The Shackled City Hardcover Errors

Shackled City Adventure Path

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I noticed my first errors in the Shackled City Hardcover. Pg 392-393 Fellian Shard (Half-Elf Rogue1/Cleric1); they have down Strength as a Domain for the NPC, he is a follower of Fharlaghn and Strength is not a Domain of that Deity. I looked in the original adventure in Dungeon 97 and Noticed they had Travel as his 2nd chosen Domain that is a Domain of Fharlaghn so I corrected the NPC. The other problem I noticed was that they have him using a longsword, which he is incapable of using; the same mistake was made in Dungeon 97. I corrected that by replacing the longsword with a Heavy Mace.
Anyone else notice any other errors?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

More errors Kind of..
Keygan Ghelve Pg 366 has Spells in his spell book he can not cast. That in itself is not an problem since he does not use them, but it is odd

Steven Lau wrote:

More errors Kind of..

Keygan Ghelve Pg 366 has Spells in his spell book he can not cast. That in itself is not an problem since he does not use them, but it is odd

nerd alarm... -.-

please just have fun with this awesome book.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
masterpaw wrote:

nerd alarm... -.-

please just have fun with this awesome book.

Hey I was not putting down the Book... I love the Book... I was just putting out useful info and trying to get useful info back. no need to insult me. If you were upset by my orginal post I apologize

masterpaw wrote:

nerd alarm... -.-

Dude that was just wrong. Like any player of D&D can get away with calling someone else a dork or nerd...sure, maybe there are varing levels, but the shoe fits most of us. I think it is helpful to point out areas that mught cause confusion during play so that those questions can be addressed prior to the game session and not disrupt play. Nothing is worse than being a DM and reading something during a game and having a player say that's not correct, and then having to scramble for the reference books. It just kills play.

Me, I allow mages to have spells higher than they can cast in their spell books, or spell books that they have captured from foes. I don't use the rule that a Wizard instantally knows new spells when they level up. They have to have those spells available to learn, so if they can get their hands on higher level spells, then those spells will be available when the time comes for them to learn them.

ASEO out

masterpaw wrote:
Steven Lau wrote:

More errors Kind of..

Keygan Ghelve Pg 366 has Spells in his spell book he can not cast. That in itself is not an problem since he does not use them, but it is odd

nerd alarm... -.-

please just have fun with this awesome book.

First off masterpaw is just plain rude; ignore him Steven, keep publishing any errata here.

As someone who edits books for a living it is always great, but frustrating, to get feedback on anything you publish. It helps when writing errata and when publishing a second print run.

And finally just as ASEO says it helps DMs before they play.

Keep up the good work Steven.


Dark Archive

masterpaw wrote:

nerd alarm... -.-

Wow man, completely uncalled for. We are not insulting the editors or publishers of the hardcover when we point out mistakes but rather fine tuning the product to make it easier for us to use. If you really think, "nerd alarm..." when you see threads like these than simply do not click anything that mentions errors or errata in the title. :P

In an attempt to get a good errata latter I also found a mistake. The DC for Saagogoi's death attack (monk/assassin from room 18 in Zenith trajectory) should be 16 not 15 (found on page 375). DC= 10+assassin level+INT mod, 10+3+3(16 INT)=16. The DC is correct at 15 for his stunning fist.

Uncalled for masterpaw. If you can't play nice then don't come around here.

I too found a small error while reading up on Secrets of the Soul Pillars. Event 30: Assassins - Tactics. "Zaenna and Tulrak each cast Divine Favor before the fight begins". Only problem is that Tulrak is not a divine caster. Ike did cast Imbue with Spell-like Ability on him but he gave him CLW and SoF as 1st level spells. The other issue is that Divine Favor is an Evocation spell and thus can't be Imbued.

I also checked Dungeon 109 and it's the same there as well. I'm prepping SotSP right now so that's why I didn't catch it earlier.

