NeonParrot |

I don't know if this counts, but I once ran a one shot and told everyone they were going to die, but the best death, as voted on by all the players, won a gift certificate from the sponsoring game shop.
It was a sci-fi horror setting. Everyone died and it was great fun. I had to fudge the rules but it was great fun. I would love to do it again!

lordzack |

PC's Name Eberk
Race Dwarf
Class Cleric
Level 1st
Circumstances of Death Burned to death by a black dragon's breath weapon in the first round of combat, right after opening the door
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one) Homebrew
PC's Name Aramil
Race Elf
Class Sorcerer
Level 1st
Circumstances of Death Burned to death by a black dragon's breath weapon in the first round of combat, right after Eberk opened the door
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one) Homebrew
Hey I didn't put that dragon there, it was in the module in the 3.5 Basic Set.

Turin the Mad |

None succeeded on the coup de gras saves save Da Cultist, although given that The Thing from beyond Time dealt enough damage to outright slay the poor cleric, not even that natural 20 saved his neck - literally as the beast gnawed his head off of his shoulders. Gate devices are wonderful things.
Da Pimp's paladin/diviner/arcane archer was swiftly decapitated in his sleep - death in absentia, but a legitimate death nonetheless. Which is ok, as you will see.
Zin Sernn's monk 9 was slain via coup de gras from an empowered maximized fire-damage shocking grasp at a caster level of 11. Or, in other words, over 150 points of fire damage with the campaign's house rule removing the damage cap. Yes, that's (11d6, maximized +50% of 11d6 - total using averaged damage of 85, x2) for the coup de gras for a staggering 170 points of fire damage.
Jade II's fighter 1 / elemental water sorcerer 7 / eldritch knight 1 was slain via coup de gras from an empowered maximized shocking grasp at a caster level of 11 resulting in a 170 hp electrical coup de gras.
Torsin's paladin 6 / diviner 3 (aspiring to become an eldritch knight) was decapitated by a brief return to the material plane by Labdaga the Twin, courtesy of a gate device used by the antagonist.
Max was on guard duty along with the five dolls - he was patrolling, but against that vicious Stealth DC of 50, he didn't stand a chance. Luckily, he was not on the Council's hit list. The dolls were having themselves a tea party in the cellar.
All five character deaths were dealt courtesy of Cassandra Slayn, a homebrewed antagonist. As she departed, she dropped a simulacrum device, creating a CR 10 simulacrum of herself. This much lesser version of herself was tasked to sneak around and set the cathedral's wooden interior on fire, then wait to ambush any heroes attempting to leave the upper floor.
The messy deaths of Our Heroes - all via the proscribed methods required to activate their signature items - resulted in their first true resurrections of the campaign by those items.
Location: Shrine of Aroden (safe house)
Adventure: optional encounter, The Infernal Syndrome, home brewed replacement
Catalyst: Complete and utter lack of security measures
Name: Torsin II
Classes: Paladin 6 / Diviner 4
Adventure: The Mother of Flies
Location: The Dusk Market, Goren One-Ear's hookah shop front for a pesh parlor
Catalyst: attracting Kruthe the Hammer's undivided attention
The Gory Details: Nothing much really - a confirmed critical hit followed by a failed saving throw against death from massive trauma against Kruthe's enchanted warhammer. 62 out of 100 hit points, yet still managed to fail that DC 15 save with a natural 3 d20 roll. Good times. ^_^

Rev Rosey |

Name: Ceara
Classes: Assassin 8
Adventure: 4e Forgotten Realms ramble
Location: An Earthmote filled with randomly dangerous things said mote had picked up along the way
Catalyst: failure to respect the plantlife.
The Gory Details: The leader of a pack of Spellplagued ghouls made a break to escape through a portal guarded by an ambush vine. Despite looking at one point, as though it might be a TPK, the group managed to hang on and wipe out the vine and its many shoots along with the Spellplagued Commandant. In mechanical terms, they went from one encounter to the next without any kind of a break. Since both were resource eaters, they did well to get out with only one fatality.
Ceara refused to leave and took ongoing poison damage from the plants which she was unable to save against. Despite the rest of the group making good heal checks to stabilise her, and filling her up with resistance potions, the ongoing damage kept going and she failed three death saves. The rest of them are now trying to find a way to control the Earthmote so they can give her a decent burial and save the assorted people they've rescued along the way.

Ender_rpm |

Name: Pax
Classes: Wiz 6, Human
Adventure: PFRPG/ Homebrew setting
Location: On a ship sheltering in a coral atoll
Catalyst: Over night Sauhagin attack
The Gory Details: Pax was standing the last watch, and saw grapnels being launched over the side of the ship. Raises the alarm, but then gets rushed by 3 Sauhagin, who proceed to poke him with thier tridents. He runs from that bunch, off the bridge, and onto the main deck, where he is confronted with MORE Sauhagin. He decides he wants to use his shiny new CLoak of the MAnta Ray, and dives overboard, into the storm tossed waters. In the dark. While the ship is under attack from SEA CREATURES.
In an admittedly valiant attempt to out-flank the S's, Pax swam UNDER the ship. In the dark. Runs into the "reserve force", 4 more S's, 2 shark, and their Druid leader, who has a shark pet. Pax runs, but it chased down and chomped on by the sharks. He manages to get 5' away and casts Fly on himself, but has to end his turn a bare few feet above the water's surface.
Yup, sharks leap from teh storm tossed waters, both hit, one crits, and Pax is just a bloody swirl and some bits of meat.

