check the last page of release 1
26/03/2008 04:44:40 * Russ may have mentioned earlier he is playing around with doing a new barbarian
26/03/2008 04:44:49 ‹Russ› I wouldn't mind seeing NO prestige classes.
26/03/2008 04:44:50 ‹Charles Evans› Jason: Did you see my suggestion that the spell Permanency be replaced with a Feat (maybe bonus for some spell-casters) Craft permanent spell
26/03/2008 04:44:51 ‹Takasi› that's a good point Russ, but I'm just worried that it will make what I remember as classic 3.5 something that's no longer really supported by Paizo
26/03/2008 04:44:55 ‹Absinth› Morning...*rubs eyes*
26/03/2008 04:45:04 ‹Fake Healer› What, in general, does the development notes entail? Are they just outlines of changes or the changes themselves?
26/03/2008 04:45:14 ‹Russ› I'm also in favor of eliminating stacking of the 1st level +2 save bonus
26/03/2008 04:45:19 ‹Pygon› hi Abs
26/03/2008 04:45:32 ‹Daigle› Howdy Absinth
26/03/2008 04:45:42 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake: They are changes to the text as it currently stands. The text document will be updated to reflect these changes
26/03/2008 04:46:13 ‹Presence› Lilith, I'm also going to look into memcached or eaccellerator.
26/03/2008 04:46:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› In otherwords, the document will be posted as release 1.1 and there will be a 4 page pdf summarizing the changes
26/03/2008 04:46:33 ‹Samwise› Russ>actually . . . someone on the WotC boards was kvetching about PFRPG not being compatible with all splatbook classes, and said they were getting too many cool abilities at higher levels so no one would want to take a prestige class
26/03/2008 04:46:34 ‹Takasi› as an example, think about how much you'd have to tweak old adventures if multiclassed characters don't get the +2 save stacking
26/03/2008 04:46:36 ‹Joseph› I'm hoping to see an option for Barbarians to gain an amount of Fast Healing while in rage. I liked that idea a bit better than the flat DR...especially if the Pathfinder fighter is going to be getting DR.
26/03/2008 04:47:11 ‹Absinth› Ahh, what warm greetings. You guys rock! Brr, it's snowing again...
26/03/2008 04:47:18 ‹Fake Healer› I can download just the 4 pager then to check out the changes.....good.
26/03/2008 04:47:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi: I think that a +2 to one stat is something you could easily ignore for ease of conversion
26/03/2008 04:47:23 ‹Russ› Takasi - not really. It doesn't matter too much if a stat block has somewhat higher saves. But it makes for a better balanced game for anything newly designed.
26/03/2008 04:47:40 ‹Samwise› Jason>i think he intended that as a negative about the new class abilities ;)
26/03/2008 04:47:42 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Joseph: I think you are going to be real happy with the barbarian patches
26/03/2008 04:47:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake: yes you can
26/03/2008 04:48:01 ‹Russ› I'd like barbs to get a bonus to hit , damage and saves and temp hps instead of stat changes.
26/03/2008 04:48:11 ‹Russ› It woldn't be a BAD thing for barbs to no longer keel over dead when rage ends.
26/03/2008 04:48:29 ‹Balthaczar› i like that russ
26/03/2008 04:48:31 ‹Pygon› makes sense
26/03/2008 04:48:34 ‹Joseph› Dangit. Now you're not only publishing things I had no idea I liked, but may be publishing ideas I wanted to do myself but didn't know how?
26/03/2008 04:48:40 ‹Lilith› Presence: Memcache would be cool.
26/03/2008 04:48:59 ‹Joseph› For crying out loud Jason, I have car payments to make! I can't keep giving you people all my money.
26/03/2008 04:49:02 ‹Charles Evans› Since Item Creation feats eat XP, it occured to me that making permanent spells could be a creation feat...
26/03/2008 04:49:03 ‹Absinth› Jason, did you thought about bringing back Concentration? To better include Psionics sometimes f.e.?
26/03/2008 04:49:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Josheph: I am in your hed steelin ur ideaz
26/03/2008 04:49:30 ‹Balthaczar› any new things that will use the d12 my fav dice?
26/03/2008 04:49:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth: not at the moment.. but I am keeping it in mind. I do not think Concentration is coming back.
26/03/2008 04:49:46 ‹Russ› Your d12 cries itself to sleep.
26/03/2008 04:49:56 ‹Balthaczar› ahhhh
26/03/2008 04:49:58 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Balthaczar: Not yet... it is still cold and lonely.
26/03/2008 04:50:02 ‹Balthaczar› with my d30
26/03/2008 04:50:15 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I will try to put a d12 chart in somewhere in the book though, just for you... :-)
26/03/2008 04:50:27 ‹Takasi› Russ, it will matter to people who DON'T pick up the PFRPG
26/03/2008 04:50:29 ‹Absinth› Any ideas how you'll pull this off then?
26/03/2008 04:50:44 ‹Balthaczar› hotdamn
26/03/2008 04:50:50 ‹Samwise› henceforth all spells that use d6's shall use half that number of d12s!
26/03/2008 04:50:52 ‹Charles Evans› Jason Buhlman: What does the fighter climbing a rckface use to try to hang on when the flying creature peppers him wth arrows then, if concentration is gone? Are more climb checks called for?
26/03/2008 04:50:55 ‹Takasi› you want to be able to sell modules to people who just have the 3.5 core books
26/03/2008 04:51:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth: A lot of work
26/03/2008 04:51:19 ‹Takasi› and if a PF module numbers just don't seem to add up without PFRPG, I know a few DM who will be passing on it
26/03/2008 04:51:21 ‹Absinth› I mean, there have to be a way to make psionics work, they're in the SRD...
26/03/2008 04:51:22 ‹Russ› rolling conc into spellcraft makes good sense to me.
26/03/2008 04:51:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Charles: Climb indeed.
26/03/2008 04:51:50 ‹Takasi› a lot of players in our group still want to play 3.5, but we have a lot of old modules to play, and I'm sure future publishers will publish more original 3.5 support
26/03/2008 04:52:30 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth: for now, I would suggest that you keep it for psionic characters... I have not delved into those rules deep enough to give an answer just yet
26/03/2008 04:52:33 ‹Russ› I'm willing to bet you could come up with a 6-page "using PF adventures in 3.5" documents
26/03/2008 04:52:54 ‹Takasi› are you going to put that in every adventure module?
26/03/2008 04:52:56 ‹Absinth› Takasi, now after the release of the Alpha and the announcement, I doubt that.
26/03/2008 04:53:00 ‹Charles Evans› Hmmm The thought has occured to me several times that concentraqtion may have only been in 3rd edition because it presented an opportunity, in theory, for a skill which had constitution as a prime requisite.
26/03/2008 04:53:17 ‹Pygon› or a free PDF download.
26/03/2008 04:53:22 ‹Russ› I think a "fixed" 3rd has a better chance at holding a tithe of the 4thE share
26/03/2008 04:53:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Charles: I kinda think so too.. which is not really needed. Con is important enough
26/03/2008 04:53:39 ‹Takasi› Absinth, publishers will be making classic 3.5 stuff for years, and there are literally thousands of books to support it
26/03/2008 04:53:42 ‹Joseph› This is where I do a random shameless fanboy plug...if you're looking to support psionics sometime in the Pathfinder RPG's future, but don't have the time/resources to do it yourself, I suggest trying some liscencing thing with Dreamscarred Press. They love psionics, and it's good material for those of us who are psionics fans.
26/03/2008 04:53:50 ‹Charles Evans› Fortitude saves & HP you mean?:)
26/03/2008 04:54:02 ‹Erik Mona› Takasi> We are aiming for as close conversion as possible.
26/03/2008 04:54:02 ‹Absinth› I never understood why concentration was linked to constitution...
26/03/2008 04:54:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Joseph: this has been mentioned to me a number of times, but a number of different people. I will certainly keep it in mind.
26/03/2008 04:54:21 ‹Fake Healer› Tak-3.5 has experienced a ton of power-creep. If you only use core then you probably don't notice it much. A core monster in my campaigns usually has to be at least 2CR higher than usual and still gets bowled over by the PCs.
26/03/2008 04:54:33 ‹Erik Mona› Joseph> They have contacted me already. We will see what happens.
26/03/2008 04:54:46 ‹Presence› I'm installing eAccelerator now, I will restart web services in a few minutes.
26/03/2008 04:54:49 ‹Charles Evans› Excuse me: I have to reload again.
26/03/2008 04:54:50 ‹Joseph› Sorry to sound like a broken record if you've been hearing it a lot. I'm just a fan.
26/03/2008 04:54:58 ‹Presence› should help our lag a bit. :)
26/03/2008 04:55:01 ‹Pygon› thanks Presence
26/03/2008 04:55:07 ‹Presence› My pleasure! :)
26/03/2008 04:55:09 ‹Erik Mona› What would be the problem with giving psions a class exclusive skill for finesse use of their powers?
26/03/2008 04:55:15 ‹Balthaczar› we have mixed classes from noncore the newer stuff is stronger
26/03/2008 04:55:17 ‹Lilith› Presence: AWESOME! :headbang:
26/03/2008 04:55:21 * Takasi changes his/her nickname to Takasi playing Burning Sky
26/03/2008 04:55:30 ‹Absinth› Wow, the Dreamscarred-option sounds exciting. Thanks for even considering it, guys.
26/03/2008 04:55:38 ‹Mothman› Fake Healer: agreed - I dont see playing a PFRPG adventure using core only to different to playing a "splat books" adventure using core only
26/03/2008 04:55:41 ‹Russ› Oh, on that hp issue: I like the addition of an extra racial hp bump quite a bit. I do think first levels need 1.5X to 2X the hp.
26/03/2008 04:55:54 * Charles Evans quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 04:55:54 ‹Erik Mona› I am not a big psionics guy, I admit.
26/03/2008 04:56:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Joseph: no problem....
26/03/2008 04:56:22 ‹Presence› Lilith: in theory, eAccelerator will compile the .php scripts and keep 'em in shared memory, so each 1-second AJAX page refresh php load won't have to "compile" the script each time.
26/03/2008 04:56:30 ‹Fake Healer› Exactly Moth. It is real
26/03/2008 04:56:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Erik: there would be no problem with that at all
26/03/2008 04:56:44 ‹Presence› reduce server load, decrease lag.
26/03/2008 04:56:53 ‹Lilith› Presence: Fabulous. :D
26/03/2008 04:56:57 ‹Fake Healer› ly easy to tone down an adventure by a small amount.
26/03/2008 04:56:59 ‹Mothman› Fake: or vice-versa for that matter
26/03/2008 04:56:59 ‹Balthaczar› i didnt mean bad strong just slightly stronger
26/03/2008 04:57:06 ‹Presence› Its just one part of many that needs adjusting. :)
26/03/2008 04:57:08 ‹Samwise› Jason>i disagree, the problem with it is that it flies in the face of the "magic = psionics" default concept
26/03/2008 04:57:15 * Russ hasn't cared for psionics since it made an unwelcome appearance in L1 and L2
26/03/2008 04:57:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Sam: this is true...
26/03/2008 04:57:26 ‹Samwise› the same way "use psionic device" should not exist
26/03/2008 04:57:29 ‹Absinth› A new class-skill for psions etc. would be nice, but this is an even bigger change than keeping a known skill that can be used by other classes as well. I thought it should be as backward compatible as possible....
26/03/2008 04:57:37 ‹Erik Mona› Is the lag slain>?
26/03/2008 04:57:46 ‹Russ› Isn't there a psionic Spellcraft?
26/03/2008 04:57:50 ‹Samwise› or why i find the distinction between spellcraft and psicraft to be rather specious
26/03/2008 04:57:57 ‹Hill Giant› Psicraft
26/03/2008 04:57:57 ‹Russ› Psicraft :P
26/03/2008 04:57:59 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Truth be told, I am more concerned about the core system right now. So while I do not want to make a system that is incompatible with the way psionics work, I have to take care of its needs first
26/03/2008 04:58:00 * Turin the Mad joins Main
26/03/2008 04:58:12 ‹Fake Healer› anyway it is 1am here on the east coast, and Fakey needs to sleep.
26/03/2008 04:58:16 * Gemma joins Main
26/03/2008 04:58:18 ‹Lilith› Russ: Psicraft
26/03/2008 04:58:27 ‹Samwise› mind you, it was obviously thought reasonable, but it just seems to scream "nonsense" when the same spellcraft lets a wizard know every cleric spell
26/03/2008 04:58:32 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: We're attempting to slay that wily beast
26/03/2008 04:58:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Psicraft would be the place to put it...
26/03/2008 04:58:41 ‹Erik Mona› Absinth> I am mostly just thinking out loud. I am not an expert with the psionics rules.
26/03/2008 04:58:50 ‹Samwise› but someone he is unable to know what a psionic power is even though the two are "transparent"
26/03/2008 04:58:58 ‹Fray› Jason What about classes that have Concentration for their class abilites already? (Kensai, Swordsage)
26/03/2008 04:59:06 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: :glomp:
26/03/2008 04:59:16 ‹Fake Healer› G'night all!
26/03/2008 04:59:19 ‹Russ› Neither one is Core...
26/03/2008 04:59:28 ‹Balthaczar› night
26/03/2008 04:59:35 ‹Samwise› also, having used psionics in my games, i think people really should just accept that especially with 3.5 psionics . . .
26/03/2008 04:59:36 ‹Russ› I think PF RPG has to just not worry about breaking non-OGL'd material
26/03/2008 04:59:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray: they would probably get Spellcraft.. but since neither is core, I have not paid too much attention to that issue
26/03/2008 04:59:49 ‹Samwise› all psionics really is - is a spell point system
26/03/2008 04:59:51 ‹Samwise› plain and simple
26/03/2008 04:59:55 ‹Presence› Lilith: pleased to be visiting http://xpc.irev.net/www
26/03/2008 04:59:57 ‹Mothman› see you FH
26/03/2008 05:00:06 ‹Hill Giant› Several martial classes get Concentrate for no particualr reason
26/03/2008 05:00:13 ‹Presence› Lilith: and get a dig at the "pages viewed"
26/03/2008 05:00:15 ‹Samwise› the psi-powers are about 75% spells
26/03/2008 05:00:20 ‹Hill Giant› monks are core
26/03/2008 05:00:35 ‹Russ› It annoys me how high a percentage of prestige classes get Spot, Listen and Knowledge (all)
26/03/2008 05:00:42 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hill Giant: bah.. monks don't count :-)
26/03/2008 05:00:49 ‹Joseph› On the psionics skill note: I'm also a fan of the Autohypnosis skill. Terrible name, neat skill. It might be able to substitute as the skill Psionics uses...if you ever get that far.
26/03/2008 05:00:52 ‹Samwise› and 25% spells with innate tiering (so that mage armor and greater mage armor are one psionic power that can be made better by "casting" it as a higher level "spell";)
26/03/2008 05:00:54 ‹Karelzarath› 3m pageviews? Yow!
26/03/2008 05:00:57 ‹Samwise› and thats my psionics rant
26/03/2008 05:00:59 * Gemma quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:01:04 * Fake Healer quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:01:12 ‹Fray› Jason ok, but Spellcraft really doesn't work for those two examples... They are not spell using calsses at all. Maybe change the name of spellcraft to better fit it's role... (just throwing that out there)
26/03/2008 05:01:25 ‹Presence› 3 million .php script loads in the last 7 days.
26/03/2008 05:01:28 ‹Presence› hahaha
26/03/2008 05:01:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Alright.. my time here draws short tonight...
26/03/2008 05:01:43 ‹Lilith› Presence: :lol: Oh my! :D
26/03/2008 05:01:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray: I agree, but its hardly a wide spread issue...
26/03/2008 05:01:51 ‹Hill Giant› Those classes only got Concentrate because it was called Concentrate and not spellcraft
26/03/2008 05:01:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Last questions?
26/03/2008 05:02:07 ‹Karelzarath› Jason Bulmahn: Favorite beer?
26/03/2008 05:02:12 ‹Turin the Mad› long convo-chat tonight
26/03/2008 05:02:12 ‹Pygon› thanks much Jason - I'll be waiting to grab the update tomorrow!
26/03/2008 05:02:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Glad to hear it.
26/03/2008 05:02:23 ‹Saracenus› Night people...
26/03/2008 05:02:24 ‹Hill Giant› Any questions for us?
26/03/2008 05:02:25 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: :thug: Not at this time...:(
05:02:36 ‹Samwise› Fray>then define "ki" as a "magic" source, and just have "magiccraft" that identifies arcane, divine, psionic, and ki powers :)
26/03/2008 05:02:37 ‹Daigle› Thanks for all your work and time Jason! Have a good night.
26/03/2008 05:02:39 ‹Fray› Jason true dat, but still compatibility with the 3.5 materials...
26/03/2008 05:02:42 ‹Saracenus› Lilith, I hope you and presence get the lag issue taken care of
26/03/2008 05:02:43 ‹Balthaczar› night jason.sar
26/03/2008 05:02:45 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Very Well Lilith... very well
26/03/2008 05:02:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› No problem Daigle
26/03/2008 05:03:01 ‹Russ› Night Bryan! Sorry I haven't picked up messages yet :)
26/03/2008 05:03:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fray: I hear ya.. I will keep that one in mind.. stupid skills.. giving me a fit.. must fix.. must fix... urrgggg
26/03/2008 05:03:12 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: Any report on German Translations f Pathfinder?
26/03/2008 05:03:16 ‹Saracenus› Night Russ, no prob
26/03/2008 05:03:22 ‹Russ› Nope, I'll have more feedback once Gamestorm is past
26/03/2008 05:03:24 ‹Fray› Samwise :yucky: :pissed::fishslap:.
26/03/2008 05:03:24 ‹Absinth› Thanks for the insights, Jason. Is the task of writing the new rules more exciting or demanding? Do you have any spare time left?
26/03/2008 05:03:29 ‹Presence› Getting the lag out is my top priority! Next meeting should see this all cleared up!
26/03/2008 05:03:31 ‹Turin the Mad› what kind of tree would you be if you could be a tree ?
26/03/2008 05:03:35 ‹Lilith› Saracenus: Workin' on it! :D
26/03/2008 05:03:40 ‹Joseph› Were you surprised with the reactions the fans gave to the skills "problem"?
26/03/2008 05:03:47 ‹Mothman› See you Jason
26/03/2008 05:03:53 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Absinth: Very exciting.. very very time consuming.. time left over.. well I do get to sleep on occassion
26/03/2008 05:03:57 * Samwise quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:04:00 ‹Fray› Jason you're still doing gawd's WORK :D
26/03/2008 05:04:04 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: I sorry...I promise I'll try and come up with something more interesting...
26/03/2008 05:04:10 ‹Absinth› Thank god for freedom and coffee...
26/03/2008 05:04:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Joseph: Not too terribly surprised...
26/03/2008 05:04:21 ‹Turin the Mad› :zombieglomp:
26/03/2008 05:04:22 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith: You better.. :-P
26/03/2008 05:04:38 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: Or is there any firther news f Christine Sche nider due to be forthcoming?
26/03/2008 05:04:42 * Russ wants to not need to assign skills for NPCs anymore
26/03/2008 05:04:56 ‹Karelzarath› Russ: Fake it.
26/03/2008 05:05:00 * Saracenus quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:05:09 ‹Fray› Yep, Russ... do what Karel said.
26/03/2008 05:05:10 * Mothman quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:05:19 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Neither do I.. but it might be a necessary evil.. but I can guarantee an easier optional version for GMs to use
26/03/2008 05:05:32 ‹Absinth› Yes, Erik, will there be an interview with her like you said in another chat?
26/03/2008 05:05:42 ‹Fray› Hill giant I agree with your COncentration comment... I think it was done that way to not introduce another skill.
26/03/2008 05:05:49 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Alright.. night everybody.. see you next week
26/03/2008 05:05:53 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: I'll save up my questions and dump them on you at PaizoCon or something.
26/03/2008 05:05:55 ‹Charles Evans› Fray/Karelzarath: If 'fake it' why bother to buy any products as a DM anyway, except maybe for modules?
26/03/2008 05:05:57 ‹Fray› Night JB
26/03/2008 05:05:57 ‹Hill Giant› night
26/03/2008 05:06:06 ‹Pygon› bye Jason!
26/03/2008 05:06:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith: Groovy
26/03/2008 05:06:07 ‹Daigle› Good night!
26/03/2008 05:06:09 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight Jason.
26/03/2008 05:06:09 ‹Absinth› Night, Jason, keep up the fantastic work!
26/03/2008 05:06:20 ‹Turin the Mad› nn
26/03/2008 05:06:21 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night.. thanks Absinth.. I'll try
26/03/2008 05:06:41 ‹Fray› CE Some NPC's are not worth the effort of that much detail... fake it and move on to the more important stuff I say.
26/03/2008 05:06:45 ‹Russ› Fake it might fly for a home game. Not for publication.
05:07:04 ‹Fray› Russ true Dat
26/03/2008 05:07:05 ‹Russ› And 3.5E is too much of a fiddly mess on stat blocks when you're doing publishable work.
26/03/2008 05:07:16 ‹Fray› Hey no more lag since Jason left!
05:07:32 * Jason Bulmahn quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:07:45 ‹Samwise› Fray>it might be yucky, but it cuts to the root of the issue, if it needs a prettier name, thats for someone else to come up with ;)
26/03/2008 05:07:50 ‹Hill Giant› Skills are a great way to give an NPC personality, but they're a pain in the ass to assign
26/03/2008 05:07:51 ‹Absinth› A quick question to the room: I guess Kenku are propably not OGL, but does any of you know if they're from mythology? I think I remember something like this...
26/03/2008 05:08:06 ‹Erik Mona› Charles> No German news. I will be interviewing Christine soon, but other things have gotten in the way lately.
26/03/2008 05:08:19 ‹Lilith› Absinth: Kenku/Tengu are from Japanese mythology
26/03/2008 05:08:21 ‹Samwise› kenku are japanese mythology
26/03/2008 05:08:21 ‹Hill Giant› It's been suggested that Kenku is a varient of Tengu
26/03/2008 05:08:28 ‹Samwise› damned lag . . .
26/03/2008 05:08:30 ‹Fray› HG yeah, I get stumped trying to make NPC's not like that other NPC all the time...
26/03/2008 05:08:47 ‹Erik Mona› Speaking of Paizocon, is there a website for it?
26/03/2008 05:09:01 ‹Fray› just the Meetup site
26/03/2008 05:09:03 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: yes! http://www.paizocon.com/
26/03/2008 05:09:05 ‹Erik Mona› Kenku are from asian mythology.
26/03/2008 05:09:09 ‹Fray› (AFAIK)
26/03/2008 05:09:15 ‹Lilith› which is the meetup site...
26/03/2008 05:09:19 ‹Absinth› Cool, so it wouldn't violate any copyright issues if I come up with my own Kenku-variant for PFRPG?
26/03/2008 05:09:24 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: This one was really for James Jacobs, but you might be interested also, the Werecabbage, Dryder mentioned to me that a German company has been producin readings (in Garman) of HP Lovecraft....
26/03/2008 05:09:31 ‹Daigle› Assigning skill points isn't the biggest error in NPC statblocks. Most of the time it is synergy bonuses and other random modifiers that get left out.
26/03/2008 05:09:37 ‹Russ› I had that impression on kenku too, though I am having trouble sourcing it
26/03/2008 05:09:45 ‹Erik Mona› Monte had a cool bird-man race in his campaign. I think they were called the Harrod.
