ALL the Dungeons?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

I'm just curious (and don't mean to toot horns)... who among the boards owns all the Dungeon magazines?

I'll sign myself to this... I've been a subscriber since the 20's-30's (if memory serves) and have grabbed the earlier issues through auctions and shopping luck.

Dungeon mags, as a set, are easily my most precious collectible. If my house ever caught fire, you'd see me dragging a Wal Mart crate (or two) full of Dungeons out the front door.

I only have all issues since issue #82. I have about 20-30 of the older ones.

I own them all...except Issue #2. After awhile I just stopped trying to get that one...although the 'Dwarven King's Court' adventure always sounded interesting. My group tended to favor high-level adventures, and there were plenty of great ones back in the day. I actually started my collection in the early 90s with Issue #45-and 'An Artist's Errand' was the first adventure I ever ran for my PCs. To this day, the magazine is the best value in the industry in terms of hours of enjoyment per dollar...

I own them all... except #4. I had to get 5 & 6 second hand, and that was years afterwards. (The first two years were very difficult to get hold of in shops.)

On a related note, my collection of Dragon mags go back to #69, although I'm sure there's some great old ones out there who've got every issue of both magazines.

I have them ALL...except for the ones I don't have. You guys are funny.

MistaRyte wrote:
If my house ever caught fire, you'd see me dragging a Wal Mart crate (or two) full of Dungeons out the front door.

You might be speaking with a lot of hyperbole, but, I would suggest that you don't do this. In that situation time is of the essence. Some homes can become fully involved in less than a minute once there is a fire. You would not believe how fast one of these places can light up. If it is worth that much to you, get it insured.

My husband and I own them all. I don't look through the very old back issues often, though every once in a while either my husband or I will decide to look for a particular adventure from way back.

- Ashavan

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It took me a while (and a bit of money), but I managed to get a complete set (though I do not have the Subscriber issues of Dungeon with the additional adventures, only the 'normal' ones). Dragon is complete from issue 80 up (plus I have the Archive).

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

jester47 wrote:
If it is worth that much to you, get it insured.

Or (since a lot of those early issue are no longer available) you could store them in a fire safe.

My Dungeon issues are a sure fire way to find the years I was gaming. I have everything from Issue #8-#56 and then from issue #76-#85 and then From Issue #119-present.

Except Issue #13 is LOST! (insert scary music). Its really depressing - issue #13 is by far the most well worn and heavily used Dungeon Issue I ever owned. In fact I am tearing my place apart trying to find it as I need it once again for my current campaign as I made the whole poem

"Beneath the Keep a place to scry
where Demons sing their songs then die."

into an important clue in my most recent campaign as I had the Keeps prevous owner summoning Demons and using such vile tortures that she broke even Fiends in acquiring her dark knowledge.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

The best I can muster is all issues since the conversion to 3.0. I've got a smattering from before then, but nothing that would amount to a collection.

Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:
The best I can muster is all issues since the conversion to 3.0. I've got a smattering from before then, but nothing that would amount to a collection.

Same as Sebastian minus two issues; I have about 15-20 from before 3.0.

The Exchange

I had loads from ages ago - and gave them away to a mate (silly me - I was young and naive then). Not sure of the numbers - I'm not a collector, but like to read the adventures - but I had a goodly collection 15 years ago before the above mentioned generosity. However, I have all of the 3E and few from immediately before.

I´ve got nearly all from about 100 onward, and quite a lot from before, but not a complete collection. Especially the early ones were difficult to get (at least for me) back at the time, and nowadays they can be quite expensive via ebay. (Not to mention hard to get in Europe, and the postage is just too expensve to make getting them from the U.S. a viable alternative.)

Concerning dragons: nearly complete from 130 onward, several before that, and the CD collection. (I´m missing three or so issues from the 200 range, they weren´t delivered to my FLGS at that time, for whatever reason...)


I have them all except issues 1-117. :)

My shelf benders:

I have every Dungeon.