Sovereign Court

Here's a couple that I found in LIFE'S BAZAAR:

1] M6: The statue of Zenith Splintershield should be be facing northWEST, not northeast. When you look at the map, it's obvious.

2] M6 (again): The last sentence on page 65 reads "The southeast doors are designed to allow sound to pass through them; the guards in area M21 hear sounds of combat emanating from this room..." It should read M22. Again, when you look at the map, it's obvious.

Sovereign Court

Here's couple more (also from LIFE'S BAZAAR):

3] J56: Under "Treasure" it reads, "Only by searching the remains can the characters spot the coffers within." No search DC is given.

4] M25: Lemures can be found on page 57 of the MM, not 48.

Is there an official errata for the SCAP hardcover? I've found a number of things I think are errors and some I know are errors. I could post them, but I really think it would be helpful to have an easier place to find errata, rather than having to comb through the message board.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeffrey Stop wrote:

Is there an official errata for the SCAP hardcover? I've found a number of things I think are errors and some I know are errors. I could post them, but I really think it would be helpful to have an easier place to find errata, rather than having to comb through the message board.

There is no official errata for Shackled City yet.

James Jacobs wrote:
There is no official errata for Shackled City yet.

James: Is there someplace we should submit these things to, just post them to the messageboard, or just keep them to ourselves until such time as you want to hear about them?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeffrey Stop wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
There is no official errata for Shackled City yet.
James: Is there someplace we should submit these things to, just post them to the messageboard, or just keep them to ourselves until such time as you want to hear about them?

Actually... post them to this thread. If we do a reprint of the hardcover, we'll probably go through and correct the errors at that point. Until then, if I get a chance, I'll see about compiling up a list of errata and posting it somewhere. Until THEN... this is the best place to post them.

And thanks, everyone, for posting the errors you find. In a book the size of Shackled City, errors are pretty much gonna happen no matter what. I still hate them though. ;-)

James: First, let me say how much I enjoyed the Shackled City Adventure Path in Dungeon and when I got the book -- WOW! -- I was blown away at the quality you added to it. It was worth every penny I paid for it.

You're right about the errors and I think you did a great job getting feedback regarding the magazine version of the AP to minimize what made its way into the book.

Here are some things I found in the book that I think are wrong:
(page 51) Creatures: Skulks (2): hp 9 each
There is only one skulk in this room.

(page 167) Regarding Alakast, the magical staff, it says: "The hags sent some of their minions out to steal this staff from Surabar’s tomb some time ago;..." Yet on page 337, under Alakast it says: "Several decades after Surabar’s death, a group of bandits stole Alakast from the wizard’s tomb. These tomb robbers met a grisly end only a few days later on the Demonskar’s rim, and for some time Alakast lay forgotten in these ruins until it was discovered by a coven of half-fey green hags (see Chapter Five)."

These accounts don't seem to mesh.

(I'm going on memory because I don't have my book with me on this.)
In the description of Thifirane Rhiavadi’s home, on the second floor (room 21?), it's mentioned as having a nice view, but the window is facing southwest. This means the wall's blocking her view and she can only see a few homes.

To match the Cauldron city map, Lord Vhalantru’s house should be rotated 45-60 degrees clockwise on the battle map in relation to West.

The description of the dining room in Lord Vhalantru’s house says it has a nice view. However, it's on the first floor and faces southeast, towards the wall. The surrounding buildings would also block a lot of the view.

Or am I missing a "stadium seating" effect where the house is higher than those around it?

(page 257) In the third paragraph under Creatures:, it mentions that Uhlia is two years old. In the seventh paragraph (second column), it mentions Uhlia is seven years old. She obviously can’t be two ages at once.

(page 299) Description: "A sinister, serpent-like hissing begins as soon as a living creature approaches within twenty of the room." This seems like too much information for just a description – too specific with its mention of the living creature. In fact, the entire description really reads as something for the DM’s eyes, not the player’s.