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Name: Rushforth
Race, Class: Warhorse
D&D 3.5 + PF mods
Adventure: Age of Worms, Chapter 5
Location: Greyhawk Arena
Catalyst: Uncanny archery
Not a PC, as such, but since everyone knew how hard this horse was, not to mention, being more intelligent than its owner, it feels like it. And in laying down it's life, it spared one of the actual PCs being riddled to death.
In a four-way battle, several of the teams had earlier attempted to sound out the others for the possibility of an alliance, but nothing had been agreed.
As the teams entered, the paladin called his warhorse, which raised a few eyebrows, and immediately challenged one of the opposing teams (all of whom were mounted desert raiders). Needless to say, they declined this generous offer, and all charged the opposite way, into a team of archers, making another attempt to demand an alliance vs the heavy infantry (the PCs and the fourth team).
The paladin got held up by team 4 sending their halberdiers charging in at supernatural speed, and the PCs got bogged down. The horse was clawed by a dire badger, and the paladin hit by flaming ball.
The next round saw all wounded PCs feel their cuts itch with necromatic infection, and the paladin cured himself while fighting on.
The elven archers, seing one of their number dropped, and others battered, gave in to the request for a truce, and they fired a volley into the other side of the arena, targetting what they saw as the most mobile opponent, the paladin's horse.
The dice were picked up, rolled, and the swathe of high teens stared back up at us. With their precise shot training, they easily avoided the intervening melee, and scored over twice as many hits as I could have hoped for. With nervous hands, I picked up the damage dice, and rolled over 40 damage for the volley, which, combined with the badger claws dropped it from full health to dead in less than 6 seconds.
The rider leapt from the saddle of the falling horse, into the middle of a brawl between the PCs and howling gnolls.
The upside was that the gnoll's leader was so incensed by the shooting of a horse, that he demanded a truce with the PCs, which took a while to be sealed, but when it did...
This was an epic battle, taking us around 6 hours total, split between sessions, since I redesigned and re-equipped three teams to better challenge the PCs. But it was worth it.

Evil Incarnate |

Name: Ouda Laley
Classes: Ranger/Barbarian 7
Adventure: 4e "Curses"
Location: Deep within the heart of a corrupt tree.
Catalyst: A very deadly surprise round.
The Gory Details: As his party battled valiently near the Tree of Life, Ouda bravely and foolishly entered into the passage in the tree that led down into its very depths, in an attempt to purify it while his comrades had the corrupt plants occupied. Upon reaching the bottom of the passageway, he discovered a large cavernous, chamber filled with a vile ichor that was pumped out by a massive, beating, and corrupt heart. Ouda spotted the enemies hidden in the mire, but not those hidden in the rocks to the sides of the cavern, and as he valiently stepped forward, the parasites sprung their ambush, hitting him with four, well placed daggers, and ending his life.
Having wrapped up the corrupt plants on the surface, his comrades travelled down into the depths to try to free the heart from its corruption...there may be more entries soon...

Turin the Mad |

Name: Torsin
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Paladin 6 / Wizard 4
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: east side of the Caretaker's House outside Walcourt
Catalyst: Failed saving throw at the worst possible time
The Gory Details: In spite of needing to roll only a 10 or better, Torsin failed the Fortitude saving throw against Sandor the Strange and his trusty disintegrate. Unfortunately for Torsin, the failed saving throw was against a confirmed critical hit with the aforementioned disintegrate. Needless to say, 48d6 yielded 208 points of damage, dusting the paladin.

ghettowedge |

PC Name: Sifus
Race: halfling
Class: rogue/ranger/some prestige class or other
Level: 13
Circumstances of Death: Crit by a tail slap for 16d6+58
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Campaign: Savage Tide
PC Name: Mirros
Race: dwarf
Class: fighter
Level: 12
Circumstances of Death: Symbol of death
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Campaign: Savage Tide

Orthos |

Hmm, I did not know this thread existed. Time to cross-post my STAP deaths :D
Name: Rokugo Yuri, Female Water Spiritfolk
Class/Level: Binder 3|Rogue 2/Telepath 1
Name: Rin Gold, Male Human
Class/Level: Ardent 3|Nomad 3
Catalyst: Ambush attack in Lotus Guildhall Training Room, "There Is No Honor" Part IV
Yuri bombed all her perception checks when entering the Training Room and didn't notice the Lotus thieves dressed as training dummies, and took several crossbow bolts in the back while examining Rowyn's throne. Then they rolled 20 for initiative and finished her off the next round.
The rest of the group ran in to rescue her, half of the six thieves engaged them while the other half remained still and disguised, then sneak attacked the party healer Rin to death when he followed them in.
Name: Dresylaer, Blind Male Killoren
Class/Level: Bard|Favored Soul 6
Catalyst: Maw of the Mother-of-All, "Sea Wyvern's Wake" Part V
Dres's 11 CON, blindness, and meager AC proved fatal when his constant conjuring of DR-ignoring Spiritual Weapons became as annoying as the six attacks per round of the Summoner's Eidolon. Unfortunately for Dres, the Eidolon had about twice as much HP and double the AC as him; The Mother-of-All ported itself just behind him and proceeded to lay into him with Bite-Claw-Claw and the pummeling of its young. Dres was saved by the healer Faelyn once, but the second assault was simply too much. He perished only moments before Avander, his drinking buddy and Duskling Barbarian|Totemist, pulverized the plant monster into oblivion.
Name: Hantei Yasumoto, Male Human
Class/Level: Scout|Swordsage 9
Catalyst: Infamous Seven Sidequest - Burbalarg the Elder Shambling Mound, "Tides of Dread"
The group decided to chase down and slay some of the Infamous Seven before the pirate attack, and Burbalarg was the final of the four they planned to kill. Unfortunately, Yasumoto one too many times provoked the shambler's ire, and the Infamous Beast snatched him up and squeezed the life from him.
Yasumoto refused both the Mysterious Voice's offer of "another chance" and party cleric Lazarus's requests to be brought back to life. Sadly, this marks the passing of the final party member who has been with the group since Chapter One (even if he wasn't there for all of it); the others have either died or been swapped out.
My group has bad luck with big mean plants, apparently.

