My guys ran into Moltenwing tonight. He sent out his disintegrate breath weapon after some diplomacy checks and beots (the party was doing great until their "diplomat" stated quite clearly that they intended to stop the Cagewrights!), and then we paused until our next session on Friday. This will give my guys a chance to stew for a while.
I also thought that Moltenwing's CR was a little low--and I have this really cool GARGANTUAN black dragon mini that makes a wonderful stand-in for the OLD pyroclastic dragon Moltenwing. 1 more age category = 4 more HD, a CON bump to 24, a size increase from Large to Gargantuan, and a CR 18. It's not really that much work for the DM, but the result is well worthwhile. A tough fight coming for my guys--they're afraid. They're VERY afraid! (But of course, they WILL triumph in the end.)
Make Moltenwing OLD. Have fun!