Who's Your Favorite Dragon?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge Contributor

Calling on All Dragon Enthusiasts!!!

Dragon magazine is currently putting together their yearly “Top Ten Dragons of D&D” and we’re looking for some experienced players’ perspectives on the greatest wyrms (or wyrmlings) in D&D history.

If anyone would like to nominate their favorite D&D dragon NPC of all time please go ahead and chime in. Dragons from Dragonlance, the Forgotten Realms, Eberron or any other D&D source material are all fair game. Do you fancy Dragotha, Pyros, maybe Chronepsis, Khisanth, or Skie…or any other dragon you remember from D&D?

Also, if anyone has an anecdote you would like to share about an encounter with a dragon from any D&D module or campaign (not a homebrew, but a dragon players and DMs across the world might recognize) please share it here, and you may just get your name in Dragon magazine. Please include your name and region if you would like to be named with your anecdote. Note that your anecdote may be edited or adapted to fit word count limits on the article.

Thanks in advance for nominations, thoughts, and anecdotes everybody!!!

Nicolas Logue and Tim Hitchcock

My faves, from 3 to 1.

Dragotha, aka That Evil B@$tich!
Eldenser, aka The Wyrm Who Hides In Blades
Klauth, aka Old Snarl

My anectdote: in my games, I had a run of high powered hooka-jook involving a great wyrm green dragon chronomancer named Valdemar.

Lets just say this time hopping SOB was well hated by my players, and well loved when a convoluted plan involving his bastard offspring and a platoon of Inevitables resulted in his eternal imprisonment in a sealed section of the Demiplane of Time.

My top three D&D dragons in order:

1. Ashardalon from Bastion of Broken Souls,
2. Infyrna from Dragon Mountain,
3. The Great One from Frank Mentzer's D&D, who may not count due to being an immortal being.

I may add more if I think of more...

My top dragons are dragons of my own creation, but as for famous dragons done for D&D:

1. Dragotha
2. Flame
3. Falazure
4. Ashardalon
5. Those black dragon twins from FR (you know the ones)

God, that's a crap list.

How come Tim, since you are the one who wrote the message, you signed Nick's name first? You shouldn't let his newfound fame prevent you from putting YOUR name FIRST. He may be an actor, but he shouldn't hog all the limelight. Show some backbone MAN!!! ;-)


Chronepsis has always been one of my favorites. The concept of a draconic god who measures the lives of every dragon in the multiverse via a collection of countless hourglasses in a gigantic Outlandish mausoleum is pretty awesome.

Besides him, Skie, Mist (from FR's Azure Bonds series), and Cyan Bloodbane are also high on the list.

By the by, does that little white from Sunless Citadel have a name?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

My Favorite Dragons:

1: Dragotha
2: Tiamat
3: Bahamut
4: Brazzemal
5: Cyan Bloodbane
6: Hookface
7: Flame
8: Vessicant
9: Mist

I'm sure I forgot someone important!

The Exchange

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
By the by, does that little white from Sunless Citadel have a name?

Calcryx was it's name.

Nightscale was the large black from Forge of Fury.

Both of them top my list.



I'll have to go with, in no specific order:

Chronepsis - he rocks, and he's got one of the coolest deific domains that there is. Hourglass petitioners. :)

Teslor - Blue Wyrm living on one of Acheron's cubes, cursed by the Chinese deity Lei-Kung to remain trapped on the cube and be stricken with total amnesia every 24 hours. He habitually carved his name, history and experience into the iron of his home, perpetually relearning it every day that passes.

"The Dragon" of the Fortune's Wheel in Sigil - he's a dragon, sort of. In fact he's the head of a dragon that emerges out of the wall above the primary bar in the famous gambling house. He smiles and talks, but nobody is actually sure if he's an actual dragon who might have gotten stuck in a portal somewhere, or if he's an animated objected, a permenant illusion of sorts, or something else entirely. He might be the owner of the tavern, or he might just be decoration. Nobody knows and he isn't talking.

Cyan Bloodbane - classic. Nothing else needs to be said there.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Both of mine come from the old Bloodstone modules (specifically H4):

Arctigis, Huge, Ancient White Dragon


Fyrillicus, the Abyssian Dragon (scalable up to 100 Hit Die!)

I'm running a 3.5 conversion I did of the entire series and I am so jonsing to throw those two dragons at my players!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Dragotha, definately. No question. Brazzemal and Lashonna are both also on my list from the Age of Worms (why nobody else has mentioned Lashonna on this thread is a mystery to me), and I'm also awfully fond of Hookface and Ashardalon.

From a gameplaying, DMing point of view, it would have to be Klauth. I've never had PCs run into him, but nearly every player has heard stories about him from NPCs in the North and through the Savage Frontier, and as a bonus, the first time I encountered Klauth was in the pages of Dragon Magazine!

