Has anyone received Dungeon 116 in the mail yet? Dragon 325?

Customer Service

Liberty's Edge

Dungeon 116 was reported to have been shipped on September 21. Now, eleven days later, I've still yet to receive my copy. (Likewise, Dragon 325 was reported to have shipped on the 28th and NO copy.) I can appreciate that snail mail takes some time, but ELEVEN days? Has anyone received their copy of either Dungeon 116 or Dragon 325?

Also, the past couple of magazines I got (both Dungeon and Dragon) were severely abused - spines were cracked and bent, cover pages (front and back) torn and bent. Anyone else have this problem? (I actually had to tape my last copy of Dungeon together upon taking it out of the package so I could read it without it falling apart.) Anyone else have this problem? Hopefully this wasn't a fluke.

I don't enjoy spending nearly $80 annually on damaged goods.

I've yet to receive either Dungeon #116 or Dragon #325 as well. My copy of Dungeon #115, aside from taking over two weeks to get to me, had some damage to the spine as well - though not enough to require any repairs on my part.

I have not received either of those yet, or Amazing #605 (shipped Sept. 14) for that matter. After talking to customer service a couple times on Amazing #603, I got issues 603 and 604 two days apart, both in paper envelopes rather than polybags. I guess it is time to start emailing on this issue as well... Getting a bit frustrating. If it wasn't for the cost savings, I'd just pick them up in the stores, since they show up there about 2 days after the listed ship dates...

I haven't recieved mine either. Who exactly do I contact?


Saurstalk wrote:
Dungeon 116 was reported to have been shipped on September 21. Now, eleven days later, I've still yet to receive my copy.I can appreciate that snail mail takes some time, but ELEVEN days?

It generally takes up to two weeks (fourteen days) from the subscriber ship date for our domestic (US) subscibers to receive their issues. That means that all of our domestic subscibers should have 116 by Tuesday Oct. 5, and 325 by Tuesday, Oct 12. If you are a subsciber, and you don't receive your issue on time, please send an email to customer.service@paizo.com including the full name and shipping address on your subscription, and we will look into the problem.

Saurstalk wrote:
Also, the past couple of magazines I got (both Dungeon and Dragon) were severely abused - spines were cracked and bent, cover pages (front and back) torn and bent. Anyone else have this problem? (I actually had to tape my last copy of Dungeon together upon taking it out of the package so I could read it without it falling apart.) Anyone else have this problem?

From time to time, our magazienes get caught in the Post Office's sorting machines and get chewed up. If that happenes, just send us an email (with your name and address) and we can usually replace the issue for you.

Saurstalk wrote:

Hopefully this wasn't a fluke.

Hopefully thats a typo and you are not just being mean-spirited.

Jeremy, thanks for replying. I'll be checking my mailbox tomorrow, and if it's not there, you'll be hearing from me. It's just very frustrating for us subscribers to have to wait till the very end of the "up to two weeks" delivery time. We love this magazine!


Rauol - you'll find some info as to why it takes so long in this thread. Basically, blame the US Postal Service. :-D

Liberty's Edge

Well, it is Oct 5th and Dungeon #116 has not shown up.

It is also the last issue on my current subscription and is just one more reason not to renew my subscription.

It's too bad Dragon & Dungeon are not available at places like Wall Mart's news stand, since I have no Local Gameshop near by, Dungeon #116 may be last one I even see for a long time.


I received my Dungeon 116 today.

Thanks, Zherog. I had read that thread before and, unfortunately, it is no less frustrating. And it is also frustrating that I still have not received Dungeon #116 a full two weeks after it shipped...

I also have not received either of my magazines. It is very frustrating and disappointing to get my copies so long after game shops. It makes me wonder if getting them 2 weeks after the stores is worth the discount. It would make more sense the people who subscribe would get their copies at the same time or even a little before stores. I think I will have to consider no renewing either of my subscriptions.

I am confronted with this question right now since I got the automatic e-mail from the subscription dept yesterday. Do I re-new my subscription or just start buying from the local FLGS again.

I am looking at it from a simple point of view, When my FLGS runs out of the current magazie I get mine in the mail. I thought about typing something witty and trite, but that wouldn’t help anything. I have called a few times to the customer service dept to express concern of late issues. Nice people on the phone, but end result/attitude, “Sorry, but we ship it out on this day and sounds like you are getting like the rest of the subscribers.”

Don’t get me wrong I love both mags, I do. But when two members of two different weekly groups I run ask about an article and what I thought of the article. I feel like an unpreppared DM. That is a feeling that I do not enjoy. Why am I feeling like the heel? because I am a subscriber and I haven’t received my issue and won’t for about another two to three weeks.

I feel like I am being punished for supporting a company directly through my subscription. So, I guess my questions to the powers that be are simple. Why should I renew my subscription? What benefit is there for me? I look forward to reading then official responses and non-offical responses as well

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have also thought about going for a subscription of Dragon and Dungeon. They are cheaper than the preice I have to pay in my FLGS, but it will take considerably longer to arrive in Germany. This was the main reason for not subscribing to those mags and it far outwheighs the amount of money saved, because the Dungeon magazine is really important to me, as I am running the Adventure Path in one group and will start it in another before the year ends...