I have every Dragon back to issue #25. Below that I think I have three.

I was given three of the old Strategic Reviews in mint condition because the owner just didn't care about them anymore.

I subscribed to the RPGA but when I won an auction some guy threw in a metric ton of Polyhedrons.

I've recently filled in the holes in my collection back to issue #5. However, I can't bring myself to pay the prices being asked for the first four issues.

I started buying Dungeon with #3, and have kept going ever since. In retrospect, I sort of wish I'd bothered to pick up the first two issues back then...

Sovereign Court

Fortunately I was able to lay hands on the Dragon CD. So I own all Dragon issues. I still own the printed issue 185 to 249, although they got obsolete by the CD-ROM. Maybe someday someone shows interest in these issues... ;-)

Unfortunately there isn't anything like the Dragon CD for Dungeon. So my collection starts at issue 92.


Dark Archive

I have them all except 3,4,5 and 6.

I just paid far too much for 6 on eBay; I got out bid on 3,4 and 5 even at that price.

I think I ought to give up on them ....

I have them all since issue 70, plus about 20 or so older ones. Most are second hand.

I'll hijack just a little. Hope no one minds.

Is it just me or are they easier to read now? I really like the "synopsis" section, the colour, the standard format. I go back to some of the older ones I have and its like 5 - 10 minutes before I know what the adventure is about. Is my opinion in the minority?

Liberty's Edge

I've been subscribing since Dungeon #2. A buddy picked me up #1 in 1989 at Gen Con but I have since picked up a couple of mint copies from a local shop of #1 & #2 since my originals are well loved/used. #2 is my favourite of all time since it was the first.

The Dragon CD-ROM made my Dragon hardcopies all but moot. Otherwise, I've been subscribing steadily since '98 and one year back in '86 and bought a lot of individuals before that. #106 is still my favourite of all-time.

The Dungeon Collection used to have a shelf in the house devoted to it but I've boxed all the 1E/2E issues to save space, along with the 800+ CDs that I have since ripped. Still, I go home and wonder where all the damn clutter comes from...

And yes, the art of writing/presenting an adventure has improved dramatically. I used an adventure from #14 six months ago and I effectively had to write a Cliff Note for it, to make it usable.

at one time, I had all issues from 1 to 100... but alas, numerous moves and accumulated damage has reduced my collection to 1 to 36, plus a couple of others (I did manage to hang onto 100). I had a fairly large Dragon collection at one time, but the same problem....

hanexs wrote:

Is it just me or are they easier to read now? I really like the "synopsis" section, the colour, the standard format. I go back to some of the older ones I have and its like 5 - 10 minutes before I know what the adventure is about. Is my opinion in the minority?

I too find that it just seemed to take longer to lay out what the adventure was about in older issues. While I think some of the most brilliant adventures are located in those old tomes the writing has, on average, improved.

Although I think some of what we are seeing is simply due to the fact that we are used to the current format and terminology. If you where playing 1st edition back in the day and were used to reading 1st edition modules it probably would not seem quite so difficult.

Rexx wrote:
I've been subscribing since Dungeon #2. A buddy picked me up #1 in 1989 at Gen Con but I have since picked up a couple of mint copies from a local shop of #1 & #2 since my originals are well loved/used. #2 is my favourite of all time since it was the first.

You were lucky to find those old #1 and #2 - I recently scoured a few game shops for anything older than issue #40, and came up blank (I was looking for a spare copy of the issue with my adventure in it - #33.) Other than that, I've got a straight run from #1 to #50, then nothing until 3rd edition. I guess as mentioned before, it reflects my relative level of D&D play.

I started collecting them at #83. I do have the odd one from before then and am trying to get more.

I would love to see a Dungeon Archive a la the Dragon Archive, even though I understand that it'll never happen....

who owns all issues with Greyhawk in them, even the 2e ones ;)

Dark Archive

Ayup, I've got them all. Every single one. In fact (please don't tell me if this is psychotic) I have doubles of most of them. One issue bagged and boarded, one issue to tear up and use. I know that a house can go up quickly, but if I had a fire I would use the huge trunk that my Dungeon magazines are in to break out the window through which I was making my escape.

