Dark's Curse of the Crimson Throne: Team Lawn & Chaos

Game Master Darkmeer

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28 Desnus, 4716
The rain hasn't let up since early afternoon. A hard rain, now a slow drizzle as the evening wears down. It feels good after such a hot day, but the humidity is going up, and you just know that, after this, summer is around the corner. Tomorrow is Starday, a day showing your rising star, potentially, if what the note you found on your harrow card is true. Hopefully you don't end up like the paralyzed imp being attacked by pseudodragons in the alley you just passed. It's just a normal for an evening in Korvosa.

You stand at 3 Lancet Street, a modest home in the Midland District. It's almost nondescript, except for its bright yellow paint and red door. The windows are dark, except for a little bit of candle light in the front room. As you start to knock, you see another person (or persons), walking up, staring at what appear to be harrow cards of their own and looking at the addresses.

Welcome to the campaign! Feel free to dot here, and begin to walk up there.

Male Human (Chelish)| HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +5 | Perc: +8, SM: +9 Inquisitor/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None. | Hero:2/5

He sat. Through the rain he sat. And now through the rising humidity, Inquisitor Crowler kept his vigil on 3 Lancet Street, watching it's coming and goings. After receiving the mysterious note earlier that day, hinting of knowledge on Lamm's activities, the agent of Asmodeus has been keeping to the shadows of bushes, trees, and alleyways, trying to gather as much intel on Lancet street address and it's inhabitants.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Secure in his knowledge no one saw him, Crowler frowned for the wasted hours he spent keeping the house under surveillance, to uncover no further information.
Well, into the lion's den.
From a small bush across the street, Inquisitor Crowler walks with purpose up to the red and yellow door of 3 Lancet Street, knocking with authority.


The only activity you saw was an attractive, middle-aged Varisian woman leave about an hour before you left. She has not returned.

As the Inquisitor knocks, the door opens with a creak of its own volition. The door opens to reveal a table with a note on it , held by a heavy stone paperweight.

Male Human (Chelish)| HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +5 | Perc: +8, SM: +9 Inquisitor/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None. | Hero:2/5

The inquisitor cautiously entered the building through the now-open door.
"Hello", the asmodean agent scowled into the darkness. "Anyone here?"
Looking around, Crowler examined his surroundings then the note on the table.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Male Human

Reynotto does not even make an attempt at stealth, as soon as he sees the door open he raises his sword and shield and rushes in, half expecting to see Lamm. After seeing a disappointing lack of Lamm He looks at the fellow Chel and says "I suppose your after Lamm as well? My name is Reynotto O'Spec, and I'm a paladin of Iomedae.

Male Human (Chelish)| HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +5 | Perc: +8, SM: +9 Inquisitor/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None. | Hero:2/5

Crowler was nudged out of the way as the chelish man in scalemail barging in after him, making him drop the note back on the table.
Looking the man up and down with disdain, the inquisitor sneers, "But of course you are. What else could you have been? Typical Iomedaean, no subtlety."
Taking a moment to pull his holy symbol from behind his armor to hang from his neck, the man wearing wet studded leather and a wide-brimmed hat stated, "Imquisitor Crowler. Temple of Asmodeus. Korvosa. And yes, I'm also after the crimelord."

The home is a single cozy chamber, filled with the fragrance of flowers and incense burning from wall- mounted burners that look like butterflies.

The walls have tapestries on them, but the room's only other furnishings are a table with a bright red runner and several elegant, tall-backed chairs.

As the Inquisitor sees the note begins "Thank you for coming. I had to..." before the cacophony that the new Chelish warrior entering the home interrupts him.

Male Human

"Subtlety is for those with something to fear, I've grown accustomed to running into buildings looking for Lamm with allies, something Iomedae worshippers have. and he looks around outside "Looks like we have some... Interesting people outside"

Male Human (Chelish)| HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +5 | Perc: +8, SM: +9 Inquisitor/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None. | Hero:2/5
Reynotto O'Spec wrote:
"Subtlety is for those with something to fear, I've grown accustomed to ruining into buildings looking for Lamm. and he looks around outside "Looks like we have some... Interesting people outside"

Kicking in doors to locate quarry. No wonder you haven't found anyone, idiot.

