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Gamer Life General Discussion

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Yeah, but that's still not enough, IMO. I created a couple of feats for my game that boost flanking bonuses and I've made it a houserule that grappling bonuses of all opponents grappling a target are stacked and that's helping a bit, but no matter what I do, any monster less than CR9 just gets shredded by my players, whose characters are 13th level.

It's okay, it's my first 3.5 campaign and I''m still in test-pilot mode...

But still....vielen Dank, The Black Eye... :)

I hate when I first opened this thread, not realizing it was 15 pages, and got stuck reading most of it. Stupid "words" with their "read me... I'll be your best friend" lies!

Actually, I cannot figure out why, having a rather extensive (23 books) resource list in my campaiign, my players still go to the FLGS and buy 'Codex Manual XVI' and want me to add it to the list while they own 2 or 3 of the books available on my list. I'm tired of new monsters with names like "cangagus ruby monkian".

Also, I too mimic some of the others regarding the DnD minis thing. I just want a large prepainted dragon. Just a dragon. I can paint my BBEGs myself, I just don't want to paint 12 trolls.

Then... we got them players that think good roleplaying is when the say: "My elf wizard, being only first level, would not know what a goblin is - I will act this way." Your character has been living all it's life, efore it's first adventure, in the same fantasy world all the other 1st level characters are in - you've seen a goblin.

Ok Ok I know I already did this but I have to again it just felt so GOOD! OK I hate when my group cant make up there mind I mean other then the one guy who is mindless there’s me and my DM and my best friend in this group. Ok so I have a character that is currently in hell because he pissed of the goddess Ratri he is in prison while another character of mine my friend and this mindless character try to find him. The mindless guy gets in hell and the first thing he wants to do is go back home and doesn’t even know why were in Hell the other is a stuck up Elf who want to fight with the guards of a City of devils over a sword then yells at me when I tell them "this stupid Elf is my slave" and pay them off so they do not call all 500 guards to kill us! Then there’s my character a 17-year-old human named Raistalin. One time while the Elf and this mindless guy FIGHT over if they should turn un-invisible and go left down an ally, or if the should turn right down that ally. I SNAP! My character walk out of the invisibility-sphere and makes himself visible to the 30 guards who heard my Mindless friend and the Elf yelling at each other over which way to go while they were illegally invisible. They come to the human push him and ask for my badge (which you need to stay alive in the city) and my human sorcerer walks up to the guard points his finger to his forehead and shoots a lighting bolt. Now I know this sounds dumb but I was fed up and they had the nerve to be mad at me because I made us fugitives meanwhile they can’t figure out wither they want to polymorph self or run in the sewer to run from the now 30 guards after us! GOD I HATE THAT!!!

Sorry if I ranted to long but man they make me mad sometimes.

I'll start off by saying "Hate" or hatred is a result of stupidity, ignorance, and narrow-mindedness. None of these things fit into D&D. Unless of coarse you wish to be some hate-mongering churches' poster child against D&D.

1.) I however am disgusted with how WotC set up humans in 3e to really be +3 LA ubers. This silly. Their excuse is to encourage people tp play more humans.


Those who like to play as humans would still play them without all the broken "extras".

2.) I get disgusted with how many updates to 3e completely ignore previous material and ruin what was once beautiful.

3.) What happened to keeping the books close to $20? Changing the edition title isn't a good enough excuse or justification.

4.) Why must it be so frickin' frustratingly difficult find other playes?!?!?!?

Scarab Sages

BrotherDog wrote:

I'll start off by saying "Hate" or hatred is a result of stupidity, ignorance, and narrow-mindedness. None of these things fit into D&D. Unless of coarse you wish to be some hate-mongering churches' poster child against D&D.

Obviously, sir, you were never forced to eat lima beans as a child. Then you would know the meaning of the word "hate".

Scarab Sages

And on the previous note....

I HATE having to cut down on my soft-drink consumption, even though it is healthy for me.

I HATE having missed the first episode of Stan Lee's So You Want to be a Superhero (and I normally HATE reality TV).