26/03/2008 05:09:48 ‹Charles Evans› (G(e)rman, even)
26/03/2008 05:09:49 ‹Russ› I'll be at Paizocon. And if anyone wants me to run a game, I'm up for it.
26/03/2008 05:10:10 * Lilith is making a prize for PaizoCon. :)
26/03/2008 05:10:29 * Fray can'tmake paizocon and is sad
26/03/2008 05:10:36 * Daigle can't either
26/03/2008 05:10:38 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: Would Paizo be interested in contacing Dryder for further details of that... Maybe for marketing the tiems to German spekaers, or looking at English translations?
26/03/2008 05:10:48 ‹Fray› Can we have a PaizoCon South? :D
26/03/2008 05:10:50 ‹Samwise› Daigle>we have nice hidden text to help with that for LG review
26/03/2008 05:10:51 ‹Russ› Ah, kenku and tengu
26/03/2008 05:10:58 ‹Russ› Er are tengu
26/03/2008 05:11:00 ‹Samwise› of course, then the authors do not use it properly . . .
26/03/2008 05:11:22 ‹Hill Giant› Can we have a PaizoCon WAY South?
26/03/2008 05:11:25 ‹Daigle› Fray, I vote for Austin Texas ;)
26/03/2008 05:11:31 ‹Absinth› I don't understand how the german HPL recordings are in any way connected to a possible german translation of the PFRPG?
26/03/2008 05:11:38 ‹Erik Mona› Nice.
26/03/2008 05:11:38 * Samwise spent 15 hours correcting stat blocks recently
26/03/2008 05:11:47 ‹Erik Mona› I will be back from Gama Trade Show.
26/03/2008 05:11:52 ‹Lilith› Samwise: Yuck...:(
26/03/2008 05:11:50 ‹Samwise› i could have written originals faster
26/03/2008 05:11:53 ‹Turin the Mad› similar interests of readership I suspect Absinth
26/03/2008 05:11:53 ‹Charles Evans› I was assured by Dryder that the readings are by the actor who provides a screen voice for Johnny Depp for the German market.
26/03/2008 05:12:03 ‹Fray› thanks to the paizo crew for hanging with us tonight.
26/03/2008 05:12:08 ‹Fray› When is GAMA?
26/03/2008 05:12:11 * Crimson Jester joins Main
26/03/2008 05:12:12 ‹Erik Mona› But it is also my girlfriend's birthday weekend, so I will probably only be a partial attendee.
26/03/2008 05:12:16 ‹Samwise› Lilith>to be clear, that was for ONE adventure
26/03/2008 05:12:17 ‹Charles Evans› Absinth: Dryder asked me to mention this at the next PF chat.
26/03/2008 05:12:22 ‹Daigle› April 19th-ish
26/03/2008 05:12:23 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Yes, that's why we scheduled PaizoCon for that day. We were trying for the same time frame as when Pathfinder was announced. :)
26/03/2008 05:12:34 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Ook! Don't wanna miss that one.
26/03/2008 05:12:35 ‹Daigle› Howdy Crimson Jester!
26/03/2008 05:12:37 ‹Erik Mona› Charles> Maybe as something to sell in the web store, I guess.
26/03/2008 05:12:38 ‹Absinth› Yes, I was in the room as he requested that...
26/03/2008 05:12:43 ‹Crimson Jester› Hey Daigle
26/03/2008 05:12:44 ‹Lilith› Samwise: Blargh!
26/03/2008 05:12:48 ‹Charles Evans› Absinth: The query over German translations of PF, jogged my memory.
26/03/2008 05:12:51 ‹Russ› Samwise> and yet people deny stat blocks are fiddly :)
26/03/2008 05:13:15 ‹Erik Mona› Gama is the previous week.
05:13:26 ‹Samwise› Russ>the problem was, if there was something to do wrong, they did it
26/03/2008 05:13:29 ‹Absinth› Hi Crimson Jester, haven't seen you in here for quite some time. How are you?
26/03/2008 05:13:30 ‹Charles Evans› Crimson Jester: How's Married life treating you?
26/03/2008 05:13:36 * Lilith quit
26/03/2008 05:13:39 * Lilith joins Main
26/03/2008 05:13:47 ‹Samwise› in terms of formatting
26/03/2008 05:13:56 * Lilith quit
26/03/2008 05:14:00 ‹Samwise› the calculations were all correct, but nothing was where it was supposed to be
26/03/2008 05:14:12 * Lilith joins Main
26/03/2008 05:14:20 ‹Turin the Mad› nn all
26/03/2008 05:14:23 ‹Crimson Jester› Married life is great and other then a horrible sinus infection I am getting by quite well thank you both for asking
26/03/2008 05:14:31 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: Well i can now report to Dryder that I have mentioned it to you, and if you need further details, Lilith has contact info, since she is a fellow werecabbage....
26/03/2008 05:14:35 ‹Samwise› i use that template for my home game, i put together stat blocks with no real problem, its correcting bad ones that is the killer
26/03/2008 05:14:41 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Turin!
26/03/2008 05:14:43 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight Turin.
26/03/2008 05:14:44 ‹Lilith› Night Turin the Mad!
26/03/2008 05:14:48 * Mothman quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:14:51 ‹Absinth› Nite, Turin
26/03/2008 05:15:28 ‹Charles Evans› Crimson Jester: How was the honeymoon, or is that still to come?
26/03/2008 05:15:35 * Turin the Mad quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:15:43 ‹Fray› Gama April 20-24...
26/03/2008 05:15:49 ‹Crimson Jester› still to come Playa del Carmen in May
26/03/2008 05:15:55 ‹Absinth› Eric Mona: Any decisions regarding a possible MM for the PFRPG yet? I think something like this has to be done in one way or another...
26/03/2008 05:16:32 ‹Charles Evans› Crimson Jester: My US geography isn't too good... Is that Florida?
26/03/2008 05:16:55 ‹Crimson Jester› Mexico, I won a trip at work all expense paid :)
26/03/2008 05:17:01 ‹Pygon› nice
26/03/2008 05:17:05 ‹Absinth› Crimson Jester, you married? Now I understand why I haven't met you in here...:D Congratulations and best wishes!
26/03/2008 05:17:06 ‹Charles Evans› :!:
26/03/2008 05:17:25 ‹Charles Evans› Mexico!
26/03/2008 05:17:32 ‹Lilith› Crimson Jester: WIN! :dance2:
26/03/2008 05:17:33 * Mothman quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:17:34 ‹Crimson Jester› Thank you, yes and my schedule at work changed to
26/03/2008 05:17:53 ‹Charles Evans› I hope you both enjoy that very much then.
26/03/2008 05:18:14 ‹Crimson Jester› yeah it was touch and go for awhile because I couldnt find my birth certificate for the passport but all of that is taken care of now
26/03/2008 05:18:24 ‹Fray› CJ COngrats!
26/03/2008 05:18:39 * Blazej is Dead to the World changes his/her nickname to Blazej
26/03/2008 05:18:41 ‹Erik Mona› Absinth> I agree that it is the next logical "big book" to do.
26/03/2008 05:18:42 ‹Fray› y'all have a good night... i'm out
26/03/2008 05:18:54 ‹Blazej is Dead to the World› Night Fray.
26/03/2008 05:19:00 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight Fray
26/03/2008 05:19:03 ‹Crimson Jester› yeah I never win anything and the pic of me with the giant plane ticket , well lets just say I look dumbfounded to say the least
26/03/2008 05:19:11 ‹Crimson Jester› Night Fray
26/03/2008 05:19:13 ‹Charles Evans› :lol:
26/03/2008 05:19:17 ‹Russ› :)
26/03/2008 05:19:28 ‹Russ› congrats!
26/03/2008 05:19:35 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: Right after "Gods & Magic." :P
26/03/2008 05:19:40 ‹Absinth› Erik Mona, please include illustrations by the guy that did the monsters for PF #6. He's awesome! So awesome that I can't even remember his name!
26/03/2008 05:19:47 * Fray quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:19:48 ‹Crimson Jester› Lotsa Cabages tonight I see
26/03/2008 05:20:03 * Crimson Jester looks around for a food processor
26/03/2008 05:20:13 * Daigle hides.
26/03/2008 05:20:18 ‹Lilith› Ack!
26/03/2008 05:20:20 * Lilith hides.
26/03/2008 05:20:26 * Joseph gets the brats
26/03/2008 05:20:29 ‹Erik Mona› Gods & Magic is not really a "big" book.
26/03/2008 05:20:31 * Lilith casts net of shadows.
26/03/2008 05:20:35 ‹Daigle› No one here but us lettuces.
26/03/2008 05:20:45 ‹Lilith› Erik Mona: "Big" in the sense of its importance to the setting. :)
26/03/2008 05:20:47 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: Are you keeping up with the debate on WotC regarding Paizo's decision?
26/03/2008 05:20:49 ‹Erik Mona› Was that Kev Crossley?
26/03/2008 05:21:01 * Blazej is Dead to the World changes his/her nickname to Blazej not Dead to World
26/03/2008 05:21:13 ‹Blazej is Dead to the World› Darn it.
26/03/2008 05:21:26 ‹Absinth› Cool, CJ, sounds great...Normally I never win anything too, so that gives me hope...
26/03/2008 05:21:27 ‹Crimson Jester› ??
26/03/2008 05:21:36 ‹Joseph› You'll always be dead to me.
26/03/2008 05:21:48 ‹Blazej is Dead to the World› :zombie:
26/03/2008 05:22:00 ‹Crimson Jester› I keep saying if I win the lottery my luck is I will wash the ticket in my laundry
26/03/2008 05:22:04 * Mothman joins Main
26/03/2008 05:22:07 ‹Russ› Assuming Erik is still paying attention, where there any other name changes besides Balakard and Manzorian?
26/03/2008 05:22:13 ‹Absinth› Daigle, was that a quote from Garfield? :D
26/03/2008 05:22:43 ‹Daigle› Absolutely not
26/03/2008 05:22:50 ‹Daigle› :)
26/03/2008 05:22:59 ‹Absinth› :D
26/03/2008 05:23:00 ‹Russ› (in Age of Worms, that is)
26/03/2008 05:23:21 ‹Absinth› Who was Balakard supposed to be?
26/03/2008 05:23:35 ‹Erik Mona› Charles> I have been avidly following that thread.
26/03/2008 05:23:37 ‹Russ› Bucknard of the Everfull Purse
26/03/2008 05:23:39 ‹Mothman› Whats up Blazej - why are you dead?
26/03/2008 05:23:46 ‹Erik Mona› Russ> No.
26/03/2008 05:23:57 ‹Erik Mona› Well, "The Free City" = Greyhawk.
26/03/2008 05:24:02 ‹Russ› Missed that the red dragon was our friend from G3 :)
26/03/2008 05:24:09 ‹Erik Mona› Balakarde was Bucknard.
26/03/2008 05:24:34 ‹Erik Mona› Manzorian is ripped off from Mazirian the Magician, the first story in Jack Vance's "The Dying Earth".
26/03/2008 05:24:48 ‹Charles Evans› Erik Mona: I followed to about page 10, where Titanium Dragon seemed to be taking on all comers, and then some weird legal jargon arguements started... It reminded me a little bit of Sebastian in full cry some of the time on the aizo boards....:)
26/03/2008 05:25:06 ‹Absinth› Cool, I always wondered if these were connected in terms of inspiration...:)
26/03/2008 05:25:14 ‹Charles Evans› (P)aizo
26/03/2008 05:25:22 ‹Erik Mona› I believe Greg Vaughan is responsible for Brazmaal (or whatever his name is).
26/03/2008 05:25:24 ‹Mothman› Charles: Is that a thread on Gleemax you're talking about?
26/03/2008 05:25:32 ‹Charles Evans› Mothman: Yes.
26/03/2008 05:25:35 ‹Lilith› Brazzemal
26/03/2008 05:25:42 ‹Russ› The Burning.
26/03/2008 05:26:06 ‹Russ› who will be using righteous might :)
26/03/2008 05:26:09 ‹Pygon› my turn to bow out. good night all, thanks Erik!
26/03/2008 05:26:09 ‹Balthaczar› how do i change my name, is it /nick then what i want
26/03/2008 05:26:15 ‹Lilith› Balthaczar: Yes
26/03/2008 05:26:26 * Balthaczar changes his/her nickname to paul
26/03/2008 05:26:30 ‹Balthaczar› huh
26/03/2008 05:26:34 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Pygon
26/03/2008 05:26:35 ‹Balthaczar› easy peesy
26/03/2008 05:26:40 ‹Balthaczar› night pygon
26/03/2008 05:26:45 * Pygon quit
26/03/2008 05:26:46 * Pygon joins Main
26/03/2008 05:27:01 ‹Lilith› Balthaczar: Normally that works, but if there's lag going on, there might be a delay
26/03/2008 05:26:58 ‹Blazej is Dead to the World› Mothman, I just got Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
26/03/2008 05:27:01 ‹Balthaczar› maybe Balthapaul
26/03/2008 05:27:14 ‹Russ› I'll miss small dragons in 4thE.
26/03/2008 05:27:23 ‹Russ› They've been with us since nearly the beginning.
26/03/2008 05:27:24 * Balthaczar changes his/her nickname to Balthapaul
26/03/2008 05:27:26 ‹Blazej is Dead to the World› It looks like it had a bigger effect on me than I thought.
26/03/2008 05:27:41 ‹Balthaczar› ok i am done with thank Lilith
26/03/2008 05:27:55 * Pygon quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:27:57 ‹Absinth› I think Greg is a great designer who deserves some praise. There's the whole hype on Nick going on (not that he doesn't deserve it, of course!), but I think that Greg is an equally good (and sometimes even better) writer. PF #6 was awesome and it kinda exploded with cool ideas. Same for his parts of AoW and ST.
26/03/2008 05:28:01 ‹Samwise› Titanium Dragon is a symptom of why i can no longer mention the wotc forums on the paizo message boards
26/03/2008 05:28:03 ‹Erik Mona› There are no small dragons in 4e?
26/03/2008 05:28:03 ‹Mothman› Blazej: Is that the one you were worried about picking up spoilers a few weeks / months ago?
26/03/2008 05:28:08 * Timitius joins Main
26/03/2008 05:28:13 ‹Blazej is Dead to the World› Mothman, Yes.
26/03/2008 05:28:21 ‹Lilith› Absinth: Greg is a very cool guy. Very nice gentleman.
26/03/2008 05:28:22 ‹Erik Mona› Or metallic dragons, from what I understand. But I am sure those are coming in MM2 or whatever.
26/03/2008 05:28:22 ‹Daigle› Howdy Tim!
26/03/2008 05:28:24 ‹Samwise› i would say too many impolite things about the people running the wotc message boards
26/03/2008 05:28:31 ‹Lilith› TIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEH! :glomp:
26/03/2008 05:28:33 ‹Timitius› Hey Adam!
26/03/2008 05:28:43 ‹Russ› No medium dragons either, they start at large. Because dragons should be impressive.
26/03/2008 05:28:45 ‹Timitius› Lilz!
26/03/2008 05:28:48 ‹Erik Mona› Absinth> I agree.
26/03/2008 05:28:53 ‹Russ› I think the princess in Dragonslayer found the widdle baby dragons pretty tough.
26/03/2008 05:28:58 ‹Mothman› Samwise: Is Titanium Dragon just a poster there, or a moderator or somehting?
26/03/2008 05:29:21 ‹Timitius› Erik: How did Norwescon treat you this year?
26/03/2008 05:29:31 ‹Lilith› And Greg Vaughan is another one of those folks you don't think "Gamer" when you meet him.
26/03/2008 05:29:44 ‹Samwise› Mothman>i think he is just a poster, Arc Tan is a forum lead
26/03/2008 05:29:56 ‹Absinth› Erik Mona, any chance that we'll see RPG Superstar Top 4 writers on future APs. Or aren't they "ready" yet to take on adventures?
26/03/2008 05:30:06 ‹Mothman› Lilith: What to you think when you meet him?
26/03/2008 05:30:13 ‹Russ› How about the top 6. Absinth? :)
26/03/2008 05:30:29 ‹Lilith› Mothman: Have met him. He looks like a soldier out of uniform. :P
26/03/2008 05:30:33 ‹Mothman› Samwise: I think, unfortunately, most boards have their bad posters ... sadly even Paizo
26/03/2008 05:30:37 ‹Samwise› Mothman>the fact that the WizOs edited three of his "replies" to me in a row, yet somehow did not suspend his account, is symptomatic of what is rather obviously a directive not to punish any of the 4E rabid defenders
26/03/2008 05:30:41 ‹Lilith› Mothman: Truth.
26/03/2008 05:30:42 ‹Absinth› Or the Top 6, Russ. Didn't mean to offend you...
26/03/2008 05:30:54 ‹Russ› Wasn't offended. I lost fair and square.
26/03/2008 05:31:15 ‹Samwise› Mothman>several of the people can beneath and below any rational standards
26/03/2008 05:31:19 ‹Mothman› Samwise: Ah ... so its the moderators as much as the poster - or more than
26/03/2008 05:31:32 ‹Absinth› I think you didn't lose. Top 6 is great!
26/03/2008 05:31:50 ‹Samwise› of course, i just reported one otherwise "harmless" poster for promoting pedophilia, but that is yet another symptom
26/03/2008 05:31:56 ‹Blazej is Dead to the World› Bah. It is rare that they ban anyone from what I've seen.
26/03/2008 05:32:00 ‹Russ› I hear the top four are doing something in the world book.
26/03/2008 05:32:33 ‹Erik Mona› Timitius> Norwescon was great! I always have a blast there. And I bought three pulps!
26/03/2008 05:33:02 ‹Mothman› Samwise: someone was promoting pedophilia? I hope they got banned (And are the subject of police investigations)
26/03/2008 05:33:27 ‹Samwise› dunno
26/03/2008 05:33:30 ‹Samwise› i reported the post
26/03/2008 05:33:35 ‹Samwise› i expect the wizos to ignore it
26/03/2008 05:33:42 * Blazej is Dead to the World quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:33:43 * Blazej is Dead to the World quit (timeout)
26/03/2008 05:33:57 * Blazej joins Main
26/03/2008 05:34:05 ‹Timitius› Erik Mona: Sadly I didn't attend this year. Opted to stay home with the kids, and save $ for Hawaii in May. Glad to hear you had a great time!
26/03/2008 05:34:15 ‹Samwise› then its whether i call customer service, or contact the renton police
26/03/2008 05:34:57 ‹Balthaczar› what is organized play like? i have been playing for years but have never done it,,,,pathfinder society was interesting and i was just curious
26/03/2008 05:35:41 ‹Lilith› I'm curious as well - never did the OrgPlay stuff myself either.
26/03/2008 05:35:51 ‹Russ› It's like playing D&D. But a little faster, normally.
05:36:07 ‹Russ› Given the framework, more railroaded than normal.
26/03/2008 05:36:41 ‹Balthaczar› is it fun with strangers or is more fun because of strangers
26/03/2008 05:36:46 ‹Timitius› I did a brief Living City...Raven's Bluff? But, the group I played with....well, I really didn't like them, so I came away with a bad impression.
26/03/2008 05:36:55 ‹Takasi› OrgPlay is perfect for pick up games
26/03/2008 05:36:56 ‹Hill Giant› Depends on the strangers
26/03/2008 05:36:58 ‹Erik Mona› I am going to go to bed, folks. Thanks for stopping by!
26/03/2008 05:37:01 ‹Balthaczar› ahh
26/03/2008 05:37:03 ‹Balthaczar› like life
26/03/2008 05:37:06 ‹Erik Mona› See you next week.
26/03/2008 05:37:08 ‹Lilith› Night Erik Mona! :glomp: :thug:
26/03/2008 05:37:09 ‹Blazej› Night Erik.
26/03/2008 05:37:10 ‹Balthaczar› night erik
26/03/2008 05:37:14 ‹Hill Giant› bye, Erik
26/03/2008 05:37:14 ‹Daigle› Have a good night Erik!
26/03/2008 05:37:16 ‹Timitius› See you Erik!
26/03/2008 05:37:20 ‹Russ› it is tons of fun to play with a wide range of different players
26/03/2008 05:37:26 ‹Samwise› organized play is great because you meet new people, and play cool games
26/03/2008 05:37:33 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight Erik.
26/03/2008 05:37:39 ‹Absinth› Night, Erik! Thanks for the answers!
26/03/2008 05:37:42 ‹Russ› Good night, Mr. Mona.
26/03/2008 05:37:44 ‹Charles Evans› I am off now, too.
26/03/2008 05:37:58 ‹Lilith› Night Charles Evans! :glomp: :cthulhu:
26/03/2008 05:37:55 ‹Samwise› organized play is horrible because you meet people who think they are entitled to something because they are members of an organized play organization
26/03/2008 05:37:55 ‹Balthaczar› night as well charles
26/03/2008 05:37:59 ‹Samwise› night Erik
26/03/2008 05:38:02 * Charles Evans collects up his :cthulhu:s....
26/03/2008 05:38:04 ‹Daigle› Good night Charles
26/03/2008 05:38:07 ‹Samwise› night Charles
26/03/2008 05:38:09 ‹Charles Evans› Goodnight Lilith. :D
05:38:17 * Erik Mona quit (timeout)

April 1st 2008
20:41:05 * Presence joins Main
01/04/2008 20:41:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› It may be too far though.. I am still thinkin
01/04/2008 20:41:18 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi TLR!
01/04/2008 20:41:18 ‹Fake Healer› Jason, how are Pathfinder sales post the PRPG announcement? Has there been a backlash or increase?
01/04/2008 20:41:24 ‹Daigle› Howdy Presence!
01/04/2008 20:41:31 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake> Very good.. higher than before
01/04/2008 20:41:39 ‹Presence› Hello! :)
01/04/2008 20:41:50 ‹Daigle› Presence, things have been pretty much lag free tonight.
01/04/2008 20:41:54 ‹Rambling Scribe› :dance2:
01/04/2008 20:41:57 ‹TurboATX› jason> it is the only combat option that is SO damn complicated players either avoid it or abuse it
01/04/2008 20:42:32 ‹Presence› Excellent! I noted that the server is under the highest load of the week right now, a whole "1.2". Compared to last week when we were at "14" and two weeks ago when the server was under a "64" load.
01/04/2008 20:42:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Turbo> you are correct, I am thinking about turning it into a status... make the check and your foe gains the status until he breaks free or you let go
01/04/2008 20:42:43 ‹Presence› "1.0" being the CPU at 100% usage.
01/04/2008 20:42:45 ‹Rambling Scribe› I think the grapple rules in 3.5 are poorly worded more than they are broken or too complex.
01/04/2008 20:42:59 ‹Fake Healer› Do you think that 3rd partys like Ronin, Goodman and Necro will help bolster PRPG and do you guys even want that assistance if it was offered.
01/04/2008 20:43:05 ‹Presence› Happy that the chat seems smoother! I'm gonna idle and monitor.
01/04/2008 20:43:13 ‹Daigle› Werd
01/04/2008 20:43:20 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Rambling> I am not completely with you on that.. the 3.5 grapple rules are very easily abused
01/04/2008 20:43:22 * Duicarthan quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 20:43:24 ‹Daigle› Thanks for hosting Presence!
01/04/2008 20:43:30 ‹tensor› come sit by me Presence
01/04/2008 20:43:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Yes Presence... it is going very smooth tonight
01/04/2008 20:43:38 ‹Presence› It is absolutely my pleasure! Thank you!
01/04/2008 20:43:43 ‹Rambling Scribe› Oh, there is room for abuse...
