Paizo Singles

Off-Topic Discussions

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Are you single and looking?

Please post your 'Singles Add' and perhaps you may find love! You may only be one post away from your soul mate.

(Listings should include: Age, Sex, Sexual preference, Physical description, Location, Interests, Dreams, Salary requirements, Class, Special Abilities, etc.)

age: 29

sex: M

pref: straight

descrip: JUST LIKE MY AVATAR ! (i keep my club in the truck)

Special Abilities: gaze attacks, incorporeality (people don't even know I am there)

I enjoy long walks, and going out for dinner.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

"A little bit more information on Suitor #1. Suitor #1 is from the expansive Atlanta area and has no regular gaming group."

Next contestant...

This thread is going to be a sausage fest, assuming anyone else starts posting.

Straight Male
Imminent Art School graduate that wants to sleep on your couch and borrow money. Enjoys tadem bicycles! Sharing strawberry phospates at the general store! Matching sweaters! Dinner parties and finishing each others' sentences! Meeting your parents! Hardcore "Snuggling"!

James Keegan wrote:
This thread is going to be a sausage fest, assuming anyone else starts posting.

Ugh, that term makes me shudder. But you're right.

I don't feel like posting a personal ad, but if there are any women in NYC lookin' for someone, I'll share more.

I can tell that this is going to be a funny thread to follow.

I...I just want to be loved.

age: 19

sex: male (cat's out of the bag)

pref: intelligent witty females (but hot as hell will do in a pinch)

descrip: 5'5" angry, honest, and deep into the idea that relationships can
easily complicate a good thing into a bad thing. So I guess I'm offering a "friends with good emotional and physical benifits" package.

I actually like listening to peoples problems. I give advice when I think it might help, but mostly I just like to help people vent.

I do not tell secrets and I do not like gossip. Note: this can lead to trouble since I will tell someone what I think about them to their face.

I know how to have fun during any situation. Most of these methods are legal.

I admit my faults.
(here's a small preview)

Fault 1. (hubris) I am very vain of my status as a good kisser. I have called women before as references to my talent when someone doubted my prowess.

Fault 68. (?) I am not afraid to prove a woman she is wrong. (apparently it is a fault since I've been reprimanded for it on several occasions)

I just want someone to talk to and hang out with that I cosy up with on occassion. Thats litterally the limit of my desires.

Purdue has handed me a few girls that came pretty close, but the search continues.

Liberty's Edge

heh ...

there's a whole bunch of Paizo posters hanging out, until someone finally says it:

"So .... are there any chicks in here?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mothman wrote:

heh ...

there's a whole bunch of Paizo posters hanging out, until someone finally says it:

"So .... are there any chicks in here?"

Can someone at least...PRETEND to be a girl?

(awkward silence)

People shall come when they see that I have!

Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:
Mothman wrote:

heh ...

there's a whole bunch of Paizo posters hanging out, until someone finally says it:

"So .... are there any chicks in here?"

Can someone at least...PRETEND to be a girl?

(awkward silence)

This is Paizo, not WoW. ;)

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Aw man...I thought this was a discussion on Paizo prepainted plastic minis...sold individually.

James Keegan wrote:

Can someone at least...PRETEND to be a girl?

(awkward silence)

Here you go! :P

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Heathansson wrote:
This is Paizo, not WoW. ;)

Sad... but so true.

Amai d'Cannith wrote:
James Keegan wrote:

Can someone at least...PRETEND to be a girl?

(awkward silence)

Here you go! :P

Sweet! I knew posting on a roleplaying forum would pay off!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Mike and James sittin' in a tree...

Ok, a female has now entered the room...

But, between this, the psych profile questions, what's your star sign and other various threads of this same sort, I have one question... Who's Psychology or Sociology study of internet dating is this for?

James Keegan wrote:

Can someone at least...PRETEND to be a girl?

(awkward silence)

What was the word that JJ coined for guy gamers with female characters?

Liberty's Edge

That'd be transvirtuals.

And man, when I asked for a girl, I didnt expect to get a girl NINJA! Wow! The ninja part almost makes up for the not really a girl part...


Dark Archive

DitheringFool wrote:
Aw man...I thought this was a discussion on Paizo prepainted plastic minis...sold individually.