(page 300) Under Viirdran’s tactics, the durations of the spells he casts on himself are based on a caster level of 5. He’s an Evoker5/Eldritch Knight3, so his caster level is 7 (appropriately given in his stat block). So the duration of the spells should be mage armor (lasts 7 hours), protection from energy (fire; lasts 70 minutes), shield (lasts 7 minutes), fox’s cunning (lasts 7 minutes), and haste (lasts 7 rounds; affects up to 7 creatures).

(page 300) Under Viirdran’s tactics, it mentions that he uses his Mobility feat to increase his AC by +5, taking a –5 penalty on his attack rolls. This should be his Combat Expertise feat.

Adrick Garthun (page 346): Does he really have a belt of giant strength +2 or is it some other value?

TYPOS (the really ticky-tack stuff)
Events 34-46 are listed like "EVENT 34."; the other events are listed like "EVENT 34:".

There are several mispellings in the black sidebars (e.g., proceedure and compeltly).

Good Job, Jeff!

Jeffrey Stop wrote:


(I'm going on memory because I don't have my book with me on this.)

(Now I do.)

(page 232) After revisiting the map and room descriptions, I believe the descriptions for these two rooms should be switched. R22 says, "Thifirane often retires to this room to relax and watch the city below." R21 has two windows that would allow Thifirane to see most of the city, while R22 has only one window and it faces towards the southern wall, which is quite close to House Rhiavadi.

Should be rotated approximately 45 degrees clockwise in the blow-up of the house to match what's on the Cauldron city map. (i.e., the house should be on a southeast-northwest axis rather than the east-west axis it is currently.)

(page 238) In the description of the room it states: "The east wall sports five impressive floor-to-ceiling windows that afford a nice view of southern Cauldron."

The positioning of the house seems to indicate otherwise, but if the house is higher than those houses immediately east and southeast of the house, it may be true. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. :-)


{ These may or may not be errors, but I think these are inconsistent with the prerequisites. }

(page 342) Gather Information 6 ranks is required to become a Pathwarden, but it is not a class skill for the Pathwarden. I think it should be.

(page 342) Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier
I think this should be 6, considering the low hit points (d6) and average BAB. I personally don't think the Special abilities are any better than what you'd get as a Rogue or a Ranger which get 8 and 6 skill points per level, respectively. Though introspection is very nice...

Dark Archive

DEMONSKAR LEGACY: In the event Fire in the Night, after 10 rounds Zarn Kyass ("The Blue Duke") shows up to help fight the fire elementals, and helps put out the fire with "multiple cones of cold". Zarn can only use cone of cold 1/day.


No search DC is listed for finding these ingenious secret doors. (The ones that you need to break through and a mending spell repairs).

I'm working my way through the SCAP hardcover, statblocking the NPCs for my campaign and these are the errors I found so far related to chapter 1, life's bazaar. Some of them are really minor, and only one is cause for alarm.

P350: Damaged Pulverizer Automaton has no listed speed
P360: Goblin adept and Goblin Skirmisher are out of alphabetical order.
P361: The hammerer automaton is not shown as having darkvision 60'
P365: Kazmojen's statistics are seriously at odds with the Fiend Folio description of Half-troll. Specifically:
* He is not proficient with his Dwarven urgosh, so his attacks should be +6, +2/-2 instead of the printed +10, +6/+2. He's really way better off using his claws.
* His bite attack bonus should be +3, not +2 during a full attack routine.
* His claw damage should be 1d4 + 5, not 1d6 + 4.
* His bite damage should be 1d6 + 2, not 1d4 + 2
* He is shown as having regeneration 5, that should be fast healing 5
P374: Pyllrak Shyraat's creature type is "Outside"
P374: The adjusted saving throws for Prickles' quills and howl are not shown (he's 2 HD smaller than a standard howler, so I think they should be 15 and 11 respectively)
P378: Stone Spike has a touch AC of 10 despite a Dex of 8 and being medium size. He does not seem to have a deflection AC bonus, so should have a total AC of 17 and a touch AC of 9.
P380: Thifirane Rhiavadi has the skill Knowledge (arcane), not Knowledge (arcana)
P393: Fellian Shard is shown as having the strength domain, should be travel.
P393: Fellian Shard is shown as posessing a shortbow, but the damage profile in the attack section is for the longbow (1d8). Furthermore, there's no reason for him to use a shortbow.
P393: Fellian Shard has an 8 strength and should therefore have a -1 penalty on his ranged weapon damage rolls.

