Cyrad RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

Ran this yesterday.
The scenario seems to expect you to waste an hour rolling for the storms each day and force each PC to roll up to 30 consecutive Fortitude or Reflex saves for damage and effects that will get healed anyway.
Don't do this!
Pre-roll the storms and have them only come into play during encounters or if a PC has a drone or animal companion without environmental protection.
When you do the math and read up on the rules, the storm mechanic won't impact the scenario. Because PCs can regenerate HP and Stamina by resting, any damage dealt by the storms will be healed by the end of the day. So the storms only mean anything for days an encounter occurs. There's only two or three encounters and storms only happen once per day for no more than 3 hours. There's a 25% chance a storm doesn't happen at all. Thus, there's no more than a 9.375% chance a storm will happen during an encounter.
But environmental protections on armor protect PCs from the storms (as it should). A level 1 PC will have armor of level 1 or 2, granting 24 to 48 hours of protection. Because storms last no more than 3 hours each day, PCs can easily negate the effects of the storms for the entire journey assuming they intelligently utilize their armor charges. The only effects they can't shrug off are the penalties to ranged attacks and any difficult terrain.
Thus, I advise:
1. Assume the PCs optimize their armor charges accordingly
2. Pre-roll a few storm effects and have them only come up during the encounters for the purposes of difficult terrain and ranged attack penalties
3. Outside of encounters, only trouble the PCs with saving throws if they act outside of the above assumption, such as the case with drones, animal companions, or if PCs take off their armor