Ignoring the iomedaean, the inquisitor picks the note back up to read.

It reads in full "Thank you for coming. I had to step out for a bit, but shall return shortly. Please, have a seat while you wait. The basket under the table has bread and drink for you."

If you inspect the basket:


The basket does indeed contain bread and a couple of bottles of inexpensive, but good, wine. The person who purchased this knew how to find good wine on a budget. It also contains eight wine glasses.

Woman Tiefling (Chelaxian Erinyes-Spawn Half-Elf) Alchemist (Preservationist) 1

Merisiel stops running when she sees the open door. She stops to think but abandons her caution when she hears the conversation. Disappointed by Lamm's apparent absence, she tries to put on a smile before walking in. "Did Calistria also speak to you two?" Her smile vanishes as she realizes how abrupt she sounds. Her mother would be disappointed"I'm Merisiel, alchemist and servant of the Lady. It's a pleasure to meet you. Is there anything I can do for you? I'm anxious to make that rat suffer." She thought this was better. Too excited to wait for a response, she looks around the room.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

For both Crowley and Merisiel


The tapestries on the wall are of a good brocaded quality, but their subject matter is interesting to say the least. One shows a black-scaled beast juggling human hearts, another shows a pair of Angels atop a snow capped mountain, while the third, and furthest from the door, shows a tall, dark, hooded figure holding a flaming sword in it's skeletal hands.

Male Human

Reynotto is a little stunned by the appearance of the tiefling, but dryly smiles and says "It appears that Iomedae worshippers aren't the only ones lacking subtly. I'm Reynotto, paladin of Iomedae, and the pleasure is all mine. I'm excited by the opportunity as well, I've spent too long punching thugs to get empty answers." and he takes out 3 glasses and a bottle "drinks anyone"

NG Human (Varisian), Vigilante 1; HP 11/11; AC 17 TAC 13 FF 14 CMD 17; FOR 2 REF 5 WIL 2; PER +4; INIT +3; Conditions/ongoing effects:

A short Varisian man, nearly as broad across the shoulders as he is tall, steps in out of the rain. He looks around the room, obviously sizing up those he can see. "Interesting," he says to no one in particular.

Apparently, deciding they are not a threat he moves to look throughout the house. After peering in each room he returns to the table, "One of you the host?"

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Male Human

Reynotto raises an eyebrow when the man enters "No, but I'm the only one with the decency to pour some gods damned drinks, you want some wine?"

Alexio can read the spoiler For both Crowley and Merisiel

Woman Tiefling (Chelaxian Erinyes-Spawn Half-Elf) Alchemist (Preservationist) 1

Merisiel smiles, this time genuinely at Reynotto, if a bit half-heartedly. Palidin, eh, hopefully gets to know a devil, before smiting her Subtlety can only take you so far in conversation. I'm not sure I've met a paladin with a sense of humor before. I'd be happy to drink with you, but let's make sure this isn't a trap first" She opens a bottle and pours into a glass.

Craft(alchemy): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

NG Human (Varisian), Vigilante 1; HP 11/11; AC 17 TAC 13 FF 14 CMD 17; FOR 2 REF 5 WIL 2; PER +4; INIT +3; Conditions/ongoing effects:

"I'll pass." the Varisian says, "Did each of you get a card?" he waits to see who shows a card. "Seems like someone is putting together a crew." he nods at Reynotto, Crowler, and Merisiel in turn, "Muscle, cleric?, and I believe the young lady said alchemist right before I walked in. I'd think we would have us a burglar in route to round it out." Then he walks over and leans his back against the counter where he can easily watch the door. "Everyone game for killing Gaedren?"

Male Human

He chuckles "Not all paladin have a 10 foot pole firmly implanted up their ass, just most of them. If there has been anything I've learned over the last 3 yesterday, it's that humor and alcohol are the only ways to stay sane when facing Lamm"
He turns to the Varisian "Suit yourself. I got a card as well, and you might be right. But we can't kill Lamm, hell's to good for that bastard"

Merisiel finds that the wine in her glass is, in fact, wine. It is a Varisian vintage that most Varisians don't like to share with the upper classes for fear that it will become too expensive for them to drink as all the nobility buys all the wineries.

