Tequila Sunrise |

Just curious as to which races are the most popular. Not necessarily out of the PH races but please limit to the races that are "meant" to be PC races (at most, Drow with +2 level adjustment). When I began playing, I couldn't understand why anyone would want to play a human cuz they have no bonuses and only 2 benefits. Now I hardly ever play anything but human; as a friend once said "Hummins are the best alternative to everything." Though I have yet to discover why anyone would ever want to play a half-elf.

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To answer your question, I decided I'd list each of the main PC races in the order that I like them (from least to most) with a little blurb about why. Here goes...
6. Half-orc: I don't really care much for them, because I've never seen a convincing explanantion as to WHY they are a PC race.
5. Gnome: I guess I've always seen D&D gnomes as being some sick version of a dwarf-halfling love child.
4. Halfling: Because in 3.5 they look like mini-elves. Also, because people have gone out of their way to scream, "Hey look, my halflings are in no way, nor do they even closely assemble, hobbits." Get over it people. So what if halfling = hobbit.
3. Human: I am a human, and don't want to play one on TV (so to speak). However, if I can't have any of my favorites, I'll play one.
2. Half-elf: I like playing races that live longer than humans.
1. Elves and Dwarves: It's a tie! Woohoo! I can't help it. I'm a Tolkien fan at heart and I don't think anyone has ever written them better. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Incidently, if I had to choose a non-standard race for my PC, I'd go with Anthropomorphic Monkeys, in an Eastern-culture setting, and have ninja monkeys. Or maybe a zombie...

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Humans. Hands down. Toward the end of 2nd ed I started playing humans, despite the lack of any real numerical motivation, just to not play some demi-human. (I had a real elf/half-elf addiction for a while.)
Now humans get something for being a plain ol' human, which is good since each edition painted humans as broad-minded viruses.
As far as the worst race - Half-elves. They've become the 1st and 2nd edition humans.

tallforadwarf |

As you can probably guess, from my namesake, it's Dwarves/Dwarfs all the way! It has been ever since 'Golden Axe'. Perhaps I dislike gnomes for that same reason (Oi! Those are my pots bi*ch!)... Hmm... ;P
Also I'm a huge Githyanki fan. I love the set up they have and the background. Although I've yet to play one as I almost always GM - but I've done a few memorable 'Yanki NPCs.

Ultradan |

When I play as a player, I usually play a human. I like to fit in when I visit a village or a city. I have a hard time understanding why someone would play something off the map like a half-minotaur or a centaur. How do you roleplay something like that when the group walks into an inn? Or buy equipment?

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When I play as a player, I usually play a human. I like to fit in when I visit a village or a city. I have a hard time understanding why someone would play something off the map like a half-minotaur or a centaur. How do you roleplay something like that when the group walks into an inn? Or buy equipment?
My brother played a centuar once, but I think it was because he got reincarnated as one. That might have been the same campaign during which my elven fighter/mage was reincarnated as a troll.

Cyrlous |
I did enjoy playing my gnome cleric, and in fact he is my most memorable character ever.
However, in general human is my favorite race and I find myself playing it a lot. I think this is because I find it easy to play a human, since I am one. No matter how many books/supplements I read, I just can't envision myself as an elf of dwarf. I mean, how can I, as a human, know the mindset of a being who lives for several hundred years. It's like time isn't even the same for them. So whenenever I play an elf, it always seems to come off as just a human with pointy ears and a long lifespan.

Alasanii |

Half-orcs and Half-drow: Why? Because they are outsiders and loners for the most part but they tend to hold their own.
Dwarves would be my next step as they just kick as. Then it would have to be humans. I am not a huge elf fan, stupid tree huggers! All that magic and stuff. They have their advantages and all but I like to play characters that are different from everyone else.
there is my two?

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ELF = Extraterrestrial Life-Form ? ? ?
Anyone ever giggled about the activist group with the same initials? ELF burning down subdivisions and torching HumVee lots?
Kinda ironic and funny. Those guys could be freaks for all I know, but it always made me giggle to see ELF spray-painted on something related to eco-activism stuff.
Nighthunter |

PHB I think the Dwarf is the most fun race to play hands down, few races can get away with being as beligerent as a Dwarf.
Non-PHB, I choose Changeling. Something about being anything that's convenient makes me all giddy with malicious glee. I mean so many ambushes are possible when you can walk up to the other hobgoblins and say: "I gotta bunch of humans tied up, can you help me lift their big trunk full of treasure?" Works practically every time.

Kyr |

I like elves, though as other threads have explored their age presents certain roleplay challenges. But in the end I like the idea of elves - though I think I play them more because I am a fan of elves as depicted in LotR than as they are described in D&D.
Humans are next - especially with the bonus feat and skill points to kick things off.
Non PHB I like planetouched (specifically genasi) as concepts though I think the abilities laid out for them are pretty generic. Though some of the supporting feats are interesting.

