Just as an alchemist's formula book holds the key to crafting alchemical items, the Pathfinder Alchemy Deck contains cards for every alchemical item from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the Advanced Player's Guide. Each card holds the item's statistics, a description, and a beautiful full-color illustration so you can see every item in your collection! Whether you're a GM building an alchemist's stall or a player assembling a formula book, the Alchemy Deck keeps your reagents at your fingertips!
Well, it would not be a complete set of cards. New alchemical things are released in most books. At least spells get their own set after a bit. Does that make sense?
Well, it would not be a complete set of cards. New alchemical things are released in most books. At least spells get their own set after a bit. Does that make sense?
I better understand your question, thanks. Item cards and spell cards will always lag behind the new items and spells created in books. While they will not be complete, they will not be obsolete. Paizo does have supplemental products planned when it makes sense to do so.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
(They have made multiple spell decks, and it wouldn't be surprising if they end up releasing a second deck later with alchemical things released after the books included in this deck.)
Who needs magic when you have science? A healing elixir, explosive bomb, or liberating solvent can make all the difference in a day filled with harrowing adventures. The Pathfinder Alchemy Deck contains cards detailing every alchemical item in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide, including bombs, elixirs, mutagens, poisons, and more! Each card features statistics, descriptions, and beautiful full- color illustrations. Keep each flask and vial at the ready!