Jermey, et al., sorry if I seemed a little preturbed in my last post on this thread. Just frustration at the issue at hand. I just read another thread (have been busy in the real world sector...poo happens) dealing with this. I am glad our concerns are being taken into acount and dealt with. For what it is worth; Thanks... again sorry for the slight diatribe above

haven't been able to crusie the message boards like I would like


griffrat wrote:

Jermey, et al., sorry if I seemed a little preturbed in my last post on this thread. Just frustration at the issue at hand. I just read another thread (have been busy in the real world sector...poo happens) dealing with this. I am glad our concerns are being taken into acount and dealt with. For what it is worth; Thanks... again sorry for the slight diatribe above

No problem. I can sympathize with your situation, and I understand that it is a frustrating issue. It is frustrating for us too. We want to be able to serve our customers as best we can, but every once in awhile a problem comes along that is not easily dealt with. In the meantime all we can say is that this issue is important to us as well, and we are working on it.

OK, so you said up above that it should take 2 weeks or less for American subscribers. How about us Canucks? What kind of timeline should I be expecting?


otter wrote:
OK, so you said up above that it should take 2 weeks or less for American subscribers. How about us Canucks? What kind of timeline should I be expecting?

We generally allow an extra week (three weeks total) for Canadian subscribers

Jeremy Walker wrote:
We generally allow an extra week (three weeks total) for Canadian subscribers

OK, thanks for the info! :-)

Liberty's Edge

I guess I am having trouble understanding why it takes so long for some people to get Dungeon or Dragon via subscription. I don't think I have ever had this problem with other magazines (i.e. Forbes comes every two weeks).

Dungeon #116 was mailed on Sept 21? I don't have it yet. I am hoping to see it in the mail tomorrow since one of my friends just got his yesterday. If not, I guess I will have to go through customer service again...

Dragon #325 I have not received yet either, but since it shipped after Dungeon I won't expect to see that one until Dungeon shows up.

Has Paizo ever researched how long it actually takes for the mags to reach their subscribers?

Liberty's Edge

BTW, EnWorld has reported Dragon #325 is out on the newsstand, but Dungeon #116 has not showed up in my mailbox.

As to the idea that these dealers should "hold back" the issue, that I have to disagree with. Merchandise doesn't sell when it is in the "Storeroom". How many missed sales chances can your company afford? That's why Christmas merchandise keeps showing up earlier each year, if people didn't buy it, they wouldn't put it out.

Liberty's Edge

I just received Dungeon 116 today in the mail. In case anyone is interested it appears it takes about 20 days to reach Massachusetts since the issues was mailed on Sept. 21.

Frog God Games

Still nothing in Okla. City. (Wouldn't have read it today anyway because of good football games, but would've been nice for a Sunday afternoon.)

Greg V., I am "glad" to see that it is not just me in OKC that has not received their Dungeon. Wonder why it takes so long for us?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

6pakofdwarves wrote:
it takes about 20 days to reach Massachusetts

Unfortunately, the amount of time it might take an issue to reach you won't necessarily help anyone else. When we were publishing Star Wars Insider, I knew of two subscribers in suburban Atlanta who lived a couple blocks away from one another - in the same zip code, served by the same post office, but on different carrier routes - who would routinely get their issues two weeks apart. All I can tell you is that magazines leave our printer together, and then it's up to the post office.


Oliver von Spreckelsen wrote:
I have also thought about going for a subscription of Dragon and Dungeon. They are cheaper than the preice I have to pay in my FLGS, but it will take considerably longer to arrive in Germany. This was the main reason for not subscribing to those mags and it far outwheighs the amount of money saved,

Well, it got much faster. I received #116 last Thursday (October 7th), while Paizo shipped it September 21st. I think that's ok if you live in Germany as I do.

By the way, this is something that's really pleasing. Good work, Paizo!

"When the going gets tough, the bard goes drinking."

Jeremy Walker wrote:
We generally allow an extra week (three weeks total) for Canadian subscribers

since when is Atlanta, GA part of Canada?

3 weeks is late according to you. but according to me it is better than i have been getting.

just got my copy today. 1 issue in the last 11 on time.

Liberty's Edge

Mine made it to Oklahoma today.

Sept 21 to Oct 12, 3 weeks to get here? Well I am in Canadian County.


I got mine right at the 2 week mark. And here I thought there was nothing special about PA. :D

It's Oct 12th and I haven't gotten my Dungeon #116 yet. And yes, I live in the US. I recall getting my mag in 3 to 4 days after the ship date a couple of years ago. Did the change in publisher contribute to the problem? Going from 3 days to 3 weeks seems excessive to me.

