Sean Mahoney |

Well, the first time I dealt with the Isle of Dread, the Mystara campaign (to my knowledge) was just a few pages of suggestions and a map in the X1 module, so I see what you are saying, but I had allready made the switch from what I'll call Mystara Incognito to Greyhawk at the tender age of a pup.
...I just mean to point out that it's not much of a leap of faith for me; in my mind the Isle of Dread is there on Greyhawk.
That was actually kind of my point, though I am not sure I made it well. The things that Paizo is bringing in from D&D history DID become part of Greyhawk and they aren't removing it from that. In fact I think they take not-so-secret pleasure in expanding on these ideas in the Greyhawk universe but doing so in a way that still appeals to their audience as a whole. I think the job they are doing on both adding to Greyhawk and keeping it all just generic enough is very laudable.
I have to be honest I wouldn't likely buy it if it was all just Greyhawk. I tend to be an FR guy. When I first decided to DM I decided I wanted a pre-made world to make my life easier and make things fun for me (reading it all is great). I wanted a Fantasy Generic campaign setting from TSR and that pretty much (at the time) narrowed it down to either FR or GH. A bad DM I had had used a ton of greyhawk stuff in his bastardized campaign setting and so it left just a littler bitter taste in my mouth and FR seemed fresh and untouched. Note that has nothing to do with GH... only the bad DM. As a result, I have focused on FR all this time. It could have easily gone the other way and I would happily still play in a GH campaign.
But enough diversion from my point. I think if we want to look for what the next AP will be, the best starting place is the old D&D modules that have not been redone. I didn't play those so I don't know what is outstanding still. Look for modules that were 'classic' but have since been taken into the total of Greyhawk but not overly developed once they got their. From those modules I think you will be most likely to hit upon the next AP.
Sean Mahoney

derek_cleric |

Or maybe just update the Desert of Desolation or Desert Nomads series.
Yes! Yes! YES!!! I would love a Desert Nomads (X4/X5/X10/Wrath of Immortals) remake! These three modules are iconic campaign adventures and have been begging for expansion since 1984. I've run them myself three times in the past and am running them IMC now. :)

farewell2kings |

The world of the Book of Nine Swords!!!
And a githyanki incursion...to find the secret of the 10th sword!!!I know, I know, highly unlikely.
Not a bad idea at all, althought the githyanki incursion has already been well covered in Dungeon before and I doubt they'd revisit it that soon.

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Please correct me if I'm wrong, Samuel, but I believe your disapproval of Paizo's handling of Greyhawk material (born out by your derisive comments regarding SCAP, AoW and STAP) is based on your dedication to LG and the fact that every adventure is coordinated and whatever and that you can't play certain adventures and get LG points or something.
OK, you are wrong.
I haven't made a single derivise comment here regarding SCAP, AoW, or STAP, although I do have several that I have made elsewhere. None of them are relevant to the specific issue of why people are aware of GH, so I haven't mentioned them.Nor do I have any significant disapproval of Paizo's handling of said Greyhawk material, as I recognize why they have to do what they have to, even while disliking the effect it has on Greyhawk "canon" overall. I would note that works both ways - I'd be happier if Tenser didn't have to be renamed Manzecorian, and I'd also be happier if Sasserine and Cauldron didn't have to be kludged in Jeklea Bay. (And you can call that my first derisive comment on the APs if you like.)
As for being dedicated to LG procedures, that's a "yes and no" sort of thing that is again not related to this topic. I'll bore you with my views on it if you like, but that's up to you to ask for. What I am dedicated to is the number of hours all the people I know have put into LG, and the quality of their work.
Thus, what I expressed was disapproval with the casual dismissal of the campaign as a whole, and the presumption that GH had a "presence" solely and exclusively because of Paizo. Erik has done a lot to promote GH in Dungeon, but there are a lot more people out there contributing to the setting and its reputation.
Further, I didn't demand anybody "submit" or whatever to playing LG. Despite, indeed because of, my involvement with the LG campaign, I am more than aware of its limitations of the campaign, and both run my own home campaign and encourages others to start their own. If you would like to play LG and experience the work of some really good people, whether you include me among them or not, I think you will like it despite the limitations of the campaign.
If that is too "self-righteous," oh well. I've obviously been called worse already.