Appendix IV: Inconsistent capitalization scheme, e.g., "Goblin adept", "Goblin Skirmisher", "Goblin Sneak", "Half-orc fighter"

Issues with SCAP

In appendix IV, the progressing NPC statblocks are placed after the nonprogressing NPCs. There should be a separate appendix for leveling NPCs, with an entry for each of those NPCs in appendix IV that says something like "see appendix V". It's somewhat frustrating to search for, say, Fellian Shard under "F" and "S" before realizing he's at the back of the appendix.

Issues with the Adventure Path

Through Keygan Ghelve, the PCs can get a skeleton key that affords them entry to Almose Every House In Cauldron™. This can lead to some really massive looting.


Common Raggamoffyn (Appendix IV, p350-1)
Skills: +10 Hide +10 Move Silently.
Feats: Dodge,Stealthy.

No feats or skills listed in MM2 (p175).

Shimrath wrote:


Common Raggamoffyn (Appendix IV, p350-1)
Skills: +10 Hide +10 Move Silently.
Feats: Dodge,Stealthy.

No feats or skills listed in MM2 (p175).

Scratch that. The SCAP guys actually re-worked each creature according to 3.5 skills/feats, so many of the MM2 creatures will differ in these areas.

Shimrath wrote:
Shimrath wrote:


Common Raggamoffyn (Appendix IV, p350-1)
Skills: +10 Hide +10 Move Silently.
Feats: Dodge,Stealthy.

No feats or skills listed in MM2 (p175).

Scratch that. The SCAP guys actually re-worked each creature according to 3.5 skills/feats, so many of the MM2 creatures will differ in these areas.

Shimrath you can find an official Errata/conversion for the 3.0 books on wizards web page. Here is the link for all the 3.0 books.

TEST OF THE SMOKING EYE: Kaurophon has one feat missing and is under CR. Should be 15 not 14.

TEST OF THE SMOKING EYE: Not so much an errata as just silly (or I played it wrong). The succubus has a grapple check of +6 and her entire strategy is to grapple the lead character (most likely a fighter). When I tried it she lost half her hp from the AoO and then failed the grapple miserably. Considering most parties will have their physically weak characters protected (like the wizards and to the lesser extent rogues) it’s not the best idea. The good thing was she came off like a ditz to my party which was probably appropriate!

Eric Eslinger wrote:

Kazmojen's statistics are seriously at odds with the Fiend Folio description of Half-troll. Specifically:

* He is not proficient with his Dwarven urgosh, so his attacks should be +6, +2/-2 instead of the printed +10, +6/+2. He's really way better off using his claws.

He's a Dwarf fighter with a half-troll template, so he gets the Dwarven Urgrosh as a (racial) martial weapon.

Pg 11 lists Cauldron as a small city (population 7500) with a GP limit of 15,000.

In the Dungeon magazines, Cauldron is listed as a large town with a 3,000 GP limit. This is also consistent with the description of Skie's Treasury on page 20, with no item (except the scroll of raise dead) above 3,000.

Was this an intentional change in the population/max GP for Cauldron? Or was this a misprint?

balterk_n wrote:

Pg 11 lists Cauldron as a small city (population 7500) with a GP limit of 15,000.

