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Organized Play Member. 170 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Liberty's Edge

could not get service at

Liberty's Edge

the story the Valegrim is thinking of is Citizen of the Galaxy

game on

Liberty's Edge

Valegrim wrote:

Heinlein; the moon is a harsh mistress geez Friday a close second ack the cat who walked through walls, did he do Farnams Freehold; sheesh and one scifi about a beggar who was a spy who raised a boy; sheesh; cant remember them all; this is hard.

yes he did write Farnams Freehold, and I know the story your talking about it's part of the juviniles series... I'll look it up tonight and post the title tommorrow

Liberty's Edge

Robert A. Heinlein - Time Enough for Love
and the entire juvinile series

Anne McCaffery - The DragonRiders of Pern

CJ Cherra(spelling) - Chauners Pride

Mutant Chronicles - various authors

Liberty's Edge

As the father of one adorable 2 year old girl, with another baby on the way, I have to say that these two worthless piles of s--t need to be taken out for a dose of southern justice...my personal suggestion would be Florida style... take them out to the middle of the swamp, cut the achles tendon, then let the gators handle it from there...

oh by the way my wife and I are both gamers and we always put aside our games for our daughter, I don't see how anyone could do any differently...

on a slightly unrelated topic, and correct me if theres already a thread about this, did anyone mark the passing of the greatest villian in the lives of old school gamers, the reverand Jerry Fallwell(spelling?)... it's probably vicious of me but I did a little jig

game on

Liberty's Edge

If anyone needs Really Good Feng Shui for their camp site I just added some wind chimes, decorative fountains, and feng shui for big dumb idiots to the stash, also if anyones interested I'm about to add a dripping meatsword and a kentukey fried meatsword as well... ain't super advanced meatsmithing great...

game on

Liberty's Edge

Jaxon...Level 10 Moose Harasser

Currently a member of KOL Addicts, but now that I know there are other Paizonians...I would like to request admittance in this most illustrious clan...

"Long live the Paizonians" Pald Affraides(Done)

Liberty's Edge

western: scorpio (sagitarius cusp)

eastern: dragon (fire)

american: snake

Liberty's Edge

First: Heathy where in our great state you from

second: been to Texas, seen more cowboy hats and cowboy boots
here in Florida.

ever notice that just when a topic gets going someone shows up to jack the thread...

So.. what's eveybodys alignment, me, I tend toward Chaotic Neutral

Liberty's Edge

Port Charlotte in the Confederate State of Florida...

Liberty's Edge

Personally I'd like to see somthing set either during the time of the war with the Kligons (just prior to and at the very beginning of TOS), or something set well after the Dominion war...

Liberty's Edge

yo, GAAAHHHH and Comcast Man ,ya'll still out there...

thought I'd give you guys a shout

Liberty's Edge

They did a comic using that concept back in the 90's, if I remember correctly Nog was one of the main characters.

Liberty's Edge

"why don't you still call"

Liberty's Edge

started dancing spasticly around the car chanting

Liberty's Edge

The next torment

Liberty's Edge

Good luck to you Gav, hope you find a great position somewhere you enjoy...have you looked into Native American excavation sites for possible oppertunities, last I heard USF was doing a big project here in central Florida...

game on...Gaviana Jones, and the Faucet of Doom

Liberty's Edge

I'm back...

update for all who really care...
got moved into my new place, about 10 minutes from the Charlotte Square Mall...
anyone in the area looking for a game or have one going on let me know....

game on

Liberty's Edge

having your toes

Liberty's Edge

Where as I like Leonard Nimoy as both an actor and a singer, I must make the following comment... I have been violated...WTF was thet and for the love of God please, please don't tell me it was shown on television back in the day.

game on

Liberty's Edge

Where is that being held...TD Waterhouse?

Liberty's Edge

Capt. Sav-A-Hoe wrote:
I am a water-treatment operator for Mercruiser. I take the nasty chemicals out of our water supply before, we send it to the city. Plus small amounts of HAZMAT cleaning.

water and wastewater here in Port Charlotte, and here I thought I was the only geek that was in the operations field

Liberty's Edge

Hi I'm Spyder,

My last "whoa I'm a geek" moment happened just the other day while watching "Walking with Prehistoric Beasts", they described a creature that had hooves, was the size of a horse, but was a carnivore; I turned to my wife and said "hey that would make a cool mount".....

game on

Liberty's Edge

Worry not my corpsy friend I do know what you mean by Juju...
as in: if you don' straitn' up dat witchwoman put some bad juju on ya.

you see as we grow in numbers we conquer all that is laid in our pathes... "I claim this land in the name of Paizo"...
is this what the Conqustadors felt like way back when...

game on

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
I think I'm over the age limit for that thing.

your never to old man... hey uhm, is this your arm aber ol' buddy, I may have to rethink that noto old thingy...

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:

Here is an idea that I just thought up:

A prestige class that is something like a cavalier, but one that is water based. He can gain the services of an aquatic mount, maybe even get water breathing as a special ability, along with other water-based abilities. By the highest level of the class the character may even gain the aquatic template. I don't know if they have something like that in another book or not. These characters can form an elite brotherhood whose purpose is to protect gnome ships and also help make the oceans safe for travel.

Kind of an aquatic outrider, huh?

would the mount follow the progression as out-lined for a paladins mount or just be a trained creature...
also using dolfins would probably work best, thogh sharks could add a flair of danger for everyone...