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Back on topic--I really wouldn't mind it at all if the next AP was not in Greyhawk. I wouldn't want it in FR or Eberron either, but in a truly generic world so that the fans of all three campaign settings could have the opportunity to truly shape it to fit their own home campaign.
That would defuse a lot of the criticism from the non-GH fans who refuse to do any customization/adaptation work and would reduce the complaints for those awaiting the conversion notes.
It would also defuse a lot of the criticism from GH fans who don't like the customization/adaptation both to and from of the material. (Yes, I'm finally unleashing on the APs.)
I'd prefer the next AP be generic as well. Cauldron, for whatever issues I had with it, was better, for me at least, as just a "generic" location that I could plug into Greyhawk anywhere I wanted. Definitively placed where it has been, bleah. Sasserine is, unfortunately, worse. Left "open" to my adaptation, I might have found use for it elsewhere in Greyhawk, but now it has a location that doesn't mesh well with many other things.
So definitely, go generic. However much I might like GH getting more play, I'd rather not see itdone after the fact or in half measures the way Paizo is limited to doing by WotC.
(I'd offer bonus points for whoever figures out why the location is a special issue for me, but there are enough people around who already know that it wouldn't be fair.)

Amaril |

I say we should have an adventure path that puts together all of this Year of Dragons stuff WotC has been selling this past year as well as the Draconomicon. For example, dragons vs. lesser races, or a backdrop in which dragons are revered by a community of humans?
These ideas would allow for running the AP in Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, or Eberron fairly easily. In Eberron, it could be transposed to take place at least partially on Argonnessen and feature the Serens a bit or the Draconic Prophecy. The same ideas could be transposed to the other settings easily enough by generalizing the concepts behind the backdrop (e.g. - place it in Western Oerth).
I think it'd be cool to have an AP that could utilize Draconomicon, Races of the Dragon, Dragon Magic, Dragons of Faerun, Monster Manual IV and maybe even a nod to Dragonmarked. I heard rumors of a "Dragons of Eberron" type of book coming in late 2007, too.
Heck, if you make it a war-themed AP, we could even use Heroes of Battle!
Imagine: The Dragon Wars Adventure Path!
Consider the possibility of graying the alignments of the dragons, too. perhaps the war seems to be dragons vs. lesser races, but as the PC explore the adventure, they discover dragon allies who fight in their favor behind the scenes!

farewell2kings |

Thanks for clearing up your position. Your last post explains your intent much more cleary (I'm serious, it does). Misunderstanings are easy on messageboard forums. Thanks for taking the time to explain. I still disagree with some of your interpretations, but I see that there was no ill intent. Just realize that when you throw around terms like "mindless fanboys" that it's bound to raise some hackles :)

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Thanks for clearing up your position. Your last post explains your intent much more cleary (I'm serious, it does). Misunderstanings are easy on messageboard forums. Thanks for taking the time to explain. I still disagree with some of your interpretations, but I see that there was no ill intent. Just realize that when you throw around terms like "mindless fanboys" that it's bound to raise some hackles :)
H. Beam Piper had a nice line in Space Viking about asking people to explain. All you ever need to do is ask. Just be aware the answer can be very long and boring. :-P
As for disagreeing, go right ahead, everyone else does. :)And yes, I realize exactly what effect the words I choose have. That's why I choose them. Sometimes a few incidental hackles need to be raised to make a point.