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Four kills between two sessions. The first three happened in the first, and the final happened in the second.
Had a TPK of a sort on the second session (the one with Grantz), but as all the other PCs were rendered unconscious and I didn't want to wait for all the players to roll up new characters, I had the bandits dispose of their 'bodies' which were then found by Grantz' player's new character.
--- --- ---
PC's Name: Ludvik
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Level: 3
Circumstances of Death: Took first watch and was strangled to death by killer vines that got the drop on him.
Setting: Generic Adventure Setting™
PC's Name: V (player couldn't think of a name)
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Level: 3
Circumstances of Death: Caught a crossbow bolt with his throat after being backed into a corner by a group of bandits.
Setting: Generic Adventure Setting™
PC's Name: Vada
Race: Human
Class: Druid
Level: 3
Circumstances of Death: Three melee fighters and a group of archers ganged up on her and promptly brought her (and her wolf) down.
Setting: Generic Adventure Setting™
PC's Name: Grantz le Death
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Level: 3
Circumstances of Death: Slain with his back to the enemy after trying to retreat from a badly lost battle.
Setting: Generic Adventure Setting™

Dazylar |

Name: Rushforth
Race, Class: Warhorse
D&D 3.5 + PF mods
Adventure: Age of Worms, Chapter 5
Location: Greyhawk Arena
Catalyst: Uncanny archeryThis was an epic battle, taking us around 6 hours total, split between sessions, since I redesigned and re-equipped three teams to better challenge the PCs. But it was worth it.
Absolutely! Well worth all that time prepping and running. Thanks Snorter.

Turin the Mad |

Names: Jade II, Torsin II
Race: Humans, Advanced template applied
- Jade: Fighter 1 / Sorcerer 7 / Eldritch Knight 2
- Torsin: Paladin 6 / Diviner 4
Adventure: The Thrice-Damned Prince
Location: The Ghivel Townhouse, room T4
Catalyst: Failing DC 22 Fortitude saving throws against petrification.

Turin the Mad |

Names: Jade II, Da Cultist
Race: Humans, Advanced template applied
- Jade: Fighter 1 / Sorcerer 7 / Eldritch Knight 2
- Da Cultist: Cloistered Cleric 11
Adventure: The Thrice-Damned Prince
Location: The Ghivel Townhouse, room T4
Catalyst: Failing DC 22 Fortitude saving throws against petrification.
Edited for correct character deaths.

13garth13 |

PC Names: Quatro; Allard Farche; Esme; Lady Penelo
Races: Human (?!?!?); Dwarf; Human; Human
Classes: Incarnist; Fighter; Witch; Priest
Levels: 8; 8; 8; 9
Circumstances of Death: A wide assortment of undead-related maladies, ranging from spell damage from a ghast sorceror, to the negative energy necrosis brought about by some advanced Necrosis Carnexi, to vast, VAST amounts of sneak attack and vile damage from an undead rogue/assassin. A real smorgasboard of ultimately fatal shenanigans :) :) :)
Adventure: Memories of Orcus' Reign
Campaign: Something Rotten in Nyron

Orthos |

Name: Gene Syn, Male Human
Class/Level: Psion|Wilder 10
Catalyst: Brain Collector Scion and Yellow Mold, Tlaloc's Crater, "The Lightless Depths" Part IV (Savage Tide Chapter 6)
Gene proved himself too annoying to the Brain Collector - his spells kept piercing its SR, constantly harming it. But even worse, he was right next to Lazarus for most of the fight, and Lazarus was annoying it equally by dispelling its Greater Invisibility and resisting its Telekinesis attacks. So when those tactics failed the Neh-thalggu went on the direct offensive, blasting them both with Cones of Cold, badly wounding Lazarus but knocking the not-quite-as-sturdy Gene down to 2 HP.
The next round, before fleeing, the Brain Collector dispelled Gene's levitate, causing him to fall; he fumbled the save there and took the full 10 damage from the fall, bringing him to -8, but what really killed him was the one-point-short Fort save versus the pile of Yellow Mold he'd been levitating over. The -4 CON from the infection pushed him over the mortal brink.
The Brain Collector died in the next round as it attempted to flee, and Lazarus was able to use Breath of Life to revive Gene rather swiftly, then Restoration and Remove Disease to undo the harm wrought by the mold.

Fabes DM |

PC's Name: Donaar K'baab
Race: Dragonborn
Class: Paladin
Level: 10
Circumstances of Death: Taken to negative Bloodied value by the necromancer's aura of death
Setting: Points of Light
PC's Name: Tira Duskmeadow
Race: Eladrin
Class: Warlock (Fey Pact)
Level: 10
Circumstances of Death: Failed 3 death saves after being taken down by necromantic attacks
Setting: Points of Light
PC's Name: Minus
Race: Gnome
Class: Chaos Sorcerer
Level: 10
Circumstances of Death: Failed 3 death saves after being taken down by necromantic attacks
Setting: Points of Light
PC's Name: Fargrim
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Level: 10
Circumstances of Death: Taken to negative Bloodied value by the necromancer's aura of death
Setting: Points of Light
PC's Name: Stefalin
Race: Human
Class: Wizard
Level: 10
Circumstances of Death: Failed 3 death saves after being taken down by necromantic attacks
Setting: Points of Light
It was the most bizarre fight of the campaign. The 2 other party members both recovered from unconsciousness with natural 20s and took down the necromancer.