I HATE the heat wave we've had lately. It makes me feel like I'm living in the ass crack of hell again (that's New Orleans for those not in the know).

I HATE lima beans (also brocolli, asparagus, and peas).

I (sometimes) HATE getting up in the morning and coming to work.

I HATE the thought of driving home in Friday traffic.

After 4 days of sneaking around at work to read all 757 previous posts, I finally make a reply to this fantastic thread and the "Tab" key on my computer keeps sending me back to the first post and erasing what i have written here.
So now on my third attempt at this... here goes.

There has been a lot of discussion on the 3.X Powergaming/Munchkinism issue. I agree with the person that said this behavior is ultimately the responsibility of the player, but i do feel that 3.X makes it easier to accomplish this with all the unnecessary feats/skills/PrC's and crap that most people just don't have time for.
Speaking of not having time. I hate that the close knit and highly entertaining group that I grew up playing D&D with has suffered so much from the curse of "growing up" and now can't seem to get together for 5 minutes much less get a game together.
The group I am now gaming with contains a little more "Rollplaying" and not enough "Roleplaying". But we are running the SCAP and haveing a good time of it.
I would love to get a group going with some of the posters on these forums (although very unlikey we will ever meet) I have been reading several posts and feel that some of us are a bit of kindred spirits. Fake Healer, F2K, Grimcleaver, Ultradan, Lilith, and many more (just too many,no offense to those not mentioned).
I could bi&^% for days about all the stuff that pi#%&^ me off but after reading this entire thread most of it has been covered and I feel better just knowing I'm not the only one who has to go through this life with these issues, keep the posts coming.

BrotherDog wrote:
I'll start off by saying "Hate" or hatred is a result of stupidity, ignorance, and narrow-mindedness. None of these things fit into D&D.

Haven't posted here in a while, but it's always good to reassess one's point of perspective over time...yup, i pretty much feel the same way as i did many months ago. So, you can find this rant on page one of this thread or here:

I'm not sure if i've ever hated anything in my entire life. Hate is a very strong word and i think has been hijacked by some of the other feelings that you all have described here. I'll do a quick find/replace for hate and replace it with dislike and other such verbiage. In the vein of being malcontent, here goes:

I dislike a general lack of education for players and DMs.

I am not fond of pride or selfishness, both of which contribute to ignorance.

I distain using laziness as a justification for anything. Laziness breeds stupidity.

I take exception to any other system of tabletop governance other than Democracy. A DM is not a dictator and the sum of players is not greater than the DM...Unawares DMs or players will consistantly encounter problems in their games.

I abhor generalizing (in general), unilatarilizing, typing, grouping, or "body of working" for answering any rules-related question (stat-block related). This is otherwise recognized as narrow-mindedness.

And finally, I can't stomach refusing to or failure to recognize one's own faults. Placing blame for anything that you can control yourself (by whatever means necessary), suggests any one (or more) of the following: ignorance, pride, selfishness, laziness, poor governance, and narrow-mindedness.

As ever,

The Exchange

I hate people who feel that Hate is an emotion that is beneath them. Congrats on having a life full of sunshine and happiness, but some of us have lived through many personal hells, including addictions, children being taken from us by cheating ex-loves, family abuse, spousal abuse, random acts of violence, whatever.
I wouldn't belittle someone else's emotions whether love, lust, joy, etc. please stop telling us that our feeling aren't "justified" or that "I don't believe in subscibing to negative feeling.". You sound like a bunch of F*$%ing hippies. My emotions are just as valid as yours. If I hate it is because I was forced to hate, I don't want this emotion but it is there, just like love, heartache, happiness and sorrow.

If life hands you lemons, you know what to do.
If life beats you to an emotionally shattered pulp and you some how survive, it would be nice if someone would allow you to feel the hatred of the situations that led to your mental abuse, without belittling your emotions.

FH (Fist of Rage)

Damn..... amen brother

::raises fist in agreement::

Scarab Sages

From Webster's Dictionary:

Hate - 1)To feel great hostility or animosity toward. 2)To feel dislike or distaste for.