No, honestly... I did, too.

Where's my Balabar Smenk mini?!

Sexi Golem wrote:
descrip: ...honest...

HA! Bull! I call your bluff!

McArtor, you still owe me a cookie! Your disguise doesn't fool me!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Golbez57 wrote:
DitheringFool wrote:
Aw man...I thought this was a discussion on Paizo prepainted plastic minis...sold individually.

No, honestly... I did, too.

Where's my Balabar Smenk mini?!

With the current environment, you better get good with clays/polymers, an exacto knife and paints to get that fella mini'd.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
James Keegan wrote:

Can someone at least...PRETEND to be a girl?

(awkward silence)
What was the word that JJ coined for guy gamers with female characters?

Damn what was that?( Now my day will be haunted by this!)

Transvirtuals. He-males in disguise!

Scarab Sages

This is some pretty F+!$ed Up s@+% right here, man.

Dark Archive Contributor

Aberzombie wrote:
This is some pretty f#!~ed Up s@!& right here, man.

Yeah, my little joke made this thread a little... off... somehow. ;P

Sometimes I forget that I'm in the minority in the gaming community.

Then I see threads like this.


Now there's officially two real girls here. Yaaay.

YeuxAndI wrote:
Now there's officially two real girls here. Yaaay.

Silly girl. Everyone knows there are no girls on the internets. Only fat guys pretending to be girls and FBI agents pretending to be children.

For future reference, I'm a guy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a guy. My roleplaying skillz know no limit.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Isn't Tensor a woman also? That would make three...

Also, I thought maybe this thread was about individual minatures. I'm kinda creeped out that it's dating...


Honestly, though, if you're looking to date a gamer, and Paizo has the best gamer community around (at least as far as I can tell)... this actually makes a lot of sense. Might as well give it a shot, eh? You never know... the older I get, the more female gamers I find. I realize that I'm probably the exception, but I'd say that probably 40% of gamers I know are female - and hot! - and I have two different male friends who DM for all-female groups. (It's like Charlie's Angels, except for nerds!)

Best of luck to everyone, and remember, be safe - make sure all the singles you play with have current stat cards.

...or something.


(P.S: And who says a sausage isn't exactly what some of our posters are looking for? Remember, one man's failure is another man's opportunity...)

Dark Archive Contributor

Sebastian wrote:
I'm kinda creeped out that it's dating...

Is it really about dating, Sebastian? Really? Or is it really about something else? Maybe it's a piece of performance art demonstrating how the tabletop roleplaying game industry as an entity ignores and does not cater to a full HALF of the human population. Maybe it's a commentary darning us to heck for our depictions of hotties (and for our descriptions of such depictions as "hotties") and our lack of depictions of studmuffins.


Or... it's about dating.

Scarab Sages

Angelina Jolie has HUGE lips!!!

Gavgoyle wrote:

Angelina Jolie has HUGE lips!!!

Oh yeeeessss, she does.

Sebastian wrote:
Also, I thought maybe this thread was about individual minatures. I'm kinda creeped out that it's dating...

Same here.

Gavgoyle wrote:

Angelina Jolie has HUGE lips!!!

Yes, but I think her ass is flat, although I am waiting for that to be disproven.

By the way, I came in here because I thought this was about miniatures....

And I'm married, my wife is hot, and I'm 1 in 5 so far for playing with wimmen folk.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sebastian wrote:

Isn't Tensor a woman also? That would make three...

Also, I thought maybe this thread was about individual minatures. I'm kinda creeped out that it's dating...


Kruelaid wrote:

By the way, I came in here because I thought this was about miniatures....

I thought I was going to be able to buy the Goblin Song on a 45.

Liberty's Edge

This entire thread is like a rejected Monty Python sketch...

It's so awkward...

Hem hem
older single, not-white, non-smoker, gamer, surfer dude. Enjoys slaying dragons and ogres, spell casting (arcane), long walks into dark dangerious places with +5 holyavenger great sword of vorpral wounding and sex.
Looking for single gamer surfer chick breathing and alive (zombies and other undead need not apply) for long lasting meaningful relationship (at least for a few weeks with sex). Someone who can cast divine magic (perferably healing spells), enjoys walks into dark and dangerous places with +5 mace of disruption (or something similar) and sex. Share wonderful meaningful moments with sir kaikillah gaming, surfing slaying, spell casting and sex.


