Starfinder Superscriber
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
I sympathize with your plight for what it’s worth.
Starfinder Superscriber
I saw the YouTube interview with Jason Tondro and KC Owens and it does seem like good will is there on their part (although Owens being a former employee wouldn’t be directly involved). I do hope this works out for everyone involved. Being represented by a union and having grown up in a union town, all the stereotypes pro and con are true. I do hope both Paizo and it’s employees can navigate those minefields as the process moves forward. I still think moving out of Its current city to a less expensive area would solve much of the cash flow problem and cost of living problem. What people pay for rent in those areas far exceed what we pay in mortgages elsewhere.
Starfinder Superscriber
These coins are awesome, and they’re good quality. They’re a big hit with my friends and I around our table on Thursday nights. I ordered a couple packs and told the GM to hand them out to everyone as commemorative souvenirs once we’ve completed our first AP. I’d love to see a special edition with the Starfinder logo (I know - it’s a different game system) on the other side.
Starfinder Superscriber
With regard to to your union logo, was the communist symbolism really necessary? Something more akin to the AFL-CIO or the Teamsters logos - but still Pathfinder/Starfinder-like - would have been far more appropriate. Maybe something incorporating the Open Road symbol instead of a tool harkening back to the hammer and sickle.
Starfinder Superscriber
Speaksinriddles wrote:
That would be great. Thanks.
Starfinder Superscriber
Request for Paizo: Dear Paizo, While I’m disappointed that you won’t be joining us at GenCon this year, I’m also a fan of personal choice. So I’m okay with your “personal” choice as an organization. That said, could you please loosen your rules on running the Starfinder and Pathfinder specials from this year and last, so that we can run them at our local hobby shops without the requirement for multiple tables? (This would also help address the concerns of some of those regarding having too many people together at once.) Asking for myself, my friends, and many fellow hobbyists. Speaking for myself, my computer is a dinosaur, Roll20 is a pain, and I do this hobby to be around people. As an added argument, playing in person allows us to meet people we otherwise wouldn’t have much in common with. In-person gaming allows people of different backgrounds and life paths to come together and have fun and experience the diversity that is one of your company’s core values. Sincerely,
Starfinder Superscriber
RobertTHEPerylous wrote:
Hey, Rob, I like your idea of using Family Time Games, especially if we can run the Pathfinder and Starfinder specials from this year and last year. You would have at least four of us driving down from Lafayette, and likely more. P.S. Is there any chance of doing an in-person HoosierCon this fall?
Starfinder Superscriber
Xathos of Varisia wrote: Excellent statement. I am still planning to run this AP and with everything going on in the world at this particular time, I feel it might be a good time to run it. Our real life world is changing and APs are fantasy agents of change. Seeing how a group of roleplayers interprets the story and adapts to it will be an interesting experience. My home group falls along different points of the political spectrum. And we discuss and debate real world topics in a civil manner. And that’s because we’re friends and respect each other’s point of view. But when it’s time to start rolling dice, we put those discussions away and do what we came there to do: Have fun and escape the real world for a few hours.
Starfinder Superscriber
I might suggest that with regard to the upcoming AP and people’s comments here about it that Paizo use it as an opportunity to portray law enforcement in the honorable way in which people would like to see them perform their duties rather than portraying them as evil or corrupt. In my view, only the hate-filled would have a problem with that concept. Besides, Paizo already has evil law enforcers - the Hell Knights.
Starfinder Superscriber
Just to verify - the big special - 3-00 - this year is going to be levels 1 through 8 and not levels 1 through 12 like last year’s 2-00 Fate of the Scoured God? I just need to know in order to make sure I don’t level up my players’ characters beyond their ability to play. Thanks in advance.
Starfinder Superscriber
In that case, I can see them make these arguments:
I know this sounds like a lot of rules lawyering, but my players are adept at
Starfinder Superscriber
I’m trying to anticipate how my players will argue this, so here goes: The trick attack allows a move action. Therefore, the operative activates the cloaking field as his move action then makes his trick attack using the +10 cloaking field bonus to add to his trick attack roll. Rinse and repeat each round up to 10 rounds. Additionally, the attack doesn’t end the cloaking field, just that particular attempt to hide. And trick attacks don’t require the character to actively be using the associated skill. They’re simply using that skill to get the roll. |