Cleric Favored Weapon Question

Rules Questions

As per the cleric armor and weapon proficiency: "Clerics are also proficient with the favored weapon of their deity."

From AoN :

Lord of the Living
Source Pathfinder #80: Empty Graves pg. 65 (Amazon)
Pathfinder Wiki Osiris
Alignment LG
Pantheon Deities of Ancient Osirion
Areas of Concern Afterlife, fertility, rebirth, resurrection
Domains Good, Healing, Law, Plant, Repose
Favored Weapon Flail

Osiris has the "Flail" as his favored weapon.

There are several types of "Flail": Heavy, Light, Dire, Flailpole, Meteor Hammer, etc.

Is a cleric of Osiris able to choose one of those weapons and gain proficiency? Is the cleric only able to use the standard "Flail", either light or heavy?

Or, is a specific flail referenced somewhere else for a follower of Osiris?

Those are all flail "type" weapons, but when they say "Flail", they mean the Flail from this page:
(Ctrl+f flail)

Sounds appropriate. Thanks.

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