Sexi Golem 01 |

Gnomes gnomes and more gnomes. I liked them because they were tricksters and illusionist before I had a clue what they were.
After I got ahold on a dragon mag that explained their culture I loved them even more. And I love using their spell like abilities to set up pranks. For those of you that dislike gnomes try to find something published about what their society is like, I'm not saying you will love them all of the sudden but it should get rid of that Dwarven love child buisiness.
Plus they ae absolutely the only standard race that it built toward spellcasting. Small stature, con bonus, penalty to str (boohoo), actual spell like abilities, and a bonus to DC's for one of the most versatile spell schools.
After that halflings, I don't hold any special favor for the rest of the races but like many of you I keep finding humans as an attractive option for any class and end up playing them a lot.

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I like elves, though as other threads have explored their age presents certain roleplay challenges.
The only challenges are imposed time constraints (read: a time or timeline based game, or a DM/Party unwilling to realise elven concepts of time). An elven rogue for example, if hour to hour, day to day was not a human tracked issue, could and would case a site for quite a while before following through with a plan. Most elves in an adventuring party would complain that the party is being too hasty almost all the time unless pressed by an impending doom. Imagine casing a keep for half a generation. Think of the information gathered before even going in and risking anything.

Brokenlookinglass |

For me it all depends on what kind of character I'm trying to play. I don't really lean toward one race or the other, but what just sounds fun to play, either going with the strength of race, or it's weakness in order to play on the underdog issue... But now that I think about it more, I've never played a human before. They're too much of the "Jacks of All Trades" race, the only way they really have any strengths or weakness' is through bad stat generation.

Kyr |

The only challenges are imposed time constraints (read: a time or timeline based game, or a DM/Party unwilling to realise elven concepts of time). Most elves in an adventuring party would complain that the party is being too hasty almost all the time unless pressed by an impending doom.
I strongly disagree - but its off topic - and of course you can create your world and youor elves the way you like - there was another thread awhile back - on the WotC Super Elf, if you want you can resurrect it.

M. Balmer |

I guess my favourite race depends on the type of character I'm looking to play.
Instead of looking at race as a matter of extra feats, skill points, or abilities, I use it as a means to make an interesting persona.
So my dwarf has gone in search of adventure, but why? Ah, he was exiled from his clan for killing a fellow clan member in a drunken brawl. He seeks atonement and cannot return for at least two score years...
I find myself more interested in the character than the bonuses to his/her stats.
That being said, I must say I can't stand gnomes. They are to dwarves what light beer is to Guinness.

somnamancer |

I've always been a fan of playing the oddball races. Well, that is, after the DM forbade me from ever playing an elf again - I could choose anything else that I wanted, just not elf. Fortunately, I had just recently picked up The Complete Book of Humanoids then. Anyway, fast forward to 3.X, and I'm gonna vote:
1. Warforged. I have always wanted to play a golem or such. So, naturally, I gravitated to them almost as soon as they were previewed.
2. Thri-Kreen. They became a very favorite race of mine in 2nd ed, so naturally I was pleased to see them reprinted in the new edition.
3. Githyanki. Been particularly interested in them since the Incursion crossover.
4. Fraal. OK, so they're actually D20 modern. OK, so, I only choose them for the stats. But, why wouldn't I? Give em a minor cosmetic change (to make them look a little more like the way they did in Alternity), and they're just too much fun. Just remember to take away the nifty singularity gun if you use them in a fantasy setting.

Tequila Sunrise |

2. Thri-Kreen. They became a very favorite race of mine in 2nd ed, so naturally I was pleased to see them reprinted in the new edition.
I have a friend that played a 2nd ed thri-kreen ranger. He was able to min/max in such a way as to wield a katana(?) in each of his four hands...for 1d20+ damage each.
P.S. Why did your dm forbid you from elves?

Wytchmaster |

Just curious as to which races are the most popular. Not necessarily out of the PH races but please limit to the races that are "meant" to be PC races (at most, Drow with +2 level adjustment). When I began playing, I couldn't understand why anyone would want to play a human cuz they have no bonuses and only 2 benefits. Now I hardly ever play anything but human; as a friend once said "Hummins are the best alternative to everything." Though I have yet to discover why anyone would ever want to play a half-elf.
Come on guys... As if the Dragon isn't the coolest of them alll.... 1 they Rock hands down, 2 the really cool ones can shapechange to other species... and 3 They can fly! Use Magic! Breath Weapons are handy, All time fav. is the Silver for a "good" character, and Black for "evil" (blacks have the coolest heads, and acid attacks rule!)

somnamancer |

P.S. Why did your dm forbid you from elves?
I used to play nothing but elves. Ever.
As for that 'kreen, I used to know how to pull that trick off, but I never bothered with it. Worst I ever did was use a 2nd ed. Minotaur Fighter/Priest of Aries, with his greataxe in one hand, and a two-handed sword in the other.
I also liked the Warriors of Heaven book, Tulani Eladrin were awesome to play, especially as a Fighter/Mage/Priest. Now, of course, they are epic level if yoyu want to play one. And they no longer have the ability to assume the secondary forms of any eladrin...

somnamancer |

Come on guys... As if the Dragon isn't the coolest of them alll
While I won't disagree with your assertion, I do want to take a moment to point out the guidelines given by the OP:
Not necessarily out of the PH races but please limit to the races that are "meant" to be PC races (at most, Drow with +2 level adjustment).
Dragons don't really seem to fit the bill there. If you wanted to go higher ECL anyway, I'd vote Aurak Draconian.