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PC's Name: Shamanilla
Race: Human (Dragonblood)
Class: Dragon Disciple (Maztican Rain Serpent Totem)
Level: 11
Circumstances of Death: Chained Avasculate and Vile Chain Lightning on top of previous wounds. Courtesy of Admiral Monkamuck's lich.
Setting: Deserted Maztican village, Savage Tide in Forgotten Realms with hints of Varnhold Vanishing.
PC's Name: Sam Greenhand
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard 1 Rogue 10 - Crossbow Sniper & poisons expert
Level: 11
Circumstances of Death: Chained Avasculate and Vile Chain Lightning on top of previous wounds. Courtesy of Admiral Monkamuck's lich.
Setting: Deserted Maztican village, Savage Tide in Forgotten Realms with hints of Varnhold Vanishing.
Both revived by homebrew Action Point stabilise rule. The kills count though.

Turin the Mad |

Names: Maximilian of Varisia, Fmughwa the Deathgorger
Races: Human (Varisian), Advanced 14 HD Gargantuan Bombardier Beetle
Classes: Meat Shield 11, big honkin' bug that pukes acid
Catalyst: Advanced 22 HD Cyclops Revenant being in melee proximity for 4 rounds too many
Setting: trek from Council of Thieves to what will be an upgunned Kingmaker
Digest Edition details: An advanced 22 hit die revenant spent two months slogging along the bottom of the Inner Sea in order to attempt to avenge itself against four of the PCs - and the poor DMPC meat shield. Fmughwa was shredded first - then Max - then Fmughwa again after a PC had the bright idea >.< of resuscitating the beetle adjacent to the big bad that just killed it. Being a revenant at nearly full hp adjacent to a murderer that has an insufficient quantity of hit points to survive another major hit saw the poor bug packed off to Groetus' Roach Motel in the Sky twice in a three-round span. The torchbearer / meat shield is very, very tired of waking up dead...

Steven Tindall |

PC's Name- Lady Navita d'Dennith
Race - Human
Class - Cleric of the soverign host(life and war domain)
Level - 5th
Circumstances of Death, The valient lady Navita dies when the party's psion/wizard/theif didn't take the hint and opened a bound,locked AND trapped door. Inside was a very hungery cave troll. The parties mage firballed, the parties psion energy blasted and the party motley (the one that opened the door) summoned a astral construct, all from a safe distance leaving the lady to take multiple claw/claw/rend and bites. She stood her ground the was out and down to -15 in the second round, the psion took off while the party mage grapped his great axe and charged( the mage has a 15str and the heroics spell so he can sub as a fighter for a round or two) The motley hit the troll to -7 but they have regen of 8 so he was still up the wizard scored a confirmed crit for 36 points of damage, end of troll but also the end of the Lady Navita d'orien.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one)eberron city of thaliost, the PC's are trying to stop the arch bisop from killing all the rebels useing kenku so that it can't be traced back to him or the church. I love LE bad guys that cloak their evilness inside of all things good.

Brother Faust the Elder |

This thread has lain dormant for far too long.
Performs the Raise Deceased Thread Ritual
ARRRIIIISSEE!! Live once more!
PC's Name: 'Sir' Robin Bleech
Occupation: self-styled international interviewer and intrepid investigative journalist
Circumstances of Death: POW of 7 to start the game
Setting: Call of Cthulhu
Scenario: The Edge of Darkness, used as a prologue to The Horror on the Orient Express
The Gory Details: Robin Bleech's abysmal POW of 7 meant that he started with a paltry SAN of 35. He lost 2 SAN between an NPC death and reading a book that granted 1 percentile point of Cthulhu Mythos skill. This resulted in a 'current SAN' of 33 - placing his 'long term insanity' threshold down to 6 from 7. Over the course of dealing with the Thing in the Attic and its entertaining antics 'Sir' Bleech's sanity plummeted, teetering on the edge of that 6 point threshold. When the Thing in the Attic was manifested in front of him, the sorry bugger's mind snapped and instead he beheld the Most Desirable Interview Subject in the World. Despite attempts to spare him from stepping across the binding pentagram, 'Sir' Bleech's life ended when the Thing twisted his head around on his neck like a doll's head before slurping his still-beating heart out like "Macho Man" Savage tearing into a Slim Jim.

Transylvanian Tadpole RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

PCs Name Therusvin ‘Spindrifter’ Oselyinn
Race Raptoran
Class Druid 5
Circumstances of Death The only unusual race in an otherwise fairly standard cast of adventurers, a lot of backstory had been created by Therusvin’s player to properly place his character in the party. The other adventurers had supposedly rescued Therusvin from an Amnian slave trader in their previous adventure (the campaign was beginning at 5th level), a fairly fun tale which also gave plot hooks for further campaign development.
Or would have, had Therusvin not been burned to a cinder in the first round of the first encounter of the very first adventure. It went like this:
Raptoran flies up to the top of the tower to scout out possible entrances for his fellows. He fails Perception check to notice the firedrake nesting on the top of the tower. Firedrake leaps out and blast him with his breath weapon. Raptoran fails reflex save and the DM rolls high on the fire damage, dropping him into the minuses. Raptoran wings lock in place when unconscious, so they only suffer 1d6 falling damage. Unfortunately for Therusvin, going down in spinning flames, that 1d6 was enough to shove him firmly off the mortal coil.
The rest of the party decided cremation was probably part of Raptoran funeral ceremonies, and went off in search of an easier adventure to embark on.
Setting Forgotten Realms
Adventure The Dark Tower of Cabilar: the first adventure in the first ever issue of Dungeon magazine, clumsily converted to Pathfinder and ported over to the Realms.

