lin_fusan |
I was wondering what percentage of groups try to take advantage of Lavinia, from outright thievery to demanding more benefits?
My group has actually been very accomodating, though they talk as if the Blue Nixie belongs to them, and occasionally plan on making Vanderboren Manor their "home base" all without asking Lavinia.

cthulhu_waits |

We're still doing TINH, but they've been honest so far. Whether to keep Lavinia's platinum that Soller Vark had came down to a vote, but they voted to give it back to her. They just found the gold from her vault in the LD guildhall last sesssion and this time it didnt' even really come up, it was just sort of assumed that they would give it back. Now, next session someone may bring up keeping it, but I doubt it. It helps that one of the group is a paladin, though.

Toolbag the Conqueror |

Well the fighter in our party loves Lavinia. Literally she has this thing for him and he loves it as much as she does.
The rest of the characters in our party are also very respectful to her. In fact we haven't taken anything of her's that she didn't give us although we have asked for a pay raise for excessively difficult missions.

ikki |

My group _loves_ Lavinia. At least two of them love her a bit too much, which might get them in trouble later in the AP.
why is that a problem?
..oh, both.. lol :D
Nothing like a bit of a wooing competition..
psst: try getting a real-world girl to compare RP their attempts, that should wash out any sliminess etc.. and hey who knows if either is without it just might either result in something or just learning some new tricks ;)

The Black Bard |

My group treats it exactly as an employer/employee relationship when they are on duty. Her property is her property, but anything else is fair game to them.
Although after diplomacying with Emraag and only giving the dragon turtle a tenth of the tribute Lavina sent (he bluffed how much the tribute was and still made the check with a penalty) the sorceror was very tempted to keep the spare change, but only because he's now looking at the 110k cost of a good lich's phylactery (got the cliff notes from another lich). Even then, he was only tempted, and it never really entered his head to actually take it.

Steve Greer Contributor |

My guys have gotten just a little bit over on her a time or two, but mostly they're pretty respectful of her and maintain a good employee/empoyer relationship.
I've role-played her as confident yet a little bit vulnerable. The combination has helped keep my group in line, but not resentful of her. It seems to be working out pretty well.

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The party in my game has had a variety of reactions to her, all of them entertaining to watch.
The bard, Drake, was a childhood friend of Lavinia's, though he turned into something of a playboy while they both studied at different academies. He's trying to rekindle their friendship, and perhaps a bit more. It's fun to keep him guessing about Lavinia's true feelings, but he's off to a good start, taking less than his share of the payment, that she might more swiftly refill her coffers. He keeps trying to make time with her alone, but the rest of the group always drags him off on the next adventure before he gets the chance.
The fighter, Adam, is only interested in Lavinia inasmuch as he is satisfied, as she pays him well and Kora feeds him whenever he comes to visit. Beyond that, though, he's been extremely scrupulous about returning what is rightfully hers, and always flexes a little to make sure the others in the group know they're expected to do the same.
The warlock, Valen, flirts with Lavinia whenever he feels he can get away with it, though he is not nearly so focused on this goal as Drake. He would have no trouble demanding more payment if he felt the need, but since Lavinia has been very fair with the group, he is content to be a hired adventurer on her payroll. Whenever the group was fighting in the vault, and Lavinia was cheering them on, Valen intentionally showed off as much as he could. He also seems pleased whenever Lavinia demonstrates even a hint of willingness to bend the rules a little bit.
The drow swordsman, Asmodai, has enough on his plate already, what with being a drow and all. This leads to pranks and teasing from some of his fellows in the Black Shield Company, most folks just giving him a wiiiiide berth, and a little too much attention/affection from Lady Arabani, who regularly sends him small gifts and invitations to tea. Typically cool and stoic, the noblewoman's obsession makes him quite nervous, though it was her reccommendation that made Lavinia hire him. Towards Lavinia, though, he has been the model of good breeding, calm and polite, always addressing her as "Lady." He seems neither pleased nor displeased to be working for her, but carries out his tasks with quiet efficiency.
The rogue, Icarus, is an irritating but essential (and entertaining!) character to round out the party. He demands as much pay as he thinks he can get away with ("Listen, honey, dinner's nice and all, but there's going to have to be a HELL of a lot more compensation if you want MY services."), avoids combat whenever possible, criticizes the other party members for not doing a better job ("Do I have to do EVERYTHING myself?"), and generally makes life miserable for Drake whenever possible (they were roomies at the academy). He hits on Lavinia sheerly to stymie the bard's attempts at wooing her, and calls her dirty names behind her back to get a rise out of him. Unfortunately for Icarus, the other party members are none too pleased with his behavior, either, and most slanderous comments have been met with threats of varying ferocity. He keeps trying to get his hands on the IOUs and other documents found in the Vanderboren vault, making Lavinia rightfully suspicious of him.
I'm honestly surprised with how well the party took to Lavinia. They have a tendency to run roughshod over hapless NPCs that are supposed to be much more powerful and intimidating *coughcoughAllustancoughcough*, but are more than willing to take orders from a level 2 aristocrat. It helps that Lavinia is a fun character to play, and it really helps me get into the story. Women in D&D games are frequently portrayed as either eternal victims or evil, and it's fun to see a character that needs help, but is not entirely helpless.