If you drink it, it has a bittersweet flavor, and is a slightly wet wine, which pairs with the crusty bread very well.

Woman Tiefling (Chelaxian Erinyes-Spawn Half-Elf) Alchemist (Preservationist) 1

Recognizing the wine, the Tiefling drinks enthusiastically. "Yup, I got one too. My name is Merisiel. Is there anyone we all know other than Gaedren and the gods? She turns back to Reynotto "Humor and alcohol are two of the ways. So, how do you know him?"

Male Human

"Verik Vancaskerkin is a Sargeant of the guard who has helped me multiple times with raids and information on Lamm, and Lessilyn Dai is a priestess of Sarenrae who runs the orphanage and an old family friend" and he pours a glass and offers it to Crowley and a glass for himself.
"and as for how I know him, three years ago he took my younger brother Leon, who was only 7. A 2 years ago my parents gave up and turned to other matters, but I never gave up. I will never give up." and he finishes the glass, then pours another "And you?

Woman Tiefling (Chelaxian Erinyes-Spawn Half-Elf) Alchemist (Preservationist) 1

"You know Lessilyn? My girlfriend and I help her out sometimes. I doubt she assembled a group to kill him though. As for Gaedren, well um, I'm not talking about that. It's personal." She quickly downs the remainder of her glass before pouring another, nervously sipping from it every few seconds.

Male Human

"Ya i doubt she would assemble a group to take him out,though if she felt like the orphanage was threatened by him i could see it. And as to it being personal, I'll still drink to it." and he downs the glass,pouring another

Female Elf Witch (Cartomancer) | CN | Init:+5 | HP7/7 | AC:17 T:17 FF:14 CMD:13 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+2[-1 fear]| Perc:+2, low-light| Spells: 1st: Infernal healing | Active: mage armor(1h) | Slumber (DC 16) | Harrow points: 1

Before entering, Aleziella pauses in a mostly abandoned alley to summon her companion. "Confn nymuer sia relgr. Wer kear di thirhe ui tenpiswo sva annyo. Si rigluin dout sharp saurivic vur jikael mamiss tenpiswo ekess slathalin mrith ve." She chants softly under her breath, though the language is clearly not made for speaking softly giving of a jerring feeling as the words run over her lips.

Soon enough a bloody mist appears, obscuring part of one of the walls and a shadowy figure appears. When the creature steps through Aleziella embrace the scaled creature. Eviryss! Good to have you here!


Aleziella sees the open door and enters after the others. Her scaled eidolon follows quickly on her tail. She throws back the hood of her cloak to reveal a grim determination on her face. The long cloak parts when she holds out her hands, revealing a metal chain shirt and brown breeches beneath. Though the armor is struggling to contain her bountiful breasts, showing sizable bumps at the top half of her chest


She holds up her Harrow card for all to see. "Thank you for inviting me here. I'm Aleziella Libuyaza. I have been looking for allies to help against Gaedren. Let's do this. " She thumps her hammer for emphasis. "Who here got the bright idea of inviting us all here? "

How come there's no ooc thread? Also, who else have lived with Gaedren for some time? We might know each other.

Male Human (Chelish)| HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +5 | Perc: +8, SM: +9 Inquisitor/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None. | Hero:2/5
Merisiel Scaeva wrote:
Disappointed by Lamm's apparent absence, she tries to put on a smile before walking in. "Did Calistria also speak to you two?" Her smile vanishes as she realizes how abrupt she sounds. Her mother would be disappointed"I'm Merisiel, alchemist and servant of the Lady. It's a pleasure to meet you. Is there anything I can do for you? I'm anxious to make that rat suffer."

Merisel or anyone's Perception 15+:
As the female tiefling enters the entryway, Crowler's hard demeanor falters slightly. Someone insightful might gather that due to Crowler's heavy association with the Asmodean church, the inquisitor has..a preference for tiefling women.