01/04/2008 20:43:44 * James Jacobs joins Main
01/04/2008 20:43:47 ‹Saracenus› Rambling Scribe> Grapple is a complete subsystem that is completely different from all other combat. It is broke, broke, broke.
01/04/2008 20:43:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ahhh crap
01/04/2008 20:43:57 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 20:43:58 ‹Daigle› What's up Dr jacobs!
01/04/2008 20:43:58 ‹Saracenus› It is the hardest combat subsystem to teach new players
01/04/2008 20:44:04 ‹Mulban› I can't figure out how to accelerate in this game
01/04/2008 20:44:06 ‹TurboATX› word up Sar
01/04/2008 20:44:11 ‹Rambling Scribe› Mostly I find grapple abuse comes not from the grapple rules, but from other effects applied to them.
01/04/2008 20:44:26 ‹Fake Healer› Guess what Jason was gonna do JJ.
01/04/2008 20:44:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Saracenus> It is... and I am really, deeply considering getting quite a bit more strict with it
01/04/2008 20:44:33 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi JJ!
01/04/2008 20:44:38 ‹Daigle› Turbo here is why I know grapple as well as I do!
01/04/2008 20:44:38 ‹James Jacobs› Hi there, everyone! EXCEPT BULMAHN! Grrrr
01/04/2008 20:44:44 ‹Takasi› we use grapple all the time, with new players coming in and it doesn't seem that hard to us
01/04/2008 20:44:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Damn you Fake.. quiet now.. or no release 2 for you
01/04/2008 20:44:54 ‹Takasi› we thought it was kind of funny when WotC made a big stink about it
01/04/2008 20:44:54 ‹tensor› James are you a PhD?
01/04/2008 20:45:11 ‹Takasi› greetings James Jacobs
01/04/2008 20:45:20 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi> I realize that it is not a problem for some, but I have seen players absolutely abuse it.. especially if the GM is not that familiar
01/04/2008 20:45:29 ‹Fake Healer› falsehealer at yahoo dot com.....release 2 in 5 minutes of JJ hears.
01/04/2008 20:45:29 ‹Rambling Scribe› James has a Doctorate of thinkology.
01/04/2008 20:45:31 ‹TurboATX› takasi> fear is a natural reaction to supreme intelligence
01/04/2008 20:45:33 ‹Saracenus› Rambling Scribe> The other issue is the finding all the rules, let alone the grapple exceptions
01/04/2008 20:45:38 ‹Takasi› define 'abuse'?
01/04/2008 20:45:48 ‹tensor› daigle called my dr, so just wonderin'
01/04/2008 20:45:50 ‹James Jacobs› Nope; the "doctor" is more of a nod to Doctor Doolittle, after my pal Matt Sernett found out how many animals and pets I had when I grew up.
01/04/2008 20:45:59 * Lilith joins Main
01/04/2008 20:46:05 ‹Jason Bulmahn› That won't work on me Fake...
01/04/2008 20:46:11 ‹Rambling Scribe› WB Lilz!
01/04/2008 20:46:11 ‹Takasi› greetings Lilith
01/04/2008 20:46:17 ‹Fake Healer› :glomp::hugs:Lilith!
01/04/2008 20:46:20 * Lilith stabs her computer.
01/04/2008 20:46:26 ‹Saracenus› Rambling Scribe> I mean, how many people read Rake in the MM to know that natural attacks can only use one attack a round?
01/04/2008 20:46:31 * The Jade joins Main
01/04/2008 20:46:32 ‹Daigle› Lilz!
01/04/2008 20:46:33 ‹Blazej› My biggest problems were when I was not DMing and the DM was saying something about grapple that was wrong. I often just said whatever and went with what they said rather than dig through the grapple rules.
01/04/2008 20:46:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi> Dump a lich in an antimagic shell and throw the monk at him.. combat over.. it is pretty horrible...
01/04/2008 20:46:43 ‹Rambling Scribe› Rone!
01/04/2008 20:46:43 ‹Fake Healer› Damn you Bulmahn!!!
01/04/2008 20:46:48 ‹tensor› throw a rock at it Lilith ! :grr:
01/04/2008 20:46:55 ‹Rambling Scribe› Saracenus: You are correct!
01/04/2008 20:46:57 ‹The Jade› Hey scribe. :)
01/04/2008 20:47:06 ‹Takasi› that's a pretty stupid lich to be put in that situation
01/04/2008 20:47:07 * Tobus Neth quit (timeout)
20:47:13 ‹Daigle› Jade!!!
01/04/2008 20:47:27 ‹The Jade› My favorite Daigle.
01/04/2008 20:47:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi> True.. but it is not hard to force him into that situation..
01/04/2008 20:47:48 ‹The Jade› Ever since I met you Adam I've seen the name Daigle ten times at the end of movies.
01/04/2008 20:47:52 ‹Lilith› The Jade! :glomp:
01/04/2008 20:47:56 ‹Takasi› but it should be hard to GET to the lich
01/04/2008 20:48:01 ‹The Jade› Hi Lil :)x
01/04/2008 20:48:01 ‹Takasi› and even then harder to kill him
01/04/2008 20:48:01 ‹Russ› Grapple may be semi-complicated, but at least it is USEFUL in 3rd
01/04/2008 20:48:02 ‹Daigle› Really? Weird
01/04/2008 20:48:10 ‹The Jade› Yep.
01/04/2008 20:48:11 ‹Takasi› so what if the party is optimized the fight him
01/04/2008 20:48:12 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi> Agreed...
01/04/2008 20:48:17 ‹Mothman› Hey James - loved the Amiri write up! (And no, I dont think the big sword is stupid - this is one situation where it WORKS!)
01/04/2008 20:48:17 ‹Takasi› that's their reward for long term planning
01/04/2008 20:48:20 ‹tensor› Jade: are you saying Daigle means "the end" in pornos?
01/04/2008 20:48:24 ‹Rambling Scribe› Monk Grapplers that use goos tactics to maximize the effectiveness of their grapples can be hideous.
01/04/2008 20:48:28 ‹Daigle› Jade, Lilz...Turbo here is in my gaming group!
01/04/2008 20:48:32 ‹tensor› ;-?
01/04/2008 20:48:32 ‹The Jade› I've never made it to the end of a porno
01/04/2008 20:48:34 ‹tensor› :-?
01/04/2008 20:48:35 ‹TurboATX› i'm famous
01/04/2008 20:48:38 * Baron joins Main
01/04/2008 20:48:39 ‹The Jade› Joke. I kid because I love.
01/04/2008 20:48:45 ‹The Jade› and love.
01/04/2008 20:48:45 ‹tensor› haha
01/04/2008 20:48:46 ‹The Jade› And love.
01/04/2008 20:48:46 ‹Lilith› TurboATX! SWEET! :glomp:
01/04/2008 20:48:57 ‹The Jade› Hey Turbo.
01/04/2008 20:49:06 ‹TurboATX› hello there
01/04/2008 20:49:10 ‹Daigle› That's why I gave him the gold star
01/04/2008 20:49:15 ‹Takasi› grappling, IME, is usually more often hated by players
01/04/2008 20:49:18 ‹James Jacobs› mmmm... soup...
01/04/2008 20:49:19 ‹Takasi› not DMs
01/04/2008 20:49:24 ‹Hill Giant› I want grapple rules that let a PCs jump onto a larger creature and cling tenaciously!:glomp:
01/04/2008 20:49:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi> i would agree with you, but most high level groups expect a spellcaster every game.. and I have seen this tactic pulled a number of times.. (usually on different GMs)... but I digress.. I do not want to argue the little bits here, but it can be a problem
01/04/2008 20:49:27 ‹Russ› Gotta love the current state of grapple in 3.5E, though - if you use the rules compendium, demons cannot teleport out of a grapple any more.
01/04/2008 20:49:40 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Are you feeling any better than last week?
01/04/2008 20:49:41 ‹Rambling Scribe› HG: That would be fun!
01/04/2008 20:49:49 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ> Ugg...
01/04/2008 20:50:12 ‹Russ› The list of things you can do in a grapple turned into ONLY these things, and SU and SP abilities are not in the list.
01/04/2008 20:50:16 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> I am. Not as much as I want to be, but better. Tonight I find out if I can go 2 nights in a row without waking up every few hours into Ye Coughing Fit.
01/04/2008 20:50:25 ‹Takasi› monks are a glass jaw, grappling is their s&$~ck, so good for them when they get the caster
01/04/2008 20:50:27 ‹Mr Baron› Hey James, when is Pathfinder #8 going to hit the warehouse?
01/04/2008 20:50:32 ‹tensor› Jade, what are you up to lately?
01/04/2008 20:50:34 * Baron quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 20:50:34 * Baron quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 20:50:43 ‹The Jade› A night of uninterrupted sleep would be... well at this point in my life, unimaginable.
01/04/2008 20:50:47 ‹CD Working› Jason Bulmahn, can I ask a question please?
01/04/2008 20:50:50 ‹Mulban› OK, I figured it out, you guys can stop worrying
01/04/2008 20:50:54 ‹James Jacobs› Pathfinder 8 should be hitting VERY soon. I heard a rumor that it might be hitting as soon as tomorrow... but that's still just a rumor.
01/04/2008 20:50:59 ‹Jason Bulmahn› CD> Go right ahead
01/04/2008 20:51:02 ‹Russ› I'm much more annoyed by trip than grapple
01/04/2008 20:51:15 ‹Saracenus› Russ> That is why I ignore that bit of grapple idiocy in the Rules Compendium
01/04/2008 20:51:17 ‹Takasi› liches fights usually come down to who wins init
01/04/2008 20:51:17 ‹Fake Healer› I was wondering if there is a way to upgrade the PBP part of the boards. I would love to see a dice roller hosted on Paizo. Is there any chance of that?
01/04/2008 20:51:23 ‹Takasi› if the lich wins init, someone is probably going to die
01/04/2008 20:51:26 ‹Russ› So after the convention play, I've decided to ditch Pathfinder and convert to 4thE. This will be my last chat here.
01/04/2008 20:51:28 ‹Mr Baron› so subscribers could have it next week?
01/04/2008 20:51:39 ‹James Jacobs› The problem I've seen with monks is their high speed. The player of the monk makes it into the thick of combat before the rest of the party, and tends to get himself surrounded and cut off by the monsters.
01/04/2008 20:51:56 ‹CD Working› Why did you go with the stat changes i such a big way?
01/04/2008 20:51:59 ‹The Jade› Tensor... well I've been working on a lot of RPG projects... did the podcast for Nic with Ed Healy... and I've devised a cure for sliced bread.
01/04/2008 20:52:07 ‹Russ› Shocking how many people can't wait to engage. I see that with chargers too.
01/04/2008 20:52:19 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ> I can certainly see that.. to be honest, all of the combat maneuvers seem to be focused around using a subsystem to prevent you from doing the things you are designed to do.. it can be very frustrating.... especially in an optimized versus a non-optimized situation
01/04/2008 20:52:23 ‹James Jacobs› Fake Healer> Maybe eventually... but a dice roller is pretty far down on Gary's To-Do list, I imagine.
01/04/2008 20:52:24 ‹Saracenus› Russ> Is that your April Fools joke?
01/04/2008 20:52:29 ‹James Jacobs› I'll bring it up, though!
01/04/2008 20:52:44 ‹Russ› Saracenus> yeah, but no one cares apparently :)
01/04/2008 20:52:53 ‹Mr Baron› James/Jason...any word on the GSL?
01/04/2008 20:53:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› CD> I added the stat bumps to give all of the races a bit more of a niche.. it may have been too much. I am considering changing it to an either/or choice
01/04/2008 20:53:26 ‹James Jacobs› No word yet on the GSL, nope.
01/04/2008 20:53:28 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mr Baron> Nothing as of yet
01/04/2008 20:53:37 ‹Hill Giant› I like the stat bump
01/04/2008 20:53:43 ‹Fake Healer› Would it be possible to get an outside source like Invisible Castle to create one?
01/04/2008 20:53:47 ‹Mr Baron› I heard a rumor of June...any truth to that?
01/04/2008 20:53:53 ‹Rambling Scribe› The stat boosts to the races aren't overpowered until there is a stat generation system in place...
01/04/2008 20:53:55 ‹Fake Healer› a dice roller I mean.
01/04/2008 20:53:57 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: Awww...there's one in here...
01/04/2008 20:53:59 ‹Lilith rolls dice› 1d20 » + 4 = 4
01/04/2008 20:54:04 ‹James Jacobs› Fake Healer> Yeah! There's one here!
01/04/2008 20:54:07 ‹Russ› 2 months until the rules come out, and no document for designers. Wow.
01/04/2008 20:54:10 ‹Fake Healer› Where?
01/04/2008 20:54:12 ‹The Jade› Tensor... how about yoruself.. What's new?
01/04/2008 20:54:17 ‹The Jade› Yourself, even
01/04/2008 20:54:19 ‹The Jade› long day
01/04/2008 20:54:21 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: Type "/roll 1d20" or whatever
01/04/2008 20:54:24 ‹Mothman› James, Jason: Does it frustrate you guys when you’re running this big open play test, and changing things based on feedback, and then there’s comments on the boards saying things along the line of “it sounds like they’ve already decided what they want to do”?
01/04/2008 20:54:33 ‹Daigle rolls dice› 1d13 » + 3 = 3
01/04/2008 20:54:36 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> At this point, Any rumor of the GSL release is about as legit to me as any other one, be it tomorrow, next week, June, or never.
20:54:45 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, in Edge of Anarchy what happens if the players 'lose'? Personally I want to present all of the options at once, to give the players the feeling that they can beat the King of Spiders, Eel's End or the derro in any order they want
01/04/2008 20:54:54 ‹Fake Healer rolls dice› 1d20+11 » + 7 [+11] = 18
01/04/2008 20:55:02 ‹CD Working› Jason Bulmahn, +2 for a -2 would give a fairer niche
01/04/2008 20:55:10 ‹Saracenus› Jason Bulmahn> Have you conidered dumping the +2 Stat bonus for each race and just eliminate one of the -2 penalties instead?
01/04/2008 20:55:14 ‹Takasi› I was kind of hoping for a 'Game of Thrones' feel to Edge of Anarchy, but so far I'm not feeling that
01/04/2008 20:55:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman> It is tricky... since some assume that because it has not changed in a week, that it will never change. I am keeping my mind open on pretty much all things, but I have to keep my eye on the prize, so to speak
01/04/2008 20:55:27 ‹Fake Healer› cool but I can't link it to a PBP.
01/04/2008 20:55:29 ‹James Jacobs› Mothman> Nah; there's always going to be poo-pooers or malcontents who get cranky. We certainly HAVEN'T made all the decisions yet; there's been a LOT of changes to the rules based on feedback already.
01/04/2008 20:55:52 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: Go to the main DM Tools site, there's a dice roller there too.
01/04/2008 20:55:54 ‹Takasi› where are the intricate plots, the intrigue, the backstabbing, etc that I could put into a good urban game?
01/04/2008 20:55:59 ‹TurboATX› glad to see the feat chains go the way of the dodo quickly
01/04/2008 20:56:13 ‹Fake Healer› with linkage?
01/04/2008 20:56:18 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Depends what you mean by "lose." If you mean a TPK? Up to the GM. He can pick up where they left off with a new group, or start over, or start a different campaign, or whatever.
01/04/2008 20:56:19 ‹Russ› Takasi> some of them are implied in Guide to Korvosa.
01/04/2008 20:56:21 ‹Mothman› It seems obvious to me that you guys are listening to us - I sometimes wonder why other people dont seem to see it...
01/04/2008 20:56:31 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Saracenus> yes, but I kinda end up with the same problem that way.. a net +2 to the race, which is causing some compatability woes for some (although I do not personally see a +2 as that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things)
01/04/2008 20:56:32 ‹Takasi› no, I want the players to be able to 'lose' without dying
01/04/2008 20:56:43 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> I haven't read "Game of Thrones" so that would probably explain the lack of Game of Thrones vibe you're seeing.
01/04/2008 20:56:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Tubo> No problem
01/04/2008 20:56:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› They had to go
01/04/2008 20:56:49 ‹Takasi› that should be easy to do in an urban setup, but Edge of Anarchy does not make it that easy
01/04/2008 20:56:57 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Mothman> Me too
01/04/2008 20:57:13 ‹Takasi› does it really matter if they succeed or not?
01/04/2008 20:57:25 ‹TurboATX› i was amazed to see an initial update to PRPG so quickly
01/04/2008 20:57:28 ‹Takasi› how do the victories help the PCs?
01/04/2008 20:57:40 ‹Takasi› and how do they change the setting?
01/04/2008 20:57:45 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> That depends on what "victory" you're talking about.
01/04/2008 20:57:47 * Lilith pushes TurboATX's buttons to see if he overclocks.
01/04/2008 20:57:54 ‹Russ› Wow, pretty shocked you haven't read that.
01/04/2008 20:57:59 ‹Wyvern› He goes to 166Mhz!
01/04/2008 20:58:03 ‹Russ› Lilith> underclocks, you mean :)
01/04/2008 20:58:22 * Hill Giant changes his/her nickname to HG Closing Shop
01/04/2008 20:58:22 ‹Saracenus› Jason Bulmahn> I don't see the +2 stats stuff as a problem, I was saying you achive the same thing by removing the penalties...
01/04/2008 20:58:26 ‹Lilith› Russ: That too. :P
01/04/2008 20:58:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Turbo> yeah, we like to keep things moving.. no sense in waiting when we see some obvious problems
01/04/2008 20:58:32 ‹Takasi› specifically Eel's End, the dead warrens and the meat shop
01/04/2008 20:58:43 ‹Mothman› Doctor Jacobs, I enjoyed the Amiri write up in the blog
01/04/2008 20:58:59 * Grimcleaver joins Main
01/04/2008 20:59:00 ‹James Jacobs› To a certain extent, though, I don't really care about spending much time on "what happens if the PCs lose," because most of the time they don't. If we spent lots of extra time detailing what happens if, say, they fail to finish Eel's End all nice and tidy, then suddenly we have to cut something else out.
01/04/2008 20:59:04 ‹Lilith› Amiri was very nice, I like her backstory.
01/04/2008 20:59:19 ‹Russ› I like the idea of it being expensive to have a 1/2 orc with good int or an elf with a good Con
01/04/2008 20:59:21 ‹Takasi› Amiri seems very anime, I'm hearing a lot of comments from my players that the art in Pathfinder, which I show them on a monitor as the story progresses, does not feel like D&D
01/04/2008 20:59:21 ‹Mothman› hey Grim
01/04/2008 20:59:24 ‹Daigle› Howdy Grimcleaver!
01/04/2008 20:59:27 ‹Grimcleaver› I'm a monster...raragh!
01/04/2008 20:59:31 ‹The Jade› Hey Grim
01/04/2008 20:59:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Saracenus> Me neither, but for compatibility reasons, it might be best to go to an choice of two system.. gives the same flexibility without the creep
01/04/2008 20:59:36 * molrak quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 20:59:49 ‹James Jacobs› We try to present enough information, though, in the back matter articles and the GM info and the guidebooks and all that so that, if the PCs do mess up, the GM has the tools he needs to take his adventure into this new uncharted territory.
01/04/2008 20:59:50 ‹Takasi› James, it's not just if they lose, it's if they win
01/04/2008 20:59:52 ‹Grimcleaver› Heya!
01/04/2008 20:59:56 ‹Blazej› Jason Bulmahn, do you think that suggestions for converting 3.5 to PF RPG will be provided at the end?
01/04/2008 20:59:58 ‹Lilith› Grimcleaver: Do you have a lair? :P
01/04/2008 21:00:02 * Lilith glomps Grimcleaver!
01/04/2008 21:00:12 ‹Takasi› how important are their victories, really?
01/04/2008 21:00:18 ‹Grimcleaver› I have...a lair!
01/04/2008 21:00:19 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Blazej: Yes.. and it is my goal to make them fit in about 4 pages tops...
01/04/2008 21:00:20 ‹James Jacobs› That's one of the HUGE advantages the pen & paper game has over computer RPGs; it can react to sudden changes like that BECAUSE the GM is there.
01/04/2008 21:00:27 ‹Russ› The PCs don't really have much impact on the city in the 1st mod unless they help off the prisoner.
01/04/2008 21:00:31 ‹Blazej› Jason Bulmahn, neat.
01/04/2008 21:00:49 ‹Grimcleaver› And guzzwhat? They gave me this awesome minion! Hello Francis!
01/04/2008 21:00:55 * RETH-Mog quit
01/04/2008 21:01:02 * The Jade quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:01:04 ‹CD Working› Jason Bulmahn, Have you thought of -2 to one stat then +1 to 2 stats
01/04/2008 21:01:09 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Actually, if the PCs fail to deliver the Shoanti body in "Edge of Anarchy" they're pretty much up s@%* creek without a paddle when it comes to "A History of Ashes."
01/04/2008 21:01:15 ‹Takasi› you can setup a module with various factions, and 'missions' or scenarios benefit one faction over the other
01/04/2008 21:01:26 ‹Blazej› Jason Bulmahn, if it wasn't clear I was talking about a guide for people converting non-SRD material on their own.
01/04/2008 21:01:28 ‹Takasi› but it doesn't seem like that's the case in CotCT
01/04/2008 21:01:36 * The Jade joins Main
01/04/2008 21:01:39 ‹James Jacobs› You're seeing 1/6 of the whole campaign right now, Takasi. MANY, if not ALL of your questions should and will be answered over the next five months.
01/04/2008 21:01:40 ‹Jason Bulmahn› CD> I did, but I do not think I am leaning that way right now
01/04/2008 21:01:46 ‹The Jade› Someone wanna remove this boot?
01/04/2008 21:02:03 ‹Takasi› that's not very satisfying for players though, IMO
01/04/2008 21:02:10 ‹Jason Bulmahn› WOO HOO.. fresh baked cookies for me... mmm.. peanut butter
01/04/2008 21:02:15 ‹Takasi› players want to see the impact of their victories soon, not 2 years down the road
01/04/2008 21:02:20 ‹Mothman› Re Pathfinder art and the “look” of D&D – what is the look of D&D? Should we go back to 1st edition monster manual style art because that is the traditional D&D look?
01/04/2008 21:02:26 ‹Takasi› or however long it might take a table to get to that module
01/04/2008 21:02:32 ‹James Jacobs› AND: Thanks for the kind words about Amiri. She may have just displaced Merisiel as my favorite iconic. As for those who don't like her sword... I put in the bit where she kills off the barbarians foolish enough to pick on her sword JUST FOR YOU!!!! :)
01/04/2008 21:02:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Blazej> To me, they are one in the same
01/04/2008 21:02:58 ‹Russ› I do indeed hate anime swords. Blah.
01/04/2008 21:03:06 ‹Mulban› Yeah, why MM1 1ed cover art was the greatest ever!
01/04/2008 21:03:25 ‹Saracenus› James Jacobs> Is that a Buster Sword? Or are you just happy to see me :razz:
01/04/2008 21:03:25 ‹Russ› EROL OTUS!
01/04/2008 21:03:32 * HG Closing Shop changes his/her nickname to Hill Giant (after hours)
01/04/2008 21:03:32 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> The impact of the victories in "Edge of Anarchy" is, pretty much, the city doesn't tear itself apart in riots because of the PC's work. If they fail too many of their missions, go ahead and have large sections of korvosa burn.
01/04/2008 21:03:54 ‹Takasi› I was hoping for something a little more subtle in an urban game
01/04/2008 21:04:02 ‹Takasi› that seems over the top
01/04/2008 21:04:07 * tensor sleeps
01/04/2008 21:04:13 ‹Russ› I had let the Shoanti slip my mind
01/04/2008 21:04:14 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> It sounds like you're complaining that it's too subtle already.
