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I just want to play the radiant PC from your PaizoCon game again, Michael!
If you happened to lose her character sheet, it just so happens that I linked it here along with most of the other characters from that game (except Andrew's spider, since it's a thread for akashic characters and the spider wasn't akashic).

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This was one of my first gigs ever, and it’s so cool to see it out and about!
Now you, too, can be a spider that hides vrock giblets in her supernatural extradimensional space :D
Oh man, I had almost forgotten about that. Worry not though, it has been vividly rebranded upon my mind.
The funny part is that that isn't even the weirdest thing that happened during that game.

GM Rednal |
I got this, and while I'm not done reading it yet, I am enjoying it a lot! I'm very much looking forward to reading it in detail now.
(Though, the OGL at the end could use another pass-through before the book goes to print, assuming it hasn't been finalized. There's a LOT of repeated stuff in the second half, and I think enough could be removed to free up a whole page for something else - maybe a personal message to backers?)

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Hey... this came to see the light of day. I missed backing the Kickstarter, but I'll be unhesitatingly buying it right now.
Afterthought... is there going to be a print version available to the public?
I'd particularly like to hear what you think of the vizier's Path of the Scholar, the guru's Shabti philosophy, and the daevic's new Knowledge passion. You've been following my akashic stuff for a long time and I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on the options for the OG akashic classes.
I'll ping Christen about the print version so he can answer.

Anguish |
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Anguish wrote:Hey... this came to see the light of day. I missed backing the Kickstarter, but I'll be unhesitatingly buying it right now.I'd particularly like to hear what you think of the vizier's Path of the Scholar, the guru's Shabti philosophy, and the daevic's new Knowledge passion. You've been following my akashic stuff for a long time and I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on the options for the OG akashic classes.
I'll take a look, probably tomorrow night.
For what it's worth, my vizier got sidelined because plot, but returned this weekend to participate in a side-quest, and her new unicorn friend was really awesome at the table. She's definitely one of my top three favorite characters ever. So. Many. Fiddly. Bits!

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Oh, incidentally, proofreading-wise... there's already some issues with the table of contents. It says classes start on page 382, but they actually start on 384. The ToC is important, so hopefully this gets one last proofreading pass before going to print.
Christen is aware and will have it fixed before the print proof is finalized.

StSword |

Well of course this book comes out while I'm too broke to buy it. :(
I know about the Radiant, Eclipse, and Nexus, so would anyone be kind enough to give a synopsis of what the Aethernaut is like?
Or the new goodies for the Aberrant Aegis, Echo, and Theurge?
I like to know what I'm missing, you see.

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I'm so glad I got to work on this! I wrote the Knight of Three Roads paladin, the Jekyllian Knight cavalier, the Collegiate Barista investigator, the Spark of Brilliance veils, the feats supporting those, and the music box feats!

