i ran a simple game for my kids,because they watched my gaming group all the time and wanted to play.my son was 7 at the time and my daughter was 5,my girlfriend at the time had a daughter who was 5 as well.my son chose to play an elven ranger.my daughter played a human cleric.and brittaney played a human wizard.i pretty much let them get away with anything they wanted to do.my son was clever an was hiding and sneaking taking pop shots at the enemy.the girls were funny and made the game so much fun.they were so animated about anything they did.(by the way they watch alot of charmed an thier character names where the names of the girls on the show)it was a great time i wish i had it recorded.but i only run them when they really want to play,because ive also had games were 10 min later they have lost intrest.so it just depends.i wouldnt push it on them.
i will give both a try an see where they go.i remember when dragon magazine wasnt worth picking up a subscripition too.i love what piazo has done with the mags so i will give pathfinder a try.as for wotc i have had my little dislikes about them.such as paying 40.00 for a book an seeing them droping a product that i or my game group likes.but for the most part they too put out a good product and i shall give it a try.i will miss both dragon and dungeon.
i agree with you fatespinner if you run a dragon properly it really becomes start new campain here.although i have in the campain im running now started to get my players involved in the dragon wars that is happening in my world.but i have about 8 players and one has just aquired a silver dragon companion and i have them well equiped.that not to say someone wont die but i ussally leave an avenue open to save the character.and knowing my luck i usally beat the characters up pretty good with the lackys but when it comes to x on the dms map,my big bad guy usally gets taken out by a lucky hit or something like failing his save vs hold person.but on the norm i really dont put my players against dragons.
i allow any that my players whant to play as long as i have access to the book.but if we come across something we feel is unbalanced,we find someway to balance it.for example in the psionic hb 3.0 ver there is a power i think its called mind thrust but any way it doesnt cost any points and you can use it unlimited and it was something like a will save at -8 or be stuned for so many rounds.we ruled that out.
i like your idea and say run with it.im diong something simular with my kids that are showing an intrest in dnd.but mine along the lines of the dnd cartoon from the 80's.and i have ran a d20 past for my friends.where they are in the late victorian era and trying to solve weird events that are acuring that involve peter pan and pinnochio.putting these childrens novels into the d20 system with a wicked twist.any how i really like what youve come up with and say have fun with it.
i too have enjoyed the ravenloft stuff from white wolf i think they did a great job.when i run it for my fellow gamers,they usually let out a 15 min rant of how their going to get korn holed,and how i must be gygaxes son.i have really loved it from the novel part.but i have my complaints about it to.one being they didnt put out any adventures out with it.another being puting certain things into ravenloft such as vecna and the dark sun thing.dark sun was grim enough without putting into ravenloft.but im sure if youll do what i have done and take what you like about ravenloft an make it youre own.youll love it.just dont listen to any of the people who game with me.they would cry and rant,an piss,an moan if i just handed over xp by the truck load.
i have found with my gaming group thatmost only take one prestige class and some dont at all.we have discovered that alot of prestige classes just arnt worth leaving the class they were playing.the whole idea of prestige classes is so one can fine tune that specific kind of character that he or she wishes to play.therefore the roleplaying aspect of it.and i also agree with lilith i think she said it that if you break away sort of speak by seriously multiclassing and prestige classing,that you really fall behind the rest of the group.finding yourself like a jack of all trades but master of none.
i started sometime in the summer of 1981 back when elf was a class.my first game my dm david cant remember his last name.gave me a 3rd level elf to play.there was a group of 10 of us there.he even had minitures for are characters.i lasted about 15 min in the game because we all split into groups my group ran into a roc guarding a cave.a shot an arrow hit it,and thats when it took notice of me and proceeded to tear my body to pieces.i stayed an watched the rest of the game and didnt feel so bad when 6 other people had died as well.my fisrt actual mod i played was one that had 2 or the adventures that ran together. i cant remember the name of it but at the end you face loth herself and two other baddies.i at least made it to the end where i met my horrible doom.been addicted ever since.
i have found that the company green ronin makes a character sheet.it helps the player and the dm,it has an area that covers what advances are made by level,such as hp etc.so if a character is drained 2 levels you know where they stand.it also has areas that cover contacts,background,and such things as most damage given in one shot and most damage taken in one shot.the sheet even comes with a chart that helps with armor class modifiers and attack roll modifiers.this along with the game screen and other various books that i feel i need at that game session.plus most of my fellow gamers keep notes.so it makes my job alot easier. |