01/04/2008 21:04:46 ‹Takasi› no, it's nonexistent now, I'm asking for a change, you're giving me complete destruction! :)
01/04/2008 21:05:02 ‹Blazej› Jason Bulmahn, ok good.
01/04/2008 21:05:07 ‹Blazej› Thank you. :)
01/04/2008 21:05:08 * tensor quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:05:10 ‹James Jacobs› Dude, we're about 3 days from shiping part 4 to the printer. You're a bit late to ask for changes.
01/04/2008 21:05:11 ‹Mothman› I admit I’m not that into anime, but Im only aware of one anime where someone uses an oversized sword. In the case of Amiri the big sword is there for a reason. Whether it was art driving story or story driving art I don’t know, but it works for me.
01/04/2008 21:05:22 ‹Takasi› Just giving you feedback
01/04/2008 21:05:32 ‹Takasi› or are you never making another urban game again?
01/04/2008 21:05:34 ‹Blazej› I love that sword.
01/04/2008 21:05:45 ‹Blazej› I fear that sword.
01/04/2008 21:05:50 ‹James Jacobs› But in any case, again, I suggest you hold off until you have all 6 parts in hand. As I've said before, Crimson Throne is a real complex adventure path. It's going to help to have all six parts in hand.
01/04/2008 21:05:55 * paul joins Main
01/04/2008 21:05:58 ‹Blazej› Most of all I respect that sword.
01/04/2008 21:06:00 * Russ hands Mothman a copy of Final Fantasy ANYTHING.
01/04/2008 21:06:18 * Lilith waves at paul, gives him cookies. :cookie:
01/04/2008 21:06:41 ‹James Jacobs› We're certainly going to tackle urban adventures again. And I'm certainly taking your feedback into mind. But it's often VERY HARD to separate feedback from passive aggressive antagonisim...
01/04/2008 21:06:42 ‹The Jade› You'd have to kill a rhino for the leather to make that sword a scabbard. It's simply uneconomical.
01/04/2008 21:06:46 ‹The Jade› JOKE
01/04/2008 21:06:47 ‹Blazej› I recently saw a Chinese (I think) movie from the 70s that had a huge sword.
01/04/2008 21:07:17 ‹Blazej› The One Armed Swordsman Vs. the 9 Killers I think.
21:07:24 ‹Blazej› Horrible movie.
01/04/2008 21:07:35 ‹paul› ty
01/04/2008 21:07:39 ‹The Jade› I love bad kung fu
01/04/2008 21:07:52 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Alright everybody.. no sense getting James all worked up.. lets change the subject.. how about this.. HOW much do you really think Bards suck? :-P
01/04/2008 21:07:52 ‹Daigle› Big swords are so phallic, no one appreciates a good knife fighter
01/04/2008 21:07:56 ‹Daigle› ;)
01/04/2008 21:07:57 ‹The Jade› The Flying Guillotine.
01/04/2008 21:07:58 ‹Mothman› Russ: like I said, i dont really read anime or know much about final fantasy ... so im probably wrong
01/04/2008 21:07:58 ‹Grimcleaver› Loves bad kung fu too.
01/04/2008 21:08:02 ‹James Jacobs› And also: You've admitted yourself, Takasi, that you prefer the sandbox style of play. That's not the kind of play Pathfinder is directly supporting, so certainly it's going to butt heads with your style.
01/04/2008 21:08:05 ‹The Jade› Now there was a bad kung fu flick
01/04/2008 21:08:07 ‹The Jade› Righ on.
01/04/2008 21:08:08 ‹TurboATX› bards are my favorite class
01/04/2008 21:08:09 ‹The Jade› right even
01/04/2008 21:08:10 ‹Blazej› But the sword destroyed any arguement that ridiculusly big swords came from anime.
01/04/2008 21:08:26 * Hill Giant (after hours) changes his/her nickname to Hill Giant
01/04/2008 21:08:28 ‹James Jacobs› Why would you need a scabbard for that sword in the first place?
01/04/2008 21:08:36 ‹Takasi› all D&D contains sandbox elements
01/04/2008 21:08:37 ‹The Jade› So a sword in an Asian film destroyed the argument that big swords came from asian films.
01/04/2008 21:08:39 ‹The Jade› ??
01/04/2008 21:08:41 ‹The Jade› lol
01/04/2008 21:08:47 ‹Wyvern› Exactly James
01/04/2008 21:08:48 ‹Daigle› Turbo nearly wrecked me with diplomacy checks once. ;)
01/04/2008 21:08:52 ‹Blazej› Well. They Frost Giant might have used the scabbard.
01/04/2008 21:08:54 ‹The Jade› Chinese.Japanese... I know... but rumor has it they talk.
01/04/2008 21:08:57 ‹James Jacobs› BULMAHN!
01/04/2008 21:08:57 ‹Russ› Popularized by Anime and related computer games. Oversized swords existed, generally for display purposes or showing off sword-forging, in both Eastern and Western cultures
01/04/2008 21:08:58 ‹Grimcleaver› As a fellow sandbox guy can I just say how much I'm loving the huge tide of sourcebooks coming out? Holy cow.
01/04/2008 21:09:08 ‹Lilith› Bull man!
01/04/2008 21:09:13 ‹James Jacobs› Don't make me have the next AP systematically REMOVE all dwarves and beer from Golarion.
01/04/2008 21:09:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Howdy Lilith
01/04/2008 21:09:20 * Lilith runs over and glomps the Bulmahn, gives him beer. :beer:
01/04/2008 21:09:31 ‹Blazej› Asian movies != anime.
01/04/2008 21:09:36 ‹The Jade› I'm secure in my manhood. No overcompensation here. I fight with a very sharp potato peeler.
01/04/2008 21:09:45 * Daigle chants Down With Dwarves!
01/04/2008 21:09:49 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Ohhhhh noooes.. no removing of beer and dwarves.. they are mandatory elements in the new PFRPG
01/04/2008 21:09:59 ‹Mothman› A dwarf was mistaken for a dog in one of my pbp games today...
01/04/2008 21:09:59 ‹The Jade› So that he might more easily mo-lest them!
01/04/2008 21:10:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Thanks lilith... virtual beer is just as delicious
01/04/2008 21:10:12 * Russ sighs at 4thE 5-foot tall dwarves
01/04/2008 21:10:15 ‹Grimcleaver› NO! Then my dream of half-dwarves will be dashed!
01/04/2008 21:10:20 ‹Daigle› I can;t abide by a beer ban, however.
01/04/2008 21:10:35 ‹Takasi› I'd like to see a return of racial class restrictions
01/04/2008 21:10:39 ‹Blazej› It may have been popularized by Anime it doesn't mean someone can't have a large sword without being derived from anime.
01/04/2008 21:10:43 ‹Takasi› gnomes should be dwarves who cast spells
01/04/2008 21:10:45 ‹Saracenus› beer was my dwarven wizards only spell component <G>
01/04/2008 21:10:51 ‹Saracenus› Well, beer and ale
01/04/2008 21:10:52 ‹James Jacobs› Frankly, the strange and virulent hatred of oversized swords, long elf ears, of all things Anime in general that many gamers have kind of boggles me. ESPECIALLY if the same gamer goes on to say Highlander is a great movie.
01/04/2008 21:10:58 ‹Hill Giant› Takasi: gah
01/04/2008 21:11:02 * Mothman quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:11:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Takasi> Feel free to add them, but that is a pandora's box that I do not think I can close
01/04/2008 21:11:11 ‹The Jade› Blaze... I'm not really arguing. Just having fun. :)
01/04/2008 21:11:13 ‹Takasi› it's not hatred of anime JJ, it's hatred of anime in D&D
01/04/2008 21:11:13 ‹Grimcleaver› Hates Highlander...
01/04/2008 21:11:15 ‹Russ› Highlander lacks overesized swords.
01/04/2008 21:11:28 ‹Takasi› don't want peanut butter in their chocolate
01/04/2008 21:11:34 ‹Rambling Scribe› Highlander is an awful movie. But I love it nonetheless.
01/04/2008 21:11:36 ‹Hill Giant› Highlander is funny.
01/04/2008 21:11:48 ‹Russ› As long as the emo elements of Anime stay out of PF.
01/04/2008 21:11:48 ‹Blazej› What about Highlander the anime?
01/04/2008 21:11:50 ‹Grimcleaver› Aw yuck. Hate hate hate.
01/04/2008 21:11:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› brb... 3 min
01/04/2008 21:11:50 ‹James Jacobs› If D&D can absorb things as widely different as Lovecraft, Tolkein, and robots... it can learn a few things from anime.
01/04/2008 21:11:55 ‹Takasi› that's the niche gnomes were designed for originally
01/04/2008 21:11:59 ‹The Jade› General Kwan's Kwan Dao was purported to weigh one hundred pounds! Most fictional characters aren't that strong.
01/04/2008 21:12:13 ‹Grimcleaver› Love the anime touches on gnomes and elves.
01/04/2008 21:12:24 ‹Grimcleaver› I think it blends very nicely.
01/04/2008 21:12:28 * Jazzi joins Main
01/04/2008 21:12:30 ‹James Jacobs› I do too.
01/04/2008 21:12:32 ‹The Jade› I liked Highlander. Saw it as a youngun but oo it hit the right spot.
01/04/2008 21:12:40 ‹The Jade› The sequels sucked the green outta the grass.
01/04/2008 21:12:42 ‹Blazej› http://www.animenewsnetwork.co...id=5552
01/04/2008 21:12:47 ‹Grimcleaver› That said. The Zweihander was a pretty big sword and was as real as a heartattack.
01/04/2008 21:12:48 ‹The Jade› hey jazz
01/04/2008 21:12:55 * Mothman quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:13:02 ‹Rambling Scribe› I refused to watch the sequels. There can be only one!
01/04/2008 21:13:06 ‹Lilith› The Jade: The Highlander movies needed to follow their mantra. "There can be only one."
01/04/2008 21:13:15 * Lilith gives Rambling Scribe a high five! :woot:
01/04/2008 21:13:26 ‹Rambling Scribe› :w00t:
01/04/2008 21:13:27 ‹Grimcleaver› I did like the one Highlander Endgame movie. That one was really the only one worth watching. Dang good actually.
01/04/2008 21:13:30 * Hill Giant quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:13:30 * Hill Giant quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:13:31 ‹The Jade› lol... too true
01/04/2008 21:13:34 ‹Grimcleaver› The latest one was awful.
01/04/2008 21:13:36 ‹James Jacobs› Highlander could have helped its cause by ditching Christopher Lambert and replacing him with, oh, pretty much any other actor.
01/04/2008 21:13:47 ‹Russ› Urgh. Endgame was cinematic vomit.
01/04/2008 21:13:50 ‹Mulban› This game would be great if you could point the camera so you could see whats going on
01/04/2008 21:13:56 * Mothman joins Main
01/04/2008 21:14:08 ‹paul› ahh lambert is the reason i love it
01/04/2008 21:14:08 ‹TurboATX› can you call him an actor?
01/04/2008 21:14:09 ‹The Jade› For an eighteen year old... it was just fine.
01/04/2008 21:14:10 ‹James Jacobs› Clancy Brown? Sean Connery? CHECK. It takes a powerful non-talent to undo the work of both of those guys at once.
01/04/2008 21:14:20 * Watcher joins Main
01/04/2008 21:14:21 ‹Daigle› I think Highlander would have been better with Chistopher Walken rather than Christopher Lambert
01/04/2008 21:14:27 ‹James Jacobs› HOLY S*~+
01/04/2008 21:14:31 ‹Russ› Got it, James Jacobs wants Paul Reubens as Conner MacCloud :)
01/04/2008 21:14:31 ‹James Jacobs› That would have rocked.
01/04/2008 21:14:31 ‹Grimcleaver› I thought it actually captured a lot of what the whole series and movies were trying to capture, and I thought it did so rather well.
01/04/2008 21:14:38 ‹Takasi› so was their anything for April Fool's Day on Paizo?
01/04/2008 21:14:47 ‹Watcher› !!
01/04/2008 21:14:49 * Lori quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:14:55 ‹James Jacobs› Bulmahn messed with my computer. He was quite proud of his chicanery.
01/04/2008 21:14:59 ‹Daigle› Howdy Watcher!
01/04/2008 21:15:02 ‹Grimcleaver› And it didn't have the corny sword sparklers.
01/04/2008 21:15:04 ‹Lilith› Watcher! :glomp:
01/04/2008 21:15:07 ‹Russ› I liked Highlander a lot more in 1989 than I do in 2008, though.
01/04/2008 21:15:07 ‹Watcher› Oh, Christopher Walken, not me. Okay, that makes sense
01/04/2008 21:15:13 ‹Watcher› Hi Everybody
01/04/2008 21:15:15 ‹Mulban› What got me was how terrible the 2nd one was
01/04/2008 21:15:17 ‹James Jacobs› Highlander has not aged well.
01/04/2008 21:15:20 ‹Rambling Scribe› Hi Watcher!
01/04/2008 21:15:24 ‹Daigle› My boss put a picture of llamas humping as my background by the time I got to work today.
01/04/2008 21:15:25 ‹James Jacobs› Hiya, Watcher!
01/04/2008 21:15:26 ‹Grimcleaver› Paul Reubens as the missing MacCloud would be AWESOME!
01/04/2008 21:15:29 * Hill Giant 2 joins Main
01/04/2008 21:15:30 * Hill Giant quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:15:35 ‹Takasi› no one put any Star Wars figures in Jello?
01/04/2008 21:15:37 ‹Russ› The 2nd one was terrible because the insurers took over production
01/04/2008 21:15:39 ‹Mulban› And the TV show? We'll make it about his cousin!
01/04/2008 21:15:42 ‹Wyvern› They reimagine the universe at every sequel.
01/04/2008 21:15:42 ‹James Jacobs› Bulmahn turned my screen upside down.
01/04/2008 21:15:46 ‹Russ› And they decided Scifi made more than fantasy
01/04/2008 21:15:57 ‹The Jade› General Katana. Are you effing kidding me? I almost threw something at the TV set.
01/04/2008 21:16:01 * Hill Giant 2 changes his/her nickname to Hill Giant
01/04/2008 21:16:04 ‹Blazej› http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...uY&NR=1 and the Highlander video just to be complete.
01/04/2008 21:16:05 * Russ is sick of "Reimagining"
01/04/2008 21:16:17 * Daigle steers this wild bus back on the Path.
01/04/2008 21:16:24 ‹Mulban› I actually watched that in theaters
01/04/2008 21:16:28 ‹James Jacobs› No Star Wars figures in my cube to be Jelloed. Godzilla/Gamera/Final Fantasy/that creepy Real Dead Fish Kyle Found though? They could have easilly become victims.
01/04/2008 21:16:29 ‹The Jade› I never thought I'd not want to watch Michael Ironside.
01/04/2008 21:16:33 ‹Russ› Reimagining got us 4thE, whee
01/04/2008 21:16:36 ‹The Jade› "We're gonna do this the scanners way, boy."
01/04/2008 21:16:41 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I was very pleased with rotating James' monitor.. and I put post it notes over a bunch of people's optical mouses.. it was fun watching them try to figure out why they would not work
01/04/2008 21:16:46 ‹Takasi› reimagining got us Pathfinder too Russ
01/04/2008 21:16:50 ‹Takasi› goblins anyone?
01/04/2008 21:16:52 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Pretty tame though.. all things considered
01/04/2008 21:16:58 ‹Russ› Nah, PF isn't a reimagining.
01/04/2008 21:17:00 ‹Takasi› Classic Monsters Revisited?
01/04/2008 21:17:04 ‹Watcher› I know I'm late but were there any big revelations?
01/04/2008 21:17:04 ‹Takasi› sure it is
01/04/2008 21:17:06 ‹Takasi› anime?
01/04/2008 21:17:08 ‹Russ› It's not throwing out everything to make something "cooler".
01/04/2008 21:17:15 ‹James Jacobs› Bulmahn didn't even realize what stunt I pulled on him though. He probably NEVER will.
01/04/2008 21:17:20 ‹Takasi› it's throwing out a lot of stuff
01/04/2008 21:17:25 ‹Daigle› Jason, stick a hair up in the hole the laser thingy is in. It makes the mouse skitter.
01/04/2008 21:17:26 ‹Mulban› Well, Im going to read a little of PF 4 then pass out
01/04/2008 21:17:31 ‹Takasi› or so it seems from the rules discussions so far...
01/04/2008 21:17:31 ‹Mulban› Good night folks
01/04/2008 21:17:35 ‹Grimcleaver› Oooh just got my goblin minis!
01/04/2008 21:17:36 ‹Takasi› to make things 'cooler'
01/04/2008 21:17:38 ‹The Jade› night mulban
01/04/2008 21:17:39 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James> now I am concerned.. you better not have given me cancer again
01/04/2008 21:17:41 ‹Grimcleaver› They look awesome!
01/04/2008 21:17:42 * Russ wishes this chat had a mute button.
01/04/2008 21:17:43 ‹Daigle› Have a good night Mulban
01/04/2008 21:17:55 ‹Mr Baron› James...any news you can share on AP4?
01/04/2008 21:17:57 ‹Lilith› Russ: ? There is one. Click on the speaker icon.
01/04/2008 21:18:00 * The Jade mimes his thoughts for Russ
01/04/2008 21:18:01 ‹Russ› Someone pushed the "Argument" button again, apparently
01/04/2008 21:18:02 ‹Blazej› Mute?
01/04/2008 21:18:02 ‹James Jacobs› If it can talk and meddle with your sleep and hide your brauts, is it still technically Cancer?
01/04/2008 21:18:05 ‹Russ› Lilith - I mean a "gag" command
01/04/2008 21:18:06 * Daigle wishes Russ had a mute button ;)
01/04/2008 21:18:07 ‹Grimcleaver› Also got my Nualia mini...*sniffles*
01/04/2008 21:18:09 ‹Lilith› Russ: Ah!
01/04/2008 21:18:17 ‹Daigle› :P
01/04/2008 21:18:18 ‹Fake Healer› Grim, go mine a few days back and prepping them for paint. They are awesome!
01/04/2008 21:18:20 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James> Yes...
01/04/2008 21:18:24 ‹Lilith› OOh! I can announce prizes for PaizoCon, right? :P
01/04/2008 21:18:35 ‹Daigle› You know I'm foolin' right?
01/04/2008 21:18:42 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> Wes and I had a bit of a brainstorm session for AP4 today, actaully. But we haven't really settled on anything solid yet. We have to soon, though!
01/04/2008 21:18:42 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> there are prizes?
01/04/2008 21:18:44 * Mulban quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:18:50 ‹Russ› Daigle> no, I don't :)
01/04/2008 21:18:59 ‹Daigle› Awww
01/04/2008 21:19:09 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Oh yes. There will be prizes.
01/04/2008 21:19:17 ‹Grimcleaver› Awesome. It's love at first sight.
01/04/2008 21:19:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Cool
01/04/2008 21:19:22 ‹Mr Baron› do you have a couple of ideas that you guys are kicking around?
01/04/2008 21:19:30 ‹Mr Baron› that you can share?
01/04/2008 21:19:33 ‹James Jacobs› Us editorial pit mooks don't always get all the info updates...
01/04/2008 21:19:37 ‹Grimcleaver› Oooh prizes??
01/04/2008 21:19:40 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Charles Evans asked me to ask you about Pathfinder translations (specifically German, but anything else)
01/04/2008 21:19:47 ‹The Jade› pit mook. My new band name.
01/04/2008 21:20:08 ‹Rambling Scribe› Charles Evans wants to ask about German translations? What a shock!
01/04/2008 21:20:15 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> I suppose I can say that AP4 is looking like it's 98% likely at this time to be set in Cheliax. Beyond that... that's really all I can say. In that there's REALLY not much more developed about it yet.
01/04/2008 21:20:25 ‹Watcher› Jason Bulmahn, was playing PFRPG tongiht, still in Burnt Offerings. Mage continues to sing your praises
01/04/2008 21:20:30 ‹James Jacobs› Lilith> No news about translations yet that I'm aware of.
01/04/2008 21:21:05 ‹Fake Healer› Alright guys, I gotta sleep. 12:20am in delaware now. Fakey must sleep.
01/04/2008 21:21:06 ‹Daigle› Charles is on when the Euopean chatters are here more often, so he hears their concerns more often than us.
01/04/2008 21:21:14 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher> I am glad to hear it...
21:21:15 ‹Grimcleaver› So any new staffers looking to make an appearance at the big Paizocon?
01/04/2008 21:21:17 ‹Daigle› Dream well Fakey!
01/04/2008 21:21:25 ‹Mr Baron› Have you guys talked to Clark P about Necro doing a AP using Pathfinder RPG rules?
01/04/2008 21:21:30 ‹Lilith› Fake Healer: Night dude! :D
01/04/2008 21:21:31 ‹Rambling Scribe› I know. I didn't mean to sound snarky.
01/04/2008 21:21:43 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: :P
01/04/2008 21:21:45 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Grim> I will be there.. and I am hoping to run a few short playtest bits of my own design.. should be fun
01/04/2008 21:21:53 ‹James Jacobs› OH! Also. AP4 will probably NOT be a big "save the world" type campaign. After "Second Darkness," we want to let a few go by without putting the entire world at peril for a bit.
01/04/2008 21:21:54 ‹Daigle› I was juss 'splainin'
01/04/2008 21:21:59 ‹Grimcleaver› Had a friend who we had to talk down from taking his Hook Mountain issue down to get it signed by Logue in blood!
01/04/2008 21:21:59 ‹The Jade› Night Healer
01/04/2008 21:22:10 ‹Takasi› I'd like AP4 to be a 'build the world' AP
01/04/2008 21:22:13 * Jazzi quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:22:19 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> not yet. Clark/Necro is kinda in a holding pattern at this point until we all see the GSL.
01/04/2008 21:22:20 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Night Fake
01/04/2008 21:22:22 ‹Grimcleaver› Neat!
01/04/2008 21:22:35 ‹Grimcleaver› Jason Bulmahn, Neat!
01/04/2008 21:22:39 ‹Rambling Scribe› Night Fakey!
01/04/2008 21:22:44 ‹TurboATX› the GSL is an illusion
01/04/2008 21:22:50 * Fake Healer quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:22:53 ‹James Jacobs› Grimcleaver> Barring some sort of calamity or catastrophie, I'll be at Paizocon, I suspect.
01/04/2008 21:22:53 ‹Jason Bulmahn› The cake is a lie
01/04/2008 21:22:57 ‹Mr Baron› will there be a pathfinder character class?
01/04/2008 21:23:01 ‹Russ› The GSL is a stalling tactic
01/04/2008 21:23:08 ‹Russ› I'd give about a 1/4 chance it gets cancelled
01/04/2008 21:23:11 ‹Wyvern› We can't tell Turbo, until we interact with it we don't get a saving throw.
01/04/2008 21:23:16 * Rambling Scribe wishes he could go to PaizoCon.
01/04/2008 21:23:24 ‹James Jacobs› I suspect that we'll probably end up having several different Pathfinder prestige classes, actually. Maybe.
01/04/2008 21:23:29 ‹Grimcleaver› James Jacobs, Awesome. That alone would be reason enough to go.
01/04/2008 21:23:30 ‹Rambling Scribe› Lilz! let's hear about those prizes!
01/04/2008 21:23:35 ‹Watcher› Jason Bulmahn, I'm not seeing drastic differences in PFRPG at low levels, except in the mage and cleric. They're enjoying heightened usefulness. Nobody else notices much in the way of transition.