Alexio Casara wrote:
Apparently, deciding they are not a threat he moves to look throughout the house. After peering in each room he returns to the table, "One of you the host?"

"No." The man in wet studded leather and a wide brimmed hat flatly states. "I'm Inquisitor Crowler. Church of Asmodeus."

Crowler, more or less
Reynotto O'Spec wrote:
He chuckles "Not all paladin have a 10 foot pole firmly implanted up their ass, just most of them. If there has been anything I've learned over the last 3 yesterday, it's that humor and alcohol are the only ways to stay sane when facing Lamm."

"You sound more like a caydenite than a iomedaean", Crowler replies. The inquisitor holds up his hand to deny himself any wine.

Alexio Casara wrote:
"Everyone game for killing Gaedren?"
"I would prefer to bring him in and stand trial for all of Korvosa to see. Failing that," Crowler shrugs his shoulders slightly, "Korvosa has many ways to depose of bodies."
Merisiel Scaeva wrote:
"You know Lessilyn? My girlfriend and I help her out sometimes. I doubt she assembled a group to kill him though. As for Gaedren, well um, I'm not talking about that. It's personal."
Crowler listens intently to everyone's stories and thinks, She's in a relationship. Too bad. The inquisitor avoids admiring Merisiel's physique further. Not on the job!
Aleziella Libuyaza wrote:

She holds up her Harrow card for all to see. "Thank you for inviting me here. I'm Aleziella Libuyaza. I have been looking for allies to help against Gaedren. Let's do this. " She thumps her hammer for emphasis. "Who here got the bright idea of inviting us all here? "

Crowler takes a few steps back in surprise of the eidolon and his summoner entering the door.

Quickly recovering, the chelish male in wet studded leather and a wide-brimmed hat responds, "Apparently our host, who for some strange reason is not here. I've had the residence under surveillance for several hours. The owner appears to be a varisian woman of middling years."
Deciding he will not get any more information from the note, Crowler offers it to the group to read.
Surrounded by this much beauty could be distracting. I must resolve to keep my mind on the task, the inquisitor thinks as he forces himself to look at the decor, not the half-elf's abundant cleavage.

Female Elf Witch (Cartomancer) | CN | Init:+5 | HP7/7 | AC:17 T:17 FF:14 CMD:13 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+2[-1 fear]| Perc:+2, low-light| Spells: 1st: Infernal healing | Active: mage armor(1h) | Slumber (DC 16) | Harrow points: 1

Aleziella perception: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Eviryss perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Aleziella and Eviryss looks around as they listen and talk to the rest.

After the inquisitor is done talking, Aleziella can't help but offer him a slight smile. "Thank you Inquisitor Cowler. It's good to know we have a man like you on our side."

She grabs the note to read it, struggling with the words for a bit before finally comprehending. Once she's done she hands it to the next person and says. "It says she had to step out a bit, but that there's food and drinks while we wait. Let's sit."

The half elf goes over to the table, takes off her damp cloak and sits down and start eating a bit of bread as she waits for the others to introduce themselves. Her long golden-orange hair flows down over her powerful shoulders and arms. Eviryss follows to stand behind her.

Male Human (Chelish)| HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +5 | Perc: +8, SM: +9 Inquisitor/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None. | Hero:2/5
Aleziella Libuyaza wrote:
After the inquisitor is done talking, Aleziella can't help but offer him a slight smile. "Thank you Inquisitor Cowler. It's good to know we have a man like you on our side."

Crowler nods at Aleziella for the compliment, allowing a few drops of condensation to dip from his brim to the floor.

Aleziella Libuyaza wrote:
She grabs the note to read it, struggling with the words for a bit before finally comprehending. Once she's done she hands it to the next person and says. "It says she had to step out a bit, but that there's food and drinks while we wait. Let's sit."

Crowler concedes and decides to sit down, giving the eidolon a wide berth.