TConnors |

I have a mindflayer/aboleth/atropal plotline idea that I think would make a nifty adventure path. This is taken from a Dungeon proposal which I'd like to think failed because it was just so darn big. Here's the gist:
A being from the future, the elder brain Oncepthi has long been fascinated by events of the distant past. For two centuries, he has been voraciously extracting ancestral memories from a pair of desiccated aboleths suspended over his briny pool. He has seen through the eyes of an ancient and powerful aboleth ur-priest/mage. He has discovered the Mount of Stillborn Gods, a place of stunted divine potential locked away on a cemetery plane. And he has learned the means by which the ancient aboleth planned to psychically absorb the essence of a stillborn godling there. Now, backed by a veritable army of mindflayers, Oncepthi has taken his own first steps on the cemetery plane. He plans to steal the unrealized space/time portfolios of atropal twins and return the entire illithid race back to its future glory.
A low level adventure might feature:
A mass return of long missing humanoids now with cruel flesh grafts, stories of hellish captivity, and demands for the rescue of still captive friends. Enter the PCs who must survive the slaughterhouse trap into which the purpose-returned humanoid thralls are leading many.
A mid-level adventure might feature:
Foiling the mindflayer inquisition in charge of the food chain between the prime material and the cemetery plane and freeing the dwarven blacksmiths who hammer out ever more brain canisters. Meanwhile, the illithids left behind to manage births have been killed by a continuous stream of undead emerging from the cemetery plane, and these undead, along with many creatures in various stages of ceremorphosis, creep into the PCs’ path.
A high-level adventure might feature:
By the time the PCs get their hands on a brainmate crystal containing a walnut-sized bud of Oncepthi and glimpse the overarching plot, they should have just enough time to silence the bardic dirgesingers maintaining the cemetery plane portal and block Oncepthi’s return to the prime material where the elder brain realizes his ambitious plan is rapidly unraveling.
The final adventure might feature:
The PCs on the cemetary plane racing against Oncepthi and his mindflayer army to destroy the atropals in the cradle of their own plane.
There's so much you can do with the ideas just in Lords of Madness. Even at low-levels, you might wind up with flesh-grafted PCs masterminding thrall escapes with the help of a recently emancipated, voidmind svirfneblin resistance party. This might be a bit too "fantastic" for some, but it's all good in my book! Overlay the campaign setting and politics as each sees fit.

Sean Mahoney |

And yes, I realize exactly what effect the words I choose have. That's why I choose them. Sometimes a few incidental hackles need to be raised to make a point.
Perhaps then you can explain this comment. It makes it sound like you were being purposely inflammitory, or in online parlance were "trolling." Was that the case? If not, what was your intent in raising hackles?
Sean Mahoney

Stebehil |

Some folks here have proposed ideas for AP which depend upon the inclusion of additional material, be it various books on dragons, Lords of Madness, or other settings (Planescape). While these ideas may sound good (and some of them do), I don´t think this would be a good thing to do. Not everybody happens to own all of the additional books, never mind oop settings. (I think oop settings are right out - not that I wouldn´t like to see things centered around Al-Qadim, for example :-))
I think that an adventure path should be made with using only basic material to be as universally usable as possible. It is ok to drop a few hints about which additional materials are useful, but to make central themes dependant on various sourcebooks is for me not the way to go. So, if the next AP would not work without using, say, the Draconomicon, that would be bad. If using the Draconomicon would enhance the experience, that´s ok.
Don´t force people to buy more books - leave it as an option.

