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Vic Wertz wrote:
Hello Vic, Sorry for the delay in responding, I was away for a bit. I have not received Dragon #358 at all, but did receive Dragon #359 (but no poster in the package). Have not received Dungeon #149 either, but did receive Dungeon #150. As to your other question, no note of any kind in my magazines for the past few months. The first ones in the new packaging I received were Dragon #359 and Dungeon #150. There was no note in the packages, just a different address label. Cheers :) ![]()
Hello, A few suggestions for you, as the other responses in this thread have already dealt with quite a bit: 1) Play the game and see how it runs. What you read on paper and what plays in the game are not identical. 2) A Fireball is not a ranged attack in the sense of needing an attack roll with dex modifer, etc. If that is what you think a fireball requires, then you are incorrect and your wizard player is correct. Sure, a Fireball is a "ranged attack" in so far as it can travel a fair distance to hit the opposition, but it is a spell and an area effect, so it does not follow the ranged attack rules for bows, ray spells, etc. 3) In my experience running a core and accessory book game things do not start to break down until some point in the mid teens. I ran a campaign that went to level 12 with no problems at all. We eventually had 7 players in the group and I kept them challenged using CR as a guideline throughout. You do have to reazlie that CR is a guideline (as is EL), and that those guidelines are based upon a party of 4 adventurers, not 6-8. With 6-8 you need to bump things up slightly and check out possible matchups in advance as the rules are not designed for 6-8 PCs. 4) The elite array is designed for NPC use only, it is not meant as a way of generating standard PCs for a campaign. That is why the elite array only appears in the DMG. Point by and various rolling methods are in the PHB for a reason. Hope those points help you out. Cheers [:)] ![]()
Hello, I have cross-posted this issue to several threads to ensure that it gets noticed by someone. I have also sent three e-mails to Paizo about the issue (including one about 15 minutes before this post was placed) which have not been responded to. I am a Canadian subscriber and issues appear to be arriving later and later each month (or not at all). At this time I have not received my subscription copy of Dragon #339. That issue was shipped to subscribers on November 29, 2005. I have also not received my issue of Dungeon #131, even though it shipped to subscribers on December 20, 2005. I have to admit that I am also starting to get worried that I will not receive my copy of Dragon #340, which was shipped to subscribers on January 3, 2006, although I will not consider it late until after Janaury 24, 2006, as three weeks used to be the normal mailing time for an issue to my address. While I can understand a slight delay in shipping due to the Christmas mail rush, I think over 40 days to receive a copy of one of the magazines is too long. Also, is there any way that you can sort out your shipping to Canadian subscribers? It seems that every second issue is now arriving late to my door (that is, roughly 28 days for receipt or longer from date of shipment). I now routinely see copies on retailers shelves for 1-2 weeks before I get my copy. I greatly enjoy the content of Dungeon and Dragon, and want to keep my subscription going for a long period of time. Subscription delays, however, are quite frustrating. Cheers ![]()
Hello, Just gong to chime in here that I sent Paizo two e-mails about my copy of Dragon 339 being missing, one on January 9 and one on January 17. I included my mailing address and everything, but I have not heard anything back at all. I also posted in the Dungeon 131 thread, as it now appears to be AWOL as well. Cheers ![]()
Hello, I have to chime in here. My copy of Dungeon #131 has not yet arrived, and I am also waiting on my issue of Dragon #339 which is long overdue. I sent Paizo two e-mails about this, but have yet to receive a response. I know that as a Canadian subscriber I should expect a few border delays, but this is crazy. Cheers ![]()
Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Jeff, Thanks for that. I actually have had customs "eat" things before. Usually I get them "half-chewed" as it were, but I think they actually digested it this time. Cheers [:)] ![]()
Dryder, I think this would be a great idea as well, but it is unlikely to happen. The Dragon CD collection ended up in legal trouble after it was released due to author's rights not being covered appropriately. All new contracts for author's work now include an electronic distribution clause, but the original contracts for both Dragon and Dungeon did not. As I understand it, if Paizo wanted to release a CD collection now, they would have to get the permission of every author published in the magazine prior to when the revised contracts were first used. As I am sure you can imagine, this would take a great deal of time and money to track people down and negotiate rights with them. I would love to get such a collection, but I won;t be holding my breath. Cheers :-) ![]()
Hello, I am sorry that I have to resurrect this thread, but I have yet to receive my copies of Dragon #325 and Dungeon #116. I have also sent off an e-mail to customer service/circulation, but I wanted to post things in public incase somebody could respond sooner. I understand the postal issues involved (to a certain extent), as I live in Canada and international mail can be a funny (strange and confusing that is) thing for Canada Post to deal with. I certainly hope, however, that Paizo is actively working to rectify these issues. I should be able to receive one issue of Dungeon before the next issue is mailed out. Cheers :-) ![]()