Not only is Klauth a shining example of what a dragon should be (feared by everyone that hears about him, famous, nearly impossible to kill), but he has some unique personality traits that make him more than just a standard great wyrm. Other dragons hate him, he is trying to become immortal by stealing their eggs, and he gets bored once in a while and decides to be nice to adventuers and help them out just for the hell of it.

James Jacobs wrote:

8: Vessicant

9: Mist

Who are these two?

If its the Mist that I am aware of, its Mistenarperadnecles Hai Draco, who appeared in the Forgotten Realms novel Azure Bonds and ends up aiding in the destruction of Moander, while leaving a rather large corpse in the bay of Westgate.

Then the Night Masks theives guild had her undead, disembodied head as an advisor for a while . . . good times.

1) THE athasian dragon (boris?)
2)"Lord" Jierdan Firkaag (think that's the spelling) from Baldur's Gate II.
3)Dah'Mir-Villain from the dragon below trilogy set in eberron
5)Malystryx -sure I misspelled that one too, red dragon overlord in dragonlance

1. Cyan Bloodbane. Simply put, he is the coolest looking and most machiavellan of all the Dragonlance Dragons. I found hiim to be much darker and destructive of all the dragons, especially the sivanesti.

2. Chronepsis. I gotta go here, as he's the final word on draconic lifespan.

3. Kang, of the Doom Brigade. (He counts, even though he's a draconian, still the Dragon type). He is probably the best of the best for what he does, and has made something of a species of draconian that was the lowest.

4. Eldenser, the wyrm who hides in blades. I gotta say, the back story on this guy is great, and makes for an interesting encounter or five


"THE DRAGON" from the dark sun campaign.
I had a DM whogood send a shiver up your spine by just hinting about "THE DRAGON"

The little white dragon from the sunless citadel. The name was mentioned above. Years after running that adventure, players still remember getting there butts kicked by that little guy (I believe he was the size of a cat." A dragon, even a tiny one, was great for a 1st level DnD adventure. ALways remember that little guy

Shimmergloom, the name is what got me.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1. Shimmergloom (Shadow Dragon from Streams of Silver)
2. Zz'Pzora (Two-Headed Deep Dragon from Daughter of the Drow)
3. Lashonna (Vampiric Silver Dragon from the Age of Worms)

As an aside, I REALLY love the look of the 3rd Ed. Blue Dragon, even going so far as to buy the Gargantuan Blue Dragon when I don't even play the Miniatures Game!
My actual favourite Dragon is my own home made Lawful Neutral Great Wyrm Blue Havillandraxus, who worships Astilabor and became a merchant in Hlondeth. He now has a clan of his descendants (the de Havillands) to handle the day to day runnings of the business, an Import/Export Business with Shou Lung. My current character is his Grand-daughter Alessandra de Havilland, a LN Swashbuckler/Dragon Samurai Half-Blue Dragon who dual-wields Shocking Burst Kukris for massses of Criticals =)

My horror story involves the Black Dragon Khisanth (Onyx) from the Dragonlance Saga.
I was running the 2nd Ed. Module DL1 Dragons of Despair, the first part of the Dragonlance series, in which we all had characters and would all take turns DMing a Module, all the way up to DL14 Dragons of Triumph. Khisanth came shooting out of her Well and drops a massive globe of Darkness over the area, strafing back and forth breathing acid on the PC's. We can't see her, but the party's Ranger just starts to blindly fire arrows into the sky after listening very closely to her strafing patterns (he rolled a 20 on the check I gave him). Amazingly, he manages to kill her just before she flys back down the well after her last strafing run! This is the main Villain for the adventure, killed in a mere shake up encounter!
To make matters worse... I then made a decision that she actually had a Mate who was down guarding the Disks of Mishakal, but lo and behold our Rogue makes all of his checks, sneaks into the treasure chamber and Backstabs the Mate, for almost all of his hit points, and make it easy work for the rest of us to rush in and mop him up.
2 major Black Dragon Villains that should have been a really tough fight for the PC's were defeated by the luck of the dice... It broke me as a DM and I have rarely DMed an adventure since =(
Craig Johnston
Newcastle, Australia


I love Khisanth too!!!

Keep em coming everybody this is great stuff!!!