Male LN Human Witch 1 | HP 6/6 | AC: 11 Touch: 11 FF: 10 | CMB: 0 CMD: 11 | Fort: 0 Ref: 1 Will: 3 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 SM: +3 | Speed: 30ft | Spells 1st: 2/2 | Active Effects: None

A tall, thin, Chelish human with a small speckled bird on his shoulder hurries through the rain up to the door, pausing only momentarily to appreciate the well-groomed grass on either side of the path. Seeing the door ajar, He carefully pulls it open and peers in cautiously.

Finding no obvious threat inside, he enters the room, brushing off some excess rain and straightening his clothes. Seeing others with a harrow card, he quickly shows his own. "I take it you received invitations too.. unless one of you wrote them...?" He pauses. "I don't suppose anyone does know our mysterious host, then? Well, my name is Pendleton, this is Perkins on my shoulder, and I assume we all have a common enemy."

He refuses wine. "No, thank you, this is all still a little suspicious. But if there's.." - he glances round, counting - "..eight glasses, then we should be expecting two more people, then?"

Pendleton goes to stand by the window, glancing out every so often.

Female Elf Witch (Cartomancer) | CN | Init:+5 | HP7/7 | AC:17 T:17 FF:14 CMD:13 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+2[-1 fear]| Perc:+2, low-light| Spells: 1st: Infernal healing | Active: mage armor(1h) | Slumber (DC 16) | Harrow points: 1

Aleziella turns sideways to look towards the newcomer. "Our host is a woman that left us this note saying that she had to step out a bit. Nice to see you here Pendleton and Perkins. I'm Aleziella Libuyaza." She Maja a small wave at the man.

"And I'm Eviryss." The dragon behind her back says in a rumbling voice. "First an inquisitor, now a carrier of the Inquisitor. What an interesting coincidence. Welcome smart one, we'll need your wits."

" Come join us at the table, there's food and drink. " Aleziella beckons the tall man to join her with her hand. She takes another bite of the bread, her harsh life has taught her to not pass up on free food.

Male LN Human Witch 1 | HP 6/6 | AC: 11 Touch: 11 FF: 10 | CMB: 0 CMD: 11 | Fort: 0 Ref: 1 Will: 3 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 SM: +3 | Speed: 30ft | Spells 1st: 2/2 | Active Effects: None

Pendleton bows slightly to the half-elf and eidolon. "A pleasure to meet you."

"I think I will refrain at least until our host returns. We don't know who invited us here - this could be some sort of trap set by Lamm."

"But, I suppose if it is a trap, then we are all in it together. I would be glad of allies in tracking him down - I know very little of him, myself."

Male Human

Reynotto puts his hand on the handle of his fail seeing the Scaled beast and the Varisian, but relaxes when she says they're here for Lamm. "None of us are the hosts, but if you want some wine I'll get you some. My name is Reynotto O'Spec, and I'm a paladin of Iomedae, not Caeden.” and he shoots a look at Crowley, before offering the glass to Alez.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11sense motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
He shakes his head at Crowley's reaction to the women and mutters under his breath "How much like a Asmodausean, can't even be in a room with cleavage without losing it
He shrugs at Pendleton's refusal of the wine "More for me than, and the ideas of some allies tracking down Lamm is a window
Welcome one."

"Since we've agreed that we are going to not kill Gaedraen, it seems like a good of a time as an to discuss whether we kill or capture common thugs. My training focused a decent amount on taking people out without killing them, and the flail allows me to trip and Disarm foes. And I'll stand by the door, just in case anyone not so friendly comes."

Woman Tiefling (Chelaxian Erinyes-Spawn Half-Elf) Alchemist (Preservationist) 1

At the word trial, Merisiel starts laughing from her belly and the wine she was trying to swallow gushes from her nose. You men are adorable! Do you really think that Gaedren could be brought to justice at a trial?! The law is built to keep things the same, not bring justice. In the eyes of a judge, Gaedren Lamm is a venerable institution. He's like the Academae of rapists, not that the Academae needs help with that. He might walk out of a trial with a medal. Killing him is the only option, but I'd like to see him suffer first." She pauses to regain what she thinks is composure and wipes the wine from her face, horrified of the first impression she's making but lacking the glibness to do anything about it. You say you work for Asmodeus, do you know how we might trap our mutual friend in Hell?"