Haelis |
What character classes do you have? I am a huge fan of Iron Heroes but have never gotten to play any of the material. I would love to hear how it is going.
Thief class is played as a smart young merchant who has contacts all over the city.
Gladiator half-orc is a weapon masterAnd a shifter who has street smarts, executioner class :)

Sir Kaikillah |

I never played the savage tide campaign yet (heck were still sorking on Shackled city). But I have read a few of the adventures. I found Livinia a very compelling character. James Jacob did a great job in presenting Livinia. SHe is pretty, so male players are going to have thier characters try to woo her. She is presented as both regal and genuine. That and she begins with a sad story of her parents death and the disappearance of her brother, that invokes sympothy. If a DM plays Livinia well, Pcs should treat her very well and even become friends or more.
Good job James.

Orcmonk220 |

The first party of mine has been honest, pretty much all the way through, though they've only just reached the Vanderboren Vault. An issue arose with the watch and Vark's dead body, alongside those of 5 of his accomplises, floating in the bay near pier five, and the party had already gone and turned in two of the pirates, so they were involved, but Lavinia was able to help them out of it. I don't think they'd decide to manipulate her after THAT.
The second will be more interesting - namely, the paladin and CN rogue. I can see something mayt happen there, if they survive the battle with Vark's men and the Rhagodessa, especially with their low levels of healing that remains...

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My players seem pro-Lavinia as well.
The warforged has an innate sense of loyatly to his employers and now is a paladin. He is also helping her with some martial training.
The kalashtar is LG and also feels honorbound to deal with her honestly.
The sorcerer is a bit of a fop and has designs on Lavinia of the romantic sort, though so far she has been stand-offish.
The changeling rogue is the one who is teaching her to use a rapier.
This party has returned all of her monies without question.

R-type |

Not playing yet but going by the backstories that the players have given me I think my group will not be that into her and I certainly dont see any romance brewing.
The fire genasi may try his luck but its unlikely as he is a bad boy into thrilling bad girl types (and the player tends to shy away from in-game relationships).
The goliath will probally respect her -maybe become a friend but would not consider her very attractive.
The elf/dragonborn will consider her a 'child in need' and offer her friendship -thats about it.
The last two players are both playing human female fighters, one is bisexual -but Lavinia isn't (or maybe she is?)
Shall have to wait and see. I like a bit of romance in the game.

Earthbeard |

So far my group is split between trying to leech every lact copper out of her and protecting her from the more selfish and greedy party members.
Sadly its the same people who suffer greed everygame, that continue to be greedy and the same people who are "good" and more heroic that protect her from thier greedy mittens!
I've tried and tried to alter this but they always revert to the selfish/selfless sides within a few sessions!
But is does make for some interesting encoutners thats for sure! Predicatable ones too!

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Our group consists of a Male Catfolk Rogue/Fighter (the new hire on the team, with little to no interest in anything except combat), a Male Dwarf Fighter (who's smitten with Lavinia), a Female Halfling Scout (who's just in it for the money, and wanted to keep every red [gold?] cent that the party recovered), and a Male Half-Elf Warlock (who, it turns out, is Lavinia's half-brother; so he's in this for revenge).
All in all, the group thinks of Lavinia as the one who brought their little troop together.

airwalkrr |

Lavinia would absolutely cease to be without our party, but the other characters are pretty tepid so it falls on my character (the hot-head) to be demanding and rash with her. Of course, that is merely because she annoys the snot out of my character because of her relative helplessness. She hires incompetent bodyguards (those Jade Ravens aren't cut out for snuff) and apparently has a manor that any pack of bullywugs could just raid. It doesn't help that my character is an elf and just keeps thinking how this would never happen in elven lands where people are actually competent. But then he gets all smug and realizes that is why he is here: to be and example of high civilization for humans. And if "high civilization" involves many castins of fire spells to get the point across, so much the better.