Anguish |
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vizier's Path of the Scholar
Academy Trained This is an interesting different take on flexibility. With the Path of the Crafter, obviously there's the angle of gaining access to abilities through physical items you make (indeed, my vizier owns one magic item aside from an ioun torch and an akashic catalyst). Here's a way to directly gain access to the useful abilities your veils might not produce. Suddenly a vizier could potentially - at a cost - work as a secondary caster. Especially condition-removal for a cleric, where the caster level of a scroll doesn't necessarily matter. Neat.
Expert Veilshifting With veilshifting in general, there's an awesome feeling of "oh, oh, I know a trick that can help with this circumstance", but there's always the ever-increasing cost of functionality due to losing bindings. This is a flavorful way of working around that to a degree, and easing up on the "oh, man, I can't do this very often today... don't want to get stuck in a situationally-specific veil set" worry. Neat.
Akashic Records It's a mind palace! With minions. And now you don't need to carry around the masters for scribing scrolls. This has all the cool aspects of the Autohypnosis skill (which comes into play at our table as often as people can justify), only (much) better. Even if it's only used as a get-out-of-a-bad-combat-situation ability, it's great. Neat.
guru's Shabti philosophy
Aura of Calm Kind of like a bard's fascination, only theoretically can work in the middle of combat. I'm suddenly envisioning The Dude as a guru. Neat.
Enhanced Calm I'm going to have to ruminate on this one for a bit. On the surface it looks neat, but I haven't figured out yet how to (ab)use it. I mean, suppressing fear effects and confusion is more-than-awesome for your allies, but the suppression of everything else seems redundant. A foe who can't take violent acts can't benefit from rage or bless and so on. Unless I'm misunderstanding and this is an additional benefit of the aura which isn't subject to the Will save and isn't subject to being ended if the foe is attacked.
Calming Touch Oh, now that's just mean. I'm laughing here. "Buddy, just... take a moment to reflect. No need to fight." <Boot to the head> "No, no, man, that was just a misunderstanding. Just chill for a minute, yeah?" <Boot to the head> "Oh, sorry, my feet sometimes have a mind of their own. My bad." Awesome. Bonus for not having to wait until capstone levels to get this.
Rest For the Wicked At first glance, it's slumber hex, only not a 1st-level ability, so beyond reproach. But then the healing rest portion makes it very cool. Given gurus can manufacture hit points (slowly) without cost by using a specific veil and feat combination, it's not at all broken. Hopefully a feat shows up some day that lets the healing rest be used more times a day. Neat.
Slumbering Palm Stunning Fist only a Will save. Unfortunately undead are immune to sleep effects so this doesn't work around that. Still... neat.
Peaceful Returns This is cool because at the very least it can be used to encourage the rest of the party to stop outright killing things. I envision the party wizard investing in Merciful Spell immediately and joyously. I mean, yeah, free non-lethal Maximized fireballs. Okay. The level makes it reasonable, and the action-economy cost underscores that. Neat.
Swords To Plowshares This is brilliant. I wish there was a clause (or a feat?) in there to nerf natural attacks as well, but only because this is so right. The philosophy opened with a statement of flavor and each feature just kept amping it up. Very good job sticking to the theme. Neat.
daevic's new Knowledge passion.
Eidetic Cache Neat multiclassing trick. Would love to use in a gestalt campaign.
I'll have to reread the 6th-level education feature a few more times to decide for sure, but I'm thinking that a daevic with fellow party member who does have memorized spells would be able to use those to fuel the spell-like ability functionality of the cache. Forget multiclassing. At 12th it looks like this goes both ways.
The secrecy ability has a cool vibe to it, similar to a cryptic. Infiltrate, obtain, destroy. Oh, and eat some traps. At 12th-level, it's time to start making people forget their own name. And at 18th it's time for your enemies' minions to forget who their boss is. Which is awesome. Especially since it works at a distance. OMFG, this is a totally wicked thing to put on a BBEG who gets introduced to the party early in the campaign. The players have spent a campaign building up allies and friendships... people to call upon for assistance. Only... nobody remembers them anymore, and nobody cares to get to know them. "Captain Marvel who?!? Stop bothering me." Very neat.
This is deliberately not a "review" in the classic sense. It's just my initial ruminations. I want to take a moment to compliment you (again). Having read most of the available Akashic discussion threads, and having actually played some of the material, two things are abundantly evident to me. First, your grasp of balance (mathematical and other) is top-notch. I was pleasantly shocked to analyze the damage potential of my vizier and kept coming up with numbers very, very close to anyone else fitting her role. Second, your ability to find niche, themed roles and build mechanics nobody else ever has is impressive. I've always been a huge fan of Sean K. Reynolds for his rules-fu, but over the last few years you've eclipsed him in my eyes. A bit of depression I have regarding PF2 is that we're back to the basics again, with rules for "hit it with a stick" and "hit it with a ball of fire", for the umpteenth time. I'm just hoping you get the opportunity to take a whack at the rules and pump out some unique out-of-the-box stuff like all of this, for that ruleset.
Thanks for all the fish.

Anguish |

I'm out of time for tonight, but... formatting stuff always jumps out at me. It's hugely difficult to get right during layout and it's hard to flip back and forth between reading content versus form, so I totally get it. When and if I have time for a deeper pass, I will, but for now...
pg 469
Aura of the Long Night. First two references to darkness aren't italicized or linked.
Essential Supply. "Veilweaver" in prerequisites line should be capitalized.
Extra Discovery. "Aethernaut" in prerequisites line should be capitalized.

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*Path of the Scholar Stuff*
Glad it went over well! When I finished this one I really found myself wishing it had been right in AM alongside the core class, it seemed so natural and obvious. But I think it benefits a lot from being here in this book as well.
*Shabti Stuff*
:D I had a theme in mind, and I felt like once it got going it basically wrote itself. Swords to Plowshares is something I really want to throw on an NPC at some point in one of my longer-running games; I really want to tell a player who didn't know it was coming that Wyrmburner, their +5 dragon-bane, holy, flaming burst greatsword is now a mop.
*Daevic of Knowledge stuff*
I gave up a whole additional vizier path and guru philosophy for this one because it required so much text, but I really like it. Being able to share and poach spells and information with and from party members, erasing yourself or others out of existence... I picked Knowledge because I thought it was a more interesting option than a few other things I could have done, and then I put exactly zero limitations beyond "keep it balanced" for what I was going to do with it. I'm glad you're digging where it ended up.
*Sayre stuff*
Thanks :)
Well, I hope you'll be pleasantly surprised about where the new edition of Pathfinder is going. There's been a lot of changes I'm excited about, I've already been working on things that will be in upcoming products, and there's a lot of passion, energy, and creativity at Paizo. I expect this edition to have lots of cool and interesting stuff that I wouldn't consider "basic" pretty much right out of the gate, and I think the framework allows for some cool growth and evolution in ways that would be difficult to implement in the current edition.
Worst case scenario, there's two more books in this product line that I've already written and submitted to Christen with new akashic stuff, and at least one more in the pipeline, so maybe that'll give you something to do while the new edition grows to the point where it can grab your interest again.