Liberty's Edge

Is anyone else out there taking advantage of this service, I only recently started an account(my neice needed more "friends")
anyway, if so let me know...
heres my URL; www.myspace.com/lazerouslong
note the Heinlien reference...

Game on

Liberty's Edge

A good supplement would be Classic Play: Book of the Sea...
it has rules for constructing individualized vessels and is D20 ready...
that uot of the way... if you have any of the old SpellJammer books lying around you could always convert SpellJamming weapons(Gnomish varities)into sea going counter-parts...
When I have time to sit down with my books I'll post with some thing more useful...

Game on

Liberty's Edge

Well, I'm finally moving to Port Charlotte area(though not in the city), so I don't have that God-awful drive every day just to get to work...so after the first of the year expect an update

Liberty's Edge

Gavgoyle wrote:
Spyder wrote:

got a few here...

a few years back on Adult Swim they had a show called Eljon(I think that's how it was spelled), where they are always playing DnD or watching Star Trek

Trivial Pursuit 20th century edition has a couple of referances

I believe you are talking about "Welcome to Eltigville", the cartoonicized version of the Evan Dorkin comicbook series "The Eltingville Comic-Book, Science-Fiction, Horror, Fantasy, and Role-Playing Club" from his Dork! comic book. I never got to see the Adult Swim treatment of 'Bring me the Head of Boba Fett', but the comics were hysterical! Yes, it does hold up all the negative stereotypes of gamers (fat slobby social outcasts, strong-arming kids at Toys 'R Us for the best action figures and their variants, etc.), but thats what makes it funny when the bad things happen to them.

that would be the one...deffinatly ammusing

Liberty's Edge

got a few here...
a few years back on Adult Swim they had a show called Eljon(I think that's how it was spelled), where they are always playing DnD or watching Star Trek

Trivial Pursuit 20th century edition has a couple of referances

Liberty's Edge

I own several blades, some purchased at fleamarkets and malls here in Florida, all are quite sharp... every time I've bought a sword at the mall it's put into a box and usually an oversized bag.
as far as the fleamarketsmost don't require a box, in fact there's a festival in my home town every March that has a huge open-air fleamarket where they just hand you the sword once you pay for it(you must be 18).

and for a strange law I've seen down here... "it is illegal to walk an alligator without a leash..."

Liberty's Edge

Lord of Deceptions
Maker of Worlds (Josh back off)
Purifier of Waste
Finder of Obscure web books
Father of a 2 year old,Daughter(HELP!!!)

Liberty's Edge

the only explaination i've ever been able to decern from the small clues given about darkvision is that it works somewhat like FLER,the police night cameras, which pick up ambiant heat/radiation. since all things give off infantesimle ammount of radiation,it stands to reason that creatures from an ecology of near to perfect darkness may have developed the ability to detect the ambiant radiation and convert it into easily identifiable images...a big clue for are alchemical substances found in "Unearthed Arcana", Dwarf blind(renders creatures with darkvision temporarily unable to use the ability,overload anyone), andI believe the other is called darkvision powder(allows a message to be written on any surface that can only be read by someone with darkvision)...

game on...in the Underdark

Liberty's Edge

get me a

Liberty's Edge

that was covered

Liberty's Edge

has horse hair

Liberty's Edge

came a thunderous

Liberty's Edge

tying the gang leader to the zombie infection could even come in the form of using the drugs that their selling to distribute the iniitial virus...
the zombie infection could even be a test bed for a new military viral weapon(yes I know it's against international treaty)...
for a truly horrific scene, have it happening everywhere, and the creators have lost all control, leaving only a very small portion of the worlds populace uninfected: ala"The Stand", then when all hope is lost reveal it to be a profetic dream by one of the more "sensitive" characters.. if you use this senario, it probably shouldn't take more than one or maybe two sessions depending on how much time you have.. my thought would be to allow the characters to be overwhelmed in the end, thats when you do the big reviel

Liberty's Edge

it's worth it, immagine if you will a campaign based on "Day of the living dead"

Liberty's Edge

who are all

Liberty's Edge

stale squid meat

Liberty's Edge

for weapons don't forget pipes, chains, machete, hammers...all are very easy to come by...

are the PCs(or the gang as a whole)going to start off with access to vehicles...

as far as ideas...ever see "Warriors"
what you have already seems cool, and makes me pine for the days of playing cyberpunk and shadowrun

have you concidered a chthulian twist to things, using the shadow chasers ideas working truely terrifying creatures into the world shouldn't be to hard...

Game on

Liberty's Edge

theives stole their

Liberty's Edge

hey count me in for the whole Beholdo'lantern party,
1/2 inch PVC could be used for rigid stalks.

another decorating idea for you: PVC skeletons... I already have two, and am probably going to make another this year.

Liberty's Edge

Since getting the hero builders guide I use it for every character even if I'm not required... I've found that it can help add a little depth to a character...

also check out Unerthed Arcana and PHBII for more background stuff.

game on

Liberty's Edge

GAAAHHHH and ComcastMan,

Do either of you know of any game shops in the area?

Liberty's Edge

so pretty close,I turn onto I75 headed for Desoto after I drop samples. I'm not really able to GM or play in the area yet as I live in Hardee County(1 hour commute either way), but meeting and talking to other gamers is always cool

Liberty's Edge

After Solo. I'd put in a word for Captain Dylan Hunt of the Andromeda

Liberty's Edge

Hey Comcast Man,

I go to Benchmark Labs on Toledo Blade just before I75 3 times a month, how close am I?