Is there a black hole in the submissions room at Paizo?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

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Steve Greer wrote:

Ha! 1,000, baby! It's mine! All mine!

::dancing around like Snoopy::

What do I win?!

:) :) :)

Bottles of my homebrewed mead for you and your gaming group in June. I know you don't drink, but one small glass won't kill you. If you don't want to, I respect that, so don't sweat it. I just cracked a bottle open the other day and it's aging very nicely.

farewell2kings wrote:
Ashavan...I didn't get the memo....does that mean that I get an assassin sent after me now? You must warn him that I'm rarely unarmed, but when I use the bathroom at work, I hang my Glock and its holster from the stall hook, so he does have a chance at that point.

I got the memo, but I lost my decoder ring somehwere, so for all I know, it spells out my doom. Just to be sure, I better booby trap my house. . . some more.

BTW - tell you wife good luck, F2K. You're married to a pool shark, how cool is that? :)

Dark Archive RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I think we should re-name this post "The Waiting Room".

I'm waiting too...

James Thomas wrote:

I think we should re-name this post "The Waiting Room".

I'm waiting too...

At the time Steve posted his original message, the title was very apt. The trick is to keep writing and not spend the time biting fingernails *notes that his own fingers have already been worn to nubs, and considers following his own advice*

- Ashavan

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Queries and proposals are basically "fire-and-forget" shoot them off into the aether, forget about them for a time, and find something else to work on.


Hey kids-

Sorry to leave you all hanging, but things have been extremely busy around here lately with AP3. Don't expect anything in the next few days, but I'm going to try to dive back into the slush pile in the immediate future....

-James S.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James Sutter wrote:
Sorry to leave you all hanging, but things have been extremely busy around here lately with AP3. Don't expect anything in the next few days, but I'm going to try to dive back into the slush pile in the immediate future....

The AP3 sounds fantastic, but it will be quite the coup to top "Age of Worms" (although I have a feeling you folks will pull it off)...

Koldoon wrote:

The trick is to keep writing and not spend the time biting fingernails *notes that his own fingers have already been worn to nubs, and considers following his own advice*

- Ashavan

Just do what I do and use the person to your left's nails.


Great Green God wrote:
Koldoon wrote:

The trick is to keep writing and not spend the time biting fingernails *notes that his own fingers have already been worn to nubs, and considers following his own advice*

- Ashavan

Just do what I do and use the person to your left's nails.


Wow, just when I thought me going to the crapper evoked the most ugly mental picture :)

Hey- If Chris Wissel is both a werecabbage and a wereplatypus....uhhhh, how does that work? Does he look a little like the Kids in the Hall / Bruce McCulloch sketch where he wore a cabbage head for a wig? If he gets a head injury, will he bleed coleslaw?

Oh, and thanks to the little gremlins that posted the new subs guidelines.


Dryder wrote:

Oh, and as I just "see" you here, Nicolas, just finished reading "Voyage of the Golden Dragon".

Nice piece of work, really!
The one thing I can't understand though is (might be the Wizards again...):

Why the heck is there not a single picture of the Golden Dragon itself??? Nothing there to show my players, only the floorplans... And this airship is surely something to look at!

Homigod! Look at he who does not check messageboards enough! Sorry Dryder. Yeah, I think I orignally had the ship itself depicted in the background of the picture with the drow druid on dragonback...but I think it made the picture way too busy so it got cut from the art order. Would have been nice to see a picture of the Golden Dragon, I totally agree.

Apparently the dimensions are all wonky too...not even as big as the average airship. Originally I had a one square = 10 feet or something like that, but they asked me to revise it to one square = 5 and I think I screwed it up so that the ship came out too small. My advice: one square = 10 feet.

Man, I suck at maps...just ask James. I'm working on it though. I am trying to start thinking "maps!" earlier in my design process now.

Liberty's Edge

Nicolas - don't worry about not having seen my post. This thread is a fast-growing one and some posts just get lost. But thanx for your answer!
I just put a note onto the floorplans, that one square should be 10 ft. Makes the whole ship really impressive then...