01/04/2008 21:23:35 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: Woo-hoo!
01/04/2008 21:23:53 ‹Grimcleaver› James Jacobs, Any chance we get to go take a tour of the offices an' whatnot?
01/04/2008 21:23:55 ‹Lilith› Rambling Scribe: I'm still working on the details of some of them...
01/04/2008 21:24:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Russ> You are most optimistic than I am.. not that i know any more than you do.. I am just rather pessimistic about the whole thing right now.. not that I do not have enough to worry about
01/04/2008 21:24:09 ‹Mr Baron› excellent..
01/04/2008 21:24:15 ‹James Jacobs› Chances of office tours are rather low, I'm afraid.
01/04/2008 21:24:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher> Perfect.. that is exactly what I was shooting for
01/04/2008 21:24:54 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: :cry:
01/04/2008 21:25:12 ‹Grimcleaver› Aww...man bummer. Our whole warparty are gonna' cry.
01/04/2008 21:25:22 ‹Jason Bulmahn› to be honest.. there is not much to see.. rooms and cubes.. cubes full of toys.. that is about it
01/04/2008 21:25:33 * Takasi likes toys.
01/04/2008 21:25:44 ‹James Jacobs› wow
01/04/2008 21:25:45 ‹Grimcleaver› But there...the Pathfinder room, with the big original map!
01/04/2008 21:25:49 ‹paul› if you reveal the office it will loose its mystery
01/04/2008 21:25:49 ‹James Jacobs› Just had a WotC/Hasbro flashback.
01/04/2008 21:25:54 ‹James Jacobs› Due to Takasi.
01/04/2008 21:25:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Maybe I will try to take some videos over the next few days to give you a sense of what the place is like
01/04/2008 21:26:01 ‹Russ› oh?
01/04/2008 21:26:03 ‹TurboATX› they are not toys, they are action figures!
01/04/2008 21:26:24 ‹Takasi› share your flashback JJ
01/04/2008 21:26:31 * Mothman changes his/her nickname to Moth working
01/04/2008 21:26:34 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Turbo> Some are indeed action figures.. others are clearly toys.. cool toys, but toys nonetheless
01/04/2008 21:26:37 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Another assassination video?
01/04/2008 21:26:40 ‹Watcher› Allegedly there is also a gross sink, and some bugs in the editorial pit. Not listening devices, actual insects
01/04/2008 21:26:41 ‹TurboATX› ok
01/04/2008 21:26:48 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> Maybe...
01/04/2008 21:26:52 ‹Grimcleaver› Jason Bulmahn, That'd be awesome!
01/04/2008 21:26:53 ‹Lilith› Jason Bulmahn: Your determination of Cosmo's demise was impressive.
01/04/2008 21:26:53 * Saracenus hides his dolls, er action figures
01/04/2008 21:26:59 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher> None that I have seen
01/04/2008 21:27:07 ‹Rambling Scribe› They are not action figures, they are dolls.
01/04/2008 21:27:14 ‹Mr Baron› what's the scoop on Nick's new website?
01/04/2008 21:27:29 ‹The Jade› What kinda scoop do you meanBaron?,
01/04/2008 21:27:36 ‹Grimcleaver› Dude. A bug that lives off of Nick Logues' scraps. You know what that would sell for on E-Bay??
01/04/2008 21:27:39 ‹James Jacobs› About the time Hasbro bought WotC, they brought us all into the rec room and we watched a big video introduction from the Boss Men from Hasbro, welcoming us to the family. At one point, Al Hassenfeld said, "I like toys." And the camera went in for an awkward closeup as he said it, and he said it in a creepy voice. The net effect: lots of laughter.
01/04/2008 21:27:43 ‹Lilith› Mr Baron: What do you want to know?
01/04/2008 21:27:50 ‹Daigle› Chris, what other things did we find from our playtest?
01/04/2008 21:27:50 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Cosmo must be put in his place now and again.. he has delusions of grandeur... (and not that kind that gives you +20 life... sorry old MtG joke)
01/04/2008 21:28:01 * Lilith giggles at Jason Bulmahn.
01/04/2008 21:28:09 ‹paul› how is the drive from paizocon to sanfransico
01/04/2008 21:28:12 ‹James Jacobs› There are indeed spiders and bugs in the building. More than Jason suspects.
01/04/2008 21:28:14 * Russ quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:28:28 ‹James Jacobs› Paul> It's about a 16 hour drive, I'd guess. Mabye 18.
01/04/2008 21:28:35 ‹paul› k
01/04/2008 21:28:38 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James> Sssshhh.. if I don't know about them, they are not real.. damn spiders...
01/04/2008 21:28:47 ‹Watcher› lol
01/04/2008 21:28:49 ‹TurboATX› daigle> rogues could be a bit strong in feats compared to other classes
01/04/2008 21:28:50 * Lilith finally saw The Mist this weekend.
01/04/2008 21:28:56 ‹Lilith› Now those are scary spiders.
01/04/2008 21:28:56 ‹paul› me too lil
01/04/2008 21:29:05 ‹Mr Baron› is he starting his own company on the side? I am trying to pull up the the thread where he mentions
01/04/2008 21:29:06 ‹The Jade› Cthuluey goo dtime.
01/04/2008 21:29:08 * Crimson Jester joins Main
01/04/2008 21:29:08 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Lilith> good choice.. great flick
01/04/2008 21:29:11 ‹paul› i loved the tenacles
01/04/2008 21:29:14 ‹paul› dammit
01/04/2008 21:29:16 ‹James Jacobs› I drive from Renton to Point Arena every Christmas, and that's about a 14 hour drive. And Point Arena is 3 hours from San Francisco. But if you stay on I-5 or 101 for most of that way, you can shave a few hours off...
01/04/2008 21:29:19 ‹Lilith› The Jade: :cthulhu:
01/04/2008 21:29:20 ‹The Jade› Baron: He started his own game studio. Sinister Adventures
01/04/2008 21:29:21 ‹paul› spellin's off
01/04/2008 21:29:23 ‹James Jacobs› (AKA: Avoid Highway 1)
01/04/2008 21:29:40 * Saracenus is looking forward to Hellboy II
01/04/2008 21:29:55 ‹Takasi› but 1 is so purdy
01/04/2008 21:29:56 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Saracenus is wise
01/04/2008 21:29:58 ‹Saracenus› More Cuthulu goodness :cthulhu:
01/04/2008 21:30:00 ‹Grimcleaver› We're driving in from Idaho. Should be about 11 hours. Renting a big van and piling our whole posse into it.
01/04/2008 21:30:00 ‹James Jacobs› THE MIST!
01/04/2008 21:30:06 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Agreed
01/04/2008 21:30:22 ‹James Jacobs› I LOVE THAT MOVIE! I watched pretty much every second of my new DVD of it over the weekend, commentary and trailers and documentaries and all.
01/04/2008 21:30:26 ‹Grimcleaver› Woo! Hellboy II!!
01/04/2008 21:30:28 ‹James Jacobs› I prefer the B&W version of the movie.
01/04/2008 21:30:33 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Grim> Crazy.. and fun, we used to do that often back in the midwest
01/04/2008 21:30:36 ‹Watcher› Lilith, thanks for the warning.. my wife is pretty phobic. Now I know to get that when she is out. Man, when they had tv commercials for 'Eight Legged Freaks', that was rough.. Her sceams would make me jump out of my skin
01/04/2008 21:31:03 ‹Lilith› Watcher: Dude. That movie made my skin crawl, and I'm generally okay with the creepy crawlies. With the exception of centipedes.
01/04/2008 21:31:04 ‹James Jacobs› Highway 1 IS awesome. It's just... not conducive to fast trips.
01/04/2008 21:31:07 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Watcher's wife is also wise
01/04/2008 21:31:13 ‹James Jacobs› It IS the source of 20% of my nightmares though.
01/04/2008 21:31:19 ‹Grimcleaver› Is the Mist an okay movie? The trailers made it look kinda lame.
01/04/2008 21:31:26 ‹The Jade› Definitely recommend the mist
01/04/2008 21:31:30 ‹The Jade› Not lame at all.
01/04/2008 21:31:36 ‹Grimcleaver› It was like attack of the Geonosis bugmen from Episode II.
01/04/2008 21:31:43 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Grim> It was actaully pretty entertaining.. well done.. a bit dark.. but fun
01/04/2008 21:31:43 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> The spider scenes in the Mist are PRETTY rough.
01/04/2008 21:31:43 ‹Lilith› Grimcleaver: Cthulhu goodness. :cthulhu:
01/04/2008 21:31:44 ‹The Jade› And I'm not a fan of King adaptations in general. This was simply good.
01/04/2008 21:32:01 ‹James Jacobs› The Mist was my favorite movie of 2007.
01/04/2008 21:32:15 ‹Grimcleaver› Cool. I might check it out then. There have been a lot of lame lame Stephen King movies.
01/04/2008 21:32:16 ‹paul› the mist is on my list
01/04/2008 21:32:16 ‹Watcher› Definitely watch it when she's out.
01/04/2008 21:32:24 ‹Grimcleaver› If this one isn't I'll gladly watch it.
01/04/2008 21:32:35 ‹Grimcleaver› Especially with JJ's recommendation.
01/04/2008 21:32:37 ‹James Jacobs› Of course, the short story's one of my favorite King short stories. But: It's very loyal to the story, the movie.
01/04/2008 21:32:46 ‹paul› longwalk
01/04/2008 21:32:49 ‹paul› they mentioned it
01/04/2008 21:32:51 ‹Lilith› paul: That was good.
01/04/2008 21:32:56 ‹paul› in the interview part
01/04/2008 21:32:59 ‹James Jacobs› It's got one of the most Hard Core endings ever.
01/04/2008 21:33:02 ‹Lilith› I think I liked Rage as a short story.
01/04/2008 21:33:03 ‹paul› yeah
01/04/2008 21:33:04 ‹Karelzarath› The Long Walk was awesome
01/04/2008 21:33:10 ‹Watcher› Some of King's tv adapations are better than the feature films, In think anyway
01/04/2008 21:33:19 ‹Grimcleaver› Cool.
01/04/2008 21:33:31 ‹James Jacobs› Frank Darabont knows how to adapt King like NO ONE else.
01/04/2008 21:33:37 ‹paul› darabont adn king were talking about it i hope the do it
01/04/2008 21:33:43 ‹paul› they
01/04/2008 21:33:45 ‹James Jacobs› Between Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and The Mist. He knows what's going on.
01/04/2008 21:33:52 ‹The Jade› I agree James. He did a great job.
01/04/2008 21:33:55 ‹paul› agreed
01/04/2008 21:34:11 ‹Grimcleaver› People talk about Cloverfield as Lovecraft. Honestly sometimes I wonder if people even understand what makes something Lovecraftian or not. Whoa, it's totally Lovecraft, cause it has...a MONSTER!
01/04/2008 21:34:21 ‹Watcher› All good films and books those. I read the Green Mile in Chapter Book form
01/04/2008 21:34:27 ‹James Jacobs› I doubt Rage will ever be reprinted or translated into a movie ever. That's pretty much the one story, I hear, that King wishes he'd never written.
01/04/2008 21:34:30 ‹paul› i like the tv remake of the shining better than the old one
01/04/2008 21:34:37 ‹Crimson Jester› Cloverfield IS NOT LOVECRAFT
01/04/2008 21:34:41 ‹Lilith› James Jacobs: nevertheless...it is a good read.
01/04/2008 21:34:52 ‹James Jacobs› Agreed.
01/04/2008 21:34:56 ‹Watcher› Me too Paul! Mr. King agrees with us
01/04/2008 21:34:58 ‹TurboATX› good evening all, nice talking to you
01/04/2008 21:35:00 ‹Crimson Jester› truth be known they dont make very good Lovecraft movies
01/04/2008 21:35:05 ‹The Jade› Sounded like a kaiju film to me.
01/04/2008 21:35:06 ‹paul› :)
01/04/2008 21:35:09 ‹Grimcleaver› Nite ATX!
01/04/2008 21:35:13 * Russ can't stand King
01/04/2008 21:35:14 ‹Daigle› Goodnight Chris!
01/04/2008 21:35:17 ‹James Jacobs› Cloverfield is not Lovecraft... BUT: The monster itself is somewhat Lovecraftian.
01/04/2008 21:35:21 ‹Karelzarath› Rage? What anthology was it published in?
01/04/2008 21:35:21 ‹The Jade› Anyone see that Korean kaiju film, The Host? I dug it.
01/04/2008 21:35:24 ‹Daigle› See ya Sunday!!
01/04/2008 21:35:34 ‹Grimcleaver› I dunno. I think Lovecraft movies are like Kung Fu movies. The best ones are the worst ones!
01/04/2008 21:35:36 ‹The Jade› Night turbo
01/04/2008 21:35:37 ‹Jason Bulmahn› I agree with James.. for once.. :-)
01/04/2008 21:35:40 ‹James Jacobs› The HOST! Also awesome. My 2nd favorite movie of 2007, after The Mist.
01/04/2008 21:35:45 ‹The Jade› Yuzna films, Grim
01/04/2008 21:35:53 ‹Grimcleaver› In the Mouth of Madness, Dagon. Both really great bad films.
01/04/2008 21:35:55 ‹James Jacobs› Maybe 3rd favorite... after Last Winter.
01/04/2008 21:36:01 ‹Lilith› Karelzarath: The Richard Bachman anthology
01/04/2008 21:36:07 * TurboATX quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:36:10 ‹Grimcleaver› Yuzna?
01/04/2008 21:36:14 ‹James Jacobs› eew... The worst Lovecraft movies are like having eye surgery in a puppet shop. Not Reccomended.
01/04/2008 21:36:18 ‹Saracenus› Balls of Fury... For Chistopher Walken! :lick:
01/04/2008 21:36:25 ‹Watcher› In the Mouth of Madness had a lot going for it all things considered
01/04/2008 21:36:30 ‹Crimson Jester› Naw there are getting to be some good Kung fu movies, but speaking 1970 ish yeah the bad ones are the best
01/04/2008 21:36:36 ‹The Jade› Brian Yuzna made From Beyond. REanimator , Reanimator 2
21:36:45 ‹James Jacobs› He produced those movies.
01/04/2008 21:36:48 ‹Crimson Jester› don remind me
01/04/2008 21:36:51 ‹Grimcleaver› Eye surgury in a puppet shop? That sounds awesome.
01/04/2008 21:36:58 ‹Lilith› Crimson Jester: Fearless asn't bad.
01/04/2008 21:37:00 ‹The Jade› He added his own terribleness to Lovecraft and it made for fun schlock.
01/04/2008 21:37:08 ‹The Jade› It's an acquired taste.
01/04/2008 21:37:11 ‹Saracenus› My favorite Chuthulu movie? To Cast A Deadly Spell with James Ward
01/04/2008 21:37:13 ‹paul› fearless is beatiful ...the airplane one
01/04/2008 21:37:18 ‹James Jacobs› Stuart Gordon's the director of the better Lovecraft movies. He's apparently getting some traction on making "The Thing on the Doorstep" too.
01/04/2008 21:37:20 ‹Crimson Jester› yeah Fearless was a good one Lil
01/04/2008 21:37:23 ‹The Jade› Fritz Weaver's head flying around the room with bat wings.
01/04/2008 21:37:29 ‹The Jade› I met the writer of Fearless.
01/04/2008 21:37:34 ‹Crimson Jester› To Cast a deadly Spell was a great movie
01/04/2008 21:37:43 ‹The Jade› His brother's a famous writer as well
01/04/2008 21:37:50 ‹Takasi› I also read the Rage as a kid, I wrote an adaptation of it as a play and submitted it to our 7th grade 'learning fair' and won first place! :)
01/04/2008 21:37:52 ‹James Jacobs› The silent B&W Call of Cthulhu is probably the best direct Lovecraft movie adaptation.
01/04/2008 21:37:55 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James> You should know that they are thinking about making a cloverfield game.. although I know little else about it..
01/04/2008 21:37:55 * Russ makes a glub glub noise
01/04/2008 21:37:57 * Mr Baron quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:38:01 * Russ presents you with a note on a pencil
01/04/2008 21:38:01 ‹Saracenus› Ack, Fred Ward...
01/04/2008 21:38:08 ‹Grimcleaver› WHAT??
01/04/2008 21:38:09 ‹James Jacobs› I know about the game, Jason. Never fear.
01/04/2008 21:38:15 ‹The Jade› Speaking of Jeff Bridges... if you haven't seen it... I HIGHLY RECOMMEND The Amateurs (aka The Moguls)
01/04/2008 21:38:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Once again, I agree with James, the B&W film is fantastic...
01/04/2008 21:38:24 ‹The Jade› Made in 2006 I think.
01/04/2008 21:38:25 * Moth working quit (timeout)
01/04/2008 21:38:27 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James> I figured you knew
01/04/2008 21:38:29 ‹paul› which one?
01/04/2008 21:38:35 ‹Grimcleaver› Hopefully a video game. Can't imagine a Cloverfield RPG.
01/04/2008 21:38:45 ‹Russ› Bridges was great in this little-known film called the Amercian Success Company
01/04/2008 21:38:46 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Jade> I just saw that this weekend.. very funny
01/04/2008 21:38:49 ‹Watcher› I just recently saw that B&W silent C of C film
01/04/2008 21:38:56 ‹Hill Giant› Cloverfield reminded me of The Kraken Wakes, but with less socal commentary
01/04/2008 21:38:56 ‹James Jacobs› Another pretty good Lovecraft adaptation: "The Resurrected." Directed by Dan O'Bannion (writer of Alien), based on "The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward."
01/04/2008 21:38:56 ‹Grimcleaver› Can't really picture a Cloverfield video game either.
01/04/2008 21:38:57 ‹Saracenus› My favorite film I watched last year... The restored and remastered Metropolis...
01/04/2008 21:39:01 ‹Saracenus› It was gorgeous
01/04/2008 21:39:25 ‹The Jade› Cool, Jason. I can't get enough people to go look for it.
01/04/2008 21:39:25 ‹Grimcleaver› Ooh. Love Metropolis!
01/04/2008 21:39:35 ‹Takasi› I misread that Watcher, and got a mental image of an obese illithid :P
01/04/2008 21:39:40 * Samwise joins Main
01/04/2008 21:39:41 ‹James Jacobs› http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0478988/
01/04/2008 21:39:41 ‹Grimcleaver› That film is amazing!
01/04/2008 21:40:01 ‹The Jade› I saw some kind of danced up version of Metropolis many years ago.
01/04/2008 21:40:10 ‹The Jade› They colorized it and added a soundtrack I think.
01/04/2008 21:40:29 ‹James Jacobs› I've got "The Kraken Wakes" sitting around on a shelf here waiting for me to re-find and read it somewhere...
01/04/2008 21:40:31 ‹Grimcleaver› They made an anime based on Metropolis. Wow. Weird. Made by that Akira guy.
01/04/2008 21:40:42 ‹Grimcleaver› Hate the Akira guy.
01/04/2008 21:40:45 ‹Saracenus› Go see the restored origional, Netflix has it... it will blow your mind
01/04/2008 21:40:53 ‹Crimson Jester› I know we are in movie mode but I just have to ask How is work pregressing on Pathfinder RPG?
01/04/2008 21:41:09 ‹paul› showtime had a couple of the masters of horror do a few
01/04/2008 21:41:18 ‹Grimcleaver› I'm loving a bunch of the new rules.
01/04/2008 21:41:19 ‹Russ› James> Not Wyndham's best, but not bad.
01/04/2008 21:41:29 ‹Wyvern› Grimcleaver, you mean Katsuhiro Otomo. Akira is another famous anime.
01/04/2008 21:41:34 ‹The Jade› I'll check it out saracenus
01/04/2008 21:41:35 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Crimson> its moving along.. I am hoping to put up release 2 here in a couple of weeks.. of course, this is not a guarantee..
01/04/2008 21:41:37 ‹Russ› I recommend The Chrysalids and the Trouble with Lichen
01/04/2008 21:41:40 ‹Pygon› Presence, thank you for your tweaks, it's working swimmingly :)
01/04/2008 21:41:47 ‹Grimcleaver› Wyvern, Yeah. Urgh.
01/04/2008 21:41:59 ‹Crimson Jester› what can we expect in 2?
01/04/2008 21:42:17 ‹Grimcleaver› Wyvern, He's always coming up with these killer ideas and then does a butt job of telling them.
01/04/2008 21:42:24 ‹Presence› My pleasure, Pygon!
01/04/2008 21:42:27 * Russ picked up the new Dresden Files today
01/04/2008 21:42:29 * Watcher listens for the answer to Crimson's second question
01/04/2008 21:42:31 ‹Grimcleaver› Wyvern, Steamboy, for example.
01/04/2008 21:42:54 ‹James Jacobs› Jason! You gotta get release 2 done in like 2 days! That's the goal! WORK WORK WORK!
01/04/2008 21:43:00 ‹Crimson Jester› Dresden files rocks they never should have cancelled it
01/04/2008 21:43:09 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Crimson> Four more classes, some magic item bits, some NPC bits, some GM bits, and a fair number of spells... among a number of other pieces...
01/04/2008 21:43:09 ‹Wyvern› I liked it <oops> ...then again I'm probably easy to please.
01/04/2008 21:43:22 ‹Saracenus› Russ> Is it hardback?
01/04/2008 21:43:23 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James> Great.. when do you start helping?
01/04/2008 21:43:25 ‹Jason Bulmahn› :-P
01/04/2008 21:43:26 ‹Takasi› there was supposed to be an Urban Arcana tv show on sci-fi, not sure what happened to that
01/04/2008 21:43:41 ‹James Jacobs› I'm helping RIGHT NOW by not throwing cow dung and hobos at you.
01/04/2008 21:43:42 ‹paul› which one russ
01/04/2008 21:43:45 ‹Crimson Jester› well I put my 2 cents in on the boards hopfully some o

April 8th 2008
03:02:05 * James Jacobs joins Main
09/04/2008 03:02:08 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Well done Pygon! You survive this day!
09/04/2008 03:02:15 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› JAMES JACOBS!!!
09/04/2008 03:02:17 ‹Daigle› Howdy James!
09/04/2008 03:02:18 ‹CD Lunching› hello James
09/04/2008 03:02:20 ‹Hill Giant› People! People who need people...
09/04/2008 03:02:21 ‹Pygon› It's Paizo! :ohnoes:
09/04/2008 03:02:23 ‹Logue-a-like› Logue Clone #17 reporting for duty.
09/04/2008 03:02:28 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› WELCOME OVERLORD MASTER OF AWESOMENESS!
09/04/2008 03:02:28 ‹James Jacobs› Aloha!
09/04/2008 03:02:29 ‹cappadocius› hey, assembled fanboys and Nick, do we know the 10 monsters in Classic Monsters revisited yet?
09/04/2008 03:02:33 ‹Pygon› welcome James
09/04/2008 03:02:34 ‹Dorgar› ello James
09/04/2008 03:02:39 ‹James Jacobs› We do!
09/04/2008 03:02:44 ‹cappadocius› oh. Jeez, Paizo shows up just as I ask a question. Nothing like *looking* impatient.
09/04/2008 03:02:45 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Well done #17...back to work on Blood of the Gorgon.
09/04/2008 03:02:49 ‹James Jacobs› In Classic Monsters: Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears
09/04/2008 03:02:57 ‹James Jacobs› Lizardfolk, Gnolls, Minotaurs
09/04/2008 03:02:59 ‹Skeld› hi james
09/04/2008 03:02:59 * Logue-a-like changes his/her nickname to Rambling Scribe
09/04/2008 03:02:59 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Let em have it James!