Amaril |

Some folks here have proposed ideas for AP which depend upon the inclusion of additional material, be it various books on dragons, Lords of Madness, or other settings (Planescape). While these ideas may sound good (and some of them do), I don´t think this would be a good thing to do. Not everybody happens to own all of the additional books, never mind oop settings. (I think oop settings are right out - not that I wouldn´t like to see things centered around Al-Qadim, for example :-))
I think that an adventure path should be made with using only basic material to be as universally usable as possible. It is ok to drop a few hints about which additional materials are useful, but to make central themes dependant on various sourcebooks is for me not the way to go. So, if the next AP would not work without using, say, the Draconomicon, that would be bad. If using the Draconomicon would enhance the experience, that´s ok.
Don´t force people to buy more books - leave it as an option.
Typically, Paizo includes the material from those books used in a given adventure specifically to avoid that problem.

meomwt |

Never in any post or any internal discussion did we consider an adventure path featuring a war between elves and orcs in which elves and orcs would be the sole combatants. The idea was to use a conflict between the elves of Celene, the savage humanoid armies of the Pomarj, and the folk of the Wild Coast as a _backdrop_ for a 12-adventure storyline, not the plot.
And that, ladies and gents, is just about the best post in the entire thread. And possibly, a reason for me to invest in AP4.

Stebehil |

Typically, Paizo includes the material from those books used in a given adventure specifically to avoid that problem.
Yes, they do. That´s what I alluded to with "dropping some hints" and "enhance the experience", actually - I did not make myself crystal clear there, I see. If it is limited to one or two sidebars per adventure, that´s ok. But it should not be much more - it eats away space from the adventure itself. If there would me more than half a page per adventure explaining (or reprinting) material from some sourcebook, it would annoy me. Use this space for cool ideas for the adventure, like the stiltwalkers from bullywug gambit - now that was a cool idea!

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Perhaps then you can explain this comment. It makes it sound like you were being purposely inflammitory, or in online parlance were "trolling." Was that the case? If not, what was your intent in raising hackles?
Sean Mahoney
If you are a fan, you don't need to put something else down to build up what you like. I've torn about the "definitive" essay on Greyhawk, Nitescreed's "What puts the Grey in the Hawk" for being nothing more than a bunch of FR bashing that can all too easily be turned against GH, and I do the same with LG bashing.PaizoHawk and Living Greyhawk should not be in competition. They should be working together, but they can't. When people start dismissing one in an attempt to build up the other they start heading into the same sort of destructive infighting that savages the GH "fanbase," and causes those making the decisions to wonder why they should bother supporting the setting with new products.
If a few extra hackles get raised because I use the term "fanboy" while making this point, then people will remember it more.

The Jade |

If you are a fan, you don't need to put something else down to build up what you like. I've torn about the "definitive" essay on Greyhawk, Nitescreed's "What puts the Grey in the Hawk" for being nothing more than a bunch of FR bashing that can all too easily be turned against GH, and I do the same with LG bashing.
PaizoHawk and Living Greyhawk should not be in competition. They should be working together, but they can't. When people start dismissing one in an attempt to build up the other they start heading into the same sort of destructive infighting that savages the GH "fanbase," and causes those making the decisions to wonder why they should bother supporting the setting with new products.
If a few extra hackles get raised because I use the term "fanboy" while making this point, then people will remember it more.
You just can't leave it alone, despite my giving you a well earned compliment, and bowing out politely. You are still coming at me; painting me as dismmisser of a hundred authors despite the fact that the record shows the only thing I was doing was trying to not state a personal opinion that Paizo, IMO, is fixing what I perceive to be a problem better than LG. (btw, that means in my opinion and I do decide what my opinion is)
Don't ask for people's opinions if you're going to start serving up feces focaccia to anyone who sees thing differently than you do. If you can't handle Diff'rent Strokes then maybe it would be better if you tuned away rather than running around deliberately trying to spew on people's feelings.
I never said LG was bad. You heard it, but I didn't say it. You asked me about LG and I wasn't even talking about LG. I was avoiding the very subject of LG because I've witnessed how nutty some fans get when their favorite campaign isn't paid its due.
I don't have to pay your gig its due. Not once or ever. Free country. Not mentioning LG in a post about whu I think Greyhawk is getting better is not an offense. Not hardly. Do you get that? You baited me, stating, "I thought LG revitalized Greyhawk." So then I say 'not for me personally' and listed the reasons why. You then demonstrated the very reasons why I've learned to simply never say Living Greyhawk in public. Is that the good press you're looking for?
I said there was way too much content of varying quality for me to invest it personally. You saw my explanations as being somehow "disingenuous" because you think that you know the secret truth behind my words. You confidence in this regard strikes me as odd since you've yet to display any manner of recognizable shrewdness or latent psychic ability in this thread. When I tried to explain my thoughts on the market you hit me with a childishly snitty hunk of sarcasm and when I defended myself, a set a boundary offereing you no quarter you associated my retort with feminine aspects. I didn't see anything about my response to you to be feminine, but if it was, what of it? I consider it low minded to equate womandhood with weakness. Women are not weak. And truth be told, my Johnson is like two Schlitz cans soldered together so you can call me Yolanda and stare lovingly at my chest until the cows come home. That kind of grammer school nonsense fails utterly in provoking me.
You accuse me of dismissiveness but that is such an unstable point of view if you read what I actually wrote, not knowing that I was about to be blindsided by a zealot fantasist. It was you was dismissive, oh kettle caller. Look at the actual post where you assert Paizo's limitation.
I know LG is your baby and you're oversensitive about it. But by continuing to include my supposed crimes in your high minded, mystified explanations, you are coming off more the bitter provocateur than effective advocate. And if you think an irrational public display of intolerance is getting the message out, you could use a few lessons in PR.