If the word "hate" gets the point across, then I see no reason not to use it. If others feel differently, well, it is a free country. But I have to agree with FH that you sound like a hippies.... And I HATE hippies.

The Exchange

BTW...Hardcore thanks for the mention in your short list, and I echo the sentiments. I would consider it an honor to game with many of the posters of this messageboard. One day D&D will have a version of the game that is playable over the internet that actually works and then heaven on earth will be realized.

FH (dreaming of brighter tomorrow)

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Aberzombie wrote:
And I HATE hippies.

Me too. They taste like patchouli. I hate patchouli.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

I hate people who feel that Hate is an emotion that is beneath them.

FH (Fist of Rage)

Just don't be a playa' hata' dog.

Fake Healer you kick ass
I say i can hate whatever the Fu%& i want to hate
on that note i hate hippies!
thank you and yeah it would be tight if we could have one massive gameday so that we could all play that be tight!

Fake Healer wrote:

BTW...Hardcore thanks for the mention in your short list, and I echo the sentiments. I would consider it an honor to game with many of the posters of this messageboard. One day D&D will have a version of the game that is playable over the internet that actually works and then heaven on earth will be realized.

FH (dreaming of brighter tomorrow)

Some day all gamers will find a game on the global internet. Fake Healer show us the way. Bring heaven on Earth.

Spread the Hate
or love
or joy
or sorrow
or what ever a human may feel.
Only a fool believes he has control of his feelings. We can only control the way we express our feelings. Ranting on this thread is lot more positive than throwing rocks at crack heads. (although thier is something cathartic about dropping a crack head with a rock from 50 yards out.)

Liberty's Edge

Sir Kaikillah wrote:
Ranting on this thread is lot more positive than throwing rocks at crack heads. (although thier is something cathartic about dropping a crack head with a rock from 50 yards out.)

So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

LOL!! That was too good!!!!

I don't hate puns.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
Sir Kaikillah wrote:
Ranting on this thread is lot more positive than throwing rocks at crack heads. (although thier is something cathartic about dropping a crack head with a rock from 50 yards out.)
So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

Oh, I get it! Like a CRACK-pipe! Oh! Ha! God, are you a comic genius!! Zing-Bam and he's funny!

FH (not laughing;))

Liberty's Edge

Hey! Don't get mad at me, just because your skeletons skeletons are double imaging in your dungeon.
Heathansson (hate-free for over 5 minutes)

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:

Hey! Don't get mad at me, just because your skeletons skeletons are double imaging in your dungeon.

Heathansson (hate-free for over 5 minutes)

Ouch! I fixed that 4 times and they kept doing that EVERY time I saved the file...drove me nuts!


Emotions are completely healthy as long as they're kept in perspective.

My mom was technically a hippy. So, if you hate hippies, I hate your mom, too. It's only fair.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Hey! Don't get mad at me, just because your skeletons skeletons are double imaging in your dungeon.

Heathansson (hate-free for over 5 minutes)

Ouch! I fixed that 4 times and they kept doing that EVERY time I saved the file...drove me nuts!


This is where I would come into the control room at work, ranting and raving about a computer developing artificial unintelligence just to mess with me, and a good friend of mine (God rest his soul) would say, "sounds operator error."

Watta joik.

The Exchange

James Keegan wrote:

Emotions are completely healthy as long as they're kept in perspective.

My mom was technically a hippy. So, if you hate hippies, I hate your mom, too. It's only fair.

Good, my mother is a piece of s%@t. I doubt your hate for her could come close to mine for her. Some people are just evil for evil's sake, and some just like causing others pain. My mommy was both. The only reason I have to attend her funeral(when it happens) is to see her evil little face buried. I look forward to that moment.

FH (does hating evil make oneself evil?)

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:

This is where I would come into the control room at work, ranting and raving about a computer developing artificial unintelligence just to mess with me, and a good friend of mine (God rest his soul) would say, "sounds operator error."
Watta joik.

