Phase Spider Question.

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

In the MM it reads:

"A phase spider can shift from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as a free action, and shift back again as a move action (or during a move action)."

How can a character hit it? I'm about to run an encounter where the PCs run into a few of them. Can they only be hit by using a readying action? Will that work? Eg. "My wizard readies his Magic Misslie for the next appearence of the phase spider." Will that work? How about a fighter with his greatsword.

The spider can as a free action appears in front of our fighter, attacks then 5 foot steps out and re-enters the etherial plane. Does entering the etherial plane provoke an attack of opportunity?

How does anyone out there run a phase spider encounter.

(I used search and couldn't find a thread that addresses this)

Thanks for the help.

Frog God Games

The one time I've used a phase spider in 3e, the party was forced to use readied actions with ranged weapons and spells just as you mentioned. I haven't seen another way to do it (other than becoming ethereal yourself, of course), but I, too, would like to see any suggestions anyone has.

Quex Ul wrote:

In the MM it reads:

"A phase spider can shift from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as a free action, and shift back again as a move action (or during a move action)."

How can a character hit it?

Does entering the etherial plane provoke an attack of opportunity?

As you mention, readying will work. But there's a wrinkle: if they ready with a melee weapon, and the spider reappears out of reach, they won't get their attack. But if they ready with a missile weapon, and the spider appears in a square that threatens them, the spider may get attacks of opportunity if the PCs take the shots.

This works best when the PCs can restrict the area in which the spiders decide to appear. Narrow passageways, targeted area spells that stick around for a few rounds, maybe even pools of acid or burning oil (although with an Int of 7, the phase spider might be smart enough to risk appearing in the pool if it seems advantageous).

There is one other way to deal with ethereal creatures: force effects. A wizard wouldn't have to ready the magic missile in order to hit the spider; force effects extend onto the ethereal plane. But since ethereal creatures are invisible, the wizard needs a see invisibility spell or effect in order to target the spider.

The phase spider's ethereality is a supernatural ability, so no. attacks of opportunity.

As for how I run them...

Hit and run, as you described. They don't use a lot of stealth, because they don't need to -- they'll usually get surprise, unless the party can detect invisible creatures. They're smart enough that, if they're losing, they'll go ethereal and not return. They're *not* smart enough to plan out detailed strategies; they tend to just pick a target and attack in waves. However, if anyone uses a force effect on them while they're ethereal, and they're not sufficiently weakened to run away, they are smart enough to switch their attention over to him. If they can't get to him right away (because, say, the other PCs are taking up all the possible squares that would threaten him), then they'll probably run, unless the party as a whole looks pretty badly wounded.

They're a pretty challenging encounter, and I think CR 5 might be a little low for them. Be careful how many you throw out your first time using them, especially if your PCs have low Fortitude saves.


A dimensional anchor spell readied for when the spider appears will also work.

Hey Kei,

Thanks for the detailed explanation.

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