Great Green God |

And if you think an irrational public display of intolerance is getting the message out, you could use a few lessons in PR.
Oh, it's getting the message out.... I think this is one of the reasons I don't belong to the RPGA.
You know I think I might have been able to write a proposal for a 12-part arc set in the world of my choosing in the time that it took to post all this. Just sayin'.
So how about an arc based on the Iliad and the Odessey, you got war, you got ships, you got monsters, you got adventure, you got it all.
It's all Greek to me,

The Jade |

You know I think I might have been able to write a proposal for a 12-part arc set in the world of my choosing in the time that it took to post all this. Just sayin'.
Point well taken, G3. Back to constructive writing go I, go I. I just hate getting vibed out here and I tend to react strongly when it happens. Maybe overly so...

jasonduke |

You know I think I might have been able to write a proposal for a 12-part arc set in the world of my choosing in the time that it took to post all this. Just sayin'.
I just skipped over most of it, though that everlasting torch comment... now that was funny ;) I got a good laugh out of that one. No sarcasm intended, I really did think it was funny.
Anyway, what about Tarrasque? Remember him -- our good buddy the Tarrasque? Isn't it about time for him to wake up? Hasn't he slept long enough?

jasonduke |

I would also like to see a Far Realm AP, but combined with the idea that the world is already under control. Yet no-one knows they are being controlled, ala John Carpenter's "They Live!" It could have a backstory similar to the Star Trek Voyager two-parter "Scorpion." Fluid Space; Far Realm. The Borg; Daruth. Species 8472; The Kaorti. Of course, the heroes learn the horrifying truth of it all, and set out on an epic quest to free their world.

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I love the quality of Sasserine's map and i am wondering if it's possible to get an Adventure Path taking place in a city (i mean from first to last adventure in the city, not just the beginning).
Monte Cook's Ptolus. I have it and it is great. Read all about it at his website, montecook.com.

Ed Healy Contributor |

I love the quality of Sasserine's map and i am wondering if it's possible to get an Adventure Path taking place in a city (i mean from first to last adventure in the city, not just the beginning).
Very possible. I took the Balefire backdrop article and used it as the setting for an entire campaign. The PCs only strayed from the city proper a few times. I'd say they spent 80% of their time in the city itself.
And Balefire is not nearly as large as Sasserine.
For inspiration on just what can be done in a single city, check out the Thieve's World books (I think there were 12 in the original series).