09/04/2008 03:03:04 ‹James Jacobs› Kobolds
09/04/2008 03:03:09 ‹James Jacobs› Ogres
09/04/2008 03:03:13 ‹James Jacobs› Trolls
09/04/2008 03:03:24 ‹James Jacobs› And... um....
09/04/2008 03:03:25 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Sweet!
09/04/2008 03:03:30 ‹James Jacobs› uhhhhhh
09/04/2008 03:03:31 ‹cappadocius› the other one.
09/04/2008 03:03:31 ‹Pygon› smrfs
09/04/2008 03:03:33 ‹cappadocius› :)
09/04/2008 03:03:34 ‹James Jacobs› Hmm.
09/04/2008 03:03:47 ‹cappadocius› Is it Flumphs?
09/04/2008 03:03:48 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› I did the Ogres and the Bugbears...blame me for all related PC deaths!
09/04/2008 03:03:52 ‹cappadocius› Please God, let it be Flumphs.
09/04/2008 03:03:52 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› :D
09/04/2008 03:04:00 ‹James Jacobs› Nope. Not Flumphs.
09/04/2008 03:04:02 ‹James Jacobs› Crap!
09/04/2008 03:04:05 ‹cappadocius› awwwwwwwwww
09/04/2008 03:04:08 ‹James Jacobs› What was #10?
09/04/2008 03:04:10 ‹Rambling Scribe› Orcs?
09/04/2008 03:04:10 ‹Pygon› Orcs?
09/04/2008 03:04:16 ‹James Jacobs› YES! Orcs.
09/04/2008 03:04:22 * Pygon high fives Scribe
09/04/2008 03:04:26 ‹cappadocius› Yawn, Orcs.
09/04/2008 03:04:27 ‹James Jacobs› I shall celebrate that by going to get my dinner out of the microwave device.
09/04/2008 03:04:30 ‹cappadocius› shoulda been Flumphs.
09/04/2008 03:04:31 ‹Rambling Scribe› :w00t:
09/04/2008 03:04:36 ‹Coffee Lilith is AFK› Orcs! By Mr Vaughan, if I recall...
09/04/2008 03:04:43 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› They do be!
09/04/2008 03:04:55 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Vaughan's Orcs are pretty kickass!
09/04/2008 03:05:01 ‹Dorgar› :dance:Orc dance :dance:
09/04/2008 03:05:08 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Nice!
09/04/2008 03:05:12 ‹Daigle› I can't wait to see !
09/04/2008 03:05:17 ‹cappadocius› I was hoping for one Good race.
09/04/2008 03:05:32 ‹Daigle› Good races aren't monsters ;)
09/04/2008 03:05:34 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› The ogres do some dancing...their notorious "skull-jigs"
09/04/2008 03:05:38 ‹cappadocius› That's kind of what made me think of Flumphs, was the whole Fiend Folio with a single good race in it.
09/04/2008 03:05:48 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Ogres are good...good at raping you that is.
09/04/2008 03:06:08 ‹cappadocius› Yes, yes, and we all love rape, but it's just not the same.
09/04/2008 03:06:18 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› True dat.
09/04/2008 03:06:24 ‹James Jacobs› Cappadocius> Yawn, Orcs, huh? Cool! That means we picked a good monster to revisit!
09/04/2008 03:06:45 ‹cappadocius› I suppose that's a valid point!
09/04/2008 03:06:47 * tensor joins Main
09/04/2008 03:06:52 ‹James Jacobs› The book's called "Classic MONSTERS revisited," so good races would have been way out of place.
09/04/2008 03:07:00 ‹Daigle› Howdy tensor!
09/04/2008 03:07:04 ‹cappadocius› There's good monsters!
09/04/2008 03:07:06 * Mr Baron joins Main
09/04/2008 03:07:07 ‹James Jacobs› Like Daigle said and I read after I made that last bit..
09/04/2008 03:07:09 ‹cappadocius› Mongrelmen!
09/04/2008 03:07:15 ‹James Jacobs› We're using the word "
09/04/2008 03:07:15 ‹cappadocius› Svirfneblin!
09/04/2008 03:07:18 ‹tensor› Hi Daigle
09/04/2008 03:07:24 ‹cappadocius› Smurfs!
09/04/2008 03:07:27 ‹James Jacobs› We're using the word "monster" in the classic sense.
09/04/2008 03:07:32 ‹cappadocius› Blink Dogs!
09/04/2008 03:07:37 ‹cappadocius› oh, very well.
09/04/2008 03:07:47 ‹James Jacobs› If Classic Monsters Revisited does well... you can probably expect more books along those lines in the future.
09/04/2008 03:07:54 ‹cappadocius› Mongrelmen *are* monsters in the classic sense, but I accept your logic.
09/04/2008 03:07:56 ‹cappadocius› FOR NOW.
09/04/2008 03:07:57 ‹James Jacobs› One might well be something like "Classic Good Guys Revisited."
09/04/2008 03:08:06 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› By The Way Everyone: Tomorrow at the same time, there will be the FIRST EVER Sinister Adventures chat. Drop by if you want. It'll be here as well!
09/04/2008 03:08:08 ‹cappadocius› A gnome book!
09/04/2008 03:08:17 ‹Dorgar› Monglrelmen would be cool to see in Paizovision
09/04/2008 03:08:20 ‹tensor› gnomes are Norwegian
09/04/2008 03:08:22 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Classic Good Guys Revisited...awesome.
09/04/2008 03:08:26 ‹tensor› and only 15cm tall
09/04/2008 03:08:28 ‹Daigle› Will that book be the first time orcs have appeared in Pathfinder, or am I missing something?
09/04/2008 03:08:40 ‹James Jacobs› I'm not sure mongrelmen are open content. Are they in Tome of Horrors? If not... we can't use them.
09/04/2008 03:09:10 ‹James Jacobs› There's going to be a fair amount of orcs during Curse of the Crimson Throne... they don't really KICK IT IN until Pathfinder 11, though.
09/04/2008 03:09:22 * cappadocius checks Tome...
09/04/2008 03:09:27 ‹Coffee Lilith is AFK› James Jacobs: "Mongrelmen" are in Tome of Horrors.
09/04/2008 03:09:32 ‹James Jacobs› Everyone's heard by now what our 12th, and last (for now) Iconic is gonna be, yeah?
09/04/2008 03:09:39 ‹Hill Giant› (I liked the mongrelmen worshipping Mitclantecuhtli in Savage Tide, that was a nice touch)
09/04/2008 03:09:47 ‹Coffee Lilith is AFK› James Jacobs: Female Gnome Druid! :D
09/04/2008 03:09:49 ‹James Jacobs› CooL! Mongrelmen! Sweet. They'll show up in Golarion eventually then, I'm pretty sure.
09/04/2008 03:09:51 ‹Mr Baron› what time is the sinister chat?
09/04/2008 03:09:54 ‹James Jacobs› That's #11, Lilith.
09/04/2008 03:10:04 ‹Coffee Lilith is AFK› Mr Baron: Tomorrow, same time.
09/04/2008 03:10:02 * Watcher joins Main
09/04/2008 03:10:02 ‹robert_hawk› fighter / mage?
09/04/2008 03:10:04 ‹cappadocius› YAY!
09/04/2008 03:10:06 ‹James Jacobs› Yup
09/04/2008 03:10:14 ‹Daigle› Howdy Watcher!
09/04/2008 03:10:22 ‹cappadocius› The 12th Iconic is a Psionicist, right?
09/04/2008 03:10:23 ‹Dorgar› ohh nice
09/04/2008 03:10:24 ‹cappadocius› *RIGHT*?
09/04/2008 03:10:25 ‹Watcher› Howdy Daigle!
09/04/2008 03:10:32 ‹Watcher› the 12 is evil!
09/04/2008 03:10:35 ‹James Jacobs› #12 is our iconic multiclass character. And fighter/mage (in thsi case, fighter/sorcerer) is the most common/popular multiclass.
09/04/2008 03:10:36 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› The Sinister Chat is at 8pm Pacific tomorrow night.
09/04/2008 03:10:38 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Be there!
09/04/2008 03:10:41 ‹Daigle› the 12th is a commoner
09/04/2008 03:10:47 ‹Pygon› interesting
09/04/2008 03:10:54 ‹Mr Baron› of course! thanks nick
09/04/2008 03:10:58 ‹Daigle› Shucks, too late.
09/04/2008 03:11:00 * gemma joins Main
09/04/2008 03:11:03 ‹James Jacobs› No psionic guys yet. They're not big enough in Golarion to deserve to be an iconic. When we DO do psionic stuff (which we will do eventually) we'll come up with iconics for all them classes.
09/04/2008 03:11:20 ‹Daigle› James said doo doo
09/04/2008 03:11:22 ‹Daigle› :P
09/04/2008 03:11:32 ‹Mr Baron› since we are talking about classic monsters...when does it hit the warehouse?
09/04/2008 03:11:32 ‹James Jacobs› Gonna put it ON YOU!
09/04/2008 03:11:39 * Daigle laughs!
09/04/2008 03:12:09 * Watcher is alarmed until he realizes that James is not serious
09/04/2008 03:12:12 ‹James Jacobs› It should be coming in pretty soon. We just started shipping Pathfinder 8 today, I think... maybe tomorrow. I saw them printing labels for it, in any case, and that means that Classic Monsters should be coming along pretty soon. <crosses fingers>
09/04/2008 03:12:14 ‹Paul› sprinkles
09/04/2008 03:12:25 * The Last Rogue joins Main
09/04/2008 03:12:36 ‹Daigle› Howdy Rogue!
09/04/2008 03:12:49 ‹Dorgar› Gazeteer soon ?[-o>
09/04/2008 03:12:55 ‹Watcher› How did that Abadar write-up come out?
09/04/2008 03:12:55 ‹Daigle› Everyone watch your pockets.
09/04/2008 03:13:02 ‹The Last Rogue› Hey now
09/04/2008 03:13:09 * Mulban joins Main
09/04/2008 03:13:09 ‹The Last Rogue› I've reformed.
09/04/2008 03:13:13 * CD Lunching changes his/her nickname to CD Working
09/04/2008 03:13:13 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› The Last Rogue is here!
09/04/2008 03:13:15 ‹Daigle› Howdy Mulban
09/04/2008 03:13:19 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› I don't believe it Rogue
09/04/2008 03:13:26 ‹CD Working› bye for now
09/04/2008 03:13:29 ‹Daigle› Nice try on the bluff, Rogue. :)
09/04/2008 03:13:31 ‹Pygon› he steals the whole pants now
09/04/2008 03:13:32 ‹Mr Baron› so hints on AP4?
09/04/2008 03:13:34 ‹Dorgar› Bye CD
09/04/2008 03:13:35 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› G'night CD Working!
09/04/2008 03:13:35 * Rambling Scribe manifests concealing amorpha
09/04/2008 03:13:44 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› HINTS ON AP 4!!!
09/04/2008 03:13:46 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› I wanna know!
09/04/2008 03:13:48 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› SPOILERS!
09/04/2008 03:13:51 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› NOW JAMES, NOW!
09/04/2008 03:13:55 ‹Mr Baron› that's right
09/04/2008 03:13:59 ‹CD Working› not night Nick just work
09/04/2008 03:14:01 ‹The Last Rogue› Dammit Scribes got psionics now?!
09/04/2008 03:14:04 ‹Mr Baron› that's what we live for
09/04/2008 03:14:07 ‹Mulban› Heya D
09/04/2008 03:14:08 * Watcher quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:14:22 ‹James Jacobs› The Abadar entry for #8 is pretty cool. One of the neat things about Abadar? He's not necessarly friendly. He's not good aligned. Which makes for some neat possibilities.
09/04/2008 03:14:24 ‹Daigle› Rogue, Scribe just leveled and picked up psionics.
09/04/2008 03:14:25 ‹The Last Rogue› Talk about a room full of guys with SWEET SENSE MOTIVE CHECKS
09/04/2008 03:14:27 * Russ joins Main
09/04/2008 03:14:39 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Hey Russ!
09/04/2008 03:14:46 ‹James Jacobs› No hints yet on AP4. Again... we're just barely starting AP2, and AP3 is still kinda far off.
09/04/2008 03:14:51 ‹Rambling Scribe› The psionics came free with my inflated ego
09/04/2008 03:14:53 ‹The Last Rogue› He should level after that sweet dueling article. Bravo Scribe, bravo!
09/04/2008 03:15:08 ‹Daigle› Howdy Russ
09/04/2008 03:15:09 ‹cappadocius› AP4 will involve Owlephants, Wolfs-in-Sheeps-Clothing, and Carbuncles.
09/04/2008 03:15:16 ‹Rambling Scribe› Thanks Rogue!
09/04/2008 03:15:17 ‹James Jacobs› NICK! You'll get all the hints you can handle in a month or two... NEVER FEAR
09/04/2008 03:15:21 ‹Pygon› and Flumphs, and Flail Snails
09/04/2008 03:15:22 ‹The Last Rogue› JJ, I can't wait to see how this current AP shapes out . . .
09/04/2008 03:15:30 * Mulban quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:15:42 ‹James Jacobs› Me Too, Last Rogue!
09/04/2008 03:15:42 ‹Russ› Any good news out there?
09/04/2008 03:15:53 * Russ has an Age of Worms question, cause he's rooted in the pat
09/04/2008 03:15:58 ‹The Last Rogue› No, prob Scribe. Look forward to future works.
09/04/2008 03:16:00 ‹Mr Baron› so Nick, when do you start working on the pathfinder society?
09/04/2008 03:16:01 ‹Russ› past too
09/04/2008 03:16:10 ‹James Jacobs› OK fine. There's a pretty good chance that there'll be a pretty strong theme of devils in AP4.
09/04/2008 03:16:21 ‹Mr Baron› excellent
09/04/2008 03:16:24 ‹Mr Baron› :)
09/04/2008 03:16:28 * Rambling Scribe was playing Library of Last Resort earlier tonight.
09/04/2008 03:16:28 ‹The Last Rogue› Yes Devils roxxor over demons
09/04/2008 03:16:33 * The Last Rogue ducks.
09/04/2008 03:16:38 ‹James Jacobs› Grr
09/04/2008 03:16:44 ‹James Jacobs› Devils are... "okay"
09/04/2008 03:16:55 ‹Mr Baron› just ok?
09/04/2008 03:16:58 ‹Daigle› Viva chaos!
09/04/2008 03:17:02 ‹The Last Rogue› But you guys will TOny the tigerize them and make them GREAT!
09/04/2008 03:17:06 ‹Russ› Demons! Devils just aren't evil enough
09/04/2008 03:17:13 ‹Daigle› :lol:
03:17:25 ‹Mr Baron› No i disagree
09/04/2008 03:17:36 ‹Mr Baron› Demons are forces of distruction
09/04/2008 03:17:43 ‹Mr Baron› Devils have plans
09/04/2008 03:17:50 ‹Mr Baron› very evil plans
09/04/2008 03:17:53 ‹Russ› James - in Into the Wormcrawl Fissure, in the big horde, there's a mechanical bird. I'm wondering if by any chance that was originally intended to be Queen Ehlissa's Marvelous Nightingale?
09/04/2008 03:17:54 ‹The Last Rogue› But JJ, I am sure you guys will Tony the Tiger-ize them and make them (devils) GREAT!
09/04/2008 03:17:55 ‹James Jacobs› Demons have plans too.
09/04/2008 03:18:14 ‹James Jacobs› Actaully, there's a bit of devily stuff in Pathfinder 12. We'll have 2 new devils in the bestiary, and they look COOOOL.
09/04/2008 03:18:17 ‹Mr Baron› yes...but they are no match for the plans of devils
09/04/2008 03:18:25 ‹Mr Baron› excellent!
09/04/2008 03:18:41 ‹Rambling Scribe› LALALALALALLALALALALA!
09/04/2008 03:18:42 * Blazej joins Main
09/04/2008 03:18:47 ‹Mulban› And, just by sheer numbers, Devils are more concentrated evil
09/04/2008 03:18:51 ‹Russ› Demons DO, devils scheme. Demons accomplish more by actually getting involved instead of fiddling with their plots all day long.
09/04/2008 03:18:54 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> Yes, in fact. It was indeed a nod to the Marvelous Nightingale. It's not intended to be it, though. Maybe it was a prototype?
09/04/2008 03:18:54 ‹Rambling Scribe› I can't hear any AoW spoilers!
09/04/2008 03:19:00 ‹tensor› what does it mean to "write sinister art orders" ?
09/04/2008 03:19:01 ‹Dorgar› someone has a devil fetish me thinks:twisted:
09/04/2008 03:19:03 ‹Rambling Scribe› LALALALALALALA
09/04/2008 03:19:21 ‹Mr Baron› so JJ, what has you say that devils are just ok?
09/04/2008 03:19:32 * Russ just FINALLY got to pull off his detour into the aboleth city for the 2nd fragment of the rod, and had his party seriously weirded out. Threw a Pathfinder shoggoth at them, too.
09/04/2008 03:19:33 ‹James Jacobs› ACTUALLY... daemons are the most evil of the three.
09/04/2008 03:19:40 ‹Daigle› Howdy Blazej!
09/04/2008 03:19:50 ‹Blazej› Yo. ?
09/04/2008 03:19:54 ‹James Jacobs› Devils are fun. But of the three classic fiend types... they're to me the least interesting.
09/04/2008 03:19:56 ‹Russ› Rambling - I dont' think I've spoilered anything, the rod thing is NOT from the magazines
09/04/2008 03:20:01 * lojakz joins Main
09/04/2008 03:20:10 ‹Mulban› No their not JJ, Daemons are greek
09/04/2008 03:20:19 ‹Mr Baron› yes..have you read any of Shemmy's stuff on 'loths?...especially the demented
09/04/2008 03:20:28 ‹Mr Baron› very evil stuff
09/04/2008 03:20:35 ‹Daigle› Howdy lojakz
09/04/2008 03:20:39 ‹Rambling Scribe› I'm just kidding anyways. I see spoilers all the time, you can't avoid it if you visit the messageboards.
09/04/2008 03:20:42 ‹Russ› I've also gotten the party to agree to an unspecified favor for one of Heironeous' angels, at some future time. Bwahahaha.
09/04/2008 03:20:42 ‹lojakz› WOOHOO! I'm actually here for a chat.... WOOHOO!!!
09/04/2008 03:20:49 ‹lojakz› Hey Daigle
09/04/2008 03:20:52 * Coffee Lilith is AFK changes his/her nickname to Admin Lilith
09/04/2008 03:20:55 ‹Pygon› welcome lojakz :)
09/04/2008 03:20:57 * Admin Lilith wants to know more about Daemons...:twisted:
09/04/2008 03:20:58 ‹Dorgar› the ones in PF 8 look awsome btw:)
09/04/2008 03:21:01 ‹James Jacobs› Also... some devils are destructive... some demons are plotters. Saying ALL demons are incapable of long plots is no good (Graz'zt and Malcanthet, for example), and so is saying no devil is destructive (Tiamat and Baal, for example).
09/04/2008 03:21:06 * Admin Lilith waves at lojakz, gives him cookies. :cookie:
09/04/2008 03:21:04 ‹Russ› Lightless Depths is fantastic.
09/04/2008 03:21:17 ‹Blazej› Grr... So want PF 8.
09/04/2008 03:21:19 ‹cappadocius› Everyone's all Devils and Demons. What I want to know is where are the Yugoloths?
09/04/2008 03:21:31 ‹Blazej› Sooo want it.
09/04/2008 03:21:34 ‹tensor› and Big Foot
09/04/2008 03:21:36 ‹lojakz› WOO HOO COOKIES... AND FIENDS.... this are a few of my favorite things.
09/04/2008 03:21:45 * The Last Rogue quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:21:51 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> Yup. Shem's done some good work on fiends.
09/04/2008 03:21:54 ‹cappadocius› and, dare I ask, the Gehereleths?
09/04/2008 03:21:57 ‹Admin Lilith› cappadocius: Yugoloths are WotC IP. "Daemons" though - :D
09/04/2008 03:22:06 ‹Mr Baron› so you have read his stuff :)
09/04/2008 03:22:07 ‹cappadocius› ugh.
09/04/2008 03:22:18 ‹cappadocius› Daemons is pronounced exactly like Demon!
09/04/2008 03:22:26 ‹cappadocius› Nobody can get Yugoloth and Tanar'ri mixed up!
09/04/2008 03:22:31 ‹Russ› Demodands! Not to be confused with deodands
09/04/2008 03:22:32 ‹James Jacobs› Rambling Scribe> Yeah... also, the statue of limitations on spoilers is pretty much up on Age of Worms to a certain extent.
09/04/2008 03:22:37 ‹Russ› I say daemon damon, just for clarity
09/04/2008 03:22:43 ‹Hill Giant› 'ae' = long i
09/04/2008 03:22:44 ‹cappadocius› MATT DAMON!
09/04/2008 03:22:47 ‹James Jacobs› cappadocius> Also? Nobody but Wizards of the Coast is legally allowed to use those words.
09/04/2008 03:22:51 ‹Blazej› Day-mon!
09/04/2008 03:22:54 ‹Mulban› Dammit Cap
09/04/2008 03:22:55 ‹cappadocius› Sue them!
09/04/2008 03:22:57 ‹Zanderias› Matt's Daemons?
09/04/2008 03:23:00 ‹Mulban› I was going to go there
09/04/2008 03:23:02 ‹Mr Baron› I think it would be awesome if you had him write up a short article on daemons...
09/04/2008 03:23:02 ‹Russ› I'm winding up Age of Worms, campaign has been going since January 2006 if you can believe that
09/04/2008 03:23:14 ‹cappadocius› This is America! You can sue anyone for anything for no reason whatsoever!
09/04/2008 03:23:18 ‹Mr Baron› his stuff is incredibly dark...it would fit right it
09/04/2008 03:23:20 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> Way ahed of you.
09/04/2008 03:23:23 ‹cappadocius› Also...
09/04/2008 03:23:28 * cappadocius rubs his forehead.
09/04/2008 03:23:30 ‹Mr Baron› EXCELLENT!
09/04/2008 03:23:31 ‹Russ› Hill Giant> rules of english or not, daemon _is_ pronounced demon.
09/04/2008 03:23:37 ‹Wyvern› I thought daemon was pronounced DEE-mon.
09/04/2008 03:23:48 ‹Mr Baron› that's why you get paid the big bucks ;)
09/04/2008 03:23:48 ‹cappadocius› Are there any Open Content "daemons" anyway?
09/04/2008 03:23:49 * Russ mugs a language and goes through its pockets for loss grammar.
09/04/2008 03:24:03 * Eyebite joins Main
09/04/2008 03:24:06 ‹James Jacobs› It is. Are you saying that evil fiends messing with names to confuse easilly-deluded mortals is out of character for them?
09/04/2008 03:24:10 ‹Russ› lose grammar, grr
09/04/2008 03:24:12 ‹Daigle› Howdy Eyebite!
09/04/2008 03:24:17 ‹cappadocius› loose, Russ.
09/04/2008 03:24:24 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Tensor: Write art orders for Sinister Adventures.
09/04/2008 03:24:29 ‹Blazej› So that is why daemons are the most evil. They even corrupt grammer.
09/04/2008 03:24:38 ‹Russ› Keep in mind the siutations with Dagon and one of the other demon lords. They even mix truenames.
09/04/2008 03:24:43 ‹James Jacobs› Yup
09/04/2008 03:24:45 ‹cappadocius› grammar!