1. Dragotha
2. Ghidra (sp?)
3. The blue one from Monte Cook's "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil."

Most of them in my current campaign have Int 1-2, though (more mythological feel, less Tolkien-esque). And will someone PLEASE GIVE US THE REST OF THE LINNORMS FOR 3.5E!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1. Shimmergloom (Shadow Dragon from Streams of Silver)
2. Zz'Pzora (Two-Headed Deep Dragon from Daughter of the Drow)
3. Lashonna (Vampiric Silver Dragon from the Age of Worms)
4. Khyber, the Dragon Below (from Eberron)
5. Mistinerparadnacles hai Draco (Red Dragon from Curse of the Azure Bonds)
6. Silvara (Silver Dragon from Dragonlance)
7. Dragotha (Red Dracolich from the Age of Worms)
8. Skie (Kitiara's Blue Dragon Mount from Dragonlance)
9. Icingdeath (White Dragon from The Crystal Shard)
10. The Dragon (from Dark Sun)

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Phil. L wrote:

How come Tim, since you are the one who wrote the message, you signed Nick's name first? You shouldn't let his newfound fame prevent you from putting YOUR name FIRST. He may be an actor, but he shouldn't hog all the limelight. Show some backbone MAN!!! ;-)

Actually, Nick wrote the message, I happened to post it as I was the last one to read it. :)

Rest assured, I've got plenty of moxy.


Tim Hitchcock wrote:
Phil. L wrote:

How come Tim, since you are the one who wrote the message, you signed Nick's name first? You shouldn't let his newfound fame prevent you from putting YOUR name FIRST. He may be an actor, but he shouldn't hog all the limelight. Show some backbone MAN!!! ;-)

Actually, Nick wrote the message, I happened to post it as I was the last one to read it. :)

Rest assured, I've got plenty of moxy.

Tim's moxy knocks me on my lilly white thespian butt. That's why I love him so!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

1. Puff
2. Pete's
3. Shivan

Grand Lodge

And, of course, Trogdor the Burninator, who, as an added bonus, has an awesome theme song!

Frost aka Gellidus the White Dragon Overlord.

Since, well, I wrote a whole freaking 360-page adventure about him.


1) Edwina the Pseudodragon (the familiar of Jallarzi Sallavarian of the Circle of Eight)
2) Aestrella Shanfarel (a Greyhawk Dragon masquerading as a half-elven operatic diva in the City of Greyhawk)
3) Cyan Bloodbane
4) The Shadow King of Nibenay (not a traditional dragon, but the most enigmatic of the Athasian Dragon Kings, IMO)

1. Skie
2. Malistrix
3. Jivex
4. Silvana
5. Klauth


1. Tiamat
2. Bahamut
3. Klauth
4. Flame
5. Dragotha
6. Lashona
7. Regiarix from the Red hand of Doom module, just because that picture is so friggin kewl. reminds me of some of the old 1st ed module covers, which Hackmaster has enhanced a bit.
8. Garyx
9. Tygarun from the Red Hand Module.
10. brazzemal

story to follow, i have to get my campaign notes.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Vattnisse wrote:
And, of course, Trogdor the Burninator!!!


1. Tiamat
2. Infyrna - Dragon Mountain rocks!
3. Dragotha

Iesta, the brass dragonlord(Dragonlance), Cyan, the Green dragon spy in the Sylvanesti elves' midst(Dragonlance), and Malystryx, cause she turned on takhisis in the end, but she comes in last, cause she turned those poor kender in kendermore into afflicted kender

RogueMonkeyChief wrote:

1) Edwina the Pseudodragon (the familiar of Jallarzi Sallavarian of the Circle of Eight)

2) Aestrella Shanfarel (a Greyhawk Dragon masquerading as a half-elven operatic diva in the City of Greyhawk)
3) Cyan Bloodbane
4) The Shadow King of Nibenay (not a traditional dragon, but the most enigmatic of the Athasian Dragon Kings, IMO)

horray 4 the Dragonlance fans! u should look in www.dlnexus.com 4 dragonlance stuff!

Liberty's Edge

- Rith, the Awakener
- Dromar, the Banisher
- Crosis, the Purger
- Rhammdarigaaz, the Igniter
- Treva, the Renewer

My personal favorite was the half-farspawn green dragon Zogmarizon from my homebrew campaign, but since no one else on the boards knows about my homebrew campaign, I can't ACTUALLY post Zogmarizon as my favorite, can I.

-Mr. Shiny

Liberty's Edge

My favorite dragon is Zogmarizon.
He's snarky.