Johnico |

These were from about two years ago, so details like level or exact order are a little fuzzy, and I don't remember the names.
Race: Half-orc
Class: Inquisitor
Level: 5
Circumstances of Death: Drained of Strength by a shadow while taking care of a haunted house.
Setting: Homebrew setting, called Thalion.
Race: Elf
Class: Alchemist
Level: 5 or 6
Circumstances of Death: Martyred himself with bombs to kill a demon that was about to find and kill a building's worth of civilians.
Setting: Thalion
Race: Human
Class: Zen Archer Monk
Level: 6
Circumstances of Death: Mauled to death by a sneaky Dire Tiger.
Setting: Thalion
Race: Human
Class: Dragon Rider
Level: 7
Circumstances of Death: Chopped in half by confused great-sword wielding Barbarian.
Setting: Thalion
Race: Human
Class: Cavalier
Level: 8
Circumstances of Death: Killed by getting AoE bombed by Demons (or maybe Daemons) after following a friend through a portal to retrieve his magic sword.
Setting: Thalion
Each of these deaths were the same player. And all of these deaths happened over the course of about a month, maybe a month and a half. This is extremely peculiar, since I'm not a particularly harsh GM.

Brother Faust the Elder |

PC's Name: Professor Calvin Lancaster
Occupation: Professor of Archaeology
Circumstances of Death: well-intended shotgun blast
Setting: Call of Cthulhu
Scenario: The Doom Train, The Horror on the Orient Express
The Gory Details: shotgun blast to the face from Father Wu's attempt to help the unarmed Professor escape the clutches of the Passengers.
PC Name: Izzie Hurting
Occupation: Private Investigator
Circumstances of Death: Doom Kissed by a Passenger
Setting: Call of Cthulhu
Scenario: The Doom Train, HotOE
the Gory Details: after applying a tourniquet to Professor Lancaster's neck with a flubbed First Aid attempt, Hurting was grappled and summarily Doom Kiss'd by two of the Passengers. Death by soul slurpage, Lifeforce style.
PC Name: Father Arnold Wu
Occupation: Zealot
Circumstances of Death: shooting himself in the face with the second barrel of his own shotgun
Setting: Call of Cthulhu
Scenario:The Doom Train, HotOE
The Gory Details: attempting to escape the Passengers, he accidentally shot himself in the face with the second barrel of the same shotgun he blasted Professor Lancaster with moments before.
PC Name: Dumb-a$$ #3
Occupation: Drifter, not mentally stable train enthusiast
Circumstances of Death: slathering himself with bacon grease and slapping Passengers with his belt = Doom Kiss
Setting: if you haven't figured this out by now, no SAN FOR YOU!!
Scenario: all aboard the Doom Train ...
The Gory Details: KGM, apparently despairing that his recalcatrant dice have yet to result in an investigator with long-term survivability prospects, dashed aboard the first passenger car of the Doom Train, slathered in bacon grease. His pathetic DEX of 7 however merely resulted in being grappled, then summarily Doom Kiss'd into oblivion with his immediately previous investigator that died moments before.
PC Name: 'Bugsy', real name unknown
Occupation: Criminal
Circumstances of Death: warding off the dreaded Passengers, he failed one Dodge roll too many
The Gory Details: after sending 3 Passengers into the oblivion that the Doom Train usually runs within, the APP 4 veteran of the Great War was, as with two investigators before him, grappled and Doom Kiss'd to his eternal reward.
PC Name: Martin Brewer
Occupation: until disembarking the Doom Train, he was a dealer of Egyptian Antiquities - now, an involuntary inmate in an asylum
Circumstances of Committal: telling the unvarnished truth to the authorities, sticking to his story and then throwing a 98% Luck roll with only a 60% Luck.
Details: having narrowly escaped the clutches of 6 Doom Smooching Passengers, breaking a leg in a desperate leap to not be rent asunder in the Doom Train's violent and explosive collision with a coal-hauling train some 60 miles north of London, Mr. Brewer elected to remain an honest man. He realted the unvarnished details of all that he knew about the horrific events of the night/morning to both the police and the psychiatrist. Needless to say, the man was committed to an asylum for the dangerously insane for the forseeable future.

Transylvanian Tadpole RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

PCs Name Sastra Lessmarch
Race Strongheart Halfling
Class Sorcerer 4/Rogue 2
PCs Name Hanlirr Moraestyre
Race Moon Elf
Class Fighter 5
Circumstances of Death Having entered the tomb of an ancient, evil master thief, it was pretty obvious that as soon as his sarcophagus was plundered bad things were going to happen. However, somewhere along the line the players must have forgotten we were running an old AD&D Dungeon adventure which gave short shrift to new fangled ideas such as challenge rating, or even fairness.
Said plundering went ahead, triggering walls of stone that trapped the party in the room. Shortly after, 14 shadows arrived, most unappreciated guests for five adventurers averaging 5th level.
The survivors were the ones who immediately ran for the cleric’s magic circle against evil and stayed there. Hanlirr and Sastra, slightly better equipped with magic than others in the party, thought they should try and do a little damage before retreating to the circle. The shadows punished them for their hesitation, surrounding them and draining them to nothing in two rounds.
The rest of the party eventually escaped, staying firmly within the circle spending twelve tedious rounds deleting one shadow after another with disrupt undead, an almost expended wand of magic missiles and a few well-timed moments of channeling. They destroyed the shadow spawned of their former friends along the way.
Setting Forgotten Realms
Adventure The Guardians of the Tomb, Dungeon #1, running pre-CR AD&D adventures is proving brutal.