The Jade |

The Jade wrote:You just can't leave it alone,I didn't come at you at all. Someone asked what my intent was and I was explaining.
What was that you said about being overly sensitive?
Not certain what you mean. I said I reacted strongly, maybe overly so, in dealing with people who feel the need to vibe me out on this, my favorite fun time board.
As for me calling you oversensitive I would just say read this thread and my reasons for applying the word should become clear.
I understand that in your explanations you discontinued citing me by name, but that is somewhat irrelevant considering that your explanations for saying what you said included referencing the casual dismissal of a collective as being the element that set you off. Anyone reading this thread knows that we're talking about me, whether you say my name or not. That's what I meant when I said you keep coming.
But, why argue the point of my own oversensitivity? Maybe I am oversensitive to people who pervert the intent of my thoughts and intentions by accusing me of doing and saying things I didn't do or say. You call that oversensitivity, I'll call it standing up to a rude person.

Lord Vile |

Jade and Sam,
I know your probably both pretty steamed at each other but trust someone who has engaged in meaningless on-line arguments. Your both wasting your breath. What does all of that anger really accomplish except making your madder? You both could be doing something fun instead.
Just let it go and relax.

jasonduke |

Or how about starting up a new thread where you two can battle it out and leave this one for what it was meant for -- discussing the next Adventure Path. Hey, a new battle thread might be a cool attraction for the boards. You could call it Jade vs. Weiss, or Weiss vs. Jade, whatever. I think it would be very entertaining...

Steve Greer Contributor |

I know both of these gents - Sam (aka Samwise) from Thursday Nite Greytalk and The Jade from here and discussions among the Were_Cabbages group. Both of them are ultra intelligent and possess really sharp wits. I'd love to see this battle played out further on another thread if the folks at Paizo would actually allow it.

The Jade |

A little sarcasm and you go off into personal attacks.
If you want to stand up to a rude person, you need a mirror, not a monitor.
It isn't sarcasm for sarcasm's sake that bothers me. It was the nature of being baiting toward your sarcasm. You telling me that I am the one who needs a mirror is truly priceless. If you feel like Russel Crowe, it's not because of the movie Gladiator, it's because you go around chucking phones at people's heads.
I don't blame this flame on my oversensitivity. I blame it on what seems to be your compulsive lack of civility and self awareness.
It's interesting how I answer to your points (other than that weak 'punk hissy nancyboy'junk, and how you answer none of mine. All you've offered in each post is the next proof that you're a two-legged one-way street.
Lord Vile, I hear you. But I'm really not angry. I didn't name call or use exclamation points. My blood pressure didn't raise. I got sniped and I reacted and then got sniped again and reacted ad infinitum. And so it goes... and goes... and goes...
It's okay that he doesn't see what he's done or how he's acted. I don't really expect him to evolve. But I'm not going to stand for a continued accusation on a BS charge. I can say I didn't like a certain Star Wars movie and no one else here thinks they have the right to rag me out like I outed them for still playing with Go-Bots. It's a preference. Anyone who tells me I can't have one is pissin' into the wind.

The Jade |

I know both of these gents - Sam (aka Samwise) from Thursday Nite Greytalk and The Jade from here and discussions among the Were_Cabbages group. Both of them are ultra intelligent and possess really sharp wits. I'd love to see this battle played out further on another thread if the folks at Paizo would actually allow it.
Viva la Flame Dome!
And the castratos sing: "We don't need another heroooooo..."

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I can say I didn't like a certain Star Wars movie and no one else here thinks they have the right to rag me out like I outed them for still playing with Go-Bots. It's a preference. Anyone who tells me I can't have one is pissin' into the wind.
Not liking a certain Star Wars movie after you've seen it is fine.
Not liking a certain Star Wars movie even though you've never seen it is silly, and almost always leads into rude.Had you left your reply at "I don't have any experience with LG so I can't comment on it." I wouldn't have had any issues with that.
As why I don't bother responding more directly to your ad hominem attacks, they don't deserve a reply, and I don't like to unleash my Bronx on a public forum.