She notices Aleziella and takes immediate interest. "Have I seen you somewhere before? I recognize you. It's hard not to remember a um, face like yours. Her eyes move over the hals-elf's body as she says this. "Do you happen to be a Calistrite?"

Hello Pendleton. My name is Merisiel Scaeva. You can relax, the wine is good and not poisoned. I find this unlikely to be a trap. Anyone with the resources to find all of us and give us all cards could have just murdered us individually instead of hosting a party.

Male Human

"Who said he had to be tried here? We could bring him to Magnimar, and make sure he faces Justice there. All I'm saying is he deserves a life sentence, and then an eternity in hell"

Male LN Human Witch 1 | HP 6/6 | AC: 11 Touch: 11 FF: 10 | CMB: 0 CMD: 11 | Fort: 0 Ref: 1 Will: 3 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 SM: +3 | Speed: 30ft | Spells 1st: 2/2 | Active Effects: None
Hello Pendleton. My name is Merisiel Scaeva. You can relax, the wine is good and not poisoned. I find this unlikely to be a trap. Anyone with the resources to find all of us and give us all cards could have just murdered us individually instead of hosting a party.

"Perhaps. It depends on what the nature of the trap is. At any rate, I will feel safer once our host returns and tells us more."

"As for Lamm, I myself would like to see him brought to trial. If we can obtain the right evidence, then the law here will be sufficiently harsh on him." He pauses, pondering a moment how much more to reveal to these strangers.
"Essentially, I need to have evidence of his various crimes known publicly and officially."

Female Elf Witch (Cartomancer) | CN | Init:+5 | HP7/7 | AC:17 T:17 FF:14 CMD:13 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+2[-1 fear]| Perc:+2, low-light| Spells: 1st: Infernal healing | Active: mage armor(1h) | Slumber (DC 16) | Harrow points: 1

Aleziella accepts the glass, but before she can drink, she's so astonished at hearing Reynotto's words that she forgets all about the glad. "What? You all agreed to not kill Gaedren?"

She then hears what Merisiel have to say. "I'm glad you're on my side sister. I thought for a moment I had gotten to the wrong place. I did not come here to save Gaedren or to try to bring him to Magnimar."

Aleziella turns towards Reynotto and gently grabs his big hand with her soft slender hands. "I'm sorry that I don't know you or what Gaedren has done to you. But I know what he has done to me.

For years he has forced me to steal for him under threats of violence. If I didn't manage to get what he wanted he would beat me. I remember one time a boy named Leon was beaten so badly that he wouldn't wake up for over a day...

Then one day, even that wasn't enough. He wanted more from me, even though I was successful in getting the money, he wanted more. He pinned me down, beat me and tried to breed me. Tell me again he does not deserve to die. I'm sure we have more than enough witnesses of the foul deeds he has done. " Wide doe eyes keep the eyes of the Paladin, a multitude of emotions running across her face as she talks.

Woman Tiefling (Chelaxian Erinyes-Spawn Half-Elf) Alchemist (Preservationist) 1

Merisiel finishes her drink and pours another. "Sister, I'm sorry that he's alive to do that to you." She takes a deep breath. "I didn't come here to for justice either, I came for vengeance. How would you like to make him suffer before he dies? I'd like to watch him eat his own balls. I can't wait to stand beside you while we pierce him with a thousand stings." As she speaks to Pendleton, her eyes narrow. "If they are stupid enough to gather us before killing us, then they are stupid enough to underestimate us and die trying. That would be no loss. They would have it coming." She sips her drink "As far as official justice is concerned, I would be happy to let them try his corpse. Alive, Gaedren can afford lawyers to twist the truth until he looks like a kind old lady and we end up in prison. Why does the city have more right to hurt him then we have anyways? Killing him is a public service." Turning her back to Pendleton, she stands up and approaches Enviryss. "Did Gaedren hurt you too, or are you just a friend of Aleziella's"