Amai d'Cannith wrote:
James Keegan wrote:

Can someone at least...PRETEND to be a girl?

(awkward silence)

Here you go! :P


I don't know how to say this, so I just will: I think you're really special. I know that sounds ridiculous what with us never meeting and all, and me with a wedding in the works, but, uh, I'd really like to get to know you better. Your profile seems like just the kind of girl I'm really looking for to share my life with. Does that Mark of Making go past your neckline? How far?...

What the!? MIKE! You f~%!! I hate you! broke my heart, humiliated me and destroyed my marriage before it was even christened. I'll never forget this, or forgive it!!!

This just gets weirder and weirder.

Scarab Sages

Nicolas Logue wrote:
What the!? MIKE! You f&~!! I hate you! broke my heart, humiliated me and destroyed my marriage before it was even christened. I'll never forget this, or forgive it!!!

Psst, he knows that he can have you for like, three Ninja Turtles figures. One if it's vintage.


Gavgoyle wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
What the!? MIKE! You f&~!! I hate you! broke my heart, humiliated me and destroyed my marriage before it was even christened. I'll never forget this, or forgive it!!!
Psst, he knows that he can have you for like, three Ninja Turtles figures. One if it's vintage.

It's true!!! ::sob::

Sir Kaikillah wrote:

Hem hem

older single, not-white, non-smoker, gamer, surfer dude. Enjoys slaying dragons and ogres, spell casting (arcane), long walks into dark dangerious places with +5 holyavenger great sword of vorpral wounding and sex.
Looking for single gamer surfer chick breathing and alive (zombies and other undead need not apply) for long lasting meaningful relationship (at least for a few weeks with sex). Someone who can cast divine magic (perferably healing spells), enjoys walks into dark and dangerous places with +5 mace of disruption (or something similar) and sex. Share wonderful meaningful moments with sir kaikillah gaming, surfing slaying, spell casting and sex.


*high-pitched sounds of sobbing*
That looks EXACTLY like I was going to post... Then MY WIFE saw the thread... And what I was typing... And she got my machete... *removes straight jacket*
We feel much better now. Uh-huh. Yep. All better.

Really this is pretty funny. I'm enjoying everyone's sense of humor. And the honesty in the humor... Slay dragons, cast spells, sex. Simple formula, and I really really wish that worked. Now I gotta learn me some spells & find me a dragon to slay. It really is too bad I'm not single (not really a grand catch here, but I game, w00t!).

My ad would have looked something like:
Age: 26
Sex: Yep. Daily if possible.
Orientation: I likes me wenches. (insert random sound of me being beaten)
Looking for: Generally meaningless relationship. No nagging, biting (okay, well some biting), kicking (ever), or screaming (generally it's someone else's name anyways), and I must definitely have lots of time for gaming.

Boy I'm glad I'm married & my wife has a sense of humor (okay honey, put down the machete...)


Psst. Nick! Over here. I hear Mike's going to GenCon.


Darkmeer wrote:

Orientation: I likes me wenches. (insert random sound of me being beaten)

Pirate Wenches Have Great Booty. ;)

Lilith wrote:
Darkmeer wrote:

Orientation: I likes me wenches. (insert random sound of me being beaten)
Pirate Wenches Have Great Booty. ;)

~laughter~ That they do!

Lilith wrote:
Darkmeer wrote:

Orientation: I likes me wenches. (insert random sound of me being beaten)
Pirate Wenches Have Great Booty. ;)

I was totally going to say that.

Damn you!

Wenches also are proficent with household items as weapons. That'll teach ya never to mess with a girl who owns a cast iron skillet. >:D

YeuxAndI wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Darkmeer wrote:

Orientation: I likes me wenches. (insert random sound of me being beaten)
Pirate Wenches Have Great Booty. ;)

I was totally going to say that.

Damn you!

Wenches also are proficent with household items as weapons. That'll teach ya never to mess with a girl who owns a cast iron skillet. >:D

And thus the protrusions from my forhead, in very horn-like fasion.


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