(edut)him and Tiamat.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My crew had a great time with Snapper from Unfamiliar Territory in Dungeon 119

1. Brazzemal: The original Ancient Red. My players faced him four times before finally defeating him. Him moving the stone away as the fight with the troll mobs was ending was enough to make them run. Then he found their hiding place (double '1s' for wandering monsters followed by a '20' for danger level) and breathed into the cave with enough damage to kill most of the party if they'd missed their saves. Only the sturdy ones failed, so a Wall of Force followed by a Teleport and Word of Recall got the whole group out alive. Next it got the jump on them as they tried to sneak up on its base. They beat it solidly, but it retreated because one PC forgot to Dimensional Anchor AFTER the Dispel Magics. The fourth time they went in prepared, but through Locate Creature got the jump on him. He was just around the corner in fact waiting, but they threw up a Silence across the corridor and cast their short buffs. A flurry of Dispel Magics followed by Enfeeblement and a Dimensional Anchor took Mr. Red down a notch, though he still has Righteous Might up, to their despair. The party was thoroughly tapped by the end, with a few PCs trapped underneath him and about to die, but they prevailed with no losses. Mixed feelings on that... :)
2. Tiamat: Even the adventures near her (such as the Planescape one where you sneak through her lair) or with her cultists (thank you, James Jacobs) are memorable. Plus, how many dragons are featured on TV shows?
3. Skie: But that may be because I had a childhood crush on the rider...
4. Bahamut (& his 7 canaries)
5. The Greyhawk Dragon/singer in Greyhawk. One player had a dragon-themed sorcerer/cleric/mystic theurge that I had be her possible descendant. She befriended him and despite much RPing he never figured out her secret. She would drop clues to the party about various evils in the City of Greyhawk (boxed set) and Castle Greyhawk (module), but the player figured it was Bardic Knowledge. He even took her out to Fly with his new spell which he threw on her, but it didn't work. (She then lowered her SR so it could...) She had made few appearances to the party in dragon form and no one had the skills to penetrate the deception from that end.
6. The Forge of Fury black dragon. Oh my was that a bad place to fight.

Tim Hitchcock wrote:
Phil. L wrote:

How come Tim, since you are the one who wrote the message, you signed Nick's name first? You shouldn't let his newfound fame prevent you from putting YOUR name FIRST. He may be an actor, but he shouldn't hog all the limelight. Show some backbone MAN!!! ;-)

Actually, Nick wrote the message, I happened to post it as I was the last one to read it. :)

Rest assured, I've got plenty of moxy.

I stand humbled with eyes downcast.

Tim's one of those guys who hangs off fire escapes for amusement, if he had any more balls he'd be a high school gym storage closet.

I would have to say cyan bloodbane; wasnt he the green dragon but extra big; hope so; I liked him a lot
and Flame. dont have a third as I dont have a clue of remebrance of that dracoliches name.

Here are a few more that I like.

1. Icingdeath (the white dragon who was killed by an icicle!)
2. Koth (two-headed linnorm dragon in a Paladin in Hell. I love my linnorms)
3. Corpsetearer (the proper one, not that hack MM2 one).
4. The Earth Dragon (worshipped by the humanoids of the Pomarj).
5. All of Tiamat's consorts (they have to be good to keep up with her).

An honorable mention must go to Bahamut's gold dragons for having the humility to take the forms of sparrows and bluejays and a dishonorable mention must go to Edenser, because he likes to live in blades (wierdo!)

Een draak is een unie van koorden van de zelfde kleur die als eenheid zal worden behandeld. De draken worden geproduceerd opnieuw bij elke beweging. Als twee koorden in de draak zijn, is het de werkhypothese van de computer dat zij samen zullen leven of zullen sterven en effectief verbonden. Het doel van de draakcode is de computer toe te staan om zinvolle verklaringen over het leven en dood te formuleren.

Sovereign Court

1) Dragotha (White Plume Mountain & Age of Worms)
2) Lashonna (Age of Worms)
3) Ashardalon (Bastion of Broken Souls)
4) Aestrella Shanfarel (Greyhawk)

I like the top four the most because they went beyond what a regular dragon is.

5) Brazzemal the Burning (Hall of the Fire Giant King & Age of Worms). Brazzemal is cool because he's a general amongst dragons.

6) Ilthane the Black (Age of Worms). Ilthane is just really mean.

7) Skie (DragonLance). Skie made the list because he showed something I've never seen from another evil dragon: loyalty to a human.

8) Utreshimon (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil). Utreshimon was the first dragon I ever ran as a DM.

9) Moltenwing (Shackled City). The first evil dragon I ever diplomicised with as a player.

10) Icingdeath (Crystal Shard). I've always been fond of the name Icingdeath.

no mentions of good ol' Aasterinan? :) or Nathair Sgiathach, the god of faerie dragons? ;)

My vote is for Wormy. Am I the only one here who remembers him?

Come on, he appeared in how many issues of Dragon? How could Wormy not be on anyone's list?

hehe Wormy, I forgot about him; ok; he is number one on my list; great, now I have three. Wonder how the old guy is doing; be nice to have an update on his story line even though he is a comic hehe; when is Memorial Day; have a blasts from the pasts themed Dragon Mag.

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