Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-14: Poisonous Council

2.60/5 (based on 7 ratings)
Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-14: Poisonous Council

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.

The Pathfinder Society is running low on a critical alchemical catalyst, and all their usual suppliers have run dry. The Supplies and Procurement Division is desperate, and has put a call out directly to agents. They know of one alchemist skilled and knowledgeable enough to make the catalyst– Tragshi the Herbalist, master of the Daggermark Poisoner's Guild. The Society has used what contacts they have remaining in Daggermark to arrange a meeting, but the chief poisoner isn't one to give things away for free. The PCs will need to do several errands for her, proving the Society's worth to the guild and to Tragshi herself.

Written by Tineke Bolleman

Scenario tags: None

[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]

The following maps used in this scenario are also available for purchase here on

  • Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Forest
  • Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Slum Quarter
  • Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Thieves' Guild
  • Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Society Scenario Subscription.

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    2.60/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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    Thanks Tineke Bolleman


    This text is machine translated, sorry if it is difficult to read.

    I played this scenario on PC. I found it very interesting.

    Good points.
    It follows the 1e scenario, but I enjoyed it even if I hadn't played it before.
    Personally, I found the story interesting and the fact that I got a feel for a city I don't often get to visit was great.
    There is a need for creative solutions, enjoyable role-playing and a lot of volume!
    Good that the story unfolds differently depending on the PT, preferably it would have been replayable.

    Bad points.
    The story can be stressful for some people and the PCs can get quite lost in their personalities.
    The volume of the scenario is not one that can be finished in four to five hours.
    The explanation of the subsystems is inevitably complicated, which puts a lot of strain on both the GM and the PCs.
    Maybe 4 PCs rather than 6 PCs would be just right.
    Also, I would have liked an illustration of that character.

    Once again, thanks for an enjoyable scenario, Tineke Bolleman.
    And thanks to the GM and PL.

    Poison or Medicine. that depends on who.


    I GMed twice, 6 pc and 4 pc party. They chosed different route and conclusion and I enjoyed that a lot.

    -This scenario is clearly not for 4 or 5 hour session. better play 6 to 8 hours would be fun.
    -Scenario contains outlaw atmosphere and choices, or some kind of trickstar materials, both hard ways and soft ways. if thats fits for Players or PCs, may chemical reactions causes. if not, maybe some players and PCs feels stress.
    -There is so many information and options for this scenario. It's not easy for handle this. for me it was pretty hard.

    Spoiler. GM only:
    What is going on about Tymon NPC background!? I mean...what!?

    Another one of scenarios that would work best in two sessions


    Four encounters, one infiltration and one influence scene. Considering that one 5 round skill challenge can easily take hour depending on party and roleplaying, that really makes this one of scenarios that is really hard to run in 4-6 hours without speedrunning things. That said though, there is lot of delicious plot and stuff happening in this one. Like, in PFS context scenario doesn't fit, but I think content is fun enough that I think you could run this outside of PFS as well and not be disappointed. Still in PFS its likely to be harsh since having two major skill challenges just increases chances that someone in party has no right skills and is kinda sitting around feeling like load for the part.

    Well done, but too much information.


    Too much information, cluttered.
    It's generally what everyone says it is.
    I don't need two subsystems, we only need 1-2 herbs.
    Four person 4R in a social encounter is too short and the DC is too high.
    The battles are few and weak.

    But I think it could be interesting if organised properly.
    Compared to other low-rated scenarios, I think it could be more interesting if fixed.
    Not a bad scenario, just time consuming, boring and too much information.
    ☆1 is an exaggeration, but ☆3 is a lot, maybe ☆2.5.

    well thought out, poorly implemented


    Do there really have to be so many sub-systems? Now there is not only one sub-system in each scenario, no, in this scenario there are even two. And then there's an absolutely poorly implemented infiltration subsystem. Please, how are you supposed to manage that as a group? What's more, I think it's completely badly designed. Infiltration can be great if you can play it out properly in FOrm of a campaign, with preparation and then the infiltration itself. But here in a 4 hour oneshot? Maybe, if you only have to play the sub-system, but no, here you've added another time-consuming sub-system with the influence sub-system. What's the point of that? Please get back to your strengths, namely exciting tactical battles, which Pathfinder 2 does really well. And spare us from spending the whole evening making pointless dice rolls (gathering herbs, influence, infiltration, investigation...). We like to make dice rolls, in the right places, used correctly. But please don't spend the whole evening constantly generating the next success points with dice luck. Nobody likes that, or am I really the only one?
    The fights in the scenario were absolutely weak. For the last 3 months, as a GM and player, you can be happy if you make it to round 2 or 3. A trivial optional fight, great. That's really exciting. So again, a lot of dice pushing to weed a bit.
    What I find really sad about the scenario is that the plot is really great this time! New interesting NPCs are introduced, there's an exciting new city to discover that's really different, but oh no, all this is only withheld from the GM when reading the scenario. The players are only allowed to roll dice and roll dice and roll dice and.......
    One star is justified for the spirit of this scenario. Everything else is simply inadequate in my opinion, sorry.

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    Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Announced for April! Cover and product description are not final and are subject to change.

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

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    Map list updated.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    I'm excited to run this, but also looking at the description I can't help but think I've seen this setup before.

    "We have sent for you, Pathfinders, because we are facing a crisis. The Society's supply of Illudium Phosdex, the shaving cream atom, is alarmingly low."

    Grand Archive

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

    I said this in my review, it's missing the Grand Archive tag.

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