In the Dungeon magazines, Cauldron is listed as a large town with a 3,000 GP limit. This is also consistent with the description of Skie's Treasury on page 20, with no item (except the scroll of raise dead) above 3,000.

Was this an intentional change in the population/max GP for Cauldron? Or was this a misprint?

I believe this was intentional. Cauldron has too much floor space for a 'large town'

Pretty minor, but i like to keep this thread near the top of the list to encourage DMs to post the errors they find.

Chapter One

Jeneer Everdawn, one of the surviving prisoners of the Malachite Fortress, is listed as a female halfling on the Recent Abductees list, and as a male halfling in the text for area M27. Unless they're doing some weird experiments down there, i think that's an error.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

balterk_n wrote:

Pg 11 lists Cauldron as a small city (population 7500) with a GP limit of 15,000.

In the Dungeon magazines, Cauldron is listed as a large town with a 3,000 GP limit. This is also consistent with the description of Skie's Treasury on page 20, with no item (except the scroll of raise dead) above 3,000.

Was this an intentional change in the population/max GP for Cauldron? Or was this a misprint?

We increased the population of Cauldron on purpose; it's the primary city for the campaign, and making it larger means high level PCs don't "outgrow" it as fast. We kept Skie's Treasury the same as the original magazine because we wanted the magic item store to start small and then grow during the campaign.

First of all SCAP rocks! We have played many fantastic campaigns, but this one is the best. My players are really intrigued by what’s all going on in Cauldron.

I case of a second edition, here is an error I found in FLOOD SEASON.

Skaven Umbermead is a 7th level wizard and his number of prepared spells are listed as 4-6-5-4-3/level, which would make him even better than level 8. Should be 5-5-4-3-2, which makes him a lot weaker. I skipped all his necromantic spells and replaced phantasmal killer by fear.
Furthermore his divination spells are practically worthless (if the PC’s don’t set off the alarm), considering a casting time of 10 minutes = 100 combat rounds!
I don't assume my characters go pick nicking while Skaven is meditating (actually after defeating Triel the party wizard hasted all 5 of them)

A small discrepancy at the Lucky Monkey at page 102 left column top: broken window yawns open….
Same column at the bottom: wooden panels securely closed…


Here's one I can't quite figure out: the description says that the Womb of Oblivion (O15?) is a 50-foot wide, 50-foot high hemispherical chamber. The geometry doesn't work! To be hemispherical, the chamber should be 25 feet high--but this would make the anti-magic cone cover the entire chamber if Vhalantru stays at the ceiling, wouldn't it? Any suggestions on how to resolve this? (Or is it just that my math is wrong?)


Paizo Employee Creative Director

The chamber's more like a silo, I suppose, with a domed roof. So 25 foot tall walls and then the dome on top of that.

Here's some involving Zarn Kyass, the "Blue Duke" (page 155).

"Once the elementals are slain, Zarn uses multiple cones of cold to put out the fires if they still rage."

First, being an ogre mage, he only gets one per day.
Two, if he took the time to polymorph into a human fighter, I doubt he would blow his cover by casting Cone of Cold.
Three, if he did not care about his cover, and could cast multiple cones, wouldn't he have done it against the fire elementals in the first place?

No errors to post, but a suggestion for our esteemed Paizo staff. James you had mentioned a possible reprint of the SCAP, if so could this be done on paper that we DM's can easily write on (like the stuff the Players Handbook is printed on). It would be nice to be able to make in text notes and this paper just doesn't take pencil marks well.

And of course this would go for the AOW hardcover (fingers crossed!) as well.


So.. is there ever going to be an errata released on the SCAP hardcover? I realise that folks are very busy, but I don't think an errata is too much to ask -especially ~2 years out from release.

Appendix 4: The Street Thugs from the beginning of "Life's Bazaar" are listed with a short sword attack modifier of +2, but it should be +3 (+2 BAB, +1 Str).