Hello, I would prefer option 2 or 3 as well. While I have yet to use a Map of Mystery directly in a game, I certainly have taken ideas from them for my own use. I keep hoping that I will use some of the maps one of these days. From my perspective the feature is a great DM's aid that should continue. Cheers :-) ![]()
Right, One further thing to add. I actually was interested in the WotC buyer's guide at the end. I understand that you need ads to keep publishing, so one concentrated block is better than split up articles in my mind. That said, I think I do have to call you on content not being shorted because of the inclusion. I seem to recall the magazine running roughly 112 pages per issue for the last little while, with ads scattered throughout. This issue ended at page 94 (96??) before the WotC supplement and there were still ads in the rest of the magazine. Now, I have not done an analysis of ads before and after the change (still need my copy to do that), but that does seem to be a bit of change. It may be just my perception of things, however, with the new layout. Cheers :-) ![]()
Hello, I have not yet received my subscriber copy of Dragon #323, but I have had a chance to flip through a copy. My comments will likely change somewhat when I have a chance to sit down with the magazine for a longer period of time, but here are my first impressions: Cover - As many have mentioned, clean yyes, but kind of ehhh... When I first saw the new title font on my Dungeon subscription my first thoughts were 70s retro (although that does not seem to be your influence). It is growing on me a bit, but I really liked the 3E logo. White Space - I did notice it as a flipped through. It was quite jarring in places, and not much of a problem in others. The half pages all in white for article headers did nothing for me. White backgrounds to pages, however, were welcome when compared to the red on black text and other poor choices I have seen in the magazine in the past. Articles - Loved the Ecology (and generally have done in the past). - D&D minis stuff was also good (although a little dated being 2, close to 3, sets behind). - Samurai vs. Knight was a good concept that went on too long. I first read Dragon way back in the 1E days and I remember the backgroudn articles then. It is clear that this article was heading in that direction, but did not quite make it. What I recall form the best background articles in the past was that they all had a point and a conclusion, this one really did not (in my mind). My favourite past artcles in the 1E tradition included the ones on the folkloric properties of gemstones, how fantasy cities would adapt to monstrous warfare (dragons overhead and umberhulks below, etc.), how to recharge wants and staves (and the folkloric properities of various types of materials to make these items more realisitic), proper naming in Japanese stlye, etc. Ok, I am going on too long. More comments later. Cheers :-) ![]()
Gary Teter wrote:
Thanks again for the feedback on everything. You guys certainly do try to keep on top of everything. :-) Like I said in my first post, I am not trying to overwork you guys (well, maybe a little). For location indicator I am just thinking something along the lines of New York, New York, or even just the posters' country. Cheers :-) ![]()
Gary Teter wrote:
Thanks for the explanation. Cheers :-) ![]()
Dryder wrote:
I totally agree with you. Cheers :-) ![]()
Hello, I quite enjoyed reading through Dungeon #114. The adventures certainly gave me ideas, even if I do not use them exactly as written in my campaign. Two small concerns: 1) I too do not like the new Cover Title Font. It just does not work for me. It is a 70s throwback (in my opinion), and I don;t mean that in a good way. Of course, I am out of step with popular culture, as the 70s appear to be back in fashion, but does Dungeon (and Dragon as well) really have to slavishly follow? 2) It has been mentioned before, but the three column format does leave a lot of white space on teh page. Too much in my opinion. The two column format previously used was great in my opinion, and no change was needed. Thanks for provided the space to sound off. I generally love the waythe magazine is headed. Cheers :-) ![]()
Vic Wertz wrote:
Hello, I have never pruchased a copy of Undefeated (or seen one on shelves for that matter). Does it cover the D&D minis game at all? Cheers :-) ![]()
Gary Teter wrote:
Sounds like a great idea. I look forward to seeing what you post on the site. Cheers :-) ![]()
Hello, As I have said in other threads, I love your new website and the boards are a great addition to things. I have been spoiled at other boards out there, however, and I was wondering if there is a chance of addtional functions being added to the boards? Avatars?
I know that you guys are hard at work at dozens of things (or more), and I am not expecting anything overnight. Just wondering if anything else is planned. Thanks, Cheers :-) ![]()
Hello, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the revisiting of the Isle of Dread. It took me back to when I first started playing D&D in the 1980s. One minor quibble, the Demogorgon angle for the "mists" shrouding the island seemed a bit hackneyed to me. Why not just have the island abandoned due to dynastic decline and infighting? Of course, maybe that was part ofthe original plot idea, it is so long ago. Cheers :-) ![]()
Hello, I am wondering, is the website (or at least the messageboard portion) optimized for IE only? I am viewing the site through Netscape 7.2 and the main site appears fine, but on the messageboards the edit tags, reply tags, etc. on posts are never in alignment. It could just be my machine (the machine has had problems before), but I wanted to check in. Cheers :-) |