09/04/2008 03:24:53 ‹Mulban› Actuallly I think Daemons were originally evil spirit types from Greek myth, and the name was translated later on
09/04/2008 03:24:56 ‹Mr Baron› so anything on the demented? The Dire Shepard story was awesome!
09/04/2008 03:25:03 * tensor quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:25:04 * tensor quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:25:04 * tensor quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:25:12 ‹cappadocius› daemons weren't even evil in Greek. It meant, essentially, "soul"
09/04/2008 03:25:29 ‹lojakz› beat me too it Cappadocious
09/04/2008 03:25:30 ‹cappadocius› Gary just needed another word to use for his Neutral Evil planars.
09/04/2008 03:25:34 ‹lojakz› lol
09/04/2008 03:25:37 ‹James Jacobs› Good thing there's no Greece in Golarion to confuse the matter further.
09/04/2008 03:25:40 ‹Mulban› You're prolly right, it's been a while since I read up on them
09/04/2008 03:25:42 ‹Russ› Greek daemons were not necessarily good or evil. Though some were.
09/04/2008 03:25:49 ‹Blazej› cappadocius, I have a bloody silent 'j' in my last name and a regular one in my first name. I will spell anything however I want! :P
09/04/2008 03:26:00 ‹cappadocius› The point is that we need Yugoloths.
09/04/2008 03:26:01 ‹Russ› Plato, however, considered daemons to be evil.
09/04/2008 03:26:06 ‹cappadocius› Whatever the heck we call them.
09/04/2008 03:26:22 ‹Blazej› Speel! Bluedy!
09/04/2008 03:26:32 ‹cappadocius› Also, do you think you could convince Privateer Press to let you use Cephalyx to fill the Illithid niche in Golarion?
09/04/2008 03:26:43 ‹Russ› I hated the big renaming. Keep in mind why it was done, you should hate it too. The bowlderizing of 2nd edition was even more of a sin than anything 4th has done.
09/04/2008 03:27:08 ‹cappadocius› I liked the big renaming because it tied directly into Planescape, and anyone who hates Planescape has no soul.
09/04/2008 03:27:25 ‹James Jacobs› We've got a race of evil monsters to fill the Illithid niche. Intellect Devourers.
09/04/2008 03:27:28 * gemma quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:27:33 ‹cappadocius› Uhm.
09/04/2008 03:27:46 ‹Russ› Planescape is garbage. Cant is among the dumbest things that ever hit the game. The Lady of Pain and Sigil are even worse garbage.
09/04/2008 03:27:57 ‹Russ› with that said, PORTIONS of Planescape can be redeemed.
09/04/2008 03:27:59 * Blazej ducks.
09/04/2008 03:28:00 ‹cappadocius› The little brain-lions that run around on their adorable little paws and eat minds?
09/04/2008 03:28:01 * Absinth joins Main
09/04/2008 03:28:03 ‹James Jacobs› The "big renamign" happend YEARS before planescape, though. The renaming was 100% born out of cowardice.
09/04/2008 03:28:06 ‹Hill Giant› JJ: Intellect Devourers have always been used as 'pets' for bigger IP monsters. How do plan to make them stand on their own?
09/04/2008 03:28:07 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Hey Absinth!
09/04/2008 03:28:08 * Takasi joins Main
09/04/2008 03:28:08 ‹cappadocius› Russ, them's fightin' words.
09/04/2008 03:28:11 ‹Daigle› Tell us how you really feel :D
09/04/2008 03:28:24 ‹James Jacobs› That'd be the ones, capp, but I hardly think they're adorable.
09/04/2008 03:28:26 ‹Mulban› I was hoping for Fallen Flumph, is it too late for that?
09/04/2008 03:28:30 ‹Daigle› Howdy Takasi and Absinth!
09/04/2008 03:28:35 ‹cappadocius› They're cutie patooties!
09/04/2008 03:28:36 ‹Russ› Planescape is fourth-wall breaking gaming CUTE.
09/04/2008 03:28:41 ‹Mr Baron› any word on the GSL?
09/04/2008 03:28:48 ‹Takasi› greetings
09/04/2008 03:28:50 ‹Admin Lilith› Russ: Please refrain from heaping negative remarks - you've pronounced your dislike of Planescape before in this chatroom. Please try to stay relatively on-topic.
09/04/2008 03:28:56 ‹cappadocius› http://www.wizards.com/dnd/ima...557.jpg
09/04/2008 03:28:59 * deathsausage joins Main
09/04/2008 03:28:59 ‹Russ› Mr Baron> just the word that it is "under review"
09/04/2008 03:29:04 ‹James Jacobs› BUT: Intellect Devourers fill in the Mind Flayer niche in DOZENS of perfect ways. Similarly constructed name; they have brain-eating/replacing power, they're inscrutible, and they're psionic.
09/04/2008 03:29:05 ‹cappadocius› I just wanna hug that thing and eat 'em all up.
09/04/2008 03:29:17 ‹Absinth› Morning, Paizonians! :)
09/04/2008 03:29:18 ‹James Jacobs› We haven't seen hide nor hair of the GSL at Paizo.
09/04/2008 03:29:24 ‹Russ› Lilith> Please ask people to refrain from telling those who don't like it they have no soul as well?
09/04/2008 03:29:46 ‹Daigle› Howdy deathsausage
09/04/2008 03:29:47 * Absinth stifles a yawn
09/04/2008 03:29:51 * cappadocius rolls his eyes.
09/04/2008 03:29:57 ‹cappadocius› I'm sorry I said you had no soul Russ.
09/04/2008 03:29:58 ‹Dorgar› Hi Absinth
09/04/2008 03:30:04 ‹James Jacobs› We'l certainly be giving the intellect devourers our own spin as well.
09/04/2008 03:30:20 ‹Takasi› woot for intellect devourers! :D
09/04/2008 03:30:33 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› No GSL yet!?!?! Damn man.
09/04/2008 03:30:35 ‹Russ› What do they do with their feet when they're in a skull? And how do they patch the hole they made on the way in?
09/04/2008 03:30:38 ‹Daigle› I'm interested to see whay y'all do with them?
09/04/2008 03:30:41 ‹Absinth› Wow, a lag the size of Tokyo...
09/04/2008 03:30:50 ‹Russ› Questions I've always had about IDs :) Do they all wear caps or make sure they pick people with long hair?
09/04/2008 03:30:51 ‹cappadocius› I look forward to having my expectations exceeded!
09/04/2008 03:30:52 ‹Admin Lilith› Russ: I missed that comment, but yes, that as well. :)
09/04/2008 03:30:59 ‹Dorgar› How long till the Gazeteer ships James?
09/04/2008 03:31:00 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> good questions! Among one of many we'll eventually need to address.
09/04/2008 03:31:15 ‹Mr Baron› so Nick, when can we see an update on Pathfinder society?
09/04/2008 03:31:18 ‹Takasi› make them like utroms! :)
09/04/2008 03:31:19 ‹Russ› I'm invisioning the feet wrapped around the brain stem :)
09/04/2008 03:31:22 ‹Zanderias› No GSL yet?
09/04/2008 03:31:27 ‹James Jacobs› The Gazetteer is probably, I would guess, at least 3 to 4 weeks away from shipping. Maybe it'll get here sooner though.
09/04/2008 03:31:33 ‹James Jacobs› Nope. No GSL yet.
09/04/2008 03:31:35 ‹deathsausage› Hello Daigle
09/04/2008 03:31:38 ‹Russ› You figure they must leave that relatively intact, so they don't need to trifle with things like balance
09/04/2008 03:31:54 ‹cappadocius› hee. Those cute little paws wrapped around a brainstem. It'd be like a "hang in there!" poster.
09/04/2008 03:32:02 * Absinth quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:32:03 * Absinth quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:32:05 ‹Russ› I'm kinda thinking they dine mostly on the cortext, and leave the "lesser portions" alone, they just aren't tasty
09/04/2008 03:32:22 ‹James Jacobs› I suspect that intellect devourers function something like the Insects from Shaggai; they get in your brain and physically morph/meld with it. <shrug>
09/04/2008 03:32:22 ‹Russ› But imagine an intellect devourer parked in an elephant. Hmm :)
09/04/2008 03:32:50 ‹Dorgar› ok thx I'm really looking forward to it:D
09/04/2008 03:33:09 ‹cappadocius› All kidding about their little paws that I could just eat right up they're so cute, I think that's actually a good idea, Mr. Jacobs.
09/04/2008 03:33:19 ‹lojakz› Frankly that would be awesome if they functioned like the insects of Shaggai
09/04/2008 03:33:22 * Eyebite quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:33:36 * Daigle suspects a paw fetish ;)
09/04/2008 03:33:42 ‹Russ› Hmm. Merging sure, but in the process they do appear to destroy the self. So if they don't physically eat the brain, they should at least shred the psyche.
09/04/2008 03:33:43 * Eyebite joins Main
09/04/2008 03:33:53 ‹Daigle› Welcome back Eyebite
09/04/2008 03:34:06 ‹cappadocius› Nah, it's just that eating up brains makes one suspect as a zombie.
09/04/2008 03:34:26 ‹James Jacobs› The actual 3rd edition mechanics for how an intellect devourer does his thing and then rides around in a skull are pretty slapdash, though. We'll probably tinker a bit with them.
09/04/2008 03:34:30 * Absinth joins Main
09/04/2008 03:34:32 ‹cappadocius› and while I could go on about hugging the big fluffy brain, paws are more traditionally cute.
09/04/2008 03:34:51 ‹Daigle› :)
09/04/2008 03:35:11 ‹James Jacobs› Crap... I think I ate too much BBQ... ugh...
09/04/2008 03:35:12 ‹Takasi› James Jacobs, for my Crimson Throne campaign I'm going that the majority of my PCs be a part of one or two House, they can choose between Jeggare, Endrin, Leroung or Zenderholm, I want a Game of Thrones feel where I spoil them and then the world goes to hell
09/04/2008 03:35:23 ‹cappadocius› Well, since we're on the subject - how about Beholders and the, uh, other iconic Monster...
09/04/2008 03:35:24 ‹Russ› What do young intellect devourers possess? Dogs and cats?
09/04/2008 03:35:27 ‹Blazej› They shall ride around on their victim's heads. They will need big hats.
09/04/2008 03:35:28 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> cool!
09/04/2008 03:35:31 ‹Takasi› do these Houses get screwed during the events of CotCT?
09/04/2008 03:35:37 ‹Mr Baron› any ideas on when the next version of the PF RPG will be released?
09/04/2008 03:35:38 ‹Takasi› which ones, and how?
09/04/2008 03:35:39 ‹James Jacobs› Beholders are Off Limits.
09/04/2008 03:35:43 ‹Blazej› Like brain slugs.
09/04/2008 03:35:44 ‹cappadocius› "I, Beholder", "Illithiad", and...
09/04/2008 03:35:46 ‹cappadocius› But their niche!
09/04/2008 03:35:49 ‹Russ› Beholders aren't all that cool, really.
09/04/2008 03:35:49 ‹Absinth› Well, James, I just wanted to ask if you're better... :D
09/04/2008 03:36:02 ‹cappadocius› If Intellect Devourer = Illithid, what = Beholder?
09/04/2008 03:36:02 ‹cappadocius› Anything?
09/04/2008 03:36:09 ‹Russ› Sahuagin are OGL, so they're fine. They were the third, the Sea Devils. Although sea devil itself may be PI.
09/04/2008 03:36:11 ‹lojakz› i'm really excited to see what Paizo does with the various abberations that are part of the srd, and what sick things they come up with to fill the niches left open by beholders and mindflayers.
09/04/2008 03:36:11 ‹cappadocius› or is it *too* blatantly a WotC niche?
09/04/2008 03:36:13 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> You should probably not let any PC be a member of House Arkona... but beyond that, they're all open! We aren't going to do much at all with them, actually.
09/04/2008 03:36:29 * cappadocius nods at Russ.
09/04/2008 03:36:32 ‹Russ› There are other protected monsters, though.
09/04/2008 03:36:42 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> I suspect the next version of the PF RPG (release 2) will appear early next week.
09/04/2008 03:36:48 * Admin Lilith gives James Jacobs some Tums.
09/04/2008 03:36:49 ‹cappadocius› None as iconic as those fellas.
09/04/2008 03:36:54 ‹Hill Giant› what is the beholder niche anyway?
09/04/2008 03:36:55 ‹Mr Baron› kewl
09/04/2008 03:36:59 ‹Takasi› ah ok, can you briefly talk about what the Queen's plans are?
09/04/2008 03:37:03 ‹Russ› Is eladrin PI, or just guardinal?
09/04/2008 03:37:04 ‹Pygon› good, new rules to chew on
09/04/2008 03:37:06 ‹James Jacobs› Golarion can do without beholders. Never fear.
09/04/2008 03:37:12 ‹cappadocius› Hill Giant: Mobile Angry Artillary Piece?
03:37:18 * Takasi is patiently waiting for PF8, and probably more plans in PF9.
09/04/2008 03:37:23 ‹cappadocius› Artillery?
09/04/2008 03:37:24 ‹James Jacobs› Absinth> I am! I got hooked up with meds. Bronchitis is mostly gone now.
09/04/2008 03:37:25 ‹cappadocius› yes.
09/04/2008 03:37:47 ‹cappadocius› MODRONS!
09/04/2008 03:37:50 ‹Russ› I think PF used Eladrin recently, which may be murky in terms of PI. It does appear in the spell descriptions, but not in the monster rules.
09/04/2008 03:37:53 * deathsausage quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:37:53 ‹cappadocius› That was the critter I missed in 3.0
09/04/2008 03:37:54 ‹Absinth› Will the Gazetteer have regional maps for each country or will we see something like this in the CS?
09/04/2008 03:38:00 ‹James Jacobs› There's plenty of "iconic" monsters that WotC kept in the SRD, though. Rust monsters, ropers, etc.
09/04/2008 03:38:01 ‹cappadocius› They're so PI, though.
09/04/2008 03:38:13 ‹James Jacobs› Eladrin and Guardinal are both product identity, yeah.
09/04/2008 03:38:16 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, you sound more chipper. Must be a relief to have the edition stuff decided and over with
09/04/2008 03:38:25 ‹Mr Baron› do you have any favorites from TOH?
09/04/2008 03:38:54 ‹Russ› displacer beasts and yuan-ti , umber hulks and carrion crawlers
09/04/2008 03:38:55 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> I'd rather not talk TOO much about what's going on in Crimson Throne with Ileosa, simply to avoid spoilering the adventure for folk who are here who might be playing it.
09/04/2008 03:39:16 * Takasi will take it to the boards.
09/04/2008 03:39:19 ‹cappadocius› No, what's up with Displacer Beasts being PI?
09/04/2008 03:39:28 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> If we DID use eladrin... we shouldn't have.
09/04/2008 03:39:30 ‹Russ› I believe the book source for displacer beasts is past copyright protection. Yuan-ti are easily replaced with somthing from Howard. Umber hulks just aren't that interesting. Carrion crawlers are a big paralyzing centipede - not hard to replace.
09/04/2008 03:39:31 ‹cappadocius› Aren't they essentially lifted directly from another source?
09/04/2008 03:39:45 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> I certainly FEEL more chipper.
09/04/2008 03:39:55 ‹cappadocius› I think Lovecraftian serpent men might be OGL thanks to Freeport.
09/04/2008 03:39:57 ‹lojakz› i've been wondering that too capp, what source were they lifted from?
09/04/2008 03:39:58 ‹Russ› James > I thought I caught eladrin mentioned in something from Paizo recently, not sure
09/04/2008 03:40:05 ‹Russ› oh, you addressed that, sorry
09/04/2008 03:40:16 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> I do have some favorites from TOH; all the daemons, the froghemoth, and the demon lords come immediately to mind...
09/04/2008 03:40:19 * JVirtue55 joins Main
09/04/2008 03:40:34 ‹Mr Baron› any lovecraft in CotCT?
09/04/2008 03:40:39 ‹Russ› It's a bit odd to let people use ghael and bralani but not eladrin, and leonal and avoral, but not guardinal. Sigh.
09/04/2008 03:40:39 ‹Absinth› I second what Watcher said. But I'd go a little further and say, that it was the best that could happen to the D&D community. Everything feels lighter now, more optimistic. There's lot of enthusiams, at least that's what I sense. Feels like the start of another golden age.
09/04/2008 03:40:39 ‹Daigle› Howdy JVirtue55
09/04/2008 03:40:42 ‹James Jacobs› The boards is a great place for that topic, Takasi. I'll try to make sure I swing by to comment.
09/04/2008 03:40:50 ‹cappadocius› lojakz: I don't actually know. I've just seen that assertion bandied around A LOT.
09/04/2008 03:41:02 ‹JVirtue55› Hey all
09/04/2008 03:41:14 ‹Watcher› Deep Ones? Can't let Nick Logue have all the aquatic fun...
09/04/2008 03:41:19 ‹Takasi› any news about PF AP 4?
09/04/2008 03:41:19 * Absinth hums a certain song by Beck
09/04/2008 03:41:21 ‹Russ› Pathfinder has been a big topic of conversation amongst gamers who don't buy Paizo stuff, i'm trying to get them to order a few items.
09/04/2008 03:41:29 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> We can't use displacer beasts... but the monster they're based on is a different story. Black Destoryer MIGHT be in the public domain... certainly, the "courel" or however it's spelled has appeared in games like Final Fantasy.
09/04/2008 03:41:41 ‹Daigle› Takasi...devils is all we got.
09/04/2008 03:41:47 ‹JVirtue55› So if Jason is here he needs t get back to work on part 2 im on leave from work and need somthing to read LOL
09/04/2008 03:41:58 ‹Admin Lilith› James Jacobs: AP4: World Wound crusade? :P
09/04/2008 03:42:14 ‹James Jacobs› Lovecraftian serpent men are ogl. Of course... the concept of a "snake man" is certainly not trademarked. We could easilly do our own snake men... kind of like how we did boggards to make up for not being able to have bullywugs.
09/04/2008 03:42:31 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> Yes. There'll be some Lovecraft in Pathfinder 11, in the adventure "Skeletons of Scarwall."
09/04/2008 03:42:31 ‹cappadocius› yeah!
09/04/2008 03:42:39 ‹lojakz› James> where are the monsters from that the displacer beasts are based off of from originally?
09/04/2008 03:42:48 ‹James Jacobs› Russ> Yes... yes it is odd to let some of those names in and others not.
09/04/2008 03:42:55 ‹cappadocius› lojakz: http://scifipedia.scifi.com/in...stroyer
09/04/2008 03:43:02 ‹JVirtue55› How do you get to know what monsters are open and what are not?
09/04/2008 03:43:07 * Kevin T. quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:43:14 ‹James Jacobs› lojakz> There's a cool one-page timeline of the monsters in the Monster Ecology book we published a bit ago.
09/04/2008 03:43:16 ‹lojakz› capp> thanks for the link.
09/04/2008 03:43:23 * Fake Healer joins Main
09/04/2008 03:43:35 ‹Mulban› I thought I remembered reading that
09/04/2008 03:43:37 ‹Russ› JVirtue55> Search this page for beholder: http://www.systemreferencedocu...al.html
09/04/2008 03:43:37 ‹cappadocius› Actually, as much as I love Serpent Men, I'd like to see something else in that niche.
09/04/2008 03:43:38 ‹Daigle› Howdy Fakey!
09/04/2008 03:43:51 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Nope... no real news abotu AP4 yet... although I did mention earlier that devils will probably be involved. Lilith> The Worldwound is demons; it won't be part of AP4 in any event.
09/04/2008 03:43:59 ‹lojakz› ahh, i've been meaning to pick that up, my list keeps growing and growing
09/04/2008 03:44:01 ‹Fake Healer› Yo.
09/04/2008 03:44:08 ‹Russ› Didn't Howard have a yuan-ti precursor? Or am I off-base? I thought the serpent cult was a big thing in Howard
09/04/2008 03:44:10 ‹Fake Healer› Oh goody, Lag!
09/04/2008 03:44:10 ‹Nameless 2› Alright, I'm back... in pog form.
09/04/2008 03:44:15 ‹Watcher› Genie Wars...
09/04/2008 03:44:17 ‹Mulban› Fakey!
09/04/2008 03:44:19 ‹Kevin T.› Oh shoot lol forgot tonight was chat night
09/04/2008 03:44:20 * JVirtue55 quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:44:21 * quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:44:23 * Russ is excited about seeing the Pathfinder cosmology some day
09/04/2008 03:44:29 ‹cappadocius› "Lovecraftian" serpent men originated with Howard, Russ.
09/04/2008 03:44:32 ‹Takasi› any news on adventurers involvings the other planets?
09/04/2008 03:44:36 ‹Russ› Oh, got it :)
09/04/2008 03:44:37 ‹Mulban› Not so much Russ
09/04/2008 03:44:39 ‹Takasi› adventures that is
09/04/2008 03:44:41 ‹James Jacobs› JVirtue55> The list of monsters that are closed content have been posted on the WotC site... more to the point, though; if you don't see a Monster Manual monster in the SRD... it's closed.
09/04/2008 03:44:42 ‹cappadocius› And Howard kind of swiped the idea from... oh, whatsisname...
09/04/2008 03:44:56 ‹cappadocius› Machen.
09/04/2008 03:44:59 ‹Russ› Yes, after finishing Secret of Sinharat, I'm keen for some Mars romps!
09/04/2008 03:45:21 ‹James Jacobs› Howard did indeed do stuff with serpent people. Particularly in his Kull stories, I believe. But "snake people" isn't his idea. It's as old as the hills.
09/04/2008 03:45:31 * Zanderias quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:46:00 ‹James Jacobs› Takasi> Nope. No adventures set on other planets. HOWEVER: Pathfinder #14 will have some stuff about the universe and other planets and space.
09/04/2008 03:46:02 ‹Takasi› Any possibility of Worlds of Golarion and/or Planes of Golarion books?
09/04/2008 03:46:12 ‹James Jacobs› Absolutely.
09/04/2008 03:46:17 ‹Absinth› Cappadocius, you're talking about Arthur Machen? I haven't read anything by this guy that had giant serpent ppl in it...
09/04/2008 03:46:19 ‹lojakz› AWESOME!!!
09/04/2008 03:46:21 ‹Nameless 2› Sweet.
09/04/2008 03:46:30 ‹James Jacobs› Not soon, though. We don't wanna go TOO far into the outer planes or other planets yet. We want our
09/04/2008 03:46:33 ‹Takasi› neat, because Second Darkness involves the sky?
09/04/2008 03:46:36 ‹James Jacobs› "home base" to be solid first.
09/04/2008 03:46:38 * JVirtue55 quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:46:58 ‹James Jacobs› Yes. Also, because the second adventure in Second Darkness has some sci-fi elements to it. As in space alien stuff.
09/04/2008 03:47:00 ‹Mulban› I've never read any of the Kull stories
09/04/2008 03:47:02 ‹Nameless 2› Makes perfect sense... There's still so much about Golarion that we don't know. Let alone other planes/planets.
09/04/2008 03:47:25 ‹Mulban› Will there be a guy carrying a laser rifle on the cover?
09/04/2008 03:47:26 ‹Takasi› what is space like? more like science, or more like fantasy?
09/04/2008 03:47:34 ‹Blazej› Creatures from space!
09/04/2008 03:47:41 ‹James Jacobs› More like science. But you can use magic to explore it, just as you can use magic to explore underwater.
09/04/2008 03:47:42 ‹Kevin T.› Space Clowns?
09/04/2008 03:47:42 ‹cappadocius› Absinth: Arthur Machen, yes. His "little people" (The White People?) weren't serpent people, but Howard took a *lot* of inspiration from that story.