Another thing missing from the book is Terseon Skellerangs (Excuse my spelling) statistic block. What are his stat's and where can we find those?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My GM went crazy (and so did the PCs) trying to find how to get to Zenith's part of Bal-Hamatagn. Finally he found the rope bridge in a room description somewhere, but it should be on the map!

Depth of water should be given in all encounter areas with water, such as the Vaprik's Voice outer chamber (my fighter just fell into it....) When a plate armor fighter loses his Fly, it does matter whether this is 10" or 10' of water.

On the whole, though, copyediting seems quite good. I'm running AoW and having much more trouble with errors than the SCAP GM is.


Chef's Slaad wrote:
balterk_n wrote:

Pg 11 lists Cauldron as a small city (population 7500) with a GP limit of 15,000.

In the Dungeon magazines, Cauldron is listed as a large town with a 3,000 GP limit. This is also consistent with the description of Skie's Treasury on page 20, with no item (except the scroll of raise dead) above 3,000.

Was this an intentional change in the population/max GP for Cauldron? Or was this a misprint?

I believe this was intentional. Cauldron has too much floor space for a 'large town'

Chef, I can't say I agree with that justification. I've actually counted all the buildings in Cauldron (yeah, I know, I have too much time on my hands) and while I might be out by 10 or so either way, I only got up to 750-odd. And I counted everything that LOOKED like a building. By that calculation, an average of 10 adults live in every building in Cauldron. Never mind the kids, or shops that people don't live in, or empty buildings. It's got to be a tight squeeze.

I have also noted something arguably a bit more significant. The map of Cauldron at the front of the book (and on page 75 of the HC) has a scale that makes Cauldron a bit over 3/4 of a mile across (4400 feet or so to be more precise). When you measure some buildings on that map, notably Maavu's warehouses and the Town Hall, they are about triple the size they are shown in later maps - like the ones for Umber Hulk Attack and Riot Scene. House Vhalantru has the same problem, whereas House Rhiavadi is about half the size in its "own" map as it is on the main one and the Church of Wee Jas seems about the same size in both.
In other words, I recommend that you don't rely too closely on the page 75 map for building sizes - or that you rescale the smaller maps if you think some of those buildings seem too small (the Town Hall, for instance, only has about twice the floor area of Orak's bathhouse).

ibramthefish wrote:

I have also noted something arguably a bit more significant. The map of Cauldron at the front of the book (and on page 75 of the HC) has a scale that makes Cauldron a bit over 3/4 of a mile across (4400 feet or so to be more precise). When you measure some buildings on that map, notably Maavu's warehouses and the Town Hall, they are about triple the size they are shown in later maps - like the ones for Umber Hulk Attack and Riot Scene. House Vhalantru has the same problem, whereas House Rhiavadi is about half the size in its "own" map as it is on the main one and the Church of Wee Jas seems about the same size in both.

In other words, I recommend that you don't rely too closely on the page 75 map for building sizes - or that you rescale the smaller maps if you think some of those buildings seem too small (the Town Hall, for instance, only has about twice the floor area of Orak's bathhouse).

One of my players is trying to create a 3D version of Cauldron using some software. We have run into similar sizing issues. The scale on the main map is WAY off (4x or more) the scale presented elsewhere. The streets are supposed to be 20-30 feet across, yet the scale on the overhead maps make it more like 100+ feet. I'm trying to work with him to see if we can make the scale consistent throughout. I have big concerns about the Temple of Wee Jas fitting properly, and will probably make each square 2.5 feet rather than 5. We might end up editing the overhead maps to make it have a consistent scale. In any case, once we have some solid pictures, I will be posting them to We currently only have the streets laid out in 3D all the way down to the lake.

brious wrote:
Another thing missing from the book is Terseon Skellerangs (Excuse my spelling) statistic block. What are his stat's and where can we find those?