Happened alot, didn't it. Yeah must be those damn computers!

Shouldn't you be wrestlin' armadillos or round'n up coyotes or somethin' like that instead?
Now fetch me a Jack-a-Lope sammich!


Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Was that a Texas slur?

Daigle(reppin' Tejas)

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

Shouldn't you be wrestlin' armadillos or round'n up coyotes or somethin' like that instead?
Now fetch me a Jack-a-Lope sammich!


Sounds like a good Hummer's Parade float.

Heathansson(internet scholar extraordinaire)

Fake Healer wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Sir Kaikillah wrote:
Ranting on this thread is lot more positive than throwing rocks at crack heads. (although thier is something cathartic about dropping a crack head with a rock from 50 yards out.)
So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

Oh, I get it! Like a CRACK-pipe! Oh! Ha! God, are you a comic genius!! Zing-Bam and he's funny!

FH (not laughing;))

There was no pun intented. I did not even realize the pun of "throwing rocks crack heads" until you brought it up. I'm tired of the crack heads hanging out in front of my work and hassling me, my co workers and the nice people in the park. So I want to throw rocks at them. But instead I will rant on this message board about "throwing rocks and cracking crack heads from 50 yards out."

ha ha still not laughing FH

So What? Ha ha

P>S> This afternoon, I got my camera out and started taking pictures of the crack heads and the cars visiting them, I made sure they all knew what I was doing, and they cleared out.

Cosmo wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
And I HATE hippies.
Me too. They taste like patchouli. I hate patchouli.

I hate patchouli, hippies smell like patchouli and body odor, a stanky combination.

The Exchange

Sir Kaikillah wrote:
P>S> This afternoon, I got my camera out and started taking pictures of the crack heads and the cars visiting them, I made sure they all knew what I was doing, and they cleared out.

Just be careful. Crack heads have nothing to lose and may lash out. Stay safe. I would do the same thing. Living under seige sucks. Just stay safe, we'd hate to lose you.


PS my previous post was a slur on Heathansons not Texans, so put down the cattle prod.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:


PS my previous post was a slur on Heathansons not Texans, so put down the cattle prod.

He's just jealous because he lives in Delaware, and in Texas, we'd call Delaware a "ranch" not a "state."

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Fake Healer wrote:

PS my previous post was a slur on Heathansons not Texans, so put down the cattle prod.

Awww Fakey. I never get to use the cattle prod.

James Keegan wrote:

Emotions are completely healthy as long as they're kept in perspective.

My mom was technically a hippy. So, if you hate hippies, I hate your mom, too. It's only fair.

I'm with James here. Provided it's not just a joke, I don't understand the hippy hate. And if it is just a joke, this is for all those people who really do feel badly towards them.

Is it because they are percieved as being a bunch of druggies? So are a lot of poor, inner city residents. I don't see people complaining about them. Is it because they have a large amount of yuppies in their ranks? So do the economically involved, upwardly mobile suburbanites, and they don't recieve that kind of attention. Perhaps the clothing of the hippies? D&D players shouldn't be getting intolerant. We have people who think we're the spawn of the devil, suicidal/homical maniacs, you know? Be a little more tolerant and understanding.

Most of the image of hippies as an object of universal derision seems to have been generated by the very Nazi-like religious leaders, ranting about long-hars when there's a picture of Jesus right next to them, with hair to his shoulders, and corporate leeches, so insanely fanatical about their own income that they are deathly afraid of anyone who isn't a good-little-consumer, and the members of the factions in politics who have existed since the dawn of said politics, the ones who enslaved in centuries past, the ones who start wars over nothing, power-hungry, fear-mongering, paranoic, hypocritic, manipulative bas****s.

Think about what started all the hippy stuff. They just came from the era of the Civil Rights movement. In previous decades, America and a large amount of the rest of the Western world seemed to be living in a plastic consumer society, where everyone is supposed to shut up, keep their head down, and play house, and be good little cogs in the wheel. Meanwhile, America is facing off with the USSR and building up a plan of mutual assured destruction.

