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My party is just wrapping up the zoo, but I am going to try and make Reginald and Wynsal vastly more up front (in addition to playing up more of the other "faces of edgewatch" characters). My plans with Reginald is to have him try and cozy up to the party by offering to chronicle their exploits. I'm going to use the back matter of Eyes on Absalom as a "personal copy, hot off the presses" that he presents to my players, and he is going to try and pay them for their stories. I'm going to spin it much as Volusto is doing: aka in a sea of incompetence, the PCs stand tall as bastions of justice and action for the precipice quarter. I'm going to have him be antagonistic to Lt Lavursus (as my PCs are a bit antagonistic to "Captain 'Stash"), so the "enemy of my enemy" will come into play. With Wynsal, I plan to have him praise the precinct, and specifically the PCs unit, after books 1 & 2, and then foster initiative for more "cross precinct' actions" for the PCs in books 3, culminating in Book 4's events and the end of that book. He'll be taking an active interest in the PCs after book 1, and be asking for their input in book 2 (which is going to chafe Lavursus to no end). Just my plot hook ideas. I'm really interested in somehow foreshadowing the kraken for Reginald, or more of the background for the Skinner, but not sure how I would do that. I'm also playing up Graveraker, and have been describing its looming presence over the festival, which hopefully will make it all the more stark a contrast when it is stolen.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
I got my pdf copy and I just have to say: Kudos! All of the BBEGs for each book have been amazing so far, and I'm absolutely giddy to get the chance to run VanCaskerkin. His abilities, the layout of his lair, the Kraken, all of it is just great! The shift to Mogimo is going to be interesting, and I really appreciate the input on if parties want to try and redeem him. I'm fairly certain two of my players will tack that direction. I've only skimmed the black whale section but it looks like a lot of fun too, though it does seem like a particularly unlucky party could pull a lot of CR worth of foes into a battle, so I'll be def relooking at that portion when I get closer to running it. Thanks again!
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
I hadn't thought of that, it could pose a problem. Maybe I'll gin up a side tabloid vying with Vancaskerkin's if/when I run this. Or I'll do what I was planning earlier, and have him be a "patron" of theirs, offering coin for tales of their exploits. I had already planned on showing the back matter images of the tabloid to my players at the end of each book, played up as Vancaskerkin giving them "their honorary copy" and regaling them with the reactions of the populace to their efforts. That could be enough of a misdirection. I.e. mixing just enough truths into it all to appear to be legitimate. Play up the belief that he's "telling the truth that the leaders of Absalom don't want you to see!"
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
So, I was a player in this campaign. The group I was with wasn't really optimized but was a five player group (Rogue 10, Wiz (evoker) 10, Cleric 10, Fighter 10, Ranger 10 (archery)). Our group as also different in that the rogue (me) had been... consolidating allies for a *long* time and had leaned hard into Diplomacy/Bluff/Intimidate to do so. Vancaskerkin had been hired on to "train" the town guard and turn them into more of a militia. Our group didn't really have much interaction with Ameiko/Shalelu/Hemlock/Zantus outside of small RP moments, so they weren't really active in the battle. Instead it was more the groups we had built up in the previous chapters (for in character reasons). While not a pushover, the raid for us was not *particularly* difficult, but we also had forewarning and time to prepare. Barricades and traps were setup, militia trained and moved to various areas. Judicious use of divination magic to determine who was coming for us and how best to counteract it. Our casters were well prepared with the most useful types of spells, and indeed, we had some interesting "mobility" ideas happen where the wizard cast fly on a high str char, and had that char fly them around where they could launch fireballs at extreme range against different groups of giants. Yes, we split the party, but with the right spells it wasn't much of an issue as dimension door, fly and haste allowed for more flexibility. Additionally, my rogue had also pumped skills into UMD and acted as a "secondary" caster of sorts (mostly buffs and mobility spells), which allowed our evoker to load up on AoE spells for crowd control. For your party, I would give them the opportunity to prepare, maybe have Father Zantus offer to provide some "divination" advice in the form of visions, or even rumors from traveling merchants of a large force attacking everything in its path moving towards Sandpoint. Have the NPCs indicate that something *BIG* is coming and allow them to figure out how they want to prep for it (if at all). I can see it being a tough fight if they're not prepared, in which case it might be useful to have some of the other NPCs you mentioned to step up and show growth, pitching in at a clutch moment to save the party (and providing more RP moments... like, say Ameiko deflecting a potentially lethal attack on a PC with some pithy line about "repaying her debt" or "we adventurers have to watch out for each other!" or the like? I'm not sure how you're portraying those NPCs in your game). This could also lead into those PCs offering to tag along after 'showing their worth' as it were. Hope this provides some inspiration for you :)
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Deadmanwalking wrote: The PCs also get to 'fine' people and keep the money and return to the station and then requisition gear from defeated opponents...which, while it makes sense in-setting, given the use of civil forfeiture by real police it still leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. This part is easy enough to ignore or change in various ways, but it's less than ideal. If and when I run this AP, I'm going to modify that part myself. I'm going to make it be "bonuses" for "keeping the peace" given from higher up the chain, which will give me the chance to run more interactions with Lt Lavarsus (who is none too pleased with having to give these "rookies" extra for "just doing their damn job", and he'll let em know it, too!) It'll also make it more stark and interesting if, for example, the goblin cooks (or other, shadier sorts) offer up money as bribes, and will create tension/contrast there.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
