Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw (Blood Lords 2 of 6) (Foundry VTT) Code

Our Price: $16.00


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Toil and Trouble! After stopping a poisonous plot against the living population of Graydirge, the player characters must seek out the hag pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Yet hags congregate in covens, and facing off against the insidious hag coven called the Graveclaw leads to a race across the undead-haunted nation of Geb. From shadowed forests to an undersea temple, and from rusted-out factories to university lecture halls, the characters must investigate the trails of misery and fear the hags leave in their wake. The characters must vanquish the Graveclaw to protect the residents of Geb—or end up stewing in a hag's cauldron!

Graveclaw is a Pathfinder adventure for four 4th-level characters. The adventure continues the Blood Lords Adventure Path, a six-part monthly campaign in which the characters rise from skilled troubleshooters to join the Blood Lords who rule a nation of the dead. The adventure also includes an article exposing the secrets of hag covens and plenty of new rules for fighting against hags. New spells and new items complete the witch’s brew in the coven's cookpot!

This purchase will grant you an activation code (available on your My Downloads page on which can be activated through your Foundry VTT account page at . After activation you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw (Blood Lords 2 of 6) (Foundry VTT)" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. To learn more about activating and installing premium content in Foundry Virtual Tabletop, visit

Note: This product offering requires previous purchase of the Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw (Blood Lords 2 of 6) PDF. If you would like to purchase both the PDF and the Foundry module together, you may do so at this link.

Graveclaw for Foundry VTT includes:

  • High-resolution character artwork and tokens for the unique undead monsters and NPCs in this AP
  • High-resolution, upscaled versions of the original maps
  • Five completely remade, highly detailed, and immersive adventure maps with support for Foundry Virtual Tabletop's Overhead Tiles and Foreground Layer features, re-created by Sigil Entertainment Group using assets from Forgotten Adventures.
  • Journal Entries for the entire contents of the book with additional encounter notes and Foundry VTT tips.
  • Scenes pre-configured with walls, lights, sound, tokens, and hazards already placed to provide GMs the most convenient experience running the adventure.
  • Soundscapes provided as ambient playlists and local sound sources to immerse your players, mixed using audio from the Syrinscape library.

The Foundry Virtual Tabletop software is required to use this product. For more information, visit<

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Waiting the moment.

Odd that this is now listed as unavailable

Marketing & Media Manager

This product will show as available if you've purchased the Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw (Blood Lords 2 of 6) PDF.

For me it is also listed as unavailable. I bought the Pdf before that.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

I look forward to getting this. I was really impressed with the first Blood Lords chapter's Foundry module.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
This product will show as available if you've purchased the Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw (Blood Lords 2 of 6) PDF.

Why must I purchase a PDF version of this to get the Foundry ver. available for purchase? What if I have the physical copy of the book? I really don't get this.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Peenicks wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
This product will show as available if you've purchased the Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw (Blood Lords 2 of 6) PDF.
Why must I purchase a PDF version of this to get the Foundry ver. available for purchase? What if I have the physical copy of the book? I really don't get this.

Cause the module comes with the PDF, so if you already have the PDF this version is discounted.

The version that doesn't require you to own the PDF is Here

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is the most expensive version of this AP. Purchase of this AP should not require the PDF since the module is fully self contained. Please stop overcharging for Foundry modules.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

They're not overcharging. The amount of work that goes into the Foundry modules is additional work from what goes into the AP. If you don't want to benefit from that extra work, nobody is forcing you to buy it. The amount of time these modules save me as a GM is well worth the cost.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Like I'm doing this same work for two campaigns, and the amount of time these modules would save me? At least a full work week worth of work for each book of an Ap. Considering I make $45 an hour at my day job, that's an awful lot of money it saves me.

Maps: At least an hour of work in DungeonDraft per map in an AP. Another 30 minutes or so of work to make sure that the walls/doors/lights are imported correctly. So let's say 2 hours for each map just to be safe, though some are even longer.

Soundsets: Another hour or so per map, to make sure the right sounds are available for different encounters and locations.

Journal Entries: At least two hours per AP book to make them readable and usable.

Token artwork: An hour to pull all the images needed for a book, another half an hour to go through and attach all of the token art to individual actors.

Actors themselves: Building unique monsters and NPC actors from the APs are going to take 30+ minutes each to make sure all the stats are input correctly and working right.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Pay. People. For. Their. Work.

It is that simple.

I've noticed a bug that may affect your further enjoyment of the game.
Foundry VTT has been updated to version 11, but Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw (Blood Lords 2 of 6) (Foundry VTT) Bundle still has proven compatibility with version 9 only.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HradSpain wrote:

I've noticed a bug that may affect your further enjoyment of the game.

Foundry VTT has been updated to version 11, but Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw (Blood Lords 2 of 6) (Foundry VTT) Bundle still has proven compatibility with version 9 only.

V11 coming soon

Envoy's Alliance

Please, fix the Journal directory structure for Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw module... For some reason, it's different from other books (it still looks like it's from v9 days - with many-many subdirectories and separate enteties).

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