I made a skellerang stat block and posted in on the scap resources page a while back

ibramthefish wrote:


Chef, I can't say I agree with that justification. I've actually counted all the buildings in Cauldron (yeah, I know, I have too much time on my hands) and while I might be out by 10 or so either way, I only got up to 750-odd. And I counted everything that LOOKED like a building. By that calculation, an average of 10 adults live in every building in Cauldron. Never mind the kids, or shops that people don't live in, or empty buildings. It's got to be a tight squeeze.
I have also noted something arguably a bit more significant. The map of Cauldron at the front of the book (and on page 75 of the HC) has a scale that makes Cauldron a bit over 3/4 of a mile across (4400 feet or so to be more precise). When you measure some buildings on that map, notably Maavu's warehouses and the Town Hall, they are about triple the size they are shown in later maps - like the ones for Umber Hulk Attack and Riot Scene. House Vhalantru has the same problem, whereas House Rhiavadi is about half the size in its "own" map as it is on the main one and the Church of Wee Jas seems about the same size in both.
In other words, I recommend that you don't rely too closely on the page 75 map for building sizes - or that you rescale the smaller maps if you think some of those buildings seem too small (the Town Hall, for instance, only has about twice the floor area of Orak's bathhouse).

Ibram, check out this post by Findas a while back. At the end of the post, there's a bit on the population size.

I agree with your assertion that the map is not to scale (not even by a long shot). Maps of towns allmost never are. I think the population size is still pretty acurate for a town the size of cauldron.

Thanks for that link, Chef. Like Findas (and those who replied to his post) I'm glad I'm not the only number geek out there. One point, though, the HC gives Cauldron a population of 7500 ADULTS, and although I can undertsand the argument that 12.5 PEOPLE per building is not ridiculous, when you factor in children it gets awful squeezy.

ibramthefish wrote:

Thanks for that link, Chef. Like Findas (and those who replied to his post) I'm glad I'm not the only number geek out there. One point, though, the HC gives Cauldron a population of 7500 ADULTS, and although I can undertsand the argument that 12.5 PEOPLE per building is not ridiculous, when you factor in children it gets awful squeezy.

hmmm. good point Ibram. How many extra children and elderly would this come down to? 30% extra? That would make the total population a nice round 10.000, which does indeed sound like a LOT for only 600 buildings...

ibramthefish wrote:

Thanks for that link, Chef. Like Findas (and those who replied to his post) I'm glad I'm not the only number geek out there. One point, though, the HC gives Cauldron a population of 7500 ADULTS, and although I can undertsand the argument that 12.5 PEOPLE per building is not ridiculous, when you factor in children it gets awful squeezy.

That depends. Notice that the Cauldron map is not properly scaled and that therefore you can make the building areas as large as you would like. Furthermore, most buildings have 2 or 3 floors and are divided into apartments. So those little squares on the map could house from maybe 6 to 10 families of each say 2-6 persons, giving you something of a 20.000 population.

Anyhow the easiest way to resolve this is to say to your PC's the number of peaople living in Cauldron and that the map is not on scale, which is quit common for medieval maps.

A stat-block error I discovered while prepping for Chapter 3. Event 6 (page 97) says that Annah Taskerhill "...supporting them <the Stormblades> with her crossbow or whip as she gets the chance". Her statblock (pg. 388) shows that she doesn't own a whip.

Dark Archive

Shimrath wrote:

Pretty minor, but i like to keep this thread near the top of the list to encourage DMs to post the errors they find.

Chapter One

Jeneer Everdawn, one of the surviving prisoners of the Malachite Fortress, is listed as a female halfling on the Recent Abductees list, and as a male halfling in the text for area M27. Unless they're doing some weird experiments down there, i think that's an error.

What was the actual gender of this halfling in the magazine? Don't have the issues myself, so can't look it up.

I ask because I plan on having numerous cohorts and followers culled from the prisoners of the Malachite Fortress.

PS: Woah, I've started this campaign late! Also *BUMP*

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