James Jacobs, a question...

Shackled City Adventure Path

You mentioned in the Fiendish Morkoth thread that you had a pumped up version of The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Now, I'm assuming that this is a version that you wrote for your home campaign. What I'd like to ask is... is it for 3.5, and is there any chance of getting a copy of it from you?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

It is indeed something I threw together for my home campaign, and it is indeed for 3.5. However... it doesn't really exist in any form aside from a stack of stat blocks, some of which are written on paper by hand, so there's not really anything to send out that would make any sense to anyone but me, alas.

However, I'm a huge fan of the older adventures (as is Erik), and we've talked about updating other adventures as well now that it seems that Maure Castle is a success. I've got my own list of adventures I'd like to see updated... a list that (for the most part) runs a lot like the list of the 30 Greatest Adventures article we did in Dungeon 116.

So there's a question! Of all the 1st edition and 2nd edition adventures, which one would you like to see updated the most?

Keep on the Borderlands

With all due respect to the other classics out there (which I am sure will be mentioned by others), I will vote for one of the more obscure adventures that I enjoyed...Egg of the Phoenix. I had a lot of fun running that.


Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure? :D Wait, you did that one...

Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
The entire Desert of Desolation series, especially Pharaoh and Lost Tomb of Martek
Tomb of Horrors
Lost Caverns of Toscanath? (Did I spell that right?)
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks

That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure I'll think of more that deserve an update. While I'm at it... if you do decide to update an older module, could you please include a new art book, if the old module had one? Maybe as a web enhancement or some sort of insert? Please? These really help players visualize their surroundings.


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I second my vote to Egg of the Phoenix, one of the coolest adventures ever! Ogremoch, Ollyhydra, Yan-C-Bin and Imix can everyone remember those guys?
And one name makes wizards like Elminster, Mordenkainen, Dalamar etc look like apprentices: Doc of New Empyrea
He was "The One" before even Keanu was.
Oh and why your at it, Baltron's Beacon with the cool Elmore cover, possibly his best non-strike-a-pose-looking piece. Now that was a great module.

I cast my votes for updates of I7 Baltron's Beacon, and I2 Tomb of the Lizard King...

an update of UK2-3 (Sentinel and Guantlet) would aslo be cool, and could probably be done as a combined thing.

Return to the Tomb of Horrors... but I'm guessin' that'z a lil too long hehe.

Sovereign Court

several years ago,Tsr made two books compiled dungeon adventures(The Road to danger and Dungeons of Peril)any idea if you'll be planning to do something similar?

Without question, the adventure I'd most like to see redone for 3.5 is Against the Giants.

I'll second Against the Giants.
I would also like to see the Slave Lords series revisited.

My group's most memerable one was "against the giants", a hack'n slash embassador if there ever was one. Personally, I'd love to see Expedition to the Barrier Peaks redone. Including new pics of the weird devices and weapons in the adventure so one of us can shoot themselves in the head like we did the first time, LOL. And of course, the froghemoth's mother has to be in the new one. And while we're at it, how about hiring Otis to do all the artwork for this one?


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

would also like to see against the giants and into the vault of the Drow

The entire against the giants, into the depths of the earth, queen of the demon web pits in a single 3.5 clasic super module with a supporting map cd.

C'mon all! I have to agree with Quex Ul and lobby for the Keep on the Borderlands. This was the adventure that got it all started for me and my group. Any others feel this way?

C'mon... [inspiring chant] Keep... Keep... Keep... Keep...

James Jacobs wrote:

I've got my own list of adventures I'd like to see updated... a list that (for the most part) runs a lot like the list of the 30 Greatest Adventures article we did in Dungeon 116.

So there's a question! Of all the 1st edition and 2nd edition adventures, which one would you like to see updated the most?

James -

The saltmarsh and master of the desert nomads are both favorites. The Sentinel and the Gauntlet were both well done, and I'd like to see those converted, or at least aspects of them carried forward into new adventures.

What's the process on that though... is a 3.5 conversion of an old adventure query worthy? Or is that something that you would specifically want to solicit from particular writers?

Let us know.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

For the most part, we'll want to solicit conversions of older adventures. That said, the Isle of Dread material in issue #114 came more or less entirely out of an unsolicited submission. So if you've got an idea on how to update an old adventure, by all means send a proposal to dungeon@paizo.com. Just realize that it'll be even harder to get one of those approved than a brand-new adventure would be.

I'll second Master of the Desert Nomads.

But first I want you to make upgrading A Paladin in Hell part of Monte Cook's contract.

This is a big one but id love to see Dragon Mountain. Many kobolds in this adventure.

Philippe Dubois wrote:
This is a big one but id love to see Dragon Mountain. Many kobolds in this adventure.

I like Dragon Mountian a lot myself. Still I'm not as keen on it or Keep on the Borderlands partly because they are not that hard to update. That basic kobold in the monster manual wil do for most of the kobolds in Dragon Mountian.

There are a number of exceptional kobolds in the mountian but not a huge number

That said I'm actually working on an upgrade for Dragin Mountian and I might be able to send you my notes when I'm done.

Dark Archive

The adventure i'd like to see converted to 3.5 would be a classic 1st edition adventure, 'Death's Ride' by Garry Spiegle.
Does anybody know this one?
It has always been a favorite of mine and i always wanted to do a conversion of it myself.
This one is nearly never mentioned when it comes to classic adventures and i really wonder why, 'cause it's that damn good.
Another one from 1st edition days, that i'd really like to see 'reborn' is 'Quagmire!', another great, great adventure that i enjoyed several times (as a DM) back in the days of wonder...