Let's think about that a bit. Mutual assured destruction. Ok... there's some logic there, twisted as it may be. "You can't take me down, or you'll go down, too." The problem arises when you are talking about NATIONS. Not two guys with guns squaring off in the street. Whole countries, and some of the largest in the world at that, with leaders willing to risk sacrificing their entire populace over their policy. It's even worse when it's not just the populace of that nation, but thanks to our fascination with weapons too powerful for our own good, you're talking about total global destruction.

Total. Global. Destruction. You, your spouse, your parents, your children, your friends, all of your family, everyone you ever cared about, met, or even saw. Dead. Cities wasted and empty, with no one there to even understand what went wrong. For a time, there would be some survivors, but they are the unlucky ones, since the ones who were destroyed in the blasts were at least able to die quickly. No, anyone who lived through it gets to exist in a world of wasting disease, where the animals die, the crops won't work, clouds of radiation surround the earth, and it's a race to see if you starve or die of cancer first. And there is no hope for any offspring you may have, since the same world will face them, and on and on, for centuries after the last of humanity has been eradicated.

Wouldn't that be enough to make one say, "Screw you! Screw all of this! You can have your damned wars and your prejudice, but I'm not going to live like that. And I'm not going to live around people like that. And I'm not going to raise my children like that. I believe in a better way, and I'm going to try and find it. A way of peace and love for my fellow human being." Enter the hippies.

I know a lot of them can be pretty out there. I don't believe in psychic, cosmic crystal powers and such, as is the typical image portrayed of the hippies (images brought to you through the services of the media of the corporations and authority figures who dispise the "long hairs", by the way). But the fundamental essence is a doctrine of peace and love. And I, personally, find that to be very agreeable, and, again in my opinion, the only real Stregnth and Wisdom that exists.


hmm...Saern, i think you may be on to something here.

hippy = counterculture representative = societally denigrated to help further the cause of the status quo.

of course, i like saying "i hate hippies" because it's funny to me. and i REALLY can't stand B.O. covered up with mud, patchouli, weed-smoke, and the like.

personally, i hate stupidity.

willful ignorance, diregarding logic, sheepishly following the status quo, rubbernecking, drunk driving, and self-inflicted wounds are all in the same boat with me. people should feel excruciating pain (like a spinal puncture or severe neck spasm) when they DO something stupid. (perhaps it can ramp up to that level as they go along, so they get an idea of what is going to come about.)

other than that, i'm ok with pretty much anything.

even hippies. so long as they don't stink up my personal airspace, or subject me to stupid ideas about crystals forecasting my personal future or other bs.

the hamster

Fake Healer wrote:
Sir Kaikillah wrote:
P>S> This afternoon, I got my camera out and started taking pictures of the crack heads and the cars visiting them, I made sure they all knew what I was doing, and they cleared out.

Just be careful. Crack heads have nothing to lose and may lash out. Stay safe. I would do the same thing. Living under seige sucks. Just stay safe, we'd hate to lose you.


PS my previous post was a slur on Heathansons not Texans, so put down the cattle prod.

Fortunatly I don't live in south central LA, so I am not worried about getting shot. For the most part, the crack heads in my neighborhood seem to be self absorbed cowards

But thanks, I'll stay frosty.

I have no hate for hippies, but potchouli stinks and doesn't hide body odor, just adds to the stink.

Hippies are confusing in my perspective they are walking oxy-morons. They preach against materialism, yet drive 4 runners, winter on Maui, and by groceries at expensive health food stores. They don't seem to want to work and always have money for more pot.

For being enviromentally concsious they can leave a mess. They tend to wonder and walk where ever they like, tromp on delicate reefs and endangered flora and fauna. They can leave a mess at a campsite and cut down a rare Milo tree for fire wood. (Hunters and fishermen are the true conservationists in America in my opinion)

Hippies can both seem appreciative of native cultures and intolerant of native practices. They like to cut fishing lines, cause "I want to swim naked on this beach how dare you fish here". Native fishermen still feed thier families here with fishing and have done so for generation, show some respect. Hippies who have read a book on "Hawaiiana" and took a Hawaiian culture class at Maui Comm. College, are always telling me how to act Hawaiian. I don't tell them how to be hippie?