09/04/2008 03:47:48 ‹Kevin T.› Space Clowns?
09/04/2008 03:47:50 ‹Blazej› Kill them and take their stuff!
09/04/2008 03:47:52 ‹JVirtue55› so how did they get to claim yan ti just cause the name?
09/04/2008 03:47:52 * JVirtue55 quit
09/04/2008 03:48:13 ‹James Jacobs› There's FAR more to sci-fi than lasers. Lovecraft's "The Colour out of Space" for example... or Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
09/04/2008 03:48:17 * JVirtue55 joins Main
09/04/2008 03:48:30 ‹cappadocius› MOST of Lovecraft is sci-fi, really.
09/04/2008 03:48:33 ‹Admin Lilith› James Jacobs: Puppet Masters. :P
09/04/2008 03:48:47 ‹lojakz› i love invasion of the body snatchers
09/04/2008 03:49:02 * Logophylia joins Main
09/04/2008 03:49:06 * Kevin T. quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:49:11 * Kevin T joins Main
09/04/2008 03:49:16 ‹James Jacobs› Yes. The name Yuan-Ti was invented by TSR... and WotC owns all those rights now. Honestly... they could have claimed the VAST MAJORITY of the monster manual. The fact that they only claimed like a dozen or so names is pretty cool.
09/04/2008 03:49:34 ‹Absinth› James, how can we imagine work on something huge as the CS? There are lots of authors involved. Do Erik or you assign certain countries to certain themes to certain authors or can they pick things they like?
09/04/2008 03:49:36 ‹Mulban› I know, I was referring to that one ages old adventure, something a crashed space ship
09/04/2008 03:49:39 ‹Dorgar› its been fun as always folks. Thanks for the info James see you guys next week.
09/04/2008 03:49:51 ‹Fake Healer› JJ, How many Alpha Downloads so far (roughly)?
09/04/2008 03:49:53 ‹Nameless 2› James: Agreed, there's still a lot of great stuff to play with in there.
09/04/2008 03:49:56 ‹cappadocius› Beyond the Barrier Peaks, Mulban.
09/04/2008 03:49:57 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› G'night Dorgar!
09/04/2008 03:49:59 ‹Kevin T› Man....i really need to get firefox for this chat
09/04/2008 03:50:00 ‹Watcher› James Jacobs, what about the Fey? I found the easter egg reference to a "gate to the First World" guarded by gnomes in PF# 3. That sounds like neat stuff.
09/04/2008 03:50:04 ‹Kevin T› Man....i really need to get firefox for this chat
09/04/2008 03:50:07 ‹Kevin T› getting serious lag
09/04/2008 03:50:08 ‹Nameless 2› Later Dorgar!
09/04/2008 03:50:09 ‹Russ› Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, good old S3
09/04/2008 03:50:14 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Logophylia in the house too! How'd I miss that!
09/04/2008 03:50:17 * Admin Lilith has Rune Giant "mini" pictures for the PaizoCon prize...:)
09/04/2008 03:50:18 ‹cappadocius› Expedition! Right.
09/04/2008 03:50:19 ‹James Jacobs› Absinth> Yeah; we do a lot of assigning projects to the right writer for the right subject. But a HUGE part of it is also us at Paizo building the world on our own.
09/04/2008 03:50:26 ‹Kevin T› hell I didn't even know Nic was here
09/04/2008 03:50:35 ‹James Jacobs› Fake Healer> I think we might be up to 13,000 downloads. Not sure.
09/04/2008 03:50:38 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› I was hiding!
09/04/2008 03:50:39 ‹Zanderias› S3 had flow charts to determine if you can figure out how to work technology...
09/04/2008 03:50:45 ‹Dorgar› night Nick, Nameless, Johnboy, ect, ect :D
09/04/2008 03:50:49 ‹Fake Healer› Nice..
09/04/2008 03:50:53 ‹Kevin T› Well James just remember. Keep assigning projects to Nic. Edge of Anarchy I think is his best work to date
09/04/2008 03:51:00 ‹James Jacobs› Watcher> The first world stuff is really cool. There'll be more with that eventually. Here and there.
09/04/2008 03:51:01 ‹lojakz› I keep plugging the alpha
09/04/2008 03:51:15 ‹cappadocius› I downloaded it today. I like it already.
09/04/2008 03:51:20 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Ha! James is THROUGH with me! :D No more Pathfinders for Nick!
09/04/2008 03:51:27 ‹Takasi› we're playtesting the Alpha at http://www.onlinednd.com/
09/04/2008 03:51:29 ‹James Jacobs› Nick's a busy guy, though... What with starting his own company and now working for us... you can certainly expect to see more work from him in our products though.
09/04/2008 03:51:31 ‹JVirtue55› well it was 10000 in one week
09/04/2008 03:51:33 ‹Russ› First World is the Fey realm, or something else?
09/04/2008 03:51:34 ‹Kevin T› lol. What you finally gave him to many night mares
09/04/2008 03:51:39 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› For sure!
09/04/2008 03:51:40 ‹cappadocius› But I have a monk player, and I'm a druid player, so I have to hold on passing judgement.
09/04/2008 03:51:49 ‹Nameless 2› Agreed, EoA was great! I have an interesting coincidence related to that adventure... Are spoilers fair game in this chat?
09/04/2008 03:51:54 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Once things with Sinister Adventures settles down, I'll be writing like mad for Paizo again! Can't wait!
09/04/2008 03:52:09 * Russ wishes he had more time after his day job
09/04/2008 03:52:11 ‹Kevin T› Oh Nic being a fan of dark horror and thrillers I got a movie you need to watch. Has that guy Norm from Cheers in it. An amazing storyline
09/04/2008 03:52:12 ‹Daigle› Yes, tell us about the First World, James!
09/04/2008 03:52:13 ‹cappadocius› Russ: First World just implies to me Fourth World, and the chance to take my Epic Level adventurers up against Darkseid.
09/04/2008 03:52:16 ‹Admin Lilith› Nameless 2: Yes, spoilers are okay. :)
09/04/2008 03:52:17 * Dorgar quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:52:17 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Right now Sinister Adventures is eating my life though! In a good way!
09/04/2008 03:52:22 * Russ is planning to freelance one of these days
09/04/2008 03:52:22 ‹cappadocius› I may be too much of a nerd for D&D.
09/04/2008 03:52:24 * heathansson joins Main
09/04/2008 03:52:25 ‹robert_hawk› EoA has been fantastic, the players love korvosa
09/04/2008 03:52:34 * Admin Lilith sends Dajobas to chew on Nick's leg.
09/04/2008 03:52:34 ‹Russ› cappa> Did you know DC just killed off all the New Gods other than Darkseid?
09/04/2008 03:52:38 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Thanks Robert! Great to hear!
09/04/2008 03:52:40 ‹Fake Healer› Hey Heathy!
09/04/2008 03:52:42 ‹Logophylia› Just got here Nick - and trying to catch up :)
09/04/2008 03:52:44 ‹Daigle› Howdy heathy!
09/04/2008 03:52:49 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› DAJOBAS...bad! BAD SHARK GOD!!!
09/04/2008 03:52:55 ‹heathansson› hey, dude!
09/04/2008 03:52:56 ‹cappadocius› Of course, with my players, the reason they're fighting Darkseid is because they want the Anti-Life Equation first...
09/04/2008 03:52:57 ‹cappadocius› :/
09/04/2008 03:52:59 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Nice! Take your time Logophylia!
09/04/2008 03:53:04 ‹heathansson› hhahahahaha!
09/04/2008 03:53:04 ‹cappadocius› Russ: I'd heard that.
09/04/2008 03:53:05 ‹Mr Baron› Does nick have an office yet?
09/04/2008 03:53:14 ‹Kevin T› Grrr speaking of Sinister I really need to sit down and write...but god I'm having writers block for you Nic
09/04/2008 03:53:15 ‹Russ› Just make sure it is the right anti-life equation. It is about control of life, not extinction of it :)
09/04/2008 03:53:18 ‹Nameless 2› Ok, cool. So around the same time I was reading EoA, I was also playing a relatively new game for the DS called Apollo Justice, which involves several murder cases.
09/04/2008 03:53:21 ‹James Jacobs› The FIrst World is not the fey realm... although a lot of fey COME from the First World. We're not really all that sure WHAT the First World is... Think of it as a "rough draft of creation" I guess. I'm pretty sure the gods didn't create the first world either... at least, not the gods of TODAY. Anyway... we're still kicking stuff around about the First World. Ther'll prolly be more soon...
09/04/2008 03:53:27 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Oh, and I should annoucne this again since more people are here now: There will a Sinister Adventures chat here tomorrow night.
09/04/2008 03:53:30 ‹JVirtue55› darksied was behind it with the monitor right
09/04/2008 03:53:31 * Jason Bulmahn joins Main
09/04/2008 03:53:32 ‹heathansson› Daigle--my email and/or computer sux; didn't see the mule....
09/04/2008 03:53:38 ‹Kevin T› JASON!
09/04/2008 03:53:42 ‹heathansson› Coooool!
09/04/2008 03:53:42 ‹Admin Lilith› BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLMAN! :squee:
09/04/2008 03:53:44 ‹Kevin T› Long time no talk man.
09/04/2008 03:53:44 ‹Watcher› I knew, plus he broke into Mary Marvel's apartment (which she shouldn't have because she was left penniles after being in a coma) and ate all her cheesy poofs. DAMN YOU DARKSEID!
09/04/2008 03:53:46 ‹Nameless 2› One of which, however, involves murdering a girl by coating her fingernails with poison, and being a nail-biter, causes her to die... Like the King from EoA!
09/04/2008 03:53:50 ‹lojakz› Nick> I love Dajobas! Man I wish I could game every day.
09/04/2008 03:53:51 ‹Fake Healer› Nick--cool!
09/04/2008 03:53:52 ‹Russ› James Jacobs> Lordy, an Alpha release of a plane. It should be infested with bugs!
09/04/2008 03:53:54 ‹cappadocius› James: Is Golarion the "second" world?
09/04/2008 03:54:01 ‹Rambling Scribe› Jason!
09/04/2008 03:54:02 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Awww yeah Fakey!
09/04/2008 03:54:04 ‹Daigle› Poop...I'll try it again heathy...see if I got booted to your spam folder.
09/04/2008 03:54:05 ‹Hill Giant› JJ: Is the first world like Warcrafts Emereld Dream?
09/04/2008 03:54:06 * Mulban quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:54:07 * Mulban quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:54:07 ‹heathansson› What level is Pett's Swampventure?
09/04/2008 03:54:13 ‹Nameless 2› Just thought it was an incredible coincidence!
09/04/2008 03:54:16 ‹Daigle› Howdy Jason
09/04/2008 03:54:19 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› 4th!
09/04/2008 03:54:26 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hello everybody
09/04/2008 03:54:28 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› No I'm wrong! 7th I think!
09/04/2008 03:54:32 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> Nick will be lucky to get a dry spot on the carpet on which to sit, honestly.
09/04/2008 03:54:37 ‹Watcher› Hi Jason
09/04/2008 03:54:50 * Admin Lilith gives the Bull-man beer and pie. :beer:
09/04/2008 03:54:50 ‹Fake Healer› Bulmahn, good evening.
09/04/2008 03:54:50 ‹Mr Baron› lol
09/04/2008 03:54:51 ‹Nameless 2› G'day, Jason
09/04/2008 03:54:54 ‹Daigle› How's it going Reverend Bulmahn?
09/04/2008 03:54:58 ‹heathansson› 4th level? B%@~*in!!!
09/04/2008 03:55:00 ‹Mr Baron› Hey Jason!
09/04/2008 03:55:07 * Eyebite quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:55:08 ‹Watcher› Hi Jason
09/04/2008 03:55:09 ‹JVirtue55› Hey Jason
09/04/2008 03:55:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Hows it goin everybody
09/04/2008 03:55:15 ‹Absinth› Hi Jason!
09/04/2008 03:55:15 ‹James Jacobs› I do believe that Golarion is the Second World, yeah. Not sure about that.....
09/04/2008 03:55:16 ‹JVirtue55› Why arent u writing
09/04/2008 03:55:21 ‹Blazej› Yo.
09/04/2008 03:55:21 ‹JVirtue55› LOL
09/04/2008 03:55:22 ‹Nick Logue - writing Sinister art orders› Its true! No room at Paizo for me! They're strapping me to the hood of Jason's car! That's my workspace!
09/04/2008 03:55:31 ‹Logophylia› James - the question came up in Nick's new forums today whether the Pathfinder monsters are open content or not - care to comment ?
09/04/2008 03:55:40 ‹Mr Baron› How is the PF RPG going?
09/04/2008 03:55:43 ‹heathansson› Fakeys here! Hide your druids!!!
09/04/2008 03:55:51 ‹James Jacobs› Actually... the hood of Jason's car is a pretty huge workspace. You could put a hot tub in there and still have room for your desk and a hammock.
09/04/2008 03:55:55 ‹Fake Healer› Hey!
09/04/2008 03:55:58 ‹Russ› What's at the Golarion poles? We got any Skartaris or Savage Land stuff going on?
09/04/2008 03:56:00 * Mothman joins Main
09/04/2008 03:56:02 ‹heathansson› Fakey's here! Hide your druids!!!
09/04/2008 03:56:07 ‹Daigle› So, are these 'worlds' akin to the Aztec sense of 1st world through 5th world?
09/04/2008 03:56:09 ‹Daigle› Howdy Mothman!
09/04/2008 03:56:11 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James is correct.. Golarion is the second world
09/04/2008 03:56:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Nick.. you will like the hood of my car.. it is mostly level
09/04/2008 03:56:23 ‹James Jacobs› Logophylia: All of the Pathfinder monsters are open content. The flavor that ties them to Golarion is not open. But the stats are 100% open.
09/04/2008 03:56:32 ‹Absinth› Oh, did I kick off a discussion with my boggard-comment over at Sinister? :)
09/04/2008 03:56:53 ‹Logophylia› Sweet - thanks James
09/04/2008 03:56:57 ‹Logophylia› You did Absinth ;)
09/04/2008 03:57:01 ‹Mothman› Hey Daigle
09/04/2008 03:57:07 * Russ quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:57:13 ‹Fake Healer› Bulmahn, what is the ETA for Alpha update 2
09/04/2008 03:57:15 ‹JVirtue55› Will there be any mosnter rules in the alpha beta or final pathfinder?
09/04/2008 03:57:19 ‹James Jacobs› But Pathfinder itself is dedicated to supporting the open gaming movement. That's for sure.
09/04/2008 03:57:28 ‹Mothman› Hi Daigle
09/04/2008 03:57:29 ‹heathansson› Later--my MIE keeps getting its mind blown.
09/04/2008 03:57:40 ‹Mothman› Logo - I was just about to ask for you!
09/04/2008 03:57:44 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake> As soon as I can get it done, edited and laid out.. sometime next week is likely
09/04/2008 03:57:50 ‹Logophylia› James - that's obvious, and DEEPLY appreciated by all !
09/04/2008 03:58:03 ‹Mothman› wow ... Laggy for anyone else?
09/04/2008 03:58:07 ‹Daigle› Take care heathy!
09/04/2008 03:58:08 ‹Mothman› See you Heath
09/04/2008 03:58:08 ‹Fake Healer› CyA Heathy.
09/04/2008 03:58:10 ‹Nameless 2› Agreed, Open Content is great for everyone
09/04/2008 03:58:14 ‹Daigle› Yes Moth.
09/04/2008 03:58:18 ‹Jason Bulmahn› JVirtue> There will be some monster rules...
09/04/2008 03:58:23 ‹James Jacobs› Monsters will not be in the Pathfinder RPG, I don't think. Which makes a Monster book a no-brainer follow-up...
09/04/2008 03:58:24 ‹Kevin T› So far with what I am seeing with the Pathfinder RPG alpha, I'm liking. I haven't gotten a chance to fully "play test" it yet. but some great new ideas
09/04/2008 03:58:25 ‹Logophylia› Moth - I had no idea this chat was even here - I'll have to remedy my ignorance
09/04/2008 03:58:29 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Although I am not 100% sure when they will show up
09/04/2008 03:58:39 * Russ considers spinning something with intellect devourers inhabiting dinosaurs
09/04/2008 03:58:40 ‹James Jacobs› But there will be monster rules in... oh. Jason said.
09/04/2008 03:58:50 ‹Fake Healer› What do you expect to be in the Alpha update 2?
09/04/2008 03:58:53 ‹Kevin T› heh
09/04/2008 03:59:03 ‹Mothman› Glad you found it Logo - and got the answer before I could!
09/04/2008 03:59:04 ‹Russ› Very very cranky intellect devourers, due to the cramped quarters
09/04/2008 03:59:10 * Watcher of Earth-2 joins Main
09/04/2008 03:59:17 ‹James Jacobs› Sorcerers, Barbarians, Druids, and Paladins, for one.
09/04/2008 03:59:22 ‹heathansson› Watcher of Earth 2?
09/04/2008 03:59:26 ‹Kevin T› aww what of bards
09/04/2008 03:59:32 ‹James Jacobs› Also... each time you download Alpha 2? Jason comes to your house to give you a back-rub.
09/04/2008 03:59:35 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah... I miss bards too.
09/04/2008 03:59:36 ‹JVirtue55› I cant wait to see thouse 4 classes
03:59:40 ‹Blazej› If you create a monster book following it up will it mostly contain Pathfinder versions of 3.5 SRD monsters or new monsters.
09/04/2008 03:59:40 ‹Logophylia› was just about to ask that Kevin ;)
09/04/2008 03:59:42 * Takasi quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 03:59:42 ‹lojakz› SWEET
09/04/2008 03:59:47 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Fake> 4 classes, skill revision, a ton of spells, some bits on magic items, new unified rules for curse, disease, and poisons.. and a some other odds and ends
09/04/2008 03:59:48 ‹Absinth› :coffee:
09/04/2008 03:59:50 ‹Nameless 2› Nice... I could use a good back-rup.
09/04/2008 03:59:51 ‹Kevin T› lol. hell I'd rather Jason just come back to Wisconsin to share a beer
09/04/2008 03:59:53 ‹heathansson› Testing...testing...
09/04/2008 03:59:54 ‹Fake Healer› happy ending?
09/04/2008 04:00:01 ‹Kevin T› sorry
09/04/2008 04:00:04 ‹Kevin T› Beer and gray goose
09/04/2008 04:00:07 ‹Russ› So we'll be missing bards, rangers and monks still, not too bad
09/04/2008 04:00:08 ‹Watcher of Earth-2› Testing Firefox
09/04/2008 04:00:09 ‹Wyvern› James have you been giving your ideas to Jason for bards?
09/04/2008 04:00:17 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wait.. nobody listen to james.. no backrubs for anybody
09/04/2008 04:00:21 ‹Logophylia› Ideas ? Do tell
09/04/2008 04:00:26 ‹cappadocius› Did I miss WHEN Alpha 2 was out?
09/04/2008 04:00:29 ‹Blazej› Fake Healer, nooo. Bad image in my head.
09/04/2008 04:00:31 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Wyvern> I can hardly get him to shut up about bards
09/04/2008 04:00:31 ‹Russ› Jason> funny, I was just thinking about disease today. How much easier it would be if instead of save once per bite, you saved at a DC that scaled up by number of bites.
09/04/2008 04:00:31 ‹JVirtue55› yeah thouse three will take some good work
09/04/2008 04:00:35 ‹James Jacobs› Blazej> I'd like best for a monster book following the RPG to basically have all of the SRD monsters for sure in there. Plus more. Probably not any monsters from the Adventure Paths or modules though. THAT would probably be a DIFFERENT book maybe?
09/04/2008 04:00:36 ‹lojakz› damn... my back could use a rub.
09/04/2008 04:00:40 ‹Kevin T› All I can say about Bards is, PLEASE give them some kewler abilities
09/04/2008 04:00:51 ‹Fake Healer› Sounds like a good update.
09/04/2008 04:00:54 ‹heathansson› Microsoft....can't handle.....signal......sqaaaaarzk!!!
09/04/2008 04:00:56 * Watcher quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 04:00:56 * Watcher quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 04:00:56 * Watcher quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 04:00:57 * Watcher quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 04:00:57 ‹Mr Baron› Will we see Pathfinder PC's in any of the Alpha releases?
09/04/2008 04:00:57 ‹James Jacobs› Wyvern> Yes. I'm all about the bard. I'll be helping Jason as much as he'll let me.
09/04/2008 04:01:10 ‹Watcher of Earth-2› heathansson, trying Firefox because IE seems so lagging
09/04/2008 04:01:30 * Takasi quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 04:01:33 ‹James Jacobs› No iconic PCs in the alphas, no.
09/04/2008 04:01:44 ‹Nameless 2› Jason: I'm really looking forward to seeing what you've done with the Magic Items.
09/04/2008 04:01:48 ‹Mothman› I'm on Firefox - still very laggy
09/04/2008 04:01:54 ‹James Jacobs› We probaly won't stat up our iconics usnig the Pathfinder RPG until Pathfinder #25.
09/04/2008 04:01:55 ‹Mothman› or not, now
09/04/2008 04:01:56 ‹Logophylia› Jason > Bits on magic items - like teasers or .... ?
09/04/2008 04:01:57 * Russ has a bunch of magic item suggesions.
09/04/2008 04:01:58 * heathansson quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 04:02:00 ‹Jason Bulmahn› James> Well.. other than their pictures throughout
09/04/2008 04:02:00 ‹Blazej› James Jacobs, hmm. I would like to ask more questions about it but it doesn't sound like anything has been planned yet so I'll wait a few months.
09/04/2008 04:02:09 ‹Fake Healer› Mothy, me too with FF.
09/04/2008 04:02:13 ‹Mr Baron› sorry, I meant an actual Pathfinder class
09/04/2008 04:02:13 ‹Watcher of Earth-2› Mothman, yeah no real improvment
09/04/2008 04:02:17 * Kevin T quit (timeout)
09/04/2008 04:02:18 ‹Russ› A lot of the movement-related items should be changed to "swift" or "move" activation, so people acutally USE them.
09/04/2008 04:02:23 ‹James Jacobs› Yeah... there's not much at all planned for that yet. Ask again in 6 months maybe?
09/04/2008 04:02:24 ‹Wyvern› Good! I say it every chat, but I can't transmogriphy my game without bards.
09/04/2008 04:02:29 ‹Kevin T› I usually have no qualm with smaller groups
09/04/2008 04:02:32 ‹Jason Bulmahn› Logophylia> More like fixes for some of the bigger picture problems.. not smaller details
09/04/2008 04:02:35 ‹Kevin T› Yeah Watcher i'm having problems myself. Don't think IE likes to deal with tons of people heh
09/04/2008 04:02:40 ‹robert_hawk› the high level economy thread was interesting -- if extremely combative, any plans for new wealth by level guidelines?
09/04/2008 04:02:50 ‹Blazej› James Jacobs, got it. :)
09/04/2008 04:02:58 ‹James Jacobs› Mr Baron> There'll be some pathfinder prestige classes here and there. Not sure where. There won't be a base Pathfinder 1st throguh 20th level class though, I don't suspect.
09/04/2008 04:03:12 ‹Hill Giant› Will PRPG still use XPs asa cost?
09/04/2008 04:03:13 ‹Russ› Example is boots of flying. As a swift action item, they become useful in battle.
09/04/2008 04:03:16 ‹JVirtue55› am i the only persn who likes the christas tree look i hear alot of complaints at the board about it
09/04/2008 04:03:23 ‹Kevin T› You know that "G

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