Birth order

Off-Topic Discussions

I was just wondering where the general gaming population fell in terms of birth order. Do more first born children play? Are large segments of our gaming population the youngest child in the family? How many only children make up the demographics? Are middle children more apt to game?
My oldest brother introduced the family to D&D back in its origins and the second child (out of four) was definitely the most obsessive about it for the longest time; but I'm the youngest in my family and I'm the only one who still plays (even though we're all mature adults now).
Where do you all rank in the birth order?

Liberty's Edge

First born

Liberty's Edge

One and only.

Grand Lodge

Oldest of three. My brother and I both play RPGs; I've never even thought of introducing my sister to it...

Liberty's Edge

Firstborn of one.

I am the second son of a third son of a first son.

Actually, I think that Astrology, Technical Analysis, and Birth Order Theory all offer equally powerful predictive results.

first born and my little brother plays too.i got him started and we both still play im 36 and hes 30.

I'm the third of two children.
I have one sister 5 years older. A second potential older sister was stillborn.

Scarab Sages

Heathansson wrote:
One and only.

That's a good thing right? I don't think the world could have taken more than one of you. Ha ha. Just kidding!

As for myself, I'm #4 of the 5 boys who made Momma Zombie's hair prematurely gray. My younger brother also games. Respectively we are (at the moment) 34 and 31, but give us a month or so (our birthdays are exactly a week apart, in May).

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

I came along nearly four years after my sister. It was my cousin that got me into gaming. He was the youngest of five and the only boy. He was my only male cousin as well from a huge Catholic Cajun family. We stuck together at family functions, that's when we started gaming.

Youngest of two. ("I'm the baby!") My brother introduced me to D&D - I remember one sunny spring afternoon, I had just taken my Sunday bath, reading the red book. Mages FTW!

Youngest of four . . . I'm what convinced my parents to give up on having kids! Hooray! I had a purpose in life from the very start.

The Exchange

I have a younger brother born when I was 10. The perfect age difference to make us almost total strangers with nothing to tie us together. My parents screwed us both out of having a real sibling, and it sucks. Oh well.


Okay, so right now I'm figuring this:

Youngest - 5
First-born - 4
Only - 2
Middle - 2

Not enough responses to be very scientific but kinda surprising (to me anyway) in a couple ways.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Well, in the interest of improving the sample size, I am the only BIOLOGICAL child, but I have one sister (adopted) who is 16 years older than me. So, count me in either the "Only" or "Youngest" group as you see fit.

First born now 22, I have two younger brothers 5 and 2....


Oldest of 2, but my dad got my sister and I into gaming so it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

Only child, but thanks to all these voices in my head never a lonely child.

First born of three boys. I've only just got one of my brothers (the middle one) into gaming and the third is just not interested.

As the Borg might say: "Third of Three."

I am the youngest in my family but thankfully I've only got one brother. As far as brothers go he is a good one. No fighting between us i guess.

Lady Aurora, you probably have to correct your list. I have a half-sister, who's five now, that I totally forgot about. Durrrh! (Embarassing, yes?) SO, I'm no longer the youngest of my siblings. :)

My brother has an account an Paizo. He goes by the name of Dirk Gently.

First son of the first son of the first son. I am also named after the first two, which makes me the third.

Sir Kaikillah III.

Oh I have one little sister, now 35, who doesn't game. Her son, my nephew is fond of playing with my miniatures. We set them up and stomp them, as if we were Godzillas (I have the durable plastic minis). When he becomes a gamer it will be sweet revenge. MWaaahaahaahaahaa!!!!

The youngest of six, but 2 of my older brother's play. I'm also in the process of corrupting my nephew. Well thats what my sister says anyway.

Youngest of 2 girls, it was the guy across the street that 1st introduced me to D&D at the ripe age of 10. Didn't play between the ages of 11.5 & 24 until I met Lawgiver's wife and joined their ranks as a regular, I'm now 36.

Yougest of three, with two sister. One is five years my senior (27 now) and the other is my twin. She's only a minute older. And I never heard the end of it growing up.

Very the youngest. One sister (12 years my senior) and one brother (eight years older). I feel you Fake Healer. I connect better with my sister kids. The oldest is only 10 years yonger than me so I'm actually closer in age to my neice than my sister. That's the first time I ever realized that... man thats just wierd...

Heathansson wrote:
One and only.

hehe you would be :)

I am in da middle; got me an older sis and younger bro and I likes em and loves em both even ifn my sister is dern loopy. I have always wondered if more gm's were middle children when thinking about stereotypes.

Twin. But my bro is about 8 min. older and we've gamed together for 15+ years.

As ever,

I'm the first, last and only for my dad, but I have two older half-sisters with my mum, so I'm still the youngest. My friends who play tend to be the youngest as well. Interesting.

Okay, I've updated the stats since more people have responded. For clarification let me say that those who's nearest sibling is 10 or more years away are given half credit as an only child and half credit in whatever actual birth order they are in. TheAceMU threw me for a loop since I was really uncertain how to record a twin. I just put you in youngest although that's probably not exactly accurate.
Anyway, here's the up-to-date count:

Youngest - 13
Firstborn - 7.5
Only - 4.5
Middle - 3

I have an older half brother but, I was raised as only child. Only saw my dad and half brother every other weekend. I would put me down as only child please.

The Exchange

first of three.


Well, the third one is imaginary.... but that counts doesn't it?

Lady Aurora wrote:

Anyway, here's the up-to-date count:

Youngest - 13
Firstborn - 7.5
Only - 4.5
Middle - 3

Who's half an only child?

Youngest of 3. Older Sis (2 years) and an older Bro (5 years). I've gotten both of them to play a bit here and there over the years, but my brother's more of a ladies man, and both him and my sister were centers in the "popular" crowd growing up. I was popular, but more of a gamer in the long run. Overall though, we tend to be more video gamers than anything. I'd be the only real Tabletop RPer in the family (entire). Word.

I'm the oldest of five children.

My sister (three years younger) used to play, but stopped some 12 years ago.

Her twin brother also used to play, but stopped just before she started. He's now a church minister.

The next brother down (eight years younger than me) has played for years, still plays, and is the DM for his regular group.

And my youngest brother (ten years younger than me) used to play, and now plays occasionally.

I started playing because of an English teacher at my school. My siblings all started playing because of me.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

The Jade wrote:
Who's half an only child?

Me. It's a unique birth defect, you see....

Fatespinner wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Who's half an only child?
Me. It's a unique birth defect, you see....

Oh, yeah! I saw a Discovery Channel documentary on that kid. He was nasty. There was only half of him, sliced vertically. When he turned to his left and presented a cutaway view of his innards he could take a bite of a bagel and you could watch it work its way down through him. He was like some kind of walking ant farm. That's what happens when expectant mothers take their aspirin with a tall glass of rocket fuel. So sad.

Liberty's Edge

Didn't King Solomon have something to do with that?,,,

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Youngest of 8. Any larger families out there? No other siblings game. I'm not even sure if they read, the old geezers!

i am the youngest of 3

And I am the oldest of three.

Sovereign Court

My sister (oldest) taught me to play. Now I (youngest of 4) am a more dedicated enthusiast, but she still RPs and writes fiction too.

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