I started my collection with issue 24. That ulitharid picture just drew me right in. I have collected most of them sice, and have every DUNGEON since it changed to 3rd Ed. I would have loved to have gotten some of the early DUNGEON's though.

Ahwe Yahzhe wrote:
Rexx wrote:
I've been subscribing since Dungeon #2. A buddy picked me up #1 in 1989 at Gen Con but I have since picked up a couple of mint copies from a local shop of #1 & #2 since my originals are well loved/used. #2 is my favourite of all time since it was the first.

You were lucky to find those old #1 and #2 - I recently scoured a few game shops for anything older than issue #40, and came up blank (I was looking for a spare copy of the issue with my adventure in it - #33.) Other than that, I've got a straight run from #1 to #50, then nothing until 3rd edition. I guess as mentioned before, it reflects my relative level of D&D play.

as I understood it, TSR massively overprinted #1, but didn't do so many for #2-#6, and those are really hard to find, where #1 isn't. But I hear the hardest one to find of all of them is the one that had the Deck of Many Things cards in it (Don't recall which issue it was)... and the same for the Dragon magazine they were in too...

Dave Howery wrote:
Ahwe Yahzhe wrote:
Rexx wrote:
I've been subscribing since Dungeon #2. A buddy picked me up #1 in 1989 at Gen Con but I have since picked up a couple of mint copies from a local shop of #1 & #2 since my originals are well loved/used. #2 is my favourite of all time since it was the first.

You were lucky to find those old #1 and #2 - I recently scoured a few game shops for anything older than issue #40, and came up blank (I was looking for a spare copy of the issue with my adventure in it - #33.) Other than that, I've got a straight run from #1 to #50, then nothing until 3rd edition. I guess as mentioned before, it reflects my relative level of D&D play.

as I understood it, TSR massively overprinted #1, but didn't do so many for #2-#6, and those are really hard to find, where #1 isn't. But I hear the hardest one to find of all of them is the one that had the Deck of Many Things cards in it (Don't recall which issue it was)... and the same for the Dragon magazine they were in too...

That'd be #19 with House of Cards (which I'd love to see updated to 3.5, near-epic level-range). I actually have 2 of this issue: one w/o the cards (my original), and one with the cards (for my collection).

I'd love to part with my cardless copy, but most shops just ain't interested in it with the cards detached.

Liberty's Edge

Dave Howery wrote:
As I understood it, TSR massively overprinted #1, but didn't do so many for #2-#6, and those are really hard to find, where #1 isn't. But I hear the hardest one to find of all of them is the one that had the Deck of Many Things cards in it (Don't recall which issue it was)... and the same for the Dragon magazine they were in too...

The hardest part of 1-6 was they were only available to subscribers. Dungeon didn't appear on the game store shelves until #7 (or was it #8?). At that time the print run did increase some. I could dig the old issues out and look for the circulation info if we really want to know, since 1-6 was year one, and 7-12 was year two.

Weren't the Dragon Deck of Many Things in colour and the Dungeon version was in black and white? I have those somewhere somewhere still in the magazines. I had made my own Deck using playing cards as per the suggestion in the 1E DMG so never bothered using the "fancy" cards. ::smirk::

Rexx wrote:

Weren't the Dragon Deck of Many Things in colour and the Dungeon version was in black and white? I have those somewhere somewhere still in the magazines. I had made my own Deck using playing cards as per the suggestion in the 1E DMG so never bothered using the "fancy" cards. ::smirk::

just checked what remains of my collection, and you're right. I still have Dungeon #19, and they are B&W. The Dragon one (#148) are in color; I still have that issue, only because I had a couple of articles in that one, and I did manage to save all those issues.. :) In fact, when I got my two contributor issues, I think I saved the Deck insert from one of them... got it around here somewhere, I think....

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