Anguish |

So... Ceptu. Pg323. This is off-the-map in terms of original and different, but does lead to a couple questions. If there's somewhere better I should be taking these questions, please let me know.
It doesn't actually say that telekinetic fighting uses the range of minor telekinetics but that seems the only thing that makes sense.
There's also no guidance regarding moving a controlled weapon. Can a Ceptu simply relocate a weapon from anywhere in their range to anywhere in their range, and if so is this an action or free?
It would also be useful to have clarity regarding positional implications of such a weapon. Does the weapon occupy a full square? Can anyone else occupy that square? Does the weapon provide flanking (in which case amusingly the Ceptu can be their own flanking partner due to their sting)? Hello Ceptu rogue!
What happens if a weapon is relocated (by the Ceptu) in terms of provoking attacks of opportunity? I imagine they'd be subject to Sunder attempts frequently if so.
What happens if the Ceptu is moved out of the range of their weapons, for instance by a Bull Rush maneuver?
Does the Ceptu need line-of-sight or line-of-effect to control their weapons. Despite hovering, a nice create pit is all that required to disarm a Ceptu, depending on the answer.
Speaking of which, presumably the weapon itself threatens for purposes of AoO? Meaning that if someone moves away from the weapon, the Ceptu can then use it to make an AoO on that someone?
How does it work when a Ceptu wields a shield? If it's in the Ceptu's square, that seems obvious. But what if it's not? Does the Ceptu still get its shield bonus to AC? It seems they shouldn't, but who knows since this is such an odd species.
There are probably dozen other questions that I haven't thought of yet, but I figure these alone add a half-page of rules legalese.

Lost Spheres Publishing |
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So... Ceptu. Pg323. This is off-the-map in terms of original and different, but does lead to a couple questions. If there's somewhere better I should be taking these questions, please let me know.
It doesn't actually say that telekinetic fighting uses the range of minor telekinetics but that seems the only thing that makes sense.
There's also no guidance regarding moving a controlled weapon. Can a Ceptu simply relocate a weapon from anywhere in their range to anywhere in their range, and if so is this an action or free?
It would also be useful to have clarity regarding positional implications of such a weapon. Does the weapon occupy a full square? Can anyone else occupy that square? Does the weapon provide flanking (in which case amusingly the Ceptu can be their own flanking partner due to their sting)? Hello Ceptu rogue!
What happens if a weapon is relocated (by the Ceptu) in terms of provoking attacks of opportunity? I imagine they'd be subject to Sunder attempts frequently if so.
What happens if the Ceptu is moved out of the range of their weapons, for instance by a Bull Rush maneuver?
Does the Ceptu need line-of-sight or line-of-effect to control their weapons. Despite hovering, a nice create pit is all that required to disarm a Ceptu, depending on the answer.
Speaking of which, presumably the weapon itself threatens for purposes of AoO? Meaning that if someone moves away from the weapon, the Ceptu can then use it to make an AoO on that someone?
How does it work when a Ceptu wields a shield? If it's in the Ceptu's square, that seems obvious. But what if it's not? Does the Ceptu still get its shield bonus to AC? It seems they shouldn't, but who knows since this is such an odd species.
There are probably dozen other questions that I haven't thought of yet, but I figure these alone add a half-page of rules legalese.
Anguish, thanks for you questions! The Ceptu are one of two reprient OGL races we used for the setting and originally came from Oathbound 7 from Epidemic Books. As OGL content we tried to maintain their original wording as much as possible for mechanical abilities but your questions certainly have merit!
We recommend the following:
* Ceptu Telekinetics generally should be close range supernatural abilities determined by HD.
* Effects that disrupt line-of-effect or range (such as Bull Rush or the pit spell and yes it can make them easier to disarm than many creatures)
* Generally the weapon should be considered to be wielded as though the Ceptu was in the square in question and so can provide flanks and the like.
* Re-positioning weapons should take a move action in range per weapon, this will reduce the action economy of rogues etc. and result in a more balanced trade off for self-flanks etc.
* The can still be sundered and otherwise are immune to targeting effects.
* Weapon squares should be considered occupied but we recommend that creatures substantially larger than the weapon (at least one size category larger than the Ceptu) don't stop the weapon from moving through their squares nor are hindered by it.
Hopefully this helps.