Male Human

Reynotto's face pales "My God's, I'm so so sorry. And I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive, asking about this after hearing that but Leon, is he okay? Is he still alive, is he ok? Leon was my brother. Yes he deserves to die, but death almost seems to good for that bastard. An eternity in hell would be a kindness compared to what she deserves. My parents have some pull, I'm sure I could find someone who could give him the most painful death possible. "

Female Elf Witch (Cartomancer) | CN | Init:+5 | HP7/7 | AC:17 T:17 FF:14 CMD:13 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+2[-1 fear]| Perc:+2, low-light| Spells: 1st: Infernal healing | Active: mage armor(1h) | Slumber (DC 16) | Harrow points: 1

Aleziella shudders as Merisiel mentions making him suffer, then again when Reynotto mentions that he deserves worse than death. She looks away a moment. "I'm not like Gaedren. I don't enjoy suffering or watching someone getting tortured to death. He does not deserve to live any longer and no one else should have to suffer under him anymore."

The half-elf turns again towards the Paladin, a deep sadness in her eyes. "Unfortunately that's not the case for all the lambs. Leon, your brother, after his beating he was never quite the same again. Before he used to laugh and smile often at normal things, but after... The only thing that brought a smile to his face was pain and suffering. I never enjoyed stealing for Gaedren, but Leon... He enjoyed beating up his victims and taking their money. As well as punishing lambs who couldn't manage to steal themselves... I'm sorry Reynotto. Your brother is no longer like the boy you used to know."

Male Human

"I figured you weren't like Lamm, you look human"
Reynotto tears up and shakes his head in denial "How long ago was this? Were you close? My Gods he was only SEVEN!"
and he releases Aleziella's hand, and slams his hand into the table Strength check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

NG Human (Varisian), Vigilante 1; HP 11/11; AC 17 TAC 13 FF 14 CMD 17; FOR 2 REF 5 WIL 2; PER +4; INIT +3; Conditions/ongoing effects:

"The women are right, we should kill him and be done with it," the Varisian by the counter said. "But kill him or jail him, we'll need a plan. Perhaps our host has one, or perhaps she has called us here to make one."

Woman Tiefling (Chelaxian Erinyes-Spawn Half-Elf) Alchemist (Preservationist) 1

The Tiefling walks over to Alexio, leaning against both elbows against the counter and facing the room. "I can, perhaps, compromise on torture so long as Gaedren dies. I do hope you all think about what he has done and come to realize that he deserves worse than death." She looks down at Alexio, standing 8 inches taller than him, blinking her silver eyes, now almost free of red.


You seem to be a natural leader, what's your name?"

Almost as if on cue, a middle-aged Varisian woman enters the home. Arzodus immediately recognizes her, and she gives a knowing smile his way.

"Greetings, my friends."
She says politely and beckons everyone to sit, and collects each person's harrow card, shuffling the deck as she goes.

"And thank you for putting up with my unconventional method of contacting you. I have reason to remain hidden, you see—a vicious man would see great harm done to me if he knew I was reaching out for help. This man has done something terrible to each of you as well. I speak, of course, of Gaedren Lamm, a man whose cruelty and capacity to destroy the lives of those he touches are matched only by his gift for avoiding reprisal. You see, a year ago, his thieves stole this, my harrow deck, from me. It is important to me, an heirloom passed down through a dozen generations, and also my sole means of support. When Lamm’s pickpockets stole it, my son Eran tracked them down and returned my deck to me. But Gaedren had him followed, and soon after he left my home, Gaedren’s thugs murdered him."

She pauses, bringing a kershief to her eyes. waving anyone who may bring comfort to her away.

“I sought help from the Korvosan Guard, but they turned me away. And so I asked around. I paid bribes. I consulted my harrow deck for advice. And recently, I was rewarded—I found out where Gaedren dwells. He can be found in an old fishery north of here, at Westpier 17, where he trains abducted children to be pickpockets and counts his stolen treasures."

She looks across the table gravely.