I've already done a conversion of Ravenloft, but would love to see a published "revisited" version. I've been told that Dungeon can't do it since the license is now owned by Sword & Sorcery Studios.

"Baltron's Beacon" would be cool. And "Rary the Traitor."

Oh! And I agree with Jeremy, "A Paladin in Hell" demands being converted. I actually started doing it, but never got around to finishing it.

If I had time and an original copy, I'd rewrite "Keep on the Borderlands" myself!

Putting the Giants/Drow/Queen of the Demonweb series into hardcover would rock...

Putting the Slaver series into a hardcover would also rock...

Rewriting B1 might sell just for the nostalgia factor...

"Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" could use a big redo, also - especially the way that the d20 system would allow incorporation of d20 Modern material.


James Jacobs wrote:

It is indeed something I threw together for my home campaign, and it is indeed for 3.5. However... it doesn't really exist in any form aside from a stack of stat blocks, some of which are written on paper by hand, so there's not really anything to send out that would make any sense to anyone but me, alas.

However, I'm a huge fan of the older adventures (as is Erik), and we've talked about updating other adventures as well now that it seems that Maure Castle is a success. I've got my own list of adventures I'd like to see updated... a list that (for the most part) runs a lot like the list of the 30 Greatest Adventures article we did in Dungeon 116.

So there's a question! Of all the 1st edition and 2nd edition adventures, which one would you like to see updated the most?

Keep on the Borderlands would be somethign I would love to see converted and published in Dungeon.

I have recently obtained a copy of the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan that I was planning on converting to 3.5 for my own group, as a one nighter 4 hour adventure. I have been reading through it, and was planning starting the update process tonight...

Absinth wrote:

The adventure i'd like to see converted to 3.5 would be a classic 1st edition adventure, 'Death's Ride' by Garry Spiegle.

Oh! Good choice. That was an awsome adventure.

Steve Greer wrote:

Oh! And I agree with Jeremy, "A Paladin in Hell" demands being converted. I actually started doing it, but never got around to finishing it.

Its freaken hard to convert. Really showcases some of the differences between 2nd edition and 3.5 ed. Demon and Devil tactics have to be completely reconsidered in a new light. I'm killing myself with this one trying to upgrade it as well...Make Monte Cook do it! Thats what I say.

Thinking about some of my favourites. Isle of the Ape would be a load of fun as well. Though I think that this should not be nearly as tough for the average DM to convert as some adventures - its pretty much just an endless big game hunter expedition. The Dinosours in the varous monster manuals just have to be tossed at the players in an endless stream.

Greetings all,
A looonnng time lurker here, but the subject is too tempting to pass. I have always loved the "Againts the Giants" and started out, like many of us old-timers, with "Keep on the Borderlands", but I would vote for the Slavers series. My perfect product would be a Slavers Adventure Path that spanned the Flanness (the perfect use for that Greyhawk poster), incorperating the original modules with extra thrown on the beginning low levels and high level rip-roaring ending. I can dream can't I?

Scarab Sages

I think that if you update any of them (as long as it's not Puppets, or Gargoyle, or Red Sonja) would be welcomed with open arms. A lot of us 'old timers' (28+ year olds) have so many fond memories of most of the old arcs that we would grab 'em.

Obviously, the Giants-Decent-Demonweb series would be PROFOUNDLY AWESOME!! But, the Slavers, or the Saltmarsh arc, or Keep on the Borderlands would be great. Personally, I love all the stuff set down in the Hool Marshes and Hold of the Sea Princes area. There's so much interesting stuff going on with the Brotherhood now that it's rife for updating.

I've always had fond memories of the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth.

And I'd really like to see you update your very own Thunder Under Needlespire. :)

Absinth wrote:
The adventure i'd like to see converted to 3.5 would be a classic 1st edition adventure, 'Death's Ride' by Garry Spiegle.

Thinking about this some more and the module that preceded it CM2 Test of the Warlords would be very interesting as a converted 3.5 product.

James Jacobs wrote:
So there's a question! Of all the 1st edition and 2nd edition adventures, which one would you like to see updated the most?

The original Greyhawk / Tharzidun series:

- Temple of Elemental Evil (which is done)
- Forgotten Temple of Tharzidun
- Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

The Lord of Entropy shall not be denied!!

pax --

My vote for conversion to 3.5 goes to the original "Adventure Path"...
Village of Hommlet
Temple of Elemental Evil
Scourge of the Slavelords (A1-A4)
Against the Giants (G1-G3)
Descent/Vault of the Drow (D1-D3)
Queen of the Demonweb Pits!!!

Now, that's an Adventure Path that could really get you to Epic Levels!! It would obviously need some serious tweaking, though... the sheer number of grunts in ToEE as written would catapult parties up the level ladder fairly quickly, to a point... and once they reach against the Giants, they'd be pretty tough, but then again, one 3.5 giant can pretty much whup any two or three 1st edition giants of the same name. Needs work, but it sure would be fun to play!!

Liberty's Edge

So here's my vote!

1) Egg of the Phoenix (that was/is a good one!)
2) Night below (a boxed set, that would be great indeed!)
3) Desert of desolation (would be so cool to get better maps for this one")

I would like to see the Slavers and G/D/Q converted to 3.5. It could be woven into an adventure path, or just as a series within themselves.

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