And btw - did I get it right, that YOU did the artwork? If so, could you draw a pic of the Golden Dragon for me ? ;)

Now back to the black hole-thread... ;)

drunken_nomad wrote:

Hey- If Chris Wissel is both a werecabbage and a wereplatypus....uhhhh, how does that work? Does he look a little like the Kids in the Hall / Bruce McCulloch sketch where he wore a cabbage head for a wig? If he gets a head injury, will he bleed coleslaw?

Yup, blacktooth coleslaw. It's juicy.

I better get back to work. . . they're going to kick me out soon unless I actually produce something. :)

Chris Wissel - WerePlatypus wrote:
I better get back to work. . . they're going to kick me out soon unless I actually produce something. :)



James had indicated recently that the Grey Render was warming up the ol' pimp hand. Has anyone heard anything since then? I've got my first submission in queue now and am anxiously awaiting my oh so humbling form letter...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

All quiet on the Submission Front...
Just keep waiting patiently everybody. A wink is as good as a nod to a blind man...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Turbo Gorilla wrote:
James had indicated recently that the Grey Render was warming up the ol' pimp hand.

Watch your language, Turbo, this is a family show...


Here's the scoop, kids-

The bad news is that things have been busy as all get out recently, and as a result submissions are backed up to March 24th. The good news, however, is that we're having a submissions meeting TOMORROW, which should (hopefully) be followed shortly by the final greenlight meeting, all of which means that people who made it past the Render mini-boss don't have much longer to wait for the final verdict.

Plus, if all goes as planned, I'll be diving back into the slush pile shortly. I know I've said that before, but... uh... hey! Look over there! *runrunrunslam*


James Sutter wrote:

Here's the scoop, kids-

The bad news is that things have been busy as all get out recently, and as a result submissions are backed up to March 24th. The good news, however, is that we're having a submissions meeting TOMORROW, which should (hopefully) be followed shortly by the final greenlight meeting, all of which means that people who made it past the Render mini-boss don't have much longer to wait for the final verdict.

Plus, if all goes as planned, I'll be diving back into the slush pile shortly. I know I've said that before, but... uh... hey! Look over there! *runrunrunslam*


James, thanks for the update.

(Of course, the query I procrastinated on was sent in on March 27th... so I'll have to wait a little bit longer for that one, lol)

April 14th...


Well, the first of my submissions have been KO'd. A few more to go though, so here's hoping.

It's good to know that you suck at something when it comes to adventure design Nick...even if its only maps. ;)

By the way, I see that Steve and Nick are writing for the upcoming APIII. Kudos gentlemen. I think the black hole for you two is rapidly shrinking in size. For others it only gets bigger. Sigh!

Of course, its not like I'm bitter or anything. I am perfectly happy with rejection.


Phil. L wrote:

Well, the first of my submissions have been KO'd. A few more to go though, so here's hoping.

It's good to know that you suck at something when it comes to adventure design Nick...even if its only maps. ;)

By the way, I see that Steve and Nick are writing for the upcoming APIII. Kudos gentlemen. I think the black hole for you two is rapidly shrinking in size. For others it only gets bigger. Sigh!

Of course, its not like I'm bitter or anything. I am perfectly happy with rejection.

Perhaps, Phil. Perhaps. I can only hope that it will increase my writing mojo.

Steve Greer wrote:
Perhaps, Phil. Perhaps. I can only hope that it will increase my writing mojo.

I can definitely say reading the efforts of Steve, Nick, Greg, Richard, and others have done wonders for my writing mojo. They are the best of the best, and learning all I can from their quality contributions only inceases my chances for future publication. I'm SO looking forward to AP III.

Oh yeah. . .

Meetin'? Did she happ'n? News? Eh?

Hey, Wingclipper's Revenge was very cool and I will use it in my next campaign, so your mojo seems to be doing pretty well, there Chris.

Chris Wissel - WerePlatypus wrote:

... Oh yeah. . .

Meetin'? Did she happ'n? News? Eh?

Well, the meeting happened today, on schedule.

I got an email from James Sutter around 4pm. My one query seems to have a charmed life, making it past first the Gatekeeper, and now the meeting... :-)

I'll be working on the manuscript this weekend, then I'll co-opt our AoW campaign for a week and run the party through my draft of the adventure sometime soon.