Brother Faust the Elder |

Setting 1920s Call of Cthulhu
Adventure Horror on the Orient Express, original edition
Unlike the standard obit posts, this one will be organized by cause of death.
Flesh creeper asphyxiation
Armand Chavelle, assistant engineer
Ricarde Allou, assistant engineer - with added help from setting himself on fire
Emile Duchamps, coal shoveler
Lorenzo Berce, ambitious waiter
Jumped off the train while it was moving at full speed with a flesh creeper latched onto their faces
Pierre Marchand, coal shoveler (also had a quiot buried in his back)
Richard Montalau, assistant chef
Put own face through a glass window with a flesh creeper latched on, only to die by asphyxiation anyway
Albert Swanson, insurance underwriter
Knifed and/or beaten do death by cultist mini-onions of the BBEG
Humphrey Enderly, insurance agent
Andre Stefani, gigilo
BBEG's trusty .38 revolver
Rene Clement, cheif engineer (after doing plenty of damage to himself)
Paul DeGuerre, Chef de Cuisine (double .38 enema)
Valdimir Veslenka, lover/bodyguard of a Romanov princess (.38 migraine)
Walter Partridge, train enthusiast (.38 double tap)
Friendly fire isn't
"Diana" Szorble, assassin without a country - gunned down by Colonel Herring, a British spy and 'retired' via Russian neck twist
BBEG's 'Mass Shriveling' spell
Colonel Andrew Herring (ret.)
Mrs. Anges Herring
Albert Rumsford, devoted Herring manservant
Kerim Mochtuk, Turkish financier
Yolculuk Tutuyor, financier's butler
Lady Margaret Bramwell, aristocrat
Charlotte (Siamese attack cat)
Emily (Siamese attack cat)
Simon Johns, horrid 6 y.o. child
Amanda Johns, weary mother
Mary Baxter, tortured nanny
Lord Roger Whipsnade Palfrey, brat Peer of the Realm
Karen Lindon, cowed nanny
Armand Applegate, butler & head of staff
Total PC Deaths 26 plus 2 Siamese attack cats

Orthos |

Thanks for that BTW, went looking for this thread after my first KM kill and couldn't find it.
My Kingmaker deaths collection, for your perusal =) Spoilers ahead.
Name: Jaekah
Race: Centaur Runt
Classes/levels: Barbarian 7
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Mad Hermit's Lair
Catalyst: Random Encounter
The Gory Details: After dealing with the Mad Hermit, the party took their rest and made camp before heading west the next morning to investigate the "queen" in the forest ruins; during the night, a group of Goblins and Goblin Snakes led by a Barghest attacked. During the battle the Barghest charmed Lilith, the rogue and spymistress, and she badly sniped Jaekah from her place in the trees above. The Barghest took the opportunity to slash at the wounded General and scored a deep critical hit, slicing him down to 1 below negative CON. He was avenged less than a round later by the group's Marshal, the samurai Takeshi, who decapitated the Barghest with a crit of his own, which broke the charm on Lilith in time for the two of them to finish up the remainder of the surviving enemies.His party members severed a hand, burned the remainders of his body, and marched back to Bokken for the hermit druid to reincarnate him. Jaekah returned several days later... in the form of a magma dragon! (Figures that the first use of my homebrew reincarnate chart would roll one of the 90+ "could be anything" options!)
Name: Takeshi, Marshal of Iomrall
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Samurai [Ronin] 8
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Ruined Keep
Catalyst: Dancing Lady + Teorlian flank one-two claw-bite-punch
The Gory Details: Upon breaching the Dancing Lady's chamber, General Jaekah and Magister Errol of Iomrall failed their will saves and succumbed to the enthralling dance. Takeshi however resisted, and when the kingdom's Duchess Elegy arrived right behind him and found herself attacked by the Dancing Lady's Kelpies - which wore the faces of dead bandits Kressle and Topper Red - Takeshi leaped into the fray, cut down the plantified Kressle in a single flurry of slashes, then shoved his way past the Grimstalker to reach the Dancing Lady. The vindictive fey followed though, and gutted Takeshi viciously from behind; the Lady then tore into him, lashing him into unconsciousness then death without at all breaking from the flow of her dance.After Elegy and Spymistress Lilith killed the Dancing Lady and the party as a whole finished off Teorlian and the other Kelpie and rescued their fey friend (who had been given to the baobhan sidhe as a gift from Hargulka), they collected Takeshi's gear, severed one of his hands, and headed once again to Bokken's to purchase another reincarnate from the eccentric druid. Takeshi returned from the dead in the body of a Naga, the ruling species from his homeland of Senkaku; taking this new form as a sign of approval of his ancestors, he reclaimed his swords and retains his post as Marshal of Iomrall.
Name: Errol Genio, Magister of Iomrall
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Magus 9
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Tatzylford
Catalyst: Only one in Melee range + Crit Deck
The Gory Details: Hargulka sent a large gang of trolls, trollhounds, and scrags to put an end to the construction of Tatzylford before it could begin, led by a bloated, cyst-covered, greataxe-weilding troll named Rundtokk and an Umber Hulk. With the aid of their Diplomat Akiniyi, her two daughters, and cover fire from militiamen sent to defend Tatzylford's workers, the group managed to rout the trolls and eventually tackle the monstrous beetle as well.Errol managed to be uninjured for the entire fight, taking to the air with fly early on and barraging enemies with fireballs and scorching rays from above. He even hit both Rundtokk and the Umber Hulk with a slow, mirroring Akiniyi buffing the party with haste and contributing to the beast not inflicting near its potential damage. Secure the battle was won, he descended to engage Rundtokk directly, after being socked a few times by the troll's throwing axes... only to receive a greataxe crit almost immediately. That would have been bad enough, dropping him deep into the negatives, except our group uses the Crit Deck - and Rundtokk's crit gave him a second attack at -5 despite his slow effect, which also crit, knocking Errol to about -86. The troll went down the next round, and the party's healer Elegy managed to reach him in time to use breath of life (thanks to a fastball special with the aid of Takeshi the Samurai), but couldn't manage to overcome the massive glut of damage the troll had inflicted.
As with Jaekah and Takeshi before him, his belongings were collected up and a hand taken for reincarnate purposes. We went ahead and rolled the percentile last night, since everyone was curious - Errol will be returning as a Glaistig, a satyr-like Fey race homebrewed for my setting. Errol hates Fey, so there's a 50-50 chance he'll be here again due to a suicide. (This never did happen, he grumbled and sulked but eventually accepted the change.)
Name: Duchess Elegy Medvyed
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Oracle [Spellscar, Legalistic] 9
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Candlemere
Catalyst: Not knowing the rules of reach
The Gory Details: After reaching the top of Candlemere Tower - including several battles with the spawn of the Dark Song and a short jaunt into The World's Shadow - the rulers of Iomrall found themselves facing the "lead" of the Spawn: a many-mouthed, tentacled monstrosity known as a Chorus. The creature swiftly displayed much of its threat by nomming on Marshall Takeshi and General Jaekah, but it got its greatest bite out of Duchess Elegy, who decided to try to run behind Takeshi to avoid the thing's flailing mouths rather than simply take the five-foot step to reach him and cast her curing spell. Nowhere near nimble enough to evade the ensuing Attack of Opportunity, Elegy was bitten, easily grappled, and Snatched into one of the things' mouths with a nasty Crit Deck card tacked on. The bleed it incited pushed her just over the edge, after a second bite from the Snatch on the monster's turn, at the very next initiative.The group was able to slay the Chorus - which only had 15 HP remaining before it grabbed Elegy - and took a finger back to the Forest Temple, then called the Old Beldame and her apprentice there to reincarnate her; unfortunately for them, Elegy had decided to take advantage of her untimely death to attempt to get free of her debt to Queen Mab of the Winter Court, and refused the call to return. Mab, of course, would have none of this, and personally went to fetch Elegy's soul from the beyond and give her a stern talking-to. Elegy, upon seeing the fey queen approaching her postmortem, immediately changed her tone to something suitably deferential; somewhat mollified by her submissiveness, Mab relented slightly - as Elegy's main complaint was split between "I'm the wrong person for this job" (which Mab took personally as "you made a mistake in picking me" and also strongly disagrees with) and "I don't have enough time in my meager human lifespan to do this", Mab elected to bring her back in the form of the longest-lived of my setting's races, an Aranea (which, including their metamorphosis in to Arachne around age 800, can live up to 1500 years, with a few rare cases of as high as 2000). To give her an ever-present reminder of to whom she belongs, Elegy now also possesses the Arctic template.