So my concept of what a hippie is does not come from corporate American propoganda but my own observation. The above is a generalization and for the most part I get along with many hippies (If I was not friendly to hippies they would never take the time to tell me how to be Hawaiian).

For the record, I hate patchouli stink as well, and I was pretty much joking. In general, hippy hate comes down to annoyance (stereotype being "hippies" are lazy drug addicts that would rather smoke pot or sit around than affect the change they espouse) and from hypocrisy in '60s counterculture. A lot of the Free Love folks were less than keen on African Americans besides Jimmy Hendrix. And let's not forget Charles Manson. If one dislikes hippies, one of my favorite fine artists, Raymond Pettibon (famous for punk rock album covers and flyers from the '70s/'80s) did a lot of great word/image ink drawings about the hypocrisy and decline of the counterculture.

Liberty's Edge

I was driving with my wife today and we went on an overpass that was backed up due to construction.
So she says, "I HATE this CRAP!!! Oh...wait...sorry.

Heathansson wrote:

I was driving with my wife today and we went on an overpass that was backed up due to construction.

So she says, "I HATE this CRAP!!! Oh...wait...sorry.

She gets it. Please forward her my rant.

As ever,

Liberty's Edge

I know a thing or two about hatred, like the difference between what one feels in a traffic jam and what one feels for the person that collapsed your father's lung with a steel pipe fifteen years ago. The feeling is not dissimilar at all; the difference is in degrees.
And I had pages and pages of chain-of-thought scribblings, using Roget's to include each and every contortion of the concept of hatred, just to make sure the totality of the emotion was expressed in the disjointed ramblings therein.
The danger with hatred is that a mole hill can become a mountain, if you will. Numerous Road Rage incidents inevitably build and build to one final extremely unfortunate event. Each cutoff, each rude driver, each bad finger bounces around in ones thalamus until the whole entirety snowballs.
So one seeks catharsis. One talks to friends, or to experts, or to a bartender who has heard it all before. Or one posts little snippets of ire on a thread called "place your rant here."
Then some other poor soul, if you will, comes along and says, "gosh, I HATE it when that happens."
And you get a warm fuzzy that creation isn't just picking on you.
And there is perhaps one less rubber ball of fury bouncing around in your thalamus building up a good head of steam.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:

I know a thing or two about hatred, like the difference between what one feels in a traffic jam and what one feels for the person that collapsed your father's lung with a steel pipe fifteen years ago. The feeling is not dissimilar at all; the difference is in degrees.

And I had pages and pages of chain-of-thought scribblings, using Roget's to include each and every contortion of the concept of hatred, just to make sure the totality of the emotion was expressed in the disjointed ramblings therein.
The danger with hatred is that a mole hill can become a mountain, if you will. Numerous Road Rage incidents inevitably build and build to one final extremely unfortunate event. Each cutoff, each rude driver, each bad finger bounces around in ones thalamus until the whole entirety snowballs.
So one seeks catharsis. One talks to friends, or to experts, or to a bartender who has heard it all before. Or one posts little snippets of ire on a thread called "place your rant here."
Then some other poor soul, if you will, comes along and says, "gosh, I HATE it when that happens."
And you get a warm fuzzy that creation isn't just picking on you.
And there is perhaps one less rubber ball of fury bouncing around in your thalamus building up a good head of steam.



Scarab Sages

James Keegan wrote:
For the record, I hate patchouli stink as well, and I was pretty much joking. In general, hippy hate comes down to annoyance (stereotype being "hippies" are lazy drug addicts that would rather smoke pot or sit around than affect the change they espouse) and from hypocrisy in '60s counterculture. A lot of the Free Love folks were less than keen on African Americans besides Jimmy Hendrix. And let's not forget Charles Manson. If one dislikes hippies, one of my favorite fine artists, Raymond Pettibon (famous for punk rock album covers and flyers from the '70s/'80s) did a lot of great word/image ink drawings about the hypocrisy and decline of the counterculture.

