Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-02: Bones of Biting Ants

4.20/5 (based on 9 ratings)
Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-02: Bones of Biting Ants

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-7.

The sole survivor of an ill-fated Society expedition into the Mwangi expanse barely managed to return home years ago, bringing little to show but an unpleasant affliction and haunting memories, neither of which they could shake. While the agent had planned to retire from the Society for good, they now seek assistance in finding closure, seeking a cure, and recovering the relics the team had to abandon. What sounds at first like a simple recovery mission becomes far more complicated, for the same threats that spelled disaster for the first mission are as dangerous today.

Written by Sean McGowan.

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Society Scenario Subscription.

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4.20/5 (based on 9 ratings)

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I ran this for a group of six and found it to be a mostly well written and interesting adventure.

The central mechanic was fresh and unusual (though it took me a few readings to understand the mechanics), the NPCs interesting and well written, and the alternative resolutions available to some of the encounters were very welcome.

The only parts I wasn't as keen on was that one encounter felt disconnected from the others, very easy and not even marked as optional.

Spoilery thoughts:
The hyenas didn't seem connected to the story at all and just bulked out the running time.

I loved both the Mzali and the Nuno encounters because they could be resolved non-violently but it wasn't trivial to do so. I also very much enjoyed the Mngwa's unusual abilities and motivations , and I think the players enjoyed puzzling out the nature of it based on the clues.

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Is it just me or does this sound a lot like the backstory of

Grandmaster Torch

Grand Lodge

Nah. It's gotta be...

Nieford Sharrowsmith


Shadow Lodge

Sounds a lot like Torch to me.

Dark Archive

Poison or disease maybe?

Liberty's Edge

Speculation Answer:
Nieford Sharrowsmith is dead. His body is found in #6-16.

My VO and I speculate that this might have something to do with a completely different scenario.
Content Speculation:
#7-98: Serpents' Ire. There seems to be something in the title and location parallel to Rataji's story arc.

Any word on maps?

Grand Lodge

Just learned I'll be running this at GenCon. Maps/Map Packs used?

Grand Lodge

Disciple of the Void wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

My VO and I speculate that this might have something to do with a completely different scenario.
** spoiler omitted **

Ah-ha! Very interesting. Anxious to play this one.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Lead Developer

We're finalizing some pieces in the development process today and early next week. We should have a map update soon.


I don't know about tie ins to other scenarios, but the name seems like a pretty direct tie in to The King of Biting Ants the mythic enemy of Old Man Jatembe. If so I have to play this with my Magaambyan Wizard.


Serpents Ire:
Found what you were talking about in Rataji's vision. Totally all ties in with The King of Biting Ants. Now I'm even more excited to play this!

Grand Lodge

Maps/Map Packs?

Paizo Employee Organized Play Lead Developer

Maps in Bones of Biting Ants:

  • Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Cavernous Lair
  • Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Hill Country
  • Pathfinder Map Pack: Campsites
  • Two different custom half-page maps
  • Grand Lodge


    Liberty's Edge

    Is "Campsites" from the Gamemastery Map Pack series?

    Just looking so I can order it properly for GenCon.

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

    Disciple of the Void wrote:

    Is "Campsites" from the Gamemastery Map Pack series?

    Just looking so I can order it properly for GenCon.

    It should actually refer to Pathfinder Map-Pack: Camps and Shelters. Apologies for the confusion!

    Grand Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I was kind of sad to find out it wasn't Lugizar Trantos from Mists of Mwangi. That would've made so much sense!

    Typo in description: "Mwangi Expanse" not "Mwangi expanse".


    We ran into an issue with this scenario today.

    In Area C1, obstacle 3 uses two trained-only skills as its required skills. None of my PCs has Handle Aninal or Sleight of Hand, so I ruled that they couldn’t complete the obstacle and therefore hand to take the failure penalty of fighting two ants.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

    Handle Animal can be used to influence creatures untrained, it's training creatures that cannot be done untrained.

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