silverhair2008 |

Name: Sneaky Thorn
Race: Dwarf
Class/Level: Rogue 1
Adventure: Into the Haunted Forest module
Location: Druidic altar
The Gory Details: Sneaky Thorn runs into an Assassin Vine that is strangling a Wolf. The Assassin Vine crits and grabs Sneaky Thorn. Does 40+ points of damage. No more Sneaky Thorn.
Game disintegrated shortly thereafter.

Will Pratt |

Creature Spoiler for Curse of the Crimson Throne.
PC's Name-Tyson
Class -barbarian
Level -12
Setting-Curse of the Crimson Throne
Circumstances of Death- failed a reflex save from a cone of cold during the surprise round. Then got hit by a finger of death for 140 damage from a nightwing before it could even act.
PC's Name- Liano
Setting-Curse of the Crimson Throne
Circumstances of Death- AFter making his save against the Nightwing's cone of cold he got hit by a Critical hit from the same nightwing. Died from an AOO and didn't even get to attack the nightwing.
PC's Name-Enoch
Class- Cleric of no particular deity
Setting- Curse of the Crimson Throne
Circumstances of Death- After getting hit by the Cone of Cold (not sure if made it's save or not) he went in to try and breath of life the Barbarian back to life. The breath of life not only failed it also gave the Nightwing the chance to trap him in a corner and attack scoring a critical hit but not quite being enough to kill him. After a failed banish attempt and trying to run away another AOO kills Enoch.
Close to a TPK the other two were just barely able to run away using teleport.