What he said. By the way, just WTF is "patchouli"? I mean, I know I'm (originally) from Louisiana, and we're all just a bunch of moonshine-drinking, gator-wrestling, back-water cajuns, but I've never even heard of patchouli. Is that even a real word, or are you all just messing with me?

What he said. By the way, just WTF is "patchouli"?

It's an oil that some people wear. A girl I dated many years ago wore for a while. It is as bad as everyone here says.

Hi guys! New poster here with a 1st Edition AD&D question regarding the Cavalier/Paladin class relationships.

In Unearthed Arcana, Cavaliers can increase their dexterity and constitution by an initial roll of percentile dice at first level. An initial roll of 87 is shown with an initial DEX 15 as 15/87. When they achieve each higher level, 2d10 is rolled and added to their STR, DEX and CON scores. When they achieve 100, the main score is raised by one with a carry-over of percentile score (ie. initial 15/87, 2d10 roll of 19 for new score of 16/06). Paladins get to raise their CHA score in the same manner.

I would like to quote Unearthed Arcana on page 16.

"The powers, abilities and level advancement of the paladin as described in the Player's Handbook remain unchanged. In addition, the paladin gains the abilities and powers of the cavalier class, including weapons of choice, parrying ability, horsemanship, saving throw bonuses, and immunity to fear. The padadin may also increase his or her charisma score in the same way that he or she (as a cavalier) can increase strength, dexterity and constitution."

I take this to mean that a paladin gets to increase STR, DEX, CON, and CHA in this way. I'm being told that they only get to increase STR and CHA.

I've always played Paladins the way I've interpreted that passage without any disagreements until now. Which is the correct interpretation?


I hate when Players play paladins as self rightous sanctamonius A%!%&%#s. I hate it when Dms make your paladin be a sanctamonius self rightous ass. I am pretty sure i know whats in my paladins code of conduct. Im pretty sure its in his line of reasoning thatif the person that you were supposed to apprehend saved you. My character would have no problem letting him go this time. I dont care that im LAWFULL GOOD. It doesnt mean i have to be all
Holy and Stupid about it. This got me into an argument with my DM.
Resulting in my paladin being Stripped of his Paladiness. I refuse to atone for it either. I stand by my principle what do you think?

The Exchange

JStrong wrote:

I hate when Players play paladins as self rightous sanctamonius a#%@~#~s. I hate it when Dms make your paladin be a sanctamonius self rightous ass. I am pretty sure i know whats in my paladins code of conduct. Im pretty sure its in his line of reasoning thatif the person that you were supposed to apprehend saved you. My character would have no problem letting him go this time. I dont care that im LAWFULL GOOD. It doesnt mean i have to be all

Holy and Stupid about it. This got me into an argument with my DM.
Resulting in my paladin being Stripped of his Paladiness. I refuse to atone for it either. I stand by my principle what do you think?

Don't play Paladins.

Lawful is a strict adherance to rules/morals/and or orders. Good is acting in a manner that is wholesome and protects the weak. Your character let someone go who was to be apprehended. Is it possible that this individual could cause harm to other innocents? Letting him go is bad enough but if he/she/it is evil and could jepardize innocent lives or livelyhoods then you have broken your alignments basic code on both axises.
Unless you have a code of conduct that you have written down and submitted to the DM, then DM has to make a call based on alignment based offenses only. If you DID write down a moral code like this: 1. protect the weak 2. allow suspects who save me to have immunity to justice 3. Let evil guys who save me to go free and massacre more poor folk etc...... then you are golden.

Paladins played right are cool, but having an undefined code of conduct is something that the class shouldn't be allowed to operate without, it allows players to justify certain actions with the "it isn't against MY code of conduct" argument and forces DM's to make judgements based solely on alignment transgressions.