October 13th and an empty mailbox

Kylearan wrote:

Well, it got much faster. I received #116 last Thursday (October 7th), while Paizo shipped it September 21st. I think that's ok if you live in Germany as I do.
"When the going gets tough, the bard goes drinking."

Huh?? I still wait for #115 here *scratches head* and it's not that Switzerland is tooo far away from Germany. Also #114 was in my mailbox 9 weeks after it went out from Paizo.


Dustin Gebhardt wrote:
October 13th and an empty mailbox

Well, look at the bright side Dustin. If your mailbox was empty it also means you didn't get any bills or junk mail. :)

Well, I just got my Dungeon 116 today(Finally). I have been a subscriber for almost a year now, and not one of my Dungeon or Dragon magazines has made it into my hands inside the two-week mark.

I love the magazine, and wouldn't consider not buying any more issues, but I am seriously considering letting my subscription lapse.

I love the savings I get by having a subscription to both magazines, but it seems almost not worth it to get my copy of Dungeon or Dragon just before the next one hits the stands!

I've emailed customer service a few times in the past, and while they have always been friendly and helpful (they replaced a copy of a Dragon mag where one section of the 4-part FR map had been torn by the machines), they have never been able to provide a satisfactory answer to why my magazine disappears into limbo for a few weeks before it reaches me.

*Sigh* At least I know I'm not the only one with problems......

Robert Biskup wrote:
they have always been friendly and helpful


Robert Biskup wrote:
...they have never been able to provide a satisfactory answer to why my magazine disappears into limbo for a few weeks before it reaches me.

Ah, for that you'd have to peer inside the inner workings of the US Postal Service. Paizo is, alas, powerless to change that.

Yes, my issue #324 also arrived triple-folded, crunched, and several pages mangled where the clear plastic wrapping was ripped.

Makes me wonder if the Postmaster didn't like the skeletal warrior cover.

And no, I'm still waiting (October 13th and counting) for the arrival of issue #325.

Any news regarding the delay? Will this be an ongoing problem?

Liberty's Edge

Received Dragon #325 today in Massachusetts.

I'm not sure if I agree that sporadic delivery dates can be blamed on the US Postal Service. If that's the case I would imagine I would have the same problem with other magazine subscriptions. I never have this problem with Forbes magazine and that comes every two weeks.


Received my 325 today. I'm in the Philly suburbs.

NTZ, there's another thread around here that explains why it's the USPS's fault. Look for a thread about "Why do your mags arrive in my FLGS before my mailbox?" or something similar.

I have to agree with NTZ, how can the USPS be so reliable in it's unreliability? If my magazine showed up once at a week late, and the next at three, then down to a meager few days I could buy that. The fact that it's always a solid three weeks late to me would indicate to me that it's more than "low priority status".
It is now October 14th and I haven't seen #325 yet, nor do I expect it for another week assuming the delivery time is consistent with the last three issues.
The postal system manages to deliver all of my wife's periodicals, our bills, junk mail, packages, personal letters and such without a hitch, much less a regularly occuring one.
I'll be calling first thing Monday, and if this continues I'm going to have to start calling fourteen business days after shipping EVERY month to get a magazine I paid up front to receive "hassle free".

Wow, glad to see I am not the only bloke out there having issue problems. Have not recieved my issue #324 or #325. I love what the dragon and dungeon magazines do fot the D&D game, but paying for a subscription and not getting it at all or on a regular basis really sours your appetite for the magazine.

Like many others here, we all are weighing the option of re-subscribing again versus going to the local shop and paying the few dollars extra to get it on a convenient and regular basis. Because not having it is not an option. I know Paizo is working on this "hot topic", but I don't see how this can go on for too much longer before you lose a good portion of your fan base because of this.. Good luck in getting it sorted out and keep up the good work in the magazines. Thanks Randy K.


I am sorry that I have to resurrect this thread, but I have yet to receive my copies of Dragon #325 and Dungeon #116. I have also sent off an e-mail to customer service/circulation, but I wanted to post things in public incase somebody could respond sooner.

I understand the postal issues involved (to a certain extent), as I live in Canada and international mail can be a funny (strange and confusing that is) thing for Canada Post to deal with.

I certainly hope, however, that Paizo is actively working to rectify these issues. I should be able to receive one issue of Dungeon before the next issue is mailed out.

Cheers :-)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I just received my copy of Dragon this past Friday. Just days before the next issue is due to ship. I don't understand how it takes almost 1 month for the magazine to get here.I subscribe to both Dungeon and Dragon and receive my Dungeon on time. a little sad about the fact that I only get my magazine what 3 days before non-subscribers?

oh, and I live in EL Paso, Texas. Not canada. Should not be an international problem for me. :)

Michael McLaughlin wrote:
I live in EL Paso, Texas. Not canada. Should not be an international problem for me. :)

Apparently, Texas is just like another country as far as the Postal Service is concerned, Michael; it regularly takes three weeks after the ship date for me to get both Dungeon and Dragon, and I live just north of Houston...

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