Xellan |

I have a few:
1. Halfling - Fond memories of my fave character of all time keeps these guys on my list. He was a slim, trim, boot-wearin nomad before 3rd Ed ever jumped on my bandwagon.
2. Changeling - These guys are just cool. I've always loved shapechanging critters, and finally someone wrote up a 'playable' doppleganger worth playing.
3. Daelkyr Halfblood - I've yet to play one of these guys, but they're freaky cool.

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Dwarf. At least for warriors, way better than humans. +2 vs spells, +2 vs. poison, heavy armour speed, dwarven weapon familiarity, stability, +1 vs. orcs and goblins, +2 AC vs. giants. That is MUCH better than the human's extra feat and skill points.
Also, Elves with maxed-out search make great rogues, just because they get the free search checks to find secret doors.
Humans for everything else.

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My first choice would be the Orcs and Half-Orcs. Besides getting a +2 to strength (a benifit to ANY melee class), they're just so crazy fun and chaotic. It provides interesting roleplaying options, and chances for hilarity.
Second would be Dwarves. Bless the those short-stacked lovable boozers.
And Humans would be third. Cause... the're humans. They're everywhere.
Elves seem to much like flower eating bonus bunnies.
Drow heros seem a bit TOO common thanks to Salvatore wrote relms books. Plus they're supposed to be evil. (They're also supposed to be chaotic but they fail when compared to orcs.)
Halflings didn't really seem interesting really.
I might be willing to try a kender though.
Gnomes are freaky. period. I don't care what abilities they get. They are freaky and they scare me.

Xaxor |

Elves. But I like to play melee elves, and not just finesse fighters. A little bit of combat/movement skills are always useful, if for nothing more than a little synergy.
Dwarves are ok, but a little too crazy as melee fighters. You're silly if you pass up the substitution Fighter level from Races of Stone.

R-type |

People will most likely take the mick for me saying this but- I really, really like the Avariel (winged elves) from Forgotten Realms. I heart them so much, even with the big fat +3 LA that screws them!
I like anything with wings really, raptorans, tieflings, assimar, fey-ri, celestials...
But having said that, I almost always play humans?! :)

Randy Saxon |
My favorite race would have to be the seldom discussed Arctic Dwarves. I dunno why I like them, particularly with their +2 LA, but I just dig them. Maybe because they're a travel size dwarf and maybe because they're not the archetypical dwarf.
My second favorite race is the Githyanki. The entire race has a sweet sword.
My third favorite would be the Illuskans, because I can't commit to a human subrace without a flavor and history like they have.

R-type |

My favorite race would have to be the seldom discussed Arctic Dwarves. I dunno why I like them, particularly with their +2 LA, but I just dig them. Maybe because they're a travel size dwarf and maybe because they're not the archetypical dwarf.
I like them too! Theres an Artic Dwarf Ranger (and an Avariel) in the Rage of Dragons FR novels. If you havent already read them, check them out!

Valegrim |

Seems I play a lot of dwarfs; I like the bloodlines and templates that can be added also. I never play a human...cause I am one as far as I know, elfs dont strike my fancy much; like how you do play a guy 300 years old whose vengance can be as simple as watching you grow old and die; to hard to take the long view of everything and almost every gm I know plays elfs like the French so that is kinda out. As I mostly gm, I havent tried many of the races now available in 3.5, but gnomes are probably my favorite race.

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1. Humans (I think I can fake RP'ing one)
2. Githzerai - It's fun to play someone from another dimension, and marvel at things like solid ground, plants and trees, and people with noses. It's also fun (and creepy) to speak in broken english, refer to other non-gith creatures as softlings (which means 'walking meat'), and eat your enemies. Of course, that's just my take on them ...

Randy Saxon |
Randy Saxon wrote:My favorite race would have to be the seldom discussed Arctic Dwarves. I dunno why I like them, particularly with their +2 LA, but I just dig them. Maybe because they're a travel size dwarf and maybe because they're not the archetypical dwarf.I like them too! Theres an Artic Dwarf Ranger (and an Avariel) in the Rage of Dragons FR novels. If you havent already read them, check them out!
I heard about that, but right now my book budget is zero with a new car. If I get some extra money, I'll pick it up next time I make a run to town.