Orthos |

Name: Takeshi, Marshall of Iomrall
Race: Naga (homebrew race, human torso with snake tail for legs version)
Classes/Levels: Samurai [nitōjutsu sensei, ronin] 10Name: Lilith of the Wyld Wood, Spymistress of Iomrall
Race: Leanbh-Dubh (homebrew race, plant-infused fey)
Classes/Levels: Rogue [assassin/scout] 8/Psion [telepath] 1/arcane archer 1Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Hargulka's Lair
Catalyst: The Final Showdown
The gory details: Long story short, the group decided to engage the last two rooms of Hargulka's lair at once, and found themselves up against:1. King Hargulka Fire-Eater, Half-Jabberwock Troll Fighter [dragon warrior]7, mythic Champion 1
2. Hargulka's Hound, an Advanced Giant Trollhound
3. Enlort Earthblood, Troll Invoker 6
4. Kargadd, rock troll dreadnaught Barbarian [jotunkin] 5
5. Rigg Gargadilly, quickling rogue [assassin] 10Takeshi was the first to fall, hit by Kargadd's Felling Strike on his very first claw attack, requiring a fort save in the 40s versus death.
Lilith went down a few rounds later when Rigg, eager to get revenge for his humiliation at the Abandoned Keep, landed a death attack on her and she rolled an 11 versus a DC-22 save-or-die.
Both were swiftly revived by Duchess Elegy's breath of life and able to return to the fight.
There were a few more close calls, with Takeshi and Lilith both nearing death's door once again (Takeshi even being knocked back into negatives though not quite to death) as well as Magister Errol creeping toward single-digit HPs, but the party was victorious, and slew the Hound, Kargadd, Hargulka, and Rigg, though Enlort became invisible and fled as Hargulka neared death.
Now they just have to survive the castle-sized owlbear that just woke up outside and started marching toward their capital.

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Ouch...TPK...another friend decided it's time for me to step down for a while. And they asked me not to fudge and to take the kid's gloves off.
Ah well, i have that unfortunate habit of rolling 20s a lot when behind the screen. With any d20s.
Miron Sheol, Male Half-Elf Rogue 6
Nicolas, Male Human Ninja 6
Zed, Male Human Wizard 6
Shomi, Male Human Paladin 6
Gorug, Male Dwarf Fighter 6
They were fighting several Orc and Goblin NPCs. Plus the orc chieftan. Chieftan was a monster(advanced giant orc) wielding a double axe.#
First round of the fight Palading charges and smites the cheiftain. Takes two thirds of his health. Cheiftain retaliates with a full attack (3 attacks. I roll 3 d20s, all three 20. I roll confirmation. All 3 confirm.
42,41,42 damage. Paladin is DEAD. Two orc archers attack the wizard, both with rapid shot, both score crits with first attacks and hit with the second. Around 50 damage. Wizard is DEAD. Orc shaman drops a fireball among the PCS (what's left of them). Rogue saves for no damage, Ninja and Fighter fail. 24 damage. Goblins swarm the dwarf 4 of them scoring hits, dealing some damage. Ninja becomes invisible, approaches the chieftain and kills him with nonlethal damage (yeah, that build). Rogue attacks the shaman, hits and does some damage. Dwarf kills two goblins. Shaman uses a scorching ray on the ninja (2 of them). Both crit (i rolled A LOT of 20s). More then 60 damage. Ninja is DEAD. Dwarf falls in the concentrated fire of orc archers and attack from goblins. Rogue starts running, falls into a puit trap, gets doused with oil and lit on fire, slowly burning in the pit. Yeah. They didn't wanna do a new party.

Carnivean Judd |

Eek, I'm dead.
Carnivean Judd
LE Shade (Called "Fetchlings" in Golarion)
Inquisitor of Asmodeus from Korvosa
Curse of the Crimson Throne
All the sudden this giant Reefclaw came up from the water and started munchin' on my bros. No biggie, I always avoid gettin' up close & personal with things that much bigger 'an me but my bros were gettin' chomped. Well I moved out o' the way but didn't realize that monster could still reach me w/ an attack if it had an opportunity.
Next thing I know that basher's got a grapple on me and 'is poison's draining all my athleticism and Dexterity away. Next thing I know, I'm dead.
It was a great run.
Great PC

Ichabod, LE Urban Ranger |

LE Varisian Ur-Dwarf (New Race built from ARG)
Urban Ranger
So, I join this group of guys after I hear my long-time mate from Old Korvosa, Carnivean, got killed with them.
Curse of the Crimson Throne
And they tell me they're going back down Glorio Arkona's Palace dungeons to finish their rescue mission.
And I kid you not, in the very next room where Carnivean got poisoned to death by a Giant Reefclaw, I got poisoned to death by a couple giant royal cobras and their CON-draining Venom!
I'm pretty fast, see. And while those slow fools, Carnivean's new buddies, were barely even opening the double doors to that Rakshasa chick's sanctuary, I charged in to attack her while she was still flat footed. But since it took Carnivean's buddies a friggin' year to run forward and help me fight this Rakshasa chick, her two pet Royal Cobras flanked me and injected me with enough venom to drain about 24 points of CON.
And I'm dead.
Less than 1 round of playing the game -- and I'm dead.
(My twin brother Crane will take my place in the group.)

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"The Infernal Vault"
Pathfinder Society Scenario #55
1st Encounter
And the Eidolon charges the corridor to the T-intersection where the two guards, ready-and-waiting in Flank, get a critical hit, killing the Eidolon.

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"The Infernal Vault"
Pathfinder Society Scenario #55
3rd Encounter
3rd Level CG Human Bard
So in the next walkway against Janks (after the Ninja once again assured the other Pathfinders there were no traps and almost got her head cut off by the swinging-Scythe trap), the Bard gets hit by Jank's Crossbow and falls dead.

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"The Infernal Vault"
Pathfinder Society Scenario #55
5th Encounter: BBEG
1st Level NG Catfolk Summoner
The 1st Level Paladin archer has made quick work of most enemies, especially when smiting Flesh Devils, but the usually scardeie-cat catfolk Summoner walks right-on in to the crypt, not seeing the readied Lemures, who, Flanking and with readied actions, get critical hits and kill the poor Catfolk Summoner.
Thank goodness the 1st Level Ninja -- who couldn't reliably find a trapped door the whole mission -- successfully Acrobats her way past the summoned Lemures, makes a remote Will Save against Celeena's Color Spray (rolling a 17 when she needed a 16), and wins the day for the beleaguered Pathfinders.