Aberzombie wrote:
James Keegan wrote:

What he said. By the way, just WTF is "patchouli"? I mean, I know I'm (originally) from Louisiana, and we're all just a bunch of moonshine-drinking, gator-wrestling, back-water cajuns, but I've never even heard of patchouli. Is that even a real word, or are you all just messing with me?

I'm just a big bourbon drinking, shark wrestling, big water moke from Maui and unfortunate enough to know what patchouli is. Patchouli is a foul smelling oil many hippies put on. Why I do not know? Consider your self lucky you don't know the patchouli stink. But i would guess deoderant smell bad to hippies.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Fake Healer wrote:

Don't play Paladins.

Lawful is a strict adherance to rules/morals/and or orders. Good is acting in a manner that is wholesome and protects the weak. Your character let someone go who was to be apprehended. Is it possible that this individual could cause harm to other innocents? Letting him go is bad enough but if he/she/it is evil and could jepardize innocent lives or livelyhoods then you have broken your alignments basic code on both axises.
Unless you have a code of conduct that you have written down and submitted to the DM, then DM has to make a call based on alignment based offenses only. If you DID write down a moral code like this: 1. protect the weak 2. allow suspects who save me to have immunity to justice 3. Let evil guys who save me to go free and massacre more poor folk etc...... then you are golden.

What if the paladin gave his word to the person before they were saved? Just curious how that affects your analysis.

Fake Healer wrote:
JStrong wrote:

I hate when Players play paladins as self rightous sanctamonius a#%@~#~s. I hate it when Dms make your paladin be a sanctamonius self rightous ass. I am pretty sure i know whats in my paladins code of conduct. Im pretty sure its in his line of reasoning thatif the person that you were supposed to apprehend saved you. My character would have no problem letting him go this time. I dont care that im LAWFULL GOOD. It doesnt mean i have to be all

Holy and Stupid about it. This got me into an argument with my DM.
Resulting in my paladin being Stripped of his Paladiness. I refuse to atone for it either. I stand by my principle what do you think?

Don't play Paladins.

Lawful is a strict adherance to rules/morals/and or orders. Good is acting in a manner that is wholesome and protects the weak. Your character let someone go who was to be apprehended. Is it possible that this individual could cause harm to other innocents? Letting him go is bad enough but if he/she/it is evil and could jepardize innocent lives or livelyhoods then you have broken your alignments basic code on both axises.
Unless you have a code of conduct that you have written down and submitted to the DM, then DM has to make a call based on alignment based offenses only. If you DID write down a moral code like this: 1. protect the weak 2. allow suspects who save me to have immunity to justice 3. Let evil guys who save me to go free and massacre more poor folk etc...... then you are golden.

Paladins played right are cool, but having an undefined code of conduct is something that the class shouldn't be allowed to operate without, it allows players to justify certain actions with the "it isn't against MY code of conduct" argument and forces DM's to make judgements based solely on alignment transgressions.


I agree with FH on the written code of conduct that will save time arguing with your DM.

But I am more libral on difining alignment. A LG Paladin could let a fugitive, who just help save his life, a pela, go this time. The fugitive saved his life, a life for a life, sounds like a fair trade. It seems to happen a lot in stories in movies. I would think that if said fugitive committed more crimes (especially heinous ones), the Paladin would have a moral dalema. He may need to go on a quest to pursue said fugitive relentlessly.

anyway my two cents

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Sir Kaikillah wrote:
But I am more libral on difining alignment. A LG Paladin could let a fugitive, who just help save his life, a pela, go this time. The fugitive saved his life, a life for a life, sounds like a fair trade. It seems to happen a lot in stories in movies. I would think that if said fugitive committed more crimes (especially heinous ones), the Paladin would have a moral dalema. He may need to go on a quest to pursue said fugitive relentlessly.

Yeah, are we talking a fugitive in the sense of Kevin Spacey in Se7en or a fugitive in the sense of the guy in Les Mes? (John Val John?) If the guy is a serial killer/torturer, that demands a sterner response than if he just stole some bread.

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