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It's time for another Paizo gamer demographics post. This post's objective is to figure out where the gamers on these boards earn the money they use to buy their gaming stuff. Basically, what is your occupation? Those of you who are unemployed or attending school, simply say so but include your source of gaming revenue (if any) - parents, selling things on eBay, personal savings, etc.
I'll start:
I'm an insurance agency staff member for State Farm. In fact, I'm at work right this second.

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(...)In fact, I'm at work right this second.
No, you're not - you're writing geekish things in a geekish forum! ;) Just kidding!!!
I'm an air-traffic-controler and whatever money is left over after the state took it's share (No, no, F2K, no wining again! ;) is first put into my house and a bit of it for D&D. Not every month, but too many times during the year!

Lilith |

I am a network admin/systems admin/web developer/support tech/general tech moneky for a small mail-order and e-commerce company.
I also do art on the side.

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I'm an editor for a magazine. What kind? Well, it's a gaming magazine. Yeah, games. It's called Dragon and it's for the Dungeons & Dragons game. Uh huh. Yes. Like video games. ;_;
I feel your pain, Mike. My previous job was at a gaming store. One that sold minis, books, dice, and cards as opposed to video games and controllers.
"Fate! You gave up a job at a gaming store to work for an insurance company?!? What's wrong with you?"
I'll admit, it was a tough call but, in the end, the attraction of doubling my hourly wage won out. I worked part-time there for about 3 months after I got this job. Eventually, though, they replaced me. The old manager still gives me my employee discount though. ;)

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Sebastian wrote:My occupation is secret. Very secret.He's a double-naught spy.
Where'd your post go, secret agent man? Did it self destruct?
I'm a Nuclear Medicine Technologist. I inject people with low level radioactive tracers and take pictures with a special camera that....detects radiation!

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Heathansson wrote:Sebastian wrote:My occupation is secret. Very secret.He's a double-naught spy.Where'd your post go, secret agent man? Did it self destruct?
I told you it was a secret. Plus, I wanted to come up with a better joke, but you ruined it by posting so fast. RUINED IT!!!

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I am a water-treatment operator for Mercruiser. I take the nasty chemicals out of our water supply before, we send it to the city. Plus small amounts of HAZMAT cleaning.
water and wastewater here in Port Charlotte, and here I thought I was the only geek that was in the operations field

Kyr |

I am the National Sales Manager for an American automotive manufacturer in the middle east. Basically - I am the guy that sells the cars dealer his cars. There is more to it that that, I develop the incentive programs, provide marketing support etc. But keeping the dealer's inventory at the right level (and growing) is why I have a job.
I live in Dubai and commute to Saudi Arabia - I have a lot of time in airports and hotel rooms to think about gaming.

Tsulis |

I'm a manual physical therapist. I help people get stronger either after or instead of having surgery. I specialize in helping patients with low back pain, and patients who have failed at other clinics.
I am cheap, and might never have subscribed to Dragon if my wife hadn't bought it for me as a gift.

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I design/implement/maintain/enhance software that makes the world go round...but really, all I do is take nothing and transform it into nothing else, so I tend to focus on my wife and kids as much as possible.

ZimlonBane |

I am an Automation Engineer for a large steel company. We're the largest recycler(by tons) in the nation. We take your old cars, washing machines, etc from the trash, melt it down, and sell it back to bridge makers, ship builders, ATMs manufacturers, windmill manufacturers, etc. I like my job because if it has electricity in it, we own it. One day I'll dabble in Delphi code, the next day I could be working on a 134,000 Volt transformer. Everything from a millivolt to a lightning bolt(tm) is our geeky motto.
We get paid weekly based on how much steel we produce so on good weeks on my last day I reward myself thru paizo.com, Amazon, miniaturemarket.com, or my FLGS. Good incentive to go to work, I say.
BTW, Great thread!

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I'm an officer in the Army. I train assa...agents...the subtle nuances of breaking the False-filling Arsenic and Cyanide Capsule (FACC, so now you know why that acronym is behind my name on the office door) without detectably moving their mandibular...er...jaw. I also make sure their heart starts beating again after they accidentally ACTUALLY break the filling. I'd tell you more, but you get the idea?
Actually, I slave away on the third floor of a hospital. Between suffering through interns and Hahvahd know-it-alls, I find some time every week to misappropriate government resources (the Proxima projects my maps on the GIAGANTIMOUS CF room table) and use the hospital conference room for D&D sessions.

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I am an automatic fire sprinkler design technician. I take sundry architectural drawings for new buildings and design fire sprinkler systems to protect the lives of those who live/work/play within them and the structure of the building and contents too.
Our products are somtimes considered a fire fighter's best friend because we put out fires before they can really get going and cause a bunch of headaches (or damage and death!)
but I want to work for Dragon or Dungeon instead *sigh*
oh well, I'll just stick with this!

el_skootro |

I'm the Associate Director of Admissions Operations at a small liberal arts college. I basically do demographics work, counsel students about why my college is the best <grin>, read applications, decide who gets in and who doesn't, travel all over the place talking with prospective students, etc.
But I really want to dance.
El Skootro

Todd Stewart Contributor |

I'm a biologist, doing research as part of the immunology team at my company.
Currently doing vaccine development and splitting my time between a number of different projects in that area. Low man on the totem pole at the moment, very much the junior scientist, but I'm fresh out of grad school so no surprise there.