Pathfinder Book of the Dead Pocket Edition

Our Price: $24.99

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The dead are rising! This blasphemous tome gives players and GMs everything they need to bring the shambling menace of the undead to their Pathfinder adventures. This book includes tools for fighting against the undead horde, but also options for the players themselves to control or even become undead creatures. GMs will find new tools and haunts, as well as information about the undead-plagued lands of the Lost Omens campaign setting. A massive bestiary section full of undead creatures brings more threats for GMs to use and summonable creatures for players, including more versions of classic undead like vampires, skeletons, and zombies. This 224-page softcover rulebook also includes a full adventure themed around fighting the undead!

The pocket edition presents the same contents in a smaller sized softcover for a lower price and better portability.

Written by: Jason Bulmahn, Brian Bauman, Tineke Bolleman, Logan Bonner, Jessica Catalan, John Compton, Chris Eng, Logan Harper, Michelle Jones, Jason Keeley, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Liane Merciel, Patchen Mortimer, Quinn Murphy, Jessica Redekop, Mikhail Rekun, Solomon St. John, Michael Sayre, Sen.H.S.S, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Jason Tondro, Andrew White

Available Formats

Pathfinder Book of the Dead is also available as:

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Pathfinder Nexus on Demiplane
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-403-1

Product Availability

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Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

Announced for March! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Katina Davis wrote:
Announced for March! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

if i preorder the pocket edition, do i receive the pdf?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Yakman wrote:
Katina Davis wrote:
Announced for March! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.
if i preorder the pocket edition, do i receive the pdf?

No, because you only get a free PDF as part of a subscription, and there is currently no pocket edition subscription.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:
Yakman wrote:
Katina Davis wrote:
Announced for March! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.
if i preorder the pocket edition, do i receive the pdf?

No, because you only get a free PDF as part of a subscription, and there is currently no pocket edition subscription.

so... if i preorder the hardcover, do i get the pdf?

i preordered the remastered curse of the crimson throne years ago, and unexpectedly received the pdf of that...

Marketing & Media Manager

Yakman wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
Yakman wrote:
Katina Davis wrote:
Announced for March! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.
if i preorder the pocket edition, do i receive the pdf?

No, because you only get a free PDF as part of a subscription, and there is currently no pocket edition subscription.

so... if i preorder the hardcover, do i get the pdf?

i preordered the remastered curse of the crimson throne years ago, and unexpectedly received the pdf of that...

No. You would need to become a subscriber to the rulebook line to receive a complimentary PDF of this book.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Yakman wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
Yakman wrote:
Katina Davis wrote:
Announced for March! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.
if i preorder the pocket edition, do i receive the pdf?

No, because you only get a free PDF as part of a subscription, and there is currently no pocket edition subscription.

so... if i preorder the hardcover, do i get the pdf?

i preordered the remastered curse of the crimson throne years ago, and unexpectedly received the pdf of that...

The CotCT free PDF on preorder needed you to be an AP subscriber, which you are. The free PDF on non-sub books is usually given when you are a subscriber to the line of that book.

This book looks interesting but do I need it?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Luna Rose wrote:

This book looks interesting but do I need it?

Are you planning on having undead monsters in your campaign, or plan on having your players play undead options? Then yes. If not, then probably no.

That's gonna be a common question to ask regarding future rulebooks from now on. Everything from Secrets of Magic onward aren't considered "core books," so whether their aimed-at niche is worth it is something you'd need to ask yourself with each new release.

Ezekieru wrote:
Luna Rose wrote:

This book looks interesting but do I need it?

Are you planning on having undead monsters in your campaign, or plan on having your players play undead options? Then yes. If not, then probably no.

That's gonna be a common question to ask regarding future rulebooks from now on. Everything from Secrets of Magic onward aren't considered "core books," so whether their aimed-at niche is worth it is something you'd need to ask yourself with each new release.

Thank you. I am thinking of getting the spell book because of the spells but the other books I am not sure of what I need as I am new and have only been playing for six months now.

I hope we get more Ancestry feats for Dhampirs in this Manual.

Hopefully there will be Companion equipment to help Companions fight the dead, maybe with ghost touch! please. Also, can a girl get some playable spider companions?

Marketing & Media Manager

Update: MARCH 2022 New Releases and Subscription Shipping. This product release is delayed in print, PDF, and digital tools.

Marketing & Media Manager

Exclusive preview in a series of previews of Pathfinder Book of the Dead, Chapter 2, Hymns for the Dead, from Nonat1s: "VAMPIRE COMPANIONS in Pathfinder BOOK OF THE DEAD!"

Don't miss the exclusive preview of Pathfinder Book of the Dead, Chapter 1, Prayers for the Living, from Know Direction!

Marketing & Media Manager

But wait, there's more! Watch Really Dicey's exclusive look at Chapter 4, Lands of the Dead, "Book of the Dead! Exploring Pathfinder 2E's Undead Sourcebook With Logan Bonner".

Marketing & Media Manager

Roll20 virtual tabletop plans to have this product available for purchase on their site on release day.

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

New Preview, No Joke!
NECROMANCER ARCHETYPE in Book of the Dead! - Pathfinder 2e from Nonat1s.

Marketing & Media Manager

I arranged an exclusive interview between Nonat1's and Pathfinder Lead Designer Logan Banner regarding Book of the Dead and more. Hope you like it!

"Exclusive PATHFINDER 2e SECRETS LEAKED with Logan Bonner!"

Marketing & Media Manager

New preview: Pathfinder Lore - Book of the Dead, Part 1 from Sir Vertigo.

Marketing & Media Manager

Excerpt from Pathfinder Book of the Dead.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Is it me or do the pocket editions keep getting pushed back to a month after a hardcover release?

This happened with a couple of my orders, most recently Guns and Gears Pocket Edition.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

It's not you. You have heard of the ongoing world-wide supply chain problems, right?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

But there was a much longer delay for the original products, when the pocket editions were not yet planned. At least now we can order these books with the knowledge that the hardback and pocket editions are both coming out soon.

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