Anguish |
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Anguish, thanks for you questions! The Ceptu are one of two reprient OGL races we used for the setting...
Hopefully this helps.
That's a very valid reason, and those are all great answers. I'm not in desperate need for details immediately or anything... I'm just trying to spend some time proofing the book before it goes off to print, and my particular prejudices are precise rules wording and formatting. I'm 100% fine with winging it as a GM and negotiating with a GM as a player, but I figure if I bring up anything obvious before the proof is off to the printer, it's in everyone's best interest.
By the way, thanks for this. I've only had an hour or so but this thing is really, really flavorful.

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Here's a thing worth knowing.

Rednal |

(As a different proofreading note, I mentioned above that a lot of stuff is repeated in the OGL, especially in the second half. Definitely consider a quick run of that to smooth it out and free up a little space. Who knows? Maybe you can add a message to backers, an advertisement for other products, or something else there without really changing the printing costs. ^^)

Lost Spheres Publishing |

(As a different proofreading note, I mentioned above that a lot of stuff is repeated in the OGL, especially in the second half. Definitely consider a quick run of that to smooth it out and free up a little space. Who knows? Maybe you can add a message to backers, an advertisement for other products, or something else there without really changing the printing costs. ^^)
Thanks for this call out. We will see what can be done. If you have any other notes please send them to: herowithin@lostspherespublishing.com so we can take action before we run out of time for the final print file.

the xiao |
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Here's a thing worth knowing.
:-O Dear lord I've not finished with this one and you are releasing another? Please stop it (no, don't)

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Michael Sayre wrote:Here's a thing worth knowing.:-O Dear lord I've not finished with this one and you are releasing another? Please stop it (no, don't)
I won't :)
Akashic Realms will be an ongoing series of handbooks. Emperors and Einherjar will be first, but we've also got Akashic Realms: The Quiet Lands in queue behind it with another zodiac cosmology (with a unique new [Dismiss] ability), new akashic races, and new akashic feats. Both releases also have new animal companions (because there were a couple constellations I wanted animal companions for that didn't have appropriate options available).

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Michael Sayre wrote:Both releases also have new animal companionsYeah, I remember the capricorn.
I try to make sure there's something for everyone in every book, and that every book has some value as a standalone product.
Besides, the distinct lack of giant hare and sheep animal companions was a gap I felt a strong desire to fill :P

Lost Spheres Publishing |
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I have some trouble imagining how the Radia and Occlusion look like. Is the city in a bubble, with Occlusion forming the sides and Radia the top?
Not as much trouble as you think because that is essentially exactly correct. The "bubble" flexes and pulses though perhaps more subtly than the Radia's light above. A playtester described it as "fishbowl of the Occlusion" shot through from above by the light of the Radia above and the Lattice "roads" at widest points of the "dome". We asked a few artists to try a visualization but the effort proved very hard to convey the right look.
To adventurers traveling the Shadow Plane from outside the city it most often presents as a massive sphere or dome (if on the Lattice) with a shaft of shimmering multicolored light raising high above it. Some claim that beyond the light of the Radia they can see the silhouettes of massive branches or roots.
Once inside the darkness of the Occlusion, the inner surface of the dome seems to shift from darkness at eye-level in the Farring, moving through overlaid night skies, and drawing at last toward a mounting aurora of colors which brightens in the City's center.

Elorebaen |
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Have you seen any in depth reviews?
Endz hasn't reviewed this one yet, but you can see various elements that went into the book reviewed at the (awesome) Endzeitgeist's site.

Anguish |
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Have you seen any in depth reviews?
What Rednal said. I haven't had the time I wish I had to dig in, but a} the akashic stuff has been around for a while and is excellent and b} everything else I've found the time for has been very flavorful and fun to read.
The PDF is cheap for what it is. I can't recommend it enough.

Endzeitgeist |
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Thank you for the shout-out! And yep, I've reviewed components of this.
I will, probably sometime this sumemr, get around to covering this, but it'll be rating-less, as I've contributed a race (the Rhyzalla) I'm super proud of to this tome.
If any freelancer's reading this: Working with Christen was a phenomenal experience.