What's the definition of a "spell trigger item" and "spell-completion item"?

Rules Questions

Are they the same thing? Are they different? What are examples of each?

I ask because of the craft rules:

Core p. 549
Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions.
These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created.
Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be
known by the item’s creator (although access through another
magic item or spellcaster is allowed). The DC to create a magic
item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not
meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation
feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create spelltrigger
and spell-completion magic items without meeting
their spell prerequisites.


Back Stabbath wrote:
Are they the same thing? Are they different? What are examples of each?

Spell Completion: This is the activation method for scrolls.

Spell Trigger: Spell trigger activation is similar to spell completion, but it's even simpler. Wands use the spell trigger activation method.

Spell trigger = wands

spell completion = scrolls

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The very beginning of the Magic Item section has your answer. (at work, so can't cite a page number, but I can link the PRD)

Magic Item Section wrote:

Spell Completion: This is the activation method for scrolls. A scroll is a spell that is mostly finished. The preparation is done for the caster, so no preparation time is needed beforehand as with normal spellcasting. All that's left to do is perform the finishing parts of the spellcasting (the final gestures, words, and so on). To use a spell completion item safely, a character must be of high enough level in the right class to cast the spell already. If he can't already cast the spell, there's a chance he'll make a mistake. Activating a spell completion item is a standard action (or the spell's casting time, whichever is longer) and provokes attacks of opportunity exactly as casting a spell does.

Spell Trigger: Spell trigger activation is similar to spell completion, but it's even simpler. No gestures or spell finishing is needed, just a special knowledge of spellcasting that an appropriate character would know, and a single word that must be spoken. Spell trigger items can be used by anyone whose class can cast the corresponding spell. This is the case even for a character who can't actually cast spells, such as a 3rd-level paladin. The user must still determine what spell is stored in the item before she can activate it. Activating a spell trigger item is a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.


Argh: ninja'ed due to work computer suddenly deciding good connections to the net are overrated and lagged brutally after hitting "submit". :p



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