Congratulations Talion! My re-written query got axed, but they let me down easy.

I too got an e-mail from Mr. Sutter at 5:42 PM EST and I too got a green light for a manuscript. I'm very excited and since my gaming group starts gaming at 6 PM I'm glad they were all here to bask in my nerd-joy.

Now I'm on to the second stage of hope.

Talionnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! (insert Shatner voice from Trek II) Congrats to you...I got my email back for my proposal that passed the render and it missed it's saving throw vs death ray.

The render still has four of mine to look at in the slushpile and this time they are casting mirror image to confuse him. Let's go!

***edit*** and congrats to you Timault. Maybe you two could post the successful queries after the stories are printed.

***edit again*** hey F2K, when you say, 'let down easy', do you mean you got some personal feedback?

farewell2kings wrote:
Congratulations Talion! My re-written query got axed, but they let me down easy.

Thanks. (And thanks to Drunken_Nomad too).

Talion09 wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:
Congratulations Talion! My re-written query got axed, but they let me down easy.

Thanks. (And thanks to Drunken_Nomad too).

Talion, congratulations. I'm curious, is this your first that's gotten "accepted?" It's my first.

drunken_nomad wrote:

***edit again*** hey F2K, when you say, 'let down easy', do you mean you got some personal feedback?

First, Timault--Congratulations as well!.

Mr. Kumiss Swilling Nomad who hopefully wont die in a pool of his own vomit on his wedding night like one famous drunken nomad from history;)---I didn't get as much personal feedback as a nice pat on the shoulder and being told that I was very close and should try again. It's my fault for blowing my chance to rewrite the query in a compelling way when at least they gave me a chance to re-write it to be reviewed at another submissions meeting.

That's better than most of the other rejections, which were just "sorry, doesn't meet our needs, try again."


I currently have one query in the slush pile, and another out for proofreading. I have a handful of other ideas that might be ready in my mind soon.

I was hoping my two ideas would go against the Mighty Render together so they could flank, but alas they got separated.

*has a sudden urge to listen to The Offspring*

Sovereign Court

Meeting definitely happened. Got two email messages from James yesterday - the first passing on a re-written proposal, then an hour later (just as I was starting to plan my pre-GenCon writing schedule) I got a request for a complete manuscript! Still a long way from here to print though...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

C'mon! Magic 8-ball! C'mon!!

Russell Brown wrote:
Meeting definitely happened. Got two email messages from James yesterday - the first passing on a re-written proposal, then an hour later (just as I was starting to plan my pre-GenCon writing schedule) I got a request for a complete manuscript! Still a long way from here to print though...

Russell -

I see you're branching out from your position as king of the campaign workbook... congrats! Good luck on the submission.

- Ashavan

James Thomas wrote:
C'mon! Magic 8-ball! C'mon!!

Answer Unclear - Try Again

Sarcastic 8-ball sez "Huh? What?"

Dark Archive RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Magic 8-ball... will my submission be accepted?

Timault Azal-Darkwarren wrote:
Talion09 wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:
Congratulations Talion! My re-written query got axed, but they let me down easy.

Thanks. (And thanks to Drunken_Nomad too).

Talion, congratulations. I'm curious, is this your first that's gotten "accepted?" It's my first.

Yeah, its my first that has gotten this far. I sent off three queries within a week of each other as my first try at writing adventures. Well, I've been writing adventures since I was 10 and playing AD&D, but you know what I mean ;-)

The first two didn't get past the Gatekeeper, although James did have nice things to say about one of them. (I posted both to the Critique my Query thread) The rejection emails came on a game day afternoon, then later on that night around 630 (James must of been working late) I was playing with my laptop as we got set up to play, and lo and behold, another email from James arrived, this time telling me that the third query had made it past the initial test. As you might imagine, getting this news while setting up the Battlemat and Dm's screen made my night ;-)

And I've got another one in submissions pile right now waiting to be read, plus another 3 in various stages of proofreading.

Out of curiosity, was yours high, mid or low levels? Mine was a mid-level one.

Does anyone who didn't make it past the meeting want to post their queries on the "Critique my Query" thread?

