Chris Esser 556's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

For a second I thought Karzoug was back...

Ahh men, the only thing I miss as a VTT player is my DM-Screen. Always half-hidden behind the screen menacely watching my players...
Shame but the distance between player can't be bridged. Still a keep them for some reason.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Looks good,I like particularly the Naga (never was a fan of the snake with just a human-head look) and the sedacthy, who looks more comfortable underwater than his sahaguin colleague.
I know I should not ask before the relase of the book but are there more monster books planned ? PF1 had 6 and PF2 Pre-Remaster had 3. I just love monster books and you can never have enough.

For me it is also listed as unavailable. I bought the Pdf before that.

Thanks for the info, i was not sure because of the wording of death effects; "Spells with the death descriptor directly attack a creature's life force to cause immediate death".

Hi there,
short question, hit with Destruction spell (enemy had spell turning), my cleric Level 16 cleric went down with his 157 HP (spell damage was 160).
I had second wind prepared but destruction spell is a death effect. So even with second wind immediate casting action;" when you are brought to below 0 hit points",the cleric would still die instantly. Or am I wrong?