It's been a while since I read book six (my campaign died out due to life issues near the end of book 3), but isn't there some time travel elements that could negatively impact the party? It sets them up for a paradox if they aren't able to go back in time and wake themselves up from the fugue state. You could run it so that, in destroying the Stelae, they are sucked into Carcosa with bonuses? Or maybe it shunts them to the final chapter of book six (modified for level obv) so that they get the closure of the loop on waking up from the fugue state. This would focus more on the whole "shunted through time" part of book six, expanding on that aspect rather than Carcossa itself. Just some idle thoughts while I wait for the caffeine to kick in this morning :)
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Name: Guldan “Goldie” Drak
The Gory Details:
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Wrath of the Righteous had a pseudo variant of this on the inside cover. It had the main NPCs for both the heroes and the villains, and what they were doing in the interim for the APs they weren't in (or it noted if they were dead). I found that very useful information to have as a DM. Additionally, for Strange Aeons, Dasrak made a helpful timeline of events that I've been adhering to, just in case my players go off the rails (they havn't yet, but I'm not counting it out). As for how to incorporate these concepts in an AP, I'm not sure how to begin doing that. Maybe making the blurbs for the rest of the AP in the back more detailed for DMs?
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
I will admit, I cribbed the "Easter Egg" idea from Benchak's previous posts in the Astrapi Miros thread. And it's worked out very well in my campaign as well. The flaws aspect I've cribbed as well, though for my party I used the seven deadly sins (as they've already been tied into on other APs like RotRL and Shattered Star). I think two of my players have caught on to the sin I have in their background (lust and wrath), with the other three blissfully ignorant of theirs (vanity, pride, greed). I did let my players know that they weren't good people in the past, and one of the players is dutifully trying to account for his past actions with current good deeds. I have a feeling one of my players will absolutely embrace their past backstory, and the other three will probably incorporate parts of their past with what they have played their characters as. Also, definitely scour the forums for advice/issues/things you would change etc. It has more than helped me in preparing to run this adventure, knowing what others have done or had issues with!
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
I got lucky with my playgroup. They were on board with the idea that, from book 1 their characters were in their hands to decide what they would do, but that their past was entirely within my purview (i.e. the "blank slate" start). We are running with the "Players remember nothing about their past at all" rather than the last 5 years, and it has been interesting to see how the backstories I had written up and been keeping secret have been very close to what the players have created. I've been able to enhance some of the encounters by playing up memory recollections when they find out certain information (like learning about the bar brawl in book 2, obv the revenant, and for one of the players the defunct Iron Maiden in the fort triggered an unpleasant memory), and the Dreamlands excursions have been giving them more glimpses into their past actions more and more, leading up to when they complete book 3 and regain their memories. I will admit, I've added some personal touches to the dreamlands quests that will be giving more hints and glimpses of the players' pasts. If your party is on board with it, it really does help enhance the aspect of rediscovering who they are (and deciding if that's who they want to be). Another option, would be what Benchak's group did, and have the players write each other's backstories (round robin style) and remit it to you.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
NobodysHome wrote:
Long time Lurker, first time poster... just had to share this after your "Go blow something up" comment ;)
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
archmagi1 wrote: There is a faction of the church of Pharasma based out of Wati called the voices of the spire. Your undead hunter could be associated somehow with them or maybe an agent of the greater church of Pharasma sent to do a bit of recon on them under the guise of the lottery. That's not a bad idea, especially as the Pathfinder Wiki indicates that the head of that order, Nakht Shepses, is an illegitimate son of a prominent Wati family. It gives some interesting counter play in the character's background for my DM to work with, if he wants to have a political angle. Thanks for that kernel, I'll keep it in mind!
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
*Casts Resurrect Thread*
I am seriously pondering duel wield (maces) ranger with favored enemy undead, with the undead hunter trait. My issue with that is I am unsure as to how I want to work the background for such a character. Normally if I'm feeling uninspired by a background I'll just roll randomly in Ulitmate Campaign and build from there, but as I have a decent amount of time before this AP ultimately starts I would like to see what the hive mind recommends as a unique background for such a character build. Thanks!
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
As an aside: I find it comforting that it's not just myself and my gaming group that gets schedules derailed by life. It can get frustrating at times, and I appreciate knowing that other groups have various issues getting together at regular schedules. Really enjoying the recaps of the sessions, and look forward to whenever the next one occurs! |