“But I need your help. I cannot hope to face this man on my own, and the Guard moves so slowly that if they were willing to help, Gaedren would certainly know of their coming well in advance. And even if they arrested him, what guarantee would I have he would be punished? This criminal has evaded the law for decades. But you know of these frustrations as well, for word on the street has it that Gaedren has wronged each of you, too. So there we are. It is time for him to pay.”

She pauses, thinking a moment. And realizes she hadn't introduced herself.

"For those that don't recognize me, my name is Zellara Intoya, a Harrow-reader of some fame. I am no warrior by any means, and the spirits of my ancestors live within these cards. It is they who sought you out, they who helped find you. I merely released the cards once Lamm was found. And the cards found you."

She looks across the group, hopeful for a moment. Waiting a response to see what they say.

Male Human (Chelish)| HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +5 | Perc: +8, SM: +9 Inquisitor/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None. | Hero:2/5

"Ms. Intoya", said Crowler from across the room, "tell us how exactly you came across the information on Westpier 17?"

Looking across the table at Arzodus, she takes a deep breath as if she is recalling a terrible memory.

"A bribe, actually. I caught one of his little child thieves, and gained their trust for a short period of time. I ended up following the poor scamp myself. The poor unfortunate ended up dead to my knowledge after I was seen, I believe some of you may have been acquainted with that facet of Gaedren's behavior. There was nothing I could do."

Zellara shudders as she says that, rubbing her own neck where an azure scarf covers it before she buries her face in her hands.

"After that, I went into hiding. I was afraid for my own life. And I began consulting the Harrow much more frequently, until the day I decided to see if the rumors about the spirit of the Harrow and Fate being true. And the cards brought you."

Male Human

He eyes the Varisian woman suspiciously as she enters the room, eyeing her up suspiciously Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22, and when she mentions the lamb he tries to stay appear "What did the lamb look like?"

"A little Varisian girl, dark eyes. The poor little moth hadn't eaten in days, by the look of things." Zellara says. "I fed her after I caught her, and explained I wanted to end her suffering in a positive way. That poor little girl..." She trails off, looking downward, tears dripping onto the table through her hands.



You get no sense that she is lying to you. You feel that she is telling you the truth of the matter how she found Lamm. You also feel that she believes the child she found is dead.

Male Human

He pours a glass for the woman and holds it out "Anything you could tell us to help us attack?

Female Elf Witch (Cartomancer) | CN | Init:+5 | HP7/7 | AC:17 T:17 FF:14 CMD:13 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+2[-1 fear]| Perc:+2, low-light| Spells: 1st: Infernal healing | Active: mage armor(1h) | Slumber (DC 16) | Harrow points: 1

Aleziellac's face turn grim at the mention of how Gaedren operates. She nods towards the woman and says. "Thanks for bringing us here Zellara. My name is Aleziella Libuyaza. I too was captured by Gaedren for a time, so I know very well how he operates." She shudders when she thinks about it.

"I've been looking for help in dealing with him myself. In order to get back at him for what he has done, but also because I fear my time might be running short and he might come for me. When I escaped Eviryss killed one of his men and he has surely not forgiven that."

She turns to Reynotto and once again strokes his hand to show that she support him. "I agree with you that we should attack the place. We can't let this opportunity get away from us. He has moved since I last was with him, so I don't know the place unfortunately. Regardless, I suggest we hit him hard and fast, before he knows what hit him."

Eviryss bows his head down on Aleziella's shoulder. She strokes him affectionately. Then the green wyrm opens his powerful jaws to speak. "The spirits from beyond the veil are powerful to have on our side. It doesn't sound like your ancestors will be able to join us in the flesh, but perhaps they can help us through your harrow deck somehow?"

Male LN Human Witch 1 | HP 6/6 | AC: 11 Touch: 11 FF: 10 | CMB: 0 CMD: 11 | Fort: 0 Ref: 1 Will: 3 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 SM: +3 | Speed: 30ft | Spells 1st: 2/2 | Active Effects: None

Pendleton moves to the table and takes a seat.

"Yes, we should act quickly. If he is cautious and paranoid, he may already be moving his base of operation. I am ready to go tonight if we can. Do we know what kind of support he has? Any guards or magical protection?"

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