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Not liking a certain Star Wars movie after you've seen it is fine.
Not liking a certain Star Wars movie even though you've never seen it is silly, and almost always leads into rude.
So does that mean you can't say you don't like the Kevin Federline CD if you haven't heard it? Do I have to listen to the whole CD or just one song before forming an opinion? Can I read a review and then form an opinion?
(ah, the beautiful irony of posting about the proper basis for an opinion. I hope Sexi Golemn doesn't see this post...)

Steve Greer Contributor |

Samuel Weiss wrote:
Not liking a certain Star Wars movie after you've seen it is fine.
Not liking a certain Star Wars movie even though you've never seen it is silly, and almost always leads into rude.
So does that mean you can't say you don't like the Kevin Federline CD if you haven't heard it? Do I have to listen to the whole CD or just one song before forming an opinion? Can I read a review and then form an opinion?
(ah, the beautiful irony of posting about the proper basis for an opinion. I hope Sexi Golemn doesn't see this post...)
::Ba dum pum:: LOL

The Jade |

Not liking a certain Star Wars movie after you've seen it is fine.
Not liking a certain Star Wars movie even though you've never seen it is silly, and almost always leads into rude.Had you left your reply at "I don't have any experience with LG so I can't comment on it." I wouldn't have had any issues with that.
As why I don't bother responding more directly to your ad hominem attacks, they don't deserve a reply, and I don't like to unleash my Bronx on a public forum.
Here you are telling me how I should have responded to the question you asked me. Again, priceless. I nominate you for control freak 2006. Thank you for teaching me the rules of how to get along in society. Now I know how to be as polite as you.
I was in the Bronx all day today and no one acted spitefully or rude to me. Quite the opposite. I held doors and they held doors. I said "getting cold" and they said, "sure is."
You've had plenty of time to unleash anything other than a forward marching stream of misinterpretations.
Unless you think ad hominem was a caveman who worked on Madison Avenue, I think you are repeatedly misusing the term. I wasn't trying to win some sort of gaming debate and avoid your arguments by bringing your character into question. Your behavior in this thread was all that I was actually talking about. It was, in fact, my only point.

The Jade |

Speaking of what's actually being talked about, can we get a moderator to shut this thread down? It's been a while since it's been about the next adventure path.
Not necessary, Sben. I asked to move it a while ago. Sorry for my half of the pollution. I'll shut up now. It's all been said anyway. Please go on discussing the Next Adventure Path.

Woontal |

I should point out that, for a variety of reasons, we are unlikely to use an elf/orc conflict as the basis of the next Adventure Path, though the idea of a war or similar conflict playing a major role is a strong contender.
Time Travel, everyone digs it, no-one does it. There's something great about being thrust into the Cataclysmic end of the Suel people's empire. Lots of Lendorites and a chance to actually use the monsters that look at the timestream.
Plus we all love time-travelling halfling carny-folk riding pink soarwhales...
Maybe that last one's just me.

Woontal |

Yeah, what about Tarrasque? I like the way you think Hagen. I can't recall any adventure that uses the Tarrasque. Can anyone else? And I believe the legend goes it slumbers somewhere in the Pomarj, or somewhere in that region, correct? Hmmmm...
"How the Mighty Have Fallen", an awful adventure...in a setting that encourages Time Travel too...ooooOOOooo....spooky...

Luz RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Speaking of Tarrasque, has it ever appeared in a D&D adventure before? Perhaps, like Dragotha, its time has finally come.
The only time I saw Tarrasque in a published module was in the Bloodstone series (1st ed.), and even then it was referred to "a tarrasque" like there is more than one of them. From what I remember it was a pretty bad dungeon that was tossing in everything simply because it was the highest level module they had ever printed up to that point. Although the focus was on destroying Orcus, the PCs also got to kill "a tarrasque", a city of liches and every other demon prince/lord.