Talion09 wrote:
Out of curiosity, was yours high, mid or low levels? Mine was a mid-level one.

This one is a high level adventure.

I had my first query rejected a few months ago. The issue released just after I got the rejection featured "Wingclipper's Revenge." The plot I had created had several similar elements to that adventure so it made perfect sense that it got the ol' greataxe.

The one I'm now writing a full manuscript for is my second query - so I don't want to get my hopes up too much. I'd be interested to know how some of the more prolific writers who have more published work can still relate to those of us "rookies" who are just getting into the embryonic stages of getting published.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Magic 8-ball, Magic 8-ball!!...... Nuthin'. Nuthin' yet.

As a player in F2K's campaign, can I request that someone please turn down the danger level in all this creativity flowing around? All he does is run adventures from your magazine and the danger and tension are almost more than my poor heart can take. I would encourage more adventures with bunnies, flowers, unicorns and lute playing elven interior decorators please. I need a break.

...but I still want experience points. Is that too much to ask?

Silver wrote:

As a player in F2K's campaign, can I request that someone please turn down the danger level in all this creativity flowing around? All he does is run adventures from your magazine and the danger and tension are almost more than my poor heart can take. I would encourage more adventures with bunnies, flowers, unicorns and lute playing elven interior decorators please. I need a break.

...but I still want experience points. Is that too much to ask?

How about a Titanic Bunny? Or a Fiendish Bunny? Or a Horrid Bunny?

I mean, those are bunnies and they would be worth some XP too ;-)

(I can imagine the CR 13 Titanic Bunny now, hopping around the city, crushing buildings and peasants with each bound, lol)

I'm still waiting to see the adventure with Mr. Waddles, the duck paladin.


Talion09 wrote:
Silver wrote:

As a player in F2K's campaign, can I request that someone please turn down the danger level in all this creativity flowing around? All he does is run adventures from your magazine and the danger and tension are almost more than my poor heart can take. I would encourage more adventures with bunnies, flowers, unicorns and lute playing elven interior decorators please. I need a break.

...but I still want experience points. Is that too much to ask?

How about a Titanic Bunny? Or a Fiendish Bunny? Or a Horrid Bunny?

I mean, those are bunnies and they would be worth some XP too ;-)

(I can imagine the CR 13 Titanic Bunny now, hopping around the city, crushing buildings and peasants with each bound, lol)

Don't forget the multi-headed template, from Savage Species. :D

Talion09 wrote:
Silver wrote:

As a player in F2K's campaign, can I request that someone please turn down the danger level in all this creativity flowing around? All he does is run adventures from your magazine and the danger and tension are almost more than my poor heart can take. I would encourage more adventures with bunnies, flowers, unicorns and lute playing elven interior decorators please. I need a break.

...but I still want experience points. Is that too much to ask?

How about a Titanic Bunny? Or a Fiendish Bunny? Or a Horrid Bunny?

I mean, those are bunnies and they would be worth some XP too ;-)

(I can imagine the CR 13 Titanic Bunny now, hopping around the city, crushing buildings and peasants with each bound, lol)

Wait for it. Wait for it...


Silver wrote:

As a player in F2K's campaign, can I request that someone please turn down the danger level in all this creativity flowing around? All he does is run adventures from your magazine and the danger and tension are almost more than my poor heart can take. I would encourage more adventures with bunnies, flowers, unicorns and lute playing elven interior decorators please. I need a break.

...but I still want experience points. Is that too much to ask?

Congrats! I have it on good authority that he's quite good. 'Course since most of his players pack iron I guess he'd have to be.

If you guys ever run into a pacel of yak folk that would be my fault.


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Wow, almost a week and nothing new in this thread...I can practically hear the tumbleweeds rolling past in the street...

Does this mean that we've destroyed the black hole? Should someone call Dr. Hawkings?

Personally I think that Paizo has greatly improved communication to both customers and contributers so mayhaps this particular thread may <<GASP>> slow down.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Mark Hart wrote:

Wow, almost a week and nothing new in this thread...I can practically hear the tumbleweeds rolling past in the street...

::brushes out from under a tumbleweed::

Well, I'm still here and waiting! No word on my submission yet. I can wait...

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